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Katy's volcano presintation

Date post: 18-May-2015
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Page 2: Katy's volcano presintation

1) Hot gases build up underneath the tectonic plates where the magma is.

2) The hot gases build pressure


3) Once there is to much pressure, the gases force the magma up the shaft and out of the cone. This is identified as a volcano eruption. Once the magma is outside the volcano, it is known as lava.

WALT: Identify how a volcano erupts.

Page 3: Katy's volcano presintation

- Scary because you could die of suffocation

- Upset because you could lose loved ones.

- Panic because you might not know where a loved one is.

-An earthquake because the ground might shake due to the force of the volcano.

-Shaky because the volcano might shake then erupt.

-hot if the lava out runs you and nips at your feet.

- A heat wave because the lava is really hot and as soon as it comes out of the volcano, it would send heat that can be felt from miles away.

-A bomb because the force of the volcano makes such a loud noise.

-Passing truck because the volcano might have just a little explosion.

- Grumbling because the volcano might be about to explode, and It won’t erupt unexpectedly out of no where. It will most likely make a grumbling sound before it erupts.

- Screaming because people are sad and terrified about dying and there friends and family dying or that are dead.

-Red, orange, and yellow because of the colours of the lava.

-Dull because the volcanos ash and rocks might have covered the land around it, and ash is grey and the boulders that are catapulted out of the volcano are grey also.

-Buildings on fire because the lava is very hot and the wood has no moisture to protect it from the burning lava.

-Destroyed buildings because the boulders could be flung and land on the houses and crush them.

- A giant pimple that mother earth has decided to get rid of. So she pops it and pus/lava flies everywhere.

- Bodies strewn all over the place because the impact of the volcano eruption is so big it blasted people all over the place.

WALT: Identify what it feels like to be in a volcanic eruption.

Page 4: Katy's volcano presintation

WALT compare and contrast

Task: Compare and contrast two photos. One before you natural disaster occurred and one after.

Success Criteria:How will I know when i have been successful? - I can identify what is the same in the two photos - I can identify what is different in the two photos - I can explain why these changes have occurred

Before                                                                     After- The grass is green.                                             - There is not grass visible.- The water is clear.                                               - The stream looks like a murky swamp.- The water is flowing.                                             - It's not free flowing like the before picture. - It looks like a reserve.                                          -  It looks deserted .- It looks happy and free.                                       - It looks gloomy, and sad.- There is only some rocks to.                                - There is no life what so ever.clothe the grass.                                                      - Rock (dried lava) is every where.

Why has this volcano erupted?It has erupted because hot gases are building up under the earths crust where the mantle/ magma is. Once there are to much hot gases, the gas forces the magma up the shaft and out of the volcano. Once the magma is outside that volcano, it is called lava. The lava has drooled put of the volcano and covered up the grass and dried. So now instead of grass, it is now rock. The water has been contaminated by the ah and smoke that has been catapulted out of the volcano. The smoke in the after picture maybe some ash that hasn't settles yet, or ash that has been disturbed. This valley has been covered in lava then the lava has dried, if the lava didn't reach this area, some farmers might put some crops there because the soil is rich in ash, which helps crops grow better.

Page 6: Katy's volcano presintation

In the time of wizards, witches, and magic, the Suku Keamanan tribe located their village and its people in a Malaysian forest. The forest was like a green sea inhabited by creatures. Very often you would hear the howler monkey call. You could hear whisper of insects as they make their way through the damp, dense forest. Near by, there was a volcano that the villagers believed to be extinct. To the suku keamanan tribe, the volcano was known as Berapi-api Kepala. He could touch the sky with his long, muscular arms. He was hard like iron. He was impenetrable. His skin was like a boulder, rough and edgy.

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One miserable, cloudy day, Dewi Angin, the wind goddess, and Berapi-api Kepala had an

enormous argument.“I am much more powerful than you. I can strip the trees of their leaves!” bragged

Dewi Angin. “I am much more powerful than you. I can explode and my boulders will destroy the

whole entire forest!” smoke started pouring out of Berapi-api Kepala’s head. It

frightened the villagers.“If you think you so tough, show me what

you can do!”Berapi-api Kepala was absolutely furious!

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Suddenly, flashes of red, orange, and yellow covered the sky. The villagers were consumed by horror. Terror filled their faces like empty cups. People were running for their lives, trying to escape the constant, vigorous flow of the lava. Berapi-api Kepala was erupting. Boulder flew in all directions, some threatening to reach the village. Dewi Angin was so frightened, she ran away. She didn’t want to get hurt. One lady couldn’t out run the fast, flowing lava. The lava ate away at her feet and then, consumed her whole. Berapi-api Kepala heard her last cries for help before she was gone. Then, and only then did Berapi-api Kepala realize what he had done.

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He had destroyed the forest. The insects wouldn’t whisper any more. He would never ever again hear the howler monkeys call. He would grow lonely. Over all the rock he could see the people grieving for their lost one at the lip of the lava. Berapi-api Kepala was guilty for what he had done. From that time, he vowed never to erupt again. But on the odd occasion, Dewi Angin would again challenge Berapi-api Kepala, and flames would burst into the sky.

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A volcano is any opening in the Earth's surface which can allow molten rock and volcanic gases to escape from far below the Earth's surface. Although many volcanoes are mountainous in

shape, a volcano can exist in nearly any form, including volcanic vents which exist on the ocean floor, ice volcanoes, which have been found on a variety of other planets, and volcanoes that are

simply a crater in the ground.Despite the variances in the shape of volcanoes, they all erupt in relatively the same way. The

process begins when the pressure on a magma chamber deep below the Earth's surface begins to build up. This building pressure causes the magma from the chamber to be forced upward

through a series of tubes or conduits. As the magma reaches the surface, it is thrust through the vents on the volcano, resulting in an eruption.

The size and severity of a volcanic eruption depend on a variety of underlying factors. Some of these influencing factors include

- How full the magma chamber was at the time of the eruption- The amount of gas present in the magma and in the magma chamber itself

- How much silica is in the magma itself- Whether or not any water is present in the eruption

This colour mean unknown words.

What is molten rock?

What does the ice volcano look like & how does it work?

If other planets don’t have water, how could they get ice volcanos and under water volcanoes?

How far down?


This is the process of a volcanic eruption.

How does this impact on the severity and the size of the eruption?

Not very descriptive

Page 11: Katy's volcano presintation

The Icelandic volcano that caused air traffic chaos after erupting last month has become dormant, but it is too early to declare the eruption is

over, an official says. Airlines across Europe stopped flying for days after the volcano under the

Eyjafjallajakull glacier erupted in mid-April, spewing high levels of ash. Ash particles can cause serious damage if absorbed into airplane engines. Icelandic meteorological office geographer Sigthrudur Armannsdottir said

the volcano, about 120 km southeast of the capital Reykjavik, was now showing only minimal signs of life.

"There is no ash coming up and no lava," she said. "The volcano is dormant at the moment, but we are not ready to declare the eruption

over." The volcano caused most problems when it first erupted as hot magma

surged up to the surface and melted the ice off the glacier, causing huge ash clouds to shoot up into the sky.

Experience from the last eruption in 1821-1823 showed that the volcano can start up again, she said.

"But we are no longer providing ash projections as there is no ash coming up any more, at least for the moment," she said.

Armannsdottir said it the Civil Protection Agency might lower the alert stage from "dangerous" to "monitoring" later in the week if the volcano

stayed quiet. "So far today we have only measured one small earthquake in the volcano compared to 27 yesterday, and hundreds every day in the lead-up to the

eruption," she said. "The quakes over the last few days have been shallow, which indicates

that there is no magma breaking out of the chamber below," she added. A stationary video camera aimed at the volcano from a mountain north of the glacier showed only small plumes of steam coming from the crater.

This colour means unknown words

This word means that the volcano has not erupted for a long time, but it still can erupt.

Not to long ago.

Personification / personifying the volcano.

What Damage?

Not much warning.

it wasn’t expected if it erupted 187 years ago.

How does she know?


Showing how the crisis happened.
