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Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY ...

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XXXCKiOQXXXK bo. w. ttjoebRi Barber ty Fashionable Hair Dresser, (Sign nt the HiqhlaSd Columns, Main street, Lexington, Ky., nearly opposite the Phoenix tiotei,; 10NTINUES all branches of the business in his usual fashionable and tasteful style. From his long experience, having made the the tonsorian art his study, and perfec- tion in its practice his aim, he feels confident, that the most fastidious, will acknowledge themselves gratified with his performance, as being all they could reasonably desire. Though his business has much increased since the public have become well acquainted with the comforts he offers, yet gentlemen need not sear that on that account they will be neglected, er obliged to wait, for he has employed competent and obliging aid in every part of the establish- ment, and gives to the oversight of the whole, his own constant personal attention. He has iu6t received the latest Philadelphia and New York Fashions for HAIR DRESSING, both for Gentlemen and Young Misses; and te his pan of the business will give his particular in- dividual attention. To the philosophical among his patrons, he would say, that, is desired, he will cut the hair so as to exh bit phrenologically the ntellectual and moral character. G. W. T. has uist received a large Assort ment of FANCY ARTICLES, consisting of Cosmetics, Slocks, Combs, Collars, Uernia.u Pipes, Siamese Musical Siiuff .Boxes, (a superior article), Magnetic Fish, and Geese, Soaps, antit 4,tiitlUf of Hair Brushes, Tooth Tfaiiiniii Pait-de- Gentlemen aed Ladies' Pocket Beeks'and JPrses, Gent'emen and Ladies Suspenders, a sine assortment of Ladle1 Hair Work, Wigs and To Pieces (assorted colour',) sine Razors and Straps, Children's Toys of every description, Tea setts, fcc, a sine assortment of Playing Cards, Back gammon Boards and Ches'men? also Tapers anJ Lucifer Matches, some sine Ha anna Cigars, Ca- vendish Tobacco and Snuff, Ward's Vegetable Hair Oil, Indian Oil and Indian Die, for color- ing red and grey hairs a beautiful blackrwithou injury to skill or hair, and other articles too nu- merous to mention. G. W. T. has a mode of operating upon the head neculiailv his own. which gives undissembleri satisfi.ctinii to those who submit their teal efl JAousU to his magic manipulations, brightening up the summer evening dullness of the wearied, and smoothing the wrinkles on the brow of care No description can do it jusliae it must be fncii to be appreciated. In the rear of the Toilette Saloon the atteniitt ef Ins customers is attracted by the spacious, healthful, and luxunous Mediterranean Baths, which gave gave general satisfaction last year, but which have since undergone a thorough repair nil improvement; and are now ready to admin tsler cold, warm, tepid, or salt Baths, from 5 o'- clock, a, mi. to to 10 p, m. Inregarlro his whola Establishment, he in- vites the citizens of Lexington and visite.s to call and extend the patronage, already sohbera'ly be- stowed upon him, for which they shall have hi thanks and his best exertions to please. May 24, 1836. 27-- tf WANTED Two Apprentices to the Barber-in- g and Hairdressing Business. Youths from IS to 15 and 18 years, who can come well reeom-trende- will be preferred. G. W. TUCKER. fJj-T- he Observer & Reporter and Intelligen- cer will add the above to G. W. T's advertise- ment already in their papers. DOCTORS CROSS AND JOUETT, RAVING settled in the city of Lexington, services to the public as Thysicians, Surgeons and Accoucheurs. Dr . Cross begs leave to remind the public, that while in Europe, under the great masters of the art, he paid particular attention to the subject of LITHOTRIPSY, and now proposes to relieve those afflicted with Stone or Grivcl, by an opera tion, in which no cutting instrument is employed, and wnichis also, comparatively, des'itute of both vain and danger. Office Mam street, immediately above Bren-nan- 's Hotel. Lexington, April 16, 1836. 15-- tf LAND FOR SALE. npiHE Subscriber offeis for sale the TRACT JL OF LAND, upon which he now resides, one and a quarter miles east of Nicholasville, con- taining 130 Acres, all enclosed under good fence; forlyor fifty acres Wood Land; a sine young Orchard; a never-sailin- g Sprihg; comfort- able Dwelling and good out Buildings. Persons wishing to purchase would o well to all immediately , as the subscriber intends selling rhe first good offer. W. T. MILES. May 12, 1836 90-- tf NOTICE. CIRCUMSTANCES having transpired, forme to consu-niat- e an intended partnership with Inecrsan L McClelland for the construction of the stone work at the Cliffs, on Kentucky river: The business in iutuie will be conducted in their names, and they will be responsible for all contracts and busi- ness connected with this woik from the commence- ment to the close of their operations. Their characters as contractors, and iheir bust- - mess habits will , no doubt, sufficiently recommend mem to me company ana me piiouc JAMES COOK, Afirtl 3J,--1- I- I -- DiyUm Dm HeraU. DAILY STAGE , FOR CINCINNATI. THE stages on the direct route from to Cincinnati, will leave the office at Drenans every day at 3 o'clock P. M. and arrive next morning at 10; Leave Cincinnati every morning by six and arrive same evening by 10, sixteen hours from port to port, fare six dollars, this route is perhaps as pleasant to travel as any : the roads are now sine, the teams. narh. and drivers are not surpased any where, drivers of kill and entirely of sober habits; teams well broke and perfectly safe; coarhes new and of. pieasant size and in no ease will more than nine pusengers be admitted inside, no accident hav ing on, this route during the season so far, ishe only assurance we offer of the disposi- tion ofvthe propnetors to do their duty,, to give umvresal satisfaction and receive that patronage ch the public may think proper to bestow.. jiRwATT 6AINES, Proprietor,. T July 5, 1836.-3- ms will innrt 3ny and ehasg PfcG. IHWAMITtE CIRCUIT, Ec, Apr Term, 1836. Jxses Shield, Compluoant Cgllzl William PaiCE's Heirs, &c. Defendants, IN CHANCERY. THIS day came ihe Complainant by his coun- cil and on tii motion and it appearing to the sat- isfaction of the Court that the Defendants, George Withers and Martha, his wise, the unknown heirs ofMerryman C Bradshaw ana r.nz, ms wiir, John Haydon and Mary, his wise, Winfrie E. Price, the nnknown heirs of Napoleon J Puce, John W. Price, Peter Withers and Evelina, his wise, Joseph Hughes aud Cassandra, his wise, Samuel Hughes and Mary, his wise, Ste- phens and Polixeney, his wise, David Dale and Louisa, his wise, the unknown heirs of Spencer Clark and Betsy, his wise, William Homes and Susan, his wise. Joseoh Drake and Martha his wise, the unknown heirs of Mary Bradshaw, dee'd. Hatchy and Sally, his wise, American Kirtley and Milte-- Kirtley, William L. Martin and wise are not inhabitants of this Common wealth and having sailed to answer the Complt's bill agreeably la law and the rules of this Court- -it is therefore ordered that unless they the said Defendants do appear here on or before the first day of the next .Ally teim o'this Court and answer the Complainant's bill, the same shall be taken for confessed against them : and it is further ordered, that a cepy of this order be inserted in some authorised newspaper of this State, for twa calendar months in succession. A Copy lest, D. B. PRICE, clkjec 11-- By John Fletcher, d c DENTISTRY. R. HARRIS, Dentist, informs the citi zens ef Lexington, that he has returned to i l e i . .w- - nun? Miv me Lliv, cum may uu luunu ai irie ruixjiiiv HOTEL, (Room No. 6) where he will be happy to receive the calls of such as may desire his pro services. He will remain in the city for a sew weeks only. March 4, '36. 9 Is "TEXAS." T.V PRESS, and will shortly be published, and JL for sale at the beokstoies, nt the In'elligencer office, "Txas," eeinr a Historical ideographical and descriptive work, of Three hundkid pacts duodecimo, by MRS. MARY AUSTIN HOLLEY. . . : : : : . $1 50 i.x. nay ju, ioju. -- WAT CAR. A CAR will leave MIDWAY every morn ingat7 o'clock, and returning, will leave Liexington every afternoon at 5 o'clock. CHAS LEWIS, Master of Trausportatien. June 16 30-- tf The Day is Fixed. ON Me 21 st July, xhemosl magnificent scheme drawn in the Uuited States, will be de- cided. Tickets will soon be scarce, and early application should br mare te JOHN G. GRAHAM, Louisville, Ky., or New Albany, Ind. Where all erders by mail receivo the same atten- tion as personal application. Alexandria Lottery,Class 2, Scheme consisting of only 7140 Tickets. "RIZE $25,000; $10,000: $7,500; $4,000; $2,930; $2,000; 2 of $1,500; 31 of $500, 31 r$300; 31 of $200, he. Tickets $50 no Shares. Virginia Lottery, Class 4, For the town of Wheeling, to be drawh at Alex- andria, Ya ,on Saturday, the 23d July. SO HEM C: $30,000 r $10,000: $8,000: 4,000: $3,000: $2,500: 100 of $1,000111 10 of $500 : 20 of $300 . 84 of 200, &c Ticket only $10 Shares in proportion. A variety of Schemes are being drawn constan- tlyTickets varying fro-- $5 to $10. The Nos are received in Louisville eight days from the date of the drawing and forwarded immediately to all ustomtrs. Do not forget to address JOHN G GRAHAM, Louisville, Ky ,or June 22 -3-2-tf New Albany, Ind. PAINTING. THE Subscriber would respectfully inform citizens of I jexmston and viciniiv. thai he is readv to execute all orders in the ahnv hi. sniess nun neatness ana on the most reasonable terms. HOUSE PAINTING, neatlv executed in dll IIS rarmn.hranrli.c hrtir. OUt Slirl inside. InsiHp nainlm. Hnn. .n l...sl or dead colors and washing inside walls in dis temper coinrs; warranted not to rub off, SIGN PAINTING. All orders for plain, gold, or ornamental signs, thankfully received and punctually attended to. Also, IMITATION OF FANCY WOODS. AND MARBLES; Paner Hanffinp and f.andsrrine naintincr nn unlle or sire boards, in oil or distemper colors: clean- ing and varnishing all kinds of Oil Paintings painting and gilding Piciuie Frames; Japannmgs ana Polishings; Transparent Win- dow Blinds or Fire Scraens nainteH . nilrtinor nnH Glasing, Cutting Glass to Frames or elsewhere; i ransierring engravings to Ladies' Work Koxes, or elsewhere, as may ie requested together with such various other kinds of work, as may he call- ed so'. Tho Subscriber is recently frnm theCitvnl New York, where he has haH sprpml , nr... rience in the above branches, he therefoie thinks himself competent to execute allordersin hisline t the entire Satisfaction ns Ihnse whn mav favnr him wth a call. Is he should not be able-tog(- e sansiaction to those, who may employ him, there will be no charge made whatever, he therefore, hopes to receive a share of public- - patronoge. His Shop, until further nonce, is-- Mr. J. Beach's Coach Repository, on Main streeuf JAMES ANDREWS." it B All Orders fm the rnnnlru thanlr full w rn. ived and promptly attended to. Lexington, June iil, 1836 32-- 4t FRESH FLOUR. ALOTofsupenor Familj Flour, with m barrels and half barrels to Stilt DUrchasers. Icunt rnntlamli. n t.,J i "ale by R. LONG. MilLst. Lex. July 4. 1836. SftftBiKRELS ofood Sose eek salt v No. 1. togethei with an excellent as- sortment of (he very best Family Groceries for sale by R. LONG, Mill-st- . Lex. July 4, 1836. tftodfoBOTTLES of superior Old Pott iWLP Wine do. do. d. 300Madana,No 1. for sale by R. LONG, Mill ,1. Lwu Jiily 4, 1836 UG-a- m. - .ILL NEW. subscriber grateful tohu friends and tl THE generally for past savors, wcmld res- - r.Al., ininrm fhpm flint, m ftpr hnvintr beetl en eaeed in manufacturing Tobacco for Jhe last ID j i l 1I- -J - yncon.i.ni ns years, ne nas uei uiuiciiciie in wiiat.Ljiv.n.- the scarc.ty of leas Tobacco, to change in some ..d.it Sk hninp)t. Tie has therefore lust re- - ceived ani will keep constantly on hand a com plete assortment ot rRESIl GROCERIES; A pan of which i as sollows: 50 Sacks COFFEE, 30 Barrels No. 3 MACKEjJEL, fresh 1835 10 Boxes Fresh Blown Rbisius, 6 Drums Figs, first qualit, 2 Barrels of first rate strained floney, 2 Barrels Chesnuts, first quality A complete asorlmentof SHOES& B007'S, superior quality, t n...n VVillnw ftfnrWt nakpts. of assorted sues, Allspice, Ginger, Pepper, Indigo, Shot; Also, a rarreis oi nrsi quani) jjil- o-- n a Ft A rnmnlete assortment of GROCE RIES, of all kinds, will be kept constantly on hand, low lor Uasn, or nne L.eai moarco. frt- - The highest price will be given lor iro-- fnnv in fiftv thousand pounds of Tobacco in the leas, of a first rale quality. KUULIU till. A I . N. B Tobacco and Segais kept constantly on hand as usual. Lexington Jan 1, 1836 tf glr MONEY LOST. DOLLARS REWARD. Lost in 5jftffh the town of Frankfort, on the mor- ning of the 4ih inst , between Weisiger's tavern and the bead of Ihe inclined plane, a sealed pack-e- l containing THREE THOUSAND DOL- LARS, in $50 notes of the Bank of Kentucky, probably all payable at Ihe mother Bank at Louis ville. The envelope was sealed, and ihe notes doubled in the middle, and as ell as recollected, endorsed on the envelopement as sollows: "$3000 to pay a note in the Lexington BianchBank, drawn by Smith & Keats, or George Keats, to the rnerof John Brand, Esq." The above reward will be paid to any person who will deliver said package to Col. Peter Dud- ley, in Frankfort, to Messrs Smith & Keals, in Louisville, or to myself in Lexington. Banks and others may help to ihe discovery by taking notice of whom they receive notes of the above description. D. A. SAYRE. Lexington, Ky. Feb. 10, 1836. mar. 19-1- Emporium of Fashion. Gentlemen's Outfitting and Furnishing Establishment. T. RANKIN, MER CHANT TAILOR, MAIN-S- t. LEXINGTON, KY. announce to his friends and the WOULD generally , that he is now receiving a full and complete assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERS & VESTING Of the latest fashions, together with an extensive variety of Gentlemen's, Youth's and Children's ready made Clothes, of cloth and summerwear, with every description of Fancy Articles in his line, rather superior to any thing offered in this market. They weie bought in the East wilh great care, fur Cash, and will be sold low for the same material. The cloth'es were manufactured expressly for himself, and are warranted to be in the height of the fashion, and in the best manner SHIRTS. Linen, Cotton and Silk, Shirts; Plain and Ruffled tsosom Gingham do.; Col- lars, iSfc. WALKING CANES. Fancy, Sword, Whalebone and Gold Tipped Walking Canes. TAILORS' SHEARS, see. HeiniscK's improved Tailor's Shears, Trimmers, Small Points and Barber's Shears. STOCKS, &c. A new style of Stocks and Silk s. FROCKS AND PANTS. Super Silk Frocks and Pants for Youths and Children. DRESS AND F.ROCK COATS, &c. Super Bombazine Dress and Frock Coats and Pants. SUMMER CLOTHING, &c. Morning Gowns, and Summer Clothing of all varieties. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, Which he will make up to order, in the'most athwnabte and best style of workmanship. Urders from a distance shall be promptly attend- ed to. Thankful for the- - very liberal patronage heretofore received, he solicits a continuance of the same. 07-T- he Fashions, punctuality and neatness of work, shall be faithTuMy attended to. Lex. April 26, 1836 17-l- m JUST RECEIVED, DBLS. Mackeiel , No. 2. 4,000 lb. Bacon, (to be sold from one lb to a thousand ) 1 Hogshead superior quality SUGAR R. GRAY. Corner of Limestone and Water sreels, Brennan's Hotel and the upper end of the market house. April 23, 183-6- 16 is JABEZ BEACH. AT his Coach Depository opposite General Comb's, on Main street, respectfully informs the citizens of Kentucky, that he has now on the way , and expects to receive, about the middle of May, a splendid assortment of CARRIAGES, Manufactured expressly for him, in New Ark, N. Jetsey, consisting of Coaches, barouches, bug' gies, &C. &c. His customers may bo assured, that the Carriages are made ?f the best materials, and in the first style of Elegant and Substantia) Worxmanship. J. B will keep S number of hands--n his shop, and is at all times ready to repair Carriages, and has no doubt of giving entire satisfaction to his customers. Lexington, April 30, 183617--t- f FOR SATiK. A half league of land, in Colony, 1 cxas , very eligibly situa- ted on Dick's or Dickson's Creek, a navigable stream, emptying into Galvastnn Bay, at whose mouth the town of Powhatan is laid out, com- manding a sine harbor. The above tract waste lecled for the proprietor by persons familiar with every league in the Colony it consists ns a m of prairie and timbered land, and is the finest that can be, for the culuation of Cotton orSuear. all conditions having been fulfilled, and expenses paid. It is recommended to persons disposed 10 emigrate to Texas, as saung much trouble, ex pense and delay. Inquire at this office. Lex Aug 27, 1835 Si-- if NOTICE A T a meeting of the board of Directors of "the i. Lexington Fire, Life and Marine Insurance Company," it was resolved, that a call of FIVE DOLLARS perhaie be made on the stockhold- ers, payable On tfiV first Monday in June next. A. O NEWTON, Secretary, Lex. F L and M Ins Co (&- - FOR SALE. C0 TaB iX iJHE well known uiree story BttliK MO ii HOUSE on Main street. occupied formerly by Morrison and Bradley, and at present by Iers Isles and Wright as a Dij Giodbtore. This extens.ve property, 30 feet from, running back to Water slrbet opposite the Ril Road Wa'ehouse, contains a brick Slabl, Carnage house and other buildings; forming altogethe- - a most valuable possession for stores ami family resi dence- - For terms apply at my residence on the premises. LUCY D GATEWOOD. Lexington, May 19, ' 36 22-- tf JUST RECEIVED, LOT ns SUPERIOR FLOUR, manufac- tured A by I. W Smiih expressly for family use warranted superior For sale by JOHN W, HUN I'& SON. iexingun, Maj 16, 1836 22-2- m FIRE! "CO) ISKS of Insurance will be taken by tne Lex-Jl1i- V inalon Fire, Life and Marine Insuiance against Fire, on Buildings or Furniture in town or country. Specifications in writing, to be lest with the subscriber. A O NEWrON,Screai Lexington, May 13, '36-22- -tf REMOVAL. CABINET SHAKING. siBiSJfcgp,,, fTTIHE subscriber' respect- - 3 Ju. sully informs his old customers, and the public gen- - IP"' S "3 -- " I rf MeralK, that he has rlmoved his CABINET SHOP and nZL EU-- r ij 'Dwelling House to the stand tff "' CTl rifnrmerly occupied by J. J UJJ 1U- - VSheridau, on Main Street, immediate! opposite the Masonic Hall, wheie all articles in his line of business can be had on short notice and good terms He invites all wish- ing to purchase to call upon him. VANNOY'S PATENT BEDSTEADS made to order on shoit nonce. JOSEPH M1LWARD. Lexington, Dec. 12, 1835 2-- tf NEW STORE: (No. 4, Cueapside between Pr, Wnl- - ace s book blore and J. 1). Swift Wholesale Grocery, THE subscrber would respectfully inform his and the public generally, that he has just received from the City of New York , a complete assortment of Dry Goods. suitable for the present season; and having form ed an agency in that City, to purchase and import his goods, he will be able to sell at very reduced prices, for cash. His assortment consists, in part, of the following articles: Super Blue Cloths; Black do Violet do; Brown do Court Brown new style Invisible Green; Polish do Bottle do; Pea do London Smoke, Bronze do Cadet Mix; Silver Grey Single milled Cassimere ; Double do Super Blue and Black do cheap Abbolsford Plaid new style lirilr Ii. rlmiKlo .nrl .innl. miliar! Ribbe"n Cassimere do, and do with every other description. Super Vestings Super Super Satins English and French And Summer Vestings of every description, qualitv, and price Bombazines and 1 hibet Cloths, cheaper than eieroffered in the Cuy, and of SUPERIOR QUALITY. HATS, BOOTS, AND SHOES, E3T qualitv; Prunella, Morocco, and Is id Pumps; Umhrellas. Collais, Bosoms, iStocks, Cravats, d Pocket Handkerchiefs. Fine fig'd Satins, Silks, and Shawles Plain Silks Painted Muslins, and French Chintz French, English, and Domestic Prints . Fine Plaid Mucins Figured Swiss, Jaconet, and Book Muslins Dimity Fnrniture Prints, and Drapery Muslin Bleacned, Brown, and Plaid do Cotton Osnaburgs, (a heavy article for negro shirting.) LADIES' SHOES. White, Black, and Blue Satin, French Moroc- co, Kid, and Kid lined Prunnella, Bonnets, rarasols, Gloves, and Hosiery 01 eve- ry description. Together with a full and complete assortment of Fancy Articles, in his line. J. T, FRAZER. P. S Arrangements are made to receive New Goods every sixty days. Merchants from the country are respectfully inv.led to cal1, as they can be supplied at Now York wholesale prices, with carriage. Lexington, Ky.. May 27, 1836 25-- tf KENAWHA SALT. A LOTof No 1, KENAWHA SALT, just received and for sale by JUUN W I1UJN T S SON. Lexington, May 18. 22-2- m Stimulating Liniment No. 1, AN IIUTROVEMENT OF JTWETl'S STISIULATIISG LIVIMKNT, NO 2, Manufactured and sold by M. L Lewis, whole- sale and retail. HIS LINIMENT is celebrated for its soothing and stimulating qualities, to those who are in pain. It has i decided advantage over all other Liniments known, as it is not so volatile, there is a body to it which keeps the ar- ticles of stimulant fiom esr aping fioin the system, and when the absorbant essels lake up the Liniment, it puts the system into action, anrl then the covering is thrown off, and perspiration makes its appearanre. 1 he soil env me certificate will show to the read er, what has been done with Hie above aiuclc, towards relieving mose who have used it, who wore sorely afflicted wilh pain. We, the undersigned, having used Dr. Lewis's Liniment, believe it to be as good as is recom- mended.. Dr. J R. CUNNINGHAM. Dr. WM CONS 1 ANT, Dr. WM. M. GUEFIN, Dr. C. N. LUSK. The above Lnumeii),& a general assortment of BOTANIC MEDICINLS for sale at THE BOTANIC DRUG SI ORE, Main Crossst. II T. N BENEDICT, Agent. H. T. N. Benedict continues to devote his time to the Botanic Practice of Medicine. Just received, A p. Cayenne f- Gum Myrh,and Pulv. Slip. Elm, of superior qualitw II T. N. BENEDICT, Agl. J.exinglon, June 5JI sw WANTED TO HIRE. NURSE, 14 or 15 years of age. Enquire at the Kentucky Gazette Office. July 14. 3T-- 2t I NE&7 GOODS FOR 1836. u SAMUEL ROBINSON S? CO. Are now receiving their cppTwr: Xr HMafi7.i7 norms J A It A J.1 VJ wu v i ux " v v v s sw J C COMPRISING a veiy general assortment of J nearly every vauetj of Fancy and Staple Articles, usually kept in Dry Good Houses; which are a rhoice lot of Cloths anH meres ; Men and Boys' Summer Goods, ilais and Lrtiniea DOimcis, uuuis nun cuties waie, Queenswate, and China in Vei and Dinner - P.- - Tk. ... .f..M .... Sell, r.)cri.t-3- t at-- . nc icci,iiuiij iiiviic iheir t nslomers and friPiids to call nJ examine. nprii m . jooo MAYES S; BLANCH ARD. "ffUDGE M A YES & HORACE f. BLAN-Qj- ? CHARD, having associated themselves in Ihe practice of the LA W, in the Fayette Circuit Court, will attend lo all business entrusted to Iheir care with zei.1 and promptitude. Lexint'"!', March 4, 1836 D- -tf NEW FURNITURE WARE P.OOIME. OTnilE undersigned, recen'l) from Cincinnati, Ll haing increased iheir stock of Furniture, have the pleasure 01 ollering a large assortment, end will endeavor to keep such a supply as will en-- 1 able their customers to furnisn themselves on as short nonce and as favorable terms as elsewhere.! Thev have row on hand and will continue to man-- 1 ufacuire the following 'V'jmTtt d'UJi.tsUJiiiua, various f" ...-'--, r, Dressing Bureaus do do 'I ables do do Centre " do do Pier u do do r ir -1 1 Cnclnsed Stands do Is JJ JU V Mahogsn Dining, Breakfasi, Extension, HaH and Sideboaid 1 ables; SOFAS, Spring Seal; Mahogany Chairs; Boston Rocking Chairs, do; Easy do; Bed Steps , Patent Beadsteads, on an improved plan, tried and approved; ilh all other ar- ticles in their line. ft" They aie prepared lo attend to Funeral calls An arrangement has been made for a supply of Easterh made I'l AW U ruillLB, for sale. fj"Just received, as a sample, one of Swift's Iron-fmnt- Patent Elastic Cushion-hamme- r PIANOS Also, a second-han- d Piano for sale or rent. A THOS. W. POWELL, HORACE E DIMICK, Jnidan's Row, 5th door from Main St. Lexington, April 3C, 1836 17-- tf NEW SPRING AND SUMMEi. GOODS, FOR 1836. rEpilE Subscriber is now receiving and opening JL al his store. Main street, a large and hand some assortment of French, English and Ameri- can STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS; Such as are usually offered in this market. He invites his friends and the public generally, tn call and examine his stock for ihrmselves all ol which he intends to sell as low as any other house in the city. JOHN SHROCK. april 16, 1836 15-- tf New Grocery Store. CURTIS J. SMITH OULD respectfully inform his friends and the nnhtir rrenerallv. that he has taken lha stand on Main street, lately occupied by T Kankin, a lew floors Deiow mennaii's noiei, anu immediately opposite Miss Susan Cook's Board- ing House, where he has and intends keeping on hand a gereral issorlment of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, as good and as cheap as can be had in the city. Families or dealers supplied by the quantity at the wholesale prices. N. B. A large supply ol measures, hall Dusn-el- s, pecks and half pecks, sealed, on hand and for sale. May 12, 183G 20-- tf New Grocery Store. THOMAS P SHROCK, OULD respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that be has taken the well known stand, lojmeny occupied y u. Tavlor as a Confectionary Store, and immediate ly opposite D Laudeman's Saddler's Shop, wheie he has , and intends keeping on hand a general of FRESH FAMILY rScSPUEsn GROCERIES, mB TEAS. asgood and as cheap as can be 1 g J had 111 the citv. He also intends keeping an assortmant ns COR DIALS and WINES, by the bottle or gallon. Also, an assortment of CANDIES, ic. JUST RCCCIVED, BBLS SUPERFINE FLOUR, (ot sale for cash. Lexington, June 27. 33 lm J. B. JOHNSON AKES pleasure in returning his thanks to his fnei ds and Ihe nublic, lor the liberal patron age extended to him for the last ten years, and would respeclfullj inform Ihem, that he has taken into oartnership Mr Henky Crumbaugh, who willgjve hisiindivinec aueniion loine snop 1 ne business will ne conducted and known under the firm of JOHNSON Sc CKUMUAUUti. m itep'-Ji-K ! 1 IIP JOHITSON & CnuaiBAUGH Have on hand a sine assortment ofSAJ DLES, Iron band Leather TRUNKS, a fiist rate article, English Bridle Leathers, Single and Double, of the best quality; together with a good assortment of all other articles usually kept fy Saddlers, which they offer al a reasonable pro- fit. Shop opposite Brennan's Hotel, Lexingtoi, Ky' May 5, 1836 18-3- m RENOVATING, SCOURING, TAIL-ORIN- AND SILK DYING BUSI- NESS. fTMHE unrlersmne.i would inform the cm tens E3 ns l.fiv inii Inn urti-- l 1I10 nnhlin nonoritlt. ilia he has opened a shop for RENOVATING, SCOURING audi AILORING BUSINESS, on Main street, opposite Biennan's Hotel He assures those who may feel disposer! to pationize him, th-i- t he will spare no pains to give sttisfac-tin- n in all cases His unrk will he done in ihe verv best manner, and on the lowest terms. JOHN riSHER. Lex. My 12, 1S36 20-2- m CANDY'S U HOLES LE PORTER, CIDER ESTABLISHMENT - Corner of Mam anr1 Limestone streets, Lex-nglo- Kv June IC 10 lm HALF A MILLION OF SHINGLES, 3G09ooo, Sg'les1: 200,000 Common do, just received and it be sold rit the Market price, or delivered in Le ington at the usual or customary inrnage. Persons wanting lopoichase, will please applj to JOSLPH D SWIFT, in Lexington, and Iheir order will be promptly filled . JNO B McILVAINE. Maysville, May 23, 183 624 tf Lex. InU TO PRIMTaRB. E. WHITE Sf WM. IIAGER HTJESPrCTFULLY inform the Printers or && the United States, lo whom they have been individually known as established Letter Found ers, that the) hae now formed a copartnership in sail Dusiness, ano irom their uniteri skill and ex leusne experience, they hope lobe able lo give satisfaction lo all who may savor them with theif orders The introduction of machinery in place of the tedious ajio urhealthy process ns casting type by hand, a desideratum by the European foundeis, was by American ingenuity and a heavy expendl lure of time and money on the part of our senior partner, first successfully accomplished. Exten- sive usenf ihe machine cast letter has sully tested and established its superiority in every particular jver those cast by the old process. The Letter Foundry Business will hereafter bo carried on by the parties before named, under thef firm of While, Ilager, & Co 'Iheir exhibits a complete series from Diamond to Sixty sour lines Pica The book and news lype bem$ in ihe mosi moderate light and style. While, llaeer & Qg , are ngeuts for the sale of Smith am' 1 ust PinJling Press, which they ca furnish their ci einmeis at manufacturer's prtCtft Chases, Cases, Composng Slicks, Ink, and tr" ery article u'er' i i the Priming Business, kept so sale an I furnished on short nonce. Old type' taken in echan-- e for new at nine cents per nound N B Newspaper proprietors who will give1 the above Ihree insertions, will be entitled to Fiver uonars in such articles ai they select from out specimens. E. WHITE & W. HAGER. New York, Oct. 1, 183548- - CABINET SHOP. THE Subscriber respectfully announces to the sof Lexington and its vmnnv iim he has just completed a thorough repair ofhis shop, and is now ready to wait upon his customers with anything in the Cabinet line. He will, al tne shortest nonce, be able to furnish COFFINS of all sizes ana nescnptions. He has a NEW HEARSE for l'ie belter rnnur-nip- nfiU citizens. His present stock of CABINET w u It. K is now, and will be kept equal to any in the Westein Country. His shop is on the cor- ner of Short and Limestone streets, diagonally op- posite the Jail, and hlS famifv rPClrtonno i. .n tl,. two story brick adjoining. By a strict attention la ousiness, ne nopes lo receive a share of public pa tronage. J. tlJKlJNUTON. March 10, 1835. 10-6- m LEXINGTON BRANCH BANK Of KENTUCKY. THE regular discount daj, will be on Tues morning of each week, and Notes aor Bills offered must he deposited in Bank on aeps preceedingthe discountday. WILL S. WALLER.CajW. July 8, 1835 27-- tf DRUG AND CHEMICAL STORE. DR. S. C. TROTTER, HAVING purchased the of DRUGS of the late T. L Smith, solicits a continuance of the custom of tne house. His stock. of medicines being very complote is prepared ttr sell low. Wholesale dealers will find it their in- terest to call. ' put up with care. Cheapside, Lex apnl2, 1836 13-3- ra Obs & Rep. 3 mos. M. E. BROWNING & CO aWAVING purchased of Caleb Worley, his S3. tockor MERCHANDIZE, which is extensive and well assorted, now offer 11 Whole- sale and Retail, on as fair and reasonable terms as like goods can be bought in any market u est of the mountains. They are resolved 10 spare no pains to accommodate and please those who may savor them with a call. To the old pationsMif the house, they look n ith much confidence, and solicit i continuance of their custom, from whcih it is. hoped a mutual benefit and satisfaction will be de- rived. CALEB WORLEY, navirjg sold histock of to M.E BUO WNING k. es great pleasure in recommending 10 his old customers and patrons, a continuance of their rieal-n- g wall bis successors, at the old stann , opposite the upper end of the Public Square. He would at the same time veiy sincerely return his thanks for the 1 beral patronage extended to him during his continuante in busmss. It is his wish asspeedily as possible tc close his business, and he hopes that allthose who have open accounts will call and close ihem by note or payment without delay. Lex June 15, 1835 24-- tf CAREY'S LIBRARY OF CHOICE LITER, ATTIRE f.IfAS now completed its first Six Months of and the publisheis offer the fol- lowing works in teslimonv ns the fulfilment of the promises made to the public in ihe """ original pros-pec'- us. Life of Sir James Mackintosh, by his son. Kincaid's Rifle Brigade. Characteristics of Hindostan, by Miss Roberts-U- ne 111 a thousand, by G P . R. James. Kienzi, Dy ,. L, lltilwer. Random Recollections of ihe House of Com- mons . The Second Volume has commenced uilh Se- lections from T he Dramas of Joanna Bailliev and Confessions and Crimes, or Posthumous Records of a London Clergyman a woik resem- bling in stvle. and suunoseH in hp hir ft... c.nr. ... ihor, as the celebrated Tales from the Diary of a' ruvsicuu. The First Volume can be furl wmni. ,v,il,n,,t subsciibmg to the worn, upon the remittance of 52 50 to the publishers. The Librart is nubhsherl wop&ttr Twenty imperial ouavo pages, and the Llteiary Advertiser, which accompanies it, sour pages, anil is bound up at the end of every volume. Price rc annum, in tfUVance, O. Address, E. I. CAREY Sc A. HART. Or, LOUIS A. GODEY. Philadelphia. C L UB B ING. A remittance of Five Dollars will command" Ihe first volume ns the Library and the Marryalf Novels, comp'ete in 8 numbers, containing Peter Simple Jacob Fauliful Pirete and Three Cu- ttersKing's Own Newton Forester Pacha of Many 'I ales and Japhet in Search of his Father or I irsl Volume of Library aud Lady's Book. Miy 21,183623 TheBarrj Monument ALL those gentlemen ho hold subscription or lunds, for the election of the above Monument, will be good enough to return them immediately to John Noiton, Esq , ihe Treasur- er ns the Maj 23, 18J6 22-- tf OME OR TWO APPRENTICES, f!Tl learn the Art of Printing, will be taken Ji. boys between the ages of Hand 10 would be prafe.rnd. Lsxington, March 5 -- 9 tf. I
Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY ...


bo. w. ttjoebRiBarber ty Fashionable Hair Dresser,

(Sign nt the HiqhlaSd Columns, Main street,Lexington, Ky., nearly opposite the Phoenix

tiotei,;10NTINUES all branches of the business in

his usual fashionable and tasteful style.From his long experience, having made the

the tonsorian art his study, and perfec-

tion in its practice his aim, he feels confident, thatthe most fastidious, will acknowledge themselvesgratified with his performance, as being all theycould reasonably desire.

Though his business has much increased sincethe public have become well acquainted with thecomforts he offers, yet gentlemen need not sear

that on that account they will be neglected, erobliged to wait, for he has employed competentand obliging aid in every part of the establish-

ment, and gives to the oversight of the whole, hisown constant personal attention.

He has iu6t received the latest Philadelphia andNew York Fashions for HAIR DRESSING,both for Gentlemen and Young Misses; and tehis pan of the business will give his particular in-

dividual attention.To the philosophical among his patrons, he

would say, that, is desired, he will cut the hair soas to exh bit phrenologically the ntellectual

and moral character.G. W. T. has uist received a large Assort

ment of FANCY ARTICLES, consisting ofCosmetics, Slocks, Combs, Collars, Uernia.uPipes, Siamese Musical Siiuff .Boxes, (a superiorarticle), Magnetic Fish, and Geese, Soaps, antit4,tiitlUf of Hair Brushes, Tooth Tfaiiiniii Pait-de-

Gentlemen aed Ladies' Pocket Beeks'andJPrses, Gent'emen and Ladies Suspenders, a sine

assortment of Ladle1 Hair Work, Wigs and ToPieces (assorted colour',) sine Razors and Straps,Children's Toys of every description, Tea setts,fcc, a sine assortment of Playing Cards, Backgammon Boards and Ches'men? also Tapers anJLucifer Matches, some sine Ha anna Cigars, Ca-

vendish Tobacco and Snuff, Ward's VegetableHair Oil, Indian Oil and Indian Die, for color-

ing red and grey hairs a beautiful blackrwithouinjury to skill or hair, and other articles too nu-

merous to mention.G. W. T. has a mode of operating upon the

head neculiailv his own. which gives undissemblerisatisfi.ctinii to those who submit their teal eflJAousU to his magic manipulations, brighteningup the summer evening dullness of the wearied,and smoothing the wrinkles on the brow of careNo description can do it jusliae it must be fnciito be appreciated.

In the rear of the Toilette Saloon the atteniittef Ins customers is attracted by the spacious,

healthful, and luxunous

Mediterranean Baths,which gave gave general satisfaction last year,but which have since undergone a thorough repair

nil improvement; and are now ready to admintsler cold, warm, tepid, or salt Baths, from 5 o'-

clock, a, mi. to to 10 p, m.Inregarlro his whola Establishment, he in-

vites the citizens of Lexington and visite.s to calland extend the patronage, already sohbera'ly be-

stowed upon him, for which they shall have hithanks and his best exertions to please.

May 24, 1836. 27-- tf

WANTED Two Apprentices to the Barber-in- g

and Hairdressing Business. Youths from ISto 15 and 18 years, who can come well reeom-trende-

will be preferred.G. W. TUCKER.

fJj-T- he Observer & Reporter and Intelligen-cer will add the above to G. W. T's advertise-ment already in their papers.

DOCTORS CROSS AND JOUETT,RAVING settled in the city of Lexington,

services to the public asThysicians, Surgeons and Accoucheurs.

Dr . Cross begs leave to remind the public, thatwhile in Europe, under the great masters of theart, he paid particular attention to the subject ofLITHOTRIPSY, and now proposes to relievethose afflicted with Stone or Grivcl, by an operation, in which no cutting instrument is employed,and wnichis also, comparatively, des'itute of bothvain and danger.

Office Mam street, immediately above Bren-nan- 's

Hotel.Lexington, April 16, 1836. 15-- tf

LAND FOR SALE.npiHE Subscriber offeis for sale the TRACTJL OF LAND, upon which he now resides,

one and a quarter miles east of Nicholasville, con-taining 130 Acres, all enclosed under goodfence; forlyor fifty acres Wood Land; a sineyoung Orchard; a never-sailin- g Sprihg; comfort-able Dwelling and good out Buildings.

Persons wishing to purchase would o well toall immediately , as the subscriber intends selling

rhe first good offer. W. T. MILES.May 12, 1836 90-- tf

NOTICE.CIRCUMSTANCES having transpired,

forme to consu-niat- e

an intended partnership with Inecrsan LMcClelland for the construction of the stone workat the Cliffs, on Kentucky river: The businessin iutuie will be conducted in their names, andthey will be responsible for all contracts and busi-ness connected with this woik from the commence-ment to the close of their operations.

Their characters as contractors, and iheir bust- -mess habits will , no doubt, sufficiently recommendmem to me company ana me piiouc

JAMES COOK,Afirtl 3J,--1- I- I -- DiyUm Dm HeraU.


THE stages on the direct route fromto Cincinnati, will leave the office at

Drenans every day at 3 o'clock P. M. and arrivenext morning at 10; Leave Cincinnati everymorning by six and arrive same evening by 10,sixteen hours from port to port, fare six dollars,this route is perhaps as pleasant to travel as any :the roads are now sine, the teams. narh. anddrivers are not surpased any where, drivers ofkill and entirely of sober habits; teams well

broke and perfectly safe; coarhes new and of.pieasant size and in no ease will more than ninepusengers be admitted inside, no accident having on, this route during the season sofar, ishe only assurance we offer of the disposi-tion ofvthe propnetors to do their duty,, to giveumvresal satisfaction and receive that patronage

ch the public may think proper to bestow..jiRwATT 6AINES, Proprietor,.T July 5, 1836.-3- ms

will innrt 3ny and ehasg PfcG.

IHWAMITtE CIRCUIT, Ec, AprTerm, 1836.

Jxses Shield, CompluoantCgllzl

William PaiCE's Heirs, &c. Defendants,

IN CHANCERY.THIS day came ihe Complainant by his coun-

cil and on tii motion and it appearing to the sat-

isfaction of the Court that the Defendants, GeorgeWithers and Martha, his wise, the unknown heirsofMerryman C Bradshaw ana r.nz, ms wiir,John Haydon and Mary, his wise, Winfrie E.Price, the nnknown heirs of Napoleon J Puce,John W. Price, Peter Withers and Evelina, his

wise, Joseph Hughes aud Cassandra, his wise,Samuel Hughes and Mary, his wise, Ste-

phens and Polixeney, his wise, David Dale and

Louisa, his wise, the unknown heirs of SpencerClark and Betsy, his wise, William Homes andSusan, his wise. Joseoh Drake and Martha his

wise, the unknown heirs of Mary Bradshaw, dee'd.Hatchy and Sally, his wise, American

Kirtley and Milte-- Kirtley, William L. Martinand wise are not inhabitants of this Commonwealth and having sailed to answer the Complt'sbill agreeably la law and the rules of this Court- -it

is therefore ordered that unless they the saidDefendants do appear here on or before the

first day of the next .Ally teim o'this Court andanswer the Complainant's bill, the same shall betaken for confessed against them : and it is furtherordered, that a cepy of this order be inserted in

some authorised newspaper of this State, for twacalendar months in succession.

A Copy lest, D. B. PRICE, clkjec11-- By John Fletcher, d c


R. HARRIS, Dentist, informs the citizens ef Lexington, that he has returned to

i l e i . .w- - nun? Mivme Lliv, cum may uu luunu ai irie ruixjiiivHOTEL, (Room No. 6) where he will be happyto receive the calls of such as may desire his pro

services. He will remain in the city fora sew weeks only. March 4, '36. 9 Is

"TEXAS."T.V PRESS, and will shortly be published, andJL for sale at the beokstoies, nt the In'elligenceroffice, "Txas," eeinr a Historical ideographicaland descriptive work, of Three hundkid pactsduodecimo, by

MRS. MARY AUSTIN HOLLEY.. . : : : : . $1 50

i.x. nay ju, ioju.


A CAR will leave MIDWAY every morningat7 o'clock, and returning, will leave

Liexington every afternoon at 5 o'clock.CHAS LEWIS,

Master of Trausportatien.June 16 30-- tf

The Day is Fixed.

ON Me 21 st July, xhemosl magnificent schemedrawn in the Uuited States, will be de-

cided. Tickets will soon be scarce, and earlyapplication should br mare te

JOHN G. GRAHAM,Louisville, Ky., or

New Albany, Ind.Where all erders by mail receivo the same atten-tion as personal application.

Alexandria Lottery,Class 2,Scheme consisting of only 7140 Tickets.

"RIZE$25,000; $10,000: $7,500; $4,000; $2,930;

$2,000; 2 of $1,500; 31 of $500,31 r$300; 31 of $200, he.

Tickets $50 no Shares.

Virginia Lottery, Class 4,For the town of Wheeling, to be drawh at Alex-

andria, Ya ,on Saturday, the 23d July.SO HEM C:

$30,000 r $10,000: $8,000: 4,000:$3,000: $2,500: 100 of $1,000111

10 of $500 : 20 of $300 . 84 of 200, &cTicket only $10 Shares in proportion.

A variety of Schemes are being drawn constan-tlyTickets varying fro-- $5 to $10. The Nosare received in Louisville eight days from the dateof the drawing and forwarded immediately toall ustomtrs. Do not forget to address

JOHN G GRAHAM,Louisville, Ky ,or

June 22 -3-2-tf New Albany, Ind.

PAINTING.THE Subscriber would respectfully inform

citizens of I jexmston and viciniiv. thaihe is readv to execute all orders in the ahnv hi.sniess nun neatness ana on the most reasonableterms.

HOUSE PAINTING,neatlv executed in dll IIS rarmn.hranrli.c hrtir.OUt Slirl inside. InsiHp nainlm. Hnn. .n l...slor dead colors and washing inside walls in distemper coinrs; warranted not to rub off,

SIGN PAINTING.All orders for plain, gold, or ornamental signs,

thankfully received and punctually attended to.Also,


Paner Hanffinp and f.andsrrine naintincr nn unlleor sire boards, in oil or distemper colors: clean-ing and varnishing all kinds of Oil Paintings

painting and gilding Piciuie Frames;Japannmgs ana Polishings; Transparent Win-dow Blinds or Fire Scraens nainteH . nilrtinor nnHGlasing, Cutting Glass to Frames or elsewhere;i ransierring engravings to Ladies' Work Koxes,

or elsewhere, as may ie requested together withsuch various other kinds of work, as may he call-ed so'.

Tho Subscriber is recently frnm theCitvnlNew York, where he has haH sprpml , nr...rience in the above branches, he therefoie thinkshimself competent to execute allordersin hislinet the entire Satisfaction ns Ihnse whn mav favnrhim wth a call. Is he should not be able-tog(- e

sansiaction to those, who may employ him, therewill be no charge made whatever, he therefore,hopes to receive a share of public- - patronoge.

His Shop, until further nonce, is-- Mr. J.Beach's Coach Repository, on Main streeuf

JAMES ANDREWS."it B All Orders fm the rnnnlru thanlr full w rn.ived and promptly attended to.

Lexington, June iil, 1836 32-- 4t

FRESH FLOUR.ALOTofsupenor Familj Flour, with m

barrels and half barrels toStilt DUrchasers. Icunt rnntlamli. n t.,J i

"ale by R. LONG. MilLst.Lex. July 4. 1836.

SftftBiKRELS ofood Sose eek saltv No. 1. togethei with an excellent as-sortment of (he very best Family Groceries forsale by R. LONG, Mill-st- .

Lex. July 4, 1836.

tftodfoBOTTLES of superior Old PottiWLP Wine do. do. d.300Madana,No 1.

for sale by R. LONG, Mill ,1.Lwu Jiily 4, 1836 UG-a- m.

- .ILL NEW.subscriber grateful tohu friends and tl

THE generally for past savors, wcmld res- -

r.Al., ininrm fhpm flint, m ftpr hnvintr beetl en

eaeed in manufacturing Tobacco for Jhe last IDj i l 1I- -J - yncon.i.ni nsyears, ne nas uei uiuiciiciie in wiiat.Ljiv.n.-

the scarc.ty of leas Tobacco, to change in some

..d.it Sk hninp)t. Tie has therefore lust re- -

ceived ani will keep constantly on hand a com

plete assortment ot

rRESIl GROCERIES;A pan of which i as sollows:

50 Sacks COFFEE,30 Barrels No. 3 MACKEjJEL, fresh 183510 Boxes Fresh Blown Rbisius,

6 Drums Figs, first qualit,2 Barrels of first rate strained floney,2 Barrels Chesnuts, first quality

A complete asorlmentof SHOES& B007'S,superior quality,

t n...n VVillnw ftfnrWt nakpts. of assorted

sues, Allspice, Ginger, Pepper, Indigo, Shot;Also, a rarreis oi nrsi quani) jjil- o-- na Ft A rnmnlete assortment of GROCE

RIES, of all kinds, will be kept constantly on

hand, low lor Uasn, or nne L.eai moarco.frt-- The highest price will be given lor iro--

fnnv in fiftv thousand pounds of Tobacco in the

leas, of a first rale quality.KUULIU till. A I .

N. B Tobacco and Segais kept constantly on

hand as usual.Lexington Jan 1, 1836 tf glr

MONEY LOST.DOLLARS REWARD. Lost in5jftffh the town of Frankfort, on the mor-

ning of the 4ih inst , between Weisiger's tavernand the bead of Ihe inclined plane, a sealed pack-e- l

containing THREE THOUSAND DOL-LARS, in $50 notes of the Bank of Kentucky,probably all payable at Ihe mother Bank at Louisville. The envelope was sealed, and ihe notesdoubled in the middle, and as ell as recollected,endorsed on the envelopement as sollows: "$3000to pay a note in the Lexington BianchBank,drawn by Smith & Keats, or George Keats, to thernerof John Brand, Esq."The above reward will be paid to any person

who will deliver said package to Col. Peter Dud-

ley, in Frankfort, to Messrs Smith & Keals, inLouisville, or to myself in Lexington.

Banks and others may help to ihe discovery bytaking notice of whom they receive notes of theabove description.

D. A. SAYRE.Lexington, Ky. Feb. 10, 1836. mar. 19-1-

Emporium of Fashion.Gentlemen's Outfitting and Furnishing



MAIN-S-t. LEXINGTON, KY.announce to his friends and theWOULD generally , that he is now receiving

a full and complete assortment of

CLOTHS, CASSIMERS & VESTINGOf the latest fashions, together with an extensivevariety of Gentlemen's, Youth's and Children'sready made Clothes, of cloth and summerwear,with every description of Fancy Articles in hisline, rather superior to any thing offered in thismarket. They weie bought in the East wilhgreat care, fur Cash, and will be sold low for thesame material. The cloth'es were manufacturedexpressly for himself, and are warranted to be inthe height of the fashion, and in the best manner

SHIRTS.Linen, Cotton and Silk, Shirts; Plain

and Ruffled tsosom Gingham do.; Col-

lars, iSfc.

WALKING CANES.Fancy, Sword, Whalebone and Gold

Tipped Walking Canes.TAILORS' SHEARS, see.

HeiniscK's improved Tailor's Shears,Trimmers, Small Points and Barber'sShears.

STOCKS, &c.A new style of Stocks and Silk s.

FROCKS AND PANTS.Super Silk Frocks and Pants for

Youths and Children.DRESS AND F.ROCK COATS, &c.

Super Bombazine Dress and FrockCoats and Pants.

SUMMER CLOTHING, &c.Morning Gowns, and Summer Clothing

of all varieties.


Which he will make up to order, in the'mostathwnabte and best style of workmanship.

Urders from a distance shall be promptly attend-ed to. Thankful for the-- very liberal patronageheretofore received, he solicits a continuance ofthe same.

07-T- he Fashions, punctuality and neatnessof work, shall be faithTuMy attended to.

Lex. April 26, 1836 17-l- m

JUST RECEIVED,DBLS. Mackeiel , No. 2.4,000 lb. Bacon, (to be sold from one

lb to a thousand )1 Hogshead superior quality SUGAR

R. GRAY.Corner of Limestone and Water sreels,

Brennan's Hotel and the upper end of themarket house.

April 23, 183-6- 16 is

JABEZ BEACH.AT his Coach Depository opposite General

Comb's, on Main street, respectfully informsthe citizens of Kentucky, that he has now on theway , and expects to receive, about the middle ofMay, a splendid assortment of

CARRIAGES,Manufactured expressly for him, in New Ark, N.Jetsey, consisting of Coaches, barouches, bug'gies, &C. &c. His customers may bo assured,that the Carriages are made ?f the best materials,and in the first style of Elegant and Substantia)Worxmanship.

J. B will keep S number of hands--n his shop,and is at all times ready to repair Carriages, andhas no doubt of giving entire satisfaction to hiscustomers.

Lexington, April 30, 183617--t- f

FOR SATiK. A half league of land, inColony, 1 cxas , very eligibly situa-

ted on Dick's or Dickson's Creek, a navigablestream, emptying into Galvastnn Bay, at whosemouth the town of Powhatan is laid out, com-

manding a sine harbor. The above tract wastelecled for the proprietor by persons familiar withevery league in the Colony it consists ns a m

of prairie and timbered land, and is the finestthat can be, for the culuation of Cotton orSuear.all conditions having been fulfilled, and expensespaid. It is recommended to persons disposed 10emigrate to Texas, as saung much trouble, expense and delay. Inquire at this office.

Lex Aug 27, 1835 Si-- if

NOTICEA T a meeting of the board of Directors of"the

i. Lexington Fire, Life and Marine InsuranceCompany," it was resolved, that a call of FIVEDOLLARS perhaie be made on the stockhold-ers, payable On tfiV first Monday in June next.

A. O NEWTON, Secretary,Lex. F L and M Ins Co

(&- - FOR SALE. C0TaB iX iJHE well known uiree story BttliKMO ii HOUSE on Main street. occupied

formerly by Morrison and Bradley, and at presentby Iers Isles and Wright as a Dij Giodbtore.This extens.ve property, 30 feet from, runningback to Water slrbet opposite the Ril RoadWa'ehouse, contains a brick Slabl, Carnagehouse and other buildings; forming altogethe- - amost valuable possession for stores ami family residence- - For terms apply at my residence on thepremises. LUCY D GATEWOOD.

Lexington, May 19, ' 36 22-- tf

JUST RECEIVED,LOT ns SUPERIOR FLOUR, manufac-turedA by I. W Smiih expressly for family

use warranted superior For sale byJOHN W, HUN I'& SON.

iexingun, Maj 16, 1836 22-2- m

FIRE!"CO) ISKS of Insurance will be taken by tne Lex-Jl1i- V

inalon Fire, Life and Marine Insuianceagainst Fire, on Buildings or Furniture in town orcountry. Specifications in writing, to be lestwith the subscriber.

A O NEWrON,ScreaiLexington, May 13, '36-22- -tf


siBiSJfcgp,,, fTTIHE subscriber' respect- -3 Ju. sully informs his old

customers, and the public gen- -IP"' S "3 -- " I rf MeralK, that he has rlmoved

his CABINET SHOP andnZL EU-- r ij 'Dwelling House to the stand

tff "' CTlrifnrmerly occupied by J. JUJJ 1U--VSheridau, on Main Street,immediate! opposite the Masonic Hall, wheieall articles in his line of business can be had onshort notice and good terms He invites all wish-

ing to purchase to call upon him.

VANNOY'S PATENT BEDSTEADSmade to order on shoit nonce.

JOSEPH M1LWARD.Lexington, Dec. 12, 1835 2-- tf

NEW STORE:(No. 4, Cueapside between Pr, Wnl- -

ace s book blore and J. 1). SwiftWholesale Grocery,

THE subscrber would respectfully inform hisand the public generally, that he

has just received from the City of New York , acomplete assortment of

Dry Goods.suitable for the present season; and having formed an agency in that City, to purchase and importhis goods, he will be able to sell at very reducedprices, for cash. His assortment consists, in part,of the following articles:

Super Blue Cloths; Black doViolet do; Brown doCourt Brown new styleInvisible Green; Polish doBottle do; Pea doLondon Smoke, Bronze doCadet Mix; Silver Grey

Single milled Cassimere ; Double doSuper Blue and Black do cheapAbbolsford Plaid new stylelirilr Ii. rlmiKlo .nrl .innl. miliar!Ribbe"n Cassimere do, and do with every other

description.Super VestingsSuper Super Satins English and FrenchAnd Summer Vestings of every description,

qualitv, and priceBombazines and 1 hibet Cloths, cheaper than

eieroffered in the Cuy, and of SUPERIORQUALITY.

HATS, BOOTS, AND SHOES,E3T qualitv; Prunella, Morocco, and Is id

Pumps;Umhrellas. Collais, Bosoms, iStocks, Cravats,d Pocket Handkerchiefs.Fine fig'd Satins, Silks, and ShawlesPlain SilksPainted Muslins, and French ChintzFrench, English, and Domestic Prints

. Fine Plaid MucinsFigured Swiss, Jaconet, and Book MuslinsDimityFnrniture Prints, and Drapery MuslinBleacned, Brown, and Plaid doCotton Osnaburgs, (a heavy article for negro


LADIES' SHOES.White, Black, and Blue Satin, French Moroc-

co, Kid, and Kid lined Prunnella,Bonnets, rarasols, Gloves, and Hosiery 01 eve-

ry description.

Together with a full and complete assortment of

Fancy Articles,in his line.

J. T, FRAZER.P. S Arrangements are made to receive New

Goods every sixty days. Merchants from thecountry are respectfully inv.led to cal1, as theycan be supplied at Now York wholesale prices,with carriage.

Lexington, Ky.. May 27, 1836 25-- tf


A LOTof No 1, KENAWHA SALT, justreceived and for sale by

JUUN W I1UJN T S SON.Lexington, May 18. 22-2- m


LIVIMKNT, NO 2,Manufactured and sold by M. L Lewis, whole-

sale and retail.HIS LINIMENT is celebrated for itssoothing and stimulating qualities, to those

who are in pain. It has i decided advantageover all other Liniments known, as it is not sovolatile, there is a body to it which keeps the ar-

ticles of stimulant fiom esr aping fioin the system,and when the absorbant essels lake up the

Liniment, it puts the system intoaction, anrl then the covering is thrown off, andperspiration makes its appearanre.

1 he soil env me certificate will show to the reader, what has been done with Hie above aiuclc,towards relieving mose who have used it, whowore sorely afflicted wilh pain.

We, the undersigned, having used Dr. Lewis'sLiniment, believe it to be as good as is recom-mended..


The above Lnumeii),& a general assortment ofBOTANIC MEDICINLS for sale at THEBOTANIC DRUG SI ORE, Main Crossst.

II T. N BENEDICT, Agent.H. T. N. Benedict continues to devote his

time to the Botanic Practice of Medicine.Just received, A p. Cayenne f- Gum Myrh,and

Pulv. Slip. Elm, of superior qualitwII T. N. BENEDICT, Agl.

J.exinglon, June 5JI sw

WANTED TO HIRE.NURSE, 14 or 15 years of age. Enquireat the Kentucky Gazette Office.

July 14. 3T-- 2t I

NE&7 GOODS FOR 1836. u

SAMUEL ROBINSON S? CO.Are now receiving their

cppTwr: Xr HMafi7.i7 normsJ A It A J.1 VJ wu v i ux " v v v s sw J

CCOMPRISING a veiy general assortment ofJ nearly every vauetj of Fancy and Staple

Articles, usually kept in Dry Good Houses;which are a rhoice lot of Cloths anH

meres ; Men and Boys' Summer Goods, ilais andLrtiniea DOimcis, uuuis nun cutieswaie, Queenswate, and China in Vei and Dinner

- P.- - Tk. ... .f..M ....Sell, r.)cri.t-3- t at-- . nc icci,iiuiij iiiviiciheir t nslomers and friPiids to call nJ examine.

nprii m . jooo



CHARD, having associated themselves inIhe practice of the LA W, in the Fayette CircuitCourt, will attend lo all business entrusted toIheir care with zei.1 and promptitude.

Lexint'"!', March 4, 1836 D- -tf


OTnilE undersigned, recen'l) from Cincinnati,Ll haing increased iheir stock of Furniture,

have the pleasure 01 ollering a large assortment,end will endeavor to keep such a supply as will en-- 1

able their customers to furnisn themselves on asshort nonce and as favorable terms as elsewhere.!

Thev have row on hand and will continue to man-- 1

ufacuire the following

'V'jmTtt d'UJi.tsUJiiiua, variousf" ...-'--, r,Dressing Bureaus do do

'I ables do doCentre " do doPier u do dor ir -1 1 Cnclnsed Stands do

Is JJ JU V Mahogsn Dining, Breakfasi,Extension, HaH and Sideboaid 1 ables;

SOFAS, Spring Seal;Mahogany Chairs;Boston Rocking Chairs, do; Easy do;Bed Steps , Patent Beadsteads, on an improved

plan, tried and approved; ilh all other ar-

ticles in their line.ft" They aie prepared lo attend to Funeral

callsAn arrangement has been made for a supply of

Easterh made I'l AW U ruillLB,for sale.

fj"Just received, as a sample, one of Swift'sIron-fmnt- Patent Elastic Cushion-hamme- r

PIANOS Also, a second-han- d Piano for sale or


Jnidan's Row, 5th door from Main St.

Lexington, April 3C, 1836 17-- tf


rEpilE Subscriber is now receiving and openingJL al his store. Main street, a large and hand

some assortment of French, English and Ameri-


Such as are usually offered in this market. Heinvites his friends and the public generally, tn

call and examine his stock for ihrmselves all olwhich he intends to sell as low as any other housein the city. JOHN SHROCK.

april 16, 1836 15-- tf

New Grocery Store.CURTIS J. SMITH

OULD respectfully inform his friends andthe nnhtir rrenerallv. that he has taken

lha stand on Main street, lately occupied by TKankin, a lew floors Deiow mennaii's noiei, anuimmediately opposite Miss Susan Cook's Board-

ing House, where he has and intends keeping on

hand a gereral issorlment of

FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES,as good and as cheap as can be had in the city.Families or dealers supplied by the quantity at thewholesale prices.

N. B. A large supply ol measures, hall Dusn-el- s,

pecks and half pecks, sealed, on hand and for

sale.May 12, 183G 20-- tf

New Grocery Store.

THOMAS P SHROCK,OULD respectfully inform his friends and

the public generally, that be has takenthe well known stand, lojmeny occupied y u.Tavlor as a Confectionary Store, and immediately opposite D Laudeman's Saddler's Shop, wheiehe has , and intends keeping on hand a general



rScSPUEsn GROCERIES,mB TEAS. asgood and as cheap as can be

1 g J had 111 the citv. He also intendskeeping an assortmant ns COR

DIALS and WINES, by the bottle or gallon.Also, an assortment of CANDIES, ic.


Lexington, June 27. 33 lm

J. B. JOHNSONAKES pleasure in returning his thanks to his

fnei ds and Ihe nublic, lor the liberal patronage extended to him for the last ten years, andwould respeclfullj inform Ihem, that he has takeninto oartnership Mr Henky Crumbaugh, whowillgjve hisiindivinec aueniion loine snop 1 nebusiness will ne conducted and known under thefirm of JOHNSON Sc CKUMUAUUti.

m itep'-Ji-K

! 1 IIP

JOHITSON & CnuaiBAUGHHave on hand a sine assortment ofSAJ

DLES, Iron band Leather TRUNKS, a fiistrate article, English Bridle Leathers, Singleand Double, of the best quality; together with agood assortment of all other articles usually keptfy Saddlers, which they offer al a reasonable pro-fit.

Shop opposite Brennan's Hotel, Lexingtoi, Ky'May 5, 1836 18-3- m



fTMHE unrlersmne.i would inform the cm tensE3 ns l.fiv inii Inn urti-- l 1I10 nnhlin nonoritlt. ilia

he has opened a shop for RENOVATING,SCOURING audi AILORING BUSINESS,on Main street, opposite Biennan's Hotel Heassures those who may feel disposer! to pationizehim, th-i- t he will spare no pains to give sttisfac-tin- n

in all cases His unrk will he done in iheverv best manner, and on the lowest terms.

JOHN riSHER.Lex. My 12, 1S36 20-2- m

CANDY'S U HOLES LE PORTER,CIDER ESTABLISHMENT- Corner of Mam anr1 Limestone streets, Lex-nglo-

KvJune IC 10 lm


3G09ooo, Sg'les1:200,000 Common do, just received and it

be sold rit the Market price, or delivered in Leington at the usual or customary inrnage.

Persons wanting lopoichase, will please appljto JOSLPH D SWIFT, in Lexington, andIheir order will be promptly filled .

JNO B McILVAINE.Maysville, May 23, 183 624 tf Lex. InU


HTJESPrCTFULLY inform the Printers or&& the United States, lo whom they have been

individually known as established Letter Founders, that the) hae now formed a copartnership insail Dusiness, ano irom their uniteri skill and exleusne experience, they hope lobe able lo givesatisfaction lo all who may savor them with theiforders

The introduction of machinery in place of thetedious ajio urhealthy process ns casting type byhand, a desideratum by the European foundeis,was by American ingenuity and a heavy expendllure of time and money on the part of our seniorpartner, first successfully accomplished. Exten-sive usenf ihe machine cast letter has sully testedand established its superiority in every particularjver those cast by the old process.

The Letter Foundry Business will hereafter bocarried on by the parties before named, under theffirm of While, Ilager, & Co 'Iheirexhibits a complete series from Diamond to Sixtysour lines Pica The book and news lype bem$in ihe mosi moderate light and style.

While, llaeer & Qg , are ngeuts for the sale ofSmith am' 1 ust PinJling Press, which they cafurnish their ci einmeis at manufacturer's prtCtft

Chases, Cases, Composng Slicks, Ink, and tr"ery article u'er' i i the Priming Business, kept sosale an I furnished on short nonce. Old type'taken in echan-- e for new at nine cents per nound

N B Newspaper proprietors who will give1the above Ihree insertions, will be entitled to Fiveruonars in such articles ai they select from outspecimens.

E. WHITE & W. HAGER.New York, Oct. 1, 183548- -

CABINET SHOP.THE Subscriber respectfully announces to the

sof Lexington and its vmnnv iimhe has just completed a thorough repair ofhis shop,and is now ready to wait upon his customers withanything in the Cabinet line. He will, al tneshortest nonce, be able to furnish COFFINS ofall sizes ana nescnptions. He has a NEWHEARSE for l'ie belter rnnur-nip- nfiUcitizens. His present stock of CABINETw u It. K is now, and will be kept equal to anyin the Westein Country. His shop is on the cor-ner of Short and Limestone streets, diagonally op-posite the Jail, and hlS famifv rPClrtonno i. .n tl,.two story brick adjoining. By a strict attention laousiness, ne nopes lo receive a share of public patronage. J. tlJKlJNUTON.

March 10, 1835. 10-6- m


THE regular discount daj, will be on Tuesmorning of each week, and Notes aor

Bills offered must he deposited in Bank on aepspreceedingthe discountday.

WILL S. WALLER.CajW.July 8, 1835 27-- tf


DR. S. C. TROTTER,HAVING purchased the

of DRUGS of the lateT. L Smith, solicits a continuanceof the custom of tne house. His stock.

of medicines being very complote is prepared ttrsell low. Wholesale dealers will find it their in-terest to call. '

put up with care.Cheapside, Lex apnl2, 1836 13-3- ra

Obs & Rep. 3 mos.

M. E. BROWNING & COaWAVING purchased of Caleb Worley, hisS3. tockor MERCHANDIZE, which

is extensive and well assorted, now offer 11 Whole-sale and Retail, on as fair and reasonable terms aslike goods can be bought in any market u est of themountains. They are resolved 10 spare no painsto accommodate and please those who may savorthem with a call. To the old pationsMif thehouse, they look n ith much confidence, and soliciti continuance of their custom, from whcih it is.hoped a mutual benefit and satisfaction will be de-rived.

CALEB WORLEY, navirjg sold histock ofto M.E BUO WNING k. es

great pleasure in recommending 10 his oldcustomers and patrons, a continuance of their rieal-n- g

wall bis successors, at the old stann , oppositethe upper end of the Public Square. He would atthe same time veiy sincerely return his thanks forthe 1 beral patronage extended to him during hiscontinuante in busmss. It is his wish asspeedilyas possible tc close his business, and he hopes thatallthose who have open accounts will call andclose ihem by note or payment without delay.

Lex June 15, 1835 24-- tf


CHOICE LITER, ATTIREf.IfAS now completed its first Six Months of

and the publisheis offer the fol-lowing works in teslimonv ns the fulfilment of thepromises made to the public in ihe

"""original pros-pec'- us.

Life of Sir James Mackintosh, by his son.Kincaid's Rifle Brigade.Characteristics of Hindostan, by Miss Roberts-U- ne

111 a thousand, by G P . R. James.Kienzi, Dy ,. L, lltilwer.Random Recollections of ihe House of Com-

mons .

The Second Volume has commenced uilh Se-lections from T he Dramas of Joanna Baillievand Confessions and Crimes, or PosthumousRecords of a London Clergyman a woik resem-bling in stvle. and suunoseH in hp hir ft... c.nr. ...ihor, as the celebrated Tales from the Diary of a'ruvsicuu.

The First Volume can be furl wmni. ,v,il,n,,tsubsciibmg to the worn, upon the remittance of52 50 to the publishers.

The Librart is nubhsherl wop&ttrTwenty imperial ouavo pages, and the LlteiaryAdvertiser, which accompanies it, sour pages, anilis bound up at the end of every volume. Pricerc annum, in tfUVance, O.


Philadelphia.C L UB B ING.

A remittance of Five Dollars will command"Ihe first volume ns the Library and the MarryalfNovels, comp'ete in 8 numbers, containing PeterSimple Jacob Fauliful Pirete and Three Cu-ttersKing's Own Newton Forester Pacha ofMany 'I ales and Japhet in Search of his Father

orI irsl Volume of Library aud Lady's Book.Miy 21,183623

TheBarrj MonumentALL those gentlemen ho hold subscription

or lunds, for the election of the aboveMonument, will be good enough to return themimmediately to John Noiton, Esq , ihe Treasur-er ns the Maj 23, 18J6 22-- tf

OME OR TWO APPRENTICES,f!Tl learn the Art of Printing, will be takenJi. boys between the ages of Hand 10 would

be prafe.rnd. Lsxington, March 5 -- 9 tf.

