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Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY...

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The lanl .ynvhiUce hav e proposed to sella s pi ii m ot ifie public lands in tr.xts ot 8J ac t j icpeal the law which allows a a edit in pi of die pin chase money, and to sell land hereafter at one doliai and twenty-riv- e cents per cr The bill to amend the natuiaji-- z 1. hi law, has not yet passed, nor the one for I's blushing post roads to the head quartei s" of ou unties Bills are before the same body for ia s nj, an additional ji my ot 20,000 men in one ytai, unless sooner discharged ; to rtp il the act which allows a bounty m land as to soldiers herealler enlisted j to raise the ea,b bouutv to those who enlist for live yea.s W the old army to foitv dollaia , to appoint an additional m ijoi to each icgiment in thf ami), ana a third lieutenant to each company, witti tie emoluments now allowed to second lieu- -' ten nits, and to grant the leciuning officers five dollars for each soldier they cnlisWjor five Jtais The House of Representation, bale reqm sted e.xch. membei of tliat body to wear trie jiuuig for one month, in testimony ot then tspictfoi the memory of Mr. Smiley, of l'eiin. 3 vania, who died, aged 71, on the 29th oiDe-C- t mbi r IfilKse bills pass into laws, our regular rm will amount to 55,000 men a number, ' t naps not too great to cairy on the war with Vigour, but would not have been necessaiy j had tbt Jeigned constitutional scruples ol our! Bim'ii) .tdeial gove nois, notbetn infused into the m .ids ot our militia, We rejoice, that tbe Same scruples against engaging m the defence I ot then countiy have wur western volunteers. GOV. SHELBY'S LETTER To the late Secretary of War, publish- ed in th s days Gazette, is woith an atten- tive peiusal. It discovers that so early as the 5th day of September last, the Sec- retary was advised of many of the wants of our western armieSj'ahd of the causes winch would probably retaid their move- ments on the then contemplated cani-- j gns. The imperious duties which the Sv.tr taiy had to do, were pointed out to iiini,and il he had performed them, it is almost certain that our at my, instead of suffering at this time in the wilderness, would have beea'the triumphant con-qu- r. orsof IVhchio;an and Upper Canada. The answer otth.e Secrataiy is sltort and vwf fnh It promises that the advice offered, would be attended to, and that the powers wnich Shelby recommended to be rtposed in a board of war, were conies ed Oi Goernor Harrison How well "the Si cretary fulfilled these promises is .nown: how good was the advice offered, sir stdby the result. Quere. Has not the Secretary since tie date of his letter transleied, many Bowers fiom Harrison tn ntlimc wlmm he )trmus to act mde.cndent of Ham-- 1 swi ? And is not this one cause of Har- -' nsun's disgust to the service ?and of the pi sent situation ol the army i Defir ctanon of property m Lexington .' Wnen the intemperate zeal of lome of the Democrats of Lexington, induced thtm foburn Mr. Popes etfigy, a writer in t e Statesman under the signature of "Clio, and some of the honorable sen-ato- is ti lends, said that the politicks ot the town would ruin it, that the most distill-jr- u .lied inhabitants would remove from ir, and there would be a total depreciation oipiomity As a proof of the truth of th ir pre dictions some lots sold in Lexing- ton soon aster at lOOi per soot, and last week one sold at the enormous price of S500 per soot. So much for Democratic polncs!! Most towns in the union, would wish to be mined in this way. Captain Morris who acted as lieutenant of the Constitution, when the Guerriere was taken, has been appointed to com- mand the A 'ams fiigate, which was late- ly i auled up, lengthened 15 feet, and re- launched at Washington. not kit by any of co'.gressional elec- - tei favoura- -' The legislature up on the match Paul Hamilton, has resigned the office f Secretary of the Navy. His successor is jio' nam. d. Rumours are in circulation tra general Wilkinson has beenordeied onto Washington, and that he will there bt mpointcd to the office of Secretaiy of Will L'Mit. Col. Christie, whose gallariiy at ''.. battle Queenstown, was so has arrived at Washington The National Intelligencer of the 31st f Dtcember, states, that contraiv to former rumours, the tio'i of Vermont, had arc been minated of of bly The whole representation from that state republican. jew -- Hampshire, have adjoin ncd, with- out electing a senator in the place of Mr. Cui s. FiiiiKiiaTov, January 4, 1813. ? It is v ith uniisu d pleasure that we hasten to pit vnt to the public the following inter-etmg- p jticul.us relative to the brilliant ev lots at Mississinniuay. To dilate upon t. m spUiuhd transactions would be futile sua supersluous: the eloquent and manly kin s of Gen HtunisoN supei cedes any tl mg that can hereafter be said upon the si.1 i ct HE D QUARTERS N. W. ARMY. fraki.intom, January 2, 1813. FE1JAT, ORDERS. The commanding General has receiv- ed from Lieut. Col. C.unpbelJ the official jtpo-- f of his late expedition against the M.ss'sstnniway villages. The conduct of the Colonel, and his gallant detach- ment has been in every respect such as thf "eniM.il had anticipated. They have d'-- s rved well of their country, and have s' d a lustie on the Noith Western JV'P'V In no part of their duty have they f.'hd The officers ied with each 0 her in sctt'mj, a proper example to theii 1 i, anJ the conr'urt of the men was i n'rri ,;,,,,) 'lout bv clieeiful.n ss, ah- - - .y t.id oucdience and invincible bravery in the presence of; the enemy, lhe detachment appeals to have been worthy of their commandei, and their commander worthy of them. Nothing can evince mpre cleaily the mer- its of Lieut. Col. Campbell, than the confidence and attachment manifested loi him by his command ; an attachment, not produced by any improper indulgence or weak compliances, but established upon the solid basis of a zealous and punctual discharge of his own duty, and a mild, humane but determined exaction of obe- dience from his subordinates. Tioops thus disposed, and thus commanded will be alwpys invincible. Lt. Col. Campbell's olficial account will be transmitted to the Scretaiy of War; it will be published to the world, and the simple narative of their actions will formthe best eulogium upon the conduct of the troops The general requests Lt Cols. Campbell, Simerall, Majoi BalJ, and all the other olficeis, officers and private's"t'o accept his warmest thanks for their good conduct. The officers, non- commissioned officers and privates, who were fortunate enough to have an oppoi-tunit- y ol distinguishing themselves by their valor or good conduct arc as fol- lows : Kentucky Dragoons. Lieut Col. Simerall, Major MDowell, Capt. Trotter (slightly wounded) Smith, Johnson, 1st. Lt. Hobson, Payne, 2d-- Ti otter, CornetjDishman, Scj't. Major Montgomery Coiporal Riddle, Ti umpeter Willman, Major Hall s squadron, consisting of the 2d. U S. .Light Dragoons, 12 months U. S. V. Dragoons, Major Ball, Captain Hopkins, Garrard, Maikle, , M'Clellaud (acting as 2d. Lt ' to capt. Hopkins) 1st Lieut. Hedges slightly woundedj Basev, and Adj't. Fullerton, Warrens, 2d Lieut. Hickman, Cornet and Qr. Master McCIannahan, Lee, Grear (wounded) Hetod, Serj't. Maj. Edwards, Qr Master Sei it. Hawkins, Pittsburgh Blues, f2 months U. S, jantry.) Capt. Butler, 9thregt. U. S. Infantry 1st Lieut. G wynne, Ensign Harrison, Qr. Mr. Serjt. Levitt, Sftiet a?.d Guide; Capt. Patterson Bain, James Audrain, William Conner, Silas McCullorh, James Thompson, James Nuggs, Joseph G M'Clellaud-- , John Ruland In- - would be satisfied by Capt. Hitc, extra adjt. Luce, (Volunteer.) Doctor Moore, Thomas Moore, P. Secretary, Mr. Baylor, Robert Mitchell (wagoner.) The character of this gallant detach- ment, exhibiting, as it did, perseverance, patience, fortitude and bravery, would, however, have been incomplete, is, m the midst of victory they had forgotton the feelings of humanity. It is with thesin-cere- st pleasure, that the general has heaid, that the most punctual obedience was paid to his orders ; not only m saving the women and children, in but sparing all the wan iors who ceased to resist ; and that even when vigerously attacked by the enemy, the cla.ms of mercy pievail-e- d over eveiy sense of their own danger , and this Ileioic Band respected the iUc of their prisoners. The general beliees that humanity and true bravery are inse-perabl- e. The rigid rules of war mav sometimes, indeed, make a severe retali- ation necessary ; but the advantages which attend a frequent recunence to it, are very unr' tain, and are not to be com pared to the blessings which providence cannot sail to shed upon the efforts of tin soldier, who is in Battle a Lion, but, the battle once ended, ,in mercy a lamb ' Let an account of murdered innocence be opened inthe lecerdsof Heaven against our enemies alone, the American soldier will follow the example of his govern- ment, and neither the sword of the one will be laised against the helpl ss or the fallen, nor the gold of the other paid for the scalp of a massacred enemy. The general cannot pass by the oppor- tunity that is afforded him, of bestowing desened commendation upon a detach- ment of his army, without lecurrinq to the meiits of the other corps. Thev have not had, as yet their , ishes gratified, in meeting the enemy, but they have never- theless pel formed hard service under great dcpiivations. The Ohio Brigades arc exerting themselves with vigor and effect in perfecting their discipline and performing some works requiring great labour. Those fiom Virginia and Pcnn-sylvania- are vieing with each other in the path of duty and discipline to a de- cree rarely equalled and never excelled. Since their arrival at Sandusky, a proper sense of subordination every where pre- vails, vd thf infamous principle, that the claims otpai.ot:sm i- - i- - il... !"... J T -- O. 1.L.4 marcniiig iu me mica uuu touuuig ui me rn,my, is so completely exploded, tii. tne general believes his authority Tvoulu be scarcely sufficient to protect tiom the vengeance ol the soldiery the wretch who should have the temerity to insult them by suggesting it. The general is happy in believing that his oivn Kentuckians aie not behind the other roips of the army in the race of patriotism and duty. He has heard with a satisfaction, that he cannot find words to express, that the Brigade with which he first took the field & whose discipline has been confirmed & extend- ed under the immediate duection of his worthy Second general WinchtStei,have borne with fortitude and cheerfulness an unexampled privation of a piincipleai t- ide of she ration. The general lecords the circumstances for the edification ai.o example of the rest ol the army. Cal culating upon the arrival of flour by tin Auglaize and St. Maiy's nver, unoi which a large quantity had been embarl - ed under appeal ances indicating a mos. iavorable iciniination ol the voyage, n. means were used to forward any bv land, but by- - ji very sudden and unexpect- ed freezing of the rivers, tne boats weu- - am steam progress, anil the tioops at Fort Winchester, consisting of a jletarh- - menf ot regulais under colonels Wells Scott's, Lewis's, Allen stcgimenis of Keii' tucky Infantry, .subsisted lor ten days up on inainerent stlt i nour. in tins ounc vas heard, and the sentiments whict tery r.here pnv ailed was that of con- tinuing to serve as long as their services 'vere wanted What may not he epectec tiom such tioops, when the onlu difFicul- - tesof the campaign mil they aie brought in the presence the enemy ! (Copy) Ass A JLibt of Letters REMAINING in the Post-Offic- Nicholas- - - vdle Jessamine on the 31st of Dec 1812; and is not taken out in thiee months, till be sent to the geneial Post.Office as dead Ktteis reenberry Triplett morge .Walker Izarali Elkins nne Padget 'eorge Uriant Otorge Hightower sen.Kobert bympson William M'uowcl rjenj Elkin Humphrey Smith .lohn Zimmermon Micxjah Claik ewis Singleton John Brown Thompson Vinice Green Kzekiel Proctor James Palkner Laurence Young Joseph Hughs, Jun. Thos Rrownef, Jun. Gabriel Reed Theodocia Elkin John Garner Josliua Hightower Reuben Hilbslm Laurence J. Daily William Claybrook Thomas Scott Davul Uice Aliijah Woods Cornelius Hill Samuel Craig Peggy Galhpsie James Martin John Wline William Uceds David Walker James Sale James Owens Humphrey Smith James Hell Mary Thurston Anna Tumer Iienj Elkin Ilenj Elkin David Deuman Hugh Ch stman Lewis Bowdery Polly Dunn James Smith David Jackson lietsey Floyd Kertis Shelton George Walker Henj Elkin 'ohn George Jannarvl2, 181 J T5"S SI geneial assortment of Uken three the General Orhce Alln Simeon AuJerbUii Amos Allen Paul Peter Alsobook John Andrews Eliza William 2 Almv Leonard Allison Jacob Buckner H, Bullock Wilier Bennett B' John Buford Thomas beet, without an ol county, Howard B. time, not a nuumur once overcome. L. HUXILL. Dpy. Adj General Andrew Picke,tt Micajah Clark Patst-- Uoid Micaiah Clark .Nines Kiclurifs William Owens David Hoover Col Joseph Crockell Eliza Thomas John Polly, esq. Robe t, East Phebe Uorin Thomas Scott II Riibeits Mills llainey Fiancis Sew ens William Walker John Walker Jacob Sallee Micajah Clark John Throckmorton John Moore Morgan Itrovvn Roland Hughs Abnor Young George Cleveland James Duncan J Till its Sale Lewis Hugh John Picklin Simion Hohanan Benj Elkin Isaiah Elkin Benj Elkin James Curd Samuel C. Steele John Cinol Kitty K Rubards William Bourne Abner Young Lucy Gate wood James Sa'e Humphtet Smith Ai illiam Ebas Griffith Humphrev Smith Beij Elkin Coonrod Light fiicliaul Edwaids John Picklin Joseph C Meredith Heiuy Raine NETHERLAND, P M 2-- 8i William Jau. just received, from .lIKRClLiLVniZE, as Ietteis. Armstrong Sally Allen Charles Benjamin William Blackstonc Appleyard Ji Baker Brown Binning Breedlove Nanthan Biack Lerris Brown braham Busbv James Blvthe J B t in riui.rijs Uraud Boggs James Hady Josiah Jiown Eliza M. I5uin George Jacob Hoyer Hubert Beniiing James Birch Hnte Bowler John T. Bennett E. Hell t'lallkeV TTIevTiis John Blau Brack Josiali Bains Thomas Baldwin Daniel Bowes Joseph James Blackemore George Buoils Charles Buckner Jr Henry Bettisworth Patsy Biyan Bollman Amos Brv an Joseph 2 Rachael Jiucknei Elizabeth Bullock Edmund I'll William Rj wat rs U,Benning Perkins inner joim Bradv Josiali Higgs Andiew an Daniel Lorn stock Brown Gavins John '""midas mpbell rniicli Thomas v'hinn ah Larlin Thomas 2 'Jraig John .aussey Curtis Conn John I'olhn-- . Lewis Cooper Sarah Carlton Jonathan Con ley D. ('aims Edward Campbell Uev, John Cany John Cayon Lewis Crotheis Hugh Cheanv, Leonaid SL'Ooy Camron Robei t Clnvv&s Pitman k i cjveit Christopher tHaig Joseph ioons Martin John Hocbet Newbold tiimro'i Robeit A. Jijfm, CltikofFayeiteC William 3 Davis W. 2 Davis Thomas Danford Betsey Deuman Richard Dicke James Dtvidson John Dovt Dennis Duncan Samuel Ell'son William Evans Nathaniel Ewing Putman Edwards Rebecca J. 3 Eades James Emns Owen Fisher Joseph Samuel Foley Moses Fiv Joshua Fry Mr Philip Fair William J Fristar John Field E. II. & Gradt Samuel Goodwin R. Godard Abbot Garnell Thomas II. Gorui 2 Gibbius Jarov W. Griffin Gordon 2 Gardner Polly lenderson Jame W. Humphreys Ann C. Huffman John Harrass William B. Hill Pollv Hampton George Heminvvav Thompson Harriss Htzekial .Helves Thomas B. I lodges John L Hevw-oo- W'Uiam Hall Joseph Martin Hull Peter (Hampton James Headington Abel Hawes Claiv Hodges Richard ' Hughes J Ilollawav 2 Holmes Hugh 2 Hart John Hcndly William Hodges Jnhn 2 'elley William Kricle Francis Lerris Romeo 4 Long Gabiiel son Daniel F. Jacob Iego Wilson Lee Gtrsham Lile John Lemon James Samuel Lightner William Lemoi Rebtcca Messick Job M'Namer Elijah Muidock Elizabeth M'Call Vl'Donald George (i .1 pi A 2 Millpu Klrja.h suitaDie tor tne present season. Amonir u..i wh,cM.re-- M,ll p, and Cros cut Saws, Anvds Wiihan'r" "' and Vices, and fiist qualitv Crovvlev Millimr-to- n t Steel. ' , He has also just 4 6 8 10 & 12 .T" Tl' pennv Cut na.fi, and Brads by the Keg- -7 In 'iT tson 9, 8 by 10, 10 12 window glass bv the Box, l"1 " JAC,b alsosmall kegs white ground in CM '" "''L V Which may be sold low f,r Cash, or negodable ' ' Jout uiarles paper on a shoi t credit Lexington Jan. 7, 2-- L i Kemper James A List Letter, !"lhew TJ EMAIN1NG in the Post Office at Lexing. Kie William ton, on the 31st December 1812, which is; Keing Nancv not out in Post iney Alexander Samuel Brovvnson John Blxttenberger Benjamin Blavds William II. Hrry William Hi own Catharine BowlarC. nnctt loel Bolton are Henderson Cllnstman Scantland Philadelphia ; months, will sent to dead A Alexander Jacob Atchison Hamilton Amies Amin Abernathv John Hick Il.irmond William" George Anthony mies Jffseph Uurk Mary Albeftus Bell John ck u. 'try Sal M. A. Coi. Duncan Co. H nry hn Law 2 bj T. be Burbndgc Ezekiel Brown Bronson Bell William Biowil'lenlura 3 Linvell 3 BoJ Samuel W. 3 Bryan Moins Buchannon Ann Bryan Daniel Timrlv Bullock Waller Bradley Luke Samuel Bullc William Bunds Dtvid 'Ball.ud Hanktrson 'Hud Price Pitman Catharine Alexander Colmtsmt John Caruthers Co..k John John Fountelorv Fishel Greenwood Benjamin I.evd Grav Stephen Spencer William 'Hawkins John Laudeman Leg John M'Phnteis Wilham received, Lead 1813. of Elizabeth Silas Brinega Beiry John Elizabeth Baghon Hmro Black Messrs G. and Marquis Claik George Cunningham John Chinn Athilhs Clarke William W.Cole Ptter II." Cav ins John Colquhoun J. Cabell Joseph Civanaugh Elizabeth Caylull William Carun John Cassell David Ciossd.ile Coit- - James Cab.n.'ss George J. Crockett ilham Catlett Marian P.Curne James Colbert Christopher Cox John Coomes Richard Castleman Maiy Ann Chandler James Casteen Henry Curry William Crows Beddy Cieth Jacob Cabell Joseph Conelly Nancy Capnrton Andrew 2 Claim John D Dowrtall Bernard Drive- - Phoeby Davis Jesse. Davis Paul Dixson John Dav Isaac Dillard John Didlake John Donau Divid C. E Erring Samuel Elden Matilda Elliott William Elliott Georee Elizabeth M.n-i- Flourney Theodosha Fauceld Joseph Fleckner William 4 Fuisyth John Paver Susanna Farell Isaac Favour John Fowles William T. Granger Gold Alexander Gardner James Gatewood Joseph Gears William Gay le Thomas Gibson Thomas G. Grav Benjamin T. Gieshan Benjamin Gray George Henrv Joseph Hevflet Mary Hudson Reuben Hull John Heron John Hrckev Win' Hammond Samuel Haley Beniamin Hutcherson Nathaniel Henovimn John , Hocks Lenis ' Haiuermenle Trederick Hart Eleanor Hodgson Joseph T. Holston Nicholas Han is Tliomas Hairison Anne Horndons Judah Hanigain Edward U. Holmes John A. Harrv William Hal ri Nancv Hawkins Elizabeth 2 Havs W lliam Holding Samuel Hughes William P. Jeney Joseph Jones Nicholas Ives Samuel T. Ics tone John Jetor Aichibald Jetor S. X Kiley Benjamin Kerrich Hughey King King Samuel Knox Benjamin King William Kirtiy Francis Long Zackariah Law son Daniel F. Loukett Hezekial Low don John Lincoln Tliomas Lmdsey William Long Laurence Lewis Matthew Litteiell Agga Ling George .Is Maris Richard Mansfield John L. Menafte Jarrot M'Gmre William 2 M'Clentock Samuel M'Clurc Lawrence Mulchon Pa nu 1 M V illiam Moore oor Rebecca Morns John Mitchell Tliomas M'Muiray Piudence M'Feison Robeit Minor Joseph Mahorney Dentils iM'Curd James Met ker William P. Moor Ann Massie Nathaniel Morgan Nathan Mendeth Samuel Moore Maiy C. Mason John Montoe Lucy M'Connel vdam Moore Thomas P. Mendeth Elisha Montague James Murdock William MnnuiH Willi.im M'Kardy Alevvnder Mason Micajah Miller Frederick Manuel Thomas Mores James Martin Isaiah M'Grath Miss Moffoid Elizabeth Matthew' Joshua Maddox Notley M'Dowell .Mary Moore William M'Ganuary Ahdrew Napper John New comb William Niegan Patrick New Heiuy Ovtrton Archibald Ogilvie James Payne Elizabeth Payne John Philips William Paikci Susanna Patterson Samuel 2 Price Evans Pitcher Jas or Jos. Portin Joseph Parkins Isaac Pattei son rdliam Pal dee Aner Prather Tliomas Price David Paul Peter Porter Joseph Pennington Polly Porter Ephriam Pettit Daniel Pucheite George Picket Geoige Penn Shadrack Quarks ifogsr rtyan Edward Iidw Owen R ichardsqn John i?unyon Francis ft ichardson Alevv ?uth David TJeadshay Thomas Samev Filliam 7?ise 'niliam ffawlins John Tifogers Joseph Vice Elizabeth Ramsey George ?ey nolds Tliomas rtilend Henrv .rtosh Helen .Vuth Jane i Ray John F. ficc Jacob Stamton Andrew iergeant Dabney tiovrard Lev en Smith Francis Stivers 'illiam -- piers Elrzar Shannon George Sageser Jacob Stenlj 'illiam St Is Mrs Signar John elf Nancy Smith Jane Shephard Mosbv Stiutfield Capt. Summeis John south Elizabeth Sallards John Short John Summers John Smith Mary Smith Wm. F. Smith Rachael Slav back Sarah Smedlev John Stone Jcob Smith ndrevv Stout Anthony Stone Jesse Stephens William P. Stuart Mr Spindle Edmund Seat les James ' Tehick John Tait Patrick Tod William True James Trimble Catharine Trimble John True Larking Tompkins Guin Vanlandinirbam , Vardeman Jeremiah Winr.heRtpr Hr-- .Tne i -- -. WickhfT Robert 2 Wallace Mary K. Warren Thomaj B. Wilmott Robert Walker Georre Wetch Thomas Woi than Enoch Webber Margaret Wymote Delila : West Edward Webb George Wmslow & Stephans vVilliams Daniel J. Winnott Robert WooleyJohn Wilkison Michael Walker Geort-- Wimott Dilly Wilson Robert Walker James Watson William Wallace Daniel C. : Young Doct. John Yolk James Young Benjamin JOHN 3 Montague JameS" M'Coiiuiliy Jacob" Michan Jacob Manuel Thomas M'Caidy Altxandat M'Cluie Nathaniel M'Clain John 3 M'Gowan Charles Millesan Wilhatrt Moffeete Cyrus Madison John II. Martin Truman Martin Juditha Mefford Elizabeth Matioipv Dennis M'Millan John M'Allum John 2 MGiaw John M'Quithy Mary Martin Isaac Milhgan William M'Kee Archibald Martin Truman Slay field Thomas JMoore Harbin II. Mason Richard Montgomeiy AVm. Maxwell John Merry J Capt. Mason Geoige M'Leonoie Joel M'Meekm James M'Call William M'Meekm Robert 2 Noel Nancy NichoUon Parker F C Norvell Sary O WiOneal Uobeit Playle Thomas Patisan William Re. Parker John Pateisou James Pnestmait Illiam 2 Pusset Jacob 3 Prevvit Robert Pew Jonathan Pam J.iines H. Pattei, John Paikei Geoige Piocltr John Pope Nathaniel Pai ish Cai tley Price B. 'illiam 2 Perkins II John Parish 1 .loii.psotl Page 'Hai net Pyle Zeba Q It Rogers John & Itogein Coleman tfobb William ftoach Richard Rowland George Rogers Joseph .ftawlings Thomas Walls George .ffankins Catherine ifichardson Laodiced 7?ead & Davidson Wigle Miles J?.chaids William $, Jfistme John Jtedd George W. Richardson Loo Die 2 TJutherford Rachael iiichardson Mary H", S Stevens Tliomas Stout Jonty Sagathy Mr. Savers John Scott Tliomas Scott njliam Sale James Stone Jacob Sheppard David Sutton David Smith Martha Smith Capt Richard Stephens Unah 2 Stevenson Samuel Editor ol tbeKy-Gaz;.- ;? 2 Smile) John Smiley Thomas Sullivan Win. Sassei V illiam T. Sanderson William " Stephenson Wm Simpson iv dliam W2 Smedlev Mary Smedley Samuel S tie Peter & Richardson Smith Susan Svvann George Sidor John . HenrvOWmn,, iv:ii..,, cj Sidnor Jacob Smallwood William Seaurils James Stone Wilham T Trible William t Turner Edmund 2 Trimble James Tiue Robert Thrift Chai les Trimble Wm 2 Throckmorton SusaiJ V J" ' wii ,,4111111 u. W 7 , XVTn.l.i .. iigiit n:- -, itienartl i Winoate John West Jeremiah Wests Joseph White James Wood Henry M inn Minor Watte Henry 'orthen Ann A. Fheeler Henry ler Capt Hugh Fiat' John relsh Hester Zardpn Robert riiite John ashmgton John finstow Sal ah iresterfield David "ngly Miles 'right Pettis K. bite Susanna riert Mjct augh Alexander Young Ambrose Young Leonard L JORDAN, Jr. P M. 12, 181? ?,3

The lanl .ynvhiUce hav e proposed to sellas pi ii m ot ifie public lands in tr.xts ot 8Jac t j icpeal the law which allows a a editin pi of die pin chase money, and to sell landhereafter at one doliai and twenty-riv- e centsper cr The bill to amend the natuiaji-- z

1. hi law, has not yet passed, nor the one forI's blushing post roads to the head quartei s" ofou unties Bills are before the same bodyfor ia s nj, an additional ji my ot 20,000 menin one ytai, unless sooner discharged ; tortp il the act which allows a bounty m landas to soldiers herealler enlisted j to raise theea,b bouutv to those who enlist for live yea.sW the old army to foitv dollaia , to appoint anadditional m ijoi to each icgiment in thf ami),ana a third lieutenant to each company, wittitie emoluments now allowed to second lieu- -'

ten nits, and to grant the leciuning officers fivedollars for each soldier they cnlisWjor five

Jtais The House of Representation, balereqm sted e.xch. membei of tliat body to weartrie jiuuig for one month, in testimony ot thentspictfoi the memory of Mr. Smiley, of l'eiin.

3 vania, who died, aged 71, on the 29th oiDe-C- tmbi r

IfilKse bills pass into laws, our regularrm will amount to 55,000 men a number, '

t naps not too great to cairy on the war withVigour, but would not have been necessaiy j

had tbt Jeigned constitutional scruples ol our!Bim'ii) .tdeial gove nois, notbetn infused intothe m .ids ot our militia, We rejoice, that tbeSame scruples against engaging m the defence I

ot then countiy havewur western volunteers.

GOV. SHELBY'S LETTERTo the late Secretary of War, publish-

ed in th s days Gazette, is woith an atten-tive peiusal. It discovers that so earlyas the 5th day of September last, the Sec-retary was advised of many of the wantsof our western armieSj'ahd of the causeswinch would probably retaid their move-ments on the then contemplated cani-- j

gns. The imperious duties which theSv.tr taiy had to do, were pointed out toiiini,and il he had performed them, it isalmost certain that our at my, instead ofsuffering at this time in the wilderness,would have beea'the triumphant con-qu- r.

orsof IVhchio;an and Upper Canada.The answer otth.e Secrataiy is sltort andvwf fnh It promises that the adviceoffered, would be attended to, and that thepowers wnich Shelby recommended to bertposed in a board of war, were conies edOi Goernor Harrison How well "theSi cretary fulfilled these promises is.nown: how good was the advice offered,

sir stdby the result.Quere. Has not the Secretary since

tie date of his letter transleied, manyBowers fiom Harrison tn ntlimc wlmmhe )trmus to act mde.cndent of Ham-- 1

swi ? And is not this one cause of Har- -'

nsun's disgust to the service ?and of thepi sent situation ol the army i

Defir ctanon ofproperty m Lexington .'Wnen the intemperate zeal of lome of

the Democrats of Lexington, inducedthtm foburn Mr. Popes etfigy, a writerin t e Statesman under the signature of"Clio, and some of the honorable sen-ato- is

ti lends, said that the politicks ot thetown would ruin it, that the most distill-jr- u

.lied inhabitants would remove fromir, and there would be a total depreciationoipiomity As a proof of the truth ofth ir pre dictions some lots sold in Lexing-ton soon aster at lOOi per soot, and lastweek one sold at the enormous price ofS500 per soot. So much for Democraticpolncs!! Most towns in the union,would wish to be mined in this way.

Captain Morris who acted as lieutenantof the Constitution, when the Guerrierewas taken, has been appointed to com-mand the A 'ams fiigate, which was late-ly i auled up, lengthened 15 feet, and re-launched at Washington.

not kit by any of

co'.gressional elec- -tei favoura- -'

The legislature

up on the match

Paul Hamilton, has resigned the officef Secretary of the Navy. His successor is

jio' nam. d. Rumours are in circulationtra general Wilkinson has beenordeiedonto Washington, and that he will therebt mpointcd to the office of Secretaiy ofWill

L'Mit. Col. Christie, whose gallariiyat ''.. battle Queenstown, was so

has arrived at Washington

The National Intelligencer of the 31stf Dtcember, states, that contraiv to

former rumours, thetio'i of Vermont, had






bly The whole representation from thatstate republican.jew -- Hampshire, have adjoin ncd, with-out electing a senator in the place of Mr.Cui s.

FiiiiKiiaTov, January 4, 1813.

? It is v ith uniisu d pleasure that we hastento pit vnt to the public the following inter-etmg- p

jticul.us relative to the brilliantev lots at Mississinniuay. To dilate upont. m spUiuhd transactions would be futilesua supersluous: the eloquent and manly

kin s of Gen HtunisoN supei cedes anytl mg that can hereafter be said upon thesi.1 i ct

HE D QUARTERS N. W. ARMY.fraki.intom, January 2, 1813.

FE1JAT, ORDERS.The commanding General has receiv-

ed from Lieut. Col. C.unpbelJ the officialjtpo-- f of his late expedition against theM.ss'sstnniway villages. The conductof the Colonel, and his gallant detach-ment has been in every respect such asthf "eniM.il had anticipated. They haved'-- s rved well of their country, and haves' d a lustie on the Noith WesternJV'P'V In no part of their duty havethey f.'hd The officers ied with each0 her in sctt'mj, a proper example to theii1 i, anJ the conr'urt of the men wasi n'rri ,;,,,,) 'lout bv clieeiful.n ss, ah- -- .y t.id oucdience

and invincible bravery in the presence of;the enemy, lhe detachment appeals tohave been worthy of their commandei,and their commander worthy of them.Nothing can evince mpre cleaily the mer-its of Lieut. Col. Campbell, than theconfidence and attachment manifested loihim by his command ; an attachment, notproduced by any improper indulgence orweak compliances, but established uponthe solid basis of a zealous and punctualdischarge of his own duty, and a mild,humane but determined exaction of obe-

dience from his subordinates. Tioopsthus disposed, and thus commanded willbe alwpys invincible. Lt. Col. Campbell'solficial account will be transmitted to theScretaiy of War; it will be publishedto the world, and the simple narative oftheir actions will formthe best eulogiumupon the conduct of the troops Thegeneral requests Lt Cols. Campbell,Simerall, Majoi BalJ, and all the otherolficeis, officers andprivate's"t'o accept his warmest thanks fortheir good conduct. The officers, non-commissioned officers and privates, whowere fortunate enough to have an oppoi-tunit- y

ol distinguishing themselves bytheir valor or good conduct arc as fol-

lows :

Kentucky Dragoons.Lieut Col. Simerall,Major MDowell,Capt. Trotter (slightly wounded)


1st. Lt. Hobson,Payne,

2d-- Ti otter,CornetjDishman,Scj't. Major MontgomeryCoiporal Riddle,Ti umpeter Willman,

Major Hall s squadron, consisting of the2d. U S. .Light Dragoons,

12 months U. S. V. Dragoons,Major Ball,Captain Hopkins,

Garrard,Maikle, ,

M'Clellaud (acting as 2d. Lt'to capt. Hopkins)

1st Lieut. Hedges slightly woundedjBasev,and Adj't. Fullerton,Warrens,

2d Lieut. Hickman,Cornet and Qr. Master McCIannahan,

Lee,Grear (wounded)Hetod,

Serj't. Maj. Edwards,Qr Master Sei it. Hawkins,

Pittsburgh Blues, f2 months U. S,

jantry.)Capt. Butler,

9thregt. U. S. Infantry1st Lieut. G wynne,Ensign Harrison,Qr. Mr. Serjt. Levitt,

Sftiet a?.d Guide;Capt. Patterson Bain,

James Audrain,William Conner,Silas McCullorh,James Thompson,James Nuggs,Joseph G M'Clellaud-- ,

John Ruland

In- -

would be satisfied by

Capt. Hitc, extra adjt.Luce, (Volunteer.)

Doctor Moore,Thomas Moore, P. Secretary,Mr. Baylor,Robert Mitchell (wagoner.)The character of this gallant detach-

ment, exhibiting, as it did, perseverance,patience, fortitude and bravery, would,however, have been incomplete, is, m themidst of victory they had forgotton thefeelings of humanity. It is with thesin-cere- st

pleasure, that the general hasheaid, that the most punctual obediencewas paid to his orders ; not only m savingthe women and children, in but sparing allthe wan iors who ceased to resist ; andthat even when vigerously attacked bythe enemy, the cla.ms of mercy pievail-e- d

over eveiy sense of their own danger ,

and this Ileioic Band respected the iUcof their prisoners. The general belieesthat humanity and true bravery are inse-perabl- e.

The rigid rules of war mavsometimes, indeed, make a severe retali-ation necessary ; but the advantageswhich attend a frequent recunence to it,are very unr' tain, and are not to be compared to the blessings which providencecannot sail to shed upon the efforts of tinsoldier, who is in Battle a Lion, but,the battle once ended, ,in mercy a lamb 'Let an account of murdered innocence beopened inthe lecerdsof Heaven againstour enemies alone, the American soldierwill follow the example of his govern-ment, and neither the sword of the onewill be laised against the helpl ss or thefallen, nor the gold of the other paid forthe scalp of a massacred enemy.

The general cannot pass by the oppor-tunity that is afforded him, of bestowingdesened commendation upon a detach-ment of his army, without lecurrinq tothe meiits of the other corps. Thev havenot had, as yet their , ishes gratified, inmeeting the enemy, but they have never-theless pel formed hard service undergreat dcpiivations. The Ohio Brigadesarc exerting themselves with vigor andeffect in perfecting their discipline andperforming some works requiring greatlabour. Those fiom Virginia and Pcnn-sylvania-

are vieing with each other inthe path of duty and discipline to a de-

cree rarely equalled and never excelled.Since their arrival at Sandusky, a propersense of subordination every where pre-vails, vd thf infamous principle, that theclaims otpai.ot:sm

i- -i- - il... !"... J T -- O. 1.L.4marcniiig iu me mica uuu touuuig ui me

rn,my, is so completely exploded, tii.tne general believes his authority Tvoulube scarcely sufficient to protect tiom thevengeance ol the soldiery the wretch whoshould have the temerity to insult themby suggesting it. The general is happyin believing that his oivn Kentuckians aienot behind the other roips of the army inthe race of patriotism and duty. He hasheard with a satisfaction, that he cannotfind words to express, that the Brigadewith which he first took the field & whosediscipline has been confirmed & extend-ed under the immediate duection of hisworthy Second general WinchtStei,haveborne with fortitude and cheerfulness anunexampled privation of a piincipleai t-ide of she ration. The general lecordsthe circumstances for the edification ai.oexample of the rest ol the army. Calculating upon the arrival of flour by tinAuglaize and St. Maiy's nver, unoiwhich a large quantity had been embarl -

ed under appeal ances indicating a mos.iavorable iciniination ol the voyage, n.means were used to forward any bv

land, but by-- ji very sudden and unexpect-ed freezing of the rivers, tne boats weu- -

am steam progress, anil the tioops atFort Winchester, consisting of a jletarh- -

menf ot regulais under colonels WellsScott's, Lewis's, Allen stcgimenis of Keii'tucky Infantry, .subsisted lor ten days upon inainerent stlt

i nour. in tinsounc

vas heard, and the sentiments whicttery r.here pnv ailed was that of con-tinuing to serve as long as their services'vere wanted What may not he epectectiom such tioops, when the onlu difFicul- -

tesof the campaignmil they aie brought in the presencethe enemy !


A JLibt of LettersREMAINING in the Post-Offic- Nicholas- -

- vdle Jessamine on the 31st of Dec1812; and is not taken out in thiee months,till be sent to the geneial Post.Office as deadKtteis

reenberry Triplettmorge .Walker

Izarali Elkinsnne Padget

'eorge UriantOtorge Hightower sen.Kobert bympsonWilliam M'uowclrjenj ElkinHumphrey Smith.lohn ZimmermonMicxjah Claik

ewis SingletonJohn BrownThompsonVinice GreenKzekiel ProctorJames PalknerLaurence YoungJoseph Hughs, Jun.Thos Rrownef, Jun.Gabriel ReedTheodocia ElkinJohn GarnerJosliua HightowerReuben HilbslmLaurence J. DailyWilliam ClaybrookThomas ScottDavul UiceAliijah WoodsCornelius HillSamuel CraigPeggy GalhpsieJames MartinJohn WlineWilliam UcedsDavid WalkerJames SaleJames OwensHumphrey SmithJames HellMary ThurstonAnna TumerIienj ElkinIlenj ElkinDavid DeumanHugh Ch stmanLewis BowderyPolly DunnJames SmithDavid Jacksonlietsey FloydKertis SheltonGeorge WalkerHenj Elkin'ohn George

Jannarvl2, 181 J

T5"SSI geneial assortment of

Uken threethe General Orhce

Alln SimeonAuJerbUii AmosAllen Paul

PeterAlsobook JohnAndrews Eliza

William 2Almv LeonardAllison

JacobBuckner H,

Bullock Wilier


JohnBuford Thomas

beet, without an





time, not a nuumur

once overcome.

L. HUXILL.Dpy. Adj General

Andrew Picke,ttMicajah ClarkPatst-- UoidMicaiah Clark.Nines Kiclurifs

William OwensDavid HooverCol Joseph CrockellEliza ThomasJohn Polly, esq.Robe t, EastPhebe UorinThomas ScottII RiibeitsMills llaineyFiancis Sew ensWilliam WalkerJohn WalkerJacob SalleeMicajah ClarkJohn ThrockmortonJohn MooreMorgan ItrovvnRoland HughsAbnor YoungGeorge ClevelandJames DuncanJ Till its Sale

LewisHughJohn PicklinSimion HohananBenj ElkinIsaiah ElkinBenj ElkinJames CurdSamuel C. SteeleJohn CinolKitty K RubardsWilliam BourneAbner YoungLucy Gate woodJames Sa'eHumphtet SmithAi illiamEbas GriffithHumphrev SmithBeij ElkinCoonrod Lightfiicliaul EdwaidsJohn PicklinJoseph C MeredithHeiuy Raine


William Jau.just received, from


as Ietteis.

Armstrong Sally

Allen CharlesBenjaminWilliam



BakerBrownBinningBreedlove NanthanBiack LerrisBrown brahamBusbv JamesBlvthe JB t in riui.rijsUraud

Boggs JamesHady JosiahJiown Eliza M.I5uin George

JacobHoyer HubertBeniiing JamesBirchHnteBowler John T.Bennett E.

Hell t'lallkeVTTIevTiis JohnBlau Brack JosialiBains Thomas Baldwin DanielBowes Joseph JamesBlackemore George Buoils CharlesBuckner Jr Henry Bettisworth PatsyBiyan Bollman AmosBrv an Joseph 2 RachaelJiucknei Elizabeth Bullock EdmundI'll William

Rj wat rs U,Benning Perkinsinner joimBradv JosialiHiggs Andiew

an Daniel

Lorn stock Brown

Gavins John'""midas

mpbellrniicli Thomas

v'hinn ahLarlin Thomas 2'Jraig John.aussey Curtis

Conn JohnI'olhn-- . LewisCooper SarahCarlton JonathanCon ley

D.('aims EdwardCampbell Uev, JohnCany JohnCayon LewisCrotheis HughCheanv, Leonaid

SL'OoyCamron Robei tClnvv&s Pitman k

i cjveit ChristophertHaig Josephioons Martin

JohnHocbet Newbold

tiimro'i Robeit A.Jijfm,


William 3Davis W. 2Davis ThomasDanford BetseyDeuman RichardDicke JamesDtvidson JohnDovt DennisDuncan Samuel

Ell'son WilliamEvans NathanielEwing PutmanEdwards Rebecca J. 3Eades JamesEmns Owen


SamuelFoley MosesFiv JoshuaFry Mr PhilipFair William JFristar JohnField E. II. &

Gradt SamuelGoodwin R.Godard AbbotGarnell Thomas II.Gorui 2Gibbius Jarov

W.GriffinGordon 2Gardner Polly

lenderson Jame W.Humphreys Ann C.Huffman JohnHarrass William B.Hill PollvHampton GeorgeHeminvvav ThompsonHarriss Htzekial

.Helves Thomas B.I lodges John LHevw-oo- W'UiamHall Joseph

MartinHull Peter

(Hampton JamesHeadington AbelHawes ClaivHodges Richard '

Hughes JIlollawav 2Holmes Hugh 2Hart JohnHcndly WilliamHodges Jnhn


'elley WilliamKricle Francis

Lerris Romeo 4Long Gabiiel

son Daniel F.Jacob

Iego WilsonLee GtrshamLile JohnLemon James

SamuelLightner WilliamLemoi Rebtcca

Messick JobM'Namer ElijahMuidock ElizabethM'Call

Vl'Donald George(i .1

pi A 2Millpu Klrja.h

suitaDie tor tne present season. Amonir u..iwh,cM.re-- M,ll p, and Cros cut Saws, Anvds Wiihan'r" "'and Vices, and fiist qualitv Crovvlev Millimr-to- n

tSteel. '

, He has also just 4 6 8 10 & 12 .T" Tl'pennv Cut na.fi, and Brads by the Keg- -7 In 'iT tson9, 8 by 10, 10 12 window glass bv the Box, l"1 " JAC,balsosmall kegs white ground in CM

'" "''LVWhich may be sold low f,r Cash, or negodable ' '

Jout uiarlespaper on a shoi t creditLexington Jan. 7, 2--

L i Kemper James

A List Letter, !"lhewTJ EMAIN1NG in the Post Office at Lexing. Kie William

ton, on the 31st December 1812, which is; Keing Nancvnot out in





Brovvnson JohnBlxttenberger

BenjaminBlavds William II.

Hrry WilliamHi own Catharine

BowlarC.nnctt loel





Philadelphia ;

months, will sent todead


Alexander JacobAtchison Hamilton



Hick Il.irmondWilliam"George






Bell John










H nry







Burbndgc EzekielBrownBronsonBell WilliamBiowil'lenlura

3 Linvell3 BoJ Samuel

W.3 Bryan

MoinsBuchannon AnnBryan DanielTimrlvBullock Waller

Bradley Luke




Dtvid 'Ball.udHanktrson

'Hud Price


AlexanderColmtsmt John





Greenwood Benjamin


Grav StephenSpencerWilliam





JohnM'Phnteis Wilham







Beiry JohnElizabeth



Black Messrs G. andMarquis

Claik GeorgeCunningham JohnChinn AthilhsClarke William

W.Cole Ptter II."Cav ins JohnColquhoun J.Cabell JosephCivanaugh ElizabethCaylull WilliamCarun JohnCassell DavidCiossd.ileCoit- - JamesCab.n.'ss George J.Crockett ilhamCatlett Marian

P.Curne JamesColbert ChristopherCox JohnCoomes RichardCastleman Maiy AnnChandler JamesCasteen HenryCurry WilliamCrows BeddyCieth JacobCabell JosephConelly NancyCapnrton Andrew 2Claim John

DDowrtall BernardDrive-- PhoebyDavis Jesse.Davis PaulDixson JohnDav IsaacDillard JohnDidlake JohnDonau Divid C.

EErring SamuelElden MatildaElliott WilliamElliott GeoreeElizabeth M.n-i-

Flourney TheodoshaFauceld JosephFleckner William 4Fuisyth JohnPaver SusannaFarell IsaacFavour JohnFowles William T.

GrangerGold AlexanderGardner JamesGatewood JosephGears WilliamGay le ThomasGibson Thomas G.Grav Benjamin T.Gieshan BenjaminGray George

Henrv JosephHevflet MaryHudson ReubenHull JohnHeron JohnHrckev Win'Hammond SamuelHaley BeniaminHutcherson NathanielHenovimn John ,Hocks Lenis '

Haiuermenle TrederickHart EleanorHodgson Joseph T.Holston NicholasHan is TliomasHairison AnneHorndons JudahHanigain Edward U.Holmes John A.Harrv WilliamHal ri NancvHawkins Elizabeth 2Havs W lliamHolding SamuelHughes William P.

Jeney JosephJones NicholasIves Samuel T.Ics tone JohnJetor AichibaldJetor S.XKiley BenjaminKerrich HugheyKingKing SamuelKnox BenjaminKing WilliamKirtiy Francis

Long ZackariahLaw son Daniel F.Loukett HezekialLow don JohnLincoln TliomasLmdsey WilliamLong LaurenceLewis MatthewLitteiell AggaLing George

.IsMaris RichardMansfield John L.Menafte JarrotM'Gmre William

2 M'Clentock SamuelM'Clurc LawrenceMulchon Pa nu 1

M V illiamMoore

oor RebeccaMorns JohnMitchell TliomasM'Muiray PiudenceM'Feison RobeitMinor JosephMahorney DentilsiM'Curd JamesMet ker William P.Moor AnnMassie NathanielMorgan NathanMendeth SamuelMoore Maiy C.Mason JohnMontoe LucyM'Connel vdamMoore Thomas P.Mendeth ElishaMontague JamesMurdock WilliamMnnuiH Willi.imM'Kardy AlevvnderMason MicajahMiller FrederickManuel ThomasMores JamesMartin IsaiahM'Grath MissMoffoid ElizabethMatthew' JoshuaMaddox NotleyM'Dowell .MaryMoore WilliamM'Ganuary Ahdrew

Napper JohnNew comb WilliamNiegan PatrickNew Heiuy

Ovtrton ArchibaldOgilvie James

Payne ElizabethPayne JohnPhilips WilliamPaikci SusannaPatterson Samuel 2Price EvansPitcher Jas or Jos.Portin JosephParkins IsaacPattei son rdliamPal dee AnerPrather TliomasPrice DavidPaul PeterPorter JosephPennington PollyPorter EphriamPettit DanielPucheite GeorgePicket GeoigePenn Shadrack

Quarks ifogsr

rtyan EdwardIidw OwenR ichardsqn Johni?unyon Francisft ichardson Alevv?uth David

TJeadshay ThomasSamev Filliam7?ise 'niliamffawlins JohnTifogers JosephVice ElizabethRamsey George

?ey nolds Tliomasrtilend Henrv.rtosh Helen.Vuth Jane i

Ray John F.ficc Jacob

Stamton Andrewiergeant Dabneytiovrard Lev en

Smith FrancisStivers 'illiam-- piers ElrzarShannon GeorgeSageser JacobStenlj 'illiamSt Is MrsSignar Johnelf Nancy

Smith JaneShephard MosbvStiutfield Capt.Summeis Johnsouth ElizabethSallards JohnShort JohnSummers JohnSmith MarySmith Wm. F.Smith RachaelSlav back SarahSmedlev JohnStone JcobSmith ndrevvStout AnthonyStone JesseStephens William P.Stuart MrSpindle EdmundSeat les James 'Tehick JohnTait PatrickTod WilliamTrue JamesTrimble CatharineTrimble JohnTrue LarkingTompkins Guin

Vanlandinirbam,Vardeman Jeremiah

Winr.heRtpr Hr-- .Tnei -- -.

WickhfT Robert 2Wallace Mary K.Warren Thomaj B.Wilmott RobertWalker GeorreWetch ThomasWoi than EnochWebber MargaretWymote Delila :

West EdwardWebb GeorgeWmslow & StephansvVilliams Daniel J.Winnott RobertWooleyJohnWilkison MichaelWalker Geort--

Wimott DillyWilson RobertWalker JamesWatson WilliamWallace Daniel C. :

Young Doct. JohnYolk JamesYoung Benjamin


3 Montague JameS"M'Coiiuiliy Jacob"Michan JacobManuel ThomasM'Caidy AltxandatM'Cluie NathanielM'Clain John

3 M'Gowan CharlesMillesan WilhatrtMoffeete CyrusMadison John II.Martin TrumanMartin JudithaMefford ElizabethMatioipv DennisM'Millan JohnM'Allum John

2 MGiaw JohnM'Quithy MaryMartin IsaacMilhgan WilliamM'Kee ArchibaldMartin TrumanSlay field ThomasJMoore Harbin II.Mason RichardMontgomeiy AVm.Maxwell JohnMerry J Capt.Mason GeoigeM'Leonoie JoelM'Meekm JamesM'Call WilliamM'Meekm Robert

2 Noel NancyNichoUon Parker F CNorvell Sary


WiOneal Uobeit

Playle ThomasPatisan William Re.Parker JohnPateisou JamesPnestmait Illiam

2 Pusset Jacob3 Prevvit Robert

Pew JonathanPam J.iines

H. Pattei, JohnPaikei GeoigePiocltr JohnPope NathanielPai ish Cai tleyPrice B. 'illiam

2 Perkins II JohnParish 1 .loii.psotlPage 'Hai netPyle Zeba


ItRogers John &Itogein Colemantfobb Williamftoach RichardRowland George

Rogers Joseph.ftawlings ThomasWalls George.ffankins Catherineifichardson Laodiced7?ead & DavidsonWigle MilesJ?.chaids William $,

Jfistme JohnJtedd George W.Richardson Loo Die

2 TJutherford Rachaeliiichardson Mary H",

SStevens TliomasStout JontySagathy Mr.Savers JohnScott TliomasScott njliamSale JamesStone JacobSheppard DavidSutton DavidSmith MarthaSmith Capt RichardStephens Unah 2Stevenson SamuelEditor ol tbeKy-Gaz;.- ;?

2 Smile) JohnSmiley ThomasSullivan Win.Sassei V illiam T.Sanderson William

"Stephenson WmSimpson iv dliam W 2Smedlev MarySmedley Samuel

S tie Peter & RichardsonSmith SusanSvvann GeorgeSidor John .

HenrvOWmn,, iv:ii..,, cj

Sidnor JacobSmallwood WilliamSeaurils JamesStone Wilham

TTrible William

t Turner Edmund2 Trimble James

Tiue RobertThrift Chai lesTrimble Wm

2 Throckmorton SusaiJ


J" ' wii ,,4111111 u.

W7, XVTn.l.i.. iigiit n:- -,

itienartliWinoate JohnWest JeremiahWests JosephWhite JamesWood HenryM inn MinorWatte Henry

'orthen Ann A.Fheeler Henryler Capt Hugh

Fiat' Johnrelsh Hester

Zardpn Robertriiite John

ashmgton Johnfinstow Sal ah

iresterfield David"ngly Miles'right Pettis K.bite Susanna

riert Mjctaugh Alexander

Young AmbroseYoung Leonard L

JORDAN, Jr. P M.12, 181? ?,3
