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TEENS & WELLNESS A planning 10 project by Katherine Gray
Page 1: Katherine



A planning 10 project by Katherine Gray

Page 2: Katherine

Healthy Eating

Page 3: Katherine

• You know what real food is! The foods you grew up with your

parents telling you to eat more of ( Meat, fish, eggs, vegetables,

fruits, nuts are all great examples of REAL food)

• Mentally prepare yourself for your diet change, and don't start off

to radically. Remember small changes can produce big results.

• Commit to your change! Only change your eating lifestyle if you're

100% ready.

“Nothing tastes as good as looking

good feels.”

-Tony Robbins

How do I start eating healthy?

Page 4: Katherine

Breakfast: Breakfast will help you refuel after a long night's

sleep and help you start your day with energy. Skipping breakfast

is bad for your metabolism so put aside time in your day to make a

hearty and healthy meal.

• One serving of oatmeal.

• One-half cup strawberries.

• A tablespoon or two chopped nuts.

• A glass of orange juice.

A day eating healthy:

Page 5: Katherine

• A sandwich made with two slices of 100-percent whole

grain bread, two or three ounces of lean turkey breast, a

little mayonnaise or mustard, a tomato slice and lettuce.

• One-half to one cup raw baby carrots

• One can or bottle of sparkling water.

Or if you're at a restaurant you could order:

• A vegetable salad with the dressing served on the side.

• A cup of soup.

Lunch: Lunch is a meal that's often eaten on-the-go or

somewhere like work or school. Here's an example of a lunch that

would be easy to pack and take with you.

Page 6: Katherine

• One serving of baked or roasted chicken breast.

• One small baked potato with salsa or low-fat

sour cream.

• Large portion of steamed asparagus.

• One small 100-percent whole grain roll.

• One glass of skim milk

Dinner: Dinner is when you need to watch yourself the

most since it's easy to over-eat. Try dividing your plate into 4

quarters. 1 quarter for meat, 1 for starch and 2 for veggies.

Page 7: Katherine

Being active and staying fit goes hand in hand with eating

healthy. The expression "use it or lose it" is applicable

to your body as well, if you don't use your body your

muscles will become flabby, your heart won't work

efficiently and your joints will become stiff.

Exercising also helps prevent:

• diseases

• improves stamina

• controls weight

• improves quality of life


Why is exercise important?
