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June 15 Newsgram

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Community Calendar

June 15, 2011 Page 2Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

The Alva Review-Courier / Newsgramis published Wednesday byMartin Broadcasting Corp.

620 Choctaw St.Alva, Oklahoma 73717

Lynn L. Martin, PresidentTelephone Numbers:

Alva Review-Courier 580-327-2200Newsgram 580-327-1510

FAX 580-327-2454www.alvareviewcourier.com

E-Mail: [email protected] Contents Copyright 2011

Members of:Associated Press

National Newspaper Assn.Oklahoma Press Association

Wednesday9 a.m. The Woods County Senior

Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m. David Shaw will entertain at 12:30 p.m.

Noon Alva Kiwanis Club meets at Champs Restaurant.

2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030.

7 p.m. Alva Moose Lodge men’s meeting is held every Wednesday.

Thursday9 a.m. The Woods County Senior

Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m.

Noon Alva Rotary Club meets at

Champs Restaurant.2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip

Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030.

5:30 p.m. Alva Weight Watchers meet at College Hill Church of Christ.

6 p.m. Heart of Healing Grief Support Group will meet the third Thursday of the month in Suite C of the Alva Professional Building. Open to the public, the group offers support before, during and after the loss of a loved one.

7 p.m. La Leche League meets the third Thursday of the month at the Alva First Baptist Church. LLL is a breastfeeding group supporting pregnant

and breastfeeding mothers.8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous will

meet at 1027 8th (Wesley House) in Alva every Monday and Thursday.

Friday9 a.m. The Woods County Senior

Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m.

2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030.

6:30 p.m. Singles Night will be held at the Woods County Senior Citizens Center, Alva. There will be a potluck meal and games.

Both Senator Bryce Marlatt and Rep. Jeff Hickman will deliver their Legislative Wrap-up report at the 8 a.m. Friday Chamber of Commerce Coffee. The event will be at Kickin’ Koffee at 8th and Oklahoma Boulevard and is open to the public.

Legislative Wrap-Up 8 a.m. Friday in Alva

In 1985, one man who wanted to make a difference in the fight against can-cer ran 83 miles in 24 hours.

Now 3.5 million Americans, will fol-low in his footsteps by participating in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. To help commemorate the progress towards a cure, relayers from Alva, Car-men, Cherokee, Helena, and Waynoka will demonstrate their commitment to end cancer.

They will bring hope and healing by Painting the Towns Purple the whole month of June leading up to the Relay For Life on June 24 in Alva on the down-town square.

Painting the Towns Purple is a new venue to the Relay celebration this year.

Committee members hope it will bring more awareness to the event and create a great buzz!

The citizens and business owners are encouraged to join the teams and com-mittee in decorating. It can be as simple as wrapping a light pole to as elaborate as decorating a store front window in purple.

The Relay For Life of Alfalfa/Woods County invites cancer survivors, caregiv-ers and everyone from the community looking to make a difference in the fight against cancer to participate in the Paint the Town Purple and to get involved with this year’s Relay For Life.

For more information about Re-lay for Life or Paint the Towns Purple go to www.relayforlife.org/alfalfacook

Families, Friends of Alfalfa/Woods Relay for Life to Paint Towns Purple

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By Yvonne MillerSouth Barber’s Board of Education

had a full plate at their June meeting Monday night.

They learned of financial cuts from the state, hired a new vo-ag teacher and signed a mineral lease with with San-dRidge Energy, in addition to many other agenda items.

Board member Kent Swartz con-ducted the meeting attended by other members Deb Helfrich, Jeff Black, Mi-chael Anderson and Janet Robison.

Amanda Worthington received board approval as the new Vocational-Agriculture teacher and FFA Advisor. A native of Illinois, Worthington taught agri-business and agronomy the past three years at Garden City Community College. Morris said that Worthington, who is single, was selected from around 12 applicants.

Mineral Lease with SandRidge Superintendent Brad Morris updated

board members on the proposed oil and gas lease agreement before they made a decision.

Morris said after SandRidge En-ergy’s presentation and offer several months ago, their representatives from Barton Land Associates took the offer off the table. This is after the school board, city council and hospital board had not yet signed the lease. Those pub-lic entities were checking with counsel before signing. Last week the city coun-cil signed their lease with SandRidge after making some adjustments.

Morris said in the meantime Chesa-peake Energy made a mineral lease of-fer to the school. He said they offered the school a signing bonus of $19,500 and 3/16ths royalty.

The board had asked SandRidge to renegotiate a few items of their of-fer. SandRidge again put their offer on the table. As before, the offer is $500 per acre (which is a signing bonus of $18,900) and 1/6th royalty on gross production, rather than net production as in the original offer. The agreement included a few other items the school board requested.

Morris said the negotiation may in-clude “a possible donation” beyond the agreement as well.

After weighing the pros and cons of both offers, the board unanimously voted to sign with SandRidge.

Superintendent Tells of Lost State Aid

Morris said he received financial news regarding state funding for educa-tion. This makes the final 2010-11 SB School Budget $2,012,988.

That figure means a final reduction to the budget of $53,994. Morris said two factors played into the reduction:

The legislature cut the base state aid by $75 per student to make that figure $3,937 per student. This resulted in a re-duction of $33,488.

The other factor was SB’s lower en-rollment figures which resulted in a re-duction of $20,506.

Morris said the reduction amount

was covered by three things: conserva-tive spending throughout the year; utili-ty conservation; and a cushion built into the budget.

The superintendent said the base aid per pupil for next year will be $3,780 which will result in an additional reduc-tion of $70,101.

Softball CooperativeEarlier in the school year the par-

ents of Morgan Myers, who will be a freshman in the fall, requested she play softball at a neighboring school in a co-operative agreement. The request was made to Medicine Lodge and is contin-gent upon their approval and that of the Kansas State High School Activities As-sociation.

Morris told the board that Medicine Lodge wants to wait until the official school student enrollment date in Sep-tember. Reportedly, Medicine Lodge officials want to insure another student would not kick their school into a new, larger class.

Morris said the cooperative agree-ment would be official in January ‘12 for the spring softball season.

The board unanimously approved the agreement with Morgan’s parents, Mike and Julie Myers, regarding the co-operative arrangement.

School LunchesDiscussion on school lunch prices

and approval of the Child Nutrition and Wellness 2012 Program Agreement sparked discussion among board mem-bers.

The agenda item called for a 10 cent increase on breakfast and lunch prices for 2011-12. Last school year K-6 grade lunch prices were $2; 7-12 were $2.30.

Central office secretary and board clerk Julie Johnson said the state and feds want the school to charge at least $2.46 cents for lunch. She explained it has to do with reimbursement to the schools through the Child Nutrition and Wellness Program.

The school’s reimbursement for meals paid for by individuals is 26 cents; for free lunch reimbursement is $2.72. The difference between the two is the $2.46 the government wants the

South Barber signs with SandRidge, hires new ag teacher, learns of cuts

See S. Barber Page 22

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By Lynn L. MartinThe Woods County Extension Office

and their photography superintendent have made a change in Woods County Fair Photography exhibit rules by add-ing a new category: cell phone pictures!

The new rules also eliminate any differentiation be-tween film and digi-tal camera catego-

ries. That’s very smart. I doubt that one can purchase a roll of film in Oklahoma any more.

I would suspect that more photos are

June 15, 2011 Page 8Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Lynn Says

New category of photos at Woods County Fairtaken by cell phone cameras than with any other digital technique. If you think about it, nearly everyone in America carries a cell phone . . . and it is almost impossible to procure a cell phone that does not have a camera.

Since a majority of today’s images are probably obtained by this method, it certainly opens up a lot of potential county fair entrants to a category of how a majority of photos are taken.

I will guess the biggest problem is that many people don’t know “how” to get their photos off their cell phones. It’s hard to make a print for the county fair if you can’t get the image out of the cam-era.

Career Tech CourseI have re-upped and have agreed with

the Northwest Technology Center to teach another digital photography class beginning in October this year. In that class, one of the lessons teaches students how to get their images off both tradi-tional digital cameras and the cell phone cameras.

Another portion of that lesson shows how to reduce digital files to a manage-able size so your images don’t take up terrabytes of storage.

Also, one other important section deals with renaming or renumbering camera files so they can be organized and found easier.

County Fair AgainViewing the photography exhibits at

the county fair this year should be much more satisfying.

The new rules specify a consistent print size. With that standardization, all prints will be equally viewable. In the past, many smaller prints taped to the bottom of the display board were diffi-cult to notice.

Also, the former adhesive tape mounting system tended to fail and many prints would fall to the floor.

This year, the new display racks will hold the prints in vinyl display bags. These will be easier to mount. Also, the prints will be protected from damage by sticky fingers and routine handling.

So my advice is plan to enter your best prints into the county fair because big improvements are planned, and you can take home some pretty blue ribbons and some cash prizes.

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In the June 8 issue of the Newsgram, the person who pulled the gun was incorrect. It should have stated, “witnesses told police Sean Bostwick pulled a gun.” We regret this error and any confusion or embarrassment it may have caused. ---Editor


Divorcing parents are often faced with many new problems during this difficult time for the entire family.

Although their marriage is ending, their role as parents continues through their lives. To help make this transition easier, Northwest Family Services Inc. staff member Ginger Smith, M.B.S. will be teaching their Parenting Through Separation and Divorce class Monday night, June 20, 2011.

The class will be in Cherokee from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., in the Civics Room (1st

floor) of the Alfalfa County Courthouse, 300 South Grand. To enroll, please call Northwest Family Services at 580-327-2900. Participants must pre-enroll; the class will be canceled if there is inadequate pre-enrollment. Class costs $30 per person.

This class was designed at the request of the courts to help divorcing couples understand the problems their children may experience during and after a divorce or separation. It will fulfill the court order for all divorcing parents. Parents will learn skills to parent cooperatively, even though they are divorced.

In the class, parents will learn how to communicate effectively with their children and with their former spouse. They will practice reflective listening

skills and will study various active communication techniques and non-verbal communications. They will also practice workable negotiation styles for dealing with conflict and rules for effective expressions.

Recognizing and avoiding Pain Games is another topic of consideration. Parents will learn to recognize and cease games like I-Spy, Set-up, and Wishbone, which are likely to hurt the children. Class members will also discuss various options for parenting, such as joint custody and mediation.

Classes for 2011 will continue to rotate monthly between Alva, Cherokee, and Fairview, dates are as listed below:

June 20, September 19 and December 19, 2011—Cherokee

July 18 and October 17, 2011—AlvaAugust 15 and November 7, 2011—


Parenting Through Separation and Divorce

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By Yvonne MillerKiowa’s City Council’s June meeting

saw a mineral lease approved, a police officer hired, plans for a zoning public hearing expected to be controversial and much more.

City Administrator Nathan Law and attorney Laurel McClellan sat at the table with Mayor Brandon Farney, City Clerk Marlo Rugg and councilmen Bill Watson, Mark Lambert. Brandon Poland and Russel Molz. Zoning Public Hearing, Tonight at 7

p.m. Law reported on the public hearing

regarding the zoning code. The hearing is Wednesday, June 15, 7 p.m., at the Kiowa Community Building. People are welcome to voice their opinion at the hearing. David Yearout of Yearout and Associates will be at the meeting ex-plaining what is included and be there to answer questions.

Molz said flyers are circulating around town in opposition of the zoning code.

“Some say it will hurt the town,” Molz said. Law said he’s also heard lots of comments – some opposed, others supporting.

“Other area towns are zoned,” Law said. He said zoning information can be seen on the city’s website www.kio-waks.org. Mineral Lease Signed with Sandridge

Council members approved a rene-gotiated agreement with Sandridge En-ergy for a sub-surface mineral lease of city property.

The lease is still for $500 per acre (which is about $30,000 bonus payment for the city) and 1/6th royalty if the well produces. One change is that royalty will be on gross, not net production. There is also a stipulated minimum distance from the city. Also, the city wants to see San-dridge donate in some way to the com-munity.

Police Officer HiredFollowing an executive session,

council hired a new police officer – Da-vid Gebers who comes from Anthony. He already has law enforcement train-ing. Law said his starting salary will be $22,000. Gebers will have evalua-tions every three months with a salary

increase of $1000 after two successful evaluations.

The vote was 3-1 with Poland voting no.

Council adopted police department policies.

Many Council ItemsUnder public agenda, on behalf of

Border Line Theatre (BLT), Yvonne Miller told council that the community building has many issues that need ad-dressed such as electricity, air condition-ing, remodeling of dressing room area, stage-lighting etc.

BLT requests that Law and possibly a couple council members do a walk through of the community building with a BLT committee to assess needs.

BLT has some funds to help with an improvement project and wants to see what the city can contribute to the city-owned building.

City received two bids for demoli-tion of Ashbaker’s property, deemed dangerous and unsafe. Nearly identical bids with different prices came from Mitch Reed of Kiowa and Mark Reed of Hardtner. Council noted the signatures appeared identical.

Council voted unanimously to reject both bids and again start the process of this “touchy issue” as Law described it.

Council approved purchase of a 2008 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 from Bogner, Inc., for between $12,500 and $13,500. City will keep the 1993 pickup for use in town.

Resident Bev Miller, a Master Gardener, made a request of the city for downtown beautification. Council approved her request to put colorful

Kiowa hires officer, approves lease, rejects demolition bids Zoning hearing 7 p.m. tonight

See Kiowa Page 28

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ObituariesRICHARD D. LAW

Richard D. Law passed away Wednesday, June 8, 2011, at OU Medi-cal Center in Oklahoma City. He was 49.

A service was held at 1 p.m. Mon-day, June 13, at Trout Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Jack Shamburger officiating. Burial followed at Newkirk Cemetery.

He was born on March 13, 1962, to Richard and Sandra Law in Enid. Rick attended High School in Enid.

Rick married Kathy Teft in Alva in 1990.

After his divorce, he met Bernice Pappan in 1999. They have been togeth-er for 12 years.

He is survived by his parents, his


born August 7, 1932 to Burl and Myrtle Ball Davis in Sun City, Kansas. She went to be with her Lord on June 12, 2011 surrounded by her family at the age of 78 years 1 month and 25 days.

Mary Lou graduated High School in 1950. She married Franklin Wright June 1, 1952 at the First Christian Church of Kiowa, Kansas. She was a wonderful homemaker.

Mary Lou is survived by her husband

Franklin of Kiowa, Kansas, three children, Jan and husband Allen Asmussen of Hutchinson, Kansas, Brenda Anderson of Hutchinson, Kansas, Rodney and wife Alice of Kiowa, Kansas, five grandchildren, Katie and husband Brian Kelley, Jeff and wife Tami Anderson, Doug and wife Renea Anderson, Jason Wright, Andrea Wright; six great grandchildren, Lewis and Christopher Kelley, Caydence Anderson, Lucas, Jacob and Tobias Anderson, brother, J.C. Davis and wife Betty of Wilmington, North Carolina, sister, Mildred Miller of Mulvane, Kansas and sister-in-law, Carolyn Davis of Garden City, Kansas.

She was preceded in death by her parents, and five great grandchildren.

Visitation will be Wednesday June 15, 2011 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m

Funeral will be Thursday, June 16, 2011 at 10:30 a.m. at the First Christian Church in Kiowa, Kansas, with Pastor Gib Clark officiating. Burial will follow at Riverview Cemetery. Arrangements are by Lanman Funeral Home, Inc. of Kiowa, Kansas. Condolences may be shared with the family at www.lanmanmemorials.com.

Memorials may be made to the First Christian Church or Hospice Care of Kansas through Lanman Funeral Home.

girlfriend, Bernice Pappan of Ponca City; one sister, three nieces, three neph-ews, and one uncle.

Memorial contributions may be made to Oklahoma Medical Research Founda-tion, Heart Division, 825 Northeast 13th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73104.


53, former Ft. Supply resident died Sunday, June 12, 2011 in the Woodward Regional Hospital. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. on Friday, June 17, 2011 in the Ft. Supply Methodist Church. Interment will follow in the Highland Cemetery with the Billings Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.

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Our “Mom & Me” event happens in July 2011

So does “Dad & Me” or “Grand Ma/Pa & Me.” $39.95

Julie Whiteman& Josie Melton

byLynn Martin

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From Page 6 S. BarberBuilding Improvements

Superintendent Morris said that Phase I of the capital improvement plan is basically finished. That includes: in-stallation of new doors at the elementary school; a new HVAC unit at high school; and part of the roof at the high school which is about 90 percent complete.

The superintendent said Coontz Roofing did not get the area around the new AC unit sealed and the school had water damage with the rain last Wednes-day.

“There was major leaking into the li-brary, classrooms and hallway,” he said. “The leak damaged 96 ceiling tiles, five computer monitors, 10 keyboards and ten mice.” Coontz is insured and will pay all damages, Morris said.

Morris thanked Ron Molz for use of a crane to the set the AC unit which saved the school about $3,000.

Morris said Phase II will include the rest of the high school roof; the park-ing lot; and elementary rooms improve-ments.

Regarding damage to the school’s water softener from a city water leak, Morris said he is in discussions with insurance agent Bill Watson. Both the city and school have EMC insurance so a claim was filed and the outcome will be determined.

Student Summer UpdatesErin Merklein ended her high school

track career as Class IA State Champi-on of both the 100 and 300 meter girls hurdles. Luke Yearout placed 6th in the javelin event at state.

Naicee Gugelmeyer was selected for the State FFA Chorus at state convention and to sing solo the National Anthem at an opening session. Lane Hess and Moi-ra Kimmel were members of the State FFA Convention Band.

Ali Thurman won 2nd in the State Prepared Speaking Contest. Hailey Roark received her State FFA Degree and Casey Williams the State Proficien-cy Award in Turf and Landscape Man-agement. Brooke Murphy and Micaela Kirkwood will attend the FFA Washing-ton Leadership Conference at Washing-ton, D.C., July 12-17.

Christian Johnson played in the K101 Bowl at Woodward. Daniel Lam-bert and Matt McMurray played in the Friendship Bowl at Topeka.

school to charge for lunches. She said this is so the school won’t have to subsi-dize their lunch program from the gen-eral fund.

Robison voiced concern about charg-ing more when students receive smaller portions. Numerous board members said they’ve received complaints about por-tions, so much processed food served and not enough variety. They question why more homemade items aren’t pre-pared.

Johnson said the meals meet the re-quirements of the child nutrition pro-gram. When asked if homemade items would fit into those requirements, she said yes. When board members asked if the district’s food supervisor and cooks take part in trainings, etc., through the nutrition program, Johnson said she passes on the abundant amount of infor-mation to the staff.

Robison said, “I want to encour-age our cooks to take advantage of the training available to them.” She further expressed concern about passing a well-ness plan “with the food we’re serving.”

Swartz asked for an analysis of SB’s kitchen comparing it to some other school kitchens. Other board members agreed.

The board passed the 10 cent in-crease and the Child Nutrition and Well-ness agreement. Employee Changes and Other Board

BusinessThe Board also approved • Candi Davis as a full-time upper el-

ementary teacher for combined 4th, 5th and 6th grades.

• The resignation of Janet Cook as assistant track coach..

• Membership in the KASB at the rate of $3,546 and the KASB Legal As-sistance retainer for $1400 for the 2011-12 school.

• ESSDACK fees for 2011-12: membership, $2900; staff assessment, $1,050.

• Student Assurance Services for student insurance cost of $12,456.

• A five-year lease for purchase of a new Blue Bird bus. Morris said the school received a bid from a local church to purchase one of the school’s old buses.

Fiber Optic Line TabledPurchase of a fiber optic line be-

tween the jr/sr high school and elemen-tary school was discussed and tabled. That’s because board members want to have SCTelcom asked about working on the project before a decision is made. Tiede’s Line Construction had already bid on the project.

Morris said addition of a fiber op-tic line will provide better connections for both school sites; provide easier backup; reduce number of servers; and increase speed.

PK-6 Principal Marcia Cantrell said the PTO Cash Register Receipts project equaled 195,361 points. With that teach-ers could pick supplies from a catalog. She thanked the PTO for sponsoring field trips for students.

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Professional Legal Help Designed to Save Money

Attorney Denis Cotehas seen it all.

After a 16 year career in the military Denis was seriously wounded andhe was declared totallydisabled. Instead of ly-ing back and living off the government, Deniswent to law school. Whilethere, he won six studentawards.

Saving $5,000 a month!

The overhead for almost any downtown office will run $5k per month (Secretary,rent, utilities, phone and internet, officefurniture, Insurance, etc.).

By working out of his home and car,Denis doesn’t have to pay for those costs by bundling it into your legal fees.

Obviously, Denis Cote can’t work for free.This is his career. But there is no charge for the first consultation. You can meet where ever you like: your place, a picnic table in the park or sitting in the car. Some people really like the anonymity of this method of seeing an attorney.

Why? Why a mobile office?

Some citizens who REALLY need legal help can’t afford a lawyer.

580-430-1062 or 580-327-1753

580-430-1062 or 580-327-1753

Mediation is a way to avoid high costs in divorce or other civil matters. Traditionally, most divorce cases drag on for months, often using two lawyers, and accumulating large costs. Divorce and other civil matters can often be negotiated with the help of a skilled mediator. A divorce agreement can be worked out between the parties in only three meetings. Then the signed agreement is presented to a judge. When he signs it, the problem is over. Denis Coteis a certified mediator. This alternative can save both parties a lot of money.

I will cooperate in setting up payments for legal services.

Denis Cote Mobile Law Firm PLLC

Needing a divorce - Both sides can save big money!

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The groom is from India, the bride from Korea. They chose our studio for their wedding.

Lynn Martin Photography


Aerial Photography

For Advertising - Real Estate Sales - GiftsLynn Martin Photography - $489 - (580) 327-1686

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planters of flowers in front of businesses. The city takes no responsibility.

Council discussed 2012 Budget Priorities. Many of last year’s priorities are in progress and continue at the top of the list such as: the drainage project; street repairs; property clean up; major pool repairs which are almost complete (planning to open by June 20). Some other issues listed were maintaining the city’s electrical system; softball field improvements; theatre upgrades, equipment replacement; etc.

Council needs to consider annexing all of 14th Street. Currently only half the street is city-owned. This would allow the city to set and enforce speed limits. It also would allow the city to address drainage issues and cause the city to maintain the road instead of the township.

In regards to Tiny Blessings Daycare, council directed Law to see how the city can help.

From Page 14


By Roger McKenzieCherokee is not Bedrock and the Al-

falfa County commissioners don’t wear animal skins like Fred Flintstone, but they are accepting rocks in payment for at least some of the bills incurred by Eagle Energy.

The commissioners voted at Mon-day’s regular meeting to accept rock in lieu of cash payment for some permits associated with the stringing high-line poles to some of the company’s well sites.

The trade is worth about $17,500 to the county, much more than would be gained normally by the permits, but ac-cording to Commissioner Chad Roach,

Eagle Energy uses county roads and wants to help by being a good neighbor. The rock will be enough to pave about a mile of county road. The company will haul the rock where it is needed and the county will spread it.

A total of three District 2 road cross-ing permits were approved for Eagle En-ergy Production. Also approved were five road crossing permits requested by Cres-cent Services—two in District 1, one in District 2, and two in District 3.

Forensic interview roomA forensic interview room is in the

works in the District Court’s Law Library Room at the Alfalfa County Courthouse.

After hearing Assistant District Attorney Westline Ritter describe the need for the room and what it will be used for, the commissioners voted to seek three quotes to create the interview space from part of the court’s existing Law Library Room.

The room will be a private interview room able to be used for a variety of pur-poses. One of the most needed is as a safe space to interview children in child abuse cases, but it will serve other purposes as well. The new room will be soundproofed

Good neighbor paying with rocks in Alfalfa County

At left: Alfalfa County Assistant District Attorney Westline Ritter (at right) explains how a forensic interview room will help the coun-ty’s legal system. Listening is Al-falfa County Commissioner Doug Murrow. The explanation to a the commissioners, county clerk, and press took place in the District’s Court’s Law Library Room. A por-tion of the room would be used for the new interview area. Photo by Roger McKenzie

See Alfalfa Page 30

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and will allow witnesses and children to be videotaped to preserve their testimony and reactions at crucial times in a variety of court cases.

Just part of the Law Library will be used. It is currently used to house law other associated books as well as storage for such items as Christmas decorations and a camera used to make document micro films. Some items will have to be moved from their current locations. Other outdated items may be disposed of after proper procedures are completed.

Six month bids openedThe commissioners opened over 25

material bids for various items the coun-ty uses. The bids are from area suppliers and are good for six months. Having the bids in place allows the commissioners to obtain materials such as asphalt quickly and at a low price when the need arises.

Annual businessThe commissioners undertook some

annual business including the reappoint-ment of Commissioner Doug Murrow to

serve as a Northern Oklahoma Develop-ment Authority (NODA) board member, as well as continuing the county’s par-ticipation in the Association of County Commissioners of Oklahoma (ACCO) self-insurance fund. The fund provides insurance protection for county prop-erty. Another annual occurrence was the county’s renewal of the Emergency and Transportation Revolving Fund.

Redistricting disclaimerThe Oklahoma House of Represen-

tatives Redistricting Office requested a county representative sign a disclaimer which says the Oklahoma House will provide technical support with redistrict-ing data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Legal support will not be provided and the House of Representatives reserves the right to discontinue local redistrict-ing support for any local government entity. The disclaimer was approval by the commissioners.

Other businessA transfer of funds for the Extension

Office, and a private property easement request were also approved.

The commissioners gave permission for Chairman Murrow to sign documents seeking a certified administrator for the Community Development Block Grant the commissioners received recently to upgrade the courthouse’s handicapped accessibility

In other business, a number of rou-tine items were approved, including:

● the monthly alcoholic beverage report. The 10 communities within the county received a total of $8,482.78, ranging from a high of $4,007.81 for Cherokee to $22.13 for Lambert.

● blanket purchase orders and main-tenance and operations warrants for pay-ment.

● miscellaneous officer’s reports.● appropriations● the maximum highway expendi-

tures report and the highway consum-ables reports.

● minutes of their previous meeting.

From Page 28 Alfalfa

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Alfalfa County Sheriff’s LogJune 6, 2011

9:14 a.m. report of a break in 8 north on Hwy 8 on east side, someone broke into his farm, will be going up there in a few minutes.

9:38 a.m. caller needs a deputy to come to a residence, someone found a purse, ran information.

10:21 a.m. report of a vehicle on fire 4 west of Burlington north on Co Rd, paged Burlington FD, BFD requested A/B to come to fire, also requested Cherokee to respond to mutual aid, there is fire in the ditch, BFD was paged out again, brush rig advised he is en route, A/B and Burlington back at station.

10:54 am. report of a phone scam, they called and requested that they need-ed information from his account, gave no info, just wanted us to know about it.

3:51 p.m. report of a careless driver on Hwy 64/Jet State Bank, sent informa-tion to OHP.

5:41 p.m. report of harassment in Ne-scatunga, parent concerned about a girl harassing his daughter, unsure what to do, wants to file a report, he thinks she is stalking her on Facebook, advised his wife spoke to the mother, she was really rude to her and was no help in the situ-ation.

6:26 p.m. report of vehicle & peo-ple acting strange on Hwy 11 & Co Rd 310, advised that a vehicle by her house thought it was strange, stopped to see if they needed help but they took off, fol-lowed them west on Hwy 11 then they turned off on CR 700.

8:34 p.m. report of 1 red cow out 3 miles south of Cozy Curve on east side of road, called one possible owner, not his, called another, will go check, might be someone else’s, called him, will go check.

9:30 p.m. report of a peeping tom at 100 block of north 5th on Hwy 38 in Jet,

was advised to notify ACSO.11:27 p.m. report of a car following

too close on Hwy 8 northbound toward Aline, has been followed all the way from Enid, when he slows down they slow down, they are by Sod House, ve-hicle came around him doing at least 80 mph then turned off at the Helena turn-off, unsure where he’s going, advised OHP by phone.

June 7, 20119:10 p.m. report of 35 gallons of fuel

from truck at 2 miles south of Jet 1 1/4 west, occurred Sunday night, truck is not out there.

June 8, 20119:29 a.m. medical call to 300 block

of south 5th in Jet, needs an ambulance for his wife, Helena Ambulance was ad-vised.

12:44 p.m. report of a truck broke down at old flashing lights, was advised and en route, no truck there.

12:58 p.m. 911 call, report of a wheat field fire just outside of Amorita, A/B was paged out, BFD was paged out for mutual aid, fire is almost out.

5:58 p.m. minor accident, report of trailer had come off of truck and ran into the fence at the Corona Cemetery on Hwy 45 south of Goltry, they want the accident worked, OHP will advise trooper.

6:36 p.m. mutual aid request, Woods Co advised of a fire 2 north of Alva on Hwy 281 on west side, request A/B, Cherokee and Burlington, A/B and Bur-lington brush rigs en route, Cherokee sending another unit.

June 9, 20113:44 a.m. medical call to 500 block

of north Main in Aline, advised First Re-sponders for individual who is low on oxygen.

9:13 a.m. report of a under aged driv-ing at 2nd St. in Carmen, 2 girls, 1 riding a moped and the other driving a Trail-blaster, knows who they are staying with.

11:06 a.m. report of a black calf out at Ginder Farms on Hwy 11, left message for possible owner.

11:36 a.m. report of a drained stor-age water tank at 2 west of Helena, the left gate was open, someone went inside, must of went swimming, turn froze free faucet on that goes to storage tank, rinsed off and left the faucet on, drained out 7,000 gallons of water that was in tank.

2:59 p.m. 911 call, Woods Co report-ing a field on fire on CR 740/Latimer Rd,

ACSO advised A & B FD, request dozer/grader at scene advised Alfalfa & Grant Co, also dispatched the following FD’s, Carmen, Nescatunga, Cherokee, Jet, Capron, Aline, Carmen unable to assist.

3:05 p.m. A & B reporting a fire on CR 740/Latimer Rd east of Byron, re-quest mutual aid, Burlington, Hawley advised, request transport county to bring load of water, Hawley Services enroute, Alva Fireman advised wind has changed to the north will pass it on, A & B request ambulance for fireman with smoke inha-lation, Cherokee Ambulance enroute, he has loaded patient will meet Cherokee Amb. on Hwy 11, advised fire is out.

June 10, 20117:10 p.m. report of 4 calves out on

Hwy 45 Goltry-Carmen, caller put them in, notified possible owner.

7:42 p.m. medical call to Nescatunga Fire Dept. for fireman in need of breath-ing treatment, Cherokee Ambulance ad-vised, they are en route to St. Mary’s.

7:50 p.m. report of a trailer with tanks 1/2-3/4 west of Capron on blacktop, ad-vised after dark, may be a hazard, OHP was advised will notify trooper.

June 11, 20118:08 a.m. report of 4 horses out 1 1/2

west of Helena Prison, notified possible owner.

7:00 p.m. report of tin in ditch close to the road on east side of 4-way, notified individual, he is 200 miles away but will send someone out to check.

7:35 p.m. report of cows with blue ear tags out 3-4 miles west of Goltry, notified possible owner, will go check.

10:11 p.m. report of cows out 2 1/4 south of 45/8 Jct, called possible owner, no answer, called another, will go check.

June 12, 201112:07 a.m. report of fire 1/2 mile east

of Goltry on Hwy 45, bale on fire, fire out, Goltry back at station.

3:02 p.m. Woods Co advised their officer is bringing a hitchhiker to the Alfalfa/Woods Co line on Hwy 64, has gone to county line and does not see the hitchhiker, will look around, request de-scription, negative contact.

3:23 p.m. report of an accident 4 east of Carmen turn, vehicle in fence, notified OHP.

5:26 p.m. OHP reporting a grass fire 2 north on Byron blacktop & Fish Hatchery Rd, Burlington and A & B FD’s en route, will not need more mutual aid, Burling-ton is enough, all units back at station.

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See Court Page 40

Alfalfa County Court FilingsAccording to the affidavits and peti-

tions on file, the following individuals have been charged. An individual is in-nocent of any charges listed below until proven guilty in a court of law. All in-formation is a matter of public record and may be obtained by anyone dur-ing regular hours at the Alfalfa County Courthouse. The Alva Review-Courier will not intentionally alter or delete any of this information. If it appears in the courthouse public records, it will appear in this newspaper.

Criminal FilingsLarry Ray Brown, 31, Terlton: Ob-

taining Cash and/or Merchandise by Bo-gus Check.

Misdemeanor FilingsJoey Lynne Brewer, 29, Nash: Ob-

taining Cash and/or Merchandise by Bo-gus Check.

Douglas Carter, 48, Carmen: Obtain-ing Cash and/or Merchandise by Bogus Check.

Jeremy L. Evans, 32, Enid: Obtain-ing Cash and/or Merchandise by Bogus

Check.Fatasia Hamil, 36, Cherokee: Obtain-

ing Cash and/or Merchandise by Bogus Check.

Virgil Wayne Steel II, 26, Bastrop, TX: Obtaining Cash and/or Merchandise by Bogus Check.

Raymond Luther Unbankes, 61, Hel-ena: Obtaining Cash and/or Merchandise by Bogus Check.

Logan Dale Thompson, 22, Byron: Obtaining Cash and/or Merchandise by Bogus Check.

Joe R. McLemore, 67, Lansing, KS: Driving While Under the Influence.

Civil FilingsCredit Acceptance Corporation vs.

Edith Diana Ent: Indebtedness for an amount more than $2,500.

Small Claims FilingsCleo State Bank, Jet St Branch vs.

Jonathan J. Law: Small claims.Child Support Filings

Department of Human Services vs. Vernon M. Christianson III: Incoming reciprocal.

Divorce FilingsState of Oklahoma vs. Makayla Dawn

Redding & Greg Antohny Redding: Child support.

Charlie Elliott vs. Kristina Lynn El-liott: Divorce.

Wildlife FilingsDaniel L. Stalker, 30, Enid: Using me-

tallic post “trotline” closed area ($206).Traffic Filings

Danny Earl Vickery 34, Tecumseh: Failure to carry insurance verification (state dismissed without fine or costs).

The following individuals were cited for speeding:

Robert Wayne Epperly, 44, Nar-din: 16-20 over ($241.50); Gerald Dean Northrup, 47, Woodward: 11-14 over ($226.50); Bailey Nicole Cummings, 19, Douglas: 1-10 over ($188.50).

The following individuals were cited for failure to wear seatbelt ($20 fine):

Ryland J. Stonehocker, 44, Carmen; Trevor Ryan Robinson, 30, Enid; Danny Earl Vickery 34, Tecumseh; Christopher S. Wallace, 38, Helena.

Criminal FilingsRobert Lee Luster III, 1972, Medi-

cine Lodge: (1) Burglary; Motor vehicle, aircraft, or other means of conveyance; (2) Theft value $1,000 to <$25,000.

Gregory A. Towne, 1978, Medicine Lodge: (1) Burglary; Motor vehicle, air-craft, or other means of conveyance; (2) Theft value $1,000 to <$25,000.

Dyllen Dewaine Johnson, 1992, Medicine Lodge: (1) Driving under in-fluence of alcohol or drugs; 1st convic-tion; (2) Transporting open container; (3) Liquor; Purchase/consumption alcoholic liquor/CMB by minor; (4) Maximum speed limits 76 in 65.

Andrew William Musgrove, no age listed, Medicine Lodge: (1) Burglary; Building not used as a dwelling; (2) Criminal damage to property $1,000 <$25,000; (3) Theft value <$1,000; (4) Interference with official traffic control devices/railroad signs.

Spencer Colin Roe, no age listed, Medicine Lodge: (1) Burglary; Build-ing not used as a dwelling; (2) Criminal damage to property $1,000 <$25,000; (3) Theft value <$1,000; (4) Interference with official traffic control devices/rail-

road signs.Brandon Alan Wagner, no age listed,

Medicine Lodge: (1) Burglary; Build-ing not used as a dwelling; (2) Criminal damage to property $1,000 <$25,000; (3) Theft value <$1,000; (4) Interference with official traffic control devices/rail-road signs.

Mitch Dean Totty, no age listed, Medicine Lodge: (1) Burglary; Build-ing not used as a dwelling; (2) Criminal damage to property $1,000 <$25,000; (3) Theft value <$1,000; (4) Interference with official traffic control devices/rail-road signs.

Garret McLemore, no age listed, Medicine Lodge: (1) Burglary; Build-ing not used as a dwelling; (2) Criminal damage to property $1,000 <$25,000; (3) Theft value <$1,000; (4) Interference with official traffic control devices/rail-road signs.

Robert Lee Ehrlich, 1983, Medicine Lodge: (1) Criminal restraint; (2) Do-mestic battery; intentional bodily harm caused by one family member to another.

Tony R. Cook, 1971, Kiowa: (1) Do-mestic battery; physical contact by fam-ily member in rude manner; (2) Driving

under influence of alcohol or drugs; 1st conviction.

Michael H. Young, 1986, Medicine Lodge: (1) Obstructing legal process or official duty; Resist Arrest; (2) Driving while suspended; 1st conviction.

Taylor Wayne Hollon, 1989, Medi-cine Lodge: (1) Contributing to a child’s misconduct; Shelter/concealing run-away; (2) Endangering a child; Involves child <18 yoa.

Stephanie Bacon, 1976, Medicine Lodge: (1) Contributing to a child’s mis-conduct; Shelter/concealing runaway; (2) Endangering a child; Involves child <18 yoa.

Heather Koryne Priddy, 1991, Medi-cine Lodge: (1) Contributing to a child’s misconduct; Shelter/concealing run-away; (2) Endangering a child; Involves child <18 yoa.

Dyllen Dewaine Johnson, 1992, Medicine Lodge: (1) Possession of cer-tain hallucinogenic drugs; (2) Use/pos-sess w/intent to use drug paraphernalia into human body; (3) Maximum speed limits 79 in 75.

Barber County Court Filings

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Alfalfa County Real Estate TransactionsBeginning Book 656 page 321

Real Estate TransfersRonal G. McMurtrey and Marguerite

J. McMurtrey, Trustees of the McMurtrey Joint Revocable Trust dated May 28, 1994 to Brenda McMahan: (1) an undivided 1/2 interest in and to the Surface Estate in and to the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 27 North, Range 12, WIM; (2) an undivided 1/3 interest in and to the oil, gas and other minerals in, on and under the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 27 North, Range 12, WIM: Warranty Deed.

Brenda McMahan and Kent McMahan to Curtis B. McMahan: (1) an undivided 1/2 interest in and to the Surface Estate in and to the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 27 North, Range 12, WIM; (2) an undivided 1/3 interest in and to the oil, gas and other minerals in, on and under the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 27 North, Range 12, WIM: Warranty Deed.

Ronal G. McMurtrey and Marguerite J. McMurtrey, Trustees of the McMurtrey Joint Revocable Trust dated May 28, 1994 to Megan R. McMahan: (1) an undivided 1/2 interest in and to the Surface Estate in and to the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 27 North, Range 12, WIM; (2) an undivided 1/3 interest in and to the oil, gas and other minerals in, on and under the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 27 North, Range 12, WIM: Warranty Deed.

Ronal G. McMurtrey and Marguerite

J. McMurtrey, Trustees of the McMurtrey Joint Revocable Trust dated May 28, 1994 to Megan R. McMahan, Curtis B. McMahan and Blythe L. McMahan: (1) an undivided 1/2 interest in and to the Surface Estate in and to the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 27 North, Range 12, WIM; (2) an undivided 1/6 interest in and to the oil, gas and other minerals in, on and under the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 27 North, Range 12, WIM: Warranty Deed.

David H. Tanner and Paulette R. Tanner to David H. Tanner and Paulette R. Tanner: Southeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 29 North, Range 11, WIM: Warranty Deed.

Glenda O. Ream to J. Cole Ream: a tract of land being part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 26 North, Range 11, WIM, lying West of the K.C.M. & O Railroad: Quit Claim Deed.

Donald R. Coppock to Mary-Blue Ster and John Ster: (1) the Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 27 North, Range 10, WIM; (2) the Southeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 27 North, Range 10, WIM; (3) the surface rights only in and to the Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 27 North, Range 10, WIM; (4) the surface rights only in and to a tract of land in the Southwest Quarter of Section 30,Township 27 North, Range 10, WIM; (5) the South 10 feet of Lot 5 and all of Lot 6 in Block 1 of Taylor’s Addition to the City of Cherokee; (6) Lots 5 & 6 in Block 1 of Gilmore’s Addition to the

City of Cherokee: Warranty Deed.Joan Penner Van Meter, Trustee of

the Opal Frances Penner Living Trust to Douglas P. Van Meter and Kamee D. Van Meter: Lots 1 & 2 and the South Half of the Northeast Quarter aka the Northeast Quarter of Section 4, Township 23 North, Range 9, WIM: Warranty Deed.

J. Cole Ream, Attorney-in-Fact for Glenda O. Ream to Dennis R. Ferrell and Brenda D. Ferrell: the North 25 feet of Lot 12 and all of Lot 13 in Block 3 of Garber’s Addition to the City of Cherokee: Warranty Deed.

Tina Roach to Michael Roach: Lot 6 in Block 82 in Park Addition to the Town, now City of Cherokee: Quit Claim Deed.

Rose Mary McFall Whittet and Doug Whittet to William Burney York and Kimberly York: the South 5 feet of Lot 4 and the North 45 feet of Lot 5 in Block 56 of the Titus Addition to the City of Cherokee: Warranty Deed.

MortgagesMark A. Hamil and Kay R. Hamil

to Navy Federal Credit Union: Lot 7 and the North Half of Lot 8 in Block 53 of the Titus Addition to the City of Cherokee: $35,000.

Dennis R. Ferrell and Brenda D. Ferrell to ACB Bank: the North 25 feet of Lot 12 and all of Lot 13 in Block 3 of Garber’s Addition to the City of Cherokee: $30,000.

Larry Pettus and Cheryl D. Pettus to Farmers Exchange Bank: the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 25 North, Range 11, WIM, containing 160 acres more or less: $70,529.36.

Barber County Real Estate TransactionsBeginning Deed Book 135 Page 19

Real Estate TransfersWillie F. Thorne to Robert E. Strack

and Letha L. Strack: the South 28 feet of Lot 29 and all of Lots 30 & 31 in Block 5 in Regnier’s Amended Revised Second Addition to the City of Medicine Lodge: Warranty Deed.

Ashley D. Curtis to Latisha N. Zahn-ter: the North 82.5 feet of Lots 12, 14 & 16 of First Avenue West in the Original Townsite of the City of Medicine Lodge: Quit Claim Deed.

Steve Reed and Susie Reed and

Dusty Reed to William T. Holcomb and Carissa J. Holcomb: the South 8.18 feet of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 and all of Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17 in Block 24 in the City of Kiowa: Warranty Deed.

Rucker’s Retail Liquor LLC to Tam-my L. Norman: (1) the South 5 feet of Lot 9 in Block 21 in Henton’s Addition to the City of Sharon; (2) Lot 10 and the North 8 feet of Lot 11 in Block 21 in Henton’s Addition to the City of Sharon: Warranty Deed.

Danny B. McKay and Jean F. McKay

to Douglas B. McKay: the West Half of the Northwest Quarter and the South-east Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of Section 28 except 1 acre, more or less, for school house ground in the Northwest part of said Southeast Quarter as described in Warranty Deed dated Sept. 13 1905 and recorded in Book 29, Page 627, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Barber County, Kansas, and the North Half and the Southwest Quarter and the West Half

See Real Estate Page 46

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Barber County Sheriff’s Log

From Page 34 CourtCivil Filings

Medicine Lodge Memorial Hospital & Physicians Clinic vs. Cheryl Herd: Indebtedness for an amount more than $10,500.

Kiowa District Hospital vs. Rick Da-vis: Indebtedness for an amount more than $100.

Nicholas G. Suhler vs. Kansas De-partment of Revenue: Petition for Review of Administrative Hearing.

Limited Civil FilingsSC Telcom vs. Patricia Turner: Indebt-

edness for an amount more than $700.Medicine Lodge Physicians Clinic

vs. Mark Jackson: Indebtedness for an amount more than $300.

Medicine Lodge Memorial Hospital vs. Mark Jackson: Indebtedness for an amount more than $1,000.

Kansas Gas Service A Division of ONEOK Inc. vs. Sarah Semple: Indebt-

edness for an amount more than $750.Credit Management Services Inc.

vs. Beverly Guyle: Indebtedness for an amount more than $1,500.

Domestic Relations FilingsRuby Lamay Griffis vs. Gary D.

Griffis: Divorce.Nicole Ashbaker vs. Ernest L. God-

ley: Protection from Stalking.Marriage Filings

Aaron Michael Fortune, 22, Medicine Lodge and Jessica Lyn Holmes, 28, Belle Plaine.

Traffic FilingsOliver W. Luginbyhl, 26, Amarillo,

TX: Failure to yield at stop or yield sign ($168.50).

Lane M. Miller, 19, Medicine Lodge: Failure to wear seatbelt ($35).

Barry L. Stocking, 47, Kiowa: Driv-ing under influence of alcohol or drugs; 1st conviction ($698.50).

Kody P. Struble, 17, Attica: Failure to wear seatbelt (14-17 yoa) ($60).

The following individuals were cited for speeding:

Randall R. Beech, 57, Wichita: 77 in 65 ($150.50).

Scott A. Hammel, 32, Centennial, CO: 80 in 65 ($168.50).

Zachary J. Harris, 30, Hobart, OK: 82 in 65 ($180.50).

Luiz Marquez, 33, Liberal: 79 in 65 ($162.50).

Michael T. Sherwood, 75, Sublette: 82 in 65 ($180.50).

Bradley J. Urbin, 29, Arkansas City: 80 in 65 ($168.50).

David L. Vandenheuvel, 46, Goldsby, OK: 75 in 65 ($138.50).

Birnie W. Whitlow, 58, Broken Ar-row, OK: 75 in 65 ($138.50).

Thomas A. Wilson, 32, Anthony: 76 in 65 ($144.50).

06-06-11 Medicine Lodge Rural, Hazelton, and Kiowa Rural Volunteer Fire Departments responded to a wheat field fire east of Bethel Road on the Gerlane Road.

06-06-11 Kiowa Rural Volunteer Fire Department assisted Burlington, Oklahoma at a fire about 8 miles southeast of Kiowa.

06-06-11 Sierra Trueblood, Ruidoso Downs, New Mexico, driving a 1992 BMW struck a deer on U281 about 4 miles east of Hardtner. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident investigated by Deputy Rugg.

06-06-11 Deerhead, Aetna, Lake City, Sun City, Hazelton, and Medicine Lodge Rural Volunteer Fire Departments responded to a grass fire on the Huddler Ranch south of Deerhead.

06-06-11 Kiowa Rural Volunteer Fire Department responded to a post fire on the Gerlane Road west of Bethel Road.

06-06-11 Hazelton and Kiowa Rural Fire Departments assisted Harper County units at a stubble fire one mile east of the BA/HP County line.

06-07-11 Medicine Lodge Ambulance transported patient from Main Street to Medicine Lodge Hospital.

06-07-11 Trevor Vogel, Pratt, driving

a 2011 Ford truck struck a road sign about 20 miles west of Medicine Lodge. Unknown amount of damage, no injury, accident worked by Deputy Rugg.

06-07-11 Kiowa Rural Volunteer Fire Department aided Burlington, Oklahoma at a combine fire south of Kiowa.

06-07-11 Kiowa Ambulance transported patient from Campbell Street to Kiowa Hospital.

06-08-11 Medicine Lodge Ambulance transported patient from Main Street to Medicine Lodge Hospital.

06-08-11 Elwood Township Volunteer Fire Department assisted Woods County units at a grass fire about 2 miles north of Alva.

06-08-11 Kiowa Ambulance transported patient from Main Street to Kiowa Hospital.

06-08-11 Medicine Lodge Volunteer Fire Department responded to a grass fire about 1 mile north of Medicine Lodge.

06-08-11 Union Chapel Volunteer Fire Department responded to a grass fire south of Union Chapel.

06-08-11 Jim Pulliam, Kiowa, driving a 2003 Toyota PU struck a deer on U281 about 7 miles south of Medicine Lodge. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident investigated by Sheriff Tomson.

06-08-11 Elwood Township Volunteer Fire Department assisted Woods County at a grass fire south of Hardtner.

06-08-11 Christopher Coultas, Medicine Lodge, driving a 2002 Jeep left the roadway at the Barber County State Lake. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident worked by MLPD Officer McNeil.

06-09-11 Matthew Jaeger, Anthony, driving a 2009 Pontiac struck a deer on K2 near Lone Tree Road. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident investigated by Deputy English.

06-09-11 Kiowa Ambulance transferred patient from Kiowa Hospital to Pratt.

06-10-11 Kiowa Ambulance transported patient from Hardtner to Kiowa Hospital.

06-11-11 Kiowa Rural and Hazelton Volunteer Fire Departments responded to a stubble fire near Hazelton.

06-11-11 Graham Goldman, Sun City, driving a 2006 Chev PU left the Sun City Road and overturned about 1/2 mile south of Sun City. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident worked by

See Sheriff Page 46

Page 39: June 15 Newsgram

Specialty Sandwiches& Soup

June 15, 2011 caxca Page 41Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Animals and Pets

For Sale

Border Collie/Red Heeler mix puppies. 580-327-5640. Ask for Aaron or Christian


For Sale

‘03 Dodge Ram 1500 484 quad cab Hemi, 115,000 miles. $9000 obo. 580-884-0534

For Sale

‘99 BMW M3 convertible, 53,000 miles. Silver with Black Top, leather, all power, 6 CD changer, the ultimate summer car. 580-430-1571. Below Kelley Blue Book value

Business Services

Oil/Gas Mineral Leases

Please contact us if you are interested in leasing or selling your minerals. We provide services to Oil and Gas Mineral Owners. Our efforts create healthy competition resulting in higher bonus amounts and superior lease terms. Professional References Available. 580-327-4440 or 580-327-7889. www.MineralMarketing.Com

Massage Therapist

avail at Wild Hair Salon. 504 Flynn. Alva. Ask for Miranda Seley 580-327-9453 or 580-548-3644

Depot Bar & Grill

Wed Lunch Special-Pork Chops, Potatoes, Pea Salad, Cookies and Cream Pie. Thurs-Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce, Green Salad, French Bread, Strawberry Cake. Fri-Chicken Fry, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Corn, Roll, Chocolate Cake. Open at 11am. Full Menu every day. Carry-Out avail. 580-327-2212

Dan’s Pest Control

Guarantees you a Pest Free home or business, at an affordable price. It is time to get your home treated for Spiders, Scorpions, Wasps, Ants, Flies, Bed Bugs & other flying & crawling pests. Dan and Sherry will be servicing the Alva area June 15, 16, 17, 27, 28, 29, 30. July 1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. Call 580-748-1953

Alva Sewing Center

New Husqvarna Viking Serger, only $499, only at Alva Sewing Center. 580-327-3312

Pasture Tree Clearing

Save moisture and Grass. Let me clear trees in your pasture. Skid Steer and Marshall Tree Saw. Ed Grover. 580-474-2465 or 580-542-0298

Professional Upholstery

with all types of furniture. Over 55 yrs experience. Goltry, OK. 580-496-2351

Page 40: June 15 Newsgram

June 15, 2011 caxca Page 42Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Kathy’s Painting/Alva

Interior, Exterior, Commercial and Residential, Drywall, Texture, Wall and Ceiling Repair, Ceramic Tiling. Wood Trim. Wood Staining. 405-831-6814

BBQ, Steaks & More!!

Red’s Place now offers Buckeyes and daily noon specials. Mon-Magnificent Meatloaf. Turkey Tues-$1 off Turkey Dinner. Mexican Wed-Real Mexican Cuisine. Thirsty Thurs-Free 20oz Drink with a meal purchase. Fri-Steve’s Hamburger w/Chips $3.99. Best Cooks in Town. Ribeye Steaks Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri nights

Kick’ N Coffee

Want a great homecooked meal come in and try our Daily Specials. Wed-Our new Firecracker Salad or Traditional Revil Soup. Thur-Awesome Chicken Salad with Croissant. Fri-Ham Salad Sandwich or Ham and Beans. Sat-Biscuits and Gravy. Pulled Pork or Ham Salad. Mon-Chicken or Beef Enchiladas that are Blue Ribbon Quality. Tue-Traditional Chicken Noodles over Mashed Potatoes. Try our New Gave Chip Freeze. 580-327-4486

For Your Const Needs

From A-Z, New Construction, Roofing, Additions, Remodeling, Siding, Windows, Int/Ext, Painting, All Work Guaranteed. Improve the value of your home. Call 580-732-1028

Large Home Daycare

has 1 full-time opening. Call Billie Coldwater @ 580-216-0401

Travis and Bobbie Krob

Tree Trim and Cut and Removal + Stump Grinding. Very Reasonable Rates. Call anytime. Insured. Travis 580-747-4256, Bobbie 580-430-7103


Interior-Exterior improvements. Room additions. Plaster Repair & Painting. Handicap Upgrades. Will also accommodate Farm & Ranch. 580-307-4598 or 620-825-4285. Hourly Rates avail. Mitch Reed


Small Tilt Trailer, Small Trailer Hauler, $200/Each. 2 PU Bed Trailers, $125-$150/Each. Combine Trailer. 580-327-1313

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June 15, 2011 caxca Page 43Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

You Can’t Find

a better drink special in Alva. Lowest Price, crushed ice, better flavor. Rialto. Everyday, all day, open till close. Carry-out only! Auto cups available on request. 516 Flynn, Rialto Snack Bar. 580-327-0535. Special prices on the best popcorn also!

Massage Therapist

Michelle Demaree-Gordon. 603 Barnes. 580-327-1888

Pony Boy Lures

600 Mimosa, Alva. 580-327-1233 or 580-430-5547. Night Crawler Worms. Marked down fishing tackle. “Henry Rifles.” All types Rifles-Shotguns, Hand Guns, Ammo-Archery. Buy-Sell-Trade


Help Wanted

J&M Repair in Helena, OK. is looking for experienced Carpenter. Must have valid Driver’s License. Also looking for Secretary. Must have computer skills and be people friendly. Fax Resumes to 580-852-3321 Attn:Mike

Nicholas Services

No hiring Class A Truck Drivers for all shifts. Earn over $1300 weekly/$15-$17.50 hourly. Excellent Benefits. Over 30 years in Business. Come be a valued member of our growing company that takes pride in our equipment and provides extensive oilfield training. 620-930-7511

Farm Supplies

For Sale

Alfalfa Hay. Small Square Bales.

1st and 2nd cuttings. Top Quality. Could Deliver. 580-829-1866 or 580-327-3205

Garage Sales

For Sale

Solid HardRock Maple Table w/2 Leafs, 8 Chairs and Matching Hutch. Microwave Stand, 12 Place China with all service Camelot Carousel 1315 Japan. 580-327-2093 or 307-277-1426

Yard Sale

Thurs, Fri and Sat 7am-2pm. 418 Center

Garage Sale

Sat 8am-noon. 912 Ridgeway Rd. Lots of misc. No Early Birds Please!

Carport Sale

111 Choctaw. Fri 4-7pm. Sat 8-11am. Couch, 2 Baker’s Racks, Rocking Chair, New Candles, Lots VCR movies (Western),remodeling materials, other furniture, rolls of wire, barrels, Antique Wooden Buffet Cabinet, JD Dump Cart, other stuff

Garage Sale

1445 Young. Sat 8am-? Show Goat supplies, tool box, w/d, bar height table and stools, clothes, toys, Relay for Life T-Shirts

Garage Sale

414 Mimosa. Fri 4-7pm. Sat 8am-noon. Eclectic menagerie of misc memorabilia

Garage Sale

Fri 5-8pm. Sat 9am-noon. Primatives, Antiques, Collectibles, Decor, Clothes, lots of stuff. 820 Skyline

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Jeanette Nelson, BrokerCall for Details 580-748-0745 or 580-327-1745

See all our listings atalvaokhomes.com





June 15, 2011 caxca Page 44Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Garage Sale

824 Locust Sat 8am-1pm

Garage Sale

646 Apache Dr. Sat 8am-?

Garage Sale

220 Barnes. Fri and Sat 8am-?

Garage Sale

1733 Maple St. Everything must go. Fri, Sat, Possibly Sun 8am

Liquidation Sale

816 Locust (Inside) Sat 8am-5pm. 6 rooms of quality merchandise priced to sell. Hospital Bed in good cond

Garage Sale

1 1/2 Mile W of Capron. 8am-8pm Fri. 8am-2pm Sat

Garage Sale

716 2nd St. Sat. June 18. 8am-?

Lawn Care

Kyle’s Mowing

now has openings for 5 lawns. Does your yard need work call me. Will undercut any price. 580-748-4064 or 580-737-0317

Mowing Service

Reasonable rates. Call anytime. 580-327-8392 or 580-603-1605


For Sale

Used Carpet. 580-327-1536 or 580-829-2830

For Sale

‘79 Ford Motorhome, 302 Engine, Dual Wheel, Roof AC, Fridge, Weekend Traveler or home for 1. $1200 580-327-1313. See at 520 Choctaw

Early Woods County

written by Beverly Kinzie, Published by Acadia Publishing, you can purchase a copy by calling 580-327-1612

For Sale

Round Table w/2 Leaves and 4 Chairs $100. 580-327-4760

New On DVD and BluRay

“Big Mommas, Like Father, Like Son” “Hall Pass” “Red Riding Hood” “Jackass 3.5” “Battle:Los Angeles” “A Cold Day in Hell.” Not available at NetFlix and RedBox. Rialto Video, 516 Flynn. 580-327-0535

For Sale

Treadmill barely used 1 yr old. $200 obo. 580-748-1816

For Sale

‘07 Honda Shadow 750cc. White. 3500 miles. $4250 obo. 580-884-0262

For Sale

Craftsman 8.5HP Chipper/Shredder. Like new. 580-430-5065

Early Woods County

book signing June 18 at the Alva Public Library from 2-4pm

For Sale

Lift Chair, like new. $300 obo. 580-748-1346

Real Estate

For Sale

3bdrm, 2bth, CH/A recently remodeled. 1129 2nd, Alva. 580-327-3811

For Sale

809 and 811 Flynn Apts. 813 Flynn House. Serious inquiries only. 580-430-6006

For Sale

Nice family home in Alva. 1842sqft. New CH/A. 4bdrm, 2bth. Fence. Ready to live in. 810 Locust. $89,900. 580-327-4869

New Listing

3bdrm, 2bth, Brick Home, Single Car Garage on the W Side of Alva. Call for appt Nelson Real Estate. Jeanette Nelson, Broker, 580-748-0745

Normandy Apartment

for rent. 405-659-4199

For Sale

Woodlake Estate 3bdrm, 2bth, 2 car, 2 living room, Beautiful Kitchen w/Eating Bar, Fireplace $176,000 w/$3000 Carpet Allowance. Contact Schuessler Real Estate 580-327-0707

For Sale

Prime Commercial Property. 140’ front x 150’ deep $142.000. Please contact Schuessler Real Estate. 580-327-0707. www.alvahouses.com. Check out our new listings

Looking to Lease

Private and Professional person looking to lease 500 to 1000 acres for deer hunting for 5 years. This is not an outfitter. Please call 772-221-8500 or Fax info 772-221-8502

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June 15, 2011 Page 46Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

From Page 40

SheriffFrom Page 38 Real Estateof the Southeast Quarter of Section 29, Township 30 South, Range 12, WPM: Warranty Deed.

Robert L. Conaway Jr. and Shirley E. Conaway to Robert L. Conaway Jr. and Shirley E. Conaway: Lot 5 in Block 5 in Regnier’s Amended Revised Second Addition to the City of Medicine Lodge: Warranty Deed.

Barbara J. Cundiff to Jerry E. Alex-ander and Glenna Alexander: Beginning 340 feet South and 50 feet West of the Northeast Corner of the Southeast Quar-ter of the Southwest Quarter, thence West 254 feet, Southeasterly 340 feet, thence North 110 feet, thence East 15 feet, thence North 130 feet to the point of be-ginning in Section 8, Township 35 South, Range 12, WPM, except beginning at a point 340 feet South and 50 feet West of the Northeast Corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, thence South for a distance of 75.5 feet, thence West 124.5 feet, thence North 01 08 feet 17 inches, thence West 75.52 feet, thence East 126 feet to the place of beginning: Quit Claim Deed.

Beginning Mortgage Book 200 page 4

MortgagesJean A. Stone and Cecil Newman,

Trustees of the Jean A. Stone Living Trust dated Jan. 24, 1991; Jean A. Stone and Cecil Newman, Trustees of the Jean A. Stone Living Trust dated Jan. 24, 1991 (as to an undivided 1/2 interest); Jean A. Stone and Cecil Newman, Trustees of the Dwight W. Stone Living Trust dated Jan. 24, 1991 (as to an undivided 1/2 inter-est) to Anadarko Bank and Trust Com-pany: (1) the Northwest Quarter of Sec-tion 23, Township 32 South, Range 10, WPM; (2) the North Half and the South-east Quarter of Section 10, Township 32

South, Range 11, WPM: $1,800,000.Robert E. Lamkin to The First State

Bank of Kiowa: the middle 1/3 of Lots 1 & 2 in Block 2 and the middle 1/3 of Lot 1 in Block 106 in the City of Kiowa: $25,000.

Rebecca L. Corr and Lawrence E. Corr (both single persons) to Western Credit Inc.: all of Lot 4 in Block 151 in the Town Company’s Addition to Kiowa: $4,460.

Boyd’s Aviation LLC, Brandon F. Mulhern and Wyndell A. Wroten to First South Farm Credit ACA: the surface interest only in and to the (1) North-west Quarter and the West Half of the Northeast Quarter and all that part of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter ly-ing South and West of the center of the Medicine River all in Section 5, Town-ship 32 South, Range 12, WPM; (2) the South Half of the South Half of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter and all that part of the West Half of the South-east Quarter lying South of the Medicine Lodge to Lake City diagonal road right of way now known as River Road and all that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter lying South and West of the center of Medicine River all in Section 32, Township 31 South, Range 12, WPM: $598,400.

Calvin E. Boyd and Carla J. Boyd, their successors and assigns as Trustees of the Calvin E. Boyd Revocable Trust dated April 3, 2008 and Carla J. Boyd and Calvin E. Boyd, their successors and assigns as Trustees of the Carla J. Boyd Revocable Trust dated April 3, 2008 to The Peoples Bank: the Southwest Quar-ter of Section 28 and the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 29, Township 30 South, Range 12, WPM: $300,000.

Deputy English.During the week officers received

16 reports of cattle out; 1 report of goats out; performed 17 Public Assists; and assisted two other agencies.

Arrests: 06-08-11 Carla S. Hawkins, Medicine

Lodge, W/F, 44. Arrest by BASO. Bond Revocation. Released 06-08-11 on $400 OR Bond.

06-11-11 Timothy R. Dierksen, Medicine Lodge, W/M, 51. Arrest by KHP. Charges: 3 Counts Mistreatment of Dependent Adult 2. 11 Counts Forgery. Released 06-11-11 on $5,000 Surety Bond.

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