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Kek Lapis Keju

Date post: 14-Apr-2018
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  • 7/30/2019 Kek Lapis Keju


    Kek Lapis Keju (Cheese Layered Cake)

    I was in a high spirit again... so here come another Sarawak layered cake! The goodthing about this recipe it uses only 5 eggs unlike the typical Sarawak layered cakes which

    ranges from 10-30 eggs and yet it produces a reasonable size of cake. The texture is soft

    and it plainly delicious although ones may not be able to tell the cheese flavour. I guessthe added cream cheese soften the texture apart from making it tasty. My hubby and

    children love this cake. Actually I am expecting a visitor this coming week-end, so

    hopefully the cake survives until then....hehe.

    The recipe in English will be provided upon request.

    UPDATE @ 27th Dec2012

    Herewith the English translation as requested by few.

  • 7/30/2019 Kek Lapis Keju




    English translation by Roz@HomeKreationSize: 7" square


    200g Butter125g Cream Cheese5 Egg Yolks3 Egg Whites140g Castor Sugar1 tbsp Ovallette125g Flour*1 tsp Baking Powder* (* sifted together)50g Iced Water


    1. Beat butter until fluffy.Add in cream cheese & beat until well mixed.2. In a separate bowl, whip eggs, sugar & ovallette until fluffy.Add in flour* & iced water alternately until well mixed.Add in butter mixture & mix well.3. Spread 4 tbsp batter into a lined & greased tin.Grill until surface is golden brown.Press it evenly before spreading the batter for next layers.Repeat process until all batter used up.

    BAHASA MALAYSIA VERSIONEh.... terrrajin lah pula melapis akhir2 ni....hehe. Kek ni sedap tau..... lembut jer.... my

    hubby & anak2 semua kata sedap. Along suka resepi ni sbb menggunakan hanya 5 biji

    telur. Kebiasaan nya kek lapis menggunakan 10-30bj telur bergantung pada resipi.

  • 7/30/2019 Kek Lapis Keju


    Sebenar nya Along buat ni sebab ada tetamu FB dari KL yg akan berkunjung ke rumah

    hujung minggu ni.


    Source:Roz@RNet(kebetulan nama sama, tq ya Roz)

    Saiz: 7" persegiBAHAN2:200g Butter125g Cream Cheese5 biji Kuning Telur3 biji Putih Telur140g Gula Castor1 sb Ovallette125g Tepung Gandum*1 st Baking Powder* (* ayak sekali)50g Air Ais

    CARA2:1. Pukul butter sehingga kembang.Masukkan cream cheese & pukul sehingga sebati.2. Dlm mangkuk berasingan, pukul telur, gula & ovallette sehingga kembang.Masukkan tepung* & air ais berselang-seli sehingga sebati.Masukkan adunan butter & cream cheese sehingga sebati.3. Ratakan 4 sudu makan ke dlm tin yg di lapik kertas & di gris.Bakar dengan api Grill sehingga permukaan nya perang.Tekan supaya rata & lapiskan dengan adunan seterus nya.Bakar selapis2 sehingga habis.

  • 7/30/2019 Kek Lapis Keju


    Kek Lapis Horlicks, Coklat & Pandan (Sarawak Multi-Flavored Layered


    Another layered cake project this week to bring back to my kampung soon. This time I

    have three different flavors - horlicks, chocolate and pandan! I was kind of busy and

    rushing this time and hence the layers are wavy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hehe.


    Adapted from: Kek Lapis Mocha Pandan byDayangJack

  • 7/30/2019 Kek Lapis Keju


    Translated into English by HomeKreation

    Size: 8.5" sqINGREDIENTS:10 Eggs - grade A150g Caster Sugar

    1 tbsp Ovalette500g Butter300g Condensed Milk150g Serikaya / Egg Jam100g Horlicks300g Hongkong Flour1 tsp Vanilla Essence1 tbsp Pandan Paste130g Chocolate - melt


    1. Beat eggs, sugar & ovalette until fluffy & light. Set aside.2. In a separate bowl, beat butter & condensed milk until white & creamy.Add in serikaya & mix well.Add in horlicks, flour, VE & beat well each addition.Add in egg mixture gradually and mix in well.3. Divide into 3 portions.Add chocolate and pandan paste into each of the two portions, leaving oneplain.4. Spread 6 tbsp of the plain portion into a lined/greased tin.Grill until golden & press evenly.Repeat for 3 layers or half of the plain portion.

    Layer with green & chocolate portion alternately until all used up.Lastly, layer with the remaining plain portion until used up.5. Cool cake before slicing.

  • 7/30/2019 Kek Lapis Keju


    BAHASA MALAYSIA VERSIONSatu lagi projek ke lapis minggu ni utk bawa balik Semenanjung utk sedara-mara. Tak

    berapa puas hati... kenapa lah kek saya ni bergelombang pula kali ni. Ini lah jadi nya bila

    buat kerja kurang konsentrasi... macam2 nak buat dalam satu hari. Mungkin juga sebab

    Along tukar oven. Apa pun kek ni lembut dan sedap, tq DayangJack yg kongsikan resepi


    By:AlongRoz@HomeKreationResepi ubah-suai dari Kek Lapis Mocha Pandan byDayangJack

    BAHAN2:10 biji Telur gred A150g Gula Kastor1 sb Ovalette500g Mentega300g Susu Pekat150g Serikaya

    100g Horlicks300g Tepung Hongkong1 st Esen Vanilla1 sb Pandan Paste130g Coklat Masakan - cairkan

    CARA2:1. Pukul telur, gula & ovalette sehingga kembang. Ketepikan.2. Dlm mangkuk yg berasingan, pukul mentega & susu pekat sehingga putih.Masukkan serikaya & pukul lagi sehingga sebati.Masukkan horlicks, tepung, EV & pukul sebati setiap campuran.

    Pour in egg mixture gradually while beating slowly until well mixed.3. Bahagi adunan kepada 3 bahagian.Campurkan setiap bahagian dgn pandan paste, coklat & kosong.4. Ratakan 6 sudu bahagian kosong ke dlm tin yg di lapik kertas & diminyakkan.Grill sehingga keperangan & tekan rata.Buat sehingga 3 lapis bahagian kosong atau pun separuh drpd adunan kosong.Lapiskan pula dgn lapisan hijau & coklat berselang-seli sehingga habis.Akhir sekali lapiskan pula dhn warna kosong sehingga habis.5. Sejukkan kek di atas redai sebelum di hiris.

  • 7/30/2019 Kek Lapis Keju


