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Kadoka Press, June 13, 2013

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  • 7/28/2019 Kadoka Press, June 13, 2013


    KADOKA PRESSThe official newspaper of Jackson County, South Dakota

    $1.00includes tax

    Volume 106Number 48

    June 13, 2013

    --by Nancy HaighThe purpose of rangeland judg-

    ing is to provide an understandingof rangeland resources and a senseof stewardship in natural resourcemanagement, noted Dave Ollilaon a South Dakota State Uni-veristy iGrow Web page.

    The 30th annual RangelandDays and ninth annual Soil Daysis set for June 25 and 26 at

    Kadoka. Youth between the ages ofeight and 18, as well as adults, willtest their rangeland knowledgeduring the two days. Youth are bro-ken up into four groups, basedupon their ages. Learning activitiesare designed for a variety of agegroups and expertise startingwith plant morphology and identi-fication on up to judging habitatsuitability for cattle or grouse.

    The first day is spent on theprairie, learning about the proper-ties of rangeland resources andmanagement practices to employ.The second day the youth andadults apply this newly foundknowledge through scenarios cre-ated in a contest format.

    In addition, students have theopportunity to compete in cate-gories including informative dis-plays about rangeland, exhibitingstudent developed range plant col-lections and a speech contest onrange related topics. The studentparticipant with the highest cumu-lative score in each age divisionwill be award a Top Hand beltbuckle.

    The age divisons break out as fol-lows: New Rangers eight to 10year olds, Wranglers 11-13 yearolds, Scouts 14-18 year olds withno previous range judging experi-ence and Go-Gettters 14-18 yearolds who have previous range eval-uation experience.

    The participants in 14-18 yearold (high school youth forum)speech contest will be competing

    for the privilege to represent SouthDakota at the International Societyfor Range Management Conven-tion to be held in Orlando, Fla., inFebruary 2014. All travel expensesfor the student will be sponsored byS.D. Rangeland Days and theSouth Dakota Section of the Soci-ety for Range Management.

    The top placing 4-H range teamand 4-H soil team will representSouth Dakota at the NationalRange and Land judging contest inOklahoma City, Okla., the firstweek of May 2014.

    The Livestock Industry TrustFund, through the state 4-H organ-

    ization, sponsors a significant por-tion of the travel costs for thesestudents to attend.

    Rangeland is a kind of land, nota land use. Rangeland is fragile,yet durable and resilient. Manage-ment profoundly impacts the simi-larity index, a measure of range-land condition that reflects itsvalue for livestock, wildlife and hu-mans. The purpose of rangeland

    judging is to provide an under-standing of rangeland resourcesand a sense of stewardship in nat-ural resource management, saidOllila, an Extension sheep special-

    ist and technical contributor in or-ganizing the Rangeland Daysevent.

    Available on the Internet athttp://igrow.org/up/resources/07-2001-2012.pdf is a digital versionof the Judging South DakotaRangelands for Livestock andWildlife Values manual. Thismanual describes a contest withcomponents that have a strong bi-ological basis for habitat manage-ment of both beef cattle and prairiegrouse. Beef cattle have been cho-sen because they are the most com-mon livestock species grazed onSouth Dakota rangelands. Once

    stocking rates are determined forbeef cattle, conversions can bemade to determine stocking densi-ties of other grazing animals, suchas horses, sheep and goats. Prairiegrouse represent wildlife becausethey are affected by managementand have the potential to occurthroughout the state. There arethree primary species of prairiegrouse that inhabit the state: sharptailed grouse, prairie chicken, andsage grouse. Management canachieve many desired rangelanduses. Vegetation, livestock, andwildlife respond in a predictable

    manner to range managementpractices, said Ollila.

    Soil Days is an opportunity tolearn more about one of the mostimportant South Dakota resources.

    Students will learn how to deter-mine soil texture, soil depth, pasterosion, slope and stoniness. Theywill also learn how to interpret per-meability, surface runoff and limit-ing factors. From this information

    they will determine the land capa-bility class. This will allow them tomake recommended treatments forvegetation and mechanical erosioncontrol. Fertilization recommenda-tions will also be determined. Stu-dents will also learn about homesite evaluation.

    Adults who wish to receive eitheran undergraduate or graduatecredit for participating in the SoilDays portion should contact Ollilaat david.ollila@sd state.edu for asyllabus of the course expectations.

    Competition is individual andteam for all age groups. Teams mayconsist of three or four membersfrom the county 4-H program orFFA chapter.

    A program commemorating the30th anniversary of RangelandDays, along with recognition of in-dividuals and organizationsthatwere instrumental over thepast 30 years, will be held justprior to the Tuesday evening mealat the Kadoka City Auditorium.

    The event is hosted by JacksonCounty Conservation District,Haakon County Conservation Dis-trict, SDSU Extension and NaturalResources Conservation Service.

    For more information contactMayola Horst, Jackson CountyConservation District manager at837-2242, ext. 3, or email [email protected]; or SheliaTrask, Haakon County Conserva-tion District manager, 859-2186,ext. 3 or email [email protected].

    Range and soil knowledge gained at event, Kadoka

    will host 2013 Rangeland Days June 25 and 26

    Youth from across South Dakota took part in the 2012 Rangeland Days and SoilDays near Philip. --photo by Nancy Haigh

    Kate DeVrieshas been selectedas Kadoka Nurs-ing Home Resi-dent of theMonth.

    Kate was bornSeptember 9,1928 in Kadoka,S.D., to Harryand Mary Boek-man. Kates twosisters are AnnaMae Kimball andThelma Sogge.

    She attendedKadoka Schoolfrom first gradeto third grade.She then trans-ferred to theBelvidere Schooland attendedschool there from

    fourth grade through high school.Kate married Fred Fritz DeVries on October 29, 1950. He later

    passed away in 1989. They had two children Donald Don andRuthAnn, eight grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

    Kate has spent her entire life in the Kadoka and Belvidere area ex-cept for four years in Chamberlain working at the telephone company.

    She has been a member of the Belvidere Community, South DakotaCattlewomen, Royal Neighbors and United Presbyterian Women(Ladies Aide).

    Kate kept busy with many different activities. For several yearsshe wrote the yearly newsletter for Belvidere Alumni, the Belvidere

    news for the Kadoka Press and the weekly newsletter for BelvidereChurch.

    Kate was also a Sunday school teacher. She cooked for Rodeo BibleCamp and she enjoyed bowling.

    She has fond memories of hosting all holiday dinners for both sidesof her family for many years. As a family, they attended the SouthDakota State Fair each year.

    Some special times Kate shared were of attending the SouthDakota Stockgrowers conventions along with the Willerts. Duringthese trips they took in the Corn Palace activities each year.

    Kate loves to visit and her smiling face is such an enjoyment to thestaff and residents. She is a very kind and caring person, but alsostands strong in her beliefs.

    We would like to congratulate Kate on being chosen Kadoka Nurs-ing Home resident of the month.

    Kadoka Nursing HomeResident of the Month

    need to be sent out to the new busi-ness inviting them to join KCBA.Fromms Hardware and Plumbingand Coffee Cabin are two new busi-nesses in town.

    Rusty Olney brought up sendinga welcome gift out to new busi-nesses. In the past there were flow-ers or a plant sent to newbusinesses in town. There wassome discussion about cost. Discus-sion will continue at a later date.

    New business discussion beganwith the liability insurance that isdue. This bill needs to be approvedbefore the next meeting so it can bepaid promptly. The cost of the in-surance has increased $25. It wasapproved to pay.

    The subject of the condition ofthe signs that direct visitors toMain Street was brought up. Dis-cussion was held dealing with fix-ing the signs and the visibility.Lauri will get an estimate on whata new vinyl would cost.

    Lonny Johnston asked what was

    found out about the solar panelsthat could be used for lightingsigns along interstate. Lauri saidshe would check on these.

    The question was asked if any-one has seen the new sign locatednear Mitchell. Rusty Olney said hehad and stated they did a good jobon the sign, and it looks nice.

    Rusty went on to talk about hav-

    ing economic development give anupdate at the quarterly meetings.He gave an update on what hasbeen happening with the economicdevelopment. They have alreadyreceived the first payment back forthe loan they approved. He alsostated they have applied for an ad-ditional $100,000. Rusty said theyare currently working on securingadditional funds.

    Rusty went on to explain theprocess of applying for a loan andwhat is included in the entire loanprocess. There is a separate loanboard that handles the loans. Theboard consists of people who havehad or currently have experience inthe banking and loan business.

    Discussion on what the loan rateis and if there are any stipulationsas to when economic developmentcan loan money they have collectedfrom loan payments made.

    Lauri asked is anyone has beenable to attend the StrongerEconomies Together (SET) meet-

    ings. June 11 is the next meeting inWall.

    There was talk of having Hori-zons come to the quarterly meet-ings and give updates on theirorganization.

    Due to the July 4 holiday, thenext KCBA meeting will be atH&H on July 8 at noon.

    --by Rhonda AntonsenThe KCBA held their monthly

    meeting on Thursday, June 6 atClub 27. The meeting was called toorder at 6:30 p.m. The treasures re-port and bills for Traveler Maga-zine, Kadoka Press, music calendarand Lamar signs were presentedand approved.

    There was discussion about hav-ing quarterly meetings at Club 27and the times of the meetings. Themeeting times will need to be cor-rected on the music calendar to re-flect the times of the quarterlymeetings in the evening.

    Old business began with the dis-cussion of the 4-H horse show thatwill be held June 20. Jackie Stil-well and Belinda Mitchell will helpLauri Fugate with the lunch. Dueto some issues in the past, lunchwill need to begin promptly atnoon.

    Brochures of Kadoka are cur-rently being updated.

    Reunion weekend activities

    were discussed. Patty Ulmenstated there will be a 5K run/2 milewalk and bake organized by KeenaMoro. This will be a benefit for theKadoka Nursing Home.

    There will be a firemens feed forlunch on Saturday. Other Saturdayactivities include the ranch rodeo.Ryan Willert said calcutta willbegin at 1:00 p.m. and the rodeowill begin at 2:00 p.m. at the arena.

    The Cash Mob/Business of theMonth was discussed. Pattyhanded out copies of a schedule ofthe businesses to be mobbed andhighlighted over the comingmonths. Kadoka Gas and Go wasthe business cash mobbed in May.Lauri Fugate talked about how itwent over. She said there was onlyone extra person there. She alsostated that noon was not the besttime to hold the mob. The next cashmob will be held at Petrified Gar-

    dens. Bill Fugate will be in contactwith Sarah VanderMay or Mitchellto let them know when PetrifiedGardens would like to schedule thecash mob.

    Kenny and Cindy Wilmarth at-tended the Lit Swap. Cindy saidthey took up three cases ofbrochures and brought back one.

    In other discussion, invitations

    KCBA holds meeting at Club 27

    The Kadoka High School AlumniReunion will be held June 21, 22and 23.

    The Kadoka Ambulance Servicewill host a dance on Friday nighton Main Street under the tent.

    Saturday activities include theKadoka Volunteer Fire Depart-ment feed at noon, book signing,tours of the school, Kadoka DepotMuseum, and the Pearl Hotel.

    The Kadoka Nursing Home willhost a 5K run/2 mile walk alongwith a bake sale.

    Triangle Ranch B&B ownersKenny and Lyndy Ireland will hos-ing an open house on Saturdayfrom 2 to 4.

    Plans are also being finalized forthe Buffalo Stampede Ranch Rodeoon Saturday. The calcutta will

    begin at 1 p.m. with the rodeo tofollow at 2 p.m.

    Saturday night the Kadoka VFDwill host a dance under the tent onMain Street.

    On Sunday, the Kadoka AlumniAssociation will be serving biscuitsand gravy starting at 7:30 a.m. atthe fire hall. Church services willbe held under the tent at 10:45a.m.

    Class events are also beingplanned. Class of 53 contact isTootie Terkildsen at 837-2417;Class of 63 Vern Richardson at462-6162; Class of 73 Debbie An-tonsen at 837-2753; Class of 83Shivaun Williams at 462-6399;Class of 93 Valerie Ohrtman at462-6315; Class of 03 Toni Romeroat 454-2054.

    Kadoka reunion weekend activities

    ODaniel captures All-Around,

    Christensen Reserve All-Around at regional rodeo

    KadokaHigh School

    RodeoTeam wins

    teamtrophy at


    Klay ODaniel,

    above, in tie

    down roping

    and Logan


    left, in tie

    down roping.

    See completeresults on

    page 6.

  • 7/28/2019 Kadoka Press, June 13, 2013



    Church Page June 13, 2013 Kadoka Press Page 2

    BELVIDERE COMMUNITY CHURCHPastor Gary McCubbin 344-2233

    Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m.Coffee & Donuts: 10:30 a.m.

    Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. Sept. - May

    OUR LADY OF VICTORY CATHOLIC CHURCHFather Bryan Sorensen Kadoka 837-2219

    Mass: Sunday - 11:00 a.m.Confession After Mass

    INTERIOR COMMUNITY CHURCHSunday School: 9:30 a.m. Church: 10:30 a.m.

    EAGLE NEST LIFE CENTERGus Craven Wanblee 462-6002

    Sunday Church: 11:00 a.m.


    (6 mi. north and 3 mi. east of 1880 Town)Rev. Glenn Denke, pastor 605-462-6169

    Sunday Worship--10:00MT/11:00CT



    WIC, Food

    Stamps & EBT

    Phone: 837-2232Monday thru Saturday

    8 AM - 6 PM

    CONCORDIA LUTHERAN Kadoka 837-2390Sunday Services: 10:00 a.m.


    Pastor Frezil WesterlundSunday Services: 5:00 p.m.

    PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHKadoka Pastor Gary McCubbin 837-2233Worship Services: 11:00 a.m.

    Sunday School: Sr. Adults - 9:45 a.m.Sunday School: All Ages - 9:45 a.m., Sept. - May

    Release Time: 2:15 p.m. Wednesdays. Sept. - May


    Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m.

    Church Calendar


    Upcoming AreaEvents

    T-ball has started call Sanna Rock

    for details 462-6151 or 381-6383.

    Kadoka Area School Board will

    hold their monthly meeting on Tues-

    day, June 12 at 7 p.m.

    Baseball game Thursday, June 13

    at Murdo.

    Tuesday, June 18 baseball game

    will be in Kadoka against Wall at

    5:30 p.m.

    Jackson County 4-H horse show

    will be Thursday, June 20 at the Buf-

    falo Stampede Rodeo Arena in


    June 21, 22 & 23 will be the Kadoka

    Alumni Reunion.

    Reading program every Wednes-

    day at the Jackson County Library at

    10 a.m.

    Read Mark 11:15-17Yesterday we saw that when fleshly desires and godlyfreedom collide, the result can be frustration, anxiety,and dissatisfaction with our circumstances. Unless were

    careful, that inner turmoil can lead to sin.There is another form of frustration, however. Its used by God to motivate His children to make a positive

    difference in the world around them. This emotion is derived from witnessing acts of evil, feeling a greatneed to deliver the gospel to the lost, or becoming discontent with the moral deterioration of our culture. Itcomes from being burdened by the same things that weigh on Gods heart.

    Ephesians 4:30 says the Holy Spirit within us can become grieved, or saddened, by the rampant evil allaround. When this happens, we experience the sensation of godly frustration. Perhaps this is what Jesusfelt when He witnessed the money changers selling their wares in Gods holy temple (Mark 11:15).

    If we are not cautious, though, acting upon impulsive urges can cause needless damage to others and toourselves. So, to bring about positive change, we must properly direct any feelings of spiritual frustration.Thats why it is important to establish a practice of submitting all our emotions to the Lord. When our heartsare pure, He will reveal to us what He would have us do.

    The next time you experience godly frustration, lift up your feelings to the Lord, and wait patiently untilyou receive clear guidance about how to proceed. He may ask you to take action, or He may call you to in-tercede quickly in prayer.

    God Can Use Our Frustration

    Inspiration Point

    Kadoka PressUSPS 289340

    Telephone 605-837-2259 PO Box 309, Kadoka, South Dakota 57543-0309

    E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 605-837-2312

    Ravellette Publications, Inc.PO Box 309 Kadoka, SD 57543-0309

    Publisher: Don Ravellette

    Graphic Design/News Writing/Photography: Robyn Jones

    Graphic Design/News Writing/Photography: Rhonda Antonsen

    Published each Thursday and Periodicals postage paid at

    Kadoka, Jackson County, South Dakota 57543-0309

    Official Newspaper for the City of Kadoka, the Town of Interior, the Town of Belvidere,

    the Town of Cottonwood, the County of Jackson and the Kadoka School District #35-2.


    All of Jackson, Haakon, Jones, Mellette and Bennett Counties

    and Quinn and Wall Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . .$35.00 Plus Tax

    All other areas in South Dakota . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$42.00 Plus Tax

    Out of state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$42.00 No Tax

    South Dakota Newspaper Association

    POSTMASTER:Send change of address to the Kadoka Press, PO Box 309, Kadoka, SD 57543

    Jill Alfaro, age 57, of Philip, S.D.,died Thursday, June 6, 2013, at theHans P. Peterson Memorial Hospitalin Philip.

    Jill Ann Fitch was born October24, 1955, in Kadoka, the third ofthree daughters to Lewis E. Budand Dorothy (Hansen) Fitch.

    Jill graduated from Philip HighSchool in 1973.

    She and her mother purchasedthe 11-Mile Corner station. It wasthere she honed her pitch and pool

    playing abilities.Jill traveled with her sister,Diane, and two friends to Rome,Italy, for the Holy Year Celebrationof 1975.

    In the early 1980s, she and a goodfriend, Paula Erdmann, moved to

    Amarillo, Texas, to work for Ike andFlorence Dale at their Husky TruckStop. It was during this time thatshe married Juan Toms Alfaro.

    After she and her daughter re-turned to Philip, she worked for thebox factory before going to work atthe local grocery store. She contin-ued to work there until her death.

    Jill loved nothing more thanbeing outside on a warm day, eventhose unbearably hot South Dakotadays where even the breeze is blaz-ing. She just loved the feeling of thesun hitting her skin. Nothing wasbetter than being able to mow oreven spend the day reading a goodor terrible book, depending on

    whether you liked Stephen King orsome juicy suspense, with a coldbeer in one hand and a bottle of suntan lotion in the other.

    Her house was always filled withmusic! From golden oldies to somegood old country; as long as it was

    loud, it didn't matter. She wasn'tmuch of a singer, as anyone will tellyou, but she was one helluva dancer.

    Jill cared deeply for every child inher family, but for sure she had aspecial place in her heart for theSloveks, Kash, Kaydence,and Karli,and they sure filled her heart withso much joy in the hardest months

    of her life. Although she is gone,they can always count on GrandmaJill to be watching.

    Jill taught us many things with-out having to try too hard. For in-stance, she taught us to strive toemulate a balance of strength andcompassion, dignity and a love ofmischief, but most importantly shetaught us to never take life too seri-ously and to just be happy with thelife you've got.

    Survivors include her daughter,Dorothy Ann Alfaro, and her fianc,Kyle Hoemke, of Philip; two sisters,Diane Fitch and Marianne Freinand her husband, Lloyd, all ofPhilip; nephews, Tadd Moriarty ofChicago, Ill., Vance (Anissa) Mori-arty of Manhattan, Kan., JacobFrein (Melissa) of Rapid City,Patrick (Amanda) Moriarty of RapidCity, and Ian Moriarty of RapidCity; nieces, Mikal (Rian) Ras-mussen of West Des Moines, Iowa,and Laura (Bruce) Potter of Bran-don; a grandniece, Eliza Potter;grandnephews, Brodi Moriarty,Finn and Donovan Moriarty, Coltand Carson Frein, Graham Ras-mussen, and Wyatt Potter; and herspecial friends, Gina Thorson ofWadena, Minn., and Heather Eisen-braun of Philip.

    Jill was preceded in death by herparents, Bud and Dorothy Fitch; hergrandparents; and a brother-in-law,Tom Moriarty.

    Services were held Monday, June10, at the American Legion Hall inPhilip, with Father Kevin Achbachofficiating.

    Music was provided by MarilynMillage, pianist, and KristinaSchofield, vocalist. Ushers wereRodney Dahlvang and Kalvin Eisen-braun. Pallbearers were Tadd,

    Vance, Pat and Ian Moriarty, KyleHoemke, Bruce Potter, Jacob Freinand Rian Rasmussen.

    Interment was at the MasonicCemetery in Philip.

    Arrangements were with theRush Funeral Home of Philip.

    Her online guestbook is availableat www.rushfuneralhome.com

    Jill Alfaro_____________________

    Monday, June 17Crunchy baked fish, creamed

    potatoes and peas, cucumbers andonion salad, bread and mandarinorange salad.

    Tuesday, June 18Oven crisp chicken, mashed po-

    tatoes and gravy, harvard beets,bread and peach crisp.

    Wednesday, June 19Polish sausage with sauerkraut,

    boiled potatoes, sliced carrots, cornbread and applesauce.

    Thursday, June 20Swiss steak with tomatoes, wild

    rice blend, cauliflower, dinner rolland apricots.

    Friday, June 21Chef salad with turkey or beef,

    V-8 juice, blueberry muffin andtropical fruit.

    Meals forthe Elderly

    Tyra Fugate gets ready to shoot the ball during the

    skills training at the Pacesetters Basketball Camp.Dustin Enders takes a jump shot during the camp.

    --photos by Rhonda Antonsen

    Pacesetters clinician Dave Walker speaks to the players during a break at thecamp in Kadoka.

    Dillon Moro hands the ball to Anna Stone during a scrimmage at the Pacesetters

    Basketball Camp.Aage Ceplecha works one on one with Pacesetters clinician Dave Walker.

    Lindsey VanderMay works on her shooting form dur-ing the Pacesetters Basketball camp.

    Pacesetters clinician Dave Walker talks to the players about the plays and skills

    they have just finished practicing.

    Pacesetters Basketball Camp held in Kadoka

    For the third year, Kadoka Area High School head boys basketballcoach Mark Reiman hosted a Pacesetters Basketball camp from June 3-5 at the Kadoka City Auditorium

    Clinician Dave Walker, from Minnesota West Community and TechnicalCollege, instructed the camp.

    There were two sessions each day. The morning session consisted of 36boys and girls grades fourth through seventh grade, and the afternoonsession consisted of 23 eighth grade through 12th grade students.

    Students from Kadoka, Midland, Long Valley, and Philip schools at-tended the three day camp.

  • 7/28/2019 Kadoka Press, June 13, 2013


    Belvidere & Norris News June 13, 2013 Kadoka Press Page 3

    Norris NewsMarjorie Anne Letellier - 462 6228

    Belvidere NewsSyd Iwan 381-2147

    Email your news, photosand classified ads to:[email protected]@kadokatelco.com




    Monday - Thursday

    10 a.m. to 11 p.m.

    Friday & Saturday

    9 a.m. to Midnight

    Sunday1 p.m. to 10 p.m.

    Belvidere Store

    Open Daily7 a.m. - 6 p.m.

    24/7 CreditCard Pumps

    Diesel GasFarm Fuel

    Pop Snacks Beer

    Starting case lot specials.


    FOR SALE:Catholic Diocese of Rapid City is now accepting Bidson the former Sacred Heart Catholic Church buildingin Norris, SD. Wood frame 24 x 60. To be moved ordismantled and site cleared. Bids due July 15, 2013;Building to be removed by September 30, 2013.

    For bid info or to schedule a site visit, contact: Fr. Bryan

    Sorensen, PO Box 567, Martin, SD 57551, 488-0162.The Church reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

    Is it possible to work too hard athaving fun? I suspect it might be.Take the RV that I passed on thefreeway the other day. Here wasthis huge brown RV rolling downthe road with a car hooked on be-hind. Two canoes were strapped tothe top of the car and three bicy-cles on the back of it. One morebike was strapped to the back ofthe RV. My goodness! I thought.These people are working reallyhard at having a good time!

    And, for them, it might be quitea lot of fun. I dont know for sure.It would be a little tedious for me.There you are driving this smalltrain many miles to get to an inter-esting destination. Then youdhave to find a place to park and getset up with electrical and plumb-ing connections after making surethe RV was fairly level. Youd prob-ably have to take down the canoesand bikes and get all settled in.This would take quite a bit of time.Naturally, you wouldnt want tomiss anything so you might see ifthe park had a decent pool and gofor a swim. Other local attractionsshould really be checked out aswell.

    All in all, I had no envy at all for

    the family or group that was trav-eling around in this mobile funmachine. I maybe could handledriving to some resort, setting upand staying there for a week or so,but moving this rig to new loca-tions every day would soon try mypatience. I had a travel trailer fora while and pulled it from SouthCarolina back home to the ranchafter being in the Navy. It wassomewhat enjoyable, but nothingId care to repeat at this point inmy life. I think of the time some-where in Kentucky or Tennesseewhen I was going over some moun-tains, and my car vapor locked andwould barely move. Now what amI going to do? I wondered. I hadvisions of being stalled out on asteep, winding mountain road witha defunct car pulling a trailer.Luckily, things righted themselvesafter a cool-down, and I could con-

    tinue on and arrive home with nomajor problems. I parked thetrailer at the ranch where it sat ayear or two until someone offeredto buy it. I sold it. My trailer dayswere over. I had some good timesin that camper and dont regrethaving had it for a few years, butit was time to move on to otherthings. I figured there were easierways to have fun.

    Wife Corinne and I feel some-what similar when we watch therevelry going on in Times Squareon New Years Eve. Everyone islaughing, and shouting, and ap-parently having quite a grandtime. Personally, Corinne and Ihave no desire at all to standaround outside all bundled upagainst the cold and waiting forsome silly ball to drop, signalingthe beginning of a new year. It al-ways looks to us like those folks inTime Square are trying awfullyhard to have a good time. Morepower to them, but dont expect usto join them anytime soon.

    Part of my aversion to manufac-tured fun has to do with beingraised on a ranch. You simply haveto travel too far to find a party, andsometimes the roads are muddy orsnow covered to boot. It is easier tofind simpler things for entertain-ment such as walks on the prairie,a dip in the stock dam on a hot day,fishing, watching a sunset, and thelike.

    Additionally, seeking constantpleasure seems a bit shallow as alifes goal. Isnt it somewhat betterto accomplish useful things in life?It seems that way to me anyway.

    What is ideal is when your work isenjoyable. For many of us, ranch-ing often fills the bill. Being out-side tending critters has some badtimes, but also many good ones. Ialso find it satisfying to providemusic at church on Sunday, writedown various observations on life,and help take care of my young sonwho cant do a lot of things for him-self. I also like fiddling with com-puters, practicing the piano,reading books, eating a tasty meal,and just enjoying life in general. Iseem to have no need to search forpleasure. Its all around me. All Ihave to do is enjoy it.

    For instance, Ive just finishedwriting this which took some con-centration, typing, and computerfiddling. Next I should practice thepiano in getting things ready forchurch tomorrow. After that, Ihave some shrimp needing to be

    cooked up with pasta, tomatoes,mushrooms and cheese. Spongecake with cream-cheese frosting isavailable for dessert. Take a guess.Would I rather be right here lead-ing the simple life or traveling thecountry in a huge RV trailing a carwith attached boats and bikes?

    Yep, youre right. Home is wherethe heart is, and right now myheart is glad to be at home.

    Good Times

    Lookin Aroundby Syd Iwan

    The Belvidere Firemens feedand dance on Saturday eveningwent very well according to firechief, Jim Addison. Lots of peoplecame and enjoyed the food, visiting,and dance. Some 142 burgers wereserved along with 245 brats and awhole lot of beans and other things.Enough money was raised to keepthings operational for a while. Ac-

    cording to Jim, it takes about$4,500 to $6,000 a year to keep thefire department up and running.

    Bob Fortune celebrated his 65thbirthday for about three days. Hisactual birthday was on Thursday,which was duly celebrated with hiswife, Ruth, and his kids, Chuck,Francie, and Les and their familiesand friends. A supper was servedfor all of these on Thursdayevening. Additional meals wereserved on Friday and Saturday.Others coming on Thursday, Fridayand Saturday included Mark andKaren Nelson with Kathleen andJayden, Dave and Beth Flom, KayMoody, and other relatives andfriends. Fortunes also sold lastyears calf crop on Friday, so therewas no lack of activity and visitingfor three or four days.

    Chuck and Merry Willard droveto Philip on Friday to visit Chucksmom, Pat. On Saturday evening,they attended the firemens feedand dance in Belvidere. Merry saidthey didnt get home until 11:00p.m. since there were so many peo-ple to visit with. Their daughter,Coleen, and her husband anddaughter were here for ten days orso recently and went home by wayof a big team-roping event in Bow-man, ND, that Billy wanted to bein. He had brought two horses withhim from Wyoming. The ropingevent was supposed to be in BelleFourche, but recent rains hadmade a swamp out of the rodeogrounds there resulting in themove to North Dakota. When thecowboy event was going on in Bow-man, Merrys mom called and wasall worried because shed heardthere were tornados in the Bow-man area. That was true, but Billyand Coleen were not affected.Merry said, though, that Billy re-

    ally hates some of our weather in-cluding wind, hail, and tornados.Hes lived in the mountains formost of his life where these thingsare rare, and he doesnt really careto get acquainted with them.Chuck has now been back at hisparamedic work at Rosebud forthree months after taking off sev-eral months to have his hip re-placed. He has also taken sometime off recently to help with vari-ous brandings around the country.On one day last week at Rosebud,the ambulance had thirty calls in24 hours, so the work there can befairly intense.

    Betty Kusick was visited by JoeLivermont of Wanblee last week.Naturally, they played some crib-bage, and Betty managed to comeout the big winner. On Saturday,Betty attended the firemens feedand dance. She was going to stay

    for part of the dance, but it gotchilly enough that she decided to gohome about 9:30. It was severalhours past her normal bedtime bythen anyway.

    Jo Rodgers has been wonderingif they give frequent-driver milessince shes been getting in a lot ofdriving lately with her post office

    duties. She has hooked up withArla Patterson to travel to variouspost offices to help them with vari-ous duties. On Tuesday, the galswent to Draper, Wood, and Mission.On Thursday, Jo worked in Presho.This week, Jo and Arla have tripsplanned to Norris on Monday andHarold on Tuesday. Jo attended thefeed and dance on Main Street on

    Saturday and got in some dancingand a lot of visiting. Son Jory alsowas there and did some eating anddancing. John, however, needed totend the bar so he didnt go along.

    Mark and Nicci DeVries andsons are getting ready for the up-coming baseball and softball sea-son. Sons Geoffrey and Greysonhad their first baseball game onTuesday in Kadoka. As a result,Saturday was spent by Nicci andboys at Kadoka getting the conces-sion stand cleaned and ready foruse. It will be run in part by thecheerleaders as a fund raiser, andNicci is the coach and advisor tothe cheerleaders. Gavin will playsome softball. Other than that,Mark and boys have attended var-ious brandings and are gettingready for the haying season. Markalso helped put on the firemensevent on Saturday.

    Kirby and Nancy Schofield tookin the feed and dance in Belvidereon Saturday evening. Nancy isback to working at 1880 Town forthe season. When Larry and JohnDolezal branded on Friday, Nancybrought some co-workers from1880 Town to observe since theyare not from this area and hadntever seen a branding. Kirby saidthey moved some heifers out tograss after the branding. On July12, Kirby returns to Rapid City fora three-month checkup to see if hiscancer is still under control or ifmore treatments are required.

    Bill Headlee traveled to the Win-ner area on Sunday to pick up somegrass seed. Their alfalfa was hailedout so maybe some grass seed willhelp. While there, he visited hisdaughter, Anora, and family andhelped his granddaughter, Ally, cel-ebrate her third birthday. Lastweekend, Anora and kids and

    Norma went to Deadwood whereAnora did a thirteen milemarathon along the MickelsonTrail. Norma went along to watchthe kids and said she probably gotin 30 miles trying to keep up withthem. Anoras husband couldnt goalong since some cattle had gottenout and needed to be dealt with. OnFriday, daughter Donella camefrom Sioux Falls with her friend,Darrel. They were headed to theHills to do some camping at CusterState Park. At the vet clinic, workwith calving difficulties is aboutdone for this year, but bull testingis still in full swing. After that,things may quiet down for a bit.

    Russ and Gay Spinsby went toChamberlain on Friday where theymet their son, Marty, and family ofMitchell. Beside just getting to-gether to visit, Russ and Gay tooka small air conditioner to Marty for

    use in his kids bedroom. Gay saidPresho was looking fairly bleakalong with a five-mile strip aroundit due to a hailstorm that wentthrough there the same nightBelvidere had hail. It wasnt pretty.Back at home, some spraying offields is in the works with hayingabout to begin.

    The most important thing afather can do for his children

    is to love their mother.Theodore Hesburgh

    As I sit at the computer thisMonday morning folks are happyas a lark. The countryside isgreener than it has ever been forquite some time. The poppies and

    irises are still blooming and pe-onies about to pop wide open. Thepasturelands are green and grow-ing fast. We received a half an inchof rain Friday night and Saturday.More rain is forecast for every daythis week, which is such good newsafter the drought of last summer.The birds are singing in the daytime and the stars are shining andclear at night. Life is tremendousin the country and attitudes areeven better!

    Monday, Moya Brickman andCarol Ferguson met Marjorie Pop-kes in Valentine. They were treatedto lunch by Irene Kaufman at the

    Valentine Senior Citizens Center.In the sports news it is rodeo

    and baseball season and basket-ball is always in season here. Thisweek we are following both highschool and college rodeos. Goodluck to all the contestants.

    My niece, Trisha Price, of Mau-rine is in the college nationals inCasper, WY, this week so am fol-lowing that closely, too. She is inthe goat tying representing North-western Oklahoma State Univer-sity. South Dakota rodeocontestants are competing for col-leges all over the country and weknow they will do well.

    The Rings branded calves onWednesday. Sharon Ring visitedMarjorie Anne Letellier that morn-ing.

    Thursday afternoon, BrantKary, Mike Ring and Evan Blighwere on hand at the Fergusonhome to help gather, sort, and loadcalves. Pete Ferguson and HowardHeinert hauled calves to Ft. Pierrelater that afternoon. Ed and CarolFerguson were in Ft. Perre for thecalf sale on Friday.

    Last weekend, Norris and WhiteRiver were well represented at the

    Chippewa-Cree Classic BasketballTournament in Montana. Richardand Crystal Charging Hawk tookfour girls, Mike and Vickie Bur-bank had seven boys and Cheyenneand Orlana Schmidt took eighteighth graders. Our eighth gradeteam placed third, congratulations!

    The gals were thrilled to meetTahnee Robinson the first Native

    American to play in the WNBA.Robinson grew up on the WindRiver Reservation in Wyoming. TheMontana Classic tournament hostsNative American teams from allover the nation.

    Thursday was a busy day forMaxine Allard. Dorothy Bligh vis-ited Maxine in the afternoon, whileEvan was helping at Ed Fergu-sons. Later her son, Stan, of RapidCity paid a surprise visit and didsome mowing around the place forher. Maxine said the grass was so

    tall in some places that Stan justmade a path for her.That evening June Ring was a

    supper guest. Prairie dog hunters,Hank Hudson, and his son, John,and grandson, Adam, paid Maxinea visit on Friday. The Indianahunters returned that evening fora chat before leaving for theevening and were treated to pie.

    This weekend is the big fastpitch softball tournament held herein Norris. The guys have beenworking on the two ball fields to getthem ready. Both folks in Black-

    pipe and Norris have been busymowing lawns. It looks so nice youwould almost think it was a compe-tition. Keep it up folks, it is a neverending job. We are just proud ofOUR town.

    Besides the baseball tourna-ment there is always Indian Tacoand rummage sales and the storestays open till the games end.

    Bertha Morrison is planning arummage sale at the Norris Town-ship Hall on Saturday.

    Tammy and Taylor Merchenjoined a group of gals from Kadokaon a One Child Matters Missiontrip to the Dominican Republic onThursday on the first leg of theirtrip. They flew out of New York onFriday morning and will be goneover a week.

    Sue Larson of Rapid City andJulie Letellier of Kilgore spent agood share of the week helping pullweeds and helping mow at theJames Letelliers, this week. TyMerchen helped mow the NorrisCemetery and joined the gang atthe Letelliers for dinner. Fridaynight we all enjoyed a fish fry atthe Jason Burma home in honor ofJims birthday a bit early.

    Folks might be interested toknow that Chris Starkjohnn wasin the GPA Championship Tourna-ment in St. Louis, Missouri re-cently. He is the son of Floyd andJune Starkjohnn of Windsor, Col-orado formerly of Norris.

    Saturday friends and neighborshelped Ray and Gail Berry brandin the rain. Loren and family werehome from Rapid City and Brentcame from Jamestown, ND, for theevent. Folks were rememberinghow last year we were already wor-ried about fires at branding time.

    Carol Ferguson worked at theWanblee Post Office on Saturday.

    Kaleigh WoodenKnife visitedMoya Brickman at the Fergusonhome on Sunday. Jess, Pete andMarla Ferguson were Sunday sup-per guests at the Ed Fergusonhome.

    Harry and Jeanne Merchen ofBlack Hawk were at the ranch overthe weekend. They were busycleaning out a back room in which

    they had stored items since theirmove.

    Congratulations to Jeremy Ringand Morgan Taft who were con-firmed at the St. John LutheranChurch on Sunday morning. Spon-sors for Jeremy Ring were GloriaBenn and his aunt, Deb Ring, andsponsor for Morgan was her uncle,Curt Eisenbraun. A reception washeld in the church basement inhonor of Jeremy and Morgan.Grandma Sharon Ring had bakeda cake and punch and rolls wereserved.

    Dinner guests of Robert andSharon Ring following the specialservice were Jeremy Ring and hisparents, Torey and Linda Ring, andTyler, Rick and Gloria Benn ofRapid City. Morgan Taft and herparents, Dan and Susan Taft, andHeather along with Uncle CurtEisenbraun of Rapid City.

    The Jason Burma family en-joyed the Go Fish Concert at theSouth Park in Platte on Sunday af-ternoon. They went out to eat withJasons parents, Harry and Ruth,and later that evening they visitedat the home of AJ and KlarissaBackes. The Backes plan to leavefor Tanzania, Africa in a coupleweeks with the New Tribes Mis-sions.

    Happy Fathers Day all the dadsout there! Hope your day is veryspecial.

    Have a great week.

  • 7/28/2019 Kadoka Press, June 13, 2013


    Locals June 13, 2013 Kadoka Press Page 4

    Buy Rent SellGet it done through the Classifieds call 837-2259

    Kadoka Nursing HomeCathy Stone 837-2270

    Gateway NewsLola Joyce Riggins

    Local NewsSydne Lenox

    Kadoka Nursing Home Fundraiser

    5K Run / 2 Mile Walk & Bake Sale

    Saturday, June 22

    9:30 a.m.: Sack Race ages 1-9 years10:00 a.m.: 5K Run / 2 Mile Walk

    Awards and refreshments to follow.

    Registration and fees due beforeJune 1 to be guaranteed a T-shirt.

    Race Day registrations WELCOME,but not guaranteed a T-shirt.

    5K Run $25 2 Mile Walk $20 Sack Race FreeStarting Line will be at the Kadoka Nursing Home

    Questions or to register contact Keena [email protected] or 605-837-2270

    SonQuest RainforestFully Rely on God2013 Vacation Bible School

    Monday June 17 through ursday, June 21at the Kadoka Presbyterian Church

    8:30 a.m. to 12:00p.m.

    Everyone is welcome!Preschool through 8th grade

    If you have any questions contact

    Dana Eisenbraun 837-2388,

    Julie Hermann 837-2085 or

    Pastor Gary McCubbin 837-2085

    *There is no cost and

    each child will receive

    a free T-shirt*


    Kadoka, SD 837-2265

    The family dining place!

    Dads eat for 1/2 price at our buffet when

    accompanied by their children.Buffet includes roast beef, chicken and swiss steak,

    mashed potatoes, gravy and dressing.

    Buffet Dinner 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

    Kids Bring Your Dad Out For Dinner

    June 16th for the Sunday Buffet

    Anita and Rob Raffaelli and chil-dren, Angelo, Sofia, Elio and Ca-rina, of Chesterfield, MO, stoppedbriefly on Thursday to visit at thehome of Sydne Lenox. The Raffael-lis were on their way to SantaCruz, CA, where they will be mov-ing permanently. Also with themwas their dog, Caesar, so namedwith the first letters of their

    names. They are friends of Sydnesson, Bruce, and his family, who livein Chesterfield. The family is tak-ing their time and were planning avisit to the Badlands and variousplaces in the Black Hills beforegoing on to California. They hadspent the previous night inMitchell and visited the CornPalace and viewed the beautifullandscape at the rest stop overlooknear Chamberlain.

    Kathy Brown has returned toher Kadoka home from NorthernMinnesota where she had been car-ing for and helping her mom, AliceZevnick. Alice recently had knee re-placement surgery and Kathy hadspent six weeks with her mom, whois now doing fine.

    Joe and Betty Lou Strattondrove to Sioux Falls on Friday, May31, to attend the wedding of theirgranddaughter, Anna Stoakes, toNathan Wong which was held on

    Saturday, June 1 at PalisadesPark. Anna is the daughter ofDenny and Cynde Stoakes of Hart-ford. Rose Ann Wendell of Pierreand Dick and Phyllis Stratton ofSioux Falls also attended the wed-ding along with Anns brother, Pre-ston, of Sioux Falls and their AuntDebbie Stoakes of Sioux Falls.Nathan and Anna will live in Bran-don; they both work in Sioux Falls.The Strattons and Rose Ann re-turned home later in the week.

    Joe and Betty Lou Strattondrove to the Hills on Sunday, June9, to celebrate their 57th weddinganniversary.

    Nate and Amber Pittman andtwo children of Greenwood, IN, vis-ited briefly with her great-aunt,Wanda Swan, one day last week.They had been visiting in Philip atthe home of her parents, Lola andRon Hulce, and were on their way

    home to Indiana.Tim and Carmen Huffman spent

    the weekend at a campground inPierre. Casey and Curtis Huffman

    of Mobridge joined them and spentFriday and Saturday nights withthem. Curtis went on to Mitchell onSunday and will spend a coupledays there for some training in hisnew job as a principle in Wakpala.The Huffmans returned home Sun-day.

    The 20th annual Ireland WagonTrain Ride was held this past

    weekend at the ranch southwest oftown. Over 130 people attendedwith about 15 wagons. Theycrossed the White River a coupletimes during the weekend with nomishaps and a lot of good times. At-tendees were from South Dakota,Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa andMinnesota. The El Riab ShrinersHorse Corps of Sioux Falls servedbreakfast each day. The train rideended on Monday.

    Viola Olney was transferred toone of the swing beds in Philip hos-pital from Rochester, MN, onThursday, May 30. She is in room

    #5 and is doing so much better. Shewas transferred back on her son,Rustys, birthday.

    Ervin Bud Mednansky of Ban-dera, TX, and his son, Lyle, are vis-iting in Kadoka for several days.They came to attend the funeral ofMae Mednansky of White River onJune 4 and plan to stay in the area

    until after Fathers Day weekendwhen the annual Mednansky Re-union will be held. Other local rel-atives who attended the funeralwere Ken and Crystal Kusick,Kevin Kusick and Art Mednansky.

    Clara Belle Weller is now a resi-dent at the Kadoka Nursing Homeafter having been in the PhilipNursing Home for some time. Shecame to Kadoka on Thursday, May29 and is sharing a room withBunny Green. Bud says she is veryhappy to be back in Kadoka.

    Saddle bronc riders from thisarea who placed and won somemoney this past week included TyThompson who participated in theNorth Central Rodeo in Medford,WI., on June 7-8 placed fourth witha 77 and brought home a check for$715, and Louie Brunson, formerlocal resident but now of RapidCity, rode in the Garden City, KS,

    rodeo on June 6-8 and took firstplace with a score of 85, winning$2,169.

    Wilma Brakke Stoutwill be 90 years young

    on June 19, 2013.

    Brighten her day

    with cards sent to

    PO Box 18Kadoka, SD 57543

    Almost every week just likeclock work, in walks the lady withthe sunshine, smiles, stories, andsong! Lois Pettyjohn jump startsour week off by coming in on Mon-day mornings. We are very blessedto have her as one of our volun-teers!

    Dorothy and Brad Louderdropped by to visit with Dwight. He

    enjoys looking at the farming mag-azines they leave for him. He is lik-ing the nice weather and being ableto get out and get some fresh air!

    On the first Tuesday of themonth we have Frances Terkildsenand Geraldine Allen come by andcall and play Bingo with the resi-dents. It gets to be a little tense attimes when all is sitting on thatONE number! We appreciate youladies for being so dedicated andwe love you.

    Pat Kozlik stopped in to visitwith Bunny Green and RuthKlundt. They always have a lot tocatch up on.

    We want to welcome Clara BelleWeller. She will be staying in roomthree with Bunny Green. Pleasestop by to say hello and make herfeel welcome! It is nice to see Bud,Jean, and the rest of the familyback around the home.

    Phyllis Word, Lova Bushnell,

    Shirley Josserand, Lola Joyce Rig-gins, and many others stop in oftento visit many of the residents, with-out all of you this place would bepretty boring. We all love and ap-

    preciate you.Joy Parker received many visi-

    tors throughout the week. Ron andRenate Carson, Wilma and MelCarleton and Sandi Luisi. Sandi isthe daughter of Mel and Wilma,she drove down for church.

    Arlys Klundt and his friend,Raynita, were down to visit withmom, Ruth Klundt. The smile on

    her face when she sees them tells itall!Alice Wilmarth is also liking the

    nice weather she enjoys sitting out-side with family and friends.

    Emma Jarl has been very busygetting all her bird feeders cleanedand filled up with seed. She lovesto sit on her bed and watch and lis-ten to the birds, they are awesome!

    Last week we got the garden putin. We planted tomatoes, cucum-bers, peppers, carrots, potatoes,squash, parsley, beans, and lettuce.We also planted some beautifulflowers and Micki Word was givena large flower arrangement, inwhich is sitting outside the frontentrance.

    At this time I would like to leteach and everyone of you know howmuch we appreciate their visits,prayers, phone calls, and kinddeeds. Until next time enjoy thenice weather and be safe!

    We have many planned outingsthis summer that included picnics,rodeos, water aerobic, 1880 Town,Pierre waterfront, and many more.

    Join us for lunch

    Buffet Every SundayIncludes Salad Bar & Dessert

    serving 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

    Jiggers Restaurant837-2000 Kadoka

    Daily Noon SpeicalsMonday through Friday

    Serving 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

    Homemade Salad Bareveryday of the week!

    red breast that the robins aresporting this year? They are nu-merous, but I have only seen onemeadowlark.

    We have been getting somebeautiful late spring days. We havehad some rain showers that are en-couraging our ranchers to think ofhaying, and our farmers to have ex-pectations for their seeds they have

    planted.Joyce Hicks and Lova Bushnellhave enjoyed their daily game onSunday afternoon. They play al-most everyday.

    Joe Hoffman was sporting in-jured and sore hands from remov-ing wheel bolts.

    Mowing is a must do job, sincewe have had a few rain showers.

    I had a nice short visit with CoraDillman doing her daily hall walk.

    I made three trips to the doctorsoffice. I also called on my sister-in-law, Faye Eisenbraun, a few after-noons this last week. I did meetJanell (Williams), from Idaho,while walking. They had just ar-rived to visit her mother AlicePearl Williams who is a Kadokaresident. The Williams family werecountry friends of my family. Mykids went to school with AlicePearls kids. We stopped in andsaid hi to Faye as Faye was her

    school teacher.Here is thought: A friend is one

    of the nicest things you can haveand one of the nicest things you canbe.

    Bob Allan accompanied his sis-ter, Jeanie, to Denver on Friday. Heis on his way back to Alaska by theairway. Anchorage, Alaska is one ofhis terminals.

    Arlys Klundt and his friend ofRapid City were weekend visitorsand saw his mother, Ruth Klundt.While here, they also did somebusiness.

    With school out for the summer,Henry and Linda Yellow Elk areenjoying a few days visit with theirdaughter, Tory. Tory is planning onworking in Wall for the summer.

    I had an unfortunate incident onSaturday. I did some straining andlifting a couple of weeks ago, and itsettled in my back. I brought homea prescription to my apartment.When I looked to take one, theywere gone. Just an empty prescrip-tion bottle!

    I was a brief guest in the Chrisand Anitalyn Riggins home Thurs-day evening. Kelly Riggins, Jasonof Rapid City, Kevin Free, andDenise Kelly were also there. Ani-talyn, who is the Kadoka Pool man-ager, was at the pool.

    While coming home from theRiver Region SD Regional Rodeo inFt. Pierre, I was visiting with mygrandson, Chris, and he said thatmy great grandson, Dylan, placed

    again and has enough points toparticipate in the state rodeo thatwill held in Belle Fourche.

    I had a nice visit with Ella Hind-man in her mother Bonnies room.Bonnie is comfortable and doingquite well for now in the Rapid CityRegional Hospital.

    The quilters, Margie Peters,Susie Bauman, Shirley Josserand,Beverly Page and Lova Bushnell,were quite busy Wednesdayevening. They got two quilts tiedand were working on another one.

    I did my daily walk to the nurs-ing home on Sunday. Some doorswere closed, but some were still inthe sitting room after the afternoonchurch services. I see Clara BelleWeller is a new resident.

    Our maintenance man, BryanDoughty, is crippling around with avery, swollen, and painful lookingcalf and ankle that was hurt from

    a past injury.Have you noticed what a pretty

    We need softball girls!

    Practices are Mondays &

    Wednesdays at

    10 a.m.

    Come Join Us!

    The Presbyterian Church inKadoka will have Vacation BibleSchool from Monday, June 17through Thursday, June 20 at thechurch in Kadoka. The theme thisyear will be SonQuest Rainforest-Fully Rely on God.

    Vacation Bible School will startat 8:30 a.m. each day and end at12:00 p.m. It is for grades pre-school through eighth grade. Thereis no cost and each child will re-ceive a free T-shirt. Everyone iswelcome.

    If you have questions call Dana

    Eisenbraun 837-2388, Julie Her-mann 837-2085 or Gary McCubbin837-2485.

    Vacation BibleSchool begins

    126th Spring Commencement atthe University of South Dakota onSaturday, May 4 at the Dakota-Dome.

    Jeremy Winfield Coller,Associate of Science, Nursing

    Skye Morgan (Lindquist) Mork,Bachelor of Arts, Contemporary

    Media & Journalism~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    University of South Dakota stu-dents receiving academic honors forthe 2013 Spring Semester have

    been announced.Students earn Deans List dis-

    tinction by achieving a GPA of atleast 3.5 while maintaining acourse load of 12 or more credithours with no incomplete or failinggrades.

    Benjamin Charles StoutKadoka SAGBS

    Tia Cherie Carlson*Kadoka SNURS

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Allen College of Waterloo, Iowa

    held its commencement ceremonyon Friday, May 10 at NazarethLutheran Church in Cedar Falls,Iowa.

    Brenda Berry, Interior, SD~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Dakota State University inMadison, SD, held the spring com-mencement ceremony Saturday,May 4, at 10:30 a.m. in the DSUFieldhouse.

    Christian Byrd, Bachelor ofScience in Exercise Science

    Karl Ireland, Bachelor of Sciencein Exercise Science

    Local students Carson Good, aneighth grader from Long ValleySchool, and Ryan Schlabach, aneighth grader from Kadoka School,have earned a position on theSouth Dakota State National Jun-ior High rodeo team. Both will betraveling with fellow teammates toGallup, N.M., June 23-29 to com-pete at the ninth annual NationalJunior High Finals Rodeo(NJHFR). Good will be competingin team roping, boys goat yying

    and boys breakaway roping.Schlabach will be competing inbull riding and won the average inbulls at state at the CadillacRanch on May 26 and 27.

    Featuring more than 1,000 con-testants from 41 states, five Cana-dian provinces and Australia, theNJHFR is the worlds largest jun-ior high rodeo. In addition to com-peting for more than $75,000 inprizes, NJHFR contestants willalso be vying for more than$100,000 in college scholarshipsand the chance to be named theNational Junior High Finals RodeoNational Champion. To earn thistitle, contestants must finish inthe top 20-based on their combinedtimes/ scores in the first two

    rounds to advance to Saturdayevenings final round. Nationalchampions will then be deter-mined based on their three-roundcombined times/ scores.

    Again, this year, the Saturdaychampionship performance will betelevised nationally as a part ofthe Cinch Town Tour telecast se-ries on RFD-TV. Live broadcasts ofeach NJHFR performance will alsoair online at NHSRATV.com, pow-ered by iHigh.com. Performance

    times are 7 p.m. on June 23, 9 a.m.and 7 p.m. each day thereafter.Along with great rodeo competi-

    tion and the chance to meet newfriends from around the world,NJHFR contestants have the op-portunity to enjoy shooting sports,volleyball, tug-of-war, contestantdances, family-oriented activities,church services sponsored by theFellowship of Christian Cowboys,and shopping at the NJHFRtradeshow, as well as visiting his-torical attractions of New Mexicoand nearby Arizona.

    To follow you local favorites atthe NJHFR, visit NHSRA.orgdaily for complete results. Forticket information and reserva-tions, call (800) 590-1302.

    College NewsGood and Schlabach qualify forWorlds Largest Junior High Rodeo

  • 7/28/2019 Kadoka Press, June 13, 2013


    Youth June 13, 2013 Kadoka Press Page 5


    CoffeeIce Beer



    Kadoka Oil Co.Kadoka, SD


    For fuel &

    propane delivery:


    Mark & Tammy Carlson

    Jackson CountyTitle Co., Inc.

    615 Poplar St. Kadoka, SD 57543

    u u u u u

    Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. to Noonand by appointment.

    Over 20 Years of Service

    (605) 837-2286

    MidwestCooperative KadokaSouth Dakota

    Grain Feed SaltFuel Twine

    Phone: 837-2235

    Check our prices first!


    Ditching & Trenching ofALL types!

    Craig cell 605-390-8087Sauntee cell 605-390-8604

    Ask about our solar wells.

    B.L. PORCHVeterinarian




    Kadoka Clinic & Lab601 Chestnut

    Kadoka, SD 57543-0640

    Fax: 837-2061 Ph: 837-2257

    MONDAYDave Webb, PA-C

    TUESDAYDave Webb, PA-C

    Wednesday - CLOSED

    Please call Philip Clinic800-439-8047THURSDAY

    Dr. David HolmanFRIDAY

    Dr. Coen Klopper

    Clinic Hours:8:00 - 12:00 1:00 - 5:00

    Lab Hours:8:15 - 12:00 1:00 - 5:00

    Kadoka, SD


    Philip, SD


    Complete line of veterinaryservices & products.


    8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


    8:00 a.m. to noonby appointment

    Check out our website!


    The Lab & X-ray departmentsaccept orders from any provider.Kadoka Clinic is a Medicare provider &

    accepts assignments on Medicare bills.

    Kay RecklingIndependent Norwex Consultant

    605-391-3097 [email protected]

    WANTEDDam Repair

    or other

    dirt work

    Tom DeVriesBelvidere 605-891-8022

    Kennebec Telephone


    605-869-2220Excavation work ofALL

    types!Back HoeTrenching



    Tire tanks

    SonQuest RainforestFully Rely on God2013 Vacation Bible School

    Monday, June 17 through ursday, June 2at the Kadoka Presbyterian Church

    8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

    Everyone is welcome!Preschool through 8th grade

    If you have any questions contactDana Eisenbraun 837-2388, Julie

    Hermann 837-2085 or Pastor Gary

    McCubbin 837-2085

    *There is no cost and

    each child will receive a

    free T-shirt*

    Kadoka PoolSwimming Lessons


    June 14, 13 & 15July 17, 18 & 1

    Level 3: Advanced10:00 to 10:30 a.m.

    Level 2: Intermediate11 to 11:30 a.m.

    Level 1: Beginners12 to 12:30 p.m.

    Cost for lessons

    $10 per personTo register or if you

    have any


    please contact thepool at 837-2290.

    Teens from Philip, Kadoka andWall areas have come togetheragain to make an American Legionbaseball team.

    The 14- to 18-year-old membersof the Philip Post #173 team havealready put two doubleheadersunder their belts. On Saturday,June 1, they challenged the Pied-mont Post St. Thomas More team, which had already won thehigh school state baseball tourna-ment this year. Theyre a prettygood club, said Philip coach Kory

    Foss. We had a rough first inning,but we did pretty well after thatPhilip lost the two games.

    On June 8, Post #173 traveled toBelle Fourche to win the first game12-4, then lose the second game 3-9. Foss said doubleheaders aredone with the first game beingseven innings and the second beingfive innings.

    When it comes to practices, We

    kind of play it by ear, said Foss.We have kids from all over theplace and try to work it to what thekids can do.

    When it comes to travel, Wereon our own, said Foss. Therearent many Class B teams left. Wedont even know whos going to bein our region this year. Its hard fora Class B to find games. You haveto travel quite a bit.

    This is our third year Ive beenwith them. Weve progressively got-ten better each year. Hopefully this

    will be our best year yet. We havea lot of good kids, on and off thefield. Its a fun group, Foss con-cluded.

    The players include two fromPhilip Avery Johnson and RileyHeltzel. Two more are from Wall Cass Lytle and Trevor Anderson.The rest of this years team arefrom the Kadoka area AaronJanis, AJ Bendt, Chandlier Sud-

    beck, Clint Stout, Jed Brown, NickYoung, Zac Stone, Storm Wilcox,and Bubba Young from WhiteRiver.

    The game schedule for Post #173is still tentative toward the end ofthe season. All are doubleheaders,except if noted, or tournaments.

    June 15 at Rapid City.June 29 hosting Belle Fourche,

    5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.July 1 at Lead/Deadwood.July 5-6 Wood Bat Tournament

    at Lead/Deadwood.

    July 8 nine-inning game atPierre.

    July 12-13 Belle Fourche Tour-nament.

    July 15 hosting Rapid City, 5:00p.m. and 7:00 p.m.

    July 21 at Rapid City.July ?? hosting Lead/Deadwood.July ??-?? region tournament


    Legion baseball into 2013 season

    T-ball season begins with home game

    The second weekend of highschool regional rodeos was heldJune 7-9 with more youth qualify-ing for the South Dakota HighSchool Rodeo.

    The state high school rodeo is setfor June 19-23 at Belle FourchesRoundup arena.

    Kadoka had students particpat-ing at Ft. Pierre and Sturgis.

    To qualify for the state rodeo acontestant must earn three pointsin an event. Points are awarded forfirst through 10th place. First place

    garners 10 points down to 10thplace getting one point.

    All-around cowboy was earnedby Klay ODaniel and reserve wasLogan Christensen at Ft. Pierre.The Kadoka Rodeo Team won theteam trophy for the most teampoints.

    Ft. Pierre Regional RodeoRiver Region

    First GoPole Bending: 1. Sydney Cowan, Har-

    rold, 20.572; 2. Taylor Bothwell, Pierre,21.761; 3. Madison Rau, Mobridge, 21.976;4. Josey Aasby, Highmore, 22.011; 5. Bai-ley Tibbs, Ft. Pierre, 22.408; 6. AshleyTheobald, Ft. Pierre, 22.477; 7. KaileeWebb, Isabel, 22.553; 8. Josie Kennedy, Vi-vian, 23.171; 9. Alaina Stangle, Milesville,23.394; 10. Sloan Anderson, White Horse,24.146

    Bareback Riding: No qualified rides.Steer Wrestling: 1. Jake Fulton,

    Valentine, Neb., 9.510; 2. Wyatt Fulton,St. Lawrence, 10.200; 3. Nolan Richie,Bristol, 10.510; 4. Casey Heninger, Ft.Pierre, 11.030; 5. Jacob Kammerer, Philip,12.900; 6. Tyler Gaer, Newell, 13.620; 7.

    Reid Rutten, Colome, 18.060; 8. BrendonPorch, Kadoka, 22.220; 9. Dan Etzkorn,Pierre, 25.280 Breakaway Roping: 1. Remi Wient-

    jes, Onida, 3.000; 2. Brooke Nelson,Philip, 3.070; 3. CY Christensen, Ken-nebec, 3.380; 4. Taryn Lessert, Martin,3.540; 5. Sydney Cowan, 3.670; 6. HannaHostutler, Midland, 3.830; 7. Sloan Ander-son, 4.250; 8. Cedar Jandreau, Kennebec,4.410; 9. Jordan Bickel, Trail City, 4.920;10. Moriah Glaus, Chamberlain, 5.010 Goat Tying: 1. Tawny Barry, Carter,7.870; 2. Cedar Jandreau, 8.110; 3. TaylorBothwell, 8.700; Remi Wientjes, 8.840; 5.Brandi Cwach, Geddes, 9.090; 6. Rylee JoRutten, Colome, 9.590; 7. Schae Hanson,Burke, 10.110; 8. Bailey Tibbs, 10.160; 9.Madison Rau, 10.210; Cheyenne Salonen,Gregory, 10.630 Saddle Bronc Riding: 1. Brady Jan-dreau, Kadoka, 59; 2. Bill Chauncey, Mis-sion, 53 Team Roping: 1. Thomas Doolittle,Midland/Gunner Hook, Philip, 9.230; 2.Samuel Boldon, Oglala/Klay ODaniel,Kadoka, 10.430; 3. Rance Johnson,Philip/Jacob Kammerer, Philip, 14.720; 4.Pearson Wientjes, Mound City/ReeceWientjes, Mound City, 15.170; 5. Moriah

    Glaus/RJ Rutten, 18.850; 6. CourtheyDahlgren, Timber Lake/Bailey Tibbs,20.760; 7. Alaina Stangle/Tanegai Zilver-berg, Holabird, 21.200; 8. Aage Cephlecha,Wanblee/Bill Chauncey, 31.00 Tie Down Roping: 1. Carson Musick,Pierre, 13.080; 2. Rance Johnson, 16.620;3. Klay ODaniel, 19.080; 4. Logan Chris-tensen, Kadoka, 20.280; 5. Dalton Lessert,Martin, 29.340. Barrel Racing: 1. Madison Rau,16.141; 2. Laura OLeary, Timber Lake,16.311; TAylor Bothwell, 16.317; 4. Madi-son Webb, 16.431; Sydeny Cowan 16.448;Makayla Kroeplin, Highmore, 16.530; 7.Katie Lensegrav, Interior, 16.599; 8. CedarJandreau, 16.621; 9. Savanna Glaus,Chamberlain, 16.678; 10. Schae Hanson,16.681 Bull Riding: 1. Jake Frazier, WhiteHorse, 76; 2. Olathe Schmidt, White River,73; 3./4. tie Scott Shoemaker, Gregory, /Jesse White, White Horse, 65. Boys Cutting: 1. Zane Whitney, Iona,76; 2. True Buchholz, Kadoka, 71; 3./4. tieDillon DeJong, Kennebec, / Carson Mu-sick, 65; 5. Klay ODaniel, 65; 6. LoganChristensen, 64; 7. Olathe Schmidt, 63. Girls Cutting: 1. Katie Lensegrav, 72;

    2. Erin Kenzy, Iona, 71; 3./4. tie TaylorBothwell / Kailee Webb, 68; Karissa Oden-bach, Hamill, 65; 6. Tanegai Zilverberg, 63

    Second GoPole Bending: 1. Jordan Bickel,

    21.226; 2. Brandi Cwach, 21.286; 3. LauraOLeary, 21.337; 4. Remi Wientjes, 21.477;5. Madison Rau, 21.490; 6. Taylor Both-well, 21.664; 7. Alaina Stangle, 22.323; 8.Madison Webb, 22.473; 9. Moriah Glaus,22.763; 10. Tawny Barry, 22.854

    Bareback Riding: 1. Casey Reder,Philip, 67; 2. Tanner Langedeau, Presho,64; 3. Dylan Riggins, Kadoka, 50; 4. BillChauncey, 44.

    Steer Wrestling: 1. Jake Fulton,7.250; 2. Logan Christensen, 8.490; 3.

    Jacob Kammerer, 8.660 Breakaway Roping: 1. RJ Rutten,3.260; 2. Katie Hostutler, Midland, 3.370;3. Moriah Glaus, 3.710; 4. CourtneyDahlgren, 3.720; 5. CY Christensen, 3.790;6. Jessica Olson, Ideal, 4.160; 7. SavannahGlaus, 4.640; 8. K atie Lensegrav, 4.700; 9.Cheyenne Salonen, 6.520; 10. JordanBickel, 22.840 Goat Tying: 1. Remi Wientjes, 7.440;2. Tawny Barry, 7.460; 3. Bailey Tibbs,7.900; 4. Taylor Bothwell, 7.940; 5. KatieLensegrav, 8.070; 6. RJ Rutten, 9.020; 7.Madison Webb, 9.570; 8. Cedar Jandreau,9.670; 9. Brandi Cwach, 9.910; 10. SchaeHanson, 10.060 Saddle Bronc Riding: 1. Collin Car-roll, Harrold, 71; 2. Bill Chauncey, 67

    Team Roping: 1. Samuel Boldon/KlayODaniel, 8.780; 2. PearsonWientjes/Reece Wientjes, 9.290; 3. BrandiCwach/Savanna Glaus, 15.320; 4. KurtBraun, Gregory/Levi Schonebaum, Her-rick, 18.080; 5. Logan Christensen/Bren-don Porch, 18.850; 6. Tyler Gaer/CarsonMusick, 20.000; 7. Thomas Doolittle/Gun-ner Hook, 20.210; 8. CY Christensen/Wyatt Schaack, Wall, 21.730; 9. Lane Faw-cett, Colome/Cohl Ratermann, Colome,27.110; 10. Courtney Dahlgren/Bailey

    Tibbs, 27.000 Tie Down Roping: 1. Nolan Richie,11.560; 2. Klay ODaniel, 13.870; 3. JakeFulton, 18.730; 4. Brendon Porch, 19.890;5. Carson Musick, 19.910; 6. Wyatt Fulton,24.910; 7. Pearson Wientjes, 26.940; 8.Rance Johnson, 27.260 Barrel Racing: 1. Laura OLeary,15.884; 2. Kailee Webb, 15.913; 3. MadisonRau, 16.238; 4. Bailey Tibbs, 16.318; 5.Taryn Lessert, 16.380; 6. Cedar Jandreau,16.411; 7. Savanna Glaus, 16.418; 8. Syd-ney Cowan, 16.611; 9. Brandi Cwach,16.664; 10. Josey Aasby 16.821

    Bull Riding: 1. Jake Frazier, 76; 2.Whitney, 74; 3. Casey Reder, 68; 4. NolanHall, Timber Lake, 63 Boys Cutting: 1. True Buchholz, 72; 2.Zane Whitney, 69; 3. Carson Musick, 67;4. Logan Christensen, 65; 5, Dillion De-Jong, 65; 6. Klay ODaniel, 64; 7. OlatheSchmidt, 63 Girls Cutting: 1. Katie Lensegrav, 72;;2. Taylor Bothwell, 71; 3. Erin Kenzy, 71;4. Kailee Webb, 70; 5. Karissa Odenbach,69; Tanegai Zilverberg, 69

    Sturgis Regional RodeoSouthwest Region

    First Go Bareback Riding: 1. Shane O'Connell

    52.0 Barrel Racing: 1. Mazee Pauley17.139; 2. Mattee Pauly 17.265; 3. KeenieWord 17.324; 4. Carlee Johnston 17.396;5. Cassiey Mutchler 17.462; 6. Kaitlin Pe-terson 17.692; 7. Bailey Lytle 17.692; 8.Baillie Mutchler 17.709; 9. Kaylee Clark17.769; 10. Kassi McPherson 17.830 Breakaway Roping: 1. Kaylee Clark3.510; 2. Cassidy Mutchler 3.940; 3. BaileyHapney 4.190;4. Elsie Fortune 4.420; 5.Karlee Peterson 4.790;6. Mikahla Fergu-son 5.060; 7. Karllie Robertson 5.250; 8.Kassi McPherson 6.420; 9. Sierra C orrell17.520; 10. Mazee Pauley 17.990 Bull Riding: 1. Jordan Hunt 65.0; 2.Miles Engelbert 64.0; 3. Cole Reddy 61.0;4. JD Phelps 49.0 Boys Cutting: 1. Josh Hunt 73.0; 2.Treg Schaack 71.5; 3. Clint Stangle 71.0;4. James Kirwan 70.5; 5. Wyatt Maciejew-ski 70.0; 6. Cort Baker 68.5; 7. Jeb Hunt68.0 ; 8. Herbie ODaniel 67.0 Goat Tying: 1. Baillie Mutchler 8.470;2. Riley Ann Smith 8.500; 3. CarleeJohsnton 8.560; 4. Cassidy Mutchler9.730; 5. Alyssa Lockhart 9.840; 6. JordanTierney 10.180; 7. Mattee Pauley 10.500;8. Tineale Peterson 10.750; 9. Karlee Pe-

    terson 10.760; 10. Mazee Pauley 10.860 Girls Cutting: 1. Georgai Edoff 71.5; 2.Brandy March 71.0; 3. Riley Ann Smith70.5; 4. Karlie Robertson 70.0; 5. KassidyBatie 68.0; 6. Tylee Evans 67.5; 7. KaitlinPeterson 67.0; 8. Ta' Te Fortune 64.0; 9.Karlee Peterson 64.0 Pole Bending: 1. Alyssa Lockhart21.200; 2. Baillie Mutchler 21.670; 3.Brandy March 21.800; 4. Carlee Johnston21.970; 5. Nichole McPherson 22.170; 6.Carlee DeWolfee 22.240; 7. CassidyMutchler 22.350; 8. Whitney Gimpel22.490; 9. Josie Blasius 22.560; 10. BaileyBlain 22.640 Saddle Bronc: 1. Teal Schmidt 63.0; 2.Kyle Reddy 52.0; 3. Jordan Hunt 51.0; 4.

    Paul Kruse 42.0 Team Roping: 1. Trey Richter/CabelSchroth 8.160; 2. Treg Schaack/Levi Lord11.170; 3. Jade Schmidt/Connor McNenny13.300; 4. Jordan Hunt/Josh Hunt 14.180;5. Tea; Schmidt/Cort Baker 14.320; 6.Brandy March/Kassi McPherson 14.960;7. Keith Hodson/Jacob Waln 27.970; 8. TillOlson/Kaiden White Bear 33 Tie Down Roping: 1. Carson Johnston12.880; 2. Lane Blasius 14.100; 3. JadeSchmidt 15.220; 4. James Kirwan 16.550;5. Lathan Lauing 16.990; 6. Treg Schaack17.800; 7. Grady Egly 20.020; 8. KeithHodson 20.630; 9. Prestyn Novak 23.320;10. Connor McNenny 24.650

    Second Go Bareback Riding: 1. JD Anderson51.0; 2. Shane OConnell 48.0 Barrel Racing: 1. Keenie Word 17.034;2. Mattee Pauley 17.042; 3. C arlee John-ston 17.281; 4. Mazee Pauley 17.594; 5.Bailey Lytle 17.605; 6. Kassi McPherson17.639; 7. Alyssa Lockhart 17.657; 8. Jor-dan Tierney 17.669; 9. Karlee Peterson17.676; 10. Ashley Peterson 17.709 Breakaway Roping: 1. Tryn Robert-son 3.230; 2. Elsie Fortune 3.360; 3. JosieBlasius 3.930; 4. Bailey Hapney 4.160; 5.Kaylee Clark 4.260; 6. Alyssa Lockhart

    4.480; 7. Brianna Clementson 5.420; 8.Karlee Peterson 5.570; 9. Jordan Tierney5.820; 10. Baillie Mutchler 16.160 Bull Riding: 1. JD Phelps 69.0; 2. Jor-dan Hunt 63.0; 3. Kyle Reddy 62.0; 4.Lane Cermak 60.0; 5. Chasen Cole 56.0 Boys Cutting: 1. Josh Hunt 73.5; 2.Treg Schaack 73.0; 3. Clint Stangle 71.0;4. James Kirwan 71.0; 5. Herbie ODaniel70.5; 6. Wyatt Maciejewski 69.5; 7. CortBaker 68.0; 8. Jeb Hunt 62.0 Goat Tying: 1. Riley Ann Smith 8.600;2. Kaylee Clark 8.610; 3. Carlee Johnston9.140; 4. Kailey Rae Sawvell 9.200; 5. Jor-dan Tierney 9.660; 6. Brianna Clementson9.850; 7. Kaitlin Peterson 10.290; 8. Cas-sidy Mutchler 10.480; 9. Bailey Blain10.880; 10. Mazee Pauley 11.650 Girls Cutting: 1. Georgia Edoff 72.0; 2.Tylee Evans 71.5; 3. Karlee Peterson 71.0;4. Riley Ann Smith 70.5; 5. Brandy March70.0; 6. Cassity Goetz 69.5; 7. Kaitlin Pe-terson 67.0; 8. Ta' Te Fortune 65.0; 9. Kas-sidy Batie 61.0; 10. Karlie Robertson 61.0 Pole Bending: 1. Kaitlin Peterson21.559; 2. Baillie Mutchler 21.746; 3. Car-lee Johnston 21.780; 4. Mazee Pauley21.833; 5. Whitney Gimpel 21.904; 6.Brandy March 21.985; 7. Nicole McPher-son 22.023; 8. Karlie Robertson 22.972; 9.

    Kassi McPherson 23.054; 10. Ta' Te For-tune 23.070 Saddle Bronc: 1. Jordan Hunt 59.0; 2.Cody Smith 45.0; 3. Tyler Opstedahl 35.0 Steer Wrestling: 1. Grady Egly 6.080;2. Connor McNenny 8.320; 3. Clint Stan-gle 10.910; 4. Prestyn Novak 12.300 Team Roping: 1. Jade Schmidt/Con-nor McNenney 6.060; 2. WyattMann/Prestyn Novak 8.100; 3. Derek Kn-odel/Kolby Parmely 11.190; 4. CarsonJohnston/Lane Blasius 14.720; 5. TillOlson/Kaiden White Bear 16.480; 6. TregSchaack/Levi Lord 24.110; 7. BrandyMarch/Kassi McPherson 26.660; 8. GradyEgly/James Kirwan 29.810; 9. TreyRichter/Caleb Schroth 31.820; 10. SierraCorrell/Lathen Stevens 33 Tie Down Roping: 1. Lane Blasius12.330; 2. Grady Egly 12.640; 3. CarsonJohnston 14.250; 4. Cort Baker 15.330; 5.Clint Stangle 16.030; 6. Jade Schmidt16.680; 7. Lathan Lauing 16.690; 8. Jor-dan Hunt 25.960; 9.Prestyn Novak 29.980;10. Charles Risse 33.250

    Rodeo contestants look toward state event

    Lane Patterson stretches out as far as he can in an attempt to catch the steerduring steer wrestling at the regional rodeo that was held in Ft. Pierre.

    The first T-ball game was held Monday, June 11 against Mid-land. The team consists of 19 players and being coached by

    Sanna Rock and Jody Sudbeck. Emily Zickrick, above, gets abase hit. --photos by Robyn Jones

    Zachary Varner Tyce Gropper

    Aurora Hamar

    [email protected]

  • 7/28/2019 Kadoka Press, June 13, 2013








    in Philip,


    837-2259in Kadoka


    Publications, Inc.

    Community June 13, 2013 Kadoka Press Page 6




    Bronc Riding fans and contest-ants, of all ages, will certainly beentertained on Saturday, June 29,2013 at the Frontier Arena inWhite River, SD. And if youre nota rodeo fan now, you will be afterattending this annual event.

    Contestants: The third annualSaddle Bronc Chute-Out, hosted bythe Michael Glynn Memorial Coali-tion, will feature 25 of the areasbest bronc riders. Contestants en-tered so far are coming from SouthDakota, Nebraska, Wyoming andNorth Dakota. Locally, Ben Adrianand Bill Chauncey are entered;Chauncey having just completedstellar performances at the HighSchool River Regionals, and head-ing for the SD State Finals nextweekend in Belle Fourche.

    Others entered at this time areEric Addison of Caputa, SD, whohas been a finalist in the Chute-Out the past two years, as well asbrothers Ty and Derek Kenner ofWood Lake, NE, who have been topcontenders. In addition, PRCA con-testant Nate Nelson of Bismark,ND will by vying for prize money,as well as his traveling partnersDude Koester, Jake Tescher andSean Johnson, all from Medora,ND.

    Of the 25 contestants, 12 willcome back to ride in the second andfinal round.

    A $5,000 purse will be added to

    their entry fees, for the potential ofa large pay-out for the 12 top rid-ers.

    Youth Events: Added events thisyear will feature a round of Mini-Bronc riding. Youth ages 7-14 willbe riding miniature horses pro-vided by Kevin Pinney of Philip,SD and Dean Hawk of Rosebud,SD. All contestants in this eventwill receive a token prize. The twotop mini-bronc riders, as deter-mined by a combination of judgesscores and crowd enthusiasm dur-ing their ride, will receive Cham-pion and Reserve Champion beltbuckles!

    Up to 16 contestants can eventthe Mini-Bronc event. No experi-ence is necessary, as Pinney said hewill talk to the rider, and match theriders ability with a horse.

    We saw this event during a na-tional event, organizer Joyce

    Glynn said, and we just knew wehad to offer it at our bronc ride. Itis so much fun to watch those kidson miniature horses, and what agreat way to kids excited aboutrodeo!

    In addition to Mini-Broncs,youth aged 5-6 will be riding sheepin a classic round of MuttonBustin. Prizes will be awarded toeach of these contestants as well.

    Added Attractions: The broncriding will begin at 6:00 p.m. CTwith the first round calcutta. A cal-cutta will be held for each round ofriding.

    John Costello, PRCA announcerfrom Sundance, Wyo., will serve asannouncer for this years bronc ride,bringing his wit and wisdom foradded entertainment.

    Photo opportunities will beabundant for parents. George andSuzanne England of rural MelletteCounty will be present with a dis-play of their goat herd, includingfour-legged baby kids that love tobe held and photographed withtwo-legged kids!

    Weve got some really fun, andhealthy gifts lined up for everyonewho comes through the gate, sheadds. And just like last year, wellbe giving free root beer floats toeveryone who agrees to stay alco-hol-free the whole weekend.

    This event, as all events hostedby the Michael Glynn MemorialCoalition, is alcohol-free.

    We know the tragic conse-quences of drinking, and drinkingand driving, Glynn explains. Wewant, especially young people, toknow that you can have a lot of fun,

    even at a rodeo, without having al-cohol involved. We dont want any-one to drive away under theinfluence of alcohol.

    Entries: For more information,or to enter yourself or a youth inany of the events, you can contactRoger or Joyce Glynn at 344-2533or 441-5389, or [email protected]

    Gate admission is $10 for adults,and $5 for all school aged youth (6-17); up to age 5 is free. Concessionswill be available on the grounds.No drugs or alcohol will be allowed,nor will anyone be allowed in whoappears to be under the influenceof alcohol.

    The Michael Glynn MemorialCoalition was formed following thedeath of Michael Glynn in 2006,who died in an alcohol-related carcrash the morning after his highschool graduation. Michael was a

    rodeo athlete, whose passion wasbull riding. The mission of theMGM Coalition is to offer opportu-nities for youth and adults to be-come or stay alcohol, tobacco anddrug-free.

    Saddle Bronc Chute-Out coming up in White RiverAdded events: Mini-Broncs and Mutton Bustin for youthSwimming season begins with a splash

    Caden Patterson

    Jyrzee Coller and Samantha Enders Sammi Jo Stout and Peyton Porch

    Johathan MacFeat and Mason Stilwell

    --photos by Robyn Jones

    Carter Kendrick Shaley Porch

  • 7/28/2019 Kadoka Press, June 13, 2013


    SD State High School Rodeo June 13, 2013 Kadoka Press Page 7

    2013 South Dakota

    June 19-23, 2013Roundup Grounds in Belle Fourche, SD

    Klay ODanielCattle Cutting

    Team Roping

    Tie Down Roping

    Austin ThayerNRA Rifle Shoot

    Herbie ODanielSteer Wrestling

    Team Roping

    Cattle Cutting

    Katie LensegravBarrels

    Goat Tying

    Cattle Cutting

    Breakaway RopingAage Ceplecha

    team roping

    Brendon PorchTie Down Roping

    Steer Wrestling

    Team Roping

    Marti HerberCattle Cutting

    Dylan RigginsBareback Riding

    Bull Riding

    True BuchholzCattle Cutting

    Logan ChristensenCattle Cutting

    Steer Wrestling

    Tie Down Roping

    Team Roping

    H & H Restaurant& Rodeway Inn

    Ken & Cindy Wilmarth: 837-2287

    BankWestGene Christensen


    BankWest InsuranceLori Waldron


    Midwest CooperativeRod Knutson, Mgr


    Discount FuelMark & Tammy Carlson


    Stadium Sports

    Mission, SD:1-888-502-3066

    Peoples MarketRich & Shawna Bendt


    Dr. B.L. Porch, DVMDr. Boyd Porch


    J&S RestoreJohn & Sue Kaiser


    Club 27Lonny & Carrie


    Hogens HardwareDon & Randi Oyan


    Double H Feed & SupplyTed & Arlene Hicks


    Hildebrand Steel& Concrete

    Rich, Colleen & Haven

    HildebrandOff: 837-2621

    Rich/Cell: 431-2226Haven/Cell: 490-2926

    Kadoka Booster ClubPromoting Spirit

    & Supporting Our Youth

    State Farm InsuranceJan Hewitt:859-2559

    Headlee Vet ClinicDrs. Bill & Norma Headlee

    Kadoka: 837-2431Philip: 859-2610

    Kadoka Gas & GoGrant Patterson


    Kadoka PressRobyn & Rhonda


    Midland Food & FuelClint & Brenda Jensen


    West RiverExcavation

    Craig & Diana Coller837-2690

    Sauntee & Heidi Coller

    Peters ExcavationBrent Peters:


    Groven ChemicalRick Groven


    Kadoka Clinic


    High School State Rodeo

  • 7/28/2019 Kadoka Press, June 13, 2013


    Public Notices June 13, 2013 Kadoka Press Page 8

    Email news,ads or photos:

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    Official ProceedingsREGULAR MEETING

    Board of JacksonCounty Commissioners

    May 13, 2012

    The Board of Jackson County Commis-sioners met in regular session on May13, 2013 in the Commissioners Room ofthe Jackson County Courthouse. Chair-man Glen Bennett called the meeting toorder at 9:00 a.m. with members LarryDenke, Larry Johnston, and Ron Twisspresent. Jim Stilwell was absent.

    A representative of Indian Country Today

    was present for most of the morning.

    All motions carried unanimously unlessotherwise noted.

    Twiss moved, Denke seconded, that theminutes of the April meetings be ap-proved.

    Dale Young, AMDA Technologies, pre-sented information on a proposed waterline being installed by the Oglala SiouxTribe for the Oglala Sioux Tribe RuralWater Supply System. An easement toplace the proposed water line within theright of way on the Allen Road (CH 14)and 275 th. Street (CS 43) within Jack-son County was presented to the board.The easement and maps were reviewedby the board. Following discussion,Denke moved, Johnston seconded, thatthe easement be approved and signed.

    Sheriff Clements met with the board.Terry Thomas, Greenvalley Fire Dept.,Cliff McClure, Interior Fire Dept., and EricGropper, Long Valley Fire Dept. were

    also present.

    Sheriff Clements reported that approxi-mately two years ago state radio had in-structed that Jackson County could nolonger use the Philip interagency systemfor routine law enforcement communica-tion. Jackson County has now been no-tified that Pennington County has takenover state radio dispatch and will nolonger dispatch Jackson County throughthe Philip interagency system. SheriffClements reported that Jackson Countycould change to Winner 911 dispatch, buttheir situation may change in the futurealso. He also reported that a solution tothe situation may be to request the Sher-iffs Office digital channels be added tothe new Pennington County consolewhen it is set up. This could be done atno cost to Jackson County, and thenhave all Jackson County law enforce-ment, ambulance and fire department ra-dios programmed with the channels.

    Terry Thomas reported that the Green-valley Fire Department still has their old

    analog radio system antenna. He re-ported that the system could be used asa county wide system. Report was madethat there is another analog antenna atEric Groppers which was used by theLongvalley Fire Department. Discussionwas held that all first r esponders are nowusing digital systems.

    Cliff McClure, Interior Fire Department,reported that the Potato Creek pagingequipment was repaired, and is workingwell.

    Cliff McClure reported that West RiverElectric has offered the use of theirbucket truck to assist with moving thepaging equipment from the old Interiorfire hall to their new hall. He also re-ported that Pennington Countys originalcost estimate for moving the pagingequipment was $592.37, and that nowthey have presented another estimate ofapproximately $400.00 for materialsneeded in moving the paging equipment.Jackie Stilwell, Emergency Manager is toorder the additional materials.

    Sheriff Clements reported that he haswithdrawn the Jackson County applica-tion for next years Law EnforcementHighway Safety Grant as match fundingwill now be required.

    Sheriff Clements inquired as to whetherthe City of Kadoka has been billed$2,000.00 for use of the county teletype.Vicki Wilson, Auditor, reported that billingwill be sent to the city this month.

    Sheriff Clements reported that jail costsare higher in 2013 than anticipated. Hereported there is a new tribal jail facilityat Mission. Discussion was held that onlytribal members can be placed at the fa-cility.

    Vicki Wilson, Auditor, presented monthlyfinancial reports and the highway fundsanalysis.

    The Auditors account with the CountyTreasurer was approved as of April 30,2013:

    Total amount ofdeposits in banks . . . . . . . . . .412.10

    Total amount ofactual cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .896.35

    Total amount ofRegister of Deeds cash . . . . .250.00

    Total amount of checks . . . .128,175.42Returned checks . . . . . . . . . . .1,639.48Library Donations . . . . . . . . .15,878.49Money Market

    Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . .904,127.10Time Deposits . . . . . . . . . . .117,132.00JCFSA Passbook

    savings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2,574.61Total Funds . . . . . . . . . . .1,171,085.55

    TOTAL COUNTYFUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708,223.80

    General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .347,421.40Road & Bridge . . . . . . . . . .183,547.77CH & BR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2,688.66Secondary Road . . . . . . . . .119,247.70911 Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12,833.26Other Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- 515.64Emer./Disaster . . . . . . . . . . . .5,056.78Abuse Center . . . . . . . . . . . .12,137.98

    Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7,616.66Library Donations . . . . . . . . .15,878.49L. E. S. T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,455.74Mod. & Preserv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855.00

    TOTAL TRUST &AGENCY FUNDS . . . . . .462,861.75

    Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .322,228.02Townships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .834,.10Towns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89,149.52State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17,582.51

    Law Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .725.03JCFSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2,574.61Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29,767.96

    Register of Deeds April collections:$2,383.66

    The following bills from the files of theCounty Auditor were presented, exam-ined, allowed and ordered paid:

    Salary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31,357.91BankWest, payroll tax . . . . . . .8,539.44American Family Life

    Assr. Co., ins. prem. . . . . . . . .878.36Jackson Co. Flexible

    Spending Acct.,payroll ded. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222.92

    Chase, def. comp. ded. . . . . . . . .30.00S. D. Retirement,

    payroll ded. . . . . . . . . . . . .$4,793.60Credit Collection Bureau,

    payroll ded. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .700.54Boston Mutual Ins.

    Co., ins. prem. . . . . . . . . . . . .148.04Wage Works, adm. fee . . . . . . . .50.00Colonial Life, ins. prem. . . . . . . . .25.56S. D. State Treasurer,

    04/13 cash rec. trans. . . . . .17827.51S. D. Game, Fish & Parks,

    license fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .364.00To Whom It May

    Concern, 04/13tax apport. . . . . . . . . . . . .414,828.12

    Mechants Capital,grader pmt. . . . . . . . . . . . .38,795.69

    Pennington Co. 911,04/13 PSAP pmt. . . . . . . . . .3,081.79

    Pennington Co. 911,05/13 PSAP pmt. . . . . . . . . .2,840.84

    Motorola Solutions,mobile radio (Hwy) . . . . . . . .1,985.00

    S. D. Assoc. of Co.Officials, workshop regis. . . . .700.00

    S. D. Assoc. of AssessingOfficers, workshop regist. . . . . .28.00

    U. S. Postal Service,postage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .363.60

    To Whom It May Concer,grand jury fees . . . . . . . . . . . .563.64

    City of Kadoka, service . . . . . . .102.76Golden West, service . . . . . . .1,100.55Knology, 911 line . . . . . . . . . . . . .51.32LaCreek Electric, service . . . . . . .52.83Midwest Coop., gas, fuel . . . .8,635.46S. D. Bureau of Info &

    Technology, internet access . . .62.00Verizon Wireless,

    cell phone service . . . . . . . . . .179.50Voyager Fleet Systems, gas . . .155.97West Central Electric,

    service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,030.03West River Electric, service . . . . .42.69West River Lyman Jones

    Water, service . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27.50Ludens, Inc., pallet forks . . . . . .300.00S. D. Dept. of Revenue,

    malt bev. lic. fees . . . . . . . . . .937.50Haakon County, Adm.

    asst. salary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .385.55Carrie Weller,

    monitor, expenses . . . . . . . . . .142.74A & A Tire, tire service . . . . . . . .953.10Access Elevator,

    semi-annual insp.& repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .730.00

    Avera Queen of Peace,CDL lab fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66.90

    Rosemarie Bennett,expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14.10

    Rosemarie Bennett,Nikon camera, case . . . . . . . .258.32

    Boot Bar
