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Karpathos Island Greece

Date post: 19-Aug-2015
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Karpathos Island Choose to be Happy!!! Unmatched Beauty and Hospitality karpathosisland
  1. 1. Karpathos Island Choose to be Happy!!! Unmatched Beauty and Hospitality karpathosisland
  2. 2. Region: South Aegean - Dodecanese Complex Villages:10 Population: 7000 Area: 324.1 km2 Climate: Mediterranean Summer Sunshine: 13 hours per day Summer Average Temperature:29 C Karpathos Island At A Glance
  3. 3. The Alluring Remoteness of Karpathos A Greek island with rich culture and traditions, that is located at the south- eastern region of the Aegean Sea and is part of the Dodecanese clus- ter of islands. The island is located half way between the neighboring is- lands of Rhodes and Crete. The in- comparable beauty and hospitality of Karpathos can be found nowhere else in Greece. Despite the fact that the island is beautiful and unspoiled and boasts secluded beaches, it still re- mains untouched by mass tourism.
  4. 4. One particular feature which characterizes Karpathos, is the mountainous terrain and the blue bays. It is very easy to explore the islands beaches and villages due to its size and low population density that make you feel as if you have the place all to your self.The southern part of the island is particularly popular among adrenaline junk- ies and every summer its in the spotlight during the internation- al speedsurfing competition. Strong winds blow over the tur- quoise waves making their way up to the mountainous northern part of the island, with its weath- ered sugarloaf houses that are centuries-old. When you reach the amazing mountain village of Olympos in search of what being Greek genuinely means, you will be rewarded with fresh delights made in a traditional oven. The fact that the women of the vil- lage still dress in their tradition- al outfits and have retained their traditional way of life is a distinc- tive trait of Olympos. The relaxed lifestyle of the island makes it a favored destination particularly by people who seek peace and tranquility. Nevertheless, Karpa- thos is also the perfect destina- tion for everyone, from sun and nature lovers to adventurers and sports enthusiasts. So, whether you seek serenity or passion, visit Karpathos. This island has something for everyone. Variety, contrast and harmony of lines, volumes and colors make up the incomparable charm of Karpathos which is characterized as one of the most beautiful islands of Greece. The women of the village of Olympos still dress in their traditional outfits every day, show- casing a unique example of tradi- tional village life that can no longer be seen anywhere else in Greece. Best-kept secret Greek Island
  5. 5. Karpathos is located in the eastern Mediterranean 47 km southwest of the island of Rhodes. The island cov- ers an area of 324.1 km2, with a coast- line of 160 km. The new airport was built in 2007 and handled around 90000 passengers in 2012. The big- gest ports of the island are located at Pigadia, namely the capital, in the southeast, and at Diafani, in the northeast. Karpathos is blessed with an abundance of streams, sandy and shingle beaches, pine forests, ol- ive groves, rocky caves (that pro- vide shelter for the Mediterranean monk seal) and exquisite moun- tainous landscapes The landscape of the island is unique and varied at the same time; sandy and shin- gle beaches, pine forests, olive groves and rocky caves. There are ten villages on the island. The villages of Menetes, Arkassa, Aperi, Volada, Othos and Pyles are located at the southern part of Karpa- thos, where the capital of the island is also situated. Messochori and Spoa are located at the centre of the is- land and Olympos and Diafani at the north. Surrounded by the seductive Aegean Sea...
  6. 6. There are manyhidden delightswaiting to be discovered by those seeking to explore this won- derful island. In the southeast part you can find Pigadia (official name Karpathos), which is the capital and main port of the island. The scattered picturesque whitewashed villages, the breathtak- ing landscapes of the island and the uninhabited islet of Saria, are a few of those delights which will make any holiday a truly unique and memorable experience. The old village of Olympos is a living museum of architecture, linguistics and musicology, where time seems to be standing still. The au- Surrounded by the temperamental Aegean Sea... Explore the magnificent island of Karpathos and relish an unforgettable experience!! thenticity of the villages, the warm hospitality, the respect for traditions and customs as well as the traditional architecture and decoration of the houses, hold the island together and its traditions are preserved through various local cultural events.
  7. 7. Devotion to preserving ancient customs and rich traditions has made this island truly remarkable...... Old customs and traditions are still alive in Karpathos and play an important role in eve- ryday life. Olympos, in particular, is the perfect example of a village which has cherished the cultural uniqueness of Karpathos. The wedding rituals play an important role here and the wedding festivities last 3 days after the ceremony. What really distinguishes this island, is the warm hospitality which is shown at various events and occasions. The cen- turies-old 75 windmills of the village are also part of the history of Olympos. They were once important for the production of flour for the whole community. Four of them are still in use today (pictured below) grinding wheat and barley which are used to make the bread of the village.
  8. 8. Karpathos offers some of the finest beaches in the Mediterranean. Even during high season you can discover plenty secluded coves. The crystal clear blue waters and the lush veg- etation create the best conditions for anyone wishing to explore pristine places like these. The islands shingle beaches with a view of the pine clad mountains, can be found mainly on the east coast. The sandy beaches are located at the west side of Karpathos. There are also beautiful bays on Saria, the small neighboring island to the north, which is accessible from Pigadia and Diafani by boat. However, the most famous bay of Karpathos is Apella, which was declared the most beautiful in Europe for the year 2003. Crystalline waters and endless bays....
  9. 9. Here every nature-related de- sire is satisfied as the island has to offer a renowned windsurf- ing area, mountain bike trails, perfect swimming and snorke- ling conditions and hiking trails of varying difficulty.
  10. 10. Hikers are particularly enchanted by Karpa- thos, eager to explore the trails that seem to have unraveled across the island like unruly yarn. About 155 miles of hiking paths can be found on the map, but there are at least another 155 miles of uncharted trails. unique beauty, history,cultural, and arche- ological attractions, offers Scuba Divers a Dive Trip that is unequaled anywhere in the world
  11. 11. Archaeological findings prove that the island has been inhab- ited since the Neolithic Period... The island prospered during the Clas- sical period and it was mentioned in the works of Homer, Virgil, Pliny and Strabo. The Karpathians allied themselves with Sparta during the Peloponnesian War and were annexed by Rhodes. Then came the Romans, the Byzantines, the Ot- tomans, the Italians and finally the island was united with Greece along with the rest of the Dodecanese in 1948. Nowa- days, many people from different ethnic backgrounds live on the island. Karpathos, however, preserves its traditions. The vil- lages near the coastline do not conform to tradition zealously; the mountain villages, on the other hand, are famous for stick- ing to their traditions. This means that the residents of these villages dress and speak almost in the same way that their ances- tors did 200 years ago. And even though the people of Karpathos are an interesting mix that makes the island unique, tradi- tion remains the quality that unites them and makes life on the island fascinating.
  12. 12. Karpathos, an island sculpted by water and wind, is also home to a large number of plants, animals and birds. Migratory birds make a short stop here on their long journey to Africa, while the Mediterranean monk seal (also called Monachus Monachus) has found shelter in the surrounding, crystal clear waters of the island. With a little luck you can see dolphins during a boat trip or a sea hawk hunting for fish. The rug- ged natural charm of the island is characterized by scattered and worth protecting pine forests on steep mountain slopes and lonely, old trails leading to secluded areas. Karpathos is part of the NATURA 2000 Network www.fdkarpathos.gr
  13. 13. Kali oreksi! Enjoy your meal! Even the ancient gods of Greek mythology appre- ciated the distinctive spices and flavors. If someone really wants to know and under- stand foreign countries and people, there is no better way to do so, than taste their lo- cal cuisine, as food is also a crucial part of their respec- tive culture and history. Greek passion can also be felt in a culinary way through seafood, certain herbs and seasonal ingredients. Generous and true to the motto Live the day and celebrate it, Karpa- thos offers its visitors a taste of its delicious local cuisine. In every Karpathian village, from Olympos and Volada to Arkasa and Finiki, the origi- nal recipes have been passed down from one generation to the next and preserved to this day. That alone makes the trip worthwhile!
