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Kalamazoo Valley Community College Faculty Development and Evaluation System A clickable index will be found on the next page. Dear KVCC Faculty Member, Welcome to full-time teaching at Kalamazoo Valley Community College. The handbook that follows describes the essential components of our comprehensive development and evaluation system. The Higher Learning Commission has twice recognized this system as being exemplary. Two distinctive elements characterize our process: a year-long teaching seminar for all new faculty, and external peer review of teaching portfolios in years two and four. No other community college in the nation develops and evaluates its faculty and curriculum with such thoroughness. Although the various components described herein may appear daunting at first blush, you will do well if you stay organized and focused. Halfway to Ghirardelli Square (2006) The responsibility for term appointment (tenure track) faculty evaluation was assigned to the Vice President for Human Resources in spring 2001. At that time, it was determined that a new evaluation system should be established and that it would contain a strong development component. I stepped out of the faculty in summer 2001 to design the process and prepare a handbook to describe its ingredients. The documents that follow represent the second iteration of this system. Faculty members hired prior to August 2006 operate under a slightly different set of rules. Several individuals influenced my thinking as I sketched out the blueprint for our process. I am especially indebted to Wilbert McKeachie, University of Michigan; Raoul Arreola, University of Tennessee Health Science Center; Lawrence Aleamoni, University of Arizona; and Jack Michael, Western Michigan University. Each of these individuals provided me with profound insights into the teaching and learning process. I hold regular office hours from 10:00—12:00 noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please stop by my office, room 7363 on the Texas Township campus, or call me at ext. 4335 whenever you have questions. Best regards, Stephen Louisell Director, Preparing Community College Faculty Program (269) 488-4335 [email protected]

Kalamazoo Valley Community College Faculty Development and Evaluation System

A clickable index will be found on the next page.

Dear KVCC Faculty Member, Welcome to full-time teaching at Kalamazoo Valley Community College. The handbook that follows describes the essential components of our comprehensive development and evaluation system. The Higher Learning Commission has twice recognized this system as being exemplary. Two distinctive elements characterize our process: a year-long teaching seminar for all new faculty, and external peer review of teaching portfolios in years two and four. No other community college in the nation develops and evaluates its faculty and curriculum with such thoroughness. Although the various components described herein may appear daunting at first blush, you will do well if you stay organized and focused.

Halfway to Ghirardelli Square (2006)

The responsibility for term appointment (tenure track) faculty evaluation was assigned to the Vice President for Human Resources in spring 2001. At that time, it was determined that a new evaluation system should be established and that it would contain a strong development component. I stepped out of the faculty in summer 2001 to design the process and prepare a handbook to describe its ingredients. The documents that follow represent the second iteration of this system. Faculty members hired prior to August 2006 operate under a slightly different set of rules. Several individuals influenced my thinking as I sketched out the blueprint for our process. I am especially indebted to Wilbert McKeachie, University of Michigan; Raoul Arreola, University of Tennessee Health Science Center; Lawrence Aleamoni, University of Arizona; and Jack Michael, Western Michigan University. Each of these individuals provided me with profound insights into the teaching and learning process. I hold regular office hours from 10:00—12:00 noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please stop by my office, room 7363 on the Texas Township campus, or call me at ext. 4335 whenever you have questions. Best regards, Stephen Louisell Director, Preparing Community College Faculty Program (269) 488-4335 [email protected]

Kalamazoo Valley Community College Faculty Development and Evaluation System

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Contents Term Appointment Requirements Summary.................................................................................3

Year One ...................................................................................................................................3 Year Two ...................................................................................................................................3 Year Three ................................................................................................................................3 Year Four ..................................................................................................................................4

Term Appointment Requirements Specifics..................................................................................5 Term Appointment Evaluation Scale Definitions...........................................................................7

Evaluation Standards ................................................................................................................7 Term Appointment – Professional Activity Evaluation ..................................................................8 Professional Activity Point Rating Scale .....................................................................................11

Year Two .................................................................................................................................11 Year Three ..............................................................................................................................11 Year Four ................................................................................................................................11

Term Appointment – College Service Evaluation .......................................................................12 College Service Point Rating Scale ............................................................................................15

Year Two .................................................................................................................................15 Year Three ..............................................................................................................................15 Year Four ................................................................................................................................15

Classroom Observation Process ................................................................................................16 Step 1 ......................................................................................................................................16 Step 2 ......................................................................................................................................16 Step 3 ......................................................................................................................................16 Step 4 ......................................................................................................................................16 Step 5 ......................................................................................................................................16

Classroom Observation Particulars ............................................................................................17 Instructional Facilities ..............................................................................................................17 Overall Classroom Environment..............................................................................................17 Instructional Lesson Planning .................................................................................................17 Classroom Management .........................................................................................................17 Class Session..........................................................................................................................17 Summary .................................................................................................................................18

Teaching Portfolio Requirements for Year Two External Peer Review.......................................19 Part 1. Philosophical Statement .............................................................................................19 Part 2. Course Materials.........................................................................................................19 Part 3. Problem Analysis ........................................................................................................19 Part 4. Curriculum Vitae or Résumé.......................................................................................19

Year Two Teaching Portfolio Evaluation Tool.............................................................................20 Teaching Portfolio Requirements for Year Four External Peer Review......................................27

Part 1. Philosophical Statement .............................................................................................27 Part 2. Course Materials.........................................................................................................27 Part 3. Improvement Initiatives...............................................................................................27 Part 4. Problem Analysis ........................................................................................................27 Part 5. Curriculum Vitae or Résumé.......................................................................................27

Year Four Teaching Portfolio Evaluation Tool ............................................................................29 Evaluation Calendar....................................................................................................................37 Resources...................................................................................................................................39

Kalamazoo Valley Community College Faculty Development and Evaluation System

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Classroom Faculty Term Appointment Requirements Summary

Year One

Orientation to the College and Department Course/program development Community College Teaching Seminar I (First semester) Community College Teaching Seminar II (Second semester) IDEA student ratings of instruction Classroom observations (fall and winter) Year one self-assessment and improvement initiatives proposal for Year Two

Year Two

Continue course/program development Consult with development specialist as needed External peer evaluation of teaching portfolio IDEA student ratings of instruction Professional activity required College service required Year Two self-assessment and improvement initiatives proposal for Year Three Evidence of improvement

Year Three

Continue course/program development Consult with development specialist as needed IDEA student ratings of instruction Classroom observations (fall and winter) Use of technology to enhance learning Professional activity required College service required Year Three self-assessment and improvement initiatives proposal for Year Four Evidence of improvement Additional peer review may be required if the Year Two peer evaluation was below an

acceptable level.

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Year Four

Continue course/program development Consult with development specialist as needed External peer evaluation of teaching portfolio IDEA student ratings of instruction Professional activity required College service required Year Four self-assessment and improvement initiatives proposal for continuing

appointment Evidence of improvement

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Term Appointment Requirements Specifics

Year One





Teaching Seminars

IDEA student ratings

Classroom observations (fall &winter)

Year one self-assessment andimprovement initiativesproposal for Year Two

Year Two






External peer evaluation ofteaching portfolio

IDEA student ratings

Professional activity

College service

Year two self-assessment andimprovement initiativesproposal for Year ThreeEvidence of improvement

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Year Three






Using technology to enhancelearning

IDEA student ratings

Classroom observations (fall &winter)

Professional activity

College service

Year three self-assessment andimprovement initiativesproposal for Year Four

Evidence of Improvement

Year Four





External peer evaluation ofteaching portfolio

IDEA student ratings

Professional activity

College service

Year four self-assessment andimprovement initiativesproposal for continuingappointmentEvidence of improvement

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Term Appointment Evaluation Scale Definitions Exemplary Performance (Numerical equivalence = 4) This rating is assigned to faculty members who surpass the College’s standards of professional performance as outlined in Term Appointment evaluation documents. Faculty members receiving this rating serve as role models of the highest levels of professional academic performance within the institution. Professional Level Performance (Numerical equivalence = 3) This rating is assigned to faculty members who consistently meet the College’s standards of professional performance. Term Appointment faculty members are expected to attain this level of performance by the end of the seventh semester of term appointment. Improvement Required (Numerical equivalence = 2) This rating is assigned to faculty members who do not consistently meet the College’s standards of professional performance. This rating must be given with (1) specific feedback as to which standards of professional performance were not met, (2) a prescription for improvement, and (3) a commitment by the College to provide remedial assistance. Improved performance will be required within the next evaluation period. Unprofessional Performance (Numerical equivalence = 1) This rating is assigned to faculty members who do not meet the College’s standards of professional performance. This rating represents performance that is not acceptable and/or is inconsistent with the conditions for continued employment with the College. Evaluation Standards Each Term Appointment faculty member will receive a yearly rating of 1 to 4 for each weighted category in the evaluation system. On this scale, 1 is a low rating and 4 is a high rating. Category ratings will be totaled to obtain an overall rating (OR) for the year. The expected OR varies by year as follows:

Year Expected OR

one 2.4 two 2.6 three 2.8 four 3.0

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Term Appointment – Professional Activity Evaluation Instructions: Term appointees are required to forward evidence of professional activities, along with point totals, to the Human Resources Department by 5:00 p.m. on the date specified on the yearly Evaluation Calendar located at the end of this document, each year of their last three years of Term Appointment. The points to be awarded for various kinds of professional activity are listed below. Some points can also be used to complete approved Professional Development Plans. Please note that points cannot be carried over from one evaluation period to another. A. Professional Organizations ___ Held current membership in a professional organization

Professional activity points: 2 points each, maximum of 6 points

___ Served on a committee of a professional organization Professional activity points: 2 points each, maximum of 4 points

___ Held an elective or appointed office or chaired a committee of a local or state professional organization Professional activity points: 4 points in addition to membership points, maximum of 8 points

___ Held an elective or appointed office or chaired a committee of a regional or national professional organization Professional activity points: 6 points in addition to membership points

B. Instructional Design Competencies ___ Completed a basic instructional design workshop

Professional activity points: 2 points

___ Completed a DACUM or DAOL workshop Professional activity points: 2 points each, maximum of 4 points

___ Completed a course management software seminar or workshop Professional activity points: 2 points

___ Implemented an alternative delivery strategy utilizing course management software, Interactive Television, or Web-based tools Professional activity points: 2 points, maximum of 4 points

C. Further Education and Degrees ___ Participated in a scholarly, pedagogical workshop, institute, short course,

or presentation Professional activity points: 2 points each, maximum of 4 points

___ Audited a graduate course Professional activity points: 2 points each, maximum of 4 points

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___ Received credit for a graduate course (other than dissertation or thesis credit) Professional activity points: 3 points per course, maximum of 9 points

___ Completed a graduate degree from an accredited institution

Professional activity points: 6 points

D. Scholarly Activities ___ Attended a professional conference

Professional activity points: 2 points each, maximum of 6 points

___ Gave a presentation at a professional conference Professional activity points: 4 points per presentation at a local or state conference, 5 points per presentation at a regional or national conference

___ Served on a discussion roundtable/panel at a professional conference Professional activity points: 2 points each, maximum of 4 points

___ Published an article, short story, or poem in a scholarly publication Professional activity points: 4 points each, maximum of 8 points

___ Published an article, short story, or poem in a non-scholarly publication Professional activity points: 2 points each, maximum of 6 points

___ Published a new edition of a book Professional activity points: 8 points

___ Revised a book Professional activity points: 4 points

___ Published a book review in a scholarly publication Professional activity points: 2 points each, maximum of 4 points

___ Served as an editor of a scholarly publication Professional activity points: 4 points

___ Served as a referee for a scholarly publication Professional activity points: 2 points per submission refereed, maximum of 4 points

___ Reviewed a manuscript or software prior to publication Professional activity points: 2 points per review, maximum of 4 points

___ Published a comment, note, or letter to the editor in a scholarly publication

Professional activity points: 1 point each, maximum of 2 points

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E. Awards, Grants, Artistic Commissions, and/or Fellowships ___ Received an award, grant, artistic commission, or fellowship (excluding

tuition grants for graduate school) Professional activity points: 2 points if local, 4 points if statewide, 6 points if regional, and 8 points if national or international

___ Served on a grant review panel Professional activity points: 2 points each, maximum of 4 points

F. Creative Activities (Primarily for Fine arts and Humanities Faculty) ___ Performed in a musical, dramatic, or media production

Professional activity points: 4 points, maximum of 8 points

___ Created a musical, dramatic, or media work which was performed, published, exhibited, and/or broadcast Professional activity points: 8 points

___ Directed or produced a musical, dramatic, or media event, performance, broadcast, recording, exhibition Professional activity points: 6 points

___ Designed and/or implemented the technical work (scenery, costume, lighting, sound, etc.) for a musical, dramatic, or media production Professional activity points: 4 points each, maximum of 8 points

G. Other Professional Activities ___ Activities in this category must be pre-approved by your Dean.

Professional activity points: 1-8 points, maximum of 8 points. Points assigned should be in line with those assigned to other listed activities. The Dean will make every effort to equate points to the amount of effort involved.

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Professional Activity Point Rating Scale Year Two Activity Points Rating 7 or more Exemplary performance 5 - 6 Professional level 3 - 4 Improvement required 0 - 2 Unprofessional performance Year Three Activity Points Rating 8 or more Exemplary performance 6 - 7 Professional level 4 - 5 Improvement required 0 - 3 Unprofessional performance Year Four Activity Points Rating 9 or more Exemplary performance 7 - 8 Professional level 5 - 6 Improvement required 0 - 4 Unprofessional performance

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Term Appointment – College Service Evaluation Instructions: Term appointees are required to forward evidence of college service activities, along with point totals, to the Human Resources Department, by 5:00 p.m. on the date specified on the yearly Evaluation Calendar located at the end of this document, each year of their last three years of Term Appointment. The points to be awarded for various kinds of service are listed below. Points will not be awarded if there is remuneration associated with an activity. Please note that points cannot be carried over from one evaluation period to another. A. Service to the Discipline and Department ___ Membership on discipline or department committee

Service points: 2 points per committee, maximum of 6 points Recommended for Year Two, Year Three, and Year Four faculty

___ Chair of discipline or department committee Service points: 2 points in addition to membership points, maximum of 4 points Recommended for Year Four faculty

___ Leader/coordinator/presenter of a discipline, or department workshop or presentation Service points: 2 points original offering, 1 point for repeating a previous presentation, maximum of 6 points Recommended for Year Three and Year Four faculty

___ Mentor of new faculty member Service points: 3 points, maximum of 3 points Recommended for Year Four faculty

___ Mentor of part-time faculty member Service points: 1 point, maximum of 2 points Recommended for Year Three and Year Four faculty

___ Serving on selection committee for new discipline or department faculty Service points: 2 points, maximum of 4 points Recommended for Year Four faculty

___ Serving as a discipline or department articulation coordinator Service points: 2 points, maximum of 2 points Recommended for Year Three and Year Four faculty

B. Service to the College ___ Membership on a standing council or committee

Service points: 3 points, maximum of 6 points Recommended for Year Three and Year Four faculty

___ Chair of a standing council or committee Service points: 3 points in addition to membership points, maximum of 3 points Recommended for Year Four faculty

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___ Membership on an ad hoc committee Service points: 2 points, maximum of 4 points Recommended for Year Two, Year Three, and Year Four faculty

___ Chair of an ad hoc committee

Service points: 2 points in addition to membership points, maximum of 2 points Recommended for Year Four faculty

___ Leader/coordinator/presenter of a workshop, course, or presentation Service points: 2 points original offering, 1 point for repeating a previous presentation, maximum of 6 points Recommended for Year Three and Year Four faculty

___ Organizer of a lecture or artistic series Service points: 3 points, maximum of 6 points Recommended for Year Three and Year Four faculty

___ Membership on an institution or program accreditation committee Service points: 6 points, maximum of 6 points Recommended for Year Four faculty

___ Serving on a selection committee for a new administrator Service points: 2 points, maximum of 4 points Recommended for Year Four faculty

C. Service to Students ___ Advisor to a student organization recognized by the institution

Service points: 3 points, maximum of 3 points Recommended for Year Three and Year Four faculty

___ Mentor of student (e.g., Project Focus student, Nursing Program student, Honors student, Brother 2 Brother student) Service points: 2 points, maximum of 4 points Recommended for Year Two, Year Three, and Year Four faculty

___ Advisor/editor of student publication Service points: 4 points, maximum of 4 points Recommended for Year Two, Year Three, and Year Four faculty

___ Participation in a college promotion activity Service points: 1 point, maximum of 2 points Recommended for Year Two, Year Three, and Year Four faculty

___ Helping with Welcome Table and/or Student Hospitality Room Service points: 1 point if faculty member participates both Fall and Winter Recommended for Year Two, Year Three, and Year Four faculty

___ Helping with new student orientation Service points: 1 point per half day, maximum of 4 points Recommended for Year Two, Year Three, and Year Four faculty

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___ Serving as a faculty resource person at registration

Service points: 1 point per half day, maximum of 4 points Recommended for Year Two, Year Three, and Year Four faculty

D. Service to the Community ___ Application of a recognized area of expertise in the community

Service points: 1 point per half day, maximum of 4 points Recommended for Year Two, Year Three, and Year Four faculty

___ Participation in community outreach activities Service points: 1 point per half day, maximum of 4 points Recommended for Year Two, Year Three, and Year Four faculty

___ Participation in a community event as a representative of the institution (e.g., judging forensics, science fair coach, creative writing contest reader) Service points: 1 point per half day, maximum of 4 points Recommended for Year Two, Year Three, and Year Four faculty

E. Other Service Activities ___ Activities in this category must be pre-approved by your Dean.

Service points: 1- 8 points, maximum of 8 points. Points assigned should be in line with those assigned to other listed activities. The Dean will make every effort to equate points to the amount of effort involved.

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College Service Point Rating Scale Year Two Service Points Rating 7 or more Exemplary performance 5 - 6 Professional level 3 - 4 Improvement required 0 - 2 Unprofessional performance Year Three Service Points Rating 8 or more Exemplary performance 6 - 7 Professional level 4 - 5 Improvement required 0 - 3 Unprofessional performance Year Four Service Points Rating 9 or more Exemplary performance 7 - 8 Professional level 5 - 6 Improvement required 0 - 4 Unprofessional performance

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Classroom Observation Process Step 1 The faculty member submits a brief (2-page limit) analysis of the class to be observed. This analysis should include (1) a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the students in the class, and (2) a description of the successes and frustrations the instructor has experienced with the class to date. The analysis is due on the date specified on the yearly Evaluation Calendar. Step 2 The faculty member and dean meet for a brief pre-observation conference to discuss the faculty member’s analysis and the logistics of the observation. (For example, where will the dean sit? Should the faculty member introduce the dean to the class? Will the dean be asking questions during class? Will the dean be interacting with students during class?) The faculty member gives the dean a course syllabus, a class assignment schedule, and a lesson plan for the lesson that will be presented. Step 3 Classroom observation Step 4 The dean meets with the faculty member (preferably within 48 hours) to discuss what he or she observed, what seemed to work and what did not. Suggestions for improvement are given orally. Step 5 The dean writes a brief (3-page limit) report that will cover the following questions:

Did the instructor’s pre-observation analysis correspond with what was observed? How did students react to each part of the lesson or lab? What strategies seem to be most effective and what strategies appear least effective? What techniques might improve this lesson or lab? Does the instructor understand and accept his or her own strengths and weaknesses?

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Classroom Observation Particulars The intent of this document is to provide the term appointment faculty member with a clear understanding of the focus of the classroom observation. The dean will concentrate on the aspects of instruction outlined below. Good practice in undergraduate education: (Source: Chickering & Gamson, 1987)

• encourages contacts between students and faculty, • develops reciprocity and cooperation among students, • uses active learning techniques, • gives prompt feedback, • emphasizes time on task, • communicates high expectations, and • respects diverse talents and ways of learning.

Instructional Facilities

Are there any aspects of the classroom that detract from the learning environment (seating, lighting, external noise, etc.)?

Overall Classroom Environment

Does the instructor greet students warmly? Are students recognized by name? Do students appear comfortable in the class? Do students sit near the instructor? How are late arriving students managed?

Instructional Lesson Planning

Does the instructor help establish the relevancy of the lesson in terms of how it fits into the course?

Are objectives used to identify the intent of the day’s activities? Does the lesson include a review of previous course materials?

Classroom Management

Does the instructor appear prepared and organized? How does the student/teacher relationship appear? Do students appear comfortable asking questions? How are late arriving students handled? How are disruptive students handled?

Class Session

Are the class session objectives clearly identified? What types of instructional strategies are used? Does the lesson seem logically sequenced? Does the instructor refer to objectives periodically during the lesson? How does the instructor attempt to involve students in the class?

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Are students actively involved in the class session? How does the instructor respond to correct and incorrect student responses? Does the instructor demonstrate a positive role model for the students? Are multiple learning styles addressed during this session? What type(s) of instructional media are used during the class session? Does the instructor refer to outside sources such as texts, Web sites, or articles?


What strategies seem to be most effective and what strategies appear least effective? What techniques might improve this lesson or lab?

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Teaching Portfolio Requirements for Year Two External Peer Review Part 1. Philosophical Statement Prepare a brief (2-page limit) statement of philosophical beliefs about teaching and learning. Part 2. Course Materials

(See note below) A. Class assignment schedules and detailed instructional objectives for two different course

preparations. B. Sample handouts from two different course preparations. C. Where applicable, at least two sample objective examinations. (Canned items from

textbook companies are NOT acceptable unless they have been analyzed and modified using standard test construction methods.)

D. Item and narrative analysis (2-page limit) of each objective examination submitted. E. Where applicable, at least two sample essay examinations. F. Narrative analysis (2-page limit) of each essay examination submitted. G. Where applicable, at least two graded examples of essay tests and/or term papers.

(Please include a copy of the grading rubric used to score essays and term papers.) H. Where applicable, at least two sample performance assessments (e.g., laboratory skills,

physical education skills, artistic skills, musical skills, and construction skills). (Please include a copy of the checklists or rating scales used to evaluate performance.)

I. Narrative analysis (2-page limit) of each performance assessment submitted. J. Teaching notes/lesson plans for at least two units of instruction. K. Sample student notes, from at least two different students, covering the same two units

of instruction identified in item “J” (above). Part 3. Problem Analysis Prepare a brief (2-page limit) description and analysis of the most significant content-based teaching problem you have encountered over the past two years. Part 4. Curriculum Vitae or Résumé Provide a complete résumé of your academic and work experience to date. Emphasize experience that relates to your role as a college teacher.

Note: The College recognizes that not all instructors administer all three types of assessment: objective, subjective, and performance. However, your choice of assessment strategies should flow logically from your stated instructional objectives. The peers who review your portfolio will be asked to look at the fit between your instructional objectives and your assessment techniques.

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Year Two Teaching Portfolio Evaluation Tool Faculty Member Being Reviewed _________________________________ Evaluation Period: Either the preceding calendar year (January – December for faculty hired in August); or the current academic year (August – May for faculty hired in January). Rating Scale: Exemplary Performance (4) This rating is assigned to faculty members who surpass community college standards of professional academic performance. Professional Level Performance (3) This rating is assigned to faculty members who consistently meet community college standards of professional academic performance. Improvement Required (2) This rating is assigned to faculty members who do not consistently meet community college standards of professional academic performance. Unprofessional Performance (1) This rating is assigned to faculty members who do not meet community college standards of professional academic performance. Not Applicable (NA) This designation is assigned whenever a component of the Teaching Portfolio is not applicable to the faculty member being evaluated. Rating Scale Directions: Please take a holistic (global) approach to assigning ratings. Specifically, you should read each applicable portfolio component and make an overall judgment about the quality of the materials provided for review. Use only the whole numbers 4, 3, 2, and 1 when you assign a rating. Part 1. Philosophical Statement The philosophical statement is provided to give you an overview of the faculty member's beliefs about teaching and learning; it is not to be rated. Part 2. Course Materials Using the rating scale described previously—Exemplary Performance (4), Professional Level Performance (3), Improvement Required (2), and Unprofessional Performance (1)—please assign a rating to each applicable component of the faculty member's course materials. A. Class assignment schedules (syllabi) Rating: __________

B. Sample handouts Rating: __________

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C. Sample objective examinations Rating: __________

D. Item and narrative analysis of each objective examination submitted Rating: __________

E. Sample essay examinations Rating: __________

F. Narrative analysis of each essay examination submitted Rating: __________

G. Graded examples of essay tests and/or term papers and scoring rubric Rating: __________

H. Sample performance assessments Rating: __________

I. Narrative analysis of each performance assessment submitted Rating: __________

J. Teaching notes/lesson plans Rating: __________

K. Sample student notes (Evaluate only on the fit between (J) Teaching notes/lesson plans and (K) Student notes.)

Rating: __________

Part 3. Problem Analysis

Using the same rating scale that you used in Part 2 (above), assign a rating to the faculty member's problem analysis. You should focus on the quality and depth of the faculty member's analysis of the content-based teaching problem cited.

Rating: __________

Part 4. Curriculum Vitae or Résumé The curriculum vitae or résumé is provided to give you an overview of the faculty member’s background; it is not to be evaluated. Written Feedback: You are expected to provide written feedback to the faculty member in each instance where you assign a component a numerical rating. Faculty members are especially appreciative of your written comments because they help guide improvement efforts. Your comments can either be handwritten in the space provided below, or separate typewritten sheets may be attached to this document. Please refer to the component you are commenting on by letter. Part 2. Course Materials Feedback A. Class assignment schedules

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B. Sample handouts C. Sample objective examinations D. Item and narrative analysis of each objective examination submitted E. Sample essay examinations

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F. Narrative analysis of each essay examination submitted G. Graded examples of essay tests and/or term papers and scoring rubric H. Sample performance assessments I. Narrative analysis of each performance assessment submitted

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J. Teaching notes/lesson plans K. Sample student notes

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Part 3. Problem Analysis Feedback

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General Feedback: Please make any additional comments regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the faculty member's Teaching Portfolio below. Human Resources Only

1. Add the total number of points assigned to each applicable component of Part 2 and Part 3 (above).

2. Divide the total number of points assigned by the number of applicable components to determine the composite rating.

Composite Peer Evaluation Rating:

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Teaching Portfolio Requirements for Year Four External Peer Review Part 1. Philosophical Statement Prepare a brief (2-page limit) statement of your philosophical beliefs about teaching and learning. Part 2. Course Materials

(See note below) A. Class assignment schedules and detailed instructional objectives for two different course

preparations. B. Sample handouts from two different course preparations. C. Where applicable, at least two sample objective examinations. (Canned items from

textbook companies are NOT acceptable unless they have been analyzed and modified using standard test construction methods.)

D. Item and narrative analysis (2-page limit) of each objective examination presented. E. Where applicable, at least two sample essay examinations. F. Narrative analysis (2-page limit) of each essay examination presented. G. Where applicable, at least two graded examples of essay tests and/or term papers.

(Please include a copy of the grading rubric used to score essays and term papers.) H. Where applicable, at least two sample performance assessments (e.g., laboratory skills,

physical education skills, artistic skills, musical skills, and construction skills). (Please include a copy of the checklists or rating scales used to evaluate performance.)

I. Narrative analysis (2-page limit) of each performance assessment presented. J. Teaching notes/lesson plans for at least two units of instruction. K. Sample student notes, from at least two different students, covering the same two units

of instruction identified in item “J” (above). Part 3. Improvement Initiatives Prepare a brief (2-page limit) description of steps you have taken to improve your teaching and student learning since your last peer review. Include evidence of improvement in an appendix labeled Part 3 Appendix: Evidence of Improvement Initiatives. Part 4. Problem Analysis Prepare a brief (2-page limit) description and analysis of the most significant content-based teaching problem you have encountered over the past two years. Part 5. Curriculum Vitae or Résumé Provide a complete résumé of your academic and work experience to date. Emphasize experience that relates to your role as a college teacher.

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Note: The College recognizes that not all instructors administer all three types of assessment: objective, subjective, and performance. However, your choice of assessment strategies should flow logically from your stated instructional objectives. The peers who review your portfolio will be asked to look at the fit between your instructional objectives and your assessment techniques.

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Year Four Teaching Portfolio Evaluation Tool Faculty Member Being Reviewed _________________________________ Evaluation Period: Either the preceding calendar year (January – December for faculty hired in August); or the current academic year (August – May for faculty hired in January). Rating Scale: Exemplary Performance (4) This rating is assigned to faculty members who surpass community college standards of professional academic performance. Professional Level Performance (3) This rating is assigned to faculty members who consistently meet community college standards of professional academic performance. Improvement Required (2) This rating is assigned to faculty members who do not consistently meet community college standards of professional academic performance. Unprofessional Performance (1) This rating is assigned to faculty members who do not meet community college standards of professional academic performance. Not Applicable (NA) This designation is assigned whenever a component of the Teaching Portfolio is not applicable to the faculty member being evaluated. Rating Scale Directions: Please take a holistic (global) approach to assigning ratings. Specifically, you should read each applicable portfolio component and make an overall judgment about the quality of the materials provided for review. Use only the whole numbers 4, 3, 2, and 1 when you assign a rating. Part 1. Philosophical Statement The philosophical statement is provided to give you an overview of the faculty member's beliefs about teaching and learning; it is not to be rated. Part 2. Course Materials (Category weight = 0.5) Using the same rating scale described previously—Exemplary performance (4), Professional level performance (3), Improvement required (2), and Unprofessional performance (1), please assign a rating to each applicable component of the faculty member's course materials. A. Class assignment schedules (syllabi) Rating: __________

B. Sample handouts Rating: __________

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C. Sample objective examinations Rating: __________

D. Item and narrative analysis of each objective examination submitted Rating: __________

E. Sample essay examinations Rating: __________

F. Narrative analysis of each essay examination submitted Rating: __________

G. Graded examples of essay tests and/or term papers and scoring rubric Rating: __________

H. Sample performance assessments Rating: __________

I. Narrative analysis of each performance assessment submitted Rating: __________

J. Teaching notes/lesson plans Rating: __________

K. Sample student notes (Evaluate only on the fit between (J) Teaching notes/lesson plans and (K) Student notes.)

Rating: __________

Total: __________ Part 3. Improvement Initiatives (Category weight = 0.4) This section of the portfolio describes the steps the faculty member has taken to improve his or her teaching and student learning since their last peer review. Using the rating scale used above, assign a rating to the faculty member’s improvement initiatives. Please pay particular attention to the quality of the evidence contained in the appendix labeled Part 3 Appendix: Evidence of Improvement Initiatives.

Rating: __________

Part 4. Problem Analysis (Category weight = 0.1) Using the same rating scale used above, assign a rating to the faculty member’s problem analysis. Please focus on the quality and depth of the analysis of the content-based teaching problem cited.

Rating: __________

Part 5. Curriculum Vitae or Résumé The curriculum vitae or résumé is provided to give you an overview of the faculty member’s background; it is not to be evaluated. Written Feedback: You are expected to provide written feedback to the faculty member in each instance where you assign a component a numerical rating. Faculty members are especially appreciative of your written comments because they help guide improvement efforts. Your comments can either be handwritten in the space provided below, or separate typewritten sheets may be attached to this document. Please refer to the component you are commenting on by letter or number.

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Part 2. Course Materials Feedback A. Class assignment schedules B. Sample handouts C. Sample objective examinations D. Item and narrative analysis of each objective examination submitted E. Sample essay examinations

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F. Narrative analysis of each essay examination submitted G. Graded examples of essay tests and/or term papers and scoring rubric H. Sample performance assessments I. Narrative analysis of each performance assessment submitted J. Teaching notes/lesson plans

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K. Sample student notes

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Part 3. Improvement Initiatives Feedback

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Part 4. Problem Analysis Feedback

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General Feedback: Please make any additional comments regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the faculty member's Teaching Portfolio below. Human Resources Only

1. Enter the total number of points assigned to each applicable component of Part 2 (above). ______

2. Divide the total number of points assigned by the number of applicable components to determine the Course Materials Rating. ______

3. Multiply the Course Materials Rating by 0.5 ______ 4. Enter the Improvement Initiatives Rating assigned in Part 3 (above) ______ 5. Multiply the Improvement Initiatives Rating by 0.4 ______ 6. Enter the Problem Analysis Rating assigned in Part 4 (above) ______ 7. Multiply the Problem Analysis Rating by 0.1 ______

8. Add Steps 3, 5, and 7 to obtain the Composite Peer Evaluation Rating

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Evaluation Calendar For classroom term appointments 2006-2007 August cycle (hire date – August 2006 or after) Date Day Activity

September 22, 2006 Friday Year One & Year Three term appointees submit pre-

observation class analysis to their dean.

October 23 –

November 3, 2006

All term appointees administer IDEA student evaluations. The long form (47 questions) must be used in all sections taught.

December 1, 2006 Friday Deans submit classroom observation reports and observation ratings to V.P. for Human Resources.

December 13, 2006 Wednesday Year Two, Year Three, & Year Four term appointees submit Professional Activity ratings and College Service ratings to VP for Human Resources.

December 15, 2006 Friday Director of Preparing Community College Faculty Program submits Community College Teaching Seminar ratings to VP for Human Resources.

January 8, 2007 Monday Year Two & Year Four term appointees submit their Teaching Portfolios to VP for Human Resources.

January 8, 2007 Monday All term appointees submit their IDEA reports and their Combined Index of Teaching Effectiveness score to the VP for Human Resources.

January 9 – 30, 2007

External peer reviewers review Year Two & Year Four Teaching Portfolios and submit ratings to VP for Human Resources.

January 19, 2006 Friday Year One & Year Three term appointees submit pre-observation class analysis to their dean.

January 22, 2007 Monday All term appointees submit a self-assessment and improvement initiatives proposal for the upcoming year to their dean.

January 22, 2007 Monday Year Two, Three & Four term appointees submit evidence of improvement to their dean.

January 22, 2007 Monday Year Three term appointees submit evidence of the use of technology to enhance learning to their dean.

February 2 - 15, 2007 Deans review evaluation files and meet with term

appointees to discuss recommendations.

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February 9, 2007 Friday Deans submit classroom observation reports and observation ratings to V.P. for Human Resources.

February 16, 2007 Friday Deans submit recommendations to VP for Human Resources.

February 19 – 23, 2007 V. P. for Human Resources reviews recommendations.

February 26, 2007 Monday VP for Human Resources submits recommendations to President.

March 13, 2007 Tuesday Board of Trustees acts on recommendations.

March 14, 2007 Wednesday V.P. for Human Resources notifies term appointees of Board of Trustees action.

Classes end December 19, 2006 Commencement December 21, 2006 Last day for faculty December 21, 2006 College closed Dec. 25 – 29, 2006 Spring Break: March 3-9, 2007 Classes End April 30, 2007 Commencement April 30, 2007 Last day for faculty, May 2, 2007

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Classroom Observation Summary http://classes.kvcc.edu/faculty/ClassroomObservationSummary.pdf Professional Activity Summary http://home.kvcc.edu/hrmain/Forms-on-line/ProfActSum.pdf College Service Summary http://home.kvcc.edu/hrmain/Forms-on-line/CollSerSum.pdf IDEA Evaluation Results Spreadsheet http://classes.kvcc.edu/faculty/IdeaEvaluationResults.xls The IDEA Center http://www.idea.ksu.edu/menu/home_frame.shtml Teaching Goals Inventory http://www.uiowa.edu/%7Ecenteach/tgi/
