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Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY...

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POETRY. SELECTED. THECHARMKs' OF NATURE. The cheek enros'd with crimson dye. The blast of maiden hue. The spark that wantons in the eye, And lip of pearly dev. To man, these native charms appear More elegant than art The painted slush, the snareful leer. Ne'er penetrate tire heart. What boots the bloom the pencil lays Each morn upon the face Can that which e'er the eve decays Be justly deemed a grace? The nymphs who trust to natures aid, v Comes nearestto her end,-Fo- r ' ? natu e ne'er a face has made, For human skill to mend. - How welcome is the twilight scene, Calm seasons of the mind's repose, , To loiter on the velvit green, And lose the incm'ry of my woes. The distant murmuring sound to here Of water rolling from the hills. While soothes the insect minstrel near. Responsive to the Whp-poo- r uill I love the voice of Nature's song. Just when the glare of day is gone, While dewy evening trips along, To meet the nymps upon the lawn. What 'itne the busy scene is o'er, The village, labours all are still. The piow doy aests him at the door And listens to the Three gentlemen being in a coffee house, one flailed for a drain, because he was hot, "Bring me another" said his companion, "because lam cold" the third who sat by and heard them very ijuetly, called out, "Heie, boy, bring me a glass, became I like it. ARTFUL LVASION. One Mr. Mann, master ofa ship called "the moon " used to be familiar with a gentlewoman, whose husband tnx'ea her With a nother gentle- man, who taxed her with a nother gentleman, to quit her husband she shore she knew him no more than she did the man in the Moon. COLOURING. THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully informs his friends the public generally, that he still continues the above business at his former stand on an alley lead- ing from Alain street to High street, between Captain Fowler's on Main street, and Mrs Brigg's on High otree, ana win warrant ms colours to De permanent. OT The rates are as sollows: Tor deep blue on COTTON, per pound . - 75 cts 3qrs. do do do - - 62 2 hdf do do do - - - 37 pale do do do - - - 18 3-- 4 For deep blue ON WOOL per pound - 50 cts 3 qrs do do do - - - - o7 2 halt do do do - - . 25 pale do do do - - - 183-- N B At the same place SILKS and CLOTHS will be ded black and various other colours, ard GEN- TLEMEN'S CLOTHES SCOURED and colour reneved JACOB H. WEIGAR1'. Lex. July 1, 1825 26 3t ENTERTAINM EKT, AT THE sio or TUE dross Jifain street Lexington, By iN.vhauiel M. Simpson; WHERE accommodations both loi Man and Horse be hud, of the best the country affords, and on the lowest terms 2 or 3 HACKS . re constantly kept, forthe r- - accommodation of those who wish to hire. May 5th, 1825. 18-- tf laancasteyAan Seminars. THE UNDERSIGNED being asso ciated in the education of youth do piedge themselves to those v ho may please to patronize their instuution, vivas' to devote their best efForts to the progress and improvement of their pupils hoth in moral a.id literary at- tainments. (Sruufttfral miXf ctcuiKtcU DSPARXiSEI Under the charge of Mx. O'llava TKUMS OF 1 UI HON in this Department are as so lows. Classical Course, 10 dollars per quarter of 12 weeks; Scientdic Instruction 10 dollars per quarter ot do. Knelish Grammar, Ancient and Modern Geography. Seven dollars and fifty cents per quarter oi twelve weeks. Will be under the same regulation s heretosore: with the exception of a chancre of the session from five months to twelve weeks. The terms of tuition will therefore be sour dollars per quarter of twelve weeks, including the lessons, slates, pencils, fuel, tic. isualU furnished in tins institution Tuition to be paid in advance WM. DICKINSON. CHARLES 0'IIAKA June 23, 1825. 25-- tf 100 HE ."ARD IN CURRENCY WILL be given to the person who will give information, as will enable us to pros ecute to conviction, the person or persons who foci Iy entered the shop ofthe subscribers on the moaning ot the l un insi ana took there from the sum ot dollars in silver, U S paner. Com. munweallli paper and change Tickets A. LOGAN & SON. Lexington, May 23 lS25,-l-- tf ? ' r HEMP WANTED v HK highest price will be given for merchantable T Hemp by J M Pike, or Lockerby andMcOuatt Lci.S. 2j, Queensware fy China. JAMES HAMILTON, MAIN STREET, AS imported direct from Liverpool a larffe and H extensive assortment of Liveipuol and China ware elected with care expressly tor tins marKet, contain sng Blue Printed Dining Waie new and elegant patterns, do. do. Tea do do, do. Plates Twiners & Muffins, do. Oval Dishes, do. Covered do. very handsome, do Soup Tureens f do Sauce do do Bakers and Nappies, do Mugs and Pitchers, fj ffi'dn Bowls, Basins and Ewers, t do Teapois, Sugars aid Creams, " do Coflee Bowls and Saucers, 10 do Tea cups and Saucers. &c &e. Gold Band Tea sets, some very handsome, Enamelled edtrcd and C C waw ns pvprv deserin. yon winch will be sold whole sale or retail, at a very small advance tor caih. CASH will bp given for a sew tons of HEMP. Lexington, May 12, 18.J5. 19-- tf. Jy'OTliyE. ALL persons indebted for the Lexington Public or for Advertisements published in that paper, are requested to call at this Office and settle jheir respective balances, either by payment of the money or giving a note. Those who do not comply with this notice, cannot expect to be further indulged Lexington, Msy 12, 1825, 19-- tf. WANTED, i GARDNER for the BOTANIC GARDEN, he must be sober, trusty and skillful Apply to the ' Printer. . ALSO An undertaker to quarry Stone and 100 Cedar or Locust posts y or 10 feet long. Apply as above. Lexington, May Vl, 1B25, ly-- tf 3 o iivftNiuen T&acksmt4. I will give liberal wages to a sew journeymen, wen acquainted with thcKlacltsmith s business,: and who can come well recommended. JOHN EADS. Lexington March 24, 1825 12 tf. NEW IKE SUBSCRIBER has just imported from Philadelphia, and is now opening at Ins Store on Main Street, in Lexing ton, opposite the Court House, a choice assortment of Selected xnithgreat care by himself; Amonp which are the following Articles, viz. Superfine BltOAD CLOTHS and Cassimeres, assd Pelice Cloths, Flannels and Bai ze, assorted. Figuied and Plain Bombazetts do Denmark Sattins and Silk Stripes do Irish and Russia Sheetings do Table and Russia Diapers do Irish Linen and Brown Holland do Linen and Cotton Drillings do Furniture Calicoes, and Ginghams. do Wide and nan ow Fancy Calicoes do Cotton and Linen Cambricks do Long Lawn and Cotton Handkerchiefs do Jaconet and Mill Mul Muslins do Figured and Plain Book do do Canton Crape and Crape Robes do Crape and Cotton Handkerchiefs do Italian Crapes and Crane Scarfs do Pink Muslin Robes & White do. with coloured borders Flain and Figured Silks assorted Figured Silk and Gause Handkerchiefs do Bandana and Black Silk do do Silk, Cotton and Worsted Hose do Silk and Beaver Gloves do Nankeen, Silk, Twi-.- t and Buttons do Ribbons, Tapes, Laces and Edgings do Tortoise Tucking and Side Combs do Wide and Narrow Domestic Plaids do Domestic Circassian Plaids and Bed Ticking ass'd Furniture and Domestic Checks assorted Broun and Blf ached Cotton Sheetings do Fine Sea Island and common Cotton Shirtings Silk Merseilles andValentia Vesting assorted Bolting Cloths, from No 1 to 7 warranted c'" IV, Morocco and Leather Shoes assorted Best Madeira and London psrticular WINES Best 4th Proof FRENCH Best IMPERIAL, stages. GUNPOWDER and f ' ) YOUNG TEAs HYSON FKESH LOAF SUGAR, COFFEE Ugsj TEAS. AND CHOCOLATE Allspice, Pepper, Cloves and Mace Nutmegs, Cinnamon and Mustard Best Bengal Indigo and Patent Blacking Madder, Copperas and Allum Queens, China and Glass Wai e, assorted Window Glass and Cut Nails Spades and Shovels Cradling and Grass SCYTHES, And agpneril Assortment of , HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. Those GOODS being laid in very low, and with such great care, that all who may want to purchase will hnd it their interest to can. ALEX. PARKER. Lexington June 9, 1825. 23tf STATE OF KENTUCKY. Campbell Circuit, Set. Aphil Trnii, 185. Frederick Klette, r otnplainant, against Elias P Smith and others. Defendants. IN CHANCERY. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the defendant E P Smith is no inhabitant of this Com- - monweaitn, ana n.e naving-laue- to enter his appear- ance herein, agreeably to Uw and the rules of this court, on 'he motion ot tne complainant, by his counsel, it is. therefore, ordered, that unless the said Defendant E lias V Smith do appear here, on or before the first dav oflhe next July term of this court and answer the Com plainant's bill, the same as to him will be taken lor con fessed. And it is further ordered that a copy ol this order be inserted in some duly authorised newspaper published in this Commonwealth for two months u ely. A copy, teste, JAMES TAYLOR, cc.c c. June 9, 1825.---- 23 Ow HONEY. rilHE Subscriber has on hand and for sale at his I. Drug sc Apothecary Store No. 3. Chcapside. a large quantity of strained Honey by the kegor pouna. JAMES GRAVES. Lexington, May 12, 1825, 10-- tf. JOB PRINTING Of every description neatly executed hers Botanic Garden. TTjJUOPOSALS will be received for the following Work To Grub and plough about 7 acres of ground. To pave about 60 square yards with Hat stones. To lay about 100 Cubic yards of a stone fence. To put up a Board fence 7 feet high, aruund part the irround. To Cart Tan bark and other objects by the day or the load .To procure and plant One Thousand young trees, Shrubs ami Vines, from the woods. Apply to the Superintendant C S. Rafinesque by let ters leit at Capt. Pike's Or 1 horras Smith's N B. The shareholders are notified to pay the instal ments due on their shares to the Treasurer of the com pany. Feb. 3 1825 5 tf. REMOVAL. m HE Subscriber has removed his Jn! JL SMITH SHOP to the Corner of Upper Street, between the Epis C copal and Methodist Churches, where be carries on the mmt WHITESMITH BUSINESS in its various blanches, viz. Scale Beams and Steel yards made and rcpaird. The Iron work for all sorts of Machinery, Hearth Irons almost always on and for sale. Locks repaired &c. &c. He tenders his thanks to his former friends, and assures them and the public that no paias shall be spared to make them well satisfied both in quality d price of the work done at his shop. Shoeing and other kinds of Blacksmith Work is done at lus shop at the customary prices. THOMAS STUDMAN. N. B. Two or three hands vv ill be taken to learn the trade. T. S. Feb. 10, 1825. 6.-- tf. SLAVES FOR SALE. AN excellent COOK and WASHER, aged between and 50 years. Also, a boy 16 years of age, wno is acquainted witn quiuing in a Daggmg laciory. Enquire of the Printer. Lexington, April 14, 1825.-15- -tf LJl MOTTS. COUGH DROPS. Important Medicine for Coughs and Consump- tions. THIS Elixir is notoffered tothe public as and a rival to all others, but as possess- ing virtues peculiarly adapted tothe present pre- vailing disorders of the breast and lungs, leading to consumption. A timely use of these drops may be considered a certain cure in most cases of Common Colds, Coughs, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Pain in the Side, Difficulty of Breathing, Want of Sleep arising from debility; and in Spasmodic Astlima it is singularly efficacious A particular attention to the directions accompanying earn bottle is neces sary. The following certificates from respectable gen- tlemen, physicians and surgeons, are subjoined, to show that this composition is one which enlighten ed men are disposed to regard as efficacious and worthy of public patronage. ""Having examined the composition of Mr. Cros by's improvement upon La lott'a CottgDrov8. we have no hesitation in recommending them to the public, as being well adapted to those cases of disease tor which be recommends it. Doct's. Jonathan Dorr, dated Albany, Dec. 4. 1824: James Post, of White-Cree- Feb- ruary, 14th, 1825: Watson Sumner and John Webb, M. D. of Cambridge, Feb. 20th 1825: Solomon Dean, of Jackson, Jau. 0th 1825. Vr. A Crosby I am pleased with this oppor- tunity of relating a sew facts, which may serve in commendation of your excellent Couch Drons. For ten years I was afflicted with a pulmonary complaint; my cough was severe my appetite weak and my strength sailing. I used many popular medicines, but only sound temporary relies, un- til by a continued use of your valuable drops, 1 hate been blessed with such perfect health a3 to render lurlher means unnecessary. Kev EBENEZER HARRIS. Salem JV. F. January 12th. 1C25. Prepared by A. CROSBY, sole proprietor, Cambridge, (N. Y.) whose signature will be affix ed in his own hand writing to each bill of direct ions. Be particular that each bottle is envelop- ed in a stero or check label, which is struck on the same bill with the directions. Sold wholesale and retail, by Dr G. DAWSON Pittsburgh J. CRAMBECKER, Wheelin" P. M WEDDELD, Druggist, Cleaveland PRAT and MEACH, Druggists Buffalo O. & S. CROSBY, Driureists Columbus GOOD WIN, ASHTON Co. M. WOLF & Co. A. FAIRCHILDS, Drumrists Cincinnatti BYERS and BUTLER, D. WILSON, Druggists Lou-jsvill- e. and- - retail by J. D. THOMAS, Win- chester Ky and at the DRUG STORE ot jamais esavEs, Lexington, Ky. Each bottle contains 45 doses; Price One Dollar single; nine Dollars perdoz. May 25tu 1825.-- 1 year. Book BINDING. ALEX'R. DRENNAN & SONS, RESPECTFULLY Inform the public that they carry on the above business opposite the lower market house, Lexington Any commands they may be favoured with, shall be punctually attended to. N. B. At the same place Silks & Cloths Dyed black, blue, and vanous colours Mens' Clothes Sroured, and the Colour renewed. Lexington. Feb. 10, 1825 6 tf NEW GOODS. The subscriber is receiving and opening an elegant assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, ENGLISH, FftEA'CU, IjVDIA t DOMESTIC. lie has extra superfine BLUE and BLACK CLOTHS & CASSIMERES Flowered paper for roo-n- s Rol ling Oloths Leghorn Uonnets nine oil, in canis- ters for Machinery, Sec His good will be disposed, ot ou reasonable terms. To those purchasing to sell ag nc can offer in duce meats. ' JOHN TILFORD. Lexington, April 11, 1825-- 15 tf l' S. Whiskey bv the barrel Powder by the keg, torn the Union MilU, for sale J 1' AK3 FOR SALn AT THIS OFFICE, ia tfot liwwle BEING a series of numbers published in this paper, and now collected and gnen in pamphlet form, with . skeich of the life of the venerable, Apo-.tI- t of Liberty whose signature has been assumed, bi the writer of these numbers; with the reasons why that name was preferredjto any other In this'small tract; the "principle that tho people through their representatives, h ive the right to make the laws, and that public functionaries are lesponsible to them," is ably defended, as the foundation on which the Temple of Liberty is firmly based, and the doc- trine of the irresponsibility of the Judiciary exploded khinHvi. mbwktt, TRUSS MAKER, SJI0RT ST. KEaR THE WASIIir.GT01 HOTEL.) IS now manufacturing and keeps constantly on hand TRUSSES for all kinds of ruptures, viz: The common Steel, with & without the racket wheel, The newly invented and much approved double-heade- d Steel, The Morocco Nonelastic Band with spring pad, and Trusses for children of all ages, Gentlemens' best Morocco, Buckskin, Calfskin, and Russia Drilling Riding Girdles, with and without springs, and with private pockets, Ladies', Gentlemens', and Misses Back Stays, to re-li- e e pains in the breast, Double and single Alorocco Suspenders with rollers, Female Bandages, &c. &c. All of which will be sold by wholesale or retail. The Tailoring Business, In its various branches, continued as usual. Lexington, May 5, 18j5. 18-- tf FOR SALE 145 ACRES OF FIRST RATK S$t 13 r3H)fe. One'mile and a halffromT.ir;nn-r.r- , i. ri i. sort road, nearly one half is timbered land, the bal lance is in a good state of cultivation: a frame house and Orchard, and one of the best springs in Fayette county, and aa indisnutahlp titl ti .u ij being the property of William L. McConnell dee'd, and is now offered for sale low for CASH by the heirs ofsaiddec'd.ForfnrfliBr,o,t;o..i ... r thesubsenber in Lexington, and the terms will be u.a.ut. uuurru uj mm uqq u,e land shown, &c. lifcUUGE ROBINSON. Lex. April 1, 1824 14 tf. WHISKEY WHISKEY of a SUPERIOR liUAL-iT- for sale by the MRREL DAVID MEGOWAN, upper end of the market hmtcn. LKX.INGTON MAY 10th 1824- - 0-t.f 42ru FOR SALE A SMALL FARM OF In the immediatenetghbourhood of LEXIIGTOrf. JTlHEhi are on .t, comfortable buildings for two -- - lainiiies ii necessary rooa water mrnrinwuAV orchards, under good fence ana sufficiency of wood land Terms Can be madpvnrv favnnrahln Apply to CHARLES WILK1NS, or Col. . AMES TRC'TER Lex,. Ann- - 1(?24 TT- -tf MOROCCO MANUFACTORY. THE Subscriber respi tfully informs the public he has commenced the above busines in Lexington on Main Street; and from a long experi- ence in one oflhe principal cities in Europe, and the United States also; he flatters himself he will produce articles in his line equal to any in the Union suitable for Shoe Makers, Hatters, Coach Makers Sadlcrs and Book Binders which he will sell twenty percent less than imported skins. This he hopes will induce the consumcisin th Western Country to give a preference to their owr manufacture N. B. A constant supply of hatters WOOL on had- - PATRICK GEOHEGAN. January 13th, 1825 2- -tf LAW NOTJCE. JAMES SHANNON, Late of Wheeling, Vh. WILL practice Law in the Circuit and County Court Fay ette, and the Circuit Courts of Bourbon and Jessamine. All business entrusted to him will re ceive prompt attention. His office is on Short Street. Lex Dec 20, 1824. 25-- ti. LAW ,VOTICE. Robert J. Breckinridge Aitoirne and Counsellor at littYJ, WILL ATTEND THE FAYETTE CIRCUIT COURTS Lexington, April 6,1284 15.-- tf. LAW NOTICE. JOHN W. TIBDATTS & J.O- - HARRISON. united in the Practice of the LAW in the HAVE Ciicuit Courts. Their Office is kept in the room immediately above the Office of the Cleik of the County court. April 7. 1825 14 tf. It must not "be. forgotten THAT ONE OF THE CAPITAL PHIZES JJVTHE $40,000 LOTTERY Recently drawn in the City of Baltimore, was sold at PJKB'h OFF1CK, And that he has TICKE'l S r.ow for sale in several other Eastern Lotteries, all to be concluded within 30 days. Among the Brilliant Prizes of which are to be sound 1 of 50,000 I 4 of 10,000 3 of 20,000 I 5 of 5,000 Independent ofa Greet Number of g40003fJ00, 2C00 2000 1000 500 &c, &c, &c. (Tickets from $5 lo $10 only and prizes willt)e paid at his office as soon as presented. Or- ders (roin any part of the United States will re- ceive the most prompt attention, is post paid, and addressed to J. M. FIKE, Lexington Ky. May 12 132- - 19-- tf I lOO Steele, !U.Tvi I RANAWAY from the subscriber living nea Lexington, Fayette County (Kentucky,) on the 28th day of December last, a Negro Mm named About 21 years of age; about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches hljrh. slender made, of ronnnr finmnlpvinn lip hnH on a grey linscy coatee and pantaloons, took with him a drab grey coat with 3 or 4 capcji,.witli otli er clothing not recollected, I have jeasou to be neve the above slave is either in the slate of Indi ana, Illinois or Ohio, or on boaid somp Slii.ii,. Boat. I uill give the above reward forthe f"Y 'ri taken out of the state of Kentucky, or fifty dolla rj in like money is taken within the State us Ken" tucky, on delivery of him in Lexington. May 23d 1825. WAI. E. BAIN. '21-- tf. ftj-T- he National Reoiihlinan at r;n,.lnn,i; ,;it give the above advertisement 4 weeks insertion, and forward their account to this office for pay- - uicui. $50 E ANA WAY from the subscriber ' on t) e 4th of April, a negro man named BEN, about 27 years old, tall slim made, ivitla scai over lus lest eye; another on his check, went lame on account of hib little toe being very sore, and Lis soot swelled; talks a little hioken, teiv fond of liquor, had on a grey janes short coat, an old light drab su"t"ut coat and two pair of ragged overalls He roe off a bay horse, ten yeais old, about 14 hands hi?li, a natural trotter, shud before, a star in his sorehead, roach main and bob tail with some saddle and collar marks. There was also, another Negro Man lest this place at the same time, belonging to a man-i- Ala- bama,' stout well made, about 25 j ears old-- , and is supposed to have rode a sorrel horse of J. Tanner, sour years old, sixteen hands high, with light inane and tail, and sour white feet. His supposed tt.ey will make for the state of Ohio and perhaps far t an-ad- a. I will give tho above reward is taken out of the state, or twenty dollarsif taken in the state and secured in any jail so that I get him, and pay all reasonable charges. A gcneroOp reward wall he given forthe horses or either of them, or for. mfur matinn an tlmt I crpt thorn. b. Boswdrscrjr. Lex. April 28, 1825 17-- tr. 07 The Liberty Hall, Cincinnati, will pive three weeks insertion, and forward Utir ac- count to this ('Dice for payment. GaWatm Circuit Oott Set. APRIL TERM, 1825. Aaron Bledsoe Comp't. ) airainst IN CHANCEUY- - Wm. D. Buhisett Deft. rjpiIIS DaY came the Complainant sty his Counsel, and it appearing lo the salisib.oti.on of the Court that the defendant William D. Ear-net- t. 16 not an inhabitant of this CoTninonifveattb Therefore on motion of Complainant it is o.raered that unless Hid s.aid defendant do appear tieie on or before the first day of our next August term and auswer the compliinants bill herein, that the same will be laker) against him pro conjlsso. A cd it is further ordered that a copy of this order be insert- ed for two inonths'succrssively in some authorised newspaper, published wilhin this Commoni veallh. A copy Attest. WILLIAM W1NSLOW, Clk. 21-2- m FOR SALJE. SeiBS8rTaSK& A VALUABLE TRAC T OF " J TO a5 .VTZb i(Il&$ I ; a: rasw h tjCavaijiiKk r OF first rate Land, lying on Cane run, about . sire miles from Lexington, binding on the Iron ' forks road, on which there is about twenty acres clears 1 a ith a log cabbin on it, the remainder woo Hand well tim- bered with timber of the first qualify For terms apply tothe Editor liereot. Lexington June 22d 1825 24 tf. J. M. PIKE ANTS TEN SHARKS of OLD KENT' JCKY It ANK STOCK Please applv at hisLt UY & EXCHANGE OFFICE. Lexreb. 24 1825 8-- tf. FOR SLSi IN THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON, TEN ACRES OF GROUND, UNNING from third to fourth Street. lEHi JL"L and adjoining Dr. James Fishback; on which is a well of excellent water, never sailing in the driest season; Brick Dwcling House, two thirty feet by forty with a wing twenty by eighteen feet, permanent cellar under the v. hole walled with stone of the best quality, divided into convenient rooms; other convenient out buildings all of Brick. About two acres in the yard and gaiden, highly impioved with fruit trees and shrub bery; the whole at this time in a high state of culti- vation, calculated to make it a most desirable re ireat for a family, audits pioximity to 1 ransjlva nia University renders it an excellent situation for a boarding house. For terms, apply to M r. Robert Best, living on the premises. MATHEW ELDER. May 17, 1835 20-- tf. IS again in operation, and Will be carefully adminis tered by Robert McNitt. It's efficacy has been proi s ed in several cases of Rheumatism, Tetter, &c. Apply attheroom opposite the lied river lion Store, on Shoit stieet, and directly above the office of Sam. Blair, esq Lexigton, April 26 1825 18-- tf, Ordnance Dep.artment, Washington 4th June 1825. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiieH by until the 31st day orJune next, for furnishing the following Cannon Palls, thousand fiehundred 24 pounder Car non Bills, to be delivered at "Fort Delaware, near Newcastle, Delaware. Six thousand 24 pounper Camion Ba'l3, to be deliv. ered at New Orleans. 'I he Balls are to be cast in iron moulds, and to be de- - liveiedon or before the first day of "October 1826. They will he inspected at the manufactories, and at the expense of the United States; but they are to be delivered, at the places mentioned, at the cost and lis!. of the contractors. The Proposals should be made separately for each pai eel, and should state the price perpomid Persons disposed to ofitr proposals will be furnish ed, on application, uith the dimensions of the bulls, and the regulations lor inspecting them. GEO. BOMFORD Brevt. Col. on Ordnance Service. Piintersof the laws of the United States are desir to publish the foregoing once a week; and. to transr to this Department, with their accounts, one oflhe ' pers containing the advertisement, June 15, 1825 24 5u id ait ?3 V
Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt75hq3rvg8x/data/2677.pdf · POETRY. SELECTED. THECHARMKs'OF NATURE. The cheek enros'd with crimson dye.



The cheek enros'd with crimson dye.The blast of maiden hue.

The spark that wantons in the eye,And lip of pearly dev.

To man, these native charms appearMore elegant than art

The painted slush, the snareful leer.Ne'er penetrate tire heart.

What boots the bloom the pencil laysEach morn upon the face

Can that which e'er the eve decaysBe justly deemed a grace?

The nymphs who trust to natures aid, vComes nearestto her end,-Fo-r ' ?

natu e ne'er a face has made,For human skill to mend. -

How welcome is the twilight scene,Calm seasons of the mind's repose, ,

To loiter on the velvit green,And lose the incm'ry of my woes.

The distant murmuring sound to hereOf water rolling from the hills.

While soothes the insect minstrel near.Responsive to the Whp-poo- r uill

I love the voice of Nature's song.Just when the glare of day is gone,

While dewy evening trips along,To meet the nymps upon the lawn.

What 'itne the busy scene is o'er,The village, labours all are still.

The piow doy aests him at the doorAnd listens to the

Three gentlemen being in a coffee house, oneflailed for a drain, because he was hot, "Bringme another" said his companion, "because lamcold" the third who sat by and heard themvery ijuetly, called out, "Heie, boy, bring me aglass, became I like it.

ARTFUL LVASION.One Mr. Mann, master ofa ship called "the

moon " used to be familiar with a gentlewoman,whose husband tnx'ea her With a nother gentle-man, who taxed her with a nother gentleman,to quit her husband she shore she knew him nomore than she did the man in the Moon.


THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully informs his friendsthe public generally, that he still continues

the above business at his former stand on an alley lead-

ing from Alain street to High street, between CaptainFowler's on Main street, and Mrs Brigg's on Highotree, ana win warrant ms colours to De permanent.

OT The rates are as sollows:Tor deep blue on COTTON, per pound . - 75 cts

3qrs. do do do - - 62 2

hdf do do do - - - 37pale do do do - - - 18 3-- 4

For deep blue ON WOOL per pound - 50 cts3 qrs do do do - - - - o7 2

halt do do do - - . 25pale do do do - - - 183--

N B At the same place SILKS and CLOTHS willbe ded black and various other colours, ard GEN-TLEMEN'S CLOTHES SCOURED and colour reneved

JACOB H. WEIGAR1'.Lex. July 1, 1825 26 3t


drossJifain street Lexington,

By iN.vhauiel M. Simpson;WHERE accommodations both loi Man and Horse

be hud, of the best the country affords, andon the lowest terms

2 or 3 HACKS. re constantly kept, forthe

r- - accommodation of those whowish to hire.

May 5th, 1825. 18-- tf

laancasteyAan Seminars.THE UNDERSIGNED being asso

ciated in the education of youth dopiedge themselves to those v ho mayplease to patronize their instuution,

vivas' to devote their best efForts to theprogress and improvement of theirpupils hoth in moral a.id literary at-


(Sruufttfral miXf ctcuiKtcU

DSPARXiSEIUnder the charge of Mx. O'llavaTKUMS OF 1 UI HON in this Department are as so

lows.Classical Course, 10 dollars per quarter of 12 weeks;Scientdic Instruction 10 dollars per quarter ot do.Knelish Grammar, Ancient and Modern Geography.

Seven dollars and fifty cents per quarter oi twelveweeks.

Will be under the same regulation s heretosore:with the exception of a chancre of the session fromfive months to twelve weeks. The terms of tuitionwill therefore be sour dollars per quarter of twelveweeks, including the lessons, slates, pencils, fuel, tic.isualU furnished in tins institution

Tuition to be paid in advanceWM. DICKINSON.CHARLES 0'IIAKA

June 23, 1825. 25-- tf


WILL be given to the person who will giveinformation, as will enable us to pros

ecute to conviction, the person or persons whofoci Iy entered the shop ofthe subscribers on themoaning ot the l un insi ana took there from thesum ot dollars in silver, U S paner. Com.munweallli paper and change Tickets

A. LOGAN & SON.Lexington, May 23 lS25,-l-- tf

? 'r


HK highest price will be given for merchantableT Hemp by J M Pike, or Lockerby andMcOuattLci.S. 2j,

Queensware fy China.JAMES HAMILTON,

MAIN STREET,AS imported direct from Liverpool a larffe andH extensive assortment of Liveipuol and China ware

elected with care expressly tor tins marKet, containsng

Blue Printed Dining Waie new and elegant patterns,do. do. Tea do do, do.

Plates Twiners & Muffins,do. Oval Dishes,do. Covered do. very handsome,do Soup Tureens

f do Sauce dodo Bakers and Nappies,do Mugs and Pitchers,

fj ffi'dn Bowls, Basins and Ewers, tdo Teapois, Sugars aid Creams," do Coflee Bowls and Saucers,10 do Tea cups and Saucers. &c &e.

Gold Band Tea sets, some very handsome,Enamelled edtrcd and C C waw ns pvprv deserin.

yon winch will be sold whole sale or retail, at a verysmall advance tor caih.

CASH will bp given for a sew tons of

HEMP.Lexington, May 12, 18.J5. 19-- tf.

Jy'OTliyE.ALL persons indebted for the Lexington Public

or for Advertisements published in thatpaper, are requested to call at this Office and settlejheir respective balances, either by payment of themoney or giving a note. Those who do not complywith this notice, cannot expect to be further indulged

Lexington, Msy 12, 1825, 19-- tf.


must be sober, trusty and skillful Apply to the'Printer. .ALSO

An undertaker to quarry Stone and 100 Cedar orLocust posts y or 10 feet long. Apply as above.

Lexington, May Vl, 1B25, ly-- tf

3 o iivftNiuen T&acksmt4.I will give liberal wages to a sew journeymen,

wen acquainted with thcKlacltsmith s business,: andwho can come well recommended.

JOHN EADS.Lexington March 24, 1825 12 tf.


has just imported fromPhiladelphia, and is nowopening at Ins Store onMain Street, in Lexington, opposite the Court

House, a choice assortment of

Selected xnithgreat care by himself;Amonp which are the following Articles, viz.

Superfine BltOAD CLOTHS and Cassimeres, assdPelice Cloths, Flannels and Bai ze, assorted.Figuied and Plain Bombazetts doDenmark Sattins and Silk Stripes doIrish and Russia Sheetings doTable and Russia Diapers doIrish Linen and Brown Holland doLinen and Cotton Drillings doFurniture Calicoes, and Ginghams. doWide and nan ow Fancy Calicoes doCotton and Linen Cambricks doLong Lawn and Cotton Handkerchiefs doJaconet and Mill Mul Muslins doFigured and Plain Book do doCanton Crape and Crape Robes doCrape and Cotton Handkerchiefs doItalian Crapes and Crane Scarfs doPink Muslin Robes & White do. with coloured

bordersFlain and Figured Silks assortedFigured Silk and Gause Handkerchiefs doBandana and Black Silk do doSilk, Cotton and Worsted Hose doSilk and Beaver Gloves doNankeen, Silk, Twi-.- t and Buttons doRibbons, Tapes, Laces and Edgings doTortoise Tucking and Side Combs doWide and Narrow Domestic Plaids doDomestic Circassian Plaids and Bed Ticking ass'dFurniture and Domestic Checks assortedBroun and Blf ached Cotton Sheetings doFine Sea Island and common Cotton ShirtingsSilk Merseilles andValentia Vesting assortedBolting Cloths, from No 1 to 7 warrantedc'" IV, Morocco and Leather Shoes assorted

Best Madeira and London psrticularWINES

Best 4th Proof FRENCHBest IMPERIAL, stages.




Allspice, Pepper, Cloves and MaceNutmegs, Cinnamon and MustardBest Bengal Indigo and Patent BlackingMadder, Copperas and AllumQueens, China and Glass Wai e, assortedWindow Glass and Cut NailsSpades and ShovelsCradling and Grass SCYTHES,

And agpneril Assortment of ,

HARDWARE AND CUTLERY.Those GOODS being laid in very low, and with

such great care, that all who may want to purchasewill hnd it their interest to can.

ALEX. PARKER.Lexington June 9, 1825. 23tf

STATE OF KENTUCKY.Campbell Circuit, Set.

Aphil Trnii, 185.Frederick Klette, r otnplainant,

againstElias P Smith and others. Defendants.

IN CHANCERY.It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the

defendant E P Smith is no inhabitant of this Com- -

monweaitn, ana n.e naving-laue- to enter his appear-ance herein, agreeably to Uw and the rules of this court,on 'he motion ot tne complainant, by his counsel, it is.therefore, ordered, that unless the said Defendant Elias V Smith do appear here, on or before the first davoflhe next July term of this court and answer the Complainant's bill, the same as to him will be taken lor confessed. And it is further ordered that a copy ol thisorder be inserted in some duly authorised newspaperpublished in this Commonwealth for two months u

ely.A copy, teste,

JAMES TAYLOR, cc.c c.June 9, 1825.---- 23 Ow

HONEY.rilHE Subscriber has on hand and for sale at his

I. Drug sc Apothecary Store No. 3. Chcapside.a large quantity of strained Honey by the kegorpouna.

JAMES GRAVES.Lexington, May 12, 1825, 10-- tf.

JOB PRINTINGOf every description neatly executed hers

Botanic Garden.TTjJUOPOSALS will be received for the following Work

To Grub and plough about 7 acres of ground.To pave about 60 square yards with Hat stones.To lay about 100 Cubic yards of a stone fence.To put up a Board fence 7 feet high, aruund part

the irround.To Cart Tan bark and other objects by the day or

the load.To procure and plant One Thousand young trees,

Shrubs ami Vines, from the woods.Apply to the Superintendant C S. Rafinesque by let

ters leit at Capt. Pike's Or 1 horras Smith'sN B. The shareholders are notified to pay the instal

ments due on their shares to the Treasurer of the company.

Feb. 3 1825 5 tf.

REMOVAL.m HE Subscriber has removed hisJn! JL SMITH SHOP to the Cornerof Upper Street, between the Epis

C copal and Methodist Churches, wherebe carries on themmt WHITESMITH BUSINESS

in its various blanches, viz. Scale Beams and Steelyards made and rcpaird. The Iron work for allsorts of Machinery, Hearth Irons almost always onand for sale. Locks repaired &c. &c.

He tenders his thanks to his former friends, andassures them and the public that no paias shall bespared to make them well satisfied both in quality d

price of the work done at his shop.Shoeing and other kinds ofBlacksmith

Work is done at lus shop at the customary prices.THOMAS STUDMAN.

N. B. Two or three hands vv ill be taken to learnthe trade. T. S.

Feb. 10, 1825. 6.-- tf.

SLAVES FOR SALE.AN excellent COOK and WASHER, aged between

and 50 years. Also, a boy 16 years of age,wno is acquainted witn quiuing in a Daggmg laciory.

Enquire of the Printer.Lexington, April 14, 1825.-15- -tf

LJl MOTTS. COUGH DROPS.Important Medicine for Coughs and Consump-


THIS Elixir is notoffered tothe public asand a rival to all others, but as possess-

ing virtues peculiarly adapted tothe present pre-vailing disorders of the breast and lungs, leading toconsumption. A timely use of these drops may beconsidered a certain cure in most cases of

Common Colds, Coughs, Influenza,Whooping Cough, Pain in the Side, Difficulty

of Breathing, Want of Sleeparising from debility; and in Spasmodic Astlima it issingularly efficacious A particular attention tothe directions accompanying earn bottle is necessary.

The following certificates from respectable gen-tlemen, physicians and surgeons, are subjoined, toshow that this composition is one which enlightened men are disposed to regard as efficacious andworthy of public patronage.

""Having examined the composition of Mr. Crosby's improvement upon

La lott'a CottgDrov8.we have no hesitation in recommending them tothe public, as being well adapted to those cases ofdisease tor which be recommends it.

Doct's. Jonathan Dorr, dated Albany, Dec. 4.1824: James Post, of White-Cree- Feb-ruary, 14th, 1825: Watson Sumner andJohn Webb, M. D. of Cambridge, Feb. 20th1825: Solomon Dean, of Jackson, Jau. 0th1825.

Vr. A Crosby I am pleased with this oppor-tunity of relating a sew facts, which may serve incommendation of your excellent Couch Drons.For ten years I was afflicted with a pulmonarycomplaint; my cough was severe my appetite weakand my strength sailing. I used many popularmedicines, but only sound temporary relies, un-til by a continued use of your valuable drops, 1

hate been blessed with such perfect health a3 torender lurlher means unnecessary.

Kev EBENEZER HARRIS.Salem JV. F. January 12th. 1C25.

Prepared by A. CROSBY, sole proprietor,Cambridge, (N. Y.) whose signature will be affixed in his own hand writing to each bill of directions. Be particular that each bottle is envelop-ed in a stero or check label, which is struck onthe same bill with the directions.

Sold wholesale and retail, by Dr G. DAWSONPittsburgh J. CRAMBECKER, Wheelin" P.M WEDDELD, Druggist, CleavelandPRAT and MEACH, Druggists Buffalo O. &S. CROSBY, Driureists Columbus GOODWIN, ASHTON Co. M. WOLF & Co. A.FAIRCHILDS, Drumrists Cincinnatti BYERSand BUTLER, D. WILSON, Druggists Lou-jsvill- e.

and- - retail by J. D. THOMAS, Win-chester Ky and at the

DRUG STOREot jamais esavEs,

Lexington, Ky.Each bottle contains 45 doses; Price One Dollar

single; nine Dollars perdoz.May 25tu 1825.-- 1 year.


ALEX'R. DRENNAN & SONS,RESPECTFULLY Inform the public that they carry

on the above business opposite the lower market house,Lexington Any commands they may be favouredwith, shall be punctually attended to.

N. B. At the same placeSilks & Cloths Dyed black, blue, and

vanous coloursMens' Clothes Sroured, and the

Colour renewed.Lexington. Feb. 10, 1825 6 tf


The subscriber is receiving and opening an elegantassortment of


lie has extra superfine BLUE and BLACK CLOTHS& CASSIMERES Flowered paper for roo-n- s Rolling Oloths Leghorn Uonnets nine oil, in canis-ters for Machinery, Sec His good will be disposed,ot ou reasonable terms.

To those purchasing to sell ag nc can offer induce meats.

' JOHN TILFORD.Lexington, April 11, 1825-- 15 tfl' S. Whiskey bv the barrel Powder by the keg,torn the Union MilU, for sale J 1'


ia tfot liwwleBEING a series of numbers published in this paper,

and now collected and gnen in pamphlet form, with .skeich of the life of the venerable, Apo-.tI- t of Libertywhose signature has been assumed, bi the writer ofthese numbers; with the reasons why that name waspreferredjto any other

In this'small tract; the "principle that tho peoplethrough their representatives, h ive the right to makethe laws, and that public functionaries are lesponsibleto them," is ably defended, as the foundation on whichthe Temple of Liberty is firmly based, and the doc-trine of the irresponsibility of the Judiciary exploded

khinHvi. mbwktt,TRUSS MAKER,


IS now manufacturing and keeps constantly onhand TRUSSES for all kinds of ruptures, viz:

The common Steel, with & without the racket wheel,The newly invented and much approved double-heade- d

Steel,The Morocco Nonelastic Band with spring pad, and

Trusses for children of all ages,Gentlemens' best Morocco, Buckskin, Calfskin, and

Russia Drilling Riding Girdles, with and withoutsprings, and with private pockets,

Ladies', Gentlemens', and Misses Back Stays, to re-li- e

e pains in the breast,Double and single Alorocco Suspenders with rollers,Female Bandages, &c. &c.

All of which will be sold by wholesale or retail.

The Tailoring Business,In its various branches, continued as usual.

Lexington, May 5, 18j5. 18-- tf



S$t 13

r3H)fe.One'mile and a halffromT.ir;nn-r.r- , i. ri i.sort road, nearly one half is timbered land, the ballance is in a good state of cultivation: a frame houseand Orchard, and one of the best springs in Fayettecounty, and aa indisnutahlp titl ti .u ijbeing the property of William L. McConnell dee'd,and is now offered for sale low for CASH by theheirs ofsaiddec'd.ForfnrfliBr,o,t;o..i ... rthesubsenber in Lexington, and the terms will beu.a.ut. uuurru uj mm uqq u,e land shown, &c.

lifcUUGE ROBINSON.Lex. April 1, 1824 14 tf.

WHISKEYWHISKEY of a SUPERIORliUAL-iT- for sale by the


DAVID MEGOWAN,upper end of the market hmtcn.

LKX.INGTON MAY 10th 1824- - 0-t.f


In the immediatenetghbourhoodof LEXIIGTOrf.

JTlHEhi are on .t, comfortable buildings for two-- - lainiiies ii necessary rooa water mrnrinwuAV

orchards, under good fence ana sufficiency of woodland Terms Can be madpvnrv favnnrahln


Lex,. Ann- - 1(?24 TT- -tf


MANUFACTORY.THE Subscriber respi tfully informs the public

he has commenced the above busines inLexington on Main Street; and from a long experi-ence in one oflhe principal cities in Europe, andthe United States also; he flatters himself he willproduce articles in his line equal to any in the Unionsuitable for Shoe Makers, Hatters, Coach MakersSadlcrs and Book Binders which he will sell twentypercent less than imported skins.

This he hopes will induce the consumcisin thWestern Country to give a preference to their owrmanufacture

N. B. A constant supply of hatters WOOL onhad- - PATRICK GEOHEGAN.January 13th, 1825 2- -tf


WILL practice Law in the Circuit and County CourtFay ette, and the Circuit Courts of Bourbon

and Jessamine. All business entrusted to him will receive prompt attention. His office is on Short Street.

Lex Dec 20, 1824. 25-- ti.

LAW ,VOTICE.Robert J. Breckinridge


Lexington, April 6,1284 15.-- tf.


united in the Practice of the LAW in theHAVE Ciicuit Courts. Their Office is keptin the room immediately above the Office of the Cleikof the County court.

April 7. 1825 14 tf.


$40,000 LOTTERYRecently drawn in the City of Baltimore, was sold at

PJKB'h OFF1CK,And that he has TICKE'l S r.ow for sale in severalother Eastern Lotteries, all to be concluded within30 days. Among the Brilliant Prizes of which areto be sound

1 of 50,000 I 4 of 10,0003 of 20,000 I 5 of 5,000

Independent ofa Greet Number of g40003fJ00,2C00 2000 1000 500 &c, &c, &c.

(Tickets from $5 lo $10 only and prizeswillt)e paid at his office as soon as presented. Or-

ders (roin any part of the United States will re-

ceive the most prompt attention, is post paid, andaddressed to J. M. FIKE, Lexington Ky.

May 12 132- - 19-- tf

I lOO Steele, !U.Tvi IRANAWAY from the subscriber living nea

Lexington, Fayette County (Kentucky,) on the28th day of December last, a Negro Mm named

About 21 years of age; about 5 feet 8 or 9 incheshljrh. slender made, of ronnnr finmnlpvinn lip hnHon a grey linscy coatee and pantaloons, took withhim a drab grey coat with 3 or 4 capcji,.witli otlier clothing not recollected, I have jeasou to beneve the above slave is either in the slate of Indiana, Illinois or Ohio, or on boaid somp Slii.ii,.Boat.

I uill give the above reward forthe f"Y 'ritaken out of the state of Kentucky, or fifty dolla rjin like money is taken within the State us Ken"tucky, on delivery of him in Lexington.

May 23d 1825. WAI. E. BAIN.'21-- tf.

ftj-T- he National Reoiihlinan at r;n,.lnn,i; ,;itgive the above advertisement 4 weeks insertion,and forward their account to this office for pay- -uicui.

$50E ANA WAY from the subscriber

' on t) e 4th of April, a negroman named BEN, about 27 yearsold, tall slim made, ivitla scai overlus lest eye; another on his check,went lame on account of hib littletoe being very sore, and Lis sootswelled; talks a little hioken, teiv

fond of liquor, had on a grey janes short coat, anold light drab su"t"ut coat and two pair of raggedoveralls He roe off a bay horse, ten yeais old,about 14 hands hi?li, a natural trotter, shud before,a star in his sorehead, roach main and bob tailwith some saddle and collar marks.

There was also, another Negro Man lest thisplace at the same time, belonging to a man-i- Ala-bama,' stout well made, about 25 j ears old-- , and issupposed to have rode a sorrel horse of J. Tanner,sour years old, sixteen hands high, with light inaneand tail, and sour white feet. His supposed tt.eywill make for the state of Ohio and perhaps far t an-ad- a.

I will give tho above reward is taken out ofthe state, or twenty dollarsif taken in the state andsecured in any jail so that I get him, and pay allreasonable charges. A gcneroOp reward wall hegiven forthe horses or either of them, or for. mfurmatinn an tlmt I crpt thorn.

b. Boswdrscrjr.Lex. April 28, 1825 17-- tr.

07 The Liberty Hall, Cincinnati, will pivethree weeks insertion, and forward Utir ac-

count to this ('Dice for payment.

GaWatm Circuit Oott Set.APRIL TERM, 1825.

Aaron Bledsoe Comp't. )airainst IN CHANCEUY--

Wm. D. Buhisett Deft.rjpiIIS DaY came the Complainant sty his

Counsel, and it appearing lo the salisib.oti.onof the Court that the defendant William D. Ear-net- t.

16 not an inhabitant of this CoTninonifveattbTherefore on motion of Complainant it is o.raeredthat unless Hid s.aid defendant do appear tieie onor before the first day of our next August term andauswer the compliinants bill herein, that the samewill be laker) against him pro conjlsso. A cd it isfurther ordered that a copy of this order be insert-ed for two inonths'succrssively in some authorisednewspaper, published wilhin this Commoni veallh.

A copy Attest.WILLIAM W1NSLOW, Clk.

21-2- m


.VTZb i(Il&$ I; a: rasw htjCavaijiiKk r

OF first rate Land, lying on Cane run, about . siremiles from Lexington, binding on the Iron ' forks

road, on which there is about twenty acres clears 1 a itha log cabbin on it, the remainder woo Hand well tim-

bered with timber of the first qualifyFor terms apply tothe Editor liereot.

Lexington June 22d 1825 24 tf.


It ANK STOCK Please applv at hisLtUY & EXCHANGE OFFICE.

Lexreb. 24 1825 8-- tf.


TEN ACRES OF GROUND,UNNING from third to fourth Street.

lEHi JL"L and adjoining Dr. James Fishback; onwhich is a well of excellent water, never sailing inthe driest season; Brick Dwcling House, two

thirty feet by forty with a wing twenty byeighteen feet, permanent cellar under the v. holewalled with stone of the best quality, divided intoconvenient rooms; other convenient out buildingsall of Brick. About two acres in the yard andgaiden, highly impioved with fruit trees and shrubbery; the whole at this time in a high state of culti-

vation, calculated to make it a most desirable reireat for a family, audits pioximity to 1 ransjlvania University renders it an excellent situation fora boarding house. For terms, apply to M r. RobertBest, living on the premises.

MATHEW ELDER.May 17, 1835 20-- tf.

IS again in operation, and Will be carefully administered by Robert McNitt. It's efficacy has been proi sed in several cases of Rheumatism, Tetter, &c. Applyattheroom opposite the lied river lion Store, on Shoitstieet, and directly above the office of Sam. Blair, esq

Lexigton, April 26 1825 18-- tf,

Ordnance Dep.artment,Washington 4th June 1825.

SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiieH byuntil the 31st day orJune

next, for furnishing the following Cannon Palls,thousand fiehundred 24 pounder Car non Bills,

to be delivered at "Fort Delaware, near Newcastle,Delaware.

Six thousand 24 pounper Camion Ba'l3, to be deliv.ered at New Orleans.

'I he Balls are to be cast in iron moulds, and to be de- -

liveiedon or before the first day of "October 1826.They will he inspected at the manufactories, and atthe expense of the United States; but they are to bedelivered, at the places mentioned, at the cost and lis!.of the contractors.

The Proposals should be made separately for eachpai eel, and should state the price perpomid

Persons disposed to ofitr proposals will be furnished, on application, uith the dimensions of the bulls, andthe regulations lor inspecting them.

GEO. BOMFORD Brevt. Col.on Ordnance Service.

Piintersof the laws of the United States are desirto publish the foregoing once a week; and. to transrto this Department, with their accounts, one oflhe 'pers containing the advertisement,

June 15, 1825 24 5u


