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Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY) 1803-08...

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- A .ell, sir, yd, for you .iting." " I .qx,-- v pretend to ,.e art,: but thire is idvbr I can.bbaft. of a gro method of ta- ming A SHREW". I departed from Konjour, and slept at a village called JWalla, or Mai- - laing, and loon aster arrived at Knl- - or, a comiaeraDle town ; near the en.tt auce of which I obferve3Wjiang-5n- g upon a tree, a sort of malgper-ad- e habit, made of the bark of trees which I was told, on enquirWhs-longe- d to Mumbo Jumbo. Tjpjfis a strange bugbear, common to alTjjthe Mandingo towns, and much em,, nlnvedhv the Pafran native's in Vpp ingthe women lnTnbjection ; for asP thd Kaiirs arc not reltncted m the number of their wives, every one 'marries as many as he can conveni- ently maintain ; and, as it frequently happens that the ladies disagree themselves, family quarrels sometimes rise tofuch a height, that the authority of the huffcand can no longer preserve peacs in his house-hold- - 1 In such cases, the interpofi-tio- n of Mumbo Jumbb is called in, and is always decisive. This strange minister of justice, (who is supposed to be either the husband himself, or some person by him) disguised in the drefslhat has been mentioned, and armed with the rod of public autho rity, announces his coming (where- ver' his ser-vice- s are required) by loud and dismal screams in the woods . near the town. He begins the pan-'jjb;ni- at the approach of night : and as soon as it is dark, he enters the town, and proceeds to Bentang, where all the inhabitants instantly affamble. It may easily be supposed that this exhibition is not much relifliei by the women ; for as the person in dif-guis- e is entirely Unknown to them, every married female fufpefts that the vi!it may pofllbley be intended frherfclf ; but they dare hot refuse to apoear when they are summoned : an;1 the ceremony commences with fo-ij- ; and dances, .which continue until midnight, about which time. alfJlimbo sixes on the offender. This unfortunate vit.im being tlxereupon immediately seized, is stripped naked tied to thepoft. an'dfcverely fcourg-- d with Muiibo's rod, amidd the shouts and de:i(ion of the whole .; and it is remarkable, that the il of tne women are the loudest in their acclimations, on this occa fion, as;aiaft their unhappy sifter. Diy-lih- t puts an end to this in- decent and unmanly revel? Park's travels. jT' REMOVAL. MACCOUN &? TILFORD Have removed their STORE To the House formerly occupied by Messrs. Sami. and Geo. Trotter. July 26th, 1803. FOR SAL LOG CARRIAGE, lOW FOR CASH. t J vill barter it for a Likely ge l Fori terms, apply to OH tcxiimton. or to the fu " m, JOHN M'CALL. T. 'l8Q3- - ' KO'CICE. ird .Monday in plain and figured cambrick mu-ru- . c ..i, r flins. ill proceed to sell on,Kld an(1 Morocco slippers afforted, ill the unsold hair acre Wri, at which time & l. i t -- - ..:.! ich'they have receiv-jIndi- g ,n,,snoJ ,.,oi..i iow to the board of:QueeIls') Glass, and China ware, Ip'f'the Board. WATHMfiY.'-Clk- "J- - am BE SOLD, fa decree of the'Fay- - lit't in a suit in chance- - Wilfoti Carv Nicholas. jltit, & James Morrifon, fl.,Daveifs, executors of and'teftameiit of George ,eceafed, were defendants, jwing real and personal will be xpofed to 'sale to .est bidder for cafli, at the nd times herein afterwards 16'A, to wit All the interest ,icn George Nicholas died feiz- - nd poffeffed, and which is now ced in the said James Morrifon, id Jofepli H. Daveifs, under the 'il of the said Geoige Nicholas, de'cfiafed. of and to the Bourbon Ftir- - pJw rorge, and the lands thereunto ig, ana tne lanas held by firm (WRp nit:mber of the United Trnn ompanv, at the Bourbon Furnace. on the 1 2th day of September next, the sale to commence at 12 o'clock, and to continue until the said pro perty is sold. 1 wo tracts of land, lying and he me on the waters of Facie creek. containing twenty thousand acres, which were granted to the said GeorSe Nicholas by Patent, bearing d3te the 20th day of November, 1788, and sundry slaves, the prop ty of the late George Nicholas, which were cSmprized in a mortj gage executed by the said George iNicnoias, to wiuon Miles tiary, and nnce mortgagea to Wirion "feary iMchof.as, at the Court House in Lexington, on the 19th day September next. And some other personal nfonertv comprized in the said mortgages, at tne nouie ot Mrs. Nicholas, in Lex- ington, on the 20th dav of Septem ber next. The sales a't the Court Hon fa iloor, in Lexington, and at Mrs. Ni cholas s houle, to commence at 1: o clock, and to continue until sold The whole of the said nronertv SnlU ' ,, , ru 1 - I uciuiu, or 10 uiucti as win rane-tn- e lum ot 3086 14 1 4, with inter est at 6 per centum per annum, from the ift day of January 1798, to the cime or laie. .Jilson Payne, IX James Boyd, John BPlntire, L sc Thomas Bodley, -- fi.P? John Bradford, & U o llamas Hart, jun.J FIVE ijOLLARS REWARD. rt rt-- l t. . - Knwvu wi iiuicu iiuin a waggon WjlSxington, on the night of tlieth instant, & . Jitiay Horse, 2" ?ers old, about fourteen and a 1W bands & trots- - rack' a" canters very well, a finaU white soot on his nerk hrhmj his near ear, and a small knot on one of his sore fpgs. s .Whoever willieliver the said horse to mr. William Leavy in Lex!oKton, or to the fubferiber at JLimeftone. shall have the above-reward- . V James VTcdr. A'ltllft 22, t8!I?. tf t '1 his is to forewarn all rersnn: fromnrading wjth John Jonis for fifty acres of land, mentioned in a bond on Hichard Young, that I have afligned to said Jones, for tuto hundred and fiity acres through a mif take Iaffinned the whole bom), wlipn he hH , right to only twoJiundred acres. There is no uoutjt witn me out ris win attempt to trade away the whole bond, for which I will not be aciintrhlp. The lanrl ir it, nrhq, :. nlTj PgXiz Bone settlement. J Michael 'Clifford. vKguft 22, 1803. 12W jfl Papers Lost. LOST between Lexino-tn- nA Capt. M. Richardlbu's, on Saturday last, A BUNDLE of PAPERS, containing a deed for 458 Acres of land, together with sundry othe'Spa- - pers, which cannot be of use to av other person. Whoever has founS then. 11 n 11 he iiinrlfnm1,r v.e.,.l-- J ;by leaving them with the EdittfMof this paper. gK TNO. RECTOR. Lexington, 32d August, 1803. f Blank Deeds, On Parchment and Paper- - tor at tins olhce. I J ALEX PARKER Sc Co n Have just Received from Pbiladel- - pb:a, in addition to their former Assortment, fi.ijej 'nd rrined blankets afforted. ed, gray, blue, S: (triped coat ings, idwue and drab knaps, BKian uels and Baifes afforted. hintzes and r.allicoes afforted. 4-- 4 Irish linen afforted, oat ougar and ottee, Madeira and Port wine, ' Pnnpr P.linrnl-itf- , in1 MnOoi- - White lead, Spruce, Oaker, ana i anner s 01 "i"VJ uiiU 1WU3 U11U1 LCU. Which they will sell on ther mofl moderate terms, for CASH. Lexington,) July 1 8th, idcn. tf Bourbon Circuit May 'Term, 1803 1 nomas btarlce, Complainant, n'.mit icrt Price, Robert Mofbv and James barberry, Ucjendants In LiIiakcery. HE defendants. Price and Par- - berry not having entered their ap nearance herein asrceablv to the adl of Affembly and rules of this court, ana it appearing to the latis-facYiO- n of the cdtirt that thev are not inhabitants of this commonwealth; on the motion, of the complain- ant, bv his COUnfel. It is ordnrfd that they do appear here on the third day of the next November term, and aniwer tne complainant s bill, that a copy of this order be inserted in some one of the Gazettes of this. state, for eight weeks fucceffively, anotner copy potted at the front door of the court-hbnf- e. and nublifli- - ed at the front door of the Prefby- - tenan'meeting houle in .Paris, some Sunday immediately aster divine service. Accw - ' ... Tiro ARNmn ... rn. - -- .. v,j,i, v, Stat of Kentucky, Fayette Circuit Court r Juns Term, 1803. t Frer, comphlnant, iijt ler, defendant. n Chancery. HE defendant having sailed tn Vrf!; Ipearance herein agreeable to law and tin lies of this court, and IrnnnMriniri-- (, r.. tifailion of the court that lie is not an inhab itant of this Commonwealth, on the mmi o( the complainant by his cQunfel, it is dr dered that the said defendant Hn mn.,. ,, on thethiiddav of ths next tpnn anri nr.... tne complainant's Dill, that a copy of this or- der be inserted in the Kentucky Gazette or Herald according to law, another polled at the door of the court-hon- O fnr f.ivoi-k- . and that a copy bcpublilhed, on some Sunday iiiiiiicauieiy alter aivine lervice, at the doo of the Presbyterian meeting-hduf- H Lopy, '1 elte Thos. Bodley, c. r. c. c ate of Kentucky: Payette Circuit Court, June lerm, 1803. fobnfon, Complainant, aiivt lo"ykin, George Lanifnrt v;i.'l Miller, David Barrow". Thm. JoulSJan, Robert Jourdart, 'Francis " Marllall Boykin, and 5 Boykm, heirs and renrcfentativeinf f a John Lawrence, deceased, and Josiah Barker, adminiib-ato- r of 'willi. Davis, deceased, IN CHANCERY. jXHEdefendantshavinnfaileH tn pntprthpir Dnejranrp llPlPin nrrrppnhlto .. i.... j .u rn u.w.Mui. iu iaw uiiu inc rules of this court, and it appearmc to their uiiauuiuu mat mey are not inhabitants of tms commonwealth, on rhpninirtn nfti. nrn. plaicant, by his counsel, it is ordered, that! iuc itm ucienoants ao appear here on the third day of our next eDtemher term. nnH anfwei the complainant's bill, tliat a copy of u.i oiuer uc miertea in the Kentucky Gazette " nciaia, according to law, another ported at the door of the court-honf- e for Fayette COimtv. and that it .. he . mihlln j r o. jj . iuuujiicu uu IUIIICOUU day immediately aster divine service, at the uuur ui me meeting house in A copy. Tefc 1 HOS. 130DLEY, C. F. C. C. Knox County, fuly Term. 1801 John Faris, Complainant,' v. s. 7 Robert Campbell, furvivini? ofT the late firm of Hicks & Cnmnhpll. nA I ?? the ... ... lietrn rxnA ... rpnrnr.nt.t!.... C T Jv ..vivjimuvcj ui jaincs niCKs qeceaied, late partner in the firm r rtf HlrJr. nnA r.tnnlioH -- J TU T, : I 3 f In Chancery. he defendants Robert Camnbell. and the heirs and veprefentatives of James Hicks deceased, not having entered their appearance herein nr. cording to law, and it appearing to it tne latisiaction ot the court that' they are not inhabitants" of the com monwealth of Kentucky on the motion ot tne complainant, by his counlel, it is ordered, that tVio 0,!rl J.C.Jt J 1 T. j ""c'ualU!' "" Jl',c'" llere n tne first day of our next Ocloher term of our said court, and answer the1 complainant's bill-t- hat.a copy of tins oraer oe puDlillieil torthwith m.f the Kentucky Gazette for two months fucceffivelv. poftediufi on I,., ., a,, me x iciuLciiuu meet , n nr r,r,,lt. ti&,v Ule.Acopy. Atleft Richard Ballinger, c.K.c.QjS.r.T. WILLIAM WEST, HaJ received, and is now opening for sale, in the store formerly occil piea by Mr. Root, liarr, a , ivell chosen assortment of Dry Goods and Stationary, Glass and (Tueen's wire, Iron Momrerv and Haid Ware A handsome assoxtmtnt of Saddlery In bis assortment of Merchandize, are the following articles, viz imperial, 1 Young Hyfon, j Hyfon, JTeas, Fresh Hyfon Skin and j Bobea J French Brandy, Old Tpmnirn nirltc R A fA C' ,4. "T"" "ji:" JViadeira, aA Sheny, and j- - WinFs' Old Tener.ffe Loaf Sugar, Rice, Coffee, Chocolate, ft Raiiins, , 1 Almonds, JPqer, Ginger, Alfpice, ' , Mustard, Mace and Cloves, Bninftontr, Copperas, Allum, Ihdigo, Madder and Logivodcl. FISH. .4 d Safmon, Shad, and Hernfirs 'iS&O. Anvils, ices, Stetl, Bell-mett- le Skil 'letts, Spadeb and Shovels, Tow. Cotton nnrf Wnnl I'J. Gun Locks and Cutthigtnives, nglilh Bald Dutch bcytHes, Braflies d various kind?, Nankeensi Men's Blifr and White Silk'Stdckings, Women's Silk do. Large 'and Elegant White 'Cotton Counijxpanes, TJnfJ been felefted with care, ana will be lold on as low terms as any in this town, for Cafli. WhifVeV. Hem,-.- . ' J ZJ 1 "-- 1 Country made Linen, or such atticlesol rroauce as may luit him. the lublcnber to enable himTto sell cheap has determined not to ffiye" cre- - dit on any terms P. S. A sew pieces of The best T.nn. don Superfine Cloths. Also For Sale for Cash dr Barter, (By Wholesale.) A quantity of MERCHANDIZE. Conhlting chiMy of the following arti eles, . Fine, Tamboured, Pi mired Es1 Bnnl Muslins, Ginghams, an elegant as- sortment of Buttonsi, Muffs, Furt Trimmings, asew pieces line Cloth. uasimeres cjt oieansaoivn Martni - les facketin Womens and Child- - yens Hats, isre. isrc, WILLIAM WEST-- . FOR SALE, And possession given immediately, A VALUABLE FARM, Adioinihp; the town of Lexinstdn : containing about 108 acres, about 35 of which axecleared a good framed dwelling houle and kitchen water- - a larp;e voune- - Deach' orchard, of excellent fruit a sew apple and cherry trees about jz acres of meadow, and about 20 acres of woodland enclosed. the under wood cut out, and well set with blue erafs. A eeneral warrantv depd will be made to the purchaser. The terms are 'lvienty-1-iv- c Dollars per acre, in Cash or Shares in the Ken tucky Insurance Company. Twen- ty or thirty head of Cattle, several Mares and YounerHorfes : together with the Farming utensils, may be had with the farm : as also the pre- - sent crop. OHN BRADFORD. Lexington, July 18, 1803. ATE OF KENTUCKY to wit : Chrle Circuit. 7uh Term. 1807. s Turlcy. Complainant. AffninU- - Thomas Story, John Story, and Jacob JVfy- - ers, ueienoants. In Chancery. THE defendant Thomas Storv not hvinn- entered his appearance herein ?greeably to the act 01 auenioiy ana luies ot tins court, and appearing to the fatisfa&ion of the court that he is not an inhabitant of this common wealth On motion of the complainant by his counsel. it is ordered that the CnM Hpfemlnnt do appear here on the third day of the next utooer cerrn, ann aniwfr tne complainant i hill, that a copy of this order be inserted 'one of ttieoazettesot this state tortwo months fucceffively, and another polled at the front 'door of the court house in WinchefW nnd d- "- the3aPf,ft meeting hoiio Citnrlnu immpdt4flu nTt-u- inVfevice.1 A copy Attest Saml. M. Taylor, c. c. c. c. iaia none nas oeen dealt with accoiding to law. & 7ho. Essex. the of the COUrt'hoilfe'. T,AIf N "P bythe criber, in Harrpdf- - nfthlir !bur8',rcer county, a Bay Horse, six years county, and publlfhed some, old, fourteen iiiJl,,ICI.J.hi.l, feet two Sunday immediately aster Divine'"mrc.lx:hmubranueil,llusC O.noothermark f,.r; n .k tj n...- - :.. . perceivable; appraised to sixty dollars. The Auguit iotb, L VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. 700 acres Military Lir.d. Ivino- - n Builh creek, N. W. 1". whrre the road ioIVls from Limefloue to Chitiicothtr this tr.ia contains about thiee lmndrcd :cres ot rich bottom, the rema nder Is ell timbered: has nn it A r,l ,;n )U mill '' and- - is an excellent stand for a pub- - lie houl 500 jen-- a ditto ditto, lying on Clover Lick cre I., a of the East fork of tlit Little M ami, N. W. T. in a Kood nei,.hboihood. jhnnt tlircn ..... .! . (.. - "'in.J llUMl Dunhams-Tow- n, seven fu.ni Williams- burg, and eleven to twehc from the 0-h- io fiver. 1000 irrcs ditto ditto, h ing on Brtifli creek, a sew miles irom New Market, N. W. T. 5000 acres, lvinir on Rank T.irk r, eel- - Kentucky, pait of two tracts, contain ing ,ouyu acres, lurveyed and paten tor vv niiain ones. 4000 acres,, Clarke countv. part of a traft of eight thouland acres, surveyed ' and patented for Richaid Clun-neyort- h. 3332 2-- 3 acres, Mason county, Ken-uck- y, part of 5000 acres, surveyed and patented for George Underwood. 1200 acres, Mason county, Kentucky, surveyed and patented for Mocdy and M'Millin. ' 1000 acres Military land, on the wa- ters of RalTell's creek, Green river. 335 acres, Jefferson county, Kentuo-k,- y, about jfaur in les from Louisville, 40 acres of this tract 116 acies,Franklin countv. TTen. jucky,-o- the.North'foTkof Elkhorn, ibflut flx mijles from Frankfort ; on this ,,.. ,.- -. vuiiwut.iui(. improvements. A' Houle and well imnrnverl f r.t it. the town of Parts, on Main street, and adjoining Mr. Hughes's tavern. An inn and Out Lot in said town. Also a House and wellimumvprl T n in this place. 1 he above defrriViprl nmmi-t- ,.:n u sold low for Cash, H'trip and Todac- - co, or on givjmj bond "with good foairi- - ty, k confiderstble credit may bcNhad For further partfulars enqurrc of the fubferibers. . John Jordan tus. . JOHN A. SEITZt Lexington, Kentucky. JjtmJary 14th, 1803 S NOTICE TO SURVEYORS. THE principal iuivevors in ihic commonwealth as well those who have beetiasVho'ffe who arc no,,, ; oiw' an have IIOt ett'e one sixth parrf the feesfhev havp"rpeP;,.0j ., , n. .. . J . '.", wit-- i tne 1 beminary or iraniyivania Univorhty, are hereby recpuelted to forward o the fubferi- - hoT lt.'K 4ii-- ..X U . , " - ' - """ iuiu as mey may nave in their hands rgfp3aively, due to the unrveruty, without delay, andthere-h- y prevent the painful altprnativ of giving notice, and movinp-aainf- t them. The law reciuir-e- tlut fltf.- - mcuts'be made on oath. SAMl. BLAIR, t.t.u, Lexington, June 3, 1803.' Just .Publish d, By JAMES M.'BRADFORD, . Jina jpr sale at this OJice,'- - Mcc 50 cents. t A REPORT OF THE CASE, 'NICHOLDS, &c. against WELLS, Being the case of t'(ie County Court ' ' Payette County, Kentucky, Ata meeting of the board of Connnifiion- - crs appointea to perpetuate teltimony, on the 29th day of March 18 3, RESOLVED. That the ftaie.l mti. f this board (hall be on the fii it VTon-U- in eve- ry month, commencing on thefirft mnmlay in Monday in May, and ending in OiVber; and that they will adj um from day to dav at each meeting, until the business before tin m is and that notice thereof npourn in the public News-Pape- r. Teste LEVI TODD, 0 B.C. The Subscribers to the ' S WEE P-- S TAKE S, To be run this Fall, ARE requelted to meet at the house of Mr. John Poltfet'hwait, Lexington, on the first Monday in SeptemberK.in order to Ex on tha ground to rpon, and qlofe the n. The fubfeription paper will be in the hands of Maj r Wag- - non, witn whom any perlon chuhi.g to run a horse raav enter at anv 1 imp previous to said first of September. lbomas o tbresbley. . Lexington, July ai, 1 803 . State of Kentucky, Fayette Circuit Court. June Ierm, 1803. Robert Barr, complainant, j4gainft Montgomery Kell & Daniel M'Vicar, def'ts. In Chancfry. THE defendant Montgomery B2H il,.. having enVer nnn7,. . u.t ',? .f",!r. ' saPP"rnce herein .grcea- - V S S ... this Connnonwealth, JT implainant by n coun-j- r the said def').i mt df itiUL an Miuauitant 01 on the motion of the fel, it is ordered that appear on the" third day of our ncit Septem ber term, and answer t(ic complom 's bill, that a copy of the order be infcrud in the Kentucky ',... Gazette or tierdd, aco-d- inc to law, another posted at the door of the c:ourt- - house for Fayette countv, and that it oe pub- - lifhedon some Sunday named ate' aftci di- - vne service, at the door of tue Presbyterian meeting houle. A Copy, Telle Thos. Bodley, c. r. c. Q Og c. .1 M ! QZZ X'te iJST
Page 1: Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY) 1803-08 …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt74tm71vz7j/data/0135.pdf · 2012-06-03 · the town, and proceeds to Bentang, where all the

- A.ell, sir,

yd, for you.iting." " I

.qx,-- v pretend to,.e art,: but thire is

idvbr I can.bbaft. of a

gro method of ta-ming A SHREW".

I departed from Konjour, and sleptat a village called JWalla, or Mai- -

laing, and loon aster arrived at Knl- -

or, a comiaeraDle town ; near theen.tt auce of which I obferve3Wjiang-5n- g

upon a tree, a sort of malgper-ad- e

habit, made of the bark of treeswhich I was told, on enquirWhs-longe- d

to Mumbo Jumbo. Tjpjfisa strange bugbear, common to alTjjtheMandingo towns, and much em,,nlnvedhv the Pafran native's in Vpp

ingthe women lnTnbjection ; for asPthd Kaiirs arc not reltncted m thenumber of their wives, every one

'marries as many as he can conveni-ently maintain ; and, as it frequentlyhappens that the ladies disagree

themselves, family quarrelssometimes rise tofuch a height, thatthe authority of the huffcand can nolonger preserve peacs in his house-hold- -


In such cases, the interpofi-tio- n

of Mumbo Jumbb is called in,and is always decisive.

This strange minister of justice,(who is supposed to be either thehusband himself, or some person

by him) disguised in thedrefslhat has been mentioned, andarmed with the rod of public authority, announces his coming (where-ver' his ser-vice-

s are required) byloud and dismal screams in the woods

. near the town. He begins the pan-'jjb;ni-

at the approach of night :

and as soon as it is dark, he entersthe town, and proceeds to Bentang,where all the inhabitants instantlyaffamble.

It may easily be supposed that thisexhibition is not much relifliei bythe women ; for as the person in dif-guis- e

is entirely Unknown to them,every married female fufpefts thatthe vi!it may pofllbley be intendedfrherfclf ; but they dare hot refuseto apoear when they are summoned :an;1 the ceremony commences withfo-ij- ; and dances, .which continueuntil midnight, about which time.

alfJlimbo sixes on the offender. Thisunfortunate vit.im being tlxereuponimmediately seized, is stripped nakedtied to thepoft. an'dfcverely fcourg-- d

with Muiibo's rod, amidd theshouts and de:i(ion of the whole .;

and it is remarkable, thatthe il of tne women are the loudestin their acclimations, on this occafion, as;aiaft their unhappy sifter.

Diy-lih- t puts an end to this in-

decent and unmanly revel?Park's travels.


MACCOUN &? TILFORDHave removed their

STORETo the House formerly occupied by

Messrs. Sami. and Geo. Trotter.July 26th, 1803.



vill barter it for a Likely gel

Fori terms, apply to OHtcxiimton. or to the fu


T. 'l8Q3- - '


ird .Monday in plain and figured cambrick mu-ru- .

c ..i, r flins.

ill proceed to sell on,Kld an(1 Morocco slippers afforted,ill the unsold hair acreWri, at which time &l. i t -- - ..:.!

ich'they have receiv-jIndi- g

,n,,snoJ ,.,oi..iiow to the board of:QueeIls') Glass, and China ware,

Ip'f'the Board.WATHMfiY.'-Clk-

"J- - am

BE SOLD,f a decree of the'Fay- -

lit't in a suit in chance- -

Wilfoti Carv Nicholas.jltit, & James Morrifon,fl.,Daveifs, executors ofand'teftameiit of George

,eceafed, were defendants,jwing real and personalwill be xpofed to 'sale to

.est bidder for cafli, at thend times herein afterwards

16'A, to wit All the interest,icn George Nicholas died feiz- -

nd poffeffed, and which is nowced in the said James Morrifon,

id Jofepli H. Daveifs, under the'il of the said Geoige Nicholas,

de'cfiafed. of and to the Bourbon Ftir- -

pJw rorge, and the lands thereuntoig, ana tne lanas held by firm

(WRp nit:mber of the United Trnnompanv, at the Bourbon Furnace.

on the 1 2th day of September next,the sale to commence at 12 o'clock,and to continue until the said property is sold.

1 wo tracts of land, lying and heme on the waters of Facie creek.containing twenty thousand acres,which were granted to the saidGeorSe Nicholas by Patent, bearingd3te the 20th day of November,1788, and sundry slaves, the propty of the late George Nicholas,which were cSmprized in a mortjgage executed by the said GeorgeiNicnoias, to wiuon Miles tiary, andnnce mortgagea to Wirion "fearyiMchof.as, at the Court Housein Lexington, on the 19th daySeptember next.

And some other personal nfonertvcomprized in the said mortgages, attne nouie ot Mrs. Nicholas, in Lex-ington, on the 20th dav of September next.

The sales a't the Court Hon failoor, in Lexington, and at Mrs. Nicholas s houle, to commence at 1:o clock, and to continue until soldThe whole of the said nronertv SnlU

' ,, ,ru 1 - I

uciuiu, or 10 uiucti as win rane-tn- e

lum ot 3086 14 1 4, with interest at 6 per centum per annum, fromthe ift day of January 1798, to thecime or laie.

.Jilson Payne, IXJames Boyd,John BPlntire, L scThomas Bodley, --fi.P?John Bradford, & U


llamas Hart, jun.JFIVE ijOLLARS REWARD.

rt rt-- l t. . -Knwvu wi iiuicu iiuin a waggonWjlSxington, on the night of tlieth instant,

& . Jitiay Horse,2" ?ers old, about fourteen and a

1W bands & trots- - rack' a" canters verywell, a finaU white soot on his nerk hrhmjhis near ear, and a small knot on one of hissore fpgs.

s .Whoever willieliver the said horseto mr. William Leavy in Lex!oKton, or tothe fubferiber at JLimeftone. shall have theabove-reward- . V

James VTcdr.A'ltllft 22, t8!I?. tf t

'1 his is to forewarn all rersnn:fromnrading wjth John Jonis for fifty acresof land, mentioned in a bond on HichardYoung, that I have afligned to said Jones, fortuto hundred and fiity acres through a miftake Iaffinned the whole bom), wlipn he hH ,

right to only twoJiundred acres. There is nououtjt witn me out ris win attempt to tradeaway the whole bond, for which I will not beaciintrhlp. The lanrl ir it, nrhq, :. nlTjPgXiz Bone settlement.

J Michael 'Clifford.vKguft 22, 1803. 12W

jfl Papers Lost.LOST between Lexino-tn- nA

Capt. M. Richardlbu's, on Saturdaylast, A BUNDLE of PAPERS,containing a deed for 458 Acres ofland, together with sundry othe'Spa- -pers, which cannot be of use to avother person. Whoever has founSthen. 11 n 11 he iiinrlfnm1,r v.e.,.l-- J

;by leaving them with the EdittfMofthis paper. gK

TNO. RECTOR.Lexington, 32d August, 1803. f

Blank Deeds,On Parchment and Paper- - tor

at tins olhce. I



Have just Received from Pbiladel- -

pb:a, in addition to their formerAssortment,

fi.ijej 'nd rrined blankets afforted.ed, gray, blue, S: (triped coat

ings,idwue and drab knaps,

BKian uels and Baifes afforted.hintzes and r.allicoes afforted.

4-- 4 Irish linen afforted,

oat ougar and ottee,Madeira and Port wine,

' Pnnpr P.linrnl-itf- , in1 MnOoi- -

White lead, Spruce, Oaker,ana i anner s 01

"i"VJ uiiU 1WU3 U11U1 LCU.

Which they will sell on ther moflmoderate terms, for CASH.

Lexington,) July 1 8th, idcn. tfBourbon Circuit May 'Term, 1803

1 nomas btarlce, Complainant,n'.miticrt Price, Robert Mofbv andJames barberry, Ucjendants

In LiIiakcery.HE defendants. Price and Par--

berry not having entered their apnearance herein asrceablv to theadl of Affembly and rules of thiscourt, ana it appearing to the latis-facYiO- n

of the cdtirt that thev are notinhabitants of this commonwealth;on the motion, of the complain-ant, bv his COUnfel. It is ordnrfdthat they do appear here on the thirdday of the next November term, andaniwer tne complainant s bill, thata copy of this order be inserted insome one of the Gazettes of this.state, for eight weeks fucceffively,anotner copy potted at the frontdoor of the court-hbnf- e. and nublifli- -

ed at the front door of the Prefby- -

tenan'meeting houle in .Paris, someSunday immediately aster divineservice.

Accw -' ...Tiro ARNmn... rn.- --.. v,j,i, v,

Stat of Kentucky, Fayette Circuit Courtr Juns Term, 1803.t Frer, comphlnant,

iijtler, defendant.

n Chancery.HE defendant having sailed tn Vrf!;

Ipearance herein agreeable to law and tinlies of this court, and IrnnnMriniri-- (, r..

tifailion of the court that lie is not an inhabitant of this Commonwealth, on the mmio( the complainant by his cQunfel, it is drdered that the said defendant Hn mn.,. ,,on thethiiddav of ths next tpnn anri nr....tne complainant's Dill, that a copy of this or-der be inserted in the Kentucky Gazette orHerald according to law, another polled at thedoor of the court-hon- O fnr f.ivoi-k- .

and that a copy bcpublilhed, on some Sundayiiiiiiicauieiy alter aivine lervice, at the dooof the Presbyterian meeting-hduf-

H Lopy, '1 elteThos. Bodley, c. r. c. c

ate of Kentucky:Payette Circuit Court,

June lerm, 1803.fobnfon, Complainant,aiivtlo"ykin, George Lanifnrt v;i.'l

Miller, David Barrow". Thm.JoulSJan, Robert Jourdart, 'Francis "Marllall Boykin, and 5Boykm, heirs and renrcfentativeinf f aJohn Lawrence, deceased, and JosiahBarker, adminiib-ato- r of 'willi.Davis, deceased,

IN CHANCERY.jXHEdefendantshavinnfaileH tn pntprthpir

Dnejranrp llPlPin nrrrppnhlto .. i.... j .urn u.w.Mui. iu iaw uiiu incrules of this court, and it appearmc to theiruiiauuiuu mat mey are not inhabitants oftms commonwealth, on rhpninirtn nfti. nrn.plaicant, by his counsel, it is ordered, that!iuc itm ucienoants ao appear here on thethird day of our next eDtemher term. nnHanfwei the complainant's bill, tliat a copy ofu.i oiuer uc miertea in the Kentucky Gazette" nciaia, according to law, another portedat the door of the court-honf- e for FayetteCOimtv. and that it.. he. mihlln j r o.jj . iuuujiicu uu IUIIICOUUday immediately aster divine service, at theuuur ui me meeting house in

A copy. Tefc1 HOS. 130DLEY, C. F. C. C.

Knox County, fuly Term. 1801John Faris, Complainant,'

v. s. 7Robert Campbell, furvivini? ofTthe late firm of Hicks & Cnmnhpll. nA I ??

the... ...lietrn rxnA... rpnrnr.nt.t!.... C T Jv..vivjimuvcj ui jaincsniCKs qeceaied, late partner in the firm rrtf HlrJr. nnA r.tnnlioH -- J TU T, : I 3

f In Chancery.he defendants Robert Camnbell.

and the heirs and veprefentatives ofJames Hicks deceased, not havingentered their appearance herein nr.cording to law, and it appearing to ittne latisiaction ot the court that'they are not inhabitants" of the commonwealth of Kentucky on themotion ot tne complainant, by hiscounlel, it is ordered, that tVio 0,!rl

J.C.Jt J 1 T. j

""c'ualU!' "" Jl',c'" llere n tnefirst day of our next Ocloher termof our said court, and answer the1complainant's bill-t- hat.a copy oftins oraer oe puDlillieil torthwith m.fthe Kentucky Gazette for twomonths fucceffivelv. poftediufi on

I,., ., a,, me x iciuLciiuu meet, n nr r,r,,lt. ti&,v

Ule.Acopy. AtleftRichard Ballinger, c.K.c.QjS.r.T.

WILLIAM WEST,HaJ received, and is now openingfor

sale, in the store formerly occilpiea by Mr. Root, liarr, a, ivell chosen assortment ofDry Goods and Stationary,Glass and (Tueen's wire,Iron Momrerv and Haid WareA handsome assoxtmtnt ofSaddlery

In bis assortment of Merchandize,are the following articles, viz

imperial, 1

Young Hyfon, j

Hyfon, JTeas, FreshHyfon Skin and j

Bobea JFrench Brandy,Old Tpmnirn nirltc R A fAC' ,4. "T"" "ji:"JViadeira, aASheny, and j-- WinFs'Old Tener.ffeLoaf Sugar,


Chocolate, ftRaiiins, ,1 Almonds,

JPqer,Ginger,Alfpice, '

, Mustard,Mace and Cloves,Bninftontr,Copperas,Allum,Ihdigo,Madder and Logivodcl.

FISH. .4 dSafmon, Shad, and Hernfirs 'iS&O.

Anvils, ices, Stetl, Bell-mett-le Skil

'letts, Spadeb and Shovels,Tow. Cotton nnrf Wnnl I'J.Gun Locks and Cutthigtnives,

nglilh Bald Dutch bcytHes,Braflies d various kind?,NankeensiMen's Blifr and White Silk'Stdckings,Women's Silk do.Large 'and Elegant White 'Cotton


TJnfJ been felefted with care,ana will be lold on as low terms as anyin this town, for Cafli. WhifVeV. Hem,-.- .

' J ZJ 1 "-- 1

Country made Linen, or such atticlesolrroauce as may luit him.

the lublcnber to enable himTto sellcheap has determined not to ffiye" cre- -

dit on any termsP. S. A sew pieces of The best T.nn.

don Superfine Cloths.Also For Sale for Cash dr Barter,

(By Wholesale.)A quantity of MERCHANDIZE.

Conhlting chiMy of the following artieles, .

Fine, Tamboured, Pimired Es1 BnnlMuslins, Ginghams, an elegant as-sortment of Buttonsi, Muffs, FurtTrimmings, asew pieces line Cloth.uasimeres cjt oieansaoivn Martni -les facketin Womens and Child- -

yens Hats, isre. isrc,


FOR SALE,And possession given immediately,

A VALUABLE FARM,Adioinihp; the town of Lexinstdn :

containing about 108 acres, about35 of which axecleared a goodframed dwelling houle and kitchen

water- - a larp;e voune- - Deach'orchard, of excellent fruit a sewapple and cherry trees about jzacres of meadow, and about 20 acresof woodland enclosed. the underwood cut out, and well set with blueerafs. A eeneral warrantv depdwill be made to the purchaser. Theterms are 'lvienty-1-iv- c Dollars peracre, in Cash or Shares in the Kentucky Insurance Company. Twen-ty or thirty head of Cattle, severalMares and YounerHorfes : togetherwith the Farming utensils, may behad with the farm : as also the pre- -sent crop.

OHN BRADFORD.Lexington, July 18, 1803.


Chrle Circuit. 7uh Term. 1807.s Turlcy. Complainant.


Thomas Story, John Story, and Jacob JVfy--

ers, ueienoants.In Chancery.

THE defendant Thomas Storv not hvinn-entered his appearance herein ?greeably to theact 01 auenioiy ana luies ot tins court, and

appearing to the fatisfa&ion of the courtthat he is not an inhabitant of this commonwealth On motion of the complainant by hiscounsel. it is ordered that the CnM Hpfemlnntdo appear here on the third day of the nextutooer cerrn, ann aniwfr tne complainant i

hill, that a copy of this order be inserted'one of ttieoazettesot this state tortwo monthsfucceffively, and another polled at the front

'door of the court house in WinchefW nndd- "- the3aPf,ft meeting hoiioCitnrlnu immpdt4flu nTt-u-

inVfevice.1A copy Attest

Saml. M. Taylor, c. c. c. c.

iaia none nas oeen dealt with accoiding tolaw. & 7ho. Essex.

the of the COUrt'hoilfe'. T,AIf N "P bythe criber, in Harrpdf- -

nfthlir !bur8',rcer county, a Bay Horse, six yearscounty, and publlfhed some, old, fourteen iiiJl,,ICI.J.hi.l, feettwo

Sunday immediately aster Divine'"mrc.lx:hmubranueil,llusC O.noothermarkf,.r; n .k tj n...- - :.. . perceivable; appraised to sixty dollars. The

Auguit iotb, L


700 acres Military Lir.d. Ivino- - nBuilh creek, N. W. 1". whrre the road

ioIVls from Limefloue to Chitiicothtrthis tr.ia contains about thiee lmndrcd:cres ot rich bottom, the rema nder Is

ell timbered: has nn it A r,l ,;n)U mill'' and-- is an excellent stand for a pub--lie houl

500 jen-- a ditto ditto, lying on CloverLick cre I., a of the East fork oftlit Little M ami, N. W. T. in a Koodnei,.hboihood. jhnnt tlircn..... .! . (..- "'in.J llUMlDunhams-Tow- n, seven fu.ni Williams-burg, and eleven to twehc from the 0-h-


fiver.1000 irrcs ditto ditto, h ing on Brtifli

creek, a sew miles irom New Market,N. W. T.

5000 acres, lvinir on Rank T.irk r, eel- -

Kentucky, pait of two tracts, containing ,ouyu acres, lurveyed and patentor vv niiain ones.

4000 acres,, Clarke countv.part of a traft of eight thouland acres,surveyed

'and patented for Richaid Clun-neyort- h.

3332 2-- 3 acres, Mason county, Ken-uck- y,

part of 5000 acres, surveyed andpatented for George Underwood.

1200 acres, Mason county, Kentucky,surveyed and patented for Mocdy andM'Millin. '

1000 acres Military land, on the wa-ters of RalTell's creek, Green river.

335 acres, Jefferson county, Kentuo-k,- y,

about jfaur in les from Louisville, 40acres of this tract

116 acies,Franklin countv. TTen.jucky,-o- the.North'foTkof Elkhorn,ibflut flx mijles from Frankfort ; on this

,,..,.- -. vuiiwut.iui(. improvements.A' Houle and well imnrnverl f r.t it.

the town of Parts, on Main street, andadjoining Mr. Hughes's tavern.

An inn and Out Lot in said town.Also a House and wellimumvprl T n

in this place.1 he above defrriViprl nmmi-t- ,.:n u

sold low for Cash, H'trip and Todac- -co, or on givjmj bond "with good foairi- -ty, k confiderstble credit may bcNhadFor further partfulars enqurrc of thefubferibers.

. John Jordan tus.. JOHN A. SEITZt

Lexington, Kentucky.JjtmJary 14th, 1803 S

NOTICE TO SURVEYORS.THE principal iuivevors in ihic

commonwealth as well those whohave beetiasVho'ffe who arc no,,, ;

oiw' an have IIOt ett'e one sixthparrf the feesfhev havp"rpeP;,.0j., , n. .. . J . '.",wit-- i tne 1 beminary oriraniyivania Univorhty, are hereby

recpuelted to forward o the fubferi- -hoT lt.'K 4ii-- ..X U . ," - ' - """ iuiu as mey may nave intheir hands rgfp3aively, due to theunrveruty, without delay, andthere-h- y

prevent the painful altprnativof giving notice, and movinp-aainf- t

them. The law reciuir-e- tlut fltf.- -mcuts'be made on oath.

SAMl. BLAIR, t.t.u,Lexington, June 3, 1803.'

Just .Publish d,By JAMES M.'BRADFORD, .

Jina jpr sale at this OJice,'- -

Mcc 50 cents.


'NICHOLDS, &c. against WELLS,Being the case of t'(ie County Court

' '

Payette County, Kentucky,Ata meeting of the board of Connnifiion- -

crs appointea to perpetuate teltimony,on the 29th day of March 18 3,

RESOLVED. That the ftaie.l mti. fthis board (hall be on the fii it VTon-U- in eve-ry month, commencing on thefirft mnmlay inMonday in May, and ending in OiVber; andthat they will adj um from day to dav at eachmeeting, until the business before tin m is

and that notice thereof npourn in thepublic News-Pape- r.

Teste LEVI TODD, 0 B.C.The Subscribers to the '

S W E E P-- S TAKE S,To be run this Fall,

ARE requelted to meet at thehouse of Mr. John Poltfet'hwait,Lexington, on the first Monday inSeptemberK.in order to Ex on thaground to rpon, and qlofe the n.

The fubfeription paperwill be in the hands of Maj r Wag- -non, witn whom any perlon chuhi.gto run a horse raav enter at anv 1 impprevious to said first of September.

lbomas o tbresbley. .

Lexington, July ai, 1 803 .

State ofKentucky, Fayette Circuit Court.June Ierm, 1803.

Robert Barr, complainant,j4gainft

Montgomery Kell & Daniel M'Vicar, def'ts.In Chancfry.

THE defendant Montgomery B2H il,..havingenVer nnn7,.


u.t ',? .f",!r. ' saPP"rnce herein .grcea- -VSS

...this Connnonwealth, JT

implainant by n coun-j- rthe said def').i mt df

itiUL an Miuauitant 01on the motion of thefel, it is ordered thatappear on the" third day of our ncit September term, and answer t(ic complom 's bill,that a copy of the order be infcrud in theKentucky',...Gazette or tierdd, aco-d- inc tolaw, another posted at the door of the c:ourt- -house for Fayette countv, and that it oe pub- -lifhedon some Sunday named ate' aftci di- -vne service, at the door of tue Presbyterianmeeting houle.

A Copy, TelleThos. Bodley, c. r. c.

Q Og





