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Kako do permakulturne diplome?

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Kako do permakulturne diplome?

Page 2: Kako do permakulturne diplome?

Kako do permakulturne diplome?


Kako do permakulturne diplome? Sadržaj:


A) Kvalifikacijski sustav Permakulturnih akademija

B) Kvalifikacijski sustav Permaculture Institute of Europe

C) Gaia University – formalno priznate diplome

Literatura i izvori

DODATAK A) The Foundation Year-Book of The Permaculture Academy compiled

by Bill Mollison

Društvo za kulturu i suživot s prirodom 'Kneja', Čakovec, 2007.

sastavila Marijana Lesar, [email protected]

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Kako do permakulturne diplome?


Uvod Permakultura jest praktična metoda dizajniranja održivih ljudskih zajednica. Mnogi projekti uzgoja vlastite hrane koji su pokrenuti od permakulturista, spašavaju živote i ozelenjuju pustinje. Permakultura nikad nije i neće biti zapisana i definirana do kraja, svaka bioregija i ekološki sustavi su toliko različiti da je teško precizno definirati metode i biljne zajednice koje će funkcionirati jednako na različitim područjima. Permakultura uzima u obzir lokalnu kulturu, klimu, lokalne uzorke i navike, te nudi bazično znanje o promatranju specifičnosti krajolika, klime, zemlje, flore i faune, insolacije i vode te ih uvrštava u jedinstveni dizajn prilagođen određenom korisniku ili korisnicima. Permakulturni dizajn radi se na temelju načela – brige za Zemlju, brige za ljude i ponovnog investiranja viškova s ciljem postizanja prethodnih načela. Koriste se uzorci iz prirode kako bi se optimalno iskoristili svi prirodni potencijali spajajući ih u međusobno podupiruće elemente koji zadovoljavaju naše potrebe bez da se narušava prirodni poredak. U permakulturi čovjek i njegove radnje vraćaju se natrag u prirodno kruženje tvari, kao dio cikličkog sustava u kojem nema otpada i uzaludnog trošenja energije.

Znanje o permakulturi prenosi se preko grassroot pokreta, održavanjem sedamdesetdvosatnih tečajeva permakulture, od strane permakulturista koji su stekli određeno praktično iskustvo kroz praktične radionice, projekcije, predavanja i druge aktivnosti vezane uz permakulturu. Nakon najmanje dvije godine rada može se prijaviti (u slučaju ovog dijela regije, Europskom Institutu za Permakulturu ili organizatorima lokalnih permakulturnih konvergencija, npr. Mreži ekosela Balkana) za dobivanje diplome permakulture, koja daje pravo nositelju/ici da održava samostalne certificirane tečajeve (postaje diplomaholder). U Hrvatskoj su u organizaciji Mreže ekosela Balkana (za članice) organizirana dva 72 satna tečaja permakulture – 2004. u Lubenicama na Cresu i 2005. u Šišanu kraj Pule, koji je održan prvi put na hrvatskom jeziku, pod mentorstvom Tonyja Andersena, od Vlaste Radoičić, Miroslava Cerovca, Darka Ferande, Ivana Gregova i Igora Drandića. Ovaj je vodič namijenjen onima koji su završili 72 satni tečaj permakulture, te žele nastaviti sa podučavanjem i širenjem znanja o

permakulturi kroz akreditaciju permakulturnih institucija u obliku diplome, koja daje nositelju/ici pravo na profitno održavanje certificiranih 72 satnih tečajeva. Sedamdesetih godina dvadesetog stoljeća, kada je pokret permakulture započeo, Bill Mollison je kao jedan od osnivača permakulture održavao certificirane 72 satne tečajeve po cijelom svijetu, te dodijelio i prve diplome, koje su nositeljima dale pravo na širenje permakulture. Diploma je garancija da se za predavanja koristi najmanje 70% sadržaja knjige 'Permaculture – A Designer's Manual' Billa Mollisona, kako bi se zadržala osnovna originalna ideja same permakulture. Noviji trend permakulturnog pokreta, iniciran od ljudi koji su permakulturu željeli vidjeti kao dio mainstreama, organizirali su tzv. permakulturne akademije i Gaia University, koji uz plaćanje nude izobrazbu za diplomirane permakulturiste, koje je priznato kao neformalno (unutar permakulturnog pokreta) ili kao formalno obrazovanje. Europski Institut, naprotiv, te inicijative vidi kao prijetnja permakulturnom grassroot pokretu, jer se na taj način znanje i novac akumulira u akademijama i Gaia University, što je slično današnjem obrazovnom sustavu. Osnovna ideja osnivača permakulture bila je da se znanje koje doslovno može promijeniti svijet, učini dostupno što većem broju ljudi, bez obzira na njihovo

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prethodno znanje, obrazovanje ili materijalni status. To se nastoji učiniti kroz konvergencijski pristup, gdje se okupljaju ljudi koji posjeduju certifikat permakulture (oni koji su prošli 72satni tečaj kod diplomaholdera) na bioregionalnim konvergencijama te ocjenjuju prijave za dobivanje diplome permakulture. Na taj se način osigurava objektivno ocjenjivanje rada onog/one koji/a se prijavljuje za diplomu, jer lokalna grupa ljudi najbolje poznaje podneblje i ostale faktore koji bitno utječu na kvalitetu dizajna, a na taj način se održava i kontakt sa lokalnim permakulturnim aktivistima/aktivistkinjama. Proces dobivanja diplome sličan je u europskim i u australskim institutima. U brošuri je obrađen europski model, a australski se nalazi na engleskom jeziku kao DODATAK A. Sam proces dobivanja diplome kod konvergencijske metode se ne plaća, plaća se samo administrativna naknada u minimalnom iznosu. Prijava u akademije i Gaia University se plaća, cijene su određene prema godišnjim prihodima onog/one koji/a se prijavljuje u sustav školovanja, a moguće je dobiti i znatnije popuste. Same prijavnice i metode edukacije drugčije su od akademije do akademije, te je najbolje kontaktirati institucije gdje se želi prijaviti (adrese su navedene na kraju vodiča). Ocjenjivači, mentori i savjetnici najčešće ne dolaze iz iste bioregije kao i prijavljeni/a te je učenje više fokusirano na prijenos općeg znanja o permakulturi. Prednost akademija i Gaia University vidim u tome što se može organizirano dobiti raznolikije znanje koju nude praktični posjeti i rad u uspostavljenim permakulturnim projektima, te u većem broju dostupnih mentora/ica i savjetnika/ca, kao i mogućnost dobivanja formalno priznatih titula koji u današnjem sustavu još uvijek daju neke prednosti. Kod konvergencijske metode, praksa se stječe samostalno, uz pomoć jednog ili dvaju mentora/ica. Za potrebe brošure obuhvatila sam sve metode stjecanja diplome permakulture koje su u Europi pristupačne, jer ih smatram jednako važnima u stvaranju

novih generacija ljudi koji svjesno djeluju za ostvarenje stvarno održivih zajednica, koje su naučile lekciju iz pogrešaka čije posljedice sada trpimo. Mislim da nije vrijeme da se bavimo dubokim analizama, već da zajednički djelujemo. Detaljnije o procesima pojedinih metoda izlaže se u nastavku. Kao reprezentativna akademija uzeta je njemačka „Permakultur Akademie“. Materijali i izvori korišteni za izradu ove brošure navedeni su na kraju. Kako bi se lakše shvatila pozadina edukacijske metode u permakulturi, navodim tekst iz ‘The Foundation Year-Book of The Permaculture Academy’ Bill Mollison. “Riječ ‘permakultura’ je definirana i zaštićena autorskim pravom kroz objavu u ‘Organic Gardening and Farming Society’s’ newsletteru u Hobartu, Tasmania 1975. Samu riječ je osmislio Bill Mollison iz razloga što nijedna riječ ili publikacija ranije nije bila dodijeljena holističkom sustavu dizajniranja. 1978. godine, izdanje ‘Permaculture one’, predstavljalo je prvu knjigu o svjesnom dizajniranju održivih područja, te je utvrdilo riječ ‘permakultura’ kao jedinstvenu. Vlasništvo nad zakonskim pravom korištenja drže Permakulturni Instituti (Bill Mollison) i nositelji certifikata permakulture koji su prošli 72 satni tečaj. To se pravo može prenijeti samo na one koji su završili certificirani 72 satni tečaj. Zaštita prava je tražena namjerno, a jedinstvena riječ složena je na način da permakultuni sustav edukacije ne može biti prisvojen od postojećih edukacijskih institucija ili vladinih ureda, već on pripada certificiranim osobama i Permakulturnim institutima (kao profitnim ustanovama). Namjera korištenja autorskih prava je zadržati edukaciju (kao i značajan ‘goodwill’ – dobar glas), oko onih koji znaju od čega se sastoji tečaj permakulture! Nijedna necertificirana osoba ne može koristiti taj naziv u svrhu stjecanja dobiti; svaka normalna upotreba u osvrtima, raspravama, u vijestima i slično je dozvoljena, no samo

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certificirani imaju dozvolu legalno registrirati profitne pravne osobe koristeći riječ ‘permakultura’. Slično, diplomirani/e dizajneri/ce permakulture koji/e podučavaju u drugim odgojnim ustanovama mogu održavati tečajeve permakulture; no ta ustanova sama po sebi ne može koristiti permakulturu za stjecanje dobiti ili sakupljanje novca, ukoliko joj upravitelji/odgovorni nisu certificirani, a ne mogu biti ni članovi Permakulturnih instituta ni njihovih odbora. Neprofitna permakulturna društva slobodno mogu koristiti naziv, kao i svaka grupa ljudi koja ima zajednički interes u permakulturi, no to ne mogu za certificirane tečajeve permakulture. Tečajevi koje su održali necertificirani učitelji/učiteljice uz plaćanje, uspješno su bili osporeni od nekoliko diplomiranih permakulturista, no bili su također i pozvani da sudjeluju u punom tečaju kako bi kasnije mogli nastaviti podučavati. Takvi ‘piratski’ tečajevi bliži su organskom vrtlarenju ili ‘new age’ misticizmu, nego primijenjenom dizajnu, tako da je potreba za zaštićenim autorskim pravima opravdana. “ A) Kvalifikacijski sustav Permakulturnih akademija Primjer: Permakultur Akademie Ludwigstraße 8 33098 Paderborn, Njemačka Tel: 0049 (0) 52 51 / 50 630 56 E-Mail: [email protected] Web: www.permakultur-akademie.net Permakulturne akademije Permakulturna akademija je institut za obrazovanje i doškolovanje na području permakulture, koji je organiziran kao mreža različitih dizajnera, učitelja, studenata/tica i permakulturnih projekata, a pravno je organizirana kao udruga koja djeluje za opće dobro, „Permakultur Institut

e.V“. Većina partnera nalazi se u Njemačkoj i Švicarskoj. Drugi partneri djeluju u Europi i drugdje u svijetu. Permakulturna Akademija postoji od 2003. i postavila si je nekoliko ciljeva: 1. U skladu sa dogovorenim međunarodnim standardom organiziranih permakulturnih udruga, instituta i akademija, Permakultur Akademie nudi obrazovanje za dizajnera/icu permakulture, koje se potvrđuje sa diplomom za primijenjenu permakulturu (Diploma of Applied Permaculture). To se obrazovanje temelji na osnovnom, dvotjednom tečaju za dizajnera/icu permakulture (Permaculture Designer Course - PDC) te se nastavlja sa

praktičnom fazom studija u trajanju od 2 do 4 godine. Taj se dio obuke pojačava sa praktičnim radom na projektima, programom za tutore i opsežnim događajima, radionicama i ponudom praktične primjene permakulture. Cilj je postići visoku razinu kvalitetnog obrazovanja, koje apsolventima/cama omogućava primjenu permakulture u vlastitim zanimanjima, npr. poljoprivredi, arhitekturi, prostornom planiranju, razvoju organizacija, te omogućava i novu vrstu posla kao dizajner/ica permakulture. 2. Poslovna i privatna ponuda seminara na temu permakulture je u Njemačkoj dugovremeno ovisila o angažmanu lokalnih grupa i projekata, te je varirala u kvaliteti. Permakulturna akademija je postavila zadatak izgraditi mrežu docenata i projekata kako bi uspostavili

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Kako do permakulturne diplome?


komunikaciju s jedne strane i suradnju između partnera i da bi se koordinirao zajednički program s druge strane, koji otvara nove potencijale za permakulturne inicijative. 3. Kroz obrazovanje koje je orijentirano prema projektima, ne potiću se samo studenti, već se ujedno razvijaju novi ekološki i socijalni projekti. 4. Permaklturna akademija se također vidi kao sjecište puteva profesionalnih institucija kao fakulteta, stručnih viših škola, poduzeća, udruga, stranaka i kreativnog potencijala i eksperimentalne domišljatosti angažiranih ljudi i njihovih projekata na licu mjesta. U nekim situacijama, gdje pojedinac ili pojedinka nose posebne zasluge za promociju i primjenu permakulture, akademije dodjeljuju diplome za dizajnera/icu permakulture i bez prijeđenih opisanih edukacijskih koraka. Osnove permakulturne izobrazbe Pojam „Permakultura“ stvoren je 1974. godine od Davida Holmgrena i Billa Mollisona kao zajednički naziv za oblikovni koncept održivih životnih prostora. Uskoro se u Australiji počeo razvijati aktivni pokret permakulture. Permakulturni dizajneri koji su svoje tečajeve prošli kod Billa Mollisona i Davida Holmgrena, uskoro su shvatili svoje djelovanje kao alternativa konvencionalnom dizajniranju gradova, vrtova i agrarnih površina, te su preuzeli poslove kao npr. oblikovanje samoodrživih projekata i ekosela. Sve češće se počelo postavljati pitanje profesionalne edukacije za dizajnere i dizajnerice permakulture. Prema dogovorima u

međunarodnom permakulturnom pokretu, postavljena je temeljna struktura izobrazbe u permakulturi. Ona se sastoji od tečaja permakulturnog dizajniranja (72 satni tečaj), kojeg mogu podučavati samo diplomirani dizajneri permakulture ('diplomaholderi'), nakon čega slijedi najmanje dvogodišnja praksa, koja je također praćena od strane dvaju diplomaholdera. Na temelju osnovnog plana izobrazbe je Permakulturna Akademija u suradnji sa Britanskom Permakulturnom akademijom razvila koncept, koji daje najveću moguću slobodu i fleksibilnost, dok u isto vrijeme predstavlja jaku potporu kod samoorganizacije izobrazbe. Taj primjer je u međuvremenu stekao praksu, te se nadamo da će se

trenutni trend bolje suradnje i kvalitetnije izobrazbe nastaviti i u budućnosti. Udruge, akademije i inicijative, koje zajednički rade na tom zadatku, spojile su se u 'European Permaculture WorkNet'. Tko može podučavati permakulturu? Tečajevi Permakulturnog dizajniranja (72 satni tečajevi), prema dogovoru međunarodnog permakulturnog pokreta, mogu održavati i certificirati samo diplomaholderi. Nekomercijalne uvodne seminare i izlaganja mogu održavati i oni koji su u toku permakulturnog naukovanja. Zašto Permakulturna izobrazba? Permakulturni tečajevi se posjećuju zbog posebnog interesa u pojedinim temama. Odluka o obuci za dizajnera/icu permakulture, također ovisi o osobnom izboru. Kao i sve druge alternativne metode izobrazbe, npr. alternativna medicina, Permakulturna izobrazba nije službeno priznata. (2005. godine oformljena je GAIA University, koja nudi mogućnost stjecanja formalno priznatih diploma, obrađena je u nastavku teksta op.prev.)

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Kako do permakulturne diplome?


Unatoč tome postoje mnogi razlozi za edukaciju u Permakulturi: *Permakultura nudni mnoge ideje za rješavanje današnjih ekoloških i socijalnih problema. Intenzivno bavljenje permakulturom vodi do veće svjesnosti o vlastitim ciljevima i potrebama nakon stjecanja odgovornosti i ispunjene prakse. *Permakulturna izobrazba nudi idealan ulazak u alternativne projekte i mreže, mogućnsti za sklapanje prijateljstava i upoznavanje raznih alternativnih metoda življenja. *U nekim zemljama (prije svega u Engleskoj, Australiji i Sjevernoj Americi) se permakulturni elementi uspješno ugrađuju u javne projekte, privatne pogone i sveučilišta. Na taj se način polagano, ali sigurno stvaraju mogućnosti za zaposlenje permakulturnih dizajnera. Takav razvoj želimo potaknuti i u Njemačkoj. *Tko ima interes voditi vlastite tečajeve permakulture, čiji program mora dobiti odobrenje, ili želi biti mentor/ica prilikom obrazovanja, obavezan/na je proći obrazovanje. Permakulturno obrazovanje Permakulturno obrazovanje sastoji se od dva dijela. Prvi je dio Tečaj permakulturnog dizajna, ili zvan još 72satni tečaj. On predstavlja temelj permakulturne edukacije i daje prvi kontakt sa idejama, konceptima i metodama permakulture. Sudionici tečaja ne dobivaju samo opsežno razumijevanje permakulture, već će steći i sposobnost dizajniranja održivog načina vlastitog života. Završeni 72 satni tečaj omogućava pristup drugom dijelu obrazovanja. Drugi dio permakulturnog obrazovanja predstavlja stvarnu izobrazbu u diplomiranog dizajnera/icu permakulture. Ta faza obrazovanja traje najmanje dvije godine

i uključuje razne aktivnosti. Dizajneri mogu držati vlastite tečajeve, preuzimati poslove permakulturnog dizajna i surađivati na projektima. Tečaj Permakulturnog dizajna (PDC) Tečajevi Permakulturnog dizajna traju 2 tjedna i dobivaju sve veće priznanje. Tijekom tog tečaja prolaze se teoretske osnove permakulture i razne praktične discipline, kao npr. gradnja balama slame, samoopskrba, šumski vrt, život u zajednici, mijenjački krugovi itd. Tečaj uvodi u sustavno i kompleksno razmišljanje, uči sposobnost opažanja, shvaćanja i praktične metode. Prije svega se težište polaže na praktični permakulturni dizajn, što znači da

se obrađuju metode i tehnike stvaranja socijalno i ekološki održivih životnih prostora. PDC tečaj u Akademiji podučava 2-5 diplomaholdera, kako bi se osigurala raznolikost pogleda na permakulturu i održala visoka stručna razina. Radimo sa otvorenim, fleksibilnim konceptom, koji dozvoljava da kvalitetno predznanje i

kreativni potencijal polazika/ca budu ugrađeni u tečaj. Sa svakim PDC tečajem tako nastaje Permakulturni sustav koji spaja raznolike elemente kao što su učitelji, sudionici, nastavni materijali i okolina, u podupiruću životnu sredinu. PDC tečaj se održava obično u jednom komadu, ponekad se održavaju tečajevi koji su drugačije organizirani. Postoji metoda polaženja po modulima. Obrazovanje u dizajnera/icu permakulture PDC tečaj nudi osnove i pregled tema, metoda i mogućnosti permakulture, dok obuka za dizajnera/icu važnost polaže na razvoj osobnog pristupa prema alternativnim modelima života. Ujedno se prenose daljnja znanja i vještine koje su na tom putu

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potrebni. Prilikom toga je važno da polaznik/ca ne dobiva predefinirani nastavni plan, već je važno da ga sam/a stvara. Ponuda i struktura Permakulturne akademije podupire i potiče studente/ice na tom putu i nudi pomoćne resurse za stjecanje potrebnih znanja i vještina. Akademski vikendi Akademski vikendi se organiziraju za one koji studiraju i oni koji bi htjeli pristupiti studiju. Pretpostavka za sudjelovanje je završeni PDC. Kroz vikend se novaci detaljno informiraju o programu obrazovanja, te započinju sa permakulturnim dizajnom vlastitog obrazovanja. Mi to nazivamo dizajniranje puta učenja. Kroz vikende polaznici imaju priliku za razmjenu, za rasprave o projektima i za nove kontakte. Radionica za napredne zaokružuje vikend. Dizajniranje puta učenja Kako bi to drugačije moglo izgledati: umjesto da polaznicima/ama ponudimo kruti raspored sa ispitima, u kojima mi odlučujemo što je ispravno, a što krivo, mi ih potičemo na vlastite odluke, kako bi polaznici sami dizajnirali svoju edukaciju prema permakulturnim principima. Kod toga se pokušava pokrenuti kružni program učenja, koji se sastoji od 4 stupnja:

• Praktična provedba vlastitog pojektnog rješenja i promjena vlastitog načina života: djelovati odgovoro!

• Opažanje utjecaja tih djelovanja i djelovanja drugih na okoliš, odnosno na projekt: dugoročno promatrati!

• Ponovno razmatranje opažanja i veza novih uvida sa vlastitim znanjem o Permakulturi. Ostvariti nove veze: razmišljati kompleksno!

• Traženje novih začetaka i planiranje sljedećih praktičnih koraka. Promjene na dizajnu projekta: stvarati fleksibilno!

• Praktična provedba novostečenih spoznaja: djelovati odgovorno! (1. korak)

Mentori/ce Uz važan posao stvaranja vlastitog puta educiranja, mora postojati i sadržajno i praktično upoznavanje sa ciljevima učenja i projektima. Taj dio posla odrađuju mentori/ce. Svaki polaznik/ca je kroz edukaciju praćena sa dva mentora. Njihova je zadaća da podupiru polaznike/ce u njihovoj sposobnosti planiranja. Kroz suradnju mentori/ce upoznavaju rad i projekte polaznika/ce, te su nakon dvije godine sposobni ocijeniti rad i dati potporu za dobivanje akreditacije. Priznanje

Na kraju obrazovanja za dizajnera/icu permakulture pristupa se akreditaciji. Ne radi se o ispitu, jer je već kroz izgovorene potpore mentora/ica najteži dio puta prevaljen. Polaznik/ca održava predstavljanje svojeg rada u 40 minuta, na način koji odabere. Komisija razmatra projekt i sastavlja izvješće. Uručuje se diploma 'For applied Permaculture' sa titulom diplomiranog/e Dizajnera/ice permakulture, koja se ispostavlja od Akademije ili Instituta u Njemačkoj, mentora/ica i European Permaculture WorkNet-a. Linkovi: Permakultur Institut e.V. www.permakultur.de Permakultur Akademie www.permakultur-akademie.net Permaculture Academy and Association Britain www.permaculture.org.uk Permakultur Akademie im Alpenraum www.permakultur-akademie.com Permakultur Austria www.permakultur.net

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Traveling School of Life http://tsolife.org/wiki/Tsolife/Main_Page Primjer prijavnice za školovanje za diplomu (akademije – članice WorkNeta): http://www.permaculture.org.uk/upload/docs/diploma%20registration%20pack.doc 'Permaculture Association' Britain

B) Kvalifikacijski sustav Permaculture Institute of Europe

PERMACULTURE INSTITUTE OF EUROPE Istedgade 79 - 1650 København V- Denmark Tlf: +45 3331 5694 - Fax: +45 3325 7179 e-mail: [email protected] web: www.permaculture-europe.org

Kvalifikacijski sustav i upute su odlučene na Međunarodnim Konvergencijama Permakulture 1984. u Australiji, 1986. u SAD-u, 1991. u Nepalu i u Švedskoj 1993. godine. Prvi je uvjet da se prođe certificirani 72satni tečaj permakulturnog dizajniranja, koji vodi diplomaholder. Sadržaj tog tečaja mora se poklapati sa najmanje 70% sadržaja tečaja koji je određen na Međunarodnim Konvergencijama Permakulture. Diplome mogu biti dodijeljene prema sljedećim procedurama koje su utvrđene na Europskoj Konvergenciji Permakulture u Sloveniji 1997. godine: Nositelj/ica certifikata permakulture sa minimalno dvije godine praktičnog iskustva može se prijaviti za dodjelu diplome pisanim zahtjevom organizatorima lokalne permakulturne konvergencije. Prijava mora sadržavati opis područja kvalifikacije, projekt koji je izrađen i u kojoj je kategoriji

primjenjiv. Prijava mora sadržavati evaluaciju i preporuke za obavljeni permakulturni projekt od najmanje dva diplomaholdera. Jedan od njih može biti bivši učitelj i/ili mentor u provedbi projekta. Drugi evaluator bi trebao pružiti neovisno mišljenje i služiti kao nadzor odnosno kontrola. Prijavljeni projekt treba biti prezentiran u lokalnim glasilima permakulture, zajedno sa najavama drugih prezentacija na regionalnoj/nacionalnoj konvergenciji, kojoj imaju pristup svi zainteresirani nositelji certifikata permakulture.

Prezentacija permakulturnog projekta kandidata/kandidatkinje može biti razmatran od svih nositelja/ica certifikata permaklture prisutnih na konvergenciji. Eventualne nesuglasice oko ocjene projekta kandidata/kandidatkinje treba nastojati riješiti medijacijom. Odluka o tome tko može sudjelovati u glasanju za prihvaćanje zahtjeva za diplomu, ovisi o dogovoru na lokalnoj konvergenciji. Ukoliko se zahtjev prihvati, diploma može biti odmah uručena. Ako se prijava ne prihvati, kandidatu/kandidatkinji se mora dati objašnjenje razloga odbijanja zahtjeva te preporučiti popravke na projektu. Ukoliko ne postoje lokalne organizacije ili tijela prijava za dodjelu diplome, prijava se može poslati na adresu Europske Konvergencije uz iste formalne i proceduralne uvjete. Prijava bi trebala prispjeći najkasnije tri mjeseca prije početka konvergencije, te treba biti oglašena u

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informacijskom sustavu za permakulturu u državi u kojoj se projekt odvijao, uz pozive i raspored događaja na konvergenciji. Kategorije Diplome: Sve dolje navedeno se može diplomirati pod uvjetom uspješno završenog 72 satnog PDC-a. Kvalifikacijski period može biti računan i prije završenog PDC-a, ukoliko se odnosi na rad u temama srodnim permakulturi. Dizajn zemljišta 10 dizajna dokumentiranih na papiru (ili detaljan elaborat za velike projekte) Razvoj permakulturno dizajniranog zemljišta Najmanje tri godine rada na uspostavi permakulturnog imanja, može biti rađen na samo jednom zemljištu. Proces dostizanja održivosti imanja bi trebao biti započet. Poželjna je dokumentacija (npr. fotografije prije i poslije) Edukacija Podučavanje deset PDC-a (ili ekvivalent u radionicama, lekcijama i sl.), potrebno je najmanje 50% sudjelovanja u predavanjima na tim tečajevima; najmanje pet tečajeva dizajna. Poželjna je pismena evaluacija sudionika tečajeva, evaluacija jednog tečaja je obvezna. Sadržaj tečaja takođe mora biti priložen uz zahtjev za diplomu. Administracija 3 godine punog radnog vremena (ili ekvivalent) u permakulturnoj administraciji. Uspostavljanje permakulturnog sustava i implementacija Trogodišnji rad u punom radnom vremenu (ili ekvivalent) u uspostavljanju i dokazivanju osnovnog sustava za permakulturni dizajn i implementaciju.

Arhitektura Deset dizajna imanja koji sadržavaju održive i dostupne alternative i razvojnu estetiku. Trusteeship“ Uspostava i održavanje pravne forme za beskonačno vlasništvo nad zemljištem, u razdoblju preko 5 godina. Razvoj zajednica Uspostava i održavanje sustava alternativne zajednice u bioregionalnom kontekstu, koja se održala najmanje 4 godine. Istraživanje Značajan doprinos znanju u permakulturi kroz originalna istraživanja. Financije Uspostava i održavanje sustava koji prža stvarnu alternativu konvencionalnom novčanom sustavu, koji je uspostavljen i održan kroz najmanje 4 godine. Mediji i komunikacija Rad koji je unaprijedio proširenje permakulture na značajan način. Proizvodnja Dizajn ili proizvodnja tehnologije koja znatno doprinosi dizajniranju i implementaciji permakulturnih sustava.

„Primjer prijave za diplomu naveden je u DODATKU A, strana 24 ‘The Foundation Year-Book of The Permaculture Academy’, Bill Mollison. Napomena Tonyja Andersena iz Permaculture Insitute of Europe: We are not regarding the Academy model as suitable, because of 2 reasons: - it cost money (you have to pay the Academy for support from another diploma holder / Academy professor)

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- The evaluation of your work are restricted to a smaller group of 3 professors / peers - and not in the democratic forum of local permaculturists in the Convergence. So it is in fact a way to get back to the old academic hierachy "in fact do I think that the academy model is an attempt to exploit the permaculture network - because it drags money and knowledge out of it and into the Academies (that are connected to Gaia University)" Ne smatramo metodu akademija kao primjerenu iz dva razloga: 1) akademija se plaća (treba platiti akademiji za potporu diplomaholdera/profesora) 2) evaluacija rada je ograničena na grupu od 3 profesora/vršnjaka – a ne događa se u demokratskom forumu lokalnih permakulturista na konvergenciji. To je ustvari način vraćanja staroj akademskoj hijearhiji “u stvari mislim da je model akademija pokušaj da se iskoristi permakulturna mreža – jer izvlači novac i znanje iz mreže u akademije (to je povezano i sa Gaia Unversity) Linkovi: Izvor informacija o održavanju tečajeva u Hrvatskoj - Mreža ekosela Balkana www.ekosela.org Permaculture Institue of Australia www.tagari.com Permaculture Institute of Europe www.permaculture-europe.org Permakultur Austria http://www.permakultur.net

C) Gaia University – formalno priznate diplome e-mail: [email protected]

Gaia University nudi aktivistima i aktivistkinjama iz cijelog svijeta mogućnost dobivanja priznatih akademskih diploma – četverogodišnji studij za prvostupnika (baccalaureus) odnosno prvostupnicu (baccalaurea) i magisterija, kao i Graduate Diplome, kroz pionirski edukacijski koncept, bez obzira na prethodno službeno obrazovanje. Gaia nudi mogućnost da kombinirate vaše ideje u jačanju lokalne i globalne održivosti, revitalizacije,

prava i mira sa praktičnim iskustvima na tim poljima. Decentralizirani i samoodređeni ‘action learning’ sustav dozvoljava rad na materinjem jeziku i u vlastitoj regiji. Prilikom toga dobivate potporu regionalnih i međunarodnih savjetnika, tutora, mentora i izvođača radionica. Gaia University nudi edukacijske programe u Brazilu, Njemačkoj, Oregonu i Tenessee SAD, u integrativnom ekosocijalnom dizajnu, otvorenim temama, (nezavisni studij) i organizaciji učenja za ekosocijalnu revitalizaciju (regionalni razvoj Gaia Universityja). Razvijte svoje sposobnosti u bilo kojem području održivosti/revitalizacijenod permakulture, bioregionalizma, dizajnu i menadžmentu ekosela, planiranju enegetskog smanjenja, klimatskih promjena, holističke medicine, facilitacije i komunikacije, starih znanja i drugo. Jedno od značajnih aspekata Gaia University je da je ulazak u sustav obrazovanja za diplomu manje ovisan od prijašnje formalne edukacije, nego se više pažnje posvećuje prethodnom praktičnom iskustvu i razini strateške odgovornosti koje se kod budućeg studenta uzima kao ‘cjelina’. Više od jedne trećine bodova do bilo kojeg diplomskog programa može se zaraditi za ‘životno iskustvo i prijašnju edukaciju’, nakon što student/ica izradi prikladan pregled prethodnog rada (Career Review). Trenutni programi počinju sa tzv. Orijentacijom i Residential Intensive, koji obično traju 1-3 tjedna, a održavaju se u jednom od četiriju edukacijskih centara. Nakon Residential Intensives

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programa, studenti se vraćaju doma, kako bi radili na projektima koje su sami razvili uz pomoć skupine savjetnika. Neki od studenata/ica mogu ostati i u edukacijskom centru, kao praktikanti/ce ili putovati do drugih edukacijskih centara kako bi radili na projektu kojeg su dizajnirali. Neki/e studenti/ce se vraćaju svojim osobnim projektima i nastavljaju u radu na poslu koji im osigurava prihode. Kako bi se osigurala potpora za vrijeme rada u vlastitoj regiji, svaki/a student/ica povezuje se u Međunarodni centar savjetnika ili jedan od Gaia University regionalni centar. Trenutno se edukacijski centri nalaze u ‘Ecovillage Training Center’, The Farm, Summertown, Tennessee, SAD ili u ekoselu ‘Lebensgarten’, Steyerberg, Njemačka. Više o Gaia University na http://www.gaiauniversity.org Za prijavu je potrebno registrirati se na toj internet adresi. Literatura i izvori:

'Permakultur Institut e.V. Info Mappe', rujan 2002. 'Permaculture qualification system and the guidelines', Permaculture Institute of Europe, Danska, ožujak 1999. 'Permakultur Akademie', Permakultur Akademie, Hunlosen, Njemačka http://www.permaculture-europe.org/org.per1.htm http://www.permakultur-akademie.net/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=12 http://www.permakultur.de/ http://www.permaculture.org.uk/mm.asp?mmfile=education http://www.tagari.com http://www.permaculture-europe.org http://www.gaiauniversity.org http://www.permacultureactivist.net/index.html

Popis diplomiranih permakulturista u Europi:

Velika Britanija http://www.permaculture.org.uk/ResSch.asp?mode=R&page=3&tblid=dr Austrija http://www.permakultur.net/designer.htm Austrija, Angelika Bammer, Oberösterreich, [email protected] Austrija, Marlies Ortner, Steinz, [email protected]

Italija http://www.permacultura.it/initalia.html Švicarska http://www.permakultur.ch/pg005.html Slovenija Janez Božič, [email protected]

DODATAK A) The Foundation Year-Book of The Permaculture Academy compiled by Bill Mollison

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The Foundation Year-Bookof

The Permaculture Academycompiled by

Bill MollisonEdition 1993Updated 2003

“The Field Lies Open to the Intellect”

An Academy the purpose of which is to pursuethe goal of excellence in the integrated design sciences.

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The Foundation Year-Bookof

The Permaculture Academy

It is clear that what is proposed here is a serious undertaking notnormally achievable by unsupported people. Therefore we must do itbare-handed going forward with all intellect, goodwill and selflessness,but above all with a deadly persistence until the task is over, until wehave established an academy that runs itself, unsupported.

The aim of the Academy is to encourage and reward ‘practical positivism’- effort towards solutions. We are not so interested in further definingwell-known problems, but we are interested in solving those alreadywidely defined. We consider there is enough evidence of global prob-lems, but not enough models of practical solutions. It is just too easy toget more evidence, or oppose all the time; we are sure that positive,practical realistic solutions have the greatest effect on problems, and thisis where we prefer to spend our efforts. We are essentially designers ofpractical working models, more than theoreticians; at least once actionstarts, theory is proved or disproved,

Otherwise, our aim is to preserve academic integrity, to seek evidence ofexcellence and comprehension, a proper scepticism and a teachable(hence comprehensible) approach to work. As belief is disempowering,we do not deal in belief, but in working models accessible to everybody;explicable, measurable, beneficial, reproducible, realistic, available toand understandable by everyone.

While we realise the value of evidence and protest in changing publicopinion, we belong to another discipline - that of real solutions.

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In January 1979, formal teachingcommenced in Permaculture Design.Now (1993) there are close to 12,000graduates of design courses, 230-250teachers (many bilingual) and manythousands of completed and ongoingprojects. Early graduates have each de-signed in excess of 500 projects or prop-erties, or developed long-term commu-nity projects individually; some havethemselves taught hundreds of graduates.The Permaculture Journal published cur-rent lists of regional centres andinstitutions.

As graduates build up members inany one country, first Permaculture As-sociations form, then formal Permacul-ture Institutes, and as projects develop,such enterprises as ethical investmentcentres, consultancy services, and even-tually development corporations for us-ing investment capital are set up. Whereuniversities send their staff members tocourses, Permaculture is taught in horti-cultural, small farm design, and environ-mental design courses

As the trend for Permacultureteaching permeates other formal institu-tions, the need for an accurate recordingservice and educational handbooks,rather like a university yearbook (butwith a longer life!) spelling out our edu-cational requirements becomes essential.It is needed to keep track of graduatesfor larger projects; to identify teachers,


ethical investments and developmentcentres; and to set standards acceptableto all institutes and fixed institutions suchas colleges and universities. That is, weneed to observe standards in Diplomasand Degree courses compatible withother institutions’ requirements. Hencean Academy.

From 1993, organisation network-ing will inevitably spread to create a glo-bal Permaculture network. Electronicmail systems are already being used tolink global centres, and the network canexpand as such centres are set up. Faxplus electronic mail will enable us to con-tribute to data bases and journals every-where.

This handbook is now needed; asgraduates increase, and mature, profes-sional associations, good academic cri-teria, and the establishment of researchfoundations will increasingly become im-portant.

We should also have an eye tothe future, and if possible anticipateneeds. Requests for introductory coursesnow exceed our capacity to supplyeither teachers or back-up finance. it isobvious that our “western” Permacultureinstitutes need to build up foundationgrants (capital invested, interest onlyused) not only to ensure paymentfor teachers in areas of need,but also to supply small roll-over loans

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to students. As we realistically estimatethat a course in third or fourth worldcountries costs, over stages, somewherebetween $8,000 - $12,000 today, so torun one such course annually, $80,000 -$120,000 needs to be invested. We shouldaim to build up grants of 1-2 milliondollars to guarantee 10-12 such coursesper year. Courses in the western worldcan be given through a college, orcharged to students. Once local teachersevolve, courses are given locally at lowor realistic costs, and this is our usuallong-term solution.

Of our courses, leading tohigher degrees, the basic introductoryor general course (for all climates)is in fact based on, or rathergave its structure to Permaculture:A Designers’ Manual (TagariPublications 1989), avai!able from the

Permaculture Institute. That volume,together with material from Introductionto Permaculture (1991) make up thebasic texts. Teachers always includelocal species assemblies, techniques, andculture in purely local courses, althoughin fact all but fourth world courses havealways included a truly internationalstudent body. The lecture hours for abasic course are 72, based on 4th yearuniversity course hours, but can be moreif time allows. Wherever possible, somedays are also spent in field observations,establishing small domestic gardens, andin planning whole landscapes and theirsupport services.

The basic texts are now translatedinto many languages and tens ofthousands of copies sold worldwide.


The idea of this academy arose primarily from discussions with people 1 canonly think of as classical academics. People who valued the origins of the

university, of the sacrifices and struggles of the earliest teachers and students, eventhe wars that were fought for the Independence of the university.

The university doesn’t always win, (as Tiananmen Square taught us in 1989)but it persists; freedom is as elusive and as hidden as the ideas in the mindsof people.

I owe a great debt to many of my teachers and peers; to Robert Boyle (M.A.,Oxon), whose knowledge of history was encyclopaedic, and whose insistenceon broad education was exemplary. To Jean Yeats, who gave me a love of language,and of clear expression. To Prof. Cardno and Dr. Kalev Krupp, both ofwhom suffered from discrimination and various ‘punishments’ inflicted by others, but

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who persisted, and held true to theideas of the university, and to Dr. RobertMacoskey, a true Renaissance man,who also persisted and won,although he lost his life. To NikolaiIvanovich Vavilov and his fellowscientists, who died of starvationin the siege of Leningrad, preserving theseed around them that people might eatin the future.

All of these, and others havedeeply embedded in my mind the ideasof freedom of enquiry, of fair judgement,of persistence, of universalism, and ofexcellence. I would like, in thisAcademy, to return to basic values, to theideal of teachers and students as the bodyof a university that values those idealsfor which our intellectual ancestors lived,and often for which they died, wereoutcast, or disenfranchised. It is alwaysnecessary to return to the roots ofknowledge and the origins of institutions,for the latter drift from their purposeseven if many individuals hold true toorigins and ideals.

As with all I do, I feel thepresence of the hosts who built ourknowledge and understanding, and Iacknowledge my debt to them, and hopeto honour them, and trust that as manyof those who can comprehend what‘university’ means also do so, to the bestof each of our abilities, forour resolution and courage oftenfalters and needs periodic renewal.

Everything in human history

begins with one person, an idea. Ittakes many people for an idea todevelop, to spread, to be applied; butin the beginning, as with this Academy,systems and institutions start byrecruitment of key people, and grow bybold efforts and the subsequentrecruitments of many people. If the ideaof this academy is valid, it will ariseand grow at first from a body ofappointees (invitees who volunteer),later perhaps by recommendation andadvertisement. In a sense, this handbookis the advertisement of an idea; whetherit dies or grows depends on manyothers; a body of teachers and studentsunited in their ideals and values.

Disciplines at other universitiescompete for funds, and rarely refer theirwork to conditions in the world, orrelate their findings to social or naturalecosystems - many ‘hard’ scientists alsowarn against or reject values assubjective. Work without values iselsewhere defined as the occupation ofsociopaths.

That it seems strange to talk aboutvalues may be sufficient reasonto start ‘another university’ - anotherplace to be with people who share withus. For of all the things a university canbe, the thing which I most value is thatthe spirit of enquiry, of wanting tounderstand more about the fragileexistence of people on our planet, isshared with others.

There are families of blood

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relatives, and indeed every species is sucha large family, but there are families ofshared beliefs and values, like churchesand political parties, like members oftrusts, even clubs and societies. Ours isa family both of shared values andpractical endeavours, of a struggle toknow more, and to apply and teach whatwe know for the benefit of earth, andthat of course includes ourselves. Aswell, there is a certain lack of dignity inself-destruction by misjudgement ratherthan by will, by dying, as ChiefSeattle prophesied so pungently, bysmothering in our own filth, rather thanchoosing our course, even our end.

We, as people, know how to dobetter than we do; we have largelyabdicated the responsibility of care ofearth, and we have also set up andsupported systems that cannotwork well, or work at all. Anyeducation that specifies, evendepends, on the partition of knowledgeinto exclusive fields cannot work.We must at least be aware of how ouractions affect other systems,other lives.

Our education as it is todayis disconnected, not only fromknowledge of the earth as a whole,but from our actions and our lives;that is, from the real world where allof us act but not all of us know why weact, or even less, what may result.Often, knowledge is gathered withoutany regard to needs and realities, forwhat is out the window. Can we live

in disorder and pretend order, live in liesand pretend truth?

An academy which attempts tounify knowledge and action towards alife-enhancing goal, while recognisingthe chancy and ephemeral status ofpeople, and of life in the universe,seems to be needed. To demonstrate life,we act; let us see if we can actappropriately, struggle well, and withdignity towards demonstrating ourhuman function and potential to assistall living things, and make our livesworthwhile to all life.

It is not what any one of usachieves; this will be modest. It is thesum of small projects, all of us together,that is making a large change; thePermaculture family has achieved a greatdeal, and will achieve more in the nextdecade.

Thus, although we all specialise tosome extent, we try to relate thisspecialisation to society and thenatural world, and above all to try tomake our work beneficial to all lifeforms. We will never work on‘megadeath’ projects, or lend ourskills to such work. The Academy willhave no disciplines, but all staff willindicate their special skills or competencein supervising degrees in specialareas, so that students can choosesupervision suited to their specificprojects.

This yearbook is therefore

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dedicated to all past graduates, with greataffection and admiration for theirdecades of work. Also great sympathy forthose who faced such strong oppositionin the 70’s and 80’s; their work has beenthe foundation of trends to appliedsustainability. We have pioneeredlife-enhancing and applied wholisticdesign.

No matter what the imper-fections of our Permaculture courses

- and they are evolving - the resultsmeasured as active student worksubsequent to courses, has beenremarkable. We have attempted theimprobable, and made it work becausewe know it has to be done; that nothingelse is worth doing, but caring for theearth. We are reassured by seeing allabout us that ‘planners’ of the past haveproduced only waste, debt, pollution,and chaos, and all, with a few exceptions,irreversible.


From the beginning, the determination of the PermacultureInstitutes has been to concentrate on going to the people, not lockingthemselves away in fixed institutions, unavailable to people who live

in remote locations, in poverty, or who are now “illiterate” in terms ofmajor languages (although very literate verbally, and a mine of

knowledge). Thus, teachers have given courses in very remote andsometimes dangerous areas, and will always continue to do so.

These certificated courses allow students to achieve applied diplomas of designfollowing on two or more years of activity. We now propose to set up the Academy as anopen ‘university’, and to give these certificated courses via radio, TV (especially via tapes),and via mail services. it would not dismay us if every person had access to a certificatedcourse, and knew how to design sustainable houses, villages, economies, and land usesystems.

To eventually achieve widespread education in Permaculture, we must always con-centrate on “letting teachers loose” in their own cultures, using their own languages, andteaching their own people. However, while this work continues, we must always try tofurther develop open universities, internships on actual projects, and higher-level resi-dential and separate courses in rented or owned institutions. To this date, we have noowned teaching sites that are not at a basic level (house and barn), but many of us plan acollege or academy to eventually achieve better facilities, and to encourage internships.

In all our corporate moves, we always plan to include education in every

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development, and wherever possible, trainee teachers are included in courses sothat they gain confidence in preparing and giving courses; this is not possiblewhere no money is available for fares, or where no previous courses have beengiven.


Itinerant teachers rely very heavily on local course conveners whentravelling to a new or remote area.

These conveners are individuals, locally active associations,government agencies, or N.G.O.s who have requested the course;sometimes they are isolated graduates working on local projects,who would like more graduates to work with.

Thus, the convener is the key person to organise a group.

The duties of a convener are as follows:

• To contact P.C. Institutes or teachers, and to obtain a teacher for the course.

• To enrol several local people (15 or more in number) to take the course.

Criteria for a first course are ideally:

• Students should be literate and fluent in the teachers language (usuallyEnglish, French, or Spanish); or a team of 2 - 4 translators should beavailable.

• Some students should be teachers or teacher-trained, and capable ofteaching locally.

• Students should preferably be involved in farming, aid, financing,or in some way skilled in the field or in corporate areas.

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This Academy is intended to be as widespread as are the graduatesof our teachers.

Vice Chancellors (people with ahistory of university staff service, orteaching in universities now and whohave themselves completed a Permacul-ture Design Course) can offer, or be askedto volunteer their services.

Every Permaculture graduate ofcourses who holds a Bachelors Degreeor higher will be asked to supervise(in the sense of planning, discussing, andhelping assess) any other graduate atDiploma level who wishes to take ahigher degree, either as an account ofapplied work, or as a research thesis onthat work.

The Permaculture Institute has reg-istered an Academy (The PermacultureAcademy) under the umbrella of its trust.

This academy has multiple aims:• To form an association for allacademics and academic graduates (who,in addition, have Permaculture training)as a professional society, which re-searches in, implements and conductstraining in the design sciences forsustainable systems.

• To operate, as it evolves, an aca-demic organisation for the supervisionof higher degree applicants, on a regionalbasis but globally in scope. In effect, toestablish a widespread, non-hierarchical

training group akin to an openuniversity.

• To offer degree courses both asapplied degrees based in field work, asdegrees based on research and thesis, oras a balance of these methods, and tofind appropriate supervisors of suchdegrees.

• The Academy proposes toreinstate the ethics and philosophies ofthe original universities, that they areessentially free associations of teachersand students (magistrorum andminorum). That they are centres of freeenquiry, free also from the constraints ofexternal governments and councils, ofthe strait jackets of ‘disciplines’ whichprevent the study of integrated designsciences, and free also of necessitousresidence in or near a fixed institution,and fixed fees.

This Academy, in addition, willaccept the basic ethics of thePermaculture movement generally:

• Care of the Earth.Enhancement of the life support systemsof clean air, clean water, healthy soils,and the conservation of the genetic basesof forests, wildlife, biomass and thedomestic cultivars or livestock varietieson which mankind depends.

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• Care of people.In that the provision of basicneeds for food, energy, and shelterare provided, in the context of a conserversociety, with the aim of interdependenceand cooperation of peoples regionallyand globally; and assistance in the

preservation of human cultures, lan-guages, and autonomy.

• Reinvestment of surplus.Time, money, yields, or resourcesin order to achieve the preceding twoaims.


All Permacuiture trainees and college members, witb degreesor diplomas from this or otber institutions are eligiblefor

academic membersbip.

• Diplomates are, after receivingtheir Diplomas, considered to be enrolledin a College of Permaculture, and canproceed to Baccalaureates (Bachelordegrees) or higher degrees with theAcademy. Cost of diploma Aust$75.00,one time cost.• Diplomates with extant higherdegrees from other academic institutions,colleges, or universities canenrol with the Academy as follows:

a) Those with Bachelor degrees canenrol for postgraduate degrees and mayapply for membership of the Academy.Cost of members registrationAust$75.00, one time cost.

b) Those with Masters or Doctoraldegrees, Readers, Deans, Professors, orChancellors can volunteer to act asRegional Vice-Chancellors for thisacademy and find or appoint supervisors(or act as supervisors) for thosestudying for higher degrees. Suchpeople are registered as academics or

academicians of the PermacultureAcademy. Cost of such academicregistration Aust$100.00, one time cost.

In all cases except those of Diplomaof Permaculture Design recipients,notification of membership must beforwarded to the Academy together witha short C.V. (The institute already holdsregisters of Diplomates).

Academicians who volunteer to actas Vice Chancellors regionally arerequired to keep a record of all regionalapplications for higher degrees, and toforward copies to the AcademyLibrarian. Note that, except for aLibrarian based at this institute, no mem-ber of the Academy will be a paid staffmember, but all can charge fair fees forthe registration and supervision of de-grees. Using our extant journals, theacademy will periodically notify the ac-ceptance of the Vice-Chancellors’ func-tion by qualified people.

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Any person needing to study fora degree can enquire from our regionalPermaculture Association as to potentialqualified supervisors, and can eitherforward a copy of their proposed courseof study to the Academy or discuss thiswith their regional Vice Chancellor. Asthe Academy develops, it should be ableto find qualified people in most centres,or volunteers to supervise bycorrespondence.

Given that most universities arelocated in or near cities, attendance atthese institutions means expense beyondthe capacity of most families; few offercourses in functional design orintegrated studies, and in any case some70,000 to 100,000 students are turnedaway from such centres annually in suchrich countries as Australia. ThePermaculture Institute sees a real needfor an independent and decentralisedacademy able to offer courses in theapplied design sciences to rural people,students in remote areas, or poor people.

By calling on our academicmembership to act without salary, asregional Vice Chancellors and as tutorsand degree supervisors, we can assistothers to take higher degrees, or toconsider enrolling for studies beyondthat of Diploma levels.

By charging only mutually-agreedsupervising fees locally, and a smallsum for the issue of degree certificates,the cost of academic studies can bebrought within the range of most people.Even these costs can be paid as credits

to supervisors under the L.E.T. (LocalEnergy Trading) system if such systemshave been established locally, thusfurther reducing the cash costs of suchan education.

Our aim is to stimulate excellencein the studies of sustainable systems,whether these are agricultural,settlement planning, financial, orcommunity based projects, or in researchon specific areas applicable toPermaculture. Thus the formation of anacademy is an almost inevitable resultof our prior education in the applieddesign sciences leading to a Diploma ofPermaculture Design (Dip. Perm. Des.)

This yearbook, a foundationdocument, sets out some of the ways theAcademy will work, and givesprototypes of application forms for bothmembership of the Academy and forregistering applications for higherdegree studies.

Many Permaculture graduateshave graduate or postgraduate degreesfrom other institutions. Many ofus have been staff members ofuniversities or colleges, and many stillhold such positions. Thus we aremore than qualified to act as volunteerstaff for our own style ofopen university, dealing specificallywith Permaculture studies. Inevitably,residential courses will evolve. I trustthat all academics in Permaculturewill assist with this endeavour, andregister with the Academy as studentsor teachers.

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1. Completion of a Permaculture Design Certificate Course.

Teachers supply and sign certificates, and forward student lists to regional recorders.

The curriculum is covered in Permaculture: A Designers’ Manual.

2. Completion of Applied Diploma Work.

After 2 (two) years of applied work, students can forward an application for a Diplomaof Permaculture Design. Most in fact work for three to four years before such anapplication. (See application form herein)

Diploma cost: Aust$75.00.

3. Note.

All students, including those who previously held degrees from other insititutions, orthose who do not, need to complete the above two years of work in Permaculture inorder to hold a Diploma.

4. Baccalaureate or Higher Degrees.

Those who already have degrees from other institutions can, at this point, proceed asfollows:-

a) Enrol for a Post Graduate Degree.b) Enrol as a member of the Academy at Baccalaureate.c) Enrol as a Vice Chancellor of the Academy (at Masters or Doctoral levels).

Members of the Academy can act as supervisors to other students, to their own level.

Vice Chancellors act regionally as registrars, forwarding proposed courses of study to theAcademy Librarian.

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For a Diploma(prerequisite is a P.C. Course Cert.)

All certificate attendees, with or without degrees, must spend two years in appliedwork (most spend three or more) before applying for a Diploma. The application must beaccompanied by affidavits from co-workers, field reports, photos, journal articles, orsupporting evidence.

The cost of certification and registration is Aust$75.00.

For a Bachelors Degree(prerequisite is a Diploma)

All diplomates must find a qualified supervisor or tutor in their region, and workout a course of study, or applied project work over the next 2 to 3 years. At the same timea short precis of the proposed study must be typed, or printed, and one copy retained bythe supervisor, one sent to a regional Vice Chancellor (probably not always available inthe early stages), and one sent to the Academy Librarian.

On completion of the thesis or field report, a typed copy or printout of the fieldreport, or the thesis and research results (or both) must be submitted to the Vice Chancel-lor or the Academy Librarian for assessment; for border-line studies, more data or otheradjustments may be called for. A thesis or field study at this level may comprise about 10to 20 typed pages with supporting photographs, maps, figures, and any references used.

The cost of registration and certification is Aust$75.00.

The student is now qualified to proceed to post graduate degrees.

For Postgraduate Degrees(Masters or Doctorate)

A Masters degree is normally two years of additional study and a Doctorate isthree years. For all postgraduate degrees, supervisors must find two (2) externalexaminers (three (3) examiners in all). Copies of thesis and field reports mustbe provided by the student for the two (2) examiners, for the supervisor, andfor the Academy Librarian. Examiners look for evidence of good comprehension

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in the field chosen, key references consulted, good research planning, and excellent ex-pression and clarity. At doctoral level, evidence of original thought and clear results shouldbe the aim.

It is wise to have any thesis read for literacy and clear expression before forwardingto the supervisor and examiners, only one of the three being from the Academy. Allexaminers report to the supervisor, who informs the academy and the student of theresult. Supervisors may have to write the thesis from dictation if illiterate graduates areinvolved.

Postgraduate degrees call for careful work and pre-planning, wide reading, carefulexpression, clear illustrations, and correct referencing. Theses are normally 20 to 100typed pages; lean work (no waffle or general opinions) is appreciated, to the extent thatno adjectives should be used or unsupported statements offered.

Examiners fees must be met (usually Aust$500 to Aust$1,000); fees can be waived,but one should not expect this to happen.

Registration of the degree, listing of the thesis, and provision of degree documentsby the academy will cost Aust$100.00.

(A photocopy of these theses are to be available, for a charge covering copying andpostage, from the Academy Librarian).

If any thesis carries sensitive material, students may request that such thesis arerestricted for access for a stated period of years, or until patents are obtained.

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Correct Referencing

For books: if there are 3 or less authors, all names are given in full. If there are morethan three, the first author is listed and the Latiriphrase etalia (and others) added. If oneauthor is a woman, a full first name is given.

Example:SMITH, R.J. and Helen JONES, 1993.

The Role of Tree Ants in Pest Protection of Lemons in ChinaScientica Sinica Vol. 5 No 8, 1993.

Note the above sequence:Author(s), Date.

Title of the Article or Book (italic script or underlined)Publisher or Journal

If a newspaper article, (no author given) is quoted, reference as follows:Ants Eat Citrus Pests in China.

The Chinese Farmers Journal Vol 5 No 1, 1994


The following fields have been the basis of diplomate work, and form an indicationof the areas that can be covered by degree students for applied or theoretical

degrees. Applied degrees are weighted to field projects; academic degrees areweighted towards research.

1) Education: This includes special education, education via electronic media, orthe development of educational aids.

2) Media: Many students are developing information systems based on film,photo libraries, print or electronic systems, and some have succeeded as journalists.Authors producing a significant thesis or finding in any area of research indicated heremay submit for a degree.

3) Site Development: This indicates work on a farm or village over a long period,working to develop a Permaculture system or community facility or project.

4) Site Design: People acting as consultants to a variety of projects, rural

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and urban, may submit for applied degrees. Planners and consultants for projects inPermaculture.

5) Community Services: For those devoting their time, often with great hardship,to populations in poverty, fourth world (tribal peoples), disadvantaged or aged groups,and to people in urban and rural poverty.

6) Finance and Business: Developing and promoting local employment,non-monetary exchange, cash recycling in community, cooperative endeavours, modelsof development, and cost benefit analyses of real projects, accounted financially, socially,and environmentally.

7) Technical Development: People developing technical systems in transport,energy, processing systems, recycling, conservation systems or efficient appliances.

8) Resource Development: Making supporting resources available via land banks,plant or seed resources, livestock development, contract services and other essentialsupport systems.

9) Architecture and Building: Completion of projects demonstrating low costand energy-efficient housing and special purpose buildings, or the construction ofvillages and suburbs.

10) Research: A broad category, covering all Permaculture-related areas;a blend of the practical and theoretical is ideal.


Any formal (Parliamentary Act,Royal Decree, Foundation Trust)registration of this Academy byPermaculture Academy members orAcademicians in any country shouldbe notified to the Librarian, and suchregistrations should be actively sought.No matter where such formal orlegal systems are established, theycan act for all field centres or all regions

with a Vice Chancellor.

We certainly do not lackintegrity or credibility as anorganisation, and this is the last step toour status as a professionalorganisation, open to all of us andoperated by ourselves, under our ownacademic umbrella. Like the extantsystem of itinerant teachers, we will

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maintain a power-free, multinodal, non-hierachical structure, based on the ancient ideasof free people pursuing free enquiry, in line with our accepted ethics.

The writer is currently investigating formal status in a few countries, and will notifyas results come in, but all members should pursue these goals. Any academic with aPermaculture training and a postgraduate degree can register the words ‘PermacultureAcademy’ locally, and set up regional services.

Any future contributions to this year-book would be appreciated by the editor. It willeventually contain a guide to regional Vice-Chancellors and to residential courses.

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The word Permaculture was defined and copyrighted by publications in the OrganicGardening and Farming Society’s newsletter in Hobart, Tasmania in 1975. The worditself was coined by Bill Mollison, as no succinct word or publication had previously beenapplied to whole system design. In 1978, the publication of Permaculture One estab-lished the first book on conscious design of whole landscapes, and again established theword Permaculture as unique. Ownership of the copyright is equally invested (by BillMollison) in the Permaculture Institutes and its graduates from a Certificated Permacul-ture Course. It cannot be given away except to graduates.

Copyright was deliberately sought, and the unique name coined so that this systemof education could not be pre-empted by existing institutions or government agencies, butbelongs to certificated individuals and Permaculture Institutes (as corporate bodies). Theintention of the copyright is to keep the educational area (with its considerable goodwill)to those who know what a Permaculture course consists of! No person who is not a coursegraduate can use this name for profit; all normal uses for purposes of reviews, discussion,news items and so on is permitted, and graduates (but only graduates) of courses canregister for-profit enterprises or corporations using this name.

Likewise, Permaculture graduates who are appointed to or who belong to otherteaching institutions can teach courses; that institution itself, however, cannot use thename for profit, or for raising funds, if its directors are not graduates, nor should any suchdirectors be appointed to Permaculture Institutes or their boards.

Non profit Permaculture associations freely use the name, as can any association ofpeople with a common interest in Permaculture, but not for paid or certificated courses.Where non certificated teachers offer paid courses on Permaculture they have beensuccessfully challenged by several graduates, but also invited to attend a full course and tolater continue their teaching. Such pirate courses have been found to be more akin toorganic farming or ‘new age’ mysticism than applied design, so that the necessity forcopyright has been validated. This publication also clearly delineates the controls wemust demand for higher degrees, and gives additional facilitation to our graduates by theestablishment of a College of Graduates; in effect, a professional association ofexperienced people.

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The basic text for all curriculae and courses, and the overall definition of the scopeof Permaculture studies is:

MOLLISON, Bill, 1989.Permaculture: A Designers’ Manual

Tagari Publications, Australia.

The chapter contents of this text lays out the curriculum of the basic 72 hourPermaculture Design Course; students should check this outline with teachers or traineeteachers giving courses, and should be familiar with the whole field covered in the text.

If teachers fail to cover the course contents, this Academy can be notified and willforward any comments to teachers, or they can be sent directly to teachers by students.

This text will be updated periodically by the publishers, and at that time, feed-backfrom students and teachers will be considered. Any substantial expansion of the text willnecessitate a two volume work in future editions.

Permaculture: A Designer’s Manual is available from:

Tagari Publications31 Rulla Road, Sisters Creek Tasmania 7325 Australiaor from regional distributors and bookshops.

Other Recommended Texts and Resources.

FUKU0KA, M., 1978The One Straw Revolution.

(Available from libraries)

FUKUOKA, M., 1985.The Natural Way of Farming.

Japan Publications Inc., Tokyo & New York.

GEIGER, R., 1950.The Climate Near the Ground.

Harvard University Press, N.Y.

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HOWARD, Sir Albert, 1943.An Agricultural Testament.

Oxford University Press.

KERN, K. and Barbara., 1977.The Owner Built Homestead.

Charles Scribner’s Sons, N.Y.

KING, F.H., 1911.Farmers of Forty Centuries: Permanent Agriculture in Cbina, Koreaand Japan.

Rodale Press, Emmaus, PA.

MOLLISON, Bill and Reny Mia Slay, 1991.Introduction to Permaculture.

Tagari Publications, Sisters Creek, Australia.

SHOLTO DOUGLAS, J. and Robert de Hart., 1976.Forest Farming.

Watkins, London.

SMITH, J. R., 1977.Tree Crops: A Permanent Agriculture.

Devine-Adair, Old Greenwich.

TURNER, N., 1974.Fertility Pastures and Cover Crops.

Bargyla and Gylver Rateaver, Paurna Valley, CA.

WAIT, K., 1973.Principles of Environmental Science.

McGraw-Hill International.

YEOMANS, P. A., 1981.Water for Every Farm / Using the Keyline Plan.

K. Yeomans, 18 Commodore Dr., Paradise Waters,Queensland 4217, Australia.

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The Academy Librarian will be domiciled at the Permaculture Instituteand will offer a wide ranging service.

This service includes:

• Those matters referred to in this yearbook.

• A referral service to resources within the extensive global P.C. network.

• Compilation of bibliographies on topical areas.

• Supplying a search service of the reference material held by the PermacultureInstitute.

• General guidance to resource materials.

The Academy library contains a good collection of books, magazine articles,published papers, and student theses, all specifically directed to Permaculture subjects.

While the Librarian will be available to assist and advise in all areas of study, weencourage the use of local networks and libraries towards the creation of local resourcecentres. Therefore we would like to be kept well informed of the extent of local resourcesto enable us to create the most comprehensive service possible.

Students should become aware of the general search facilities provided by locallibraries and educational institutions, many of which have the capacity to search a widerange of interconnected data-bases world wide.

The Academy will encourage the formation of Permaculture Resource Centres andthe Librarian will act as co-ordinator of all data accumulated throughout thePermaculture network.

There will be fair fees for the services of the Librarian, and specific fees for yourrequest will be advised when your request is to hand. Note that all fees are devoted tosustaining the salary of the Librarian, and to covering copying, postage and mailing costs,certificates, and correspondence.

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Search Requests

All requests should be sent to:-

The Librarian.Permaculture Academy,31 Rulla Road,SISTERS CREEK TASMANIA 7325AUSTRALIA

Requests should contain the followin&

• Name, Address, Telephone, Fax and Email (if available).

• The reference information required, giving general and specific subject areas in asmuch detail as possible.

• The form in which you require this information, e.g. references to texts or journalsavailable in most libraries; photocopies of texts in the Academy Library; magazinearticles; contacts to people in your area; or contacts to people outside your area.

• What the information is required for, e.g. field work, courses, degrees, personaluse, etc.

• The date that this information is required by (be reasonable).

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AN ETYMOLOGYThe meaning of key words used in this yearbook.

ACADEMYAn association of scholars or

academics. Also a school of studyfounded to promote a particularphilosophy (e.g. Platonic philosophy).Here, the philosophy or ethics are thoseof Permaculture; the study anddevelopment of sustainable systems forlandscapes and settlements.

PERMACULTUREA copyright word, owned as a

common copyright by the PermacultureInstitutes and their graduates. Derivedfrom permanent and culture, as below.

Permanent: From the Latinpermanens, to remain to the end, topersist throughout.

(Latin; per through, manere tocontinue).

Culture: From the Latin culturacultivation of land, or the intellect. Nowgeneralised to mean all those habits,beliefs, or activities that sustain humansocieties.

Thus, Permaculture is the study of thedesign of those sustainable orenduring systems that support humansociety, both agricultural andintellectual, traditional and scientific,architectural, financial and legal. It is

the study of integrated systems, for thepurpose of better design and applicationof such systems.

CAMPUSLatin for a field. Applied also to‘a field of study’. Narrowly defined bysome as enclosures within a college, buthere used as an area open to intellectualenquiry.

DESIGNRestricted in the case ofPermaculture, to integrated functionaldesign, thus the conscious and intentionaldesign of integrated systems. Theprocess of design is to place anycomponent of a system where it will bestconnect to other components, when there-fore, its requirements are met, and itsproducts used. It is the science of best rela-tive placement of components in a planor pattern whose main function is to in-crease resources, conserve energy, andreduce or eliminate pollution or waste.

SUSTAINABLE SYSTEMSRestricted in Permaculture usage to anysystem that provides or conserves suffi-cient energy, over its normal life expect-ancy, to build and maintain itself, and togive a yield surplus to those requirements.Essentially, any system which amortisiesits costs in energy terms.

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Application for a Diploma of Permaculture Design(submit in English)

Applicant’s Name: (please print clearly)


Postal Address:


Permanent Address:


Where Permaculture Design Course was taken:..............................................................


Date of course: Month ............…………….. Year ………………………………..

Diploma is applied for in the following area(s) (no more than three subjects may bemarked):

Evidence of Work: This may be forwarded as design reports, photographs, affidavits,publications, field reports, records of employment, or any such supporting materials.

Only send documents, photographs, tapes etc you do not wish returned. Photocopiesare acceptable.

Please enclose Aust $75.00 application fee.

! Finance and Business

! Technical Development

! Resource Development

! Architecture and Building

! Research

! Education

! Media

! Site Development

! Site Design

! Community Services

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Application for Registration for a Degree with the Permaculture Academy(submit in English)

Applicant’s Name: (please print clearly)


Postal Address:


Permanent Address:


Diplomas or Degrees already held:.................................................................................(give list including Institutions awarding degrees and years awarded)


Past Fields of Study, Research or Particular Interest:...............................................……

Work or Employment History:.............................................……...................................(if applicable) or C.V. (curriculum vitae) or ‘vital work history’


Local Degree Supervisor:Name: ................................................................................................................

Address: .............................................................................................................

Local Vice-Chancellor or Registrar:Name: ................................................................................................................

Address: .............................................................................................................

Expected Duration of Work: ................................................................................................Enclose a short summary of the proposed area of study for the Academy Librarian.Application fees: Bachelors Degree Aust$100.00; Post-Graduate Degree - Aust$200.00

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Application for Academic Membership and Status ofRegional ViceChancellor

Applicants should write a short C.V., giving their fields of expertise, and areas of interestand research. Essential to registration is an account of degrees and qualifications, yearsdegrees were obtained, and the name and location of the college or university wherestudies were completed.

Applicants should include registration fees, as outlined in this yearbook, and give a clearreturn address and contact data (telephone, fax, or EMail).


The motif is the great seal of the Academy, and will be applied to alldegree documents. It contains the five elements: earth, air, fire, water andwood; also the Tree of Life, and the Rainbow Snake or Earth Shaper (ametaphor for water flow and the forming of landscapes).

The motto “Ingenio Patet Campus” is Latin for the phrase “The Field LiesOpen to the Intellect”. This is a useful motto for integrated field design.

Both the motif and motto are the copyright of the Permaculture Instituteand the Academy.

The Permaculture Academy is an extension of the structure of thePermaculture Institute and enquires may be forwarded, with a stampedaddressed envelope for replies (or a postal reply coupon) to:-

The Librarian.The Permaculture Academy


AUSTRALIAEmail: [email protected]
