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Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY...

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Which are celebrated for the cure of mostdis eases to winch the human body is liable. Prepared only by the sole proprietor T. W.. Dyott, M. JJ. Grandson of the late celebrated Dr. Robertson of Edinburg. Sold Wholesale and Retail, in Philadelphia only at his Family Medicine Ware-hous- No. 137, North east corner of Race and(North Se cond streets. -- "hn.! ROBERTSON'S VEGETABLE NERVOUS CORDIAL.'' OH, VATUHLS GIUNI1 IIESTOIIATIVE. Trice one Dollar und Jifty Cents, " Is confidently recommended, as the most efficacious medicine, for the speedy relies and cure of all nervous complainU,attended with mwdrd-weaknes- depression of the1 spirits, headache, tremor, faintness hysteric h'tsV,debi-lity- , seminal weakness, and'Vanous complaints resulting from impropriety of youth and 8is'si-pate- d habits, residence in warm climates, the immoderate use of tea, the un'skillfuror exces-- , sive use of mercury, so often Mistructive to the human frame, deseases peculiar to females at a certain period of life, Fluor Albus, bar- renness, he, &e. Under the denomination of nervous disor- ders, are included several diseases, of the most dangerous kind, and are so various, that a volumeavould hardly sulfite to complete a litem. The most common symptoms of its com mencement, are weakness, flatulence, palpita tions, watchfulness, drdwsmess aftt'r eatiifgtj LUIIIUI, IU9I1C3 UI 11CUL UI1U V.U1U, UUIIlUlieSS , cramp, giddiness, p tins m the head, back, ana pins, hickup, difficulty of respiration and anxiety, dry cough, &c Da. ROBERTSON'S CELEBRATED TSTOMACHIC ELlttrt OP 1IEALTU; Price S 1 50 cents g Which' has proved by thousands. whoh'dve experienced its beneficial effects, to be 'the most valuable Medicine ever offend to the public, for the cure of coughs, colds, consump? tion, the hooping cough, asthmas, pain in the breast, cramps and wind in the stomach, costiveness, sickness at the stomach, head ache, loss of appetite, indegestion, he. For the dj sentery or lax, cholera m'orbus, se- vere gripings, and other diseases ot the bow els, and the summercamplamt in children, it h is proved a certain remedy, and restored to per- fect health from tht? greatest debility. Persons .afHic'ed with the pulmonary com- plaints or disorder of the breast and lungs, even in the most advanced stae will find immediate relies. Commori'icoughs and colds, which are in gen eral occasioned Jiy obstructed perspiration, will be sound to yield to its berilgn influence in.a lew hours In .asthmatic or consumptive complaints, hoarseness, vvheesihgs, shortness of breath and the hooping cough, it will give immediate re lies. Dn. 'ROBERTSON'S CELEBnATEn nooT aiui rheumatic Dnors, C Price two dollars. ) A safe and effectuil cure for the gout, rheu. matism, lumbairo. stone and Travel, swellimr. and weakness in the joints, sprains, bruises, anH allkinds of green wounds the cramp. pains in the head, face and body, stiffness of Xue necK, chilblains, frozen limbs, ike. Da ROUERTSON'S STOMACHIC BITTERS. . (Price one dollar.) Which are celebrated fgrstiengthehingweak stomachs, increasing the appetite and a certain preventive and cure tor the feVer and ague, &c. Kc. Tor the Fever and Ague, a malady so preva lent throughout the Southern states, and so afflicting to families residing in all low coun- tries, redundant with marshes, lakes, stagnated pools, rivers, &c. &c. these celebrated and uni- versally esteemed Bitters, have surpassed any remedy ever administered, for the relies and cure of that most obstinate oppressor of the human frame, numberless- - instances of their efficacy have been testifisd, aster the barks, and various other extolled prescriptions sailed. they proved successful, to the admiration of those, who experienced and witnessed their happy effects. Dn. ROBERTSON'S INFALLIBLE W0I1M 11ESTH0HX0 LOZEKOES, -- A Medicine highly necessary to be kept in all Families. Price 50 "cents. ,. SYMPTOMS. The common symptoms of Worms are, pale- ness of the countenance, at other times flush-in- g of the face, itching of the nose, and about the seat, starting and grinding of the leelh in sleep ; swelling of the upper lip, the appetite sometimes bad, at other times voracious; looseness; disagreeable breath ; a hard swell ed belly ; great thirst ; the urine frothy, and sometimes of, a whitish color ; griping or cho-li- c pains ; an involuntary discharge of saliva, especially when asleep ; frequent pains irt the side, with a dry cough, and unequal pulse; palpitation of the heart; swoonings, cold sweats ; palsy, epileptic fit3, Sec. &c. Though numberless medicines are extolled for expelling and kdling worms,none are equal in efficacy to Dr. Robertson's Worm Destroying Lozenges, they-ar- e mild in their operation, and may be given to the youngest infant with safe-t- . DYOTT'S ANTI-BILIOU- S PILLS, For the prevention and cure of Bilious and Malignant severs. C Price 25 cenls large bbxes 50 cents.J These Pills, is timely administered, will re- move the causes which commonly produce the Yellow Fever, Bilious, Fever, Ague and Fever, Cholic Pains, Flatulencies, Indigestions. Cos. tiveness, Hypochondi iac & H steric complaints' Stranguarv, travel, Kiieumatism and Gout. They are peculiarly serviceable in Female those obstructions wincn are the gieat source of their complaints at certain periods, they posses this eminent advantage over most oth- er purgativesrtflU while thev operate gently, they produce neither costiveness, nor too gieat excitement, whenever there is to a disease, arising from marsh effluvia, a too opious use of ardent spirits, or a vitiated state of the lie they are sure to relieve. Dn DYOTT'S PAT RAT ITCH OLYTMEA'T. For pleasantness, safuy, expedition, and certainty is superior to any other me dicine, for the cure of that most disagreeable and tormenting disorder the itch. ("Price 50 cents per box.) DYOTT'S JA'FALLIBLE TOOTJIACH DROPS, Price 50 cents. 'CIRCASSIAN EYE.WATER, Asovere!gii remedy all disorders of the eyes, Price 50 cents.' Dn. TISSOT'S CEIKDBATZD OOUT AND UHEUMATIC DltOrS. CPrfc' 0 dollars.) THEEGE TABLE BALM OF LIFE. ('Price one dollar. J X. THi; UALM OF IBERIA. Extracte'd from an lhermn nl.inf. for r.urinr defects of the skin, and the lllj V".lt Ills. " CPrice two Hollars.) f' THE RESTQRATIVE DEATIFRICE , For cleaningwhitemng and preserving the teeth and gums. f Price 50 cents per box J Since these invaluable medicines were first discovered, upwards of seven hundred thousand persons have experienced their happy and salu- tary effects many of whom from the lowest stage of their disuiders. Take notice; that eacli and all of the above genuine Medicines are sinned on the outside co- - vers with the signature of the sole proprietor T. W. DYOTT. M. 1). Is A supply of the above Medicines just rc- - ceiveu anu wr sale oy the agents .Messrs. .M'Calla, Gams j Ky James Ritchie, .Merchant, ' Winchester, Kj .Messrs. Crockett ? Frankfort, Kv John & James Brudsluiw, ' Shelbyville, Kj . IVilLamtt. limes, BardstoWn. ICv. Messrs. Letcher H M'Kce, ' Lancaster, Ky. ii tuts l oung, tj Co. Pans, Kj Rowland pattern, ' Georgetown, Ky. Geo Howard, U Co. MounfsteTlmg, Ky Pamphlets containing certificates of cures &c may be had gratis at each of the above pltes. Dr. T. W. DYOTT respectfully informs the public, that the above mentioned genuine Med icmes, are prepared and sold in Philadelphia, only at his wlioles.de. and retail Drug and Fam- ily Medicine Warehouse,. No 137, North East Corner of Second and Race streets where he has constantly for sale a large and general as- sortment of fresh drugs and medicine, of eve- ry description, wai ranted genuine Those wli i purchase by the quantity cash, will be allowed a verj liberal discount.1 Nl B Country Storeke pers can obtain the agency for vendjng the above Medicines on commission, by addressing the Proprietor, ac- companied with satisfactory reference, &c. Letters post paid, from any part of the con-tine- will meet atttntiun. July gq, 1813 29 e. o. 1 year Silver Plating & Brass Founilery. . WE. J FOOD RUFF, jTBESPKCTTUULLY inform their friends "' ad the public in geneial, that they still continue to carry on the above business in all their branches at their former stand opposite Lewis Sanders, on Main-stree- t, Lexir.p-to- They return their sincere thanks tor pist pa- tronage, and hope by their strict attention to business, to merit its continuance TULI HAVE AXD IXTLND KEEPING OS IIAWD, An elegant assortment of Plated Bridle tfiits, Stirrufl 'Irons, &c. Or TUB HOST FASaiOCAllLE.rATTinss, Which the) will sell much lower than has eier been sold in the western country. Coun- try merchants can be supplied at the Philadel-phi- a prices.' ALL KINDS OF Carriage and Harness Mounting, Carriage and Gig Springs, Coicfi Lace Fringe and Tassels. ALSO, X GENEIIAL ASSORTMENT OP Brass Candlesticks, Andirons, Shovels Isf Tongs, Dotr Knockers, Ifc. Which they will dispose of very low for Cash, ALL KINDS or Brass Work for Machinery, Clock Work, v5c- - CAST OV THE SIIUIITEST AlMl ffycte) Ji'vels, Gun Mountings, life. ALWATS Ot HAND. They have just received an extensive assort- - mentof ' Siiddlery, fyc." t All of which will be soldion the most rpficni. ble terms for' Cash . " (TjPTwo or three Journeymen wanted im. mediately td work at the white-smith- " business. Also, twj or three Apprentices wanted to the above business. " Two or tluee apprentices wanted to learn the Silver Plating business. The highest price in Cash will be given for old COPPER, BUVSS & PEWTER Lexington, April 4, 1814. ' 14-t- f Greenville. Springs. qHE Subscriber takes this method to inform 1- the public that he has taken the Green. ville Springs, near Harrodsburg, and will be ready by the 20th inst. to receive boarders ; he pledges himself every thing in his power shall be done to render the situation of those who may call on him comfortable. large and numerous buildings on the premises will enable him to accommodate a large company nc win uc suuiuu wiin liquors ot every kind his stables are large and shall be well filled with hay and grain of every kind he nopes mai oy an unremitted attention to his duty, he will be enabled to give general satis- faction. H. PALMER. Apr;)' 1814. . j j-t- f Doctor Walter Braslieav HAS just taken Up his residence in Lexing- ton and will practice Medicine & Surgery in conjunction with Doctor E. Warfield. Calls on them at their shop will be partial-larl- y attended to by one or the other of them. 19-t- f May 10, 1813. MOHRISOA', BOSWELL ii SUTTOJV Have justt received a large Assortment of GOODS, In addition to their former stock j which will be disposed of on reasonable terras for Cash. ALSO on HAND A large quantity of SAIL DUCKU SEIJE TlflJVK. Disorders, and especially in the removal ofl Nov. 15, 1813. debility, ease infinitely Dn. for improving complex- - lujlowmg IVeisegtr, for The Subscriber HIVING COMMENCED THE Tanning t$ Currying Husiness, H VS a quantity of LEATHEllon hand, which he will dispose of upori'moderate terms. He wants two Boys as apprentices to the above business. Lex WnTrC. The mgton, January 19, 1814. JOHN HULL. TWENTY DOLLIRS REWRD. OANUVAY from theubsenber ori the 17th jLb ummo, a mulatto boy named JESSE, about 5 feet 8 inches h.gh, and 18 years of age ; he has woiked s .me time at the Carpen. UVa trade he took witbNiim a callico and check shirt had on a snuff coloured cloth coat and fur hat. The above rewarl will t, given or securing nimun any jail, and all rea envered in LJXinirton suuauic cjjcusca n ' UAY1D MEGPWAN. .May 6, 1814. jgf , MRS. BROWN lias just received from an assortment of the most fashionable STRAW HATS & BONNETS, viz : I'Eicui's with cocnaues, Y DECA TUR'S Do. RIDING, Do. &c. &c. 13-t- f March 28, 1814. J. H. OVERSTREET MAS for sale, SUGAR of the old crop, by the barrell, and QOFPEE of superior quality, also in barrels. Orders from his friends at a distance will be attended to. (Salem,) Louisville, K.May 2, 1814. 18 - NEW GOODS. K. WARTIELD is just receiving from Philadelphia and llaltimore, and now opening at his store next door to Tilford, Scott and Trotter's, a large and general assortment of MERCHANDIZE, suitable forthe spring sea- son, which he will disp. se of on the most rea- sonable terms for cash, by the piece, or retail ; among these goods may be sound some choice articles, to wit : Best Cotton Cards, No 10, Waldron's Grass and ConPScythes, ' " Elfgant fancv patterns, "of d cotton c.lnth. Stripes and Plaids, A variety of fashionable Straw "Bonnets, Boots and Miner of every kind, Mantuas, Levantine and "Virginia Silks, Fancy Muslins. Lmen Catnbrick, Assrted Silk Velvets, Do. Do. Ribbands, Elegant new patterns of Paper Hangings, Queens and Glass Ware, China, Tea and Table Setts, Ironmuiigerj of every description, Groceries, Tea of ihe best quality, Best Coffee, . V Segars of all kind, Iron and Nails, Currying Knives Curriers' Fleshers, Venering Saws; W Cut Saws, Mill Saws, Whip Saws, HandSaWs, And a great vanetv of spring fancy Goods. FOR SALE,, A quantity ofxgood Cotton Bagging ready for delivery. ., - Il'AATED, , A sew tons of good clean JIGMP, for .which the highest price will he given in money. Match 22, 1814 Mtj-tf- ' COCHRAft is" OVERTOjY. OCTOR COCHRAN has removed his re- sidence from his lalp tisltitot.nTi C" !, house recently built by Mr. Samuel Redd, on Limestone street, a sew doors from Mr. Pos tlethwait's Inn, nearly opposite the Jail and in view of the Hotel, where he will continue t practice SURGERY St MIDWIFE- RY, in all such cases as may be entrusted to his care in town and in the adjacent country. Having commenced a partnership with Doctor James Overton, either of them may be consult- ed at any time at their shop, in the lower sto- ry of the above described dwelling Doctors Cochran and Overton pledge themselves to be- stow their undivided attention upon the du- ties of their profession, and to make it as ser- viceable to society as its nature and their best exertions can produce. Dec. 28. 1813. l..t- - DOMESTIC GOODS. It. MEGOWAN St Co. No. 44, Mainstreet, HAVE just received 24 packages of STRIPES, I ClIAMJWATS, i I Jin jno, UP. UC. I he whole of which are offered for sale on the mosi reasonable terms, by the PACKAGE A BOUNTY OF 124 DOLLARS AND 160 acres of land will be given to each able bodied recruit, between the age of 18 and 40 years, who'will enlist in the 2d rifle regiment for 5 years or during the War, 50 dollars in hind, 50 dollars when mustered and the ba. lance When ilisr.harmvl !.. a Ju -- t -- j, w viunais per month durin? service. Short appointed! hTn""'' recruit shall receive 8 dollars, J. HEDDELSON, Lieut. 2d Regt. Riflemen. Lexington, May 30. T",Lubscriber wishes t0 hire three or sour for whom a liberal price will be given in Cash. DANIEL LAYTO-N- . Lexington, Mav 30, 22-t- f SLATE TROM wnni'c rpiIE FURNACE is now in full blast, mak- - ...G ...., wi. iv luur ions a clay. Orders forwarded shall be executed neatness and dispatch, patterns forwarded to my Iron Store in Lexington, meet a conveyance to the Works. MARIA EORGE ' Is also now at work all the sires are well manned and making Iron of a superior, qua-lit- SLATE FORGE Is also m high operation, arid making a ton per day. A constant supply of Iron will be kept at my store in Lexington of a quality not inferior to any made in the United States, and will be warranted as such by THOMAS DEYE OWINGS Lexington, 10th Dec 1813. Coach and Harness Making " -- " BEACH &NEILL CARRY on the business on Main-Cros- s and flatter themselves from their experience in .the first shops in New-Yor- Philadelphia and Baltimore, to be able tofinish their work in a style not inferior to any here-tofo- finished in the western country. Orders respectfully Lexington, December 6, 1813. 49 tf Brass Founder . W E. WOODRUFF, iff Co. the business at their for J mer stand, and by arrangements lately made, they are enabled to conduct it on a more eiiensive scaie, anu lo execute every species of casting m Brass or Copper in the best man-n- er and on short notice. A sunnlv n nrK WORK, GUN MOUNTING ANDIRONS SHOVELS & TONGS, BELLS, &c Two or three apprentices, about 16 or 17 years of age, will be taken. 3-- January 22, 1814. it. Mcgotban & Co. Give five dollars cash, for good.merchautahle HEMP, At thejr Rope w.lk m the suburbs of the totfn; Ritistni road. tf . Teuruary 7. 1814. THOS. JT. PIHDELL, IS just receiving in addition to his former stock, a complete and splendid assortment of MERCHANDIZE, Suitable to the present and approaching sea- sons, which he will dispose of on good terms at his stand formerly occupied by J sc D. Maccoun, opposite the Court-house- , on Main-stree- t. 13-t- f Lexincton. March 28. 1815. rpllE Subscriber has on hand at Ins Smith Shop, formeilyiccupiedby Win. Hart, an assortment of the following articles of a supe- rior quality, all of which will be sold on reason- able teims for cash or the usual credits, viz : Warranted Axes Steeleel Hoes " Carey Ploughs Common ehtto, Grubbing Hoes Mattocks Hinges of all inscriptions Carpenters, Hatchets Hand Axes carefully iredges Dra-win- Knives Chains of kinds Shovels and Tongs Crane Pothooks Skimmfiff Pl llP Stirifc!.VPt ItlLinn. sit ft T?lrrie tiritl iinl tl CVPCDl Ii..!. inllt? frt iliiinla.t nn tice Horse shneinr will hp nnrtTrnlnrlv nnrl atten led to. It. DUWMNU. Lexington, Teb. 26, 1814. 9-- tf Commission Business. OLIVER ORMSBY and CH RLE5 DOANE Have enter' d into a under the firm of ORMSBY and DOANE they propose transacting business generally in the commis sion line. 17 3m Pittslmgh, Ap'il 19,1814. LEVI L. TODD, WILT. VH Af!T!3H I. A Win i.,.otio n ... bon and Scott circuit courts his pLce of resi lience is Sept. .1813. 36-- lf SI EAM"MILL COTTON KiCTORY. J' EW1S SANDERS and Co. have recom iLi menced their Cotton Spinning Factory bv Steam, at Sanders, two and. a linlfi miles west of Lexington. The SteairCEngine built aim constructed by Dmiel Large, Philadelphia, upon Watt and Boltons' plan! .. . - ......... j. in. unii i"Jiw,dildllS. Their Cotton Yarn will be sold at the old prices at the factory, and at the store of John Scott, jr; in town. No. 8 83 cents No ;9 10" 11 12 13 It Families van tare 87. 100 108 1 12 J 118f Hammers all hud'esT, engineer 17 19 21 125 cents 131J 137i 144 150 15Gr 162 J be tlio 94 15 16 20 and Manufacturers will find great the use of the short hank in pre- - Lexington, NOTICE. SERVANT, HICKORY, even be to particiilaily-indjein- g. Sakintight Liberal .uZZl one "a 1814.LeXmgt0" reWer-enu- eachT, Le- -"' to Brewery, guage wjmuieie. ai uie tactory, Tallow, Hogs most the usually sold Lexington, May 16, 1814. ,r...... STORFJ by .,,..,., uyauivaa incir IIUC Oil reasinible terms. 20 tf 18 May 1814. COLUMBIAN infnrmc frionrlo laKen t.a.. uie town V?) and c ironting the uourt deter- - will be Any person be H,s abl5 ready above above of always ready. on' mi.FAt.W Luxury Lexington will and his be constantly supplied the Liqouis, foreign and domestic. The Stables attached the Columbian Inn are in occupancy and are large for accam- - uie liiaccstone sCommenta vies, gives idea ns The absolute Individuals People Aliens or and Wise W Conveyances The remedies action and against public and economy ', JV- - Vr'Vf Offences Means of prosecutions. li. those have time or opportune muuai(jci- - iavv trom cheapness, wnu it. liberal discount who purcliase quantity. Is. liSs removed his office, lnww ': iow. uvc i.yi on jauuary laltf.' DAVID TODD B"AS iust onened lmoortalion fAm p.inr in the stone house near the market house. He has COf FEE and Orleans SUGAR the barrel. May 16, 1814. SUGAR. "FUST received, bales nnme .s ser COTTON, 20,000 lbs. flm For sale by. .T. P. RPITAT7PT 1314. 23-t- f FOSl'ER Merchant Tailors. O AVE just received an additional supply of Jtfine r.lnth.snnr nnprfintrt (iriit.aA vraH. United States tds anu Duttons they those gentlemen who may please call on mem, uisy uepenu Uaving-thei- r work done with the greatest despatch in themost manner. 16 April 18. ALL THOSE indebted tn 7.,r . e;,-- .. either by bond, note or bock aie re iiucsitu tome lorwaru pavmenl those excented Imvino- - rimmm. - , .U..IIIIIL counls under special agreement. The ness win to be conducted under the firm of Loirnr a? sua June 1813. 26-- tf 'IMIE wish pui chase three or sour bundled Coids WOOD, be delivered their Steam in course of thfe summer fall.. They also wish tw piircllase sew thousand bushels of Stone Coal, to be eithei delivered the Mill or some landing on the Kentucky river. JOHN L Co. Lexington Steam Mill, April 15 WAN' ED TO HUE. A MALE or about 12 of age, for child's The high- est price will given. Enquire of the Punter. HANK SHARES FOR SALE, FIFTY SHARES in the Bank of Kentucky LEWIS SANDERS. June 21st, 1814. . 25-t- f WOOD, is-c- . rjlHE wishes to purchase 203 A Cords of BLUE ASH or to be delivered Brewery, in the course of the summer aud fall. to hire from next or October, for six months or longer, sour five smart and active BLACK to work in the Brewery. None but those of erood charac terwiu engaged. For such, liberal wages lerence to tlia long, being m-- re and W1ii regular as siMand less liable to tangle from ' also to hiie, by the year, a handling, 'who understands Casks. ' made of 1sev,e" skeis. eElty wages will be g.ve'rf for an attentive good work, a skein, a yards round, ma ' making eight hundred and forty ards in each hank- -as many hanW as weighs pound is tT.- - 10 iS,tef" "a",kS "J T J fl V & F0R SALE at the large dozen and sour cuts the pnfPS mpIi reele 120 threads two & a half vmtL . -.- 23 feet lmS Wlth Il'" Uod3. and rnnnd. ' ," 24-t- f vvaiueu Lard and articles t market. vivnnmiv u as- sure io make .H- - nurse. in 13- - Dyers and Scourers,' j"N Blue Djeing formerly ex- - .... ., ..jylyj ,, xrt mjuit. cuulcu in me oia COMMISSION parts Lexington Hcou Ciiawfobi and New Orleans. lnnntli.i,n..i....i warehouse for storing goods, dyc.and transact, hart the soot Main Cross street boridre riHsr.piriTin JNTN. WILLGUS Ins street, house, shall furnished with solicited. 20-- tf. every which afford itwim friflTVC! Sadies continue FEMALE wishes addition L.UUI anM established a of at h . ,, . ".'.." j at of rr . i.: i: - j ..-- . VJ in A S V ,1 K a. j nearest Main-stre- AND1 uuvvimiemi variety of silk, cotton-su- ch Lady's silk: shawls, rrlnwc regimental uniforms uul woollen cloths r ... ,.,.. ,u ,, siains - public in general, that he has opened a!Scoured is tS1! a in ui io. iii, 111 riWFJJV. use, immediately S!SSrrrifcS,!r - 5!.? -r- y exertion, JS fi, ' ,Cmle- - will ASHTQN, in the Market ; Marshall with best both to the Messrs. Patrick and Smith, sufficiently the iaius AppA will not anil A the imT,- -. new twn new .b 20 S June to anu busi jr. to at I ears v ' to the -- u to or wool and as dresses, hats, t.;m. . sea- - and: - - UIE ..in.,. iiicn.uaiii uauiafjcu uyeu or dressed Callico prints glazed in the Manchester manner Manufac- turers' yarns and cloth dyed or diessed.&c Sac 16-t- Apiil 18. rlMIE Subscriber offers for sale, for negotia-- x ble 4, 6 months, lartre stock u following articles, : Sc modation or horse, They have & woollens coarse ' .f.uPl,' ot Stockinett & kersey- - every kind Forage the country will ; j ett S'Ur ,n their Irt toilinett, Frll 'Sfa,C L thSe ,Vl' ma' and vesting Th? U llwir care Flannels, black, Hostlers experienced, in the red, green & vellow ant atte"tion ecessa,y to be Cwrtin, blankets, & They have also Coachee suf-- 1 carpetin? fieient for the conveyance 6 or 7 passengers, I Manchester cords and wluchvwill runrom this place to the Mudlick velvets t,,e"eiB,- - Cotton hose, men's and any a sufficient vomen's iiiimqer.or passengers will justity the trip. cotton sleeves .. . l ' . ..e.n(rwn,j,iney, IHI4. 24-t- f Imh liwMW. JUST PUBLISHED ings, 3-- and 6-- 4 a.i r -- .u: iv. .. , . . ' checks """ ,ui " ""ice ana at w. Essex s n,irit, Book-Stor- JA & 6A whlte "An Epitome of the Commentaries Sir JFm ,mu3lLns Jilackstone on the Lam of glani aelapted 3 Le,vantine. cdJ mask to the.practice in the U A7"-wh- ich con. 2".d ser&? essence oi and a conect of. The Nature law 11, rights of The hether Citizens Husband Corporations ' Property whether bv n, Things personal ,'. t uourts pursuit of by Proceedings in equity Crimes punishments. Offences publicjustice, publicpeace trade; public Homicide , ., " Personal offences N against nrnnprlv preventing offences and iiruuinai Thic unpt n -: vi . ..u. ... wi. all iucsiiiimuie to who l iracis its will nnM itv in.i.i...i..ni ...u.. -.j "'"IMUU4I desires information, to procure Price 50 Cents." ., to those a James JSnii;irv ' ' to Frazier's rlnnp von..i, r. - "iii s office, Upper-stre- et .cAiiijjioii, ai, 5 i cf m.:i.llr.V.in ns bv Lexington, COTTON fjr 75 quality UGAR. I. C, M'CULLOUGH Waistcoaung and offi- - uavairy may o.i and punct- ualityand elegant account, immediate - - .fy 29, SUBSCRIBERS of to Mill, ensuing and a at 16 H. MORTON a be WANTED. Subscriber at nis He-als- September or MEN, be jv.nVtr.. two of of CRAJVFORD BOWES, rtHA have Tl, pvprv of Us CRAWFORD uyeing a colours family mourning, and ui -- i'Sl rtehqeU"nedat, -- - u gooas WHOLESALE. notes 8 a of MERCHANDl.n. rxiKLiin. ! viz Cloths, sine of 80 90 on Icassim'ers y of afford mflrtl0"l be,vyant,nff toiswansdown, trust,1the'-11'"-- s white, naToTTl a of Srin'lr!1.,e.StPrinS;-0rt0'.nyo- f i. "Pola;CAm E, 5;4' w c lector miauiry 6-- 7-- 4 and 8-- 4 French silk shawls Cotton shawls, flags, & pocket handkfs. 2000 pieces ribbon, HARDWARE 500 doz. knives and forks, assorted razors, scissors' and needles 200 Packet nins !'An assortment of gilt ami plated buttons An assortmentYof ivorv and crooked combs, and combs in cSkp SOOOlbs. German steel, warranted good andCoppe'ras, susrar 10 qr casks Medeira wine 10 do. Teneriffe do. do. Port do. 19 bbls French brandy 4th proof 10 do. Jamaica rum 10 do. gin Allspice. Pepper, cin- - ec, chocolate, cloves ana nutmegs LSSiiijtcn, 7 all ot which will bo munnAi. nf...u .,. at and 50 doz. extra largo wane anu col d. Kill gloves u assortment of cot. ton lace and edo-in- r Silk & cotton umbrel las, tapes and bobbins White and coloured thread, silk, and boss cotton Green senshaws, fancv bonnet silks, pink crapes, sarsnets, and peel on its 10 bales India muslin calicoes, Madras and Romall handkfs. Long cloth shirting &; blue nankeen 500 pieces COttnn 5000 lbs Rhodc Island. spun cotton, Women's & children's morrocco and leather shoes Men's coarse do. A sew doz. mnrnt-r,- . skins, hnt.lininirc P.a ' " , 8 faggots English orowiey's do. No. 3 Metal, brass and platct!- candlesticks Stock locks, all sises 20 doz. German nnr Cast-ste- haml nnn. 10 dozen brass backcii do. different seizes Cotton cards, screws. japanned ware, wire. c KC GRfinpoiPQ 40 loaf barrels Coffee allum, mavX. April sewing der, roll brimstone and indiero " Gunpowder, imperial. hyson and joung hv- - son teas 10 crates queens vvarfc quantity of post and writing paper Pittsburgh white and gieen jjia3s-war- e 60 boxes Geneva wui. i dow-gla- J. P. SCHATZELL. 35 .'.! ' ft' - t'!
Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt76125q8k3f/data/1113.pdf · at a certain period of life, Fluor Albus, bar-renness, he, &e. Under the

Which are celebrated for the cure of mostdiseases to winch the human body is liable.

Prepared only by the sole proprietorT. W.. Dyott, M. JJ.

Grandson of the late celebrated Dr. Robertsonof Edinburg.

Sold Wholesale and Retail, in Philadelphiaonly at his Family Medicine Ware-hous- No.137, North east corner of Race and(North Second streets.


OH, VATUHLS GIUNI1 IIESTOIIATIVE.Trice one Dollar und Jifty Cents, "

Is confidently recommended, as the mostefficacious medicine, for the speedy relies andcure of all nervous complainU,attended withmwdrd-weaknes- depression of the1 spirits,headache, tremor, faintness hysteric h'tsV,debi-lity- ,

seminal weakness, and'Vanous complaintsresulting from impropriety of youth and 8is'si-pate-


habits, residence in warm climates, theimmoderate use of tea, the un'skillfuror exces-- ,

sive use of mercury, so often Mistructive tothe human frame, deseases peculiar to femalesat a certain period of life, Fluor Albus, bar-renness, he, &e.

Under the denomination of nervous disor-ders, are included several diseases, of the mostdangerous kind, and are so various, that avolumeavould hardly sulfite to complete a

litem.The most common symptoms of its com

mencement, are weakness, flatulence, palpitations, watchfulness, drdwsmess aftt'r eatiifgtjLUIIIUI, IU9I1C3 UI 11CUL UI1U V.U1U, UUIIlUlieSS ,cramp, giddiness, p tins m the head, back, anapins, hickup, difficulty of respiration and

anxiety, dry cough, &cDa. ROBERTSON'S


Which' has proved by thousands. whoh'dveexperienced its beneficial effects, to be 'themost valuable Medicine ever offend to thepublic, for the cure of coughs, colds, consump?tion, the hooping cough, asthmas, pain in thebreast, cramps and wind in the stomach,

costiveness, sickness at the stomach,head ache, loss of appetite, indegestion, he.

For the dj sentery or lax, cholera m'orbus, se-

vere gripings, and other diseases ot the bow els,and the summercamplamt in children, it h isproved a certain remedy, and restored to per-fect health from tht? greatest debility.

Persons .afHic'ed with the pulmonary com-plaints or disorder of the breast and lungs, evenin the most advanced stae will find immediaterelies.

Commori'icoughs and colds, which are in general occasioned Jiy obstructed perspiration, willbe sound to yield to its berilgn influence in.alew hours

In .asthmatic or consumptive complaints,hoarseness, vvheesihgs, shortness of breath andthe hooping cough, it will give immediate relies.

Dn. 'ROBERTSON'SCELEBnATEn nooT aiui rheumatic Dnors,

C Price two dollars. )A safe and effectuil cure for the gout, rheu.

matism, lumbairo. stone and Travel, swellimr.and weakness in the joints, sprains, bruises,anH allkinds of green wounds the cramp.pains in the head, face and body, stiffness ofXue necK, chilblains, frozen limbs, ike.


. (Price one dollar.)Which are celebrated fgrstiengthehingweak

stomachs, increasing the appetite and a certainpreventive and cure tor the feVer and ague,&c. Kc.

Tor the Fever and Ague, a malady so prevalent throughout the Southern states, and soafflicting to families residing in all low coun-tries, redundant with marshes, lakes, stagnatedpools, rivers, &c. &c. these celebrated and uni-versally esteemed Bitters, have surpassed anyremedy ever administered, for the relies andcure of that most obstinate oppressor of thehuman frame, numberless- - instances of theirefficacy have been testifisd, aster the barks,and various other extolled prescriptions sailed.they proved successful, to the admiration ofthose, who experienced and witnessed theirhappy effects.


-- A Medicine highly necessary to be kept inall Families. Price 50 "cents.

,. SYMPTOMS.The common symptoms of Worms are, pale-

ness of the countenance, at other times flush-in- g

of the face, itching of the nose, and aboutthe seat, starting and grinding of the leelh insleep ; swelling of the upper lip, the appetitesometimes bad, at other times voracious;looseness; disagreeable breath ; a hard swelled belly ; great thirst ; the urine frothy, andsometimes of, a whitish color ; griping or cho-li- c

pains ; an involuntary discharge of saliva,especially when asleep ; frequent pains irt theside, with a dry cough, and unequal pulse;palpitation of the heart; swoonings, coldsweats ; palsy, epileptic fit3, Sec. &c.

Though numberless medicines are extolledfor expelling and kdling worms,none are equalin efficacy to Dr. Robertson's Worm DestroyingLozenges, they-ar- e mild in their operation, andmay be given to the youngest infant with safe-t-


For the prevention and cure of Bilious andMalignant severs.

C Price 25 cenls large bbxes 50 cents.JThese Pills, is timely administered, will re-

move the causes which commonly produce theYellow Fever, Bilious, Fever, Ague and Fever,Cholic Pains, Flatulencies, Indigestions. Cos.tiveness, Hypochondi iac & H steric complaints'Stranguarv, travel, Kiieumatism and Gout.

They are peculiarly serviceable in Female

those obstructions wincn are the gieat sourceof their complaints at certain periods, theyposses this eminent advantage over most oth-er purgativesrtflU while thev operate gently,they produce neither costiveness, nortoo gieat excitement, whenever there is

to a disease, arising from marsheffluvia, a too opious use of ardent spirits,or a vitiated state of the lie they are sure torelieve.


For pleasantness, safuy, expedition, andcertainty is superior to any other medicine, for the cure of that most disagreeableand tormenting disorder the itch.

("Price 50 cents per box.)DYOTT'S


'CIRCASSIAN EYE.WATER,Asovere!gii remedy all disorders of the

eyes, Price 50 cents.'



('Price one dollar. JX. THi; UALM OF IBERIA.Extracte'd from an lhermn nl.inf. for r.urinr

defects of the skin, and thelllj V".lt Ills."

CPrice two Hollars.) f'THE RESTQRATIVE DEATIFRICE, For cleaningwhitemng and preserving theteeth and gums.

fPrice 50 cents per box JSince these invaluable medicines were firstdiscovered, upwards of seven hundred thousandpersons have experienced their happy and salu-tary effects many of whom from the loweststage of their disuiders.

Take notice; that eacli and all of the abovegenuine Medicines are sinned on the outside co- -vers with the signature of the sole proprietor

T. W. DYOTT. M. 1).Is A supply of the above Medicines just rc- -ceiveu anu wr sale oy the agents.Messrs. .M'Calla, Gams j KyJames Ritchie, .Merchant, ' Winchester, Kj.Messrs. Crockett ? Frankfort, KvJohn & James Brudsluiw, ' Shelbyville, Kj .IVilLamtt. limes, BardstoWn. ICv.Messrs. Letcher H M'Kce, ' Lancaster, Ky.ii tuts l oung, tj Co. Pans, KjRowland pattern, ' Georgetown, Ky.Geo Howard, U Co. MounfsteTlmg, Ky

Pamphlets containing certificates of cures &cmay be had gratis at each of the above pltes.

Dr. T. W. DYOTT respectfully informs thepublic, that the above mentioned genuine Medicmes, are prepared and sold in Philadelphia,only at his wlioles.de. and retail Drug and Fam-ily Medicine Warehouse,. No 137, North EastCorner of Second and Race streets where hehas constantly for sale a large and general as-sortment of fresh drugs and medicine, of eve-ry description, wai ranted genuine

Those wli i purchase by the quantity cash,will be allowed a verj liberal discount.1

Nl B Country Storeke pers can obtain theagency for vendjng the above Medicines oncommission, by addressing the Proprietor, ac-

companied with satisfactory reference, &c.Letters post paid, from any part of the con-tine-

will meet atttntiun.July gq, 1813 29 e. o. 1 year

Silver Plating & Brass Founilery.. WE. J FOOD RUFF,

jTBESPKCTTUULLY inform their friends"' ad the public in geneial, that they stillcontinue to carry on the above business in alltheir branches at their former stand oppositeLewis Sanders, on Main-stree- t, Lexir.p-to-They return their sincere thanks tor pist pa-tronage, and hope by their strict attention tobusiness, to merit its continuanceTULI HAVE AXD IXTLND KEEPING OS IIAWD,

An elegant assortment ofPlated Bridle tfiits, Stirrufl 'Irons, &c.

Or TUB HOST FASaiOCAllLE.rATTinss,Which the) will sell much lower than haseier been sold in the western country. Coun-try merchants can be supplied at the Philadel-phi- a

prices.'ALL KINDS OF

Carriage and Harness Mounting, Carriageand Gig Springs, Coicfi Lace Fringe


Brass Candlesticks, Andirons, Shovels IsfTongs, Dotr Knockers, Ifc.

Which they will dispose of very low for Cash,ALL KINDS or

Brass Work for Machinery, ClockWork, v5c- -

CAST OV THE SIIUIITESTAlMl ffycte) Ji'vels, Gun Mountings, life.

ALWATS Ot HAND.They have just received an extensive assort- -

mentof' Siiddlery, fyc." t

All of which will be soldion the most rpficni.ble terms for' Cash .


(TjPTwo or three Journeymen wanted im.mediately td work at the white-smith- " business.Also, twj or three Apprentices wanted to theabove business. "

Two or tluee apprentices wanted to learnthe Silver Plating business.The highest price in Cash will be given forold COPPER, BUVSS & PEWTER

Lexington, April 4, 1814. '14-t- f

Greenville. Springs.qHE Subscriber takes this method to inform

1- the public that he has taken the Green.ville Springs, near Harrodsburg, and will beready by the 20th inst. to receive boarders ;he pledges himself every thing in his powershall be done to render the situation of thosewho may call on him comfortable. largeand numerous buildings on the premises willenable him to accommodate a large companync win uc suuiuu wiin liquors ot every kind

his stables are large and shall be wellfilled with hay and grain of every kind henopes mai oy an unremitted attention to hisduty, he will be enabled to give general satis-faction.

H. PALMER.Apr;)' 1814. . j j-t- f

Doctor Walter BraslieavHAS just taken Up his residence in Lexing-

ton and will practice Medicine & Surgery inconjunction with Doctor E. Warfield.

Calls on them at their shop will be partial-larl- y

attended to by one or the other of them.19-t- f May 10, 1813.

MOHRISOA', BOSWELL ii SUTTOJVHave justt received a large Assortment of

GOODS,In addition to their former stock j whichwill be disposed of on reasonable terras forCash.


A large quantity of SAIL DUCKU SEIJETlflJVK.

Disorders, and especially in the removal ofl Nov. 15, 1813.





improving complex- -





Tanning t$ Currying Husiness,H VS a quantity of LEATHEllon hand, whichhe will dispose of upori'moderate terms. Hewants two Boys as apprentices to the abovebusiness.




mgton, January 19, 1814.JOHN HULL.

TWENTY DOLLIRS REWRD.OANUVAY from theubsenber ori the 17thjLb ummo, a mulatto boy named JESSE,

about 5 feet 8 inches h.gh, and 18 years ofage ; he has woiked s .me time at the Carpen.UVa trade he took witbNiim a callico andcheck shirt had on a snuff coloured clothcoat and fur hat. The above rewarl will t,given or securing nimun any jail, and all rea

envered in LJXinirtonsuuauic cjjcusca n'UAY1D MEGPWAN.

.May 6, 1814. jgf ,

MRS. BROWN lias just received froman assortment of the most

fashionable STRAW HATS & BONNETS, viz :

I'Eicui's with cocnaues,Y DECA TUR'S Do.

RIDING, Do. &c. &c.13-t- f March 28, 1814.

J. H. OVERSTREETMAS for sale, SUGAR of the old crop, by

the barrell, and QOFPEE of superior quality,also in barrels. Orders from his friends at adistance will be attended to.

(Salem,) Louisville, K.May 2, 1814. 18 -

NEW GOODS.K. WARTIELD is just receiving from

Philadelphia and llaltimore, and now openingat his store next door to Tilford, Scott andTrotter's, a large and general assortment ofMERCHANDIZE, suitable forthe spring sea-son, which he will disp. se of on the most rea-sonable terms for cash, by the piece, or retail ;among these goods may be sound some choicearticles, to wit :

Best Cotton Cards, No 10,Waldron's Grass and ConPScythes, '

" Elfgant fancv patterns, "of d

cotton c.lnth.Stripes and Plaids,A variety of fashionable Straw "Bonnets,Boots and Miner of every kind,Mantuas, Levantine and "Virginia Silks,Fancy Muslins.Lmen Catnbrick,Assrted Silk Velvets,

Do. Do. Ribbands,Elegant new patterns of Paper Hangings,Queens and Glass Ware,China, Tea and Table Setts,Ironmuiigerj of every description,Groceries,Tea of ihe best quality,Best Coffee, . VSegars of all kind,Iron and Nails,Currying KnivesCurriers' Fleshers,Venering Saws; W Cut Saws, Mill Saws,Whip Saws, HandSaWs,

And a great vanetv of spring fancy Goods.FOR SALE,,

A quantity ofxgood Cotton Bagging ready fordelivery. ., -

Il'AATED, ,A sew tons of good clean JIGMP, for .whichthe highest price will he given in money.

Match 22, 1814 Mtj-tf- 'COCHRAft is" OVERTOjY.

OCTOR COCHRAN has removed his re-sidence from his lalp tisltitot.nTi C" !,

house recently built by Mr. Samuel Redd, onLimestone street, a sew doors from Mr. Postlethwait's Inn, nearly opposite the Jail and inview of the Hotel, where he will continue tpractice SURGERY St MIDWIFE-RY, in all such cases as may be entrusted tohis care in town and in the adjacent country.Having commenced a partnership with DoctorJames Overton, either of them may be consult-ed at any time at their shop, in the lower sto-ry of the above described dwelling DoctorsCochran and Overton pledge themselves to be-stow their undivided attention upon the du-ties of their profession, and to make it as ser-viceable to society as its nature and their bestexertions can produce.

Dec. 28. 1813. l..t--


No. 44, Mainstreet,HAVE just received 24 packages of

STRIPES, I ClIAMJWATS,i I Jin jno, UP. UC.I he whole of which are offered for sale on the

mosi reasonable terms, by the PACKAGE

A BOUNTY OF 124 DOLLARSAND 160 acres of land will be given to eachable bodied recruit, between the age of 18 and40 years, who'will enlist in the 2d rifle regimentfor 5 years or during the War, 50 dollars inhind, 50 dollars when mustered and the ba.lance When ilisr.harmvl !.. a Ju-- t --j, w viunais permonth durin? service.


appointed! hTn""''recruit shall receive 8 dollars,

J. HEDDELSON, Lieut.2d Regt. Riflemen.

Lexington, May 30.

T",Lubscriber wishes t0 hire three or sourfor whom a liberal price

will be given in Cash.DANIEL LAYTO-N- .

Lexington, Mav 30, 22-t- f

SLATE TROM wnni'crpiIE FURNACE is now in full blast, mak- -

...G ...., wi. iv luur ions a clay.Orders forwarded shall be executed

neatness and dispatch, patterns forwarded tomy Iron Store in Lexington, meet aconveyance to the Works.

MARIA EORGE 'Is also now at work all the sires are well

manned and making Iron of a superior, qua-lit-

SLATE FORGEIs also m high operation, arid making a tonper day.A constant supply of Iron will be kept at my

store in Lexington of a quality not inferior toany made in the United States, and will bewarranted as such by

THOMAS DEYE OWINGSLexington, 10th Dec 1813.

Coach and Harness Making"-- " BEACH &NEILL

CARRY on the business on Main-Cros- s

and flatter themselves from theirexperience in .the first shops in New-Yor-

Philadelphia and Baltimore, to be able tofinishtheir work in a style not inferior to any here-tofo-

finished in the western country. Ordersrespectfully

Lexington, December 6, 1813. 49 tfBrass Founder

. W E. WOODRUFF, iff Co.the business at their forJ mer stand, and by arrangements lately

made, they are enabled to conduct it on a moreeiiensive scaie, anu lo execute every speciesof casting m Brass or Copper in the best man-n- er

and on short notice. A sunnlv n nrKWORK, GUN MOUNTING ANDIRONSSHOVELS & TONGS, BELLS, &c

Two or three apprentices, about16 or 17 years of age, will be taken.

3-- January 22, 1814.

it. Mcgotban & Co.Give five dollars cash, for good.merchautahle

HEMP,At thejr Rope w.lk m the suburbs of thetotfn; Ritistni road.

tf . Teuruary 7. 1814.

THOS. JT. PIHDELL,IS just receiving in addition to his formerstock, a complete and splendid assortment of

MERCHANDIZE,Suitable to the present and approaching sea-sons, which he will dispose of on good termsat his stand formerly occupied by J sc D.Maccoun, opposite the Court-house- , on Main-stree- t.

13-t- f Lexincton. March 28. 1815.

rpllE Subscriber has on hand at Ins SmithShop, formeilyiccupiedby Win. Hart, an

assortment of the following articles of a supe-rior quality, all of which will be sold on reason-able teims for cash or the usual credits, viz :Warranted AxesSteeleel Hoes "

Carey PloughsCommon ehtto,Grubbing HoesMattocksHinges of all inscriptionsCarpenters, HatchetsHand Axes


iredgesDra-win- KnivesChains of kindsShovels and TongsCranePothooksSkimmfiff

Pl llP Stirifc!.VPt ItlLinn. sit ft T?lrrie tiritliinl tl CVPCDl Ii..!. inllt? frt iliiinla.t nntice Horse shneinr will hp nnrtTrnlnrlv nnrl

atten led to.It. DUWMNU.

Lexington, Teb. 26, 1814. 9-- tf

Commission Business.OLIVER ORMSBY and CH RLE5 DOANEHave enter' d into a under thefirm of ORMSBY and DOANE they proposetransacting business generally in the commission line.

17 3m Pittslmgh, Ap'il 19,1814.

LEVI L. TODD,WILT. VH Af!T!3H I. A Win i.,.otio n ...bon and Scott circuit courts his pLce of resilience is

Sept. .1813. 36-- lf


J' EW1S SANDERS and Co. have recomiLi menced their Cotton Spinning Factorybv Steam, at Sanders, two and. a linlfi mileswest of Lexington. The SteairCEngine builtaim constructed by Dmiel Large,Philadelphia, upon Watt and Boltons' plan!.. . - ......... j. in. unii i"Jiw,dildllS.

Their Cotton Yarn will be sold at the oldprices at the factory, and at the store of JohnScott, jr; in town.

No. 8 83 cents No;910"



Familiesvan tare


1001081 12 J118f








125 cents131J137i14415015Gr162 J






and Manufacturers will find greatthe use of the short hank in pre- -





even betoparticiilaily-indjein-


Sakintight Liberal.uZZl


"a1814.LeXmgt0" reWer-enu-

eachT, Le- -"'

to Brewery,guage


ai uie tactory, Tallow, Hogsmost the usually sold

Lexington, May 16, 1814.

,r......STORFJ by

.,,..,., uyauivaa incir IIUC Oilreasinible terms.

20 tf


May 1814.

COLUMBIANinfnrmc frionrlo


t.a.. uie townV?) and

c ironting the uourt deter- -

will be Any person beH,s abl5








LuxuryLexington will and his

be constantly supplied theLiqouis, foreign and domestic.

The Stables attached the Columbian Innare in occupancy

and are large for accam- -

uie liiaccstone sCommentavies, gives idea

nsThe absolute Individuals

People Aliens orand Wise W


The remedies action


public and economy',JV- - Vr'Vf

OffencesMeans of


those have time or opportunemuuai(jci- - iavv trom



liberal discount who purcliasequantity.

Is.liSs removed his office, lnww ':

iow. uvc i.yionjauuary laltf.'

DAVID TODDB"AS iust onened lmoortalion

fAm p.inrin the stone house near the market house.

He has COf FEE and Orleans SUGAR thebarrel.

May 16, 1814.

SUGAR."FUST received, bales nnme .s

ser COTTON, 20,000 lbs. flmFor sale by.

.T. P. RPITAT7PT1314. 23-t- f

FOSl'ERMerchant Tailors.

O AVE just received an additional supply ofJtfine r.lnth.snnr nnprfintrt (iriit.aA vraH.

United Statestds anu Duttons they

those gentlemen who may please call onmem, uisy uepenu Uaving-thei- r workdone with the greatest despatch

in themost manner.16 April 18.

ALL THOSE indebted tn 7.,r . e;,-- ..either by bond, note or bock aie reiiucsitu tome lorwarupavmenl those excented Imvino- - rimmm.- , .U..IIIIILcounls under special agreement. Theness win to be conducted under thefirm of

Loirnr a? suaJune 1813. 26-- tf

'IMIE wish pui chase threeor sour bundled Coids WOOD, be

delivered their Steam in course of thfesummer fall.. They also wish tw

piircllase sew thousand bushels of Stone Coal,to be eithei delivered the Mill or some

landing on the Kentucky river.JOHN L Co.

Lexington Steam Mill, April 15

WAN' ED TO HUE.A MALE or about

12 of age, for child's The high-est price will given.

Enquire of the Punter.HANK SHARES FOR SALE,

FIFTY SHARES in the Bank of KentuckyLEWIS SANDERS.

June 21st, 1814. . 25-t- f

WOOD, is-c-.

rjlHE wishes to purchase 203A Cords of BLUE ASH or to

be delivered Brewery, in the course ofthe summer aud fall.

to hire from nextor October, for six months or longer, sourfive smart and active BLACK to work inthe Brewery. None but those of erood characterwiu engaged. For such, liberal wageslerence to tlia long, being m-- re and W1ii

regular as siMand less liable to tangle from ' also to hiie, by the year, ahandling, 'who understands Casks.' made of 1sev,e" skeis. eElty wages will be g.ve'rf for an attentive good work,a skein, a yards round, ma 'making eight hundred and forty ards in eachhank--as many hanW as weighs pound is

tT.- - 10 iS,tef" "a",kS "J T Jfl V & F0R SALE at the largedozen and sour cuts the pnfPS mpIi

reele 120 threads two & a half vmtL . -.- 23 feet lmS Wlth Il'" Uod3. andrnnnd. ' ," 24-t- f

vvaiueu Lardand articles t market.

vivnnmiv u


io make.H- -




Dyers and Scourers,'j"N Blue Djeing formerly ex- -.... ., ..jylyj ,, xrt mjuit. cuulcu in me oia

COMMISSION parts Lexington Hcou Ciiawfobi andNew Orleans. lnnntli.i,n..i....iwarehouse for storing goods, dyc.and transact, hart the soot Main Cross street boridreriHsr.piriTin



shall furnished



20-- tf.

every whichafford







additionL.UUI anM

established a ofat h . ,, . ".'.."

j at ofrr . i.: i: -j ..-- . VJ in

A S V ,1 K



nearest Main-stre- AND1uuvvimiemi variety ofsilk, cotton-su- ch Lady's silk:shawls, rrlnwc

regimental uniformsuul woollen clothsr ... ,.,.. ,u ,, siains- public in general, that he has opened a!Scoured istS1! a in

ui io. iii, 111riWFJJV. use,immediately


5!.? -r- y exertion, JSfi, ' ,Cmle- -




the Market ;Marshall with best


the Messrs. Patrick andSmith, sufficiently the






the imT,- -.

new twn















to the-- u


orwool and as

dresses, hats, t.;m. .

sea- -and:

- - UIE

..in.,. iiicn.uaiiiuauiafjcu uyeu or dressed Callico printsglazed in the Manchester manner Manufac-turers' yarns and cloth dyed or diessed.&c Sac

16-t- Apiil 18.

rlMIE Subscriber offers for sale, for negotia-- xble 4, 6 months, lartre

stock ufollowing articles, :

Scmodation or horse, They have & woollens


' .f.uPl,' ot Stockinett & kersey- -every kind Forage the country will ; j ettS'Ur ,n their Irt toilinett,

Frll 'Sfa,C L thSe ,Vl' ma' and vestingTh? U llwir care Flannels, black,Hostlers experienced, in the red, green & vellow

ant atte"tion ecessa,y to be Cwrtin, blankets, &They have also Coachee suf-- 1 carpetin?fieient for the conveyance 6 or 7 passengers, I

Manchester cords andwluchvwill runrom this place to the Mudlick velvetst,,e"eiB,- - Cotton hose, men's andany a sufficient vomen's

iiiimqer.or passengers will justity the trip. cotton sleeves




. ..e.n(rwn,j,iney, IHI4. 24-t- f Imh liwMW.JUST PUBLISHED ings, 3-- and 6-- 4

a.i r -- .u: iv. .. , . . ' checks""" ,ui " ""ice ana at w. Essex s n,irit,Book-Stor- JA & 6A whlte

"An Epitome of the Commentaries Sir JFm ,mu3lLnsJilackstone on the Lam of glani aelapted

3 Le,vantine. cdJmaskto the.practice in the U A7"-wh- ich con. 2".d ser&?

essence oiand a conect of.

The Nature law


rights ofThe hether CitizensHusbandCorporations 'Property

whether bv n,Things personal ,'. tuourts

pursuit of byProceedings in equityCrimes punishments.Offences publicjustice, publicpeace

trade; publicHomicide , ., "

Personal offences N

against nrnnprlvpreventing offences and

iiruuinaiThic unpt n -: vi ...u. ... wi. all iucsiiiimuie

to whol iracis its

will nnM itv in.i.i...i..ni ...u..-.j "'"IMUU4Idesires information, to procure

Price 50 Cents."., to those


James JSnii;irv ' '

toFrazier's rlnnp von..i, r.- "iiis office, Upper-stre- et

.cAiiijjioii, ai, 5i

cfm.:i.llr.V.in ns



COTTON fjr75

quality UGAR.



Waistcoaung and offi- -uavairy

may o.iand punct-

ualityand elegant


-- .fy



Mill,ensuing and





at nis

He-als- Septemberor











CRAWFORDuyeing a colours

family mourning, andui

--i'Sl rtehqeU"nedat,-- - u


WHOLESALE.notes 8 a

of MERCHANDl.n. rxiKLiin. !

vizCloths, sine

of 80 90 on Icassim'ersy

of affordmflrtl0"l be,vyant,nff toiswansdown,



naToTTl aof









6-- 7-- 4 and 8-- 4

French silk shawlsCotton shawls, flags, &

pocket handkfs.2000 pieces ribbon,

HARDWARE500 doz. knives and

forks, assortedrazors,

scissors' and needles200 Packet nins

!'An assortment of giltami plated buttons

An assortmentYof ivorvand crooked combs,and combs in cSkp

SOOOlbs. German steel,warranted good


10 qr casks Medeirawine

10 do. Teneriffe do.do. Port do.

19 bbls French brandy4th proof

10 do. Jamaica rum10 do. ginAllspice. Pepper, cin- -

ec, chocolate, clovesana nutmegs

LSSiiijtcn, 7

all ot which will bomunnAi. nf...u .,.

at and

50 doz. extra largowane anu col d. Killglovesu assortment of cot.ton lace and edo-in- r

Silk & cotton umbrellas, tapes and bobbins

White and colouredthread, silk,and boss cotton

Green senshaws, fancvbonnet silks, pinkcrapes, sarsnets, andpeel on its

10 bales India muslincalicoes, Madras andRomall handkfs.

Long cloth shirting &;

blue nankeen500 pieces

COttnn5000 lbs Rhodc Island.

spun cotton,

Women's & children'smorrocco and leathershoes

Men's coarse do.A sew doz. mnrnt-r,- .

skins, hnt.lininirc P.a'



8 faggots Englishorowiey's do. No. 3Metal, brass and platct!-

candlesticksStock locks, all sises20 doz. German nnr

Cast-ste- haml nnn.10 dozen brass backcii

do. different seizesCotton cards, screws.

japanned ware, wire.c KC


loafbarrels Coffee allum, mavX.



der, roll brimstoneand indiero "

Gunpowder, imperial.hyson and joung hv- -son teas

10 crates queens vvarfcquantity of post andwriting paper

Pittsburgh white andgieen jjia3s-war- e

60 boxes Geneva wui.i dow-gla-



ft'- t'!
