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July 25, 2012 SECOND Press€¦ · 07/07/2012  · A Publication of Second Presbyterian Church In...

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A Publication of Second Presbyterian Church In Little Rock, Arkansas July 25, 2012 SECOND Press Sunday July 29 17 th Sunday in Ordinary Time Worship Schedule: 9:00, 10:00 A.M. Scripture: 2 Samuel 12:15-25 Sermon: Choosing to Live Steve Hancock Hymns: How Great Thou Art Be Still, My Soul God of Compassion, in Mercy Befriend Us Sunday August 5 18 th Sunday in Ordinary Time Celebration of the Lord’s Supper Worship Schedule: 9:00, 10:00 A.M. Scripture: John 6: 24-35 Sermon: Bread of Life Karen Akin Hymns: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling I Come With Joy Faith and Fear Dear Friends, What are you afraid of? I ask that because I have a hunch that we’re rarely aware of just how significantly a role fear plays in many of our decisions, actions, and conversations. Perhaps it’s an argument between spouses about whether or not to spend money to take a summer vacation. Except it’s not just about the money to go to the beach; it’s about the fear that there might not be enough to cover the bills when they get back. Or maybe it’s a heated discussion between a teenager and parent about how late to be out with the car. What’s behind the conversation again is fear, the teenager’s fear of missing out, of being left behind by some peers who will definitely be out late, and a parent’s fear about all the things that could harm her beloved child. Yes, fear lurks just under the surface of a lot of the difficult moments in our lives. But is it unfaithful? That question is prompted by Jesus’ sharp words to his disciples in Mark 4:40: “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?” So what do you think: is Jesus equating fear with the lack of faith? This troubles me because I’ve long thought that faith doesn’t banish fears, but helps us to cope with it. At the same time, I do see a connection between fear and a lack of faith. Let me get at it this way. Think of faith primarily as trust, not simply as belief (cognitive assent), but the kind of trust that motivates you to action. For example, you only let people you trust watch your kids when they’re little. And if you lose trust in your employer, you find it hard to give all you’ve got to work. Does that make sense? Faith is trust. (cont. on page 2)
Page 1: July 25, 2012 SECOND Press€¦ · 07/07/2012  · A Publication of Second Presbyterian Church In Little Rock, Arkansas July 25, 2012 SECOND Press Sunday July 29 17th Sunday in Ordinary

A Publication of Second Presbyterian Church In Little Rock, Arkansas July 25, 2012 S E C O N D P r e s s

Sunday July 29

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Worship Schedule: 9:00, 10:00 A.M.

Scripture: 2 Samuel 12:15-25

Sermon: Choosing to Live

Steve Hancock


How Great Thou Art

Be Still, My Soul

God of Compassion, in Mercy Befriend Us

Sunday August 5

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

Worship Schedule: 9:00, 10:00 A.M.

Scripture: John 6: 24-35

Sermon: Bread of Life

Karen Akin


Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

I Come With Joy

Faith and Fear

Dear Friends, What are you afraid of? I ask that because I have a hunch that we’re rarely aware of just how significantly a role fear plays in many of our decisions, actions, and conversations. Perhaps it’s an argument between spouses about whether or not to spend money to take a summer vacation. Except it’s not just about the money to go to the beach; it’s about the fear that there might not be enough to cover the bills when they get back. Or maybe it’s a heated discussion between a teenager and parent about how late to be out with the car. What’s behind the conversation again is fear, the teenager’s fear of missing out, of being left behind by some peers who will definitely be out late, and a parent’s fear about all the things that could harm her beloved child. Yes, fear lurks just under the surface of a lot of the difficult moments in our lives. But is it unfaithful? That question is prompted by Jesus’ sharp words to his disciples in Mark 4:40: “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?” So what do you think: is Jesus equating fear with the lack of faith? This troubles me because I’ve long thought that faith doesn’t banish fears, but helps us to cope with it. At the same time, I do see a connection between fear and a lack of faith. Let me get at it this way. Think of faith primarily as trust, not simply as belief (cognitive assent), but the kind of trust that motivates you to action. For example, you only let people you trust watch your kids when they’re little. And if you lose trust in your employer, you find it hard to give all you’ve got to work. Does that make sense? Faith is trust.

(cont. on page 2)

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Summer Ringers Bell Concert

Sunday, August 12, 3:00 PM Second Hall Come enjoy great music (this year will be selections from Glee), and stay for the ice cream social which

will follow.

Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Social Sunday, August 12 ♦ 4:00 PM Youth Building Come join your church family for a cool homemade treat in the heat of the summer! We will meet at the Youth Building and enjoy ice cream made by members of our church family. You can vote to give a Golden Scoop award to your favorite flavors. We will gather to share summer stories and enjoy our church family.

Start Testing

Your Ice Cream Recipes now for a chance to win the coveted

2012 Golden Scoop Award! The Fellowship Ministry is hosting an old fashioned ice cream social in the Youth Building on Sunday afternoon, August 12, and we need some volunteers to crank out some homemade ice cream. If you are willing to donate a bucket of your favorite family recipe, please call the church office, 227-0000 or email Karen Akin at [email protected]. Golden Scoop awards will be given to the best ice cream makers!

Faith and Fear (cont. from page 1) Well, when I’m afraid, I have a really, really hard time trusting. Fear paralyzes, making trusting – and the confident action that trust makes possible – very difficult, if not impossible. So maybe the issue isn’t that the disciples are understandably afraid because of the storm, it’s that they allowed their fear to overtake them so that they don’t come to Jesus and say, “Teacher, we need your help,” but rather come already assuming the worst, “Teacher, don’t you care that we’re dying.” This isn’t a trusting or faithful request; it’s a fear-induced accusation. Keep in mind, of course, that whatever the quality of their interaction with Jesus, he still calms the sea. He does care for them. He does look out for them. You don’t have to have perfect faith for God to respond; indeed, you can even be paralyzed by fear, assume the worst about God, and still receive God’s mercy and grace…and then, perhaps, an invitation to greater faith! Interestingly, their fear doesn’t evaporate with the stilling of the sea, but it is transformed from the paralyzing anxiety that assumes the worst to a kind of holy awe at the presence and power of the Holy One in their midst. They thought they knew Jesus, and now they have to wonder if they really did. I think that’s the invitation for us as well: to bring our fears, anxieties, and concerns to God as best we can and watch as they are transformed and we are amazed once again at this God who never, ever ceases to surprise us. So I wonder if that’s part of the nature of our life in Christian community: to remind each other that while God may be so much bigger than we’d thought, and that while the life of faith may be at times be much harder than we’d bargained for, God will not abandon us. Not to the tempestuous storms of life, or even to the gale-force winds of our fears, rather, God will come, stilling wind and wave, calming the fear-ridden heart, telling us again that we are God’s own beloved children, and calling us to greater faith. And when we do that – comfort each other with the news of God’s steadfast love – we are playing one of the greatest roles assigned throughout Scripture. For at critical moments across the biblical drama, apostles, angels, and prophets will be sent to the people of God to say these four powerful yet simple words: Do not be afraid. And each time we say and hear these words we join all those saints before who, caught up in the Spirit of God, find the courage not just to survive, but to flourish; not just to live, but to live with abundance; and not just to get by, but by knowing the favor we enjoy in and through Christ, to dare great things, expect great things, ask for great things, and share great things. Christ’s peace, Steve

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Dear members of Second Presbyterian,

As my Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) year comes to a close, I want to say thank you, not only for your financial

support, but also for your thoughts, prayers, and love throughout the year. I am so blessed to have such a strong,

nurturing, and caring home congregation.

The Young Adult Volunteer program is a year-long service commitment through the Presbyterian Church (USA). The

program has sites all over the world (literally) and calls its participants to act as leaders in the church, to serve broken or

struggling communities, to discern God’s calling for their lives, to learn of the world’s complexities, and to offer

compassion to all.

I spent my YAV year in Nashville, TN, working at Nations Ministry Center. Nations is a nonprofit serving the refugee

community in Nashville. As an organization, Nations provides a large variety of services to its clients, some of which

include: an after-school tutoring program, ESL classes, helping to find employment, immigration services, and a

preschool program. My primary role throughout the year was to teach the preschool and to help coordinate the after-

school tutoring program for middle school students. Although working with kids everyday provides its frustrations, I have

loved working at Nations and have learned so much about cultures, people, how children learn, the way nonprofits

operate, coordinating volunteers, and so much more.

Part of my free time this year was spent attending worship and volunteering at Westminster Presbyterian Church in

Nashville. The YAV program encourages its participants to be connected to a faith community and I was directed to

attend Westminster. In many ways it reminds me of Second and I have enjoyed worshiping there, meeting new people,

experiencing a different church, and volunteering as a youth advisor.

Much of this year, for me, has been spent in discernment, trying to decide my vocation. I believe I am called to

explore my love of art, use my creativity to help others, and to be an integral part of a faith community. The next step in

my life that feels truest to my calling is going to graduate school to receive a Master of Arts degree in Museum Studies

with a focus in education at Syracuse University. I am not entirely sure what will happen once I finish at Syracuse, but it

is the move that feels right and I am confident that it will be an experience worth having.

What I have learned this year is priceless and I am very grateful for this experience. I am thankful for the people I’ve

met, for the home I’ve found in Nashville, and the work I have done here. I tell people that this is a “gap” year, a “break”

between College and Graduate school, but I see it as anything but a break. It’s been a year full of hard work, learning

about the professional work environment, discerning, discovering the refugee world, and realizing more of who I am and

trying to be true to it. Wherever I end up, I know I will always look back on this year as a valuable experience and one

that will be applicable for years moving forward. Thank you so much for helping to make this year possible and I hope

Second Presbyterian Church continues to support the YAV program for future volunteers.


Sarah Akin

Sharlie has cleaned out and reorganized the craft/supply closet at the bottom of the stairs by the kitchen. It is in “tip-top” shape for the beginning of our next Sunday School year --- teachers and other project leaders, please avail yourself of the supplies in this closet…..and please take a moment to help us keep this important space organized. Thanks again Sharlie!!


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Save the Date……..Back to Sunday School Parties

Plan now to attend one of these special parties designed so that children can meet their “Sunday School friends” and parents can get better acquainted before the Fall Kick-off. Invitations and more information will come later in the summer, but mark your calendar now so you won’t miss out on the fun! Questions? Contact Jeannie Ford ([email protected], 227-0000)

Preschool Pizza Party (2 yr olds-Kindergarten): Sunday, August 19 at 11:00 am Rising First Graders- “Welcome to Bible Village Pizza Party” - Sunday, August 12 at 11:00 am Rising 2nd and 3rd Graders- “Pool Party” - Sunday, August 19, 2:00-4:00pm Rising 4th and 5th Graders- “Pool Party” - Sunday, August 19, 5:00-7:00 pm

Child Care Staff Positions Available for our Church Nursery

Karin Howze, our Child Care Coordinator, is working to hire two or three additional sitters for Sunday mornings (approximately 8:00 am-12:30 p.m.) and occasional evenings. Care Givers must be at least 18 years old, but we would love to hire some “grandmother-aged” sitters as well. We are looking for loving, caring, energetic individuals who will enjoy playing with and caring for our little ones on a regular basis. If you are interested in this position, or if you know someone who may be interested -- please contact Karin Howze, ([email protected], 259-0899) or Jeannie Ford ([email protected], 227-0000) for more information about how to apply.

Preschool and Bible Village Sunday School Volunteer Opportunities Available The Children’s Ministry is in the process of lining up teachers and leaders for our children’s Sunday School classes. Many of our leaders from last year are returning and we already have some new volunteers! There are a few opportunities available for those of you who feel called to be involved in the spiritual growth of our children. Volunteering in our Sunday School program provides a wonderful opportunity to get to know the children and parents and is a wonderful way to learn more about the stories of the Bible while teaching…..not to mention the hugs and smiles (the best perks)! Opportunities available: Preschool Sunday School: This is a September – May commitment. We recruit three teachers for each age group (Toddlers & Twos, Threes & Fours, and Kindergarten/Five Year Olds) in order to provide flexibility in schedules. Substitutes are also available for Sunday when needed (in order to have two adults each Sunday). Curriculum and supplies are provided. We need one or two teachers in the Threes & Fours class and one teacher in the Kindergarten/Five Year Old class. If you would like to volunteer in the Preschool Sunday School, please contact Martha Durham ([email protected], 379-9089) or Jeannie Ford ([email protected], 227-0000) Bible Village: There are two opportunities for volunteers in our Elementary Sunday School program….the Bible Village Rotation program. We need shepherds for each grade level. Shepherds serve from September through May. We recruit two shepherds for each grade. Shepherds greet the children each Sunday in the Gathering Room and accompany their grade to the workshops as assigned (Cooking, Movie, Art, Drama, or Games) to build relationships with the children and provide hands-on help for the workshop leaders. Workshop Leader is a four-week commitment in a particular workshop (of course you can serve as many four-week rotations as you would like!)—cooking, games, art, storytelling/drama, or movies. If you would like to volunteer to serve as a shepherd (we need two or three more shepherds) or a workshop leader in Bible Village, please contact Paige Majors ([email protected], 744-4521) or Jeannie Ford ([email protected], 227-0000). If you have questions, please contact Jeannie! Thank you for your prayerful consideration of volunteer opportunities in our Children’s Sunday School program.

Preschool Summer Story Time, Wednesday, July 25 (4:30-5:15pm) All preschoolers are invited to join Miss Jeannie in the Children’s Library for some summer reading fun. We will have stories, activities, and a special summer snack! For more information, please contact Jeannie Ford ([email protected], 227-0000).

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Midd l e S c hoo l

L unch Bunch

Young Adults Go to the Ball Game Sunday, August 5th (Travs vs. NWA Naturals)

We’re going to keep this informal - no reservations or pre-payment necessary. Bring your family, bring your friends, just come! The game starts at 6 pm, but some will meet early at Creegan’s Irish Pub in Argenta at 5pm. Then we’ll head over to the ballpark to watch the game. If you just want to join us for the game, meet us at the gates at 6. Just look for Camille, buy your own ticket ($6 for adults, $3 for children - more info about special promotions to follow) and we’ll all find a place to sit together (berm or beer garden). For more information talk to Camille!

Young Adult Potluck and Pool Party, Sunday, July 15th Young adults and their families gathered for food, fellowship and fun in the sun. Special thanks to The Holder Family for letting us use their house and pool!

Girls’ Night Out On Thursday, July 19th fifteen young adult women gathered at The Painted Pig for a Girls’ Night Out. We painted pottery and enjoyed an evening of fellowship with one another. We had such a great response we plan to have more events like this in the future, so stay tuned!

Breakfast for Parents of Preschoolers to College-age Students, Monday, August 20, 8:00 AM It’s almost that time again – time for kids to go back to school. For some that means celebration, for others it is a bittersweet milestone. Come share your celebration and sorrows with other parents as we kick off a new school year. All parents are invited to stop by the Youth Building on Monday morning, August 20, after you’ve dropped your kids off at school, or on your way to work, or if you just want to hang out with other moms and dads for awhile. This will be a time for food, fellowship, fun and support. Come have a cup of coffee, some fruit, or a Danish and hang out at the Youth Building.

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2012 Music Art and Drama (MAD) Camp met July 16-22 and hosted 26 young singers, grades K-5. The group presented the musical, “The Tale of the Tree Trees”, adapted by Tom Long and Allen Pote. Our helpers for camp this year were Miss Jeannie Ford, Elizabeth Riddick, Shelby Thomas, Emma Fike, Hannah Rey, Bella and Angie Brown, and Sarah Jane Kershaw. MAD Camp participants designed their tee-shirts based on the story, enjoyed time learning lessons about the American folk tale (of the three trees), played, sang, did their own blocking and staging, and even had a visit from the ice-cream truck! Please enjoy the pictures; the smiles on their faces tells the rest of the story…till next year!

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Last week, the Middle School Members of SPY headed to Mo-Ranch in Hunt, Texas for almost a week of fun, faith and fellowship together with about 400 other Presbyterian youth from across the South! Mo-Ranch is a beautiful setting, complete with lots of cacti, trees, and the Guadalupe River! While at "Mo" our youth got a chance to worship with other youth, participate in worship music, experience small groups together with others, do "energizers" (dances and songs) to wake them up each day, eat together, swim together, play together and MUCH more. The keynote speeches and worship while at "Mo" focused on parts of the life of Peter, how he became one of Jesus' disciples and how he often missed the mark when he was serving and walking alongside Jesus, but still managed to "find his way back." We talked in our small groups about ways we can serve Jesus and serve others, and we discussed things that are obstacles in our faith lives and how we can live our lives in ways that we are able to overcome these obstacles. Some of the highlights for our youth at Mo-Ranch were: swimming in the "rapids" (natural rock formations), swimming in the river, sliding down the slide into the river, energizers, the night where every small group planned and performed their own energizer for the whole camp, vespers (a time for prayer and quiet meditation in the late evenings) on the tennis courts under the stars, the "Aquathon“ (an afternoon of small group competitions that looks much like a wacky water olympics) and the dance. It is really wonderful to get to spend time with a group of youth that can quickly transition from group Bible study and discussion, to prayer, to quiet devotions, to the Cupid Shuffle without missing a beat! It was a wonderful week and our youth came back with great memories from their time together! Thank you to Jane Miers and Joe Henry for chaperoning this week with the youth and to all of the parents, staff, friends and members of the congregation who supported our youth in this venture and who prayed for us all week! Thanks again!

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Sunday, August 19,, 9:00 and 10:00 AM Services

On Sunday, August 19, things will sound a little different in worship. At both the 9:00 and 10:00 services there will be a hymnsing. The 9:00 service will be led by the 9:00 musicians singing music in a more contemporary style. At 10:00, various vocalists and instrumentalists from our congregation will help lead the music. Music for the 10:00 service will be an “old-fashioned” hymnsing, with music chosen from the current blue hymnal as well as from a collection of hymns pulled from older Presbyterian hymnals. There will even be an opportunity for congregational requests! Mark your calendars and plan now to attend these joyful celebrations of worship.

Going Down the Drain!

Whoa! Hold the iodine! Hold everything! Don’t pour or flush any chemical products—including unused drugs—until you’ve read the following. The most cautious view is that of the Water Environment Federation, which recommends disposal of your iodine at a hazardous waste disposal facility. A list of safe disposal methods for more than 75 commonly used substances can be found at WEF’s Web site. Unless a product is a known hazardous waste that must go to a proper disposal facility, it’s far better to put it in the regular garbage than to flush it down the toilet or wash it down the drain. This is because modern landfills are designed with liners to prevent dangerous material from leeching out, whereas waste water treatment systems might not even detect—let alone eliminate—substances in water that can harm wildlife. Pharmaceuticals, hormones, antibacterial agents, and even some health and beauty products in waste water may be having a toxic effect, even at extremely low levels. Your frogs, shellfish, and insects apparently can’t ingest as many steroids and other performance enhancers as 300-pound football players and still compete successfully in their traditional water sports. This is why a growing number of drugstores and communities now offer collection services for unused pharmaceuticals. If you’ve recovered from a malady that required a drug, or simply quit cold turkey because you’re worried about overmedicating (or overmedicating your worries), find out if there are any drug-collection options in your town. The best place to search for these is http://earth911.com/.

Our Pastoral Care Ministry sends out hundreds of

cards each month. Member and craft specialist,

Ellen Barner, will lead a card making party to help

supply cards for the ministry. Join the group any

time between 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. All are welcome,

beginners as well as those who have made cards


Spend one hour or all three helping us to create

homemade creations that will share our care and

love with our members who are ill, in treatment or

recovering. Please let us know if you are coming so

we will have enough materials on hand. Sign up

online at www.secondpreslr.org, email

[email protected], or call the church

office. Childcare is available by reservation with

childcare coordinator,

[email protected]

Card Making Party, Tuesday, August 7

2:00 – 5:00 pm Bible Village Art Rom

Communion to be Delivered to Friends at Home August 5th

….by ministers and officers, for those who have not been able to

make it to church in awhile, or to those in the hospital. If you would

like to receive communion, please contact Karen Akin, 227-0000 or

[email protected].

YOUTH MINISTRY SUMMIT: Sunday, August 5th at 11 am All youth ministry members and other youth and adults interested in getting involved and helping to chart the course of SPY programs and activities for the coming year are invited to attend a special Youth Ministry Summit lead by Heather Rey in the Youth Building on Sunday, August 5 at 11:00 am, directly following the 10 am worship service. Plan to attend and stay tuned for more information.

Save the Date – August 26th SPY Kick-off Party

It’s coming! On your mark (your calendars)! Get set (to mark your calendars)! Go (mark your calendars)!


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Nick Lynch, Beth Storm & Adam Rule’s brother-in-law – deployed to Afghanistan Joshua Powell, Jonathan Powell’s brother – deployed to Afghanistan Ted Holland, Linda LeBron’s nephew, Camille Powell’s cousin – deployed to Afghanistan Michael Borchert, Betsy & Don Borchert’s nephew – deployed to Afghanistan Zach Bogart, Marti Rouby’s nephew, serving in South Korea Steven Prather, Jason Prather’s brother, deployed to Afghanistan with the Marines. Matthew Powell, grandson of Dorothy Powell, helicopter training at Fort Rucker, AL Ameer Armoto, grandson of Mary Stelzl, back in the states from Afghanistan – at Laughlin AFB Jonathan Johnson, grandson of Helen Scott, nephew of Clarke & Cindy Scott Huisman, Robbins AFB, GA Matt Powell, son of Holly Powell – serving at the Naval Hospital in Portsmouth, VA David Henry, son of Mary Helen & Joe Henry - Hawaii Anthony Murtha, Kaye McLeod’s nephew – serving on USS Abraham Lincoln – now stateside Billy Hamilton, friend of Heather Copeland – returned from Iraq Isaac Arnold, nephew of Sage & Joe Arnold – flying over Afghanistan Austin Clevenger, son of Marsha Clevenger – Ft. Hood, TX

** If you have a family member serving in harm’s way, please contact Nancy Coleman in the church office or email [email protected] with new or updated information. We want to keep this list current.*

In Harm’s Way

July/August, 2012


Cook team 9:30 a.m.-10:30 p.m.

Servers 11:30 a.m.-1:15 p.m.

Friday, 7/27, 8/3, 8/10, 8/17, 8/24, 8/31

Our House

Cook Team, 3:00 p.m.

Men’s Group Ministry delivers and serves 5:30-7:00

Friday, 8/10

Rice Depot

Volunteers box and deliver food to senior citizens,

8:30-11:00 a.m.

Saturday, 7/28, 8/25

For more information about Stewpot, contact

Eileen Denne at [email protected].

For more information about Rice Depot, contact

Mike Tharp at [email protected].

For more information about Our House, contact

Linda Humphries at [email protected].



Those who serve as ushers and greeters for our worship service are

providing a ministry of hospitality for members and visitors to our

church. Along with providing an important leadership role for worship,

those who serve as ushers and greeters are also afforded a wonderful

opportunity to meet and work alongside other members of the

congregation. You may contact the following deacons who serve as

usher captains to volunteer as ushers or greeters:

August 10:00 a.m. worship usher captain:

Susan Badgett, [email protected]

August Nine O’clock worship usher captain:

Caroline Crow, [email protected]

Our deacons will be happy to hear from you.

Support for Alzheimer's Family Members/Caregivers Thursdays, August 2 and August 16, 1:00 PM, Library

This group exists to serve the needs of those who have a loved one living with Alzheimer’s disease or any other type of

dementia. This is an open group and new members are always welcome. Care-giving is an incredibly significant gift you give

those you care for, and caregivers need care, too. Please consider joining this group of folks who will share your concerns and

joys in care giving. If you have any questions, please contact Karen Akin at 501-227-0000 or email [email protected].

Summer is a time of year when many people plan a trip. Before your summer trip is a good time to think about estate planning. Whether you are making a will for the first time or updating your existing estate plans, please prayerfully consider including our church in your estate plans, along with your loved ones. Our legal name is Second Presbyterian Church of Little Rock, Arkansas. For more information, please feel free to contact Malinda Kirchner at the church, 227-0000 or [email protected].

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Pastor Rev. Steve Hancock Associate Pastor Dr. Karen K. Akin Associate Pastor Rev. Camille LeBron Powell Parish Associate Dr. Robert Williamson Church Educator Jeannie Ford Youth Director Heather Rey Summer Youth Intern David Mills Director of Music and Arts Dr. Bevan Keating Associate Director of Music Mary Ibis Nine O’Clock Music Coordinator Mandy Buzzard Organist Adam Savacool Business Administrator Brian Perry Director of Planned Giving Malinda Kirchner Facilities Manager David Beach Administrative Associates Sage Arnold Nancy Coleman Robin De Rossitte Pam Luther Tracy May Child Care Coordinator Karin Howze Sextons Berta Serrano Guy Howze

Sundays: Worship Services 9:00 AM (Communion), 10:00 AM Sunday School in Recess July 1 – August 19

Newsletter Articles may be emailed to [email protected] Next deadline: Thursday, August 2 and Thursday, August 16

Bulletin Board

Hospitalized *Discharged *June Williams, Adam Rule, *Tharp Gillespie Our Sympathy to The members and leaders of our Boy Scout Troop #604 and to the family of their assistant Scoutmaster, Phil Faulkner. Dorine & Don Henry on the death of Don’s brother. We Rejoice with Quinci Velie and Scott Johnson in their marriage . June Moore and Eugene Jones in their marriage. Jessica Sagely Edwards and Richard David Gillham, III in their marriage. Lauren Thompson and Ralph Bradbury in their marriage. Grainger Williams who turned 101 and Frances Williams who turned 100 . The Stamp Out Hunger Project: Presbyterian Women have a postage stamp collecting project. The cancelled stamps are sold to a dealer who pays mainly by the pound. The money received is donated to three deserving non-profits: Church World Service, Bread for the World, and Atlanta’s Open Door Community. Tear or cut stamps from your envelopes, leaving at least 1/8 inch of paper on each side. Bring them to the box in the narthex. Campbell Soup Labels Needed. From Goodland Academy, Hugo, Oklahoma: Thank you for collecting Campbell Soup labels. Our goal of 1,500,000 for a new 7-passenger minivan is steadily progressing. Please remove the whole label including the UPC code from your product. Labels are acceptable as long as 51% of the UPC code is intact. Presbyterian Women appreciates your wonderful response to this mission project. Our collection box is in the narthex. We would appreciate your help…..In keeping the church office informed when there is a sickness in your family, when someone is in the hospital, or a death has occurred. Please also keep us updated on the sickness or concern so that the information we have on our Care and Concern line is accurate. Members and friends can call the Care and Concern Line, 227-6117, on weekdays to receive information about prayer concerns in our church family. We will honor all requests for confidentiality, but in order for us to offer pastoral care, we need to be aware of your situation. We also want to know about the joys, accomplishments and achievements of members of the church. Please call Nancy Coleman or Karen Akin in the church office with information, 227-0000, or email [email protected] or [email protected]. Thanks for your help! Heritage Committee Seeks 2nd Pres Memorabilia. Do you have old certificates, bulletins, newsletter, programs, or other documents from earlier days in the history of our church? The Heritage Committee would like to copy such to help fill in some of the gaps in our church records. Please contact Fayrene Johnson, 663-2733 or [email protected]

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