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Keloid Pathogenesis and Treatment.45

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SPECIAL TOPIC Keloid Pathogenesis and Treatment Ali Al-Attar, M.D., Ph.D. Sarah Mess, M.D. John Michael Thomassen, M.D. C. Lisa Kauffman, M.D. Steven P. Davison, M.D., D.D.S. Washington, D.C. Background: Keloid management can be difficult and frustrating, and the mechanisms underlying keloid formation are only partially understood. Methods: Using original and current literature in this field, this comprehensive review presents the major concepts of keloid pathogenesis and the treatment options stemming from them. Results: Mechanisms for keloid formation include alterations in growth factors, collagen turnover, tension alignment, and genetic and immunologic contribu- tions. Treatment strategies for keloids include established (e.g., surgery, steroid, radiation) and experimental (e.g., interferon, 5-fluorouracil, retinoid) regi- mens. Conclusion: The scientific basis and empiric evidence supporting the use of various agents is presented. Combination therapy, using surgical excision fol- lowed by intradermal steroid or other adjuvant therapy, currently appears to be the most efficacious and safe current regimen for keloid management. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 117: 286, 2006.) K eloidal scarring is one of the most frustrat- ing clinical problems in wound healing. Keloids form following dermal injury and exhibit exuberant, indefinite growth of collagen (Fig. 1). 1,2 They tend to occur in darker skinned individuals with a familial tendency and not in the extremes of age. Keloid formation has been ascribed to altered growth factor regulation, ab- errant collagen turnover, genetics, immune dys- function, sebum reaction, and altered mechan- ics. No single unifying hypothesis adequately explains keloid formation. The numerous treat- ments for keloids—surgical excision, steroid in- jection, radiation therapy, laser, silicone, and pressure therapy, among others— underscore how little is understood about this disease pro- cess (Figs. 2 through 5). This article reviews the history of keloidal scar- ring, differentiates keloids from hypertrophic scars, explains the theories of pathogenesis, ex- amines the various treatments, and suggests fu- ture directions for research. HISTORY The first written description of keloids was attributed to the pyramid age in ancient Egypt. 3 In 1806, Alibert coined the term “cheloid” from the Greek word “crab claw.” 4 Cosman et al. docu- mented the presentation, characteristics, and treatment of keloids in the first systematic review of keloids in 1961. 5 Mancini and Quaife, and later Peacock et al., delineated the clinical difference between keloids and hypertrophic scars. 6,7 KELOID VERSUS HYPERTROPHIC SCAR Keloids and hypertrophic scars are separate clinical and histochemical entities. Clinically, hy- pertrophic scars remain within the confines of the original scar border, whereas keloids invade adja- cent normal dermis. 7 Hypertrophic scars generally arise within 4 weeks, grow intensely for several months, and then regress. In contrast, keloids may appear later following the initial scar and then gradually proliferate indefinitely. 5,8,9 Although both keloids and hypertrophic scars show in- creased fibroblast density, only keloids have in- creased fibroblast proliferation rates. 10 Collagen fibers in keloids are larger, thicker, and more wavy than those found in hypertrophic or normal scars 11 and assume a random orientation, whereas those in hypertrophic scars orient parallel to the epidermal surface. 12 Enzyme concentrations, such as alanine transaminase and metabolic activities marked by adenosine triphosphate, are elevated in keloids compared with normal scar tissue and hypertrophic scars. 13,14 Fibroblasts isolated from keloid and hypertrophic scar tissue exhibit in- creased gene transcription of 1(I) procollagen. However, the increased mRNA concentration is compensated at the posttranscriptional level in hypertrophic scars, but not in keloids. The post- From the Department of Plastic Surgery and the Division of Dermatology, Georgetown University Medical Center. Received for publication July 8, 2004; revised March 24, 2005. Copyright ©2005 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons DOI: 10.1097/01.prs.0000195073.73580.46 www.plasreconsurg.org 286

    Keloid Pathogenesis and TreatmentAli Al-Attar, M.D., Ph.D.

    Sarah Mess, M.D.John Michael Thomassen,

    M.D.C. Lisa Kauffman, M.D.Steven P. Davison, M.D.,


    Washington, D.C.

    Background: Keloid management can be difficult and frustrating, and themechanisms underlying keloid formation are only partially understood.Methods: Using original and current literature in this field, this comprehensivereview presents the major concepts of keloid pathogenesis and the treatmentoptions stemming from them.Results: Mechanisms for keloid formation include alterations in growth factors,collagen turnover, tension alignment, and genetic and immunologic contribu-tions. Treatment strategies for keloids include established (e.g., surgery, steroid,radiation) and experimental (e.g., interferon, 5-fluorouracil, retinoid) regi-mens.Conclusion: The scientific basis and empiric evidence supporting the use ofvarious agents is presented. Combination therapy, using surgical excision fol-lowed by intradermal steroid or other adjuvant therapy, currently appears to bethe most efficacious and safe current regimen for keloid management. (Plast.Reconstr. Surg. 117: 286, 2006.)

    Keloidal scarring is one of the most frustrat-ing clinical problems in wound healing.Keloids form following dermal injury andexhibit exuberant, indefinite growth of collagen(Fig. 1).1,2 They tend to occur in darker skinnedindividuals with a familial tendency and not inthe extremes of age. Keloid formation has beenascribed to altered growth factor regulation, ab-errant collagen turnover, genetics, immune dys-function, sebum reaction, and altered mechan-ics. No single unifying hypothesis adequatelyexplains keloid formation. The numerous treat-ments for keloidssurgical excision, steroid in-jection, radiation therapy, laser, silicone, andpressure therapy, among othersunderscorehow little is understood about this disease pro-cess (Figs. 2 through 5).This article reviews the history of keloidal scar-

    ring, differentiates keloids from hypertrophicscars, explains the theories of pathogenesis, ex-amines the various treatments, and suggests fu-ture directions for research.

    HISTORYThe first written description of keloids was

    attributed to the pyramid age in ancient Egypt.3 In1806, Alibert coined the term cheloid from the

    Greek word crab claw.4 Cosman et al. docu-mented the presentation, characteristics, andtreatment of keloids in the first systematic reviewof keloids in 1961.5 Mancini and Quaife, and laterPeacock et al., delineated the clinical differencebetween keloids and hypertrophic scars.6,7

    KELOID VERSUS HYPERTROPHIC SCARKeloids and hypertrophic scars are separate

    clinical and histochemical entities. Clinically, hy-pertrophic scars remain within the confines of theoriginal scar border, whereas keloids invade adja-cent normal dermis.7 Hypertrophic scars generallyarise within 4 weeks, grow intensely for severalmonths, and then regress. In contrast, keloids mayappear later following the initial scar and thengradually proliferate indefinitely.5,8,9 Althoughboth keloids and hypertrophic scars show in-creased fibroblast density, only keloids have in-creased fibroblast proliferation rates.10 Collagenfibers in keloids are larger, thicker, andmore wavythan those found in hypertrophic or normalscars11 and assume a random orientation, whereasthose in hypertrophic scars orient parallel to theepidermal surface.12 Enzyme concentrations, suchas alanine transaminase and metabolic activitiesmarked by adenosine triphosphate, are elevatedin keloids compared with normal scar tissue andhypertrophic scars.13,14 Fibroblasts isolated fromkeloid and hypertrophic scar tissue exhibit in-creased gene transcription of 1(I) procollagen.However, the increased mRNA concentration iscompensated at the posttranscriptional level inhypertrophic scars, but not in keloids. The post-

    From the Department of Plastic Surgery and the Division ofDermatology, Georgetown University Medical Center.Received for publication July 8, 2004; revised March 24,2005.Copyright 2005 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons

    DOI: 10.1097/01.prs.0000195073.73580.46


  • transcriptional difference results in an increasedratio of type I to type III collagen found in keloids,but not in hypertrophic scars.15

    PATHOGENESISThe following hypotheses have been proposed

    for keloid formation and growth.

    Altered Growth Factor MilieuThe exuberant scar tissue found in keloids

    has been attributed to augmented growth factoractivity (transforming growth factor- and plate-let-derived growth factor) and alterations in ex-tracellular matrix (fibronectin, hyaluronic acid,and biglycan).

    Growth Factor DifferencesTransforming growth factor (TGF)- and

    platelet-derived growth factor are growth factorsnormally produced during the proliferative phaseof wound healing16 and whose activities are bothsignificantly abnormal in keloids. Keloid fibro-blasts have heightened sensitivity to and dysfunc-tional regulation of TGF-.1719 Areas of enhancedproliferation and collagen deposition within ke-loid tissue have distinctly elevated levels ofTGF-.20 Similarly, keloid fibroblasts have four- tofive-fold increased levels of platelet-derivedgrowth factor receptor, and the growth-stimula-tory effects are synergistic with TGF-.21

    Extracellular Matrix DifferencesThe components of the extracellular matrix

    regulate growth factor activity. The extracellular

    Fig. 1. Clinical samples of normal and keloid scar tissue stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Microscopic anatomy revealsmarkedly increased, disordered collagen bundles in the keloid specimen, which contribute to its clinical phenotype. (Above,left) Normal scar (hematoxylin and eosin; original magnification, 40). (Above, right) Normal scar (hematoxylin and eosin;original magnification,200). (Below, left) Keloid (hematoxylin and eosin; original magnification,40). (Below, right) Keloid(hematoxylin and eosin; original magnification,200).

    Volume 117, Number 1 Keloid Pathogenesis and Treatment


  • matrix of keloids is abnormal, with elevated levelsof fibronectin and certain proteoglycans and de-creased levels of hyaluronic acid.22 Fibronectinand hyaluronic acid are proteins expressed duringnormal wound healing, and their dysfunctionalregulation in keloid contributes to the fibroticphenotype.23,24 Biglycan and decorin are proteo-glycans that bind collagen fibrils and influencecollagen architecture. Keloids have aberrant pro-duction of these proteoglycans, resulting in dis-organized extracellular matrix and collagenarchitecture.25

    Why is the growth factor milieu in keloids ab-normal? Three concepts address why the environ-ment is altered.

    Concept 1: Epithelial-mesenchymal interactionslikely play a fundamental role in keloid patho-genesis. Studies using keratinocyte-fibroblast invitro coculture systems have revealed that ke-loid keratinocytes can induce the keloid phe-notype in normal fibroblasts. Furthermore, his-tologic changes in the epidermis of abnormalscars in vivo correlate with dermal fibroblastactivity.26

    Concept 2: Proliferative pathways active in fetalcells and disabled in the adult possibly re-emerge in the keloid. Unlike normal adult skinfibroblasts, fetal and keloid tissue can surviveand proliferate in vitro in a reduced serumenvironment.19

    Concept 3: Hypoxia found in keloid tissue couldtrigger the release of angiogenic growth fac-tors, spurring endothelial proliferation, de-layed wound maturation, and increased colla-gen production by fibroblasts.16,27,28 Thehypoxia appears to be caused by endothelialovergrowth partially to fully occluding the mi-crovessel lumens in the keloids.29

    Collagen Turnover HypothesisAbnormal regulation of the collagen equilib-

    rium leads to the characteristic physical appear-ance of a keloid, the large collagenous mass thatdistinguishes it from normal scar.7

    Fig. 2. Keloids classically occur oncertainparts of thebody, spe-cifically, on the shoulder, anterior chest wall, and earlobes. Sur-face tension and sebaceous gland density are among the char-acteristics that have been hypothesized to predispose theseanatomical sites to keloid formation. Image shows keloid on theshoulder.

    Fig. 3. Keloid on anterior chest wall.

    Fig. 4. Keloid on earlobe.

    Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery January 2006


  • Collagen content in keloids is elevated com-pared with normal tissue or scar.17 Light and elec-tron microscopic studies demonstrate that colla-gen in keloids is disorganized compared withnormal skin. The collagen bundles are thicker andmore wavy, and the keloids contain hallmark col-lagen nodules at the microstructural level.30,31The ratio of type I to type III collagen is increasedsignificantly in keloids compared with normal skinor scar, and this difference results from control atboth the pretranscriptional and posttranscrip-tional levels.15

    Collagen is producedmainly by fibroblasts andalso by endothelial cells.6,3234 Keloid fibroblastshave a greater capacity to proliferate because of alower threshold to enter S phase and producemore collagen in an autonomous fashion.2,17,3439

    Matrixmetalloproteinases and their inhibitors(tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases)potentially play a major role in keloid formation.Collagen is degraded by collagenase produced infibroblasts and in inflammatory cells.32,34 Enzymesthat inhibit or degrade collagenase exert an ad-ditional level of collagen regulation.34,40 Concen-trations of collagenase inhibitors, -globulins andplasminogen activator inhibitor-1, are consistentlyelevated in both in vitro and in vivo keloid sam-ples, whereas levels of degradative enzymes arefrequently decreased.34,40 Steroid-treated and irra-diated keloids exhibit a decrease in collagenaseinhibitors and an increase in apoptosis of fibro-

    blasts, leading to normalization of net collagenlevels.31,34 Furthermore, matrix metalloproteinaseactivity differs between keloid and normal fibro-blasts, and these differences appear to directlyaffect phenotype.41 Because collagen predomi-nates in the phenotypic appearance of keloids,collagen metabolism and particularly modulationof matrix metalloproteinases serve as valuable tar-gets of therapeutic intervention.

    Tension HypothesisMechanical tension placed on the healing

    wound misaligns the orientation of collagen for-mation and results in keloid formation.

    Mechanical tension drives fibroblast prolifer-ation and collagen synthesis.42,43 In vitro and invivo studies have suggested that stretch and ten-sion not only promote collagen production butalso dictate collagen architecture and orientationand affect dermal remodeling.44 Collagen is ori-ented perpendicular to the muscle contraction;therefore, incisions perpendicular to the musclefibers theoretically heal with collagen orientednaturally.45 Anecdotal evidence suggests that inci-sions created parallel to skin tension lines rarelyform abnormal scars, whereas those placed at sitesof joint motion frequently do.46,47 Keloid and hy-pertrophic scar formation can also be minimizedthrough the use of absorbable subcuticular sutureclosure instead of interrupted nonabsorbable su-

    Fig. 5. Dumbbell keloid on earlobe.

    Volume 117, Number 1 Keloid Pathogenesis and Treatment


  • turing, thereby limiting suture trauma to theskin.47 Furthermore, abnormal scarring rarely de-velops in elderly patients, whose skin characteris-tically has poor tension.7

    This hypothesis implies that nonaligned ten-sion forces disrupt scarring into an abnormal path-way. Without objective evidence, there is disagree-ment regarding whether sites of frequent keloidformation, such as the earlobe and the chest wall,are under tension or not.7,48,49 Indeed, althoughstretch and tension are important determinants offinal scar appearance, they may play a more dom-inant role in the pathogenesis of hypertrophicscarring than they do in keloid formation.7,44Nonetheless, stretch and tension forces must becarefully considered in all models of skin healing,and future research may reveal more complexityto this hypothesis than the current two-dimen-sional paradigm.

    Genetic Immune DysfunctionAn inherited abnormal immune response to

    dermal injury may cause keloid formation, as ke-loids are associated with particular human leuko-cyte antigen subtypes.

    Keloids tend to occur in darker skinned indi-viduals, and familial tendencies suggest a poly-genic inheritance pattern. However, darker com-plexion does not correlate directly with a higherrate of keloid formation, as seen in a study of 175Malaysian keloid patients.50 A genetic influence isprobably directed through an immune pheno-type. Studies suggest association of group A bloodtype and human leukocyte antigen B14, 21, BW35,DR5, and DQW3 in patients with a keloiddiatheses.5154 Patients who develop keloids have adisproportionately high incidence of allergic dia-thesis and elevated levels of serum immunoglob-ulin E.55,56 Multiple reports have found trends inpatterns of serum complement, immunoglobulinG, and immunoglobulin M levels in patients withkeloids,51,57,58 suggesting a systemic immune stategenetically predisposed to keloid formation.

    Keloid formation could be considered an au-toimmune connective tissue disease.58 Circulatingnoncomplement-fixing antifibroblast antibodiescould bind to fibroblasts and stimulate prolifera-tion and collagen production, similar to antithy-roid antibodies in Hashimotos thyroiditis.59 Ke-loids have been found associated with a number ofother genetic connective tissue diseases, includingRubinstein-Taybi syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syn-drome, progeria, osteopoikilosis, scleroderma,and pachydermoperiostosis.6064 Clinical evidence

    also suggests that patients who develop keloidshave an inherently hypersensitive cell-mediatedimmune system.57,65,66

    The growth of keloids, characterized by a slowinitial phase followed by rapid secondary growth,suggests the occurrence of a local immunereaction.55 Use of monofilamentous suture mate-rial in closure of surgical incisions results in fewerabnormal scars compared with multifilamentoussuture, presumably attributable to less localinflammation.67 Furthermore, actively growing ke-loid explants, placed into nude mice that lack animmune system, grow initially and then regressdespite revascularization. Keloid regression innude mice supports the theory that a systemicimmune response directed their growth beforeexplantation.6870

    Sebum Reaction HypothesisKeloids could arise from an immune reaction

    to sebum. Dermal injury exposes the piloseba-ceous unit to systemic circulation, and in individ-uals who retain T lymphocytes sensitive to sebum,a cell-mediated immune response is initiated.

    Release of cytokines, in particular interleukinsand TGF-, stimulates mast cell chemotaxis andfibroblast production of collagen. As the keloidexpands, further pilosebaceous units on the ad-vancing border are disrupted, and the processpropagates.7173 Keloids preferentially occur onanatomical sites with high concentrations of se-baceous glands, such as the chest wall, shoulder,and pubic area (Fig. 6), and rarely occur on an-atomical sites lacking sebaceous glands, such asthe palm and sole. The sebum reaction hypothesisexplains why an individual with two otherwiseidentical incisions could develop one keloid andone normal scar.72,73 The sebum reaction hypoth-esis also explains why only human beings, the onlymammals with true sebaceous glands, are affectedby keloidal scarring. Patients with keloids demon-strate a positive skin reaction to intradermal se-bum antigen71 and tend to have a greater resultantweal size than patients without a keloid diathesis.74Furthermore, keloids can form following immu-nization with autologous skin,75 and a sebum vac-cine can successfully desensitize patients from ke-loid recurrence following excision.71

    The success of radiation therapy and steroidsin the treatment of keloids, the former reducingsebum production76 and the latter inhibiting locallymphocyte activity, is consistent with a sebum re-action as the cause. It has been speculated thatablation of the pilosebaceous unit before elective

    Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery January 2006


  • surgical excision may provide prophylaxis againstthe later formation of keloids.72


    Intralesional steroid (triamcinolone) is themost effective and widely used treatment for ke-loids.

    Intralesional triamcinolone acetonide, a po-tent anti-inflammatory hydrocortisone fluori-dated at its ninth carbon, is first-line therapy forkeloids (Fig. 7).7779 Large trials in the 1960s and1970s demonstrated that the efficacy of triamcin-olone against keloids exceeds 80 percent.8085Triamcinolone acetonide (Kenalog, 10 mg/cc;Bristol-Myers Squibb, Princeton, N.J.) is in-jected intralesionally, typically 10 mg per linearcentimeter of keloid every 2 to 6 weeks, until clinicalresolution or until side effects prohibit use.

    Triamcinolone inhibits the proliferation ofnormal and keloid fibroblasts, inhibits collagensynthesis, increases collagenase production, andreduces levels of collagenase inhibitors.83,8689

    Working through fibroblast glucocorticoid recep-tors, steroids also induce ultrastructural changesin collagen synthesis that enhance the organiza-tion of collagen bundles and degenerate the char-acteristic keloidal collagen nodules.88,90

    Adverse effects, including subcutaneous atro-phy, telangiectasis, and pigment changes, occur inapproximately half of all patients treated with tri-amcinolone but frequently resolve withoutintervention.77,78,84,9193 Systemic effects of steroids(Cushings syndrome) generally do not occur withintralesional triamcinolone treatment, but rarecases have been reported.94,95

    SurgerySurgical excision of keloids by itself generally

    results in lesion recurrence.Surgical excision of keloids alone has consis-

    tently shown poor results, with recurrence rates of40 to 100 percent.5,7,48,96 Simple excision is be-lieved to stimulate additional collagen synthesis,resulting in rapid regrowth and often a largerkeloid.48,97

    Subtotal excision along with lateral undermin-ing has been credited with improved outcome andfewer recurrences (Fig. 8). Because the rim of thekeloid scar serves to splint the wound and relievetension, the stimulus for collagen synthesis isdecreased.92 However, an earlier study comparing

    Fig. 6. Spontaneous keloid formation in the pubic area of male(above) and female (below) patients.

    Fig. 7. An earlobe keloid is injected with steroid (triamcinoloneacetate) using a syringe with a 25-gauge needle.

    Volume 117, Number 1 Keloid Pathogenesis and Treatment


  • different excisional strategies did not findmerit insubtotal excision,96 and currently both subtotaland complete surgical excision are practiced.

    Surgical excisions can be closed either primar-ily or through a number of reconstructive tech-niques. In general, sutures are removed as early aspossible and intradermal, subcuticular closure ispreferred, to avoid suturemarks that subsequentlydevelop keloids.47 Monofilamentous suture is pre-ferred to braided suture to minimize local inflam-matory reaction.67 If primary closure does not suf-fice, the wound from the surgical excision ofkeloids can be closed with flap advancement, au-tograft, or composite allografts, including Integra(Life Sciences, Plainsboro, N.J.).98

    RadiationRadiation therapy effectively reduces keloid

    recurrence rates. Its use has been limited by thetheoretical risk of inducing malignancy.

    Radiation therapy as an adjunct to keloid ex-cision has efficacy rates of 65 to 99 percent inlong-term follow-up, with results consistently bet-ter than matched controls of surgical excisionalone.93,99102 Radiation therapy is generally ad-ministered immediately after keloid excision, us-ing fractionated therapy with a total dose of 10 to15 Gy.

    Radiation of keloids damages the fibroblastsdirectly and affects collagen structure andorganization.31,100 In vitro studies demonstrate

    that radiation increases the rate of apoptosis inkeloid fibroblast to normal, reestablishing cellpopulation equilibrium.31 One study suggests ad-juvant radiation should be used selectively in earlykeloids,103 reflecting the increased number of pro-liferating fibroblasts in younger keloids.

    Skin pigmentation changes and ulceration oc-casionally occur and frequently resolve withouttreatment.5,49,93,96,99101,103,104 Wound dehiscencehas not been noted with early postoperative ra-diotherapy of keloids.49,100,102 Radiotherapy is con-traindicated for keloids in pediatric patients andpregnant women and on sites with underlying vis-ceral structure. Despite the theoretical risk of can-cer and a few documented cases, there has beenno association of radiation therapy for keloids andcarcinogenesis in multiple large clinical trials, to-taling thousands of patients treated.49,99-102,104 Ra-diation therapy should probably be used morefrequently in the management of keloids whenexposure of visceral structures can be avoided.

    Silicone GelSilicone gel is effective in the management of

    keloids, although its mechanism of action is un-known. The use of silicone gel, especially as sheets,is limited by daily patient compliance.

    Silicone gel, a U.S. Food and Drug Adminis-trationapproved, cross-linked polymer of dim-ethylsiloxane, is an effective adjunct to keloid ex-cision and a prophylaxis to abnormal scarring in

    Fig. 8. Serial views of a subtotal surgical excision of a large keloid around the left ear. (Left) Preoperatively; (center) after surgicalexcision; and (right) postoperatively after primary closure.

    Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery January 2006


  • elective incisions.105110 Use of silicone gel either asa topical gel or impregnated elastic sheet requirescovering the entire scar for at least 12 hours eachday, and ideally 24 hours per day except when theskin is being cleaned (Fig. 9). Silicone gel can beused alone or as adjuvant therapy after excisionand is effective after 4 to 6 months oftreatment.109,111,112 Use of silicone gel has resultedin more rapid healing and can be used in con-junction with carbon dioxide laser excision to de-crease recurrence rates.111,112

    Silicone gel probably acts as an impermeablemembrane that keeps the skin hydrated, function-ing in a manner analogous to the stratumcorneum.113115 In vitro experiments have docu-mented that silicone is inert, with no effect onfibroblast function or survival, but enhanced ker-atinocyte hydration alters growth factor secretion,which in turn affects fibroblast function and col-lagen production.115 The clinical effects of siliconegel do not appear to be mediated by changes inpressure, temperature, tissue oxygenation,106,107 orsilicone entry into the dermis.106,107,109,116

    Adverse effects of silicone gel include occa-sional skin maceration, erosion, rash, and pruri-tus, all of which resolve with removal of the gel forseveral days followed by reapplication.109112,116,117Silicone gel is comfortable, but it requires activepatient compliance and long-term applicationthat can be especially challenging on mobile andangled anatomical sites such as the neck.111

    Pressure TherapyPressure therapy following excision is effective

    with minimal adverse effects, but its practical useis limited to earlobes.

    Pressure therapy is an effective therapy forkeloids and has found its widest use as a postop-erative adjunct for earlobe keloids. Recurrence-free rates of excision followed by earlobe pressuretherapy generally exceed 80 percent.118126 In acontrolled trial in 1942, Nason found that adju-vant postoperative pressure reduced recurrencerates of keloids excised from various parts of thebody from 67 percent to 18 percent.127 The mech-anism of pressure therapy has not been deter-mined. Because tension affects collagen produc-tion and organization,42,43 some of the therapeuticbenefit of pressure might be a result of alteredwound tension. An additional mechanism may bethrough pressure-induced ischemia that promotescollagen degradation and modulates fibroblastactivity.128 Because compression earrings shouldbe worn 24 hours per day after suture removal,patient compliance can be an issue. Nevertheless,whether used on the earlobe or for keloids onother parts of the body, pressure therapy is simpleand highly efficacious, with minimal adverse ef-fects.

    LaserLaser therapy has been advocated but has not

    been shown to be effective in keloidmanagement.The carbon dioxide laser has the reported

    advantages of reduced blood loss, decreased post-operative pain, and less scarring.129131 However,carbon dioxide laser excision alone yields unre-markable results, with over 50 percent recurrencerate, suggesting no advantage over scalpelexcision.103,129 Some investigators combined thecarbon dioxide laser with modalities including in-terferon, triamcinolone, and silicone gel,103,112,132and reported success rates similar to scalpel exci-sion with respective adjuvant therapy. The cost ofthe carbon dioxide laser and the recurrence rateprohibit its use over the scalpel.

    Fig. 9. Silicone gel can be used either alone or in combinationtherapy, including postresection, and can be applied to the scaras a gel (above) or as an impregnated sheet (below).

    Volume 117, Number 1 Keloid Pathogenesis and Treatment


  • In numerous studies, keloids respond to the585-nm flashlamp-pumped pulsed-dye laser withefficacy exceeding 75 percent and minimal mor-bidity in selected patients.133137 The mechanismof the flashlamp-pumped pulsed-dye laser is se-lective thermolysis of hemoglobin molecules,which results in microvascular damage and co-agulative necrosis, and ultimately tissue hypox-ia; the laser may also cause dissociation of col-lagen bundles.134,136,138 The main problem withthe 585-nm flashlamp-pumped pulsed-dye laseris that melanin is a competing chromophore.Therefore, the flashlamp-pumped pulsed-dye la-ser loses efficacy in darker skinned individuals,who are at risk for keloids.

    5-FluorouracilIntralesional 5-fluorouracil is an experimental

    therapy for keloids that has shown some potentialin preliminary trials.

    5-Fluorouracil is an antimetabolite that in-hibits fibroblast proliferation and modestly im-proves keloidal scarring.139141 5-Fluorouracilhas been successfully used to inhibit postsurgi-cal scarring in glaucoma surgery.142 Intrale-sional administration of 5-fluorouracil as singletherapy for keloids has been reported in oneretrospective study of more than 1000 patientswhere an initial response was almost uniformlypresent but was followed by recurrence, neces-sitating serial administrations.139 5-Fluorouracil(50 mg/ml) was injected at 0.05 ml per linearcentimeter or until blanching appeared every 3weeks up to 10 times. A small placebo-controlledprospective trial of surgical excision followed bytopical administration of 5-fluorouracil sug-gested clinical improvement in the treatmentarm after 6 months of follow-up, along with atrend toward normalization of immunohisto-chemical markers.140 Wounds were exposed to apledget soaked with 5-fluorouracil (50 mg/ml)for 5 minutes, then closed. Adverse effects havebeen rare and include superficial skin irritationwithout any discernible hematologic changes.139141

    InterferonIntralesional interferon is an experimental

    therapy with considerable systemic adverse effects.Its efficacy in keloid management has not beendemonstrated.

    Interferons are cytokines secreted mainly byT-helper lymphocytes that produce an antifi-brotic profile.143146 Interferon- and interferon-2b have been used in the experimental treat-

    ment of keloids. Interferon-2b has a morecomprehensive effect on enzymes that modulatecollagen levels.145 Three trials of intralesionalinterferon- only demonstrated keloid soften-ing or modest size reduction.147149 Interferon-2b was demonstrated to decrease keloid sur-face area following serial intralesionalinjections.144 However, three subsequent clini-cal trials using intralesional interferon-2balone failed to demonstrate any efficacy.150152After carbon dioxide laser excision, a small trialof adjuvant intralesional interferon-2b sug-gested a 66 percent cure rate with 3 years offollow-up; one arm of the study group with earkeloids had no recurrences.132 However, a clin-ical trial of postexcisional interferon-2b versustriamcinolone therapy was prematurely termi-nated because of a 46 percent recurrence in keloidstreated with interferon-2b versus 15 percent withtriamcinolone (p 0.05) (this issue, p. 247).

    Unlike other treatment modalities for keloids,intralesional interferon produces adverse systemiceffects. Dose-dependent flu-like symptoms, in-cluding pyrexia, headache, and myalgias, may de-velop after therapy. Patients can be either treatedor prophylactically pretreated with acetamino-phen for relief of symptoms.144,147,148,153

    RetinoidsRetinoids, an experimental therapy, have pro-

    duced responses in limited clinical trials, but therehas been no general acceptance in clinical prac-tice.

    Topical and intralesional vitamin A and itsretinoid derivatives enhance new wound healingand promote regression of pathologic scartissue.154156 Two clinical trials show significant re-sponses of established keloids to 0.05% topical reti-noic acid applied twice daily for 3 months.59,157,158

    Retinoids enhance epidermal proliferationwhile inhibiting that of fibroblasts and shift the heal-ing process to normal regeneration.154,155 In vitrodatahave suggested that retinoids canmodulatepro-liferation of normal and keloid fibroblasts andmod-ulate collagen production.87,155,159,160 Interestingly,retinoids also suppress sebum production,161which could have a role in keloid pathogenesis.Adverse effects included photosensitivity, skin ir-ritation in 50 percent, and slight skin atrophy in10 percent of patients.59,157

    Other TherapiesAdditional strategies for keloid manage-

    ment have been reported in the literature, in-cluding the following.

    Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery January 2006


  • Calcium Channel BlockersIntralesional injection of phenylalkylamine

    calcium channel receptor antagonists after keloidexcisionhas shownpromising early results in threeclinical trials.124,162,163 Intralesional verapamil wasalso successfully used in one of these trials withpressure therapy and in another with topical sili-cone.No significant adverse events of intralesionalverapamil were reported in these trials. Themech-anism of action likely involves inhibition of calci-um-dependent reactions involved in extracellularmatrix production and enhancement of extracel-lular matrix degradation.164166

    CryosurgeryCryosurgery uses rapid, repeated cooling and

    rewarming of tissue, leading to cell death andtissue sloughing. The efficacy of cryosurgery onkeloids has been reported to range from 50 to 85percent, with moderate flattening and symptom-atic relief.167,168 Unlike surgical excision, cryosur-gery also has a direct beneficial effect on the ke-loidal collagen, resulting in improved collagenbundle organization.168 Cryotherapy can cause hy-popigmentation or depigmentation.

    AntihistamineHistamine antagonists, particularly those spe-

    cific to the H1 subtype receptor, can relieve someof the burning and pruritus associated with ke-loids and may modulate keloid size.169172 Theproblematic pruritus of keloids5 probably resultsfrom mast cell degranulation and histaminerelease.96 Histamine may also contribute to keloidformation through stimulation of collagen synthe-sis and other processes.169,170

    Penicillamine, -Aminopropionitrile, andColchicinePenicillamine and -aminopropionitrile are

    lysyl oxidase inhibitors that interfere with collagencrosslinking, making collagen more susceptible tocollagenases. These oral agents are used in con-junction with colchicine, which increases collage-nase activity. This strategy shifts the collagen turn-over ratio by manipulating extracellular enzymes.In a small case series, no keloids recurred after 18months and there were no documented adverseeffects.173

    Experimental TherapiesSeveral other experimental therapies for ab-

    normal scarring have been attempted in singlecase reports or small trials, some of which willlikely undergo further investigation on keloids inthe future. These therapies include bleomycin,imiquimod, and cyclosporine.174179

    Combination TherapyThe most effective management for keloids

    uses combination therapy, generally excision withadjuvant treatment.

    Surgery Plus SteroidsScalpel excision of the lesion followed by in-

    jection of triamcinolone (10 mg per linear centi-meter) into the wound bed, often with repeatinjection at follow-up, is the most successful man-agement for keloids. Cure rates exceeding 80 per-cent have been consistently reported using thiscombination regimen.80,8385 The same adverse ef-fects found with steroid treatment alone (atrophy,telangiectasias, and pigment changes) can be seenfollowing this combination therapy, and tend toresolve themselves.

    Carbon Dioxide Laser Plus SteroidsExcision of keloids using carbon dioxide laser

    followed by postoperative injection of steroids intothe wound bed yields cure rates comparable tothose of scalpel excision followed by steroidinjection.103 Use of the carbon dioxide laser hasbeen reported to result in decreased postoperativepain.129,130

    Surgery Plus Radiation TherapySurgical excision with immediate postopera-

    tive radiotherapy can be used for keloids withoutany underlying visceral structures, particularly theextremities. This combination therapy yields curerates ranging from 65 to 99 percent, with minimaladverse effects of occasional skin pigment changesand ulceration.93,100102,104,180,181 Radiation therapyshould not be used in the treatment of keloids inthe pediatric population or pregnant women, be-cause of the theoretical risk of malignancy.

    Surgery Plus Compression EarringsSurgical excision of earlobe keloids followed

    by the use of compression earrings results in curerates exceeding 80 percent, with minimal adverseeffects.118,120 This combination regimen is the pre-ferred method of managing earlobe keloids.

    Surgery Plus Silicone Gel SheetingExcision of the keloid followed by application

    of a silicone gel sheet for up to 24 hours per dayfor 4 to 6 months results in recurrence-free ratesexceeding 80 percent.109,111,112 Adverse effects ofthis treatment regimen include minor skin irrita-tion and occasional maceration. Patient compli-ance is frequently a problem.

    Surgery Plus 5-FluorouracilInjection of 5-fluorouracil into the wound bed

    after surgical excision of the keloid is an experi-mental treatment resulting in cure rates exceed-

    Volume 117, Number 1 Keloid Pathogenesis and Treatment


  • ing those with surgical excision alone, with rareadverse effects including minor skin irritation.140

    FUTURE DIRECTIONSCurrent research aims to determine the mo-

    lecular basis of wound healing and keloid patho-genesis. Four topics deserve special attention infuture keloid research.

    Animal ModelNo adequate animal model has been devel-

    oped for keloids. Humans are the only mammalsthat develop keloids, and attempts to create ananimal model such as the nudemouse have failed.Even though increased knowledge of keloidpathogenesis suggests a systemic immune compo-nent to their cause, the nude mouse continues tobe used to study the molecular effects of experi-mental therapeutics.6870,182 Animal models usingexplanted human tissue would likely require trans-genic technology to produce a permissive hostenvironment, and the components of such an en-vironment are poorly understood.

    Immunologic FactorsThere is a strong immunologic component to

    keloid formation. Investigation of the role of theimmune system could result in a paradigm shiftfrom viewing keloids as a local phenomenon toconsidering them a systemic autoimmune disease.Furthermore, immunologic research could clarifythe genetic component of keloid formation. In-terestingly, a propensity to form keloids may con-fer immunity against melanoma and other skinmalignancies65; potential insight into any suchmechanism would have enormous implications.

    TGF- Subtype Agonists and AntagonistsTGF- appears to be the growth factor most

    central to keloid pathogenesis. Increased under-standing of the role of TGF- signaling in fibroticdiseases and elucidation of the characteristics ofthe different TGF- subtypes make manipulationof these molecules an attractive therapeuticstrategy.146,183 TGF-1 and TGF-2 promote fi-brotic scarring in in vivo animal models, andTGF-3 has the opposite effect of enhancing phys-iologic healing.184187 Investigation into novelTGF-3 agonists and TGF-1 and TGF-2 antag-onists may produce new therapeutic tools withenhanced efficacy and specificity.

    Mesenchymal-Epidermal InteractionsKeratinocytes play a critical role in keloid

    pathogenesis. The role of epidermal componentssuch as keratinocytes and Langerhans cells hasprobably been underestimated, because keloidshave been perceived as a dermal, fibroblastic dis-ease. The keratinocyte-fibroblast coculture tech-niques in the Longaker Laboratory and the rabbitear scarring models in the Mustoe Laboratory willallow investigation into mesenchymal-epidermalinteractions.188191 Knowledge of the mesenchy-mal-epidermal interaction will likely drive devel-opment of future therapies.

    CONCLUSIONSNo ideal therapy exists for keloids, reflecting

    our poor understanding of keloid pathogenesis.Although evidence supports each of the hypoth-eses presented, the cause of keloids and a targetedtherapy remain elusive. Optimal treatment con-tinues to be various combinations of triamcino-lone, surgical excision, pressure therapy, siliconegel, and occasionally radiotherapy. Current com-bination therapies appear to decrease recurrencerates as compared with monotherapy. The mosteffective combination needs to be identified infuture clinical trials. Ideally, a regimen of surgicalexcision minimizing tissue trauma, inflammation,and tension could be combined with an injectablemodulator, steroids, and 5-fluorouracil, externalbeam radiation when applicable, and a hydratingpressure dressing to address the cellular mecha-nisms. Furthermore, an oral adjuvant therapy (an-tihistamine, colchicines) to modify host responsemay improve outcomes. The ideal combination ofintradermal, extradermal, and systemic treat-ments will provide keloid patients more reliableand effective therapy.

    Steven P. Davison, M.D., D.D.S.Department of Plastic Surgery

    Georgetown University Medical Center1st Floor PHC Building

    3800 Reservoir Road, NWWashington, D.C. 20007

    [email protected]

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