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JVWWs 3|fSS&B&B5 Barr Bros. Hdw. Co. 12/Ithaca NY Daily...with her daughter, Mrs. Jay Bartlett. Mrs....

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fAG&vetSW ITHACA DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY EYENfNG, JANUARY 23, 1915. ff&mm&mx&iWGtt* HL BOOL CO# f S Pre-taveatory Sale Now On ••» TTI •";»!« ••!•# I Drop in and aee our bargains in Furniture, Wall Paper, Pictures. You. will be astonished at the num- ber of opportunities we are offering to save you money. H x * Our stock is heavy vand'musteibe rednced at some price. I Why not take advantage of these low prices! You will need wall paper in a short,time. We can give you a choice selection at absurdly low prices Several hundred framed and unframed pictures at from 20 to 50 per cent, off, a special reduction in framing pictures. ! A good Morris Chair for $5.86% while they last. Now is a good time to have yonr furniture re- paired. , ' s V 20, 25, 30, 35c ... 20, 25c JVWWs ... 15c,flb. : | SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY and MONDAY I ** Grape .Fruit are thin skin and juicy, good eifce, 5c, 6 for 25c; 7c, 4 j | <, for 25c; 8c, 4 for 30c; never better or cheaper. S California and Navel Oranges are sweet and 1 juicy 3 Jijtcy Lemons H .«... J Bananas ,...,'. Malaga Grapes Apples of all kinds, Kings and Greenings .are fine and cheap. Fresh Vegetables every morning. Cranberries, Ripe Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Cauliflower, Green Pep- pers, Boston Head Lettuce, Spinach, Celery, Parsley, Beets, 2 Carrots, Hubbard Squash, Salsify, Spanish and Cooking Onions. j| Two barrels Fancy White Mackerel Jufct received, good size, white Jf ones, 10c; large fat ones, 15c; nothing better. » Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple, all the best brands, 21c can; $2.50 doz. $ Hunt's Green Gage and Egg Plums, 21c can; $2.50 per doz. * Several odd brands of the best Apricots, Peaches and Plums, regu- g Jar, 25c can to close out at 15c can. «*• W Large 40c cans of Asparagus for 21c* can; $2:50 doz, !f Asparagus Tips in round and square tins, at 21c can; $2.50 doz. jj£ Van Camp's large 25c bottles Catsup 18c; 3 for 50c.% « Pride of the Farm Catsup, good and pure as any, regular 25c bottle, f| 2 for 25c. S Eddy's Pure Jelly in large 25c tumblers, 18c; 3 for 50c. K d™""" 1 Walter F. Larkin — «—. I The Stewart Avenue Grocer j SEAL MEANS- Genuine Guaranteed Hair at Living Prices GUICCIOTA Saniteed Quality 30 inch $1.00 22 inch 1.50 24 inch 2.00 26 inch 2.50 23 inch 3.00 Certified Quality 22 inch $2.50 26 Inch 4.00 Grade A 20 inch $2.00 24 inch 4.0C MILLS HAIRDRESSINGND CORSET Sffly>. (Opposite New Star Theater) 119 East Seneca Street Ithaca, N. Y. TELEPHONE GO. ELECTS OFFICERS <V Danby Organization Officials Will Succeed Themselves for Year—Company Re- ported Tree From Debt- Many Attend Social. WANTED E 1,000 Men to Buy National Six Cylinder and King 8 and 4 Cylinder Autos. H. CONDIT Danby, Jan. 23.—At a meeting of the stockholders of the Danby Tele- phone Company in'tt».f% Hall, Thursday afternoon, the seven direct- ors were reelected and the company reported out of debt Vlth $ entail' bal- ance in the treasury?— \,. *j$*' The Christian Endeavor social held In Ostrander Hall last 'Friday nfeht was largely attended. The games and contests afforded much amusement. A program of music and recitations also was well received. Mrs. Fannie Mabee is spending a week with relatives., in Candor and rthaca. ' \TSCtes Harriet Hough of Chill, tf. Tr; was the guest oi her brother last week. The Christian Endeavor Society held a business meeting at the home of Leroy Howland last night. Plans were completed for the observance of Christian Endeavor Week, Feb. 7 to 15. ' Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hulslander spent several days in Candor. Mrs. Frank Todd of West Danby is spending some time with her mother, Mrs. A. Bennett, who is convalescing after a long illness. George Comfort has pneumonia. Mrs. Arthur Beardsley is ill with tonsilitis. The Rev. B. Frank Tobey's tope 'or tomorrow morning at the Congrega- tional Church is: "The F^end of Sin- ners." All other#*services will be as usual. Miss Mabel Beers spent a day in Ithaca. John Hamblin and Warren Parker of Albion are spending a few days v/ith Mrs. Dewain Charles. Mrs. K. Scheffer of Holly, N. Y., ar- rived Thursday to spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. Jay Bartlett. Mrs. Scheffer has, just recovered from typhoid fever. Mr. Scheffer/ is in a Rochester hospital with the rime ill- ness. He is reported to be improving. Miss j/nnie Smiley is the guest of her grandmother at South Danby. Hollister Barre of Afton has moved into Mrs. Eugenie Beers's farmhouse. Mr. Barre will have charge of Doctor Hallock's farm later in the season. r ; e I Special on Mackinaws f For Reductions in Mackinaws see our West Win- *]• % dow. 3 y Thev speak for themselves. X I T. D. SULLIVAN & <-* •> 9, Furs and Furnishings. Agent for Alexander Shoes y * Inventory Week i We find pleni> of an. all lots that we would prefer to sell cheap £ rather than invoice hem. Perhaps we have just what you want to » paper that room » F. H. WARNER | 322 W. State St. » This Is The Time of Year ! to have your ear thoroughly overkilled and put in j; shape for the balmy days of spring. We have only | experienced men and can give you first class work. :j; Briny v<>•••• • -av< today—don't delay. v v Bailey Garage Co. Entrance on Green Street $ Bell 921 J * Ithaca 210-Y 4 1 . \ Modern Dry-Cleaning K Prcv.u oW.t-Kh. \ 1 0 3 D » TNDjil). =22 • • - • - - = - = I-,.--A.N> PIGINATOP5 "GOOD CLEANING \ THAT CLEANS CLEAN \ '*, BOTH PHONES j # ' A K FOB KF'.r PnocEas C\ i .AHINC ' MRS. M1NTURN SERVES DINNER TO AID SOCIETY Ltansdngville, Jan.. 23.—Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bachelor, Jan. 12, a daughter. Mrs. George Inmam is ill. Floyd Fenner was an over Sunday g'U€®t of his parents, Mr. an J Mrs. Wiliis Fenner. Lawrence Minturn of Locke visited his cousin, Parke MLnturn, last week The Lad/ies' Aid Society of Lansing- vilLe met with Mrs. William Minturu of LflidlowvlJle. Thursday. Dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith spent a Jay T»ith VliyC. GaLlaw and h*3 family. Mrs. Sarah Ecvuolds <ie cafni; for Mrs. George Bower, who is seriously 111 Cottage prayer meetLng was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wiliner Stout on Wednesday. Mm Orlando White has been visit- ing her iparenits to Ithaca. Mrs. Ataeda Knox, who spent sev- eral weeks with Miss Fannie Bower, has returned to her home with Mr. and Mrs, William BumneJl. DELT1 CHI SOCIETY Til HAVE SILK SOCK SOCIAL Etna, Jam. 23.—Mrs. O. R. Cratsley and bar'«*$-'Avbrey, of Myet*. spent tfo« w»ek-en4 wlta Mi*. 3, BOM*. Mrs. Frank Whitman spent a day with Mi. *nd Mrs. Thurluw Whttmau In Ithaca. ; , • . <MTS. Grover Barnum of Ithaoa a-pent sswerat days )wt week w*tfe bear pa> ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand Uhcdes. Mrs. Os. K. Rliodes, wlio has been IB, Is Improving. Mrs. N. M. Mount, wlxo has been ill with tonottttls, is .better. The D»Ha Chi Society will bold a silk sock social at the boms of B. S. Burr Friday evening. Jan. 29. The Ladles' Aid Society met at the home of Mr*. B. Gaston Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Weatwott have moved to WeUsvlUe. NEWFIELO SENOS MANY PATIENTS TO CITY HOSPITAL n •»•• NetwifieW, Jan 23.—aMtrs. David Orance and her son of West Danby spent Tiieeday with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. -Wescott w *™ Roland Tompkins has purchased' a Maxwell tountog car. Mrs,! Wlllii&t Savercool returned from the. Ithaca City Hospital last Sunday. \~ J > There has been one or more pa- tients from Newfleld in the City Hos- pital at Ithaca during each of the last five months. Jay Saveroool of Odessa" spent over Sunday with his father, William Sav- ercool. Mrs. Everhart Carpenter ia serious- ly ill. The W. C. T. U. entertained the West Dantby W. C. T. U. at dinaer yes- terday at the home of Mrs. Merritt Bar dwell. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Rumsey have a position at the county «anm and will move tthere about March 1. J. M. Peck was in Ithaca last Fri- day. Mrs. MarvLn Grover spent the first of the week with her parents, Mr. a,nd Mrs. Jo&n lUston of Ithaca, Howard Roe was operated on in the Ithaca Hospital last Wednesday for appendicitis Judd Dorn and daughter, Miss Mar- garet Dorn and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huddle were in Ithaca Jiast Saturday. John Underdown w a s Ln Ithaca last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Brown have re- turned from an extended visit with relatives in Horseheads. Tax Collector Lefloy Dickson will receive taxes every Monday, Wednes- day and Friday, from Jan. 12 to Feb. 12, at Lee Brainard's store; at James Douglas'* .store, Trumbull Comera, Jan. 26 and Feb. 11, and at Brown's Hotel, Pony. Holiow, Feb. 4. Mrs. Howard Roe is 31. iBMiop Burt ot Buffalo will speak to tihe Methodist Episcopal Church to- night A*receptilon will be given and refreshments wifll be served by the Ladles' Aid Society. Sumner Roaebrook of Sayre, Pa., spent the first of the week with Mrs. John Rosebrook. N. C. Cook left last Tuesday to spend the remainder of the winter in Oklahoma. MISS SMITH TO HEAD EPiHILEAGHE Freeville Young Woman Elect- ed President of Society for Six Months—Miss Mildred George, Treasurer—Other Notes of Interest. f"t H t j t ? t tt f-lriH f 1 fl f) fftAHIft11 0 Q0Q»Vt |fl11 M Regain the Mastery Over Blood Trouble No Matter How Disheartening You Can Overcome It. Blood dliordtrs are qnlekly eheekad bj S. S. 8., the fnmou* blood purifier. H rusiion Into the blood and ln three min- utes hen traversod the entire circulation. It ppnetrateg to where the blood la made, It waahes out thoee apota and plscee where stagnation baa settled, It cleanaea th« membranee, drirea Irritation from the Jolnta, BHa the blood stream with antidotal Influence and from head to foot creates conditions that make for Mood health. There are people ln every eom- uJtmlty who know, thte to-be true. . They have used 8. rU 8, for aever« forma of rheumatism, for Indolent, uUeratea apots, for eruptive akin dlaeaaea, for any -ana all thoiie bodily eonditlona oauaed by I:-.M(1 landed with Imparltlea. Bnlna; a ptiro produot of Mature It cam net hurt t^« s mm a eh and ha« therefore been the '•fn B <- .,: n boat of people misguided la their • -. :ma by first flylnaj to those dangerous raercOrtal drugs whleh bav« claimed so many unfortunates. If the •kin breaks out hi a rash, If bolls or oCjsr Amotions apoear, If there are blood 'i.e.inga <>r bay other mdicationa of tm- :""• Mood get a bottle of • » R. at Ui<s of ally dnigiflst. Bnt beware of 'nhstirmea. I? in doubt as to yoor'tron- or you * lah competent medleal ad- v fr fipr, wr'tr ft the mMfcal dep^rt- "". Ta* f;?if flpvefflo Co.,' B8 BWlft j >-'lg, A.ttar * i », This department la I unnwn far ri ci,i« "ifrf rtii of the great rut of bett.B i i-iiM *Tff»r*ra« But don't 1 delay 'ti. *v. .. Lottie of B. 8. 8, today. COWS IMPRISONED WHEN SHEO COLLAPSES West Enfield, Jan. 23.-^Mrs. Lydia Amack, who has been visiting ln Meck- lenburg and Trumansburg, has re- turned home. Miss Ethel Swlck of Ithaca is spend- ing a vacation at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. William Tucker are spending the winter with their daugh- ter in Mecklenburg. The heavy snow last week broke down a shed on the farm of Charles Whitney, pinning his cattle under- neath. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Tucker enter- tained at cards recently. Walter Traphagen of Trumansburg spent the week-end with George Mueller. Mr. and Mrs. iLewis Vorhls are oc- cupying the Charles Georgia house. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Georgia at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Fletcher ln Ithaca. Freeyllle, Jan. 23.—At the Bpworth League business meeting at the home of Mrs. Inez.Oviatt the following of- ficers were elected for the next six months: President, Miss AMoe Smith; viee presidents, Mrs. Inez Oviatt, Mlee Ina Sevy, Mrs. Leslie Backus and Miss Aletha Boesard; secretary, Theodora Smith; treasurer, Mildred George; organist, Frances George. The ladies' Thimble Club met with Mrs. George Hart Thursday. Miss Cora Ross spent several days with friends in Ithaca. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith of Syracuse spent a day with friends in. *owaj t „..._ _ Miss Long spent last Sunday with friends in Groton. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Brewer have returned from a trip to Columbus, Ga., and De Land, Fla. Mrs. F. H. Tichenor, who is spend- ing the winter in California, sent to the children in the primary room of Freeville School twenty specimens of plants and trees, besides sea weed, fresh rose petals, stones and shells. Since Dec. 1, the following primary pupils have been in attend- ance every day: Albert Blackman, Eugene Bryant, Ethel Appleby, Helen Appleby and Alma Oviatt. Laura Dayton, Lillian Bryant and Marion Williamson have whooping cough. Mrs. Jacob Smith and Miss Howard of Syracuse spent several days with their mother, Mrs. I. B. Howard. Miss White spent several days with her parents in Cortland. Mrs. Julia Sager of Washington District has purchased the house and lot of Dr. Homer Genung, now occu- pied by L. L. Carlin. Mrs. Edward Carberry and Mrs. Harry Carberry and two children of Etna spent Friday with Mrs. George Cady. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Appleby spent Thursday with friends in Groton. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lindsay of Caroline Center are spending a few days with relatives fh town. Miss Murphy of Marcellus is spend- ing some time with her sister, Mrs. L. Backus. Mrs. Christine Cooper of Ithaca spent Sunday with her parents. ' Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hanshaw visit- ed relatives In Syracuse and Auburn the* first of the week. Miss Glenola Sutfin was home from Cortland Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sager of Etna spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Willey. Miss Victoria Moore of Dryden spent a ffiw days the first of the week with her brother, W. F. Moore. Elmer Knapp has been appointed, rural mail carrier on Route No. 18 from Freeville postqfllce, and Her- bert Seanion has been transferred from Route No. 18 to Route No. 16. Both .appointments become effective Feb. 1 !. And will soombeito»tihediiiiflh. Our Be»dy-t©-^ep»«Q|ttrm©nts : have beem cut in £wce*so*low that j they will not last much longer. || Be lucky and get 'one of these ;; wonderful values,, as we are sell- | ing less than the cost to manu- ;; facture, as it is*our policy;not to «• earry garments* ewer"the*season. ;; Come into our Shop-on Mon- * I * dav and get $2,0p<wottli for $1.00 | We Sell as We Advertise i| The Style Shop I: A. J. PEITOH.ARD 3|fSS&B&B5 Barr Bros. Hdw. Co. 127 E. State St. Ithaca, N. Y. I You Need I | Axes, Saws, Splitting Wedges, | Peavies, Cant Hooks and Han- I dies for getting up that wood i nile LfllV •• •• •• • . ! We Sell 'Em t * I ~^i An Amiabls Violinist. Robert Browning and Joachim met one evening at a friendly gathering in London. The violinist had "obliged'* without satisfying certain ladles, who entreated the poet to qbtaln from him another solo. Browning, feeling the delicacy of his task, discharged it dip- lomatically and spoke, as sometimes he wrote, so as to conceal bis thoughts, while the violinist, not understanding, bowed and smiled and did not play. As they left the bonse Joachim ask- ed, "What did you, mean Just n o w r - "Ob," said the poet, "I wanted yon to give us some more music." * . "Then why did you not come and say, 'Joe. old boy. give us another tune?' " returned the amiable violinist. Liszt's Prsdicsmsnt. IA*tt took no money for his lessons, and so many pupils came to him that It last he bad no time left for the work he wanted to do, and this was lust the time when was engaged hi zomposwg bis "Christ." He therefore wrote to Hans yon Buelow: "Dear friend 1 -! want a broom. Ckwoe.*' Bw> ow cam*. The broom Was Set la mo- tion, and In the course of a week all he pupils vanished. He could not BBT% done it himself, for he could lever say no He had the best and no. Meat heart of any man. News Ads. Pay Well. CODDINGTON ROAD Y. P. B., TO 6IVE ENTERTAINMENT Coddington Road, Jan. 23.—Lewis Beardsley who has been ill for some time does not Improve very fast. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney TTpdyke at- tended the Nelson-Hill wedding in Ithaca. Arthur Bearsdley and Elizabeth and Edwin Van Inwagen tried re- gents' examinations at Brookton this week. Arthur Wallenbeck of New York i3 visiting his sister, Mrs. Arthur Mil- ler. The Y. P. B. will give an enter- tainment tonight in the* schoolhouse. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Updyke spent Saturday and Sunday in Jacksonville, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Updyke. New Victor Records For January 1 Ready on Sale Monday morning, Dec. 28th at 8 | ~ Olclock I Popular Song Hits, new Dance Records, the new I Operas "Chin Chin'' and "Papa's Darling/' ana a 1 I magnificent list of Red Seal Records by McCormick, W I Elman, Alda, Pcwell, Williams, Rnffo, Grluck, Des- I I tinn, Homer, Pfxderewski, Tetrazinni, etc., we have | m them all at % t Hickcy's Lyceum Music Store 1 » * NO MORE RUNNING SORES B. Brooks *. Son Sell an Oint- ment Callad San Cura That Is a Positive Relief. It matters not how old, persistent or poisonous the sore is, San Cura Ointment the powerful antiseptic, will draw out the poison and prompt- ly heal the sure 43o sure of this are the owners, the Thompson Medical Co., that they have authorized A. B. Brooka & Son to return the purchase price if San Cura Ointment doesn't do all this paper Bays it will do. No fairer offer was ever made. B. D. Dutton, Titusville, Pa., says: "My arm was covered with twenty- four running sores and swollen to twice Its natural else. San Cura Oin> ment relieved the pain, drew out the poison and healed the arm in an Incredibly short time. It is the great- est compound for healrag I ever used." The healing powers of San Cura Ointment are little short of marvel- ous, It gtyaa relief, and is guaran- teed to belp salt rheum, eczema. bleeding, Hdhing or protruding piles, ulcers. bolls. c. s rtmncles, chapped bands and chllblaina, m outs, burns, scalds and bruises. It allays pain and IR healing. 25e and 60o a Jar. Get the Habit of Buying in Large Quantities. ^ 1 THIS WEEK I 5 lbs. Best Tub Bntter $1.79 ft 5 Tbs. Best Pure Lard 70c j | 5 libs. Best Compound 50o 5 libs. Oyster Crackers 38© 3 M)B. B u t t e r C r a c k e r s 25o 8 lbs. Ginger Snaps 25c 3f 10 Toilet Paper 26o 5 7 Toilet Paiper, regular Bo 25c 6 4 large Toilet Paper 10, 2$o j* 1 dozen Cans Corn 95<s «t 1 dozen cans Peas , 95o ft 10 lb. Pail Peanut Bufter $1.40 | THElHJFFALO STREET FOOD SHOP S ALBERT L. HUFF Both Phones 414 West Buffaio St. St I 1 »+«++»•»+»• a o»6e»e»«6e»»eo<»tf6»»»eoeoooaooe6&eoooeo»»» II Buy Coal y With as much care as you would purchase an Automobile. Get the best. We sell Clean Scranton Coal II James Lynch Coal Co. Inc eee»eMe+»»MM****'9*»*'»** o ** 0 * o »»»»» | w. j. MCCORMICK Dealer in D. L &. W. Scranton Coal ITISTHBBBST; HARD AND SOFT WOOD " 602 Wert Seneca Street Both Phones >town Office, T. O. SULLIVAN, 204 E. State ^aMifsfcgs)tf^#^V4^£#*2MK£sMyJh£J 1 I • . \ T£^ :Z:;-:--\. ,-•-..-- -i ..-,: BSSBSSBBSBBISBSBSi a m Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
Page 1: JVWWs 3|fSS&B&B5 Barr Bros. Hdw. Co. 12/Ithaca NY Daily...with her daughter, Mrs. Jay Bartlett. Mrs. Scheffer has, just recovered from typhoid fever. Mr. Scheffer/ is in a Rochester



HL J« BOOL CO#fS Pre-taveatory Sale Now On

• •» TTI • " ; » ! « • • ! • #


Drop in and aee our bargains in Furniture, Wall Paper, Pictures. You. will be astonished at the num­ber of opportunities we are offering to save you money. H x *

Our stock is heavy vand'musteibe rednced at some price. I „ Why not take advantage of these low prices!

You will need wall paper in a short,time. We can give you a choice selection at absurdly low prices

Several hundred framed and unframed pictures at from 20 to 50 per cent, off, a special reduction in framing pictures. !

A good Morris Chair for $5.86% while they last. Now is a good time to have yonr furniture re­

paired. , ' s

V 20, 25, 30, 35c

. . . 20, 25c JVWWs . . . 15c,f lb.


| SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY and MONDAY I ** Grape .Fruit are thin skin and juicy, good eifce, 5c, 6 for 25c; 7c, 4 j | <, for 25c; 8c, 4 for 30c; never better or cheaper. S California and Navel Oranges are s w e e t and 1 juicy 3 Jijtcy L e m o n s H .« . . . J Bananas , . . . , ' .

Malaga Grapes Apples of al l kinds, Kings and Greenings .are fine and cheap. Fresh Vegetab les every morning. Cranberries, Ripe Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Cauliflower, Green Pep­

pers, Boston Head Lettuce, Spinach, Celery, Parsley, Beets, 2 Carrots, Hubbard Squash, Salsify, S p a n i s h and Cooking Onions. j |

Two barrels Fancy White Mackerel Jufct received, good size, white Jf ones, 10c; large fat ones, 15c; nothing better. »

Hawaiian Sl iced Pineapple, all the best brands, 21c can; $2.50 doz. $ Hunt's Green Gage and Egg Plums, 21c can; $2.50 per doz. * Several odd brands of the best Apricots, Peaches and Plums, regu- g

Jar, 25c can to close out at 15c can. «*• W Large 40c c a n s of Asparagus for 21c* c a n ; $2:50 doz, !f Asparagus Tips in round and square t ins , at 21c can; $2.50 doz. jj£ Van Camp's large 25c bottles Catsup 18c; 3 for 50c.% « Pride of t h e Farm Catsup, good and pure as any, regular 25c bottle, f|

2 for 25c. S Eddy's Pure Jelly in large 25c tumblers, 18c; 3 for 50c. K

d™"""1 Walter F. Larkin — «—. I The Stewart Avenue Grocer j

SEAL M E A N S -Genuine Guaranteed Hair at

Living Prices


Saniteed Quality 30 inch $1.00 22 inch 1.50 24 inch 2.00 26 inch 2.50 23 inch 3.00

Certified Quality 22 inch $2.50 26 Inch 4.00

Grade A 20 inch $2.00 24 inch 4.0C

MILLS HAIRDRESSINGND CORSET Sffly>. (Opposite New Star Theater)

119 East Seneca Street Ithaca, N. Y.


Danby Organization Officials Will Succeed Themselves for Year—Company Re­ported Tree From D e b t -Many Attend Social.



1,000 Men to Buy National Six Cylinder and King 8 and 4 Cylinder Autos.


Danby, Jan. 23.—At a m e e t i n g of

the stockholders of the Danby Tele­

phone Company i n ' t t » . f % Hall ,

Thursday afternoon, the s e v e n direct­

ors were reelected and the company

reported out of debt V l t h $ entail' bal­

ance in the treasury?— \,. * j$* '

The Christian Endeavor social held

In Ostrander Ha l l l a s t 'Friday nfeht

was largely attended. The g a m e s and

contes t s afforded much a m u s e m e n t . A

program of music and recitat ions also

was well received.

Mrs. Fannie Mabee is spending a

week with relatives. , in Candor and

rthaca. '

\TSCtes Harriet Hough of Chill , tf. Tr;

was the guest oi her brother last


The Christian Endeavor Society held a business meet ing a t the home of Leroy Howland last night . P lans were completed for the observance of Christian Endeavor Week, Feb. 7 to 15. '

Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Huls lander spent several days in Candor.

Mrs. Frank Todd of W e s t Danby is spending some t ime with h e r mother, Mrs. A. Bennett , who is convalesc ing after a long i l lness.

George Comfort has pneumonia. Mrs. Arthur Beardsley i s ill with

tonsil it is . The Rev. B. Frank Tobey's t o p e 'or

tomorrow morning a t the Congrega­tional Church i s : "The F ^ e n d of Sin­ners." Al l other#*services wi l l be as usual.

Miss Mabel Beers spent a day in Ithaca.

John Hamblin and Warren Parker of Albion are spending a few days v/ith Mrs. Dewain Charles.

Mrs. K. Scheffer of Hol ly , N. Y., ar­rived Thursday to spend some t ime with her daughter, Mrs. Jay Bartlett. Mrs. Scheffer has, just recovered from typhoid fever. Mr. Scheffer/ is in a Rochester hospital with the r i m e ill­ness . He i s reported to be improving.

Miss j / n n i e Smi ley is t h e guest of her grandmother at South Danby.

Holl ister Barre of Afton has moved into Mrs. Eugenie Beers's farmhouse. Mr. Barre will have charge of Doctor Hallock's farm later in the season.



I Special on Mackinaws f For Reductions in Mackinaws see our West Win- *]•

% dow. 3


Thev speak for themselves. X I T. D. SULLIVAN & <-* •> 9, Furs and F u r n i s h i n g s . A g e n t f o r A l e x a n d e r Shoes y

* Inventory Week i We find pleni> of an. all lots that w e would prefer to sell cheap £

rather than invoice hem. Perhaps we have just what you want to »

paper that room »

F. H. WARNER | 322 W. State St. »

This Is The Time of Year ! to have your ear thoroughly overkilled and put in j ; shape for the balmy days of spring. We have only | experienced men and can give you first class work. :j; Briny v<>•••• • -av< today—don't delay. v v

Bailey Garage Co. Entrance on Green Street $

Bell 921 J * Ithaca 210-Y 4

1 . \ M o d e r n D r y - C l e a n i n g K P r c v . u oW.t-Kh. \ 1 0 3 D » T N D j i l ) . =22 • • - • - - = - = — I - , . - - A . N >


\ THAT CLEANS CLEAN \ ' * , B O T H P H O N E S j # '

A K F O B K F ' . r P n o c E a s C\ i . A H I N C '


Ltansdngville, Jan.. 23 .—Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bachelor, Jan. 12, a daughter.

Mrs. George Inmam is ill. Floyd Fenner was an o v e r Sunday

g'U€®t of his parents, Mr. an J Mrs. Wili is Fenner.

Lawrence Minturn of Locke visited his cousin, Parke MLnturn, last week

The Lad/ies' Aid Society of Lansing-vilLe met with Mrs. Wil l iam Minturu of LflidlowvlJle. Thursday. Dinner was served.

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith spent a Jay T»ith VliyC. GaLlaw and h*3 family.

Mrs. Sarah Ecvuolds <ie c a f n i ; for Mrs. George Bower, who is seriously 111

Cottage prayer meetLng was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wiliner Stout on Wednesday.

M m Orlando White has been visit­ing her iparenits to Ithaca.

Mrs. A t a e d a Knox, who spent sev­eral w e e k s with Miss Fannie Bower, has returned to her home with Mr. and Mrs, William BumneJl.


Etna, Jam. 23.—Mrs. O. R. Cratsley

and bar'«*$-'Avbrey, of Myet*. spent

tfo« w»ek-en4 wlta Mi*. 3, B O M * .

Mrs. Frank Whitman spent a day

with Mi. *nd Mrs. Thurluw Whttmau

In Ithaca. ; , •

. <MTS. Grover Barnum of Ithaoa a-pent

sswerat d a y s ) w t week w*tfe bear pa>

ents , Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand Uhcdes.

Mrs. Os. K. Rliodes, wl io h a s been IB, Is Improving.

Mrs. N. M. Mount, wlxo h a s been ill w i t h tonottttls, i s .better.

The D»Ha Chi Soc ie ty wi l l bold a silk sock social a t the b o m s of B. S. Burr Friday evening. Jan. 29.

T h e Ladles' Aid Soc ie ty met at the home of Mr*. B. Gaston Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Weatwott have moved t o WeUsvlUe.


• n •»••

NetwifieW, Jan 23.—aMtrs. David Orance and h e r son of W e s t Danby spent Tiieeday with her daughter, Mrs . Wm. -Wescott w *™

Roland Tompkins has purchased' a Maxwell tountog car.

Mrs,! Wlllii&t Savercoo l returned from t h e . Ithaca City Hospital last Sunday. \~ J >

There h a s been o n e or more pa­t ients from Newfleld in t h e City Hos­pital a t Ithaca during e a c h of the last five months.

Jay Saveroool of Odessa" spent over Sunday with h i s father, Wil l iam Sav-ercool.

Mrs. Everhart Carpenter ia serious­ly ill.

The W. C. T. U. entertained the West Dantby W. C. T. U. a t dinaer yes­terday a t the home of Mrs. Merritt Bar dwell.

Mr. and Mrs. Byron R u m s e y have a position at the county «anm and will move tthere about March 1.

J. M. P e c k was i n I thaca last Fri­day.

Mrs. MarvLn Grover spent the first of the w e e k with her parents, Mr. a,nd Mrs. Jo&n lUston of Ithaca,

Howard Roe was operated on in the Ithaca Hospital last Wednesday for appendicit is

Judd Dorn and daughter , Miss Mar­garet Dorn and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huddle were in Ithaca Jiast Saturday.

John Underdown w a s Ln Ithaca last Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Brown have re­turned from an extended visit with relatives in Horseheads.

Tax Collector Lefloy Dickson will receive taxes every Monday, Wednes­day and Friday, from Jan. 12 to Feb. 12, a t L e e Brainard's s tore; at James Douglas'* .store, Trumbull Comera, Jan. 26 and Feb. 11, and at Brown's Hotel, Pony. Holiow, Feb . 4.

Mrs. Howard Roe i s 31. i B M i o p Burt ot Buffalo wil l speak

to tihe Methodist Episcopal Church to­n i g h t A*receptilon wil l be given and refreshments wifll be served by the Ladles' Aid Society.

Sumner Roaebrook of Sayre, Pa., spent the first of the week with Mrs. John Rosebrook.

N. C. Cook left last Tuesday to spend the remainder of the winter in Oklahoma.


Freeville Young Woman Elect­ed President of Society for Six Months—Miss Mildred George, Treasurer—Other Notes of Interest.

f " t H t j t ? t tt f-lriH f 1 fl f) f ftA H I ft 110 Q0Q»Vt | fl 1 1 M

Regain the Mastery Over Blood Trouble

N o M a t t e r H o w D i s h e a r t e n i n g Y o u C a n O v e r c o m e I t .

Blood dliordtrs are qnlekly eheekad bj S. S. 8., the fnmou* blood purifier. H rusiion Into the blood and ln three min­utes hen traversod the entire circulation. It ppnetrateg to where the blood la made, It waahes out thoee apota and plscee where stagnation baa settled, It cleanaea th« membranee, drirea Irritation from the Jolnta, BHa the blood stream with antidotal Influence and from head to foot creates conditions that make for Mood health. There are people ln every eom-uJtmlty who know, thte to-be true. . They have used 8. rU 8, for aever« forma of rheumatism, for Indolent, uUeratea apots, for eruptive akin dlaeaaea, for any -ana all thoiie bodily eonditlona oauaed by I:-.M(1 landed with Imparltlea. Bnlna; a

ptiro produot of Mature It cam net hurt t^« s mm a eh and ha« therefore been the '•fnB<- .,: n boat of people misguided la

their • -. :ma by first flylnaj to those dangerous raercOrtal drugs whleh bav« claimed so many unfortunates. If the •kin breaks out hi a rash, If bolls or oCjsr Amotions apoear, If there are blood 'i.e.inga <>r bay other mdicationa of tm-:""• Mood get a bottle of • » R. at Ui<s of ally dnigiflst. Bnt beware of 'nhstirmea. I? in doubt as to yoor'tron-i» or you * lah competent medleal ad-

v fr fipr, wr'tr ft the mMfcal dep^rt-"". Ta* f;?if flpvefflo Co.,' B8 BWlft

j >-'lg, A.ttar * i », This department la I unnwn far ri ci,i« "ifrf rtii of the great

rut of bett.B i i-iiM *Tff»r*ra« But don't 1 delay 'ti. *v. .. Lottie of B. 8. 8, today.


West Enfield, Jan. 23.-^Mrs. Lydia Amack, who has been vis i t ing ln Meck­lenburg and Trumansburg, has re­turned home.

Miss Ethel Swlck of Ithaca is spend­ing a vacation at her h o m e here.

Mr. and Mrs. Wil l iam Tucker are spending the winter with their daugh­ter in Mecklenburg.

The heavy snow last week broke down a shed on the farm of Charles Whitney, pinning his cat t le under­neath.

Mr. and Mrs. Emmet t Tucker enter­tained at cards recently.

Walter Traphagen of Trumansburg spent the week-end with George Mueller.

Mr. and Mrs. iLewis Vorhls are oc­cupying the Charles Georgia house.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Georgia at­tended the funeral of Mrs. Fletcher ln Ithaca.

Freeyl l le , Jan. 23.—At the Bpworth

League bus iness meet ing at the home

of Mrs. Inez .Oviat t t h e following of­

ficers w e r e elected for the next s ix

months: President, Miss AMoe Smith;

viee presidents , Mrs. Inez Oviatt,

Mlee Ina Sevy, Mrs. Leslie Backus

and Miss Aletha Boesard; secretary,

Theodora Smith; treasurer, Mildred

George; organist , Frances George.

The l a d i e s ' Thimble Club met wi th

Mrs. George Hart Thursday.

Miss Cora Ross spent several days

with friends in Ithaca. Mr. and Mrs. Wil l iam Smith of

Syracuse spent a day with friends in. *owajt „. . ._ _

Miss Long spent last Sunday wi th friends in Groton.

Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Brewer have returned from a trip to Columbus, Ga., and De Land, Fla.

Mrs. F. H. Tichenor, who is spend­ing the winter in California, sent t o the children in the primary room of Freevil le School twenty spec imens of plants and trees , besides s e a weed, fresh rose petals, stones and shells. Since Dec. 1, the following primary pupils have been in attend­ance every day: Albert Blackman, Eugene Bryant, Ethel Appleby, Helen Appleby and Alma Oviatt.

Laura Dayton, Lillian Bryant and Marion Wil l iamson have whooping cough.

Mrs. Jacob Smith and Miss Howard of Syracuse spent several days w i t h their mother, Mrs. I. B. Howard.

Miss White spent several days with her parents in Cortland.

Mrs. Julia Sager of Washington District has purchased the house and lot of Dr. Homer Genung, now occu­pied by L. L. Carlin.

Mrs. Edward Carberry and Mrs. Harry Carberry and two children of Etna spent Friday with Mrs. George Cady.

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Appleby spent Thursday with friends in Groton.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lindsay of Caroline Center are spending a few days with relat ives fh town.

Miss Murphy of Marcellus is spend­ing some time with her sister, Mrs. L. Backus.

Mrs. Christine Cooper of Ithaca spent Sunday with her parents. ' Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hanshaw visit­ed re lat ives In Syracuse and Auburn the* first of the week.

Miss Glenola Sutfin was home from Cortland Monday and Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sager of Etna spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Willey.

Miss Victoria Moore of Dryden spent a ffiw days the first of the week with her brother, W. F. Moore.

Elmer Knapp has been appointed, rural mail carrier on Route No. 18 from Freevi l le postqfllce, and Her­bert Seanion has been transferred from Route No. 18 to Route No. 16. Both .appointments become effective Feb. 1 ! .

And will soombeito»tihediiiiflh.

Our Be»dy-t©-^ep»«Q|ttrm©nts

: have beem cut in £wce*so*low that

j they will not last much longer.

| | Be lucky and get 'one of these

;; wonderful values,, as we are sell-

| • ing less than the cost to manu-

;; facture, as it is*our policy;not to

«• earry garments* ewer"the*season.

;; Come into our Shop-on Mon-

* I * dav and get $2,0p<wottli for $1.00

| We Sell as We Advertise

i| The Style S h o p I: A. J. PEITOH.ARD


Barr Bros. Hdw. Co. 127 E. State St. Ithaca, N. Y.

I You Need I | Axes, Saws, Splitting Wedges, | Peavies, Cant Hooks and Han-I dies for getting up that wood i nile • L f l l V • • • • • • • .

! We Sell 'Em t *


~ ^ i

A n Amiabls Viol inist . Robert Browning and Joachim met

one evening at a friendly gathering in London. The violinist had "obliged'* without satisfying certain ladles, who entreated the poet to qbtaln from him another solo. Browning, feeling the delicacy of his task, discharged i t dip­lomatically and spoke, a s sometimes he wrote, so as to conceal bis thoughts, while the violinist, not understanding, bowed and smiled and did not play.

As they left the bonse Joachim ask­ed, "What did you, mean Just n o w r

- "Ob," said the poet, "I wanted yon to give us some more music." * . "Then why did you not come and

say, 'Joe. old boy. g ive us another tune?' " returned the amiable violinist.

Liszt's Prsdicsmsnt. IA*tt took no money for his lessons,

and so many pupils came to him that It last he bad no time left for the work he wanted to do, and this w a s lust the time when b« w a s engaged hi zomposwg bis "Christ." H e therefore wrote to Hans yon Buelow: "Dear f r i end 1 - ! w a n t a broom. Ckwoe.*' Bw> ow cam*. The broom Was Set la mo­tion, and In the course of a week all he pupils vanished. H e could not

BBT% done it himself, for he could lever say no He had the best and no. Meat heart of any man.

News Ads. Pay Well.


Coddington Road, Jan. 23.—Lewis Beardsley who has been ill for some time does not Improve very fast.

Mr. and Mrs. Sydney TTpdyke at­tended the Nelson-Hill wedding in Ithaca.

Arthur Bearsdley and Elizabeth and Edwin Van Inwagen tried re­gents' examinations at Brookton th is week. •

Arthur Wallenbeck of New York i3 visit ing his sister, Mrs. Arthur Mil­ler.

The Y. P. B. will give an enter­tainment tonight in the* schoolhouse.

Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Updyke spent Saturday and Sunday in Jacksonville, the gues t s of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Updyke.

New Victor Records For January

1 Ready on Sale Monday morning, Dec. 28th at 8 | ~ Olclock

I Popular Song Hits, new Dance Records, the new I Operas "Chin Chin'' and "Papa 's Darling/ ' ana a 1 I magnificent list of Red Seal Records by McCormick, W I Elman, Alda, Pcwell, Williams, Rnffo, Grluck, Des- I I tinn, Homer, Pfxderewski, Tetrazinni, etc., we have | m them all at %

t Hickcy's Lyceum Music Store 1

» *

NO MORE RUNNING SORES B. Brooks *. Son Sell an Oint­ment Callad San Cura That Is

a Posit ive Relief. It matters not how old, persistent

or poisonous the sore is, San Cura Ointment the powerful antiseptic, will draw out the poison and prompt­ly heal the sure

43o sure of this are the owners, the Thompson Medical Co., that they have authorized A. B. Brooka & Son to return the purchase price if San Cura Ointment doesn't do all th i s paper Bays it will do. No fairer offer was ever made.

B. D. Dutton, Titusville, Pa., says : "My arm was covered with twenty-four running sores and swollen to twice Its natural else. San Cura Oin> ment relieved the pain, drew out the poison and healed the arm in an Incredibly short time. It is the great­est compound for healrag I ever used."

The heal ing powers of San Cura Ointment are l itt le short of marvel­ous, It gtyaa relief, and is guaran­teed to belp salt rheum, eczema. bleeding, Hdhing or protruding piles, ulcers. bolls. c. s rtmncles, chapped bands and chllblaina, m outs, burns, scalds and bruises. It allays pain and IR healing. 25e and 60o a Jar.

Get the Habit of Buying in Large Quantities. ^ 1 THIS WEEK I

5 lbs. Best Tub Bntter $1.79 ft 5 Tbs. Best Pure Lard 70c j | 5 libs. Best Compound 50o 5 libs. Oyster Crackers 38© 3 M)B. Butter Crackers 25o 8 lbs. Ginger Snaps 25c

3f 10 Toilet Paper 26o 5 7 Toilet Paiper, regular Bo 25c 6 4 large Toi let Paper 10, 2$o j * 1 dozen Cans Corn 95<s «t 1 dozen cans Peas , 95o ft 10 lb. Pail Peanut Bufter $1.40

| THElHJFFALO STREET FOOD SHOP S A L B E R T L. H U F F Bo th Phones 414 W e s t Bu f fa io St .


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II Buy Coal


With as much care as you would purchase an Automobile. Get the best. We sell

Clean Scranton Coal II

James Lynch Coal Co. Inc eee»eMe+»»MM*** * ' 9 *»* ' » * * o * * 0 * o »»»»»

| w. j. MCCORMICK Dealer in

D. L &. W. Scranton Coal ITISTHBBBST;

HARD AND SOFT WOOD " 602 Wert Seneca Street Both Phones

>town Office, T. O. SULLIVAN, 204 E. State ^aMifsfcgs)tf^#^V4^£#*2MK£sMyJh£J

1 I • . \ T£^ :Z:;-:--\. ,-•-..-- -i ..-,:


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