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Kashmir Insight December 2015

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Kashmir Insight December 2015

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    21st Year of Publication

    December 2015

    Vol: 21 No. 12

    Thousands attend funeral of martyred

    youth in IOK

    Nawaz Sharif reaffirms Pakistans support

    to Kashmiris

    Anti-India demos mark Modis visit

    to UK

    Kashmiris express resentment over Modi's visitKashmiris express resentment over Modi's visitComplete shutdown observed in IOK Complete shutdown observed in IOK

  • Pakistan does not consider the Kashmir dispute as a geographical or border issue, but a dispute over the implementation of the principle on which the formula of partition of subcontinent was settled in 1947. Pakistan will stick to its policy of extending diplomatic, political and moral support to Kashmiris in their struggle for the right to self-determination and freedom as promised by the UN.

    (Pakistans Prime Minister, Mohammad Nawaz Sharif,

    in a letter to the Chairperson of Dukhtaran-e-Millat, Aasiya Andrabi.

    The letter was released by the DeM in Srinagar on November 13, 2015.)

    Pakistan to continue supporting Kashmir cause: Nawaz

  • Printed & Published byAll Parties Hurriyet Conference AJK

    House # 389-B, Street # 85, I/8-4 Islamabad.Ph: +92-51-4861457, Fax: +92-51-4861458

    Email: [email protected]: Web Brothers, Printers, Publishers

    Al-Rehman Plaza, 44-H, Haider Road, RawalpindiPh:051-5566348, Fax: 051-5516142


    Kashmir Insight DECEMBER 2015

    C O N T E N T S

    EditorialGrowing Hindu fundamentalism in India - a cause of concern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02

    Cover StoryKashmiris express resentment over Modi's visit . . . . . . . . 03

    ReportsThousands attend funeral of martyred youth in IOK. . . . . 07Kashmiris observe Jammu Martyrs Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Nawaz Sharif reaffirms Pakistans support to Kashmiris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    ArticleModis elephant in the roomDr Ghulam Nabi Fai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    PictorialImages speak louder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    Human rights situationHR violations in IOK during November 2015Raies Ahmed Mir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    ReportsAnti-India demos mark Modis visit to UK . . . . . . . . . . 21IOK authorities disallow Gilani's forum to hold seminar in Srinagar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Over 2,300 women martyred, 10,000 molested in IOK since 1989 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

    ArticleStruggle in KashmirMalik Muhammad Ashraf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

    ChronologyA chronological account of developments on Kashmir (112) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

    Beauty thy name isManasbal Lake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29


    The clever thief and an ignorant farmer . . . . . . . . . . . . 30


    Letters to the Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

    M Raza MalikSub Editor: Benazir KhanArt Editor: M.Haroon

    From The Editor's DeskHundreds of people staged protest demonstrations on November 12 and 13, 2015, in London and other cities of the United Kingdom to protest Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modis visit to the country. The protesters had gathered outside Downing Street before moving down to Parliament Square to mark a day of protest on November 12, as the Modi Not Welcome campaign by the Awaaz Network and CasteWatch, UK, was joined by Britain-based Kashmiris, Sikhs, Dalits, Tamils, Gujaratis and Nepalese.The protesters carried placards condemning extremist policies of the Indian government and its closing of eyes towards growing intolerance against minorities in India. They also shouted slogans, Modi go home, Modi not welcome and David Cameron shame shame as the Indian prime minister was received by his British counterpart at about lunchtime.A large number of people who had come from across the UK held similar protests outside the Wembley Stadium in London on November 13 when Narendra Modi was addressing a gathering there. British film director, Leslee Udwin, was at the forefront of the protests, calling on the Indian government to lift the ban on her documentary about the gang rape on a New Delhi bus of a young student who later died of her horrific injuries.Pertinently, Narendra Modi, a Hindu nationalist who was elected as Indian Prime Minister, last year, was banned entry to the UK, US and several European countries until 2012 after anti-Muslim riots a decade earlier in Gujarat in which more than two thousand Muslims were killed. He was chief minister of the Gujarat state at that time. The Amnesty International and other rights groups have accused his government of fostering a climate that has encouraged the growing violence against the religious minorities and permitting wider human rights abuses. Scores of prominent Indian artists, writers and scientists have returned prestigious national awards to protest against attacks on intellectuals and minorities including the lynching of a Muslim villager who was suspected - wrongly - to have beef in his fridge by a Hindu mob for whom the cow is a sacred animal.Unfortunately, Modi-led Indian government is imposing its nefarious agenda in occupied Kashmir, putting the centuries-old communal harmony in the territory at stake.The forceful protests on Indian Prime Minister's visit to the UK were the expression of resentment over the victimisation of minorities by the fanatics of extremist Hindu organisation Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and its affiliated radical groups. The world community must take cognisance of BJP-led Indian governments actions and initiate measures towards ensuring the safety of religious minorities and marginalised communities in India.

  • Growing Hindu fundamentalism in India - a cause of concernIn India, secularism is probably the most abused word. From Congress to Bharatiya Janata Party to the Communist Party of India (Marxist) there is no political party which does not call itself secular and likewise there is none which does not accuse the rest of being pseudo-secular. However, Indias claims of being a secular country stand totally exposed after the inception of present BJP-led regime.Since Narendra Modi, a Hindu nationalist and leader of the rightwing BJP, became prime minister of India in May 2014, groups of radical Hindu nationalists have stepped-up their activities of terrorising religious minorities across the country. According to a leading Christian rights group, at least 600 such attacks by Hindu extremists took place between Modi's election and August of this year. 149 of these assaults were against Christians - the rest were targeted at the Muslim community. Critics say that the attacks are being orchestrated by radical groups affiliated to the extremist Hindu organisation, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Narendra Modi is a lifelong member of the RSS and the backing of its members was crucial in helping his BJP party win the 2014 election. Since then, emboldened by the election results, Modi's most extreme nationalist supporters have routinely taken to the streets, using violence and intimidation to press their claim for a purely Hindu India.Minorities particularly Muslims are being forced to convert to Hinduism, homes are being burnt down and people are even being killed for allegedly consuming beef as cows enjoy special status in the Hindu faith. At the same time, Hindu nationalists are rewriting school textbooks in some states and holding training

    camps for teenage boys and girls to inculcate Hindutva ideology in them.The gunning down of a 77-year-old scholar M M Kalburgi, an outspoken critic of Hindu idol worship, on his own doorstep in August, this year, the killing of communist leader, Govind Pansare, in February near Mumbai and murdering of the activist, Narendra Dabholkar, in 2013, for campaigning against religious superstitions are glaring examples of growing Hindu fundamentalism in India. The killing of a Muslim, Akhlaq Ahmed, on the mere suspicion of consuming beef and threats to Bollywood stars like Aamir Khan and Shahrukh Khan for criticising the extremist policies depict the real situation in the country.Intellectuals, artists, poets and scholars are strongly protesting the increasing intolerance in India and dozens of them have even returned their national awards to express their resentment against the phenomenon.The prevailing situation proves the fact that Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was justified in his demand for separate homeland for the Muslims as he had rightly anticipated that future of Muslim community was not safe under the influence of Hindu majority. It also vindicates the Kashmiris struggle for freedom from Indian occupation and, as such, the passing of Accession to Pakistan R e s o l u t i o n b y t h e K a s h m i r i representatives in Srinagar on July 19, 1947, was a right step in the right direction.The world community must take cognisance of the dangerous designs of the RSS and BJP against the religious minorities in India and put pressure on the Indian government to rein in the Hindu zealots to save the m e m b e r s o f t h e m i n o r i t y communities from their wrath.


  • paramilitary personnel sitting in plain clothes, the activists of BJP a n d p r o - I n d i a P e o p l e s Democratic Party (PDP) and non-Kashmiris who had been brought from different parts of India.Meanwhile, Hurriyet leaders, Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Nayeem Ahmed Khan, Zafar Akbar Butt, Mukhtar Ahmed Waza and the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front in their statements strongly denounced the imposition of curbs by the authorities to prevent the Million March. They hailed the people for observing shutdown on Narendra Modis visit to occu-pied Kashmir. They also rejected t h e e c o n o m i c p a c k a g e announced by Narendra Modi saying that Kashmir was not an issue of development but an issue concerning the future of millions of Kashmiris.The veteran Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, in a statement said that the strike was a refer-endum in support of Kashmirs freedom and a clear message to India that the Kashmiris didnt believe in the so-called Indian democracy. The people of Kashmir once again showed the world that they do not see their

    future with India, he said, adding that the arrests and restrictions could not intimidate the people of Kashmir into submission.He said that the use of undemo-cratic and unconstitutional means for making the rally of Indian Prime Minister successful was ridiculous and a big joke. He added that if the Million March called by the resistance leader-ship would have been allowed, the puppet administration would have seen the real crowd unlike a handful of people hired by it for Modis rally.He said that economic package was a non- i s sue for the Kashmiris but right to self-determination was the real issue

    for them and they had offered supreme sacrifices for securing this right. He said, New Delhi is not doing any favour to the Kashmiri people by announcing economic packages, but it is their right as they pay huge taxes and also New Delhi has been plun-dering their resources for the past over six decades.The Al l Part ies Hurr iyet Conference Chairman, Mirwaiz U m a r F a r o o q , w h i l e commending the people for observing the complete strike to register their protest against Modis visit and his govern-ments Kashmir policy said, The brave Kashmiris have once again given a clear message to the Indian leadership and the international community that the sacrifices offered and the innumerable hardships faced by them for the past more than 67 years are for the cause of achieving the basic right, the right to self-determination.He deplored that the Indian leadership continues to turn a blind eye towards the real issue. Instead of addressing the root cause, they keep hacking the leaves by talking of develop-ment, governance and economic well-being, as if that will alter anything. Had it been so, for the

    In occupied Kashmir, people observed complete shutdown, marked by forceful anti-India protests, during the visit of Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, to the occupied territory on November 7, 2015, to convey a message to the world that they reject Indias illegal hold on Jammu and Kashmir.All shops, business establish-ments and educational institu-tions remained closed while traffic was off the road. People released black balloons in Srinagar to express their resent-ment against the visit of Narendra Modi.The occupation authorities had taken unprecedented security measures and turned Srinagar into a fortress. Mobile and i n t e r n e t s e r v i c e s w e r e suspended in the city. The authorities had also imposed curfew and restrictions in Srinagar and other major towns

    by deploying Indian troops and police personnel in strength. The action was aimed at stopping the people from conducting the Million March at TRC ground in Srinagar, call for which was given by the veteran Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, and was supported by other pro-freedom leaders.Despite strict restrictions, people staged anti-India demonstra-tions in Srinagar, Baramulla, Sopore, Kupwara, Islamabad, Pulwama, Kulgam, Bandipore, Pampore and other areas and tried to conduct the march. However, Indian troops and police personnel stopped them from heading towards the TRC ground. Indian forces personnel used brute force against the demonstrators at various places, causing injuries to several persons. An engineering student, Gowhar Ahmed Dar, was killed

    and about a dozen people were injured when Indian troops opened fire on peaceful demon-strators in Zainakote area of Srinagar.Indian police had arrested Syed Ali Gilani, Zamruda Habib and many other Hurriyet leaders and activists from different areas of Srinagar when they tried to march towards the TRC ground. All other Hurriyet leaders were kept under house arrest or illegal detention to stop them from leading the march.Indian police had even arrested the member of the so-called Kashmir Assembly, Engineer Abdur Rasheed, after he waved black flag at his residence to protest against Modis visit.Although Narendra Modi addressed a gathering in Srinagar during his visit to Kashmir, however media reports said that most of the participants were Indian military and

    Cover Story


    Cover Story

    Kashmiris express resentment over Modi's visitKashmiris express resentment over Modi's visitComplete shutdown observed in IOK Complete shutdown observed in IOK

  • paramilitary personnel sitting in plain clothes, the activists of BJP a n d p r o - I n d i a P e o p l e s Democratic Party (PDP) and non-Kashmiris who had been brought from different parts of India.Meanwhile, Hurriyet leaders, Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Nayeem Ahmed Khan, Zafar Akbar Butt, Mukhtar Ahmed Waza and the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front in their statements strongly denounced the imposition of curbs by the authorities to prevent the Million March. They hailed the people for observing shutdown on Narendra Modis visit to occu-pied Kashmir. They also rejected t h e e c o n o m i c p a c k a g e announced by Narendra Modi saying that Kashmir was not an issue of development but an issue concerning the future of millions of Kashmiris.The veteran Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, in a statement said that the strike was a refer-endum in support of Kashmirs freedom and a clear message to India that the Kashmiris didnt believe in the so-called Indian democracy. The people of Kashmir once again showed the world that they do not see their

    future with India, he said, adding that the arrests and restrictions could not intimidate the people of Kashmir into submission.He said that the use of undemo-cratic and unconstitutional means for making the rally of Indian Prime Minister successful was ridiculous and a big joke. He added that if the Million March called by the resistance leader-ship would have been allowed, the puppet administration would have seen the real crowd unlike a handful of people hired by it for Modis rally.He said that economic package was a non- i s sue for the Kashmiris but right to self-determination was the real issue

    for them and they had offered supreme sacrifices for securing this right. He said, New Delhi is not doing any favour to the Kashmiri people by announcing economic packages, but it is their right as they pay huge taxes and also New Delhi has been plun-dering their resources for the past over six decades.The Al l Part ies Hurr iyet Conference Chairman, Mirwaiz U m a r F a r o o q , w h i l e commending the people for observing the complete strike to register their protest against Modis visit and his govern-ments Kashmir policy said, The brave Kashmiris have once again given a clear message to the Indian leadership and the international community that the sacrifices offered and the innumerable hardships faced by them for the past more than 67 years are for the cause of achieving the basic right, the right to self-determination.He deplored that the Indian leadership continues to turn a blind eye towards the real issue. Instead of addressing the root cause, they keep hacking the leaves by talking of develop-ment, governance and economic well-being, as if that will alter anything. Had it been so, for the

    In occupied Kashmir, people observed complete shutdown, marked by forceful anti-India protests, during the visit of Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, to the occupied territory on November 7, 2015, to convey a message to the world that they reject Indias illegal hold on Jammu and Kashmir.All shops, business establish-ments and educational institu-tions remained closed while traffic was off the road. People released black balloons in Srinagar to express their resent-ment against the visit of Narendra Modi.The occupation authorities had taken unprecedented security measures and turned Srinagar into a fortress. Mobile and i n t e r n e t s e r v i c e s w e r e suspended in the city. The authorities had also imposed curfew and restrictions in Srinagar and other major towns

    by deploying Indian troops and police personnel in strength. The action was aimed at stopping the people from conducting the Million March at TRC ground in Srinagar, call for which was given by the veteran Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, and was supported by other pro-freedom leaders.Despite strict restrictions, people staged anti-India demonstra-tions in Srinagar, Baramulla, Sopore, Kupwara, Islamabad, Pulwama, Kulgam, Bandipore, Pampore and other areas and tried to conduct the march. However, Indian troops and police personnel stopped them from heading towards the TRC ground. Indian forces personnel used brute force against the demonstrators at various places, causing injuries to several persons. An engineering student, Gowhar Ahmed Dar, was killed

    and about a dozen people were injured when Indian troops opened fire on peaceful demon-strators in Zainakote area of Srinagar.Indian police had arrested Syed Ali Gilani, Zamruda Habib and many other Hurriyet leaders and activists from different areas of Srinagar when they tried to march towards the TRC ground. All other Hurriyet leaders were kept under house arrest or illegal detention to stop them from leading the march.Indian police had even arrested the member of the so-called Kashmir Assembly, Engineer Abdur Rasheed, after he waved black flag at his residence to protest against Modis visit.Although Narendra Modi addressed a gathering in Srinagar during his visit to Kashmir, however media reports said that most of the participants were Indian military and

    Cover Story


    Cover Story

    Kashmiris express resentment over Modi's visitKashmiris express resentment over Modi's visitComplete shutdown observed in IOK Complete shutdown observed in IOK

  • past over sixty years, many economic packages and develop-mental plans have time and again been announced, but that have not in any way changed the fundamental nature of the problem, nor have they helped in coming near to a resolution of the issue, he said.The Mirwaiz said that Kashmir was a political issue that could not be addressed by announcing financial packages or economic incentives.The illegally detained senior Hurriyet leader, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, in a statement in Srinagar strongly condemned the imposi-tion of curbs, restrictions and turning of entire Kashmir Valley into a military garrison on the visit of Narendra Modi. "Not only were 30 ,000 forces personnel deployed in Srinagar city for Modi's rally but also h u n d r e d s o f d a i l y - w a g e , anganwari and aasha workers, non locals and female govern-ment employees were forcibly taken to the so-called rally," he pointed out.He said that economic packages were no solution to the Kashmir dispute and it was high time to settle it through dialogue process among Pakistan, India and the

    genuine Kashmiri leadership for durable peace in South Asia.The unlawful ly de ta ined Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, Muhammad Yasin Malik, in his statement said that the protest strike observed by the Kashmiri people should serve as an eye-opener for all including Modi that Kashmiris wanted freedom from India. Bringing people from Delhi, Punjab, Jammu and other areas and assembling them in Srinagar with Kashmiri Pheran cannot change the reality of Kashmir dispute. Nor can wearing a Pheran befool the people who have offered the supreme sacrifice of over one lakh near and dear ones, he said.

    He said that India and its agents in the territory should know that economic packages would not resolve the Kashmir dispute but it needed a political package.The High Court Bar Association of occupied Kashmir in a statement in Srinagar said that the people of Kashmir had not offered huge sacrifices for economic packages but for achieving their right to self-determination. Indian leaders by announcing different pack-ages are only befooling them-selves. It is high time for them to understand the ground realties of Kashmir and fulfill the promise made by their predeces-sors both in and outside the Indian Parliament and also at the international fora with the people of Kashmir, it main-tained.The Hurriyet leaders also strongly denounced the cold-blooded murder of the innocent student, Gowhar Ahmed Dar, terming it as a "gift" from Modi to the people of the occupied territory on his visit. They said that the sacrifices of the Kashmiri martyrs would not be allowed to go waste and the ongoing struggle for freedom from Indian bondage would be taken to its logical conclusion at all costs.

    Cover Story


    Complete shutdown, marked by forceful anti-India demonstra-tions, was observed in the occupied territory on November 8 to protest against the brutal killing of the student. Defying restrictions, people took to the streets in Shalatang, Parimpora, Maisuma, Zainakote, Narabal, Bandipore, Tral, Pulwama, Sopore, Islamabad and other areas. The protesters clashed with Indian forces personnel raising high-pitched anti-India and pro-freedom slogans. Indian police fired teargas shells, i n j u r i n g m a n y p e o p l e . T h e puppet authorities c o n t i n u e d t o impose restric-tions in Srinagar part icular ly in Zainakote locality for about a week a n d p u t a l l Hurriyet leaders under detention in their houses or police stations for several days. The action was aimed at stopping the l e a d e r s f r o m leading the demonstrations against the murder of Gowhar Ahmed Dar.Syed Ali Gilani while expressing grief over the killing said, It is a gift to Kashmiris on Indian Prime Minister Narender Modis visit. The killing of innocent people particularly teenage students has been a norm and a tradition of Indian occupational forces in Jammu and Kashmir.Mirwaiz Umar Farooq said that on one hand, Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, and the puppet Chief Minister of the occupied terr i tory, Muft i Muhammad Sayeed, talked non-stop about empowering youth of

    Kashmir, but on the other, trigger-happy Indian troops missed no opportunity in spilling the blood of innocent Kashmiri youth.Shabbir Ahmed Shah rejected the enquiry ordered by the puppet administration into the killing and said that such probes were nothing but a tool to pacify the public anger.Muhammad Yasin Malik in his statement termed the killing as another crime committed by Modi-Mufti alliance. He said that this was another gift given by

    these brutal killers to the Kashmiris.Hurriyet leaders including Mukhtar Ahmed Waza, Barrister Abdul Majeed Tramboo and Farooq Ahmed Dar strongly denouncing the brutal murder of Gowhar Ahmed Dar deplored that on one side, Indian Prime Minister talked about humanity and democracy and on the other, Indian armed forces continued to kill innocent Kashmiris.On the other hand, the Azad Jammu and Kashmir chapter of the forum patronised by Syed Ali Gilani organised a protest demonstration outside the UN Observers Office in Islamabad.

    The demonstration was aimed at protesting against the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modis visit to the Kashmir Valley and to express solidarity with the people of occupied Kashmir. The participants of the demonstration presented a memorandum to the Office for the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, regarding the human rights violations perpetrated by Indian troops in occupied Kashmir and an appeal was made to the UN Secretary General to take cognisance of the

    Indian brutalities i n o c c u p i e d Kashmir.On the visit of Narendra Modi, t h e b r a v e Kashmiris once again gave a clear message to the Indian leadership and the interna-tional community that they were offering sacrifices for securing their inalienable right to self-determination and they were

    ready to offer more till they were allowed to exercise this right.India needs to acknowledge the reality that its policy of repres-sion and even incentives had failed to win over the hearts of the Kashmiri people and should take steps to settle the Kashmir dispute in accordance with their aspirations.The world community must also play its role in the settlement of the Kashmir dispute to save the people of Kashmir from the Indian brutalities and for ensuring permanent peace in the region.(Humayun Aziz Sandeela)


    Cover Story

  • past over sixty years, many economic packages and develop-mental plans have time and again been announced, but that have not in any way changed the fundamental nature of the problem, nor have they helped in coming near to a resolution of the issue, he said.The Mirwaiz said that Kashmir was a political issue that could not be addressed by announcing financial packages or economic incentives.The illegally detained senior Hurriyet leader, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, in a statement in Srinagar strongly condemned the imposi-tion of curbs, restrictions and turning of entire Kashmir Valley into a military garrison on the visit of Narendra Modi. "Not only were 30 ,000 forces personnel deployed in Srinagar city for Modi's rally but also h u n d r e d s o f d a i l y - w a g e , anganwari and aasha workers, non locals and female govern-ment employees were forcibly taken to the so-called rally," he pointed out.He said that economic packages were no solution to the Kashmir dispute and it was high time to settle it through dialogue process among Pakistan, India and the

    genuine Kashmiri leadership for durable peace in South Asia.The unlawful ly de ta ined Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, Muhammad Yasin Malik, in his statement said that the protest strike observed by the Kashmiri people should serve as an eye-opener for all including Modi that Kashmiris wanted freedom from India. Bringing people from Delhi, Punjab, Jammu and other areas and assembling them in Srinagar with Kashmiri Pheran cannot change the reality of Kashmir dispute. Nor can wearing a Pheran befool the people who have offered the supreme sacrifice of over one lakh near and dear ones, he said.

    He said that India and its agents in the territory should know that economic packages would not resolve the Kashmir dispute but it needed a political package.The High Court Bar Association of occupied Kashmir in a statement in Srinagar said that the people of Kashmir had not offered huge sacrifices for economic packages but for achieving their right to self-determination. Indian leaders by announcing different pack-ages are only befooling them-selves. It is high time for them to understand the ground realties of Kashmir and fulfill the promise made by their predeces-sors both in and outside the Indian Parliament and also at the international fora with the people of Kashmir, it main-tained.The Hurriyet leaders also strongly denounced the cold-blooded murder of the innocent student, Gowhar Ahmed Dar, terming it as a "gift" from Modi to the people of the occupied territory on his visit. They said that the sacrifices of the Kashmiri martyrs would not be allowed to go waste and the ongoing struggle for freedom from Indian bondage would be taken to its logical conclusion at all costs.

    Cover Story


    Complete shutdown, marked by forceful anti-India demonstra-tions, was observed in the occupied territory on November 8 to protest against the brutal killing of the student. Defying restrictions, people took to the streets in Shalatang, Parimpora, Maisuma, Zainakote, Narabal, Bandipore, Tral, Pulwama, Sopore, Islamabad and other areas. The protesters clashed with Indian forces personnel raising high-pitched anti-India and pro-freedom slogans. Indian police fired teargas shells, i n j u r i n g m a n y p e o p l e . T h e puppet authorities c o n t i n u e d t o impose restric-tions in Srinagar part icular ly in Zainakote locality for about a week a n d p u t a l l Hurriyet leaders under detention in their houses or police stations for several days. The action was aimed at stopping the l e a d e r s f r o m leading the demonstrations against the murder of Gowhar Ahmed Dar.Syed Ali Gilani while expressing grief over the killing said, It is a gift to Kashmiris on Indian Prime Minister Narender Modis visit. The killing of innocent people particularly teenage students has been a norm and a tradition of Indian occupational forces in Jammu and Kashmir.Mirwaiz Umar Farooq said that on one hand, Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, and the puppet Chief Minister of the occupied terr i tory, Muft i Muhammad Sayeed, talked non-stop about empowering youth of

    Kashmir, but on the other, trigger-happy Indian troops missed no opportunity in spilling the blood of innocent Kashmiri youth.Shabbir Ahmed Shah rejected the enquiry ordered by the puppet administration into the killing and said that such probes were nothing but a tool to pacify the public anger.Muhammad Yasin Malik in his statement termed the killing as another crime committed by Modi-Mufti alliance. He said that this was another gift given by

    these brutal killers to the Kashmiris.Hurriyet leaders including Mukhtar Ahmed Waza, Barrister Abdul Majeed Tramboo and Farooq Ahmed Dar strongly denouncing the brutal murder of Gowhar Ahmed Dar deplored that on one side, Indian Prime Minister talked about humanity and democracy and on the other, Indian armed forces continued to kill innocent Kashmiris.On the other hand, the Azad Jammu and Kashmir chapter of the forum patronised by Syed Ali Gilani organised a protest demonstration outside the UN Observers Office in Islamabad.

    The demonstration was aimed at protesting against the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modis visit to the Kashmir Valley and to express solidarity with the people of occupied Kashmir. The participants of the demonstration presented a memorandum to the Office for the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, regarding the human rights violations perpetrated by Indian troops in occupied Kashmir and an appeal was made to the UN Secretary General to take cognisance of the

    Indian brutalities i n o c c u p i e d Kashmir.On the visit of Narendra Modi, t h e b r a v e Kashmiris once again gave a clear message to the Indian leadership and the interna-tional community that they were offering sacrifices for securing their inalienable right to self-determination and they were

    ready to offer more till they were allowed to exercise this right.India needs to acknowledge the reality that its policy of repres-sion and even incentives had failed to win over the hearts of the Kashmiri people and should take steps to settle the Kashmir dispute in accordance with their aspirations.The world community must also play its role in the settlement of the Kashmir dispute to save the people of Kashmir from the Indian brutalities and for ensuring permanent peace in the region.(Humayun Aziz Sandeela)


    Cover Story

  • Ramzan Khan, Muhammad Ahsan Untoo, Farooq Ahmed Tawheedi, Muhammad Iqbal Mir and delegations of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, Jammu and Kashmir Muslim League, Jamaat-e-Islami and Dukhtaran-e-Millat partici-pated in the funeral of the martyrs.The All Parties Hurriyet Conference Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, addressing a meeting of APHCs Executive Council in Srinagar said that India could not suppress the Kashmiris ongoing freedom movement through use of brute force. He paid glowing tributes to the sacrifices of Kashmiri youth. He said that the Kashmir dispute was an issue of the Kashmiris aspirations and it

    could not be resolved through military might.The meeting expressed serious concern over the killing of youth, use of excessive force on peaceful protesters, arrests and curbs on the political activities of Hurriyet leaders. It said that

    all these actions showed that the puppet rulers could go to any extent in their lust for power.Senior Hurriyet leader, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, on November 29 visited Bijbehara and paid t r ibutes to the martyrs . Addressing a gathering on the occasion, he said that the

    Kashmir dispute had gained attention at the world forums due to the sacrifices rendered by the Kashmiri martyrs. No one will be allowed to play with the sacred blood of martyrs and we will continue our freedom struggle till complete success,

    he added.The Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Chairman, Muhammad Yasin Malik, in a statement said, The freedom struggle for which the youth are offering supreme sacrifices cannot be defeated by any power in the world. He said, India and its Kashmiri collabo-rators have squeezed every space for peaceful political struggle. This is pushing young Kashmiris to the wall and they are considering other means of struggle to resist the oppression. It is the fourth generation of Kashmiris that is sacrificing itself for freedom and resolution of the Kashmir dispute. The Jammu and Kashmir National Front Chairman, Nayeem Ahmed Khan, in his statement said, These martyrs are real heroes of our freedom struggle because it is their blood which infuses life into it. So we must honour our martyrs by carrying on their mission.Hurriyet leaders including Muhammad Yousuf Naqash, Syed Bashir Andrabi, Ghulam Muhammad Khan Sopori,

    In occupied Kashmir, despite restrictions and heavy deploy-ment of Indian military and paramilitary personnel in Bijbehara, thousands of people on November 24, 2015, attended

    the funerals of three youth who were martyred by Indian troops. Thousands of people raising pro-Pakistan and pro-freedom slogans and waving Pakistani flags participated in the funeral prayers of the martyred youth in Bijbehara. The youth identified as Adil Ahmed, Muhammad Arif and Aamir Ahmed were killed by the troops at Siligam in Ashmuqam area of Islamabad district.Normal life across the Kashmir Valley was affected on the day due to the shutdown called by the veteran Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, against the killing of the youth. In a signifi-cant development, people also hoisted Pakistani flags on the ancestral house of the puppet C h i e f M i n i s t e r , M u f t i

    M u h a m m a d S a y e e d , i n Bijbehara. Several people were injured when Indian police fired teargas shells and pallets on protesters on the occasion. Enthusiastic mob rushed at the

    top of Mufti Sayeeds house and the troops failed to stop them.Complete strike was observed in Bijbehara town for four consecutive days to mourn the killing of the youth. The occupat ion author i t ies had imposed curfew-like restrictions in t h e t o w n b y deploying Indian troops and police p e r s o n n e l i n strength to prevent people from staging d e m o n s t r a t i o n s against the killings. Despite restrictions, a large renumber of people participated in a prayer meeting in the town on

    November 27 to pay glowing tributes to the martyred youth. Many Hurriyet leaders visited the families of the martyred youth and expressed solidarity with them.The veteran Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, who was under house detention in Srinagar, while telephonically addressing the people in Bijbehara lashed out at India and pro-India politicians for unleashing a reign of terror in the territory. He said that the Kashmiri youth were offering sacrifices for the great cause of freedom and pro-India politicians were trying to prolong the path to freedom through different tactics.Hurriyet leaders including Ghulam Nabi Sumjhi, Yasmeen Raja, Bilal Siddiqi, Shabbir Ahmed Dar , Muhammad




    Thousands attend funeral of martyred youth in IOKThousands attend funeral of martyred youth in IOK

  • Ramzan Khan, Muhammad Ahsan Untoo, Farooq Ahmed Tawheedi, Muhammad Iqbal Mir and delegations of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, Jammu and Kashmir Muslim League, Jamaat-e-Islami and Dukhtaran-e-Millat partici-pated in the funeral of the martyrs.The All Parties Hurriyet Conference Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, addressing a meeting of APHCs Executive Council in Srinagar said that India could not suppress the Kashmiris ongoing freedom movement through use of brute force. He paid glowing tributes to the sacrifices of Kashmiri youth. He said that the Kashmir dispute was an issue of the Kashmiris aspirations and it

    could not be resolved through military might.The meeting expressed serious concern over the killing of youth, use of excessive force on peaceful protesters, arrests and curbs on the political activities of Hurriyet leaders. It said that

    all these actions showed that the puppet rulers could go to any extent in their lust for power.Senior Hurriyet leader, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, on November 29 visited Bijbehara and paid t r ibutes to the martyrs . Addressing a gathering on the occasion, he said that the

    Kashmir dispute had gained attention at the world forums due to the sacrifices rendered by the Kashmiri martyrs. No one will be allowed to play with the sacred blood of martyrs and we will continue our freedom struggle till complete success,

    he added.The Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Chairman, Muhammad Yasin Malik, in a statement said, The freedom struggle for which the youth are offering supreme sacrifices cannot be defeated by any power in the world. He said, India and its Kashmiri collabo-rators have squeezed every space for peaceful political struggle. This is pushing young Kashmiris to the wall and they are considering other means of struggle to resist the oppression. It is the fourth generation of Kashmiris that is sacrificing itself for freedom and resolution of the Kashmir dispute. The Jammu and Kashmir National Front Chairman, Nayeem Ahmed Khan, in his statement said, These martyrs are real heroes of our freedom struggle because it is their blood which infuses life into it. So we must honour our martyrs by carrying on their mission.Hurriyet leaders including Muhammad Yousuf Naqash, Syed Bashir Andrabi, Ghulam Muhammad Khan Sopori,

    In occupied Kashmir, despite restrictions and heavy deploy-ment of Indian military and paramilitary personnel in Bijbehara, thousands of people on November 24, 2015, attended

    the funerals of three youth who were martyred by Indian troops. Thousands of people raising pro-Pakistan and pro-freedom slogans and waving Pakistani flags participated in the funeral prayers of the martyred youth in Bijbehara. The youth identified as Adil Ahmed, Muhammad Arif and Aamir Ahmed were killed by the troops at Siligam in Ashmuqam area of Islamabad district.Normal life across the Kashmir Valley was affected on the day due to the shutdown called by the veteran Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, against the killing of the youth. In a signifi-cant development, people also hoisted Pakistani flags on the ancestral house of the puppet C h i e f M i n i s t e r , M u f t i

    M u h a m m a d S a y e e d , i n Bijbehara. Several people were injured when Indian police fired teargas shells and pallets on protesters on the occasion. Enthusiastic mob rushed at the

    top of Mufti Sayeeds house and the troops failed to stop them.Complete strike was observed in Bijbehara town for four consecutive days to mourn the killing of the youth. The occupat ion author i t ies had imposed curfew-like restrictions in t h e t o w n b y deploying Indian troops and police p e r s o n n e l i n strength to prevent people from staging d e m o n s t r a t i o n s against the killings. Despite restrictions, a large renumber of people participated in a prayer meeting in the town on

    November 27 to pay glowing tributes to the martyred youth. Many Hurriyet leaders visited the families of the martyred youth and expressed solidarity with them.The veteran Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, who was under house detention in Srinagar, while telephonically addressing the people in Bijbehara lashed out at India and pro-India politicians for unleashing a reign of terror in the territory. He said that the Kashmiri youth were offering sacrifices for the great cause of freedom and pro-India politicians were trying to prolong the path to freedom through different tactics.Hurriyet leaders including Ghulam Nabi Sumjhi, Yasmeen Raja, Bilal Siddiqi, Shabbir Ahmed Dar , Muhammad




    Thousands attend funeral of martyred youth in IOKThousands attend funeral of martyred youth in IOK

  • Zamruda Habib and Farida Bahenji visited Bijbehara area of the district and expressed solidarity with the families of the martyred youth. Addressing mourners on the occasion, they said that the Kashmiri martyrs sacrifices, which had centre-staged the Kashmir dispute at the global level, would not be allowed to go waste and their mission would be accomplished at all costs.

    The delegations of Tehreek-e-Hurriyet Jammu and Kashmir and Dukhtaran-e-Millat also visited Bijbehara and paid homage to the martyred youth.Hurriyet leaders and organisa-tions including Javaid Ahmed Mir, Mukhtar Ahmed Waza, Farooq Ahmed Dar, Jammu and Kashmir Muslim League, Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Freedom League, Jammu and Kashmir Mass Movement,

    Jamiat Ahle Hadith Jammu and Kashmir and Muslim Deeni Mahaz in their statements also paid tributes to the martyrs. They said that the Kashmiri people were determined to take the mission of their martyrs to its logical end.The members of High Court Bar Association of the occupied territory boycotted the court proceedings in protest against the killing of the youth.



    Pakistans Army Chief, General Raheel Sharif, in his meeting with the US Secretary of State, John Kerry, on November 18, 2015, stressed the need of settling t h e K a s h m i r d i s p u t e i n accordance with the Kashmiris' aspirations for ensuring durable peace in South Asia.The Army Chief during his five-day visit to the US from November 16-20 met John Kerry and other top US political and military leaders and discussed matters related to regional security and highlighted the need to resolve the Kashmir dispute.On the other hand, senior H u r r i y e t l e a d e r a n d t h e Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (DFP), Shabbir Ahmed Shah, in a statement issued in Srinagar appreciated General Raheel Sharif for raising the Kashmir dispute in his meeting with John Kerry. He said that the meeting would yield positive results and give impetus to the

    efforts aimed at ensuring peace in the region. To create a peaceful world and to ensure trouble-free South Asian region, there is a need to resolve all the pending disputes in a sincere manner, he added.Shabbir Ahmed Shah said that the Kashmir dispute needed to be highlighted at every forum of the world. We hope that John Kerry will take cognisance of the continued grave human rights violations perpetrated by Indian forces in Kashmir and will take the world leadership on board in

    this regard, he said.The DFP Chairman said that the uncertainty in the region was only due to India's stubbornness on the Kashmir dispute and its policy was endangering peace in the entire South Asia.Shabbir Shah appealed to the world leadership to seriously take notice of the situation in occupied Kashmir, saying that turning of a territory into a virtual jail in the 21st century was a challenge to the world.

    General Raheel raises Kashmir dispute during meeting with Kerry

    General Raheel raises Kashmir dispute during meeting with Kerry

  • Pakis tan Pr ime Minis ter , Mohammad Nawaz Sharif, has reiterated Pakistan's stance to continue moral, political and diplomatic support to the people of Kashmir in their struggle for securing their right to self-determination, acknowledged by the United Nations. The Prime Minister made the reaffirmation in a letter to the Chairperson of Dukhtaran-e-Millat in occupied Kashmir, Aasiya Andrabi, released by the party in Srinagar on November 13, 2015.Aasiya Andrabi had earlier sent a letter to the Prime Minister appreciating his efforts towards settlement of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the Kashmiris aspirations.Nawaz Sharif in his letter maintained that Pakistan does not consider the Kashmir dispute as a geographical or border issue, but a dispute over the implemen-tation of the principle on which the formula of partition of subcontinent was settled in 1947.

    He thanked Aasiya Andrabi for reposing trust on Pakistans policies towards the Kashmir dispute. Pakistan doesnt see the Kashmir dispute as a geographical issue, but an unfinished agenda of 1947 Partition Plan. The essence of the principles of partition is that the Muslim majority state of Jammu and Kashmir should be given the

    right to self-determination. This right has been recognised by the entire world through the forum of United Nations. India itself has promised to the world community that Kashmiris would be given the right to choose their political future through the exercise of right to self-determination, he wrote. He added that backtracking from

    this promise by India would be a betrayal of the c o m m i t m e n t made to the world commu-n i t y . H e assured that Pakistan would c o n t i n u e t o extend diplo-matic, political a n d m o r a l support to the Kashmiris in

    their struggle for the right to self-determination and freedom as promised by the UN.Lauding the struggle of Aasiya Andrabi, he said, We know that your struggle is for a right that has been recognised by every nation that believes in human, moral and democratic rights.He rejected the notion that the

    UN resolutions were outdated and wrote that lapse of a long time did not mean that these resolutions had become irrele-vant. People in Kashmir, under a leadership like yours, are carrying on an exemplary struggle and have laid down historic sacrifices. These sacri-fices have only increased the importance of the resolution of the Kashmir dispute. No matter what India says, the resolution of Kashmir can be achieved only through a free and fair plebiscite to enable the Kashmiri people exercise the right to self-determination," he wrote.Nawaz Sharif also thanked Aasiya Andrabi for writing him a letter and facilitating him for raising the Kashmir issue at the UN and other international fora. ''I am thankful to you for your ideas and sentiments. May Allah give me the strength to live up to the expectations that you have expressed on me and the Islamic Democratic Republic of Pakistan. The faith you have expressed on Pakistan's current stand on Kashmir is a matter of satisfac-tion for me,'' he further wrote.



    Nawaz Sharif reaffirms Pakistans support to KashmirisNawaz Sharif reaffirms Pakistans support to Kashmiris

  • 03-11-2015 Srinagar03-11-2015 Srinagar 07-11-2015 Pattan07-11-2015 Pattan06-11-2015 Srinagar06-11-2015 Srinagar

    10-11-2015 Srinagar10-11-2015 Srinagar 21-11-2015 Srinagar21-11-2015 Srinagar 21-11-2015 Srinagar21-11-2015 Srinagar

    24-11-2015 Islamabad24-11-2015 Islamabad 24-11-2015 Bijbehara24-11-2015 Bijbehara 27-11-2015 Srinagar27-11-2015 Srinagar

  • The people of occupied Kashmir are living in a state of constant fear due to the brutalities being perpetrated by Indian troops and police in the territory. The Indian armed forces' personnel are committing gross human rights violations -- in fact crimes against humanity -- in the territory to suppress the Kashmiris just struggle for securing their inal ienable r ight to se l f -determination but they cannot be tried in a court of law for their brutal actions due to the protection given to them under draconian laws like Armed Forces Special Powers Act and Disturbed Areas Act. The trigger-happy troops brutally killed an innocent student by opening f ire on peaceful protesters in Srinagar even on the day when Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, visited the city on November 7.The world human r ights watchdogs like the Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Asia Watch in their reports while expressing concern over the grave human rights abuses in the territory at the hands of Indian troops and police personnel have been consistently demanding the repeal of all black laws from o c c u p i e d K a s h m i r b u t , unfortunately, India is not paying heed to their pleas.Following are details of the brutalities committed by Indian forces' personnel in the occupied territory during the month of November.

    Hurriyet leaders, Bilal Siddiqi and Advocate Muhammad Shafi Reshi f rom Sr inagar and Palhallan areas.November 6: The occupation authorities imposed curfew and other restrictions in many areas of Srinagar to prevent people from participating in a function, which was scheduled to be organised by the All Parties Hurriyet Conference Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, at the historic Jamia Masjid to pay tributes to the hundreds of thousands of Muslims of Jammu who were killed in 1947. Juma prayers could not be held in the mosque, which was sealed by the authorities.Indian troops beat up and injured several students in Surankote area of Poonch district.The police arrested several people including noted religious scholar, Qazi Yasir, from Srinagar.

    November 7: The occupation authorities imposed curfew and other restrictions in Srinagar and other areas to prevent people from participating in the Million March at the TRC ground in Srinagar to protest against Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modis visit to the occupied territory.

    An engineering student, Gowhar Ahmed Dar, was killed and several other people were injured after Indian troops resorted to indiscriminate firing on the demonst ra tors a t Zainakote in Srinagar and in Pampore and Palhallan areas.Indian police arrested Syed Ali Gilani, Zamruda Habib and several other Hurriyet leaders and activists from different areas of Srinagar when they tried to

    march towards the TRC ground. All o t h e r H u r r i y e t leaders were kept under house arrest or illegal detention to stop them from leading the march. Member of the so-c a l l e d K a s h m i r L e g i s l a t i v e Assembly, Engineer

    Abdur Rasheed, was arrested after he waved a black flag at his residence as a mark of protest against Modis visit.November 8: Dozens of people including a journalist were injured when the police used brute force in Zainakote, Shalateng, Parimpora, Maisuma, Gojwara, Nowhatta, Saraf Kadal,

    Kawdara, Narabal, Bandipore, T r a l , P u l w a m a , S o p o r e , Islamabad, Bandipora and other areas during demonstrations against the killing of Gowhar Ahmed Dar.November 9: Indian troops used brute force and injured dozens of people including women in Nowhatta, Gojwara, Saraf Kadal, Bohri Kadal and Zainakote areas of Srinagar, during protests against the killing of the student.November 10: Indian troops killed a youth during a siege and search operation at Trumnad Kumkadi in Kupwara.Several youth were injured after Indian police used brute force on protesters in Pattan area of Baramulla district while the police arrested a youth, Tariq Ahmed Butt, in Kulgam.November 11: Indian police arrested Hurriyet leaders including Nisar Hussain Rather, Muhammad Yasin Attai and Syed Imtiyaz Haider after subjecting them to brute force when they tried to march towards the house of the martyred student, Gowhar Ahmed Dar, near Khushipora in Srinagar.November 12: Many people

    November 1: The puppet authorities arrested hundreds of pro- f reedom leaders and activists including Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Muhammad Yasin Malik, Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai, Muhammad Yousuf Naqash, Zafar Akbar Butt, Javaid Ahmed Mir, Mukhtar Ahmed Waza, Showket Ahmed Bakhshi, Farooq Ahmed Tawheedi, Altaf A h m e d S h a h , Ayaz Akbar, Mir Hafeezullah, Syed Imtiyaz Haider, Muhammad Yasin Attai and Farooq A h m e d G h a u t a p o r i . Indian troops and police raided the r e s i d e n c e s o f hundreds of pro-freedom leaders and activists including Mushtaq-ul-Islam, Peer Saifullah, Raja Meraj-ud-Din Kalwal, Bilal Siddiqi, Abdul Ahad Parra and Muhammad Ashraf Laya. The actions were aimed at preventing the leaders from taking part in the Million March at the TRC ground in Srinagar scheduled to be conducted on November 7. Call for the march had been given by the veteran Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, and was supported by other Hurriyet leaders to protest against Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modis visit to the occupied territory.People in Bandipora told media that Indian Army and police

    personnel had unleashed a reign of terror in the area.November 2: Indian police during continued crackdown arrested dozens of Hurriyet leaders and activists including Aasiya Andrabi, Muhammad Yousuf Mir, Shabbir Ahmed Dar, Moulvi Bashir Ahmed, Nahida Nasreen and Fahmeeda Sofi from Srinagar, Islamabad, Pampore and Bandpora areas.November 3: The authorities continued to detain hundreds of Hurriyet leaders and activists including Syed Ali Gilani, M i r w a i z U m a r F a r o o q , Muhammad Yas in Mal ik ,

    Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosavi Al-Safvi, Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai, Aasiya Andrabi and Nayeem Ahmed Khan in their houses or police stations.Five people were injured due to the use of brutal force by the police on peaceful protesters in Nowgam area of Srinagar.November 4: Indian police personnel barged into the house of Jammu and Kashmir Mass Movement leader , Abdul Rasheed Lone, in Hazratbal area of Srinagar, harassed his two daughters and misbehaved with them.November 5: The police arrested around fifty persons including


    Human Rights Situation Human Rights Situation

    Compiled by Raies Ahmed Mir

  • The people of occupied Kashmir are living in a state of constant fear due to the brutalities being perpetrated by Indian troops and police in the territory. The Indian armed forces' personnel are committing gross human rights violations -- in fact crimes against humanity -- in the territory to suppress the Kashmiris just struggle for securing their inal ienable r ight to se l f -determination but they cannot be tried in a court of law for their brutal actions due to the protection given to them under draconian laws like Armed Forces Special Powers Act and Disturbed Areas Act. The trigger-happy troops brutally killed an innocent student by opening f ire on peaceful protesters in Srinagar even on the day when Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, visited the city on November 7.The world human r ights watchdogs like the Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Asia Watch in their reports while expressing concern over the grave human rights abuses in the territory at the hands of Indian troops and police personnel have been consistently demanding the repeal of all black laws from o c c u p i e d K a s h m i r b u t , unfortunately, India is not paying heed to their pleas.Following are details of the brutalities committed by Indian forces' personnel in the occupied territory during the month of November.

    Hurriyet leaders, Bilal Siddiqi and Advocate Muhammad Shafi Reshi f rom Sr inagar and Palhallan areas.November 6: The occupation authorities imposed curfew and other restrictions in many areas of Srinagar to prevent people from participating in a function, which was scheduled to be organised by the All Parties Hurriyet Conference Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, at the historic Jamia Masjid to pay tributes to the hundreds of thousands of Muslims of Jammu who were killed in 1947. Juma prayers could not be held in the mosque, which was sealed by the authorities.Indian troops beat up and injured several students in Surankote area of Poonch district.The police arrested several people including noted religious scholar, Qazi Yasir, from Srinagar.

    November 7: The occupation authorities imposed curfew and other restrictions in Srinagar and other areas to prevent people from participating in the Million March at the TRC ground in Srinagar to protest against Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modis visit to the occupied territory.

    An engineering student, Gowhar Ahmed Dar, was killed and several other people were injured after Indian troops resorted to indiscriminate firing on the demonst ra tors a t Zainakote in Srinagar and in Pampore and Palhallan areas.Indian police arrested Syed Ali Gilani, Zamruda Habib and several other Hurriyet leaders and activists from different areas of Srinagar when they tried to

    march towards the TRC ground. All o t h e r H u r r i y e t leaders were kept under house arrest or illegal detention to stop them from leading the march. Member of the so-c a l l e d K a s h m i r L e g i s l a t i v e Assembly, Engineer

    Abdur Rasheed, was arrested after he waved a black flag at his residence as a mark of protest against Modis visit.November 8: Dozens of people including a journalist were injured when the police used brute force in Zainakote, Shalateng, Parimpora, Maisuma, Gojwara, Nowhatta, Saraf Kadal,

    Kawdara, Narabal, Bandipore, T r a l , P u l w a m a , S o p o r e , Islamabad, Bandipora and other areas during demonstrations against the killing of Gowhar Ahmed Dar.November 9: Indian troops used brute force and injured dozens of people including women in Nowhatta, Gojwara, Saraf Kadal, Bohri Kadal and Zainakote areas of Srinagar, during protests against the killing of the student.November 10: Indian troops killed a youth during a siege and search operation at Trumnad Kumkadi in Kupwara.Several youth were injured after Indian police used brute force on protesters in Pattan area of Baramulla district while the police arrested a youth, Tariq Ahmed Butt, in Kulgam.November 11: Indian police arrested Hurriyet leaders including Nisar Hussain Rather, Muhammad Yasin Attai and Syed Imtiyaz Haider after subjecting them to brute force when they tried to march towards the house of the martyred student, Gowhar Ahmed Dar, near Khushipora in Srinagar.November 12: Many people

    November 1: The puppet authorities arrested hundreds of pro- f reedom leaders and activists including Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Muhammad Yasin Malik, Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai, Muhammad Yousuf Naqash, Zafar Akbar Butt, Javaid Ahmed Mir, Mukhtar Ahmed Waza, Showket Ahmed Bakhshi, Farooq Ahmed Tawheedi, Altaf A h m e d S h a h , Ayaz Akbar, Mir Hafeezullah, Syed Imtiyaz Haider, Muhammad Yasin Attai and Farooq A h m e d G h a u t a p o r i . Indian troops and police raided the r e s i d e n c e s o f hundreds of pro-freedom leaders and activists including Mushtaq-ul-Islam, Peer Saifullah, Raja Meraj-ud-Din Kalwal, Bilal Siddiqi, Abdul Ahad Parra and Muhammad Ashraf Laya. The actions were aimed at preventing the leaders from taking part in the Million March at the TRC ground in Srinagar scheduled to be conducted on November 7. Call for the march had been given by the veteran Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, and was supported by other Hurriyet leaders to protest against Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modis visit to the occupied territory.People in Bandipora told media that Indian Army and police

    personnel had unleashed a reign of terror in the area.November 2: Indian police during continued crackdown arrested dozens of Hurriyet leaders and activists including Aasiya Andrabi, Muhammad Yousuf Mir, Shabbir Ahmed Dar, Moulvi Bashir Ahmed, Nahida Nasreen and Fahmeeda Sofi from Srinagar, Islamabad, Pampore and Bandpora areas.November 3: The authorities continued to detain hundreds of Hurriyet leaders and activists including Syed Ali Gilani, M i r w a i z U m a r F a r o o q , Muhammad Yas in Mal ik ,

    Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosavi Al-Safvi, Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai, Aasiya Andrabi and Nayeem Ahmed Khan in their houses or police stations.Five people were injured due to the use of brutal force by the police on peaceful protesters in Nowgam area of Srinagar.November 4: Indian police personnel barged into the house of Jammu and Kashmir Mass Movement leader , Abdul Rasheed Lone, in Hazratbal area of Srinagar, harassed his two daughters and misbehaved with them.November 5: The police arrested around fifty persons including


    Human Rights Situation Human Rights Situation

    Compiled by Raies Ahmed Mir

  • were injured due to the use of brute force by the police on peaceful protesters at Zainakote in Srinagar.November 13: Indian troops killed a youth during a siege and search operation at Manigah in Kupwara.Over half a dozen youth were injured after the police fired teargas shells and pellets on peaceful protesters in Srinagar and Kupwara areas.Indian police arrested dozens of Hurriyet leaders and youth including Dukhtaran-e-Millat Chairperson, Aasiya Andrabi, and her associate, Fahmeeda Sofi, from Srinagar and Islamabad areas.November 14: The police arrested a youth, Imtiyaz Ahmed Dar, from Qazigund in Islamabad.November 16: Indian troops beat up seven people including a woman at Chuntimulla in Bandipora without any reason.The police arrested over a dozen youth from Bandipora and other areas.November 18: The occupation authorities placed the All Parties Hurriyet Conference Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, under house arrest at his residence in Srinagar while the veteran Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, was already under house detention. Other resistance leaders including Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Nayeem Ahmed Khan, Zafar Akbar Butt, Hilal A h m e d W a r a n d N o o r Muhammad Kalwal remained detained in different police stations of the territory.

    November 20: At least three youth were injured after Indian police fired pellets, teargas shells and rubber bullets on peaceful protesters in Nowhatta, Gojwara and Rajouri Kadal areas of Srinagar.The police personnel thrashed a journalist, Syed Junaid Hashmi, in Udhampur.November 21: The police arrested several leaders and activists of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front during a demonstration at Press Colony in Srinagar against the illegal detention of pro-freedom leaders.

    November 22: Indian troops killed a youth during a violent military operation at Manigah in Kupwara.Indian police arrested a youth, Ashfaq Ahmed Butt, from Awantipora area of Pulwama.November 23: Indian troops killed three youth during a siege and search operation in Siligam area of Islamabad.The authorities put under house arrest Hurriyet leaders, Syed Ali Gilani and Zafar Akbar Butt, in Srinagar and Mukhtar Ahmed Waza in Islamabad town.November 24: Several youth were injured in Bijbehara when

    Indian police fired teargas shells a n d p e l l e t s d u r i n g demonstrations against the killing of the youth.November 25: Indian troops killed three youth during a military operation at Tangdhar in Kupwara.November 26: Indian police arrested three leaders of Jammu and Kashmir Muslim League including Acting General Secretary, Abdul Ahad Parra, from outside the Baramulla sub-jail when they went to meet illegally detained youth while Indian police arrested young students including Muhammad

    Arsalan, Basit Nazir, Arafat Imtiyaz, Yasir Feroz Sheikh and Arban Hassan Butt in Srinagar. N o v e m b e r 2 7 : I n d i a n p o l i c e continued to place the veteran Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, under house arrest disallowing him from offering Juma prayers while

    several Hurriyet leaders were arrested from Srinagar, Kulgam and Islamabad areas.November 28: Indian troops harassed the inhabitants of about 20 villages in Hayhama area of K u p w a r a d i s t r i c t d u r i n g continued massive military operation.November 29: The authorities did not allow the forum led by Syed Ali Gilani to hold a seminar in Srinagar and arrested Hurriyet activists including Amir Adil Dar, Rameez Raja, Jamshed Ahmed, Naseer Ahmed and Aijaz Ahmed to sabotage the programme.


    Human Rights Situation

  • territory.Senior Hurriyet leader, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, in a statement in Srinagar said that the way the p r o t e s t s w e r e o r g a n i s e d deserved every appreciation. It gives us utmost satisfaction that strong protests were held on the visit of Indian Prime Minister. As such, the world became aware about the communal politics he is playing against the minorities in India and the people o f Kashmir, he added.The Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Chairman, Muhammad Yasin Malik, in a statement in Srinagar praised all Kashmiris who participated in demonstrations for their strong, well-organised and collective protest against continued illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir by India, gross human rights violations committed by

    Indian forces in the occupied territory and growing intoler-ance and communalism in India. He said that Kashmir being the highest militarised zone had been actually turned into a big prison or concentration camp where nobody was allowed to speak freely. He said that the United Kingdom being directly responsible for the creation of the Kashmir dispute had moral duty to play a constructive role for its

    resolution.The Jammu a n d K a s h m i r N a t i o n a l F r o n t Chairman, N a y e e m A h m e d Khan, in a s t a t e m e n t i s s u e d i n S r i n a g a r lauded the Kashmiris living in the UK for holding protests against the visit of Narendra Modi to the country. Narendra Modi is Prime Minister of the country that has kept us under military occupation for decades. Your strong protest against him is strong indicator as what Kashmiris feel about him, he stated.Meanwhile, the London-based

    w o r l d h u m a n r i g h t s w a t c h-d o g , Amnesty I n t e r -nat ional c a l l e d upon the B r i t i s h P r i m e Minister, D a v i d Cameron,

    to not just unfurl the red carpet for his Indian counterpart, Narendra Modi, but raise some red flags on human rights concerns too. NGOs and activists face multiple obstruc-tions (in India) in carrying out their work, including being subjected to smear campaigns, having their funding cut off and being accused of being anti-national, said, Allan Hogarth, head of policy at the Amnesty,

    UK in a statement in London.The UK needs to do more than unfurl the red carpet for yet another world leader. Mr Cameron must raise some red flags on human rights concerns too, he added.The Amnesty International pointed out that over 10,000 organisations had been de-registered over the last one year to prevent them from receiving foreign funding, and just last week Greenpeace had its license to operate cancelled.Its all the more important that Mr Cameron speaks out on human rights during the visit, as theres not much space for criticism in Modis India. Theres a fevered crackdown on critics underway in India at the moment, Allan Hogarth said.It is worth mentioning here that Narendra Modi, a Hindu nationalist who was elected as Indian Prime Minister, last year, was banned entry to the UK, US and several European countries until 2012 after anti-Muslim riots a decade earlier in Gujarat in which more than two thousand Muslims were killed. He was chief minister of the Gujarat state at the time.Amnesty International and other rights groups have accused Modi-led Indian government of fostering a climate that has encouraged growing religious violence and permitting human rights abuses in India and in occupied Kashmir.

    The British Kashmiris joined by Sikhs, Dalits and Nepalese held protest demonstrations on November 12 and 13, 2015, in London and other cities of the United Kingdom to protest Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modis visit to the country. The protesters were carrying plac-ards and raising slogans against extremist policies of the Indian Government and its turning of blind eyes towards growing

    intolerance against minorities in India. They also raised slogans Go Modi, Go Back and Modi Not Welcome. Hundreds of protesters had gathered outside Downing Street before moving down to Parliament Square to mark a day of protest on November 12, as the Modi Not Welcome campaign by the Awaaz Network and Caste- Watch, UK, was joined by Britain-based Kashmiris, Sikhs and Nepalese.To voice their concern over human rights abuses in India, a large number of protesters gathered outside the Wembley S t a d i u m i n L o n d o n o n November 13 when Narendra

    Modi was addressing a gathering Hundreds of protesters from across the UK took part in the demonstrations and shared photographs and messages on Twitter against the visit of the Indian Prime Minister. British film director, Leslee Udwin, was at the forefront of the protests, calling on the Indian government to lift the ban on her documen-tary about a gang rape that took place in India.

    In another move, the British parliamentarians also wrote a letter to Prime Minister, David Cameron, demanding of him to raise the Kashmir dispute during his talks with Narendra Modi. As many as 30 members of the Parliament had signed the letter, which maintained that Indian forces should be withdrawn from occupied Kashmir and the issue of human rights violations in the occupied territory should be raised. In the letter, the MPs wrote that the Indian Prime Minister should be pressurised for release of thousands of illegally detained Kashmiris. They demanded investigation into the killings of innocent

    Kashmiris.Meanwhile, UK academics researching on development in India expressed deep concern over Modis official visit to the UK. In a letter published in British newspapers, they said that since Modi came to power in 2014, minorities and women had experienced rising intolerance and intimidation and cultural and academic freedoms had been eroded. They said that under Modis rule, inflammatory hate speech and violent acts against Christian and Muslim minorities had steadily increased.We support the recent state-ments by eminent scientists, academics, artists and writers in India who seek to draw attention to growing intolerance in India. In the past year, various free-doms have been attacked, including what people may think, eat, wear and whom they choose to love. Three secular critics have been brutally murdered and these crimes are linked to extreme rightwing groups, the academics asserted.On the other hand, Hurriyet leaders expressing satisfaction over the protests in the UK on the visit of Narendra Modi said that the whole world had come to know about his communal nature and politics.They said that the protests were the result of communal policy of Narendra Modi-led BJP govern-ment in Delhi. They hailed the organisers of the protests which included Musl ims, S ikhs, Kashmiris, Pakistanis and British Parliamentarians and said that the protesters highlighted the India's forcible and illegal occupation of Kashmir and the grave human rights violations its forces were committing in the




    Anti-India demos mark Modis visit to UKAnti-India demos mark Modis visit to UK

  • territory.Senior Hurriyet leader, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, in a statement in Srinagar said that the way the p r o t e s t s w e r e o r g a n i s e d deserved every appreciation. It gives us utmost satisfaction that strong protests were held on the visit of Indian Prime Minister. As such, the world became aware about the communal politics he is playing against the minorities in India and the people o f Kashmir, he added.The Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Chairman, Muhammad Yasin Malik, in a statement in Srinagar praised all Kashmiris who participated in demonstrations for their strong, well-organised and collective protest against continued illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir by India, gross human rights violations committed by

    Indian forces in the occupied territory and growing intoler-ance and communalism in India. He said that Kashmir being the highest militarised zone had been actually turned into a big prison or concentration camp where nobody was allowed to speak freely. He said that the United Kingdom being directly responsible for the creation of the Kashmir dispute had moral duty to play a constructive role for its

    resolution.The Jammu a n d K a s h m i r N a t i o n a l F r o n t Chairman, N a y e e m A h m e d Khan, in a s t a t e m e n t i s s u e d i n S r i n a g a r lauded the Kashmiris living in the UK for holding protests against the visit of Narendra Modi to the country. Narendra Modi is Prime Minister of the country that has kept us under military occupation for decades. Your strong protest against him is strong indicator as what Kashmiris feel about him, he stated.Meanwhile, the London-based

    w o r l d h u m a n r i g h t s w a t c h-d o g , Amnesty I n t e r -nat ional c a l l e d upon the B r i t i s h P r i m e Minister, D a v i d Cameron,

    to not just unfurl the red carpet for his Indian counterpart, Narendra Modi, but raise some red flags on human rights concerns too. NGOs and activists face multiple obstruc-tions (in India) in carrying out their work, including being subjected to smear campaigns, having their funding cut off and being accused of being anti-national, said, Allan Hogarth, head of policy at the Amnesty,

    UK in a statement in London.The UK needs to do more than unfurl the red carpet for yet another world leader. Mr Cameron must raise some red flags on human rights concerns too, he added.The Amnesty International pointed out that over 10,000 organisations had been de-registered over the last one year to prevent them from receiving foreign funding, and just last week Greenpeace had its license to operate cancelled.Its all the more important that Mr Cameron speaks out on human rights during the visit, as theres not much space for criticism in Modis India. Theres a fevered crackdown on critics underway in India at the moment, Allan Hogarth said.It is worth mentioning here that Narendra Modi, a Hindu nationalist who was elected as Indian Prime Minister, last year, was banned entry to the UK, US and several European countries until 2012 after anti-Muslim riots a decade earlier in Gujarat in which more than two thousand Muslims were killed. He was chief minister of the Gujarat state at the time.Amnesty International and other rights groups have accused Modi-led Indian government of fostering a climate that has encouraged growing religious violence and permitting human rights abuses in India and in occupied Kashmir.

    The British Kashmiris joined by Sikhs, Dalits and Nepalese held protest demonstrations on November 12 and 13, 2015, in London and other cities of the United Kingdom to protest Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modis visit to the country. The protesters were carrying plac-ards and raising slogans against extremist policies of the Indian Government and its turning of blind eyes towards growing

    intolerance against minorities in India. They also raised slogans Go Modi, Go Back and Modi Not Welcome. Hundreds of protesters had gathered outside Downing Street before moving down to Parliament Square to mark a day of protest on November 12, as the Modi Not Welcome campaign by the Awaaz Network and Caste- Watch, UK, was joined by Britain-based Kashmiris, Sikhs and Nepalese.To voice their concern over human rights abuses in India, a large number of protesters gathered outside the Wembley S t a d i u m i n L o n d o n o n November 13 when Narendra

    Modi was addressing a gathering Hundreds of protesters from across the UK took part in the demonstrations and shared photographs and messages on Twitter against the visit of the Indian Prime Minister. British film director, Leslee Udwin, was at the forefront of the protests, calling on the Indian government to lift the ban on her documen-tary about a gang rape that took place in India.

    In another move, the British parliamentarians also wrote a letter to Prime Minister, David Cameron, demanding of him to raise the Kashmir dispute during his talks with Narendra Modi. As many as 30 members of the Parliament had signed the letter, which maintained that Indian forces should be withdrawn from occupied Kashmir and the issue of human rights violations in the occupied territory should be raised. In the letter, the MPs wrote that the Indian Prime Minister should be pressurised for release of thousands of illegally detained Kashmiris. They demanded investigation into the killings of innocent

    Kashmiris.Meanwhile, UK academics researching on development in India expressed deep concern over Modis official visit to the UK. In a letter published in British newspapers, they said that since Modi came to power in 2014, minorities and women had experienced rising intolerance and intimidation and cultural and academic freedoms had been eroded. They said that under Modis rule, inflammatory hate speech and violent acts against Christian and Muslim minorities had steadily increased.We support the recent state-ments by eminent scientists, academics, artists and writers in India who seek to draw attention to growing intolerance in India. In the past year, various free-doms have been attacked, including what people may think, eat, wear and whom they choose to love. Three secular critics have been brutally murdered and these crimes are linked to extreme rightwing groups, the academics asserted.On the other hand, Hurriyet leaders expressing satisfaction over the protests in the UK on the visit of Narendra Modi said that the whole world had come to know about his communal nature and politics.They said that the protests were the result of communal policy of Narendra Modi-led BJP govern-ment in Delhi. They hailed the organisers of the protests which included Musl ims, S ikhs, Kashmiris, Pakistanis and British Parliamentarians and said that the protesters highlighted the India's forcible and illegal occupation of Kashmir and the grave human rights violations its forces were committing in the




    Anti-India demos mark Modis visit to UKAnti-India demos mark Modis visit to UK

  • In occupied Kashmir, the puppet authorities disallowed the forum patronised by the veteran Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, to hold a seminar in Srinagar on November 29, 2015. The Hurriyet forum had announced to organise a daylong seminar titled Islam The Protector of the Humanity at Hyderpora in Srinagar, but Indian police cordoned off the entire locality and didnt allow anybody to enter the venue of the seminar.Despite curfew-like situation, Hurriyet activists held a peaceful protes t demonstra t ion a t Hyderpora Chowk against the banning of the seminar. On the occasion the police used exces-sive force against the demonstra-tors and arrested Umar Adil Dar, Rameez Raja and Jamshed Ahmed and lodged them at Humhama Police Station.The veteran Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, in a statement

    termed the banning of the seminar and arrest of Hurriyet activists by the authorities as the worst kind of Indian state terrorism. The authorities are

    playing a very dangerous game by continuously banning the peaceful political programmes and this policy is increasing the uncer ta inty and pol i t i ca l instability in the territory, he said.He said that the authorities created a war-like situation in and around the office of

    Tehreek-e-Hurriyet Jammu and Kashmir at Hyderpora and deployed hundreds of Indian troops and police personnel to prevent the seminar.

    Terming the action as anti-Islam and anti-Muslim, the veteran leader said that the seminar was an academic type of programme in which selected and prominent personalities were to speak over the global peace agenda of Islam. He said that the main purpose of this seminar was to end the wrong notion, which the anti-Islam forces were creating against Islam and the Muslims on the international levels. So, he said, by banning this interna-tional discussion the authorities had started a war against Islam.Syed Ali Gilani made it clear that Islam is the religion of peace and by imposing ban over this kind of seminar, the authorities have proven that they are a part of those anti-Islam forces, which are conspiring against Islam and Muslims at the international level because the proposed seminar was going to be held in a closed door room and there was no issue of any law and order d i s t u r b a n c e d u e t o t h i s programme and nor was it going to affect the traffic system.



    IOK authorities disallow Gilani's forum to hold seminar in Srinagar

    IOK authorities disallow Gilani's forum to hold seminar in Srinagar

  • In occupied Kashmir, 2,308 women were among 94,276 civilians martyred during the last 26 years due to the unabated acts of Indian state terrorism.According to a report released by the Research Section of Kashmir Media Service on November 25 on the occasion of International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Indian troops molested 10,162 women during January 1989 to 25th November, 2015. It maintained that Kashmiri women had been the worst victims of the harrowing conflict, which had rendered 22,806 women widowed since 1989.The report deplored that the troops had been routinely involved in sexual harassment of Kashmiri women to suppress the ongoing liberation struggle.

    It further pointed out that a l though men had been subjected to enforced disap-

    pearances, but women were adversely affected because of being related to the disappeared persons as mothers, wives, sisters and daughters.The report said that women constituted a considerable number of mental patients, which was well over 100,000 due to the violence perpetrated

    by Indian police and troops in the occupied territory.Meanwhile, Hurriyet leaders

    including Zamruda Habib, Yasmeen Raja, Fareeda Bahenji and human rights forum, Voice of Victims, in their interviews and statements in Srinagar said that government of India and its armed forces were using molestation of women in the territory as a weapon of war to suppress the Kashmiris just struggle for securing their right to self-determination.They reiterated their demand for an impartial probe into the cases of rape, murder and other human rights violations against w o m e n i n c l u d i n g Kunanposhpora mass rape and Shopian tragedy. Over 100 women were gang raped by I n d i a n t r o o p s a t Kunanposhpora in Kupwara in February 1991 while two women - Aasiya and Neelofar - were abducted, raped and subsequently killed by Indian men in uniform in Shopian in May 2009.



    Over 2,300 women martyred, 10,000 molested in IOK since 1989

    Over 2,300 women martyred, 10,000 molested in IOK since 1989

  • commit human rights violations without any fear of conse-quences. The report laments that no soldier has ever been tried in civilian courts and even the details of the trials held by forces are not shared with the public. According to reports, the relatives of the victims are threatened by the forces if they try to seek justice through courts. The Indian forces have invari-ably rejected reports about human rights violations calling them false and baseless.In the prevailing circumstances faith in the judiciary and the government is almost non-existent. Take the example of Javaid Ahmad, a 17-year-old boy, who was picked up by the p e r s o n n e l o f t h e A s s a m Regiment. After a few hours, his family found his dead body. An inquiry was conducted by the distr ic t magistrate which concluded that the deceased boy was not a militant and had been killed without any justification by a subedar of the Indian Army. A letter was written in July 2007 about this issue by the state home department to the Indian Ministry of Defence. After six years, the ministry responded, only to say that the individual who was killed was a militant from whom arms and ammuni-tions were recovered.

    The of f i c ia l A m n e s t y International report has been compiled after i n t e r v i e w s with victims f a m i l i e s , p o l i c e m e n , civil society g r o u p s , l a w y e r s , g o v e r n m e n t officials and through court records. It recommends the repeal of the AFSPA and the handing over of cases of human rights violations and disappear-ances to the civil courts. It also recommends inviting the UN Special Rapporteur and the UN W o r k i n g G r o u p o n Disappearances to Jammu and Kashmir and granting them unimpeded access to the victims and witnesses. The prevailing situation has regrettably gone unheeded by the international community and the US. This is because they are looking at the developments in this region through the prism of their own strategic and commercial interests rather than showing sincerity of purpose with regard to respect for human rights guaranteed by the UN charter. Nevertheless, the people of Kashmir have remained unde-

    terred by the Indian a t r o c i t i e s a n d a r e continuing t h e i r struggle for f r e e d o m . The current w a v e o f anti - India demonstra-t ions and the hoisting

    of the Pakistani flag by the protestors are a clear indication that the Indian machinations have been unable to subdue their urge for freedom. The people of Kashmir will not relent until they are allowed to exercise their right to self-determination. Indias stance on the issue has no moral or legal basis, and the country has remained defiant in fulfilling its obligations under the UN resolutions. It has not even honoured its commitments in the S i m l a A g r e e m e n t , u s i n g contrived excuses to sabotage the sporadic dialogues. The Modi government has also spurned the peace overtures by the PML-N government and adopted a b e l l i c o s e s t a n c e t o w a r d s Pakistan, which does not augur well for peace and security in the region. The internat ional community and the UN need to look at the situation realistically and fulfill their obligations towards the people of Kashmir. They must save the Kashmiris from the oppression of the Indian forces. India also needs to understand that it is in its own interest to fulfil its obligations under the UN resolutions and join hands with Pakistan to promote peace in the region. This is imperative for nudgin
