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Kathubulletinka 20150218

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Kathubulletinka 20150218
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Verspreidingsgebied: Kathu, Kuruman, Daniëlskuil, Lime Acres, Olifantshoek, Postmasburg, Upington, Keimoes, Kakamas en Groblershoop 19 FEBRUARIE 2015 WWW.KALAHARIBULLETIN.CO.ZA GRATIS Kathu Garden and Lifestyle Centre Garden and Lifestyle Centre Landscaping services Landscaping services Irrigation services Irrigation services Maintenance services Maintenance services Paving specialists Paving specialists Cor. Hendrik van Eck and Ben Alberts Roads, Kathu 053 723 2252 X1PR8WFM-KA190215 28 Februarie 2015, 19:00 Hoërskool Kathu Kaartjies nou beskikbaar by Dental Joy teen R100 per persoon. Lianie May E-mail: [email protected] DENTISTS Physical address: Shop 7 B, Isinda Building, Rietbok Street, Kathu 8446 (Next to Build-it, next to Voltex) 053 723 1975 X1PR4WM1-KA190215 ERA KATHU Tel. 053 723 2655 www.era.co.za X1PPFJ19-KA050215 Elretha: 083 561 6705 / Kantoor: 053 712 3123 Elretha: 083 561 6705 / Kantoor: 053 712 3123 KURUMAN X1PPKNUB-KA190215 Tel: 053 - 723 4000 KATHU Tel: 053 - 712 2216 KURUMAN X1PPFTAY-KA190215 KURUMAN / KATHU AGENTE: LINDA HEATH - Sel. 082 293 2188 JUDY STRONG - Sel. 072 216 8850 www.chaseveritt.co.za X1PRA63M-KA190215 The Nu-Shop The Nu-Shop The Nu-Shop FOR DESIGNER CLOTHING OF DISTINCTION Palmgate Shopping Centre • Main street KURUMAN - Tel. 053 712 1264 JEEP, ADIDAS STERLING FASHION WEAR 20% DISCOUNT X1PPKQ73-KA190215 “HAPPY Valentine's Day.” Lethabo Kenologile (left) and Kgotuto Digwamaje celebrated this day of love and friendship at the Sonstraaltjie Pre-Primary School. See more photos of these cute cupids on p 15. Photo: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt Day of hearts

Verspreidingsgebied: Kathu, Kuruman, Daniëlskuil, Lime Acres, Olifantshoek, Postmasburg, Upington, Keimoes, Kakamas en Groblershoop



Garden andLifestyle Centre

Garden andLifestyle Centre







PavingspecialistsCor. Hendrik van Eck and

Ben Alberts Roads, Kathu

053 723 2252


28 Februarie 2015, 19:00Hoërskool KathuKaartjies nou beskikbaar

by Dental Joy teen R100 per persoon.

Lianie MayE-mail: [email protected]


Physical address:Shop 7 B, Isinda Building, Rietbok Street, Kathu 8446

(Next to Build-it, next to Voltex)

053 723 1975


ERA KATHUTel. 053 723 2655www.era.co.za

X1PPFJ19-KA050215Elretha: 083 561 6705 / Kantoor: 053 712 3123Elretha: 083 561 6705 / Kantoor: 053 712 3123


Tel: 053 - 723 4000KATHU

Tel: 053 - 712 2216KURUMAN



JUDY STRONG - Sel. 072 216 8850www.chaseveritt.co.za



Palmgate Shopping Centre • Main streetKURUMAN - Tel. 053 712 1264



“HAPPY Valentine's Day.” Lethabo Kenologile (left) and Kgotuto Digwamaje celebrated this day of love and friendship at the Sonstraaltjie Pre­Primary School. Seemore photos of these cute cupids on p 15. Photo: Benneli Olivier Van der WaltD





Gehoorpraktyk inKathu en Upington!Andra Bester Oudioloog

(B Log Pret)

Skakel vir ‘n afspraak:KATHU • Tel. 053 723 2279Kamer 3, Mediclinic Kathu

UPINGTON • Tel. 054 332 2554Medpro Arcade,Scottstraat 59

X1PPD286-KA050215 X1PQWRWH-KA190215

) THE Kathu police arrested asuspect for the possession ofdagga behind M&I Motors inKathu. The arrest occurred on 8February at approximately 23:00.The street value of the dagga isR30.) WO JOHAN ROSSOUW of theKathu police arrested two suspectsfor the possession of stolenproperty. On 4 February thepolice were alerted by a furniturebusiness after the two suspectshad sold the shop a black DefyKitchenaire 621 solid-plate stove.The stove was confiscated.) ANOTHER stolen electric stovewas recovered in Mapoteng, nearKathu. The Kathu police stoppedtwo suspects in a white Hyundai

truck on 4 February at approxi-mately 03:30. The suspects couldnot provide a reasonable explana-tion for the stove and one of thesuspects was arrested.

SAPS vigilantTHIS stolen electric stove was recovered on 4 February in Mapoteng, nearKathu. Photo: Supplied


WEES daarop bedag om nieongesertifiseerde lateie of anderbouprodukte te koop nie.’n Latei is ’n drabalk en moet

aan die standaarde van die SABSen SANS 1504: 1990, voldoen.Jy betaal vir gehalte wat jy

verwag om te kry, maar op dielange duur sukkel jy met krake.Dit kom bokant jou vensterra-

me en deure voor waar die latei

veronderstel is om die nodigeondersteuning te verskaf.Baie ongesertifiseerde lateie

glip in ysterwarewinkels in.Dalk is dit onkunde. Maar die

lateie word teen ’n wins verkoop.Instansies wat ongesertifiseerde

lateie verkoop, oortree die Wet op

Beroepsveiligheid en Gesondheid.Sou daar ooit ’n ongeluk

plaasvind met lateie wat breek,stel sulke instansies hulself aanvervolging bloot.Daar was verlede jaar verskeie

gevalle van ongelukke vanongesertifiseerde lateie watgebruik is.Dit is gehaltebeheer en die

NHBRC se plig om toe te sien datlateie en ander bouprodukte welgesertifiseer is.

Vermy dié bouprodukte


I AM writing to complain aboutan article “Gebede breek Satanis-me” that was published on p. 10in the Kalahari Bulletin of 5February.The content of this article is

incorrect. There has been noresearch done on this subject andtherefore all the facts in thisarticle are incorrect. If suchthings existed in Kathu, where arethe police reports?I would like to see that this

matter is taken seriously, if you

would like me to continue readingthis paper. Otherwise it would bea waste of my time reading thispaper knowing that the informati-on published in it is incorrect.Kathu is a very small Christian

community and people here aregenerally uneducated in otherreligions. They would believeanything printed in your paper.I am not a Satanist, but I am a

Pagan and I am open-mindedabout other religions. One of thethings that I am not happy with,is that the Pagan Pentacle is usedin the article. Paganism andSatanism are two different

religions and the Satanismpentacle is drawn upside downand represents a completelydifferent meaning.

) The Bulletin received variousletters regarding the article. Wecannot publish all the letters butwish to confirm that the articlewas based on two testimonies fromparents whose children wereinvolved in Satanism. Otherinformation was gathered from apastor. Internet research was alsodone. We apologise to those readerswho were offended by the article.X Editor.

No research done in article

DIE Kathu-tak van die Suid-Afri-kaanse Nasionale Bloeddiens(SANBD) benodig dringend nogbloedskenkers.Alle inwoners word aangemoe-

dig om bloed te skenk. Skenkerskan op Woensdae van 08:00 to19:00 na die kliniek kom. Bloedkan ook op Vrydae van 09:00 tot17:00 in die kliniek geskenk

word.Die kliniek is in Rietbokstraat

in die Old Mutual-gebou langsdie OK Furniture.) Om ’n bloedskenker te wordmoet ’n mens tussen 16 en 65jaar oud wees en ’n veiligeseksuele leefstyl lei. Rig navraeaan sr. Ansie Klemp by 082-305-4249.

Bloedskenkers dringend nodig

Hi Tech tyre premisesOffice tel. 087 060 0300Hi Tech tyre premisesOffice tel. 087 060 0300

27 Marietta Crescent,Kuruman 8460

27 Marietta Crescent,Kuruman 8460



me groei of ons plantlusern tussen die bo-me en so maak jy nogsteeds geld terwyl jywag dat jou bome inproduksie kom.”

Tans word meer as90% van Suid-Afrikase pekanneute naChina uitgevoer.

Suid-Afrika is ookdie tweede grootseverskaffer van pe-kanneute naas Ame-rika veral omdatAmerika die meestevan hul neute selfverbuik.

“My grootste wensas sappa-verteen-woordiger is om pe-kanneute aan dié wê-reld bekend te stel.

Ek wil hê plaaslikeboere moet besef wat-ter wonderlike alter-natief dit is voordatdit dalk te laat is.”

Daarby is oeskosteheelwat laer, wantdie bome word ty-dens oestyd met ’nspesiale werktuigwat agter ’n trekkergehaak word, geskuden dan val die neutegrond toe.

Volgens Johan isdie insetkoste slegssowat 10% van jouomset.

Die enigste nadeelvan pekanneute isdat dit tot sewe jaarduur voordat ’n boomgenoeg neute produ-seer. Volgens Johanis die oplossing hier-voor baie eenvoudig.“Ons haal in ’n ouwingerd elke paarrye ’n ry wingerd-stokke uit en plant ’nry pekanneutbome.Dan oes jy steeds diedruiwe terwyl die bo-

soos skurfsiekte,maar hier is swamin-feksies baie laagweens die hitte.”

Die enigste pro-bleem wat pekan-neutbome ervaar, isdat hul wortels suk-kel om spoorelemen-te uit die grond op teneem. ’n Eenvoudigespuitprogram los diéprobleem makilk op.

Die lys van voorde-le hou egter volgensJohan nie eens hierop nie.

Die insetkoste, oes-koste en vestigings-koste van pekanneu-te is heelwat laer aswingerde.

“Om tans een hek-taar wingerd te ves-tig, kos ongeveerR150 000 terwyl eenhektaar pekanneuteslegs R22 000 kos.”

ton per hektaar af.”Dan lag Johan en sê

tong in die kies: “Onshet ná jare se onder-soeke nou vyf kulti-vars geïdentifiseerwat baie goed hieraard. Hoor vir my . . .ons gaan binnekorttot agt ton per hek-taar afhaal.”

Die gemiddeldeprys wat pekanneut-boere vir hul produkkry, is ongeveer R52per kilogram. Oor-grote neute word virmeer as R60 per kilo-gram aangekoop.

Volgens Johan isdaar geen nadeel aandie plant van pekan-neute verbonde nie.“Die bome hou vanons warm weer. Diestreek het ook genoegkoue eenhede vir diebome. Hulle kan rypverdra. Hulle groeibaie goed in diéstreek se alluvialegrond. Die reën watons in Februarie/Maart kry, pla hullenie. Tydens bestui-wing in Oktober reëndit bykans nooit hiernie wat baie goed virbestuiwing is.”

Die lys is bykanseindeloos. Selfs diepeste en plae wat ’nwingerd so affekteer,is baie minder.

“In Natal en dieLaeveld sukkel hullebaie met swamme

In dieselfde tyd isbaie pekanneutbomein sentraal-Suid-Afri-ka aangeplant. Dithet gou gewys dat dieOranjerivier-gebiedbeter is.

“In die Westelikedele haal hulle tussentwee en drie ton perhektaar af, maar hierhaal ons drie tot vier

was en hulle het baiegoed gedoen. Dit hetbyhomdie saadjie ge-plant dat pekanneutedalk ’n goeie alterna-tief kan wees.

En dit was. In daar-die tyd was die mees-te pekanneutplase inNatal, waar hulle ge-lukkig is om 600 kgperhektaar af te haal.

die opbrengste en diepryse van wisselbougepaardgaande metdie verhoogde inset-koste net nie meer lo-nend nie. Daaromhetek na alternatiewebegin kyk.”

Teen daardie tydhet hy al pekanneut-bome gehad wat on-geveer 12 jaar oud

Lizette Slabber

“TOE ons nog almaloor pekanneute domwas, het ek baieswaar lesse geleer,”sê Johan Coetzee, diestreeksverteenwoor-diger van die Suid-Afrikaanse Pekan-neut Produsente As-sosiasie (sappa).“Daarna het ek be-sluit ek sal enigie-mand wat bymy komraadenhulpvra, helpom die regte besluitete neemwanneer hul-le met pekanneutewil begin boer.”

Johan is baie pas-sievol oor dié gewaswat hy al 24 jaar gele-de vir die eerste keeraangeplant het.

“Pekanneute is ide-aal vir die Oranjeri-vier, maar tog is daarnog hopeloos te minboere wat met dié bo-me hier boer.

“Te min boere siendie ongelooflike po-tensiaal van pekan-neute raak.”

As lid van sappawil hy graag die pe-kanneutbedryf vanafBoegoeberg tot byKeimoes uitbrei.

Volgens Johan hethy bykans tien jaargelede aan ’n alterna-tief vir wisselbou be-gin dink.

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Branch Manager Peter Hansen:[email protected]


Sunday 8 February 2015 – Pastor Hennie van der Merwe preachingX1PPD1UP-KA190215

Incredible DoorIncredible Door

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JOHAN COETZEE by ’n pekanneutboom wat nou ongeveer drie jaaroud is. Die bome is tussen wingerde geplant wat nog vir so vier tot vyfjaar geoes sal word. Wanneer die bome genoeg neute produseer, saldie wingerde uitgehaal word. Foto: Lizette Slabber

Pekanneute voorwaar ’nwondergewas

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Fax: 086 671 2121X1PR6HA5-KA190215


’n Heerlike naweek vir my saammet vriendinne moet ’n rustige,luilekker gebeurtenis wees. Dieene lê op ’n bank en lees ’n boek,die ander een teken of verf dalk,en die ander ene ploeter met haarplantjies buite rond. So nou endan sê iemand iets. Maar verderis dit stillerig.Ek het al alleen by die see gaan

vakansie hou. Net so vir vier dae.Net genoeg om die siel te lawe.Daar sal ek op die stoep sit, eenmet die wiegende branders worden die wêreld bekyk. So tussen-deur die paar mense op die stranden die luilekker branders sal ek ’nkoppie koffie en ’n versnapperinggaan kry.Namiddag sal ek binne die koel

gastehuis se dik mure lees. Enskryf. Saans sal ek myself met ’nete uit by ’n restaurant op diestrand en ’n lekker yskoue glasiewit wyn bederf. By die restaurantsal dit natuurlik zoem van al diemense, maar dit sal my nie planie. Net een uur daar sal genoegwees om my ete te geniet en dante verdwyn.En wat maak ek dan as ek na

my see-huisie terugkeer?Miskien sal ek verder staar na

die see en die maan. Miskien salek lees, skryf of teken.Maar wat ook al ek doen, dit sal

die introvert in my perfek pas.

trovert. Ek hou beslis nie vangroot partytjies nie. Om, soos dieEngelse sal sê, small talk te maakgrief my tot in my tone. Die hardemusiek maak my mal en ek wilnet vlug.Hoe vermy ek dié goed? Ek

woon net nie sulke byeenkomsteby nie. Want ek weet, binne eenuur gaan ek baie geïrriteerd wees.Om ’n introvert te wees beteken

vir my baie ure van feitlik doodsestilte. Dit is kosbare tyd van sagtemusiek, lees, teken en skryf in myjoernaal. En dit geskied nie binne’n halfuur nie. Nee, ek moet sopaar ure tot my beskikking kanhê om dit te doen.’n Persoon soos my ma verstaan

glad nie my introvert-status nie.Ek word vertel dat ek baieonvriendelik is. Wat my eintliklaat lekkerkry, want sy is nog ’ngróter introvert as ek.Kuier ek ooit by vriende? Ja,

natuurlik. Hou die groepie netklein en intiem asseblief. Braaisaam met vier vriende kan ekhanteer. Kuier saam met tweevriendinne op ’n slag kan ekhanteer.

Ilse Watson

AS ek ’n nuwe boek begin lees,moet dit my gryp en smeek omverder te lees X binne die eerstepaar bladsye. Indien dit niegebeur nie, raak ek verveeld ensal ek die boek sommer doer diepop die boekrak wegbêre.Gedurende die Desembervakan-

sie gee my dogter vir my ’n boekX Introvert Power. Ek het ditonlangs begin lees. En dit het myso vasgegryp dat ek dit sommervinnig-vinnig klaar gelees het. Omdie waarheid te sê, ek was regtigvies toe ek die laaste bladsyomblaai.Introvert Power is van onskatba-

re waarde vir alle introverte. Ditis ’n boek wat enige introvert laatverstaan dat hulle op hul eieprivate ruimte mág aandring. Enhulle mag maar tyd vir hulself,om te dink, maak. En hulle magook ’n stadiger tempo in hul leweinbring.Introverte hou nie van partytjies

waar daar baie mense is nie.Hulle hou ook nie van geraas nie.En hulle hou nog minder vanonderbrekings.Dié boek wys introverte hóé om

situasies soos baie mense enonderbrekings te hanteer.Hoekom het ek die boek

verslind? Want ek is ’n 100%-in-

Uit ’n chaoskom ordeDIE staatsrede van 2015 is geleweren nou sal die debat daaroor volg.Staatsredes is gewoonlik klinies

en steriel. Dit vorm deel van ’ngroot staatsmasjien X met staatsre-des, begrotings en midtermyn-be-grotings wat eintlik almal sooshandskoene in mekaar pas.Daarom is die verrassings min,

hoewel daar altyd ’n groot ophefdaarvan gemaak word.Die staatsrede van 2015 sal egter

in die anale van die geskiedenisaangeteken word as ’n swart ofrooi dag waarin alle lede van dieEFF uit die parlement gegooi is.Hulle het nie gehoor gegee aan diespeaker se versoek dat geen vraetoegelaat sal word nie.Kort daarna verlaat die ampteli-

ke opposisie ook die parlementomdat die voorsitter nie kon ofwou antwoord of die wagte watdie EFF-lede verwyder hetparlementêre wagte of polisieledewas nie. Zuma het sy staatsredegelewer sonder dat die opposisiein die parlement teenwoordig was.Hoe hulle tot die debat gaan

toetree, sal die tyd leer. Diehoofpunte gaan sekerlik nie in diepresident se toespraak voorkomnie, maar eerder handel oor diechaos wat daaroor losgebars het.Ná die staatsrede is die algeme-

ne gevoel op straat dat dieparlement as instelling nog nooitin soveel chaos gedompel was soosnou nie. Tog is daar ’n lig in dietonnel en daardie lig se naam isverantwoordbaarheid. Die ANChet vir baie lank daarmee wegge-kom om instellings, gebruike enreëls te gebruik om mee toe tesmeer. Die DA het weer lankprobeer om hierdie selfde instel-lings, gebruike en reëls te gebruikom alles wat die ANC probeertoesmeer, te ontbloot. Dít is diedemokrasie in werking.Die EFF het egter ’n vars

benadering. Hulle word niegeïntimideer deur die formaliteiten saaklikheid van die reëls nieen spreek die speaker uitdagendaan as hulle nie met die toepas-sing van die reëls saamstem nie.Die EFF se astrante benaderingtot verantwoording dwing dieANC om anders op te tree. Ditkan net help om die president enander ministers se minagting vandie parlement die afgelope paarjaar tot orde te bring. Interessantetye lê voor. Hou moed en dinkanders oor dit wat voor onsafspeel. Die chaos is nodig omorde te bring. Die ANC waslanklaas so onder druk en dit kannet goeie gevolge inhou.

Ons oorwinning isdeur die kruis verseëlPastoor Phil van Vuuren

DIT is afgehandel. Skriflesing:Johannes 19:17-30.“En toe Jesus die asyn geneem

het, sê hy: Dit is volbring. En Hyhet Sy hoof gebuig en die Geesgegee.”Ander vertalings lui soos volg

oor die laaste woorde van Jesusaan die kruis: KJV: It is Finished.Die Lewende Bybel: Alles is nouafgehandel.Die aard van Sy lyding was

vooraf deur die Godheid beplan.Hand. 2:23-24 sê: “Hom wat deurdie bepaalde raad en voorkennisvan God oorgelewer is, het julledeur die hande van goddelosemanne geneem en gekruisig enomgebring; Hom het God opgewek,nadat Hy die smarte van die doodontbind het, omdat dit onmoontlikwas dat Hy daardeur vasgehou konword.”Wanneer ek en jy na die kruis

kyk, deel ons met die sintuiglikewêreld. Intendeel, die mens deelnet met die sintuiglike, dit watons sien, hoor, ruik, voel, proe.God werk met die geestelike

ryk, dit wat ek en jy nie kan siennie. Vir die sintuiglike het jy geengeloof nodig nie. Maar vir dieonsienlike het ons wel. Heb. 11:1

sê: “Die geloof dan is ’n vastevertroue op die ding wat ons hoop,’n bewys van die dinge wat ons niekan sien nie.”Kol. 2:13-15 sê: “En julle, wat

dood was deur die misdade en dieonbesnedenheid van julle vlees, hetHy saam met Hom lewend gemaakdeurdat Hy julle al die misdadevergeef het.“En die skuldbrief teen ons, wat

met sy insettinge ons vyandig was,uitgedelg en weggeruim het deurdit aan die kruis vas te nael.“Nadat Hy die owerhede en

magte uitgeklee en hulle in dieopenbaar tentoongestel en daardeuroor hulle getriomfeer het.”Die duiwel het geen houvas op

ons as gelowiges nie. Die enigsteuitwerking en houvas is dít watons hom toelaat om te doen.Ons oorwinning oor al sy werke

is deur die kruis verseël. Onsoorwinning lê in die naam vanJesus, deur sy Woord en bloed.Daarom is ons vergifnis, genesingen verhouding met Hom gewaar-borg. Ons kan vry wees vanskuldgevoelens en verwyte.

DIE kameeldoringboom (Acacia erioloba) se peule is besig om vet aan die bome te raak. Dié veelsydige peuleis propvol voedingswaarde vir vee en wild. Groot kameeldoringbome kan tussen 300 kg en 500 kg peule ’njaar produseer. Foto: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt

17/36 16/34 13/32 19/38 16/33 14/3422/32 11/2913/28

Ek-tyd ’n introvert-ideaal

Kameeldorings dra reeds swaar


DIE tema van die Hoërskool Kalahari se jaarlikse Valentynsdinee was die 1960’s. Die saal wasgetooi met verskillende kleure liggies en daar was ook prente teen die mure wat op die 60’s­temavoortgebou het. Daar is selfs Volkswagen Kewers in die saal geparkeer om die tema meer egte maak. Geen moeite is ontsien om die aand onvergeetlik te maak nie. ’n Fotohoekie is ingerigsodat unieke foto’s geneem kon word. Nie net is daar moeite met die saal gedoen nie, maarook was die kos heerlik voorberei. Die voorgereg het uit frikkadelle, ’n worsie en pasteitjie bestaanen die hoofgeregwas hoender bedienmet roomaartappels, gemengde groente en ’nmengelslaai.Die nagereg was heerlike wafels met roomys. Die leerlinge het die aand terdeë geniet en diedansbaan was konstant vol dansers. Leerlinge wat die dinee bygewoon het, is van links HanruFourie, Liandri Fourie, Nico Erasmus, Chanélle Kruger, André Olivier en Danélle Ingram.

Foto: Lynn-mari Olivier

Kuier lekker

DEBONAIRS PIZZA EXPRESS in die nuwe Kuruman Mall is die tweede Debonairs­tak in Kuru­man. Dit is ook die 503de tak in Suid­Afrika. Hul werksure is Maandae tot Vrydae van 09:00tot 18:00 en Saterdae en Sondae is hulle van 09:00 tot 15:00 oop. Geen aflewerings word gedoennie. Jy kan jou pizza vooraf bestel en by hulle gaan afhaal. Hul telefoonnommer is 053­712­0344.

Foto: Ilse Watson


DIE Bloemskou in Bloem-fontein, in samewerkingmet Computicket, Pacofs enKovsie FM, bied vanjaardie tweede agtereenvolgen-de jaar die BloemskouComputicket TalentSearch-kompetisie aan.

“Die doel van die projekis om jong opkomendekunstenaars te identifiseeren te help om te ontwikkelen ’n loopbaan uit hultalent te begin,” sê ElmariePrinsloo, uitvoerende hoofvan die Bloemskou.

Daar word na nuwe, vars,talentvolle individue ofgroepe met talent in sangof dans gesoek.

Prysgeld van R10 000 isvir die wenner op die spel.Die tweede prys is R5 000en die derde prys R2 500.

Elk van die ander sewefinaliste sal ook R500ontvang.

Voorwaardes) Slegs dans en sang saltoegelaat word.

) Optredes mag nielanger as drie minute weesnie.) Geen orkeste wordtoegelaat nie, slegs backtracks en akoesties.) Deelnemers moet tussendie ouderdom van 18 en30 wees en mag geenprofessionele ervaring hênie.) Finaliste moet op dievasgestelde uitdunne- enoptrede-datums beskikbaarwees (15 Maart, 21 Maart,16 April, 23 April en 30April).

OudisiesUitdunne vir die Bloem-

skou Computicket TalentSearch word op Saterdag 14Maart in die André Hugue-net-teater in Bloemfonteingehou.

Registrasie vir oudisies isvan 08:00 tot 13:00 en isnoodsaaklik om vir ’noudisie te kwalifiseer. Geenoudisie sal sonder registra-sie toegestaan word nie.

Oudisies begin om 08:00.Deelnemers sal voor ’npaneel van kundige beoor-delaars optree.

Kompetisie soek vars talent

Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality

Sanita on Programme

CONTRACT NO 12/2014-15


TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDERTenders are invited for the construction of 300 double pit, lined VIP's for Maruping.

It is estimated that tenderers should have a CIDB contractor grading of 6CE/6GB or higher.

Evaluation criteria will be based on a 90/10 points system where the 10 points will be awarded for B-BBEE status Level ofContribution as per table included in the tender document.

Tender documents will be available on Friday, 27 February 2015 at 12:00 noon from:

Ga-Segonyana Local MunicipalityCorner Voortrekker and School StreetsKURUMAN 8460Tel. 053 712 9305

A non-refundable deposit of R500.00 will be charged for each set of documents issued. All payments and deposits are to bemade in the currency of the Republic of South Africa. Bank-guaranteed cheques are to be made payable to theGa-Segonyana Local Municipality.

Tenders close on Tuesday, 24 March 2015 at 12:00. Particulars regarding the submission of tenders appear in Part T1.2Volume 1 of the tender document. Sealed Tenders must be placed in the tender box in the foyer of Ga-SegonyanaLocal Municipality, corner Voortrekker and School Street, Kuruman and no Tenders will be accepted after the closing time orper facsimile or per e-mail.

A compulsory site visit and clarification meeting will be held on Wednesday, 4 March 2015 at 10:00. Tenderers are requestedto meet the Engineer in the Banquette Hall of Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality (No documents will be available at the site visitor clarification meeting).

Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to accept anytender in whole or in part.

Enquiries relating to this tender should be address to Mr M Pretorius at the Mafikeng Office of BIGEN AFRICA Services (Pty) Ltd.Tel: (018) 386 2111, Fax: (018) 386 3031, E-Mail: [email protected].

Mr G E NtefangMunicipal Manager


T&Cs apply. Valid for a limited me only. Product containsegg. Choice of pizza flavours is limited to the following 3only: Ranch Chick, Masala Chick or Sweet Chick. Size andappearancemayvary.Nosubs tutesonproductsoffered.





FOTOGRAWE het nog net eenweek oor om pragtonele van diemooie Kalahari te kiek.Die nuwe tema is Ons

Kalahari en foto’s kan [email protected] word.Ons soek ’n foto wat wys

waarom die Kalahari sobesonders is en hoekom ons virdié wêreld só lief is.Die sluitingsdatum is 26

Februarie.Elke maand wen die fotograaf

van die wenfoto ’n prys vanWakaberry in die Kalahari Mallen die fotograaf van die fotowat die meeste likes op Face-book kry, wen ’n geskenkpakvan Orange River Cellars.Aan die einde van die jaar

gaan die 12 maandeliksewenners om ’n wegbreeknaweekmeeding.Die fotograaf van die wenfoto

van die jaar, wat uit die 12

maandelikse wenfoto’s gekiesword, wen ’n naweek vir viermense in een van die NCFamous Lodges.Uit die 12 wenners wen die

fotograaf van die foto wat diemeeste likes op Facebook kry, ’nnaweek vir twee mense in eenvan die NC Famous Lodges.Stuur inskrywings na

[email protected]’s moet groter as 500 KB

en 300 dpi wees en moet injpeg-formaat aan die e-pos gehegwees. Verskaf ’n kontaknom-mer, inligting oor waar en deurwie die foto geneem is en waardie fotograaf woon.Net amateurfotograwe mag

hulle vir die kompetisie inskryf.Daar is geen beperking op diegetal inskrywings nie en foto’swat oor die land heen geneemis, word aanvaar.Slegs inwoners van die

Noord-Kaap mag hulle inskryf.

Nog tyd omkiekies te stuur

DIT is net in die Kalahari wat die lug só blou is. Jan le Roux het die pragtige foto ingestuur.

MARLE STRAUSSvan die Orange RiverCellars oorhandig diegeskenkpak aan Lou­rens de Villiers. DeVilliers is die wennervan die Facebook­kompetisie.

Foto: Lizette Slabber

’n VRYGEWIGE Mei­sie Maass (regs) vanWakaberry in die Ka­lahari Mall oorhandigdie wenner van diekompetisie, RoyWalsh, se geskenk­bewys aan PhideliaAbrahams, die ver­koopsbestuurder vandie Kalahari Bulletin.

Foto: Retha-Marie Hall

FREDDIE ACKERMANN het dié mooi kameeldoringboomgekiek.

ABRIE VAN NIEKERK het dié besonderse Kalahari­sonsondergang afgeneem.

MARIETTE ROTHMANN het dié interessante sonsonder­gang vasgevang.

ROY WALSH het dié ikoniese Kalahari­toneel vasgevang.



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Benneli Olivier Van der Walt

“MY kind kan eenvoudig net niekonsentreer nie!”Soveel ouers in Kathu sit met hul

hande in hul hare weens hulwoelige kinders.Maar daar is hoop!In die meeste gevalle is ’n woelige

kind net ’n woelige kind. En dan isdaar kinders wat aan ADHD ofADD (Aandag-Tekort-Hiperaktiwi-teit-Versteuring of “AttentionDeficit Hyperactivity Disorder”) ly.Volgens dr. Schalk van Staden, ’n

mediese dokter wat in holistiesewelstand spesialiseer, is 10% tot15% van kinders met konsentrasie-probleme wat hom kom sien,werklike ADHD-lyers.Hy meen ADHD-lyers het gewoon-

lik ’n lae dopamien-vlak in diesinapse van hul brein.Hierdie lei na ’n verlies van

konsentrasie, impulsiwiteit enhiperaktiwiteit.Medikasie kan vir sulke gevalle

voorgeskryf word en werklik ’npositiewe verskil in ’n ADHD-lyerse lewe maak.Dit is belangrik om te weet dat

slegs ’n gekwalifiseerde psigiaterADHD in ’n kind kan diagnoseer.Konsentrasieoefeninge word as ’naanvullende terapie saam metmediese behandeling gebruik,indien medikasie wel nodig is.Van Staden noem ook dat ADHD-

medikasie ’n korttermynoplossing isen dat dit geen langtermynvoordelevir permanente gedragsveranderingin akademiese of sosiale gebiedebied nie. Dit is noodsaaklik om dieoorsaak van die konsentrasie-

probleem te identifiseer.Om ’n permanente verandering te

bereik, moet daar konsentrasie-oefe-ninge as ’n aanvulling saam met diemedikasie gebruik word. Dit is ookbelangrik om na voedingstowwe enaanvullings te kyk. Dié faktore kan’n rol in die dopamien-vervaardi-ging in die brein speel.Ouers moenie eenvoudig net op

medikasie staatmaak om al dieADHD-probleme op te los nie.Gelukkig is daar alternatiewe.Daar is konsentrasiespesialiste in

Kathu wat die konsentrasieproble-me kan identifiseer en dan metalternatiewe oplossings om dieprobleme kan aanpak.Leatitia Gray, ’n konsentrasiespe-

sialis van Kathu, sê dat dit baiebelangrik is om eers te kyk ofADHD werklik die oorsaak van ’n

konsentrasieprobleem is.Konsentrasiespesialiste soos sy

gebruik die TOVA-toets (Test ofVariables of Attention) om te bepaalof ADHD die konsentrasieprobleemveroorsaak.Daarna kan daar aan ’n oplossing

begin werk word.Die program waarin sy tans

spesialiseer, help ADHD-lyers enmense of kinders met net gewonekonsentrasieprobleme om nuwekonsentrasiepaadjies in hul breinete vorm.Hoewel die proses lank neem om

aan te leer, is die resultate perma-nent en maak dit daadwerklik ’nverskil in konsentrasievermoë.Die brein moet net soos enige

spier in die lyf geoefen word omnuwe gedrag aan te leer.Sonder oefening gaan niks bereik

word nie.Gray se konsentrasieprogram

gebruik EEG-(electroencephalogram)bio-terugvoeroefeninge in ’n uniekekombinasie om sodoende konsentra-sie- en leerprobleme wat met ADHDgeassosieer word, aan te pak.Indien so ’n program gebruik

word, kan ’n konsentrasielyervaardighede aanleer om beter tekan konsenteer.Hierdeur presteer hulle beter in

die klaskamer, asook akademies.Dit bevorder ook aanvaarbare

sosiale gedrag wat negatief deurADHD of konsentrasieproblemebeïnvloed word.Ouers moenie met ADHD-kinders

hoop verloor nie.Daar is hulp beskikbaar in die

vorm van moontlike medikasie enkonsentrasie-oefenprogramme.

Hoop vir ADHD-lyers


DIE Huppel Hasie-kleuterskoolin Kathu het op 12 Februariesy atletiekdag gehou.Trotse ouers, oumas en

oupas het die klein atleteaangemoedig.

Die kleuterskool se onderwy-sers was die dag se sportbe-amptes.Hoewel dit baie warm was,

het die kleintjies hul besgedoen en die dag baie geniet.

Hou (kort) bene, hou!“HARDLOOP!” Die vinnige Huppel Hasies het hul bes tydens die resies gedoen. Foto’s: Verskaf

DIE leerlinge en die onderwysers het die sportdag baie geniet. STEVEN BAM



“SIDDY” (Marshall Du Plessis) and“Gong” (André Roberts) are two up andcoming Christian hip-hop musiciansfrom Kathu. This dynamic duo startedperforming together in 2013.

These two young men (both 23) have apassion for music. They started theirown hip-hop group called GongSiddy(GS) and use their music to motivateyoung people from all walks of life.

Du Plessis and Roberts do not letchallenges stand in the way of spreadinga positive message of hope to theirsupporters.

They released their first studio tracktitled Big City Lights in August 2014.

They have performed at many localyouth services in the area. In December2014 they released their second singletrack, titled White Flag. This track was

downloaded over 300 times during itsfirst week available on the ReverbNati-on.com music site.

Upon its release, the song also rankednumber eight on the South Africannational Christian chart.

The GongSiddy team has travelledextensively throughout the NorthernCape. But for them, it is only thebeginning. They plan to tour the wholeof South Africa in order to spread theirmessage of hope to small communities.

GongSiddy urges the local youth tosupport Christian hip-hop.

“Music like Christian hip-hop createsa positive attitude and builds strongvalues,” says du Plessis.) GongSiddy will perform with RUDOZon 27 February at a youth outreach inOlifantshoek.

Hope spreadthroughmusic

ANDRÉ ROBERTS (“Gong”). Photos: Supplied MARSHALL DU PLESSIS (“Siddy”).

VALENTYNSDAG is met groot opgewon-denheid in Kathu afgewag.

Op 14 Februarie is baie gelukkige vroueen meisies met sjokolades of ’n bos roseverras terwyl die manne daardie lekkerpakkie biltong ontvang het.

Gelukkig is daar ook dié wat die spesialedag gebruik het om ’n stukkie ekstraliefde vir die viervoetiges in hul lewe tewys.

Die internasionale dag van liefdeinspireer al hoe meer mense om hulverbintenis met hul troeteldiere te hernu.

Liefde is ’n kosbare ding waarvanniemand ooit genoeg kan kry X of gee Xnie.

Moenie wag vir Valentynsdag om virdaardie spesiale mense of diere in jou lewete wys dat jy omgee nie.

Gebruik elke dag om hulle te laat weethulle is belangrik en maak saak.

Viervoetige Valentynsliefde

PIERRE LÖTTER gee vir Bella, sy oulike wors­hond, ’n lekker klapsoen vir Valentynsdag.

Foto: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt

TODAY in history: 19 February

1600: The Peruvian stratovolcanoHuaynaputina explodes in the mostviolent eruption in the recorded historyof South America.

1831: First practical United Statescoal-burning locomotive makes first trialrun in Pennsylvania.

1856: Tin-type camera patented byHamilton Smith.

1878: Thomas Alva Edison patents thegramophone (phonograph).

1900: British troops occupy Hlangwane,Natal.

1913: The first prize inserted into aCracker Jack cereal box.

1928: Second Winter Olympic Gamesclose at St Moritz in Switzerland.

1929: The first medical diathermymachine used in Schenectady, NewYork.

1932: William Faulkner completes hisnovel Light in August.

1943: The actress “Mama” Cass Elliotis born.

1949: First Bollingen Prize for poetryis awarded to Ezra Pound.

1960: Bill Keane’s Family Circuscartoon strip debuts.

1960: Prince Andrew (Albert ChristianEdward) of Britain (Duke of York) isborn.

1963: Robert Frost wins the Bollingen

Prize.1963: Seal, English vocalist and

songwriter, is born.1964: Brett Kebble, South African

millionaire and director of miningcompanies, linked to several cases ofalleged fraud, is born.

1969: First test flight of the Boeing 747jumbo jet.

1970: The USSR launches Sputnik 52and Molniya 1-13 communicationsatellites.

1977: Shuttle Enterprise makes its firsttest flight atop a 747 jetliner.

1985: Canned and bottled Cherry Cokeintroduced by Coca-Cola.

1985: Mickey Mouse is welcomed inChina.

1986: The USSR launches the MirSpace Station into earth orbit.

1987: Anti-smoking advertisement airsfor first time on television.

1989: Edgar Bowers wins the BollingenPrize.

1989: Winnie Madikizela-Mandela’sbodyguards arrested in connection withthe death of Stompie Seipei.

1990: Mandela issued with passportafter being released from prison.

1995: Kenneth Koch wins the BollingenPrize.

2002: NASA’s Mars Odyssey spaceprobe begins to map Mars’ surface, usinga thermal emission imaging system.

That happened on this dayTHE Mir space station.

VROUE is die régtekenners van dieperfekte Valentyns-dag.

Die meeste vanhulle het egteruiteenlopendegedagtes oor hoehierdie spesiale dagbehoort te verloop.

Die KalahariBulletin het drievroue gevra om hulperfekte Valentyns-dag kortliks tebeskryf.

Anna-MarieCaetano: “My manis tans oorsee.Dit sou my Valen-tynsdag gemaak hetas ek die dag saammet hom kon deurbring, want ek verlangerg na hom!”

Michelle Jacobs: “Ek verkies ’n rustigeValentynsdag waar my tyd my eie is en ek

kan maak wat ek wil.”Hendriëtte Möller: “Ek en my man het

dié Valentynsdag saam gaan piekniek hou.Dit was vreeslik romanties!”

Vrouewéét vanValentynsdag

VAN links is Anna­Marie Caetano, Michelle Jacobs en Hendriëtte Möller.Foto: Verskaf


WHAT is a “windy house?” This interesting sign was photographed in Frikkie Meyer Street,Kathu. Readers are invited to leave their explanations and descriptions on Kalahari Bulle-tin’s Facebook page. Photo: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt

OLIFANTSHOEK se inwoners kanhulle regmaak om Saterdag (21/02)twee besonderse besoekers in huldorp te ontvang.Dié geleentheid begin om 17:00 by

die Laerskool Noord Kaap.Melanie Du Bois (Felicity Daniels)

en Hildegardt Whites (BonitaMeintjies) van die bekende Suid-Afrikaanse sepie 7de Laan gaan asgassprekers en gaskunstenaars opdie Gospel Celebration by dieTabernacle Restoration Ministriesoptree.Pastoor Isak Andrew is die senior

pastoor van die Tabernacle Restorati-on Ministries.Dié bediening het eers onlangs in

Olifantshoek sy deure oopgemaak,maar dit druk reeds sy stempel af.Hy is ook die agent vir dié twee

7de Laan-akteurs.Kaartjies vir die geleentheid is nog

beskikbaar.Vir enige verdere inligting, skakel

gerus 078-507-3970, 083-523-3687 of081-013-3475.

Bekendes kuier

) LIANIE MAY treeop 28 Februarie om19:00 by die Hoër-skool Kathu op.Kaartjies kos R100en R150. Vir meerinligting kan DentalJoy Kathu by053-723-1975 gekon-tak word.) KANSA Kathuhou op 28 Februarieom 09:00 ’n “Shave-a-thon” by dieKathu Village Mall.Vir meer inligtingkan Lorencha vander Ross by 073-102-4704 gebel word.


THE Representative Council ofLearners (RCL) of the Kathu HighSchool attended a leadershiptraining session recently.The training session was held on

Friday (6/02) at Cass da Villa nearKathu.Gregory Modungwa presented the

session to the learners.The purpose of this session

was to enable learners to growas leaders, promote good valuesand encourage teamwork amongthe RCL members.The RCL members will assist

teachers with certain tasks andalso help with the discipline atschool and during classes.The school thanked the parents

for supporting their children andfor their continuous support of theschool.

Learners trained


Boggles the mind

DIT is somertyd in die Kalahari en diegeniepsige son maak ’n mens maar vinnigdors.Marie van Houten (65) van Kathu bly al

vir 30 jaar in die Kalahari en deel graaghaar dorsles-ystee-resep.SMarie se ysteeDie resep lewer twee liter ystee.) Laat vier rooibosteesakkies vir sowat tienminute in een liter kookwater trek.) Haal die sakkies uit.) Meng 200-250 ml suiker met ’n liter waterin ’n aparte beker.) Roer die suiker totdat dit opgelos het.) Gooi die warm tee by die suikerwater.) Laat die mengsel heeltemal afkoel en houdit dan in die yskas totdat die tee voorgesitgaan word.) Voeg gekneusde frambose of ander vrugteby die tee voor bediening.) Geniet die heerlike ystee saam metysblokkies.

Les só jou dors in die somer

MARIE se heerlike ystee.

IN the case ofan emergency,be sure to usethese Kathuemergencytelephonenumbers:) TrafficDepartment:053-723-6000/083-625-7058) Municipali-ty: 053-723-6000/2622) Magistrate:053-723-3221) PoliceStation:053-723-9121/9120) PrivateHospital:053-723-3231) FireDepartment:053-723-2833) InformationOffice:053-723-2391




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UPINGTON Tel: 054 332 1458KIMBERLEY Tel: 053 861 5631BLOEMFONTEIN Tel: 051 448 6695


UPINGTONSel: 082 569 9899Tel: 087 700 3726

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DIE Kalahari Bulletin se Jou pragtigekat-fotokompetisie is tans aan diegang. Die kat-kategorie van die foto-kompetisie sluit op 26 Februarie en diewenner sal in die 5 Maart-uitgaweaangekondig word. Hier is dié week seinskrywings.

Kiek joukiets enskryf in

JANDRI DE VILLIERS se oulike kat. Foto: Verskaf

STOUTER die strepieskat. Foto: Lisa Scheepers VETTIE (voor) en Pokkel. Foto: Lisa Scheepers KARIN GROBLER se pragtige kat. Foto: Verskaf

GEMMER tydens sy middagslapie. Foto: Tokkie ViljoenGARFIELD het net drie bene, maar is sy“mens­ma” se gunsteling­kat.Foto:TokkieViljoenSNIFFELS van Lime Acres. Foto: Tokkie Viljoen

Gesels saam opFacebook deur te gaanna Kalahari Bulletin.




The company requires the services of arecep onist at Kathu.Requirements: Fluent in English and Afrikaans Good communica on skills Working knowledge of Microso

Office Applica ons, specifically MSWord and Excel.

Prior experience in HR and Safetyadministra on will be an advantage.

Closing Date: 16:00 on Tuesday24 February 2015. No late applica ons

will be accepted.

Interested Candidates can e-mail allinforma on including a detailed CV (withcovering le er) and cer fied copies ofqualifica ons and training via e-mail to

[email protected] ordeliver a clearly marked envelope to

Booysen Bore, Hobson Street, IndustrialArea, Kuruman.

Incomplete applica ons will not beconsidered.

If you do not receive any feedback within1 week a er the closing date, you can

deem your applica on to be unsuccessful.X1PR2JBM-KA190215




Kennis geskied dat die Munisipaliteit //Khara Hais van voorneme is om die volgendeaksies met onroerende eiendom binne //Khara Hais Munisipale Regsgebied, ingevolgedie bepalings van die Noord-Kaapse Wet op Ontwikkeling en Beplanning, 1998 (Wet 7van 1998) te oorweeg.


1.1 Voorgestelde OnderverdelingBeskrywing van Eiendom : Erf 2983, UpingtonLigging : Industriaweg 14, UpingtonOppervlakte : 1,7131 haAansoeker : JLN van ZylGeregistreerde Eienaar : Francois Le Riche Rossouw

Familie TrustHuidige Gebruiksaanwending : Nywerheid Sone IIVoorgestelde Gebruiksaanwending : Nywerheid Sone IIDoel van aansoek : Erf 2983, Upington, word in 3

erwe verdeel. Gedeelte A, B endie Restant word steedsaangewend virnywerheidsdoeleindes.

1.2 Opheffing van beperkende voorwaardesAard van aansoek : Opheffing van beperkende titelvoorwaardessoos vervat in Titelakte T1752/2014, Bl 3 Afdeling A.4.(a) ten einde dieonderverdeling op Erf 2983, Upington, te oorweeg.

Nadere besonderhede is verkrygbaar vanaf dieRaad se Stadsbeplanner, tel. 054 338 7372,gedurende normale kantoorure (Maandag tot Vrydag, 07:30 tot 12:30 en 13:30 tot 16:30)en besware teen die aansoek, indien enige, moet aldaar skriftelik by die MunisipaleBestuurder ingedien word om hom voor of opVrydag 20Maart 2015, te bereik. Indienenige persoon wat kommentaar wil lewer/vertoë wil rig, nie kan skryf nie, kan sodanigepersoon gedurende normale kantoorure voor of opVrydag, 20Maart 2015, bymnr. J duPlessis by kantoor 57 aanmeld, waar sodanige persoon se kommentaar/vertoë op skrifgestel salword.


Burgersentrum, Markstraat, Privaatsak X6003, UPINGTON, 8800.

Erf 2983, UPINGTON



Notice is given in terms of the provisions of the Northern Cape Planning andDevelopment 1998, (Act 7 of 1998) and the applicable Scheme Regulations for //KharaHais Municipality, that it is the intention of the Council to consider the under-mentionedon immovable property:


1.1 Proposed RezoningDescription of Property : Erf 2983, UpingtonSite : 14 Industrial Road, UpingtonArea : 1,7131 haApplicant : JLN van ZylRegistered Owner : Francois Le Riche Rossouw

Family TrustPresent Utilisation : Industrial Zone IIProposed Utilisation : Industrial Zone IIPurpose of application : Erf 2983 will be subdivided into

3 erven. Portion A, B and theRemainder will be utilised forindustrial purposes.

1.2 Removal of restrictionsNature of application : Removal of restrictive title conditions asenumerated in Title Deed T1752/2014, Page 3 Section A.4.(a) to facilitatethe subdivision of Erf 2983, Upington.

Full particulars are obtainable from the Townplanner of the Council, tel. 054 338 7372,during normal office hours and objections against the application, if any, must be lodgedinwritingwith theMunicipalManager on or beforeFriday, 20March 2015. Any personwith objections against the application, who is unable to write, can report during normaloffice hours on or beforeFriday, 20March 2015, toMr J du Plessis in office 57,whowillput such a person's objections inwriting.


Civic Centre, Market Street, Private Bag X6003, UPINGTON 8800.




Applica ons are awaited for the following posi on atKalahari Bulle n's adver singdepartment inKathu.

The successful candidate will be responsible for sellingadver sements forKalahari Bulle n.

The ideal candidate must meet the followingrequirements:

• SeniorCer ficate (ter aryqualifica on inmarke ngwill beadvantageous)

• Mustbeable toworkunderpressure• Haveat least threeyears' previous salesexperience• Goodcommunica on skills onall levels• Goodcomputer and typing skills• Fullybilingual in EnglishandAfrikaans• Validdriver's licence, aswell asowncar andcell


In exchange for the successful candidate's services thecompany offers a compe ve remunera on packageincludingmembership to themedical aid and pensionfunds for thepersonqualifying.

Interestedpersons cansend their applica on to:[email protected]

Applicants must clearly indicate for which posi ontheyareapplying.

CLOSING DATE: 27 February 2015

If no feedback has been received by 31 March 2015,please accept your applica on as unsuccessful. Thecompany reserves the rightnot tofill theposi on.

Given the employment-equity policy of Media24,preferencewill be given to suitable candidates from thedesignatedgroups.













VALENTINE'S SPECIALFAT FREEZE: Come freeze 2 areason your body for the price of 1.Phone 082 559 9455 for an appoint-ment.VETVRIES: Kom vries 2 areas opjou lyf vir die prys van 1. Skakel 082559 9455 vir 'n afspraak.




AANDAG: ALLE GROOT MANS!Groot nommers in winkel beskikbaar.Kontantafslag gewaarborg. The Nu-Shop, Palm Gate-sentrum, Kuru-man. Tel. 053 712 1264.



1 X ONE DIRECTION TICKET forsale for 28 March 2015 FNB Stadium- JHB General Admission StandingEast, R1 500. Phone 078 557 0105.

SKILDERWERK OP DOEK, R200ELK. Skakel Shirley 072 189 4234.



KAPOK-/BANTAMHOENDERS.Verskeidenheid beskikbaar. Skakel076 616 6166.






FLORCARE MATTE EN BLIN-DINGS: Ons installeer volvloer-matte en blindings teen die bestepryse. Talana 073 558 4705. Aubrey072 747 1991 / 076 182 2773.

HYDRO CLEAN: Laat u matte enmeubels professioneel stoomskoon-maak teen die beste pryse! SkakelTalana by 073 558 4705 / 072 7471991 of Aubrey by 076 182 2773.



PERD MET WIT KOLLETJIES:Onbekend op plaas Olive Wood aan-gekom. Indien nie opgeëis voor 30Maart 2015 sal dit as eiendom bes-kou word. Skakel 072 498 4415.

VIR ALLE staalwerk, besproeiing,kaste, teëls, daklekke, bouwerk,afdakke, verfwerk, restourasie, ens.in en om die huis asook alle herstel-werk. Skakel Morne 079 763 5221.




Soek veld te huur vir 50beeste. Skakel073 107 0245.





BUSINESS FOR SALE, NEARTAXI RANK. Very big space. Pleasephone 071 508 0041.




RUIM 1-SLAAPKAMER-woonstelin Wrenchville. Slegs enkelpersoon.Goeie prys. Skakel 083 383 8401 of083 383 8402.



Beskikbare behuising

2-slaapkamer-woonstelleR5 500 - R5 700 p.m.

3-slaapkamer-meenthuiseR8 800 - R13 200 p.m.

Huise beskikbaarR11 500 - R14 500 p.m.

3-slaapkamer-huise beskikbaar inWrenchville.R6 600 p.m.

Skakel Elretha083 561 6705053 712 3123

Ruim 6-slaapkamer-huis en 3 een-man Park Homes te huur 18 kmvanaf Hotazel op plaas, veilig en stil.Ideaal vir kontrakteurs. 076 8054557.



TE HUUR: KURUMAN3-slaapkamer-woning met eie erf,lugversorging, nuutgebou. R13 500Zandre 082 773 61921-slaapkamer-woning met eie erf,lugversorging, nuutgebou. R6 000Zandre 082 773 6192Huis met 9 kamers - ideaal vir gaste-huis. R28 000Zandre 082 773 61925-slaapkamer-woning op 2 500-m2-erf in Kuruman-dorp. R14 500 p.m.Zandre 082 773 6192DRINGEND OP SOEK NA HUISE ENWOONSTELLE TE HUUR! SKAKELONS GERUS VIR FLINKE, VINNIGEDIENS.

TE KOOP: KURUMANIndustriële gebou in Kur-Industria -ideaal vir iemand wat 'n fabriek of 'nwerkswinkel nodig het. R3 m.Zandre 082 773 6192Bestaande gastehuis met 31 kamersasook selfsorgeenhede. R6,1 m.Zandre 082 773 6192www.justpropertygroup.co.za




DANALENE GASTEHUIS INKURUMAN het kamers beskikbaarteen lae tarief. Skakel 073 870 3269of 074 898 0182.









300 JOBS &APPRENTICE MINER @DMT TRAININGBe our student!!Welding R 3 800,

Boilermaker R 5 9004 weeks.

Forklift R 700 - 5 DaysDumptruck R 3 800Accomodation avail.

www.diemnyandoros.co.zaTel: 016 422 4264

whatsup 072 954 7705"Mnr" van Voeren/ Victor

Media24 is op soek na'n Organiseerder/huisafleweraar vir

Tydskrifte en koerantein KATHU. Skakel

Granston 073 878 0136of 051 404 7939.






DP Harry

In die boedel van wyle Daniel PeterHarry, identiteitsnommer 4501255214 085 van Jennekestraat 1161,Kuilsrivier, Daniëlskuil.

Boedelnommer: 22041/2014Skuldeisers en skuldenaars in boge-melde boedel word versoek om hulvordering in te lewer en hul skuldete betaal by die kantore van onder-genoemde binne 30 dae vanaf 20Februarie 2015.EKSEKUTEUR:Johannes Lodewikus FourieWoodland Heights 20Blinkblaarweg, Woodland HillsBloemfonteinPosbus 43484, Heuwelsig 9332.

SW Griqua

In the estate of the late Samuel Wil-liam Griqua, identity number 6207155113 082 and surviving spouse Cece-lia Caroline Griqua, identity number631014 0014 082 of 5 BloekomStreet, Wrenchville, Kuruman.

Master's Reference No: 86/2015Creditors and debtors in the aboveestate are requested to submit theirclaims and to pay their debts to theundersigned within 30 (THIRTY)days from the date of publicationhereof.HPA VENTERDuncan & RothmanAttorneys for ExecutrixPO Box 64Kimberley8300Ref: HV/jm/GARI35/0001




PJ van der Walt

Kennis word hiermee gegee inge-volge Artikel 35(5) Wet 66 van 1965dat die likwidasie- en distribusiere-kening in die bestorwe boedel vanwyle PJ van der Walt, identiteits-nommer 340612 5005 088, watwoonagtig was te plaas Bullamon,Kuruman-distrik, wat oordele is op24/05/2012, BOEDELNOMMER1352/2012 ter insae sal lê te kantorevan die Meester van die Hooggeregs-hof te Kimberley en die Landdroshofte Kuruman vir 'n tydperk van 21(EEN EN TWINTIG) dae vanaf datumvan publikasie hiervan.EKSEKUTEUR:AC van der WaltWalter Sisulustraat 277Potchefstroom2531SOEK, KOOP, VERKOOP VIR ALLE GEKLASSIFISEERDE ADVERTENSIES


ASSMANG Ltd – Manganese Division requires theservices of the following individuals at their BlackRock Mine Operations, situated 80km northwest of



Duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following: • Renderingprofessional support services • Performing liaison, coordination and organisational tasks insupport of managers • Rendering administrative support.Minimum requirements: • Grade 12/Standard 10 • Certificate: Office Administration (alternative)• Minimum of 5-7 years’ experience in documentation control, reception and/or personalassistant work at Management level • Computer literacy (Microsoft Office).

Interested applicants are requested to submit their CVs with certified copies of qualificationsto Nocwaka Xeketwana at fax: 086 224 8313 or e-mail: [email protected]


(C1 Paterson Grading)Duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following: • Renderingprofessional support services • Performing liaison, coordination and organisational tasks insupport of Managers.Minimum requirements: • Grade 12/Standard 10 • Certificate: Office Administration (alternative)• Valid Code B/EB driver’s licence • Minimum of 5 years’ administrative experience • Minimum of3 years’ experience in travel, accommodation and guesthouse reservations coordination andadministration • Computer literacy (Microsoft Office).

Interested applicants are requested to submit their CVs with certified copies of qualificationsto Christel Hendricks at fax: 086 224 8315 or e-mail: [email protected]

The candidates will be appointed on the condition of being certified medically fit as per the MineHealth and Safety Act, 29/1996. Preference will be given to applicants from previouslydisadvantaged groups to support the company’s employment equity plan.

Remuneration: Remuneration will be based on a competitive all-inclusive flexible package. Thesuccessful candidates that conform to all said requirements and experience will be appointed onthis grading. Candidates that do not conform to all set requirements and experience will beconsidered only if suitable candidates that do comply cannot be selected and only if therequirements of the position support a developmental appointment according to policy.Please be advised that short-listed candidates will be required to authenticate informationprovided in CVs.

Applications close on 27 February 2015.Late applications will not be entertained.If you have not been contacted within 21 days of the closing date, please consider yourapplication to be unsuccessful.

Correspondence will only be limited to short-listed candidates.

Assmang Limited reserves the right not to appoint.

www.humanjobs.co.za Human Communications 116255

VACANCIES FOR THE GRADUATE INTERNSHIP PROGRAMMEThe Department of Social Development in the Northern Cape Province is offering an internship for unemployed

graduates for a period of 12 months.

Position Community Development Practitioner(Ref. Com Dev/01)

Finance Practitioner(Ref. Fin Ser/02)


• A relevant/appropriate Bachelor’s degree inCommunity Development

• Computer literacy• A driver’s licence will serve as an added advantage

• A Bachelor’s degree/National Diploma in Finance orequivalent qualification

• Computer literacy

Centre John Taolo Gaetsewe (7): Kathu; Dibeng; Dingleton;Olifantshoek; Mothibistad; Joe MorolongPixley Ka Seme (1): BritstownZF Mcgawu (9): Askham; Rietfontein; Posmasburg;Danielskuil; Groblershoop; Upington; Keimoes;Kakamas; KenhardtFrances Baard (10):Warrenton; Jan Kemdorp;Hartswater; Pampierstad; Kimberley

District Offices (IFM): Kuruman (2); De Aar (2);Kimberley (3); Springbok (1); Upington (2)Provincial Office (Finance): Kimberley (3)District Offices (Finance): Kimberley (1);Kuruman (1); Upington (1); Springbok (1); De Aar (1)

NOTE: Applications must be submitted on form Z83 (stating the relevant reference number), obtainable from any Public Servicedepartment, stating the field in which the candidate is applying. A CV with recently certified copies of certificates, academictranscripts and Identity Document and driver’s licence (strongly recommended) must be attached.All applications, including those submitted via registered mail must reach the Department before 16:00 on the day of the closingdate. Incomplete, faxed or e-mailed applications, or applications received after the closing date will be disqualified. Due to the largevolume of responses anticipated, receipt of application will not be acknowledged and correspondence will be limited to short-listedcandidates only. Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.Applications must be posted or delivered to:John Taolo Gaetsewe Office: The District Director, Department of Social Development, Private Bag X556, Kuruman 8460 orSummerdown Building, Voortrekker Street, KurumanEnquiries: Ms L Hebe, tel. (053) 712-1549Pixley Ka Seme Office: The District Director, Department of Social Development, Private Bag X1001, De Aar 7000 or Orion Hostel,Alpha Street, De AarEnquiries: Mr D Qoba, tel. (053) 632-7600ZF Mcgawu Office: The District Director, Department of Social Development, Private Bag X5892, Upington 8801 or Old SanatoriumBuilding, Clarkia Road, Progress, UpingtonEnquiries: Mr L Solomon, tel. (054) 337-9400Frances Baard Office: The District Director, Department of Social Development, Private Bag X5063, Kimberley 8300 or cnr Duncanand Tyburn Streets, KimberleyEnquiries: Mr P Pampier, tel. (053) 807-5900Namakwa Office: The District Director, Department of Social Development, Private Bag X11, Springbok 8420 or Van RiebeeckStreet, SpringbokEnquiries: Mr N Van Wyk, tel. (027) 712-2054Provincial Office: The HRD Office, Department of Social Development, Private Bag X5042 Kimberley 8300 or 5th Floor, Du ToitspanBuilding, Du Toitspan Road, KimberleyEnquiries: Mr A Keet, tel. (053) 831-4041Short-listed candidates will be required to attend interviews to determine theirsuitability. If you are not contacted within 5 weeks of the closing date, consider yourapplication unsuccessful.Closing date: 27 February 2015

Northern CapeProvincial Government AIDS HELPLINE


Human Communications 116081


Only candidates who meet the stated requirements will be considered.APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AFTERTHE CLOSING DATEWILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.

How to apply:Interested applicants can forward an abridged CV to:

[email protected] or fax: 086 236 1188.The onus is on you to ensure that the reference

number is reflected on your application.Enquiries can be directed to (053) 742-3100.

Closing date: 6 March 2015.Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Should you nothear from us within a month after the closing date, please

consider your application unsuccessful.

www.ayandambanga.co.za 122042

Exciting Career OpportunitiesKuruman

United Manganese of Kalahari (Pty) Ltd (UMK), a leading empowerment company intent onsustainable mining and socio-economic development, seeks specialists to join its fast growingmanganese mine.UMK has been awarded aMining Right over 15 000 ha of land to the north of a dynamic Kuruman.Why not become part of the team that plans to mine an output of between 1,5 million and2 million tons of manganese each year?

Training Instructor (Ref.TI 122042)

UMK is currently looking for Training Instructor. The incumbent will assist and report to theTraining Officer, be actively involved with general instruction, coaching and assessments,assist with the orientation programed for new staff members, including contractors and also forperiodical in-house refresher training.Application requirements: • Grade 12 and a relevant qualification in a human resourcedevelopment field • Three to five years’ experience in training within the mining sector • Computerliteracy (MS Office) • A National Qualification Framework accredited qualification in DirectedETD, SDF assessor and/or moderator will be an added advantage.Responsibilities and key performance indicators: • Mentor, coach and assess in-housetraining programmes • Support the review process of policies and procedures • Identify trainingand development needs within the organisation • Train employees • Coach employees • Align,implement and present applicable skills programmes with company requirements • Performformative assessment • Perform summative assessment • Maintain health and safety processes• Adhere to occupational health and safety issues • Support health and safety reps • Adhereto the business information systems process • Identify the assets required to meet trainingrequirements • Support training’s alignment with the company’s vision and mission • Identify non-conformance with the requirements of the Mine Health and Safety Act and coach performanceto requirements • Assist with facilitating induction • Comply with training policies and standardprocedures • Update and maintain the training records system • Maintain health and safetyprocesses • Use and promote the use of PPE and safety devices • Apply policies, procedure andCOP’s • Maintain records and files • Prepare and do auditsPlease note: Successful applicants will be required to attend an interview and whensuccessful the candidate will be appointed in a permanent position.

Maintenance Fitter (Ref.MF 122042)

The incumbent will be responsible for executing maintenance activities within the EngineeringMaintenance section by: • Maintaining conveyors, crushers, vibrating screens, feeders andslurry pumps • Performing other reasonable ad hoc duties, as and when requested, fromtime to time • Adhering to SHEQ and legal standards and procedures within the relevant sectionand assisting line management in the maintenance and improvement thereof • Managingspares and performing cleaning and good housekeeping duties in the department • Conductingroot cause analysis, identifying corrective action, implementing corrective action within spanof control and reporting appropriate corrective and/or improvement actions • Managing theperformance of the work team to achieve specific asset care objectives, including effectivecommunication of job status and team needs • Operating and maintaining fixed and mobilemaintenance equipment and tools, according to procedures and standards • Applicants for thisposition must be prepared to work shifts, overtime and be on standby as and when required.Requirements: • Grade 12/Matric • Trade Certificate as Fitter and Turner • A minimum ofNTC2 • Three to five years’ relevant post-qualifying operational experience in plant maintenance• A high sense of responsibility • A valid Code B/EB driver’s licence • A certificate in BasicRigging will be an added advantage • System orientated (procedures, etc.) • Must be fit andhealthy – prepared to undergo physical examination by medical practitioner.Key attributes (amongst others): • Ability to function within a team environment • Ability to workunder pressure and be independent • System knowledge and relevant policies and procedures• Planning and organising skills • Interpersonal skills • SHEQ knowledge • Administration skills• Statutory knowledge of relevant legislation.

Please note that the relevant reference number MUST be quoted on your application.Please note the following: • Successful candidates will be required to provide a valid medicalcertificate and may be required to undergo certain medical assessments • Psychometric andother assessments may be used as part of the selection process • Verification of all credentialsmay be done • Must be in possession of a valid driver’s licence.






053 712 3853 • 053 712 0151082 321 8142 • 072 712 2382


We can beat ANYwritten quotation

Old Station Building053 712 0151 053 712 0808



Please note that our showroom behind the BP Garage will beclosed for the revamping of the Shoprite Mall. Come and visit

Kuruman Tombstones factory in Produce Road, Industrial Area,in Kuruman or our showroom at the old station building just

opposite No Jokes shop or call 053 712 3853.We also do granite kitchen tops.



All tenders will be evaluated in line with the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 Pertaining toPreferential ProcurementPolicyFrameworkActNo. 5 of 2000 in accordancewith the following twostages:

Stage 1

Quality / Functionality: 60 Points: Experience of Similar Projects = 21. Safety Health and Environmental Quality(Sheq) Specific Plan = 9.Qualification and Competency of Key Staff = 6. Construction Programme = 9.Availabilityof Plant andEquipment = 6.TradeReferences = 9.NB: Tenderers not meeting a minimum of 60% of quality/functionality points will be dropped and will notproceed toStage2evaluation.

Stage 2

90/10methodwhere 90will be allocated for theprice and10will be allocated for theBBBEE.

Appended to the tender documents should be the following statutory supporting documents:i. (Original, stamped) certified copies of IdentityDocuments ofmembers/directors/shareholders of the

companyii. Copies of company registration documentsiii. Dully signed Joint VentureAgreementwhere applicable.iv. Declaration of interest SBD4, 8 and 9 formsdully completedv. Original ValidTax clearance certificatevi. Fully completed tender formvii. Fully completed IDTSuppliers questionnaire (irrespective of the bidder being registered in the IDT

Database)viii. Valid letter ofGoodStanding -COIDAix. SANASapprovedOriginallyCertified copies of BBBEECertificate - Joint Venture - Bidders should submit

consolidated BBBEECertificatesx. SHEQplanxi. Construction programmeschedule

Tender validity period is 90 days

Completed tender documents sealed in an envelope marked with the "TENDER NUMBER AND PROJECTNAME"must reach the IDT offices and be placed in themarked Tender Box on or before Tuesday 12 March2015 at 10:00.All tenders will be opened in public at the IDT office situated at 10 Oliver Road, 2nd FLOORBLOCKTHREE, Montrio Corporate Park, Monument Heights, Kimberley, Northern Cape Province on the closing date andtime.

The lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. No correspondence will be entered into withunsuccessful tenderers and the selectionwill be at the IDT's sole discretion andwill be final.

Administration enquiries canbeaddressed toMrMolefiGaobepe053807 2660NB:No late/faxed/e-mailed/postedsubmissionswill be acceptedor considered.

TechnicalTeam/ Enquiries

Name ofproject

Scope ofwork





Compulsorysite briefing

Consulate Tseisi053 807 2660


Construction ofSecurity Perimeter


John TaoloGaetsewe


Batlharos 3SQ/Higher

No sitebriefingContactMr. Tseisi

for technicalenquiries

Tender documents for the projects may be obtained duringoffice hours (07:30 - 16:00), from the offices of IndependentDevelopment Trust, situated at 10 Oliver Road, 2nd FLOORBLOCK THREE, Montrio Corporate Office Park, Kimberley,on production of a cash deposit of R500,00 per documentwhich will not be refundable.

Tender deposits are to be made to the IDT Tender Account.Please note that only the original cash deposit slips will beaccepted as proof for purchase of tender documents. Noelectronic transfer slips will be accepted.

Account details are as follows:

Bank : ABSAAccount Name : NCA04: IDT tenderdepositsAccount Number : 40 8493 9954Branch Name : Corporate and BusinessPretoriaBranch Code : 632005Reference : TSHWARAGANO

HOSPITAL FENCEAmount : R500 per document

N.B. No electronictransfer slips will beaccepted.


The Independent Development Trust invites the tendersfor the Installation of Security Perimeter Fence

at Tshwaragano Hospital under theNC HEALTH INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAMME.



Fax/e-mail - [email protected] can be delivered at the store in Kathu

Village Mall.

We are looking for an energetic, dynamic individual who loves theoutdoors and is committed to giving excellent customer service. Thesuccessful applicant will be a self-starter, who will show an interest inwhat you do, with excellent product knowledge, and a passion fortheoutdoors.Requirements:• Previous sales experience in footwear

and precision products essential.• Excellent communication skills• Customer-service orientation• Sales-driven



JUDY STRONG - SEL 072 216 8850www.chaseveritt.co.za



R1 400 000 (LINDA)NETJIESE SIERSTEENHUIS MET LAPA: 3 slk, en buitekamer met badkamer.

R1 400 000 (JUDY)HUIS MET SWEMBAD NABY BESIGHEIDSAREA: 3 slk, motorhuis, baie netjies.


TE KOOP - KATHULUUKSTE RUIM 4 SLK HUIS: Oopplan leefareas, 2 motorhuise.


EXT 3 3 slk, toesluitgarage, lekker erfie agter, netjiese siersteen.R1 500 000 (JUDY)

MODERN MET PRAGTIGE AFWERKING: 3 slk, 2 motorhuise, iets bersonders.R2 500 000 (JUDY)TE HUUR: (JUDY)

KURUMAN: bachelor woonstel met dstv, dienste ingesluit: R5 000 P.M.KURUMAN: 2 slaapkamers, R7 700 P.M.

KATHU: 2 huise in Rooisand met 3 slaapkamers. Onderskeidelik R11 000 enR12 000 P.M.




Vrydag 6 Februarie enSaterdag 7 Februarie 2015



Die gebruik van die letter

, leestekens soos

of of die gebruik van

syfers met die doel om dieadvertensie na die bopuntvan die klassifikasie-lys teskuif, is streng verbode.

"A" "!"






POST : Manager:MRMSALARY : R532278,00per annum (All inclusivepackage)LEVEL : 11CENTRE : KimberleyREFERENCE : MAN/MRM/2015

Requirements:An appropriate three-year tertiary qualification. Between 3 to 5 years' experience in themanagement resource and experience in policyunderstanding and implementation strategies. Public sector and policy research experience. Experience in theMRMfield.

Knowledgeandskills:• Knowledge of the function ofGovernment and policy research, analysis and development. Projectmanagement, strategic

management, planning and organising, reporting procedures,manage section and compilation ofmanagement reports.Ability tocommunicate ideas and issues in a tactful influentialmanner, verbally and inwriting, informally and formally.Qualitative andquantitative research skills, interpersonal relationships, conflict resolution and problem-solving, analytical and organising skills,management skills and leadership skills.

Key responsibilities:• Co-ordinate theMRMCampaign in the province by ensuring that government sector is strengthened and thatMRMactivities

becomean integral part of departmental strategies and operations.• Ensure institutional support and capacity development by being a networking platform for various initiatives and processes aimed

at combating themoral decay.• Develop/implementmeasuring tools tomonitor and evaluate transformationwith regard to organisational culture development

within departments and local government.• Promote theCharter of PositiveValues to ensure: humandignity and equality, rule of lawanddemocracy, sound

family/community values,harmony in culture belief and conscience, protection of the environment, justice, fairness and peaceful co-existence.

• Ensure provincial support and co-ordination of both provincial and district structures responsible for facilitating thework ofMRM.• Develop/implementmeasuring tools tomonitor transformationwith regard to organisational culture developmentwithin


Enquiries:Mr JTwasaon0538025190

POST : Manager:ManagementAccountingSALARY : R532278,00per annum (All inclusivepackage)LEVEL : 11CENTRE : KimberleyREFERENCE : MAN/ FIN /2015

Requirements:A Bachelor's Degree of Commerce or Economics or equivalent. A minimum of two (2) years' management experience in finance,preferably inmanagement accounting environment in public sector or private sector.

Knowledgeandskills:• Knowledge of thePublic ServiceAct, FinancialManagementAct, Financial Information, SystemsManagement, PFMA,DORA

(Division ofRevenueAct), TreasuryRegulations and budgeting process. Have goodwritten and verbal communication skills,interpersonal relations, creative thinking, planning and organising, technical proficiency, problemanalysis and solving andcomputer literacywith sound organisational skills. Be able to function under pressure andworkwithin a teamor independently.

Key responsibilities:• Monitor andmaintain the departmental budget process and compile the estimate of provincial revenue and expenditure in

compliancewith treasury guidelines.• Analyse the annual budget into amonthly cash flowat the beginning of the financial year and after adjustment estimate in

accordancewith section 40(4)(a) of thePFMAand treasury regulations.• Develop, implement and review relevant departmental policies and procedures.• Develop andmaintain appropriate systems, policies, analytical tools, information systemsandmodels or projections of costs

behaviour to ensure effective and efficientmanagement of resources.• LiaisewithProvincial Treasury and other relevant role players regarding transversal financialmatters.• Performquality assurance on pre-determined objectives/performance information.

Enquiries:MrMGasela on0538382923

POST : AssistantManager:Batho-PeleSALARY : R270804,00per annumLEVEL : 9CENTRE : KimberleyREFERENCE : AM/MRM/2015

Requirements:Three-year recognisedNational Diploma/Degree inAdministration or equivalent qualification.

Knowledgeandexperience:• Experience of between3 to 5 years inmanagement of resources.• Knowledge on policy understanding and implementation strategies.• Knowledge and function of government and policy research, analysis and development, aswell as strategic thinking.• Projectmanagement and, planning and organising skills.• Reporting procedures, compilation ofmanagement reports.• Ability to communicate ideas and issues in a tactful, influentialmanner, verbally andwriting, informally and formally.• Manage projects independently andwork under pressure.• Innovativeness and integrity, discipline.

Key responsibilities:To facilitate, encourage and co-ordinate the Batho-Pele programmes of Government working towards transformation in the NorthernCapeprovince.

Duties:• Monitor the implementation of national and provincial transformation frameworks and policies.• WorkshopDepartments,Municipalities on the contextualisation of theBathoPele in their daily operations.• Promote and improve accessibility of government service on a continuous basis.• Facilitate andmanage the implementation of the provincial service excellence awards programmes.• Facilitate andmanage imbizo aimedat effecting the desired change in the public service.• Facilitate andmanage the provincial BathoPele LearningNetwork.• Be responsible for arranging the yearly celebration of Public ServiceWeek andAfricaPublic ServiceDaywhich includes the

implementation of theKhaedu initiative.• The development of policies to ensure compliancewith theBathoPele principles in service delivery departments.

Enquiries:Mr JTwasaon0538025190

POST : AssistantManager: PolicyCo-ordinationResearchandDevelopmentSALARY : R270804,00per annumLEVEL : 9CENTRE : KimberleyREFERENCE : AM/P&P/2015

Requirements:Appropriate tertiary or equivalent qualification, experience in the management of resources. Experience in policy development andimplementation strategies.

Knowledgeandexperience:• Relevant experience of between3 to 5 years in operations of policy and planning, financialmanagement practices that could be

followed to limited financial losses, policy development andmonitoring,Management InformationSystem, planning, organisingand reporting procedures. High quality verbal andwritten communication skills. Computer literacy and analysing of strategicdocuments and acts governing the public sector.

Key responsibilities:To render amonitoring and technical support service to thePolicyCo-ordinationResearch andDevelopment.

• Monitoring and doing follow-ups on the implementation of and reporting on policy.• Conducting of research andwriting reports on policy implementation.• Overall datamanagement, including obtaining data and capturing data formonitoring and evaluation.• Create summaries and reports, develop systems formonitoring and evaluation.• Promote integrated planning.• Statistical analysis.• Render technical support andmaintenance of the policy database.

Enquiries:MsJMeyer on0538025108

POST : AssistantDirector:Multi-PurposeCommunityCentreSALARY : R270804,00per annumLEVEL : 9CENTRE : KimberleyREFERENCE : AM/IT/2015

Requirements:Athree-year HumanResources qualification Degree/ Diploma or Project Management. Between 3 to 5 years' relevant experience, or aGrade 12 or equivalent withmore than 6 years' relevant experience.

Knowledgeandskills:• Financial regulations and instructionswhichmust be followedduring the normal course ofwork.• HRmanagement practices, legal issues, negotiations, dealingwith conflict and assist in career planning and the utilisation of

personnel.• How to supply trainingwhich are normally supplied in the day-to-day in-house training of subordinates.• How to plan for activitieswhichmay include projects, policymatters and effectivemanagement of the component.

Key responsibilities:• Setting up, launching and supervising the operations of theThusongServiceCentres.• Ensure the constant services to the packages at theCentres.• Strengthening theCentres and its capacity by providing information, guidance and assistance in training.• Supervise the administrative functioning of the unit, providing guidancewhere necessary.• Evaluate theCentre operations and instituting actions to improve service delivery.

Enquiries: Mr CVala on053 8382744

POST : AdministrativeOfficer:MRMSALARY : R183438,00per annumLEVEL : 7CENTRE : KimberleyREFERENCE : AO/MRM/2015

Requirements:A three-year National Diploma in Administration or equivalent qualification with 0-2 years' relevant experience. A Grade 12 with morethan 10 years' Public SectorAdministrative experience.

Knowledgeandskills:• Agood understanding and knowledge of financial and procurement systems, procedures and the relevant policies, record-

keeping, data systemmaintenance, public service policies, prescripts and procedures, good communication skills (verbal andwritten).

• Ability to compile submissions, reports, etc. independently, sound planning and organisational skills, ability to properly/accuratelyrecordminutes and decisions atmeetings.

KeyResponsibilities:The successful candidatewill be responsible for the following:• Render general administrative support services.• Render financial and logistical support services to theUnit Head andAssistantManager (s) within theUnit.• Liaisewithmanagement and track submissions.• Supervision of sub-ordinates.• Handle enquiries from the public, provincial departments,municipalities and sectorswithin themovement.• Remaining abreastwith procedures and processes that apply in the office of themanager.

Enquiries:MsMMohlala on0538025132


Requirements:Applicants should be in possession of Grade 10 or equivalent qualifications with 2-3 years' experience/or Grade 12 or equivalentqualificationwith 1-2 years' experience.

Knowledgeandexperience:The following key competencieswill serve as a strong recommendation:• Knowledge and understanding of theArchivesAct, knowledge of limited range ofwork such as filing, storage and retrieval of

information/documents. Planning and organising daily tasks and ownwork. Knowledge of labour-saving devices.Workingprocedures in respect of working environment. Basic interpersonal relationship skills and routine verbal exchange of information.

• The following attributeswill serve as a strong recommendation:• Able towork in amonotonous environment and consistency in value, principles andwork ethic.

Duties:The successful candidatewill be responsible for the following:• Openandmaintain frankingmachine register.• Frank post, recordmoney and update register on a daily basis.• Keep daily record of amount of letters franked.• Undertake spot checks on post to ensure no private post is included.• Lock post in postbag formessengers to deliver to post office.• Openandmaintain remittance register.• Record all valuable articles as prescribed in the remittance register.• Hand deliver and sign-over remittance to finance.• Correct and neat filing of allmaterials.• Provide support with duplicating, faxing and binding.

Enquiries:MrTMogotsi onat 053 802 5072

NOTE: The NC Provincial Government is an equal-opportunity, affirmative-action employer and women and persons with disabilitiesare encouraged to apply. During appointment the Office of thePremierwill consider its Employment Equity Plan.Applicationsmust be submitted on formZ83, obtainable fromanyPublic ServiceDepartment and should be accompanied byoriginally certified copies (date not later than three (3) months) of qualifications as well as a comprehensive CV in order to beconsidered. Failure to complywith these instructionswill disqualify applications frombeing processed.It is the applicant's responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by theSouthAfricanQualificationAuthority (SAQA).No faxed applicationswill be accepted.The successful candidateswill be subject to a process of security vettingand verification of qualification. All applicants should please note that correspondence will be limited to successful candidates only. Iifyou have not been contacted within six (6) weeks after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application wasunsuccessful. The Office of the Premier reserves the right not to fill the posts. Please forward the applications for the post quoting therelevant reference number to:

ExecutiveManager, HumanResourcesManagement, Private Bag X5016, Kimberley 8300 or hand deliver at Templar Building,Officeof thePremier,GroundFloor (Security), for attention: Mr ZAgenbag.

CLOSINGDATE: 27February 2015




THE learners at the Pre-PrimarySchool Sonstraaltjie in Kathu cele-brated their own Valentine’s Dayon 13 February with their friendsand teachers.These cute pre-schoolers have a

lot of love for their parents, tea-chers and fellow students.They made special pictures and

presents for their parents and re-ceived treats from their teacherswhich made the day extra special.

Love inLove inair atair atschoolschool

XANDER OOSTHUIZEN (left) and Ludwigvan der Walt in the Valentine’s Day spirit.

Photos: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt

THE cutest twins. Sonja and Adriaan Wilmse, both three years old.

NICITA VAN DER MERWE (left) and Janeleen Moll.

ZILIEKENEL enjoyed the Valentine’s Day cele­brations.



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DIE Hoërskool Kathu se netbalspelers het’n unieke geleentheid gehad om by diebeste te leer.Extreme Netball het van 9 tot 11 Februa-

rie ’n afrigtingskliniek by die skoolaangebied.Erin Burger (Protea-netbalspeler) en

Anso Kemp (Suid-Afrikaanse skeidsregtermet ’n A-gradering) was die kursusleiers.Alida Kruger, die skool se netbalhoof van2015, het die kursus gereël.Die leerlinge het baie op die kursus

geleer en sal vanjaar probeer om hul spelna nuwe hoogtes te neem.

Netbalspelers leer by beste

DIE netbalspelers van die Hoërskool Kathu saam met Erin Burger en Anso Kemp. Foto’s: VerskafVAN links is Erin Burger, Mainé Vos en AnsoKemp.

THE third edition of the Cell C Communi-ty Cup was launched in Johannesburg onTuesday (10/02) with big rewards announ-ced once again for the top performers inthis year’s national championship fornon-university clubs, which kicks off onSaturday (21/02).

The Aveng Moolmans Sishen RugbyClub from Kathu will again participate inthe 2015 Cell C Community Cup. Thetournament, which gets underway with amatch in Pacaltsdorp that will be broad-cast live on television and radio (a firstfor South African club rugby), will onceagain feature 20 sides in four pools of fivein a Rugby World Cup-style format.

After the group stages, which encom-pass 40 matches at club venues across thelength and breadth of South Africa, thetop two teams from each pool willprogress to the Easter play-offs, whichwill be held this year at the RustenburgImpala Rugby Club from 2 to 6 April.

Apart from television coverage (at least14 matches will be broadcast live onSuperSport) four matches will be broad-cast live on regional radio as the tourna-ment steps up a gear in terms of coverageacross all platforms and reaches furtherinto far-flung rugby communities.

“In just two short years, the Cell C

Community Cup has sparked a revivalamongst open clubs and the level of profes-sionalism amongst clubs has risen exponen-tially,” said Saru CEO, Jurie Roux. “Therevival of open club rugby is long overdue

and it’s now much easier to re-imagine arugby landscape in which club rugby isrestored to prominence and, most important-ly, youngsters leaving school don’t give upthe game.”

Cell C’s executive head of marketing,Doug Mattheus, echoed Roux’s views.“Since coming on board in 2013 as titlesponsors we’ve seen interest build aroundclub rugby and it’s something special tobe a part of,” he said. “We’re also veryexcited to see the tournament move toRustenburg for the Easter weekend,which will add a new dimension.”

It was also announced at the launchthat this year’s player, young player,coach and manager of the tournament,will once again be rewarded with interna-tional exchanges to top United Kingdomclubs. “We are proud to be involved inSaru’s international exchange program-me,” said deputy British high commissio-ner, Peter Boxer. “Last year, player of theyear, Michael Nienaber, spent time atPremiership side Gloucester while coachof the year, Alistair Alexander, andmanager of the year, Steve Prinsloo, wentto Sale Sharks. Young player of the year,Chaney Willemse, has just returned aftera three-month stint at Scottish clubSelkirk. It was an unforgettable experien-ce for all involved and we will look toreveal similar rewards this year.”) On 14 March, The Aveng MoolmansSishen Rugby Club will play the Ever-greens in the fourth round in Pool C.

Big prizes on offer for club rugby players

THE captains of the 20 participating teams taking part in the 2015 Cell C Community Cup gatherat the tournament launch in Johannesburg on Tuesday (10/02). Holding the Gold Cup trophyis Victor Joubert, skipper of defending champions, Rustenburg Impala. Photo: Roger Sedres
