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Date post: 13-Apr-2018
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    Class: IX


    Time: 1:1/2 hours M.M:40 General Instructions:

    1. All Questions are compulsory.

    2. The Question paper consists of 17 Questions divided into four sections A, B, C and D.

    3. Section A contains 5 Questions of 1 marks each, Section- B contains 4 questions of 2 marks each,

    Section C contains 5 questions of 3 marks each, Section D contains 3 questions of 4 marks each.

    4. There is no overall choice in paper. However, internal choice is provided in one question of 3

    marks and one question of 4 marks.

    5. Use of calculators is not permitted.

    SECTION- A: [ Question numbers 1 to 5 carry 1 mark each. ]

    1 Write an irrational number between and

    2 If the point (3, 4) lies on the graph of the equation 3y = ax+ 7, find the value of a.

    3 Find the value of 2492 2482

    4 Write Euclids fifth postulate

    5 In Fig. 6.31 lines AB and CD intersect at O. IfAOC + BOE = 70 and BOD = 40, find BOE .

    SECTION B [ Question no 6 to 9 carry 2 marks each ]

    6 Write the answer of each of the following questions:

    (i) What is the name of horizontal and the vertical lines drawn to determine the

    position of any point in the Cartesian plane?

    (ii) Write the name of the point where these two lines intersect.

    7 Express the following

    (4a + b + 2c)2

    8 Express 1.272727 = 1.27 in the form of

  • 9 If a point lies between two points A & B such that AC = BC, then

    prove that

    AC = (AB)

    SECTION C [ Question no 10 to 14 carry 3 marks each ]

    10 Find six rational number between

    (1/4) & (1/5)

    11 Factorise

    1 + 64x3

    12 By remainder theorem find the remainder when p(x) is divided by

    g(x), where

    p(x)= x3 2x2 4x 1 & g(x) = x+1

    13 Show how 5 can be represented on the number line


    Represent 9.3 on the number line

    14 Locate the points (5, 0), (0, 5), (3, 5), (3, 5), (5, 3) and (6, 1) in the Cartesian plane.

    SECTION D [ Question no 15 to 17 carry 4 marks each ]

    15 Find the value of a and b

    (5+23)/(7+43) = a b3

    16 If a,b,c all are non-zero and (a+b+c)=0, prove that

    (a2/bc) + (b2/ca) + (c2/ab) =3


    If (a+b+c)0, then prove that

    a3+b3+c3- 3abc = (a+b+c)[(a-b)2+(b-c)2+(c-a)2]

    17 Give the geometric representations of 2x+ 9 = 0 as an equation (i) in one variable

    (ii) in two variables


    MARKING SCHEME Total Pages : 02 Class IX Subject: Mathematics Ans.1 For correct irrational no between the given numbers 1

    Ans.2 3 *4 =a * 3 + 7 A = 5/3

    1/2 1/2

    Ans.3 (249+248) (249-248) =497

    1/2 1/2

    Ans.4 For correct fifth postulate 1

    Ans.5 BOE = 70 - 40 =300 1

    Ans.6 (i) Horizontal line = x-axis Vertical line= y-axis

    (ii) Origin

    1/2 1/2 1

    Ans.7 For correct formula 16a2 + b2 +4c2 +8ab +4bc +16ac

    1 1

    Ans.8 1+(27/99) 14/11

    1 1

    Ans.9 AC = BC If equals are added to equals, the wholes are equal.(Axiom-2) Add AC on both sides AC+AC =AC + BC 2AC =AB AC=AB/2

    1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2

    Ans.10 Equate denominator that is 4/20 and 5/20 Multiply and divide by 7 on both fractions that is 28/120 and 35/120 Required no=29/120, 30/120, 31/120, 32/120, 33/120, 34/120

    1 1 1

    Ans.11 For correct formula (1)3 +(4x)3 = (1+4x) (1 - 4x+16x2 )

    1/2 2.5

    Ans.12 X+1=0 X= -1 Remainder = (-1)3 2(-1)2 4(-1) -1 = -1-2+4-1 =-4+4 =0

    1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2

    Ans.13 For correct representation 3

    Ans.14 1/2 marks for each correct location of points 1/2 *6=3

    Ans.15 Multiply and divide by conjugate (7-43) Rationalise denominator we get 11-63 Compare 11-63 and a-b3 we get a=11 & b=6

    1 2 1

    Ans.16 LHS= (a3+b3+c3) /abc = [ (a+b+c) (a2 + b2 +c2ab-bc-ca) 3abc ] / abc = [ 0+3abc] / abc = 3abc/abc = 3=RHS OR

    1 1 1/2 1/2 1/2

  • LHS=a3+b3+c3- 3abc =(a+b+c) (a2 + b2 +c2 ab-bc-ca)

    = (a+b+c) (2a2 + 2b2 +2c2 2ab-2bc-2ca)

    = (a+b+c) [ (a-b)2 +(b-c)2 +(c-a)2 ]


    1 1 1 1

    Ans.17 x = -4.5 i. For correct representation in one variable ii. For correct representation in two variables

    1 1 2


    PERIODIC TEST -1 (2017-18)

    Class-VI Subject- English

    Time: 1 hrs M.M: 40

    Section- A (Reading) [10 Marks]

    1-Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

    A volcano is a burning mountain with a great hole running deep into the earth. Out of it come smoke, gases and stones. The mouth of the opening is called the crater of the volcano. Volcanoes are not always burning. Sometimes a volcano will remain quiet for centuries. And then it will suddenly become active. This is called volcanic eruption. When the eruption takes place, great clouds of ashes, dust, gas and steam rise from the crater. Loud noises come from the crater. After sometime, while hot molten rock, called lava begins to flow down the mountain sides. This may go on for days or weeks. Then the volcano will go to sleep again for many years. Most volcanoes are found near the sea.

    I. On the basis of passage, answer the following questions:

    2x3=6 a) What is a volcano? b) What happens when a volcano eruption takes place? c) What does lava refer to?

    II. Complete the statements given below: 1x2=2

    a) Most volcanoes are found ___________. b) Sometimes a volcano remains ____________ for centuries.

    III. Form adjectives from the following: 1x2= 2

    a) Dust b) Activity

    Section-B (Writing & Grammar) [18 Marks] 2. Write a paragraph on My School OR My best friend.

    5 3. Write an application to the Principal of your school for two

    days leave.5


  • 4. Make nouns from the words given below by adding ness or ity. 1x2=2

    (a) Creative (b) Cheerful 5. Write the opposites of these words: 1x2=2

    (a) Ancient (b) Wild

    6. Fill in the blanks with the simple present tense form of the

    verbs given in the brackets. 1x2=2

    (a) They ............. to God in the morning. (pray) (b) She ............. her work sincerely. (do) 7. Re-arrange the following words/ phrases to make

    meaningful Sentences. 1x2=2

    (a) must/ our/ respect/ we/ parents (b) is / lotus / our / flower / national

    Section-C (Literature) [12 Marks] 8. Answer any of the four questions: 2x4=8

    a) What was Patricks wish? b) Why did the dog feel the need for a master? c) Who did the dog finally choose as his master and why? d) What did the first bird say to the stranger? e) Why didnt the farmers wife want to leave the baby alone with

    the mongoose? f) Why did the emperor reward Taro? 9. Complete the sentences : 2x2=4 (a) A house is made of . (b) A home is made by ...



    Marking Scheme PERIODIC TEST-1 (2017-2018)

    Class: VI

    Sub: English

    Section: A (Reading) 10 Marks

    Q.1 I. Answers: 2x3= 6 Marks

    a) A volcano is a burning mountain with a great hole running deep into the earth. Out of it

    come smoke, gases and stones.

    b) When the eruption takes place, great clouds of ashes, dust, gas and steam rise from the

    crater. Loud noises come from the crater.

    c) Lava refers to hot molten rock.

    II. Complete the statements: 1x2= 2 Marks

    a) near the sea

    b) quiet

    III. Forming Adjectives: 1x2=2 Marks

    a) dusty

    b) active

    Section: B (Writing & Grammar) 18 Marks

    Q.2 Paragraph Writing: 5 Marks

    Format 1 Mark

    Accuracy 1 Marks

    Content - 3 Marks

    Q.3 Application- Writing: 5 Marks

    Fluency 1 Mark Accuracy 1 Mark

    Content- 3 Marks

    Q.4 Making nouns by adding -ness or ity . 1x2= 2 Marks

    a) creativity

  • b) cheerfulness

    Q.5 Opposites: 1x2= 2 Marks

    (a) modern

    (b) tame

    Q.6 Gap filling Simple Present Tense Form: 1x2= 2 Marks

    a) pray b) does

    Q.7 Rearrangements: 1x2= 2 Marks

    (a) We must respect our parents.

    (b) Lotus is our national flower.

    Section: C (Literature) 12 Marks

    Q.8 Answer any four of the following questions: 2x4=8 Marks

    2 Marks will be given for each answer as per correctness of 4 answers.

    Note: Examiner can better assess the students response in case of literary variation in expression.

    Q.9 Complete the sentences : 2x2= 4 Marks

    (a) bricks, stones, wood, glass and stucco etc.

    (b) loving and caring parents and children.


    PERIODIC TEST -1 (2017-18)

    Class- VII Subject- English

    Time: 1 hrs M.M: 40

    Section- A (Reading) [10 Marks]

    1-Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

    Dental disease is the most common disease in the world. With proper, personal and professional

    care, you and your children can also keep your teeth healthy and dazzling white.

    Tooth brushing is the best method to remove plaque and proper method of brushing can minimize the

    dental diseases. Always use a good tooth paste and a good quality tooth brush with soft bristles and a

    handle that fits comfortably in your mouth and hand. Truly speaking you must brush your teeth

    regularly after every meal and minimum twice a day, especially at night before going to bed. Brush

    must be changed when bristles get curled off.

    Your child should start brushing soon after the first tooth appears in the oral cavity. Rinsing with the

    plain water should be done after anything you eat. Massage your gums with your fingers after

    brushing and gently brush your tongue also.

    A balanced diet throughout life is necessary for dental health. You must finish your food with self

    cleansing fibrous or rough food such as Salad and fruits. Do not eat sweets or sticky food such as

    chocolates, candies, cakes etc between meals, as bacteria love sugar and destroy the tooth substances.

    I. Answer the following questions: (2 x 2 = 4)

    1. How can our teeth be kept healthy and shining?

    2. How can dental diseases be minimized?

    II. Tick () the most appropriate answer: (1x4 = 4)

    (i)is the most common disease in the world.

    a) Tuberculosis b) Dental disease

    c) Cancer d) Cholera

    (ii)We must brush our teeth.. a day.

    a) once a day b) anytime

    c) twice a day d) thrice a day

    (iii)We must eat self cleansing fibrous or rough food such as _____________.

    a) sticky food b) Salad and fruits

    c) chocolates d) candies

    (iv) The word dazzling in the passage means_______________________.

    a) dull b) shining brightly


    III. Write the opposite words of the words given below: (from passage) (1 x2=2)

  • a) Never . b) Maximum

    Section-B (Writing & Grammar) [18 Marks] 2. Write a letter to your friend telling him about your preparation for Independence Day Celebration. [5]


    Write an application to the principal your school requesting him to grant you leave for 5 days,

    as you are suffering from high fever.

    3. Write a paragraph on any one of the topics in about 80- 100 words: [5] Importance of

    Discipline OR Importance of Trees

    4. Fill in the blanks in the following paragraph: [1 x2=2]

    Today is Sunday. Im wondering whether I should stay at home or go out. If I____________(go) out,

    I______________(miss) the lovely Sunday lunch at home.

    5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the word given in the brackets:

    [1 x2=2]

    It isnt that .should always be the mother of invention. (necessary)

    6. Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition given in the brackets: [1x2=2]

    a) My ball has fallen ..the well. ( in / into)

    b) The boy is standing .. the gate. (on / at)

    7.Rearrange the following words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.[1x2= 2]

    a) dog/faithful animal/is/the/a.

    b) his/the manager/into/visitors/the office/called.

    Section- C (Literature) [12]

    8. Answer any of the six questions: [2x6=12]

    a) What suggestions were made in answer to the third question?

    b) How did the king and the hermit help the wounded man?

    c) How does Ravi get milk for the kitten?

    d) Why is it good to have rebels?

    e) Why do the worker ants carry the grubs about?

    f) Name some other creatures that live in anthills?

    g) Why did Kari push his friend into the stream?



    Marking Scheme PERIODIC TEST-1 (2017-2018)

    Class: VII

    Sub: English

    Section: A (Reading) 10 Marks

    Q.1 I. Answers: 2x2= 4 Marks

    1. With proper, personal and professional care.

    2. proper method of brushing can minimize the dental diseases.

    II. Tick the most appropriate answer: 1x4= 4 Marks

    (i) b) dental disease (ii) c) twice a day

    (iii) b) salad and fruits (iv) b) shining brightly

    III. Write the opposite words of the words given below: (1 x2=2 Marks)

    a) always b) minimum

    Section: B (Writing & Grammar) 18 Marks

    Q.2 Letter OR Application Writing: 5 Marks

    Format- 1 Mark

    Accuracy 1 marks

    Content- 3 Marks

    Q.3 Paragraph Writing: 5Marks

    Format 1 Mark

    Accuracy 1 Marks

    Content - 3 Marks

    Q.4 Gap filling: 1x2= 2 Marks

    go will go

    Q5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms: 1x2=2 Marks

    necessary necessity

    Q6. Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition: 1x2=2 Marks

    a) into b) at

    Q.7 Rearrangements: 1x2= 2 Marks

  • a) The dog is a faithful animal.

    b) The manager called his visitors into the office.

    Section: C (Literature) 12Marks

    Q.8 Answer any six of the following questions: 2x6= 12 Marks

    2 Marks will be given for each answer as per correctness of 6 answers.

    Note: Examiner can better assess the students response in case of literary variation

    in expression.

  • -X

    - 2017-18 -90 40 .1- 1x5=5 , , , , - , - , - ----- , , , - :

    1. ?

    () () () ()

    2 ?

    () () () ()

    3. ?

  • () () () ()

    4. ?

    () () () ()

    5. - -

    () + () + () + () +

    .2- 1x5=5 , , ! , , - 1. () () () ()

    2. ? () () () () 3. ? () () () () 4. ? () () () () 5. ? () () () ()

  • -3. 1x4=4 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. -4. - 1x2=2 () () -5. - 1x4=4 1. | ( ) 2. | ( ) 3. | ( ) 4. | ( )

    -6.. (1x5=5) - - - ! ! , ? ? (1) ? () () () () (2) -

  • () () () - () (3) - ? () () () - () (4) ? () () () () (5) ? () ? () ? () ? () ? -7. (1x5=5) , , , - - , () ? () ? () ? () () -8. - ( 2x 3=6) 1. ? 2. | . ? -9. 80 -100 1x4 =4

  • () - , , , , , () - , , , , ,

  • 2017-18



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    2 1



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    3 1




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    2 1


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    2 1






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    2 1

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