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Page 1: KDR QUILL SCROLL VOL 35 NO 3 SUMMER 1949€¦ · Official Directory of K~P 5600 LISTINGS by CHAPTERS, STATES and ALPHABET A complete directory of your fraternity. Distribution by
Page 2: KDR QUILL SCROLL VOL 35 NO 3 SUMMER 1949€¦ · Official Directory of K~P 5600 LISTINGS by CHAPTERS, STATES and ALPHABET A complete directory of your fraternity. Distribution by

Official Directory of K~P

5600 LISTINGS by


A complete directory of your fraternity. Distribution by sub­scription only. Reserve your copy now while you think of it.

S end orders to

'Oltflcto'l'f - 52alll g. ..57cto!l 443 Grove St.

Rahway, New Jersey

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Page 3: KDR QUILL SCROLL VOL 35 NO 3 SUMMER 1949€¦ · Official Directory of K~P 5600 LISTINGS by CHAPTERS, STATES and ALPHABET A complete directory of your fraternity. Distribution by



Do You Know Any KDP'S

Listed in this issue?

If you do, we ask your help immediately.

Do this immediately: 1. Send us their addresses

or 2. Send us the address of any­

one who can give us the address.

Just tear out the page-put the information in the margin, drop it in an envelope

or Put it on a penny postcard.


Quill & Scroll 443 Grove St.

Rahway, N. J.


Official Publication of Kappa Delta Rho Fraternity

Vol. XXXV Summer 1949 Number 3


A complete list of members whose addresses are lost in the national office.

Directory-Inside Back Cover.

Tbe front Cover-Entrance to the Campus at Gettysburg College as it looks for the Annual Inter­fraternity wee-end in March.


Circulation this issue - 4000

Application for entry as second-class matter is pending.

Publication office: 443 Grove Street, Rah­way, New Jersey. Published quarterly at the above office of publication . Subscriptions are available only to life members a t $10.00 el\ch.

Notice of change of address should pe given at least thirty days before date of issue. ~ive old as well as new address. Address all corre­spondence and contributions to the office of publication, 443 Grove Street, Rahway, New Jersey. Pictures will be returned upon request.

Printed by Champlain Printers, 187 College Street, Burlington, Vermont.

Page 4: KDR QUILL SCROLL VOL 35 NO 3 SUMMER 1949€¦ · Official Directory of K~P 5600 LISTINGS by CHAPTERS, STATES and ALPHABET A complete directory of your fraternity. Distribution by


Send us their addresses Now. Read all directions carefully.


Asquith, Thomas, Jr. '46 Beckwith, J. N. X '15 Brown, Phillip G. '37 Casavant, Roger '+9 Clark, Kenneth G. X '22 Clark, Robt. A. '23 Clifford, Harold \\-. X '22 Coates, F. Carlisle '23 Corporan, George L. '27 Creaser, Clyde C . X '27 Cullen, J. F. X '19 Currier, Harold E. '2 5 Currier, Robt . B. ' 12 Davis, Samuel P. '21 Dunn, Leonard A. X '22 Foley, J os. C. '39 Freeland, Elmer M. X '20 Gale, Earl H. X ' 11 Garvey, Thomas L. X '22 Green, Celim I. ' 33 Grow, Dr. Vv'm . B. '26 Hagar, Wm. J. X ' 13 Hay, Alden K. X '23 Heath, Frank R. X ' 11 Herrington, Dr. Frank '25 Hill, R alph A. '28 Holbrook, Roland C . ' 19 Horner, Dr. John B . '22 Huntington, Alton R. '27 Hurst, WalterS. X ' 17 Jagga rd, George '25 Kelley, Percy M. X '2+ Lawrence, L. E. X '27 Lilenstein, Cecil C. ' 38 McConnell, Wm. X '22 Manzer, I. L. X '20 Menut, Edw. L. '+9 Miles, Max D. '1+ Miner, Walter P. X '19 Moore, Hiram D . '11 Pennington , Jefferis :'vi. X '30 Pit in, P aul E . ' 19 Pole, Wm. R. '3 7 Ramsdell, Donald A. '28 Ratti , Aldo A. ' 15 Robinson, Oliver C. '+5 Searle, Harold S. X '19 Smith, Francis K. '27 Smith, Fred L. '28


St. George, E. F. X '22 Thayer, Harry M. X '30 Van Buren, Albert \V. '+1 Van Ness, Hendrick W. ' 13 Walker, Freeman K. X '19 Williams, Ralph I. '32 Young, Clarence P. '28 Zukowski, John S. '49 Schuettauff, Henry V\. X '27


Adams, Herbert L. ' 19 Adee, Thomas C. '43 Anderson, Frank H. '28 Andrews, Henry V. '21 Ash, Maurice E. '26 Baisch, Edw. A. '28 Beattie, John D., Jr. '41 Boo!, Lawrence E. X '32 Branch, Fayette H. '1+ Caldwell, Robt. W . '40 Carpenter, Alvin '28 Carroll, Burt H. '17 Cary, Russell M. '36 Chapin, Oscar H. ' 18 Cheston, Harold C. '23 Cheston, J ames H. '21 Childrey, Roland L. ' 19 Clark, Robt. M . J. '22 Cole, Allen E. '38 Coltman, Wm. P. ' 19 Comfort, Chas. H. '15 Conried, Edwin '32 Corbett, Lawrence '2+ Corbett, Lee T. '26 Corbett, R oger B. '32 Corby, George B . '18 Costello, Arthur R. '43 Davis, Chester C. '21 Deming, Rich. C. ' 36 Dobson, Dewitt T. '20 Drumtra, Donald '25 Duffies, Stanley B. '20 Eberhart, Carl 0. '27 Eldridge, Wm. C. '19 Ensor, John S. '2+ Estabrook, Kenneth G. '20 Fenstermacher, Marqueen A. ' 20 Ferriss, Frederick '28 Flansburgh, Earl ' 15 Francis, Irving T. '12 Francis, James F. '22 Gabriel , Harry S. ' 15 Galbraith, H a rry M. '35 Gallman, Waldema r. J. '21 Gerhart, R. A. ' 16


Page 5: KDR QUILL SCROLL VOL 35 NO 3 SUMMER 1949€¦ · Official Directory of K~P 5600 LISTINGS by CHAPTERS, STATES and ALPHABET A complete directory of your fraternity. Distribution by

Gladstone, Chas. M. '27 Good, Herbert F. '21 Green, Stephen S. '22 Grover, A. ]. '22 Harris, Jeffry K. Hon. Harris, Morgan K. '14 Hartman, C. F. '31 Hatch, Duane S. ' 15 Hill, David S., Jr. '26 Hill, Edw. D. '23 Houck, Christian T. '15 Houck, John E. '17 Houck, Wm. L. '15 Howard, Milford C. '26 Howland, Vernon S. '28 Hubbard, Ray A. '41 Hubbard, Rich. S. '40 Hunter, Arthur T. '23 Johnson, Wright '23 Kay, Dr. R. ]. '25 Kirschner, Otto S. '13 Kollberg, Paul G. '30 Kopczynski, Alex J. '42 Kustas, Nicholas G. '46 Lacey, Truman A. '28 Lamb, George W. '13 Larwood, John H. '27 Lasher, Norbert A. '39 Lehmann, Alfred V. '28 LeRoy, F. W. '25 Lewis, John L. '40 Link, Oscar ]. '18 Litt le, Sidney W. '26 Longergan, Paul W. '41 Love, H . B. '27 . Lowe, Robt. E. '30 MeAde, H. A. '28 McKee, Edw. P. '22 McKee, Everett J . '37 McPherson, M.G. '17 Mallery, L. B. X '20 Mallett, Robt. B. '3 5 Mann, Robt. R. Hon. Mason, K. J. '28 :Matthews, Grant L. '38 Maynard, Albert A. ' 15 Maynard, Chas. C. '40 Mead, Alden H. '28 Musgrave, G. \V. '15 Owre, Erling S. '42 Palmer, Sidney H. '17 Parker, C. Wm. (? ) Paul, Benson H. '14 Pietz, Wesley C. '27 Porter, Jos. P . '17 Porter, R . W. '24 Pratt, Wm. J. '22 Robinhold, Dan G. '27


Roese, C. J. '16 Rogers, Wm. W. '33 Ru ssell , Parvin M. ' 15 Schnatz, Fred T. '22 Seelbach, Chas. G. '19 Seelbach, Walter J. '25 Shaw, Jos. P ., Jr. '20 Sheppard, C. D. '17 Shoemaker, Robt. C. '1-J. Sierk, Ray G. ' 15 Sisson, H. S. ' 18 Sisson, L. A. '25" Smith, Edwin L. '22 Smith, R. M. X '16

· Smith, Stanley E. '44 Starkey, Harvey G. '35 Sweeny, Philip Freneau '33 Tagg, orman A. '46 Taylor, Ronald M. '27 Taylor, Wm. M., Jr. '29 Thomas, Ray L. '27 Thompson, Chas. A. '17 Thornell, C. \\·. '14 Tibbitts, Carl H. '20 Titus, G. F. '25 Townsend, Theo. H . '17 Trask, W. I. '16 Trousdale, ReL W. M. '25 Turner, Harold P. '+0 Uhl, Fred E. '2+ Usher, Robt. R. '21 Vail , Robt. W. '1+ VanBenschoten, A. H. '23 Vanderburgh, Ernest D. '35 VonReyn, E. E. '41 Wager, John F., Jr. '33 Walkley, A. C. '21 Walkley, C. W. '21 Walkley, Floyd F. '25 Walkley, Fred R. '17 Walz, A. Ray '16 Warren, Chas. 0., Jr. '27 Weber, Harry B. '27 Webster, Wm. L. X '19 Westphal, Rev. Milton C. '19 Whitacker, J . S. '3 1 White, Howard M. '23 Whiteside, John C. '13 Whitney, Howard E. '22 Wilkes, Robt. ]. '28 Wilson, H. Lynn '2+ Winchester, Milo F. '21 Wolford, C. C. '18 Wright, Douglas L. '+2 Young, Ray D. '21 Young, Wallace S. '16 Zadig, Ernest '27


Page 6: KDR QUILL SCROLL VOL 35 NO 3 SUMMER 1949€¦ · Official Directory of K~P 5600 LISTINGS by CHAPTERS, STATES and ALPHABET A complete directory of your fraternity. Distribution by



Anderson, Francis H. '42 Arnott, Renwick C. '34 Bader, Chas. A. '23 Barry, Martin J. X '22 Baumga rten, James A. '49 Benedict, Donald 0. '34 Bowman, Frederic, Jr. '39 Bruce, Frank R. '21 Bryant, Alexander C. '28 Burns, Arthur D. '19 Carrolan, James F. '24 Case, Forrest '19 Cheney, Paul W. '36 Christensen, Frank E. '42 Clarke, Wm. J. '27 Cockrane, Calvin '28 Cole, Chas. H. '26 Comstock, Wm. J. '27 Cooper, George '16 Crane, Edmund H. '25 Crawford, Robt. M. '25 Crehan, John '18 Crounce, Harold '28 Curtin, Gerald F. '19 Dedicke, Alfred '18 Degnan, Rich . E. '34 Dena, John J. '37 Dickinson, Donald C. '49 Dixon, Reginald A. '27 Donahue, Francis H. '20 Doyle, Walter '19 Doyle, Wm. '19 DuRose, Thorley E. X '3 3 Edge, John P. '39 Elliott, Harold R. '18 Fenner, Harvey C. '25 Fiscus, Julius X '23 Floody, Ralph W. '18 Flynn, Howard '22 Force, Nelson J . '20

. Forrest, Wm. E. '44 Foster, Leland '22 Ganong, Gilbert E. '28 Giladett, Leo V. '42 Godfrey, Harvey S. '26 Goff, Howard L. '24 Goodrich, Robt. E. '32 Gordon, George, Jr. '18 Graves, Leslie C. '42 Gray, Donald X '32 Gray, Warren J. '22



Griffin, Francis E. '28 Groff, LeRoy F. '45 Hakes, Elton '21 Harper, Walter F. '40 Harris, Ralph P . '27 Harwick, John A. X '17 Hathron, Maurice G. '21 Hayeslip, David W. '42 Haynes, Harold A. '38 Haynes, Robt. E. '25 Beason, Stanley E . '15 Berney, Thomas L. '30 I-Iertwig, Robt. E. '39 Hill, Lawrence S. '19 Hill, Theo. W. '21 Hisert, George A. '33 Hoffman, Louis C. '20 Holben, Kenneth P. '20 Holcomb, Clarence '23 · Holstein, Edwin J. '42 HorQung, Herbert K . '25 Hutchinson, David Hon. Juckett, Edwin A. '25 Ketcham, George E. '34 Kirtland, H. Ellsworth '30 Knapp, Maxwell R. '30 Kolbe, James '28 Kusak, Steve A. '41 Lindermann, Randolph S. '22 Landon, Floyd E. '25 Landon , Marion D. '23 Landon, Miles E. '20 Larko, Jos. F. '42 Lehman, Carroll B. '39 Linck, John E. '22 Logan, Cassius ]. X '19 Loomis, Donald E. '39 Lyons, Chas. J. '3 1 MacAloon, E. P. '17 · McCluer, J. H. '22 McConnell, Irving R. '3 1 McConville, Chas. J ., Jr. '36 MacCubbin, R. M. '26 McFarland, Frank J. '33 MacFarlane, R . C. '23 McGregor, James H. '23 McNeil, John '16 MaGuire, Sylvester '16 Manville, Paul L. '19 Marino, Cecil J . '39 Marotto, Carl T. '42 Mattice, Earl '22 Meehan, Thomas C. '37



Page 7: KDR QUILL SCROLL VOL 35 NO 3 SUMMER 1949€¦ · Official Directory of K~P 5600 LISTINGS by CHAPTERS, STATES and ALPHABET A complete directory of your fraternity. Distribution by

How Many Addresses Do You Know?

Merritt, Stephen '25 Mosher, Howard ]. '30 Muggleton, Jos . G. '39 Murphy, Peter G. '39 Nelson, Milton G. '24 Nelson, Wm. C. '34 Nephew, Clarence L. X '28 Newstead, John '40 Nolde, Arnold '19 O'Connell, Ray T. '16 O'Meara, John T . '49 Osborn, Emory R. '49 Paladin, Arnold P . '39 Parker, Fred B. '21 Pease, Kent '27 Petronis, Frank J. '34 Phipps, Wm. K. '43 Polt, Hugo K. '21 Prior, Edw. B. '30 Quattrocchi, Frank ]. '39 Rafferty, Robt. D. '35 Reilly, Chas. F. '23 Rice, George P. '32 Roberts, Lyle S. '25 Rogers, Wm. R. '34 Russell, Harry A. '17 Sayles, J. M. Hon. Scott, Rich. T. '31 Sl.!erley, Edw. E. '24 Sisson, F. G. '16 Smith , James E. '24 Smith, Stewart J . '40 Smurl, David, Jr. '29 Snider, Almer J. '19 Springman, E. T . '20 Stahlman, E. J. '25 Stanley, Ralph '29 Sturtevant, C. R. '25 Sullivan, Philip A. '40 Sutherland, Wm. E. '19 Tarbox, Carl '32 Taylor, Geo.rge W. '30 Teisen, Taga '18 Templeton, Arthur D. '33 Townsend, DeWitt '18 VanDerWarker, Leslie H. '18 Vidmar, Jos. E. '38 Walker, James '17 Walker, Joseph '15 Wasilwiski, John P. '40 Williams, Harry P . '49 Williams, Ralph C. '20 Wood, Dale E. '49


Woodward, A. N. '18 Worstall, Chas. '31 Young, Frank 0. '33 Young, Wm. G. '37 Zaccagnini, Dante T. '49 Zeh, DeWitt, '27


Arndt, Albert H. '41 Arnsdorf, Harry E. '38 Beasley, Harry E. X '34 Bensley, Harvey F. X '21 Betzig, Edw. C. '36 Bryden, Donald C. '46 Chernichowski, Wm. E. '42 Cleaves, Jack E. '43 Cole, James S. (?) Con n, Wm. A. '39 Cook, Clayton W. '20 Cushman, Gordon H. '43 Davis, Albert B. '20 Fellows, John P. '33 Gambie, David M. ( ?) Gedney, Rich. C. '42 Gibbons, Brainard F. '24 Good, Harry C. Hon. Goodwin, Artemas P . '23 Graham, Chas. P. '44 Grover, Arthur C. '38 Haff, Rich. M. '31 Hall , John B. '34 Hall, Rich. M. '43 Hartwig, Albert E . '49 Hauser, Harry F.. '26 Herman, Alfred H. '44 Hill, Frank 0 . '43 Hoague, Jos. D. '41 Huff, Alfred L. '48 Hughes, Chas. J. '40 Ide, Ru ssell E. '42 Kaiser, Theo. C., Jr. '34 Kelley, Chas. F . '41 Kelsey, Rich . B. '3 1 Kinsley, Wm. L. ( ?) Kooman, Harold A. '24 Leuze, Lloyd C. '21 McDaniel, Alton L. '49 McLaughlin, Stuart W. '26 McPherson, Chester R. '26 McPherson, Norman X '22 Mackey, James G. X '32



Page 8: KDR QUILL SCROLL VOL 35 NO 3 SUMMER 1949€¦ · Official Directory of K~P 5600 LISTINGS by CHAPTERS, STATES and ALPHABET A complete directory of your fraternity. Distribution by

Malcolm, Harold G. '3 5 Mans, Maurice C. '49 Mayer, Nicholas '42 Metz, Ted '46 Millard, D. L. '37 Muth, Edwin C. '30 Nielson, Grover '39 Olds, Rich. J. '32

• Oliver, Wesley, Jr. '32 Onasch, Chas. F . '40 Patterson, Thomas D. '30 Plumb, Burton H. '36 Prior, Edw. E. '30 Pul is, George L. '3 7 Quigley, James M. '49 Read, Chas. A." '45 Rogers, Rich. W. '40 Saybolts, Wm. F., Jr. '3 5 Schmidt, Carl X '22 Scholtz, Wm. A. '45 Simpson, Douglas V. '48 Smith, Burley '39 . Somerville, Edgar J. '37 Stevens, Wm. G ., Jr. '47 Streeter, Leon R. ' 19 Stupp, Robt. B. '3 1 Suffern, John S., Jr. '28 Thomas, John D . '36 Tomic, Edw. J. '49 Towart, Joel C. X '37 Towart, Wm. G. '3 7 Traver, Roland M. '24 Ullrich, Chas. X '20 Vedder, Allison W. '40 Walker, John A. '44 Walsh, Thomas D. '34 Weeks, Ross ' 33 Wezenaar, John L. '49 Wilson, Thomas C. '49 Wolfe, Stephen M. '28 Wright, Wm. M. '27 Young, ]. Bateman '27 Young, Walter F ., Jr. '49


don't do anything. This copy had

to be set up several weeks before

the magazine was put in the mail.

In the meantime we are able to

find some members whose names

appear here.



Acton, Clyde P. '22 Babcock, Frank C. '24 Binkerd, Gordon W. '37 Bruce, Wm. C. '22 Buchanan, Eugene I. '35 Burgett, Robt. A. '32 Cade, Ralph X '22 Chambers, R. Fred '23 Chandler, Harvey W. '14 Conley, Ray V. '22 Conner, Woody ( ?) Curtis, Vance S. '17 Cutsinger. Ralph '26 Dils, Curtis C. '22 Dils, Elmer H. ' 17 Dinnin, Wm. S. Hon. Edrington , Oren E. '30 Fertig, Dayton Hon. Fleenor, Miley A. '42 Fornwald, John B. '22 Francis, Donald ( ?) Freigy, S. Wade '48 French, Ralph E. '35 Gaynor, Stanley '29 Gordon , Noel M. '3 1 Gordon, Wayne ' 25 Gray, James ( ?) Green, Ferro! B. '22 Ham ilton, Conrad '19 Handley, J. Robt. '22 Hanna, Ben M. '17 Harrell , John L. '40 Huntington, E. B. '25 Jarvis, Emerson D. '24 Kaufman. Ernest '25 Kencher, Werner G. '41 Kingsolver. Wm. '21 Kinnick, C. Royce '22 Languell , Chester '32 Lawlis, Chelsea L. '40 McCluer, Jos. '20 Manning, George K. '3 3 Mayfield, Maurice '30 Meker, Edw. P. ( ?) Miller, Donald A. '24 Miller, Don P . '33 Miller, Gilbert W. '41 Miller, J.P. (?) Mitchell, Clarence A. '18

eyer, Harold M. '23 Norris, James N. '32 Owens, Minor X '20 Patterson, Robt. F. '44 Purviance, Russell A. '24 Quic'k, C. Gerald '26 Ragsdale, John X '31



Page 9: KDR QUILL SCROLL VOL 35 NO 3 SUMMER 1949€¦ · Official Directory of K~P 5600 LISTINGS by CHAPTERS, STATES and ALPHABET A complete directory of your fraternity. Distribution by

Renn, Norman D. '32 Robertson, Fred M. '22 Rogers, George E., Jr. '36 Routh, Harry L. '22 Rowland. Kenneth '25 Rudd, Kenneth T. '25 Rueff, Ralph D. '34 Rutkin, Irving R. '39 Salisburg, Chas. '28 Sampson, Rich A. '23 Sanders, Jennings X '22 Sanders, Leo '29 Sanders, Lloyd X '22 Schenck, Stanley F. '22 Schlandt. Carl '21 Sciarri, C. Albert '34 Sherwood, Henry . Han. Skillman, Ary H. '23 Snodgrass, Ernest L. '29 Spencer, John B. '39 Spencer, Wm. G., Jr. '·H Stott, Lewis G. '26 Swaim, Wm. B. '27 Thompson. Merrill D. '27 Thurston, R. H. '20 Tomlinson, Kenneth W. '22 Townsend, Hugh A. '28 Tressler, Carl X '27 Trout, Maurice '22 Underwood, Ralph X '23 Utterback, Glenn S. '27 Vaught, Arnold B. '26 Vinson, Howard '25 Voris, Maurice '25 Waldorf, Robt. 0. '39 Walters, Kenneth X '26 Weeden , Melvin '28 Whitaker, Kenneth B. '44 Whitston, Clarence W. '42 Williams, John ( ?) Willis, James D. '48 Wilson, Marvin ( !) Wilson, Wm. A. '41 Wirt, Leslie X '24 Yaran, J. Ellsworth '23

Address all information and cor-

rections to your QUILL AND SCROLL

office, 443 Grove St., Rahway, N.J.



Bowden, Clarence A. X'24 Calhoun, W. Carl '25 Cameron, Jos. A. '22 Collins, Rich. F. '37 Conover, ·walter A. '22 Cook, Kenneth '45 Dale, Francis E. '26 Davies, David C. '38 Davies, M. A. X '23 Davies, M. L. '42 Delp, Chas. W. '49 Dennis, A. X '26 Dipple, James I. X '23 Emig, Herbert M. X '24 Erb, J . E. '27 Falkenstein, Louis F . '25 Feldman, W. E. X '28 Fenton, J. A. X '23 Fink, A. Reginald '25 Foerster, C. V. '24 Foerster, Frederic L '27 Frankenberry, A. W. '27 Frazier, Thomas A. '49 Gardner, Harry B '43 Gardner, LeRoy B. '39 Girton, T. J. ( ! ) Gottschall , Paul B. '45 Greene, J. E. '25 Gunnison, LaRue E. '49 Heulings, Jos. C. X '32 Hill , Joel R. X '27 Hodgson , George D. '32 Harpel, Franklin E., Jr. '41 Hugus, V. R. (!) Hutcheson, James P. '37 Johnson, David 0. '27 Kelly, John W. '44 Klein, John I. '44 Krumrine, G. D. X '24 Landen, Edgar L. '40 Leer berg, J ames W. '42 Leopold, Vaughn E. '40 Lloyd, Kenneth B. X '27 Lockeman, George F. '21 McCreary, John M. '44 Manning, John C. '40 ~!father , George E. '29 Milham, Jos. P. '36 Moeslein, Edw. W. '19 Mosher, George E. (!) Murphy, Hugh A., Jr. '44 Murphy, John E. '47 Nelson, Roger R. '46 Nicholas, P. R. '21 O'Connor, John C. '38 Orr, Robt. C., Jr. '20


Page 10: KDR QUILL SCROLL VOL 35 NO 3 SUMMER 1949€¦ · Official Directory of K~P 5600 LISTINGS by CHAPTERS, STATES and ALPHABET A complete directory of your fraternity. Distribution by

Osgood, Frank G., Jr. '44 Pearce, Douglas I. ' 39 Roth, Edw. L. '37 Roush, Donovan R. '29 Smith, E. Karl ' 19 Snyder, Wm. H. '3 5 Sours, Marian D. X '26 Sperling, F. George X '4-0 Stokes, John X '26 Sunderlin, Wendell S. '45 Swiga rt, Joe F. '26 Watkeys, Wm. B. '26 Webster, Rich. W. '21 Willis, L. 0 . '25 Wintermute, Fred M. '4-9 Wiseman, Chester L. Hon. Wolosky, John '49 Wo~dbridge, A. J. X '24 Ziegler, D. E. X '23 Zimmerman, H. W. X '24


Allison, Harley F. '21 Bartsch, Ralph R. X '23 'Batchelor, Alexander '3+ .Bein, F. M. '21 Beistle, Roy B. '3 1 Belton, Oscar C. '24 Benner, Dale A. X '2+ Best, Rich. C. '22 Blazina, Hubert E . '4-9 Boorkman, Chas. J. '33 Bordwell, Wm. H. '35 Brown, Irving S. X '25 Burrill, Roger '38 Carlson, John B., Jr. '+9 Carmichael, Gersham N. '26 Carseth , Robt. ( ?) Cash, Hollis X '31 Christian sen, Valdimer '26 Coleman, Don L. '49 Cryder, Herbert W. X '27 Curtis, Chas. T. '42 Davis, Ahren A. '24 DeWitt, Rich. R. '49 Dexter, Robt. V. '43 Dipple, Randle L. '25 Duncan, Brooks H. X '29 Eckstrom, Carl W. '35 Edens, Wm. M. '24 Embleton, Chas. C. '29 Embleton, Chas. G., Jr. X '32 Flanders, Seth W. '24 Fowler, Edw. F. X '33 Greig, Donald W. '30 Hadley, Wilbur P. '25 Hamilton, John K. ' 29


Hammerquist, Rich. X '3 7 Hand, Edw. B. X '2+ Higgs, A. C. '23 Hillegoss, Roy L. Holmes, Herman E. '25 Huber, L. W. (?) Hynd, Harry F. '3 8 Jensen, John E. '33 Johns, Jesse R. '2 1 Jones, Fred M. Hon. Kaney, John H., Jr. '21 Kelsey, W. W. '21 Kenlay, F. M. '26 Knapp, Vernon '23 Knickerbocker, Wm. X '29 Leicester, Robt. T. '3 3 LeMaster, Jerome L. '23 Locke, Wm. W. '38 Logan, Thomas H. '26 Lunak, Kenneth C. '27 McFarland, Chas. L. '22 McKinley, James D. '28

· Mack, Jos. L., Jr. '27 Muirhead, George P. '34 Murphy, Jos. F. '39 -Murvin, Theoren ]. '26 Muth, John H. '40 Olcott, Horace W., Jr. '24 Osborn, Harold M. '22 Pearman, Ralph D. '24 Pike, John G. X '27 Roy, J. W. (?)

andquist, Russell X '28 Schmidt, Chas. D. '49 Show, R. E. '27 Sielinger, F. W. '26 Sittig, Harold W. '32 Skogland, John W. '32 Smith, Guy 0. X '26 Stearn, ]. Bertram '24 Strawn, Eugene L. '36 Swanson, Stanley S. X '32 Talbott, James ' 19 Trenkle, Wayne F. '27 Tuttle, Warren D. '41 Webb, Rich . L. '24 Whitlock, A. N. '33 Whitnab, Verne D. X '23 Williamson, ]. Lindley '23 Wilson, Wesley D. '22 Yates, John E. ' 23 Young, Keith W. '38 Young, Dr. L. C. '26

If you receive this copy of the Quill and Scroll you are no longer -'lost.'


Page 11: KDR QUILL SCROLL VOL 35 NO 3 SUMMER 1949€¦ · Official Directory of K~P 5600 LISTINGS by CHAPTERS, STATES and ALPHABET A complete directory of your fraternity. Distribution by


Bair, \Vm. H. Hon. Blaney, Robt. D. '36 Boylard, N. W. Hon . Brooks, Robt. W. '49 Buckton, George R. '31 Cade, R. H. X '23 Campbell, }. W. '24 Carter, Altice S. '23 Chance, Maurice D. '26 Chapman, W. C. '31 Chittenden, J. H. X '23 Clymer, John F. '38 Coblentz, Ralph E. '30 Corbin , Chas. E. '25 Cox, Stuart H. '26 Creps, D. E. '26 Culbertson, R. E. '22 Daubermire, E . H . X '28 DeCon, John E. X '31 Dollens, B. A. '25 Duffenbach, H . E. '23 Ellis, Chas. G. '26 Fachinger, G. S. '27 Ferrell, Clark N. '31 Finley, Lawrence W. '44 Foster, W. R. '22 Glendenning, Rich. N . '23 Glenn , Franklin P. '31 Gniewosh, Sylvester M. '35 Goodwin, Sheldon '25 Gray, Frank L . '43 Gray, John R. '45 Hamilton, Lloyd '24 Hammitt, M. H . X '24 Harvey, Wm. A. '23 Harwood, Walter H. X '32 Hayes, Herman M. X '22 Heithecker, Ora E. X '28 Heithecker, Ray E. '24 Herrin, Ray C '22 Hess, Roy P. '30 Hittle, Leslie L. '23 Hobbs, Chas. L. '41 Hoffman, James H . '29 Holmes, Kenneth H. '27 Hommel!, Donald R . '31 Hunter, Howard M . '30 Hunter, Rich. K. '33 Hutchinson, T. J. '40 Jeffery, Robt . .D. '34 Johnston, Carl C. '31 Jolls, Robt. K. '41 Jones, Leon B. '3 5 Kendall, James E. '41 Kennedy, Chas. ]. X '42 Kentner, R ich. D. '42 Kintz, D. A. '25


Kirkpatrick, James B. '38 Kopscick, George, Jr. '49 Kreigbaum, James R. '38 Kropf, Robt. W. X '45 Kuss., Walter }. '3 5 Large, Harold D. '25 Latimer, Marion M. '27 Leslie, Vernon A. '37 Linton, Russell F. '30 Long, C. A. '29 Matthews, John H . Hon. Maxton, Chas. C. '28 Meyer, Fred E. '32 Meyers, A. }. X '26 Mills, Delbert L. '32 Mills, Milton L. '3 1 Mobley, Clarence E. ( ?) Molyneux, Wm. L. '3 8 Mullins, M. L. '26 Myers, P. E. '23 Neighbors, Heber R . X '34 O'Connell, Stephen ]. X '28 Osbon, Wm. 0. '26 Park, Wm. S. '27 Pauley, R . E. '35 Pedlow, Herbert E. '23 Perkins, Chas. A. '25 Perkins, Frank K. '26 Poto, Eugene W. '40 Riber, Earl W. '24 Roland, Jim (?) Rose, Ernest L. X '33 Rowley, Frank G. '33 Royer, Donald G. '33 Ruth, A. Daniel, Jr. '48 Schaem, Wm. E. '31 Schantz, George E. '3 2 Schultz, Dale H. '49 Sciscop, Kenneth L. '49 Scott, Donald B. '37 Scott, Prof. P. H. Hon. Seymour, I. E. '40 Sisson, Perry L., Jr. '34 Skinner, Clayton H . '35 Sloan, Carroll D . '37 Slone, Wm. J. '41 Smith, Aubrey D. '49 Smith, Carrqll W. X '30 Smith, Neiland P. '49 Spies, Wilbert E. '32 Stanley, Samuel N. '35 Strusacker, John P. '49 Summers, Albert W. '25 Swartz, L. E. X '27 Sweigart, George A. '35 Swisher, Algernon '28 Talbott, Robt. H. '30 Tennery, Rich. F. '30


Page 12: KDR QUILL SCROLL VOL 35 NO 3 SUMMER 1949€¦ · Official Directory of K~P 5600 LISTINGS by CHAPTERS, STATES and ALPHABET A complete directory of your fraternity. Distribution by

Send all addresses to:

Quill and Scroll 443 Grove St.

Rahway, N. J.

Thompson, Granville C. '25 Thompson, H. H. X '27 T omey, D ale 0. '22 T omey, Gail H. '22 Vandivier, Aaron '34 Wesson, James A. '3 4 Wettig, Byron A. '24 Wiggins, Albert M. '26 Wild, John M. '34 Willard, John R. '26 Williams, Basil E. '26 Wilson, Philip R. '49 Winchester, 0 . R. '23 Winslow, Kenneth M. X '27 Wood, Wilbur G~ '26 Woodling, George V. '23 Wysong, Kenneth W. '29 Yankowski , A. A. '41 Zaring, Doyle '26 Zimmerman , Leo F. X '28 Zimmerman, Ralph T. '3 1


~eisse i gel , Howard A. '49 Bookwalter, Kenneth C. X '34 Budd, Chas. K . '24 Burdic, Byron ]. '29 Butler, Edga r H . X '25 Coleman, Harry G. '36 Collinson, Daniel ]. '42 Connor, Harry T. '30 Cornish, Ray ]. ' 19 Davis, Donald L. '40 DeCoursey, Earl '23 Dillon, M . Robt. '35 Eaton, Asa T. '26 Elliott, Frank '24 Elsbree, Prof. Oliver W. Hon . Emerick, Chas . M. '20 Fisher, John S. Hon. Foster, Fred '25 Gardner, Jos. R. '25 Germer, Harold D. '19 Greenland, H. C. '20 Haines, Bertram P. X '27 Herb, J ack F. '49


Herb, :'vlelvin R. '49 Jackson, Rev. C. B. '22 King, J ack '42 McGuire, Wm. '42 Mallay, Paul '23 Marley. Wm. A. '28 Mayers, \Vm. R. X '30 Miles, H. C. '26 Milton, Wm. ( ?) Mitterling, Norman '15 Morris, Raymond X '30 Osborn, Wm., Jr. X '32 Reiter, G. F . ' 17 R eplogle, Warren H. (?) Schaeffer, John I. '49 Seibert, Paul R . X '28 Smith, D onald P . '22 Smith, Roswell 0 . '21 Snyder, Dewey A. X '22 Steventon, Perry K. '24 Szekel y, Rich. A. '33 Thomas, E va n Rhys '31 Turner, Frank S. '25 Wahrman, Benj amin '32 Wertman. George B. '43 Wilson, Allan D. '07 Wilson, Harry G. '17 Wolfe, Russell S. X ' 23


Alexander, Duane 0. '25 Alexander, George C. X '27 Baker, John P. '26 Beatty, Frank G. '28 Bevan, Dr. John Y. '28 . Bishop, Arthur M. '25 · Bostie, Paul (?) Brewster, Lawrence H. '49 Burkey, Albert A. X '43 Chodd, Edmund S. '25 D avies, David L. '42 DeHays, Leslie A. '31 Dietrich, Albert G. '25 Engleman, Helmuth W. '40 Ferguson, Harvey N. '22 Frasure, Carl M . '23 Gardner, Howard B. '43 Gerster, Jack A. '39 Gill , Joseph '29 Gordon , Francis M. '33 Hagelbarger, Ralph H. '22 Hall , Au gustus '28 Hamilton, Clifford N. '3 1 Hardman, Howa rd X '42 Harrington, J ames F. '39 Harvey, George E. '24


Page 13: KDR QUILL SCROLL VOL 35 NO 3 SUMMER 1949€¦ · Official Directory of K~P 5600 LISTINGS by CHAPTERS, STATES and ALPHABET A complete directory of your fraternity. Distribution by

Haswell, John T. X '29 Hauseman, Henry, Jr. X '26 Hinman, R alph A. '23 Hoover, Merwin L. '31 Hunt, Archer C. '28 Huston , Carey R. '25 Irwin, Wm. H. X '3 1 Jones, John F., Jr., X '33 Keechle, Beryl A. '40 Keen, Bernard S. ' 32 Lewis, Robt. M. '38 Lindberg, Paul G. '39 Livingston, Willard X '27 Loker, Ralph L. '28 Lumley, Fred E. Hon. McKensie, Robt. X '29 Mace, James E. '40 Marquis, Rich. S. '33 Matson, Ralph J. '23 May, Curtis '23 Miller, Clarence A. '23 Moore, Florian A. X '27 Moore, Gaylord E. X '27 Moore, Theo. R. '25 Moreland, Dr. Wm. '40 Paul , John A. '39 Rice, Paul S. ' 32 Ritter, Harold A. '25 Robinson, Harry B. '26 Ruhly, Wm. D . '33 Saiter, Paul '26 Schi11ing, Wi11ard A. '26 Schindler, Wm. E. ' 26 Shoemaker, James W... X '29 Siegfried, Robt. W. '43 Simmons, Thomas· H . '36 Smith, Gail '23 Squiers, Wm. D. '33 Staynor, Floyd L. '28 Stcphensen, Thomas H. '33 Stetter, John '25 Stewart, Adam '28 Stillwell, John A. '28 Summers, Russell '25 Swain, Robt. E. '48 Swormstedt, Chas. W. '22 Swormstedt, David X '21 Thomas, Mark F. '48 Tripp, Wm. E. '28 Van Buren, R alph '32 Watters, Robt. H. X '32 Wilson, Byron C. '29 Wilson , Harold W. '28 Wolf, David H . '27 Woodburn, Lester 0. '29


Check the address on the en­

velope in which your magazine

came. If there are any corrections,

let us know immediately.

REMEMBER: The information on

this envelope is what will appear

in the new directory. Change any

erorrs now, don't blame us later.


Adams, Lloyd E. '32 Bartholomew, Dwight F. '30 Boyden, F. E. X '26 Boyden, Frank G. ' 33 Burgett, Wm. T. '3 1 Calvert, Earl '29 Divanovich, David, Jr. '42 Douglass, Wm. M. '43 fitz, Roger L. '43 Forde, J ohn R. '47 Gentry, H. Bruce '28 Hildreth, Brodie J. '27 Howard, D. B. ( ?) Hunter, Donald M. '23 Jameyson, Bert '42 Kerr, Guy B. ' 24 Kley, Howard F. '33 Kramer, Henry P . '44 Little, Paul W. '33 Phelps, Wm. H. '43 Porter, Chas. W. '33 Rudolph, Harvey J. '24 . Se11ers, Henry C. X . '25 Shalz, Chas. R . '38 Shuey, Avery H. '27 Slaughter, J ames C. '46 Saito, Erminio E. '32 South , Earl B. Hon. Stark, John M. '28 Tambini, Robt. L. '49 Tuttle, frank D ., Jr. . '40 Vaughn, James R. '27 White, Alan R. '22 Wilson, Philip L. '28 Yandell , Ben A. '31


Page 14: KDR QUILL SCROLL VOL 35 NO 3 SUMMER 1949€¦ · Official Directory of K~P 5600 LISTINGS by CHAPTERS, STATES and ALPHABET A complete directory of your fraternity. Distribution by




A new directory is due

soon. It will be 01.1r first di­

rectory since 1934 and we

want it to be as complete as

possible. We are appealing

to all alumni to help us in any

way they can to locate any of

our members listed in this


• It is to your advantage to

help us get these records up

to date. You will benefit from

the new directory as will

every member of KDR. You

may be the first one to wish

you had the address of that

roommate you haven't heard

from for ten years or more.



• Send in all information to

your national editorial office:


443 Grove Street

Rahway, N. J.

MU .

Bell, John M. '+0 Bigelow, Fred R. '28 Cain, Bernard M. '29 Campbell, Edw. C. '34 Campbell, G. Alexander '25 Clark, Dr. Chas., Jr. '26 Cornell, David D. '36 Cross, Robt. M. '26 Davis, Eldred L. '26 DeMund, Robt. J. '38 George, James M. '41 Glanz, Edw. F. '42 Gouldthorpe, Hubert W. '27 Greene, George H., Jr. '28 Haines, Malcolm A. '43 Hamel, J. Samuel '29 Hanje, Abe J. '32 Hentz, Howard J. '33 Hoben, Edmund H. '27 Howe, Russell T. '25 Jensen, Chas. F. '3 3 Johnson, Roy '27 Kirsheman, Louis R. '27 Kleinschmidt, Earl E. '27 Kraus, Chas. E. '32 Laurenson, R. M. '30 Menmuir, Chas. H. '25 Newcomb, Harley M. '35 Pavinich, A. C. '41 Peterson, Vincent L. '29 Piper, James V. '29 Pugh, Arthur (?) Rockefeller, Robt. W. '3 1 Sallness, Fritchof '25 Schnall, Blaine A. '27 Sherman, John C. '37 Shipman, Jos. H. '27 Simpson, John T. '3 5 Smith, James M. '45 Spoor, Lorimer C. '29 Statts, John H. '42 Steinko, John T. '33 Steinko, Stanley M. '28 Strayer, Joe ( ?) Todd, John D. '27 Wanless, Ivan I. '30 Waterman, Robt. A. '24 Whitz, Adam A. '40 Wigle, Kenneth G. '24 Wright, Clement G. '31 Zuck, Stanley F. '28


Page 15: KDR QUILL SCROLL VOL 35 NO 3 SUMMER 1949€¦ · Official Directory of K~P 5600 LISTINGS by CHAPTERS, STATES and ALPHABET A complete directory of your fraternity. Distribution by


We are making one last plea to

the active members to look over

their alumni lists and send us

whatever information is there on

any of the KDR's in this list.



don't ask if we have so-and-so's

address. WE HAVE!

This directory is going to be of

great help to every active chapter.




We start work on the directory

on January 1st, 1950. Get your

addresses in NOW!


Baran, Dr. Chas., J r. '41 Bevans, Alton W. X '44 Burns, Donald E. '49 Cannady, John ( ?) Chisler, Harold L. '30 Chisler, Russell S. '30 Cieslak, Chester C. '49 Corn, Rich. X '48 Dargitz, Hugh K. '26 Downes, Norbert J . '33 Dragomer, Emanual N . '48 D ragoo, John R . '48 Dross, Marion ]. '32 Emswiller, Byron B. '33 Fettig, Rich. R. '47 Ford, George R. '43 Fox, 0 . I. '29 Gl impse, Robt. D. '40 Greene, Robt. T . '47





Guth, Rich. L. '41 Hodges, Bradford X '31 Hoff, Bernard C., Jr. '49 Hughes, John M. '32 Jenkins, Fred C. '28 Kralovan sky, Al '48 Krupa , Henry X '45 Lat ier, Harold E. '27 Lewis, Evan H . '3 4 Linko, Michael '49 Lorraine, Frank ( ?) Lusk, Robt. K. '38 McDona ld, Robt. X '41 Madding, Cha s. W. '38 Martin , Diehl , Jr. '47 Meixel, Phil E. X '47 Milan, George X '45 Modjeski, Ray ]. ' 34 Neal, Wm. A. '40 Orfanos, George T. ( ?) Paskask, Leo '46 Risteen, Bob '49 Ruddell , Wm. '29 Russell , Gene X '42 Severa, Frank X '50 Simmons, John M. '33 Simon, Walter A. '26 Spellman, Gordon N. '3 5 Stefanic, J ohn '46 Swain, Chas. 0 . '28 Swets, Edw. ]. '42 Taylor, Mark C. '32 Terpinas, Thomas M. '44 Tilly, Ernest, J r. '47 Trinkle, Dale '31 Tro y, Peter A. '45 Trummer, Arnold '45 Velligan, Frank S. '46 Villegan, Jos. A. '49 Wilson, Orville E. '49


Page 16: KDR QUILL SCROLL VOL 35 NO 3 SUMMER 1949€¦ · Official Directory of K~P 5600 LISTINGS by CHAPTERS, STATES and ALPHABET A complete directory of your fraternity. Distribution by


Beecher, Brazier 1\.. '28 Brickert, Robt. \\' . ' 3+ Howard, Robt. P. '28 Inman, Russell M. '32 Karabell, Chas. ]. ' 17 Meith, Edw. V. '34 Pierson, Tom A. '31 Rominger, Hugh L. '31 Sumner, Lowell G. '32 Van Duyn, Ray C. '29 Wakefield, Russell S. X '32 Weaver, C. Dale X '30


Alexander, John D . . '39 Borregard, Daniel K. '49 Bowers, Stewart A. '37 Broadhurst, Jack \V. X '34 Coble, Chas. W. '3 1 Cook, Robt: L. '41 Cooke, Leonard '36 Geiple, George E. '40 Gilbert, Chas. R. '33 Lenz, Harry H. '28 Longanecker, G. R. '38 Maberry, Chas. A. '32 Maples, James R. X '50 Metzger, Wm. X '43 Mirschel, Walter H. '41 Olson, Chas. H. '47 Potter, Miles B. X '3 1 Rehmeyer, D. R . '37 Rhemeyer, David '42 Richmond, Ernest D . '42 Rockey, Thea. F. X '3 1 Seaks, Robt. G. '3 1 Senft, Rich. L. '42 Smith, Dr. James M. ' 38 Stroup, Herbert W., Jr. '+0 Thompson, Otto C. '36 \Vehry, George P. '41


Anderson , Ralph E. '3 2 Bunting, James M. '+0 Burgoon, John C. '35 Call, Fred D. '36 Carter, Donald A. X '28 Clark, Lawrence A. X '28 Curtis, Robt. ]. '3 3 Daly, James, '41 Dixon, Frank '3 8


Dodd, John A. '45 Finch, Robt. J. '33 Francis, Bradford G. ( ' ) Gammon, Roland I. '37 Glazier, Earle E. '39 Grant, Phillip M. '·W Gross, Maurice '40 Gurney, Lawrence S. '·B Hacker, Rich. S. '3 7 Haight, Abram V. '3+ Helin, Eero R. '+2 Juggins, Francis, Sr. (?) Juggins, Francis, Jr. '3 1 Kearney, Harold 1. '47 Kjoller, Elbert '40 Lagerson, Linwood E. '32 Lobdell, Lucius V. ' 31 McCarroll, James R . '+3 MacGregor, Robt. M. '3+ Mahoney, Lendel C. '37 Marshall, James R. '37 Marr, Gordon P. '29 Martin, Francis G. '34 Means, Otis W., Jr. X '33 Merrill, Gordon '41 Mosher, Chandler B. '30 Nickerson, Bernard '26 Oakes, Gardner '40 Oleson, Frederick '38 Patch, Felix G. '35 Raymond, Kenneth \V. '33 Raymond, Leigh B. '32 Read, Otis B., Jr. '3 + Roberts, Sumner H. '33 Savage, Carleton N . '38 Savage, Eugene T. X '29 Sheldon, Paul E. '+1 Smith, George D. '32 Stinchfield, Raymond '39 Tetreau, Wm. J. '41 Thayer, Richard A. '+1 Thompson, Stanley P. '37 Thorpe, Hampton S. '27


Burt, Manta C. '+8 Collins, Wm. '+1 Edwards, Henry M. 'H Erbacher, Stanley H. '+7 Fikar, Louis F. '+9 Ganskopp, Wm. F. '38 Harding, Wm. C. '35 Ivankevich, Albert S. '+7 Maxham, Elmer E. X '3 2 t-.•Iorris, Roger D. '3 7


Page 17: KDR QUILL SCROLL VOL 35 NO 3 SUMMER 1949€¦ · Official Directory of K~P 5600 LISTINGS by CHAPTERS, STATES and ALPHABET A complete directory of your fraternity. Distribution by

Muth, George R. '49 Nichols, Robt. R. '37 P appas, John '49 Pinto, C . W. (?) Rayne, Jesse E. , Jr. '30 Schultz, Thea. H. '43 Smith, E . Hilton '40 Starner, Alvin H., Jr. '48 Stellatella, Frank R. '40 Van Horn, Reuben E. '3 1 Watts, James 0. '47 Weinschenk, ' Arthur '32 Weinschenk, Carl A. '26 Wilde, Thomas }. '38 Yoder, Robt. N. '43


Baker, Warren H . '47 Brownhill, Stanley M. '33 Carlson, Howard R. '30 Dehlinger, Karl F. '36 Frakes, Wm. S. '44 Galloway, Torrence D. '45 Hoffman, Robt. A. (?) Holstrom, Everett W. '39 Hooker, Ra lph }. '28 Huglees, V. Jay '42 Humphrey, Fred H. '23 J ohns, Jerry E. '46 Johnson, Terrill W. X '33 McCurdy, Winslow I. '33 Melvin, James A. '33 Merydith, Clarence D. '49 Nash, Ernest E . '29 Nightingale, Wm. R. '49 Onsdorf, Thomas '24 Palmquist, Adrian X '3 1 Parmley, Clifford B. '38 Ripley, Russell R. '34 Ruppe, Donald E. '36 Russell, Leonard ( ?) Sipe, Mercer L. '45 Skoog, Douglas A. '40 Slocum, John M. ( ?) Smiley, John A. '49 Smith, Francis H. '40 Squier, Elwin C. '39 Stark, Lawrence R. '49 Stretcher, Thomas M. '41 Torvik, Stanley I. '28 Tully, G. Robt. , Jr. '30 Walker, Robt. T. '39 Wilson, M. R. '39 Wilson, \Vm. M. '40 Wirch, Arthur M. '35 Zografos, Emanuel C. '49



Bowman, James I. '23 Cavett, J ames M. '24 Deakin, James E. X '34 Emery, Guy C., Jr. '38 Hoffman, Chas. H., Jr. '37 Hoffman, Wm. A., Jr. '33 Hoke, Emory A. '32 Hoover, Robt. A. X '32 Jones, Dale A. '33 Lamb, John F. '2+ Lewin, Wm. S. '31 McRoberts, George G. '3 4 Madorin, Albert R. '35 Marthenke, Harold S. '3 3 Miller, Chas. A. , Jr . '30 Nelson, Chas. R. '30 Peterson, Marshall \V. '3 8 Peterson, Wm. }. ' 37 Reynolds, James C. '37 Robinson, Edw. L. ' 33 Smyth, Wm. 0. '34 Spatz, J ack W. '36 Sullivan, Donald M. '36 T en Eyck, James A. '34


Bell, Harry (!) Clark, Robt. M. (?) Crabtree, Robt. }. '42 Fishbach , Jesse L. '41 F isher, Chas. K . '41 Forsblad, Arthur C. (?) French, Karl '44 Johnson, Willard H. '40 Katen, Norman '43

Chapter Unknown

Kilernian, Richard


Please return all reply cards now. Your address will not be put in the new directory unless you verify your address. If you have changed your address recently send us yo!.lr new address now so we can get it in.

Your cooperation will be appre­ciated in this.


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• •


. . . you wouldn't want to exchange

... never wears out

... comes in so handy on rainy days

... keeps increasing in value

... is so quick and easy to buy

... pleases everyone on your list AND •.. gives itself all over again

(with interest) ten years later?

U.S. SAVINGS BONDS Auto_matic Saving is Sure Saving

~ Contrib_uted by _this magazine ~n co-operation with the \J:i:;;l Magazme Pub/rshers of Amerrca as a public service.

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Founded at Midd lebury College in the spring of 1905, by *George E. K imball, Gino A. Ratti, Chester M. Walch, I rving T. Coates, *john Beecher, Thomas H. Bartley , *Benjamin E. Farr, *Pierce W. Darrow, Gideon R . Norton and Roy D . Wood .

* Decea~ed.


Prnidtnl-]ohn L. Blakeley 420 West 24th Street New York I I, New York

Vict-Presidtnt - William H. Sandlas 20 East Franklin Street Baltimo re, Maryland

T•·rnJuru-Bernard Priemer 9 West Hudson Avenue Englewood, New Jersey

.1 ss iJlfl11l Tr tnsura--·E. Mayer Maloney 5317 Graceland Avenue lndi~u apoli s 8, Indiana


John 0. Boyd Lowville, New York

Harold H. Brelsford 2 1 I State Street West Lafayette, Indi ana

Gordou Eldredge 511 Olentangy Street Columbus 2, Ohio

William ]. Evert s 33 Payne Street Hamilton. New York

Merle W. Gar ing 2561 Cari sbrook Drive Oakland, California

Laverne S . Severance 6220 North Del aware Street Portland, Oregon

George E . Shaw 220 Broadway New York, New York

Alton R . Snyder 565 North Walnut Street Franklin , Indi ana

EDITOR Donald C. Wolfe

443 Grove Street Rahway, New Jersey


Ferdinand B. Ensinger, Jr. 12 Fifth Avenue New Rochelle, New York


(West Coast) Norman J . Carmichael

741 40th Street Oakland, Californ ia


Robert J. Crosen 90 I McCartney Street Ea ston, Pennsylvani a


Alpha-Middlebury College Propraetor- Kenneth Carle Address : 48 South Street, Middlebury, Vermo:ll

Gamma-State Teachers College, Albany Propraetor- George E. Waldbillig Address: 37 Jeanette St., Alban y 2, New York

Delta-Colgate University Propraetor- Arthur Cu rti s, Jr. Address : Kappa Delta Rho, Colgate University, H am­

ilton, New York

Epsilon-Franklin College Propraetor- Worth Bennett Address: Kappa Delta Rh o, Franklin College,

Franklin, Indiana

Zeta-Pennsylvania State College Propractor- Bob Winslow Address : K appa Delta Rho, State Coll ege , Penn syl­


Eta-University of Illinois Propraetor- Phil J ames Address: 1110 South Second Street, Champaign, Illi ­


Tneta-Purdue University Propraetor-Forrest A. Lyddon Address : 11 34 orthwest Avenue, West LaFayette,


Iota-Bucknell University Secretary-Bill Larsen Address : 120 South Sixth Street, Lewisburg, Pennsyl­


Kappa-Ohio State University Propraetor-R. E. Swain Address: 70 18th Avenue, Columbus I , Ohio

Lambda-University of California Propraetor-Don Hendrickson Address : 2250 Piedmont Avenue, Berkeley 4, Cali­


Nu-lndiana University Propraetor-Robert Purdy Address: 814 East Third Street, Bloomington, Indi ana

Pi-Gettysburg College Propraetor-Richard Manning Address: Kappa Delta Rho, Gettysburg College,

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

X i-Colby College Propraetor- Robert L. Hooper Address : Box 630, Colby College, Waterville, Maine

Rko-Lafa yette College Propraetor-Fred Closs Address : Kappa Delta Rho, Lafayette College, Easton,

Penn sylvania

Sigma-Oregon State University Propraetor-Don Badger Address : Kappa Delta Rho, Oregon State University,

Corvall is, Oregon

Upsilon-Fresno State College Propraetor-Dale Graybill, Jr. Address : 1035 H arvard Ave. , Fresno, California

Phi-University of Oklahoma Consul-Donald Hamilton Address : 1008 M onnett Avenue, Norman, Oklahoma

Page 20: KDR QUILL SCROLL VOL 35 NO 3 SUMMER 1949€¦ · Official Directory of K~P 5600 LISTINGS by CHAPTERS, STATES and ALPHABET A complete directory of your fraternity. Distribution by


KAPPA DELTA RHO Oaaicia! 1l11dg(l J!Jticfl ~i~t

REGULATION Crown set Whole Pearl Delta .... $ 12.50 Crown Set Whole Pearl Delta ,

Garnet Poi nts ..................... 12 .50 Crown Set Whole Pearl Delta,

Ruby Points ....................... 13.75 Crown Set Whole Pearl Delta,

Diamond Points ........... 35.00 Crown Set Whole Pearl Delta,

Diamond Points, Diamond in Center of Delta 45.00

Crown Set Whole Pearl Delta, Ruby Points, Diamond in Cen-ter of Delta .. .. ................................... 27.50

Crown Set Wh ole Pearl Delta , Ruby Points, Ruby in Center of Delta 15.5''

Full Diamond Delta .... 100.00 Full Diamond Delta with Di a-

mond in Center of Delta.......... 11 5.0::> GUARD PI N PRICES

Single Doublo Letter Letter

Plain ............ .. ..... $ 2.25 $ 3. 50 Crow n Set Pearl .... 6.50 11 .50

COAT-OF-ARMS GUARDS Miniature, Yellow Gold .................. $ 2.75 Sca rf Size, Yellow Gold........ 3.25

SISTER PINS Crown Set Wh ole Pearl Delta ,

Garnet Points ......... .. ........... $ 8.75 Crown Set Whole Pearl Delta,

Ruby Points .......................................... 9 .50 Crown Set Whole Pearl Delta ,

Ruby P oints, Ruby Center of Delta ............ .............. ................................ 9.75

Crown Set Diamond Delta 70.00 Crown Set Diamond Delta,

Di amond Center ...... 75.0) Chased Kappa and Rho, Regu la -

ti on Badge .................................. $ 1. 50extra Si ster Pin ..................................... $ 1.00 ext-a

P ledge Buttons, each . ..................... $ .50 Recognition Buttons

Monogram Gold Filled , each... 1.00 Miniature Coat-of-arms, Gold,

each ............................................................... 1.00 Mini ature Coa t-o f- arms, Silver,

each .................. ..... .75

Jeweled badges may be engraved at no extra charge. prov iding a deposit of at least one-third of total amount accompanies the order. Instru ctions for engraving should be clearly nrinted. Check all names and dates carefully .

Proper official release must accompany your order to avoid delay in delivery.

Be sure to mention the name of you r Chapter when orderin g a guard for your pm .



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America's Oldest-and M ost PTogTessive-FTaternity JeweleTS

