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Kakšna je What’s YOUR TVOJA barva? colour?...Everyone has their own favourite colour, a colour...

Date post: 07-Feb-2020
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Everyone has their own favourite colour, a colour that makes us happy, defines us and inspires us. Our favourite colour is that which almost becomes a part of us. And it reveals who we really are. What’s YOUR colour? Let it be revealed to you by our Colour Trends. Vsak ima svojo najljubšo barvo, barvo, ki nas osrečuje, definira in navdihuje. Najljubša barva je tista, ki postane že skorajda del nas samih. In razkriva, kdo v resnici smo. Kakšna je TVOJA barva? Dovoli, da ti jo razkrijejo naši Barvni trendi.

Everyone has their own favourite colour, a colour that makes us happy, defines us and inspires us. Our favourite colour is that which almost becomes a part of us. And it reveals who we really are.

What’s YOUR colour?

Let it be revealed to you by our Colour Trends.

Vsak ima svojo najljubšo barvo, barvo, ki nas osrečuje,

definira in navdihuje. Najljubša barva je tista, ki

postane že skorajda del nas samih. In razkriva, kdo v

resnici smo.

Kakšna je TVOJA barva?

Dovoli, da ti jo razkrijejo naši Barvni trendi.

2 3

530A Freedom 95

320F Beauty 300

120C Family 195

390E Love 55430A Love 155

390E Love 55

320F Beauty 300

430A Love 155

120C Family 195

390E Love 55

320F Beauty 300

530A Freedom 95

430A Love 155

530A Freedom 95

Prestige Elegant

4 5

Dominant120C Family 195

320F Beauty 300

530A Freedom 95

430A Love 155

6 7


390E Love 55

320F Beauty 300

430A Love 155

8 9

630D Vitality 110

680D Vitality 285

610A Vitality 35

380F Beauty 480420E Love 145

420E Love 145

630D Vitality 110

380F Beauty 480

420E Love 145

630D Vitality 110

380F Beauty 480

680D Vitality 285

610A Vitality 35

610A Vitality 35

Emotional Loving

10 11

630D Vitality 110

380F Beauty 480

610A Vitality 35Gentle420E Love 145

12 13

420E Love 145

630D Vitality 110

610A Vitality 35


14 15

060F Family 30

385A Love 05

370E Beauty 445

340A Beauty 335NCS S 4050-B90G

340A Beauty 335

NCS S 4050-B90G

385A Love 05

060F Family 30

385A Love 05

370E Beauty 445

340A Beauty 335

NCS S 4050-B90G

370E Beauty 445

Original Natural

16 17

Outstanding340A Beauty 335

NCS S 4050-B90G

385A Love 05

370E Beauty 445

18 19


060F Family 30

370E Beauty 445

340A Beauty 335

NCS S 4050-B90G

20 21

NCS S 1060-R10B

200D Faith 110

170A Faith 05

690C Vitality 310400E Love 85

200D Faith 110

NCS S 1060-R10B

170A Faith 05

400E Love 85

170A Faith 05

690C Vitality 310

200D Faith 110

NCS S 1060-R10B

400E Love 85

Ambitious Bold

22 23

Expressive200D Faith 110

NCS S 1060-R10B

170A Faith 05

400E Love 85

24 25

Passionate 400E Love 85

690C Vitality 310

NCS S 1060-R10B

26 27

010A Sucess 05

010F Success 30

030B Success 70

610E Vitality 55730A Joy 95

010F Success 30

730A Joy 95

030B Success 70

610E Vitality 55

010F Success 30

730A Joy 95

030B Success 70

010A Sucess 05

010A Sucess 05

Focused Curious

28 29


610E Vitality 55

010F Success 30

730A Joy 95

030B Success 70

010A Sucess 05

30 31


730A Joy 95

030B Sucess 70

010A Sucess 05

32 33

550E Freedom 175

190E Faith 85

600B Vitality 10

N04F Peace 20540A Freedom 125

600B Vitality 10

540A Freedom 125

190E Faith 85

540A Freedom 125

550E Freedom 175

190E Faith 85

N04F Peace 20

600B Vitality 10

N04F Peace 20

Mystic Calm

34 35

Relaxed540A Freedom 125

550E Freedom 175

N04F Peace 20

36 37


600B Vitality 10

540A Freedom 125

190E Faith 85

N04F Peace 20



Počaščena sem, da je čast izbora barve leta tokrat pripadla meni, med procesom izbora pa sta se pri listanju barvne karte moje oko in srce ustavljala pri barvi Freedom 125. Navdušila me je z globoko barvno noto in nepričakovanim sivkastim podtonom, ki poudari melanholično dramatičnost odtenka. Spominja me na modrino razburkanega oceana, nevihtno nebo ali košaro svežih borovnic. Bogat sivkasto moder ton pooseblja svobodo, neskončnost in svežino! Vabi me k razmisleku o trajnostnem življenjskem slogu ter prihodnosti našega planeta. Modrina name deluje spoščujoče in služi kot neskončen vir inspiracije za ustvarjanje ambientov.Naraven, pomirjujoč moder odtenek je na področju oblikovanja prostora vedno aktualen in se ga je praktično nemogoče naveličati. Po mojih izkušnjah se odlično obnese tako v vlogi osnovne barvne podlage kot dramatičnega poudarka. Lepo se poda k nežnim bež in rjavim tonom, služi pa lahko tudi kot popestritev črno bele barvne sheme. Za svoje trenutne projekte jo drzno kombiniram s komplemetarnimi toni kot sta na primer rjasto oranžna in gorčično rumena. Hladen podton modrine rada uravnotežim s toplimi lesenimi ali pletenimi teksturami, posebno lepo pa zaživi ob belem marmorju in lesku medenine ali bakra. Vabim vas, da se skupaj prepustimo modrini in ustvarjalni svobodi!

Arhitektka Nina Štajner je študirala na Fakulteti za arhitekturo Univerze v Ljubljani ter na Tehnični univerzi v Pragi. Je tudi dobitnica nagrade za perspektivni interior leta 2012 v okviru Meseca Oblikovanja. Zadnja leta se posveča predvsem delu na področju renovacij nepremičnin in notranje opreme, hkrati pa ureja tudi lifestyle blog Kitchy World. Njeni projekti so bili objavjeni v številnih domačih in tujih medijih.

“I am honoured that the honour of choosing the colour of the year this time belonged to me, and during the selection process, my eye and heart stopped at the colour of Freedom 125. It impressed me with a deep colour note and an unexpected greyish undertone that emphasizes the melancholy drama of the shade. It reminds me of the blue of the thunderous ocean, a stormy sky or a basket of fresh blueberries. The rich, greyish-blue tone embodies freedom, infinity and freshness! It invites me to think about a sustainable lifestyle and the future of our planet. The blueness has a relaxing effect on me and serves as an endless source of inspiration for creating ambients.The natural, soothing blue shade is always relevant in the field of interior design and is virtually impossible to get tired of. In my experience, it works perfectly both in the role of a basic colour background and a dramatic emphasis. It fits nicely with gentle beige and brown tones, and can also serve to enrich the black and white colour scheme. For my current projects, I boldly combine it with complementary tones such as, for example, rusty orange and mustard yellow. I like to balance the cool undertone of the blue with warm wooden or knitted textures, and it especially comes beautifully alive with white marble and the shine of brass or copper. I invite you to indulge with me in the blueness and the creative freedom!

Architect Nina Štajner studied at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Ljubljana and at the Technical University of Prague. She is also the winner of the 2012 Prospective Interior Award as part of the Month of Design. In recent years, she has devoted her attention to work in the field of real estate renovation and interior design, and also manages Kitchy World lifestyle blog. Her projects have been published in numerous media in Slovenia and abroad.”

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Odtenki so zgolj informativne narave.Colour shades are merely of informative nature.
