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Just-in-time, TQC, TQM, Quality Assu - Gunadarma...

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Just-in-time, TQC, TQM, Just in time, TQC, TQM, Quality Assurance DR. MOHAMMAD ABDUL MUKHYI, SE., MM 1

Just-in-time, TQC, TQM, Just in time, TQC, TQM, Quality Assurance



What is Quality?“ Mutu dari suatu jasa atau produk adalah suatupersepsi pelanggan menyangkut tingkat derajat

d k j b dproduk atau jasa yang bertemu denganekspektasinya.”

Mutu adalah kemampuan suatu produk atau jasasecara konsisten temu atau melebihi harapansecara konsisten temu atau melebihi harapanpelanggan.



• Continuous Improvement in quality– Never-ending improvement (kaizen in Japan)– Quality must built into a product

• Quality; customer satisfaction customer amazement

• Dr. Deming(1900-1993) in Japan, 1954• Total Quality Management TQC• Total Quality Management, TQC


Key Contributors to Quality ManagementManagement


DemingKnown for

14 points; special & common causes ofDeming Juran

14 points; special & common causes of variation Quality is fitness for use; quality trilogy

Feignbaum Crosby

Quality is a total field Quality is free; zero defectsCrosby


Quality is free; zero defects Cause-and effect diagrams; quality circles

Taguchi Ohno and

Taguchi loss function Continuous improvenment


Ohno and Shingo

Continuous improvenmentQuality

Dimensions of Quality• Performance - main characteristics of the product/service

• Aesthetics - appearance, feel, smell, taste

• Special Features - extra characteristics

• Conformance - how well product/service conforms to t ’ t ticustomer’s expectations

• Reliability - consistency of performance

• Durability - useful life of the product/service

• Perceived Quality - indirect evaluation of quality (e.g. t ti )reputation)

• Serviceability - service after sale


Examples of Quality DimensionsDimension (Product)

Automobile(Service) Auto Repair

1. Performance


Everything works, fit & finish

Auto Repair

All work done, at agreed price

2. Aesthetics

Ride, handling, grade of materials used Interior design, soft touch

Friendliness, courtesy, Competency, quickness Clean work/waiting area

3. Special features

Gauge/control placement Cellular phone, CD player

Location, call when readyComputer diagnostics


Examples of Quality Dimensions (Cont’d)p Q y ( )

Dimension (Product) Automobile

(Service) Auto Repair

5. Reliability


Infrequency of breakdowns

Auto Repair

Work done correctly, ready when promised

6. Durability

Useful life in miles, resistance to rust & corrosion

y p Work holds up over time

7. Perceived quality

Top-rated car

Award-winning service department

8. Serviceability

Handling of complaints and/or requests for information

Handling of complaints

Service Quality

• Convenience• Reliabilityy• Responsiveness• Time• Time• Assurance• Courtesy• Tangiblesg

Examples of Service QualityDimension Examples1 Convenience Was the service center conveniently located?1. Convenience Was the service center conveniently located?

2. Reliability Was the problem fixed?

3. Responsiveness Were customer service personnel willing and able to answer questions?

4. Time How long did the customer wait?g

5. Assurance Did the customer service personnel seem knowledgeable about the repair?

6. Courtesy Were customer service personnel and the cashier friendly and courteous?

7. Tangibles Were the facilities clean, personnel neat?7. Tangibles Were the facilities clean, personnel neat?

Challenges with Service Quality

• Customer expectations often change• Different customers have different expectations• Each customer contact is a “moment of truth”Each customer contact is a moment of truth• Customer participation can affect perception of

qualityquality• Fail-safing must be designed into the system

Determinants of Quality

Ease ofD i Ease ofuseDesign

S iConforms

Serviceto design

Determinants of Quality (cont’d)Determinants of Quality (cont d)

• Quality of design• Quality of design– Intension of designers to include or exclude

features in a product or servicefeatures in a product or service• Quality of conformance

– The degree to which goods or services conform to the intent of the designers

The Consequences of Poor QualityThe Consequences of Poor Quality

• Loss of businessLi bilit• Liability

• Productivity• Costs

Responsibility for Quality• Top management• Design• Procurement• Production/operationsp• Quality assurance• Packaging and shippingPackaging and shipping• Marketing and sales• Customer service• Customer service

Evolution of Quality Management• 1924 - Statistical process control charts• 1930 - Tables for acceptance samplingp p g• 1940’s - Statistical sampling techniques• 1950’s - Quality assurance/TQCQ y Q• 1960’s - Zero defects• 1970’s - Quality assurance in services1970 s Quality assurance in services• 1980’s – TQM• 1990’s – Benchmarking Business Excellence• 1990 s Benchmarking, Business Excellence


Sumber Kualitas

• Dimensions of Qualityi f Q li• Determinants of Quality

• Costs of Quality


Terbaik di kelasnya dan kelas dunia• Harapan pelanggan adalah mutu tidak sama untuk

kelas jasa atau produk yang berbeda.• Terbaik dalam mutu kelas berarti produk yang

terbaik atau dalam kelas produk atau jasa tertentu • Menjadi perusahaan kelas dunia berarti bahwa

masing-masing tentang produk dan jasanyadipertimbangkan terbaik dalam kelasnya olehdipertimbangkan terbaik dalam kelasnya olehpelanggan


Beberapa Dimensi Kelas Produk• Pencapaian – berkaitan dengan penggunaan pelanggan• Corak – karakteristik khusus• Keandalan kemungkinan gangguan kegagalan• Keandalan – kemungkinan gangguan, kegagalan

pemakaian• Kemampuan melayani – kecepatan/biaya/kenyamananp y p y y

pemeliharaan• Ketahanan – jumlah waktu yang digunakan sebelum

pembetulan pekerjaanpembetulan pekerjaan• Penampilan – mempengaruhi pekerjaan• Layanan pelanggan – perawatanLayanan pelanggan perawatan

sebelum/selama/setelah penjualan• Keselamatan – perlindungan pemakai

sebelum,/selama/setelah penggunaan18

Determinan Kualitaso Disain mutu – baramg atau jasa, yang dirancang

pelanggan berdasarkan pada’ harapan dan keinginan• Kemampuan kwalitas proses produksi – proses harusKemampuan kwalitas proses produksi proses harus

mampu memproduksi produk yang dirancang untukpelanggan

• Mutu conformance – proses tidak mampu produklebih rendah jika dioperasikan dengan baik

• Mutu layanan pelanggan – suatu produk yang baikMutu layanan pelanggan suatu produk yang baiktidak berarti sukses; harus mempunyai mutu melayanijuga

• Kultur organisasi berkwalitas – produk dan jasamemerlukan organization- memusatkan atas kualitas


Biaya Kualitas• Sisa dan pengolahan kembali - rescheduling,

memperbaiki, menguji kembali• Produk cacat di tangan pelanggan - daya ingat,

jaminan keabsahan, perkara pengadilan, bisnishilyang hilang,…

• Pendeteksian cacat - pemeriksaan, pengujianpengujian,….

• Pencegahan cacat - pelatihan, tabel capaian, disain produk kembali pengembangandisain produk kembali, pengembanganpenyalur,….


Manajemen Kualitas Tradisional• Sistem pemeriksaan ketat• Produk cacat akan diidentifikasi danProduk cacat akan diidentifikasi dan

dibuang• Mutu dapat dilihat ke dalam produk• Mutu dapat dilihat ke dalam produk• Keputusan utama adalah berapa banyak

d k di ikproduk yang diperiksa


Gambaran TradisionalBerapa Banyak Diperiksap y p

Annual Cost ($)

OptimalLevel of


Cost of Scrap

Total QualityControl Costs

Cost of Scrap,Rework, and

Detecting Defects

Cost of Defective

% of Products Inspected

Cost of DefectiveProducts toCustomers


% of Products Inspected

Manajemen Kualitas Modern• Quality Gurus• Quality Drives the Productivity MachineQ y y• Other Aspects of the Quality Picture


Quality Gurus• W. Edwards Deming

– Assisted Japan in improving productivity and p p g p yquality after World War II

– In 1951 Japan established Deming Prize– US was slow in recognizing his contributions– Introduced Japanese companies to the Plan-p p

Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle (developed by Shewart)

– Developed 14 Points for managers

PDCA Cycle

1. PLAN 1. PLAN Identify imIdentify im--

provements andprovements and

4. ACT4. ACTPermanentlyPermanentlyimplementimplement

2 DO2 DO

provements andprovements anddevelop plandevelop plan



2. DO2. DOTry plan onTry plan ona test basisa test basis

3. CHECK3. CHECKEvaluate planEvaluate plan

to see if itto see if itworksworks

Deming’s 14 Points for Managers1. Create constancy of purpose toward product

quality to achieve organizational goals2 R f t ll l t d l l f2. Refuse to allow commonly accepted levels of

poor quality3 Stop depending on inspection to achieve quality3. Stop depending on inspection to achieve quality4. Use fewer suppliers, selected based on quality

and dependability instead of price5. Instill programs for continuous improvement of

costs, quality, service, and productivity

Deming’s 14 Points for Managers6. Train all employees on quality concepts7. Focus supervision on helping people do p p g p p

a better job8. Eliminate fear, create trust, and8. Eliminate fear, create trust, and

encourage two-way communications between workers and managementbetween workers and management

9. Eliminate barriers between departments and encourage joint problem-solvingand encourage joint problem-solving

10. Eliminate the use of numerical goals d l t k k kand slogans to make workers work


Deming’s 14 Points for Managers11. Use statistical methods for continuous

improvement of quality and productivity instead of numer. quotas

12. Remove barriers to pride of workmanshipp p13. Encourage education and self-

improvementimprovement14. Clearly define management’s permanent

commitment to quality and productivitycommitment to quality and productivity

Quality Gurus

• Philip B. Crosby– Wrote Quality Is Free in 1979– Company should have the goal of zero

defects– Cost of poor quality is greatly

d i dunderestimated– Traditional trade-off between costs of

i i lit d t f litimproving quality and costs of poor quality is erroneous

Quality Gurus

• Armand V. Feigenbaum– Developed concept of total quality control

(TQC)– Responsibility for quality must rest with the

persons who do the work (quality at the source)source)

• Kaoru Ishikawa– Wrote Guide to Quality Control in 1972– Credited with the concept of quality circles– Suggested the use of fishbone diagrams

Quality Gurus• Joseph M. Juran

– Like Deming, discovered late by US companies– Played early role in teaching Japan about quality– Wrote Quality Control Handbook

• Genichi Taguchi– Contends that constant adjustment of processes

to achieve product quality is not effective– Instead, products should be designed to be

robust enough to handle process and fieldrobust enough to handle process and field variation

Quality Drives the Productivity MachineMachine• If production does it right the first time

d d d d i hand produces products and services that are defect-free, waste is eliminated and

d dcosts are reduced.• Estimated that 20-25% of COGS in the

US is spent on finding and correcting errors

• Quality management programs today are viewed by many companies as y y pproductivity improvement programs.

Other Aspects of the Quality PicturePicture• Just-in-time (JIT) and lean manufacturing• Product standardization• Automated equipmentq p• Preventive maintenance

JIT Manufacturing• “A system of enforced problem solving”• Lot sizes are cut• Lot sizes are cut• In-process inventories are drastically

d dreduced• Any interruption causes production to

stop• Quality problems are immediately

addressed• The necessary teamwork contributes to y

increased pride in quality

Quality Management Recognition

• Malcolm Baldrige National Quality A dAward

• Deming Prize• ISO 9000 Standards

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality AwardQuality Award • Awards given annually to US firms• Nearly all states have quality award

programs styled after the Baldrige Award• Criteria include

– Leadership– Strategic planning– Customer and market focus– Information and analysisInformation and analysis– Human resource focus– Process management

B i l– Business results

The Deming Prize• Awarded by the Union of Japanese

Scientists and Engineers• Recognizes companies that have

demonstrated successful quality iimprovement programs

• All (not just Japanese) firms are eligible• Four top-management activities recognized

– Senior management activities– Customer satisfaction activity– Employee involvement activities

T i i i i– Training activity

ISO 9000 Standards• Quality management guidelines developed

by the International Organization for Standardization

• Companies become certified by applying to p y pp y gthird-party providers who assess the level of conformity to the standardsy

• More than 300,000 companies worldwide are ISO 9000-certifiedare ISO 9000-certified

• The US big three automakers have adopted a similar set of standards called QS 9000a similar set of standards called QS-9000

ISO 9000 Standards• Standards based on 8 quality management

principlesp c p es– Customer focused organization– Leadershipp– Involvement of people– Process approachpp– System approach to management– Continual improvement– Factual approach to decision making– Mutually beneficial supplier relationship

Total Quality Management (TQM) PPrograms

• Motorola - Six Sigmag• Xerox - Leadership through Quality• Intel (PDQ)2 or Perfect Design• Intel - (PDQ)2 or Perfect Design

Quality, Pretty Darn QuickH l P k d T l Q l C l• Hewlett-Packard - Total Quality Control

Elements of TQMT i d• Top management commitment and involvementC t i l t• Customer involvement

• Design products for qualityD i d ti f lit• Design production processes for quality

• Control production processes for quality• Developing supplier partnerships• Customer service, distribution, and

installation• Building teams of empowered employees• Benchmarking and continuous improvement

Top ManagementCommitment and InvolvementCommitment and Involvement• Support must be genuine or TQM will be

j h i f dseen as just another passing fad• Fundamental changes must occur in the

culture of the organization• Such fundamental changes are not easy, g y,

but are impossible without top management’s commitment and ginvolvement

Customer Involvement• Mechanisms to involve the customer

– Focus groups– Market surveys– Customer questionnaires– Market research programs

• Quality Function Deployment (QFD)y y– Formal system for identifying customer

wants– Eliminate wasteful product features and

activities that do not contribute

Designing Products for Quality• Designing for Robustness

Product will perform as intended even ifProduct will perform as intended even if undesirable conditions occur in production or infield.

• Designing for Manufacturability (DFM)Products typically have fewer parts and can be yp y passembled quickly, easily, and error-free.

• Designing for ReliabilityManufacturing parts to closer tolerances. Using redundant components where necessary.

Designing for Reliability• Each part of a product is designed for a given

level of component reliability• Component reliability is defined as “the

probability that a part will not fail in a given ti i d b f t i l d ditime period or number of trials under ordinary conditions of use”

• 3 common measures of component reliability• 3 common measures of component reliability are:– Reliability (CR)Reliability (CR)– Failure Rates (FR and FRn)– Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)

Designing for Reliability

• ReliabilityCR 1 FRCR = 1 - FR

• Failure RatesNumber of failuresNumber of failuresFR =

Number testedNumber of failures

nNumber of failuresFR =

Unit-hours of operation

• Mean Time Between FailuresU it h f ti 1


Unit-hours of operation 1MTBF = = Number of failures FR

Designing for Reliability• The combined reliability of all the components in a

product forms the basis for system reliability (SR)Wh i d d i i l bi d• When n independent critical components are combined into a product, the SR is determined by:

SR = CR1 x CR2 x CR3 x … x CRn

• Consider a product with 50 identical critical components:– If each component’s CR = 99.5%, then SR = 77.8%p ,– If each component’s CR = 98.0%, then SR = 36.4%– If each component’s CR = 90.0%, then SR = 0.5%

Example: Allied Switch• Reliability

Allied Switch has designed a machineAllied Switch has designed a machine having three critical components that interact The three parts have componentinteract. The three parts have component reliability of .96, .90, and .98.

What is the s stem reliabilit of theWhat is the system reliability of the machine?

SR = (CR1) (CR1) (CR1)= (.96)(.90)(.98) (.96)(.90)(.98)= .847

Example: Allied Switch• Reliability

If the machine could be redesigned to gallow redundancy for the component that presently has a reliability of .90, what p y y ,would be the new system reliability of the machine?

.96.96 .


Example: Allied Switch• Reliability

First, compute the CR for the redundant parts.p pCR = Probability of primary component working + [(Probability of backup component working) x (Probability of needing backup component)]

= .90 + [(.90) x (.10)] = .90 + .09 = .99

Now, compute the system reliability.Now, compute the system reliability.SR = (.96) (.99) (.98) = .931

Designing and ControllingProduction ProcessesProduction Processes• The responsibility of producing products

f hi h li i h h kof high quality rests with the workers producing the product

• Two types of factors introduce variation in production processes– Controllable factors - can be reduced by

workers and management– Uncontrollable factors - reduced only by

redesigning or replacing existing processes

Process Capability

• Process capability is a production process’ bili d d i hi h d i dability to produce products within the desired

expectations of customers.• The process capability index (PCI) is a way of

measuring that ability.

Process Capability Index (PCI)PCI = (UL - LL) / (6s)UL = allowed upper limit of the product

characteristic based on customer expectcharacteristic, based on customer expect.LL = allowed lower limit of the product

characteristic, based on customer expect.ps = standard deviation of the product characteristic

from the production processPCI 1 00 P i bl f ti tPCI > 1.00 Process is capable of meeting custome

expectations.PCI < 1.00 Process is not capable.PCI 1.00 Process is not capable.

Process Capability Index (PCI)LLLL ULUL

PCI = 0.8PCI = 0.8ProcessProcessis notis not


PCI = 1.0PCI = 1.0ProcessProcess


PCI = 1.2PCI = 1.2ProcessProcessis quiteis quitecapablecapablecapablecapable

Example: Process CapabilityI d f i ld dIn order for a certain molded part to

be considered acceptable, the molding process must be conducted within aprocess must be conducted within a limited range of temperature. The lower limit is 455o and the upper limit is 465olimit is 455 and the upper limit is 465 .

Three molding machines being considered are A B and C with standardconsidered are A, B, and C with standard deviations of σA = 2.50, σB = 1.25, and σC = 1.75.C

Which of these machines are capable of producing the part in accordance with p g pthe temperature requirements?

Example: Process CapabilityPCIA = (465 - 455) / (6(2.50)) = 10/15 = 0.67PCIB = (465 - 455) / (6(1.25)) = 10/7.5 = 1.33PCIC = (465 - 455) / (6(1.75)) = 10/10.5 = 0.95

Machine A is not close to being capableMachine A is not close to being capable, with a PCI well below 1.00. Machine B is more than adequate with a PCI wellis more than adequate with a PCI well above 1.00. Machine C falls slightly short of being capableshort of being capable.

Developing Supplier Partnerships

• Supplier becomes part of the customer’s TQMTQM program

• The relationship between the supplier and the customer becomes long-lasting and durable

Customer Service, Distribution, and Installationand Installation• Packaging, shipping, and installation

b i l d d i TQMmust be included in TQM.• Warehousing, marketing, and the

distribution function must be committed to perfect quality.

• Contact between the customers and the firm’s product must be planned and p pmanaged to provide satisfied customers.

Building Teams of Empowered EmployeesEmployees• Employee training programs

– Employees at all levels are trained in quality.• Works teams and empowerment

– Workers are given the authority to act.• Quality at the sourceQuality at the source

– Workers are responsible for their own work.• Quality circles• Quality circles

– Small groups of employees who analyze and solve quality problems and implementsolve quality problems and implement

improvement programs.

Benchmarking and Continuous ImprovementImprovement• Benchmarking

– The practice of establishing internal standards of performance by looking to how

ld l i th i b iworld-class companies run their businesses• Continuous Improvement

– The company makes small incremental improvements toward excellence on a

ti l b icontinual basis

Quality Management in Services

• Since many services are intangible, it is diffi l d i h i lidifficult to determine their quality

• Customers set their own standards for services

• Perceived quality of service affected by the q y ysurroundings

• Performance of service employeesPerformance of service employees determines in large part the quality of the servicesservices

Just-in-TimeSuccess Factors

SuppliersSuppliersEmployeeEmployee LayoutLayoutEmployee Employee



PowerPoint presentation to accompany

Preventive Preventive MaintenanceMaintenance SchedulingScheduling

PowerPoint presentation to accompany Operations Management, 6E (Heizer & Render) © 2001 by Prentice Hall, Inc., Upper

Saddle River, N.J. 07458S12-62

ISO 9000• Series of standards agreed upon by the

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)(ISO)

• Adopted in 1987p

• More than 100 countries

• A prerequisite for global competition?

ISO 9000 di t t "d t h t• ISO 9000 directs you to "document what you do and then do as you documented."

ISO 9000 Series• 9001

– Model for Quality Assurance in Design,Model for Quality Assurance in Design, Production Installation, and Servicing.

• 90029002– Model for Quality Assurance in Production

and Installationa d sta at o• 9003

Model for Quality Assurance in Final– Model for Quality Assurance in Final Inspection Test

Guidelines for UseGuidelines for Use

9000• 9000

– Quality Management and Quality Assurance Standards: Guidelines for Selection and Use

• 9004

– Quality Management and Quality System El t G id liElements--Guidelines

Three Forms of ISO CertificationCertificationFirst party: A firm audits itself against ISO

9000 d d9000 standards.

Second party: A customer audits its supplier.

Third party: A "qualified" national or p y qinternational standards or certifying agency serves as auditor.g y

ISO 9000 In The US

• Level of registration has gone up

ISO 9000 In The US

Level of registration has gone up significantly even though some companies were slow to adopt the standardswere slow to adopt the standards

• Some saw it as a plot to bar US entry into EuropeEurope

• Certification is often easy, especially if h li i lcompany has quality system in place

• Lack of certification could impact world-pwide competitiveness for the company

More About ISO 9000

• They are not award programs

More About ISO 9000

• They are not award programs• They just provide criteria for measuring

lit tquality systems• They do not require prescribed method of

process control• Quite flexible: No one best wayQuite flexible: No one best way

– Provides opportunities and frustrations

A li t ll i d t i• Applies to all industries

Advantages of ISO 9000

Offers chance for global competitiveness

Advantages of ISO 9000

• Offers chance for global competitiveness• Improves operational efficiency• Improves profitability• Improves marketing• Improves marketing• Improves export sales• Improves on-time deliveries• Improves cycle time and first-pass yield• Improves cycle time and first pass yield

ISO 9000 th B ld i A dISO 9000 versus the Baldrige Award

• Which should we pursue first?

• What are the differences between the two?

D h t b ISO 9000 tifi d b f• Do you have to be ISO 9000 certified before going for the Baldrige Award?

ISO 9000 ers s the Baldrige A ardISO 9000 versus the Baldrige Award

• ISO provides building blocks for Baldrige• Baldrige is more comprehensive• Baldrige is more comprehensive• ISO more limited in scope

– Just a basic standard of minimal requirements– Worth perhaps about 400 Baldrige points– Designed to be inclusive not exclusive– Mandates no approach over anotherMandates no approach over another










ISO 9001:2000 TQM

Leadership1. LeadershipCommitmentCommitment

2. Customer FocusOrganization

Total Customer Satisfaction

Total Involvement3. EmployeeInvolvement Involvement

Cooperation & Teamwork4. Process Approach Ownership5. System Approach Error Prevention6. Continual Improvement Continuous Improvementp p7. Fact Based Decision

Making8. Supplier-Relationship Total Involvement

Training & EducationReward & recognition
