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Kate Bond Elementary School-wide PBIS Plan (Discipline Plan) 2014-15

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Kate Bond Elementary School-wide PBIS Plan (Discipline Plan) 2014-15. 2727 Kate Bond Road Memphis, Tennessee 38133. Guiding Principles. All students can learn. Every student is expected to make academic progress and strive toward excellence. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Revised 9/14 Kate Bond Elementary School-wide PBIS Plan (Discipline Plan) 2014-15 2727 Kate Bond Road Memphis, Tennessee 38133
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Revised 9/14

Kate Bond Elementary School-wide PBIS Plan

(Discipline Plan) 2014-15

2727 Kate Bond Road

Memphis, Tennessee


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Guiding Principles All students can learn. Every student is expected

to make academic progress and strive toward excellence.

There is a positive correlation between learning and school attendance.

Students learn best when school, home, and community have high expectations for their success.

Students learn best in an academically challenging environment that is safe, nurturing, attractive, and comfortable.

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Guiding Principles continued… KBE has the responsibility to help students

develop in other areas, in addition to academics, and must work with the parents and the community to be successful.

Students learn best when participating in specific programs where they are valued and respected as individuals with unique needs. Students learn best when engaged in a variety of stimulating instructional activities which includes the use of technology to facilitate meaningful learning experiences.

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Guiding Principles continued…

Students learn best in an academically balanced program, which offers participation in library, computer science, visual art, music, classroom guidance, and physical education.

Appropriate learning opportunities must be based on appropriate data and be research-based.

Information gained from assessments should be used by all teachers who work with the students in an effort to make the greatest progress.

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Information gained from assessments should be used by all teachers who work with the students in an effort to make the greatest progress. All stakeholders must collaboratively share in the

decision-making to promote growth and advance the school’s mission.

Teachers and students share the responsibility for daily classroom success. The policies of the school, district, and state must be supported by all stakeholders if we are to reach maximum potential.

Guiding Principles continued…

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We envision a school in which students, faculty, staff, parents, and the community: Work together in collaborative teams to achieve a common purpose and clear goals; Seek and implement promising strategies for improving student achievement on a continuing basis; Monitor each student’s progress; and Demonstrate a personal commitment to the academic success and general well being of every student.

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Mission• Kate Bond Elementary School is dedicated to

providing learning opportunities that enhance student knowledge, build strong character, and teach academic and social skills that will enable students to excel and be productive citizens. We will achieve this by being a community who BONDS: Builds leaders, Openly accepts diversity, Nurtures each individual, Demonstrates a personal commitment to academic success, Strives for excellence.

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Philosophy Statement

The faculty and staff of Kate Bond Elementary School believe that it is our responsibility to provide the students with:

A safe, secure, and caring environment; Opportunities for interactive instruction with high

expectations; The knowledge of how to resolve conflicts; Examples of appropriate behavior by

demonstrating responsible actions.

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Previous Results What progress have you made toward 2013-14 school wide

discipline goals? List graphs and short explanations comparing years, 11-12,

12-13, and 13-14 Data sources may include:

• Powershool SMS • PBIS data website • Research, Evaluation & Assessment Department • School Administered Self-Assessment Tool

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Previous Results There were zero expulsions during the 2013-2014 SY,

which remained the same from SY 2012-2013. There was a slight increase of behavior incidents from

2013-2014. Many of these incidents required in-school suspensions. Several of the students were repeat offenders. These behaviors ranged from fighting and assault against a student to theft. Insolence and insubordination appear to be a major theme as well.

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Kate Bond Elementary Discipline Goals for 2013-2014

Decrease suspensions by 10% (decrease of 5,

bringing the total to 40).

Decrease office referrals by 10% (decrease of

19, bringing the total to 180).

Maintain zero expulsions.

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SCS School-wide PBIS (Discipline) Team Worksheet 2014-15

Name of School:Kate Bond Elementary


PBIS Team is representative of the school faculty and

includes an administrator.

Fill in the names of teammembers and designate

counselor who will serve as

Team Leader (TL) / Internal Coach

*Indicates members mandated by MSCEA contract; others may be invited as needed

Principal* Dr. Teri Evans

Assistant Principal (recommended) David Wicker

Professional School Counselor* Martha Grammer and Sharon Rees

School Psychologist Dr. Catherine Lawhead

General Education Teacher(s) Patti Dillon, Jordan Monteath, Christine Tilmon, Alison, McCoy, Kristy Burkett, Claire Morton

MSCEA Representative* April Jeffries

Elected Teachers (2)* Diane Ball and Kazmir Pumphrey

Special Education Teacher(s)*T. Smith

Related Arts Teacher(s) Derrick Denham


Educational Assistant(s)/ Non-Certified Staff Tiffany Lewis

Community Member Michael Mallory

Parents (2)* Richelle Wills and Dee Less

ISS Assistant (recommended) None

Cafeteria/Custodial Staff Cheryl Hurd


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KBE Progress Results on School-wide Discipline

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2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014


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Meeting Schedule20 Day Reporting Period

Approximate Dates of Reporting Periods

All data for period entered into system (A) Responsible Contact: Rayshuna Bohanon,Office Secretary

SW PBIS Team meeting dates (B) Responsible Contact: Martha Grammer and Sharon Rees, School Counselors

Faculty meeting dates to report interpretation of 20 day data (C) Responsible Contact: Martha Grammer and Sharon Rees, School Counselors

1 08/04/14-08/29/14 09/02/14 09/05/14 09/07/14

2 09/02/14-09/30/14 10/01/14 10/03/14 10/17/14

3 10/01/14-11/04/14 11/05/14

4 11/5/14-12/09/14 12/10/14 01/09/15 01/15/15

5 12/09/14-01/21/15 01/22/15

6 01/22/15-02/19/15 02/20/15 03/13/15 03/25/14

7 02/20/15-03/26/15 03/27/15

8 03/27/15-04/24/15 04/25/15 05/15/15 05/17/15

9 4/27/15-5/22/15 5/23/14

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Monitoring Process

PBIS committee requests and receives data from teachers and staff to determine progress towards goals used for:

S-Team/RTI²Peer MediationFunctional Behavior Assessment (FBA)Behavior/Academic DataAttendanceEd Plan

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KBE SAS Tables

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Kate Bond ElementarySchool Rules






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KBE Behavior Expectation MatrixKatie’s

Code of Conduct

Morning Entry


Hallway CafeteriaAnd/orAssembly

Recess Restroom

Afternoon Exit



-enter quietly and walk-go directly to breakfast or class

-listen-be polite and use good manners-follow rules

-walk in line-follow noise zones-keep hands to self

-follow the “High Five” rules-be polite to staff-expressappreciation

-keep hands and feet to self-follow playground rules-include others

-be quick and quiet-knock first-wait your turn

-walk quietly as you leave-go directly to your transportation

-walk to the bus-wait your turn to board-sit quietly and listen to driver

Be Responsible

-obtain pass for restroom-set a good example for others

-take care of classroom and equipment-have supplies-complete homework and classwork

-show others proper behavior-follow noise zones

-follow the “High Five” rules-get all you need as you pass through the line-take care of your own food and supplies-walk in line and wait to discard trash

-follow playground rules-stay within appropriate boundaries

-wait your turn-take care of toileting needs quickly and quietly-wash hands before exiting

-carry and take care of personal belongings-have all books and supplies for homework

-walk to bus in designated areas-follow bus rules-set a good example

Be Safe

-walk and keep hands to self-carry backpacks properly

-keep hands, feet and objects to self-walk-use supplies properly

-walk-stay in line-keep hands and feet to self-look where you are going

-walk-follow the “High Five” rules-stay in line-use utensils only for eating

-keep hands and feet to self-watch where you are going-play on/with equipment appropriately

-wait your turn-keep feet on floor-clean up any trash and leave restroom orderly

-listen for exit directions-walk to your designated exit area

-walk to your bus-wait in line-carry all backpacks properly



-walk to class-get bookstore supplies before bell rings

-have necessary supplies-complete all homework-learn daily schedules

-learn and follow noise zones-carry backpacks carefully

-get all supplies as you pass through the line-remember lunch money or lunch box

-learn and follow playground rules-wear coats and jackets as needed

-wear clothing that is easy to unfasten-use restroom with class or have hall pass

-have all books and supplies for homework-listen for exit directions

-have backpack ready-listen for bus number or color

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KBE Staff & Office ManagedBehavior Chart

Minor Problem Behavior (Staff)

Definition Minor Examples

Major Problem Behavior (Office)

Definitions Major Examples

Inappropriate Language

Any spoken, written, or non-verbal communication that insults, mocks, belittles, or slanders another person.

Comments (profanity) and gestures that are not directed at an individual, harmless rumors. “All your family is dumb,” “This sucks,” “Crap,” “Butthead”, “Stupid”, “What the!”

Abusive Language/

Inappropriate Language/ Profanity

Verbal messages that include profanity, name calling or use of words in an inappropriate way.

Profanity directed at an individual, hostile threats either written, spoken, or non-verbal

Physical Contact/Physical


Student engages in non-serious, but inappropriate physical contact.

Silly horseplay, playful grabbing, pinching, non-aggressive punching or slapping, chasing, shoving, inadvertent physical contact, stepping on feet

Fighting/ Physical


Actions involving serious physical contact where injury may occur (e.g., hitting, punching, hitting with an object, kicking, hair pulling, scratching, etc.).

Hitting, punching, kicking, hair pulling, scratching, choking, biting

Defiance/ Disrespect/


Student engages in brief or low-intensity failure to respond to adult requests.

Talking back, not following directions, sleeping, refusal to complete assignments, ignoring request of adult

Defiance/ Disrespect/


Refusal to follow directions, talking back and/or socially rude interactions.

Refusal to comply with established rules, leaving class without permission, overtly verbally defiant/argumentative

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Kate Bond Elementary Procedure for Dealing with Problem Behaviors

Kate Bond Elementary School Intervention Flow Chart

Observe Problem Behavior

Warning Conference with Student (Praise in public; reprimand in private)

Use Logical Consequence

Conference with Student and Parent

Minor Major

Grade Level Team Meeting - Write Disciplinary Referral and Refer to B eh a v io r In te rven tio n M a n u a l sen d to o ffice (in c lu d e a ll m in o r in c id en t

reports and any other documentation

Complete Minor Incident Report (MIR) Minor Behaviors Major Behaviors

Administrator determines consequences If the student has 4 MIRs *Bothering others *Bullying

in a nine-week period *Breaking line *Damage to property *Gum chewing *Defiance/disrespect to *Hallway/restroom/cafeteria authority Parent Complete a Disciplinary Referral- misbehavior *Forgery Conference Consequences Now a Major Infraction *Name calling *Hurting self or others *No homework *Jumping off rails *Not following directions *Physical aggression (biting/ S-Team *Not prepared hitting/kicking/throwing things/ *Not seated when asked fighting) *Refusal/failure to do classwork *Profanity (words/gesture/drawing) *Repetitive behaviors *Running away (tapping, pencil sharpening, etc) *Stealing *Talking out of turn excessively *Skipping class Administrator provides teacher feedback or loudly *Threatening *Throwing paper *Touching others inappropriately *Uniform violations *Urinating on floor *Verbal abuse Administrator will follow-up with *Writing on walls student within a week Sidebar on Minor Incident Reports *Issue MIR when student does not respond to pre-correction, re-direction, or verbal warning *Take concrete action to correct behavior (see Behavior Intervention Manual) *MIR slips are filed in the classroom and turned into the office for documentation in the event of an office referral

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DO’S1) Develop your

classroom rules in agreement with school wide rules

2) Keep them positive and start with an action verb

3) Post them where they are visible

4) Send copies home to parents

5) Only 3 to 5 rules

DON’T’S1) Don’t assume

that a student’s understanding of “respect” or “appropriate” is the same as yours

2) Don’t assume students “ought to know how to behave”


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1) Explanation/Protocola) Give concrete definitions/examplesb) Provide reasons (Why are we doing this? Raising your hand to ask a question allows everyone to hear the question)c) Demonstrate/Model proceduresd) Present tasks step-by-stepe) Explain and demonstrate cues, if used (visual/auditory)

2) Rehearsal3) Reteach, as needed


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DO’S1) Do have students

practice each procedure you want them to do

2) Do give a reason why each procedure is important

3) Do prioritize the most important procedures first

4) Do realize that it takes some students longer to understand

DON’TS1) Don’t try to teach

too many procedures at one time or too quickly

2) Don’t assume, just because you told or showed them once, they understand


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Schoolwide Schedule for Teaching Rules and Procedures

Monday, Aug 4th- Meet and Greet DayTeachers will send home grade level introductory letter to parents ~Orient students to class and school(building walkthrough)How to Line UpConduct in the HallwayCafeteriaRestroomsAssemblies

The teacher and students will practice lining up, exiting and entering the classroom, proper conduct in the hallway and restrooms, entering and exiting the cafeteria for lunch and programs

Teach School-Wide Rules with class

Teach Cafeteria rules

Begin to create, with students, the classroom rules

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Schedule for Rules and ProceduresTuesday, August 5th

Review Classroom Rules and Procedures, Textbook Rules, Dress Code, Kate Bond Compact, Media Release, and Internet Authorization

Finalize, Review, Model, and Role-Play classroom rules and procedures

Revisit School-Wide Rules and cafeteria/hallway conduct, AGAIN and AGAIN

Review Dress Code and Textbook rules with students

Make sure you have parent signatures on: Textbook Rules, Media Release, and Internet Authorization forms

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Schedule for Rules and Procedures

Wednesday, August 6th

Attendance, Arrival and Dismissal, Weekly Progress Folder

Review Student Agenda and handbook with classTeach importance of attendance and coming to school on timeTeach arrival and dismissal proceduresRevisit school-wide rules, hallway, cafeteria, and classroom rules and procedures againReview Weekly Progress Report Folder

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Schedule for Rules and Procedures

Thursday, August 7th- Review Incentive Programs with Students, Harassment and Bullying

Principal’s Caught Being Good Incentives

Discuss Your Classroom Incentive or Token Economy System (Homework Pass, Extra

center time; game hour, etc.)

Discuss Perfect Attendance incentive day for each nine weeks

Discuss end of year rewards

Discuss 9 Weeks Honors Program

Discuss harassment and bullying with class

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Friday August 8th

• Use this day to review all rules and procedures.


Ask students why rules are important. Have them defend their reasons.

3rd-5th Create a writing prompt allowing students to make a persuasive argument about a rule that should be changed.

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KBE School Procedures – Entering School

Teachers and teacher assistants will sign-in at the office and be on their posts to greet and monitor

students before the 9:00 bell each day. Teachers must be in their doorway by 8:55.

Any child who is not a bus-rider may not be dropped off at school prior to 8:45.

Bus riders may begin entering the cafeteria door at 8:55 for breakfast - remaining bus riders may enter

at the 9:00 bell.

Walkers and car riders may enter through the front door at 8:55 for breakfast; all others may enter at the

9:00 bell.

Cafeteria doors will be closed for breakfast at 9:15 with the exception of late bus riders.

Bike riders may be at school no earlier than 8:45 and must wait for the 9:00 bell to enter.

Administrators will greet students at the front doors and bus lane. Students will be reminded of “zero

zone” and to walk on the right side of the hallway on the gray line.

Students will take care of business and be in the classroom before the 9:15 bell rings (bathroom, book

store, library, breakfast, etc.)

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KBE School Procedures – Entering School Continued…

Morning announcements will be done by students and school

counselor using the Project Wisdom thought for the day.

Students who come in after 9:15 must be accompanied by an adult

and must check-in at the office; a check-in pass will be required to

be admitted into class.

Teachers must have attendance entered into SMS by 10:00 a.m.

The check-in passes will be kept on file in the classroom for the

duration for the year.

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KBE School Procedures - Hallways

Students will line up according to teacher directions.

Hallways are “zero zones.”

Students must stay on the right side of the hallway.

Students not accompanied by an adult must have a hall

pass or clinic pass.

Students going to the clinic from the portables must

travel in groups of two and have a clinic pass.

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KBE School Procedures - Cafeteria

Cafeteria monitors will be responsible for:- maintaining appropriate noise level- distributing napkins and silverware as needed- reinforcing good table manners- assigning students to specific seats (unless teacher directs otherwise)- attending to specific needs of students (sick, spills, etc.)- identifying and requesting assistance in spill and trash clean-up (cafeteria or custodial staff)- wiping down tables when the classes leave- identifying problem behaviors and separating these students from the rest of the class at the table.

Teacher is responsible for consequences for these students.-informing classroom teacher of class and individual behaviors on a daily basis

Cafeteria monitors will be responsible for dismissing classes from the tables and lining them up to wait on teachers. The classroom teacher is responsible for picking up students at the cafeteria door.

Cafeteria monitors may use the dismissal system of 1,2,3 or any system that works for the students.

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Cafeteria Rules1. Walk at all times

2. Use appropriate language

(No cursing, checking or insulting others)

3. Use inside voices

(No screaming/yelling or loud talking)

4. Sit in your assigned seat

5. No hand games

6. Consequences:1st: If you run, go back to where you started and try again

2nd: Minor plus call parent

3rd: Minor plus loss of privleges

4th: Sit at silent table or outside of Principal’s office

5th: Two minors become a majorRevised 9/14

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KBE School Procedures – Assemblies

Assemblies will be organized according to grade levels (PK-2, 3-5).

Teachers and students should wait until called by the office before moving to the cafeteria, gym or KBMS auditorium.

Classes are to assemble quietly and sit in designated areas.

Students will be taught to understand and respond to the raised hand signal to designate quiet and attention.

Teachers must remain with their class and maintain appropriate student behavior during all programs.

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KBE School Procedures – Uniforms All school personnel will be deliberate and consistent with enforcement of the SCS

uniform policy..

From 9:15-9:30, students will be required to call a parent to bring appropriate

uniform. It is not the responsibility of the school to provide uniforms for the students.

Out-of-uniform students will return to the classroom for instruction until appropriate

attire is brought to school.

Every out-of-uniform incident must be written up as a minor infraction by the


Per SCS Code of Conduct, the student’s conduct grade will not suffer for this


On the fourth out-of-uniform infraction, the teacher will refer the student to an

administrator with a discipline referral.

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KBE School-wide Procedures – New Students

During the enrollment process, a new student small group will meet and a New Parent Meeting will be held to introduce new students and parents to the Administrators and School Staff.

Students will meet in small groups, complete an introduction activity and tour the school.

Parents will hear a presentation and see a New Parent Power Point Presentation from the School Counselor, meet with the Title I Learning coach, be welcomed by School Administration and tour the school.

Parents that attend will be eligible to receive a new Backpack and/or Homework Study kit to help their students will homework.

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KBE School-wide Classroom Rules Proactive – Structure classrooms for academic success

which means having efficient routines, focused instruction, clear rules and expectations, direct teaching of expectations, and frequent monitoring.

Positive – Strive to interact frequently with each student providing non-contingent attention/acknowledgement and positive recognition when students are behaving appropriately. Teachers and students will speak respectfully to each other.

Instructional –View incidents of misbehavior as teaching opportunities and calmly and consistently implement appropriate corrective consequences.

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KBE School-wide Classroom Consequences

Develop Classroom Management Plan (individual teacher with grade level input) and finalize Intervention Flow Chart (activity during in-service)

Suggested immediate consequences may include: (1) verbal warning, (2) logical consequence (may include one or more of the following: think sheet, action plan, time- out in room, time-out with a partner teacher, clean-up duties, special seating, loss of privilege such as classroom job/eating lunch with classmates/portion of a 15 minute recess, etc.) (3) phone call and/or note home If bullying has occurred, follow the SCS No Bullying Policy

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KBE Student School-Wide Incentives

Project Wisdom Daily Thoughts on Character Education Perfect Attendance for Students (weekly) Field Trips for students in grades 3 – 5 with E’s in

conduct on report card. Popsicles with Principal for E’s in conduct for students in grades K-2.

Kudos on announcements (daily): Katie Caught You Quarterly Honors Program Participation in SOAR Program (monthly) Other positive incentives to be added throughout the

school year for all grades for students with E’s in conduct.

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KBE School-Wide Incentive Ticket

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KBE Teacher/Staff School Wide Incentives

Teacher Appreciation Week (annually) PTA luncheons (varies) Dollar Denim Days (weekly) Faculty Meeting Drawings (randomly) Sunshine Committee Recognitions Secret Pall monthly gifts and EOY reveal

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KBE’s Resources for Incentives

• Adopters


• Community members

• Individual donations

• Proceeds from vending machines in teacher’s lounge.

• Sunshine Fun (birthdays)

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KBE Communication with Parents & Community

Student Agenda Weekly Classroom Newsletter PTA Meetings TIF(Topics of Interest to Families) School, Teacher and Counselor Websites ParentLink Coffee Talk with KBE Counselors (quarterly) Parent Training with PLC Learning Coach Counselor’s Connection Newsletter

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KBE Character Education

All staff and students are committed to building character through:

SCS Character Education Curriculum Morning Announcements (Project Wisdom) Morning Meetings/Class Meetings Bulletin Boards Classroom guidance Health/P.E. SOAR

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KBE Sexual Harassment Prevention

• Code of Conduct Review and Post-Test

• Guidance Lessons

• Classroom Rules and Behavior Plans

• SCS Video Library-materials source for teachers: 416-5890

• Harassment training with faculty occurs yearly during the Spring semester

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KBE Alcohol, Tobacco, Other Drug (ATOD) Prevention

The faculty and students implement and participate in ATOD Prevention through:

• Healthy Choices Week

• Red Ribbon Week

• Classroom Guidance

• Junior Deputy Program

• SCS Health Curriculum

• Morning Announcements Revised 9/14

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KBE Bullying Prevention

Training with faculty:• Making a Difference Training being provided by School

Counselors in compliance with Tennessee State Law and SCS 6046:http://www.scsk12.org/Policy_Manual/pm/6000/6046_Harassment_Intimidation_Bullying_Cyberbullying.pdf

Training of students:• In addition to SCS curriculum, bullying is addressed by

the School Schools annually through classroom guidance and the No Bullying School Policy, Red Ribbon Week and student and parent contracts

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Kate Bond Elementary Violence Prevention Programs

Comprehensive Violence Prevention Programs

Responsive Classroom

Bully Prevention Programs

Peer Mediation

Conflict resolution

Classroom Guidance

Implemented by faculty/staff to all students monthly and reviewed

yearly by discipline committee.

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KBE School Procedures – Academic

Referrals Before an academic referral can be made for

testing, the teacher must have

(1) a conference with the student,

(2) a conference with the parent, and

(3) complete the requirements set forth

by the S-Team/RTI² process , including progress Monitoring for 20 weeks, classroom observations, academic interventions and S-Team/RTI² review)

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KBE School Procedures – Behavior Minor Infractions

Before a referral can be made to the behavioral support team, a teacher must have

(1) a conference with the student, (2) a conference with the parent, and(3) consult Behavior Intervention Manual for help

in providing student support.

If steps 1-3 are unsuccessful, teachers should meet with grade level peers to discuss student behaviors and possible interventions (use Behavior Intervention Manual).

Student may then be referred to a Student Review Team for review.

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KBE Intervention Plan (Tier I)

Classroom management planConsult Behavior Intervention Manual for

intervention and documentationParent conferenceDocument efforts, goals, progressGrade level meeting / consultationGroup counseling

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KBE Tier 2/Intervention Team (For Students with 2-5 Office Referrals)

• Team members: School Counselor, administrator, appropriate instructional staff and behavior related personnel.

• Will monitor group and targeted interventions such as group counseling, Check-in and Check-out, and behavior plans.

• Evaluate outcomes of interventions and make adjustments for students

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KBE Intervention Strategies Describe secondary interventions (Tier 2) for students

who have been referred to the office 2 - 5 times, such as:• group counseling (social skills, anger management,

self-concept, grief/loss), • targeted intervention programs for select students

(i.e., Check In, Check Out), • mentoring• Brief/simple behavior plans for repeated minor

infractions and over 5 days out of school suspension (using BIM and other resources),

• In-School Suspension

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KBE Tier 3 Tertiary Interventions (For students with 6 or more office referrals)

How does your Student Review Team (S-Team) identify and plan for these students?• Behavior S-Team• Behavior Intervention Plans – Behavior Charts• Administration/Parent Conference• Counseling Sessions

Number of expulsions 2013-14: _____0_Number of suspensions 2013-14: ____45_

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KBE Progress Results on School-wide Discipline

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PBIS 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014


96%96% 98%



5% 1% 0% 0%

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Resources• TN PBIS links http://www.edprodevelopment.com &

http://riseprojectmemphis.org• Maryland PBIS http://www.pbismaryland.org• PBIS http://www.pbis.org

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