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Keeping Young Professionals (and Their Kids) in Cities

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  • 8/2/2019 Keeping Young Professionals (and Their Kids) in Cities


    CityTalent: Keeping Young Professionals(and their kids)in Cities

  • 8/2/2019 Keeping Young Professionals (and Their Kids) in Cities


    Kids in Cities : Concept Paper | 2

    For the rst time in 50 years, central cities across America are attracting

    talented young people. But what happens when they begin to have children?

    Unortunately, as many as hal o them leave or the suburbs once theirchildren reach school age. Why should urban leaders be concerned?

    It contributes to middle class ight

    It erodes the base o the population that supports

    mainstream institutions - banks, libraries,

    museums - places that serve everyone

    It reduces the diversity and vibrancy o the city

    It pulls entrepreneurship rom urban centers

    It undermines city parent advocacy

    Kids in Cities will help urban leaders understand, support and scale the

    behaviors o pioneering urban amilies. Researchers rom the II Institute

    o Design studied parent concerns o saety, space and schools developing

    concepts to counter them through density, public space and using the city as

    a classroom.

    In September 2007 CEOs or Cities will develop and test these strategies by

    launching a Learning Network o our cities.

    Tis research was generously sponsored by Forest City Enterprises.

  • 8/2/2019 Keeping Young Professionals (and Their Kids) in Cities


    Kids in Cities : Concept Paper | 3

    Over the past 50 years in America, a strong belie has

    emerged that the only appropriate place to raise children

    is the suburbs. Children, conventional wisdom goes, requirebackyards, cul de sacs, nearby woods, the opportunity to

    bike to school and the saety generally thought to be oered

    by the suburbs. In addition, the poor perception o urban

    schools has pushed parents into suburbs seeking better

    education options and security or their children.

    But suburbs are increasingly less likely to oer the benets

    they once promised. Te woods are disappearing to

    development, children are driven to school in the amily

    minivan and news reports o children snatched rom the

    streets spread ear. At the same time, cities are becoming

    more vibrant and livable. Yet young parents continue to avorthe suburbs when it comes to raising a amily.

    Most urban leaders believe that cities devoid o children will

    be much less desirable places to live with much less secure

    utures (to say nothing o the tax loss rom p eople in their

    peak earning years choosing to live elsewhere). Tey want to

    nd ways to encourage amilies with children to choose their

    cities as places to live.

    Tis project will address key dimensions o the problem

    cities ace when trying to attract or retaining amilies. Te

    problem will be examined rom both the perspectives o

    amilies and city governments. aking views rom both sides

    will create mutually benecial solutions leading to healthier,

    more vibrant cities and communities.

    Project Defnition

    Our objective is to provide urban leaders with insights into

    the reasons why amilies abandon cities or the suburbs.

    Tese insights will lead to actionable strategies aimed at

    retaining existing citizens as well as attracting new ones.


    Key Questions:

    Where are the greatest leverage points or urban leaders to encourage this trend o amilies with children

    remaining in and coming back to the city?

    What actions can cities take that will have the greatest

    impact on making them a superior choice or amilies

    with children?

    Are there market segments more likely to choose city

    living and thereore be higher priority targets?

    And are there key marketing messages urban leaders

    should employ to appeal to high priority targets?

    Fig 1.1 - Design Planning Process

    Understanding the ecosystem1.

    Research and analysis o the business,

    users, and technological context o the


    Reraming the problem2.

    Restructuring the problem to get to

    the root cause, and not just address

    the symptoms.

    Developing proprietary insights3.

    Using ethnographic research

    techniques to generate unique, usableinsights about stakeholders.

    Generating valuable concepts4.

    Creating concepts with both economic

    and user value.

    Design Plan5.

    Te creation o high impact strategies

    or new products, services, and

    business models.

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    Kids in Cities : Concept Paper | 4

    Understanding theProblem

    Developing aStrategy

    Next Steps

    ConceptsAround Saety,Space, andSchools


    An analysis o the current

    situation, the values o

    attracting children to

    cities, and regions most

    likely to aect change.

    A new perspective on the

    target market produces

    an understanding o the

    problems they ace and

    suggests strategies or city


    Te paper contains the ollowing ve sections designed to

    take the reader rom an understanding o the problem, the

    target market and the problems they ace, through to thedevelopment o strategies and ultimately concepts. Te nal

    sections details how city leaders can use the inormation

    presented in this paper to develop a plan or their own city.

    A set o strategies and

    concepts designed to

    support city amilies in

    their day-to-day lives.

    A plan to help city

    leaders apply these

    strategies to their own

    planning eorts.

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  • 8/2/2019 Keeping Young Professionals (and Their Kids) in Cities


    Kids in Cities : Concept Paper | 6

    As cities become increasingly attractiveto young proessionals, they continue tolose young amilies

    U.S. cities are experiencing an exodus o proessionals with

    children to the surrounding suburbs. As a result, otherwise

    healthy cities are becoming childless zones. Recognizing

    this as a important problem that cities must ace, CEOs

    or Cities, a non-prot organization working to ensure

    the vitality and prosperity o Americas cities, challenged

    the Research and Demonstration team at the II Institute

    o Design to diagnose the situation and arrive at a set o

    recommendations or urban leaders to us to alleviate or

    reverse this negative trend. Te Kids in Cities project is the

    response to that challenge.

    Tis projects aim is to bring children to Americans major

    metropolitan cities. Within are a set o concepts to help city

    leaders retain young, upper-income proessions once they

    have children, and to attract new amilies rom the suburbs.

    Loss o amilies continues

    American cities, rom Seattle to Nashville, have experienced

    a substantial inux o young proessionals relocating rom

    the suburbs over that past two decades. What is driving

    them, in part, is the substantial social and economic

    improvements that cities have made.

    Te other, perhaps more substantial reason, has been the

    shi in liestyle preerence that has taken place among many

    proessionals. A growing number o todays proessionals

    crave urban experiences and want to live in places that have

    things like diversity, authenticity and vibrancyall things

    that the suburbs ail to oer. Tey are settling in places

    where they have access to a rich history with a variety o

    original restaurants.


    Te return o proessionals has been a tremendously positive

    or cities because these people are the sort who p ower growthand innovation. Tey are creative; they work long, hard

    hours; and they are will to take entrepreneurial risks that

    help a citys economy expand. In the ast-paced industries

    such as technology and design, they are also the ones who

    have the most up-to-date skills and training. Cities, thus,

    have a real incentive to attract and retain this group.

    However, it is with retention that cities struggle. As

    proessionals grow older and have children, they oen

    abandon their beloved cities or the perceived or real benets

    o the surrounding suburbs, such as better schools and more

    space. Te exodus o parents rom cities is well illustrated bylooking at San Francisco. Tis city has been a virtual Mecca

    or young proessionals looking or an exciting place to work

    and play or decades. oday, however, the demand to live

    in San Francisco has brought the median house price up to

    around $700,000, and it has the lowest percentage o people

    under 18 years old o any major city in the nation, 14.5%,

    compared with 25.7% nationwide.

    Besides the economic impact o losing highly educated

    amilies in the prime o their careers, an array o compelling

    arguments can be made or retaining these amilies. One is

    that children provide additional diversity and vibrancy to

    cities, which in turn makes them more attractive places or

    all people. Another is that educated parents play a vital role

    in helping the city develop strong, tight-knit communities.

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  • 8/2/2019 Keeping Young Professionals (and Their Kids) in Cities


    2. Developing Strategy

    A new perspective on the target market produces an

    understanding o the problems they ace and suggests

    strategies or city improvement.

    In this section

    2.1 | Framing the Problem

    2.2 | Strategy: Te Swing Vote

    2.3 | Understanding Pioneers

    2.4 | Pain points & Workarounds

    2.5 | Pioneer Values

    2.6 | Pioneer Denitions

    2.7 | Understanding the Swing Vote

    2.8 | Problems o Perceptions

    2.9 | Summary

    3.0 | Solution Hierarchy

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    Parent Segmentation Map

    Kids in Cities : Concept Paper | 9

    Framing the Problem













    How to attract and retain amilies with economic


    For the Kids in Cities study, extensive secondary and

    primary research was conducted on the topic o kids

    in cities. Te research involved identiying statistics,

    trends, and pre-cursors relating to parenting and

    amily lie. wenty one-on-one ethnographic

    interviews with a cross-section o parents rom ve

    states and 10 one-on-one interviews with experts

    related to the topic were conducted.

    Parent SegmentationBased on research conducted, amilies with

    economic options can be segmented into our

    groups. Urban Pioneers are die-hard city lovers.

    Suburban Loyalists are parents whose needs are

    met by the suburbs. entative Urbanites are parents

    in the city who very much enjoy the city, but they

    may have recently had children and are now being

    tempted by suburbs perceived space, schools, and

    saety. Discontent Suburbanites are parents who

    believed the suburbs would provide the American

    Dream but are nding that they are disappointed

    with their quality o lie.

  • 8/2/2019 Keeping Young Professionals (and Their Kids) in Cities


  • 8/2/2019 Keeping Young Professionals (and Their Kids) in Cities


  • 8/2/2019 Keeping Young Professionals (and Their Kids) in Cities


    Kids in Cities : Concept Paper | 12

    Workarounds and Pain points

    Developing ideas or improving the city andmaking it more acceptable or the Swing Vote

    Ad hoc solutions the Pioneer creates to mitigate problems and shortcomings

    o cities are reerred to by designers as workarounds. Trough careul

    observation o these, designers can ormalize solutions so they appeal to the

    masses. Pain points are simply areas o pain that cannot be avoided with

    the current conguration or design. Te table on the right displays a raction

    o the workarounds and pain points uncovered during research. Within are

    some opportunities or improving cities. It can be seen here that most o a

    pioneers pain points and workarounds can be grouped around the headings

    o saety, space and schools.


    Saety is a concern or parents regardless o whether they live in the city or

    the suburbs. City parents have learned to rely on the density o neighbors to

    help them police their children. Many also invest more time teaching their

    children rules or interacting with people and traveling in the city.


    Pain points and workarounds in this category mainly revolved around the

    price per square oot or housing. What bothered Pioneers most is the

    tight space or childrens bedrooms and the impracticality o sharing rooms.

    Pioneers have ound a way around this by spending more time outside and by

    devising clever storage and playroom congurations.


    It was ound to be a serious problem or Pioneers to educate their children

    in the city. For one, the cost o private school requires a signicant portion

    o their income. And i their children are going to attend public school,

    problems arise around the enrollment process and in using inormation such

    as web sites.

    Pain point Workaround Opportunity


    Families in the city have a lack o

    open private space

    Families use multi-purpose general


    Look or solutions that provide

    a middle ground between living

    rooms and parks.

    Most city apartments dont have

    the room or children to play

    inside all day.

    City parents take their children out

    o the house to engage in activities.

    Children are active and parents are

    involved in the city

    City apartments are less able

    to accommodate large group

    meetings and parties.

    Utilize public spaces such as parks,

    schools and bars/restaurants.

    Cities could work to help provide

    parents with access to public space

    or meetings and get togethers.

    Limited spaces in homes cause

    clutter and claustrophobia

    Parents use kitchen or ofce as a

    place or children to play

    House could be built with an

    innovative layout to accommodate

    kids in a small space.

    Parking can be difcult or


    Use public transportation/park

    extra car in o site area/Zip car

    ransportation that is more amily



    Te city has a higher crime rate

    than the suburbs.

    Rely on neighborhood network to

    help watch children

    Cities should help create

    and strengthen ties within


    Parks are not sae enough or

    children to go to alone

    Hire nanny or establish

    relationship with other parents to

    trade o watching children

    Create system to provide

    supervision or children at park.


    Parents must actively search andseek out educational options or


    Parents spend more time searchingthe internet and talking with SMEs.

    Necessary inormation could becollected and a system devised to

    present its most user-centric way.

    It is difcult or parents to nd and

    comprehend inormation about

    school options.

    Parents rely on word-o-mouth.

    Contact riends in positions o

    power. Create ad hoc data bases

    Inormation about schools

    could be made easier to nd and


  • 8/2/2019 Keeping Young Professionals (and Their Kids) in Cities


    Kids in Cities : Concept Paper | 13

    Pioneer Values

    Pioneers choose the city or the diverseand vibrant experiences it oers them

    and their children

    ypically, Pioneers have a very dierent set o values than

    the Swing Vote, and thereore, it is o little importance

    to understand the values o Pioneer or insights into the

    Swing Vote. However, a brie overview o Pioneer values is

    included here to bridge the gap between Pioneers and the

    Swing Vote because both were ound to have similar values,

    with the important dierence being how they prioritized

    those values. For Pioneers, diversity, density and vibrance

    were emphasized. For members o the Swing Vote, space,

    saety, and schools trumped all other values.


    Pioneers place tremendous value on exposing their children

    to diverse situations and cultures. Pioneer parents repeatedly

    mentioned that these experiences were more important than

    a large home because they help make their children more

    well-rounded than they would be i they lived in the suburbs.

    Additionally, city parents value the many cultural venues a

    city provides such as museums, theatres, and libraries, and

    oen leverage these as ways to requently take learning out o

    the classroom and make it more enjoyable.


    Parents also elt that their children beneted rom the

    inherent adjacencies that a citys density provides. Te

    rerain theres so much to do was heard oen, reerring to

    the variety o options or kid-riendly activities and events

    ound within a city, many within walking distance.

    Adjacencies made it easier or Pioneers to connect their

    children with riends and to develop community. Te large

    amount o public parks and buildings make it easier to nd

    mutually convenient locations to meet with other parents

    and also act as social gathering places.


    In addition to exposing their children to varied cultures,

    many parents elt that living in the city provided their

    children with a heightened sense o awareness that added

    to their saety and better acclimated them to the world at an

    earlier age than their suburban counterparts.

    Pioneers on...


    When we nally moved to the suburbs, my childrens teachers

    came up to me and told me how much more well-rounded my

    children were than the other children. I believe its because we

    lived in the city or so many years. - Rachel

    Going on the subway is like a ree class in cultural education.

    I I wanted everybody to be the same, I wouldve stayed in

    Ireland. - Anne


    My son is never sitting around the house, theres just so muchto do. I were not going to one o the museums to see the latest

    exhibit, then its the aquarium or planetarium or something

    else. At the least, well bring him to a riends house and just go

    to the nearest park. It keeps me busy, but its time spent with

    him so I enjoy it. - JC


    Te rst time they see a homeless guy on the train or bus, it

    might rattle them a bit. But they quickly learn that it is part

    o lie and the appropriate way to deal with it. I guess I could

    try to shelter them rom that by moving to the suburbs, but

    sooner or later theyre going to have to be exposed to it. Ithink the sooner they learn about it and the more aware they

    are, the better. - JC

    Everybody in our neighborhood knows [my kids]. Te store

    owners, people on the street. I have no problem sending them

    out on their own because I know there is always somebody

    watching them. - Nancy

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  • 8/2/2019 Keeping Young Professionals (and Their Kids) in Cities


    Kids in Cities : Concept Paper | 15

    Understanding the Swing Vote

    For the Swing Vote, the suburbs still oer the saety,space, and schooling that they desire...

    Te Swing Vote might be the proessional couple that moved to the city

    immediately aer law school and have now decided to have children. Upon

    discussing raising their children in the city, they tell themselves that it is

    inevitable that they must move to the suburbs once their rst child in born.

    Moreover, the Swing Vote may also be the young couple who met at a

    marketing rm uptown, got married, and had children three years ago. Now

    their child has become school age, and they are contemplating a move to the

    suburbs. In some cases, the Swing Vote may also be the suburban couple

    who really loves the city and would like to raise their children there, but are

    not ready to make that leap o aith that a move to the city would require.

    Te Swing Vote represent the target market.

    Comparing Swing Vote with Pioneers

    Te major dierence between the Swing Vote and Pioneers is a strong

    sense o practicality. For this reason, they are also oen reerred to as

    pragmatists. While Pioneers are visionaries who believe the possible

    benets o raising their children in the city are worth the gamble, the Swing

    Vote are more comortable with the sure bet. Teir more conservative

    values lead them to be more concerned with hard benets such as crime

    rates and test scores over so benets such as diversity, density, and

    vibrancy. It should be mentioned, however, that the Swing Vote is not an

    entirely conservative bunch. Remember, most o them lived in the city beorethe child issue arose in the lives.

    ...value measurable improvement

    My husband and I moved to Evanston or the schools.

    We considered the city, but ultimately settled on Evanston

    because it has excellent schools.

    Ahn, Chicago suburb, 1 child

    ...value long-term investments

    We moved rom the city...we wanted more space...the kids

    toys clutters the kitchen. We knew we could get a house with

    more space in the suburbs.

    Rachel, Philadelphia suburb, 3 children

    ...tend to communicate with others like themselves

    When my child approached school age, I moved to the

    suburbs...My riends and amily played a large part in h elping

    me make my decision.

    Margaret, Chicago suburb, 2 children

    Te Swing Vote...

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    Kids in Cities : Concept Paper | 16

    Problems o Perception

    ...while the city is still defcient in thesesame areas.

    While the assertion that the suburbs oer better schools,

    more space and a saer environment than cities is taken as

    act by most suburbanites, research shows that this is not

    always the case.

    Sprawl and declining average population per household

    have reduced the eeling o community the suburbs

    once provided, as well as contributed to the rise o cul-

    de-sac kids and an increase in the amount o time

    suburbanites spend in their cars. Te best city schools are

    oen perorming as good or better than their suburban

    counterparts, and urban housing continues to appreciate at a

    greater rate than the constantly expanding suburban stock.

    Additionally, the Pioneers continue to raise their children in

    the city with success and resolve. So why does the deault

    choice or the Swing Vote continues to be the suburbs?

    Content vs. Communication

    Problems oen all into one o two categories: content

    problems in which the solution does not exist and needs to

    be created, or communication problems where the solution

    does exist but is not being communicated properly.

    In the case o the child-riendly city, there is a large gap

    between a citys tness or raising children and the degree to

    which the Swing Vote accept them as a viable solution. Tis

    points to a problem o communication primarily the poor

    perception o cities most American parents continue to hold.

    Te problem is not completely one o communication as

    weve already shown there continues to be much room or

    improvement in the city but there are considerable gains

    to be made as well by changing the majoritys perception o

    the city.

    Technical vs. Hearts and Minds

    Many city leaders have recognized their citys shaky

    reputation and have taken steps to change the minds o their

    potential citizens. However, their approach o concentrating

    on improving and publicizing test scores and lowering crime

    statistics do not resonate strongly with a public that has been

    deeply aected by the American Dream o suburban living.

    Teir technical approach, with its concentration on numbers

    and optimization, serves only to impress other mayors and

    civic leaders, and does little to change the perceptions o

    those outside the city. In order to change the hearts andminds o those tied to the suburbs, cities must understand

    their opinions and preerences and work to help them

    understand the benets o the city at an emotional level.

    A Communication Challenge

    Changing perceptions is never easy, and it is made even

    more difcult when the perceptions are long-standing and

    entrenched in the national consciousness. Additionally, the

    Swing vote do not generally respond well to advertising and

    marketing attempts.

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  • 8/2/2019 Keeping Young Professionals (and Their Kids) in Cities


    Kids in Cities : Concept Paper | 19

    Parents, more than any other group, are social beings who

    want to settle down in a place that is comortable and

    secure. Tey want to know rst and oremost that they

    are going to be physically sae. But beyond this, they also

    desire an environment that appears to be sae. For this, they

    need to receive signals that the town or neighborhood in

    which they are living in is ree rom danger that may harm

    their children. Sometimes these signals must be explicitly

    communicated. Sometime they must take more subtle,

    implicit orms.

    Indeed, saety is a well-trodden area o city concern. Te

    media help create the perception that the suburbs are much

    saer than the city. Tey oen point out the dangers o the

    city and warn they must do more to control violent crime.Regardless o whether these reports are accurate, the results

    o our research revealed that most parents and their extended

    amily still perceive that cities as dangerous places to raise

    children. Although they criticize the suburbs on many other

    points, most parents still believe that the suburbs are much


    Tis section provides an array o ideas to assist city leaders

    in improving both the actual and perceived saety o the

    city. Some ideas help older children to navigate the city

    saely without their parents. Other ideas consist o services

    or technology that the city can provide to track and monitorchildren as they move about the city. Still others provide a

    visible reminder to parents that the city is addressing their

    concerns and providing or the saety o their children.

    Quotes rom research:

    we were rightened at rst o public transport, didnt want

    that or her kids. - Jocelyn

    she didnt grow up in city, so she worries about crime,

    random shootings, doesnt happen in our neighborhood, but

    you never know. Big city is more about crime.


    Communicating the saety o places in the city relative to one

    another presents a realistic opportunity or cities to change

    perceptions and communicate progress.

    Issues addressed in this section:Lack o knowledge o what parts o the city are sae

    Sae navigation o the city

    Creation o sae communities



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  • 8/2/2019 Keeping Young Professionals (and Their Kids) in Cities


    Kids in Cities : Concept Paper | 21


    Figure 1: Pre-Paid Pass

    Public transportation services can be leveraged to establish anetwork o sae options or children to travel rom place to place or

    get home in an emergency. A simple card system could allow kids to

    carry a prepaid, universal access pass that would allow them to ride

    buses, trains, and taxis.

    Figure 2: Emergency Call Boxes

    Figure 2.1: Kid 911

    As cities increasingly opt or public cameras as a way to deter crime,

    they could also add call boxes designed or children.

    Figure 3: Designated Sae Car on rain or Buses

    Child only areas could be designated on trains and buses near the

    driver and monitored by cameras. Tis system would give parents

    peace o mind, and g ive kids a eeling o saety.

    User Benefts

    Proactive measures or parents to take active role

    Easy way or kids to get h elp or get home






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    Kids in Cities : Concept Paper | 24


    Figure 1: Car Free Zones

    Converting city streets to pedestrian only zones during o-peak

    trafc times oers the opportunity to transorm areas normally

    devoted to vehicle trafc into amily centric spaces. Perhaps during

    evenings and weekends, restaurants and caes could expand thei r

    sidewalk seating areas to include stroller space, or even play areas.

    Figure 2: Public Spaces as Common Space

    Figure 2.1: Happy Hour or Families

    Figure 2.2: Family Rest Stops

    o help amilies as they travel about the city, cities may want to

    consider boosting the quantity and quality o their public spaces. By

    expanding traditional public building services such as bathrooms

    and stroller lockers into places that allow amilies to relax, cities havean opportunity to transorm themselves into places where amilies

    can take part in recreational activities and not be bothered by the

    irritating inconveniences that are so abundant when the needs o

    children are not addressed.

    User Benefts

    Opens up under utilized resources o the city

    Personies the city as a place that supports the amily initiative

    Creates an incentive or amilies to come rom the suburbs

    Supports tighter network o amilies within neighborhoods

    Puts in context the things that attract people: dense vertical

    housing, ashionable restaurants and shops, and mass transit that

    makes having a car unnecessary












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    Kids in Cities : Concept Paper | 25







    SpaceKids Source is a publication o inormation, local shop discounts, games,and puzzles that are specically or children. It could provide amilies

    with inormation relating to activities and events being held in the city.

    Tey could also provide discounts at local shops, caes, and museums inthe city, or they could contain inormation relating to learning about the

    history o a city or clues relating to K-Games, a concept described later in

    this section.

    Lastly, kids in the city and the interesting activities they are involved with

    could be highlighted within a section o Kid Source.

    An analogy in existence today...

    imeout Magazine now has imeout New York Kids, a publication and

    website specically ocused on amily-riendly activities.

    Concept Description

    Figure 18 -TimeOut Kids

    Free amily

    pass to Chicago

    More Coupons Inside!

    At the Museum oScience and Industry

    Kids Events

    Dont miss Chicago Kids CompanysSnow White and the Seven Dwars

    KidSource Chicago

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    Kids in Cities : Concept Paper | 26














    Grafti is a campaign with an appealing visual language ocused on

    branding the city as kid-riendly. Children are oen told what they

    are not allowed to do, whether its by their parents or a stranger. Tis

    campaign is designed to break this convention by specically tellingchildren that they should play in areas specically provided or them. It

    also can provide visual cues o sae areas or spaces where children will eel

    a higher sense o security such as the walk to and rom school.

    Examples include signs that show kid-riendly p aths rom home to school.

    Tey might also indicate places or children to play such as:

    Play Here!

    Chew gum here!

    Skate here!

    Other orms o media will help amilies see the

    city as kid-riendly. Tis could include: signs,

    posters, and billboards in airports, subways, bus

    stops, and neighborhood parks highlighting kid-

    riendly events and activities.

    Concept Description

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    Kids in Cities : Concept Paper | 28


    Figure 1: Saety, Space & Education Icons

    A system o icons that provides clear navigational cues, even rom a

    childs perspective, would he lp parents and children as they explore

    the city and its abundant activities.

    Figure 2: Map & rip Planner

    Icons might be coupled with an interactive activity planning

    unction that could be presented on the Internet or at a kiosk.

    An essential eature o this system would be a child-centric map

    designed to help kids plan trips and navigate unamiliar parts o the


    User Benefts

    Simplies the trip planning process

    Makes city benets visible

    Creates a common, easy to read navigation language










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    As members o a meritocracy, proessional parents place

    an extremely high value on all maniestations o education.

    Tey continuously seek educational experiences or their

    children, whether its in the classroom, at the aquarium,or along the street. Teir philosophy, whether expressed

    consciously or unconsciously, is that even leisure time and

    playtime should have an educational component. And

    naturally, or them, schools are viewed as the primary orm

    o education, and as such it is one o their primary concerns.

    Tis section builds o these insights. It explores a variety

    o creative ways in which cities can inuse education into

    activities that children are involved in whether it is by un

    activities like going to the park or more mundane activities

    like strolling by a construction site. Strategies are providedor enhancing the learning o children by exposing them to

    diversity and establishing a connection between them and

    the history, culture, and society particular to where they live.

    School Inormation

    Te act that schools are a central part o a childs lie cannot

    be ignored. Children wake up early in the morning and

    spend their entire day in schools, where they are exposed to

    a variety o impressions and inuences. Tese are the places

    where a childs mind and sense o sel are developed through

    learning and interaction with others. Although the concepts

    in this section do not directly address many o the mostpressing problems related to inner city schools, they do speak

    to some o the problems parents experience with the school

    enrollment process.

    o make this process easier, this section encourages cities

    to provide better tools and processes by demonstrating a set

    o ways this can be done. It is envisioned here that a set o

    improved tools would allow parents to access inormation

    about all their school options, both public and private, in

    one place. For instance, they might access a web site and

    enter their particular inormation and their preerences and

    receive their options. An even better process might involve

    augmented services such as a guidance councilor to provideparents with advice and options or educating their children

    in the city.

    City-wide Ino

    In some explorations, the actual real estate o the city is used

    as a channel or delivering an assortment o educational

    messages. In others, the empty space around kid-riendly

    attractions such as playgrounds and buses, are transormed

    into a medium or improving learning, and thereby capturing

    an otherwise lost opportunity. Still others oer suggestions

    to upli unpleasant areas like construction sites by turningthem into educational opportunities. Te goal in each case

    is to create an educational environment or children by

    leveraging the citys assets.

    Also visited in this section are ways in which cities can

    acilitate education through exposure. Many parents

    interviewed expressed their love o the city as a way to

    expose their children to things and people that have

    educational value. Tey believe that by experiencing the

    diversity o the city, their children will be better prepared or

    lies challenges and will be in a better position to succeed in

    an increasingly competitive world.

    Quotes rom research:subway is a cultural lesson in itsel.

    I wanted them (my kids) to grow up (in the city), and this

    is the way I think o cities. Teyre a combination o a lot o

    people rom diverse backgrounds, socio economic groups,

    in addition to diversity o races, and nationalities and



    Cities can augment eorts to improve school systems

    by leveraging city assets toward making t he city itsel an

    educational experience.

    Issues addressed in this section:

    Difculty in nding inormation about and choosing


    Perception that cities are bad or kids education






    City Assets


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    Kids in Cities : Concept Paper | 31

    City ScoutsConnecting Students with Community Outreach

    Log out

    Volunteers Sports and Exercise Clubs

    Student Conservation AssociationConservation Leadership Corps

    As a member o a Conservation Leadership Corps

    you will:


    school year in the city where you live.


    environments, and conserve habitats.

    ... more

    Junior Earth eam

    An environmental apprenticeship program in

    neighborhood parks or teens. eens provide

    environmentally-based activities to children at vecity parks in ethically diverse neighborhoods

    ... more

    Gardening Opportunity

    Help improve the outdoor environment o our

    residential areas by planting and maintaining

    gardens. Gardening Opportunity has many

    opportunities or creative minds. Buttery gardens

    are a particular avorite among our residents.

    ... more

    City Scout o the Month

    Audrey Smith is not a tenth grader who lets

    things slip by. She attends Freeman High

    School in downtown Chicago and noticed

    that cars were speeding by her school.

    Many o the children walk home and these

    cars can pose a potential saety danger. She

    started volunteering in the student board

    then gathered a group o parents, students,

    and aculty who supported her view to the

    school board. Tey then approved her plan

    to post school crossing signs and assign

    saety crossing patrols.

    Search environment Schedule DistanceSort by Cost

    City Scouts is a public-private initiative that brings together city

    government, local businesses, universities, non-prot organizations,

    and amilies. Its a network o organizations that provide children with

    opportunities to help out in their community, participate in local orneighborhood level government, and work with and learn rom local

    business proessionals. It is broader in scope that the Signature Strength

    Network in that it is not ocused exclusively on the signature strengths o

    the city.

    Cities are learning that it is vitally important to involve young people

    in the development and betterment o their communities. Allowing

    young people to co-create the world in which they live in results in a

    compelling reason or young people to stay, because they eel vested

    in their communities. Students participating in City Scouts could be

    awarded scholarships or grants to local schools and universities or their



    City Scouts is also a web platorm that links amilies with organizations

    that are part o the City Scouts Network. Families can search or learning

    opportunities based on a particular interest or by the type o experience

    whether it is a mentor, an internship, non-prot work, or neighborhood

    government involvement.

    An analogy in existence today...

    VolunteerMatch is a network o non-prots that people can search and

    volunteer or based on their interest.

    Concept Description

    Figure 14 - VolunteerMatch logo







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    City Assets

    SchoolsSignature Strengths are key characteristics o cities that dierentiate onecity rom any other. Te Signature Strength Volunteer Program is a

    volunteer network o experts that help city children learn more about

    these unique strengths.

    By bringing experts and children together, children can learn in a much

    more engaging manner. Also this may open a childs world beyond what

    they typically learn in school and give them a sense o many possibilities

    within their own city.


    Te city o Chicago is renowned or its architecture. For children

    interested in architecture or simply interested in learning more about it

    beyond what schools oer, the Signature Strength Volunteer Program is an

    opportunity to gain rst hand experience with experts in the eld.

    Te Signature Strength Volunteer Program proposes that Chicago

    architects periodically visit schools or hold classes at their rms to teach

    dierent topics related to the architecture such as 3-D modeling and

    sketching. ours o the city could be given by architects to give children

    rst-hand knowledge rom experts in the eld.

    Concept Description

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    City Assets


    Small garden plot



    Shredder Grass clippings

    Lunchletovers Soil


    Bird hedge

    Solitarywasp nestsites



    Native prairie wildfowermeadow

    Te Signature Strength Network is an initiative that ully enables

    students to develop their skills and provide deep learning experiences

    in areas that cities dene as their signature strengths. Te network is

    composed o local businesses, non-prot organizations, and educationalinstitutions unied around the signature strengths o a city. It is a more

    holistic approach to providing deep learning experiences or children. Te

    Signature Strength Volunteer Program, mentioned previously, could be

    one component o this more systemic network.


    Because Chicago has a signature strength in architecture, children in

    Chicago could work side by side with architects and developers to create

    rooop or community gardens. Children can learn about sustainability

    rom local architects by working on the projects themselves.

    Concept Description

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    Kids in Cities : Concept Paper | 34

    1Student needs are entered into Guru.

    2A pool o students are narrowed down by student needs.

    3Parents and students can contact potential tutors to nd the best match.


    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

    X X X X X X

    X X X

    X X

    X X X X X X

    Subject Geometry

    Location 1723 N Halsted, Chicago, IL 60614

    Student Learning Style ake QuizAn abstract learner, she learns by intuition andimagination while organizing inormation by chunks in arandom method versus sequential.


    Timothy Schug5th Year UndergraduateI have to say that ate brought meto IIT. As a child, I always wanted tohave a career... more

    Alexis Kramer, Ph.D. CandidateAlexis Kramer is one o the 14 Ph.D.candidates rom the Institute oPsychology to appear in the 2006Whos Who ... more

    Shravani Pasupneti4th Year UndergraduateShravani Pasupneti, a ourth-yearbiomedical engineering studentrom suburban... more

    Syed Asi Kazimi

    4th Year UndergraduateWhen Syed Asi Kazimi came to theU.S. rom Pakistan in 2001, hethought his visit was... more

    Christina Barrett3rd Year UndergraduateChristina Barrett, a computerscience major rom suburbanWestmont could not have... more

    Guru is a tutoring network in which local university students, particularly

    candidates or Masters in Education as part o their coursework, are

    connected to the Guru Network, a platorm that matches young students

    in need o help with tutors or Gurus. Tese university student Guruscan serve as tutors or help teach classes in schools and other learning


    Tis is especially helpul or parents who try to nd ways to supplement

    their childrens education. Its a win-win solution that benets children

    and parents as well as helps university students nd compelling ways

    to help in the community while applying what they learn in school.

    Furthermore, this kind o program provides university students with a

    deeper connection to the local community, thereby resulting in young

    talent seeking to stay in the city.


    Students rom local universities sign up to be tutors on the Guru Network

    which might have a web platorm or city amilies. Parents can search

    or tutors via geographic location, neighborhood, and subject specialty.

    utors can provide email contact inormation, biographies, video proles

    and schedules o availability, so parents can contact and decide who might

    best t their childrens needs and schedules.

    An analogy in existence today...

    Collegia is an organization that connects colleges and communities. Its

    ounders have a decade o experience working with regional stakeholders

    (government, civic, corporate, and academic), helping them leveragetheir higher-education clusters to improve the economic well-being and

    vibrancy o their respective regions.

    Concept Description

    Figure 13 - Collegia logo







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    City Assets


    Log out





    Schedule DistanceSort byFamily ConnectorFamily Centered Information for the City of Chicago



    Search Creative Writing

    Option 1Student Playwriting Group Option 2American Literature Tutor Option 3Online Student Writing Forum

    Map & Directions




    The program teams students with proessional

    actors in an eight-week playwriting ater school

    class, culminating in a live perormance o the

    students script by the actors. The eight week

    program is a careully structured process where

    students meet both individually and in groups.

    The 2 hour daily exercises utilized the tools,

    expertise and guidance o the Drama Group

    coaches, while sparking the creativity andemotional depth o each student. The scripts

    are exclusively written by the students, with

    the coaches encouraging the creative process

    through refection and revision.


    Family Connector recommends The Drama Club

    or your child who is very social and outgoing.

    The location is also near her school and home and

    meets at a time that she is ree.

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

    X X X X X X

    X X X

    X X

    X X X X X X

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    Kids in Cities : Concept Paper | 36


    Figure 1: History Markers

    Figure 1.1: Natural World Markers

    Figure 1.2: Cultural Playground

    Figure 1.3: Historical Lens

    Tere is an opportunity or cities to use under-utilized space

    to create learning experiences or children and their parents in

    everyday places. Cities could bring history to lie by illustrating

    relevant events and signicant people in the past. Tey could also

    display what the city looked like in the distant past. Cities might also

    use visual real estate to e ducate children about the natural world.

    User Beneft

    Provides learning experiences in unexpected places

    Augments classroom learning










    City Assets


  • 8/2/2019 Keeping Young Professionals (and Their Kids) in Cities


    6. Next Steps

    A plan to help city leaders apply these strategies to theirown planning eorts.

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    Kids in Cities : Concept Paper | 38

    Next Steps

    Te aim o this paper is to provide a general description o

    the problems city parents ace and a suite o strategies or

    reducing their discomort.

    Obviously, not all o the problems apply to every city. Each

    city must tailor the program as they see t. How a particular

    city approaches this problem depends on the specic needs

    o its citizens and the tools and resources the city has to

    address them. It is up to each city to identiy which o these

    problems most directly apply to them and which ones they

    are most equipped to solve.

    O course, in an ideal situation a city would have the

    resources to implement all o the suggested strategies,

    but this is seldom the case. Fortunately, it is also seldom

    necessary. Cities and the amilies living within them could

    1. Diagnose situation

    Beore a city can begin any

    improvement initiative, it

    needs to have a thorough

    understanding o its capabilities

    and needs.

    realize great benets rom the successul implementation o

    just one or a ew strategies.

    What is most important is that the problems a city addressesand solutions they implement are not randomly chosen. In

    order to have a signicant and l asting eect, cities should

    choose the specic problem areas where they can have the

    greatest eect and provide their citizens the greatest benets.



    Development &Launch


    2. Defne initiatives

    Te projects strategic initiatives

    must be clearly communicated

    in order to be successul.

    5. Development & Launch

    Chosen solutions are optimized

    and released according to their

    development schedule.

    3. Concept Generation

    Perormed by internal planners

    or a design consultancy,

    concepts are generated around

    the intended outcome.


    4. Concept Evaluation

    Concepts are then evaluated or

    their need, solvency and t with

    larger intent.

    Te Process

    Tis paper provides cities with

    several recommended initiatives

    and underlying concepts to help

    with step 2 & 3.
