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Jurnal FHR-Propofol Modulates Phasic and Tonic GABAergic Currents in Spinal Ventral Horn...

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  • 8/16/2019 Jurnal FHR-Propofol Modulates Phasic and Tonic GABAergic Currents in Spinal Ventral Horn Interneurones



    Propofol Modulates Phasic and Tonic

    GABAergic Currentsin Spinal Ventral Horn Interneurones

  • 8/16/2019 Jurnal FHR-Propofol Modulates Phasic and Tonic GABAergic Currents in Spinal Ventral Horn Interneurones



    Surgical interventions like skin incisions trigger withdrawal reflees which re!uire "otor neuronesand local circuit interneurones in the spinal ventral

    horn#This region pla$s a ke$ role in "ediating

    i""o%ili&ing properties of the GABAergicanaesthetic propofol#

    However' it is unclear how propofol "odulatesGABA(A) receptors in the spinal ventral horn and

     whether tonic or phasic inhi%ition is involved#

  • 8/16/2019 Jurnal FHR-Propofol Modulates Phasic and Tonic GABAergic Currents in Spinal Ventral Horn Interneurones



    *rganot$pic spinal cord tissue slices were preparedfro" "ice#

     +hole,cell recordings were perfor"ed for

    !uantif$ing effects of propofol on GABA(A)receptor"ediated phasic trans"ission and tonicconductance#

  • 8/16/2019 Jurnal FHR-Propofol Modulates Phasic and Tonic GABAergic Currents in Spinal Ventral Horn Interneurones



    Propofol increased GABAergic phasic trans"ission %$ a prolongation of the deca$ ti"e constant in aconcentration,dependent "anner#

    The a"ount of the charge transferred per inhi%itor$post,s$naptic current' descri%ed %$ the area underthe curve' was significantl$ aug"ented %$ . /Mpropofol (P01#1.)#

     A GABA(A) receptor,"ediated tonic current was notinduced %$ . /M propofol %ut at a concentration of 2/M (P01#12)#

  • 8/16/2019 Jurnal FHR-Propofol Modulates Phasic and Tonic GABAergic Currents in Spinal Ventral Horn Interneurones


    This conductance can %e !uantified as IPSCs %$ a whole,cell patch,cla"p techni!ue as displa$ed in3igure .#

    3or this purpose' co""issural interneurones were visuall$ identified in la"ina VIII of the ventral hornand voltage cla"ped at ,41 "V as previousl$reported#

    The "ean capacitance of these cells was 56#4 (7#5)p3 (n8..)#

  • 8/16/2019 Jurnal FHR-Propofol Modulates Phasic and Tonic GABAergic Currents in Spinal Ventral Horn Interneurones


  • 8/16/2019 Jurnal FHR-Propofol Modulates Phasic and Tonic GABAergic Currents in Spinal Ventral Horn Interneurones


    The effects of propofol on spontaneous IPSCs werestudied at two different anaesthetic concentrations#

     At 9211 nM' propofol provides' on a %ehavioural

    level' h$pnosis' whereas at . /M' nociceptive refleesare %locked#

    The two concentrations are within the clinicall$relevant range of the anaesthetic#

    Cu"ulative data revealed that propofol prolongedGABAergic IPSC deca$ ti"es in a concentration,dependent "anner (3ig# 6A)#

  • 8/16/2019 Jurnal FHR-Propofol Modulates Phasic and Tonic GABAergic Currents in Spinal Ventral Horn Interneurones


    :nder control conditions' the deca$ ti"e was 62#6 (2#;)"s (n8.5)' while at 211 nM propofol' the deca$ ti"eincreased a%out 65#2 (4#2#6 (;#6)"s' n82' P01#1.' t,test?' and prolonged at . /M propofol

    a%out ;6#@ (.;#6)< co"pared with control =a%solute value75#6 (.5#@)"s'n84'P01#1.?#

    Theaverage of the anal$sed eperi"ents showed that thea"plitude of GABAergic IPSCs was not significantl$

    changed %$ application of propofol (3ig# 6B)#

    :nder control conditions' the IPSC a"plitudes were 24(;#7) pA (n8.6)#

  • 8/16/2019 Jurnal FHR-Propofol Modulates Phasic and Tonic GABAergic Currents in Spinal Ventral Horn Interneurones


    Since IPSC a"plitudes were %asicall$ not altered andIPSC deca$ ti"es were well fitted with"onoeponentials' the prolongation of deca$ ti"es

     was translated into an increase in the total a"ount ofcharge transferred per IPSC (P01#1.' 3ig# 6C)#

     A%solute values were .#7. (1#;) pC under controlconditions (n8.6)' .#;; (1#;) pC (n82) for 211 nM

    propofol' and 6#. (1#;) pC (n84) for . /M propofol# Additionall$' propofol reduced the IPSC event rate at

     %oth tested concentrations (3ig# 63)#

  • 8/16/2019 Jurnal FHR-Propofol Modulates Phasic and Tonic GABAergic Currents in Spinal Ventral Horn Interneurones


  • 8/16/2019 Jurnal FHR-Propofol Modulates Phasic and Tonic GABAergic Currents in Spinal Ventral Horn Interneurones


    In recordings fro" whole,cell patch,cla"ped spinalinterneurones' holding currents re"ainedunchanged %$ application of . /M propofol as

    de"onstrated ee"plaril$ in 3igure 5A and B#Su%se!uent application of the selective GABA(A)

    receptor antagonist %icuculline (.11 /M) did not %asicall$ alter the holding current of the tested

    neurones (3ig# 5)#

  • 8/16/2019 Jurnal FHR-Propofol Modulates Phasic and Tonic GABAergic Currents in Spinal Ventral Horn Interneurones


    In order to esti"ate the i"pact of propofol onetras$naptic GABAergic currents' we investigated ina further step a higher propofol concentration#

    -e"arka%l$' at a high concentration (2 /M)'propofol significantl$ induced GABAergic toniccurrents (3ig# 5CD n82' P01#12)#

  • 8/16/2019 Jurnal FHR-Propofol Modulates Phasic and Tonic GABAergic Currents in Spinal Ventral Horn Interneurones


  • 8/16/2019 Jurnal FHR-Propofol Modulates Phasic and Tonic GABAergic Currents in Spinal Ventral Horn Interneurones


    In order to test this h$pothesis' we co"pared theeffects of propofol on spinal network activit$ incultured organot$pic slices fro" wild,t$pe and %5(E6;2M) knock,in "ice#

    Spontaneous action potential activit$was "easured %$ etracellular recordings in the ventral horn area(3ig# 7)#

  • 8/16/2019 Jurnal FHR-Propofol Modulates Phasic and Tonic GABAergic Currents in Spinal Ventral Horn Interneurones


  • 8/16/2019 Jurnal FHR-Propofol Modulates Phasic and Tonic GABAergic Currents in Spinal Ventral Horn Interneurones



    I#V# anaesthetics like propofol eert their anaestheticactions %$ "odulating inhi%itor$ neurotrans"ission viaGABA(A) receptors in different regions of the centralnervous s$ste"#

    In the present stud$' the specific "odulation of GABAergictrans"ission %$ propofol was investigated in the spinal

     ventral horn#

    The "aFor findings of the present work indicate that

    propofol "odulates %oth phasic GABA(A)receptor"ediated currents and tonic GABAergic currents'

     %ut the latter at higher concentrations of the anaesthetic#

  • 8/16/2019 Jurnal FHR-Propofol Modulates Phasic and Tonic GABAergic Currents in Spinal Ventral Horn Interneurones


    The plas"a concentration of propofol causingsurgical i""o%ilit$ in 21< of the patients has %eenesti"ated to %e %etween .1 and .2#6 /g "l whichcorresponds to 9..#2 /M#

    In contrast to the "oderate propofol concentrationsapplied in our eperi"ents' Bieda and MacIverperfor"ed eperi"ents in acute adult rat %rain slices

    using concentrations of 2' .1' and 51 /M#

  • 8/16/2019 Jurnal FHR-Propofol Modulates Phasic and Tonic GABAergic Currents in Spinal Ventral Horn Interneurones



    Propofol depresses ventral horn interneuronespredo"inantl$ %$ phasic rather than %$ tonicGABA(A) receptor,"ediated inhi%ition#

    However' the present results suggest that theinvolve"ent of a tonic inhi%ition "ight contri%ute tothe efficac$ of propofol to depress nociceptivereflees at high concentrations of the anaesthetic#

  • 8/16/2019 Jurnal FHR-Propofol Modulates Phasic and Tonic GABAergic Currents in Spinal Ventral Horn Interneurones


