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Karst groundwater: a challenge for new resources€¦ · authors describing the karst landforms, at...

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Karst groundwater: a challenge for new resources Michel Bakalowicz Abstract Karst aquifers have complex and original characteristics which make them very different from other aquifers: high heterogeneity created and organised by groundwater flow; large voids, high flow velocities up to several hundreds of m/h, high flow rate springs up to some tens of m 3 /s. Different conceptual models, known from the literature, attempt to take into account all these particularities. The study methods used in classical hy- drogeology—bore hole, pumping test and distributed models—are generally invalid and unsuccessful in karst aquifers, because the results cannot be extended to the whole aquifer nor to some parts, as is done in non-karst aquifers. Presently, karst hydrogeologists use a specific investigation methodology (described here), which is comparable to that used in surface hydrology. Important points remain unsolved. Some of them are re- lated to fundamental aspects such as the void structure – only a conduit network, or a conduit network plus a po- rous matrix –, the functioning – threshold effects and non- linearities –, the modeling of the functioning – double or triple porosity, or viscous flow in conduits – and of karst genesis. Some other points deal with practical aspects, such as the assessment of aquifer storage capacity or vulnerability, or the prediction of the location of highly productive zones. Resumen Los acuȷferos kƁrsticos tienen caracterȷsticas originales y complejas que los hacen muy diferentes de otros acuȷferos: alta heterogeneidad creada y organizada por el flujo de agua subterrƁnea, espacios grandes, velo- cidades altas de flujo de hasta varios cientos de m/h, manantiales con ritmo alto de flujo de hasta algunas de- cenas de m3/s. Diferentes modelos conceptuales que se conocen en la literatura tratan de tomar en cuenta todas estas particularidades. Los mȖtodos de estudio usados en hidrogeologȷa clƁsica- pozos, pruebas de bombeo y mo- delos distribuidos- son generalmente invƁlidos y no exi- tosos en acuȷferos kƁrsticos, debido a que los resultados no pueden extenderse a todo el acuȷfero ni a alguna de sus partes, como se hace en acuȷferos no kƁrsticos. Actual- mente los hidrogeɃlogos kƁrsticos usan una metodologȷa de investigaciɃn especȷfica, que se des cribe aquȷ, la cual es comparable con la que se utiliza en hidrologȷa super- ficial. Puntos importantes permanecen sin resolverse. Algunos de ellos se relacionan con aspectos fundamen- tales tal como la estructura de espacios- solo una red de conductos, o una red de conductos mƁs una matriz porosa- , el funcionamiento-efectos threshold y no-linealidades-, el modelizado del funcionamiento-porosidad doble o tri- ple, o flujo viscoso en conductos- y gȖnesis del karst. Algunos otros puntos se relacionan con aspectos prƁcti- cos, tal como la evaluaciɃn de la capacidad de almace- namiento del acuȷfero o la vulnerabilidad, o la predicciɃn de la localizaciɃn de zonas altamente productivas. RØsumØ Les aquifŕres karstiques prȖsentent des carac- tŕres originaux complexes qui les distinguent profondȖ- ment de tous les autres milieux aquifŕres : forte hȖtȖro- gȖnȖitȖ crȖȖe et organisȖe par les Ȗcoulements souterrains eux-mÞmes, vides de trŕs grandes dimensions, vitesses d’Ȗcoulement pouvant atteindre quelques centaines de mŕtres par heure, sources Ȥ dȖbit pouvant atteindre quelques dizaines de m 3 /s. DiffȖrents modŕles concep- tuels tentent de prendre en compte ces particularitȖs. Les mȖthodes d’Ȗtude de l’hydrogȖologie classique—forage, essai de pompage et modŕles maillȖs – ne sont en gȖnȖral pas adaptȖs aux aquifŕres karstiques, parce que les rȖ- sultats obtenus ne peuvent pas Þtre Ȗtendus Ȥ l’aquifŕre tout entier, ou Ȥ certaines de ses parties, comme cela est fait pour les aquifŕres non karstiques. Actuellement les hydrogȖologues du karst ont recours Ȥ une mȖthodologie d’Ȗtude spȖcifique dȖcrite ici, comparable Ȥ celle utilisȖe en hydrologie de surface. Des points importants restent Ȥ rȖsoudre. Certains con- cernent des aspects fondamentaux, comme la structure des vides – rȖseau de conduits uniquement, ou bien rȖseau de conduits et matrice poreuse –, le fonctionnement – problŕmes de seuil et plus gȖnȖralement les non-linȖaritȖs –, la modȖlisation du fonctionnement – double porositȖ ou Received: 3 May 2004 / Accepted: 2 November 2004 Published online: 25 February 2005 # Springer-Verlag 2005 M. Bakalowicz ( ) ) HydroSciences, CREEN-ESIB FacultȖ d’IngȖnierie, Riad El Solh, BP 11–514, 1107 2050 BEIRUT, Lebanon e-mail: [email protected] Tel.: +961-4532661 Fax: +961-4532645 Hydrogeol J (2005) 13:148–160 DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0402-9
Page 1: Karst groundwater: a challenge for new resources€¦ · authors describing the karst landforms, at or under the ground surface (Cvijic 1893, 1918; Martel 1936), and those who considered

Karst groundwater: a challenge for new resources

Michel Bakalowicz

Abstract Karst aquifers have complex and originalcharacteristics which make them very different from otheraquifers: high heterogeneity created and organised bygroundwater flow; large voids, high flow velocities up toseveral hundreds of m/h, high flow rate springs up tosome tens of m3/s. Different conceptual models, knownfrom the literature, attempt to take into account all theseparticularities. The study methods used in classical hy-drogeology—bore hole, pumping test and distributedmodels—are generally invalid and unsuccessful in karstaquifers, because the results cannot be extended to thewhole aquifer nor to some parts, as is done in non-karstaquifers. Presently, karst hydrogeologists use a specificinvestigation methodology (described here), which iscomparable to that used in surface hydrology.Important points remain unsolved. Some of them are re-lated to fundamental aspects such as the void structure –only a conduit network, or a conduit network plus a po-rous matrix –, the functioning – threshold effects and non-linearities –, the modeling of the functioning – double ortriple porosity, or viscous flow in conduits – and of karstgenesis. Some other points deal with practical aspects,such as the assessment of aquifer storage capacity orvulnerability, or the prediction of the location of highlyproductive zones.

Resumen Los acu�feros k�rsticos tienen caracter�sticasoriginales y complejas que los hacen muy diferentes deotros acu�feros: alta heterogeneidad creada y organizadapor el flujo de agua subterr�nea, espacios grandes, velo-cidades altas de flujo de hasta varios cientos de m/h,manantiales con ritmo alto de flujo de hasta algunas de-cenas de m3/s. Diferentes modelos conceptuales que se

conocen en la literatura tratan de tomar en cuenta todasestas particularidades. Los m�todos de estudio usados enhidrogeolog�a cl�sica- pozos, pruebas de bombeo y mo-delos distribuidos- son generalmente inv�lidos y no exi-tosos en acu�feros k�rsticos, debido a que los resultadosno pueden extenderse a todo el acu�fero ni a alguna de suspartes, como se hace en acu�feros no k�rsticos. Actual-mente los hidroge�logos k�rsticos usan una metodolog�ade investigaci�n espec�fica, que se des cribe aqu�, la cuales comparable con la que se utiliza en hidrolog�a super-ficial. Puntos importantes permanecen sin resolverse.Algunos de ellos se relacionan con aspectos fundamen-tales tal como la estructura de espacios- solo una red deconductos, o una red de conductos m�s una matriz porosa-, el funcionamiento-efectos threshold y no-linealidades-,el modelizado del funcionamiento-porosidad doble o tri-ple, o flujo viscoso en conductos- y g�nesis del karst.Algunos otros puntos se relacionan con aspectos pr�cti-cos, tal como la evaluaci�n de la capacidad de almace-namiento del acu�fero o la vulnerabilidad, o la predicci�nde la localizaci�n de zonas altamente productivas.

R�sum� Les aquif�res karstiques pr�sentent des carac-t�res originaux complexes qui les distinguent profond�-ment de tous les autres milieux aquif�res : forte h�t�ro-g�n�it� cr��e et organis�e par les �coulements souterrainseux-mÞmes, vides de tr�s grandes dimensions, vitessesd’�coulement pouvant atteindre quelques centaines dem�tres par heure, sources � d�bit pouvant atteindrequelques dizaines de m3/s. Diff�rents mod�les concep-tuels tentent de prendre en compte ces particularit�s. Lesm�thodes d’�tude de l’hydrog�ologie classique—forage,essai de pompage et mod�les maill�s – ne sont en g�n�ralpas adapt�s aux aquif�res karstiques, parce que les r�-sultats obtenus ne peuvent pas Þtre �tendus � l’aquif�retout entier, ou � certaines de ses parties, comme cela estfait pour les aquif�res non karstiques. Actuellement leshydrog�ologues du karst ont recours � une m�thodologied’�tude sp�cifique d�crite ici, comparable � celle utilis�een hydrologie de surface.Des points importants restent � r�soudre. Certains con-cernent des aspects fondamentaux, comme la structuredes vides – r�seau de conduits uniquement, ou bien r�seaude conduits et matrice poreuse –, le fonctionnement –probl�mes de seuil et plus g�n�ralement les non-lin�arit�s–, la mod�lisation du fonctionnement – double porosit� ou

Received: 3 May 2004 / Accepted: 2 November 2004Published online: 25 February 2005

� Springer-Verlag 2005

M. Bakalowicz ())HydroSciences,CREEN-ESIB Facult� d’Ing�nierie,Riad El Solh, BP 11–514, 1107 2050 BEIRUT, Lebanone-mail: [email protected].: +961-4532661Fax: +961-4532645

Hydrogeol J (2005) 13:148–160 DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0402-9

Page 2: Karst groundwater: a challenge for new resources€¦ · authors describing the karst landforms, at or under the ground surface (Cvijic 1893, 1918; Martel 1936), and those who considered

�coulement visqueux en conduits – et de la gen�se dukarst. D’autres points portent sur des aspects pratiques,comme l’�valuation de la capacit� de stockage ou de lavuln�rabilit� de l’aquif�re, et la pr�diction des zones �haute productivit�.

Keywords Karst · Groundwater management ·Heterogeneity · Groundwater exploration · Conceptualmodels


In the middle of the 19th century, engineers of the agri-culture administration of the Hungarian Austrian Empirestudied the hydrology of the Karst region, presently a partof Slovenia, in order to develop farming in the country-side from Ljubljana to Trieste harbour, the only Austrianharbour on the Mediterranean Sea. They observed that thehydrology of the region looked unpredictable, surfacestreams disappearing in caves or holes, and that wideclosed plains were frequently flooded during springmonths, which was not favourable to farming.

Agriculture engineers assigned then a really importantrole by defining the main principles of the regional hy-drology. Von Mojsisovics (1880) was probably the first ofthem to consider the Karst region as a particular physio-graphic, with a specific, mainly underground, hydrology.Following him, German-speaking authors applied thebasic concepts defined in the Karst region to the wholecarbonate mountains of Croatia and Herzegovina (seeCvijic 1893) and of Russia (Kruber 1900): their termi-nology concerns landscapes (Karst-Erscheinungen orKarstph�nomen) as well as surface and undergroundwater streams (Karsthydrographie). The Italian authorsdid the same in Italy (see for example del Zanna 1899;Marinelli 1904). Therefore, Karst became the commonbasic expression to designate the whole landforms andflow conditions occurring mainly in carbonate rocks,despite the efforts of the French geographers and geolo-gists driven by Martel (1902, 1921) to impose the ex-pression “limestone phenomena”.

In the early 1900s, the karst community split betweenauthors describing the karst landforms, at or under theground surface (Cvijic 1893, 1918; Martel 1936), andthose who considered that groundwater flows are themajor phenomena in karst (Penck 1903; Grund 1903).Since this time, two different approaches prevail in karststudies, geomorphology and hydrology, with their ownconcepts and methods. Recently, an effort was attemptedto unify the different approaches (Ford and Williams1989).

Such a “karst schizophrenia”, referring to Llamas’s“hydroschizophrenia” (1975), gave a wrong idea of karstgroundwater resource, particularly in that each karst unitis characterised by its own specific characteristics, with-out any possibility of approaching it by general laws, orwith any common approach. Moreover, karst is stillconsidered a very vulnerable medium whereby exploiting

groundwater from it should be avoided when possible. Inmany countries around the Mediterranean, where karst iswidely developed, groundwater resources are still under-exploited, while surface waters are generally preferredand developed with dams. Karst is generally not consid-ered as an alternative resource.

In the following, it will be shown that karst landscapesand aquifers can be developed following general rules,now well identified, whereby a general approach, specificto karst medium, is proposed to study its functioning, toassess its resource and storage and to manage it in asustainable way. As shown in the following, despite itscomplexity and a number of unknowns, karst medium iscertainly the most suitable aquifer for a joint patrimonialprotection and exploitation of its resources.

Karst aquifers: an overview

Importance of karstand karst groundwater resourcesKarst features (Fig. 1) mainly occur in carbonate rocks,limestone and dolomite, in which formations it is con-sidered as true karst. Evaporite formations and overallgypsum and anhydrite, and sometimes quartzite whenspecial geochemical conditions occur, are also subject tokarst phenomena, but resulting in different chemicalprocesses. Here only karst in carbonate rocks will beconsidered, because it contains groundwater resources ofeconomic interest and it gives the general rules concern-ing the development of a karst structure and its func-tioning. Most carbonate rock outcrops and a large pro-portion of covered carbonate rocks were karstified duringgeological time. Therefore most of the carbonate rockscan be considered as potential karst aquifers.

According to Ford and Williams (1989), carbonaterocks occupy about 12% of the planet’s dry, ice-free land;they estimate that 7–10% of the planet is karst. However,as it will be explained, underneath a thick sediment cover,bore holes show that even at depth carbonate rocks maybe karstified. Consequently karst rocks may be one of themost important aquifer formations in the world, alongwith alluvium.

Karst must be considered as an aquifer because mosttimes it contains groundwater, which can be exploited forwater supply. However, because of the origin of the karstfeatures and the conditions of their development, they arenot an exploitable aquifer everywhere, groundwaterstorage being in some cases negligible or impossible toliberate.

The origin of karstKarst is commonly considered as the result of the solutionprocess of carbonate rocks, named “karstification”. Thecarbonate solution occurs because the water is acidicwhen it contains dissolved CO2, according to the set ofequilibrium reactions simplified as following:

2H2Oþ CaCO3 þ CO2 , H2Oþ Ca2þ þ 2HCO�3 :


Hydrogeol J (2005) 13:148–160 DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0402-9

Page 3: Karst groundwater: a challenge for new resources€¦ · authors describing the karst landforms, at or under the ground surface (Cvijic 1893, 1918; Martel 1936), and those who considered

Because the concentration of dissolved CO2 is drivenby both the temperature and the CO2 partial pressure ofthe atmosphere related to (ground) water, climate isgenerally considered as driving karst processes (Smithand Atkinson 1976; Bakalowicz 1992). Presently, and forlate geologic time, CO2 was only abundant in the sub-surface where it was produced either in soils by biologicalactivity or at depth by geological processes. Conse-quently, karst develops mainly with groundwater solutionof the carbonate rocks.

In fact, the solution of carbonate rocks proceeds only ifgroundwater flows, which exports the products of disso-lution, creating underground voids. These voids progres-sively organise into a hierarchical structure, the conduitsystem or karst network, in the vadose and the phreaticzone. In it, pipe flow conditions prevail, both underpressure or at atmospheric pressure. Therefore, ground-water flow determines the hydrogeological structure ofkarst media, which in return creates an important feedback effect modifying the flow conditions.

Karst develops only if the following conditions occur:

– the possibility of dissolving carbonate rock, i.e. theexistence of a solvent,

– a groundwater flow, determined by a hydraulic gradi-ent.

This set of conditions was defined as the potential forkarst development, PKD, or potential for karstification,by Mangin (1978). It determines the flux of solventflowing through the formation. The PKD is driven by theamount of precipitation, eventually increased by the sur-face flow from swallow holes, the soil pCO2 and thehydraulic gradient given by the difference in elevationbetween the top of the karst recharge area and the springlevel. The spring level is defined as the base level, i.e. theplace where groundwater flows out, either at the bottomof major regional valleys or at the impermeable footwall

of the carbonate formation. Karst rocks commonly extendbelow the base level, so that the karst features may de-velop at depth below it.

The karst process is very rapid with respect to geo-logical times. Different approaches (Bakalowicz 1975;Atkinson et al. 1978; Dreybrodt 1998) show that a fewthousand years, generally less than 50 ky, are required fordeveloping an integrated karst network. This has twoconsequences:

– Carbonate aquifers constitute a two-pole family: thefracture, non karstic aquifers, and the truly karstaquifers. Between the two poles exist all the interme-diate stages of karst conduit development.

– Any change of conditions controlling the groundwaterflux affects the karst structure. This very high sensi-tivity to environmental changes makes most karst areasof the world multi-phase systems, with very complexsuperposed structures.

Hydrogeological consequencesof changes in base levelAmong these environmental changes, the change in baselevel has important hydrogeological consequences. Thelowering of the base level, related to either a tectonicuplift or a regression of the sea, causes the downwardsdevelopment of a new karst network. The recharge arearemains functional as before the change, whereas in theoutflow area the karst network is progressively abandonedand functions as a seasonal or overflow spring. Multi-storey caves developed in areas submitted to frequentlowering of the base level: Mammoth—Flint Ridge cavesystem, Kentucky (Palmer 1981) and Coume Ouarn�decave system, Pyrenees, France (Bakalowicz 1994) are twofamous examples.

When the base level rises because of a land subsidenceor a sea transgression, then the outlets are plugged with

Fig. 1 The Mangin’s karst sys-tem model (1974a)


Hydrogeol J (2005) 13:148–160 DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0402-9

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sediments or blocked by a water head, and the lowest partof the karst structure is flooded and becomes non func-tional. Then groundwater overflows in a diffuse way atthe new base level. The flooded karst network gives to theaquifer a high storage capacity, favouring karst processesin the flooded part. During Quaternary glaciation thelowering of sea level 150 m below present level allowedthe development of karst conduits in depth: flooded cavesare known for example in the Bahamas Islands (Gascoyneet al. 1979).

The Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterraneanbasin occurred around 5.5 Ma and corresponds to a veryimportant lowering of about 1,500 m (Clauzon 1982).Because of the closure of Gibraltar straight, the waterflow from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterraneanstopped and most seawater evaporated, which causedlowering of sea level and the accumulation of thickevaporite deposits in the Mediterranean basin. This crisisis responsible for a major karst development in depthdriven by the entrenchment of main valleys into deepgorges, such as the so-called Rhone canyon now filledwith impermeable Pliocene marine and continental im-permeable sediments. These sediments plugged the karstaquifers, which now have outputs that are overflowartesian springs, Vaucluse spring, in the South of France,being the best known example. Such conditions mayconsiderably increase the groundwater residence time toseveral thousand years (Bakalowicz 2003), when it iscommonly shorter than a year in well-developed karstaquifers.

Characteristics of karst aquifersThe karst network creates a very high heterogeneitydefinitely different from all other heterogeneous media,even the fracture medium from which it originates in mostcases. Drogue (1974) and his research team (Grillot 1977;Razack 1980) consider that the karst network pattern ispredetermined by the fracture pattern, the main conduitsdeveloping along the main faults and fractures and thesmaller ones on fissures. However, most karst hydroge-ologists now consider that the karst network is reallydifferent from the fracture pattern.

Karst processes “select” some of the original discon-tinuities, fractures, joints, bedding planes or macrop-orosity, developing a hydraulic continuum from surface tospring: the heterogeneity progressively becomes orga-nized, hierarchized in the same way as fluvial systems.Conduits are classically several meters wide and kilo-metres long, in which flow conditions may be identical tothose in surface rivers, with free surface flow and highvelocity and flow rate. Confined flow conditions alsocommonly occur in phreatic conduits, at least duringflood seasons.

According to Palmer (2000), the conduit networkpattern, or the cave pattern is determined by two sets ofconditions:

– the type of porosity, intergranular, bedding planes orfractures,

– the type of recharge, diffuse, via karst depressions(sinkholes, swallow holes), hypogenic (thermal wa-ters).

In fact, two more conditions must be taken into account:

– the importance of the hydraulic gradient, i.e. the dif-ference in elevation between the recharge area and thespring,

– the relationship between the directions of the hydraulicgradient and of the drainage planes.

The two first conditions drive the conduit pattern at alocal scale, the two last ones at a regional, or systemscale. According to Eraso (1986), the drainage planescorrespond to the open discontinuities, fractures andbedding planes, the only ones used by groundwater flow.When the main direction of the drainage planes coincideswith that of the hydraulic gradient, the conduit systemshould develop linearly, following a general simple pat-tern longer than wide. On the contrary, when the twodirections are perpendicular, the pattern becomes verycomplicated in three dimensions, wider than long withloops and tributaries. A high hydraulic gradient tends todrive the conduits more linearly, when a weak gradientfavours conduits developing in a more complex conduitsystem.

In the phreatic zone, the karst network locally gives avery high hydraulic conductivity to the aquifer: it func-tions as a drainage-pipe network, draining out ground-water stored in the phreatic zone and that flowing throughthe vadose zone. The storage function is certainly themost difficult to understand and is not really well known.Whereas in porous and fracture media the storage ca-pacity is associated to well-known types of voids and maybe assessed by geological and hydraulic methods, authorsdisagree about storage conditions in karst aquifers, whichis a function obviously separated from drainage. Threemain models of organization of groundwater flow in thephreatic zone are proposed:

– Groundwater is stored in the rock matrix, i.e. primaryand secondary rock porosity. According to Drogue(1974), followed by Mudry (1990) and Kiraly (1997),this model assumes that the phreatic zone is hy-draulically continuous, with a relatively low perme-ability. Consequently, the karst aquifer may be con-sidered as a two-continuum medium, a saturated ma-trix porosity drained by conduits.

– Groundwater is stored in karstic voids developingaround the conduits and connected to them by highwater head loss zones. According to Mangin (1994),the strong contrast of several orders of magnitude inpermeability between matrix and conduits would beresponsible for the absence of exchanges and make thestorage in the matrix negligible. Consequently thephreatic zone should be hydraulically discontinuous.Marsaud (1996) represents the karst phreatic zone asmade of pipes draining drums (Fig. 2). The phreatic


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zone should be considered as hydraulically continuouswhere the main conduits develop below the springlevel as in Vaucluse type springs, contrary to Jura typesprings where conduits develop above the spring level.

– Groundwater storage in the phreatic zone does notexist. The karst network drains groundwater from thevadose zone. The particularly high heterogeneity in theinfiltration zone may act as a buffer delaying most ofthe recharge (Lastennet et al. 1995). In this model, theepikarst with its local and seasonal saturated part playsan important role in storage. Except in the epikarstpart, this model does not really differ from Martel’s(1921), already very popular in the speleologist ap-proach, that reduces it to a pipe network.

It is clear enough that any of these models can be gener-alized to every karst aquifer. Depending on the rock textureand structure and the geological history of the formation,one of these models dominates. For instance, storage in therock matrix of karst developing in well-crystallized

Palaeozoic and Jurassic limestones in Europe cannot beefficient because of the very low permeability, contrary tokarst developing in Cretaceous chalk and Tertiary–Qua-ternary coral limestones which are very permeable.

The infiltration zone and the epikarst give other par-ticular hydrological properties to karst aquifers (Mangin1974a; Bakalowicz 1995, 2003). The epikarst may becompared to the skin of the karst, an exchange zone be-tween the bio-atmosphere and the karst itself, storinggroundwater locally and seasonally in a perched saturatedzone where CO2 is produced and transported in solutionand as an air-water mixing in the infiltration and phreaticzones (Fig. 3). The recharge occurs either directly into theinfiltration zone from points breaking the epikarst, sink-holes and swallow holes, or through the epikarst. Thesaturated part of the epikarst delays the diffuse infiltra-tion by percolating through vertical cracks at its baseand feeds actual evapotranspiration of the plant and soilcover. It also discharges by overflow into vertical con-duits during the rainy season.

Fig. 2 According to Mangin’smodel, the karst phreatic zone ismade of pipes draining drums(from Marsaud 1996).

Fig. 3 The epikarst (fromMangin 1974a)


Hydrogeol J (2005) 13:148–160 DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0402-9

Page 6: Karst groundwater: a challenge for new resources€¦ · authors describing the karst landforms, at or under the ground surface (Cvijic 1893, 1918; Martel 1936), and those who considered

It is then possible to summarize the general function-ing of karst aquifers as shown in Fig. 4. The differ-ent flows through the aquifer may be identified bytheir chemical, isotope and/or hydraulic characteristics(Bakalowicz et al. 1974; Mangin 1974a; Bakalowicz1979, 1994), as well as by tracing experiments (Atkinsonet al. 1973).

Conceptual consequences

Because the void size is much more heterogeneous than inany other aquifer and the karstic voids are organized,defining a representative elementary volume, REV, as forother types of aquifer, is not possible. An elementary unitvolume representative of the heterogeneity may be de-fined for fractured medium, taking into account voidsfrom microporosity to fractures and faults. However, inkarst the integrated conduit network is a supplementaryheterogeneity that is organized at a different scale. It canbe taken into consideration only by considering it as awhole, which is the drainage unit of a spring or a group ofsprings eventually including a point recharge from a non-karstic area. Mangin (1974b) defined it as the karst sys-tem, which must be the comprehensive hydrological ref-erence in any hydrogeological study.

Most of time, the hydraulic heterogeneity created by aconduit cannot be observed from a potentiometric map:the probability that a well intersects a conduit is generallyso low that such maps in karst may show an almost

continuous medium, without any regional visible effect ofthe drainage system. This is particularly well known inchalk aquifers classically considered as non karstic(Lepiller 1993), when tracing tests indicate the presenceof conduit flow conditions and when underground worksreveal the existence of wide cavities. The effects of thekarst network are shown by up-scaling at the scale of thewhole karst system when analyzing the aquifer func-tioning.

A karst system is similar to a river catchment area,with comparable properties, defined by an extension,contours and boundary conditions. Extension and con-tours are imposed by geology and geomorphology; gen-erally, they cannot be determined directly from geologicalmaps and from water level maps.

Among the boundary conditions, the type of rechargeis probably the most important. Point, concentrated re-charge may or may not occur from surface rivers throughswallow holes. Consequently, according to the systemanalysis approach, a karst system may be binary or unary(Fig. 5), i.e. with a non-karstic part providing an allogenicrecharge to the karst aquifer, or without a non-karstic part,the recharge being autogenic (Jakucs 1977). In a binary

Fig. 4 General conceptual model describing the various types ofrecharge and functions in the vadose and phreatic zones of a karstsystem (Bakalowicz 2003)

Fig 5 Binary and unary karst systems (from Marsaud 1996)


Hydrogeol J (2005) 13:148–160 DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0402-9

Page 7: Karst groundwater: a challenge for new resources€¦ · authors describing the karst landforms, at or under the ground surface (Cvijic 1893, 1918; Martel 1936), and those who considered

karst system, the karst aquifer is a part of the karst system.Consequently, not only the type of conduit pattern de-pends on it, but also the functioning, the vulnerability andconsequently the conditions of exploitation and protec-tion.

Methodological approaches

Because the classical tools in hydrogeology are based onwell observations such as piezometric measurements andpumping tests, potentiometric maps and hydraulic datafrom tests are considered as the references in all the hy-drogeology studies. This is a key point: some hydroge-ologists consider that observation wells and pumping testsare very important information sites and that the func-tioning of the whole aquifer can be inferred from wellobservations, eventually compared to spring hydrographs(see for instance Bonacci 1982, 1995), while others con-sider wells as local information, often disconnected fromthe conduit network and not really representative of theorganization and functioning of the karst aquifer (seediscussion in Ford and Williams 1989; Jeannin and Sauter1998; Smart 1999; Worthington 1999). It is quite obviousthat in karst aquifers the classical hydrogeological ap-proach is generally inoperative because of the inability toshow the existence of conduits.

At the opposite extreme, the speleological approachconsiders that only a direct exploration of caves is able togive an appropriate representation of karst media. It iseasy to show that approach is not more efficient, becauseit mostly describes abandoned conduits and ignores thestorage parts of the aquifer and therefore the functioningof the system is not understood.

The structural approachThe main difficulty deals with the karst network itself, theproblem to be solved is how to determine if it exists,where it is located and which role it plays in the func-tioning of the system. In the classical hydrogeology ap-proach, the detailed description of the geological frame-work and especially the fracturing distribution was con-sidered as the most efficient way. The basic assumption isthat the karst network should be organized in the sameway as the fractures are distributed.

This approach was developed during the 70’s byDrogue’s group in France (Grillot 1977; Razack 1980). Itallows the use of classical hydrogeology modelling. Eraso(1986) showed that such approach is not sufficient be-cause groundwater flows “take a choice” based on boththe connectivity of the discontinuities and the hydraulicgradient existing between the recharge area and the lo-cation of the spring. Moreover, the case studies followingthat method show the difficulty, even the impossibility toinfer the karst structure and its role only from the geo-logical framework and fracturing distribution. However,this structural approach may give some local informationrelated either to the functioning or to the structure aboutthe organization of the karst systems.

The functional approachQuinlan and Ewers (1985) said that in karst studies onetracing test brings much more information than a thou-sand wells. This is a simile that means that the most ap-propriate approach to studying karst must show first theeffects of the possible conduit network, which locationand extent remain unknown, on the functioning of theaquifer at the system level. In fact, because of its char-acteristics similar to river system basins, karst hydrologymust be studied in the same way.

This approach was proposed first by Mangin (1974a)and developed during the 70s and 80s by the Moulis team,which proposed to analyze karst system functioning fromhydrodynamics (Mangin 1974a, 1984; Marsaud 1996),hydrothermics (Andrieux 1976), and various naturaltracers such as aquatic microfauna (Rouch 1980), majorinorganic dissolved solids (Bakalowicz 1979; Plagnes1997) and isotopes (Bakalowicz et al. 1974). It is nowcurrently being used in karst hydrogeology studies inEurope (Andreo et al. 2002; Mudry 1991; Aquilina et al.2004) and North America. Most karst hydrogeologistsnow investigate carbonate aquifers by using at least someof these methods.

An investigation methodologyThe proposed methodology is an integrating “medical”approach of karst systems similar to physician’s whenmaking a check-up followed with a diagnosis (Bakalow-icz 1997). The karst hydrogeologist has at his disposal aset of methods to explore and study karst aquifers, inorder to describe their functioning and their structure fromthe system scale to a local scale. The methods are asfollows:

– Characterisation of the structure by geological andmorphological analyses,

– Delineation of the karst system by means of geologicalmapping, tracing tests and water balance,

– Characterisation of their lump functioning:– by hydrodynamical methods: spring hydrographs,

sorted discharge distribution of the annual hydrographand time series analyses (Mangin 1974a),

– by using hydrogeochemical and isotope methods foranalysing natural tracing (Bakalowicz 1979, 1994),

– Characterisation of their local functioning:– by artificial tracing tests (Atkinson et al. 1973; Meus

and Ek 1999; Field 2002),– by pumping tests (Marsaud 1996, 1997).

Thus a karst system can be characterised by its structureand functioning, that allows the hydrogeologist to assessthe efficiency of its conduit network in draining thephreatic zone and to estimate the resource and the ex-ploitable storage.

Even if all methods are not necessarily used, the studyof a karst system should be undertaken with several ofthem. It should be based on data obtained during the re-charge season as well as during low stage, in order to


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obtain information on infiltration and the recharge processduring floods and on the phreatic zone during the dryseason. In many developing countries, the main springsare monitored, commonly not continuously, for instanceat a weekly time step, which is not adequate for mostkarst springs subject to rapid and important flow ratevariations. Moreover, local information, i.e. groundwaterlevel in a well or a cave, chemical composition of drip-ping water in a cave, tracer-breakthrough curves, shouldbe interpreted in the frame of the whole system in order totake into account its representativity.

Consequently, in academic as well as in practical in-vestigations, the comprehensive study of karst systemsnecessarily takes a long time, at least several months, andrequires various skills. There is not a magic single hy-drogeological method able to give appropriate answers.

Modelling approachesAt the end of this first step of the hydrogeological study,the karst system is delineated and characterised in itsfunctioning and structure. Some of its local character mayalso be described and representativity discussed. How-ever, it is still far from reaching its objective, such asexploitation procedures or protection schemes.

In the second step, a conceptual model should be built,summarizing all the knowledge concerning the karstsystem and its relations with its geological and humanenvironment. This model may follow the general model(Fig. 4) describing the various types of recharge andfunctions in the phreatic zone. However, at that stage, themodel can be only qualitative, or semi-quantitative. Forexample, the relative parts of point recharge and fast andslow infiltration must be quantified, both during floodevents and during the hydrological year.

Currently, in order to identify and quantify the dif-ferent components of flow, river and spring hydrographsare deciphered, using chemical or isotope data typical ofthe different types of flow, and the mass balance equation.This method cannot be applied to the decomposition ofkarst spring hydrographs because the basic assumptionsare not at all available in karst aquifers: the system mustbe linear and in permanent flow conditions, what isgenerally not realized as shown by the different types ofchemographs associated with spring hydrographs (Fig. 6).Pinault et al. (2001) proposed a method based on inversemodelling which considers functions taking into accountthe two conditions or non linearity and non permanentflow. The analysis is done on the annual hydrograph fromwhich is extracted the impulse response by time seriestechniques. The impulse response is then deciphered inthe different components identified by their characteristictracer. This is a very powerful method, now applied tosome more examples (Pinault et al. 2001), but requiringimportant sets of data.

The use of reservoir models is a more simple andclassical way which is being explored with softwarepackages such as GARDENIA (Thiery 1988) or VEN-SIM, which has been used in surface hydrology for someyears (Hreiche et al. 2002) and presently is being tested

on karst aquifers. These models only work with hydro-logic data, what makes their use easier, but their fitting isnot really easy.

Analytical models are now applied to karst aquifers.The equivalent porous media models (see for instanceScanlon et al. 2003) may roughly simulate spring hy-drographs or the evolution of the piezometric surface.This approach, rejected by most of karst hydrogeologistsbecause the effects of conduits are neglected, was finelydiscussed by Huntoon (1995). Therefore, a double po-rosity model, with matrix and fractures or conduits(Malozewski et al. 1998; Jeannin and Sauter 1998) wasdeveloped to simulate karst aquifers. This kind of modelis evoluting with a triple porosity, with matrix, fractureand conduits (Maloszewski et al. 2002) or a conduitsystem in a continuum model (Liedl and Sauter 1998).

Methods of exploiting and protecting karstgroundwater resourcesThe last step deals with exploitation and protectionschemes. All of the characteristics described here makekarst aquifer difficult to study, requiring so many data ofvarious kinds, and incorporate problems that influencehydrogeologists and decision makers to avoid their ex-ploitation. A good example is given by Avias (1995),when he fought for promoting the exploitation ofgroundwater from the Lez karst spring for Montpellier,France water supply instead of surface water from theRhone River.

The two main practical problems are related to i)successful results of drilling wells, and ii) the high vul-nerability of karst medium to pollution.

Fig. 6 The different types of chemographs corresponding to karstspring hydrographs


Hydrogeol J (2005) 13:148–160 DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0402-9

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Concerning the very low probability for high pumpingrate wells, it must be pointed out that karst aquifers areparticularly favourable for very large exploitation rates atunique sites close to springs: the Lez spring, France:1.5 m3/s; the Figeh spring, Damascus, Syria: 3.5 m3/s(Kattan 1997).

The Ombla spring power plant, Dubrovnik, Croatia iscertainly the most noteworthy water work project in karst(Bonacci 1995; Milanovic 2000): an underground dam upto 100 m asl creates underground storage upstream of thespring which is located at sea level, covering 4.8 km2,containing around 3106 m3 of water in the upper 40 m.The groundwater is planned to be used both for watersupply and electric power production. The average dis-charge of the spring, around 22 m3/s (minimum: 4;maximum: 104), depending on the reference years, willallow an exploitation flow rate around 45 m3/s.

These few examples show that despite the high sea-sonal discharge variability karst aquifers may be exploitedat flow rates close to the average, even higher for a shorttime. This seasonal overexploitation is possible becauseof two important properties: possible very large storagecapacity and yearly recharge related to a mean ground-water residence time commonly shorter than one year.These properties make karst aquifers probably the mostsuitable for an active management of groundwater re-sources (Detay 1997). The main difficulty remains, themethod of determining the appropriate location for aproductive well. Practically any geophysical method isunable to reveal the location of a conduit deeper than 40–50 m. The only efficient way commonly used in France isan electro-magnetic positioning with a solenoid or amagnet put in the conduit by a diver: the method is pre-cise enough for locating successful wells up to 300 m indepth.

The second aspect deals with aquifer vulnerability,often considered as the major fault of karst. However,vulnerability is related to the short residence time of themain part of the recharge. Thus, groundwater is easilyrenewed, and consequently the effects of accidental pol-lution do not last for a long time in the same way thatbreakthrough of a tracer is restored to initial conditionsafter only weeks or months. Concerning diffuse pollution,compared to porous aquifers, it seems that there is nocumulative, long-term effect because of the rapid re-charge; therefore any change in practices, for example infertilizing or with waste water treatment, shows a rapidchange in water quality. This was discussed by Plagnesand Bakalowicz (2002). Finally, the high vulnerability ofkarst aquifers is related to their very interesting quality offast recharge and discontinuous storage.

Mapping the vulnerability is a present day challenge.In Europe, a specific working group in the frame of COSTOrganization (Co-operation in Science and Technology),COST 620, “Vulnerability and Risk Mapping for theProtection of Carbonate (Karst) Aquifers”, chaired byZwalhen (2003), presents the different national ways ofprotecting the karst groundwater resource. It proposes themost appropriate methods for studying and mapping the

vulnerability in order to protect the resource according tothe European Water Framework Directive published in2000. The European Approach to vulnerability, hazardand risk mapping is based on an origin pathway-targetmodel, which applies for both groundwater resource andsource protection.

This new approach follows two methods developedand applied in Switzerland and France during the 90’s:the EPIK (Doerfliger et al. 1999) and RISKE (Petelet-Giraud et al. 2000) methods, which are based on a multi-criterion analysis. The reference criteria are related toepikarst, protective cover, infiltration and the karst net-work in EPIK, and to the rock characteristics, infiltration,soil, the karst development and epikarst (RISKE). Thesecond method is formed as a preliminary and roughapproach to EPIK, which maps in detail on a distributed-parameter model, the values for each criterion. The im-portant work done by COST 620 will certainly involvenew investigations and results not only in vulnerabilitymapping, but also in terms of land management andpractices for protecting natural resources in karst regions.

Hard points: key points to be solved

Knowledge of karst aquifers greatly improved during thelast decades, partly because numerous methods wereadapted to karst and organised into a methodology. But alarge part of the progress is due to the introduction of aconceptual approach of karst taking into account itsspecificities as an aquifer, which clearly makes the dis-tinction between karst and non karst aquifers. However,some points are not yet really cleared up. They deal withtheoretical aspects, the structure of karst aquifers and theirfunctioning, their modelling, and with practical problems.

Structure and functioning of karst aquifersEverybody agrees that on the whole, in infiltration andphreatic zones, the karst processes develop conduits or-ganized in a hierarchical way, the conduit network,comparable to the organization of flow in a surface riversystem. However, does the conduit network drive thewhole groundwater flow? Or does a part of the ground-water flow through rock porosity and cracks, which arenever concerned by karst processes, as known in somerecent coral limestone islands, or in chalk?

Most karst aquifers are multiphased due to changingbase levels. Among these changes, the rising of the baselevel undoubtedly increases the storage capacity of karstphreatic zones which can be evaluated by differentmethods. However, the role of infiltration in storinggroundwater or at least in delaying a part of the rechargeneeds to be evaluated from more study cases. If thestorage function is related to large karst cavities with highhead loss connections to the conduits, the so-called an-nex-to-drain systems (Mangin 1974a), rather than to fis-sured rock matrix, the phreatic zone should be hydrauli-cally discontinuous. These points are not easy to illustrate,because the representativity of observations from bore-


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holes is questionable. Progresses could be done by usingmulti-packer wells, if these local hydrodynamic and nat-ural tracing data are compared to the information relatedto the whole system (Jeannin 1995).

The double porosity model (Malozewski et al. 1998;Jeannin and Sauter 1998) fits well to most of the obser-vations, particularly to tracing experiment data. However,another model may also explain the same data in a verydifferent way: viscous flow in conduit (Field 2002). Thismodel assumes that a viscous layer exists between theflow itself and the conduit wall; it corresponds to thereferred model for developing scallops in karst conduits(Curl 1974); therefore, the viscous flow model is partic-ularly interesting for future investigations and develop-ments.

In most cases, the functioning of karst aquifers is ob-viously non linear. Some of these non-linearities are re-lated to threshold effects (Pinault et al. 2001) either in theepikarst or in the exchanges between conduits and annex-to-drain systems. Moreover, the non-linearity could bedue to the changes in flow regime: turbulent vs. laminarflow, Darcy vs. non-Darcy conditions and more generallyconduit hydraulics vs. flow in porous media. These di-rections are being explored.

All these points are related to modelling karst aquifers.In fact different attempts propose (Palmer et al. 1999) tomodel (i) the functioning of karst aquifers, and (ii) thegeneration of the karstic structure. Different approaches,which are still under development, are explored in thesetwo directions. The functioning is simulated by:

– a lumped parameter approach on the system scale,black box and grey box models, for simulating springhydrographs or effects of climate variation or changeand exploitation impact,

– distributed parameter approaches by multi-continuummodels for simulating local behaviour.

In both cases, modelling is used to test the validity ofsome assumptions and to provide tools for managing thegroundwater resource and storage. Some classic modelssimulating flow in aquifers by a distributed parameterapproach, such as MODFLOW, are sometimes used inkarst: even if their simulated results fit well to observa-tions, the basic assumptions are not at all verified in karst,as discussed by Huntoon (1995). The parameter values,unknown at most of the nodes, are only equivalent pa-rameters. Karst functioning modelling remains at its earlybeginning.

Modelling the generation of the conduit network is thereal originality in karst hydrology. It was initiated bysolution experiments for simulating the development ofconduit networks (Ewers 1982). Presently flow andtransport models simulate conduit development (Drey-brodt 1988), but not yet, conduit network. The simulationof conduit network development depends on that of theinitial joint network which is still in its infancy (Jourde etal. 2002).

Practical problemsThe estimation of the storage capacity in the phreatic zoneis biased when Mangin’s method is used for analysing therecession flow. The volume calculated by integrating thelow stage hydrograph following Maillet’s law, named“dynamic storage” by Mangin corresponds to the flowingvolume at the beginning of the low stage. From lab ex-periments, it seems that it should be an underestimate ofthe phreatic volume (Marsaud 1996) depending on theimportance of storage below the spring level. For themoment, the storage capacity cannot be evaluated byanother independent method. This volume must beknown, at least approached in order to propose a plan forexploiting groundwater in a sustainable way by pumpingduring short times at rates higher than the natural dis-charge. There is no alternative method for evaluating thestorage capacity.

The determination of the conduit location, at least theprediction of the zones with high hydraulic conductivity iscertainly the main difficulty which has to be faced forsuccessful drilling in karst. Geological methods such asgeophysics and mapping of fracture distribution are effi-cient enough to locate drillings in productive zones.Eraso’s method may help only when tectonics were nottoo complicated with only a single major phase. Whentwo or more constraining phases occurred, the theory offracturing does not apply and the method is inoperative.Finally, these methods do not help in locating very highflow rate boreholes at depth. There presently is no geo-physical method able to reveal the presence of a conduitat depth. Technological developments are required eitherfor improving some geophysical methods, georadar orelectrical soundings, or for developing diving robots forexploring flooded conduits from karst springs.

Karst aquifers seem favourable to increase their stor-age capacity: underground dams plugging caves areknown in South China. Their efficiency was never eval-uated. Ombla underground dam is a very interesting ex-perimental project, more complex than the Chineseequivalents (Milanovic 2000). Other experiments shouldbe done in order to propose an alternative to river dam.

The storage may also be increased by regulating pointrecharge from river swallow holes. A reservoir dam on aMediterranean river crossing limestones in southernFrance increased the dry season discharge so that the flowinput at swallow holes increased during the dry season,favouring recharge and consequently the low stage flow.This case of artificial recharge is being evaluated byLadouche et al. (2002).

The aquifer vulnerability has been a European chal-lenge for the last two decades (COST-Action 65 1995;Doerfliger et al. 1999; Daly et al. 2002). The differentpractices for determining zones of protection and thecorresponding regulations were listed, compared andcriticized. Presently different methods based on multi-criterion analysis are been tested and compared formapping the vulnerability of karst aquifers (Zwahlen2003) in order to propose protection documents to deci-


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Page 11: Karst groundwater: a challenge for new resources€¦ · authors describing the karst landforms, at or under the ground surface (Cvijic 1893, 1918; Martel 1936), and those who considered

sion makers. European regulations are evolving to takeinto account the European Water Directive and the con-clusions of COST 620. However, these multicriterionmethods are not easy to operate because it is difficult tocharacterize independently the criteria from field surveys.The recent developments show that some of the proposedmethods are too complicated to be applied and checkedeasily by water authorities and local administrations. Noefficient method for delineating groundwater protectionzones in karst presently exists.

Intractable aspects of karst aquifersBecause of the complexity of karst medium, many thinkthat every karst aquifer is currently considered as beingrepresentative of only itself. If it is, karst aquifers will notbe compared nor safely exploited. Fortunately, theypresent common characteristics in their conduit organi-zation and in groundwater flow conditions. This allowsthe use of common exploration and exploitation methods.

However one problem looks intractable: the frame-work and location of the functioning karst conduit system.The geological and geophysical methods give informationthat contributes only in increasing the probability of lo-cating a conduit or more generally a cavity containinggroundwater. Never the whole functioning conduit net-work could be determined in the same way as a map of acave system. In the same way, a potentiometric map builtfrom observations in wells does not really inform thereader about the situation of the conduit network, even ifthe number of wells is large. Consequently, it will not bepossible to simulate a karst aquifer by a distributed modelrepresenting the reality at every node. Despite that diffi-culty, the functioning of a karst system may be ap-proached by a distributed digital model that can reason-ably simulate its spring hydrograph, although the condi-tions prevailing in karst aquifers are far from most of thebasic conditions of the model. The best example is thepopular software package MODFLOW, which is used forsimulating karst spring hydrographs or water level in awell, but unable to properly simulate the potentiometricsurface of a karst aquifer (see for instance Palmer et al.1999).

Lumped models are an interesting and efficient alter-native to simulating karst spring hydrographs. Thesemodels with reservoirs are particularly suitable to themanagement of groundwater resources in karst: they areeasier to use and they require more simple sets of data.Moreover as they must be used at the system scale what isthe most appropriate scale for managing resources,groundwater quantity and quality may be managed in arealistic manner even if the internal geometry and flowconditions remain partially unknown. This is possiblebecause the dynamics of karst systems are rapid, renew-ing most of the storage within a hydrologic year or less,which makes the effects of seasonal variations or ex-ploitation rapidly observable in the spring flow regime.

The spring is the only place where one can obtaininformation on the functioning of the whole system,consequently the organization of conduits and storage.

Consequently, if the main spring cannot be monitored,discharging directly in a river, a lake or the sea, thesystem cannot be simulated nor managed properly.Technological and scientific developments are waited forthe next years in the field of coastal karst aquifers.

Acknowledgments I would like to express my grateful thanksto my colleagues, especially Dr Val�rie Plagnes, Dr NathalieD�rfliger, Dr Philippe Crochet and Pr S�verin Pistre, for our fruitfuldiscussions, to the reviewers who contribute in improving themanuscript, and to Perry Olcott, HJ managing editor, who improvedthe English writing.


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