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Kapha Yoga Poses

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Kapha Yoga Poses
Kapha Yoga Poses: Breath of Joy Breath of Joy Breath of Joy is a rapid and warming breathing practice that coordinates the movement of the arms, legs and upper body with the breath. Stand with your feet a little wider than hip width. Toes are turned slightly in. Bend and straighten the knees as you inhale through the nose and simultaneously cross and swing your arms overhead. Bend and straighten the legs again as you exhale through the nose to swing your arms back down and then inhale to swing the arms (without crossing) back overhead, legs bending and straightening. Exhale to swing the arms down and slightly behind you as you release your upper body over the legs. Inhale to rise up and repeat the pattern.

Kapha Yoga Poses: Breath of Joy

Breath of Joy Breath of Joy is a rapid and warming breathing practice that coordinates the movement of the arms, legs and upper

body with the breath. Stand with your feet a little wider than hip width. Toes are turned slightly in. Bend and

straighten the knees as you inhale through the nose and simultaneously cross and swing your arms overhead. Bend

and straighten the legs again as you exhale through the nose to swing your arms back down and then inhale to

swing the arms (without crossing) back overhead, legs bending and straightening. Exhale to swing the arms down

and slightly behind you as you release your upper body over the legs. Inhale to rise up and repeat the pattern.

Kapha Focus:

Rapid movements and strong breath. Spread the muscles and skin of the chest.


Uplifting, energizing, and cleansing.

Tapping The Thymus Standing with your feet hip width apart, use the finger tips to rapidly tap the center of your upper chest. Vigorously

tap the area for one to three minutes.

Kapha Focus:

Fully filling the lungs as you tap the chest.


Stimulates the thymus gland which builds immunity and massages the lungs, heart, bronchial tubes and throat

through the vibration of the tapping.

Angel Wings Standing with your feet hip distance apart, toes turned slightly in, bring the palms together and place the thumbs at

your heart. On a deep inhalation bend the knees and then slowly straighten the legs as you press the palms away

from you and overhead. Exhale to reach the arms out to the sides, fingers spread wide and then bend the knees as

the palms join together and rest at your heart.

Kapha Focus:

Gaze upward, open the arms wide, spread the chest and shine your heart out to the world.


Encourages the flow of prana (life-force), gently opens the chest and connects us to the breath and subtle energies.

Mountain Pose / Tadasana Stand with your feet hip distance apart. Arms rest along side your body as you extend the fingers towards the floor.

Drop the shoulders and lift the heart. Make sure that the floating ribs are not sticking out. Let the chin tilt slightly

towards the chest to lengthen the neck. Reach the crown of the head up and ground down through the feet. Press

through the big toe and outer legs. Internally rotate the femurs to give the sacrum space. Lengthen your tailbone.

Kapha Focus:

Expand your chest, lift the heart and roll your shoulders back. Practice extended mountain pose by externally

rotating the arms and reaching them overhead. Experiment with rotating the femurs internally and externally.

Notice the different sensations in your body.


Increases focus, concentration and balance.

Kapha Yoga Poses: Sun Salutation Begin standing with feet hip distance apart and the palms of the hands together at your heart. Inhale as you reach

the arms straight out in front of the body and then over head. Open the front of the body by slightly arching the

spine. Lift the chin and gaze upward. Bending at the hips, fold forward on the exhalation. Take a deep breath in as

you slowly step your left foot back to come into a high runners lunge. Sweep the arms out to the sides and then

overhead. Exhale to bring the hands to the floor and step your right foot back (downward facing dog). Feet are a

little wider than hip width and your hips and tailbone are reaching up as you lengthen your spine. Secure your

upper arms into the shoulder sockets. Inhale as you glide your hips forward bringing them parallel to the earth

(plank pose). The entire body is engaged and the limbs extend out from your center.

Slowly begin to lower the body as you exhale (four limb staff pose/chaturanga dandasana). Hug the elbows to the

ribs and maintain evenness from the shoulders to the hips. Press through the top of your head and down through the

heels of the feet. Inhale as you smoothly transition the chest through your arms into upward facing dog (urdhva

mukha svanasana). In upward facing dog, the chest opens and lifts as the hands and tops of the feet support you.

Exhale into downward facing dog. As you inhale, step your left foot forward into a high lunge. Sweep the arms out

to the sides and overhead. Exhale to bring the hands down and step the right foot forward to meet the left. Slowly

float the upper body up to standing. Arms reach overhead and then exhale to join the palms together and rest the

thumbs at your heart.

When doing multiple sun salutations, alternate the leading foot with each round (i.e. in the 2nd round, step the right

foot back, then forward; lead with the left foot again on the 3rd round, and so on).

* Note: As an alternate to the four limb staff pose, you may place your knees on the ground, feet off the ground

and then hug the elbows into the ribs as you lower the upper body to the earth.

Hands at Heart

Open Front of Body

Arms Overhead

Bend at Hips

Forward Fold

High Runners Lunge

Open Front of Body

Arms Overhead

Downward Facing Dog

Plank Pose

Plank Variation

Four Limb Staff

Upward Facing Dog

Downward Facing Dog

High Runners Lunge

Open Front of Body

Arms Overhead

Forward Fold

Open Front of Body

Arms Overhead

Hands at Heart

Kapha Focus:

Gaze upward and spread the fingers each time you reach the arms overhead. Keep moving; do not pause for long

between poses. Use a strong breath to guide you through the salutation.


Stimulates circulation, stretches and strengthens the entire body and builds heat.

Kapha Yoga Poses: Chair Pose

Chair Pose / Utkatasana (with pelvic undulation) Begin in mountain pose with your feet hip distance apart, toes turned slightly in. Internally rotate your femurs and

on an exhalation bend the knees and come to sit in an imaginary chair. On an inhalation, reach the arms out to the

sides and overhead. Spread your fingers. Breathe fully and lengthen your exhalation. As you breathe in chair pose,

use the inhalation to roll your pelvis under and exhale to roll the pelvis out increasing the arch of the lumbar spine.

Kapha Focus:

Take deep breaths and feel the breath spread through the chest area.


Builds strength in the thighs and abdomen as well as builds lung capacity and stamina.

Standing Extended Leg Pose (variation of Utthita hasta Padangusthasana) Begin in mountain pose. Find stability in your left leg as you bend the right knee to lift the foot from the earth. Flex

the right foot and spread the toes. Keep the same alignment as in mountain pose and extend the arms with the

palms facing up at 45 degrees from your hips. Take a few breaths to balance. Take a deep full breath as you

connect to your power center, the area below the navel and above your pubic bone (hara), and on the exhalation

extend the right leg reaching your right foot out in front of you. As you extend the right leg, the elbows come in to

the hips and the hands close into tight fists. Continue to balance and on the next inhalation, stretch the arms out,

open the hands to spread the fingers and bend the right knee. Continue the movement and balance for several

breaths. Repeat on the other side.

Kapha Focus:

Keep the chest lifted and shoulders back. Feel a quality of buoyancy through the extended leg.


Increases heat and strength in the muscles, builds balance and stability, and tones the abdomen.

Warrior I / Virabhadrasana I From mountain pose, step your left foot back. Turn the left foot out about 45 degrees. Keep the right toes pointed

forward. Inhale to lengthen the sides of the body and exhale to bend the right leg. Make sure your right knee is

directly on top of your right ankle. You may place the hands at the hips or on an inhalation extend the arms

laterally and overhead. Palms face one another and the arms run along side the ears. Maintain fluidity by moving

with the breath. Inhale to slightly straighten the right leg and exhale to bend the leg.

Kapha Focus:

Lifting and opening the chest. Gaze upward and if it is comfortable for your neck, tilt the head slightly back to

open the throat. When you are ready to release the pose, hold it for one more breath.


Builds strength and courage.

Warrior II / Virabhadrasana II On an exhalation from warrior I open the upper body to the left and lengthen the arms from the shoulders out to the

sides. Palms face down. Feel the line of energy running from the tips of the fingers on the left hand to the tips of

the fingers on the right hand. Coordinate bending and straightening the right leg with the breath.

Kapha Focus:

Lifting and opening the chest. Gaze upward. Hold the pose longer than you want to.


Builds strength and courage, and opens in the hips.

Warrior II / Virabhadrasana II On an exhalation from warrior I open the upper body to the left and lengthen the arms from the shoulders out to the

sides. Palms face down. Feel the line of energy running from the tips of the fingers on the left hand to the tips of

the fingers on the right hand. Coordinate bending and straightening the right leg with the breath.

Kapha Focus:

Lifting and opening the chest. Gaze upward. Hold the pose longer than you want to.


Builds strength and courage, and opens in the hips.

Reverse Warrior From warrior II, take a deep breath to drop your left hand to the back of your left thigh or calf. Reach your right

arm overhead and extend it along side your right ear with the palm facing down. Secure the upper arm into the

shoulder socket. Continue to lunge into the right leg and breathe into your side body.

Kapha Focus:

Gaze up and fully fill the lungs with your breath. Feel the ribs expand with each inhalation.


Develops strength in the legs, stretches the intercostal muscles, encourages deeper breathing and builds heat.

Cobra Lifts / Bhujangasana Lying on your stomach, place the hands underneath your shoulders. Inhale to roll the shoulders back, lift the chest,

lengthen the tailbone and find your gaze above the horizon. Lower your torso down on an exhalation. Repeat

several times with inhalation and exhalation.

Kapha Focus:

Enjoy a sun salutation to bring you into cobra lifts. From the four limb staff pose, lower the entire front body to the

floor and do cobra lifts in place of upward facing dog. After you complete several repetitions, finish the round of

the sun salutation. Gaze up as you exaggerate the spreading action across your chest and torso.


Strengthens the muscles of the back, stretches the spine, opens the chest and shoulders, and massages the

abdominal and pelvic area.

Bow Pose / Dhanurasana Begin on your stomach. Let the arms rest along side the body with the palms facing up. Bend the knees and bring

your heels as close to the buttocks as possible. Knees should be and remain no wider than hip distance. Connect

your hands around the outsides of the ankles. Inhale to roll the shoulders back, press the ankles strongly into your

hands. The action of pressing the ankles into your hands will elevate your thighs, chest and head from the earth.

Breathe in bow for several breaths. Gently release the hands to lower the body and repeat the pose one to three

more times.

Kapha Focus:

Feel light and buoyant. Use the inhalation to fill the shape of the pose and assist in floating your chest and thighs

off the earth.


Opens the front of the body, massages the pelvic area, stimulates the glands in the neck and chest, encourages good

posture and strengthens the back muscles. It also breaks up congestion in the chest.

Side Plank / Vasisthasana Begin on your hands and knees with the hands shoulder width apart and the knees are hip width apart. Spread the

fingers wide. Extend your left leg behind you and place the left sole of the foot on the floor. The left leg is straight

and the foot is in line with the right leg. Tuck the toes of the right foot into the ground. On a strong inhalation

connect to your center as you reach the left arm straight overhead and begin to lift the right knee off the earth.

Open the fingers and reach for the sky. Keep your cervical spine aligned with the rest of your spine as you gaze up

at the left hand. Breathe. Repeat on the other side.

Kapha Focus:

Reaching the side of the body towards the sky. Find a great deal of space in your body.


Strengthens the abdomen, arms and legs, and improves balance.

Spinal Rolls Sitting upright with a long spine and open heart, bend the knees and bring the hands behind the thighs. Roll the

shoulders back, tuck the chin in towards the chest and keep the spine erect. Let your weight roll you to the ground

and use your strength and momentum to bring you back up to sitting without touching your feet to the earth. Roll

back and forth several times.

Kapha Focus:

Keeping your chest open and shoulder blades together as you roll upright. Coordinate the movement with your



Massages the back body, builds abdominal strength and coordination.

Supine Twist Lie flat on your back, bend the knees and lift the feet off the floor. The calves should be parallel to the ground. Flex

your feet and extend the arms out to the sides like a "T. Press the palms into the ground. Take a deep breath feeling

your back body expand into the earth. On the exhalation, guide the knees/legs to the left side coming into a twist.

Use the breath to create more space between the right shoulder and right hip. The right shoulder should connect to

the ground. If it has a tendency to rise up then place blankets under the legs. Enjoy several breaths before inhaling

back up to center and exhaling the legs to the right side.

Pitta Focus:

Breathing fully into the belly. Make sure the back of the neck is extended. Enjoy the sensation of letting go into the

pose on your exhalation.


Increases spinal flexibility, invigorates the internal organs and relieves backache.

Leg Lifts Lie down on your back and extend the arms out to the sides like a T. Press the palms into the ground. Flex the feet

and engage the legs. Inhale to lift the left leg off the ground towards a 90 degree angle. Exhale to slowly lower.

Inhale to reach the right leg up and exhale to lower it. Take several repetitions on each side. If the low back is

straining, then bring your hands underneath your sacrum and/or bend your knee.

Kapha Focus:

Roll the shoulders back and into the ground. Do not strain to lift the legs, feel as if the movement is effortless. Let

your breath guide the movement.


Strengthens the core muscles and builds agni.

Cows Face Pose / Gomukhasana Begin on your hands and knees. Bring the right leg over the left with the knees still bent. Separate the feet and then

come to sit between the feet. Take a breath or two before proceeding. On an inhalation, wrap your right arm behind

you placing the back of the hand onto your upper back. Reach the left arm overhead and internally rotate it. Exhale

to bend the left elbow and connect the left hand to the right. If the hands do not comfortably meet, it is helpful to

use a strap or piece of fabric to hold on to. Lift the chin and chest. Keep the left arm close to your head and take

several breaths. To come out of the pose, release the hands and unwrap the right leg. Sit with the legs outstretched

for a moment before doing the pose on the opposite side.

Kapha Focus:

Keep the chest lifted and open.


Aids for the respiratory system by opening the chest and lungs. Stretches the shoulders, hips, knees and buttocks.

Corpse Pose with Support / Savasana Sit with your legs extended out in front of you. Place a bolster, pillow or multiple blankets against your sacrum. On

an exhalation slowly lower your upper body over the support. You should feel a gentle opening through the front

body. Rest the arms on the ground slightly away from your body with the palms facing up. Experiment with

placing a folded blanket under your neck. Relax your body, close your eyes and observe your breath. Notice your

breath becoming slower and softer. Let your thoughts and worries exit on every exhalation and begin to enjoy the

silence and stillness of your mind. Allow yourself to go into a state of pure relaxation while maintaining


Kapha Focus:

Enjoy a relatively short length of time (5-10 minutes) in savasana. Pay particular attention to the subtle changes

and sensations in your body, mind and breath.


Complete relaxation. Releases physical and mental tension, improves immunity and allows your body to integrate

your yoga practice.

Full Yogic Breath or Three Part Breath Find a comfortable seated position. Take a slow deep breath into the belly. Feel the breath expand the skin of the

belly laterally, outward and downward. After your belly becomes full, guide the breath into the rib cage. Feel the

rib cage expand laterally like an accordion. Moving from the ribs, draw the breath into the chest. The heart and

collarbones will rise. To release the breath, expel the breath from the chest then the rib cage and lastly the belly.

Take several rounds of the three part breath.

Kapha Focus:

Pausing for a moment between each inhalation and exhalation.


Calms the nervous system, slows the mind, cultivates awareness and increases lung capacity.
