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Jurassic Park IV- The Fall of Kin by Ben Egginton

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  • 8/12/2019 Jurassic Park IV- The Fall of Kin by Ben Egginton



    Ambience Entertainment Presents

    Jurassic Park IV- The Fall of Kin (Part One)

    Dear reader,

    My name is Harley Simpkins and you could say in many ways, Im a natural survivor, being gifted

    with a natural instinct when around or near danger. Im sure most of you reading this have at least

    heard of the Milford Incident on the infamous Isla Nublar, where only one returned alive out of a

    party of twenty. That was me. I was certainly fortunate. Not many could have lasted a month,

    stranded on an island, 300KM from civilisation on the Costa Rican mainland.

    So as Im sure you anticipated, many have marvelled on my safe return. Seriously?! How could a

    typical thirteen year old boy survive on his own, deep in the wilderness for such a length of time?

    Especially considering the many perils the island had in store for him! The perils that cost the other

    nineteen their lives.

    I must however be quick in admitting that it wasnt just my wit and quick thinking that saved me.

    From an early age my parents had ensured I was well trained in vital first aid and survival skills.

    Theyd always been extremely overprotective of me and worried on how I would cope alone in the

    big wide world as they liked to put it. Ironically it was this training that Idpreviously ridiculed that I

    give all my thanks to now. It was this ability, this set of skills that enabled me to pull through this

    time of trauma with a relatively clear head and live to tell the tale, a marvellous tale though all the


    For a long time now, ever since my return Ive been having nightmares of my encounters on the

    island and the friends I lost in the process. It was only last night, during my weekly meeting with my

    psychiatrist that he suggested it may help me to forget if I got what I saw off my chest and started to

    open up about what Id seen. So here I am, writing an account of my experiences. Every last detail. I

    mustnt hold back any facts;that would just prevent closure. It feels good to be finally talking about

    it, about what happened and the horrors I faced. Finally the burden is being lifted off my conscience

    and being distributed lightly onto others shoulders.

    So in case you were wondering, thats why Im so willingly telling you about all of this, to talk to a

    complete stranger on issues and events close to my heart, events that even I still cant get my head


    Lets track this from the beginning

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    Chapter One

    July 8th

    1998, Milford, Connecticut

    Harley! Get up, youre going to be late!

    My mom yelled this from the foot of the stairs. It may have been for the second or even third time,

    seen as there was an edge of anger about her tone.

    I let out an exasperated groan, but didnt protest any further. Yawning loudly, I arose after a

    succession of short stretches. For a moment or two, I just sat up and examined closely the familiar

    surroundings of my bedroom. Id overslept, that much was apparent. Light was filtering in through

    the drawn curtains beside the bed on which I sat. Damn! I cursed silently to myself. It must have

    been a considerable bit later than my arranged 8 oclock wakeup call. I realised if I were to be on

    time now, Id have to move fast.

    So right now I guess youre wondering what all the commotion was about? Well in short to that

    question, I was due to catch a flight from Bridgeport later that day along with my junior baseball

    squad, the Milford Breeze. The initial plans for our midseason break (or midseason training

    programme as our coach always put it to the parents) to take place overseas this year had come

    much to our excitement. Having said that, it didnt exactly take much to stir up enthusiasm seen as

    the majority of us had been born and raised in the quiet of Milford, Connecticut. Most, including

    myself may I add hadnt even had the opportunity in our lives to venture out of the state, let alone

    travel to any distant foreign lands.

    The destination after much debate had finally been set as the Central American nation of Costa Rica.

    It was here that we were due to be playing a series of test matches against a San Jos team over the

    next fortnight, although as my parents put it was really more of an excuse for Coach Babcock to get

    himself a decent holiday before the summer was out. Even I had to admit the location chosen was a

    little queer. It was a land of beaches and waterparks, not one known for its sporting venues or

    baseball itself for that matter. No complaints on my part though, my parents just needed to lighten

    up a bit and catch up on all the fun. This next fortnight was going to be great! Party on!

    One thing in particular that struck me as rather odd was the fact my parents had allowed me to go

    on the trip, to a place so far afield without their supervision. Prior to this they hadnt even allowed

    me to journey to Bridgeport or Hartford without one of them at hand to watch over me. Theyd

    always stressed that carelessness could get you into a whole load of trouble and that they werent

    willing to take that risk. I guess looking back on it all now though, it had been my Dad who had been

    the most reluctant out of the pair in letting me go, a man who himself hadnt set foot outside of

    Milford more than a handful of times in his life. I think thats why my mother swayed over to my way

    of thinking in the end, not wanting me to become a double of my father. He lacked the sense of

    exploration, being a rather boring character all in all. I am however less inclined to mock his view

    now. After all Ive come to see and experience there does now seem a little sense in it.

    Another yell erupted from downstairs, louder, more threatening this time. To avoid them entering

    my room, I replied with a yell of my own.

    Im coming! Give me a minute will you!

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    I got to my feet and padded lightly across my cluttered bedroom floor towards my closet. From it, I

    carelessly selected my clothes for the day to come, throwing on the first thing I came to within

    reason. Seen as where I was headed was due to be hot, I chose cargo shorts and a t-shirt. As soon as

    I had changed, I headed out of my room and began my descent to the foot of the stairs from where

    my Mom had arisen me with her calls.

    Something caught my attention on the way down, hitting my nostrils. The smell of burnt toast. My

    Dad always liked it that way and likewise my Mom always complained about it, on what a mess it

    made. It was always the petty things that sparked arguments between the pair. Im not even sure

    why Im talking about this. Its probably because in a strange sense, its one of the clearest memories

    of the events I have, even clearer in my mind than all the weird stuff that goes down later on in the


    It was strolling into the kitchen where I found my Mom and Dad. From mere speculation, it seemed

    they had been up for a while. My Mom stood in the corner doing the washing up, while my father

    sat at the table reading the morning newspaper with a cup of coffee. Silence. Tense silence. The past

    few years lets just say had been rough and tumble, with my parents finding themselves on the edge

    of divorce. It had all started when I was around eight, but I didnt take the matter seriously until Id

    reached ten. I was the only reason why they were still together, united in their aim of doing what

    was best for me.

    Both of them (as I briefly explained earlier) were overprotective of me to an extreme or even

    radical level one may go as far as saying. Yes I was their only child, but still it annoyed me a great

    deal. I wasnt living life to the full in their cage of protection, I was merely existing. Throughout my

    childhood I had missed out on many notable events, like my friend Karlos paintballing party. These

    were times all my friends would be able to look back on with a smile when they grew older, to

    comfort them it was a childhood well spent. Even in this case my parents had only allowed me to go

    reluctantly, with the assurance that my much trusted friend Dougie would be travelling along with

    me. For some reason they trusted him. Hes alright that lad my father would sometimes comment.

    Maybe it was because all my other friends (especially Jackson) were thrill seekers and

    troublemakers, characters who came much to my parents distaste.

    Despite all my open protest about their ways, deep down I wasnt complaining. It was this fact alone,

    their love for me that prevented my parents from coming to hate one and other. Without me, the

    family would have broken up long ago.

    So do you have everything packed and ready? my Dad asked, looking over the newspaper for an

    instant to meet my gaze.

    Packed everything last night I confirmed, nodding to give my complete assurance on the matter.

    This did in fact remind me however that I hadnt yet packed my book. Written by Dr Alan Grant, it

    was titled The Nature of Dinosaurs: Book 2 (The Late Cretaceous Period). It had been a novel that

    had intrigued me a great deal at the time and still does to this day. Admittedly it was a good few

    years old and Id lost count of how many times Id already read it, but nevertheless it was still a thrill

    to read. I must say I preferred the first book out of the two, he liked dinosaurs back then, but I was

    yet to get my hands on a permanent copy of that version so book two would have to do.

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    For as long as I can remember, Ive always been into dinosaurs. Apparently my Uncle Ray bought me

    a T-Rex toy for my fourth birthday and since that day Id developed an unhealthy obsession with

    them. More than anything in life, I wanted to be like Alan Grant, the very best in the field with a big

    shot reputation. I mean everyones a jock at something at the end of the day.

    Anyway, I didnt say anything on the matter of the book, but did make a mental note to put it in my

    bag when I next went upstairs. In the meantime Id helped myself to a bowl of cereal and had taken

    a seat next to my Dad at the table. A short while passed of eager crunching, quickly downing the

    contents of the bowl. When Id finished eating though and my stomach had settled, my attention

    drifted and I found myself taking a quick, careless glance of the newspaper my father held.

    Something caught my eye unexpectedly and I was drawn to examine it more closely. Now my full

    attention and mind power was driven towards the effort of finding out what exactly it was that had

    unsettled me.

    It was only a minor back-page article, headed in bold:

    Cost Rican Government to relax flight restrictions over the Sorna Islands with the coming of

    unexpected development in the area

    There was certainly something strangely familiar about the mention of Costa Rica, beyond the fact

    that I was to travel there today. It was something else. I wracked my brain for answers to no avail.

    Could I have seen an article in the news about one of the islands earlier on in the week? Maybe

    thats why Id come to think of it as familiar. All of a sudden a hypothesis flashed into my head, but

    in an instant it was gone again and the uncertainty returned. I didnt realise at the time how close I

    had been to hitting gold. Certainly had my thoughts not been interrupted by the radio in the

    background, the events from here would have been totally different, so different in fact I probablywouldnt even be writing this account.

    This is a KPAM travel update from the centre of Milford! Traffics looking rather slow this morning

    with a collision on State Highway 162, heading eastbound into town. Severe delays have resulted

    From behind the newspaper, my Dads eyes shot up. Obviously what hed just heard had worried

    him. Hmm he began to mumble to himself in thought. That doesnt sound good. Go and get your

    bags Harley, wed better be heading out. I rolled my eyes and groaned a little in response. Playing it

    safe as usual! It was still a good hour until I was due to be meeting up with my friends and a short

    drive into town was all it would take, delay or no delay.

    Regardless of my opinion, I arose to retrieve my suitcase from upstairs, not wanting to get a

    mouthful from my Dad. Besides, I was real excited for this break and was eager to hit the road and

    get it underway as soon as possible. I dearly wish I could say my enthusiasm lasted out.

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    Chapter Two

    The news had been quite correct in their reports; Ill give them credit for that. Thetraffic stopped

    and started a great deal and nearing the city centre, the traffic even ground to a complete standstill

    at times. Not that it particularly mattered. Given the early departure my father had forced, we still

    arrived in good time. If anything we still arrived at our destination a little early. As I stressed to him

    at the time, sitting in the traffic and watching the endless stream of red brake-lights ahead, there

    really was nothing to worry about.

    All in all, Id say the drive took a good forty minutes. Admittedly I was tiered and fed up by the end of

    it, seen as it was a journey which normally took no longer than fifteen. Mentally it seemed to drag

    out even longer than the given time. For days now the anticipation had been building up inside of

    me for the coming of the midseason break and now it was so close, just out of my grasp, the wait for

    it had become almost unbearable. It was in many ways the same feeling to the one I get on

    Christmas Eve, a sensation that Im sure many of you reading have experienced first-hand for


    We turned off the highway early to avoid any further congestion and from there our progress

    escalated. The side streets around the back of the town were deserted (very much like its suburbs)

    and so from there it didnt take us long to reach our destination. As for where that was, it was an

    IHOP not far off Milfords small city centre. Still there were few people about as we pulled into the

    layby, nothing but an eerie ghost town in appearance. It was a town that few people moved into.

    Most sane people just wanted to get out.

    My friends Dougie Jefferson and Jackson Banks were due to meet me here. We met up here quite a

    lot, especially on the weekends. Im not sure how or when it had become our standardised point ofmeeting, but I took it for what it was. At the end of the day there were few other options in such a

    small locale. The only other viable option was Jacksons treehouse, but he lived all the way across

    town from the estate Dougie and I lived on. I guess you could say Dougie and Jackson were my best

    friends, the friendships probably fused by the fact that they were the only other members of team

    who attended the same school as me. Dougie and I were actually in the same tutor group, so Id say

    we were more closely connected all in all, having a high regard for one and others opinions.

    At present it was ten to ten, a fact that I only became aware of when I took a quick glance at my

    watch on pulling into the layby. That gave us just under half an hour. We were due to meet with

    Coach Babcock and the rest of the team at quarter past for the short coach journey to Bridgeport.Despite being a relaxed kind of guy, promptness was one thing Coach Babcock always stressed.

    Some say he used to work for the military in espionage, which would explain his need for accurate

    timings, saying stuff like ETA 12:17 in a serious deep-pitched voice. Im not sure how much truth

    was in that story, he seemed more of a lone wolf, a free soul in my eyes. Thats why I held so much

    admiration for him, because of the considerable amount of free will he exercised, having little care

    for what others thought of him.

    For a second or two I just sat there on the edge of my seat, muscles pulled tight, waiting. Im pretty

    sure my Dad didnt notice my anxiety, not right away at least. He seemed quite troubled himself

    actually, his expression distant, as if he too was dwelling upon something. I neednt add that Iworried for what would become of my parents while I was away. Somebody had to be there to keep

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    them from ripping one and others heads off. They didnt do so well together, that much is easily


    Their divorce was coming, I knew that, Id accepted that. It was just a matter of time now. The idea

    of the divorce wasnt necessarily what got to me emotionally. That in itself would probably do us all

    some good in the long run. The decision on who to stick by in the process though, Mom or Dad

    weighed down hard on my shoulders. I was well aware that it was a burden Id be unfit to carry, a

    choice I was too young to make. I would never be able to look in the others eyes again, knowing Id

    betrayed them.

    My Dad turned off the engine at the ignition. CLICK. The engine cut out with a rumble and silence

    followed. I think hed finally sensed my unease, but not its true cause by any means. In his eyes it

    was probably the anxiety on what awaited me in the hostile outside world that got to me, but it

    wasnt, I couldnt get enough of travel. Dr Grant was always travelling and unlocking new mysteries.

    It was an ideal life. One filled with wonder.

    He didnt say anything on the matter. If he had sensed my feelings, that was as far as it went. He

    didnt act on it in any way, try and comfort me. My Dad had never been an emotional character. It

    was always my Mom who came to me when I was troubled, who knew who I really was as a person.

    The driver door swung open and my Dad stepped out of the car and into the road. A gust of cool

    wind followed, hitting me hard on in the face, ruffling my hair. This action, I took as a cue to move

    out myself and so I followed, padding around the other side of the gleaming white Dodge. My

    sneakers squeaked underfoot and I took in a large gulp of fresh air. Life certainly felt good right now.

    I met my Dad at the rear of the car, who had stooped down briefly to tie his laces. I pulled at the

    catch and the boot came swinging open with a smooth WOOSH. Other than the suitcase and my

    Dads work boots, the trunk was completely empty. I reached out for the handle of the case and my

    Dad also leaned in to help unload it onto the pavement. I never asked for any help, I didnt really

    need any. He just insisted on it like he always did.

    When my Dad had let go, I tightened my hold on the handle and turned to begin rolling the suitcase

    towards the double doors of the IHOP. Two paces in though was as far as I advanced. Dad grabbed

    my shoulder from behind, holding me back in my tracks. Surprise, surprise, before hed let me go he

    asked for me to make him one final promise. I let out a groan. It wasnt like the terms and conditions

    list wasnt long enough already. Once again he got a little shuddery and over the top, acting

    irrationally, as if a trip to Costa Rica was a most perilous encounter. Granted Id never been there

    before, but still I despaired at the concern he showed. Now, boring a way as it is to live your life, I

    can see why playing it safe seemed such an attractive option to him.

    Harley, I need you to be sensible while youre out there. If anything goes wrong you call us Youve

    got the phone havent you?

    Briefly, my hand hovered over my right pocket. Just as Id expected, after feeling around a bit I found

    the satellite phone jutting out. In response to his question, I nodded slowly and mumbled in despair:

    Yes Ive got everything Dad!

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    It was beginning to seem that I needed to assure him I wasnt some stupid moron, not once, not

    even twice, but at every waking moment. I knew that, he obviously didnt and after all this time it

    was starting to get on my nerves. I mean as far as I could tell, I would be a heck of a lot safer in the

    outside world than he was. At least I wasnt so scared about everything. So in note of this, before I

    continued in my way through the doors, I added tiredly:

    Dad, theres nothing to worry about. Im not a baby, I can look after myself. Besides Ill only be gone

    for a fortnight and for the most well just be training

    Hmm, thats what the coach says.

    My father interrupted, cutting me off in my stride as he did so often, as if he knew better than I did

    on the matter. His eyebrows arched as he said it as well, to emphasise the mistrust he felt towards

    the coach. Sure hed always had a grudge on the man and I expected a long rant to follow. Instead

    though, rather unexpectedly he turned to smile. No more was said on the issue and I was thankful

    for that. Maybe he did have some fun in him deep down after all because he continued in an upbeattone from thereon. (Note to self: When I return, try and bring out this happier side to his character.

    It would do us all some good).

    Anyway enough of that! Enjoy yourself Harley. Ill pick you up from the airport a week on Saturday.

    Just give me a bell when you land.

    Throughout the duration of his speech I nodded lightly, just wanting to be off. He had a tendency to

    rant on, especially when I was busy and had somewhere to be Like my long awaited holiday of a

    lifetime! When he did finally cease to speak, I turned to smile, partially to show I understood him,

    but also to express my happiness that I could finally be off into the big wide world, free at last!

    He waved one last goodbye and I shot him my trademark thumbs up in return before I turned and

    headed inside the IHOP. The cold, fresh air of the air con hit me full on in the face and initially I

    shivered. Thats it, I was left alone. Well for a moment I thought so at least.

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    Chapter Three

    Hey! Harley! Over here!

    It was Dougie who had shouted this, rising to his feet with a grin. He was a blonde haired, brown

    eyed individual whose skin was perfectly tanned. To say the least, he was a figure who held a greatdeal of respect and authority in our group. In the 1995 and 1996 seasons hed even been named

    team captain due to his exceptional ability to lead as Coach Babcock had put it, his tenure in the

    position only ending as a result of a ghastly injury. Sometimes he still felt the side effects, but lately

    his condition had improved, becoming more normal and healthy again. Much to our relief hed been

    given the thumbs up to travel, although it was still questionable on whether or not hed play.

    Standing on his tiptoes, he waved to me from across the IHOP. I took a glance across and nodded

    slightly to show Id spotted him, cracking a grin. Jackson was sitting there too, slurpingon a

    smoothie. Out of the three of us, Id have to say he seemed the most prepared. Wearing a Boston

    Bruins sunhat and tinted sunglasses, it seemed he was already in the Costa Rican climate, in mind-set at least. It was clear that he wanted to be there at this very moment, living the dream, enthralled

    for the fortnight to come.

    Physically, Jackson was noticeably butch compared to Dougie and I, being rather imposing all in all.

    His distinct edge in height and weight had moulded him over the years into one of the main

    aggressors on the Milford Breeze, although a brief career in peewee hockey may also have

    contributed to his belligerent nature. It was certainly rare to come across a player with such an

    infamous reputation on the field for scuffling with opposing players, simply when situation suited

    him. I have to admit though; it certainly made me feel safer on the field and off it as well for that

    matter! None of the chavs at school messed with us for sure.

    For a second I just stood there, unmoving, alone in the doorway. I let out a yawn, the muscles in my

    mouth stretched to their limits as I tried to try and shake myself completely awake and numb the

    sense of drowsiness that had fallen upon me. Typical! Id taken particular care in going to bed early

    the night before to prevent tiredness on the big day, but still the extra sleep had served me no good.

    Nevertheless, I forced my grievances aside and pressed on. Taking slow steps at first, I began to lug

    my suitcase towards the far corner of the IHOP in which my two friends sat. Trust them to choose

    the hardest booth in the bar to get to!

    After mastering the maze of tables and people, I set down my suitcase and moved across to take a

    window seat facing the pair. Already, even at this early stage it seemed that Jackson had begun to

    stir up some controversial debate, with Dougie rolling his eyes in dismay at one of his comments. So

    to catch up on what had been happening in my absence, I sat back and listened for a short while. It

    was Jackson who was speaking when I took my place around the table, exclaiming:

    Say, I heard about this waterpark they have in San Jos thats meant to have over fifty waterslides.

    They say its the biggest theme park south of the US!

    His eyes widened in excitement, extending so far in fact it seemed he was high on something, his

    pupils dilated. Not that it would have surprised me if he was high. Dougies brow creased at this

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    comment, seeming less convinced by it all. Once Jackson had finished in his remark, Dougie pointed

    out bluntly:

    You do know they just fiddle the statistics right? Fifty slides my arse! Half of em are probably for


    I remained the middle man, unsure on what to believe, although I had to admit that fifty slides did

    seem an awful lot. Even by Orlandos standards that would be one monster of a theme park! I

    wanted to believe it was true, but from what I could tell so far it was just another one of Jacksons

    stretchers. He did it quite often, blowing the most minor of facts hed picked up off the TV

    completely out of proportion. If there was anything he loved, it was exaggeration. It was one thing

    that helped him gain attention from others and maintain his status as a prominent figure within the

    group. I have to say, out of all my friends at the time he was the one person that never fell out of the


    Matter-of-factly, it was now that Jackson turned to me with puppy eyes, desperately trying to lull meinto conformity.

    Come on Harley, you believe me dont you?

    I laughed uncertainly at his plea and turned my head to avoid his gaze. I didnt want to state my

    views on the matter as directly as Dougie had, that would just put him in a mood. The last thing I

    wanted was to kill everyones appetite for fun and cheer right on the onset of the holiday.

    Brilliant! Bloody Brilliant!

    Jackson muttered to himself in disbelief, allowing a scornful expression to fall across his face. It wasobvious that he was trying to guilt trip us, speaking as if he didnt know who we were anymore. The

    attempt was a rather pathetic one in complete honesty. We knew how he rolled and had been

    expecting this, so instead of showing remorse we met him with an even glance.

    He scowled at our unrepentant reaction and continued to grumble darkly to himself.

    Ill remember that when some shark attacks one of you in Costa Rica.

    The hostile comment was taken lightly, being met with much chuckling on mine and Dougies part,

    bemused by the absurd concept. Jackson even laughed a little at what hed said. At the time we

    didnt expect anything of the sort to actually happen out there, not in our wildest of dreams. Yes we

    were well aware that the Pacific Ocean was shark infested, but we could never imagine being in the

    victims shoes. Little did we know something much worse and far more unexpected was heading our

    way than a common shark attack.

    So do you think well actually be playing any matches while were out there? I asked.

    Im pretty sure I knew the answer to that question; I doubted that Coach Babcock would want to

    waste his fortnight in the sun on routine events of the sort. The reason why I asked the question was

    to deviate from the conflicting subject at hand and get the trip back on track as the awesome one Id

    hoped it would be. I mean I didnt know whether or not Id get such a wild adventure ever again, inmy childhood at least and so Id promisedmyself to make the most of every second of it.

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    I hope not Jackson answered with a grin. I didnt even bother packing my kit.

    Dougie nodded thoughtfully at what Jackson had said and then he too spoke on the matter:

    Yeah Im pretty sure we wont be playing there. From what I gathered we can go off and do pretty

    much whatever we want

    Awesome! I cut in enthusiastically. Ill be headed straight for the beach then.

    And me! Jackson added, beaming. His eyes were alive and bright; gleaming in anticipation on what

    awaited us in the coming hours.

    While I continued to think on what I was going to do on my arrival and what else I was going to pack

    into the break, Dougie glanced down at his watch. In doing so, his expression hardened and he

    looked back up to address us. Guys, wed better get moving he broke in over our cries of

    excitement. Its gone ten. Weve only got fifteen minutes to reach the bus terminal.

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    Chapter Four


    The plane shuddered as we took off from the runway at Sikorsky Memorial Airport. It was a thrill but

    a scare at the same time and I held tightly onto the armrest beside me, my jaw pulled tight. Dougie,who sat to my right side, also seemed a little anxious in the situation, with beads of sweat

    accumulating on his forehead. This was a first for both of us. Wed never flown before and so the

    feel of being flung into the air at hundreds of miles an hour wasnt something we were accustomed

    to. There were a variety of reactions throughout the cabin towards the take-off, as the engines

    began to wail to life. Some screamed, some shouted Whoa! with glee and others like Dougie and

    myself simply remained silent, taking it all in.

    Jackson who was sitting by the window on the other side of Dougie didnt seemed to be bothered by

    any of it, having very little a reaction to the take-off all in all. His calmness hadnt surprised me, given

    the fact he was way more daring than Dougie and I, having done some quite extreme things in hislifetime. For him change was nothing out of the ordinary and casting a quick glance across at him, I

    noticed a slight smirk slip across his lips. Obviously our unease had amused him and I cursed silently

    to myself. He wouldnt forget what hed seen. Hed surely mock us about our feared reaction later

    on when wed landed.

    That brings me on to say, my uncertainty in the situation wasnt purely due to being on board the

    plane. There was a lot more to it than that. You could say it had all been triggered by Austin

    Babcocks first, rather unexpected surprise. Not one of us had seen it coming. In fact we hadnt

    anticipated any shocks until wed landed in Costa Rica at the very earliest. So now I was on high

    alert, expecting the unexpected to occur at any given moment. Ill admit it was a hard concept to getto grips with at first (having to keep my guard up at all times), being used to an environment where

    nothing out of the ordinary or off-routine happened, EVER. Oh what depressing lives we all lived!

    So what had happened?

    Well we met with the team at the bus terminal as planned. When we had boarded the bus for

    Bridgeport though, Coach Babcock said something that struck me as rather odd. Using the

    microphone placed at the head of the bus, he announced with great cheer that we could dispose of

    our American Airlines boarding passes, claiming He had something better planned instead.

    Immediately, what Dougie had said in the IHOP was beginning to show truth, with all the plans our

    parents had been informed on quickly falling apart into a more extreme, unthinkable turn of events.

    Id have laughed a few months ago if someone had told me what was coming my way from here on, I

    think anybody would have.

    What really annoyed me was the fact that he didnt go on to explain what he meant and just left it at

    that. Despite our protests, he set down the microphone and refused to say any more on the matter

    until we reached the airport. He simply let the tension hang for an hour or so. That was generally the

    way he rolled. The big intense build up to the surprise was all part of the fun in his eyes, maybe even

    the best part, with he being the only one who knew what was going to happen. Playing God as one

    may put it.

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    Much to our bewilderment, instead of pulling up outside the main entrance of the airport where all

    the other buses were, we found ourselves passing through a set of wrought iron gates and being

    whizzed onto the airstrip itself. Ok, this was definitely strange. No security or passport control! What

    was going on?! All we could do was sit tight, wait and see what happened next. The coach still

    wouldnt speak, so speculation was the only way to move forwards, for us to keep up with the


    The bus drew to a halt and our questions were finally answered. We all stood eagerly; desperate to

    get a look out of the window and see where it was wed parked. Thats when I saw it. The Learjet 45.

    Its sleek white bodywork gleamed, so new in appearance it could have been run off the production

    line just moments before. The steps had been pulled down, exposing the plush interior within where

    the captain and crew could be seen making their final preparations for departure.

    Some of the people around me (including Jackson), pointed at the plane in question, as if to say Is

    that really our plane? Coach Babcock who had now risen from his seat to lead us off the bus,

    nodded to confirm that this was indeed our plane. Wow! I couldnt withhold my excitement, thinking

    on what he had up his sleeve next. He certainly hadnt disappointed me or anyone else. We were

    going to fly on a private jet and not only that, we were going to fly on Learjets latest model!

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    Chapter Five

    The novelty of flying aboard the Learjet, much to my regret wore off rather quickly. In regards to

    comfort nothing was at fault, but it was rather overcrowded and there were very few provisions on

    board for our own personal entertainment. There werent anytelevisions fitted as I had assumed

    there would be before boarding the jet and we were limited in the amount of food and drink we

    could have too. The latter more than anything generated a good few groans of protest throughout

    the cabin, but the coach quickly shushed us, promising what was to come was worth the wait.

    After five long hours of flying, I began to lose it, feeling fidgety and bored. Right now, I wished for

    nothing more than the satisfying feel of solid, sturdy land to set foot on, a place that I could stretch

    my legs and breathe in some fresh air.

    As there was so little to do on board the plane other than the obvious options of rest and talk, the

    passing of time was slow and hard to keep track of. In fact it didnt take long for us to become

    completely reliant on the pilots time updates which he made over the intercom every now andthen, to tell how far we were from our destination.

    By this point in the flight pretty much all the conversation had dried up, causing the atmosphere

    within the plane to change drastically in comparison to when we had first set out. All the important

    matters had been talked over in the first hour or two of the flight and soon after even the more

    talkative individuals found themselves stuck for words. Given the dead, restful ambience within the

    plane at present, it was becoming increasingly hard to believe that there were over a dozen trouble-

    seeking kids on board.

    One thing that did keep me occupied in my thoughts, was a certain concern that had been growing

    within me for the past half an hour or so. Initially, Id just thought it was me being paranoid, but then

    I came to notice a pair in the neighbouring row sharing a concerned glance of their own out of the

    window. The plane continued in its decent and a shudder rippled through the bodywork of the

    cabin. I gripped onto my armrest until everything had settled and then continued to think. Yes, there

    was still no sign of the Costa Rican coast on the horizon, so why had we begun to descend so soon?

    From what Id gathered from the last time update, we werent due for arrival for another hour at

    least. Im not expecting you to sympathise with me on the matter (because I was probably just

    overreacting like my father would), but I have to say I felt edgy and uncertain over what was

    happening. Was it just another one of the coachs surprises or could my Dads warnings actually be

    coming true?

    My ears began to pop and I swallowed. POP, POP, POP. I sat arms crossed on the aisle seat next to

    Dougie and Jackson, trying to ignore the sound. Jackson was too tired to make any sort of a remark

    on the progressing events, slumped in his seat, eyelids heavy. I doubted he was even aware on the

    current situation, given that he was the only person on a window seat who wasnt shooting theodd

    glance of concern at our gradual approach to ground level.

    Everyone has a breaking point and Id just met mine.

    Thats it! I couldnt bare it anymore! The only way I was going to be able to put my mind at ease wasby confronting the coach on the matter. Briefly surveying the rest of the cabin, it seemed everyone

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    else was reluctant to openly address the issue, thinking to themselves that it could very well be

    nothing and would go away in due time.

    Rule 17 of The Survival Handbook-Never assume everything is going to be ok. Pursue any signs of

    danger no matter how discreet, until you can confirm for a fact that they pose no threat.

    Until now I hadnt taken any of the survival training Id received in my youth seriously. Who needs

    this crap? Id often think to myself. I live in modern day America, not in the middle of a rainforest

    during the Stone age!

    I tried to stand but couldnt. My muscles were tight and inflexible, partly from being cooped up for

    so long and partly as a result of the building anxiety within me. I took a succession of brief stretches

    to loosen up a bit before I began to head down the aisle, towards the front of the plane where the

    coach sat. The great majority of people remained passive towards the matter, rather reluctant to

    address the issue, although a few did raise their eyebrows at me as I passed as if considering to

    follow my example themselves.

    From where I stood now (a row behind the Coach), it didnt seem that he shared our concern by any

    means. In fact his expression seemed very much at ease, as if everything was going as according to

    plan. I knew that meant one of two things. A- he was still unaware on our decent, or B- hed planned

    something without informing us. Option B seemed the most likely, but Im not sure which would

    have been my preference. Some of the coachs surprises were a little on the drastic side, even by my

    standards. Hed already hired a private jet in secret, what else did he have waiting up his sleeve?

    Maybe I just needed to calm down a bit and kick back my feet like everybody else. I was being way

    too uptight about things, like my Dad always was. The typical characteristics of a Milford dweller

    were certainly showing up inside me right now and I shuddered at the thought.

    For a moment he just sat there, unmoving. I assumed he was asleep and so opened my mouth in

    order to rouse him. Before I got the chance though, he turned and observed me looking over him

    with eager eyes. Once he saw it was me he stifled a grin. That look alone was enough to confirm my

    theory that there was something else he hadnt told us, besides the plane.

    What is it Harley? he asked innocently.

    The plane It looks like were coming into land, but that cant be I began to stutter uncertainly,

    pointing out of the nearest window to try and get my point across to him.

    Ah yes! he began, raising a finger as if hed only just remembered what was happening himself. I

    was just about to talk to everyone about that. Its nothing to worry about just go back to your seat.

    Once hed finished saying this, he unbuckled his seatbelt and stood to address the whole cabin. I

    meanwhile did as directed, backing up to my seat a few rows back, although I didnt sit. Quite a lot of

    the others had stood, wondering what it was Coach Babcock had to tell us. Another twist in events?

    Ive got a surprise for you all! he announced, booming it so he could be heard across the cabin, by

    the lively and drowsy alike.

    Those who hadnt already directed their attention towards the coach did so now. Most like I had

    edged out of their seats a considerable bit on hearing the announcement, fuelled by the prospect of

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    excitement. Surprises very rarely came in Milford. In truth, it was as bland as a place could get and

    consequently, in our youth we were all well-tuned in picking up even the slightest sense of mystery.

    There was a common goal amongst the children of Milford to embark on at least one journey in our

    lifetime, to have one thing of interest to tell our grandkids of when we grew old.

    Coach Babcock continued to stand with a crouch, positioned firmly in the centre of the aisle so he

    could address us all evenly. Despite this, I couldnt help but notice his eyes drift andsettle on me for

    a moment, as if hinting what he were to say next concerned me in particular. It was only for a

    second or two, but I knew there must be a reason behind it. The Coach rarely did anything without

    good reason. He was a character who was always one step ahead of everyone else. Like I said earlier,

    he enjoyed playing God.

    While all this was going on, the plane continued in its steady descent. The popping in my ears

    became ever more intense and the blue of the ocean below now seemed even more of a prominent

    sight than it had just a few minutes ago.

    As if to emphasise this, the plane shuddered and the seatbelt icons above our heads lit up. Despite a

    brief stumble to keep our feet, none of us paid any attention to the warning. We were too

    determined for answers to bother with that.

    Surprise? What kind of surprise? I and a few others broke out in question at the remark, all of us

    intrigued, eyes filled with wonder on what he had in store for us.

    Given his adventurous character, our Coach had become well known over the years for being

    spontaneous. Its needless to say that all of us on the team held a considerable amount of respect

    for the man before us, a saint if you like to the youth of Milford. How else would he have lasted as

    our head coach for so long?! More than anything we loved to hear his stories. He was one of the few

    people born and raised in the town who had travelled far and wide in his lifetime, a man with a true

    spirit for exploration. Most the parents in town however, like my father didnt hold the same viewof

    admiration towards him as we did. In their eyes he was pure trouble, a bad influence on us.

    Anyway Coach Babcocks response was quite a playful one, urging with a grin Have a guess. A

    considerable many responses followed this, voices erupting from all corners of the cabin, mine


    Swimming with sharks?

    Hunting wild animals?



    Are we meeting an MLB pitcher?

    Are we really on board a space rocket?

    Can the plane land on water or something?

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    Are we going to land at that 50 slide waterpark?! Jackson just had to add that, a subtle dig back at

    Dougie and I from earlier. Obviously that wound had struck quite deep and was yet to become a

    scar. At times he could hold grudges for quite a while, even from the most minor of disputes.

    The questions were spat out in rapid concession, one after another, or should I say one overlapping

    another. As they went on, the suggestions gradually became more wild and unrealistic. Still they

    didnt even comeclose to what Coach Babcock actually had lined up for us. The answers continued,

    seeming endless and inexhaustible by this stage. I think it was this fact that finally prompted him to

    halt us in our antics.

    NO! The Coach interrupted with a loud shout,raising his hands for silence. No, its much better

    than that he continued to say in a lighter tone once silence had settled (with the exception of the

    two monstrous engines on each side of the plane).

    So what could it be then? The tension, the pure anticipation of what we could be headed towards

    was literally eating away at me. My shoulders tensed and I forced them to relax.

    The Coach eyed us all playfully, eyes glinting as he uttered the word Dinosaurs.

    He didnt need a long speech to make an impact, that one word summed it up just fine.

    The single, lone word sent ripples of excitement coursing through my body. So thats why hed

    looked my way! He knew I was a big dinosaur nut. Hell everybody did!

    Im going to show you all Jurassic Park

    He said this casually as if it were no big deal, but from the way he licked his lips I could tell he

    expected our reactions to be quite a sight. His expectations were quite right to say the least. We all

    gasped and a moment later the cabin burst into hysteria. How could it be possible? How could such

    an operation be safe? The Isla Nublar had been out of bounds for over a decade now, ever since the

    dinosaurs had broken loose and wreaked havoc on the secluded island. This was a fact that I couldnt

    keep out of my mind, that I couldnt fail to stress the importance of.

    But the parks closed! The dinosaurs escaped And the islands off limits!

    I cried out the remark so I could be heard over everyone elses confused rabble. I wasnt just

    speaking for myself here, it was obvious that the same thought was running through my teammates

    heads too. Id just beaten them all the mark in expressing the concerns over the matter.

    Dont worry, Ive got it all worked out!

    Coach Babcock chuckled lightly, hands raised in his defence, in order to plead his innocence to the

    confused majority. He waited for order to be restored and once silence had settled once more, he

    continued to explain:

    My brother as Im sure youre all aware is a successful International businessman. Anyway,a few

    years back when John Hammond passed away, he purchased the Isla Nublar. Beforehand hed been

    reluctant to sell, not wanting another rival businessman to steal his glory, while his family who

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    inherited the land just wanted to be rid of the place. Too many memories. Ever since hes been

    working on rebuilding the park, safely this time.

    Beside me, Dougie turned to smile. Once again our beloved coach hadnt failed to impress us. Not

    only had he surprised us an awful bit, but hed also undermined our parents authority. I mean we

    needed at least one role model to counter their play it safe attitude if we were to prevent becoming

    a complete double of them. Jackson was also noticeably taken aback by what the coach had

    revealed to us, grinning widely as he muttered, Genius Pure genius! Like all of us were, he

    marvelled over the aspect of seeing dinosaurs in the flesh, with his own two eyes! This was going to

    be an adventure of a lifetime! No one from Milford had the imagination to create such events, let

    alone the opportunity to live them out!

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    Chapter Six

    Hey look! Its the island!

    The cries caught me by surprise an awful bit. Id been dozing lightly in my seat when I was arisen by

    the shouts. Immediately my eyes flickered open and I turned to see who had spoken. It was Jacksonand I noticed him pointing excitedly out one of the planes circular windows. Dougie had also been

    roused by the shouts of excitement and we both now leaned over Jackson to get a better look for

    ourselves. In the rows neighbouring our own people seemed to share our curiosity, eager to get a

    glance at the legendary island.

    Initially on looking out of the window I frowned. All I could make out was a rough green shape

    (presumably a strip of land), surrounded on all sides by the intense blue of deep ocean. I squinted to

    try and pick up any additional vital features, but it came to no good. Once the plane had got a little

    lower though and the last of the cloud had cleared, the view below became a whole lot sharper.

    Thats when the realisation truly hit me that we were flying over the Isla Nublar. Much to mydisbelief I found myself looking upon Jurassic Park with my own two eyes. Yes THE Jurassic Park. For

    a moment I just sat there rigidly. This had to be a dream, things just seemed too perfect to be true.

    Coach Babcock had been telling the truth all along. It wasnt some prank, the park had been rebuilt!

    No longer was it the wilderness that had been plastered over the front-page of newspapers on the

    parks downfall, with all signs of human intervention long gone. Electric fences were clearly in place,

    unscathed and operational. The roads too seemed well maintained, although I was yet to sight any

    cars using them. His brother must have been rich that was for sure, far richer than Id assumed when

    Id been told some time ago by the coach that his brother was a successful businessman who had

    earned his fortune in the stock market. Im talking billions of dollars here, not millions by any means.The work that must have gone into this was so extensive it was hard to put a price on it.

    We currently flew over thick forestland, but just over the trees a collection of buildings could be

    seen. These structures I presumed made up the main visitor compound, although that was simply

    based on the fact that it was the only sizable structure Id seen on the island of yet. Matter-of-factly,

    it was in this direction that we seemed to be heading, but I was unsure on where we were to land as

    Id yet to have eyes on any sort of landing strip. If this was the main compound up ahead as I had

    assumed, then there would be one somewhere close. Not that I was particularly looking for one at

    the time anyway. There were so many other, far more extraordinary sights to keep my mind


    The most memorable of these sights came just a few seconds later, when the trees cleared and we

    found ourselves flying over open grazing grounds. The field was vast to say the least, expanding all

    the way into the distance, but it was what was on it that was more extraordinary than anything. Yes,

    this was the point that I got my first glimpse of a dinosaur. A real life dinosaur!

    Oh my God! Is that a Dougie began to stutter, although he lost his train ofthought in the

    excitement of it all, his voice trailing off.

    Brachiosaurus. Its a Brachiosaurus

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    I finished the sentence for him, despite the fact I too was taken aback. I uttered the word in

    disbelief, so close to the window now that my nose had pressed firmly against it. Thats when my

    eyes widened, for the first time taking in the full extent of the sight. There wasnt just one dinosaur,

    there was a whole herd of them! Or should I say HERDS. It wasnt just the Brachiosaurus we could

    see now. There were a good few other species of herbivore there too, grazing in peace, creating a

    still and harmonious scene all in all. Off the top of my head, one of the other breeds I noticed was an

    Iguanodon. I chuckled lightly to myself at the sight. Id wondered quite a lot in the past on what it

    must have been like on Earth during the Cretaceous period and never had I assumed it being so


    As much as Id have liked to have stayed looking upon the sight, we only had twenty seconds to take

    it all in before the plane soared on ahead. I tried to look back, to get one last glance, but the attempt

    came to no avail. Accepting defeat, I turned back to look on ahead and noticed that just clear of the

    fields, a grey landing strip was quickly emerging. Once more the pilot flashed on the seatbelt symbol

    and this time Coach Babcock called for us all to take our seats and buckle up.

    Reluctantly, I sat and fastened my lap belt. It caused me a great deal of pain in doing so. I certainly

    didnt want to miss a second of the action from out of my window, especially given how fast the

    events were progressing out there. The world of dinosaurs was one of quick reflexes and the

    principle of survival of the fittest as Alan Grant put it in his book. In other words attack was

    imminent at every moment, no matter how safe it seemed. Hed been in the situation first hand at

    the end of the day, on this very island, so I took his word for it. The only thing that swayed me to

    conform to the Coachs order was the eagerness to set foot on solid ground, so I could explore the

    park extensively. So although it was difficult, I restrained myself from protest.

    A weightless feel briefly befell me as the plane prepared for the final stage of its descent. Very much

    like on the take-off, Dougie and I gripped our armrests with sweaty hands, eyes closed, preparing for

    impact. For a second nothing changed and everything was still and silent. Then the cabin shook as

    we came storming in towards the runaway and with a firm bump we hit ground level. It was a

    relieving feel and I let out a sigh, allowing my anticipation of what was to come later that day to

    override my uneasiness in the situation.

    Dougie turned to me and smiled. Wed done it! We were here! We had landed at Jurassic Park!

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    Chapter Seven

    Given everyones great excitement, a huddle quickly formed to exit down the planes single set of

    steps. Regardless of this, Dougie, Jackson and I were still one of the first to get off and feel the humid

    tropical air hit our faces. We were also the first (with the exception of Coach Babcock) to notice that

    nobody had arrived from the park to meet us, nor had they left a jeep so that we could make our

    own way to the visitor centre. Even though this came as a shock to me, what surprised me all the

    more was the fact that for once the coach seemed as baffled as we did over the matter. Clearly hed

    been expecting someone to meet us here, maybe even the owner of the park himself. Alas there

    were no signs of this being the case.

    Despite this initial confusion, once wed all gathered on the tarmac of the runway and Coach

    Babcock had thought over the matter thoroughly, he shrugged off his worries as nothing but

    mischief. After all this was Coach Babcocks brother we were talking about, a man who we presumed

    had just as many tricks up his sleeve as his sibling did, maybe even more given the fact that he was

    two years his senior.

    OK kids he announced, quieting us all in our personal debates, struck by wonder on what it could

    be that was wrong. It looks like my brothers playing a little greeting prank on us, so wed better

    make our own way up to the compound.

    We all groaned a considerable bit at his verdict, the prospect of having to carry our hefty luggage all

    the way to the compound being a rather unsavoury idea in our minds. The coach left us little time to

    talk over our grievances though, as in an instant he set off with his bags along a winding dirt track up

    ahead, waving back at us to follow. A few yelps of Wait up! broke out in response and we all

    quickly grabbed our luggage in order to follow his tracks before we completely lost sight of him. As Imentioned before, promptness was an incredibly important thing in the coachs eyes and he

    certainly didnt want to fall behind schedule due to this mess-up.

    Much to my astonishment, the walk didnt take an extraordinary length of time by any means. Id

    expected a trek of miles across the island, but from what I can remember it may only have taken as

    little as ten minutes to reach civilisation. Admittedly the time dragged out quite a bit, given the

    drastic change in climate we came to face. My head throbbed from the intense glow of the sun and

    my forehead was glazed over with sweat, the heat being so powerful that I was forced to take off my

    hoodie and tie it around my waist. Im pretty sure at the time Dougie and I felt a certain degree of

    anguish towards Jackson, who was getting on rather well in the situation with his sunglasses andbaseball cap for protection.

    At one point Dougie couldnt hold back his feelings and grumbled in discontent to himself, while

    scratching his neck in the presence of a swarm of hungry mosquitos:

    Damn mosquitos! Im dying here! Why couldnt they have just picked us up in the jeeps?

    Oh quit moaning Dougie! Jackson cried in response, walking to his side along the track with his

    military styled backpack slung over his shoulder.

    Well its alright for you! Youd be fit to travel through the Amazon in what youre wearing! Dougiesnapped back bitterly. Jacksons expression darkened and he looked over Dougie for a moment as if

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    readying himself to challenge the statement, but when he noticed that I too was smirking a little at

    his extreme dress code, he thought again.

    Even if he had wanted to continue to defend himself, there really was very little time for an

    argument to erupt amongst us anyway. It was just a moment after Dougies remark that the first

    buildings of the visitor compound came into view, the ones of which I had seen from the plane just

    moments before. A few whoops of triumph broke out amongst us and I mouthed a silent prayer of

    thanks for our speedy arrival. Austin Babcocks brother must have known it wouldnt take us long to

    reach him by foot, making it a somewhat justified joke.

    All the buildings were based around a small lake, with a number of marvellous feature fountains

    spurting out of the water, illuminated with a calming violet light. Most of the structures were two to

    three stories in height, being built primarily out of concrete although they had timber roofs to

    improve their appearance and eco-friendly status. Emerging into the central square, to take the sight

    into perspective my heart skipped a beat. It was the signs that had the biggest impact on me,

    realising the true extent of the exhibits and the range of dinosaur species they held.

    One in particular that caught my eye was a light blue signpost, label led The Giant Orthocone and

    other Deep Ocean exhibits.

    They, they have sea dinosaurs I muttered uneasily to myself.

    As we were near the front of the group at the time, Coach Babcock actually came to hear my query

    and briefly turned to address it. He nodded lightly at my comment and said Yes, I believe they do.

    My brother insisted that the new Jurassic Park would show all aspects of Jurassic life. Clearly he

    didnt see what was so extraordinary or out of place about the idea, but he wasnt a dinosaur whizz

    at the end of the day.

    I knew more than anyone that aquatic dinosaurs were by far the most fearsome and dangerous of

    the lot. Not only this, but I had my own personal issues with them. They had always troubled me

    somewhat, ever since Id read my first book on aquatic dinosaurs as a seven year old. The

    Plesiosaurs especially had been a fear of mine, being a primary cause of many of my childhood


    Harley, are you ok?

    Dougie had obviously noticed my unease on spotting the sign pointing to the aquatic exhibit. Still hehad no knowledge on my fear of them. That was one thing I shared with no one, not even my best

    friend. I guess you could say it was my Achilles heel. So in order to prevent him pursuing the matter

    any further, I just smiled in return and assured him Sure, why wouldnt I be?

    Dougie shrugged, unsure on the exact reason of his suspicions and pressed on without asking any

    further questions. I meanwhile did the best I could to press the thoughts of the ocean exhibit to the

    back of my mind and quickened my pace in order to catch back up with Jackson and Dougie. Its not

    like I had to go there, so I dont see why I was getting so worked up about it. If I just steered clear of

    the place then Id be fine.

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    It appeared we were heading for the building at the far end of the plaza, the largest and most

    domineering of them all. Unlike the buildings that surrounded it, it was composed primarily out of

    glass with a steel framework, a modern wonder that stuck out remarkably against the surrounding

    wildlife of the island. As Dr Grant had noted in his book, the Isla Nublar was a tropical island and so

    dinosaurs werent the only wildlife you would come across there. Snakes for one were particularly


    Anyway, as we got a little closer to the building, my initial thoughts were confirmed. There was a

    banner over the automatic door entrance containing images of a variety of dinosaur species, headed

    in bold Jurassic Park Visitor Centre. It was certainly an impressive sight, far more extensive than

    the work John Hammond had been able to carry out on the island for sure. From what I could tell so

    far this place could hold thousands of visitors at a time as opposed to the sparse few the previous

    parks small compound could have accommodated for.

    By this point Coach Babcock had reached the set of doors and his pace had slowed. He padded

    lightly up to the entrance as if expecting the automatic doors to be out of service given the fact we

    were still yet to sight anyone in the general vicinity. Meanwhile we all watched from behind eagerly.

    One pace, two paces The doors slid open with a jolt and Coach Babcock breathed in a sigh of relief.

    Turning back to us, he waved for us all to follow him inside.

    One thing was apparent as soon as we entered the Visitor Centre Hall and that was the lights were

    out. It didnt matter in terms of sight because it was still light outside and the glass exterior to the

    building allowed the light to flood in, but it unsettled us a great bit. There was nobody inside, it was

    empty and silent. If there wasnt anyone in the main entrance to the park, where could they be?

    Ok, this is getting mega weird Dougie muttered under his breath.

    Youre not half wrong there I agreed.

    The Coach advanced a little further, although he held up a hand to tell us to halt where we were. He

    headed towards a circular reception desk in the centre if the cavernous hall and leaned over it for a

    moment to examine what was behind it. A few seconds passed of shuffling, but then he returned

    victorious with a document in his hand.

    Well our bookings on here, so they knew we were coming he said. Ive got all our allocated

    rooms here, so I say we drop off our bags and get some sleep. Im sure my brother will show his face

    in the morning.

    A few dissatisfied grumbles followed, including my own. I wanted to explore the park now! I couldnt

    hold myself back a moment longer. It had been hard enough to restrain myself on the plane, but

    asking me to wait the night was worse than torture.

    Lets go guys, Im sharing with you Jackson said, raising an eyebrow for us to follow. Indeed, we did

    just that for a couple of paces, but then something caught my eyes and I cried. Hey! Guys! Wait!

    With my right hand I pointed at what Id seen and without thinking I began to take hasty paces

    towards it.

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    Chapter Eight

    I really dont like this, somethings got to be up Dougie commented. Like Jackson, he was sitting on

    his bed in our allocated room, although to pass the time Jackson had been reading a Marvel comic

    book with mild interest. It was an old edition, so hed already read it a good few times. I meanwhile

    stood at the far end of the room, beside a large window. It gave a spectacular view of the scenery

    that the tropical island had to offer, although Id yet to spot any dinosaurs. Thats why I was really

    looking. I was far keener than my two friends to keep an eager eye out for any sign of Jurassic life.

    Jacksons primary aim at present was to put Dougies mind at ease and rolling his eyes, he put down

    his comic book.

    Dougie, get a grip. Theres nothing weird going on here, its just a prank like the coach said!

    Jackson said this with an edge of anger, reluctant to acknowledge that anything was wrong or

    seemed out of place in this extraordinary, desolate theme park. Deep down Im pretty sure we all

    knew something strange was going on. Certainly there was a lot more to the absence of the ownerthan just some practical joke aimed at winding us all into a frenzy. Even Coach Babcock seemed

    deeply troubled by our greeting (or a lack of it should I say) and by the seemingly human-less

    presence on the island. Hed always been so sure that he had events firmly under his control, but

    here hed clearly been caught off guard and was as clueless as we were in regards to what was going

    to happen next.

    Yeah? What about the coach? Hes as scared as we are. Coach never gets scared about nothing!

    Dougie bit back, rising to his feet now to challenge Jacksons ignorance. Jacksons argument had

    been severely damaged by Dougies remark and he knew it. Still, he remained reluctant toface up to

    the fact. He simply turned away and took a seat in a swivel chair at the desk in the far corner of theroom, muttering under his breath Oh geez!

    Well why dont we go and find out whats going on.

    Dougie and Jackson both turned to stare at me, surprised by my interruption. Still, my remark had

    got their attention a great deal and they nodded to me as if urging me to expand on what Id just


    We havent seen anyone yet and everyone else will be in their rooms, so its unlikely well get

    caught. Plus we can go and get a look at some of the dinosaurs before nightfall. I said. More than

    anything, I didnt want to sit back idle all night while so much adventure awaited me outside the four

    walls of our room.

    Jackson nodded thoughtfully at my idea and muttered with a shrug Yeah, Im in. Dougie

    meanwhile was a little more hesitant over the matter. He certainly didnt want to ruin his good

    reputation with the coach by sneaking around, but there was also the tugging urgency for answers

    within him which begged for him to conform with us.

    Are you bent? Well get caught. Dougie eventually said, sticking to his play it safe side that my

    Dad so often saw and admired. Look itll only be a quick look and theres no one out there to catch

    us! Jackson said, starting to plead now. Dougie though, continued to shake his head as if his mind

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    was already made up over the matter. He said rationally Theyll have CCTV, nothing will go unseen


    Yeah! It wont matter anyway, because if we uncover Coach Babcocks brothers little trick well be

    heroes. You might even get your captain badge back Dougie. Jackson continued to press.

    It almost worked too and Dougie was forced to think long and hard over what to say, but eventually

    he stuck to his initial judgement and groaned Forget it, Im staying here.

    Or I could tell the other guys you were too scared to sneak out and had to cry to mommy on the

    phone. Jackson said, cracking a smile. Dougie glared at Jackson icily for a second as if to say you

    wouldnt dare and then let out adefeated sigh and headed for the door.

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    Chapter Nine

    The corridor up ahead was unlit and to take account of this our pace slowed, so much so that we

    eventually ended up grinding to a halt. It had been over three quarters of an hour since wed snuck

    out of our room and we were yet to have seen anything of any interest. Dougie had been fed up

    right from the start and the darkness that lay ahead, I came to assume would be his point of retreat,

    the final straw in convincing him our actions at present were pointless and irrational. I mean it was

    only the thought of Jackson damaging his street cred and golden reputation that had swayed him to

    sneak out in the first place.

    The more logical reason for a retreat (one that bothered me in particular at the time), was the

    obvious fact that we were lost and without a clue as to where we were headed from here on. Our

    lack of direction didnt hold back Jacksons curiosity and willingness to continue by any means,

    although like myself Dougie had become quite nervous. Finding himself trapped in a foreign and

    hostile environment hed lost all appetite for exploration. Right now he probably wanted nothing

    more than to be tucked up safely in bed back home in Milford, something wed always taken for


    One rather easy assumption about our current location was that we were no longer in the

    permitted visitor area of the park. In my eyes at least it seemed pretty clear that we had entered

    more forbidden territory, finding ourselves behind the scenes of Jurassic Park. This idea came purely

    down to the fact that we no longer had the luxury of brightly coloured signs at our disposal to guide

    us in the direction of the parks various attractions. Instead we found ourselves trapped in a maze of

    plain white corridors, giving a certain hospital look about the place all in all.

    We could have chickened out and turned back there and then (which would have been the wisedecision), but we didnt. There was something that had drawn us here, a force thats rather hard to

    explain with words. Although it may seem silly to some of you reading, but being a radical Star Wars

    fan I hold strong beliefs in the Jedi Religion, where all beings that die become one of the force. At

    the time and still to this day, I believe it was the force that guided me here and could even have

    been responsible for my survival in the wider picture of things.

    I have to say even without this to guide me ahead, the silence and darkness about the place certainly

    gave off an air of mystery, as if something truly remarkable lay beyond. It was this feeling that

    helped me overcome my unease and convinced me that what lay beyond that door would hold the

    answers I sought, if there really was anywhere on the island that we could find them.

    For a short while the three of us just stood there gawping, observing the darkness ahead uneasily,

    reluctant to move. Jackson had retrieved a flashlight from a supply cupboard a few turns back and

    now shone the beam it radiated ahead curiously, trying to get a better idea as to what we were

    headed into. For a second longer he squinted, but being a bolder character than Dougie and I his

    mind was satisfied far sooner. With a light shrug, he began to advance with soft, slow paces.

    Dougie, being more alert in the situation than I was, was the next to move off. Due to the building

    anxiety within him though, his advance ended up being in the form of more a shuffle than a walk.

    SKWEEEEEAK! The rubber bottom of his sneakers scraping along the tiled floor created an ear-

    splitting noise.

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    What are you doing you idiot? Someone might hear us Jackson scowled critically through gritted

    teeth, looking back momentarily to glare at Dougie.

    Sorry Dougie whispered in return, although from the way he shook I could tell the tension really

    was getting the better of him.

    I took in a deep breath to calm myself and then followed my friends. Just a few paces later, encircled

    by darkness, we came to notice a heavy iron door at the end of the corridor. Wed come across a

    considerable many of these doors in our travels and hadnt found anything of any interest behind

    them and so much to my expectation Dougie rolled his eyes at the sight.

    Nothing to see up there, Im out of here he grumbled tiredly to himself, already beginning to turn

    back down the way wed come. Jackson however was quick in holding him back, his eyes lighting up

    simultaneously as if hed just made a significant breakthrough.

    Wait! Do you here that?

    I listened for a moment, frozen to where I stood and quickly turned to frown. Silence. There was

    nothing to hear. In fact, it wasnt until I was about to turn and follow Dougie that my hearing came

    to sharpen and a low humming sound reached my ears. The sound was definitely coming from

    behind the door.

    Jackson raised his eyebrows at us as if to say I told you so and with his right hand he reached out

    for the handle of the door.

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    Chapter Ten

    We found ourselves standing in the entrance to a brightly lit laboratory. Given the dramatic change

    in light intensity from the dark of the corridor, initially all I could do was squint at what lay ahead.

    When my vision did finally become clear enough to see straight though a few blinks later, the first

    thing I speculated was the fact that there were no people present within. Very much like the corridor

    wed just travelled down, everything remained eerily still and silent.

    Jackson (who had been the first to enter the room), was also the first to advance into the space to

    examine what the lab held more closely. Dougie and I followed just a few seconds later, although we

    allowed more care in our advance, taking a more cautious approach towards the unknown that we

    would come to face.

    There wasnt a great deal in the lab; that was the first thing I gathered. It appeared that the

    humming sound was coming from a series of brightly lit pods which were laid out in uniformed rows

    across the room. Until I walked across to the nearest of them to get a better look they could havebeen anything. Quite literally your idea would have been as good as mine. What I did find, rest

    assured came to me as a great shock, but it was a pleasant one nonetheless.

    My eyes brightened at what I saw, as I found myself observing a nest of about eight eggs, each being

    the size of my hand if not bigger. Dougie had also gotten a glimpse of the eggs, uttering Whoa! to

    himself in awe. He was so captivated by what he saw that his cry sounded almost like he was stuck in

    a deep, restless trance.

    Dinosaur eggs. This whole place must be a hatchery. I muttered to myself. Without a doubt, I was

    enthralled by the fact I was standing in the very room where this extraordinary park had all started

    off, with the rebirth of a dinosaur! It was such a surreal moment that my feelings at the time are

    quite hard to put into words.

    That is to say, just when it seemed things could get any better, an even more memorable and eye-

    catching spectacle occurred. Like Jackson and Dougie had, I was just about to turn and have a look

    inside one of the other pods when a distinct cracking sound reached my ears. For a moment,

    everything inside the pod was still and I didnt notice any difference, but after a little more close

    examination I came to realise a large crack had formed across the side of one of the eggs. Yes, a

    dinosaur was being born!

    Hey guys! I called Get a look at this!

    They quickly turned and darted back to my side at warp speed, entranced by wonder on what it was

    that Id found. The cracking had recommenced by the time they reached me and so I didnt need to

    point out to them what it was that was happening. Dinosaur expert or not, anyone could speculate

    what was happening here. The sound stretched out longer this time and the top of the egg actually

    began to crumble. We all watched wide-eyed as the head of a small creature emerged from out of

    the shell.

    We stood there; mouths wide open at the sight, at the birth of a long extinct Jurassic beast.

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    What is it Harley? Jackson asked, truly awestruck by what he saw. That shows how impressive the

    sight was, because it always took a great deal for Jackson to be fascinated by anything. A-a

    Compsognathus I began to stutter Theyre carnivores. Quite small by dinosaur standards, but one

    of the most deadly when in large flocks.

    Oh, Compies! Dougie began to marvel, I remember doing an assignment about them back in fifth


    The lights shut out unexpectedly and Dougie ceased to speak. It soon became evident that it wasnt

    just the lights that had gone out, the humming of the pods had stopped as well which confirmed my

    initial worry that a complete power cut had occurred throughout the building.

    There was a second or two of complete and utter darkness, but Jackson was quick in coming to his

    senses and fumbled with his torch to turn it on. The flashlight flickered to life and he used the beam

    to survey the room with shaky hands. No, we were still very much alone.

    A piercing alarm sound began to blare and I was forced to hold my ears tightly. Jackson jumped and

    turned to shine the torch beam in the general direction of where the sound was coming from. It was

    a cupboard door in the far corner of the room. Had it not been for the series of fluorescent warning

    signs stuck to the door Id have assumed it contained nothing more than the routine objects that the

    others wed searched had contained. Jackson immediately began to take a succession of hasty paces

    towards it, while Dougie begged for him to hold back. He yelled in protest:

    Jackson, stop! It could be dangerous. There could be a dinosaur in there or anything

    Relax Dougie Jackson replied with a sigh, Im just going to have a quick look and try to put a stop

    to this damn blaring!

    Without a second thought on the matter, worrying one of us would try and stop him, he reached out

    and flung open the door. Initially we were rather puzzled by what we saw before us, well until

    Jackson adjusted the focus of his beam and we noticed the words Emergency Generator 3B etched

    into the metalwork.

    Shortly after Jackson had opened the door, the alarms wails of protest subsided and we were left to

    examine the generator in relative peace. The first thing in particular that caught our attention was

    an extensive control panel. There was a list of the various sectors of the park and coloured lights

    next to them to represent the current power supply. The great majority of the park currentlyseemed to be offline, with row after row of steady red lights. Some lights still remained on green,

    but from what I could tell the power only went as far as keeping the electric fences in operation.

    I breathed a sigh of relief once Id scoured the panel and confirmed all the fences still had power. It

    had certainly worried me initially that this was going to be some nightmarish repeat of the previous

    park that Dr Grant had been unfortunate enough to have visited.

    Yeah, the mains powers been cut out. Jackson said, turning back to us with a grim face. Its

    certainly lucky that these generators are keeping the fences running though his voice trailed off as

    an LCD screen to the right of the panel caught his attention. On it, the word WARNINGwas flashing

    bold, but more to our concern was what read below this message:

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    Jurassic Parks mains power supply has been cut. The generators only provide a very limited amount

    of power in order to conduct an evacuation. Estimated time remaining until complete power

    blackout: 27 minutes

    Whilst we read this, the time dropped down to 26 minutes and for a second I blinked to make sure it

    wasnt just my tiredness that had caused me to misread it. Looking at Dougie and Jacksons gaunt

    expressions beside me though, I very much doubted misreading was the case. We, we have to warn

    the others I began to stutter, although that was as far as we got before we heard the approaching

    footsteps from behind.

    Hey, what are you all doing down here?!

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    Chapter Eleven

    We all turned in horror on hearing the sudden voice from behind, but soon relaxed when we saw the

    familiar face of Coach Babcock gazing upon us. He stood a few feet away from us and shone his torch

    beam in our direction, clearly suspicious as to what we were doing here.

    We We came to look for your brother coach Then the power cut out and we found the

    generator. Jackson began to stutter in his defence, pointing towards the cupboard with his torch

    and urging the coach to get a look at our find for himself.

    Someones cut out the mains electric. The generators are powering the electric fences for now, but

    even they only have enough energy to keep them up and running for another half an hour.

    I added this just as the coach pushed his way past us and bent down eagerly to get a better look at

    what wed found for himself. A few seconds passed and over time his expression seemed to get ever

    more distraught under the torchlight. Then, once the scale and seriousness of what was occurring

    had truly come to his comprehension, he muttered shakily under his breath:

    Why? Why is this happening? What the hell is going on here?!

    I dont know coach, but we have to at least try and get the mains power back online Dougie

    began to press, although the coach quickly turned and held up a hand dismissively at the idea.

    No I was wrong. Were going to die We have to leave now!

    This comment was enough to make me panic, seeing Coach Babcock so scared about something.

    Coach Babcock never got scared about anything. Hedalways been the one to keep a clear head and

    open mind in moments of crisis, but now that it really mattered he appeared nothing more than a

    broken wreck. My Dad had been right about him all along! Why had I been so stupid?

    But But, the park! I began to protest loudly, reluctant to accept that all hope had been lost and

    that these unfortunate events couldnt be overturned and made right again.

    There is no time! Coach Babcock snapped back. Jackson, go and rouse the others. Ill alert the

    pilot that were leaving in exactly twenty minutes, no delay.

    He left us no time to debate over the matter and come to a more rational solution, he simply fled

    back down the way hed come. Once again we were left alone in the dark with only a flashlight toguide us. The time on the clock now showed 21 minutes. Time was against us.

    Coach is right. I have to go and warn them. Jackson eventually said solemnly. It doesnt look like

    hes got the patience to wait long before he leaves. Are you guys coming?

    No Im going to stay here for a bit and see if theres any way I can get the power back on. Ill catch

    up with you guys later. I mean theres only one Jurassic Park right? I replied, raising an eyebrow.

    There was still a great sense of determination within me at the time as a dinosaur enthusiast to not

    let such a wondrous attraction, the utopia of palaeontology to be destroyed. Not on my watch.

    Dougie? Jackson asked, to see where he stood on the matter.

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    You know what I might stay for a bit too. Harley mightneed an extra pair of hands here. Dougie

    said rationally. I could tell deep down though, that he too felt a heavy sense of duty to do all he

    could to prevent the downfall of the park and make all that was wrong right again. He wasnt a

    quitter. Hed beena resilient soul in getting back into shape to play baseball following his injury and

    was equally reluctant to accept defeat when playing in matches, no matter how bad things looked

    on the scoreboard. Like me, he favoured optimism over retreat and abandonment, something that

    had helped strengthen our friendship over the years.

    Ok, Ill see you guys in a bit. Here, you take the torch; Ill grab another one from the supply

    cupboard. Jackson said, quickly handing me the torch before he too left the hatchery, being literally

    eaten up by the darkness around us. We waved him off thinking wed be seeing him within the next

    half an hour or so. In truth, I never again laid eyes on Jackson Banks.

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