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Jump start php environment

Date post: 10-Feb-2017
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Jump Start PHP Environment

Jump Start PHP Environment

The Easy Way...

Use a compact solution:

• WampServer• MAMP• XAMPP



• Available only on Windows• Apache 2.4.9• MySQL 5.6.17• PHP 5.5.12



• Available on Windows and Mac• Apache 2.2.27• MySQL 5.5.41• PHP 5.3.23 – 7.0



• For Windows, Mac and Linux• Apache 2.4.17• MariaDB 10.1.9• PHP 5.5.30 / 5.6.16 / 7.0.1

Hello World!

Is This the Only Way?

Presenting the Professional Way

Who Is This Dude?


1.The Anatomy of Web Requests

2.The Programming Environment

3.The Application Environment

4.Virtual Machines

5.Versioning Systems

6.Deployment and Hosting


8.Learn by Example: A Web App from Scratch

1. The Anatomy of Web Requests

● The Client and the Server● Web Requests Basics● Server-side Languages● For those who want more: DNS Requests

2. The Programming Environment

● A Good IDE Is Worth Its File Size in Gold● The Importance of Coding Standards● The Command Line / Terminal● The Community

3. The Application Environment

● Application Environments:● Production● Development● Staging and Maintenance

● The Evil of *AMP Bundles● Machine Pollution● Learning is Progress, or How the Comfort of Your Comfort Zone is Overrated● Testing● The Uncleanable Mess

● Production/Development Parity● Performance and Debugging

4. Virtual Machines

● Virtual Machines Explained:● What are VMs?● Getting to Know VirtualBox and Vagrant● The Benefits of VMs

● Vagrant in a Nutshell● Vagrant Boxes● Provisioning● Using Vagrant● Homestead Improved: Explanation● Defining New Sites● Shutdown

5. Versioning Systems

● Versioning Basics● Git and GitHub● Git in Action

6. Deployment and Hosting

● Hosting● Shared Hosting● Cloud Hosting● (Virtual) Private Hosting

● Deployment● Manual● Automatic and Semiautomatic Deployment

7. Composer

● Spaghetti Western● Namespaces and Ye Olde Package Management● What is Composer?● Usage Example● More Tricks to Try

8. Learn by Example: A Web App from Scratch

● What will we be building?● Setting Up the Environment● Bootstrapping the App● Developing the App● Deployment

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