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June 3, 2018 · 1057 Main Street - Hingham, Massachusetts 02043 Rectory Office: 781-749-3577 Email:...

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June 3 , 2 018 Saturday V igil: 4 :00pm Sunday M asses: Family Mass 9:30am 1 1:30am Life Teen 5 :30pm Daily M ass: Monday - Friday 7:30am Rosary immediately following Mass Confessions: Saturday 3:00 - 3:45pm Baptisms: 2nd Sunday of the month Sunday M asses: 7 :00am 8 :30am Family Mass 10:00am 1 1:30am Daily M ass: Monday - Saturday 9:00am Rosary daily 30 minutes prior to Mass Chaplet of Divine MercyDaily 3pm Confessions: Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm Baptisms: Twice a month Resurrection P arish S aint P aul P arish Mass S chedules Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, and they all drank from it. He said to them, "This is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed for many. Amen, I say to you, I shall not drink again the fruit of the vine until the day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God." - Mk 14:23-25
Page 1: June 3, 2018 · 1057 Main Street - Hingham, Massachusetts 02043 Rectory Office: 781-749-3577 Email: office@resurrectionhingham.org 147 North Street - Hingham, Massachusetts 02043

June 3, 2018

Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm Sunday Masses: Family Mass 9:30am 11:30am Life Teen 5:30pm

Daily Mass: Monday - Friday 7:30am Rosary immediately following Mass

Confessions: Saturday 3:00 - 3:45pm

Baptisms: 2nd Sunday of the month

Sunday Masses: 7:00am 8:30am Family Mass 10:00am 11:30am

Daily Mass: Monday - Saturday 9:00am Rosary daily 30 minutes prior to Mass

Chaplet of Divine Mercy—Daily 3pm

Confessions: Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm Baptisms: Twice a month

Resurrection Parish Saint Paul Parish Mass Schedules

Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, and they all

drank from it. He said to them, "This is my blood of the covenant,

which will be shed for many. Amen, I say to you, I shall not drink

again the fruit of the vine until the day when I drink it new

in the kingdom of God." - Mk 14:23-25

Page 2: June 3, 2018 · 1057 Main Street - Hingham, Massachusetts 02043 Rectory Office: 781-749-3577 Email: office@resurrectionhingham.org 147 North Street - Hingham, Massachusetts 02043


Collaborative Staff Directory

Parishioners in the Armed Services

“Almighty God and Father, hold our service men and women in your loving hands. Pro-tect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. Amen.”

Evan Wise, Joseph Menesale, Jamie Byrne,

Ryan Handrahan, Michael Freeland, Michael Manning, Justin

Eaton, Reed Hayes, Kevin Moore, John W. Beal, Matthew Par-

tyka, Jake Foss, Walt O’Donnell, Dominick Healey, TJ Bonner,

Patrick Koenen, Liam Koenen, Charles O. Pearson, Richard

McCann, Derek White, Tim Wood, Mark Winter, Sean Fitzmaurice,

George Carrick, Mark Setian, Keith Jermyn, Paul McDonald,

Drew Teague, Patrick Nugent, and Joshua Frey

Intercessions For The Sick

Praying for each other's intentions is an important part of our par-

ish life. These intentions will be remembered in our intercessions

at our Sunday Masses. The Book of Intentions is located in the

vestibule (near the front doors of the church) at Resurrection and

near the altar at St. Paul. If you would like the parish to pray for

your intention, please write your intention in the book. When you

come to Mass at Saint Paul and Resurrection, please feel free to

add your own intentions, update and flip through the book and

see how the Lord is working in the lives of others.

Reverend Thomas F. Nestor, Pastor - [email protected]

Reverend Sinisa Ubiparipovic, Parochial Vicar - [email protected]

Reverend Michael McNamara, Part-time Parochial Vicar - [email protected]

Deacon Joseph Harrington, Permanent Deacon - [email protected]

Mrs. Elizabeth Reardon, Director of Parish Ministries / Pastoral Associate - [email protected]

Ms. Mickayla Hagar, Collaborative Youth Minister - [email protected]

Resurrection Parish Mrs. Janet Hickey, Religious Education, Grade 1-8

Mrs. Mary O’Connor, Confirmation Coordinator, Grade 9-10

Mr. Adam Trudel, Music Director and Gr 6-7 Edge Program

Mr. Jason Deramo, Gr 8 Edge Program

Mrs. Michelle Guerrero, Business Office

Ms. Maggie Coleman, Administrative Assistant

Saint Paul Parish Sr. Tania Santander Atauchi, Director of Religious Education

Mrs. Louise Oberhauser, Administrative Assistant

Ms. Susan Troy, Pastoral Care Coordinator

Mr. Sal Bartolotti, Music Director

Mrs. Linda Resca, Business Administrator

Mrs. Cynthia Sullivan, Administrative Assistant

1057 Main Street - Hingham, Massachusetts 02043

Rectory Office: 781-749-3577

Email: [email protected]

147 North Street - Hingham, Massachusetts 02043

Rectory Office: 781-749-0587 Rel Ed Office: 781-749-5568

Email: [email protected]

Saint Paul School Ms. Lisa Fasano, Principal

Mrs. Holly Breen, Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Jean Schnorr, Director of Enrollment Management



For more information regarding the

Collaborative Parishes, Saint Paul Cemetery or

Saint Paul School, please visit our website or related websites:

www.HinghamCatholic.org www.stpaulschoolhingham.com



Bulletin entries can be emailed to: [email protected]

Everyday Stewardship

What else is there to give when one has already given away their body and their life? What more can one say or do to dem-onstrate love for another when all they have has been given to another? This total giving of self to loved ones cannot be trumped by flowery words or material gifts that are fleeting. This is the ultimate in love. This is the love Jesus had for us on the way to his passion, at the institution of the Holy Eucharist. This is the love he has for us daily in the celebration of the Mass on altars in every church, in every city, in every nation on earth. No one can give more. No one can ask for more.

This is the true heart of Christian stewardship. If you take the time to gaze upon your God in the simplest of forms and begin to reflect on what has actually taken place with bread and wine becoming the presence of the Divine, then you can begin to understand true humility, sacrifice, and love. And when you have the privilege to take that Real Presence into your body at the meal where you are an honored guest, you become one with the one who is the embodiment of steward-ship. Then, you must ask the question of yourself, "How can I even begin to reflect the love that I have encountered at this feast?" The answer is you can begin with the simple actions of the day: where will you go, whom will you meet, and in what work will you partake? Jesus Christ has shown that the greatest gift ever given can be disguised in this world in a piece of bread. By joining your body to his, he can now transform human hearts, not by grand acts but by everyday acts, by everyday people, p r a c t i c i n g E v e r y d a y S t e w a r d s h i p . -Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

Page 3: June 3, 2018 · 1057 Main Street - Hingham, Massachusetts 02043 Rectory Office: 781-749-3577 Email: office@resurrectionhingham.org 147 North Street - Hingham, Massachusetts 02043


Enthronement of Divine Mercy Fr. Sinisa would love to come and enthrone

your home and all within it to the Sacred Heart

of Jesus. Please contact him if interested! Res-

urrection 781-749-3577, St. Paul 781-749-0587

Saturday, June 2nd 4:00pm † Katherine Burke

Sunday, June 3rd 7:00am † Louis and Amelia Lucia

8:30am † Michael Vaughan, 11th Anniv

9:30am † Anna and Charles Slack

10:00am † Kevin DeCourcey

11:30am R † Dorothy McCahill, 1st Anniv

11:30am SP† William and Kathleen Chaisty

5:30pm Mass For Our Teens

Monday, June 4th 7:30am Special Intentions

9:00am † Jackle O’Neil, 22nd Anniv

Tuesday, June 5th

7:30am Souls in Purgatroy

9:00am † Mass For All Parishioners

Wednesday, June 6th 7:30am † Bill Sweeney

9:00am † Bernard Lane

Thursday, June 7th 7:30am No Intentions Scheduled 9:00am No Intentions Scheduled

Friday, June 8th 7:30am No Intentions Scheduled

9:00am † Anthony and Josephine Pileggi

Saturday, June 9th 9:00am † Ambrose Flatley

4:00pm † Frank and David Leary

Sunday, June 10th 7:00am † Jeannette and Frank Banusiewicz

8:30am † Marguerite Badger and Dorothy Badger 9:30am † Adela and Chester Ponichtera

10:00am † Noreen Benoit Deady, 9th Anniv

11:30am R † Eleanor Frappier

11:30am SP† John Miller, 4th Anniv

5:30pm Mass For Our Teens

Resurrection Parish

WEEKEND OFFERING May 27th: $8,567

Cash: $3,097

Checks: $4,102

Online Giving: $1,368

St. Paul Parish

WEEKEND OFFERING May 27th: $10,965

Cash: $2,301

Checks: $3,329

Online Giving: $5,335

May God bring into his Divine Pres-

ence the souls of all who have died,

especially Jerry McGillivray, Marga-

ret Murphy, Louis Quinn, Dorothy

Smith whose funeral were Masses

were celebrated this past week.

The 2018 Catholic Appeal cam-

paign is well underway. Thank you

to all who already have partici-

pated. Your generosity will benefit

hundreds of pastoral, charitable,

and educational programs at work within the Archdiocese of Bos-

ton, and at our Collaborative parishes.

So far 316 parishioners have participated,

and together, we have raised: At Resurrection, $84,359.00 – 107% toward our parish goal

At St. Paul Parish, $161,875.26 – 77% toward our parish goal

With $48,947 left to raise at St. Paul, we need the participation of every parishioner. If you have yet to participate in this year’s

Catholic Appeal, please pledge online at bostoncatholicappeal.org or complete a pledge form available in the back of the church. Thank you for your continued support.

Catholic Women’s Club

Join us and hear Bernadette Ippolito

speak of her experiences of her mis-

sion trip to Haiti with the teenagers

of our collaborative.

June 21st


St. Paul upper church

Page 4: June 3, 2018 · 1057 Main Street - Hingham, Massachusetts 02043 Rectory Office: 781-749-3577 Email: office@resurrectionhingham.org 147 North Street - Hingham, Massachusetts 02043


Lost and Found A gold bracelet has been found at Resurrection last weekend. There are 4 children charms on it (Karen, John, Steven and Brian) Please call the Rectory if you are missing your bracelet.

Lost and Found A Toyota key and (Kate and Carly mini key ring flash light) was found 2 weeks ago at Resurrection

St. Paul Parish

Tuesday, June 5th is an opportunity for Eucha-

ristic Adoration after the 9:00am Mass until

Benediction at 6:50pm.

HEALING MASS this Tuesday, June 5, at 7:00 p.m. in the lower church. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick will be available for those who have serious illnesses or are fac-ing surgery. Others may come forward after Mass for individual prayer for their own or others' needs.

The Massachusetts March for Life is on Father's Day, June 17. Help raise money for pregnancy help groups and let the public and legislature know that 1.4 million babies have died in Massachusetts since Roe v

Wade. Celebrate a pro-life Fathers' Day. Rally begins at 1 p.m. on the Boston Common. The march starts at 2:30 p.m. More info: www.masscitizensforlife.org or 617-242-4199.

After careful and prayerful consultation with Catholics throughout our collaborative, we are pleased to share our vision of the Pastoral Plan as we seek to carry out the mission that Christ has given us. Blessed with the gift of faith and the vision it affords, we must create a culture of planning for the future. Representatives from

both Resurrection and St. Paul comprised the writing committee that set about to formulate these guiding priorities and smart goals for the next three years. On June 9-10, these parishioners will be available after every Mass to speak to any questions that you might have. Thank you for your constant feedback and sup-port throughout this process, and we look forward to your contin-ued enthusiasm in the next steps forward.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter

“And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age." Is God present in your marriage? Bring Him in more fully by attend-ing a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next Week-ends are Jun 9-10, 2018 in Medway, MA and Sep 15-16, 2018 in Medway, MA. For more information, call Stephen & Michelle O'Leary at 800-710-9963 or visit them at https://wwmema.org/.

A one-way bus ticket and $35, Part 2

When last we reported to the Collaborative on Resurrection’s own Conor Sullivan, he was embarking on a month long pilgrim-age as part of his first year Jesuit formation. We are happy to report that he and the other 6 novices have safely returned to their home base, the Jesuit novitiate in St. Paul, Minnesota.

The seven novices traveled the country and learned directly the kindness of strangers. Traveling across the South, Conor worked in parishes, in soup kitchens, and schools. He did landscaping for a group of Christian Brothers. He traveled from Georgia to Ala-bama, through New Orleans, and Austin, and on to Dallas, Kan-sas, and Omaha. Bus fares were financed by donations from those he worked with and from strangers intrigued by his story and wished him well. With some donations he purchased Burger King gift cards to distribute to a homeless group in Athens, Geor-gia. Above all, he was impressed by the kindness of the people he encountered. He was comforted and inspired by seeing the good side of people in a world that is so often tarnished by con-flict and indifference.

Thanks to all for your prayers during this month of Conor’s pil-grimage and please continue to pray for him and the other nov-ices as they progress in their Jesuit formation.

Barb and Dick Sullivan

Would you like to get a close-up

view of the celebration of Mass from

the altar and get a better under-

standing of the celebration of the

Eucharist? Consider becoming an

altar server! Anyone who has re-

ceived their First Holy Communion is

eligible to become an Altar Server

and scheduling is flexible based on

your availability. Come and join us on SUNDAY, JUNE 10 after

the 9:30 Mass for a “behind the scenes” visit to the altar and brief

training. (No strings attached!) We will meet at the front of the

church directly after Mass. If you are interested in learning more

but can’t attend this training, please e-mail Jane McGrath at

[email protected]. Altar Servers have an important role

in our celebration of Mass. Come and see what it’s all about!


The Most Sacred

Heart of Jesus

June 8, 2018

Page 5: June 3, 2018 · 1057 Main Street - Hingham, Massachusetts 02043 Rectory Office: 781-749-3577 Email: office@resurrectionhingham.org 147 North Street - Hingham, Massachusetts 02043







AUCTION PREVIEW: Saturday, June 2, 4-6 p.m., with wine and

cheese, and Sunday, June 2, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., with coffee and snacks, in the Morcone Conference Center. Come see all the fabulous auction items AND PLACE YOUR BIDS! FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Sunday, June 10th, at 11:00 a.m. Come

join Sr. Kathryn Hermes, F.S.P, at a “Food For Thought” discus-sion with a light morning snack at the Morcone Center. Sr. Kath-ryn has an M.T.S. from Weston Jesuit Center for Theological Studies and an advanced certificate in Scripture. She has written many books. “Everything she does or writes has one focus: giv-ing people the tools for joy by radically shifting their focus through Presence.” No registration required. Donations gratefully re-ceived. COMMONWEAL CONVERSATIONS: continue on Mondays, June

11 and 18, 7 – 8:30PM. The discussions at these two sessions will be on the DEATH PENALTY. All are welcome, no matter what your opinion on the subject might be! Morcone Conference Center. No reservations needed.

Teacher Appreciation Mass and Dinner will be this Thurs-

day, June 7, at 6:00PM in the St Parish Rectory. All teachers

and volunteers involved with the St Paul Religious Education are


Registration for next fall is now open. Information and registra-

tion materials (i.e. forms and schedules) can be found on our

website. Early registrations and volunteers receive specials dis-

counts and benefits. If you wish to receive more information

please contact the Office of Religious Education.

First Grade-Religious Education: Be advised that in order to

receive First Communion at the end of the second grade children

should receive catechesis for, at least, two years. Also, to be

Confirmed students need to receive catechesis until tenth grade.

Contact the Office of Religious Education for more information.

We thank the St Paul Religious Ed students for helping at

the 11:30am Mass this weekend. Please, keep them and their

families in your prayers.

Home-catechesis: Be reminded that completed Grow-in-Faith

forms were due in May 31, 2018. Only students who submit all

home-catechesis reports will receive credit for one year Reli-

gious Education.

Teachers meetings will be held on Wednesday, June 13

(grades 6, 7, and 8) and Thursday, June 14 (HSFF grades 9 and

10). Further information has been emailed to teachers. Please,

check your emails.

Retreat experiences are

an important part of faith

development for all

Saint Paul School

s tudents and an

excellent tool for

teambuilding among

classmates and their

teachers. Most of our

school day retreats

include small-group

discussion and sharing

about our retreat theme,

a prayer experience, Mass, lunch and a project that can be

taken home as a memento of our day together. This spring

retreat experiences include:

Preschool using Old Testament stories to focus on obeying &

trusting God. They also learned about praying and knowing as

part of the Catholic family we can work through difficulties and

help others.

PreK discovering and exploring the church with Sr. Catherine.

They learned about special areas of the church such as the

sacristy, tabernacle, lectern, baptismal font and the altar.

Sr. Catherine shared time

guiding Kindergarten as they

learned about the importance

of “Jesus in our lives.” When

asked what they learned

from their special time with

Sister, a Kinder student

mentioned that he learned

that "Jesus is always by our

sides. He is everywhere we are."

Grade 3 reflecting on the message of Mark 9:37. After

morning Liturgy, the class enjoyed a lively follow-the-leader-

style game with the students working together to follow a

recipe and making their own tin can ice cream...just like

following Jesus' recipe for building the church!

Grades 4 and 5 students completing a "Kindness Rocks"

project. The goal of this retreat is to promote random acts of

kindness by painting inspirational quotes / sayings onto small

rocks and leaving them in unique locations with hopes of

brightening the day of one those who discover them.

Finally, Grade 8 begins their graduation week with a special

retreat excursion climbing the Blue Hills and Mass at the top

with Fr. Sinisa & our new seminarian friend, Joe!

Page 6: June 3, 2018 · 1057 Main Street - Hingham, Massachusetts 02043 Rectory Office: 781-749-3577 Email: office@resurrectionhingham.org 147 North Street - Hingham, Massachusetts 02043


Life Teen is the Collaborative youth ministry

program that also encompasses the

Resurrection Parish Confirmation program.

See our website for more information


Teen Holy Hour every Thursday

from 8:30-9:30pm at Resurrection. Come join us for

Adoration, Confession

and Music.

Upcoming Pilgrimages with Fr. Mike McNamara

Medjugorie “Climb Every Mountain”

September 11-19, 2018

$2299 (Double occupancy)

Israel “Be Not Afraid”

March 13-23, 2019

Flyers available in church

For brochure or more information please call Ser-vants of Christ Ministries @(781) 545-8336

Fr. Bill’s Lunch

June dates for our lunch service at Fr. Bill’s are now

a v a i l a b l e f o r s i g n up . Vo lu n tee rs (18 and older) need only attend

and serve meals; food preparation is not required. Our new dates of service are Wednesday, June 6th and Friday, June 22nd. Lunch service is 11AM - 1PM. If you would like to sign up for any of these dates please use the following Sign Up Genius link or you may contact Sylvia Sichol at [email protected] or 617-835-7601. Fr. Bill’s is dedi- cated to caring for the homeless and those at risk for home- lessness. http://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090544adaa2e5- serving

You can now donate to our next Haiti Mission Trip by providing the items most needed through Amazon!

(All individual selected items on the wish list must be kept identical for the Haiti prisoners.) Haiti 180 Mission Link: http://a.co/iDgXbno

The affects of our recent trip to Haiti continue to have a daily im-pact on the lives of our teens within the collaborative. Catherine, a Senior at Hingham High, wrote:

"On this trip, I learened the importance oc challenging yourself through discomfort; by saying 'yes' to God, even if we will be un-comfortable, leads us to grow in our faith and develop a deeper relationship with God. When we visited the Haitian prison, I was uncomfortable and nervous, but by having that experience, I saw the faith that some of those men had despite their horrific condi-tion and I realized the importance of seeing God in all people."

Page 7: June 3, 2018 · 1057 Main Street - Hingham, Massachusetts 02043 Rectory Office: 781-749-3577 Email: office@resurrectionhingham.org 147 North Street - Hingham, Massachusetts 02043


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