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Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY...

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Mil h X New-Yor- k Grand Literature Lottery, No. 4, Authorised by an art of the Legislature, and , payment oi prizes guaianttcd W them, po '.sitoely began drawing on 13th May . nc nra. . Toopo C dollars highest Prizes. 5,000, ) Tickets, Halves, Quartets and Eighths, foi sale .it G. & It. WAITES' Truly Fortunate Lottery offices, No. 64, s?iVo. 38, Maiden Lane, New-Tor- k. Where was sold in the two last lotteries, the highest vrize in each, and otlier capitals, to an enormous amount amongst them u ere the follow ing : No. 17199 (highest prize) 25000 3929 (highest prize) 820000 15298 33000 1.1904 y S S2000 25596 J L4 &X-0- 28573 S2000 39-- 8 S1000 2U555 S1000 -- 2315 8100 Besides a gicat number of 500, 200, 100 dol-la- r prizes ke. Distant adventurers, by forwarding bank Botes f any description, to G h. It. Waite, in letters postpaid, m-i- haic tickets and sasres tent them, to any amount, with the strictest b ...i:i... n,iI 'rr-C- t rt c.ifrti. fn nnv na'ft of the United States, and the earnest adnccAylllJjfe empn of their success. CCT PricitqCtickCts E.p-h- t nollars. !ms '" ADVERTISEMENT. The fubferiber offers to the public, ti New Invention for Pressing ; Calculated to supercede the use of the strew almost, it not altogether. Fora theele press it stands unrivalled, A? might he certified by a hod ofwitnefies W necefury ; for an oil press, I submit the following certificate fiom a geirtle-nia- n of unqueftiuhable veracity. Certificate. . , T Wm. Crawford, of "SoUth-ca- il Dutchefs countv, ftatc of N.Yoik, do certify.-tlu- t I have used BeitWpaten, Wherl Press. for Drefiine oil, and find it preferable, to any that I have everfeent as it produces more oil with less expenle, and ldo recommend it to the public as a Wm. Crawford. The machine which I offer tothe pub- lic (though it comes with a bad grace from me) really merits attention ; as in eheefe making it reduces the labor from a degree to which female flrength is illy adapted, to aimoit notning ; ana in pla- tes which are yet in their infancy, this inachine will "be peculiarly useful, as xhoft kind of preffes, viz. the cider, clo- thier's and eil,are yet to be eieiSed,and may be done at much less expenle than the oidinarv mode. Licenses ior conflrudYing and ufingthe sbove invention, will be afforded at a reasonable rate, by the fubferiber. Hezekiab Belts. NOR WALK, Fairfield county, Conn. IN THE PRESS, And will shortly be published, for wile at this olhce, THE KENTUCKT ENGLISH GRAMMAR, OR NEW GRAMMATICAL INSTITUTE, By Samuel AVilon, Teacher of Languages and jjcucs.L.eitrcs. This will be the third eoition of this valua ble httkuork, with considerable impitnements. A List of Letters remaining in the'Poft Office at Winchcfter- - Is not taken vout in three months, win be returned fto the General Post Office as deadlet- - ters. B David Megee ofepfi Benton, ju. Barnet'M'jianegee Wm. Byeatn Wm.Bulh, fen. David Ogwoo. Wm. Barnard P Alex. Black Heni'y Pebwortli Waller Bollock. Robert Pebworth C R Dillard Collins ElizabethR'ichards Jacob Cool Reynold Chapman Samuel Scott Maj. Robt.-Claik- . Abm. Smith H Jno. Srieley John Hamelton Jno.- - Slight Geo. Hamoton. Jno. Stevenson L 'Basel Soaper. Saml. Landers T Hezekiab Lyon Wm. Tate. Tins. Lane. M James Weddle Wm. M'Crery Amos Williams. Robt. M'Kehfcy E. Callaway. May 15, 1806. LAND FOR SALE. 557'acres lying on the Frankfort roid, about two and a half miles from Lexington, being part of Preflon's mi litary survey, and known by the name of the Cov Spring. I will sell the whole tng-tbc- or divide into small lots so a to suit a number of purChafers. The lnd is superiorly wattred and timbered to any in this vicinity. Any person wanting to puriliale the above land may know the terms by application to the fublr.ribsrat Mr. WilYons's tavern. Charles A. Lewis. iTny 13, 1806, 3w FOUND - On Sundiy last, by a negro boy, two 01 tnrce mik-snro- Lexington, on the C' ' ''o rid,a Sil-.c- i Wa'ch; winch thr civ iv'r cu; !ue by ,ir('lyinj atWilkins' Rope Wi'k, and paying ch.uges. Lexington, May 171 1806. 3L OR. SALE THE Subi'c riber will dispose of the following Lands and Lots, Sec. to wit. 2000 acres of land in Barren county, on the south side of Green river, in two adjoining surveys of lOOO.acre: each.jcounts by ying them or giving theii made fbr 'lhomas Marshall on military notes for the turns due, and thole who warrants, including the blue spring grove. I he 2000 acres will be all lold together, or in parcels, as may btft suit tire purchaser. The title is indif'puta - ble, and a deed witli general wai rarity will be given. 1000 acres in Pendleton county, ad - joining the town of Falmouth, running - a lmall dillance up both of the maiiiitrut was tormerlv occupied by Dr. t. fo.ks of Lickincr and down the main creek on both sides. There was a lmall, part of the survey included in the town, which the fubferiber does not claim, bu. there is 1000 acres besides. This claim is sounded on an entry made early in 1780, and there is no inteiferenct w. h I the part offered for sale. A deed with general warranty will be executed. About 400 acres of land on Glover's creek near the head of Little Barren on the south side of Green river, part of a tract ot 1000 acres,- - entered and fur-vey- td for col. Richarcl Taylor on Mi-- " litary warrant. 300 acres in Montgomery county, ly- ing on the road from the Olympian Springyto Bouibon Furnace, including the 1'ouittl bint, nnrt ns n tract of land of 10,90 acresentired in the name of lhomas CIarkeW? For the tVo last trags a deed with special warranty willnpexecutcd with a covenant to refund tljlf purchase money f the mirchafer IhoiilrTTfe evifted. The brick- - house on Tylain-ftie- et in the .George : Manfell, complainant, town of Lexington, lay occupied by! ram'd7fend3nts, the lublcriber as anTofnce, with tho IKCTJANCFRY whole or part of anbatre of ground ad joining, lhe dfhje now in the occu pation ot the ,iutjlcrioer on Jtiroad-wa- y the town of Fffyikfort, with the lot on which it is situate. James Hughes. The Btrn, pear Lexington, May 1. 8t jCOTT CO ty, fa. JjI April Term, 1806. Adam G01 UUlt Complainant, as. Joel Ferre 8c Bartlet Collins, Defendants, IN CHANCERY. . rsHE defendant Ferre, failintr to an. I pear, and answer the complainant's bill, agreeably to law and the rule of the court, and it apppearinc to the fatisfadi- - on of the court, that he is not an inhabi- tant of this State -- On the inniinnnF the complainant by his attorney,It is "I dered,tnat the said defendant Ferre, ap- -' 'pear line an the fourth Monday in Jn yJoeVan1?,.Iv.cr1rTKear Jn,n v"ln-next- , & Rose and answer the bill aforesaid ;S?nd s s I hat a r.nnv nt this nrrtrr hr mirrtprl i! the Krntnekv Rattr fnr two n,nn,t,, jElias Langham, and adjoining rlender- and another iuccelnvely, copy affixed .u. . i,..r- - a c -- u:. . lion ssrant. IMt IUU1 L 11UIILC UUUI VI 11115 lUUULIQ.' Aconv Tefte " ' BB -- . - - Peter .. and WA1-J- Ut AJiMl-UCA-- : T?SIVt " it "I H- IfrtfA d4.4U oa ...hu,-...- , .iMuri., c,, - Swear fur. a iku.., ur n,t, v:nn..,Ai rfl ru--- . i "JM'.' lu?.""'B ,l """ ' c:f bhn M'Gehee, complainants, Against nomas English, defendant, IN CHANCERY. ON the motion of the complainants, oy tneircouniel, wlioexmtMtted their bill aeainntne oetendant, and havinii proved, to the fatisfaion of the court, that he is not an inhabitant of tips common- - eaun, it is oruerea tnat tne laid oeten- - dant 00 appear nere on tin third day of our ;next June term, and answer thecom- - plainants bill, or that the same will be : taken for confefled, and that a copy of this order be inserted in fomc authonfed ,.-- ,.. "t,.w.v... '"- - A copy. Teffe, loos tSodley, L.I'.CC. I 1 j- - BLUE DYING. ! jRS. Keiser, takes this of informing the public, that She has commen- - ced the Blue Dying bufirfs, next door below Mr. Hudon, the saddler, where lhe will dye cotton, yarn, and thread, or any kind of home made cloth, which lhe will warrant to' (land its color, as lhe dyes with hot dye. She will dye the above articles cheap as any 2J, ,03O. FOE RENT OR SALE. r.HESubfcriber offers to rent the ITacrn TRAVELLEU's HALL, fnr nn'. jear or longer term, or to sell it for in the following way, iz. Cash paid down, R4000 store !roods.Cvda&-e- . tn.' bacco, salt, iron, naidi down, or indoised notes at a short date, Land in the vicinity of Lexington, 1000 a nt uauinct: in eiiriu eauai an i nualpajmcnts, with interest from the dale, or sour payments of half cash and half f 17000 appioeil With intertst I from the date, I " ' N. B. Any person who rents or may hacthe of Uic and of Liquors at a reasonable rate. Robert Bradley. Lexington, May 16, 106. be sold tbe July, at Mr. )y itrtuui y j tuvcf , L.t7lCSiOrlC T;300 LanfL On the waters of Eagle and creek, the state of Ohio, about 10 miles dktmn from Limestone. Also, 400 acres of i:ch hot.1 torn Land,ontbcOhioiier,insridst?e, .iboiv three miles above tl'c tcrus of wliK h ill made know n on the da of salt, when lawful tides will made. Thomas 4t John 'NOTICE. at'r...,r,. ALT5Teifor!: indebted to the late firm of Doctors 5a"mL Brown and Elilha Wt field, arc requeued to call on Dr. Wai field, who is authonfed to settle all Idebts due the film, and close their ac- - have demands against the firm are defir- - ed to bring them forward to ur. war-- held lor payment. Every perlon who knows that Dr. Brown has lest this state, ior Oilcans, will lee the neceiitty- ,tni3 requelt, and will no doutit, avail 'themselves of the first oppoitutnty to call on Dr. Warfield, who lives in the house Rideely, and dole their accounts in one of the two ways specified above. LISHA VARFIELD$ rrayjfoiu mue to practice Medicine and iStfrJeryTTr-L- e xington and lvcimty. T arch 1806 tf IM NOTICE. SAML. BROWN, desires ?act(ii persons to him, will caQJTTJjo ctor Elilha Warfield, who 11 ajfth orifed to all his accounts and notes due him, before the of his partnership with Doftor Warfield The books are in his poffeflion and all papers ueceffary to him to liqui date all accounts. STATE OF KENTUCKY. Fayette Circuit Court, March term, 1806 William M' Bride, complainant, Against William Lytle, and Robert Bradley de- - f tendants. V J A CHANCERY. ON the motion of the complainants, by their counsel, who exhibitted their bills against the defendants, and having proved to the fatisfadtton of the court. that the defendant William Lytle, is not an inhabitant this commonwealth, it is ordered that the said defendant do ap here oh the third day of our next June term, and answer the complainants' bills, or that the lame will be taken tor confe(Ted, and that a copy of this order be inserted in some authoriled paper a- - -- "", " , A copy, 7 bos. Bodlcy, C.F.C.C. SALE, Acres of Military Lands, lying on the of Green river, and jin the Mate of Kentucky. 016 acres on th? waters of the Cum- - . . ',. r 1 t --. J 5al-rcs.- 0 ,cc" river, turvcyea ior I 1000 acres on Glovei's creek, a branch I ns thp north fnrt n? rrppl--. Tur. ,,rc nr, Slt,, :..l. f,l, F !... . K, , - i. little - . river, . ' lurveved tor feter vey, and 500 acres the waters of Big Barren river. Information may be obtained from Edw. Rogers, relative to the quality and 0f th0fe lands Air, ,, t., tvi:i: tary Lands lying in the state of 0hio anJ between the Scioto and Little Mia- - m, rjVers (viz.) 400 acres lying on the Ohio 1260 poles from the mouth of the Sciot0i between ArmRrong's furvevs, and surveyed for Thomas Overton. 7oS acres on the waters of the Ohio, adjoining Alex, farker'slurvey, and lur 'veyed for Ovei ton. 1000 acres on the lower side of the East r oik 01 tne inline auiami, ana on i.iaver Lick creek", and surveyed for Thomas Overton. 700 acres on the waters of the Little adjoining 1 ho. Holt's, J.Clark's Joseph Jones's, and Thomas iur vey, and surveyed for Thomas Overton, 468 acres the Rattle Snake fork of Paint creek, adjoining Wm, George's and David Reddick's furteys. , rurveved for A rchelaus Prti. to3o nrrpn nn V.afl fVr-L- - rf li !; 'tie Miami, adjoining the above tradt, and V" ,' w',?.m dF y r Is "" vvm Lytle, Williamlburgh, Gelfe NathI l,liu"c, " jo" uauej 01 vjitsd ; Mr. I James Taylor, of New-Por- t, or the sub scriber living in LexiiiRton, Kentucky One fourth of the purchase money to be down, and the other three fourths in three equal annual inflalnients. W. WARFIELD. Apiil s6th, 1806. . ""'100 Lots for sale VX IN CALADONIA, A Tfiwu i:.i n' : 1 . "" un in tunvcnicni IOCS, in Boone county, on the bank of below and in view the mouth ot the Miami ; thisplaceisknown as Tanner's station The is beautilul and healthy, the conveniencv attending, and the line country adiac 011 uoLii iiucs vino, miures tne 1 riroinilinfi improvement of this nla' a town. Lots will be sold on long cre- dit, croduce taken, and titles tVrnrrd n. grecable to law. The firll public sale of lots win commence on the 30th day ol May ensuing. Particular encouraje hient will be given to tradesmen who w'lll immediately apply for lots, to the r, on the premises. All sales' will be attrr-dr- toby application being to us as agents for Col. John Grant. J' J- - Flaurnoy, Wm. Sebrce. JU. HAWJviNb, C.., d for CarrrandadiorninVR. iTavIor's G. R. Clarke's surveys. luu.carr.andad oiniutrli. neen's WZfc method as F6R r,tuation nfvirnt, Miami, tliey can be done where in Lexington, 1000 acres on the Folk of the lit-an- d receive in payment. ;tle Mjaniij adjoining Wm. Payne's fur-- lurneycd r AJc.helaus rkms. Verlo.n? .W1"ng topurchafe those a 825,000 payable or. horses approved jyuo equal annual produce, notivml refusal stock Will st Acres Valuable Straight in Limestone be Le VowLs, Massey. of 1, indebted settle existence enable A ot pear reite, 6 south T Barren on 1rr, Thomas Dix's on ot paid laiu .situate Uhio, ot Great lituation ine utade East produce Nerrroei, nurchases. furniture m VALUABUE PROPERTY J X FOR SLE. 700 acres Military Land, lying on mill creek. N. W. T. wW the ronrl croITes from LimeRone to Chilhcothc : . are this trad con ...ns-abo- ut thice hiina.eJ acres ot ncti bottom, ttic remainder is ate well timbaied: has on it a oood ni!l not seat, and is an excellent ftandior a pub- lic house. 500 acres ditto ditto, lying on Clover Lick creek, a branch ol the Eafttorkot the Little Miami, N. "W. T. in a good TlflfTliKm nnnfl n'mut lit ntl . rnrn IIWILUUVI iUVUJ ItUV'Ub bill'. HI KO II I.' I I Dunhaius-- I own, leven from Williains-- I i burg, and eleven to twelve from the bio river. 1000 acres ditto ditto, lying on Brufli St creek, a sew miles from New Market, NJ. W. T. and 5000 acres, lying on Bank Lick creek, Kentucky, part of two trad$, contain- - ring 60.00 acres, surveyed and patented r William rones. 4000 acres, Clarkc.county, Kentucky, ptjt ot a tract ot eignt tlioulatlQ acres, surveyed and patented for Richard Chip-nevoit- h. 3332 2-- 3 acres, Mafan county, Ken- tucky, part of 5000 acres, surveyed and patented for George Underwood. izuu acres, iiaion county, rvenrucKy, surveyed and patented for Moody atid M'MiUin 1000 acres Military land, on the wa. ters of Ruliell's creek,' Green river. 325 acres, Jefferson county, Kcntuc-- ! ky, about sour miles from LBuifville, 40 acres of this traft is cleared. ' 116 -2 acres,Franklin county, Ken- tucky, on the North fork of Elkhorn, about six miles fromFrankfort ; on that tratt are conliaerable improvements. of A House and well improved Lot in th town of Paris, on Main, street, nda adjoining Mr. Hughes's tavern. An Inn an J Out Lot in said tovn. Also a House and well improved Lot in this place. I he above defenbed property will be sold low for Cash, Hemp and Tobac- co, or on giving bond with good fecuri- - ty, a conhderable credit may be had for .further particulars enquire of An drew FT Price, attorney in fact for (or to the lublcriber.) JOHN JORDAN Jun. Lexington Kentucky, January 13, 1803. T BEG leave to in ' form my friends, late customei s, and the public, that 1 nae orouglit trom Philadel plua, Freah isf Fashionable SHObS OF ALL KINDS. for sale at my shop on Short street, next door to mr Reiser's and nearly opposite the mar ket house, Letington, to wit ' Mens' sine andcoaise Shoes, Boys' sine and coarse do. Lathes' Leather Slippers, Fancy Kid shoes, $ Kid, aucoiouis, widi heels and spring heels, of do. Spans-le- and plain Kid of all colors. do. Spangled and plain Morocco Slip- - pcrs ot au colors, Misses' Kid and Morocco Slippers, ther Jeffersons, &c. &c. The aboe articles I warrant to be as go id as e. er came to tne state, or made in the Uni- ted States ; as I hai e none but picked ork, 1 do not want to Hatter the puplic with an axH er. tisement, as the w ork will shew for it3elf. MOROCCO SKINS of all colors, Leather Shoe Binding of all colors-- and Shoe Strings, ioi-- aoais, and tiiacic Han ot a superior qua- lityalso, a sew pair SKATES. WILLIAM ROSS. 1 April 9, 1806. STATE OF KENTUCKY: Fayette Circuit Court, March term, 1806. imam tjouch, complainant, Against . j. ijamin Turner, Hipgins, Scc.deft's IN CHANCERT- - - THE defendant Beniamin Turner, ha ving sailed so enter his appearance here in agreeable so-la- and the tules 01 this court, and it appearing to the latistac. tion of the ccmrt that he is not an inha bitant of this commonwealth ; on the motion of the complainant by his coun- fel, it is ordered, that the said defendant do appear here on the third day of our next March term, and answer' the com- plainant's bill, and that a copy of this order be mlerted in lome authoriled pa- per agreeable to law. A copy. Tefte, Ihos. BodleyC.F.C.C. Just Published and for Sale at this 7 Office, A DECLARATION OR CONFESSION OF FAITH; As revised or compiled fiom the Phila delphia Baptist Coiifeffion of Faith, By Ambrose Dudley, 'John Price, Joseph Redding, Carter Torrent, Robert John- son, John Payne and Bartlet Collins, who were appointed a committee for that bulinefs by the EllJhDril Affocia- - tion - is And as tbe business of its adoption, is expected to come on in the next Au-gu- ll affociation, the membeis qf that Dody may do Well to make themselves acquainted with it. The price is very low, only 12 a cents fofa-finpl- one. or one dollar perdozan. It is probable at lome ol them will oe lent toleveral towns neighbouring. 6vf laken uobv Caleb lalton. Scott cmm. tvVftairHenrv'smil . North E kin an. Cti Iron Gray FiUcy, ' to oe three ; years old this fpqng white hind feet, a ge in the face, and small blaze wn the face, and much inclined tn white about the head and tail, no brands, about 17 hands' high ; apuraifed to thir- ty dollars, Febiuary 3U i8oo I) " John A. Miller J. P. OTICE. A!l thohc indebted property .old tlicm in July Ijji, and for deb's 5CL custiuetwl piioi- - to the death of the said deceair' sW inii.rmed , d'at tlitir notes aiidhccounts n -- hanJj of the subscriber, of tins place, rLn ,,, Jcqile,tLdtc,niakeimmed,. pament, .ts the situation of the estate wlX adtn.toi' Iiiiiju- - ilcLv. John L. Martin, Exr ie csUle of G. Madison dec i Lexington, Dec. idi, 1805 LAST NOTICE. & LL tlnf indebted to the late firms Af;,tTM ii. ,.,., ti,.. a c.:. & Tohnrf. Irthn AJ. s.;tK c. n ' Jblin Jfrdan jun. John Jordan junior Co. .ind-Joh- n & William lordan, are requested tp come forwaid immediately pay oft their relpective accounts to CtiiiTis Flki,r, who is hereby duly au- - horifed to receive the same. Those who do not avail theinfelves of this no- tice, may rest allured, that indulgence wijl not be given beyond the first of March, when luits will be indilcrum ilatelyjnftituted. y. Jordan jr. N. B T QBACCO, HEMP, and HOGS' LARD, will be icceivedat the market pi ice, in payment. J- - J- - I'xmgtou, January 28. 1805, tf NEW SCHOOL. MR. 5c MRS. GREENfcA BEG leave to arquiint their friends in Lex- ington and its iunity, that on Monday, the oth of January, 1806, they intend opening an Academy for Young Ladies, & where will be taught, the iollowintr hrnne!,- - Education, (viz.) nernnqrferi Spelling, Reading, with all kinds of .Needle Woik, g 3 Writing & Arithmetic, 1 English Grammer, Geography, Sec. 3, music, i,ocai & instrumental; widi use of instrument, 13 Such ladiel and gentlemen whopleafe to ho notir them with the mfkucTioii of their chil dren, may rely on their uljng every exertion in uwir power, towards tlieir makiog a rapid piogrefs. N.R. The minufa&ory of Patent Piano Fortes, is carried on as usual. Price 180 dol-lar- s. Mr. Green has jufl received from Philadel. phia, an afTortment oi" NEW MUSIC, whicH he offers for sale. Lexington, December 24, 1S05. tf IMPORTANT. ' JJ TO all those who wish either tobecome citizens or to hold laiifl in that delight- ful country south of G'een river. The fubferiber being inclined to remove to rennefiee, ofTeis for sale, the plantation 011 which he now relides, together with six thousand acre's of land, situate on both sides of Red river, and Big Whip-perw- il, including several sine mill seats, and as valuable a body of timber as anr on Red river; fuirour.ded by- - barrens, some of which are equal jn quality to any in Logan county ; about c-- acres of cleared land, under good fence, alrndll apple orchard of the bell fruit, a pe,ach and cherry orchard, all in full perfection. On the premises is a. large and elegant two (lory Brick House, entiiely rew, to- gether with other neceltary buildings. In point of health and beauty, this litu- ation perhaps is exceeded by none in the Hate of Kentucky. s lay one on the north, the other On the south side of the river, a little below where the twe forks unite, and just opposite the confluence of Big Whipperwil. Thole-ffream- afford water sufficient (the river 111 particular) all the year to support x merchant and law mill. A conliJraKl- - quantity of the timbered land is sine rich bottom.. The fubferiber has also for sale fundrr-othe- r trafls of land in Logan coun.y andlikew'fein Chriflian county, one traft in Livingftou county, and one on Cum- berland river, Stewait county, ftatc of Tenneffee ; he has in one complete tradt in Chriflian 15,000 acres, equal perhaps in value, to any tract in that country. It is situate pn the mam source of Littla river, including several miles on both sides of the rivi'f, and including fomc sine mill seats, this river is a never sail- ing fountain) u is lituatc in part about sour miles below the cqurt house, and cAiciius iruiii inciice loutlivardly dpun the main river and the Sinking fork of said river, the distance of five mil,.. '- -- more perhaps. The fubfcribcrlus also another tract of land lying on the south side of Little river, about eight or ten miles from Cumberland river, confiding of 7800 acres,',pait- - well timbered, the remainder good level barrens. This and the other last mentioned tradt, has a number of sine springs onthemr and ar both well calculated to form a settlement fora number of families. The former isfufiicient tOmake a lettlemenf fcr 20 families ; the latter i: sufficient to make 8, t0rfV? and Sd settlements. 1 he fublcnber has lor sale, sundry o. ther smaller trarts in Chriflian, all or a ny of which he will sell upon tetms per-ha- ps raore moderate than any fiah lands have been sold for many years pad The summer laUge in all this countiy equal to any in the universe Indif-putab- le titles will be made to the chalVs. For terms and further informa- tion, apply to the fubfciiberut Ins ,.an-tatio- il, about 11 miles south of Rulhl .lle. Letters addreffed to thefubfeu-ber- ,' poll paid! and lest in tlu rf! ; Rulfelville, ,villbedu!y attended to aiui aniwereu tnrougli the medium of the mail. Jf part ot the purchase monev h- - paid in advance, 4 confiaerable ind.il ... ... - .:n 1... r. niii ur yici ior ine tenninrlr ni.fn-.,,- , ,. r "VilrvLXA. Al LEN i"iart- - 3, isoo. 2111 Blank Books - Of any description may be had at this office. '
Page 1: Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7mpg1hjc6n/data/0825.pdfhighest vrize in each, and otlier capitals, to an enormous amount amongst them




New-Yor- k Grand Literature

Lottery, No. 4,

Authorised by an art of the Legislature, and, payment oi prizes guaianttcd W them, po

'.sitoely began drawing on 13th May .

nc nra. .

Toopo C dollars highestPrizes.

5,000, )Tickets, Halves, Quartets and Eighths, foi

sale .itG. & It. WAITES'

Truly Fortunate Lottery offices,

No. 64, s?iVo. 38, Maiden Lane,New-Tor- k.

Where was sold in the two last lotteries, the

highest vrize in each, and otlier capitals,to an enormous amount amongst them u ere

the follow ing :

No. 17199 (highest prize) 25000

3929 (highest prize) 82000015298 330001.1904 y S S200025596 JL4 &X-0-

28573 S200039-- 8 S1000

2U555 S1000-- 2315 8100

Besides a gicat number of 500, 200, 100 dol-la- r

prizes ke.Distant adventurers, by forwarding bank

Botes f any description, to G h. It. Waite, in

letters postpaid, m-i- haic tickets and sasres

tent them, to any amount, with the strictestb ...i:i... n,iI 'rr-C- t rt c.ifrti. fn nnv na'ft of

the United States, and the earnest adnccAylllJjfeempn of their success. CCT PricitqCtickCtsE.p-h- t nollars. !ms

'" ADVERTISEMENT.The fubferiber offers to the public, ti

New Invention for Pressing ;Calculated to supercede the use of thestrew almost, it not altogether. Foratheele press it stands unrivalled, A?might he certified by a hod ofwitnefiesW necefury ; for an oil press, I submitthe following certificate fiom a geirtle-nia- n

of unqueftiuhable veracity.

Certificate. . ,T Wm. Crawford, of "SoUth-ca- il

Dutchefs countv, ftatc of N.Yoik, docertify.-tlu- t I have used BeitWpaten,Wherl Press. for Drefiine oil, and find

it preferable, to any that I have everfeentas it produces more oil with less expenle,and ldo recommend it to the public as a

Wm. Crawford.The machine which I offer tothe pub-

lic (though it comes with a bad gracefrom me) really merits attention ; as ineheefe making it reduces the labor froma degree to which female flrength is illyadapted, to aimoit notning ; ana in pla-

tes which are yet in their infancy, thisinachine will "be peculiarly useful, asxhoft kind of preffes, viz. the cider, clo-

thier's and eil,are yet to be eieiSed,andmay be done at much less expenle thanthe oidinarv mode.

Licenses ior conflrudYing and ufingthesbove invention, will be afforded at areasonable rate, by the fubferiber.

Hezekiab Belts.NORWALK, Fairfield county, Conn.

IN THE PRESS,And will shortly be published, for wile at this




GRAMMATICAL INSTITUTE,By Samuel AVilon, Teacher of Languages

and jjcucs.L.eitrcs.This will be the third eoition of this valua

ble httkuork, with considerable impitnements.

A List of Letters remaining in the'PoftOffice at Winchcfter- - Is not taken

vout in three months, win be returnedfto the General Post Office as deadlet- -

ters.B David Megee

ofepfi Benton, ju. Barnet'M'jianegeeWm. ByeatnWm.Bulh, fen. David Ogwoo.Wm. Barnard PAlex. Black Heni'y PebwortliWaller Bollock. Robert Pebworth

C RDillard Collins ElizabethR'ichardsJacob CoolReynold Chapman Samuel ScottMaj. Robt.-Claik- . Abm. Smith

H Jno. SrieleyJohn Hamelton Jno.- - SlightGeo. Hamoton. Jno. Stevenson

L 'Basel Soaper.Saml. Landers THezekiab Lyon Wm. Tate.Tins. Lane.

M James WeddleWm. M'Crery Amos Williams.Robt. M'Kehfcy

E. Callaway.May 15, 1806.

LAND FOR SALE.557'acres lying on the Frankfort

roid, about two and a half miles fromLexington, being part of Preflon's military survey, and known by the nameof the Cov Spring. I will sell the wholetng-tbc- or divide into small lots so a

to suit a number of purChafers. Thelnd is superiorly wattred and timberedto any in this vicinity. Any personwanting to puriliale the above land mayknow the terms by application to thefublr.ribsrat Mr. WilYons's tavern.

Charles A. Lewis.iTny 13, 1806, 3w

FOUND- On Sundiy last, by a negro boy, two01 tnrce mik-snro- Lexington, on theC' ' ''o rid,a Sil-.c- i Wa'ch; winch thrciv iv'r cu; !ue by ,ir('lyinj atWilkins'Rope Wi'k, and paying ch.uges.

Lexington, May 171 1806. 3L

OR. SALETHE Subi'c riber will dispose of

the following Lands and Lots, Sec. towit.

2000 acres of land in Barren county,on the south side of Green river, in twoadjoining surveys of lOOO.acre: each.jcounts by ying them or giving theiimade fbr 'lhomas Marshall on military notes for the turns due, and thole who

warrants, including the blue springgrove. I he 2000 acres will be all loldtogether, or in parcels, as may btft suittire purchaser. The title is indif'puta -ble, and a deed witli general wai raritywill be given.

1000 acres in Pendleton county, ad -joining the town of Falmouth, running


a lmall dillance up both of the maiiiitrut was tormerlv occupied by Dr. t.fo.ks of Lickincr and down the maincreek on both sides. There was a lmall,part of the survey included in the town,which the fubferiber does not claim, bu.there is 1000 acres besides. This claimis sounded on an entry made early in1780, and there is no inteiferenct w. h I

the part offered for sale. A deed withgeneral warranty will be executed.

About 400 acres of land on Glover'screek near the head of Little Barrenon the south side of Green river, part ofa tract ot 1000 acres,- - entered and fur-vey- td

for col. Richarcl Taylor on Mi-- "

litary warrant.300 acres in Montgomery county, ly-

ing on the road from the OlympianSpringyto Bouibon Furnace, includingthe 1'ouittl bint, nnrt ns n tract of landof 10,90 acresentired in the name oflhomas CIarkeW?

For the tVo last trags a deed withspecial warranty willnpexecutcd witha covenant to refund tljlf purchase moneyf the mirchafer IhoiilrTTfe evifted.

The brick-- house on Tylain-ftie- et in the .George: Manfell, complainant,town of Lexington, lay occupied by! ram'd7fend3nts,the lublcriber as anTofnce, with tho IKCTJANCFRYwhole or part of anbatre of ground adjoining, lhe dfhje now in the occupation ot the ,iutjlcrioer on Jtiroad-wa- y

the town of Fffyikfort, with the lot onwhich it is situate.

James Hughes.The Btrn, pear Lexington, May 1. 8t

jCOTT CO ty, fa.JjI April Term, 1806.

Adam G01 UUlt Complainant,as.

Joel Ferre 8c Bartlet Collins, Defendants,IN CHANCERY. .

rsHE defendant Ferre, failintr to an.I pear, and answer the complainant's

bill, agreeably to law and the rule of thecourt, and it apppearinc to the fatisfadi- -on of the court, that he is not an inhabi-tant of this State -- On the inniinnnFthe complainant by his attorney,It is "Idered,tnat the said defendant Ferre, ap- -'

'pear line an the fourth Monday in Jn yJoeVan1?,.Iv.cr1rTKear Jn,n v"ln-next- ,& Roseand answer the bill aforesaid ;S?nd s s

I hat a r.nnv nt this nrrtrr hr mirrtprl i!the Krntnekv Rattr fnr two n,nn,t,,

jElias Langham, and adjoining rlender-and anotheriuccelnvely, copy affixed.u. . i,..r-- a c -- u:. . lion ssrant.IMt IUU1 L 11UIILC UUUI VI 11115 lUUULIQ.'Aconv Tefte" ' BB-- . - -

Peter.. and

WA1-J- Ut AJiMl-UCA-- :T?SIVt " it "I H- IfrtfA d4.4U oa...hu,-...- , .iMuri., c,, -

Swear fur.a iku.., ur n,t, v:nn..,Ai rfl ru--- . i"JM'.' lu?.""'B ,l """ ' c:fbhn M'Gehee, complainants,

Againstnomas English, defendant,

IN CHANCERY.ON the motion of the complainants,

oy tneircouniel, wlioexmtMtted their billaeainntne oetendant, and havinii proved,to the fatisfaion of the court, that heis not an inhabitant of tips common- -

eaun, it is oruerea tnat tne laid oeten- -

dant 00 appear nere on tin third day ofour ;next June term, and answer thecom- -plainants bill, or that the same will be :

taken for confefled, and that a copy ofthis order be inserted in fomc authonfed,.-- ,.. "t,.w.v... '"- -

A copy. Teffe,loos tSodley, L.I'.CC. I

1 j--BLUE DYING. !

jRS. Keiser, takes thisof informing the public, that She has commen- -ced the Blue Dying bufirfs, next door belowMr. Hudon, the saddler, where lhe will dyecotton, yarn, and thread, or any kind ofhome made cloth, which lhe will warrant to'(land its color, as lhe dyes with hot dye.She will dye the above articles cheap as


2J, ,03O.

FOE RENT OR SALE.r.HESubfcriber offers to rent the

ITacrn TRAVELLEU's HALL, fnr nn'.jear or longer term, or to sell it for

in the following way, iz.Cash paid down, R4000

store !roods.Cvda&-e- . tn.'bacco, salt, iron, naididown, or indoised notes ata short date,

Land in the vicinity of Lexington, 1000a nt uauinct: in eiiriu eauai an i

nualpajmcnts, with interest fromthe dale, or sourpayments of half cash and half f 17000appioeil With intertst I

from the date, I

" '

N. B. Any person who rents ormay hacthe of Uic andof Liquors at a reasonable rate.

Robert Bradley.Lexington, May 16, 106.

be sold tbe July, at Mr.)y itrtuui y j tuvcf , L.t7lCSiOrlCT;300 LanfL

On the waters of Eagle and creek,the state of Ohio, about 10 miles dktmn

from Limestone. Also, 400 acres of i:ch hot.1torn Land,ontbcOhioiier,insridst?e, .iboivthree miles above tl'c tcrus ofwliK h ill made know n on the da of salt,when lawful tides will made.

Thomas4t John



ALT5Teifor!: indebted to the late firmof Doctors 5a"mL Brown and ElilhaWt field, arc requeued to call on Dr.Wai field, who is authonfed to settle all

Idebts due the film, and close their ac--

have demands against the firm are defir- -ed to bring them forward to ur. war--

held lor payment. Every perlon whoknows that Dr. Brown has lest this state,

ior Oilcans, will lee the neceiitty-,tni3 requelt, and will no doutit, avail'themselves of the first oppoitutnty to callon Dr. Warfield, who lives in the house

Rideely, and dole their accounts in oneof the two ways specified above.

LISHA VARFIELD$rrayjfoiu mue to practice Medicine and

iStfrJeryTTr-L- e xington and lvcimty.T arch 1806 tf


?act(ii persons to him, willcaQJTTJjo ctor Elilha Warfield, who 11

ajfth orifed to all his accounts andnotes due him, before the ofhis partnership with Doftor WarfieldThe books are in his poffeflion and allpapers ueceffary to him to liquidate all accounts.

STATE OF KENTUCKY.Fayette Circuit Court, March term, 1806William M' Bride, complainant,

AgainstWilliam Lytle, and Robert Bradley de- -

f tendants.V J A CHANCERY.

ON the motion of the complainants,by their counsel, who exhibitted theirbills against the defendants, and havingproved to the fatisfadtton of the court.that the defendant William Lytle, is notan inhabitant this commonwealth, itis ordered that the said defendant do ap

here oh the third day of our nextJune term, and answer the complainants'bills, or that the lame will be taken torconfe(Ted, and that a copy of this orderbe inserted in some authoriled paper a- -

--"", " ,A copy,

7 bos. Bodlcy, C.F.C.C.

SALE,Acres of Military Lands,

lying on the of Green river, andjin the Mate of Kentucky.

016 acres on th? waters of the Cum- -. .',. r 1 t --.

J5al-rcs.- 0 ,cc" river, turvcyea ior

I1000 acres on Glovei's creek, a branch

I ns thp north fnrt n? rrppl--. Tur.

,,rc nr, Slt,, :..l. f,l, F!... . K, , -i.little - .river,. ' lurveved tor feter

vey, and500 acres the waters of Big Barren

river.Information may be obtained from

Edw. Rogers, relative to the quality and0f th0fe lands

Air, ,, t., tvi:i:tary Lands lying in the state of 0hioanJ between the Scioto and Little Mia--m, rjVers (viz.)

400 acres lying on the Ohio 1260 polesfrom the mouth of the Sciot0i betweenArmRrong's furvevs,and surveyed for Thomas Overton.

7oS acres on the waters of the Ohio,adjoining Alex, farker'slurvey, and lur

'veyed for Ovei ton.1000 acres on the lower side of the East

r oik 01 tne inline auiami, ana on i.iaverLick creek", and surveyed for ThomasOverton.

700 acres on the waters of the Littleadjoining 1 ho. Holt's, J.Clark's

Joseph Jones's, and Thomas iurvey, and surveyed for Thomas Overton,

468 acres the Rattle Snake forkof Paint creek, adjoining Wm, George'sand David Reddick's furteys.

,rurveved for A rchelaus Prti.

to3o nrrpn nn V.afl fVr-L- - rf li !;'tie Miami, adjoining the above tradt, and

V" ,' w',?.m dF y r Is "" vvmLytle, Williamlburgh, Gelfe NathIl,liu"c, " jo" uauej 01 vjitsd ; Mr.

IJames Taylor, of New-Por- t, or the subscriber living in LexiiiRton, KentuckyOne fourth of the purchase money to be

down, and the other three fourthsin three equal annual inflalnients.

W. WARFIELD.Apiil s6th, 1806.

. ""'100 Lots for saleVX IN CALADONIA,A Tfiwu i:.i n' : 1 ."" un in tunvcnicni IOCS,

in Boone county, on the bank ofbelow and in view the mouth

ot the Miami ; thisplaceisknownas Tanner's station The isbeautilul and healthy, the conveniencvattending, and the line country adiac011 uoLii iiucs vino, miures tne 1

riroinilinfi improvement of this nla'a town. Lots will be sold on long cre-dit, croduce taken, and titles tVrnrrd n.grecable to law. The firll public sale oflots win commence on the 30th day olMay ensuing. Particular encourajehient will be given to tradesmen who w'lllimmediately apply for lots, to the r,

on the premises. All sales' willbe attrr-dr- toby application beingto us as agents for Col. John Grant.

J' J- - Flaurnoy,Wm. Sebrce.

JU. HAWJviNb, C.., d for CarrrandadiorninVR.iTavIor's G. R. Clarke's surveys.

luu.carr.andad oiniutrli. neen's






tliey can be done where in Lexington, 1000 acres on the Folk of the lit-an- dreceive in payment. ;tle Mjaniij adjoining Wm. Payne's fur--

lurneycd r AJc.helaus rkms.Verlo.n? .W1"ng topurchafe those

a 825,000payable

or. horsesapproved jyuo

equal annual



refusal stock

Will st

Acres ValuableStraight
























laiu.situateUhio, ot








700 acres Military Land, lying onmill creek. N. W. T. wW the ronrl

croITes from LimeRone to Chilhcothc :. are

this trad con ...ns-abo- ut thice hiina.eJacres ot ncti bottom, ttic remainder is atewell timbaied: has on it a oood ni!l notseat, and is an excellent ftandior a pub-lic house.

500 acres ditto ditto, lying on CloverLick creek, a branch ol the Eafttorkotthe Little Miami, N. "W. T. in a goodTlflfTliKm nnnfl n'mut lit ntl . rnrnIIWILUUVI iUVUJ ItUV'Ub bill'. HI KO II I.' I I

Dunhaius-- I own, leven from Williains-- I iburg, and eleven to twelve from thebio river.

1000 acres ditto ditto, lying on Brufli Stcreek, a sew miles from New Market,NJ. W. T. and

5000 acres, lying on Bank Lick creek,Kentucky, part of two trad$, contain- -

ring 60.00 acres, surveyed and patentedr William rones.4000 acres, Clarkc.county, Kentucky,

ptjt ot a tract ot eignt tlioulatlQ acres,surveyed and patented for Richard Chip-nevoit- h.

3332 2-- 3 acres, Mafan county, Ken-

tucky, part of 5000 acres, surveyed andpatented for George Underwood.

izuu acres, iiaion county, rvenrucKy,surveyed and patented for Moody atidM'MiUin

1000 acres Military land, on the wa.ters of Ruliell's creek,' Green river.

325 acres, Jefferson county, Kcntuc-- !ky, about sour miles from LBuifville, 40acres of this traft is cleared.' 116 -2 acres,Franklin county, Ken-

tucky, on the North fork of Elkhorn,about six miles fromFrankfort ; on thattratt are conliaerable improvements. of

A House and well improved Lot inth town of Paris, on Main, street, ndaadjoining Mr. Hughes's tavern.

An Inn an J Out Lot in said tovn.Also a House and well improved Lot

in this place.I he above defenbed property will be

sold low for Cash, Hemp and Tobac-co, or on giving bond with good fecuri- -ty, a conhderable credit may be hadfor .further particulars enquire of Andrew FT Price, attorney in fact for (orto the lublcriber.)

JOHN JORDAN Jun.Lexington Kentucky,

January 13, 1803.

T BEG leave to in' form my friends, late

customei s, and the public, that1 nae orouglit trom Philadelplua, Freah isf FashionableSHObS OF ALL KINDS.for sale at my shop on Shortstreet, next door to mr Reiser'sand nearly opposite the mar

ket house, Letington, to wit'Mens' sine andcoaise Shoes,

Boys' sine and coarse do.Lathes' Leather Slippers,

Fancy Kid shoes,$ Kid,aucoiouis,

widi heels and spring heels, of

do. Spans-le- and plain Kid of all colors.do. Spangled and plain Morocco Slip- -

pcrs ot au colors,Misses' Kid and Morocco Slippers,

ther Jeffersons, &c. &c.The aboe articles I warrant to be as go id

as e. er came to tne state, or made in the Uni-ted States ; as I hai e none but picked ork, 1

do not want to Hatter the puplic with an axH er.tisement, as the w ork will shew for it3elf.

MOROCCO SKINS of all colors, LeatherShoe Binding of all colors-- and Shoe Strings,ioi-- aoais, and tiiacic Han ot a superior qua-lityalso, a sew pair SKATES.


April 9, 1806.

STATE OF KENTUCKY:Fayette Circuit Court, March term, 1806.

imam tjouch, complainant,Against . j.

ijamin Turner, Hipgins, Scc.deft'sIN CHANCERT- - -

THE defendant Beniamin Turner, having sailed so enter his appearance herein agreeable so-la- and the tules 01 thiscourt, and it appearing to the latistac.tion of the ccmrt that he is not an inhabitant of this commonwealth ; on themotion of the complainant by his coun-fel, it is ordered, that the said defendantdo appear here on the third day of ournext March term, and answer' the com-plainant's bill, and that a copy of thisorder be mlerted in lome authoriled pa-per agreeable to law.

A copy. Tefte,Ihos. BodleyC.F.C.C.

Just Published andfor Sale at this


OR CONFESSION OF FAITH;As revised or compiled fiom the Phila

delphia Baptist Coiifeffion of Faith,By Ambrose Dudley, 'John Price, Joseph

Redding, Carter Torrent, Robert John-son, John Payne and Bartlet Collins,who were appointed a committee forthat bulinefs by the EllJhDril Affocia- -

tion -is

And as tbe business of its adoption,is expected to come on in the next Au-gu- ll

affociation, the membeis qf thatDody may do Well to make themselvesacquainted with it. The price is verylow, only 12 a cents fofa-finpl- one.or one dollar perdozan. It is probable atlome ol them will oe lent toleveral townsneighbouring. 6vf

laken uobv Caleb lalton. Scott cmm.tvVftairHenrv'smil . North E kin an.Cti Iron Gray FiUcy, '

to oe three; years old this fpqngwhite hind feet, a

ge in the face, and small blazewn the face, and much inclined tn

white about the head and tail, no brands,about 17 hands' high ; apuraifed to thir-ty dollars, Febiuary 3U i8oo

I) " John A. Miller J. P.

OTICE. A!l thohc indebted

property .old tlicm in July Ijji, and for deb's 5CLcustiuetwl piioi-- to the death of the said deceair'sW inii.rmed , d'at tlitir notes aiidhccounts

n -- hanJj of the subscriber, of tins place,rLn ,,, Jcqile,tLdtc,niakeimmed,.

pament, .ts the situation of the estate wlXadtn.toi' Iiiiiju- - ilcLv.

John L. Martin, Exrie csUle of G. Madison dec i

Lexington, Dec. idi, 1805

LAST NOTICE. &LL tlnf indebted to the late firmsAf;,tTM ii. ,.,., ti,.. a c.:.& Tohnrf. Irthn AJ. s.;tK c. n '

Jblin Jfrdan jun. John Jordan juniorCo. .ind-Joh- n & William lordan, are

requested tp come forwaid immediatelypay oft their relpective accounts to

CtiiiTis Flki,r, who is hereby duly au- -horifed to receive the same. Thosewho do not avail theinfelves of this no-

tice, may rest allured, that indulgencewijl not be given beyond the first ofMarch, when luits will be indilcrumilatelyjnftituted.

y. Jordan jr.N. B T QBACCO, HEMP,

and HOGS' LARD, will be icceivedatthe market pi ice, in payment.

J- - J- -

I'xmgtou, January 28. 1805, tfNEW SCHOOL.

MR. 5c MRS. GREENfcABEG leave to arquiint their friends in Lex-ington and its iunity, that on Monday, theoth of January, 1806, they intend opening an

Academy for Young Ladies, &where will be taught, the iollowintr hrnne!,- -

Education, (viz.)nernnqrferi

Spelling, Reading, with all kinds of.Needle Woik, g 3

Writing & Arithmetic, 1English Grammer, Geography, Sec. 3,music, i,ocai & instrumental; widi

use of instrument, 13Such ladiel and gentlemen whopleafe to ho

notir them with the mfkucTioii of their children, may rely on their uljng every exertion inuwir power, towards tlieir makiog a rapidpiogrefs.

N.R. The minufa&ory of Patent PianoFortes, is carried on as usual. Price 180 dol-lar- s.

Mr. Green has jufl received from Philadel.phia, an afTortment oi" NEW MUSIC, whicHhe offers for sale.Lexington, December 24, 1S05. tf

IMPORTANT. ' JJTO all those who wish either tobecomecitizens or to hold laiifl in that delight-ful country south of G'een river. Thefubferiber being inclined to remove torennefiee, ofTeis for sale, the plantation

011 which he now relides, together withsix thousand acre's of land, situate onboth sides of Red river, and Big Whip-perw- il,

including several sine mill seats,and as valuable a body of timber as anron Red river; fuirour.ded by-- barrens,some of which are equal jn quality toany in Logan county ; about c-- acresof cleared land, under good fence, alrndllapple orchard of the bell fruit, a pe,achand cherry orchard, all in full perfection.On the premises is a. large and eleganttwo (lory Brick House, entiiely rew, to-gether with other neceltary buildings.In point of health and beauty, this litu-ation perhaps is exceeded by none in theHate of Kentucky. s layone on the north, the other On the southside of the river, a little below where thetwe forks unite, and just opposite theconfluence of Big Whipperwil. Thole-ffream-

afford water sufficient (the river111 particular) all the year to support xmerchant and law mill. A conliJraKl- -quantity of the timbered land is sine richbottom..

The fubferiber has also for sale fundrr-othe- r

trafls of land in Logan coun.yandlikew'fein Chriflian county, one traftin Livingftou county, and one on Cum-berland river, Stewait county, ftatc ofTenneffee ; he has in one complete tradtin Chriflian 15,000 acres, equal perhapsin value, to any tract in that country.It is situate pn the mam source of Littlariver, including several miles on bothsides of the rivi'f, and including fomcsine mill seats, this river is a never sail-ing fountain) u is lituatc in part aboutsour miles below the cqurt house, andcAiciius iruiii inciice loutlivardly dpunthe main river and the Sinking fork ofsaid river, the distance of five mil,.. '- --

more perhaps. The fubfcribcrlus alsoanother tract of land lying on the southside of Little river, about eight or tenmiles from Cumberland river, confidingof 7800 acres,',pait- - well timbered, theremainder good level barrens. This andthe other last mentioned tradt, has anumber of sine springs onthemr and arboth well calculated to form a settlementfora number of families. The formerisfufiicient tOmake a lettlemenf fcr 20families ; the latter i: sufficient to make8, t0rfV? and Sd settlements.

1 he fublcnber has lor sale, sundry o.ther smaller trarts in Chriflian, all or any of which he will sell upon tetms per-ha- ps

raore moderate than any fiah landshave been sold for many years padThe summer laUge in all this countiyequal to any in the universe Indif-putab-le

titles will be made to thechalVs. For terms and further informa-tion, apply to the fubfciiberut Ins ,.an-tatio- il,

about 11 miles south of Rulhl.lle. Letters addreffed to thefubfeu-ber- ,'poll paid! and lest in tlu rf! ;Rulfelville, ,villbedu!y attended to

aiui aniwereu tnrougli the medium of themail. Jf part ot the purchase monev h- -paid in advance, 4 confiaerable ind.il... ...- .:n 1... r.niii ur yici ior ine tenninrlrni.fn-.,,- , ,. r

"VilrvLXA. Al LENi"iart- - 3, isoo. 2111

Blank Books -Of any description may be had at

this office.

