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Kenora District Law Association KDLA News · 03/12/2016  · District of Kenora Law Association...

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Congratulations on your Retirement Mr. Hook. Inside this issue: Change at CDLPA 2 KDLA AGM notice 3 Kenora Refugee 3 CDLPA Fall Pleanery 4 Library Acquisitions 6 Kenora District Law Association KDLA News DECEMBER 2015 Jim Hook addresses the crowd who gathered to honour him on his retire- ment. Law School in Australia : one student’s perspective By Kim Riediger Generally speaking, the first question most new law- school graduates are asked when introduced to anyone in the legal field is “what law school did you attend”? My answer to that question – Australia. Now, I know that when I say Australia many of you probably as- sume I attended Bond Uni- versity on the Gold Coast. However, I decided to go against the grain and attend the University of Newcas- tle, Australia, located just outside of Sydney. The decision to study abroad was not an easy one. On the one hand, on top of the anxiety of moving to another continent, away from familiar friends and family, I was well aware of the stigma attached to for- eign-trained graduates, like myself. On the other hand, how could I possibly give up an opportunity to ex- plore so many different cities and countries which would not be as easily ac- cessible had I chosen to stay in Canada. After an extend- ed period of debating and researching the different law programs offered in Australia, I eventually de- cided to go ahead and make the move, although wary of what was to come. I chose to attend the Uni- versity of Newcastle due to the unique Diploma of Le- gal Practice program which would allow me to com- plete the Australian equiva- lent of articling during the majority of my school holi- days. While I was aware that this program would cut back on the time I had to travel, the program offered a unique advantage in that I would be able to experience the practicalities of the legal profession in Australia and would eventually be equipped with the ability to be licenced for practice in two jurisdictions. The three years I spent in Australia went by faster than I could have ever im- agined. Between the exces- sive amounts of reading, writing papers and studying for finals that comes along with law school, I attempted Continued on p. 3 Kim Riediger has com- pleted her articles and is working at Hook Seller & Lundin LLP The Partners, Associates and Articling student at Hook Seller & Lundin LLP gathered with invited guests to hon- our retiring partner Jim Hook on November 6 at Minis Hall in the Kenora Super 8.
Page 1: Kenora District Law Association KDLA News · 03/12/2016  · District of Kenora Law Association Annual General Meeting Friday, February 26, 2016 3PM – 5PM In Kenora (location to

Congratulations on your Retirement Mr. Hook.

Inside this issue:

Change at CDLPA 2

KDLA AGM notice 3

Kenora Refugee 3

CDLPA Fall Pleanery 4

Library Acquisitions 6

Kenora District Law Association


Jim Hook addresses the crowd who gathered to honour him on his retire-ment.

Law School in Australia : one student’s perspective

By Kim Riediger

Generally speaking, the first question most new law-school graduates are asked when introduced to anyone in the legal field is “what law school did you attend”? My answer to that question – Australia. Now, I know that when I say Australia many of you probably as-sume I attended Bond Uni-versity on the Gold Coast. However, I decided to go against the grain and attend the University of Newcas-tle, Australia, located just outside of Sydney.

The decision to study abroad was not an easy one. On the one hand, on top of the anxiety of moving to another continent, away from familiar friends and family, I was well aware of

the stigma attached to for-eign-trained graduates, like myself. On the other hand, how could I possibly give up an opportunity to ex-plore so many different cities and countries which would not be as easily ac-cessible had I chosen to stay in Canada. After an extend-ed period of debating and researching the different law programs offered in Australia, I eventually de-cided to go ahead and make the move, although wary of what was to come.

I chose to attend the Uni-versity of Newcastle due to the unique Diploma of Le-gal Practice program which would allow me to com-plete the Australian equiva-

lent of articling during the majority of my school holi-days. While I was aware that this program would cut back on the time I had to travel, the program offered a unique advantage in that I would be able to experience the practicalities of the legal profession in Australia and would eventually be equipped with the ability to be licenced for practice in two jurisdictions.

The three years I spent in Australia went by faster than I could have ever im-agined. Between the exces-sive amounts of reading, writing papers and studying for finals that comes along with law school, I attempted

Continued on p. 3

Kim Riediger has com-pleted her articles and is working at Hook Seller & Lundin LLP

The Partners, Associates and Articling student at Hook Seller & Lundin LLP gathered with invited guests to hon-our retiring partner Jim Hook on November 6 at Minis Hall in the Kenora Super 8.

Page 2: Kenora District Law Association KDLA News · 03/12/2016  · District of Kenora Law Association Annual General Meeting Friday, February 26, 2016 3PM – 5PM In Kenora (location to


The first chair of FOLA, Eldon Horner, thanks the last chair of CDLPA, Cheryl Siran, for her professionalism and hard work during her term.

What is a CDLPA? In 7 years with the organization to date, I’ve gotten this question a lot, and surprisingly, from many sole and small practi-tioners across the province who were members of their local Associations.

The CDLPA is an organi-zation made up of the 46 County Law Associations in collaboration with the Toron-to Lawyers Association in-tended to ensure that input from practicing lawyers was received and properly consid-ered by the Law Socie-ty. Although the organization has been advocating for prac-tising lawyers through the Associations for over 30 years, many lawyers and As-sociation members never knew who we were or what we did, until they moved into executives positions within their own Associations, and became a president delegate at CDLPA. We are the um-brella organization that takes direction from the 46 Presi-dents of the local law associa-tions on matters affecting the practising bar and we hold twice annual plenary meetings that each local association

sends their President or dele-gate to attend. As my final act during my term as Chair of the County and District Law Presidents’ Association, I, along with my Executive, wanted to challenge this dis-connect by directly dealing with the awkward and cum-bersome name of “KE-DELLPA”.

This name change was not done to forget our roots, or to change our mandate and purpose, but to more accurate-ly represent who the organiza-tion was, and who we repre-sent. The Presidents who attended the November plena-ry in Toronto, voted and agreed the name of our organ-ization needed to change, and so CDLPA was replaced by the Federation of Ontario Law Associations.

So what will the Federa-tion strive to do for you, a practising lawyer in North-western Ontario? They will advocate for and against ide-as, rule changes and initia-tives that affect private prac-tice lawyers in Ontario to ensure they do not limit, but encourage success in their business; they will support

local initiatives and issues and help push those issues to the forefront where needed; they will respond to the Law Soci-ety of Upper Canada, Legal Aid Ontario, the Ministry of the Attorney General and oth-er key stakeholders on matters affecting the practising bar; and they will support private practice lawyers who have chosen to practice law as a business and as a profession, regardless of size of firm or location.

CDLPA has changed its name to the Federation, and I believe this change is a good one because its more descrip-tive of how we are trying to advocate for you, the front line practitioner in the justice system. A Federation is an encompassing political or societal entity formed by unit-ing smaller or more localized entities. That is who we are and what we strive to do, and I have every faith that the new Chair and Executive will con-tinue to do exactly that in the years to come.


Cheryl C.M. Siran

Cheryl Siran addresses a joint luncheon of Law Presidents and Court-house Librarians.


We are the



that takes

direction from

the 46

Presidents of

the local law

associations on


affecting the

practising bar

Page 3: Kenora District Law Association KDLA News · 03/12/2016  · District of Kenora Law Association Annual General Meeting Friday, February 26, 2016 3PM – 5PM In Kenora (location to

Please mark your calendars:

District of Kenora Law Association

Annual General Meeting

Friday, February 26, 2016

3PM – 5PM

In Kenora (location to be announced)

The Kenora Refugee Support Partnership is working to settle refugees in Kenora. We wel-come your help.

We have raised over 30000 dol-lars to date; our goal is 40000.

We hope to resettle one or more families in Kenora over the com-ing year.

Dryden has two similar groups sponsoring refugees from Syria. KRSP has not yet been able to identify a family; the family we

choose may come from Syria or any place around the planet.

There are 60 million refugees worldwide.

The Kenora Rotary Club, Myers Norris Penny, Wilson’s Station-ery and the Brew Pub have gen-erously donated time or money. Several individuals, including lawyers and judges, have been extremely generous.

KRSP is a large group with expe-rience in resettlement, nursing,

teaching and social services: we will be well prepared.

Donations to KRSP can be made to: Knox United Church, 116 Fifth Avenue South, Kenora, Ontario P9N 2A2. On cheques, put KRSP in the Memo line. Charitable tax receipts will be given for all donations over $25.

For further information, contact Peter Kirby at 468-5930.

some definite advantages to stud-ying in Australia – having the ocean just around the corner when you needed a break from studying, taking weekend trips to the outback and spending breaks between semesters exploring Thailand.

Regardless of all of the ad-vantages and beneficial experi-ences that come along with living in another country, I was excited to return home and begin the Canadian accreditation process. I

to see as much of the country as I possibly could. Luckily there were a few other Canadians in my cohort that were in the same boat. We made ridiculous study schedules and had way too many late nights to count just so that we could go bungee jumping, scuba diving or skydiving over the Great Barrier Reef.

On balance, despite having to endure a twenty hour flight any time I wanted to come home to see family and friends, there were

graduated with an LLB and a Diploma of Legal Practice in November of 2014 and began working at Hook, Seller & Lundin in December of the same year while studying for my NCA exams. Upon completion of the challenge exams I began articling at HSL and expect to be called to the Bar in January 2016. I look forward to begin practicing in Kenora and cannot wait to see what my home town has to offer.


Kim Riediger in Australia continued from p. 1

Page 3 DECEMBER 2015

“We hope to

resettle one or

more families in

Kenora over the

coming year”

“We made ridiculous study schedules and had way too many late nights … just so that we could go bungee jumping, scuba diving or skydiving over the Great Barrier Reef.”

Page 4: Kenora District Law Association KDLA News · 03/12/2016  · District of Kenora Law Association Annual General Meeting Friday, February 26, 2016 3PM – 5PM In Kenora (location to


A view of the Toronto Skyline from Billy Bishop Airport on To-ronto Island.

Sayer S. Down, President of the KDLA and Carlynne S. Bell, Secretary-Treasurer, travelled to Toronto, Ontario, to attend the County & Dis-trict Law Presidents’ Associa-tion 2015 Fall Plenary from November 11, 2015 to No-vember 13, 2015.

The Plenary commenced with a beautiful reception and din-ner hosted by Janet Minor, Treasurer of the Law Society of Upper Canada, at the Bar-risters’ Lounge followed by dinner at Convocation Hall at the Law Society.

Day two began with address-ing CDLPA internal business starting with the laying out of a vision of “CDLPA” of the future. The Report from the June, 2015 Strategic Planning Session was introduced in-cluding two hot topics: 1) Name change and re-branding, and 2) vision and stratify for the future of CDLPA. In this session mo-tions were tabled to consider a name change for CDLPA, as part of a re-branding strategy. Four new names for CDLPA were put forward:

Law President’s Associa-tion;

Federation of Ontario Law Associations;

Ontario Law Presidents’ Association; and

Community of Ontario Law Association Pre-sents.

After much debate on which new name better suited the organization, “Federation of Ontario Law Associations” was voted in 22 to 21 votes. The purpose of the name change is to be more inclusive of the entire membership and to be more easily recognized by the public.

The meeting continued on with the Nomination Commit-tee Report presented by Janet Whitehead, a report of the Nomination Committee re-garding the 2016-17 Execu-tive and explanation of the election and succession pro-cess.

Committee reports were pre-sented by Mike Winward – Professional Standards, an update on the submission made by CDLPA to the Pro-fessional Standards Commit-tee with respect to marketing. Meredith MacLennan – Real

Estate, an update on work of the Real Estate Liaison group, joined by Sidney Troister, Bencher and member of the Real Estate Committee of Convocation. Alfred Schorr, Joseph Neauberger – Parale-gal, an update on the first application of new education eligibility and new areas of law now covered by the Legal Aid Ontario. Jane Robertson, Mike Ras – Legal Aid, an update on the roll-out of ex-panded eligibility and new areas of law now covered by Legal Aid Ontario. Mike Winward – Treasurer’s Re-port, we heard a presentation on the financial Statements of CDLPA jointed by Bob Rich-ardson of Jones Brown Insur-ance Brokers, a briefing on the insurance coverage cur-rently provided to associa-tions through LibraryCo. Yes, we are insured.

Continued on p. 5

Two of the beautiful stained glass windows in Convocation Hall. Each of the ten windows represents a theme in the evolution of law .


After much

debate on which

new name better

suited the


“Federation of

Ontario Law


was voted in 22

to 21 votes.

Secretary-Treasurer, Carlynne S. Bell repre-senting KDLA at the CDLPA Fall Plenary.

Page 5: Kenora District Law Association KDLA News · 03/12/2016  · District of Kenora Law Association Annual General Meeting Friday, February 26, 2016 3PM – 5PM In Kenora (location to

KDLA’s “Charlie Brown-esque” Christmas tree brightens up a gloomy snowy day, overlooking a bay still free of ice on December 16.

thoughtful speech on some of his reflections on Canada’s relationship with its Aborigi-nal people.

Our third and last day started with Motions from delegates and Regional reports.

Half way through the meeting we were joined by the mem-bers of OCLA (Ontario Courthouse Libraries Associ-ation) to discuss the future of the County Law Library Sys-tem. In the hope of brain storming ideas we were split up into breakout groups to discuss specific questions and ideas that are currently being considered by the LibraryCo Board, to name a few; how to

The afternoon meetings were presented by: Peter Wardle and Jacqueline Horvat, Benchers, Co-Chairs of the Law Society Mentoring Task Force. W. Ormond Murphy, CDLPA Appointments to JAAC, CDLPA past Chair and gave a brief overview of the judicial appointment pro-cess. Fara Wali, Shared Steps, Legal Content Developer and Project Manager presented her work of CLEO and possi-ble areas of cooperation and Collaboration, to name a few.

The day was followed by a gorgeous dinner at the historic Albany Club where the guest speaker was the Honourable Frank Iacobacci and he gave a

engage with the public, inter-active websites and how to attract more members.

Lastly, were heard a heart-warming speech from our very own Cheryl Siran, who was prized for her profession-alism and hard work through-out the year as CDLPA Chair. Cheryl then welcomed our new CDLPA (FOLA) Chair, Eldon Horner.

CDLPA continued from p.4

What a difference a few days makes! The sky is still gloomy, but the whole bay has a thin coat of ice on it. (TAKEN ON Dec 21)

KDLA predident Sayer Down, at the Plenary din-ner in the Albany Club.

Page 5 DECEMBER 2015

“the Honourable

Frank Iacobacci

gave a


speech on some

of his

reflections on


relationship with

its Aboriginal

people. “

The Execu ve and staff of the District of Kenora

Law Associa on

wish to extend Holiday Gree ngs

to all Members of the Bar, the Judiciary and the

Courthouse Staff.

Page 6: Kenora District Law Association KDLA News · 03/12/2016  · District of Kenora Law Association Annual General Meeting Friday, February 26, 2016 3PM – 5PM In Kenora (location to

A Guide to Canadian Money Laundering Legisla on (Hall) 4th ed.

A Guide to the Personal Infor‐ma on Protec on and Elec‐tronic Documents Act (2106 ed)

Impaired Driving in Canada (Kenkel) 4th ed.

Insurance Bad Faith (Hilliker) 3rd ed.

Leading the Way : Canadian women in the law (Soloway & Costante)

Musicians and the Law in Can‐ada (Sanderson)

Ontario Employment Law Handbook (Mendl & Chow) 11th ed.

Ontario Environmental Legis‐la on 2015‐16

Ontario Family Law Prac ce 2016 (Steinberg et al)

Ontario Landlord & Tenant Law Prac ce 2016 (Fleming)

Ontario Motor Vehicle Insur‐ance Law & Commentary (Firestone) 2016 ed.

Ontario Municipal Act & Com‐mentary 2016 (Mascarin & Williams)

Ontario Provincial Offences Pocket Edi on 2016

Out of Prac ce: exploring le‐gal career paths in Canad (Kaufman & Beggs)

The Prac cal Guide to Ontario Estate Administra on (Gibbs et al) 5th ed.

Prac ce and Procedure Before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (Ford & Simon)

2016 Annotated Bank Act with associated regula ons (David & Dooley)

2016 Annotated Divorce Act (MacDonald & Wilton)

2016 Annotated Ontario Building Code Act (Levi & Mascarin)

2016 Annotated Ontario Edu‐ca on Act

Bidding and Tendering: what is the law? (Sandori & Pigo ) 5th ed

Bypass Court: a dispute reso‐lu on handbook (Chorneski & Hart) 5th ed.

Canadian Tort Law (Linden & Feldthusen) 10th ed.

Children’s Law Handbook (Zuker & Kirwin) 3rd ed.

Commercial Insolvency in Can‐ada (McElcheran) 3rd ed.

Consolidated Ontario Estates Statutes and Regula ons 2016

Consolidated Ontario Insur‐ance Statutes and Regula ons 2015 (Rachlin)

Contracts: cases, notes & ma‐terials (Swan, Bala & Adamski) 9th ed.

Criminal Jury Charge Prac ce (Mirza)

Criminal Law (Mannin, Mewe & Sankoff) 5th ed.

The Doctrine of Res Judicata in Canada (Lange) 4th ed.

The Executor’s Handbook ( Greenan) 5th ed.

Federal & Ontario Insolvency Legisla on 2015/2016 ed.

Procedural Strategies for Li ‐gators (Morton) 3rd ed.

Search and Seizure Law in Canada (Fontana & Keeshan) 9th ed.

Wa ’s Manual of Criminal Jury Instruc ons (Wa ) 2nd ed.

Youth and the Criminal Law in Canada (Davis‐Baron) 2nd ed.


From LSUC 

16th Annual Employment Law Summit

18th Annual Estates and Trusts Summit

23rd Annual Immigra on Law Summit

The Annotated Partnership Agreement 2015

Bankruptcy and Estates Law: Administra on of the Insol‐vent Estate

Civil Li ga on Prac ce Basics 2015

Commerical Leasing Essen als 2015

Commercial Mortgage Trans‐ac ons 2015

Digital Evidence Primer for Criminal and Regulatory Law‐yers

Essen als of the Privately Held Company 2015 (PRACTICE GEMS)

Indigenous Law Issues

Securi es Law Update 2015

The Six‐Minute Environmental Lawyer 2015

The Twelve‐Mintue Civil Li ‐gator 2015

District of Kenora Law Association

District Court House 216 Water St. Kenora, Ontario P9N 1S4



LIBRARY Maria Berezowski









[email protected]


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

8:00 AM‐12:30 PM

Wednesday, Friday

8:00 AM – 12:00 noon



President—SAYER DOWN

Hook Seller & Lundin LLP,



Pace Law Firm, Kenora



McAuley & Partners,


Recent Library Acquisitions
