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Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY...

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ti) ZL 3 WILL BlfSOLD - T '' i '' bidder, onFitdttjf, the i1', j Proxweai', A C ,t z, Sh-e- p, a HiRSKs, jcei , t'ar.niiJT Uten-ii- b, HoufehoM Furnituie Zee. pro- perty belonaiii"; to the elrat of Jo u'n Troxwfll deceased. Sixi rio.i h ciedit will be civen tor above twenty (hill mas; boiU ana gooa leenrity wjii uc rftt nd. Any persons having ac- - 7r...ni-- s nefsinft tHe c It ate. nreie- - q icited to bring them forward, in 01 der for settlement, by the lait day of this month. Jofhi Troxiuell, Ex. Fc Dec. 14. 2tl s.vjuh 6J John IV. Hunt, Have jtift received A L -- rge and General Ajjertment of MERCHANDIZE, Calculated for the prefe-n- t and en'aingfeafon. also An Ext:ufv$ Apartment of Iron Mongery, Cutle- ry, Glass, Queen's Ware, Bjoko and Groceries, Which they ac now opening r their Sto e in fiis place, and v '. 1 d'i'pole of upon rejaionable TO'ms by wnoLiale or retail. ti Lexi"'o.i, December 19. Robert Holmes, ILis j aft Rcei.ec! and is now O- -. pining at J:is IlOP, on Cross iiret, a lew doors above IVir. Downing s Mo.e, A JLAivOE A.s'D Ct.RAL ASSORT- MENT Ot JAINTS; Confixing of th; soil-"win- g A: ticks, f (VIZ.) Y 'KITE and Kcd Lead, Prufll- - an Bi '.e, Y ellow Ochre, Pat-c- nt Yellow, Rose, rink, Putty, trniiii Whiting, Sp.-i.nil- Brown, L'np-blac- k. . ith f'indry other articles too tedious to mention j waich, will be sold low for Lash. He has an elegant two (lory Framed' HOoSI, wbsre he now lives, to Sell, or Lcafe for a num- ber of years. It is a good fl and for bufinef, and calculated for a i tore or Tavern. Lexington, December 13. SEL LING OFF THE fiibfci ihe , iu'erdipfr to the Me cantile bui.nrfs. -- v. ill difpofc, by vt'holefale or re- - ?til, of a veil clicfen and geneial uk.rtineiit ot MhUCHAMMZh, '"con'i'eraLl lower than the uLial p'ices, foi Cajh, !" jkey or C.l ;. 1 hose indtb'c i 10 hi in are tcqr.ef? ted So cail and pay their refpec"l- - ivc accounts. M. Foi rest.- - Lexington, next Store to Mr. Lea-vy'- s. tf "XJ OTICE is hei eby given, to all whom it may concern, that I fliall attend on th-- fifteenth and fixteenrhdaysof anuarynext at an afli tree, the beginning of a claim of 400 acres entry, tnaiked W. on a ') branch or the middle fork of d; alio at a cabin 0:1 or near - the head brarcli of Lulbturud ; then and thoie to perpetuate cer- tain teflti.nony refpectin g the laid - claim o-- 400 acres entrcd i:ijJiiy name, aiHicc of ibfaloiin C iocu:, and a preemption of 400 acres, en-te- rd also in the name of Edward Williams. j Decrmber;5, 1705. ?w RAli i 'ifroiiitlie Iv'Olci iiei , SJ Uvinr in ir 1'iiler's mill, a . pSu' of As k ro" 'i OEm : one v i'h a white ' ire. r'art-- l wii-- an nn Jcr-keel"- in each car. Any pcr-f'- riist vti'l deliver them at his lioufe fliall receive five dollats Wv. Sthrfsmv. I will to purchalc a i W.S. '.STOLEN kN'tlie-niehto- f the 14th inflant J-- from the plantation -- of Mr. fathuh Tbylor, about two miles from Frankfort, a likely bright bay MARE, about nine years old, ufarly 'fourteen hands and a liait sell. Aim made, blaze face, black rjnanbvand tail, trots natural, bran- - ed 611 the near moulder liOOM. Any. parfim "delivering said niare to the fubferiber in Frankfort, shall receive a Reward of EIGHT DOLLARS, and all realonablq charges. ljaac h. Lranc November 18. N. B. Persons employed in Pa are requested to lecure lier it oirereu ror iuic, and detect the person offering her. Wll LI AM Wfs'T, At his Stori-- at thfaalL.of the L(fii t Ho'ifyftx - HAS OTENEP lp"SALE, On vert low tains. yA Uoniome AjJ'ortment of 13 ' AMONCSTwaion are CUER,E' sui'd second CIdths vj and Cadiniers, plain and elaflic Coalings, Flannels, Kaize, Plains and Lamina's, ftiiyed and role Blank e's, and Ccjverlids. Com, Rye,. Oats, IJrandy, Whi key, Poik, Butter;' C'heefe, and bleecbed Count' y made Linens, will be received 111 payment, Lexington, November zr. TENANTS, lfrpo seat a trad; of LAND, lyin '1 f within six milts of Lexington whom ben"eficial Leales for fto or fourteen years w ill be given. by November iq carty Job will the high- - f. price when thirds Calh, riie N rr0 r.H hom it may concern, X that ob and of Jannuary ner I Ji.i.ll at tend with the for the cctiity t pui t of laike at a tree i a: k.ii i.rJ. vs on a bi Y known anch llliain cteek) then e to perpetu ate certain reii'tciing aclaiiii of Lnd, .contain. ng emerd in 17S0, in of 15th, W F fnen is in his he ltill .to at the on 0:1 J y.jjif:nefs, n il II nil Wanted, Breckinrid$ Lyp,0R VrflJ? cociiniffioif."a M TWENTY ot Lulbi.ls,ri'.( iow by the naire ol and thei tefiimnv, the vear the name John Harper WILLIAM ALLISUlsT, FULLrR aVe DYER, fSPEtlFULL" and ge- neial,, that continues the Fulling and Dying fulling mill jouth ilkhorn, between John Par- - and Lev is Craig old mill, and still con iinies to receive cloth at capt. Heniy Mai ihall's in Lexington every firlt day j of Fayette court, and return them-thei- e wlien done. L'kewife at capt. ihaip in ooatora eery fil (I day cf V cou-rt- . TtloTe w!'1 to savor him with their mav dependon havingtheir wo; k done .nthe best manner, and as expeditions as the nature of the will admit. It will be cai rird on very rapidly, as there is three hands ccmilantly at work. " WILLIAM SCOTT, FULLER. T5 ESPECTFCLLY informs his ,.f riemls and the pubi:c, mat fieTaWSli It L J I v s s cs on the ,;a & Dying Business IS its vrinotn branch-s- , OntlieTov.11 Foik, wifhin six miles cf Lexington ; wheie a,l thofc who will ta or him with their cuRobi, may depend on theftricleft care and dispatch. He will also :'t Meifi-- . and crOTT!s pLoi s in Lexington, the se- cond Ti'?r' '!' 'very, month. tie d) es Ltiiik Gri.cu, Blue, CvC. LvL. 1 " N O'T ICE.1 TlIE Copartneilhip of F.i.isha iwt es h Co. will empire on the Ifiill'day' Deceilurr neit,All '..person having any demands, aie he: tby requeued to call without delay : and t'aofe who are indebl- - U, to mae miineaiate payniL-- arriculailv those vlio hae en- - KiaVd ptoduce, as none can be ie- - 'ceitafl atter tne mm mu "; Deciber (unless under a and-a- s the hibfcrfcei- - exptd.s to leave this -- r,. r,Mi ifrpr the exnirH auon oEthe said copartnerihip,V he wjU be, under the difagretable necefliry of leaving all their bonds, notes and baok accounts in the hands- - of a pWpcr officer for col- lection ' ' tf , v Elifta Winters. T exiffgjton, pclobe22. NO I ICE. uMJfHE. of SE17Z. ''.' ir LAVMAN, i thk gaA dillblvedby mutual consent. AJrt thole vho have any demands a- - gainft said film aie requested to biinp in their accounts tor settle- - . ment witnout cieiay ; anu muc t Avho are indebted to them, Ly bond, note or book aexoun:, a-- ' denied to make immediate pay ment to the fubferibers, otneiv i.e they will be under the dilau-eea-b- le neceflity to compel payment in a way. J)'m A. Siitz. Lexington, X f CU. 4 ftober 4 "it-fc- X 1 . i . I ilt5iVXJlLlVC lUMk 1. liw snnrtif&i ir.atr it aT 7 OKuilyTtw a kA 1 SB. whfth "tiv 'ia Tmi "6ii,r -- rr jmii. . '.-- . SB ttJMell iiijKjf tor jfa mssfc a UToTFft W clfiSJt. bv 3Bele 4ale. ft " j'oAK WAN'l ED. 30,000 WEIGHT CORN FED - PORK, which 1 'give t eil market deliver- - ' lly tvo. in refidne otke Aifo aquprrr; H poplar icoa-cies- , 170. , informs oodford CLllom biih'nefs attend Trotter '' legal cleaned 11 ?., 1 ow.L n ,- - r, Coui . r t' ttr Corn an'' Fh "? I I will receive either ot t -- ic fc-ifie- d articles in di..iia-g- c cf ; book accomp:s. J. MORRILOtf N.B. I will difnofeof n y "ceds now on hand, at a mo'eiate r.r.- - vance, by wliolefale or le-a- il , c n- - fittinr of a handsome alluitinen:- - well lnited to the season. J. '1. Public Notice, rI UK I' on fbe twenty-uiftda- of 1 December 1 782, W iiliam L'a-vi- s did enter by viitne of five trei-fur- y wi'riants, ten thonfand acj es of land, on he Southern brancheof 1 icking, beginning at aSoutneaft-waidl- y corner of apiivate survey of 15360 acres, made by Geoige Rogers Clarke in 177? ; asbyiefer-en.- e to said entry willac large ap- pear ; which beginning corner of said entry depending 011 evidence '; in order to perpetuate the same, all concerned aie hereby desired to Tak; Notice That I have, agreeable to atUjty of aflembly palled in the year 1704, (obtained fromiaSe rou t, an tur ner appointing liinury cuiiunijuuii ers to take tlie depositions of wit-i.rti'e- in older to perpetuate the i'ti'nl beginning ; and that the said commilhoncrs will attend at the said becicning corner, Twi-riio- -Jjt ijBaijd where I (hail proceed lo'have tne nepontrons or lunary wnuciits taken in older to pe.petuate the said, beginning ; and to do fitch further adts, as may be neceflary under the said act ol aflembly. Note. The said io.oco aci;e en try has been survey ed and patentt-t- l the fnrvey thereof beginning at the aforef.vid southeastwardly corner of the pi iv ate survey ofr ai ees, made by Geoige Rogers Claike in 1775- - 'ilii6m Anderson, Attorney iw&& fr Ailjiain Davis. December 2JA 79,. ALL peiTor.s having any against the fubferibet are requested to gi e then) to John Fovilqr or James Hughejf fqnires, tor iettiement. Aug. W. Waldrbyn. Lexington, Dec. 24, 1705 F. M'Cl'LLOUGH, Willies to inform his fiiends anil the public in general that he ha jull nnpoited and now openjng a his Store on Main street, ' A WELL CHOSEN ASSORTMENT Ol MERCHANDISE. For which cadi vvas chiefly paid .and which will enable him to J el LOW and that is what he ha' never done before. Ladies an.i Gentlemen walk in, and lee tha altei at ion. Is. B. Cam, countiy sugar anq linen,sins ot all kinds iiljbe akexj m payment. Lexington, Dec. 26, 170c I'wilhto purchale a quantity ol gootl CLEAN RTF. to be rllivpred at mv fVore'in thi place, for wl ich I will? allow q eeneious price in metchandife. C. Beatty Lexinrrton December 26. Twenty Dollars Reward or liolen on Sue S'lRz-.yL- evening lait, f i ont th: 1 own a Diai-- maie 1111 itei yeai old, trots, paces aitd !iar.c:-call- go- - d cai nage ulnl to i! geei! a small icar on her neai sore foe a sew w hire hairs in he: tciehe: five Dollats will be given for thi maic, &. is itolen twenty dolla 011 convitition or the tl it.- - R. A'fjrowaii Lexington December 26 FORGE-ME- N 'HO underftaEd their bui ness will meet with ti gieateft encouiagenient,by appl mg at tlie rorge on ilate cret, f he Forge is now at work. December 15, 1795. 3 FOR SALE, Tz'jo B'uhJi ed and 1 ijiy Acri cf LAND, T7PITII1N two miles of Lr W jng-roi.o- the load leai i .. to Ceo ttov n ; about fifte acies cieairo, wen tnuoeiea, ai: a neiei laii'i.g fprii'g. For tern ppnly to iKe lucitiioer living c the .jteniiles. Rolstt7PaJi November iq, tf he bjlfttis-- r nej:ug b:gu-Meu- . j alluring CO R. D A G E, Wa- - ts ti quai.'.J) of GOUJ WELL CLi-ANE- H E M P5 (As riihotf'er rind z.i i se received. TTORvhich he will pay a GJl T NEROLSPRICEinCASH ad Merchandize, m the stores ft Thomas Hart & Son, or Samue Price &C. Thomas Hart., July 10. i A Few ' 1 wrneymer. V, iH meet w is't encoiva-repien- t b; applv iiio-a-s abo'. e. ff AKEN' up by the I living abo 't o. o . T exi'ipion, on the r inn (trbe V belil o t told a fori el ma-- e colt, o- - e t ar old la( (V. :., ;ti, aM .7- .- sire, tluuee w .1. Viih. ro brind a natura trotter, appraised to six pounds. Odjober 7. up bv the frbfe-ibe- r f n coi n'" ''ttle nortl r..,v f IP. horn, a 1'lack filley one year old, List fprinjr, a blazi . face, limd teet wnui-- , u- - i.. the near bu'tock R .natural trotrer. to 4!- - xos December 9, 17?4 John M'Connell rrAKKW appraised John Ryley. m





T '' i '' bidder, onFitdttjf, the

i1', j Proxweai', AC ,t z, Sh-e- p, aHiRSKs, jcei , t'ar.niiJT Uten-ii- b,

HoufehoM Furnituie Zee. pro-

perty belonaiii"; to the elrat ofJo u'n Troxwfll deceased. Sixirio.i h ciedit will be civen tor

above twenty (hill mas;boiU ana gooa leenrity wjii ucrftt nd. Any persons having ac- -7r...ni-- s nefsinft tHe c It ate. nreie- -

q icited to bring them forward, in01 der for settlement, by the laitday of this month.

Jofhi Troxiuell, Ex.Fc Dec. 14. 2tl

s.vjuh 6J John IV. Hunt,Have jtift received

A L -- rge and General Ajjertment ofMERCHANDIZE,

Calculated for the prefe-n- t anden'aingfeafon. also

An Ext:ufv$ Apartment of

Iron Mongery, Cutle-

ry, Glass, Queen's Ware,Bjoko and Groceries,

Which they ac now openingr their Sto e in fiis place, andv '. 1 d'i'pole of upon rejaionableTO'ms by wnoLiale or retail.ti Lexi"'o.i, December 19.

Robert Holmes,ILis j aft Rcei.ec! and is now O- -.

pining at J:is IlOP, on Crossiiret, a lew doors above IVir.

Downing s Mo.e,A JLAivOE A.s'D Ct.RAL ASSORT-

MENT OtJAINTS;Confixing of th; soil-"win- g A: ticks,

f (VIZ.)Y 'KITE and Kcd Lead, Prufll- -

an Bi '.e, Y ellow Ochre, Pat-c- nt

Yellow, Rose, rink, Putty,trniiii Whiting, Sp.-i.nil- Brown,L'np-blac- k. . ith f'indry otherarticles too tedious to mention jwaich, will be sold low for Lash.

He has an elegant two (loryFramed' HOoSI, wbsre he nowlives, to Sell, or Lcafe for a num-ber of years. It is a good fl andfor bufinef, and calculated for ai tore or Tavern.

Lexington, December 13.


THE fiibfci ihe , iu'erdipfr tothe Me cantile bui.nrfs.

-- v. ill difpofc, by vt'holefale or re- -

?til, of a veil clicfen and geneialuk.rtineiit ot MhUCHAMMZh,

'"con'i'eraLl lower than the uLialp'ices, foi Cajh, !" jkey or C.l ;.

1 hose indtb'c i 10 hi in are tcqr.ef?ted So cail and pay their refpec"l- -ivc accounts.

M. Foi rest.- -

Lexington, next Store to Mr. Lea-vy'- s.


"XJ OTICE is hei eby given, to allwhom it may concern, that I

fliall attend on th-- fifteenth andfixteenrhdaysof anuarynext at anafli tree, the beginning ofa claim of400 acres entry, tnaiked W. on a

') branch or the middle fork of d;

alio at a cabin 0:1 or near- the head brarcli of Lulbturud ;

then and thoie to perpetuate cer-tain teflti.nony refpectin g the laid

- claim o-- 400 acres entrcd i:ijJiiyname, aiHicc of ibfaloiin C iocu:,and a preemption of 400 acres, en-te- rd

also in the name ofEdward Williams.

jDecrmber;5, 1705. ?w

RAli i 'ifroiiitlie Iv'Olci iiei ,SJUvinr in ir 1'iiler's mill, a. pSu' of As k ro" 'i OEm : one

v i'h a white ' ire. r'art-- l wii-- annn Jcr-keel"- in each car. Any pcr-f'-

riist vti'l deliver them at hislioufe fliall receive five dollats

Wv. Sthrfsmv.I will to purchalc a i


'.STOLENkN'tlie-niehto- f the 14th inflant

J-- from the plantation -- of Mr.fathuh Tbylor, about two miles

from Frankfort, a likely brightbay MARE, about nine years old,

ufarly 'fourteen hands and a liaitsell. Aim made, blaze face, black

rjnanbvand tail, trots natural, bran- -

ed 611 the near moulder liOOM.Any. parfim "delivering said niareto the fubferiber in Frankfort,shall receive a Reward of EIGHTDOLLARS, and all realonablqcharges.

ljaac h. LrancNovember 18.

N. B. Persons employed inPa are requested

to lecure lier it oirereu ror iuic,and detect the person offering her.

Wll LI AM Wfs'T,At his Stori-- at thfaalL.of the

L(fii t Ho'ifyftx -

HAS OTENEP lp"SALE,On vert low tains.

yA Uoniome AjJ'ortment of

13 ' AMONCSTwaion areCUER,E' sui'd second CIdthsvj and Cadiniers, plain and elaflicCoalings, Flannels, Kaize, Plainsand Lamina's, ftiiyed and roleBlank e's, and Ccjverlids.

Com, Rye,. Oats, IJrandy, Whikey, Poik, Butter;' C'heefe, andbleecbed Count' y made Linens,will be received 111 payment,

Lexington, November zr.

TENANTS,lfrpo seat a trad; of LAND, lyin'1 f within six milts of Lexington

whom ben"eficial Leales forfto or fourteen years w ill be given.by

November iq


Job will the high- -f. price when

thirds Calh, riieN

rr0 r.H hom it may concern,X that ob and

of Jannuary ner I Ji.i.ll attend with the

for the cctiity t pui t oflaike at a tree i a: k.ii i.rJ.

vs on a biY known


cteek) then e to perpetuate certain reii'tciingaclaiiii of Lnd, .contain. ng

emerd in 17S0, inof

15th, W

F fnen is inhis

he ltill .to

at the on0:1

J y.jjif:nefs,

n ilII



Breckinrid$ Lyp,0RVrflJ?




ot Lulbi.ls,ri'.( iowby the naire ol

and theitefiimnv,

the vearthe name

John Harper


fSPEtlFULL"and ge-

neial,, that continuesthe Fulling and Dying

fulling milljouth ilkhorn, between John Par- -

and Lev is Craig oldmill, and still con iinies to receivecloth at capt. Heniy Mai ihall's in

Lexington every firlt day jof Fayette court, and return them-thei- e

wlien done. L'kewife atcapt. ihaip in ooatora eeryfil (I day cf V cou-rt-. TtloTew!'1 to savor him with their

mav dependon havingtheirwo; k done .nthe best manner, andas expeditions as the nature of the

will admit. It will becai rird on very rapidly, as there isthree hands ccmilantly at work."



,.f riemls and the pubi:c, matfieTaWSli





cs on the,;a & Dying Business

IS its vrinotn branch-s- ,

OntlieTov.11 Foik, wifhin six

miles cf Lexington ; wheie a,lthofc who will ta or him with theircuRobi, may depend on theftricleftcare and dispatch. He will also

:'t Meifi-- . andcrOTT!s pLoi s in Lexington, the se-

cond Ti'?r' '!' 'very, month.tie d) es Ltiiik Gri.cu, Blue,

CvC. LvL.

1 " N O'T ICE.1TlIE Copartneilhip of F.i.isha

iwt es h Co. will empire on theIfiill'day' Deceilurr neit,All'..person having any demands, aiehe: tby requeued to call withoutdelay : and t'aofe who are indebl- -

U, to mae miineaiate payniL--

arriculailv those vlio hae en- -

KiaVd ptoduce, as none can be ie- -

'ceitafl atter tne mm mu ";Deciber (unless under a

and-a- s thehibfcrfcei- - exptd.s to leave this-- r,. r,Mi ifrpr the exnirHauon oEthe said copartnerihip,Vhe wjU be, under the difagretablenecefliry of leaving all their bonds,notes and baok accounts in thehands- - of a pWpcr officer for col-

lection ' ' tf, v

Elifta Winters.T exiffgjton, pclobe22.

NO I ICE.uMJfHE. of SE17Z.''.' ir LAVMAN, i thk gaA

dillblvedby mutual consent. AJrtthole vho have any demands a- -

gainft said film aie requested tobiinp in their accounts tor settle- -

. ment witnout cieiay ; anu muct Avho are indebted to them, Ly

bond, note or book aexoun:, a--

' denied to make immediate payment to the fubferibers, otneiv i.ethey will be under the dilau-eea-b- le

neceflity to compel payment ina way.

J)'m A. Siitz.

Lexington,X f CU. 4ftober 4 "it-fc-X

1 . i . I ilt5iVXJlLlVC lUMk 1.

liw snnrtif&iir.atr

it aT7 OKuilyTtw a kA 1 SB. whfth "tiv'ia Tmi "6ii,r -- rr jmii. . '.-- .

SB ttJMell iiijKjf tor jfa mssfc a UToTFftW clfiSJt. bv 3Bele 4ale. ft


- PORK,which 1 'give

t eil market deliver- -' lly tvo. in refidne

otke Aifo aquprrr; H


icoa-cies- ,







attend Trotter



cleaned 11 ?., 1 ow.L n ,- - r,Coui . r t' ttr Corn an'' Fh "? I

I will receive either ot t -- icfc-ifie-d articles in di..iia-g- c cf

; book accomp:s.J. MORRILOtf

N.B. I will difnofeof n y "cedsnow on hand, at a mo'eiate r.r.- -

vance, by wliolefale or le-a- il , c n- -

fittinr of a handsome alluitinen:- -

well lnited to the season. J. '1.

Public Notice,rI UK I' on fbe twenty-uiftda- of

1 December 1 782, W iiliam L'a-vi- s

did enter by viitne of five trei-fur- y

wi'riants, ten thonfand acj es

of land, on he Southern brancheof1 icking, beginning at aSoutneaft-waidl- y

corner of apiivate surveyof 15360 acres, made by GeoigeRogers Clarke in 177? ; asbyiefer-en.- e

to said entry willac large ap-

pear ; which beginning corner ofsaid entry depending 011 evidence ';

in order to perpetuate the same,all concerned aie hereby desired to

Tak; NoticeThat I have, agreeable to atUjty

of aflembly palled in the year 1704,(obtained fromiaSe rou t, an tur

ner appointing liinury cuiiunijuuiiers to take tlie depositions of wit-i.rti'e-

in older to perpetuate thei'ti'nl beginning ; and that the saidcommilhoncrs will attend at thesaid becicning corner, Twi-riio- -Jjt

ijBaijd where I (hail proceed lo'havetne nepontrons or lunary wnuciitstaken in older to pe.petuate thesaid, beginning ; and to do fitchfurther adts, as may be neceflaryunder the said act ol aflembly.

Note. The said io.oco aci;e entry has been survey ed and patentt-t- l

the fnrvey thereof beginning at theaforef.vid southeastwardly cornerof the pi iv ate survey ofr ai ees,made by Geoige Rogers Claike in1775- -

'ilii6m Anderson,Attorney iw&& fr

Ailjiain Davis.December 2JA 79,.

ALL peiTor.s having anyagainst the fubferibet

are requested to gi e then) to JohnFovilqr or James Hughejf fqnires,tor iettiement.

Aug. W. Waldrbyn.Lexington, Dec. 24, 1705

F. M'Cl'LLOUGH,Willies to inform his fiiends anil

the public in general that he hajull nnpoited and now openjng ahis Store on Main street, '


MERCHANDISE.For which cadi vvas chiefly paid.and which will enable him to J elLOW and that is what he ha'never done before. Ladies an.iGentlemen walk in, and lee thaaltei at ion.

Is. B. Cam, countiy sugar anqlinen,sins ot all kinds iiljbe akexjm payment.

Lexington, Dec. 26, 170c

I'wilhto purchale a quantity olgootl

CLEAN RTF.to be rllivpred at mv fVore'in thiplace, for wl ich I will? allow q

eeneious price in metchandife.C. Beatty

Lexinrrton December 26.

Twenty Dollars Rewardor liolen on Sue

S'lRz-.yL-evening lait, f i ont th:

1 own a Diai-- maie 1111 itei yeaiold, trots, paces aitd !iar.c:-call-

go- - d cai nage ulnl to i! geei!a small icar on her neai sore foea sew w hire hairs in he: tciehe:five Dollats will be given for thimaic, &. is itolen twenty dolla011 convitition or the tl it.- -

R. A'fjrowaiiLexington December 26


'HO underftaEd their buiness will meet with ti

gieateft encouiagenient,by applmg at tlie rorge on ilate cret,

fhe Forge is now at work.December 15, 1795. 3

FOR SALE,Tz'jo B'uhJi ed and 1 ijiy Acri

cf LAND,T7PITII1N two miles of LrW jng-roi.o- the load leai

i .. to Ceo ttov n ; about fifteacies cieairo, wen tnuoeiea, ai:a neiei laii'i.g fprii'g. For ternppnly to iKe lucitiioer living c

the .jteniiles.Rolstt7PaJi

November iq, tfhe bjlfttis-- r nej:ug b:gu-Meu- .

jalluringC O R. D A G E,

Wa- - ts ti quai.'.J) ofGOUJ WELL CLi-ANE-

H E M P5(As riihotf'er rind z.i i se received.

TTORvhich he will pay a GJlT NEROLSPRICEinCASH adMerchandize, m the stores ftThomas Hart & Son, or SamuePrice &C.

Thomas Hart.,July 10. i

A Few '

1 wrneymer.V, iH meet w is't encoiva-repien- t b;

applv iiio-a-s abo'. e. ffAKEN' up by the

I living abo 't o. o .

T exi'ipion, on the r inn

(trbeV belil

o t tolda fori el ma-- e colt, o- - e t ar old la((V. :., ;ti, a M .7- .- sire, tluueew .1. Viih. ro brind a naturatrotter, appraised to six pounds.

Odjober 7.

up bv the frbfe-ibe- r

f n coi n'" ''ttle nortlr..,v f IP. horn, a 1'lack filley

one year old, List fprinjr, a blazi .

face, limd teet wnui-- , u- - i..the near bu'tock R .natural trotrer.

to 4!- - xos

December 9, 17?4

John M'Connell


appraisedJohn Ryley.

