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June Calendar - The Sacramento Children's Home...June 15th is the day we observe National Smile...

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June 15th is the day we observe National Smile Power Day. This is a day for every- one to share the power of the smile. Research has proven that smiling really does increase attractiveness and likability between humans. Smiling creates a greater trust and increased interpersonal co- operation. Smiling at someone can help them to relax and relieve their stress while at the same time, it will make you feel right. Smiling (even if you do not feel like it) will lift your mood and can make you a happier person. National Making Life Beautiful Day is ob- served annually on June 11th. It is a day dedicated to encouraging and celebrating men and women who are making life beautiful. Whether youre creating beauty through building relationships or helping others achieve personal success, one small action can lead to a ripple effect, making life beautiful not just for yourself, but for those around you, too. June Calendar Main Li ne: 916-394-630 0 Fax Line: 916-394-6325 2 251 Florin Rd, Ste 158 Sac ramento 9582 2 Juneteenth is the oldest known celebra- tion commem- orating the ending of slav- ery in the Unit- ed States. Da- ting back to 1865, it was on June 19 th that the Union soldiers, led by Major General Gor- don Granger, landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended and that the enslaved were now free. Note that this was two and a half years after President Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation - which had become official January 1, 1863. On January 1, 1980, Juneteenth became an official state holi- day through the efforts of Al Edwards, an African American state legislator. The successful passage of this bill marked Juneteenth as the first emancipation celebration granted official state recogni- tion. Edwards has since actively sought to spread the observance of Juneteenth all across America. Juneteenth today, celebrates African American freedom and achievement,while encouraging continuous self- development and respect for all cultures. As it takes on a more na- tional, symbolic and even global perspective, the events of 1865 in Texas are not forgotten, for all of the roots tie back to this fertile soil from which a national day of pride is growing. Source: hp://www.juneteenth.com/history.htm Meadowview Family Resource Center
Page 1: June Calendar - The Sacramento Children's Home...June 15th is the day we observe National Smile Power Day. This is a day for every-one to share the power of the smile. Research has

June 15th is the day we observe National Smile Power Day. This is a day for every-

one to share the power of the smile. Research has proven that smiling really does increase

attractiveness and likability between humans. Smiling

creates a greater trust and increased interpersonal co-

operation. Smiling at someone can help them to relax

and relieve their stress while at the same time, it will

make you feel right. Smiling (even if you do not feel like

it) will lift your mood and

can make you a happier


National Making Life

Beautiful Day is ob-

served annually on June

11th. It is a day dedicated

to encouraging and celebrating men and women who

are making life beautiful. Whether you’re creating

beauty through building relationships or helping others

achieve personal success, one small action can lead to

a ripple effect, making life beautiful not just for yourself,

but for those around you, too.

June Calendar Main L ine : 916-394-6300

Fax L ine : 916-394-6325

2251 F l o r in Rd , S t e 158 Sac ramen t o 95822

Juneteenth is the oldest known celebra-tion commem-orating the ending of slav-ery in the Unit-ed States. Da-ting back to 1865, it was on June 19

ththat the

Union soldiers, led by Major General Gor-don Granger, landed at Galveston,

Texas with news that the war had ended and that the enslaved were now free. Note that this was two and a half years after President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation - which had become official January 1, 1863.

On January 1, 1980, Juneteenth became an official state holi-day through the efforts of Al Edwards, an African American state legislator. The successful passage of this bill marked Juneteenth as the first emancipation celebration granted official state recogni-tion. Edwards has since actively sought to spread the observance of Juneteenth all across America.

Juneteenth today, celebrates African American freedom and achievement,while encouraging continuous self-development and respect for all cultures. As it takes on a more na-tional, symbolic and even global perspective, the events of 1865 in Texas are not forgotten, for all of the roots tie back to this fertile soil from which a national day of pride is growing.

Source: http://www.juneteenth.com/history.htm

Meadowview Family Resource Center

Page 2: June Calendar - The Sacramento Children's Home...June 15th is the day we observe National Smile Power Day. This is a day for every-one to share the power of the smile. Research has

Meadowview Family Resource Center: June/Junio

“Tech + Art”

Free coding, electronics & art workshops

Grades 5th-8th.

Learn coding, circuits, and papercraft to

create an immersive LED art exhibit. Artists, techies, and newbies wel-

come. No coding experienced needed.

REGISTER ONLINE!! / WWW. YouthArtCode.org

When: June 17th-July 3rd @ 7650 Amherst St. 95832 / 5:30 PM-8:30 PM

June’s Health Topic is Practice Self-Care

Last month the FRC shared the S.P.I.C.E.S.

of the basic human needs. For this month,

we will be focusing on ten easy habits to

practice self-care.

We have all had the flight attendant go

over the precautious of turbulence. When

the masks drop down in front of us it im-

portant to cover ourselves before we help our neighbors seated beside us. Well

that is true with self-care as well. We must be able to take care of ourselves

before expecting to take care of others. When parents allow themselves to

practice self-care we more likely willing to looks after our love ones and our

jobs in a completely new perspective.

Ten easy habits to practice self-care

1. Exercise by taking afternoon walks or jogs

2. Meditate or practice breathing techniques

3. Take breaks when you need it

4. Choose who you spend time with

5. Laugh more

6. Eat your greens daily

7. Avoid emotional eating

8. Write in a journal

9. Learn to say “NO”

10. Stop overthinking

El tema de salud de junio es la práctica del autocuida-do. Autocuidado El mes pasa-do, el FRC compartió el S.P.I.C.E.S. de las necesida-des humanas básicas. Para este mes, nos en-focaremos en diez hábitos fáciles para practi-car el autocuidado. Todos hemos hecho que la azafata repasara la precaución de la turbulencia. Cuando las más-caras caen frente a nosotros, es importante cubrirnos antes de ayudar a nuestros vecinos a sentarse a nuestro lado. Bueno, eso tam-bién es cierto con el auto-cuidado. Debemos ser capaces de cuidarnos a nosotros mismos antes de esperar cuidar a los demás. Cuando los padres se permiten el cuidado personal, es más probable que estemos dispuestos a cui-dar de nuestros seres queridos y nuestros trabajos desde una perspectiva completa-mente nueva. Diez hábitos fáciles de practicar autocuidado. 1. Ejercicio haciendo paseos por la tarde o trotes 2. Meditar o practicar técnicas de respiración. 3. Tómate un descanso cuando lo necesites. 4. Elige con quién pasas el tiempo. 5. Reír mas 6. Coma sus verdes todos los días 7. Evita comer emocionalmente 8. Escribe en un diario 9. Aprende a decir “NO” 10. Deja de pensar demasiado

SAVE THE DATE: August 12th-16th, 9am-11amJoin us for our 3rd Annual Summer Camp! For supplies and activities to be extra

fantastic space is limited to 30 kids from ages 6-12. Please apply in person at 2251 Florin Rd. Suite 158, you will fill out consents and be

added to our roster. For more information please call (916)394-6322. See you soon!

ANOTA LA FECHA: Agosto 12-16, 9am-11amAcompaña nos para nuestro tercer anual Campo de Verano! Para que las actividades y

útiles sean extra fantásticos el espacio será limitado a 30 niños de las edades 6-12 años. Por favor aplica en persona en 2251 Florin Rd. Suite

158, llenaras consentimientos y será agregado a nuestro lista de participantes.

Page 3: June Calendar - The Sacramento Children's Home...June 15th is the day we observe National Smile Power Day. This is a day for every-one to share the power of the smile. Research has

Monday/ Lunes Tuesday / Martes Wednesday/ Miercoles

Thursday/ Jueves Friday/ Viernes Saturday/ Sábado


3 4 5 6 7 8

ESL Class 9am-10am

Woodbine Elemen-tary

2500 52nd Ave

Grupo M.A.M.A.S. 10 am–11:30pm

Afro Caribbean Dance Class


Zumba 10 am –11 am

Aced It Tutoring By appointment,

please call 916.394.6300

Yoga Class 10am-11am Mini Minds 11am-12pm

MPAP(8) 6pm-8pm

Zumba 10 am –11 am

Movie Night 4:30pm-6:30pm

10 11 12 13 14 15

ESL Class 9am-10am

Woodbine Elemen-tary

2500 52nd Ave

Grupo M.A.M.A.S. 10 am–11:30pm

Afro Caribbean Dance Class


Zumba 10 am –11 am

Aced It Tutoring By appointment,

please call 916.394.6300

Yoga Class 10am-11am Mini Minds 11am-12pm

MPAP(9) 6pm-8pm

Zumba 10 am –11 am Kids Can Cook

5pm-6pm Call to RSVP 916.394.6300

Juneteenth Celebration Rosa Park 2250 68th Ave,

95822 4pm-8pm

17 18 19 20 21 22


Grupo M.A.M.A.S. 10 am–11:30pm

Afro Caribbean Dance Class


Zumba 10 am –11 am

Aced It Tutoring By appointment,

please call 916.394.6300

Yoga Class 10am-11am Mini Minds 11am-12pm MPAP(10) 6pm-8pm

Zumba 10 am –11 am Glow Up Day


Follow us for updates! www.facebook.com/meadowviewbirthandbe-yond


24 25 26 27 28 29


Grupo M.A.M.A.S. 10 am–11:30pm

Afro Caribbean Dance Class


Zumba 10 am –11 am

Aced It Tutoring By appointment,

please call 916.394.6300

Yoga Class 10am-11am Mini Minds 11am-12pm MPAP(11) 6pm-8pm

Zumba 10 am –11 am

Ice Cream Social 11am-1pm

Parent Paint Night 11am-1pm

Page 4: June Calendar - The Sacramento Children's Home...June 15th is the day we observe National Smile Power Day. This is a day for every-one to share the power of the smile. Research has

Recognized by Sacramento County Child Protective Services as approved parenting classes for parents with children ages zero (pregnant) to 12-


For More Information Call:

Meadowview Family Resource Center

2251 Florin Rd. Ste. 158 Sacramento CA,


Nurturing Parenting Program Infant Toddler Preschool (NPP-ITP), Nurturing Parenting Program School Age (NPP-SA), Making Parenting

a Pleasure (MPAP), NPP Fathers (Fathers Inc.)

These Parenting Workshops are recognized by Sacramento County Child Protective Services as approved parenting classes for parents with chil-

dren ages zero (pregnant) to 12-years-old.

Consolidando el Programa de Crianza de los Hijos (NPP), Haga de la Paternidad Un Placer (MPAP), NPP padres (Padres Inc.)

El Programa de Crianza Para Padres y Haga de la Paternidad son reconocidos por los servicios de protección infantil Condado Sacramento ap-

robado clases para padres para padres con hijos edades (embarazada) de cero a 5 años de edad.


Come and join us for our ZUMBA CLASS loaded with red-hot dance steps pulsating Latin rhythms and easy to follow routines. / Venga y únete a

nosotros para nuestra clase de ZUMBA cargado con pasos de baile que pulsa los ritmos y fácil de seguir rutinas.

Teen Success

Weekly support group for young women who are teen parents or pregnant and under the age of 18 (Closed Group). Contact Angel Basha with

Planned Parenthood at (916) 325-1712, [email protected] for more information.

Sacramento Self-Help Housing

Get assistance with housing issues such as discrimination, evictions, rent increases, repair refusal, housing location. Walk-ins are welcomed, but

appointments are preferred. Reciba asistencia para alquilinos con evicciones, discriminación, reparaciones, búsqueda de casa. Contact Angie at


Kids Can Cook / Los niños pueden cocinar

Families are invited to a new cooking lab where parents and children learn to follow a recipe, shop smart, and get nutrition information. Families

will create a meal and eat it together! / Familias están invitadas a una nueva laboratorio de cocinar donde padres e hijos aprenderán a seguir una

receta, hacer compras inteligentes, y recibirán información acerca de nutrición. ¡Familias crearan y comerán una comida juntos!

Safe Sleep Baby

There are ways parents and caregivers can reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related causes of infant

death. Learn how to create a safe sleep environment for your baby and receive a free portable crib. (English Only)

ESL/ Aprendiendo Ingles

Every Monday at Woodbine Elementary School, join us for beginners English sessions. Tutoring sessions available as support. Call 916-394-6322 for more

information. Cada Lunes en la escuela de Woodbine, acompaña nos por sesiones de Ingles básico. Sesiones de tutoria disponible como apoyo. Llame al 916-394-

6322 para mas información.

Afro-Carribbean Dance Class

This class is for beginners as well as the advanced. We will be dancing to Latin Hip-Hop in a comfortable and supportive environment. Don't be

afraid to sway your hips, make faces and get into your groove!!!

Aced It Tutoring

Children ages 6-17 come receive help with after school homework. No homework, No problem… come to read, journal or Craft quitely with



Join us on Thursdays for a relaxing session of yoga. All skill levels are welcome.

Mini Minds

Join us for a time of learning, with school-readiness focused activities, crafts, Reading corner and games! Great for children ages 1-5.

Grupo M.A.M.A.S.

We offer support groups for families!

