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Justifying a GEP Stack Height Taller than the EPA Formula Height

Date post: 08-Aug-2015
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Justifying a GEP Stack Height Taller than the EPA Formula Height Ron Petersen, PhD, CCM, FASHRAE Anke Beyer-Lout, MS CPP, Inc. Tom Emond Expera Specialty Solutions AWMA’s 108 th Annual Conference and Exhibition, Raleigh, NC

Justifying a GEP Stack Height Taller

than the EPA Formula Height

Ron Petersen, PhD, CCM, FASHRAE

Anke Beyer-Lout, MS

CPP, Inc.

Tom Emond

Expera Specialty Solutions

AWMA’s 108th Annual Conference and Exhibition, Raleigh, NC

Initial Polling Questions

• EPA allows GEP stack heights taller than 65m?

True, or


• EPA allows GEP stack heights taller than the formula height?

True, or


• Why would you want taller stacks?

Compliance versus non-compliance

Optimize fuel use

Minimize emission control

I wouldn’t they are too expensive

Case Study

Rhinelander Mill and Critical Features

Cyclone Boiler(S09)

Stack Height

63 m

207 ft



38 m

125 ft

Looking South

Hs/Hb = 1.7

Rhinelander Mill and Monitor

Looking Northeast

SO2 Monitor

Stack S09

Building Corner Upwind

Monitored SO2 Concentrations for 2009 Highest concentrations for wind speeds around 5 m/s for 200 degree wind

direction (toward Water Tower monitor)

Problem Overview

• Monitored SO2 concentrations exceed the new 1-hour

SO2 NAAQS at the Water Tower Monitor (WTM)

• Monitored design concentration is 151 ppb (2009-2011)

relative to 75 ppb NAAQS

• For attainment, maximum hourly SO2 design-value

concentration needs to be reduced by at least 50%

• AERMOD is showing compliance at the monitor with

predicted concentrations a factor of two lower than


• Why? The Corner Vortex


Corner Vortex Issue

• Current building wake equations do not

account for corner vortex

• Corner vortex causes higher

concentrations than currently predicted

in AERMOD due to increased downdraft

and plume rise suppression

• AERMOD/PRIME downwash model

does not even have input for approach

flow relative to building corners – model

assumes flow toward broad side of

buildings and is totally oblivious to

corner effects

Corner Vortex Issues – EPA Research


Note increased effect for 45º

approach flow


Possible Solutions

• Reduce emission by 50% based on monitored

results >> not a good solution

• Extend stack to formula GEP stack height of 75

m plus emission control: how do you determine

since AERMOD doesn’t work?

• Extend stack to actual GEP stack height plus

emission control if needed: how to determine

since AERMOD doesn’t work?

Issues for Consideration

• The need to find a tool, other than AERMOD, to

show compliance with the 1-hour SO2 standard

for the final design configuration (emission rate

and stack height)

• The need to develop a site-specific GEP stack

height given the excessive downwash caused

by the corner vortex.

Overall Plan

• Determine actual GEP stack height using wind

tunnel modeling >>>> Subject of this paper

• Demonstrate compliance for final design

configuration >>>> Future paper

• HYWINMOD (CPP model utilizing output from

wind tunnel + AERMOD) >> complete but EPA

approval pending

• AERMOD w/o downwash plus wind tunnel

downwash factor >> likely approval


40 CFR 51.110 (ii) Defines GEP stack

height to be the greater of:

• 65 meters;

• the formula height (Hb+1.5 L), or

• For a 40 m cube, GEP = 100 m > 65 m!!!

• The height determined by a wind tunnel modeling study – Will be taller than the formula!!

Up to 3.25 times the building height versus 2.5 for the formula

Typically 2 times the nearby terrain height

GEP Stack Height Criteria for Wind Tunnel

40% maximum concentration difference

with and without the buildings or terrain

With buildings in Max Concentration

must exceed NAAQS or PSD increment

• Easy test since approved wind tunnel

method does not include plume


Example 1

• Kennecott Smelter

mid 80s

• 1200 ft stack justified

as GEP using wind

tunnel modeling

Example 2:

• Titus Generating Station, Schuylkill River about 3 km south of

Reading, Pennsylvania

• 175 m stack height justified as GEP using wind tunnel

modeling, 1995




GEP Study Plan

• Test protocol developed and reviewed by WDNR and

EPA – tentatively approval received

• Constructed scale model (1:240) and setup

• Wind tunnel testing – documentation tests

• Wind tunnel testing – GEP stack height tests

• Tests with buildings present

• Tests without building present

• Specify the GEP stack height (40% and NAAQS test)

• Report submission and approval – January, 2015


Basic Wind Tunnel Modeling Methodology

•Specify model

operating conditions

•Construct scale model

(3D printing)

• Install model in wind

tunnel and measure

desired quantity

Source Parameters



Source Source Above Exit Exit Volume Exit

Description ID Base Diameter Temp. Flow Rate Velocity

(m) (m) (K) (m3/s) (m/s)

S09 - Maximum Load S09 max 62.09 2.13 430.4 47.23 13.25

S09 - Nominal Load S09 nom 62.09 2.13 422.0 34.21 9.60

S09 - Minimum Load S09 Mmin 62.09 2.13 422.0 26.50 7.44

GEP Testing 1:240 Scale Model Installed in Wind


Measure Ground-level Concentrations


from stack

Max ground-level concentrations measured versus x

Measure Ground-level Concentrations

Data taken until good fit and max

obtained Automated Max GL Concentration Mapper

Buildings in

Buildings out

Documentation Tests

Horizontal and

Vertical Dispersion

Matches AERMOD





Plume rise with and without the building

Buildings in

Buildings Out


All GEP Testing Results

GL Concentration Profile W and W/0 Buildings

90 m stack height,

190 degree WD,

8 m/s wind speed

Final Result

Actual GEP = 90 m

Formula GEP = 75 m

Creditable GEP = 90 m > formula > 65 m

Compliance Demonstration – Next Conference

• Run AERMOD w/o building downwash

• Use wind tunnel determine downwash factor, R,

to adjust emission rate

• R is a only a function of wind speed

R = 1 @ 2 m/s

R = 1.5 @ 10.8 m/s

Final Polling Question Answers

• EPA allows GEP stack heights taller than 65m?

True, or


• EPA allows GEP stack heights taller than the formula height?

True, or


• Why would you want taller stacks?

Compliance versus non-compliance

Optimize fuel use

Minimize emission control

I wouldn’t they are too expensive


Ron Petersen, Ph.D., CCM, FASHRAE

CPP, Inc

[email protected]

970 690 1344

1200 ft GEP Stack
