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;*'Jv^ T j] D AKEj> B J*> WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11,1880....

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•'•'••'". ' / ''V. 1 ,''^"'-'i ? 'fe' ; *'Jv^i ^t7^Ky'P'" T j] D \ n A KEj> B J*> WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11,1880. $1.50 TBAlfflNGTHEYOJJNGlDEA. PREPARIHO FOR THE COMINO b B Ban* Public acfceola-The Country »)«- ttrlci oribU Hclchbjtrlidod Neulr ' all SnppJUd <vi|li Tn*traelon-Ths Private School*. The Red Bank-Board of School Trus- tees have made arrangements for open- ing the public schools on tire Stli of Sep- tember, The teach*rs Nrfio ^will take charge of th«,«oonj« jrt Jbftt time have already been MleeiM. jBEJohW^ Case, , the former ptinoipat tow bean reen- gaged at a (Salary of^tl',000 per year. He will teaob {the eighth, ninth and tenth grades. * Hiss VanSickcl, of 'Phil- adelphia, will teach thesixth and sev- enth graaeo,,wbicb will be located in 1 Mechanic street school, ~Her Balary will be f*7B per year, ^e fifth grade wUl also be inibis building, and will be in charge t>f Misa Sarah Qhild, Whose *sl- - aty hat been fixed at S860,- tti» Nellie ' Willett will teacli the down-town sec* .'tion of the lint grade, at a salarypf ' tfOOperyear. In the Oakland street school Mis* fferahWIUettwiUta the acting princl- . ..pal, at a^ahwy of |ST5. Sho will teach the fourth grade. The third and second grades will attend school in the Oakland street building. These gftufca will be taught by Mm Grace Warner and Miff Mary GofT, who will woolve #850 and fSOO resnectively, Tho primnry class, or the fliit grade, will bo instructed' by Miss Luaio A. Wilson, daughter of BOB. Arthur Wilson, of Tinton Falls. She „ will recoivo $840 nor year. Ittis,understood that these trachei* aro subjoct to ohango, wlien the addi- tion WOthe .Mechanic*, Bftnet school is completed,. The masons are now at work V>rf the 1 second 'story of the build- ing, aud there is scarcely a doubt but tho structuro will be completed by the (tret of Novomltcr, the tune specified in the contract. It is intended, when the Addition is ready for occupancy, to di- vide the second and third grades in the same manner that the first grade is now divided, that the pnpils }a these grades will attend school in the build- ing nearest their homes. The trustees of the Fair Haven school have reengaged Mies Sarah Niveson, of Eatontown, as principal. Miss Susie Ogditn, daughter of Uncle Rutua Ogden, of- Keyport, will be assistant teacher this year. The school at Eatontown will be pre- sided over by Mr. Tymlnll, and Miss Gavin, who has ovtod as assistant for past two or thrco years, will fill tho same pmltion this term. Wm. Woolcott, of Eatontown, has been ougaged to teach tho Little Silver school this year. Miss Mary Qulich will act as assistant. MIBS Mary Thompson, of Tinton Falls, will teach the Shrewsbury school this -year. Hersalary will bo <500.~ _ Mr. Dearmoro, who has taught the Tinton Falls school" for the past two years, has been engaged for the ootning year. William, Cuamplain, who taught the Cqlt 1 * N*)k school several years ago, nnd who afterward taught at Shrews- bury, wlUbe principal or tho Oceanid public! *)W* this year. Miw Were,; l i b ' there for several yeftn :; : ";;;:^{;;';t5i?iER.8ONAt.:£ f : : ; : \';>|f : Wat.; E.OCoopery of Middletown, studying;fprtheministry. ( "; : ; Miss Mollie E. Stilwell, of Holmdel, is eiimmeiingftt-LQDg£raEclu-„—i-i Andrew J. Wllliama i* confined to York, are the guest of JamesTomlinson, of tisedsville. Miss Julia Reed, of Eatontown, has been spending a week with Misw Lillie Green, of Leedevllle. Dr. Edwin Field, of Bed Bank, has bought the, cat-rigged, yacht,, Wtn. 8. Mount, for pleasure sailing. The Balary of the Rev. I. P. Drokaw, of the, Freehold Reformed church, b,as been raised from (1,200 to 11,500. Tbe Rev. W. W. Case, of Holmdel, WI19 ,1s DOW enjoying his annual vaoa- tion, preaches Sunday, at Keyport. Julius Grapel, of Brooklyn, is spend- ing a two-weeks'^vacation lit Rod Bankt He is the gueat of Gapt. Thomus. Chad- wick. The wife of the Rev. H. O. WiUloms, a forinvr pastor of the Mutuwau Metho- iliBt'church, nho was rvcwitly stricken with paralysis, is not likely to recover.- ] Joseph Anderson, over whomsorouob ado was made in connection with the Mlngo Jack affair, ia lying darigeronBly 111 at Ills father's residence at Eaton- town. Mrs, Wm. VanMiter; of Ha*let,' who has been suffering from an attack of r|iei^matl8m for a long fime, will £0 to liichlield Springs this week' in hopes of benefiting her health. James H. Wollick, who exhibits two horseB formerly owned by Jesse James, is at tho Newman Spring hotel, prepar- ing to give aq exhibition of the, Bandit King at the Red Bank opera houseon tbe 20th inst. Curtis W. Green, who has been in the omploy of A. A. Sanborn, of Swimming River, for tho past two years, will leavo on Monday next, and will go to Free- hold, where he will learn the shirt-mak- ing business. Mr, GreoahaBnaademany friends in Leedsvllle and vicinity, who, while they regret his departure, wish him great success in his now field. Horse Railroads In Monmouth. Wm. H. Reed, of Keyport, is nego- tiating with the Commissioners of that place and Matawan fora franchise for a horse railroad between the two villages. Mr. Reed proposes, in case he secures the franchise, to begin work withji^ six months and to have tho road' completed ABRieP P^8CR|PTIONQF OUR Kkil We n>re Done and What We THE Rgp BANK RKOISIKB has removed from its former place of buainees on the t'hjrd floor of the building at'the corner of Broad' and Front Slrcetji to the7!r«i floor in ,the Hendrickson; building, ad- j'biDlDg the po8t-offlbol,oO East-Siont street. The removal of the plant; in- cluding type, cases, stands, stones, paper cutter, job, proof and cylinder' presses, and steam engine, was safely accom- plished wltLput^accldont, and without any mbre^^Uyjq^^clijg^nan was" reasonabfy to be expected under the circumatapces. lighted room, one hundred feet in depth by twenty-five feet in width. The ei A iKofif-la Htbiifipas a fir|| as aRsUtaht.liaa beoo reengaged. ;- : .;.:; : -Ai Keyport the tame corps' of; teach-, in.Srill'j.bsj enjployod. as .lis^ year.;' ' -A* new room has been added to the public school ID which Mian Corn-Bobert8r of Keyport;>iH beinstalled as teacher. :'• Gerardus 0. Morris, who taught the Port Monmouth Bohttol last year, has been engaged by the trustees for iMiotheryear. -) "•. ••••':.•. •/'.-;••;•'•'.' Winfield Robinson, of Keyport, will teach the school at the Highlands. He taught this school last year. - : Miss Leonard, ot Atlantic Highlands, will toaoli tho Brown'a Dock Bcliool. Mre. Harry Finch's horao school for young ladles will dpeii on Wednesday, Beptorobor 23d, Mrs, Finch has rented Mr. Koogh's liousa on Front street, two' doora w « * ot where BIBB now. resid e v | nndin thlnbuilillngthe school will be hold. ! This Is the placo which is usually .known as LoowV unoccupied house, which tor many years WM owned'and occupied by the late .Joseph Applegate. Mrs. Hnsh;W,lll toaoh tho uaunl Engliah branches, with French and Gorman. James M, Claggett, of Eatontown, haa found Btioh n groat increase In the num- ber of pupils attending his school thnt ho has been cumpellcd to, 'seek larger quarters. Those ho has found in Max- well Hall, a largo building situated in . the suburbs, of Eatontown, in the midst of a'geove of maple trees. The school will henceforth be called Mnjilo Grove ( Academy. The school lust year ;had about fifty pupils, and tVioproepeels nro that, tho number of pupils will te (arge- ly increased. Thousual English branches are taught, together with the higher k-mathaoia!(iia,«c(enc<58, modem anti urr-; clont languHges, musio.artamldmwlng. Tho corps of teachers has boon Increased, and for the corning year will comprise Jairlj^vCutggett, B. A;, prlutilpul and BupS^fcden,t! ClmrlcH E, Pushing, I). i A., aotuyprlnolpdl; WlsnUhlilofl. Olag- gfltt, preceptress and toaoher of paint- ing, and Mrs. Mary K. Widdellold, tencher of DIUSIQ, Catalogues sent oh application;'.', ;•'.'•;, .Vr','.'jjj' i i ,'/' l .:vi; ;S'J . .••-,.: j : •.' '." , "«• i»' ',' '. ; •;; : After being on the.market' one yenr tho Deborah olgnr has. proved Its supe- riority ovur all others. Prloo |l,7o. tier box of (SO. J. Gullmgion & Bam.—Adv. ' -'•• iN.';jrr/:,rrrrr-*»irr-r^>t '• •,- ; ; -v Every doBorlntlon of job printing can bi^oWWn?y»>Wlf,p»|lM«uW»bbrKt«». tioeut TmnitaiJfrilBofnw.--''''" ' 1 ••••• ,i'rf,-(,;;.;,j •,;''J),I.^4M,I'IV. F»il«tyl«b»taftt« Tho construction of a horse railroad at Asbury Park, to oxtend'from the de- pot to the sea, has been contemplated for some years, and it is prohable, if the. franchise can be;procured, that;it will be in successful operation by the begin- ning of next season—-—- J A horse railroad has been proposedon Ocean avenue, Long Branch. Such a railroad would be a great convorfonce to the public, but.the project^ opposed by the Coinmignionen) Of tho borough. ''' ' Husband nrid Wife at-Vifiri !y' Laet Thursday Mrs. Joseph Finlita ap- rJarcd^ before 4 for the arrest ©I wid, luvl lusaultefl jiaij Tho warrant was issued, and.the<next day Mr. Finkls appeared before the jus- tice and asked for th<? .arrestot his wife for an ftS^ull-w^'icb^ho o l l % « waV committed on him a week before. Both COBCB came up hist Friday aod there was< the livolieat; jtlnd oj! jjf; tin^litl^cSn? Child's court-room. Jcweph Reuly ap- peared for Mr.' Finkle and R. Alien', Jr., for Mrs. Finkle. Both parties wtoe* heW iu $100 to await the action 'of the next grand jury. " : "'^. - \' : ' "' " Bathing at Seabrlght. Bathing - has been more' popular than ever at 8«abright this year, and'the Pe- ninsula baths havo been very hugely pat- ronized. Win. MacUullcn haa charge: of these baths, which partly acxj<)ujit*fVl4 their popularity. Thebathhou«es»ren«w niul nru conveniently fuiniahed, and.Mr. MucMulIen's reputation,,as '«;'bathing master is second to: bone along the New Jersey coast.- It is not infrequent for parties from Rod Bunk and the adjacent cfliintrytofeke'a'ffiodMllgiit'riSf'lJrfioa- bright and indulge in an evening bath in old ocean. Mr. MooMullen's bath aro lighted at -night for tho f •A Prohibitionist for Oongraas. The prohibitionists of the Third Con' grcKslonal dialrict held their convention at Porth Ainboy last Thureduy after- noon. Over seventy delegates Were present. iT)io, Rev, J, B, CKaver, of Plaindeld, was elitted chairman, and F. W.'Ifrrgen; sqcrwtarV. V A oouunittee of ono from each Assembly district %as appointed xm resolutiuus, who ruportwi, «ndonio^Qen. Fink. Tlte tnnlnWna Wfre;'oddptcd; ^ortlindt L. Parkc^of Perth Ainboy, was tn'ianimouely nO|u>i- uututl .fat Congrvss and noot'ptkl. Bpwulif n wure madu uud the convuuuou d j d ^ u s >j [vings, show cases and a full stock of laid,, woye and linen .paper, mourning and iialr! mourning papeVand antelopes, and plain and fancy cards, for social and business correspondence. There is also In stock school andlegal atatlonery in great; variety. We liaye a largo and well-selected assortment of pads, blank books, businessmen's books of accounts,- butchers',bakera'andgjocer|' pass-books, domestic fill ^ p | r t e j tpans, pencils, writing ana copying mks, law blanks, blank rent and other 'receipts in pods, initial (sealing wax, ivory tablets, rubber rulera, seals, alvipping and- mercliandite tags, all kinds of games, and the other ,rUc|e» usually, found inj ajirstjojass etatioaWy stcrte:' We Im^e iu ; ndditibn the finest stock gf tfasue paper And ma- terial for {making flowers and for ptlipr d^fig fiurppses wjtoli has flyWr^: etioWnWtWacounty: -' .'•"*••" ' ' The job printing department of THE RBOISTRB ia so well known, and its rep-, utation fordoing ftne>«ork at moddrate prices-la ao Drmly.establdihed that iii is hnrdjy.necooeary to eoy anything about it. We would say, however, thut THE RKOIBTEH office was never-' su well equipped to do plain Hiid'.arti»tia : priiit- ipg for social and businwa purposes as it la to-day. Having at our cuminand till the latent designs in typo : produced l>y the leading type founders of America, faataud modern presses, and using' the beat qualities of inks, papers and card board, our printing ban an appearance that m seldom' equalled outside of the work produced by; the niost artistic of r 1 ! ^ * * * ^ * * - - ' . ' - ' ' ; '.• ! - ' r ' - ' • • '* ' •• An to TUB RED BAHK RKQISTKR as a newspaper, it speaks for itself. It is the ablest, brightest, best written aud '• niost popular country newspaper in tho State. That is its^repufcition—earnedby' good, solid work, by printing a/1 (Ae iietps, ac- companied by fair; lionesc editorial comment, 1 expressed in terse English without fearor favor.' AB a consequence tho : 6-uuBcription list of Tut REQIBTEII has, largely increaBed, throughout..the. towns and villages of Monmouth oouuty, and< the sales,- at the newsstands are for in excess of those of, any other jpapBr. As an advertising medium for business jman it, is, tbe mo>t! profitable! paper theyi can use, for the aiinple reason that the 'advertMn& rates'aie thfc Batae toevery- body, and home merchants do not; have to compete for tbe attention of our readers with the ••cheap Johns" tod^ patent medlclnffmen of tbo cities; ~ j •" The Unique, Bubstah'tiai and uniform- ly growing success of T.UK RKUiSTEB.haa not been, and could not have been, woo and ^ kept: by, any- species of sensations! journalism. •; It has Bteadily eough't and appealed to thejbest classes of the com- munity, by theienterprise and excel- lenoe of a news service, town and coun- ty; that baa' been carefully conducted with reference to^the tastes'of the more eenslble, intelligent, refined and con wijWtimw^MBe^ot 'r^adsra,; < Its; ton'ft andita attractiveness baye been siich as to oonolllato and retain what wa bolide to oe; one of the finest conatituenciea "'SW/ ;b J r 'W ooun'^newsp^per op 1 Tho general plan and scherao of TBE our {regular patronr will flnd lliaY there Will be a constant effort toUmprove all the many departments r of the paper. Constant progress has been and will be our motto, Special efforts in tho linoof extending pur spocial local novvs 1 will be rnade, although that aeryice la nowthe best enjoyed by any country newspaper In the Stater"~S , 7 l'; : :' ,'•.•. r ;'.•••/• I- ' • '!.'—•«,».:; r- ••-;-• - }...,... , ".'ogg** Fe'fry." '• ' ; To-morrow night Misa Llrzlo Evans will give the'popular, play of,,"Fogg's Ferry" in tho opara lipuw^upporwd by an cxoollont oompany. •' Soa : Bond^ " ivos to havo boon played ben, but by request Miss EyojlshaaopnE^ntf d.toplay "Fflgg'a l^ury-'infwd. itt« Ktans/iaa a«W« reputation a», nn. ootress of( ability, and i he playj^ itself jls •yiry ontojrtalning. !towBoonery 1B pronilBCd and the ooe- I umea Will bo 1 ' apjMwr^Tnn1i*'ort'istla f > tickets may ba pbulucd'ati Adlom & 66ie'«.>^:\;s".V <}'-pw>"••••':•:•; ;• IN' AND' OUV.OF •tori aol I'nterMtm* l u a u ,'rnm .^y^^ity-ty^ilfrpQimtt^,:; ['•/; '•,. •: Flounder Bshing in Shark river is ex- •^ i i^/U^ : j^jri/ ! iq^'f^wm'JBe»i!h''iiive formed a charity club, ll,.\, ..-,- .:>"/ Tha street crossings' of Keyport are being repaired and relaid- .'"'• '; •".•; : ' '_'; ".' ! ,^iiew schoolroom hasbeen added to the echool building at Keyport. During the recent hot -weather eight infant children -died »t;Keyport."^~—~ A Faruiingdale man was sick in bed I (ft a week with fever produced by a bee 1 Stillg. : ;:,'/; ;, ; ir»;» J--f.''.-l -,,'J -.-.';•:••}',:> The Methodlsta of Matftwan wont on Ofl.eicMnsIpn to Bridgepprt, Conn., last Seventeen-' persons (signed the pledge alrirecenttetnperancenleeting at Tin 1 - VThe* Rod BanK bdttvr market Is rvoaiv ing now Ihu largest and ilunt stookof butter of any retail butler IIOUBU in Ihe Slato.^ Our wliok'wlo aud, rvbiil prlcw aro-juiit as low »M In mine eait* lovyer than eity pnocs. 8. H. Antoiilden, Prop., Broad street, doxt to First Natioual Bank^^tiv - t Culllngtons' ontabllshml brandi i>( i.l gars-bthu DBborih.rfU«i«!U>«ry;»nd Al ma—are made in d BiSk HTy DV | d ^; K G,;:Wlmjtfa«toer';;:who ! Mt/ed;8fla' sncolnl dateotlve In tliB gtmbllng cn»fls at - Long Branch for a wook or »o, s«rit in a bill for |IOO for hlsssrvlciw. Tho bill was palll. Comnilialonen Dunham. and MoKenna voted against it., „., ; : r J .;r,.r',;.>' .•] I « I » I | . i' ; . ••-!••-, i 1 : I When you go'owt carrlog* riding order your oonvoyanooi from Ketoluinv* Cen- iral.Llvery itablm, MspW »»anu», Rod OAMACE TO THECR0P8 BY THE LATE STORM. ,4dam O«tb>r, ahutcher pf Jieypoii cuthishand very hsdlywlfli a butcher knife ^dayli^w'eek^'; ; '_;'7 ; ;;i;-;t- l! ' ^rs. J, E. Sayre has purchaaed th? property at the oornor of Broad aud WallaceBtreeta for^.OOO;- -..;- '^v Money Bold; at 6t per cent.' premium RttbelftfltmeotiEgioftha Ijong .Brant-Ji Building and Loan Asaooiation., : / {: : Holmes Bedle, Jr., of Keyport, was acoidehtly shot m the shoulder 'hut week. .The wound is not Berioiis,'. ';,.'. Harry VanCleaf, of Cllffwood, loet.a valuable Scotch shepherd dog while on a visit to Keyport a few days ago. ; DJrlng T the ruontli ending July 15th, there were tea births, llVree deaths tod one marriage ir^ Raritai) towrialiipl',''"'',. Grounds ; for /cricket.; and baseball matches 1 and other athletic .gameo will bo parch'asod this fall at Long Branch. Pysentery is provotent at Matawan. Sevoral poreonB have died from this com- plalut, and a number of others are sick. ' ; ^^^''wijrplis^^;;,b9/run.lffftwX^ng Branch to Freehold to connect with the American Bell Telephone linetoNew Yort-.-:'.;:...;;;;:;''•";, : :';';"'-^.yy::'• Martin T. Bissell, who showed his pntriotium by- shooting off fire ornokers at Matawan; was fined. 110 and costs last " w e e k . " ' ' ' . " . •• -• . : : . t ' - • • - ' ••• •; • • : . ; •. • " ' The ladies of tho Oceanio Methodist church will hoid their annual fair and festival on the 18th, 10th, 20th and 2IBt of'Aogust.r ; -' ' ; ' i '.;'..i'; '•'..'"•'..' ': : ~.?: : <-' : .;-. On Thursday night of "last week, a thief entered the store of T. 8. R, Brown, at Koyport, ande t o l e $tKI f r o m tho mon- ey drawer, ,, •••••-•;•'•';•.-•; •]'-'•••::".-";:;';•;;';.-; : " ' The ^favesink Hook and Ladder com- pany are making preparatipna' for an excursion to the "Wild West "show on StotenIsland, ^;:',r,' : v:i-: ; :- v ^' : .v"3-S-'/:' Tlie Ocean Wavo liu^l, and the bath- ing establishment connected tiiomwith, O.^JU-.E, »..^_., ^. nn t«»m put into uw hands of a Receiver, ^:'^ : ;:;: / .•.,..',•. ?,, At a recent shooting match of Com- pany B, of Long Branch, dipt. Chaa. Morris did,the beat shooting, hiBscore beingSS Out of a possible 40. Dove shooting is Bald to bo a popular sport at Union, near Key port. Two gun- ners shot twenty-six lust Wednesday,, and the following day they shot twelve. The sleep PV C. pVtrnurn,. owned by Capt. Benjamin, of keyport, waa cap- sieed at Sandy, Hook during the recent storm. Her spars and eails were badly, d a m a g e d , i'.-"..*!.'.•;.[ '...'.- '•'• -•.'•'.• ..• •'.•./•-•• Last Sunday the Rev. Henry Belting preached a sermon, against Sunday sports, in which he discountenanced jSanday canoeing, bicycling, 'driving, . w a l k i n g , e t o . ! : }} •; •••••••! '.• - ; ; About one hundred persons went front Fair Dsven to pcedtiQrove on their an- nual picnic laat Thursday^ It WSB im- posalble to procure eno\ign stage* to ac- commodate all who, wished to go. In the heavy storm of two: weeks ago the bam of John J, Beers, of Bolmdel, which, was full of hay and grain, was struck by lightning and bumod to.the ground. The building was ineurod, but there wag no insurance on the contents. i " . ;.' . ... '; «i» [ ' ; . - . ' ... : ... . Canoe Racing. • • i O; «. K«ine!l*«\d<Mr; Pow««;ftwo conneists of New York city, aro coming to Red Bank on a cruise the first of next week. "Wfi/lb here it is expected that- a race will be mraingod between them and the Red Bank boys. The race will probably take place on Monday orTuos- d a y . ' ' ' '• '•,'•••••'•, •". A' race between''RiViere H. Sneden's EpcahontaSj Frank, LBOnsrd's Cajliopey and Ed. Soott's canoe took, place ou the river on Sunday norning. 'The boats jfinlslicd in the order given above. The canoe club of Paterson are now cruising about the Shrewsbury, and for a day or two past have been camping oatin the-vioinlty t)f Red-Banit, ,, . , Oharged with Embeulement. - Last Friday Win. W. Conover had, John Carton, of Beabright, nrreeted for iombcMJemunt. Mr, Conovor came in possMslon of tha.Seabright greenhouses about two years ago and einoe that time barton has acted as Mr. Couovor'a agent. The ^Icgod etubeadement oonoiatod in Carton collecting money and neglooting to''turn- it over torir,.Conover.,The total amount said to have been trabei- ked !• »I0fl,70, and had boou oollaotod from various penionB. The hearingin the case wllL como b^X before •Justice iflhlM fivihotraW. ' l\ ii'51 •'.1 fi i i i i> * i Will close soon! Cabinets 11.49 per (loxon (Jurlng tho balano* ot my stay, {lurry up. O»er Bmook's store.—/Wu. •j: : ; ' . . . - " , * ' * ' , ; : -,,,-• i Tlie largest stock of pipes and sinokers! arttolM in Monmouth Co. at GulUngtonaY FrontBt.-v4dto.iN : ::;•' i,/: ....•..•.-;/,;:•:'*. j, -,•;.: ' - n , •' HM.fc i . ' • ,- •: • •• ; Bargalus in everything In the cigar and tobacco lino at Pach's.—/Idi). ,. ,., t 'W>t&$ Priie Meflals fpifl JWI EnterWlomenH ailltldillilaWri and :': AtUutltl HisUaadK- Tempirail new«r-ASlK-irear-OI«CllrlAMaii ,'.' *& Bjr '.if Wexro. _ .;,':.,:, ,.•',..,-, , Th? .heavy;; storm Jjp'f. a little over a week ago did much more damage than was at first thought, and the farmers will be heavy losers. Grapevines were iorartroWWrtrelllse^ata^ripped of theirTruit, sjid in many Coses the trel- lises 'themselves'- were blown down. Melon patches were devastated, stand- ing grain was blown flat to t b l ground, tomato p!ahu_ sustained great damage, and corni n many instances was blown flat to the 1 ground and partially 'up- rooted, while in others the . leave* were stripped from the stalks. Much damage to the crops was occasioned bythe hail. A oow •: owiied by; Joh^ Hillyer ! «nd a hone owned by Oebrge Hopping 1 were BMcK'%:)lgh^tag^^«jl^:r^ejKD. Sclianck'flTiOuse had twenty-six pones of glass broken by tbe bail.' Thebridgw and culverts were unable toearry off the Ucavy rainfall and tho water'booked up above- them until the preBsure was so great that the bridges were carried com- pletely away, These are now being re- built, 'and iri a manner' which will pre- vent their future destruction from this causei While many of the culverts and bridges were formerly only Hires 1 or four feet wide, they are now being built with a span of from aixteen to twenty feet, which will give amplo vent to the heaviest rainfall. Freeholder Jehu P. Cooper, was kept busy for a time looking after, the bridges which had been washed away, ami the destruction of which ren- dered traveliiu possible over some of/the roads for a time. i : :.'Y'.J--i ,v.'>, ..•?.••-.,• : ;: , Thort-wo* ci plcosantentertainuient at Tliompsou'B iiotrl laBt Friday for the benefit of the widow of the Rev.' A. W. Allen, formerly pastor of the Reformed church ,at Piu-kertown. Many persons from this adjoining hotels and cottages 'tO9k;-n^in"1t,~anar^eU^vrge«|i,7the actor, superintended the programme, Ex-Sheriff Tliompron, the proprietor of the hotel, made, successful efforts,, in swelling the fund. :,, •-, , . , ; ; , This season,, therHighlanoj; cottage, owned by Mra. Augusta VanAUen, is leased to Geo. Lewia who, is doing a good summer bualnoea there. The house ac- commodates fifty guests and every room 1 B t a k e n . ; ; . . , , ) ' ' . - ? ' ! ; - . , : ' : :i : . '-,•.,> Tbe All Sainta', church and* Sunday, school at Naveslnb will hiive upicnio on Wedneflday. ilie 18th insf., at the Light House hill, HiKlUunda. ,, ;.i;. (,K^, ''^••;.^\ : Tho nWlft hnuse at the Higl'ilnnda >"• # P'««»~^ .^i^W.N«wYorkbimd >f music every Satunhiy uighf. " The Atlautio Uigliluuds Ciitup Meet- ing opened ou Sunday mid will continue till the,13th, The religiuiu wrvioeswill be under 1 the Bupervisiduuf- the Rev. Wni. : fcddy.JD.C.^^ 8jracuAe,_jr.jrv There will be preacliiug interspersed with bible readings each day. .,- ' ; The Women's Christian Temperance Union of Atlantic Highlanda has de- cided to purchase a lot and eript a buildinp; suited to - tho wants, of tbe U n i o n . - . ' ;• --I-1. '• ••'•'. -i'vV ''.••'•'-:•••': ': The Freehoidere have erected a small bridge ,on, the road .opposite Aaron Brown'a property at Chapel Hill. " The''Freeholders are diacuBsing' the propriety of erecting an iron bridge over McCieoa's creek. Thia.vould prove an economical measure as the present bridge its old and'costs a great deal annually for repaire. " '-' : -.;;•;,-;'• J'.).]'..,'/.•!:'[.. . V,','.. The Baptist la-yn imrty will bo held on Richard A, Leonard'a>,grounds to- morrow evening. There will bo music andrefreehments.,.• : ' : :• . The independent says the Orand View hotel at Atlantic Highlands has a bar which the association, ia trying to close up. As nothing is sold over; that bar except mineral'waters and olgnra, it would seem an unwarrantable and im- pertinent interference wit^ the' buuness of the hotel. It is true that there "are venT largo quantities of liquoip, «r»d>beer consumed in the house 1 daily, but it is supplied on the table or to tho boarders' rooms, which Is not in violation of law. Mr! Warner, one of the proprietors, gave strict orders at the' opening of the sea; Bon that no liquors, should be sold, over Ihe bsrand rione^baB-been-eoKildr.r-.-!--' 1 ? ' Edward HaverjiB hlia hod Isaiah Thorne, both' ot •'i *»brj i te' l|ve'; ne'a»j'#ayQ|ike,,' •(r- rogted for assault and battery. Havens charges', Thorno with committing two assaults on lilta, one on June 20th and thb-/6ther! i ;fflii;;;JdlirV;,4^b,;' 1 if^orne.' i SM' given ball in |100 oneach ohargo to await the action of the grand jury. '. Lewis Morgan, a negro who haa been working Iu Middletown; township for tome time past, attempted last week to commit an assault onAmy llowlos, the 8lx-year-old daughter of Alfred Bowles, who lives near Leedsville, Morgan was .»xr«^iB«4:Bepupo^^oMiiiiti.flk wanted to plead guilty, but It was learned that he had committed similar CiTenecsfn U\epast,'and ho will not be arraigned uulll wltneosea can be pro- cured to testify. It ialaid that Morgan was associated with tho murdoror Rugg in Bomo of the laUerls oxplolUon Long IaUnd;;;/,'/'^^^;, 1 ; \;' 1v;V;'|,; ; ',,,,,; j Tho Bteomor Wm. Vr Wilson is hav- ing ' sn unpreocdented ' Mason, ' the freights. being. extremely lar^e.,. Groat caroistokon toeell theproduoo atgood advantage for' the, shippers;' AB an in* 8tanoeotthls,ou9aturday atifl Mooaay lost c;»pt.;fj!r(ikm;»pW«wu 'wmm w Sheriff Joseph Thompwa for tl.BO per ljundred e»r«. This Is oonildei^ «n ai:- """"' '"• |j^tjflto,;''under.'thB'dlrek-. Women's Christian Temperance Union of Middletown, will be h*M en Friday evening ot this week 1 on the grounds of Ear* A. Osbcujj, at Middletown. The festivities will begin at seven o'clock and continue until ten. If the weather is unfavorable, the fete will be postponed until the following eveniog. Tbe entertainment is not in- tended forthe members of tbe temper- anoe union alone, but the general public is invited to be present. JOHN SHEEHAN'S MISTAKE. He AtTtft* the Wreac Kfan While ike Beat Calprlt bctpn,•'---.•-'- Last week Miaa Betty Haskins,' an un- married colored woman of this township, made complaint before Justice Child that James. Webb ConoTer, a colored man employed by Henry B. White, was the father of her unborn child, and that the child was likely to become a charge upon the townthip.' Ccmitable John Sheeban went to Mr. White's house on tlie river bank to arreet Conover. Just before his arrival» lady had driven up tbe lane, and. one of. the colored; waiters of the Globe hotel, who had gone to Mr. White's ou^an errand, gallantly o3ered te takq ohargu of the horse. It was while he was doing this that Constable John Sheehan j drove up, and seeing; the 'man so employed supposed hs was the man he was to'arrest. He waited until the horse had been taken care of, and then anked the Globe hotel manto"take a little ride with him.", The man was pleased to avoid the walk back to the hotel, and gladly accepted tho invita- tion,, Whoa the . hotel waa reached, he said ho wonld get out there, but.Mr. Sho«han insisted on .bis remaining in. the wagon and going » little further, it waasome time tjefore,inattorsveere ex- plained, and .then the .constable drove back to Mr, Whlte'e, after the real of- fender.- Conpyor, however, -who hnd been secreted in the mow of the barn, had watehed Mr, 8heehan make tbe ar- reet, and qwpeoting what was the mat- ter had fled as soon as the constable Aid drivennutof theyard. Hehaanotyet been captured, and it is 8uppo«ed that he has gone to Manalapan, where be •foraeHy"livedr, : :''"t : " :: .T""~" r ""'--'-,- ' '•'•• •'• '; ••'.'-, :,-JI \r*i i fri\\ : -^'< : :tUv'\-irf y . COLORED MEM IN A ROW. Tvro Colored ISen VTbo an Likely to - •-••v:<-i^G*«o>Ifri»iS^'";'- l "';'',v- ' LaatThnraJay'nlghttViere was o col- ored boll at Fair 1 Haveri. Among tboee who BttendM' 'the' ball Were George' Smith arid IkeSmith; of Red Bank, and James fieena;dr LBeasvfflft r ihej*te# for homa at sbotttUiree o'clock on 1 Frl-' day fticSlimg;' Oii '«ieir : !iijr*jr'h'ome mf. met ^enry; Jui^fer,»alstt: <xMored. Ike : tBcapewithfttomhat When(tte!trio 1 got up-town George Smith treated iibet- ally. After a time; Ike a^i* he would treat, but woen he we%t to pay f6r tb'^ drinks he foupd his pocketbook was' gone. •) He accused George 8raith of hav- ing Btolen it, and O^rga tlieii pasaefl it over, empty. Ite says tfere was^ia in it when it was stolen' and' George says it contained but 75 centt."' When ike took the empty' pocketbook he Btnick George in the neck. George dropped as if dead, and for a time it was thought that Ike had killed blm. He recovered, however, and had a warrant Isauod for Ike'e arrest on the charge of aasault and battery. A eimllar ohargo was made against' Ike by Junlfor. Uoorge^ Smith waa ornatcd, charged with having stolen ike's pocketbook';and' kntfo, tleorge was eent to- j il U) await'thaactfon or the grand jury, but IkefurnlaWbaU In the -sum 1 ' 6f' »lM_f6r'eich I 'o l n-enc«:witb .wblohhewasoKarged. 1 '.' '""''''~ '/^ .^•;--Vv- Bioyole Now*. ' ';-.;' •••' On Saturday afternoon the 'Orange Wanderers will have a hill-climbing contest up the: Orange mouptein, on Eagle" Rock avenue, a locality familiar to most of the>Rcd Bank wheelmen. The event wlfrbtfopen to all, members of the League. \A suitable prito will be awarded to the person whoraakea the fastest time up the, hill, whjlp. trophies >|nili^beV.prnestol<W^{Bnre^^.ridtf'^)i^| reacliea the tep of the hill without a dismount.' "'',,';','.•,'• .•':;' '•.,.:.',••' .'.,', ? . - .... : .... ) ' l . ^ ' , ^ Hi r . _ J . . . , : ... 1 '• Emrnono-Statealr. - " On Tuesday of lost week Misa Hattie B. Emmons and 'John Statealr, both of fi9lt'a.Nwk, i jH»i untted'4p^'rMriagBat the home of the bride. The Bev. George jW.Labaw, assisted by the groom's brothor, the Rev. BeDJ. Stateflir, per- formed the csremonyi Tho Wedding tookplaoaatteno'clock. After the, cere- mony the guests eat down to a wedding dmner. Inthe afternoon tho bridennd groom Btarted for Saratoga, whero the honeymoon will be spent. . . .. . ' . ' ' ' ' , ' - ' ' * ' . ' . . . * * * ! ' . . '•' . ' . ' ' . > : OroWn'ed sit Port Monmouth.. ': .Yesterdaymorning about ton o'clock,; a man Who Was' oinployod; on the schooner Three Sisters fell off the steam- boat wharf at Port Monmouthand,was drowned.' ThewronCTWMtuinmbnod, an'd after' in examination of the body it waa decided that the into hwl been Icllled by the fall,'and that death was dot tlio {Neult of <jrownlng. The fact that there was no water in the etonisoh or lungs ted to lhl» conclusion. •';' •",-••••-;!- SVv';,-;;,,;;.;^.;,.,^.,,^^^;;;;^^!^ MONDAY NIOHra SHOW AT THK '"•;; i»troi»iiii : ci.UB^ujjtpwoi;:||:|| TrmrelldK Contp*nr-B*n<m* wilej"?; taw ita« Play Without p. r i av r»r tu.:.'•...,•-.::. ;•,:;.,;v;;..,!^:';;-^?;^ About penons paid h«Jf n. doll«r ; ; apiece on Monday night to attend th» "Adamlees Eden," show in : thBAR»forni i; Club headquarters on Monmouth .street ; » ffcrae" flfty'bthersV'wtio'.waiHedvf font :••% Beats, paid neventy-flve cents eaclr to wltncaj the ixtrformanceV Thlire"were't|! about three hundred persons in tlm great, barn-like building when the per- formance began, and these were in- breaBed by fifty or Beventy:five others while,theshow'Was In progresa. As tho building is capable of. holding .1,500 or" more, an audience of 3S0 looked very-1- o^SW??- 1 iT;-i•-.<;{ •««'tr'"'«.«!-s ! it:£;K^| This audience was supplemented'by a hundred other persons who did not nay; •!? any thing for wituesaing the ahow.. .i'h* windows along each side of the buillllng' were raised a little way to admi^;pir, c i": and at every window there was a crowd. After a time these; |>ersoii8 become bolder, and i threw, the winildwa ;widi open. This,continued for: five minutes. or so, when tbo management closed and fastened the sashes. The lower panes of glare are painted, and this effectually stopped the peering' ia at the windows ; for the moment, but it didn't take Ipng for tbe boys to find out tliat they could climb on the window sills^ and by look- : ing through the top Bashes could see? as well u ever; Besides those at the win-^f dowfi, .Bpme persoDB made their: ;way;,tp;,'•• [ tho roof, where,they could.get a.g^)<|}! view through the roof windows. ••-. ^ jk i' ;3; When the actreasca first filed upon, Mio stage there was a eenoation among the ; audlenoe,-. They wore; tigb,to^|ttf;i|!e|g; .remainder of their dress was extremely: U scant of material, and tbe coetume of »•/ female circua actor seemed like full- ; dress incomparison.,.- Four womeriwhxi; •; .iwrein; the audience ;£rab^i^hiiri*^* corta by the airo and hurried out. Tba; ; .ta^^«ereSn1^d^^^^j|i^| not de^m-it,.h : ecessaryfedepart'',.|fii.^|$'; audience wore three or four of ttotown offlcials, several of the doctors and otl^er;"': professional mtn.ortj^-'ifiw^;a;U\j^ v number, of'^th'S; buBin'e* ; 1 mtofiof; 1 ,,I^d i :'.Sg B^k|,8,nd, ; sOTe^^minen>;n^b«f^ of, the ^pj^, j^bVt;prnj.«^|BJB^i)o«^^; pHgM.alfa^fironiJ^^f; ; ftttr^eii^^ -;'- i B^^9"«^;|n\thej l b^,(t'l^0^|; pi^e^-WB^oi^i^!^^^-^^^ A house containing eleven 1 room* on Front street, tt«d Bank, Henry J. Child '• All cigars sold by.GuUlngton A Sons are manufactured in Red Bsnk, N.J, No tenement hQOjestook.^XclWv;, men olgar.-^dlA^ i^jr^Jbu^fjsueijp ^it^ltflnKserViBd aeato^i^^ : jpfgrag|ps fortherowenttocktoibeirfoimerBeiwa.^Y:^e ( !walte^'|far.flve! r ^inn^Va^i^b^j;iAf nn^^Mblh^8p^fe^!lJ^hi|cW6p^^ jthrt 'if ] tfc'e';' reeer^'saate wer^jjot^!?;..^ •cated in' one mBiiuto the .Bhow ;wqoid,; ; ,bp c l p e e ^ ^ ^ i a t h i r t y ^ ^ ^ & ^ ^ ^ w ^ S (tnen .went J ^ k ^ . J a ^ ^ j i j ^ , ; 1 ^^^^^^; jaregularitaBipede., ^fittj^^f^^ spoil, ^pwever,;-ret^ned F ,^^^r»B||g5i seats fbi wj^c^t^ey had.notp^diS^iiJi .. Theperformance Itself was.v.ery popr.,:- •^e«BJ' ; pi;th6, ! B^re^-dM^jinj!!!p| ;thejr.;lines, and|:'it - waBjnipoisn)^^^)r^f thoee sittingip theiniddleof tharppnito. ' ;beM^at.waB^d^^un4^^i»b^,||; never answered,- ma* '/Vlbat- la it ail |abont;?C ^iTt^dinciiiRKtiij W^b^beeaJ?! good except that the Btage was rickety ;; , anawaverfil R ; antrpreTCtitodJnedarioeitt" from keeping good tim,e, ;,The ; oest.f^a-.- 1 tuWrf&e'^ow/^a^Wfn^t!^^ in which the momberaof the, company- ; iwere rigged' : put^with [beWej^wi^Jy and; shields, all made of glittering tin. t,-; ecuted but the emallnsss ofithe stage' imarrtd this part pt the' ^romaa6fti^;Jp| i 'Afterthesbqw'^pve^i^r^tbw^rj||i; remained until the perroruieri iaft the r buildings Tne crowd kept up(kicontitfe5;« ual hooting and ;jfelUng, and|toUo^^M"" thecomjiany; .to^h^lobi'hptely Jg^i*|| the manager put his h»ud to hisbipi ; ; pocket, as though to draw a p4tpl,tbu||>i.f~: evidently thought, batter of his purpoffe.;" •-^h^;(»mp^y.jp>li^ti^^^/a^ $10 for the usaof the building. The;li-':; cense. fee^tost'M'•«*.,tfci; b ^ $ « t p | | K and •' printing post iuthonelgblMaboOti pt J85.-/.AB'. fully .;|160'iwWi^enin;%^ ihe door, the< company came put ahead; - ; .iftey^ying thelrbo^bllliB.^ 1 ; ]•; 'i0$ff i-';:,'; l ;.!.?:.',f:;'.^Wi\y ; ;y;Vl':.v;;i';sJ-',^i ; fj Athletlo Sport* for Tompor»rto»i /•v.."irr'f,-/-v,:;v-M«i».--i''^ : .' 1 - i ^'':V ; )^ : 'B-f¥- ( The Red Bank Reform Club lias pur--; chased a quantity 6f athlotlo paraphef* ;' ipfldisi,'- wlidto^ 1 ;«rf,-'i'pw'_liigibi : /i>H(^ji|i''"* ' liH ' their lieailqunrtcrB on • • • i m , . ! .... ,,, Among the goi^Bpuroha^Mftre'iIumbi.:; bells; Indian blubs; boxln* «t?V«, hoHj2^ L «#al':ji^rwj^^
Page 1: ;*'Jv^ T j] D AKEj> B J*> WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11,1880. …rbr.mtpl.org/data/rbr/1880-1889/1886/1886.08.11.pdf · ... at a salary pf ' tfOOperyear. ... of- Keyport, will be assistant

• • •'•'••'". ' / ' 'V.1, ' '^"'-'i? 'fe' ;*'Jv^ i^t7^Ky'P'"

T j] D\n AKEj> B J*> WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11,1880. $1.50


bB Ban*

Public acfceola-The Country »)«-ttrlci o r i b U Hclchbjtrlidod Neulr

' al l SnppJUd <vi|li Tn*traelon-ThsPrivate School*.The Red Bank-Board of School Trus-

tees have made arrangements for open-ing the public schools on tire Stli of Sep-tember, The teach*rs Nrfio ^will takecharge of th«,«oonj« jrt Jbftt time havealready been MleeiM. jBEJohW^ Case,

, the former ptinoipat tow bean reen-gaged at a (Salary of^tl',000 per year.He will teaob {the eighth, ninth andtenth grades. * Hiss VanSickcl, of 'Phil-adelphia, will teach the sixth and sev-enth graaeo,,wbicb will be located in

1 Mechanic street school, ~Her Balary willbe f*7B per year, ^ e fifth grade wUlalso be in ibis building, and will be incharge t>f Misa Sarah Qhild, Whose *sl-

- aty hat been fixed at S860,- tti» Nellie' Willett will teacli the down-town sec*.'tion of the lint grade, at a salary pf' tfOOperyear.

In the Oakland street school Mis*fferahWIUettwiUta the acting princl-

. ..pal, at a^ahwy of |ST5. Sho will teachthe fourth grade. The third and secondgrades will attend school in the Oaklandstreet building. These gftufca will betaught by Mm Grace Warner and MiffMary GofT, who will woolve #850 andfSOO resnectively, Tho primnry class,or the fliit grade, will bo instructed' byMiss Luaio A. Wilson, daughter of BOB.Arthur Wilson, of Tinton Falls. She

„ will recoivo $840 nor year.

Ittis,understood that these trachei*aro subjoct to ohango, wlien the addi-tion WOthe .Mechanic*, Bftnet school iscompleted,. The masons are now atwork V>rf the1 second 'story of the build-ing, aud there is scarcely a doubt buttho structuro will be completed by the(tret of Novomltcr, the tune specified inthe contract. It is intended, when theAddition is ready for occupancy, to di-vide the second and third grades in thesame manner that the first grade is nowdivided, B« that the pnpils }a thesegrades will attend school in the build-ing nearest their homes.

The trustees of the Fair Haven schoolhave reengaged Mies Sarah Niveson, ofEatontown, as principal. Miss SusieOgditn, daughter of Uncle Rutua Ogden,of- Keyport, will be assistant teacherthis year.

The school at Eatontown will be pre-sided over by Mr. Tymlnll, and MissGavin, who has ovtod as assistant forpast two or thrco years, will fill thosame pmltion this term.

Wm. Woolcott, of Eatontown, hasbeen ougaged to teach tho Little Silverschool this year. Miss Mary Qulichwill act as assistant.

MIBS Mary Thompson, of Tinton Falls,will teach the Shrewsbury school this-year. Hersalary will bo <500.~ _

Mr. Dearmoro, who has taught theTinton Falls school" for the past twoyears, has been engaged for the ootning

year.William, Cuamplain, who taught the

Cqlt1* N*)k school several years ago,nnd who afterward taught at Shrews-bury, wlUbe principal or tho Oceanidpublic! *)W* this year. Miw Were,;

l i b ' there for several yeftn


: Wat.; E.OCoopery of Middletown,studying;fprtheministry. ("; : ;

Miss Mollie E. Stilwell, of Holmdel, iseiimmeiing ftt-LQDg£raEclu- „—i-i

Andrew J. Wllliama i* confined to

York, are the guest of JamesTomlinson,of tisedsville.

Miss Julia Reed, of Eatontown, hasbeen spending a week with Misw LillieGreen, of Leedevllle.

Dr. Edwin Field, of Bed Bank, hasbought the, cat-rigged, yacht,, Wtn. 8.Mount, for pleasure sailing.

The Balary of the Rev. I. P. Drokaw,of the, Freehold Reformed church, b,asbeen raised from (1,200 to 11,500.

Tbe Rev. W. W. Case, of Holmdel,WI19 ,1s DOW enjoying his annual vaoa-tion, preaches Sunday, at Keyport.

Julius Grapel, of Brooklyn, is spend-ing a two-weeks'^vacation lit Rod BanktHe is the gueat of Gapt. Thomus. Chad-wick.

The wife of the Rev. H. O. WiUloms,a forinvr pastor of the Mutuwau Metho-iliBt'church, n ho was rvcwitly strickenwith paralysis, is not likely to recover.-]

Joseph Anderson, over whomsorouobado was made in connection with theMlngo Jack affair, ia lying darigeronBly111 at Ills father's residence at Eaton-town.

Mrs, Wm. VanMiter; of Ha*let,' whohas been suffering from an attack ofr|iei^matl8m for a long fime, will £0 toliichlield Springs this week' in hopes ofbenefiting her health.

James H. Wollick, who exhibits twohorseB formerly owned by Jesse James,is at tho Newman Spring hotel, prepar-ing to give aq exhibition of the, BanditKing at the Red Bank opera house ontbe 20th inst.

Curtis W. Green, who has been in theomploy of A. A. Sanborn, of SwimmingRiver, for tho past two years, will leavoon Monday next, and will go to Free-hold, where he will learn the shirt-mak-ing business. Mr, GreoahaBnaademanyfriends in Leedsvllle and vicinity, who,while they regret his departure, wishhim great success in his now field.

Horse Railroads In Monmouth .Wm. H. Reed, of Keyport, is nego-

tiating with the Commissioners of thatplace and Matawan fora franchise for ahorse railroad between the two villages.Mr. Reed proposes, in case he securesthe franchise, to begin work withji^ s i x

months and to have tho road' completed


Kkil We n>re Done and What We

THE Rgp BANK RKOISIKB has removed

from its former place of buainees on thet'hjrd floor of the building at'the cornerof Broad' and Front Slrcetji to the7!r«ifloor in ,the Hendrickson; building, ad-j'biDlDg the po8t-offlbol,oO East-Siontstreet. The removal of the plant; in-cluding type, cases, stands, stones, papercutter, job, proof and cylinder' presses,and steam engine, was safely accom-plished wltLput^accldont, and withoutany mbre^^Uyjq^^clijg^nan was"reasonabfy to be expected under thecircumatapces.

lighted room, one hundred feet in depthby twenty-five feet in width. The

e i A iKofif-la Htbii fip as a fir||

as aRsUtaht.liaa beoo reengaged. ;-:.;.:;: -Ai Keyport the tame corps' of; teach-,in.Srill'j.bsj enjployod. as .lis^ year.;' ' -A*new room has been added to the publicschool ID which Mian Corn-Bobert8r ofKeyport;>iH beinstalled as teacher.:'• Gerardus 0. Morris, who taught thePort Monmouth Bohttol last year, hasbeen engaged by the trustees fori M i o t h e r y e a r . - ) "•. ••••':.•. •/'.-;••;•'•'.'

Winfield Robinson, of Keyport, willteach the school at the Highlands. Hetaught this school last year. -: Miss Leonard, ot Atlantic Highlands,will toaoli tho Brown'a Dock Bcliool.

Mre. Harry Finch's horao school foryoung ladles will dpeii on Wednesday,Beptorobor 23d, Mrs, Finch has rentedMr. Koogh's liousa on Front street, two'

• doora w « * o t where BIBB now. resid ev |nndin thlnbuilillngthe school will behold.! This Is the placo which is usually

.known as LoowV unoccupied house,which tor many years WM owned'andoccupied by the late .Joseph Applegate.Mrs. Hnsh;W,lll toaoh tho uaunl Engliahbranches, with French and Gorman.

James M, Claggett, of Eatontown, haafound Btioh n groat increase In the num-ber of pupils attending his school thntho has been cumpellcd to, 'seek largerquarters. Those ho has found in Max-well Hall, a largo building situated in

. the suburbs, of Eatontown, in the midstof a'geove of maple trees. The schoolwill henceforth be called Mnjilo Grove

( Academy. The school lust year ;hadabout fifty pupils, and tVioproepeels nrothat, tho number of pupils will te (arge-ly increased. Thousual English branchesare taught, together with the higher

k-mathaoia!(iia,«c(enc<58, modem anti urr-;clont languHges, musio.artamldmwlng.Tho corps of teachers has boon Increased,and for the corning year will comprise

• Jairlj^vCutggett, B. A;, prlutilpul andBupS^fcden,t! ClmrlcH E, Pushing, I).

i A., aotuyprlnolpdl; WlsnUhlilofl. Olag-gfltt, preceptress and toaoher of paint-ing, and Mrs. Mary K. Widdellold,tencher of DIUSIQ, Catalogues sent ohapplication;'.', ;•'.'•;, .Vr','.'jjj'i

i,'/'l.:vi; ;S'J. • . • • - , . : j : • . ' '." , " « • i » ' ',' ' . ; •;;

: After being on the.market' one yenrtho Deborah olgnr has. proved Its supe-riority ovur all others. Prloo | l ,7o. tierbox of (SO. J. Gullmgion & Bam.—Adv.

' -'•• iN.';jrr/:,rrrrr-*»irr-r^>t '• •,-;; -vEvery doBorlntlon of job printing can

bi^oWWn?y»>Wlf,p»|lM«uW»bbrKt«».tioeut TmnitaiJfrilBofnw.--''''" '

1 ••••• • ,i'rf,-(,;;.;,j • , ; ' ' J ) , I . ^ 4 M , I ' I V .


Tho construction of a horse railroadat Asbury Park, to oxtend'from the de-pot to the sea, has been contemplatedfor some years, and it is prohable, if the.franchise can be;procured, that;it willbe in successful operation by the begin-ning of next season—-—-J— —

A horse railroad has been proposed onOcean avenue, Long Branch. Such arailroad would be a great convorfonce tothe public, but.the project^ opposed bythe Coinmignionen) Of tho borough. '''

' Husband nrid Wife at-Vifiri ! y 'Laet Thursday Mrs. Joseph Finlita ap-

rJarcd^ before 4for the arrest ©Iwid, luvl lusaultefl jiaijTho warrant was issued, and.the<nextday Mr. Finkls appeared before the jus-tice and asked for th<? .arrestot his wifefor an ftS^ull-w^'icb^ho ol l%« waVcommitted on him a week before. BothCOBCB came up hist Friday aod there was<the livolieat; jtlnd oj! jjf; t in^l i t l^cSn?Child's court-room. Jcweph Reuly ap-peared for Mr.' Finkle and R. Alien', Jr.,for Mrs. Finkle. Both parties wtoe* heWiu $100 to await the action 'of the nextgrand jury. " :"'^. - \ ' : ' "' "

Bathing a t Seabrlght.Bathing - has been more' popular than

ever at 8«abright this year, and'the Pe-ninsula baths havo been very hugely pat-ronized. Win. MacUullcn haa charge:of these baths, which partly acxj<)ujit*fVl4their popularity. Thebathhou«es»ren«wniul nru conveniently fuiniahed, and.Mr.MucMulIen's reputation,,as '«;'bathingmaster is second to: bone along the NewJersey coast.- It is not infrequent forparties from Rod Bunk and the adjacentcfliintrytofeke'a'ffiodMllgiit'riSf'lJrfioa-bright and indulge in an evening bathin old ocean. Mr. MooMullen's bath

aro lighted at -night for tho

f•A Prohibitionist for Oongraas.The prohibitionists of the Third Con'

grcKslonal dialrict held their conventionat Porth Ainboy last Thureduy after-noon. Over seventy delegates Werepresent. iT)io, Rev, J, B, CKaver, ofPlaindeld, was elitted chairman, andF. W.'Ifrrgen; sqcrwtarV. VA oouunitteeof ono from each Assembly district %asappointed xm resolutiuus, who ruportwi,«ndonio^Qen. Fink. Tlte tnnlnWnaWfre;'oddptcd; ^ortlindt L. Parkc^ofPerth Ainboy, was tn'ianimouely nO|u>i-uututl .fat Congrvss and noot'ptkl.Bpwulif n wure madu uud the convuuuou

d j d ^ u s >j

[vings, show cases and a full stock oflaid,, woye and linen .paper, mourningand iialr! mourning papeVand antelopes,and plain and fancy cards, for social andbusiness correspondence. There is alsoIn stock school and legal atatlonery ingreat; variety. We liaye a largo andwell-selected assortment of pads, blankbooks, businessmen's books of accounts,-butchers',bakera'andgjocer|' pass-books,domestic fill ^ p | r t e j tpans, pencils,writing ana copying mks, law blanks,blank rent and other 'receipts in pods,

initial (sealing wax, ivory tablets, rubberrulera, seals, alvipping and- merclianditetags, all kinds of games, and the other,rUc|e» usually, found inj ajirstjojass

etatioaWy stcrte:' We Im e iu; ndditibnthe finest stock gf tfasue paper And ma-terial for {making flowers and for ptliprd ^ f i g fiurppses wjtoli has flyWr^:etioWnWtWacounty: - ' .'•"*••" ' '

The job printing department of THERBOISTRB ia so well known, and its rep-,utation fordoing ftne>«ork at moddrateprices-la ao Drmly.establdihed that iii ishnrdjy.necooeary to eoy anything aboutit. We would say, however, thut THERKOIBTEH office was never-' su wellequipped to do plain Hiid'.arti»tia: priiit-ipg for social and businwa purposes as itla to-day. Having at our cuminand tillthe latent designs in typo: produced l>ythe leading type founders of America,faataud modern presses, and using' thebeat qualities of inks, papers and cardboard, our printing ban an appearancethat m seldom' equalled outside of thework produced by; the niost artistic of

• r1

! ^ * * * ^ * * - - ' . ' • • • - ' '; '.• ! - '

r' - ' • • '* ' • •


newspaper, it speaks for itself. It is theablest, brightest, best written aud '• niostpopular country newspaper in tho State.That is its^ repufcition—earned by' good,solid work, by printing a/1 (Ae iietps, ac-companied by fair; lionesc editorialcomment,1 expressed in terse Englishwithout fearor favor.' AB a consequencetho :6-uuBcription list of T u t REQIBTEIIhas, largely increaBed, throughout..the.towns and villages of Monmouth oouuty,and< the sales,- at the newsstands are forin excess of those of, any other jpapBr.As an advertising medium for businessjman it, is, tbe mo>t! profitable! paper theyican use, for the aiinple reason that the'advertMn& rates'aie thfc Batae to every-body, and home merchants do not; haveto compete for tbe attention of ourreaders with the ••cheap Johns" tod^patent medlclnffmen of tbo cities; ~j •" The Unique, Bubstah'tiai and uniform-ly growing success of T.UK RKUiSTEB.haanot been, and could not have been, wooand ^ kept: by, any- species of sensations!journalism. •; It has Bteadily eough't andappealed to thejbest classes of the com-munity, by theienterprise and excel-lenoe of a news service, town and coun-ty; that baa' been carefully conductedwith reference to^the tastes'of the moreeenslble, intelligent, refined and conwijWtimw^MBe^ot 'r^adsra,; < Its; ton'ftandita attractiveness baye been siich asto oonolllato and retain what wa bolideto oe; one of the finest conatituenciea"'SW/;bJr 'W ooun'^newsp^per op

1 Tho general plan and scherao of TBE

our {regular patronr will flnd lliaY thereWill be a constant effort toUmprove allthe many departments r of the paper.Constant progress has been and will beour motto, Special efforts in tho lino ofextending pur spocial local novvs1 will bernade, although that aeryice la now thebest enjoyed by any country newspaperI n t h e S t a t e r " ~ S , 7 l ' ; : : ' ,'•.•. r ;'.•••/•

I- ' • ' ! . ' — • « , » . : ; r- • • - ; - • -

} . . . , . . . , ".'ogg** Fe'fry." '• '; To-morrow night Misa Llrzlo Evanswill give the'popular, play of,,"Fogg'sFerry" in tho opara lipuw^upporwd byan cxoollont oompany. •' Soa: Bond^ " ivosto havo boon played ben, but by requestMiss EyojlshaaopnE^ntf d.toplay "Fflgg'al^ury-'infwd. i t t « Ktans/iaa a«W«reputation a», nn. ootress of (ability, andi he playj itself j ls •yiry ontojrtalning.! tow Boonery 1B pronilBCd and the ooe-I umea Will bo1' apjMwr^Tnn1i*'ort'istlaf


tickets may ba pbulucd'ati Adlom &

66ie'«.>^:\;s".V <}'-pw>"••••':•:•; ; •


•tor i a o l I'nterMtm* l u a u ,'rnm.^y^^ity-ty^ilfrpQimtt^,:; ['•/; '•,. •:

Flounder Bshing in Shark river is ex-


formed a charity club, ll,.\, ..-,- .:>"/Tha street crossings' of Keyport are

being repaired and relaid- .'"'• '; •".•;:' '_';".'!,^iiew schoolroom hasbeen added tothe echool building at Keyport.

During the recent hot -weather eightinfant children -died »t;Keyport."^~—~

A Faruiingdale man was sick in bedI(ft a week with fever produced by a bee1

S t i l l g . : ;:,'/; ; , ; i r » ; » J- - f . ' ' . - l - , , ' J - . - . ' ; • : • • } ' , : >

The Methodlsta of Matftwan wont onOfl.eicMnsIpn to Bridgepprt, Conn., last

Seventeen-' persons (signed the pledgealrirecenttetnperancenleeting at Tin1-

VThe* Rod BanK bdttvr market Is rvoaiving now Ihu largest and ilunt stook ofbutter of any retail butler IIOUBU in IheSlato.^ Our wliok'wlo aud, rvbiil prlcwaro-juiit as low »M In mine eait* lovyerthan eity pnocs. 8. H. Antoiilden, Prop.,Broad street, doxt to First NatioualBank^^tiv - t

Culllngtons' ontabllshml brandi i>( i.lgars-bthu DBborih.rfU«i«!U>«ry;»nd Alma—are made in d BiSk HTy D V

| d

^;KG,;:Wlmjtfa«toer';;:who!Mt/ed;8fla'sncolnl dateotlve In tliB gtmbllng cn»flsat - Long Branch for a wook or »o, s«ritin a bill for |IOO for hlsssrvlciw. Thobill was palll. • Comnilialonen Dunham.and MoKenna voted against it., „., ;

: rJ.;r,.r',;.>' .•] I « I » I | . i' ;. ••-!••-, i1:

I When you go'owt carrlog* riding orderyour oonvoyanooi from Ketoluinv* Cen-iral.Llvery itablm, MspW »»anu», Rod


,4dam O«tb>r, ahutcher pf Jieypoiicuthishand very hsdlywlfli a butcherknife ^ d a y l i ^ w ' e e k ^ ' ; ;'_;'7;;;i;-;t-


' ^rs. J, E. Sayre has purchaaed th?property at the oornor of Broad audWallaceBtreeta for^.OOO;- -..;- '^v

Money Bold; at 6t per cent.' premiumRttbelftfltmeotiEgioftha Ijong .Brant-JiBuilding and Loan Asaooiation., • : / {:


Holmes Bedle, Jr., of Keyport, wasacoidehtly shot m the shoulder 'hutweek. .The wound is not Berioiis,'. ';,.'.

Harry VanCleaf, of Cllffwood, loet.avaluable Scotch shepherd dog while ona visit to Keyport a few days ago. ;

DJrlngT the ruontli ending July 15th,there were tea births, llVree deaths todone marriage ir Raritai) towrialiipl',''"'',.

Grounds ; for /cricket.; and • baseballmatches1 and other athletic .gameo willbo parch'asod this fall at Long Branch.

Pysentery is provotent a t Matawan.Sevoral poreonB have died from this com-plalut, and a number of others are sick.'; ^^^''wijrplis^^;;,b9/run.lffftwX^ngBranch to Freehold to connect withthe American Bell Telephone line to NewY o r t - . - : ' . ; : . . . ; ; ; ; : ; ' ' • " ; , : :';';"'-^.yy::'•

Martin T. Bissell, who showed hispntriotium by- shooting off fire ornokersat Matawan; was fined. 110 and costs last

" w e e k . " ' ' ' . " . •• - • . : : . t ' - • • - ' • • • • ; • • : . ; • . • • • " '

The ladies of tho Oceanio Methodistchurch will hoid their annual fair andfestival on the 18th, 10th, 20th and 2IBto f ' A o g u s t . r ; - ' ' ; ' i ' . ; ' . . i ' ; '•'..'"•'..' ':


On Thursday night of "last week, athief entered the store of T. 8. R, Brown,a t K o y p o r t , a n d e t o l e $tKI f r o m t h o m o n -

e y d r a w e r , ,, •••••-•;•'•';•.-•; •]'-'•••::".-";:;';•;;';.-;:"

' The favesink Hook and Ladder com-pany are making preparatipna' for anexcursion to the "Wild West "show onStotenIsland, ^;:',r,':v:i-:


Tlie Ocean Wavo liu^l, and the bath-ing establishment connected tiiomwith,O.^JU-.E, » . .^_ . , ^ . n n t«»m put into uwhands of a Receiver, ^ :'^:;:;: / .•.,..',•. • ?,,

At a recent shooting match of Com-pany B, of Long Branch, dipt. Chaa.Morris did,the beat shooting, hiBscorebeingSS Out of a possible 40.

Dove shooting is Bald to bo a popularsport at Union, near Key port. Two gun-ners shot twenty-six lust Wednesday,,and the following day they shot twelve.

The sleep PV C. pVtrnurn,. owned byCapt. Benjamin, of keyport, waa cap-sieed at Sandy, Hook during the recentstorm. Her spars and eails were badly,d a m a g e d , i'.-"..*!.'.•;.[ ' . . . ' . - '•'• -•.'•'.• ..• •'.•./•-••

Last Sunday the Rev. Henry Beltingpreached a sermon, against Sundaysports, in which he discountenancedjSanday canoeing, bicycling, 'driving,. w a l k i n g , e t o . • ! : • } } • ; •••••••! '.• • - ;

; About one hundred persons went frontFair Dsven to pcedtiQrove on their an-nual picnic laat Thursday^ It WSB im-posalble to procure eno\ign stage* to ac-commodate all who, wished to go.

In the heavy storm of two: weeks agothe bam of John J, Beers, of Bolmdel,which, was full of hay and grain, wasstruck by lightning and bumod to.theground. The building was ineurod, butthere wag no insurance on the contents.i • " . ;.'. ... ' ; « i » [ ' ; . - . ' ...

: ... . Canoe Racing. • • •i O; « . K«ine!l*«\d<Mr; Pow««;ftwoconneists of New York city, aro comingto Red Bank on a cruise the first of nextweek. "Wfi/lb here it is expected that- arace will be mraingod between themand the Red Bank boys. The race willprobably take place on Monday orTuos-d a y . ' ' ' '• ' • , ' • • • • • ' • , • " .

A' race between''RiViere H. Sneden'sEpcahontaSj Frank, LBOnsrd's Cajliopeyand Ed. Soott's canoe took, place ou theriver on Sunday norning. 'The boatsjfinlslicd in the order given above.

The canoe club of Paterson are nowcruising about the Shrewsbury, and fora day or two past have been campingoatin the-vioinlty t)f Red-Banit, ,, . ,

Oharged with E m b e u l e m e n t . -Last Friday Win. W. Conover had,

John Carton, of Beabright, nrreeted foriombcMJemunt. Mr, Conovor came inpossMslon of tha.Seabright greenhousesabout two years ago and einoe that timebarton has acted as Mr. Couovor'a agent.The ^Icgod etubeadement oonoiatod inCarton collecting money and neglootingto''turn- it over to rir,.Conover., Thetotal amount said to have been • trabei-ked !• »I0fl,70, and had boou oollaotodfrom various penionB. The hearinginthe case wllL como bX before •JusticeiflhlM fivihotraW. ' l\ ii'51 •'.1 fi i i i i> *

i Will close soon! Cabinets 11.49 per(loxon (Jurlng tho balano* ot my stay,{lurry up. O»er Bmook's store.—/Wu.• j : :; ' . . . - " , * ' * • ' , ; : • - , , , - •

i Tlie largest stock of pipes and sinokers!arttolM in Monmouth Co. at GulUngtonaYFrontBt.-v4dto.iN : ::;•' i,/: ....•..•.-;/,;:•:'*.

j , - , • ; . : ' - n , •' H M . f c i . ' • ,- •: • ••

; Bargalus in everything In the cigarand tobacco lino at Pach's.—/Idi). ,. ,.,

•t'W>t&$ Priie Meflals fpifl JWI

EnterWlomenH ailltldillilaWri and:': AtUutltl H i s U a a d K - Tempirail

new«r-ASlK-irear-OI«CllrlAMaii,'.' *& Bjr'.if Wexro. _ .; , ': . , : , ,.•',..,-,

, Th? .heavy;; storm Jjp'f. a little over aweek ago did much more damage thanwas at first thought, and the farmerswill be heavy losers. Grapevines wereiorartroWWrtrelllse^ata^ripped oftheirTruit, sjid in many Coses the trel-lises 'themselves'- were blown down.Melon patches were devastated, stand-ing grain was blown flat to tbl ground,tomato p!ahu_ sustained great damage,and corn i n many instances was blownflat to the1 ground and partially 'up-rooted, while in others the. leave* werestripped from the stalks. Much damageto the crops was occasioned by the hail.A oow •: owiied by; Joh^ Hillyer! «nd ahone owned by Oebrge Hopping1 wereBMcK'%:)lgh^tag^^«jl^:r^ejKD.Sclianck'flTiOuse had twenty-six ponesof glass broken by tbe bail.' Thebridgwand culverts were unable to earry off theUcavy rainfall and tho water'booked upabove- them until the preBsure was sogreat that the bridges were carried com-pletely away, These are now being re-built, 'and iri a manner' which will pre-vent their future destruction from thiscausei While many of the culverts andbridges were formerly only Hires1 orfour feet wide, they are now being builtwith a span of from aixteen to twentyfeet, which will give amplo vent to theheaviest rainfall. Freeholder Jehu P.Cooper, was kept busy for a time lookingafter, the bridges which had been washedaway, ami the destruction of which ren-dered traveliiu possible over some of/theroads for a time. i::.'Y'.J--i ,v.'>, ..•?.••-.,• :;:, Thort-wo* ci plcosantentertainuient at

Tliompsou'B iiotrl laBt Friday for thebenefit of the widow of the Rev.' A. W.Allen, formerly pastor of the Reformedchurch ,at Piu-kertown. Many personsfrom this adjoining hotels and cottages

'tO9k;-n^in"1t,~anar^eU^vrge«|i,7theactor, superintended the programme,Ex-Sheriff Tliompron, the proprietor ofthe hotel, made, successful efforts,, inswelling the fund. :,, •-, , . , ; ; ,

This season,, the rHighlanoj; cottage,owned by Mra. Augusta VanAUen, isleased to Geo. Lewia who, is doing a goodsummer bualnoea there. The house ac-commodates fifty guests and every room1 B t a k e n . • ; ; . . , • , ) • • • • ' • • ' . - ? ' ! ; - . , : ' : : i : . ' - , • . , >

Tbe All Sainta', church and* Sunday,school at Naveslnb will hiive u picnio onWedneflday. ilie 18th insf., at the LightHouse hill, HiKlUunda. ,, ;.i;.(,K , ''^••;.^\

:Tho nWlft hnuse at the Higl'ilnnda >"•• # P ' « « » ~ ^ .^i^W.N«wYorkbimd>f music every Satunhiy uighf. "The Atlautio Uigliluuds Ciitup Meet-

ing opened ou Sunday mid will continuetill the,13th, The religiuiu wrvioeswillbe under1 the Bupervisiduuf- the Rev.Wni. :fcddy.JD.C.^^ 8jracuAe,_jr.jrvThere will be preacliiug interspersedwith bible readings each day. .,- ' ;

The Women's Christian TemperanceUnion of Atlantic Highlanda has de-cided to purchase a lot and eript abuildinp; suited to - tho wants, of tbeU n i o n . - . ' ;• - - I - 1 . '• ••'•'. - i ' v V • ''.••'•'-:•••': ':

The Freehoidere have erected a smallbridge ,on, the road .opposite AaronBrown'a property at Chapel Hill. "

The''Freeholders are diacuBsing' thepropriety of erecting an iron bridge overMcCieoa's creek. Thia.vould prove aneconomical measure as the present bridgeits old and'costs a great deal annually forrepaire. " '-':-.;;•;,-;'• J'.).]'..,'/.•!:'[.. . V,','..

The Baptist la-yn imrty will bo heldon Richard A, Leonard'a>,grounds to-morrow evening. There will bo musicandrefreehments.,.• : ' : :•. The independent says the Orand View

hotel at Atlantic Highlands has a barwhich the association, ia trying to closeup. As nothing is sold over; that barexcept mineral'waters and olgnra, itwould seem an unwarrantable and im-pertinent interference wit^ the' buunessof the hotel. It is true that there "arevenT largo quantities of liquoip, «r»d>beerconsumed in the house1 daily, but it issupplied on the table or to tho boarders'rooms, which Is not in violation of law.Mr! Warner, one of the proprietors, gavestrict orders at the' opening of the sea;Bon that no liquors, should be sold, overIhe bsrand rione^baB-been-eoKildr.r-.-!--'1?' Edward HaverjiB hlia hod Isaiah Thorne,both' ot •' i*»brjite' l|ve'; ne'a»j'#ayQ|ike,,' •(r-rogted for assault and battery. Havenscharges', Thorno with committing twoassaults on lilta, one on June 20th andthb-/6ther!i;fflii;;;JdlirV;,4^b,;'1if^orne.'iSM'given ball in |100 on each ohargo toawait the action of the grand jury. '.

Lewis Morgan, a negro who haa beenworking Iu Middletown; township fortome time past, attempted last week tocommit an assault on Amy llowlos, the8lx-year-old daughter of Alfred Bowles,who lives near Leedsville, Morgan was.»xr«^iB«4:Bepupo^^oMiiiiti.flkwanted to plead guilty, but It waslearned that he had committed similarCiTenecsfn U\epast,'and ho will not bearraigned uulll wltneosea can be pro-cured to testify. It ia laid that Morganwas associated with tho murdoror Ruggin Bomo of the laUerls oxplolUon LongIaUnd;;;/,'/'^^^;,1; \;'1v;V;'|,;;',,,,,;j Tho Bteomor Wm. Vr Wilson is hav-ing ' sn • unpreocdented ' Mason, ' thefreights. being. extremely lar^e.,. Groatcaroistokon toeell theproduoo atgoodadvantage for' the, shippers;' AB an in*8tanoeotthls,ou9aturday atifl Mooaaylost c;»pt.;fj!r(ikm;»pW«wu 'wmm wSheriff Joseph Thompwa for tl.BO perljundred e»r«. This Is oonildei^ «n ai:-

""""' '"• |j^tjflto,;''under.'thB'dlrek-.Women's Christian

Temperance Union of Middletown, willbe h*M en Friday evening ot this week1

on the grounds of Ear* A. Osbcujj, atMiddletown. The festivities will beginat seven o'clock and continue until ten.If the weather is unfavorable, the fetewill be postponed until the followingeveniog. Tbe entertainment is not in-tended for the members of tbe temper-anoe union alone, but the general publicis invited to be present.


He AtTtft* the Wreac Kfan While• ike Beat Calprlt bctpn,•'---.•-'-

Last week Miaa Betty Haskins,' an un-married colored woman of this township,made complaint before Justice Childthat James. Webb ConoTer, a coloredman employed by Henry B. White, wasthe father of her unborn child, and thatthe child was likely to become a chargeupon the townthip.' Ccmitable JohnSheeban went to Mr. White's house ontlie river bank to arreet Conover. Justbefore his arrival» lady had driven uptbe lane, and. one of. the colored; waitersof the Globe hotel, who had gone to Mr.White's ou^an errand, gallantly o3ered tetakq ohargu of the horse. It was whilehe was doing this that Constable JohnSheehan j drove up, and seeing; the 'manso employed supposed hs was the manhe was to'arrest. He waited until thehorse had been taken care of, and thenanked the Globe hotel man to "take alittle ride with him.", The man waspleased to avoid the walk back to thehotel, and gladly accepted tho invita-tion,, Whoa the . hotel waa reached, hesaid ho wonld get out there, but.Mr.Sho«han insisted on .bis remaining in. thewagon and going » little further, i twaasome time tjefore,inattorsveere ex-plained, and .then the .constable droveback to Mr, Whlte'e, after the real of-fender.- Conpyor, however, -who hndbeen secreted in the mow of the barn,had watehed Mr, 8heehan make tbe ar-reet, and qwpeoting what was the mat-ter had fled as soon as the constable Aiddrivennutof theyard. Hehaanotyetbeen captured, and it is 8uppo«ed thathe has gone to Manalapan, where be• foraeHy"l ivedr, : : ' '"t : " : : .T""~" r ""'-- ' - , - ' '•'•• •'•

'; ••'.'-, :,-JI \r*iifri\\:-^'<::tUv'\-irfy.COLORED MEM IN A ROW.

Tvro Colored ISen VTbo a n Likely to- •-••v:<-i^G*«o>Ifri»iS^'";'-l"';'',v- 'LaatThnraJay'nlghttViere was o col-

ored boll at Fair1 Haveri. Among tboeewho BttendM' 'the' ball Were George'Smith arid IkeSmith; of Red Bank, andJames fieena;dr LBeasvfflftr i h e j * t e #for homa at sbotttUiree o'clock on1 Frl-'day fticSlimg;' Oii '«ieir:!iijr*jr'h'ome mf. •met ^enry; Jui^fer,»alstt: <xMored. Ike:

tBcapewithfttomhat When(tte!trio1

got up-town George Smith treated iibet-ally. After a time; Ike a i* he wouldtreat, but woen he we%t to pay f6r tb'^drinks he foupd his pocketbook was'gone. •) He accused George 8raith of hav-ing Btolen it, and O^rga tlieii pasaefl itover, empty. Ite says tfere was^ia init when it was stolen' and' George saysit contained but 75 centt."' When iketook the empty' pocketbook he BtnickGeorge in the neck. George dropped asif dead, and for a time it was thoughtthat Ike had killed blm. He recovered,however, and had a warrant Isauod forIke'e arrest on the charge of aasault andbattery. A eimllar ohargo was madeagainst' Ike by Junlfor. Uoorge^ Smithwaa ornatcd, charged with having stolenike's pocketbook';and' kntfo, tleorgewas eent to- j i l U) await'thaactfon orthe grand jury, but IkefurnlaWbaU Inthe -sum1' 6f' »lM_f6r'eichI'oln-enc«:witb.wblohhewasoKarged.1'.' '""''''~ '/^

.^•;--Vv- Bioyole Now*. ' ';-.;' •••'

On Saturday afternoon the 'OrangeWanderers will have a hill-climbingcontest up the : Orange mouptein, onEagle" Rock avenue, a locality familiarto most of the>Rcd Bank wheelmen.The event wlfrbtfopen to all, membersof the League. \A suitable prito will beawarded to the person whoraakea thefastest time up the, hill, whjlp. trophies>|nili^beV.prnestol<W^{Bnre^^.ridtf'^)i^|reacliea the tep of the hill withouta d i s m o u n t . ' "'',,';','.•,'• .•':;' '•.,.:.',••' .'.,', ? . -

• . . . . : . . . . • ) ' l . ^ ' , ^ H i r . _ J . . . , : . . .

1 • '• Emrnono-Statealr. - "On Tuesday of lost week Misa Hattie

B. Emmons and 'John Statealr, both offi9lt'a.Nwk,ijH»i untted'4p^'rMriagB atthe home of the bride. The Be v. GeorgejW.Labaw, assisted by the groom'sbrothor, the Rev. BeDJ. Stateflir, per-formed the csremonyi Tho Weddingtookplaoaat ten o'clock. After the, cere-mony the guests eat down to a weddingdmner. In the afternoon tho bridenndgroom Btarted for Saratoga, whero thehoneymoon will be spent. . . ..

. ' . ' • ' ' ' , ' - • ' • ' • * ' . ' . . . * * * ! ' . . • • ' • ' . ' • • • . ' • ' .

> : OroWn'ed sit Port Monmouth..

': .Yesterdaymorning about ton o'clock,;a man Who Was' oinployod; on theschooner Three Sisters fell off the steam-boat wharf at Port Monmouthand,wasdrowned.' ThewronCTWMtuinmbnod,an'd after' in examination of the bodyit waa decided that the into hwl beenIcllled by the fall,'and that death wasdot tlio {Neult of <jrownlng. The factthat there was no water in the etonisohor lungs ted to lhl» conclusion. •';'

• " , - • • • • - ; ! - SVv';,-;;,,;;.;^.;,.,^.,,^^^;;;;^^!^

MONDAY NIOHra SHOW AT THK'"•;; i»troi»iiii:ci.UB^ujjtpwoi;:||:||

TrmrelldK Contp*nr-B*n<m* wilej"?;taw ita« Play Without p . r i a v r»rtu.:.'•...,•-.::. ;•,:;.,;v;;..,!^:';;-^?;^About 2 » penons paid h«Jf n. doll«r ;;

apiece on Monday night to attend th»"Adamlees Eden," show in :thBAR»forni i;Club headquarters on Monmouth . s treet ; »ffcrae" flfty'bthersV'wtio'.waiHedvf font :••%Beats, paid neventy-flve cents eaclr towltncaj the ixtrformanceV Thlire"were't|!about three hundred persons in tlmgreat, barn-like building when the per-formance began, and these were in-breaBed by fifty or Beventy:five otherswhile,theshow'Was In progresa. As thobuilding is capable of. holding .1,500 or"more, an audience of 3S0 looked very-1-

o^SW??-1 iT;-i•-.<;{ •««'tr'"'«.«!-s !it:£;K^|This audience was supplemented'by a

hundred other persons who did not nay; •!?any thing for wituesaing the ahow.. .i'h*windows along each side of the buillllng'were raised a little way to admi^;pir,ci":and at every window there was a crowd.After a time these; |>ersoii8 becomebolder, and i threw, the winildwa ;widiopen. This,continued for: five minutes.or so, when tbo management closed andfastened the sashes. The lower panesof glare are painted, and this effectuallystopped the peering' ia at the windows ;for the moment, but it didn't take Ipngfor tbe boys to find out tliat they couldclimb on the window sills^ and by look- :ing through the top Bashes could see? aswell u ever; Besides those at the win-^fdowfi, .Bpme persoDB made their: ;way;,tp;,'•• [tho roof, where,they could.get a.g^)<|}!view through the roof windows. ••-. jk i' ;3;

When the actreasca first filed upon, Miostage there was a eenoation among the ;audlenoe,-. They wore; tigb,to^|ttf;i|!e|g;.remainder of their dress was extremely: Uscant of material, and tbe coetume of » • /female circua actor seemed like full- ;dress in comparison.,.- Four womeriwhxi; •;.iwrein; the audience ; £ r a b ^ i ^ h i i r i * ^ *corta by the airo and hurried out. Tba; ;.ta^^«ereSn1^d^^^^j|i^|not de^m-it,.h:ecessary fe depart'',.|fii.^|$';audience wore three or four of tto townofflcials, several of the doctors and otl er;"':professional mtn.ortj^-'ifiw^;a;U\j^vi®number, of' th'S; buBin'e*;

1mtofiof;1,,I di:'.SgB^k|,8,nd, ;sOTe^^minen>;n^b«f^of, the p j ^ , j^bVt;prnj.«^|BJB^i)o«^^;pHgM.alfa^fironiJ^^f; ;ftttr^eii^^

- ; ' - i B^^9"«^; |n \ thej l b^, ( t ' l^0^ | ;

p i ^ e ^ - W B ^ o i ^ i ^ ! ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^

A house containing eleven1 room* onFront street, tt«d Bank, Henry J. Child

'• All cigars sold by.GuUlngton A Sonsare manufactured in Red Bsnk, N.J,No tenement hQOjestook.^XclWv;,

men olgar.-^dlA^


^it^ltflnKserViBd aeato^i^^:jpfgrag|psfortherowent tocktoibeirfoimerBeiwa.^Y •:^e(!walte^'|far.flve!r^inn^Va^i^b^j;iAfnn^^Mblh^8p^fe^!lJ^hi|cW6p^^jthrt 'if ] tfc'e';' reeer^'saate wer^jjot^!?;..^•cated in' one mBiiuto the .Bhow ;wqoid,; ;,bp clpee^^^iathirty^^^&^^^w^S(tnen .went J^k^.Ja^^jij^,;1^^^^^^;jaregularitaBipede., ^fittj^^f^^spoil, pwever,;-ret^nedF,^^^r»B||g5iseats fbi wj^c^t^ey had.notp^diS^iiJi.. The performance Itself was.v.ery popr.,:-•^e«BJ';pi;th6,!B^re^-dM^jinj!!!p|;thejr.;lines, and|:'it-waBjnipoisn)^^^)r^fthoee sittingip theiniddleof tharppnito. ';beM^at .waB^d^^un4^^i»b^, | | ;

never answered,- ma* '/Vlbat- la it ail|abont;?C iTt^dinciiiRKtiij W^b^beeaJ?!good except that the Btage was rickety ;;

, anawaverfilR; antrpreTCtitodJnedarioeitt"from keeping good tim,e, ;,The; oest.f^a-.-1

tuWrf&e'^ow/^a^Wfn^t!^^in which the momberaof the, company- ;iwere rigged': put^with [beWej^wi^Jyand; shields, all made of glittering tin. t,-;

ecuted but the emallnsss ofithe stage'imarrtd this part pt the' ^romaa6fti^;Jp|i 'Afterthesbqw'^pve^i^r^tbw^rj||i;remained until the perroruieri iaft the rbuildings Tne crowd kept up(kicontitfe5;«ual hooting and ;jfelUng, and|toUo^^M""thecomjiany; .to^h^lobi'hptely Jg^i* | |the manager put his h»ud to hisbipi;;pocket, as though to draw a p4tpl,tbu||>i.f~:

evidently thought, batter of his purpoffe.;"• -^h^; (»mp^y . jp> l i^ t i^^^/a^$10 for the usaof the building. The;li-':;cense. fee^tost'M'•«*.,tfci; b ^ $ « t p | | Kand •' printing post iu tho nelgblMaboOtipt J85.-/.AB'. fully .;|160'iwWi^enin;%^ihe door, the< company came put ahead; - ;

.iftey^ying thelrbo^bllliB.^1; ]•; ' i 0 $ f fi-';:,';l;.!.?:.',f:;'.^Wi\y;;y;Vl':.v;;i';sJ-',^i;fjAthletlo Sport* for Tompor»rto»i

/•v.."irr'f,-/-v,:;v-M«i».--i''^:.'1-i^'':V;)^:'B-f¥-( The Red Bank Reform Club lias pur--;chased a quantity 6f athlotlo paraphef* ; 'ipfldisi,'- wlidto^1;«rf,-'i'pw'_liigibi:/i>H(^ji|i''"*1£'liH'their lieailqunrtcrB on • • • i m , . ! . . . . , , ,Among the goi^Bpuroha^Mftre'iIumbi.:;bells; Indian blubs; boxln* «t?V«, hoHj2^L «#al ' : j i^rwj^^

Page 2: ;*'Jv^ T j] D AKEj> B J*> WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11,1880. …rbr.mtpl.org/data/rbr/1880-1889/1886/1886.08.11.pdf · ... at a salary pf ' tfOOperyear. ... of- Keyport, will be assistant

'•Mf'v; Wr.


«tMaaoat l«or lass, cash, sample ooptes«t ftr* B n n f t t aa*wia!«a rates otadrerUilni

v k W t n n vmhr my ctnamattmes.' Adrantank m UH prMk«« of gtuuglaf uelrtBwmnmityKiUajoftasjuUiey mty djslre Tliiout exU» cfyirKe.lleadinft notices wllltllotertod for 10 quits* Due,feu* lftaMUM^TbeK notion will to placed M thebottom o! (be columns u d will be marked Xdo.ithivltlilBpoWm.Obituary notloes and poetrj,lodge resolution*, etc, wUI be Inserted at 10 cent*ttt Hoe. Motl«a of bulbs, nwn1i«viua doatus

tPatent medicine, advertisements or questionable

advanlannniu of any kind, will not lie Inserted nt

Hwr* M«l finrn»pond«noe DO all aubjwte of localInterest we desire. Personal notices of a purelyt>ri»»'« dnnctcr «v> rommunloatlons dtelpiwl H"puttV* for lotUvldualaor.QnnA are not wonted.Corrospoiidonee vulcb is not signed Kitb Uio nameand address of the writer .will not bo uolioul.


The Duty of the Republican*.In Home quartern, particularly in the

soathem part of the State, thnrp is « de-mnnd that General Clinton B Fink, theprohibition candidate for Governor,shall be endorsed by the Republicansat their coming Stnte convention. Tlioprohibitionist* themwlves nsmrt tlmtthe Republican J>arty ia doomed to de-feat, nnd nro nlrcad} rejoicing thereat.This la the position which has beentaken by the proliibitinniste ever eincethey first entered politics. They Imtethe Republican party w o w than theydo ruin. It was thuir boast in 1884 thatthey would dpieat lilaine, it is theirlioast now that they will dofrat tho Re-publicans in this State this foil. Itnocdo but to listen to the speeches ofthe prohibition agitators to be convincedthat such m the caw. The " Demon ofDrink" may come in for a share ofsouse, but tlie great burden of their talkis reveled against the Republican party.The prohibitionists desire thedefeat of theRepublican party far more than they dothe achievement of temperance legisla-tion, and the demand for the endorse-ment of OeD. Fiak is absurd. In such acase the professional proliibttiontstetuemAires would not vote for him simply

_ because he had been endorsed by theRepublicans; and the endorsement bythe Republican convention would notcarry ~*ith it oqe-tblnl of the Republi-can votes in the State. . :

The duty of the Republicans is plain:There ia no lack offydre, able, upright,honest mm in the Republican partywho would till the office of Governorwith-credit. The Republicans thetn-aeives—the voters—want no affiliationwith the prohibitionists. They wentRepublican candidate, a candidate nom-inated by their owu^jparty, and .the;date of a party'whoso greatest boast isthat it will destroy the Republican party;The Republican! should go into theconvention determined to nominate, ona platform of progressive and commonsense ideas, s straightforward Republi-can, a Republican wlioeeoffloial and privote record is clean; whose honesty isunquestioned; whose'character ia unas-Bailable; and when Hie'convention laover, every Republican should go towork enthusiastically for the success ofhis candidate. A candidate of acknowledged integrity and ability, nominated-on a distinctively Republican platform',and warmly and heartily supported byhis party, can be elected to the office ofGovernor this fall; apd it should bo theaim pf every' Republican in the State toserfthat such a candidate is nominated,and that no receives such a support!

JOHN B. DORff'S CIRCUS.Some of the Wonderful Tiling* to be

Seen Beneath (be Camva*.The great Inter-Ocean Show for 1880

embraces some of the most amazing fea-tures ovor presented to the pvople by acircus manager, It will exhibit IU RedBank, on Monday, August 33d. Itwould be impossible, in an ordinarynewspaper report, to go into detail con-cerning the attraction?. Only a few ofthem can be mentioned, nnd to thosefew justice cannot lie done. First andforemost comes Jnines Robinson, thochampion bare-bark rider of the worTdundone Jupiter of the arcnic firmament,tho hero of .all horsemen anil the. wearer

• of the jewel studded clmmpmn belt. Heoriginated all the nchiovcmeutaAn.tirt-iagi now-experimented by other e<]Ues-trions. Other great attruutions areHisses Ella Stokes and Sallie Marks;tlinir ruling in lh« very acme of femaleequestrianism. John F. Batchollor, ac-knuwledgod to be tlie champion leaner

' of the world, turns single and doubledoniersaultH over long lines of elephants,jGffnets, and tmrepfl us easy as if he wasinertly walking down stairs. JohnnieCtttanon, lli« nimbler from Clare. Thetroupe of btawiiy Tuiku, tmlvu HI mini-|ier ltr|io«ien> bmnglit tn UUH unitaryone year ago by Mr. Porin, (rivii'nn ex-traordiuaryexljibitlon. Tlie truftu-U tm-tUiuVar(M*notli(.M Btrong addition to iliie

'{[real dhow. Tlie old- wur oli-plvint•'•Brttii.'.1 atheminu of oier ISO lianl-/ought battle. 143 yenrs old, in one oflllUBlniugenfeulurW or the meiMgerie,wlilch has been enlargedsince last ucanon,*ndj< now tliemovt complete for spec!-

, -naa of-ran* and wild bewts. The pa-, tfetyi in the, morqios, giving a free viewof the iMmurler rlpphanh, camels nniother ftultuali, will occur botneeu tliehomot9J»maVf3(^ '

%llght^ Homing Pigeon. . •

a>n*r«k»ago Sunday twelve hominglow W<i(rfnj; to fi.«. lanilierlwtni 3 r M ^ « ^ » * i t . a n ; AI^WRi «W

I Ifroln Keyport. Tlio flint» appearance at Ib) Koyjwrt"-'IfSrotj .lour; days,. 8ix

(iff* iTsro birds vrirflyiUKi.Jiho otbrm Imve

pro « Vrt,, lAte/jlu»tl jvjrt Htiiil a

) b o


can«)J) you thel i l B ptr I

Om ot mf Irien&t «eee remftrked toa ¥ ^ J U f M

Mote* from Everrwfyere.fjwretary otpteie Bayard ttjt that

bv ia cot yotng to btiik iovtn in Van.tttt&Tlit Cutting, h f a f e d

rt»d i* Ui* UMJafu |*per V? «ditorfad «uflen. «»k.l«ii.^U)e Bennblicsna 'TheDemocrat says the Republicans have be-gun an attack on Hr. Fisk by insinua-tions and quotes from the Trenton TrueAmerican to,show how rne n such J»course of procedure is. In tho same ar-ticle which1 the Democrat copies withsuch relteh.'and which it 'unqualifiedlyendorses. I And the following:

Of course, harm* ban) an otiee bolder under re-Dt B^ubllan «dmlolitratloo«. It oowto noatwo-

talapraafuaaniiiMUiatMr. riak'a ranrd itinijkllooked Into and tbatttw li)V«Uiatl«n u 1IW7

to provs pront»W».— - • - « - » • ' * ~ " "

What is thU, I would like to know,hut a base Insinuation against Gen. Fisk ?It ia more than an insinuation—it is astatement that deitlier Gen. FiBlc norany other Republican Is likely to be anhonest man. In tlie opinion of mostDemocrabt, Gen. Fisk will draw manyvotes from the Republican party, andcen&equently the Democraticcirganoureintent on booming Ins canvass, Theyfeel that they must protect him fromattacks: of overy, kind, and (he . ZlrueAmerican and Democrat, after givingthis fling at Of n. FIBIC, hasten to Add:

Hut sloes XT. nat bu eaat aiMe mat. rtilo [of aItoputrtKan) anil now an*iraa* a wiodHato ofreputable men for the high offlcn of (Jovemor, It libut proper Uat he nhoiilit not b« tubJwtMl to Imlo-Dltlv* CMrgea: '

In other words these highly moral edi-tors think that no matter what offensesQen. Fisk may have committed in tlie,past, he is now holping tho Democraticpatty, and that fact alone entitles himto their liertrtlwt Bymp.ithy, their un-qualified respect, and their ablest pro-tection.

tt'« ft

It is a singular characteristic of someDemocrats, nnd of Major Yard in par-ticular, that in their estimation thesymbol of Democracy, like charity,covers a multitude of sins. This isplainly shown in the present 'case whenit is stated that ns Gen. Fisk was once aRepublican office-holder an investiga-tion into his record would " prove proflt-ble " to his opponents; but that as he isnow a candidate for Governor in n causewhich will help the Democracy, " it isbut proper that he should not be sub-jected to insinuativo charges." Tho po-'litical morality of the editor of the Dem-ocrat is certainly very peculiar, but liPusually arranges tilings so that the pub-lic can size him up without much diffi-culty.

it « •

There has been tt great deal of- criti-clam 'exprtiSed over" tho action 6F theReform .Club jn leasing their room to the"Adamiess E^en,'; party for tiieir show:on Monday night. J( tdp not,see whythey should be subjeot to adverse criti-cisin on this score, however. Very fewof the members of, the iclub knew theplaoe hadLbeen leased until after,, thecontract had been signed. Those,whqwere responsible for leasing the roomwere probably, ignorant,.of. thiutrical

[character of; the show, f think it can'safety beaaid thatit will be a long time

before, a s'milar troupe will obtuiu per-mission to" play in the Reform Club'sroom. .,. ,'.•.."

\ • » • .

Last spring, as everybody known. TUBREOIBTEB support•& the regular ticketfor Conimission«rs. This W K a source

disagreed with me as to the best meansof securing temperance.! Home uf Umrenders of- T H E RKawfjsu became ex-tremely ungry because I could nut are[tilings in the KUIIID light aa theinnelvenand ordered the pa\nt discontinued.At the time of holdiug the uli'cliuu I|wns told that W. H. Knupp. of R^dBank, didn't like tlie pnper iieciiUHc itsupported the 4icensc ticket. 1 WHS fur-ther informed Hint he wiw going to din-continue his .oubucription rx'cnuvp heS^uldn't t>t nd n paper which.«'ns in fa-vor pf Belling iieer. A. few days aftnr-wnril I received ft.poatal card inslruct-inR mi- not to send him T H E RiMisTP.nnny (onger.

- -;- - • # *

Thin was nil right imoui;h, nnd Inveii'l a word of fault Ui finO; with Mr.

Krtiipp for Htopping his milmeriplion iflie didn't like thf paper. You c;ni 'jurlgeof my Burpnsp. tliougli, when I wno toldn few dayB iigo that Knapp & West, ngrocery tlrm of Sonliriglit, Rnld »;inpsnnfl liquom nt their More nt thnt PIRCC'.W; H. Knapp, of Hud Bank. In tlii'Benlormpmbernf the firm, arid for a timp'I•eouUiftheliere fie woiitd engage in tliesale of liquors. 1 was positively assuredthat such wnn the case, but to makedoubly sure I asked Deputy CollectorCharlie Hendriekson about it. He toldme that Knapp & West took out a gov-ernment license, or government stamp,for tho sale of wines, liquors, etc., lastyear, and that they had renewed tholicense; or stamp, as he colled it, for thecoming year when last year's license ex-pired'.'' ,!.,

« » *

Mr. Knapp displays most;.'singular in-nBiHlency.^Jlo.Wn't stand u paper

which does not belicvo in closing beersilicons while hotel liars remain opoo,but he can and does engage in the Raleof wiiies and liquors. And not on|ydocs he sell, liquor, but lie goeB to Sen-bright, which IB known nil, over thecountry, op «.^j»rau<w.ta«wi| *•'*»•gage In the buelnomV ijiiiBtBpring an iip-Ucation by the 8eabrighi .Inn, fpr a re-tail "liconse was refused on the groundthat the people of the plaoe did notwant liquor sold in the village. If tliotemperance ranks contain muny " re-formors" llku Mr. Knapp thore is amplereason for the critiolsm which 1B fre-quently indulged in to the1''injury* ofthe temperatice cause. '

, Mrs. Finch will open lier Jioino sclioolforyiniiig larlk'H nntlclilldrnil on Wcdiiea-day, ScpU'iiiber 22d,' lu Hit) l>iiililh>|{ anFront «tract. BodUabli , recently ownedby Mr, I » e w , mill for madyyeftm owned•"*•» — •-•' by tlie lale Jwi>l l A|iplo-

— •ii it . i in 8ppu«iHoo.-T

U^ttiBif, aud uu!eu»tbi» is complied

isBurprimag how;^aig^t:;8«!ew^uy-

affair, Mid hOwqiiiei he' , ȣw;hen/!'tJwJCanadian nnthoritinwerosciringlTnlted....... , Bjj-i^MhWjOiiiBflaiViiiiij-?der the protection of England, and Mex-ico is not.

Mark Twaln'a application to the Pliil-Udelphia coiirt, )m piwen^ptin, W*p*vmaker from selling. Gen. Grant's book,:hMbwCTefai^.wTheca»^%Mlfh(i'tearalied up lo the higher court, but it is notlikely that the court' will prevent a' innnfrom selling his own1 property,; : ' •'

Much indignation has been expressedover the fact that various trade unionsand workingmen's assemblies have con-tributed nearly 930,000 for the defenceof the Chicago anarcliiitsy who ore iuotrial for murder. Too Anarchists orenot workingmen in any sense of theword, and aro entitled to no sympathyeither'from laboring men or from anyother class of reputable citiiens. Theyare thugs of society, whose only aimwas pillage and murder. Their objectwas not to advance the interests ofworking people, it was the wanton mur-der or innocent men and women and thewholesale destruction of property.Enough testimony has been produced atthe trial to show that tho anarchist or-ganization was formed for the sole pur-pose of murdering citizens and destroy-ing property. The evidence luia beenamply sufficient to convict them of mur-der, nnd there will be a universal feel-jug of thankfulness if the jury bringsin such a verdict.


Orover Cleveland's assertion that"public office » a public trust" Beernsto have been made strictly for politicaleffect. Attorney-General Garland, whoused his official position to advance theinterests of the Pan-Elcctrio telephonecompany, still remains in the Cabinet,although-almost every paper in tho Innd,Democratic as well na Republican, tinscalled upon tlio refotm administrationto throw him out.


New York city politics are about thoworst in the country, and the officials ofthat city havo made for themselves anmno and reputation which is Hit? re-verse o f respectable. The latest roguewho w being brought to justice is RollmM. Squire, the Commissioner uf Public.Works. This official, while nominallyin charge of the office, was merely, act-ing as a puppet in tho bonds of MauriceG. Flynn, und the prospects are that bothwill be speedily retired to private lifeBut tho sending of a few guilty officialsto State Prison, or their deposition fromoffice, does not seem to improve the po-.litical atmosphere of the city. Like theflies in the fable, one uwarin i» nonooner

orrvrn nway than another*»•»»- - '"u-^..*,, — ..•> on yince.

The Huckleberry Crop.(From tlie Frahulti DemucraU

Tlie huckleberry, crop is very largthis season and the berries tiring fait-priced. The hulk of tlie herries sold i nthis market come from'.Howel! town-ship and over the line in Ocean county;from the vicinity of Harmony, OasuMllaand-Jackson's Millar "At™ 'Unrii .tierplaces there are seven dealers whogather tip tlie berries and ship thei n tothe New York niarkBtr Lnrge uuiilbernof picktrd art) employed, and the nesultBof their day's labor afe^tutnedjjover tothe dealors, who go with their wagonBfrom bouse to house. The berries arebrought to Freehold and shipped onthe cars. Last Friday four hundredbushels of huckleberries were 'shippedfrom Freehold, Each dealer gathers onan average forty-five bushels of berriesa day. As a source of income to thefamilies<of those engaged in picking theberries, it is no email item. One dealersays he will pay out to his pickers thisseason not less than $1,600.

Lire In Mars.Some time ago it was observed that,

situated at each pole of Mara there wasa white patch, which increases and de-creases at regular intervals. %Thia hadbeen observed for many years beforethe explanation was .suggested bv Her-echel, that it was due to the freezing ofthe eea, and was exactly analogous toour Arctic nni) Antarctic oceans, Ifthis was true, the patch of ice would ofcourse decrease in the Martini summerand increase again as the winter cameon. This was soon ubown to be tlio (act.Thus we see that as far as regards theBen, Mare is very similar to our earth;with the exception that the proportionof land is much larger. On the earththe. land is only about one-third of thoarea of the eea ; while on Mars the landand sea'surfaces aeem to*be about equalin extent. The land is much cut up bythe water, which, exista not BO much inthe form of a 'low large oceans, butrather as a number of curious-shaped,narrow inlets and channels, which in-tersect the continents in all directions.Tbe bright red color of-the land i a acurious fact, for whiah no adequate ex-planation has aa,yet been suggested.Herschol considered it was due to. thepeculiar nature of the soil; but it cer-tainly seems curious -that in this pointMars should differ from all the otherplnnets. The appearance of the earth ifseen from n similar distance wouldprobably be a dirty green, or perhapsbrown, In fact, on tbe earth we haveno soil or rook which occurs in anyquantity, of the red color which we Ob-servo ou Mare. Therefore no vegeta-tion, unless we adopt the curious theorytttnnctd bra,,Fnncb:ta.Y*Jit,th*t ia.Mars the foliage 1» red. Unluckily, wehave no instrument, that can nt all helpua here; the telescope and spectroscopeare nllke useless, ana for the present womust content ourselves with vain con-jectures. . . ' , . . . .•„•; , •,,•.•,'.-'.' -• •,-• i,. -:

A Bollover In Prayer.A little girl out at Maiden, who held

with genuine orthodoxy to tbe Infantile

, I wnntft white Mbblt."Him waited for a whllo for develops

montB, and then repeated f her prayer aIHllo more energetically! „ ;'•';•-•-<..:u, " 0.Lord, I want a, wiiito rnbblt.'! , ,. Anutht'r piiuso for development , with

unratlnfactory re»ulto, anil then s vlgor-oti»Autbur»t i; ...*•.•' "OLord,

eetrl. , .Xgt« ith tb<i t&rtt htlwr Uf v>\u

tk* fcwJ ih» tfvtlhxt iu nslifkio-'If you have a *lvaj Itmt ftD*y« on

^ m ; Iff new a widower **ep two eyesOttuitnv'. /:,* • *; -

Dont swear to toe girt tbatjrott nave,no bad babitt,. ItwilUie enough Xor.lyou to aay that you never heard your-self snore in your Sleep. ','4(1 •

Don't "put too much vweet' atuff onpaper." If yoq do you will hear it rendIn after yefcra, J»hen jfonr. wife bas someespecial pbrposein jefltptifur/upon youthe severest punlshmm* ^knowa to a>

OohomsatareMonibW limir In theeveninir. Don't wait till the-girl ha» tothrow her whole, gopl Into a fawn tbatshe can't cover with both hands. A .lit-tle thing like that may cause* coolnessat the,yeribej^|Dfti)OHegamft^ai±:: If, while • wearing:, your new summer

trousers lot the .fire); time, you sit down:on some moUasefl candy that little Wil-lie has lutt on the 'chair, smile sweetly,and remark tbat you don't mind sittingon molasses candy at all, and tUat'! boyswill be, boys," Beserve your true fe«l-ingB for future reference.

In cold weather Bnlsh eaying good-night ia the house.' Don't stretch It allthe way to the front gate, and thus laytiiE.fotiudation for future ajthma, bron-chltis,. neuralgia and chronic catarrh, tohelp you worry the girl to death aftershe has mauled you. _ , i ! ""

Don't lie about your floanoial condi-tion. *. It is very annoying to a bride whohas pictured for herself a life of luxuryin your ancestral halla to learn -top latethat you expect her to ash a bald-heftdedparent who has been uniformly kind toher to take yon in out of, the cold. ,: , ;

Don't be too soft. Don't say; "Theselittle hands shall never do a stroke ofwork when they are mine," and "youshall have nothing to do in our home batto sit al| day long and chirp to the cana-ries," as if any sensible woman could behappy fooling away time in that style:ana a girl has a fine retentive memoryfor tho eoft things and silly promisee ofcourtship, andjn after years when sue ia.wsabing the dinner dislies or patchingthe west end of your trouBore.she willremind you of them in a cold, sarcastictone of voice. : ., . '

Home Decoration* in Atlanta.The gallon jiigs that are now being

sold in Atlanta and handed out throughthe back window to smiling citizens arecalled " corn-blow vases." Nearly everyhome in Atlanta has one, and in manycases they are beautifully decoratedwith a corncob stopper.

Renl Estate Transfers.The following or? the transfers of

Monmouth county real estate for theweekending August7th, 1886-?

The Ocean Grove Camp Mmtlng atgnclallun toHarofe 8. Morrison. Lot at Occun Grore. $200.

Mastjte f. MorrUon to Marj VanSandt. Lot atOcean Grove, J 1.250.

JobnuYConoreret ax to JennieK.Cprlurt. Lotat Kejport, J1.2.V)

Garret JonM to Kdtfard JODM, Sr. lot at Koj-pert, two.

OwtU Woolloyta Frederick S. Dtnnli. 30 (3-100ErreaatDcal. S12.000 _

LcHWoolleretui toTlita. B. Woolley. 2!5-10Qacres m Uomll townstilp, t»',.

Ednrard A. Walton PC al lo John Jay KDOZ. Lotat tfonmouth Itairi. »i»).

Q. PWlIp Kubl et ux to Goo. U. wild. Lot inSbrew»btU7 towoablp, $390.

Adeline Woolley to J»mc» Hortauih. Lot InOceaatawninlp.taoo.

HatUnw nblte et ux lo the lit Preabjterlancburcb of Oceanic.. Lot at Oceanic, fi.

James O.Blfnapdsetux to James Brar. Bl 73-100acres In Atlantic township, $4,250.

Joseph a BHU et tu to Rebecca - Fitter. Lot atllnu»ra $sooll«nura, $ .JnhnUneetm to JaraMT. Dudleyetali. locre

in OCOSD towmmlp. $10).Charles W, Fuller e i u i lo Henry M»p». Lot In

Ocean township. $300.James Black to KranH idamt mil. Lot at Ocean

OroYe,$W.Stephen McTatrue et ux to taacU HcTagiie.

Lewi! Lonenlbal to Blmou ManDbelmer. 3 lot!In Blirowjhun tovmshlp, $1.

DertK O. Hewing et UJ to Geonre W. Cobh. lo tat LongBrancb. tsso.

Edmuml B. Oomtra to George II. Tetsdale. Lotat town or Union, 1550. .

Leonard R. Oonant to Jimes Idward Connnl.Lot at Asbury Par*. $1.

Bailie I^e Conant and butband tn Leonant B.Oonant. Lot at Attrarr Park, (1.

Blram Westrtals to Jane Pocle. Slots at LongBranch. SI and other cnntlderauon.

BarJielB. weed to ClarleiB. Weed. Belease ordower In 0 NMOO acrea In Wall towntbtp. tautl.

Johii B. Romuetux to Ptoel« A. Wiley. 0 B -100 acres ID Wall townsalp, $100.

Coarlos It. Weed to Phoebe A. Wiley. 6 56-100acreiiln Wall township, fl.not). rf-

Wlliuroril Doy et ux to Edinard Batebelor. Lotat Key EaM. $1 and olber condderatlon.

TBe Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association toMary A. 8tede. Lot at Ocean drove, $975.

Briditet Cannon and buiband to Charter c .Browns, lot at Freehold, $1^08.00.

Tbomaa II. Mattnewa el all to Calvin Costlgan.9 tracts In Atlantic towtuhlp, (tno.

Theodore Aumuck. iberitf. to Adeline I1. Wright.14 3U-10O acres In Botrell tomuhlp, property ofJohn E.Uwl«rtal, $225.

Adeline P. Wright and tmtband to Wm. D. Wt-teDger. H39-11W acres ID Howelltownihln,»«l.

JamwP. Brureetux to George U. wild/ 2 tolaat Oceanic, $500. • :- — • "

Henrietta Lehman to Minnie Cummlaflff. Qultclaim. Slots In OwnntowniMp,$l.

Buo Applegtle el u j to Ella U. Plltenjier. Lotat Ocean Grove, $1.

Ilia K. Pltleniref to Ljdla Applesste. Lot'atOcean drove, II. •

Arthur A. ratteraon, ex'r, to Lizzie H. Sayrc.

' Gertrude II. Latnberlaon and husband to Caro-line 8. Party. Lot nt Occon Part, $125.

The Stale of New Jenny to the Seabrlgbt Im-provement Co. ~ Riparian lease on Shrewsberryriver, JW.1U per year, and agreement to sell at

The Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association toCharles Itofww.- Lot near Ocean Vark, $1. . -

Charles Rouen* et ux to tno Ocean (Irnve CampcoilDu Association. Lot near Ocean Park, t l .

ABRUW8HITH.-At Leedavllle, on Tuesday.August 3d, Mm. Joseph V. Arrowsmlth, of a son.

DOTOHTir.-iM tbe Pti»lanx, oh Baturday,August 7th, Mrs. William Doughty, of a daughter.

"'"•'"*".•'•; • ' " B l » B B I A O a M . ' ; •'' ' •'BENNBTT-HO88— At Long Branch,on Thurs-

day, Augutt oth, by Uie KOT. Nelson A. Hicoldiol,M». Ellen li. DocDott and Johu Buawll (ioaa, UOUior Long Branch.

BLSKKHAN-JONES.—At Long Branch, on Mon-day, August A), by tbe HOT. Kelson A. Macnlchol,MusJoaepbins Bleekmaa, of Now York,and Ou-rett Jones, of Keyport.

IMH0K8-BTATE8IH.-AI ColU'.Neck.on Tues-day. August 3d, by the Iliiv. O. W. Ubaw, MMBattle B. Kmmons and John Btaleslr, both of Colt'

. N e c k . • •

D E A T H S .AOKF.RHAM.-At Keyporl. on WeJnoxUy. Au-

gust 4th, tlie Infant child of Wai. Ackermw, aged 4montln. .

CHAMRERLtiN.—At Long Rrancb.on Tuesdajr,August 3d, Werloy, Infant SOD at Mary O. and Wro.1. chamberlain. . , ' ' ;

HOtJNT.-At Kejport. dnGunilay, August isl.Albro, ton of Kate F. and Albro 0. Mount, aged 11months. , -- .' nODEDTB.-At'Keyport, on Frldar, July 90tb,Leanar daughter of- wllilam and Addle lioneru,tied B months. ' , . . .

8EELY.—Al Xeanibunr, on Tuosday, August U,Kobert E., son of Mamta and 6tepben Beely, h&A omonths, . , .

K A I t s - A t Kejport, on Friday, JulyDOtb, Har-Tcy >., waottUrrta) l»n>)>86u*, *tnf,» montasa o d e d a y s -- ••-o d e d a y s . • , , , ,, ., .. _. •_, j

HLOOtJM.-At Una branch, on f oeadsj, Auguit8d, Michael Bloeiim,1 aged W years.

WAl.LlNd. -At Koyport, on Wednesday, Auauit4lb, Kllana, OaugbMr of Mary E. and Jolin B. Wall-Ing, o(tud4 months, ' ' .



Red Bask Opera ttosse.





3f Houn of Mirth and Music;

Prices Same as Usual.tar" Bejerrod flaau now on Bale at Adletb*




IN T H E C O U N T Y .—AT—

WEIS'SFront Street, Red Bank.


Printer and StationerFINE WRITIH6 PAPERS.

Ladies who desire oxtra finewriting paper for. their, correspondence will be delighted withsome elegant linen paper we arenow, showing. The paper isknown as the "Perfection'Linen," and can be had eithenruledor plain, and either f!nnim»>wia

or Octavo note size. The paper

is put up in elegant boxes, con

taining ,ohea quire'of paper and

twenty-four envelopes to match.

Larger boxes, containing four

times this" quantity, may~alsd

be procured, and those who de-

sire to buy in bulk, i, is., with-

out being put up in boxes, can

be accommodated. Stop in

;when you go to the post office,

and look at the goods.

We have other grades of" pa-

per, and everything else in the

Stationery line, and are pre-

pared to do any kind of print

ing promptly^and at reasonable




J. M. & C. G. DENNIS


are now offering tho following potralar Brands oiWnlskto at nxxloraw prices bjr lbs Bottte

or Gallon:GOLD SEAL,


•• GOLDEN AGE,WALTON SOUR MASS,; — O I B ' F A M I E Y ; ; - - •-;•'•' OLD MAY FLOWER.\ ' OLDOIBSONFine Old ilrandlM, Qlbs, Rums. '#&. llass's Ale

and Dubllct Porter botllod for famlljr ut«and mwllclnal purposea,


T i l l tlllRTr-Tlf IKD AHJIMI

01 tho konpontb Oounlir Agricultural Bodoty,

~ . , /A» F B E K H O t p , Wj JT.r ' .

ON SEPTEMBER 7, 8 and 9.•io,o<^i((PRewiU(ii»,

est productionsofihe ractorr,Farm,(larden.OrcnamandJIoaselnld. : : . • •, -•..-.tri.',,...,,

~ nnMtdlj[,laro!lUmoorBbe«aDdPonlesever

'. "irottlnir. Uunnln( u a JlloroJe Baot*.1 ttaceasinlasi nuaninaand Trotiloo nnrses b jthe (treAtBlojellwine Mil*. Kuu von EiuMnr

Atlrectlons equal to sof Fair In (lie Oounur,. All prenlous faulu Mretoron eXl'Mg im out

tnck have Keen inoroujrhll'Mssddloil, 'naking same" I W " •""""'"'


ijlHrtMitm,Tl • • BAfWV «(«JWWH. -


RED BANK,Monday, Aug. £3.i dstutg Mciijir fa Mi HiTHE' EAM'HJ TUB SEA, THE SKY,

Great Inier-OceanmBi»voiiim.

81b inadki Vcap'ai'tlnCouUant.

Greatest Show on-Earth I

Having closed out several

manufacturers' lots of Jerseys,

we can show some good values,

ranging 25 per cent, below reg-

ular prices, aud as the indica-

tions are that they will be more

popular noxt Fall than ever,

ladies will see that this oppor-

tunity should not bo neglected.

Wi' quote all wool, vest front,

coat back, at 9!) Cents, worth

$1.25, as an indication

Cor. Broad X Mechanic Sts.r



Genuine hare Um full -nanw o( K 4 w l n O..Bart stamped on. l ining and ajole* and arew a r r a a M d . ••••,--. '•:•:• ' . •• •'

A complete line In all wldlns and slcea, stunnedaa dwerlbMl On lining and note ran bo founil at

TRUEX & BRAT'SNew Boot and Shoe Store,

Broad St., «pp. 8plnnlnj M PatUnnn's,B S D BAHB, K. J .


A Whole Uniyerse ofthe Best Artists! •


James Robertson!"Ti l t HAN WHO HIDES." and ufcarer «t tbe

Diamond Studded dumnlon Belt.,


12 Genuine Brawny Turks.French TronpB Bicycle Riders.

Troupe of Siberian Roller Skaters.Ceaseless Wondere and Sigiml


PItOr«ItTION8With Kvprjihlnu N«w. Nofd and MurnlllcBot.Horn Krw Failures, Nonltte*. AursoUans, Vurtisi-III*, Arllsls. ll»re Anlm»U. lUttrn. ttiumirlam,HtronR lifrtt fitrnntr womvn. Tntnbtors. Uymnasta.Lnpen, Uouioruonhtu, Lady Artists, runnyClowns, IUnirl«riorm«r9,8ui!n Feiforman,'anilelaiaxmera, ftnrws, Owiiumw, Chwiuto, .Ogres,W<EOTU. Iiinllr Illrda. lv>wcritiR Animals. Mom-moih noasta, Unte Snakes, and truly trenvnduiiafeatures tnaa erer dM mm, or can pwlbly bevatbered kJRetlier In one ibow. .; Tbn (irralmt and tirandiai EilbUlim n e r nntan-

IrwlUy John B. IKirtj, and undoutiledljr itu liicxlmaitnlHf«iiewr«»n«l»«d. ••• • •

Two Performuncc* Dally.

Our Grand Street ParadeWill tale place at ID a. H. Dim'l nilas It. flrand'In ttwry iiarUcular. and surpasses In magnitude allth ' aen

Excui-sions on All ltnilrondn.


Bicycles anil Tricycles!-nuduptton In prices and many Iniiirow'nwnts for

18W. New sprlmt catalogue sent fm> on np^llca-




Horses sbod In the best manner and al UM lo vest

Sporlal aUonttoOdtlen l« lulflrfartnu and under-footed horan.' ,

ida.wn'Mower* Bepalred'and Sharp-• • • e n e d .

ESTATE OF ANDREW CWLEMAN.deoeaa-tf. Notlre Is horobr etreii. tint the

aenninti ol the mbecriber, admfnMntor ot saiddeceased, will be audited and stated bytbeBurro-n l « , and reported to U» Orphans Court of theronn» ot Nnnmouni, on TnunsDAV, THE 88V-CNTHDAr <W OOIOBKB, IS80.


Wm. A. Cole, Agent,BED BANK, 1W. J.eecnad-hanA mariilnes.on hand, -


Shrewsbury aiii^Milwaukee


^ GUARANTEED TO K E E P F R E S H'v.(-V- .' JPOiti T H I R T Y DAYS. "^ •;:.;•..: .,,i,'

Extra Dry California Champagne Wine.

' "-* E N W O O D J h t t W M ; J I t ! O I I i A t t l''i aTTIVIal'W|W|UnlUii

l t f , H f t w fwWjtoryowf'IttnflyaNrMKlilsvirediWis,'1 <

Page 3: ;*'Jv^ T j] D AKEj> B J*> WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11,1880. …rbr.mtpl.org/data/rbr/1880-1889/1886/1886.08.11.pdf · ... at a salary pf ' tfOOperyear. ... of- Keyport, will be assistant


U U « i « W tiai V&M&. Otfttymi Hstbvelr,

H O T V«uloii«r,Uii«( CMtilcr O. tit B*4«State rallkajn, at Csrlarnte, Germany,* n i d f U b l t (*HJOi the r»Uri)«4 leads.

(to rrw*«» «)«(e4 flcnenl .Martin T. MeH»boO(H »ew Turk jwssldeat 8«i lof» was

te^4a*«ftit plats of meeting. '

I d a Bliore BalltMd, dIM m the M,at ttuPttMfeMi

P*. A. O. Bstnhl<B», at Xtua oouptr. lad.,ehtrgea mow wttltj acalnit the vOetn and at-tendants ol Uu> lustwe asTlun at B»Jata..». T.Hs impose* to BM Dr. J. & Aiwtiwn far 4am-W» sustain** Airia> notrijf »•»«•> wM

Jobu B. Tuner. u-StoriBot Clay CwnSTriCnn< ei-Unlted Bates Marflwl at tfe* HoulbeniDlitrlct d nitoott wa so* republican auxDdtUroe state Treasurer, wu amued loEntlKtools oo tt» M by BltUke foi t eonldeine u iand »«ry rougMr h*ndl«t

i ln. Maty IAM*. wile <* J, Uwak, ctCtere-UUKJ. O., an «dliorUl wter oo UM DWWISBKonraelK, • BobsmUa Mmpspsr, wmnntthrt

r i d N t «i«l»deoasamp-tknum M1M berwUto end her mlMnr. * »was j w u * HntntlMawt UfblyealUfttad.

A sham battle « M loogutla camp atuiayctta,tod. AbaKtblrtr ttoutam) p«wtiawlb!<nMdthe mimic atrrajr. Jobu Bcur*jar.oC Andrews,In*.. • prlmtt of Oom|Mi>)r 1>. ww to badly JinrtInlltefeiitUiathedkKlshortlystter. Twoutya?eother soldiers wen prostrated \>y tbo heat

A locomoUn boiler used lu one or tlie Ubl ibCoal H»vta»Uou<Co(npoiiy'«,ii)ictilue Ibaiw i tInntfonl. tin tnll*s east or Tuiniuiiia, PIL, tx-pindtd with torrlDo forae on the Sd, liutaptlykilling HUM man ami fatally lujurliw (ourjrttitca,wlille fourteen more are seriously Injured »nd'»»inaiyr mure sllf I1U7 lujaflKt

Tline «hlldtfn of VTUlin Rauok, llrinf thncmllci from KOOMIIQLU, l a . 1 gtmodchlltl. ocIli.urJij niil Iwo elilldrettbgr UwDameolQMctto,wnt to tho S « Motuct Bltaraud a<oolttiem

'WlHtlHbMliliig. OactalUtt adM|>Iwl«ln tMIilvrr mid Intr/fug toeitclcate tta« itnu^lluxquo nil »ve wen dtoviued.

Tho photi«D|)yllig botue ol Ten ?vfk * Co..Alibimi, N. V., h u been clowd ou UMnilinituMwuntlMg l o i i h o n Tlie flnn tuoii nude atcnurmt Mslgnmeut. No achedule ot UabUtUciiluwuMtifliod. HieOnnlsoueoIttwolilestttiidmoat exlciulve pboto-ooiiylug housea In UpHlnto.

A *i««lil from Buterprtie, na,, uyt Johunmle. iKMbiiMtar at 8L Sebastian. Indian Hirer.win round denri 111 bis OOM laat Wediionlat. Koil MI lib lieud •hawed he bad bMri mnrd'rod.Tl|o office WH» rolibed, but the unoooltuken ItnuknotflL Halbiui McDonald and B&. Beiiliain.colored, w«ro arretted on aasplcloa.

ItcprcKutiUlire Collins of MauadiuMttf boalutnidiuind In the Honaa ».. bill aulhorliliiKUio I-Kildout to deny all eomureriMol rlglito,lildlullntc tho rlcbtto traiupoct telildw 01 canIn tlio Uullod. BlaUa, 10 tuoli (oKlatt couutrlejon inay deny eomnwielal prltllegej to clUieia ol1 bo V) ailed Sti»t».to the OboeUw KaUoo an election wu held 00

0 » BUi (or prlnolp^ cblet B. P. BiuatlvoodJ. r. Votttxt VtBemuM, McKlniiqr and Bdw.llmmi were candidate*. tl» lines beluidrawijon local lauwa. About debt.buidred tisnoei«otoA fat U» Imt Umo, U» new eomViuUonh»»ln([ adopted them •» dtlMm. Iboiattvnttbe lugeit ever polled.. tho «mpt«u ictunxshow a majotUr lor MoKlnney, tbougli (huaawood dalna tin election.

William lbompMa, a Sielby aonntjr, TIL,eontaDlB, wt» waOdag to tana abut UM IUlnotoCentral Eallirajr when Dear tto eorporale llralube waa roetby an appareotly dranlmi trampwbo uked Um to tike a drink (mm a bottlewWch lie produced. Itwmpawn refused to drink,when Uwattaoxer dreiraretohrerandabciUi*constable tbrontb the bead. Ibe tramp dlsappetrod In tke daikoeu and bat not jet boeufoond. Ibompaas lived bat •tbort time.

SwnuU. IlUen, tx-oantmr ot lot State otNew York, died on lbs « b i t Onptooe. bisomnliy bans. Bear Vonkan, U rb» terenty.

%hlnl year oibU age, HebadbetnauS<rlugfor* few hoora Iron an •*»*» attack (4 dlarrbta andnnusea, and, Dooton IMft and- Wmmoot wennUondlogMm »roiatWabenlUedJ)atJollo'wglug tills tberc m i twMeo tto|ip»te d ibeaction ot the heart, tod Ma death came atiddenlyami without Uw tU«bleat «ala

Cakmel B. f. Bntlta bia written to GovernorInland, of Toiaa, tendtrtnjt the terrlcet oUlieFoqith refdnentol UtMaiaeaMt oaUUnudelot troow to more «Q Meiteo. HldloUilan baaactually enlbtsd a *elmite«r oompany, whilenctrij e^erj town In the State la awaiting own-mMlonstotonamlllUa. Sober beaded Texan*,wlille admitting Uiat Texas eunot be bemOledby war w|U> Mexleo, waMnogli In favor Of war.Tlila toeUm pteralU atnooR nbuvte.itbiot UMman li tb» Mortben part of Ibe Bute.

The Dopiurtmept of Marino. Ottawa, bat beardfrom Unit. Oordoo, In eonmand oj Uw ttmacrAMR, (be nndaoo Bay eipknilon vetteL Aletter dated Juno » saya after leaving dntefntawera eiperleoced all the wajtoBt Paul'sIdfiid. Tlie Testd was not stopped, bta w ukenAateombi; al_Del«ocntwo and Uuee knotsper'boor. Everytblug was going well. Lieut(lonlon eapocta to return early I11 Octotnr, assunreytiificannot be done after September, and,dimenlilesiulKUtbv eiperleuoed in ecUlnxtlwotm'iTort ofl from their staUoni at a laterperiod. -

A few days too, In u» beautiful tillage of MIUwood, dark Owmty. Va.. Nora Neville, a iwltj•ml young dmiatur of the Tillage blnolismlth.gnte Thonuia ttinsell. a drugs'", a »e»e're eow-Mdlutjfor writing bor «D Improper Jetter. Thetally showed her father the totter, llu-iiell.loellnodlolekvo the village upon being nntined.Aconrdlngly (be Otner. provided the daujtiurwltbueowbldo and both repaired ID tlie'dintstore. The father held HussoU. while bis dmaa-burilrowtbe letter andaeowblile and readthi)leltor by panfranhs. laylnaj on Ibe cowhide un-mercifully at Intetvabv Tbeoominnn ty stuUlnalueact.

While train Ho. sV on tbe Uoun route' waanearliigBalnbridge, Ind., ootlie»th,wlt«l^ip«v«.HesMufer deoige Ferkloa and BaMa|evasa S,r. Winchester la the baggag» and expiess car,utne one kicked against tba rear dmt ol tbt earfor admission, ibe door w u heavily enalnoa,but tltlnkltig II was a train mm, WluclieatsilopenedIL He was Intlantly felled by a shot InUm'breast fromabnrly nan on the platform,rcrklnt jumped for hit revolvor and Iced sevoralshots al the Intruder, who Imnwdlatrly Jumpedfrom tbe train and escaped. Winchester'swound Is serious. A fcaM.lt soardilng lor tbt

Boclelyln Chicago I* shocked over tbe anouncemoot that Miss Madeline Keseler, a fresh andattractive twettty^wo-resroM helms, haselcpod with one ol UM tooet notet tniglu in tbeo|tr, a married nun uaned Alfred Blokoer. allai"Vrenelt Fred." Hie molber and family eon-neetloui of t ie girt are prostrated bythedlfr(raoe,and all fraes oTtlie.ailatlng couple bta«een lost.' Peter Keseler, tbe father of thefugitive, was an luluentlal flour merchant, whodied about three week* ego, leaving, an eslaMvalued at IttojOtt to bo divided between hitwidow, daughttr and son, tbe Utter being aaemploye la tbe Pension Department atyfaab-Ington. k , ' t-.*

When Ibe Savannah Club went to tbe bumtholattbalfof the ninth tnnJiw.tt O t a r i e i ^N.O.,orilbeOlb,tbebaM-bal.l game ttoodstolIn favor ol the Charleston etc*. Savannah socreda run and,»«bW».»ttJ •*« m aeeeiid «ad W r fbaMirntMMM. Atttrls point tbe mta asMeM'tilt 10 i n t . andrseeta* {be b«pt|«sasesi of bit(M*tta»pedtt)anlsi. XbetwoJ*team,tt#WngthaiBavannibUail given up the game,oaSM|D,andtbenthe 8»taauah Utter lelMtntr t n t MloBnIbass.awlSavannaliioorodtwottMn ro.li*,1

RVtforioe ,sarnss»SB«i»itleBoCl*»r WtMert cMiebOffl«ettMnow tnantlM e^cHsof tstevalMine Offleers, HerrH would bar* Men •artceuInjured il not allied byltM crowd at laturlaM

d l d

JTcaqub) MiSsrba* tacomed tte «tltwiat>«1tt«GoWtt to, a m&&* vm&A as, letj r i U i V t t & &

KoOln & i O m » * waUaasjB basoopatbuphy»WaBC<Butalo,If.Y., Is d«ad,sgedl!T yearsH>^wu^^fUU^*ii>


^ WpaUooalHe ti<M father 04

The editor ot ttoMsoeai Utokt,1 Berun,haiteen sentenced to pay Itmssin anoeatlnn fa•VMBnarta and to ttadergo bssrtaonattut torsbweeks lfit puWablog •mfMWted,.(Wtota

MaieMtIoi a «scss|;fktttryb

ovusroj ttie. factor? wusutfcaratat to seeure.laitwecDttoaof Ifce oomtssy, immitlaUl.

and snUotn eonsManUoa shown by spasjMrt!srtUIel»wsrdsthemii»cttyolttieHoos«»mu»-

p f t ^ » ^ W ) p » w t t Bban united hi purehaslkt ataoost of about lewanejeganudiaatetany deonrated allTertaM»•enrKe, wblob was premted to tbe SjeaKeta n l h c l ^ & ^ T ?

Bj the apaetaagot a bott ooauialdg a* oleasanP*rty,lnU>e barbiM mat Portland, Me., on tbe

. ,.itlwMwm •Utcts>lKAM(Jan* Hasten, bit s/lfej Mam Wnltten, ajed it;Benjamin Wbltten, agod 7; Tlarry Cleveland,KtedT; Samuel. Olavelsud, seed II. sudJames

The old ana' popular actpr, B, o. Franoe.Aubec ,ol OtOtft and Sid Jranee, d M W bisresUepee.One Bandndand nitt^elxtbsMMand Bouthern Boulevard, Hew York, on tbe 8thlmtl'sked 'eUbSy-ali. His wife, Mrs. E. O.rranoe, so loncjepnoested wllb brown's oldMuseum and outer city Swains, survives him,

Tbe statement that the a t tools Xoagnc Base-ball Team la about 16 disband and the Flttstnirgato take Its plaoe, seems to be unfounded. Mr.I w t s positively tsserts that hit dub wlllplafau of (he ackednled, games tots season. He lamilntt the iJUeea oi those released with new menwbo Improve the team greatly.

Tboraiu Bogen; it w«tMr>do farmer of Nobleoowity.Ohto. wai stabbed IhrooBb thehetitonIbe fUhb^kUsoe. JofjO, aged » rears. YowigRogers cane boeie ulraleatod and began abus-ing Us wife. DU fatherInlertcred aiidllie son.drew a large knlle and plunged It Into his heart,MUlug ubri (iituiniy., ibe murderer unit and.

..Tbo.Eiltltbfloivottej Fylsdes andToomiallnsbave^beeo ordered to Join .theJfortb Americanfleet, owing to Ibe continuance of the Ouiadlanflabertet dispute. The"'nature of their luttmo-NnilIfoot kaowu.but Ills surmisedthattheyirajse'rif bv the request ot the ooniinsnder olthe North Amerkau squadron, wbo desires theirpresence merely aa a rutter ot precaution.

Al 8*1 Francisco the (otloflng additional offi-cers o t t U GrfOf Arps wen elected prltrt*the adiourpiaent'oi lbs eneampiaent slaedleidoL Edgar Allen, of aicummd. Vs., Junior Vlco-Commiuiderln>Cblef; Dr. A. a Evarla, of Oolor-d '

Tliere seems to be sometblng wrous with tbeschool boose that stands about half way betweentha rBbgee of Ui.denaud SoeMIe, New Jersar.Tbee^ioojlbbn r t o a . « ^ » » | o o s l l l u » * t b e. ^ j l n . , « ^ | s l . * » ; b ehotae blocked and were tt ooe»)denwofanyono bavlDg been1 bufcto of ff awce seoool wasdismissed for vacation. The matter Is to beInvestigated. ' ''' '

r p pcompany, at StttabetbiWrt, M, J.,

has been missing since Tuesday last, when betelegraphed tram New York that be would be atthe works on tha following morning. Ills as-!«mnt* were found to be accurate, and the Unaand hie friends suspect thai be has met withfoul play.

Tbe Caaaaiafa Padfld leksraphCcrspany laid> cable acrnta tbe deep watn channel ol the 8 tUwreooe Blvee on the 8th to Bt Helen's fslsnd'and from thenee by means of, wlmstnuvtonlour or Bve larse poles on Ibenoulhahoreot tlier l to qWatoed aonneettts wltb-Mewtart. oon-(ratuUtloos were exobailged over Uw neweou-Mellon with tbe office ot the Hackay-BenuettAble Company.

John F. Trow, president ot the Trow CityDirectory_Cgcipai]yf«t Mew YoticaWon tbeeth at th« mldenM of bis ton-ln-Uw, Aaron Car-ter, at OmngeN.J, Mr. Trow bad been troubled.forserenl yean wltti rbonnutle (tout TJielm-mediate cante «t bit dtatb waa psisUysIs ot theheart. He waa born In lAndover, Mass., In 1MB.In early lllo he studied and mattered Greek;Arabic and Hebrew, which proved valuable tohim la after Me,

Charles Bussed, a laborer, while attendlogawildor-tnttlilui macblne at Qlnclnnall, found'

adtaaxsid weighItiajaiMcarat*,«aUto be tfnrtbflvttt »**«) . IW t*tiheturett»i|ert Oa»tt1 was toe diamond lost aJiUcnuerbsssett Island InISM by Mre.Cliirk. «lio visited there wltli A'ironBurr, ns dcatrlbed byDnrr4napul>lltUed>leit<.rtohlsdau^tcrilbatbeorj being U>»t4b« stone,became emboldetl I11 a boulder, which aftorwnrdwaa bruutbt Cincinnati tor paving.

Tbe liiieretUnJbe <JI»oovenr ot jold nndsllwr!inAbhliiRtos, Mi«ss.,has been renewed dnrlnpthe past few days by a statement ol Prof. Henrytb.it he had discovered Indlo-iHono o» pod In aJedge about a qusjter ot a mllo from wliiru It wasorlKliinlly found. Fhwt have nearly I sen COMII-Wated tor Hie tannoUou of n comjwuy. j l meet-l iuwu to hiivebceii .beld.Ustweekjbatlilias1

been iwslponed until Aug. IS, wbeu Uw ooiupany,wlll bo formed. '"

Won) bus been rocelvM ttoM »lmmon>ii sheep

Montana, that a cloudburst occurred third ro-ooiilly which destroyed 80S bead of ahfop. Tbe«lmd,«xtiladed et tiut heed ot, Dry Bun Cmk,iiiid.eawe'poarliwirtownlnasoUd waUMffMhlxb, canylug off the entire herd and almottdrowning a herder. Ibe ounaues of the mil-mals are strewn along ibe river tot a dlttinee of10 miles below tbfcswe ol;,^e^lHaJ«r.

VortMne time cornplnluts h u been made atIboFott omoe,New Haven,Cooti.,Ihrt monflyletters were mlststv, and 1M officials wont u>work to torret out tbe cause ol the trouble. Thtytusueclod Frank MoKeuna, a substitute M(ercurHehaud gave Wfctfaecey letter eontalnliiga small amount of money to be delivered ton Do.tltlous address. MeKannaidld <ajot vetani tlielettertotho fosl'Offli)o,tjM\ne was pat .under-sxrnt. UeaviuMa to lay^ajg^tblag about tliecaw.

The Walenllle militia oempany, (wonty-fonrstrong, was drlllliiBcu Silver street, bwltton.Me, on the <.ar,*<ken t,W t«W». fartng fromFalrchlld-one oontaiuliig two young men, andtin oilier two girls-charged, the troops la tlieroar. Tho toamti planted Into the rtuk andbunl JlirousH tntctilutalatteta oftto remoldtear men flat an the ground. Seven or eightreoVlvwJ .sllgiil InJurlM aBAonsCbtrtM Owrsn-tugb, was dahgeronalrlmii Tters Is a gnatdud of liidlgnttlon eret tbe untalf advaqlaietalnit by the raiAers. Had uW charged In frontluitoad of Iteblad, so that me sddiert could bareaclnume to run, Uie» would not have routed tbeafo easily. **> v * i' ' , 1 I* > /1 Aberrylng'partrolsBVB* peksimt were strucx|>y a train on the Leblgb Valley Ballroad near

> ^ » l 0 « t b e r t »

. Blnglown Mountain, and Iliea peddled Ihelirams on Uielr way botaie, miking tkm| (kt

trade tboy stepsM tdkroM onaUattidliwUjr InSoot ot anotMfr, Wk,ffl|MB(M, £rtr yoart

anri" '

, 7<X 'whom' was her son,llerea b«s»4»Uie «M*i


Mrav'JHiirmcs May Mitt ksa taulami tVafhut Imbaut, AArsei IMwh, idV*A ttaiaMtHteter by a Warn et Ote list at tbe bead of SobateisU*tit,Btott1iljB.w W*. ItiudteeBtne.pos«dtluit»Cr».r3»altUU«4Wst«lnd«Jeoes,oi'berboaor. ' - ; 1

Sir Donald A. Smltt and two trlendsv guests attbe Windsor Hotel, New York, bad a runawayexperience on Blyertlde Drive no Sunday.Mounted PoMcemaa Fries caugbttbetrlcbtcoedbones u fhw Hundred sad Thirteenth streetsod tbe gentlenmi were onlnjureH.

tlw iwlkc have, it li staled, been Intonnod otIbe misteuee of axientlve lntrt»nes by Irish andKusxhuidyuaiiiltrni iwtliisv tbe EoxlUh Ooyernmeut. Detectives w H'» stationed al the rtlUererent Buvslw ports, aa I all arrlvnlt fp>in Busslsto Oivut Britain will «m clotely watched aud tbsvesstHssanhed. , _

A price (Igl.l, wulch reiuh>d In tbe death pfeue ot tbe conteataulii, bat taken pi ice atBhoudda, "Walea, Tba pugUlstt were nwiH-dKvaus and Jatnet. Thuty4wo rounds werefoojht. Evant was carried to his home In ahorrible eondlUoo and. died sliorUy after hliarrival tUen.

Attorneys for tbe HaiMm Oommout Byndluitedalrn t i l* they will be ready la bring suit In tbeFedemlCouftot Hew York »boot 8enL 1 taetlabllth Ibetr right lol^W acres of property alooftbe Harlem Elver, between Nluety-fourtb millOne Hundred and Flfly-Cftb streets, New YorkTbe vain* at tbe properly. Is sold to be 115,000 ow,

Work has already ben resumed at a majority«f thefUtitgbuD-kenMalntbB vicinity of Pittsbine, after tbe usual vacation. The pressedglass, chimney aud prescrliiflou homes haveresumed Almost without exception with prospectse ta good fan trade. Owing tojlio depressed con,dlUonot trade, with the green bottle manufac-turer!, Ibey are In no baste to resume, and willlinbablypot light their Area before the lstolSeptember.: Tbe vacation ot the window glass-workers lasts another nwotu.

Tbere was more rioting at BeUart ou ttie e mIng ot the 2dln«t Crowds assembled ou Yorkstreet and awaited the nnru of tbo Catholicexcunlonltts, upon whom tbey made a (lore*attack. Itte svtterers wen clilcfly women. Adetachment of police charged the attackingparty, wbo stoned arid wrecked a number ofhouses. Tbe mob rspWly Increased and droveback the police. The latter then fired upon tliemob, killing a young man and wounding sevenothers, A detachment of soldiers chargedbaronets and cleared the streets. Tbe policesuffered severely. Moue shots were and iron)the mob, but without fatal remit

Mr. Henry C Jarrctt, one of the best knownUKaWcal nnnegen In tbe United States, andalto one ol tlie most highly esteemed gentlemenconnected with tbe protessloii, died 00 the M atBuenos Ajres of lung dlnate. Mr.'Jarrett willlong be remembered by New Yorkers aa beingtbe first to Introduce Into this country spectacu-lar drama, produced.00 a scale ot maguldeenceand lavish expense such as bad never beforebeen attempted on this.side of the Atlantic.The "Black Crook." the " White Fawn." "JuliusGasar," "Sardanapolus" and other representa-tions of a like class .were Ihe plays which broughthim so prominently before the public and gainedhtm much celebrity.

The Christian Church at Harmony, III., hasbeen Inhabited by boos for a number of years.in* bees took up their abode I11 tbe wall behindthe pulpit and anally got so bad that they drovepastor, people and alloutol lbs church. Ttieybad undisputed possession until Ibe td tnai,when a crowd ol citizens collected and ripped}9 tbe siding from foundation toroot where theythought the bees were, located. Tbe bees badlepoaltod their honey In tbe .wall between tbt•tuddlng, which were two Inches wide and »lxinches apart, that spaoe being completely fined,with honey toabeteht ol itxtom teet n » honeywas carried away In waihtohe and pallt anddivided asjongtbe neighbors.

The Post Offtce tmpeetors who have beoa'nvesUgailng the robbery of.. the • MInneapolliPmt-Offlee, which occurred July tbe 8th, havetucoewlcd la. locaUn# over H.VO of the ttolooitajnps m Chicago, and captured four meususpected of being Implicated In the crime.Saturday morning two men called at tbe jewelryitore ot U E. OrandaU » Co., sod oegoUatedwith the proprietors for tbe tale ot Ujm worth

• of tbunps at sixty easts 00 lbs dotuu". Buspset-Ing that the stamps were stolen, Mr. CrandalIntormcd the police, who arrested the two man,Iwo more arrests followed cnlnformiUon givenby th* men eaptuitd. Tbe poUce tMnk all tout)f the men are "fenc«s,"an(l that tlie actualthieves a n -etUM at Urge. Tin MlutiaapotUrobbers <n» away wllhSiajOO worth ot stamps.


.TnSTATE Of. vnVUUM E. BARRETT,'Hi deerated. Notloe Is berate given ttutttwao-connta of tbe subscriber, administratrix or aaM de-ceased, will bsaJdltrd sad rtatrt by the Suirotrate.and reported to Ibe Orpbant Court ol the county ofHemnButn on THURSDAY, THE 8KMND PAY

. r n i K u r j n 4 A . B A n B C T r .

ESTATE OF JOHN U PATTERSON,deoeated.- llotioe U nenby given tost tbo «o-

coanu of UM subscriber, sdnlnutrstor of said dercettM), will he audited end stated fcy the Surrc«al«,

Men's Furnishings


Merino UnderwearFOR gmUUlt WEtB AT



YACHTING SUITS,Collars and Cuffs,


Patterson, the Clothier's60 FROMT STREET,



Goods.for the next Ten Daysor so, ladies can secure somevery excellent bargains, as wecannot spare the room to carryunseasonable stock.

For instance, -we will sell


at 12l/% Cts. per yd.

that we sold last week at 19cents; and all wool


40 inches wide,*

For 25 Cts. per yd.

that we sold last week at 59cents, and many more at a sim-ilar reduction.

R.T. Smock,Cor. Bread u d Mnfainis Sts.,




alwaiaoahand.PalDUnR.trtmmliw and repair!DglnslllWbiaacU-

m done t>r Orat-dast moctunlca.

List or Wagons amd Carriages « tF n a e a t on n a i n d 1

6 new leather top Bngrles, 8 new ItiKtawaT*. aDepot WkgCBS. 1 Sorry Wagoo,! blwuion TopPltttoo (one or t«o-bone), i pew One-Hone Dar-rnlls, a.snian VDBI Wagons, 1 village Osn, 13aal«t fbtttoo, 4 new firm Wtgott, s aaoood-U m Buffilet, 8 atoond^and larra Wagons sodoUKnnot nenUooed.

Parties In Ma} ot mgoaiantcarrlai^s will dowell td glni me a oaH before piusiustiig elsewhere.

P.O. iMnmU. B . O 1 H P B E U ,L l l l l e 8llTcr, W. jr.

txotuaxtx.1.btVlftat SfcjU la Siui JUak. til t<*M mM >rUJ

U. m iviKuuiieit yirnntd 1A1 wojV votcfro taU«-Itettu. Ko nxxmS diafge 00 work Hu». Ofer 17juutf la the bmioem. Houaire U> ilio»i«xU.Asorertttsi** bras iirunmrtu


VOCAL & 1N8TBUMBNTAL MUSIC,Bennence, cos, VTILLUM k WAI aunmM sm.


PETER LT7SE,WBolMJie sod Betali Dealer la

Cboioe Foreign and Domestic Fruits,Nats, Confectionery, Ac.. *c.

Cor. Wkarf Avcnne a n d lTrOnl Street,Ovi>. tDc Foil Offloi, Bed Back, N. 1.

Goods delivered me ol cbarge.



BED BANK, NEW JE1RSEY.d e a l ISTo- 1 6 .

BetUUng Plant*, Basket Plants,Pot Plants, Hardy Plnnti,

CUmbertt anil Hpe<!finf)n. t

OUT P I . O W B B 8 .Floral plea* 01 ererj desaiptlon for funeral*,

waddings and preemtaUons.Froth out Oowcre coa»wnilf an Unnd. Ercrhut-

lngi, Immotielles, gnwes, tn., *c , 4c.Urge «»orttnent ot

FANCY 8JI8KETS FOR CUT FLOWERS.1 Iwrbloomlng Btaiidsrd a

Orden tot Tultp», HITB n l b . for fall plantltn r -


BANK, N. J. "

A full assortment orWaichea, Clocks) t>nd Jewelry, Spec-

tacle^ * c . -- - - -Itepalrlrjg dom promptly and at modorete prices.

All work euaraatoed and goods warnmLed u r e vresuntod.



ABE THE BEST.Because with Item you can nakil a more delicious

enp ol Ocffoe than ty.aayqtaar prooess,usliur test coffee and iweftn.and

hatliw Itnsdr (or me table •In two Dtnvtes.


Hew fork Tea Store,Sole Agent* for Monmwth County,

Front St., opp. Broad, Bed Bank, N. J .F. 8. ROCKWELL. MANA.aan.

Patterson, the ClothierHAS NOW IN STOCK

Middlesex Flannel SuitsFOR SUMMER WEAR;

Blue Flannel SuitsAT ALL PBICES. "

We have good serviceable suits inthese goods as low as $5.00 pep suit.

. . - - A P I N E L I N E O P - - *-•

Brown and Black Corkscrew GoodsIn Sacks and 4-Button Cutaways.

-f, Vi

& HotrriaT uiaMHtron YOUMU HKN ANDWOHIH, '

,, otpsrutents In . , 'BetonMcm,



Pantaloons of all Grades from50c. to $7.00 per pair.

Undorwoarand Men's PurniRhinga, all atyleu and all prices,

Patterson, the Clothier,



1 . Toe following: Old snlTtmo-TrtedOompanlctllepreKntcd:HANOVER. ' , Now YorkCONTINENTAL New YorkHAMBUBGf-BREMEN Hamburg, Germany'ROTAt. ....liverpooJ-LONDON AND LANCASHIRE UverpoS,[JVEfiPOOL, LONDON AND GliOBE , LondonODEEN , . . . . * . . . . „ „ „ . . . . • *—-•—rTOEJASSOCaATION;QIBAED .__,__MEBCHANT8 , . . . . . ' . . j . . . .KT«wkTHADE '. ...Camden.

AHdoUMilssdlns:Oi).'s,(UK!liidlnsUIeaiidAi!cldent). OOr Pol ic ies alao covarlMUauce 'IilOVtXMlH O. whelf ter afire cnaiica or s»o«. L, , ^rBsWsa*lowsi«(impatil<a«ltlilargeexn!rieno9csnpniaenUr sod ifaljmstn (Us»»assra<Mar-;

nloliis Uw nteJ Ckeai> rates an a sun ladax of Un poorest lnsniance. Wfia Irnrf* pnetus aM m-tsndedknoMeaWtt Movables sad oaierisl tuts oraerlsloingittssusBosineoBadanllTsskaesBf

K, K, J.

M. M.

One Price Clothier and Hatter;!






Special Attractions This WeekAT


Clothing and'Hat House,.BROAD STREET, RED BANK.


Reliable Drugs, Perfumery, Fine Stationery,Toilet Articles, &c, &c.

Our Proscription Department is iu charge of Tiro rradnatni of the College ofPharmacy, assisted by Tlireo Iteglalflred Pliarmaclsls, and onr method of com-pounding prescriptions gunrantoes accuracy.





LO"W". . '


' Always ob hand a floe asBortment of '' ' J

WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER MM) PLITID l i f l fThe finest quality of Pebble Spectacles and EyeglaBses not'

much higher than ordinary glasses. ' ' • r : ,

The closest attention given to the repaiiiiig of fine Time-PiecessindJewelry.





Sheet Iron, Tiu and Copper Work and Metal Roofing-- -1

Steam and Hot Air Engines.and. Gas Machines Pat Up and Refaiitit


ersonal Attention Given. , " , ' ' " ? "'"i



KINO'S WORBI ©E9TBOVER,a never ttlUnii cure (or worms o» bota,

KINC'9 OOUO DRINON,for COIIQ or sqQurliui (frbivnlcorMiito). orlDfiaai*

/mallodDt the bowels. ;rXirsonslisTlbirlHiraet'aut ot cuqdll/ou-oiui bsy«

tiwn put m ardtmrlUKitat extra, rtariabrletrlnvthem tabouA with ma Jur tbe wlotw. Ooolao-mnnnodatloiM i runnlmr water i toi Malls I loadslasdMdocksntlMMolesn.> TOtoJtooa Otll, ISO.

TESTATE OF LEWIS REYNOLDS,l*TMOLDSUtlUTIieODOllBT. BCYll*TMOLDS.Ut«nlMrs.Uiat tin aowoou Otis*M Atsrlsh PonrolBonjwIllboand rspwtid too r M m l l oo



(hi vA »ftfr XoBiitsr,

a i r or Bnuwn, K»Tian]inm io.'bet u( H !«

t- - — - I j

Page 4: ;*'Jv^ T j] D AKEj> B J*> WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11,1880. …rbr.mtpl.org/data/rbr/1880-1889/1886/1886.08.11.pdf · ... at a salary pf ' tfOOperyear. ... of- Keyport, will be assistant

And *fealii. this fair realo?* AfralaaffNilenatBd


-" "X - a m u « tfmfai.H**»—'— i


"JftM par—a-o h-o 1-e Undo Harry',•lat'e that r a paradiot* f

"A lag word for a littls giri'a Congpe,poljis. {tome, lot me se« Hit hM totaledIt crooked?"

My lU-jeir-oM nleoe gmTsly put forthIbedotirederpui, and.I as gravely pro- !Bounced it sound sad straight.

" Bot I wont to know, Undo Harry," sn«persisted.

801 took the young lady on my lap, andexplained, as well n I could, the ipyrtario*of tbe parachute;, and the beautiful brows •eyoe grew bright with wondor at thenew ideas thus presented to her inquiringmini

My story finished, Mist Dollio sat awhileon my knee in deep thought; and' then ah,«got down, and trotted off with a preoocu-pied, tmriness-lilrt air

I loved B good cigar in theme dije—Idonow for the matter ol that—and sittingsmoking on the portico, with the sweetrammer breezes dancing around mo, andthe woocUaoJ songsters filling the air withnnude, I forgot Dollio—thongh I hud prom,lited to keep an eye on her—until suddonlystartled by a serial of screams and ontcrioaproceeding from the garden, a 6aro indica-tion that the niluohiovioua little monkeybad got into some sort of trouble, as usual-ly happened on an average twice a day, at

•-least. . .I throw away my belorod oigar, and

. ruslied out to the scene of the turmoil, mysister closely following, but neither of as, Ijnufit confess, were propared for the sightthat met onr view. • • • . ,

There was a tall grapo-arbor in tbe gai-deU, oomposcd of several upright p wta con-EOCUHJ by long data, nailed longitudinally,and projecting a foot or more. beyond theuprights at either end. There weroflfteonof these slats, 0 foot apart, and 09 the endof 0110 of the uppermost ones hung Misa

• Doffia.• She was eospended Bomewhut in the man-

nra'of a penknile with the blade partlyopen and the point turned downward, aud.•8 sbe swung to and fro, filling the air withlamontotioBB, hor poor little noso receivedmany a blow from tho frantic plnngen of herknees ani feet.

"Keep still, Dolllel" I cried out, myTOico full of laughter.

And then I clambered rapidly np tho ar-bor, and plucked tho terrified child fromher elerstod, impromptu swing, landing barsafely on tbe ground. .

wf" «aid Jjwr mother, Bevoroly,

to tin Bean-

.fault, so il to,"

mbbod DoUio, in doleful accenta. "t ie

mid a person couH jump o t a high place,

and como down oasy, if tho; had a para*

chute, so I thonght I'd try, nnd Igo t hid—"

"Mine!" I cried- oatj "Ihavenono ,

you UUIogooeo?"

" You Las, Uncle Harry \. you take it out

to keep the sunosr when vou.go to draw

pictuTetftaoVto paint" '•• .

___—'tOhi^flaid-I, " I eeev yon mean my ar-

tist's umbrella, little lady I That is not a

; parachute at all." >.-

"It's not anumbrella," cried Dollie, in-

dignontiy. "It's bin, aud strong, and

heavy, and you pnt.il in a pipe and stick it

_ iii.tW gronnd.- I got it, and first I got on

Tlio fence and jumped down, and I bumpedBO luird it rnost took ths liroff out of roe.Then I 'membered Uncle Harry.Eaid theair innet got tinder it; and BO I climbed

up to tbe arbor and jumped, and— ind I

didn't!go/iftt alL Juot look at my hoop-

. ddrtj rjiininift--it'B all OncloHarry's fault—

•• juet'ldok." '•"' .'•""••'-

Mamma did look, so did tbe orach-abused

anple, and both fell into fresh oonvuliiions

of laughter.

It was the fashion in those days for the

tittle femimnes, as well as the big ones, to

' wear stiff, rattan troop-skirts. Dollio bad

• been very prond of how—tho Bret of its

bind to her—dull now, alas, having served

an a hook to mispeud its owner in mid-air,

it presented awoebegone appear&aoo—rat-r tans twisted and broken, and trailing bo-

bind in n decided peak. . . , .

~. „ Altogctb.er^it.^Baa.too mu.ch.for ray grav.

ity, and I lay down on the grass to laugh at

my ease,-..whilo my BWtcr carried off the

mncb-blonded Dollio to restore rome of her

dilipjdatcd clothing,

It was Homo tlmo before I recovered suf-

ficient!; to go to the rescae of my impromp-

tu parachute, which, meanwhile, was re-

posing quietly in o blackberry bush.

Tbo neit'day wos llko nrnuy of its pre-

decessors—worm and beautiful—almost too

beautiful, iu fact, for we were getting tired

of the bot sun and cloudless Bky, and fcl

that wetonld hoartilj join in tho cry ot thi

drooping plants for clouds and rain. -

Wehadhodthrw^reolra of -opprerailvclybot, dry woathcr, but to-day wan consider-ably ooolor i- tborewas a brisk hrucio, ama few floating, flceev clouds gave un uoiuehops that a ohango of ueatlier was at lintapprooehiog.

"Ion,1'aald I, to my ulster, as wo stoodMi tba> pgrnh tc^aUjfu* After bre&k/Afll, ' ljtreally iocktaaHittniRtrt rain aomo tlmo.

•uai| |>ertiap>,l bad Hotter not postpone myBk'etoh any longer. I'll go now, andwhiioI saddle Pleat, and got my portfolio andpolUeta j*ratbnle read;, do yon put me npsome luncht like the doar, good sister, you•m. I shall not be back boforo night"

.And thus it happened that an hour fetorfound in* riding onr the broad prairie thatI»y on one side of the beautiful Inks soarwJuVb toy sister dwelt.. th» lake, at I have said, was a beautiful

llritlg (o look upon | ill shores wore bold, said abrupt, in sx>me plaoes rooky, and more' " jpnoinloe than tbe bank* of • potoe-

of water; on ths side opposite theptt, Which I (hatred to make my

Mub, iktuk, 4MUKI growth of virgin for.to lha >ory urge of (be Is**

irwy fjdiSwlH, uA, it tuA, os BTorf tide,lat-vl i! U* Ui» uA OA wmw beb ottot-<wt eoetrvliftg tt Hi* «*. onit In tbe

It « u t to&g r ib around to Hit point Ihud in view, bat 6o«U/1 arrived there, «Mwith a gentle sigh ot satisfaction, I tiedFleet to a tree, and settled myself to thepleasant teak of transferring to paper, ubest I'might, some faint likeness of tbebeautiful eoenery.

I was an artist oot only b ; nature bat byprofeuiAn, and I tad oome from my far-away home not only tn Yi«lt my sister andber husband, bat to carry book with momaterials for an ambitious landscape paint-ing that was to appear on tbe walls of theAeadem j of l ine Art*.

In a fit of laziness, induosd by the _op-preesivo heat, I had pot off my work untilnow, and found myself nearing the end ofmy~vlsii withoEt having~taken one step to-ward ths chief objeot of my journey.

Now, therefore, finding myself tt lait onthe spot I had solooted for my grand sketch,I fell to \rork in all eagerness, absorbedutterly as was uiy wont, so that I soon be-came oblivious of everything, save oiytank.

I forgot poor, patient Fleet, waiting forhis dinnor, I forgot my own lunch , I for-got that the boars were creeping on—untilat lost I returned to earth sufficiently torail at tho hoary fog, whloh had lattorlybcou bottling down over tb$ lake, obscuringmy view.

Neity I became alive to the fact tbatFleet, my favorite home and my pet, wasKnortlug loudly and pawing the ground in away tbat plainly indicated something amiss

ith him"WolL it b time to start for home,"

ihought I, OB'I rose and stretched myiimnpcd limbs. "The fog is shutting outlie viow_ Whew I some ono is burning

usliwood hereabouts, my none BUUIS it;} ores woop at it." '1 turned my face away from the lake,

id, good heaven I fog, brushwood—neitherof tWe harmleua things was-it that hodgradually darkened the atmosphere, andwus causing toy eyes and nose to sting aud

No woiider that poor Fleet snortedaud pawed the ground, wild . with impa-tience and fear. •-

The forest was on fire—on fire in theoioet alarming sense of the word..

It was not a elour,. languishing five, oreep-iug along the grouud at a moderate •-, rate,but a lleroe roaring army of nery demons,leaping aud dancing, and ruahing onwardwith almost lightning.

I shall never forget the feeling of "alterlioiror aud despair that overwhelmed ine,m the imminent danger of uiy position wasthus suddenly revealed to me- I actuallybolioyo tho hoin* on my bead rose" up' andt,U>od on end; certainly they felt as if (hoydid, in the.Hr/it shock of surprise. 1.

ltut that was over In a moment, and ool-locting uiy scattered senses I took in thewhole situation at one rapid glance.

In front of me, a bold, precipitous bank,totally impassable on account of the denseundergrowth, even if it had not been souteep; tbe glistening, waters of the lake farbelow;-to the right, tothe left, behind me,one olibrpkon senuVjBinls of flune-r-fleroe,crackllug, roaring—letfplng over the dry,parched underb'nub, wiUi a speed (hot evenmy fleet-footed Arabian could not hope to

And if he could,-what would itmatter, since tho 'fierce names imprisonedme on three sides, and a precipice on tbefourth? ,

With a sinking heart, I strained my eyesto discover some loophole of escape, somebreak in the advancing wall ol fire; and anejacnla.ion of thanksgiving burst from myparched lips, us, far away on the left, I sawa little, dork spot in the line of flame, andremembered that just there a beautifulspring bubbled up in the middlo of the for-cat, making a pool email and shallow, yetall-sufficient'to preserve my life; could 1roach it before the army of fiery demonsshould flank it, and stretch an impassableharrier between' me and this, my only hopeof safety.

In one second I was on my horse's back,and flooing at, a break-nock pace towardthat blessed spot otreluge—an oasis, verily,'in that desert of fire. It was fully halt amile distant, and though my fleet-footedanimal, seemingly imbued with a full know-ledge, of all" that depended on hU speed,flow over the ground as even he had neverdone before, I soon saw that the rose was adespcroto one, well-nigh hopeloss.

The hungry outcry and roar of tbe flames,at they leaped, and danced, and waltiedamong the dry brush and trees—yet everdashed forward on their irresistible couruo—tnaddeubd-.-mj poor home with le&r.&nddrowned my voioe as I strove to soothehim/

On.anion. he.ruaheoV hia- eye* almoststarting from their sockets, the foam flyingfrom his mouth, and flocking his sides withgreat white patches; seldom horse spurnedtho earth as did my poor, frightened Fleet,luring that awful race with the domous olOre!

Dot it was all In vain!

Before we could roach that one Uttle rifttii the grout, red wall, it was closed np;and then tho unbroken line of fire Boomedto dash onward with ovon greater speedthan bofore.

Thore was only one thing loft for me todo—to gain a fow momonts' respite, inwhich to make my poace, on best I might,with my God.; nnd 1 thankod Hun then thatBh haud had always boon my guide andsupport, so that I had not an overpowerfnlhorror of death that otherwise mustJhaveoppressed ino.

Thore wes one llttlo epot as yot tmloochedhy ihe Garnet, though thef wore

U frUjpi*4 loo hi* ia M.ve « * ; l<Sttimn -*w tut *pot ijt » % • Ut

g foraetli tm toysVood vkltuig, with aiy hkbi

restiug «n my poor, trembliog horse; uMsuddenly, M he -whinnied piteously, fh/ithought came to me that her at taui, neednot suffer so painful a death as stared bismaster in the face.

Itlwayt carried a pistol, and now I drewit out, and nerving my shaking hand, raisedit to his beautiful, quinring ear, but low-ered it again as, for the first time, I noticedthat raj tlamsj artist's umbrolhv rtiU swungfrom it* aedaatoued place from » ring Jo1

the saddle. It had so happened that thespot in which I had been sketching, whenhemmed in by my nery foe, was so oooland shadjr that tha_nmbnlU was oat neexU.edjso I did not remove it from the saddle,

Wlsen I drew the trigger. Float would fall,it might be, upon ft, he might not live amoment or two, yet even (or thatfihort {|n«ld ld>dt choose that the strong, ij^vysteel nbe should have the chanoe of addUigto bin pain. ' • ' < '

I detached it from tho saddle; and evenaa I did 40, the Hidden msuisry of httloDollie's experiment that morning—ah, howfor away it scorned I—forced a smile to mydry lips; and then followed a thought, swiftaud btartliug as a lightning flash

A parachute, Polite called it; and whynot use it «s such now, in my dire extremi-ty? It was very strong and stout, and 1had some twine in lay pocket with whiohto secure the ends of the ribs to the handle,80 that it could not turn wrong xido out

With tho reiistauoe ii would offer lotipr'descent, I felt sure that it was quite possi-ble to land iu the midst of tho brushwood—a hundred feet below—with no more' se-rious hurt than bruise* and BoraUjhes,-orperhaps a broken limb; and burcly thcuowere light evils in comparison to beingbufuod to death.

With vager ttogcrx, I knotted the twinoto the steel ribs, and secured the former 10the base of the handle. '

The flames were almost upon me by thistime; so, with one long-drawn breath, Iraided iny pistol onoe more, :and, with onequiok, nervous jerk, sent a bullet iuto thebrain of my petted steed. ' ,

Then, as he gave one wild ah'rluk, andfell lifeless at my. feet, I seized thenm-breUa—DoUie's parachute—and leaped offtho rock. •" ' - v •..••-

At the outset I fell so rapidly thatXnl-most lost my breath, bat in a ticcondTboul<i'feel that my desoeut was checked, nud thenbegan a swaying, jerking motion, that modemy head spin. -

Doubtless there, was not more than onoor two moments' interval between my loapfrom the ledge and my hading ,amidiit_thobranches of a small tree, but it seemed asmany hours.

WhOtt I clambered down to tho ground,•oarcely believing yet in my wonderful m-cape, I found myaolf with sound limbs.My hands and face were scratched andbleeding, my clothes torus to rags; butwhat cared I? '

The fierv fiends wore leaping in disap-pointed anger far above me, and now 1could listen to their roar without a tremor,save of grief at the loss .of ray favoritesteed.

Keeping along the shore of the lake, Ileached my sister's house just as seriousalarm was beginning to be felt at my pro-longed absence, and a party about to setforth in search of me.'

Dollie," said I, that night, as I took upthe dear little niece I had so nearly partedfrom'forever—"Dollie, you were tight;after alL ' Uncle Harry's big umbrella ie aparachute,1 and il you had not told him sohe would never have known it, and so hewould have boon devoured by the hungryflames. We will make a beautiful glass.case, and put the parachute away in it, andlabel i t ' DoUWs Parachute." •'


—BJti/JU( Vl~

Pianos and Organs.BEST MAKERS,





And on UM tmctknvwu ai ths DrumnionilproptTl

aad imvraaiM,


.-.: s >


£ \ R B. F. BORDEN,



Over Nineteen Yews' Expenenee in Den-tutry jn all its branohes.

FarUonlar.ABentlonirlveB to the admlnKtraOoaofA U U


• IV n. furnisher,

nit :w,ivriuimu <u yuvuiiiiii •


:TWW. r. mimvit. , I.I.

Brown & Eleine,BUCCE8SOR8 TO

TliOS. P. BROWN,?^ AOSlM Stcamtmal Wharf,

BE. -N't

Wbolesalv and Retail Ikaler In .

Coal, M fertilizers,LIME, PERUVIAN GUANO, AND


' :'v . .-• SUIT. J M s A t l H J

Land Plaster and Paris Green, StrictlyPure.

New York Manures also Sup piledGeneral FwlKhtltiK promptly attended tn.

. S I -.'•' i .: '- i • i

ptJBUC SALE OF R^AL ESTATE ITlio HUb«t'fiber. nduilnluttator, etc,, ul B<5a]aiulu

N. Parker, deceased, will by virtue o[ on order oftlit) Orpbane Ci"trt of tiie foun*? of Muorauuib..Btate of New .I«ra»y, nell at puhlhr nuRtfon, on

Hnturday, September 4tli. 1880.at 1 o't'loclt p. «.. al ixirhardwin'* ti\r>be hotel. RodBunk, ID the Townsblp ol Blirewstiury, Iri snliicounty, tbe followliiff named renl eataui :

.First, All Uiat oerLaln trad of land and .premi»e»FltuaU) in tbe Tcwnalilp of etirewsbury; at nodRanK. bounded OD tbe norUi by what In knovn BHiho PcufHetQvvn road,on thp east by lundaof thohelra of Asher White, dcoeasud, on tbe south bylatutfl of Joseph Rurrrtwini, anrt on tin' writ bylands of Thomaii S. Field utiil otlieni, and rontaln-Ing about one-heir acre.

SecuQd, All that certain tract u( salt meadow sit-uate In ibe Township of Shrewsbury, bouudnl unthu oprOiwost by ttie North" 8lin*wnbury Wvnr, andon all tither side* by bindfi of Clmrlen U'lRhton, de-ceased, and W, I'arktr, and containliiR abOut ttin>eturefl.

Thlrti, All that wrtaln hoiw anil \o\ B\U\HU- Inthe Township nf Entunrowrj. boumtail by tin? rnalnnail luiidtrjg from Eaton town to Shark rltor, audadJolnlDf: land* at tinmerlyJumM Wolcotl, WilliamV. Lafeini und otters, and flour Cranixtrry brook,and eoiitHinlnR nnn iicre, raoro or Um, , d

Fourth, All that mrtaln tract of woodland altunUiIn tho TownBhlPiOf Klirewsbury, und Iwliift lot No,

rhnHiid hy (inrret Wlilu% at a Mtakit; ihenru [1](UHUII. thirty-oiHi dc riHs* east, tMrjy-lhn*ctm!nH;Uwiictt [-1 aouih, tlilrty-flve dcfinHat tturty mtiiuU^went, ton utfiilna und llfty links;. thwn* [3] norih.tw«ntytwo (JdKrw* thirty, minute west, tlilrty-SIK rlmlnsnnd t'lgtiiy links; tlicm^ [4] north, forty-Qvu dcRrww inuit, four clmtus und tu'tinty-Uinuelink« to tlio bt'Klnnlii , coutalufiiK twonty-onuacres und iwenvy-ilvt tiuDdntUbs »I &n acre, inoruor lotw.

Fiftli, All that certain tract of lund und premfntwBltuutf in tbe Towimhlp of Kbrownbury, bcfflnnliiK:at tlie southwtyt corner of land fvnnnrly UurltuVandyke's: Uience [1] north, eleven chalan.andelgltty-llVBllnltfl to laud formerly. Kaitiuol Kooit'H;HieDWJ L-] north, flfty-olRht doRrwa nnd forty-riveminutes weit, nix chains and Korcnty-nrn lluks;thenm [3] Doutli, Blxty-cevon de^Tees wtwt, nnuchain and ulxtcn llukH|,to ajuoroer of Richard H.Ijin-n'iii'o'B land; thenw H] (Joulh. twunly-flvuOoflntJf va»U Qftevn chufos und \Iorty liiiku ui lintbeginning, contaJnlng (our ncrm and forty-tliri't)hundnflths, m»rn ur Ittffl.

Slxtli, All thut ktt or trail of woodliiud tflluuU; Inthu Towushtp (tt Flirowabury, near (lra|iy Gullyrknown by the namei uf lot Nu. T, b^Ktnnlnu HL ILMake on an old dam In ttellnnof John I. uttlttlaUj of Howell, and at the uurlhwtwi rarncrof, atract «Jt off w a dower to KleannrMllH dtKH'jmiJ;thomv [1] nortli, »U chains and forty Uukn; thfinrc.[*| south, Glftbiy-ttiVMi dctfrwaitti d tblriy i»lnu(*!HvU nlnt Ul d v n i l l i u t i'\)

arily closing in upon it; and thither I fled,

riding to its uttermoit limits ere I ills-

mounted. ' ' " '

• Then I looked about a s onoe more,' In a

last dying effort of hope; it was so hard to

resign myself to meet so horrible a death.-

Behind mo, to tho right, to the left, Hint

terrible wall of flrej in front, tho lako,

calm,'beautiful, dleor as a mirror, glittering

ia tho Bunlight,' tvro huudred foot below

ino; aud then, looking downward, oloso at

my feet, I saw. that I utood ou a projecting

point of tho cliO, overhanging ataugled

zua«< of underbrush, at toast 0110 • hundred

feel below ine, • ,

'f he Are would be chookod on thin rocky

shelf—1'SAW that stagUiioo; but aim I tlmro

won plouty <Jf fuel I* fowl Ijt up to the vory

J . i w r i i u r would

vimU nlnotuon cUuln* kvnd wv«niy lltiiu; t e muotitli, BO von deijrtHw utul forty mlittueu oa»t,' HuvenchalnB;thuncoN]vlffhty*«ivunde([rm>R nnd thirtytnlnutM Mvt, nmuloim cholnitio iho plnru of htfrlri-nliur,- ooDtalnluffiolo Aji'nl ll

uidiMiteitf«ii«efe^naratW«^Seventh, All ihttoortniD lot *>rparwlV-f land »IW

UBte fa the Township of Bhrewatinry. ix^lnnirK a^« atone Iu (lie souUiwail oornbr €*BamuoL,W>n1iJpilot in Timothy 8, White** line; thenoum.rHmth,t h t d t f h l n i and ton llmu; vi],

t i b j 4 athrwtdfgreeHoait. four chulni and ton llmu; vi],norm, Kventy>«ovon deffroos cast, nine pbujnru4aPlxtven llnki; [D|, north,.forty-*l(thfcdfl(rrM» W i ,four ehiiliii ami mvctity-tilfllit links; !•»]. south,•oventy-Nivdn divrom went, flvo clmttw and llfty-

rifl links to Hio uuKtnhlng* wnUitdlhR tlireo scrus.o r v M r l o w ' ' 1 '••


A Inrur anri now. «!uc* of thn iiiont txipuljr Uijit:

Suitable for Children

of all Ages.

oorusuullinoof } | } ' ] /


Paper, Pens, Inks, Pencils, SG.S, S.. SAGTJESk,

ESTABXJSHBiri i.873.

R. S. Snyder's General Ins. Agency.$ I 3 H , 4 B 7 , 3 5 0 . S S H I t P n K S H N T W »


'. r^COMMtllES.-!. fjOMPI AdiloUJ,- f; •••) ;Itui) f>u>m tnll I/i-ini Nrgolliltif. f\iuiml»-iniur or m-wi» eiid Biirvoyor.

IV. J .

. CuQJ

I10DKHT AI-LEN, JR., Adinlnfi»trutor, Ac.


Iu aunu ut Ono Tlioiunnd Dalltra nnd uiiwinli.

Tt/itfit tnhahUanitfl Red ttanh mid VUiiiilu:' fye irti tUlrfnwl W nuw pnipunnl to '(urnlah lof u pum iiuulltr tint HUbmjintlul tlili^iuiu In nnyquantity to l l n l o l " , nulnl i t ira , l l M l a i i -rauWanyi Private Pumllle* «t iriodor-«1« FMe««.• C-< : : •'.,' • >•'

With«tWt* Bttrntlnn io tlio liujlnran, mid «nll»-f.-ctli n Kiiironlm)) t i l/niiijilltjr, weight uml prlc ~I mimtfully aolirJt yuKr iwtronnifr,1

I tan 11 supply otnomo ':,lxioinn», anil Irnve (a-U l

ATI/AW,&V) Birl t , itOSKO UTH OOVHTY, M. I.


C0UN8ELL0K AT LAW,'Orar Button's Stof a Store. >1 BID BANK,N.I.



ATTOBNETPAT IAW,Offloe In KlJiniontS't BUUdlojt, Oookman Areinie.

^TsDtrar r«itc. v. t.


COUNSELLoi'' AT ,thHarjr Pulillc an4 Commlalooer ot Hoed* for

Now York. ' EAT0NT0WN, H.I.


ATTORNEY AT LAW,OfBoM In Townlejr'fl Meir BbfldliLaw Ijumnou la all Its bnmebtt.


r \K. H. B. VAWDORN, •

\ DENTIST,87 Broait Btreet, MntbodMt Oburcb BuJldlojr,



PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON,Qroad Street, «ppq>lte Wlilte Street,

-'••• " ; , . , . , , B W ) BANK, H . J .

. J U S T I C E PEACE, iiOIUco ov»r Smock's liamew store on Vront Btrdet;/

, . nEUBANK.M.J. < ,Ttio collwUiiK »f bills promptly atnoitedto.


BKAL ESTATE.AORNT.l-obt Dfflcn nulldlnn, • - BED BANC, N. 1.

Collection of BUU a Bpeoialtr.

npHOMAS DAVIS, J B . , ,


; FBONT 8TBKET, RED BANK; N. I.P.O. Boi.21. ,

luuraooe placed In' the best Oonnanlet on mintreatonable terms.


STEAM SAW AND MOLDING MILL,Mauufuturcr of Bush and Illln<l», ',



Dealers In . . . ' • . '

LUMBER, LIME, LATH, PLASTER,Cement, micH nnd Drain Tile, Builders' Hardware

anus Seed, Ac. Mixed Faints a Specialty. AlsoGeorgia Pine, Ash, Whllowcxxl and Walnut

Lumber.-^Nrar Hallruail Depot, a m BANK. N. J

CHARLES I. BORDEN,. ; • - • • - • : . - : " . ; . .

:. . :

Wtinlosals and retail dealer In ,

Plain and Fancy


SM0KED1of thn very beat quality.


qANNEDGOODSBroad St., Red.Bank,JlZJsi







• - i ' - i i :• ' f • I U J ' Jf . U J . M UA88ORTMKNT OK .



• W O T I 0 W 8 , - • • : '. -••'•' i - ' :

' .fflOglEOX,-:..--'. -,




to «S J I ^ '

:••?.-•'"•,..'!;,! \~t ii2u^iiZ'y"]rrr:

nt «iicli unirorm qiMllllwrafid ioxtrcrriolyppy

tlllllwrorIurDl»Uii« Ii* Inoor-liwU to,any ppln

o'ottifl^.V.amla.B, n'. : v ' ' ' ,

J. W. CHANOM3K, Proprietor,

WBoMiur of' o»nfy klnfl at aslowbrlew u- Iceontlotnt wHbiRttM wirirr lie

Jastook * aualllypfUauv suitable for barns,

«'• HoU1'-1'"



Iloal estate und Insurann*, Ibxl Haul, N. J

fi Kt yuur lilll-liwuJii prlncM at Tun't T oni™. fulfilanaohwfc^^J^


Complete l i s e DragfUto'


T. M; STEWARTl W 4 MllM«ccwwr

H- PHARMACIST,OOB.JBWUpj* WBrr«OT«, BID BAM.rHJ.,Tills aid wtsHlstlwfl draft store bas beenlbOK-

y_ - * jjsiMtoa wtth • ocnpjouilDeofpu^«Ba,raui^

Drugs/Medicines. Chemicals.•• PATENT MEDICINES,.

slid * ft txml aatortment of DBTKSoBTB'SttN-



Allstrpm & Morford' c ' i>,Brtiersln , i

Musical Instrumentsj

Sols AtaitqfbrUw famooi


Pte ^PtenMi ^iifut« VititMt Aootttittaif Viotlitti BAAJot, Uarmonlou, prgulmH«k*n. « c

Ttw largest A«ortnwnl ol S h u t M»s lo lntnecmintjr. ' •- '

ALLSTROM & M0RP0RD,Broad Blroet, Ludlow RulldlW (ssaod Irnr),

B E D BANK, V.'t,


84i BROADWAY, N. Y.TJeelretnannuuncelotlieraiMctltt cf BolBank

«nilTlclnllylhatUielr8Ia<Uo«at ;

W f »• E n d H o t e l : . . ' . . . . . . . . K o n g B r a n e b

BOH> Pavilion . ..OccunOrsreare now opoD, anil work mailo In Umlrnmslltjlecaq be nad at any of tbe abd^e siudlos,:' '. -




Car. FROMT ST., and WHARF AIL,- • • " •-• • " - ( O H * . W s W H D o c ) , - 1 •"•"-" ' •"• •

Orders delKered pronipil j and free at caarge.


• Dealer U all Hindi of ' '

F0RE1BN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS,: .Too choicest freitlp the ffluttt oan alwajt'toobtalncdiitUils store at reasonable prices.

Also, a selected at«x* nj tlgui and^oontenUooeijl



House and pultralldlnfts.. Boll adafHed: to mrljLru k and conyonlent toniarjiots* • n *! Addroas : TIIO9. DAVIS, tt.

Red Bank Shoe Store.S. IIUEB,


I f bate en tuhd'a run stock ofFine Shoes,; Conp;rosi G o l l c n ,

Slipper*,' B a M w r Bootfi

Coarse Boots, for fans Work.

I IwlshtoassurottepnWoiliatlstlUdo

| \ ; ^ C U S T O M ; W 0 R K ; . ; •and can give tietter anibfsetlon. taan ever before.Dint> ana shoe* tor Oentloraen and Ijidles maoa ofthe bout material, In the oert manner and at LOWPRICKS. Repairing neatly and promptly done.



JAME8 R: DAVIS,„ (BneeeaaarttTBomisbavIs),

Commission Merchant,^lijrWn SM,..•yR^N^sjrniEET^cp' ' "

lot Jtow Tort,«BW«**Tle, in urn.; I «

, iu, «a.

lti 15 VJn. OB 8undajs, J <&a.Di.; 4 at, • CM p^n." Woodbrtatt,» « ajn^ 1 « , « « and W » Bffl.

Ool»ndaiSi8»5ajnj<67 OMpjn / •

8e«liAmt»j (Pttm.<foislnii),»JS, Wajd. :TS& OSasf V)» pju. tei 8nnd»rs,»«6 u u

"i2s»i.7ia.»i8. ussauTo, 4ST, eosdjpiB O S l « « a.w., «fi7.

eospni. on_ / ino r ' ouw Mver),

, _4»p , tn ." 'lawitton and New Bruojwk'4 (ra-

i t Bab way), on week days, Via, an

^ 'ajiTi ffMsJn.' * "'>' ' < • -t\" Now.BnioswlcK and Monmouta jMttlos, via.

osa and 8«3 p.m.6Sap.ni, (pom*W

" ToSi Klrer and DfaitrU bet mien JJar Head Intel' andlnlnr»iei!latesUUoB«,tr«li3iiy»,84ra|ra.;

" MudBelsSi.tOWa.m,meLdsys.',•" Set SIM Purr, on Bund»jsonly7lO «a . tn ." Pomt''FltaaanI and InMrtiiedlata- statltmit,

« « , I040a.ni; 1(H 4(X,. la j i 0an,,0IIanilSttp.M: On»onttsjt:84fBrKno47a.oi.;(liJp.n "(Do nMstop at Asbtiit Hrk on smiduys.)


For nod Bank, S0pajn,;aB4 4<k?n,oi. On Bun-days, 4 CO t>.ld. i

TEUIN8 LIATINKIT TORE,DosbroHet sn l Oortlandl •tneet forrlea.

710 and SC0a.nl.; W» m.; » * , 810, 410, 600andenopm. 8undays,7]0, 0 0 0 a m : B W p m .cuss, croau, J.B.WOOD.

Oenml ManajKr. U«D. naaeninsr Agonl,



Leave New Vork via. ttlla. * Boadlmr B. IU. < 00,H ^ l l l U a m . T |30, 3 JO,^00,480,030, 015o.m Bundj¥s,900a.m;400p.m. v i a , K B .fc.no. »u)B.ra.; isoom.: 5a>, 810, 410,BOO,(1Mp.m. BuniUyi.IlOOs.ro.; n00p.m.

1 !«n^Brandi, 800, 6 at f "


For New Vor*. 6 >«.-JOT, l.ltj<.163,»la, B8S, B18,045,113ia.ni.; I « , 8«L 4 43, 457, OW i *».mW1»?tn:'sundayis^»4»V-44J

. 4 67,6 Ofl, 8 8S pj& i ,rnr Nemra and KllxatwUl, 713,7 07.-715,3 M, 815,

0 IA(14911 SaaVraT 14I?9 83, 4 4a; 4 0 7 0 «Cs n d i sJ | . i o i » t i . m : sun

4 43, 4 57, 008, a83 p.m. .." Umg BntKta, Ooeso Orwve, 8o» flirt, Nana-

. BquanandPolntPfciiiaiuit.0 40.84T, oca, 1040 .Sjn.; Ultl,U0,30O, 407, 4SO.44OiBK',6S!l,

, 0 43,« 32,5 43,7 4J, 8 28 p,m,, 8vimlaTS ie i f^JOcean Grorel 8 47,10 32, lo 4; a.m.; 5 W, 0 M

• ' p . m . ' " • • '• '. •• " ' •• •

FOB FBIBHOLD VIA. MATAWAN. <Leave Bed Bans, 707, »18, 11 Ma.m.: 145, 4 W,

. SCBp.nj. ". . ... .For farther particulars see tl me table* at slatkmi.

BD7V8 BLODOETT, 0 . 0 . HANCOCK,•-•.•;•:••: enwe-T;:1 a . P . * T . A . P . i n . t u n .

- , .• J .B . WO0D0.P. A .P .B .O. ,.... >.;•

FREEHOLD & NEW YOBK BAIL' ' • " • • • ' • •• • • • W A Y . ••- ••'• - •

••• r a w BODTI TO rttWB0I.P. V

Trains !t«T» rla. NeirYork and Urns BrahrJi BHi Ibr freehold, Hartboroi WWtatiinli, .

LEAVE AillTJBTPABKaa-tn.; 1.10,4.1a, (U»p.m.

. LBAVBUmU.nSANCU . . . • ,MB, «.OB, H.J5 i.m:: i^).,4.«vTw p,m.

• •-••' i«AVBBBANfcHPOBTMB,»/», ll.1Ba.in.; VOX 4Ja, »J53 p.m.

UUTB ltKDDANE•J17, MS. ll.S)»jti.-, I.4V4.ST,HJOp.ni.

M5, «.ra, n.16 a-m-i i.ai, 4^0 pjn. . . '" .. .4 ,:.... . J.K. RALPH,

•-••• ; > ; '•' •(.: .>'Bo»HaiW Treasurer.

AUGUST^ 1886.-, •1-T.1.v.i---.:.-'(r!^!s-:""'--->i r.:>"-' •

To» Lanre and ooraiiiodioiu Btflwnw, •

[Will run between Port MonmHuth- and Nnr Yuri—, <Ioolofll»rTi«)qBlNlUa»rollgw4;fam piirt MunmmiUi^ i m w jVairl'iirfc.Monday, Una. .,r.6i>p.niv Hon(|ayjSnd»..R>)».ro.

— w>',:8.oo -',•:.i.oo ".; 3X0 • **.

riMs iaV.l


Tliur»ilayj*ln:ltOO in., . . . . . Friday, i;iln..:l(Hi B.miJ.lurtay.JiJh.r.OO •; ,8alnr'iy.,aWi.v.iiu1—Holiday, Wlh.. 1X0 V Monday.8Ulh...*Illh.r...Tu«o»y, Biitt.-.T.«i-" -i-w<*5ay,'S!sr:.ii<«( *•

ac*reWitmustbopBldlJ<ir(in!(li|rYify.! TW» Kiel's time-table l«sdti-nl««l In T I I K H H >1)1HK uuiwriitand New Jentu Stmikmtt nlw.In IhUUuilcr'tBteamlKnt Ouuleand In .UmAri/1"

• Tjnib4a|)Wjnaif"be obtainoil ar'W6'jji i i i i «£2? " ?SJ*S?lrtn«t0'< ***•*> »w» if.'penwiTOHiiir..R» and 8«l WiaUnnun str««. N«w r«ik. -

Blgh) Uckeia. ao cents i excursion llitrb. U>; children half rare. . • .;

THE BTEAfiiR SEA tilftDWill fun betireon No* Yorli (foot of Krariklln HI,

« V t i a S S » ^ a u l B a d B V k t l l "litnvt New Vor/r." -

f und»r, l i t , . . .0.00 a. in.Monday,M..-. 0.00 ••Tuesday, Si.. ..«.00 "Wod'dsy, <Ui.,0.OO •'Thu iday,6tb...8.00." ,Irrlday.fltn... A W " 'tel'day,7Ul,..D.OO " ,-.

V' JMlit Hal llnnk.

Bitnilaj. 1av»V, 8.»> |>. m.Monday, IM;,;8,80 •••Tuesday, 8 0 ; 4 00

n d a y , 8 t . . . 4 lMondayOth... 10.00Tuwlay, 10th.ll.0f)nd'dayllln;ooJTDQ U T , HlO.uJlV i.Ttiu'day. )2lh,JlOO ••Wday,18Ui...T«JO "Bafday, Hlh.ACO "Sunday, lain.-. .B.«i "Monday. 10tb..D.0U "Tunday, l?tli..ll.00 "Wed>day,]8Ul..«.oo '•'.-

Woay,lSXh,... 11.00, •


.8iipdu|8lliu.';un.'Monday, UUi..;a.WToiwtsy, l«h..4.00Wed'oay,' llln.8.mTliu'dnv, IL'Ui. a.00rriday.faUi^.Aoo:Sal'dny, Iltli...&l»Sunday, 151H .3.1X1Biindny.lOUi,.A(PO

TUu rjttay, mi ,.Frldny,*Ui....4.D0

Sunday, ia), . ..ftoo— Bunilsy, IMonds>.JfM....I).i» •• MonilHv, a n . u s ) ••'Tuesday,«4th.,.9.oo " r Tiiwt)uy,:jltu.,3(in '•Wod'dsy,Wtli. 10.00 ••'"• "WMl'day. ttsili.SoO "Thur'dajr.lWth.U.OO ": Thoi'diiy;s(ltlij.oo ••Friday, a7l4....7J10 " . Prtdav, JTUi. S.00 "BalunliiyjS8lli.fH.ai " Satunijy.wui.jSu-'l...fund»y,eotbr.:».00 "-Hii imsy; litMh,,.W "Hondayl*nh...l).oo '" Womlny, .>Hh..3O0 "Tuesday,l|l«l,.».ou " , Tnuaday, 31st.,^].0(l ••

