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Jump Into Summer Garden Party Just Days Away

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THE MOUNT VERNON CHAMBER of COMMERCE Phone: (360) 428-8547 Fax: (360) 424-6237 www.mountvernonchamber.com [email protected] PO Box 1007, 105 East Kincaid Street Mount Vernon, WA 98273-1007 Vol. No. 8 • Issue No. 12 • June 2010 IN THIS ISSUE Who’s that Member ............2 Book of the Month .............2 New & Renewing Members...4 Announcements ..................5 Events Calendar..................6 Fun Fact ............................8 Mission: As a regional Chamber we serve and promote our members and proactively encourage economic growth. We support members by providing information, training, networking opportunities and advocacy. Chamber Chat News is designed by Guy D. Corp of grafixCORP • grafixCORP.com Platinum Members: Paul Genest Agency Gold Members: Silver Members: Bronze Members: Jump Into Summer Garden Party Just Days Away An initiative proposed by the Building Industry Association of Washington seeks to allow private insurers to compete with the state Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) to offer employers work- ers’ compensation coverage. I-1082 would bring WA State into line with 46 other states that allow com- petition from private insurers in the industrial insurance market. The State currently maintains a monopoly on W/C coverage- the result has been a costly and inefficient system which is on the verge of insolvency. Some specifics: -While workplace claims have decreased by 55% in recent years, L&I’s costs to manage remaining have LEGACY MEMBERS cont’d on page 3 Event Sponsor What's better than sitting in a brand new hot tub you just bought? How about sitting in a brand new hot tub you just WON? The 1st Annual Jump Into Summer Garden Party on June 24th will fea- ture the drawing of a raffle ticket for a brand new hot tub from Sound Cedar Lumber Center valued at $5,000. Tickets for the hot tub raffle are only $10.00 each and a maximum of 1,000 tickets will be sold. They are available now through June 24th from the Chamber office, board members, or ambassadors. Ticket holders need not be present to win. The event will be held at Skagit Valley Gardens on Thursday, June 24 from 5:00-7:00pm. There will also be a silent auction as well as dinner prepared and served by the Mount Vernon Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. The hot tub draw- ing will be at 6:30pm. Skagit Valley Gardens is located at 18923 Johnson Rd. in Mount Vernon. Tickets for the event are only $10.00 each and avail- able at the door. Initiative 1082 – Privatizing Workers' Compensation
Page 1: Jump Into Summer Garden Party Just Days Away


of COMMERCEPhone: (360) 428-8547

Fax: (360) 424-6237

[email protected] Box 1007, 105 East Kincaid Street

Mount Vernon, WA 98273-1007



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IN THIS ISSUEWho’s that Member ............2Book of the Month .............2New & Renewing Members...4Announcements ..................5Events Calendar..................6Fun Fact ............................8

Mission: As a regional Chamber we serve and promote our members and proactivelyencourage economic growth. We support members by providing information,training, networking opportunities and advocacy.

Chamber Chat News is designed by Guy D. Corp of grafixCORP • grafixCORP.com

Platinum Members:

Paul Genest Agency

Gold Members:

Silver Members: Bronze Members:

Jump Into Summer Garden Party JustDays Away

An initiative proposed by the Building IndustryAssociation of Washington seeks to allow privateinsurers to compete with the state Department ofLabor & Industries (L&I) to offer employers work-ers’ compensation coverage. I-1082 would bring WAState into line with 46 other states that allow com-petition from private insurers in the industrial

insurance market. The State currently maintains amonopoly on W/C coverage- the result has been acostly and inefficient system which is on the verge ofinsolvency. Some specifics:-While workplace claims have decreased by 55% inrecent years, L&I’s costs to manage remaining have


cont’d on page 3

Event Sponsor

What's better than sitting in a brand new hottub you just bought? How about sitting in a brandnew hot tub you just WON? The 1st Annual JumpInto Summer Garden Party on June 24th will fea-ture the drawing of a raffle ticket for a brand newhot tub from Sound Cedar Lumber Center valuedat $5,000. Tickets for the hot tub raffle are only$10.00 each and a maximum of 1,000 tickets willbe sold. They are available now through June 24thfrom the Chamber office, board members, orambassadors. Ticket holders need not be presentto win.

The event will be held at Skagit Valley Gardenson Thursday, June 24 from 5:00-7:00pm. There willalso be a silent auction as well as dinner preparedand served by the Mount Vernon Chamber ofCommerce Board of Directors. The hot tub draw-ing will be at 6:30pm. Skagit Valley Gardens islocated at 18923 Johnson Rd. in Mount Vernon.Tickets for the event are only $10.00 each and avail-able at the door.

Initiative 1082 – Privatizing Workers'Compensation

Page 2: Jump Into Summer Garden Party Just Days Away

Mount t w o C h a m b e r C h a t N e w s

ReworkBy Jason Fried and David HeinemeierHansson

From the founders of the trailblazingsoftware company 37signals, here is a dif-ferent kind of business book -- one thatexplores a new reality. Today, anyone canbe in business. Tools that used to be out ofreach are now easily accessible.Technology that cost thousands is nowjust a few bucks or even free. Stuff that wasimpossible just a few years ago is now sim-ple. That means anyone can start a busi-ness. And you can do it without workingmiserable 80-hour weeks or depletingyour life savings. You can start it on theside while your day job provides all thecash flow you need. Forget about businessplans, meetings, office space -- you don'tneed them.

With its straightforward languageand easy-is-better approach, Rework is theperfect playbook for anyone who's everdreamed of doing it on their own.Hardcore entrepreneurs, small-businessowners, people stuck in day jobs who wantto get out, and artists who don't want tostarve anymore will all find this book willmake you uncomfortable.

“Depending on what you do all day,Rework might make you extremelyuncomfortable. That's a very good thing,because you deserve it. We all do. Jasonand David have broken all the rules and

won. Again and again they've demonstrat-ed that the regular way isn't necessarily theright way. They just don't say it, they do it.And they do it better than just about any-one has any right to expect. This book isshort, fast, sharp and ready to make a dif-ference. It takes no prisoners, spares noquarter, and gives you no place to hide, allat the same time. There, my review isalmost as long as the first chapter of thebook. I can't imagine what possible excuseyou can dream up for not buying thisbook for every single person you workwith, right now. Stop reading the review.Buy the book.”--Seth Godin

Local chiropractor, John Jarolimekstated that everyone should read thisbook. He said it really makes you look atthings differently.

Pam McNaughtonThe Tattered Page

The Dey CompanyFrom the interview with Ed Dey of

The Dey Company it was easy to learnthat they don’t lack in the area of experi-ence. The Dey Company has been inSkagit Valley since 1982, Ed Dey hasbeen in the business since 1969 and Ed’swife, Paula Dey, is also a licensed securi-ties broker. One thing they pride them-selves on is customer retention. Theyhold a client appreciation night a coupletimes a year that has more than doubledin attendance since they started, showingthat The Dey Company is very appreci-ated in return by its clients. They gain

new clients off of a referral base onlyproving that if you take care of the clientthey will in return take care of you.

The Dey Company helps their clientsin the area of financial planning whetherit’s stocks, bonds, annuities, or even rec-ommending levels of insurance coverage.For commercial clients they providegroup pensions/401k plans and assistwith benefits planning. Ed’s philosophy isthat he is representing the client whenfinding the right financial products forthem. In that respect, he doesn’t believe itwould help the client if he were to onlysell one companies financial products, sothey sell many different companies prod-ucts which allows them to find the best fitfor the client. If you need help planningyour own or your company employees’financial future, be sure to stop by 2124Riverside Drive in Mount Vernon to talkwith The Dey Company.

Who’s that Member?

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MEMBER PROFILEEach month, the Mount Vernon

Chamber of Commerce will randomly selecta member to feature. This is a great way toget to know some of the diverse and inter-esting businesses in our community.

Each Month the Mount Vernon Chamber ofCommerce calls on The Tattered Page toscout a book to help you improve your busi-ness and work life. This month’s book isavailable at the Tattered Page at 514 S. 1st St.in Downtown Mount Vernon.


Page 3: Jump Into Summer Garden Party Just Days Away

Vernonw w w. m o u n t v e r n o n c h a m b e r . c o m t h r e e

Sponsorship Opportunities

- Newsletter Inserts - $75 - 550 busi-nesses per month.

- Newsletter Sponsorship - $500 - $1,500- 6,600 copy annual distribution.

- E-Chat Sponsorship - $75 - Nearly800 weekly e-mail distribution

- Website Sponsorship - $50-$100monthly- Over 300 website pageviewsdaily.

- Membership Luncheon Sponsor -$250 - Logo visibility, 5-min. presen-tation, banner, distribute flyers.

- Breakfast Biz-Buzz Sponsor - $150 -Logo visibility, 5-min presentation,banner

- Skagit Young Professionals EventSponsor - $150 - Logo visibility, 5-10min presentation, distribute flyers.

- Million Dollar Golf & Trade Show -$50 - $2,500 annually - Summertimenetworking with over 150 golfers andattendees.

Call (360) 428-8547 or [email protected]

for more info

increased by more than 80%.-Injured workers in WA State stay off thejob more than twice as long as workersin any other state.

-WA State employers have seen taxincreases of 54% over the past decade

and now pay the second-highest costper employee for W/C in the nation.

The initiative would seek to intro-duce competition into this system by2012. It is worthy of your review. Formore information, please referencewww.saveourjobswa.com.

cont’d from page 1

Skagit business owners have afriend in the newly formed SkagitBusiness Alliance, a coalition of repre-sentatives from Mount Vernon, Sedro-Woolley, Anacortes and La ConnerChambers of Commerce, joined bymembers of SICBA, EDASC, and NorthSound Association of Realtors. Thegoal of this new alliance is to be anadvocate for Skagit County businessowners by speaking as a unified voice,focusing on shared concerns and inter-ests, with elected officials at the local,state, and federal levels.

Their mission: to provide localchambers of commerce and businessassociations with a centralized alliance,able to quickly identify and disseminateissues of common interest to memberorganizations for discussion and possibleaction and advocate and publicize areasof common agreement through appro-priate media outlets and lobbying efforts.

Skagit Business Alliance will focustheir efforts in two key areas: (1) tax andregulatory reform and (2) infrastructuresystem improvement. Of primaryimportance will be identifying and tar-geting tax and regulatory issues such asworker's compensation, unemploymentinsurance, B&O tax, etc. that impactlocal economic vitality and job creation.Adequate investment for infrastructure

needs, effective and timely transporta-tion options ensuring work force mobil-ity, and permanent funding for ourregional ferry system are among otherissues of concern that will be addressedby this association.

Skagit Business Alliance is pleasedto present a strong, cohesive front insupport of the local businesses thatmake this valley great, because togetherwe can accomplish more than any oneof us can do alone.

For more information contactKristen Whitener at (360)428-8547 [email protected].

Local business gets a helping handwith the Skagit Business Alliance

Idaho is sending a clear message toWashington businesses that it wants them.With a more predictable tax and regulato-ry environment than Washington, and astate government that makes serious cutsrather than burdening businesses and res-idents with new taxes, Idaho has a lot toattract business. Now it also has a websiteto lure Washington and Oregon employ-ers. The website features cost comparisons

between the states, as well as testimonialsfrom companies that have already movedto Idaho. Washington’s lawmakers couldlearn a lot from Idaho. Hopefully, they willtake action and improve Washington’sbusiness environment more competitivebefore we lose more employers to oureastern neighbor.

-Association of Washington BusinessFast Facts Newsletter - June 1, 2010

Idaho Luring Washington Businesses

Page 4: Jump Into Summer Garden Party Just Days Away

Mount f o u r

Andy Porter PhotographyAndy Porter 440 Nelson St. Sedro Woolley, WA 98284

(360) 809-0661www.northwesternimages.comPhotography

Bayshore Office ProductsCraig Volkman603 Commercial Ave.Anacortes, WA 98221(360) 293-4669www.bayshoreoffice.comOffice Equipment & Supplies

Commonwealth Associates Inc.John White2021 E. College Way, Suite 101Mount Vernon, WA 98273(360) 466-2214www.cai-engr.com Engineering Consultants

Dusty Planks Ryan Schols(360) 708-4674Reclaimed Wood Products

Heritage FinancialSharon Hansen1219 S. 2nd St.Mount Vernon, WA 98273(360) 336-0914www.sharenhansen.comInsurance

La Conner Thousand TrailsNancy Geddes16362 Snee Oosh RoadLa Conner, WA 98257(360) 466-3112www.1000trails.comCampground/RV Resort

Las Tapatias Family Mexican RestaurantLucy Rocha309 W. Myrtle St.Mount Vernon, WA 98273(360) 419-7306Restaurants & Dining

Local AwareTerry Cullinane202-1/2 Friday Creek Rd.Bellingham, WA 98229(360) 933-4539www.localaware.comMarketing Consultants

Network Solutions NWChris Templar301 Telegraph Rd.Bellingham, WA 98226(360) 306-5313x111http://nsnw.us Computer – Networking

Skagit Powder Coating Andy Blankinship14765 Jackpot LaneMount Vernon, WA 98273(360) 428-0413www.skagitpowdercoating.comPowder Coating

Scentsy- Nicole Paz817 Red Maple LoopEverson, WA 98247(360) 961-5271www.nicolepaz.scentsy.usHome & Garden

Todd T. Cooley, DDS Todd T. Cooley2124 Riverside Dr, Ste 108Mount Vernon, WA 98273(360) 424-8884www.toddcooleydds.comDental Services

C h a m b e r C h a t N e w s



17869 SR 536 • Mount Vernon, WA 98273 USA(360) 336-6171 • Fax (360) 428-3052


“The Plaid Books”MacGregor

“Say Yellow to the Future”

Axthelm Construction ACIAirporter Shuttle/Bellair ChartersBayside SpecialtiesFidalgo NetworkingFree Life- Stuart SkillmanGeigers Custom CleaningGoodwinds LLCGuardian Northwest Title & Escrow

Lucky Lady Interactive EventsMcCary CreativeMobile Home Parts NorthwestMount Vernon Dairy QueenRelaxation StationRosario Skin ClinicSahara PizzaShellan Jewelers

New Members

Page 5: Jump Into Summer Garden Party Just Days Away

Vernon f i vewww.moun t ver nonc hamber. com


Mount Vernon Downtown RiverfrontRevitalization Project Breaks Ground

Mayor Bud Norris along with otherlocal and state dignitaries broke groundon the Downtown RiverfrontRevitalization Project on April 30th . Thisproject includes construction of a pedes-trian walkway and flood wall from LionsPark south to the Skagit River DivisionStreet Bridge. The concrete walkway willbe approximately 1,100 lineal feet inlength and 15 feet wide. It will containground and overhead lighting, guard rail,and a three foot concrete floodwall cov-ered with brick fascia.

Haggen, TOP Food Stores Become Firstin Region to Offer Antibacterial Bags

Haggen Food & Pharmacy and TOPFood & Drug have become the first gro-cery stores in the Pacific Northwest tooffer antibacterial reusable bags, whichoffer another level of safety for consumersagainst the spread of foodborne illnesses.The antibacterial bags at Haggen and TOPFood stores are the first in the world thatare treated with AP360, an antimicrobialproduct that controls harmful and odor-causing bacteria (MRSA), mold, mildewand fungus. It is produced from naturalresources that are abundantly renewable.

Business Bank Hires New CEOBurlington based Business Bank

announced the hiring of a new ChiefExecutive Officer, Michal D. Cann. Mikebegan his banking career in 1971 inMontana, moving to Western Washingtonin 1985 as President and CEO of Valley Bankin Mount Vernon, Washington. Mr. Cannmoved to Oak Harbor in 1992 taking thereins at the bank on Whidbey Island. Heretired in September 2008 as President/CEOof Whidbey Island Bank and its parent, theWashington Banking Company.

"I'm investing my time, money andeffort in Business Bank because I see atremendous opportunity for our share-holders, our employees, our customersand our community." Says Cann.Business Bank hires Chief Credit Officer

Burlington based Business bankannounced today the hiring of a ChiefCredit Officer, Andy Hunter. Andy grad-uated from Sedro Woolley High School,the University of Washington, and

received his Masters Degree fromPennsylvania State in 1981. Andy beganhis banking career in the Skagit Valley in1984, moving to Whidbey Island Bank,on Whidbey Island, in 1992. There heserved in various capacities includingRegional Manager, and CommercialDivision Manager, Senior Vice President.Most recently Andy was Chief CreditOfficer at Home Valley Bank in GrantsPass, Oregon.

"I'm excited to join the team atBusiness Bank, pending regulatoryapproval, and am looking forward to onceagain working in the Skagit and Whatcomcounties,"

Skagit Senior Day in the ParkCome on out to the Burlington

Senior Center, adjacent to Maiben Park onThursday, August 19, 2010, for SkagitSenior Day in the Park! There will be near-by parking for those who enjoy a shortwalk, and there will be a shuttle to bringour guests from a parking lot only a fewblocks away. Just find and follow the bal-loons. It's clean, it's entertaining, it's edu-cational, and it's free!

Skagit Valley College Mount VernonCampus Honors Students at 53rd AnnualHonors Reception

Several hundred students, familymembers, and friends attended the 53rdAnnual Skagit Valley College MountVernon Campus Honors Reception,which was held on May 6 in McIntyreHall. The event honored outstandingstudents in academic and profession-al/technical programs with awards andscholarships. The Skagit Valley CollegeFoundation awarded more than $300k inscholarships.

Skagit Valley College Plans 83rdCommencement Ceremonies

Skagit Valley College will conduct thecollege's 83rd annual commencementexercises next month for the MountVernon Campus, Whidbey Island Campusin Oak Harbor, and the San Juan Center inFriday Harbor. Family and friends areinvited to attend. Tickets are not required.The dates and times are as follows:

The San Juan Center ceremony will takeplace Thursday, June 10 at 2:00 p.m. at the

San Juan Center in Friday Harbor.The Whidbey Island Campus ceremony

will take place Saturday, June 12 at 3:30p.m. at Oak Harbor High School.

The Mount Vernon Campus ceremonywill take place Sunday, June 13 at 3:00p.m. in the Dave DuVall Pavilion.

United General Hospital Board PassesResolution on District Boundary Issues

In other business, theCommissioners unanimously passed aresolution denying permission to PublicHospital District #1 to conduct businesswithin the boundaries of District #304.The resolution is in response to therecently announced merger betweenSkagit Valley Hospital and Skagit ValleyMedical Center. When the merger iscomplete, physicians currently employedby Skagit Valley Medical Center - includ-ing six with practices on the UnitedGeneral Hospital campus -- will beemployees of another hospital district(Skagit Valley Hospital represents PublicHospital District #1). State law preventshospital districts from conducting busi-ness within the boundaries of anotherdistrict, without the express permissionof that district.

23rd Annual EDASC Golf Tournament& Wine Fest: Friday, July 23, 2010

Held at the beautiful and scenicAvalon Golf Course in Burlington, this isone of the most popular tournaments inSkagit County with 220 golfers partici-pating. A Wine Fest, held on the PracticeGreen follows the day of golf. This is thepremiere social event of the summer sea-son with hundreds of business & com-munity leaders joining the golfers for anevening of wine tasting, fabulous horsd'oeuvres and great jazz all in a beautifulsetting. Contact 360-336-6114 for moreinformation. Wine Fest tickets: $50.00.

Page 6: Jump Into Summer Garden Party Just Days Away

Mount C h a m b e r C h a t N e w ss i x

June 14 - Ambassador CommitteeMeeting

June 18 - SYP’s FRIDAYS @ 4 withRepresentative Jeff Morris

June 24 - Jump Into Summer GardenParty at Skagit Valley Gardens

June 25 - SYP’s FRIDAYS @ 4 with artistJack Gunter

July 2 - No SYP FRIDAYS @ 4 due toHoliday Weekend

July 6 - Communications/MembershipMeeting

July 7 - SYP Leadership Committee

MeetingJuly 8 - Skagit Hot Deals Committee

MeetingJuly 8 - Business Happy Hour & Open

House at Tulip ValleyVineyard & Orchard

July 9 - SYP’s FRIDAYS @ 4July 12 - Ambassador Committee

MeetingJuly 13 - Chamber Board of Directors

MeetingJuly 24 - Mount Vernon Invitational

Soccer Tournament


June 24th, 20105:00-7:00pm

Skagit Valley Gardens$10.00 per personHot Tub Raffle

$10.00 • $5,000 valueTickets Available Apr. 1 - June 24from the Chamber Office, Board

Members, or Ambassadors.No June Business Happy Hour & Open House or Luncheon

Traffic has been steadily increasingon www.SkagitHotDeals.com, with oneday even topping 50 visitors. This is inlarge part due to the distribution of over3,000 rack cards that have gone toemployees and customers or local busi-nesses and organizations.

If you haven't submitted a Hot Dealyet, you could be missing out on potentialcustomers. Go to ChamberLogin.com

now to add or update your Hot Deals.Contact Ryan Schols [email protected] or(360) 428-8547 if you need your loginand password.

Thank you to everybody who hassubmitted a Hot Deal, distributed rackcards to employees and/or customers, orhelped get the program going.

Traffic Jump at SkagitHotDeals.com

State Legislators answer questions at the May Membership Luncheon. From left:Representative Barbara Bailey, Senator Mary Margaret Haugen, Representative Jeff Morrisand Representative Norma Smith.

Sponsor of the May Memberhsip Luncheon, SuperMedia shows off their bright yellow capes.

Page 7: Jump Into Summer Garden Party Just Days Away

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Tammi Wells of Skagit Valley Gardens



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Not only is this person Upbeat andfun to be around, they are also an activevolunteer and promoter of the MountVernon Chamber of Commerce. Thisperson is part of the Skagit YoungProfessionals Leadership team, a cham-ber Ambassador and involved with theFestival of Trees.

Always up for a good competition,they won the Bronze LegacyMembership in 2009 for recruiting themost new members and they were thefirst to win the Pass the Buck Programthat was launched recently.

It is my pleasure to give this Month’sUpbeat Award to Tammi Wells.

w w w. m o u n t v e r n o n c h a m b e r . c o m s e v e n

1840 S Burlington Blvd, Burlington

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Kym Kelly of Cedar Creek Lumber handsthe Upbeat Award off to Tammi Wells ofSkagit Valley Gardens.

We invite you andyour family to joinus Saturday, July24th at 7:00pm forChamber Night atthe Races. SkagitSpeedway owner, Steve Beitler is dedi-cated to promoting and providing asafe and fun environment for the entirefamily. Skagit Speedway is located justnorth of Burlington on Old Highway

99. Each chambermember is given 2"family passes" foreach local chambermembership. Eachpass is good for

two adults and up to four childrenNoneed for a ticket, just check in at the"Chamber" entry gate. SkagitSpeedway is located at 4796 OldHighway 99 Rd. in Burlington.

Rev up your engine for the 2010Chamber Night at the Races

The Mount Vernon Chamber ofCommerce is partnering with the SanCarlos Soccer League, Mount VernonSchool District and Mount Vernon Parks& Recreation to bring you the 2nd AnnualMount Vernon Invitational SoccerTournament. 9 teams will play 9 games atMount Vernon High School on July 24th &25th. Play starts at 9:00am on Saturday and10:00am on Sunday, with the champi-onship game starting at 2:00pm.

The event is expected to bring 500-750 people from the Spanish speakingand soccer communities. Part of the pro-ceeds of tournament sponsorships willbenefit youth soccer. If you are interestedin sponsorship of the event please contactKristen Whitener at (360) 428-8547 or [email protected]

Sponsorships Available $1,000 Overall Event Sponsor- Name on trophies, Logo on flyers,programs & e-mails, Companyannounced at tournament, Banner atevent, Company representative willpresent trophies$250 Event Sponsor - Banner at event,Company name on flyers, programs &e-mails$100 Banner Sponsor - Banner at eventTrophy Sponsor

Event Sponsor - Best WesternCottonTree Inn

Mount Vernon Invitational SoccerTournament returns for 2nd year

Page 8: Jump Into Summer Garden Party Just Days Away

President/CEOKristen Whitener, IOM

Membership & TourismDirectorKaren Mills

Administration &CommunicationRyan Schols

VICKeith RidgleyMarinus RouwBud Whitney

Thank You VIC VolunteersArliss AbbottJerry AndersonRon & Betty EerkesBob JohnsonMichael B. KingFlorrie Reep

We Appreciate You!

PO Box 1007Mount Vernon, WA 98273-1007

Phn: 360.428.8547Fax: 360.424.6237





Chair Mark Hulst Dally's Auto Body

Past Chair Didi HagmanValley Cabinets Kitchens andMore

Vice Chair Paul PickeringMax Dale's Steak & ChopHouse

TreasurerRob MartinChinook Enterprises

Assistant TreasurerFrank TuzzolinoGeiger's Custom Cleaning

Legal CounselRachelle Eason The Eason Law Firm, P.S.

Jeff HarrisAnderson Appliance

April AxthelmAxthelm Construction ACI

Dr. Carl Bruner,SuperintendentMount Vernon School District

Brian SonedaMount Vernon City Library

Darlene MindrumThink Solutions Consulting

Deb BundySkagit Publishing

Gary LorenzSkagit Valley Gardens

Catlyn PrestonSuperior Graphic Design

Beau McCallumAction Pages

Dave JohnsonSkagit PUD

Patt WoodsSound Cedar

Matt YoungsmanHuman Resources, Inc.

Tammy CusterLiberty Tax

Or Current Resident

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