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Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY...

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POETftY. FqTu the KiTUcxy Gazette. t OHjSWEBr IS TIIK tea:: &c. '"'W OIi avvcet is'the leSifiat we Shed o'er tlfbspot VIili'- liie friend. tlrai we lovo in silence repeset, ' ''is t'leu we thinkon Ins pculou:. lut, Huw At; Is ft hi W joy jiiulmg bright mid the r$ses , ' hat the baud ofToveliness slung around Inm! et tlic martial liump and the battle's clang alt'dhi i e ee.and his high-hear- t bminded ; littit .o dreai.it-- , as tticlRriQnsarjg- - ? 4 Jo ted t.ial Hie ba.tle was over? 'l..at-ii- s hume a.id bis love he snoulu n er meqi aoal" n- - And dwell on her lips .villi the warmth oCajover" $ or Ins form lies low, on the deep crimsoned plain And we tpat bhensh'd liVetoegrct hinl! Uh shed not the tear ot sorrow lct'wine In .leenbrjmminjr eoblcts circle the board, Wlu'e friendship and valour the laurels shall twincj 1 o hang on fiistoinb,5ii.J wave, round his siVord! 1 O'.! lU brightness m danger, uxsh d over the gloom Like a star in the perilous night And lts'lill shall grace the hatloivM tomb Where he sleeps m his same, ami his might! 'i hen aeud round the cup and let tlie tear Mingle with the sparkilcs on its brim ' It will icll m this momciit bis memory was dear 4 Ana hallo r each drop that pours lor JJUJ While beauty shatling the song ssrrite How he stood in the battle s array 1'ounng out in that hour the fountain of life Wiiile sinking toiest belteathfaine's brilliant ray! And its light shall pmnt to times j ct to come "' The spot where the hfio reposes And though the trump and the warrior drum Will be heard no more and the fading ie-- In his boiverof bliss shall cease p, blooifb Yet while memory lasts we II cherish his name. And the warm" throbbing hearts d.F. hfc.frie'cdi bo! his tomb; tj V,' Aa O.e lips ufthel'dVely E(vate"nTiis-fame- J v 'iCLE0N-v- . SWEDISH HO USCS. ' '' I was surpibtd to find iif" tkp Royal Stables in Sweden, that there was no strtlw, or other bedding Tor tde horses. The animals he or stand onperfttr-a- U J board" this is an universal practice. It has lccn approved I v the Veterinary Colleges of both ii and Copenhagen, afid adopted by the rov it and othorgreat families, on account of its sal-- i iary erfi ts on the toot of the hqise; In ccuntries . i ere thje horses s'.it.d in a hot led produced by the r ovAi litter, tneir feet become tender and sub- - Kit l,Jdivor9 disorders, but vou seldom seo a lame or fouollered horse in Swcn or Denmark. ,1 Ibis should prove a good substitute for Rtraw.it ,in0ht Lin.ga.boL.t 'a reduction in the price of tuyJ AcerbixsTravch. .NORTH CAROLINA GOLD. TheCherawIjtelligencer of the" "lltlfv'inst. states t.iat, "an immense d J ot pure Gold has within a short time ba k, ueen sound iu the cjuiintics of Ca barrus, Viuiii" irnery and Ansou, North Carolina.l In Muntii iu iv anew mine has "been discovered 4 Toient Hum anv waliavc mentioned. ThcGoldi - abstracted from large masses of rock, which in- - dif-- to th existence of rich andfextensive mines, and strungly roscmble those of Peru. We under-Eta- nl a poor'irfan, on whote larid the mine in Mont- gomery was'Siscovered, Itas vyi;hin a sew weeks o' tamed about a half a bushel of Gold, amounting 'o $20,0'JO. Jt isjsaid that this extraordinary good fortune has partially deranged him." u:ubrella..manufactorj. 1 MRS. MARSH, . FETUUNS thanks to her friends M. t" ii for the encouragement hitherto J F rtT f jj . i - ,i ...... ,. .i -. "ir given iter, aou tiiiuiiits iiiuiii ihul auc still continues to malic and repair j L Umbrellas. She has rernued to a .nlt tVi.nn Kiil(Hlnr Jn !Vt a rU t at rCPl T:iZS. 3M'"" ""- - ....f,-- .. ,...j.- - wo doors from Shortstreet, and opposite to the hnnsnlntelv occupied asan olDVo for the Western Monitor. The house will be designated by an um; bre11aconstanlly"3pttid at the door, Mrs. Msrsh has lateir recened an assortment tffi . t .... r t-- ii 1 tr.e mo",t tajnli.cauio mouuiiu mi uiiiuic.imji.il April 20 17-- 31' nSSTcE" njIIE DEBTORS to tiie Bank of Kentucky JL whose dehti oi mutated at the late Lexington Branch Bank, ai nijtiifd that their nutes fall due.i on the IT'I - lay .es'f'arid that line A jer.t fort!i.M 1 i h I, 0 ihstuetjtnr'yp ct, xted t It i ' (jr, in 1 ui'sday in8"W4" " ': ami u, l.iv. for tl ruHiiSe of j .v.ng no'.eAl i( . 1, calls a.,i diiaputits-Jfrfjitt- s fi.r reu filid i.i ' n Dronoer ai'ieOofwitfiAa.cieHKiraodoiA of the a- - I, mint t"! e paidltPJJitoaintttiipattni j llcatiou at Hie Uianth Bank ofttip C'ou monv. ehlih. 'J 1 1 OM AB P. D L D LE Y , Jlgcnt. April '23. 17-- it. ' EtWARI). "R N AWAY from the subscriber iSx3 on the 4th of Apiil, a nesh"o l l''i man named BEN, about S7 year, 1j.' vi .A 41 cI.tti m i rt tuitli sMrnwri' ho lest eye, another oo hisohoik went lame on account pf his little ton bein? vcrv sore, and Ins soot irECSsSSSs- talks a little bioken,vcrj i"mil of linnor. had on a grey jane short coat, anl o'd light drab S'irtoul coat and two j vr of ragged overalls He rode (T a bay horse, ten years old, a.b jut 14 hanls hieh, a natui il trotter, sbixl hefoi p, 51 star in his sorehead, roach m',v.n and bob tail, witK some saddle and collar marks TIipip vn also, another Negro Alan lest this ula-- at the araS loa man iti Ala baraa. stout well msdi:, about ii yeais old, and i; supposod to have iode a sorrel boiso of J. 'I anncr, f.mr years old, sixteen ham's high, with Uf.t mane and (ail, and sour white set. It is si.ppoied ll.py will make for the sta,te of Ohio and pci! upiforl ?ji-ad- I will give tho Above rewjid is taken out of tin- - stale, ortvventy dollars, is lakrn in the -- tate and hccuinl in any jail so that I get Jnm, ani pay all rMnnWi' chanros. V gcnProu1-ewarf- t will he ivpnfprthe horses or pilliei us them, or 'fur infor-niatio- n so that I got tii.-- B. COSORTH. Le-c- . April M.102S 17-- tf. fjv-Th- c Liberty tlall, Cii'cu.ns-ti- , i' "ivp t",p above thro wpeks in,sprUont and f. ivv..it il.en office lor payment. BLANKS FUli VILE .IT THE rT.TTE OFHCE ' Wgysc Iir; subscriber, Inn Keep J5- - er in Of? Town ot Cuiuui bia, A!air'eq.iint)ji,Ky. is now rJTepariii,!ii.irwill have m c .mnleteorder by the 10th of pnlenvui.iK, the Columbia fu.l; Svlucli is in sigm cf the town On this Tut will be run a matcli race on the second 'Ihursday in Ma" "tit (lhe u" "' tlie niontn.;one nnleaiul repeal lor ol"uu- - ""r""" CHskva Esq Florazethntse. Andrew Uarneliv WJup niare hpoil.letter Stveial other races are con ttniplatc-fl- . This turl is about the centre between Lex- ington, Nas'oWlleLouisville and HiriL.ille, equal and bj many si.iil tub? superior to the LeMntOn turl It shall be kept in complete trim for Fall aid spring racing and being situ-lte- ab..ut the centre of thoSe places mentioned (whereat the best sunning hoie m (he countrv are to he fiiund. he hopes to have tlie pleasure oi seeing Gentlemen from those qaaiters with their sine hoises, meet un theCULCMUI.V lei lit 'and there try the r bl'ECl) and H0T10M - ItOUEItT II. liUUTON., H I). The Editors of the Vrankfort Argus, L,ouis-ill- p Adintiser. liusselsville MeSscnirer, and Nashvilie liepubhcan will be so good us to in,sfeit the above three times' in their respective p'apers and forvv ard tr e respective charges to me which shall lnunediatelv be paid or remitted HODEUT II BURTON. Columbia, Adair county Ky, .March 28, 1825. Somctlting ingvAttr. fIIAT is some person lest at my shop abou two R. ears ago a Taige Circular bar, brass and iron; and sfcrnething still more singular is, is the ovvneidoes not cull and pay for the repairs and take it away I shall s ion sell the same to pay myself for the repairs and this ad- vertisement. ' STEPHEN SrURI!IVNT. I ex April 15, 1825 16-- ot. , LAW NOTICE. JAMES SHANNON, Lore of Wheeling, ft. ILL practice Law in the Circuit and County Court ot rayette, and tlie Circuit Courts ot uouroon and Jessamine. All business entiusted to Inm will re ceive prompt attention. His office is on Mioit Street. , Lex. Dec. 20, 1824. 25-- tl. LAW .VOTICE. . RohlSRT J. BnKCKrNRiDor. 'A Attorney and CoiAnselioY at Law, WlLLATVENL IHF FAYErtKClUCUlTCOUKTS Lexington, Jipnl 6,1284 15.-- tf. LAW NOTICE. JOHN WTTIBBATTS fi J, q, HARRISON. JTi AVE united i the Practice of the LAW in the Si Tayette Ciicuit Courts. '1 heir Office is kept in tlie roommimeuiaieiy aoove me umce oi tne cicrK of the County court. April r, 1825 14 tf. J; M. PIKE, ANTS TEN- - SHAULS of OLD KENTUCKY BANK STOCK. Please apply at hisLOri'K- - KY se EXCHNGE OFFICE. Lex Feb, l 1825 8-- tf. ' OUT LOT TOLEASE. SEALED proposals will be n ceived until the first of May by the subscribers, for the lease ef Poltersfield, an out lot belonging to the town, for a term of eais - JOSEPH LOGAN, ? com of JOHN M AIcCALLA. 5 Truttcei. Lexirgton, April 11, 1825 15-- .lt Slate ol 1$ fcnvucky , ' Bayrtte Ciicuit Court, Mnrcli term 1G25. Robert Lyi.e's Executors comp'ts, ' agairist , Robkrt Lyiji's heirs defendants. cANCl:Ily- - jrjpilllS day came the complaiiantsb) their coun- - JL scl, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the defendants William Lvle. John femith and Betsey his wise llingo and Sally ins wne iioonn ana lviarvms vine are no in- - jhaoitants of this Commonwealth, and they having sailed to enter their appearance herein agreeably to law and the rules of this Court; On the motion of the Complainants, it is ordered that unless the said defendants do appear 1 ere on or before the 1st day oLgur next June term of this Couit and an- swer the complainants bill the sajpewill be taken for cpnfessed against them. A'nd ins fmther or deredjthat a copyof this order he, Inserted in some authorised newspaper published in1 this Common- wealth for two months successively according to law. Acopv testj , 'S. GARBETT, d. cv r. c.,c. (Hickey, coinpUinant's counsel.) 15 2m ..jt h r, new . tio sulsr.bffrfi- r reiv.ny and opening an elegant 'tr hssoitfittint of SPRING, AND SUMMER GOpDS, TJrGXjfoil, FUEYCIf, I.VMA ii DOMITSTIC. Me has extra s .pcrfiie BLUC and ULAOll CLOTHS a CVSSIMKHtib Kloweied paper for rpo-n- s Bol ting Cloths Leghorn llonnets Olive Oil in cam tfrs for Machinery, He His goods will be disposed ot on reasonable terns.- - Tp those purchasing Jg sell again, lie can offer in duiements. JOHN TILFORD. . Lexington, April 11, 1825-- 15 tf PS v is'iey by .the barrel Powder by the Lpg, i orn uic umoii .vims, lor taic. a i . ICE. A LjL tl ose having demands against Intestate of DAVID LOUAB, dee'd. are requested to present thci.r lespcctive accounts for aduistment; and all who are iudebtedto said estate, will make arrangements for immediate payment., JAMES LOGAN, ' ) CHARLES C. hOGASy)Jld"irs- - iprn o, io-o- . ii-- ar mirTlaJfA'- - jYirrroM: jwm &Ww ,. u ' Jim. aunqiiiiccn nasopcned a lavern JL. tho houso formoilv occumeJ bvMrfN. Si'mn. s'onas a tavertr,,ncar the lower end dT the upper maUiet house; vvlieie he will keafp aiconstant sun-nl- v ofthe best Liquors and other actomniodatiorre. litis stables are in good order ifnd well 'furnished; aud bischa"rgcs6hall be moderate. ' J. RISER. N. B. From sour iosix sedtlerncn of (Toi.rt pl.nr. acter can he accommodated with boardni". AprilS!!, li.2'5 )m J. Ji, JOB PRINTING Of cury !a rijttion neatly erecuteel at this OFFICE Botanic Garden.' TfB!iOrOSALSjwill be received foVthp fo)lowihg,Iforfc 1o Qfub and plough about 7 acres of?Tound. Tirrlave ab( ut 60 sipiare yards with Hat stones. To lajr about 10& Cuuic j ard of a stone lene. To put up a Uoafd fence 7 feet high, anmiid pa rt the ground ' , To Cart Tan barb and othe'r objects by the'dav or the load To procure and 'plant One Thousand young trees, Shlubs and Vines, fio'm the wood Apply to the superintendent C. S. Rafinesque by let teis lest at Capt. Pike's orPheir:as Smith's "ms N H. The slraiehoMers are notified to pay the instal- ments due on iheir shares to the Ireasuierofthe com pany. "Fcb.3't1825 5 tf. . REMOVAL. Subsctiber has removed Lis SMITH THE to the Corner of Upper Street, be- tween the Episcopal and Methodist Churches, wheie he carries on the WHITE SMITH BUSINESS in its various bi anches, iz. Scale Beams and Steel-yar- made and lepaiid. TIip Iron work for" all sors of Machinery, Ileal th Irons almost always ou and for sale. Locks repaired &c. Lc. ' He tenders s to his former friends, and assures them and the public that no pains shall be spared to make them well satisfied both in quality price of the work done at his shop. ' Shoeingand other kinds of Blacksmith Work isrftlonc at Ins Shop at the customary prices. THOMAS STUDMAN. N. B. Two or throe hands w ill bo taken to learn the trade. T. S. Teh. 10, 1H25. 6.-- tf. J . It4 BINDING. ' Book ALEX'Il. DRENNAN & SONS, KESPiiCTl ULLY'Mnform the public that they cairy on the abov e business opposite the low ermaiket house, Lexington Any commands-the- may be favoured with, thall be punctually attended to. N. B. At the same place Silks & Cloths Dyed black, blue, and various colouis Mens' Clothes Srouretl, and the A. -- I 5 tt ,a uoioutureneweu. . Xxington, Feb 10, 1825-- - -tf STATE OF KENTUCKY, FEBRUARY FAYETTE CIRCUIT M.. TERM 1826. John Goiiham, comi-i.ainan- ) " VS. , IN Ausii.oM Cavins's heirs others ( chaaccrv ' .T,I:DANTS. J THIS day came the, Complainant by his counsel and it appearing to the satisfaction of ihe court that (he de- fendant William Armstiong and Poilj-hi- s wise and Sallv Self are no inhabit.nts of this commonwealth and they having Uiled to enter their appearance neieiia-creeabl- y to law and the rules of this court, on the rmS tion of the complainant it is oidered that unless tlue said defendants do appear here on or before the first eLy of our next June term and answer the complainants bill the same shall betaken for confessed against them and it is further ordered that a copy of this order be incited income authorised newspaper published in th,is Commonwealth fortVo months successa ely sgiee-abl- y to law. A codv test ' THOM AS BODLEY, c. f. c. c. " II (HICKEV, r. a.) . I v in ! iem e ot the circuit court ot Fay ette county Ky at their I'ebruary Term 125, obtain- ed by petition ol PeU-- r .Moore's heirs: l'he subscriber appointed by the said cotut commissioner, to cai ry into efiVct the said decree will proceed to sell, on l'riday he 2(Jth ihy ot May 1825, two lots of Land, one con- taining 47 acres and 32 poles the other 42 acres which land is situated in the county of Fayette on the v aters ofthe North fork of I'.lkhorn, aboutv ten miles Noith East of Lexington. ALSO NEGROES. Betty and two clnldien Milhssy and William; which property deceuded from Peter Moore dec'dto Nancy and Blackwell Moore dee'd. The Land is well wate -- ed and title good; the Negioes young and valuable. A credit of 12 months will be given by the purchaser or puichaseis giving bond with approved security; gold or silver "r- THOMAS A RUSSELL, Com'er. March 7 1825 ll-2- m. The Bell Tavern. k On Jefferson street near the Court House. LOUISVILLE Ky. "H S Now occupied by thcundersigned, where genteel jl boaideis and traveller.-- , can nave as gooa accommo- dations as any in Louisville at the Lexington prices AMOS EDWAHDS. Louisville Ky Peb 10th 1825 n. REMOVAL. THOMAS" Q. ROBERTS, CONTINUES to superncnd a HOUSE OF for Mary May, in the town of Hairodsburg Kentucky. She llaving removed from her former stan to the House lately occupied byiGapt Georgb AV 1 hompson, which is more in the centre ofthe town, and adjoining Hie Post Oflice. Having procured additional Rooms to those be longing'tu, the said stand, she will be enabled to ac- commodate more extensively. Tlic house &c. shall be well furnished and my best exertions used to give general satisfaction. Harrodsburgh Maich3;1825 tf. Rotanic Garden. THE Shareholders in the Tiansylvania rtntanic Gar- den Company are notified that the third. Instalment of g5isdue this month of April 1825; and that an elertion ot a President, six Directprs and a Treasm er is to take place on the first morday of May next (2d May), at which none can vote or be elected, unless they have paid all their instalments. vJ. a. il Ai nxijoweiij. " Secretary and Super, t SLAVES FOR SALE; excellent UOOK and WAStlKU, aged- - between AN and 50 years. Also a boy 16 years of age, who is acquainted with quilling in a bagging Jactory. Bnquire ot the Printer. Lexington, April 14. 1825lS-- tf ;W. T. BARRY, TTNrOItMS lus clients that THpMAS M HICKEY fi JAMBS B. UWIS, JAMfJSlSH'ANXON F.sqrs will Rticnd tolusbusines in l!e 'fln'etieCii cuit Court; nd JAMBS bHANJN fiTSiplMid COL J vMEb ;LARK in the Jessamine Cityfii&Cauit, ill mil vs hi latepmtner. CJPTJIJV TIlUiAXi'ii Lolngton Fel) 24.182! ir-t- f. -- i V 3 ttov&juytn MaclvaiuWlv $ . I will gtye'liTjmiJIvvaes to a sew lourrleymen, weUacqiia!iiled,'witltthe BlacksmithV business, ind who can come n ell recommended. JOHN E iP Lexington March 9-- 18;j 12-- 1 JIEMP JVJjYTED fTiIIE highest-pri- ce will be giyeo for merchantable JL 'Hemp byJ?M. Pike, pr Lockerby.and McOuatt Lex. Sep. 23, 1824-39- -'tf R A. Yauab6 ESTATE In Land and Negroes. THE. tract of land on which I reside in the of Jessamine, containing eigl't hundred and sixty-thre- e acres principally inclosed and not sur- passed by any in Ke'nUicky, in, soil. Thcic are about three hundred and fifty acres of the tract in eulu-vajio- n, the ballance finely timbered. Its situation admits of a lnndsome divisio'n either into two or three tenements and would bo sold in divisions to accom- modate purchases. It is admirably calculated for a stock farm, or any other agricultural puisuit. AN excellent site for a DISTILERY, sup- plied by a never sailing stream upon iihicli one has been conducted for many years. I would also sell 25 likely young negroes, ten of whom are men and boys accustomed to, and capable of performing farming business. Tour of the boys 7mV . hnnt, (tnrlno- - ll.r. tact W..n arirnr,.l in V.n.n ,...ub ...w ...w j. w..buu jij a "aiiijj iai;iui. j. nv rusiuuu ui 100 oegtoes aie UKeiy wo- men, girls, and children. The pn chaser may also obtain with the premises a valuable stock of rf!WTffi3rtfPMl Brood "lares & Colts Wfzir - n m.riiinrv ifilii itc TTf nnnr,nfI1, !,! ..f a in- - r. " V2 appnnii.ua u.iJaiilli Ui . maLinf a barrpl ns R55J?IBttfl5 vv...,... ..,....: tS Efe&g " - iiiaiiuy pel. uay 10- - together with the presentcrop of about 15Q aerosol corn, with rye, oats, and hay, also the farming uten- sils. But little is ha.arded in the assertion that a more valuable real estate, slaves, and personal pro- perty has but seldom been offered for ' sale in this country. -- The whole would be exchanged for United States stock or sold at its reasonable Value uptm terms otmutual advantage. S. II. WOODSOV. essamine county, Sept 9,1824 37 tf. LEXINGTON . ' liRJMS IRON JIA'DBELL" P,JVFl tocR,ry n !lie OUNDBING BUSI-!!phlica- desued to observe pait.culail, of whom they ;,,'hb. "uhet"wnof exingtuit,seconddoorheloWlreceivetieAetsoftheaboYe denomination issued bv the rheatrc, WaUr-stree- t, where ail kinds of j UAMEL PBICt, nrass una iron or.v for Jilucliincrv, be. ' r U 1 -- ... . . . " . . .. . . iiuy bc nau on me snoricsi nonce Also, will be kept wii uaim i,r.L.Li3 ioi- - i averns, noi ses, uovvs; retineu Wagon, Carriage aud Gig BOXES ; Hatter's, lailor's1 amiruAl 1UUN5; Scale Weigii its and Wahl Irons; Gun Mountings and Clock Cajtines: Hivets and Mill Curt,,. ' with many other articles too tedious to mention May 16, 1822-5- -tf FOR SALE JBB&. 145 hACRES OP TIRST RATE "3S w Tirir i!,x -- V'i une mne ana a halttrom .Lexington on tne rrult-for- t road, nearly one half is timbered land, the bal jdanceisin a good state of cultivation: a frame house (and Orchard, and one ofthe best springs in Fayette Icounty, and an indisputable title. The above land beijjg tne property ot William L. McConncll dee'd, and is now offered for sale low for CASH bv the heirs of saiddce'd. rorfurther particulars enquire of iiiesuosuriuer in ijexington, anU tlie terms will De made known by him and the land shown, &c. GEORGE ROBINSON. Lex. April 1, 1824 14 tf. WHI8KE.Y WHISKEY of a SUPERIOR' QUALITY for bale by the BAHitLi DAVID M EGO WAN. upper end ofthe market houso. LEXINGTON MAY lOtL 1824 20-- t.f r$m K FOR SALE vtfTSZSsF. A SMALL fARM OF "" .4.1 mm m i'e - H3 W In the immediate neighbourhood 'of rTTHEREare oniffcomfortable buildings for two -- - families is necessary sood water meadows i: orchards, underwood fence anoufficiencyof wood lano. i erms oau oe mane very tavonrano. - Annlfto CIlARLEaJWILKlNS. 1 or Col. JAftlES IiRO'"TER . Alls 1124 ?7- -lf iMOLiOCCU . MSN UFACTOR Y. 1 THE Subscriber respectfully informs the public he has commenced the above busines in I Loxingtonon Main btrcet; and from a long experi ence in one of the puncipal cities in Europe, and the United States also, he flatters himself he will pi odnce articles in Mis line equal toanyin"tlie Union suitable for Shoe Makers; Hatters, Coach Makers Sadlers and Book Bindcrsrwhich he will sell twenty on ceui leaa man impuiiuu fcbius, f , 'I h,c hohnnfii uril! lrtHiir. tlm nnc.mn . 4irV Vestern Conntry-t- o givSprcfercnce to their owr manufacture , N. B. A constant supply of hatters WOOL on hand. PVU'RICK GEOHEGAN. anuary 13th, 1823 2- -tf t- - LaucasAtii'i&M aciwinavj. TF.RMS of tuition in this seminaty are for the Alplia-b;- t, Orthography, Beading, and'slute Writing, Bight Dollars in tlie Cunency ot this State per Session ot live nionuis roi the abov e including paper writing. Arithmetic, and Geography tenDollais One half to be paid in advance and the other half at the close ofthe session 1 he above prices include all expenses for Slates, i'eneds, fens Ink, Papti, and J'ueJ, usually furnished n schdols conducted on the pl-i- of !r Lancaster, hnse who may tiavotpassed beyond the Arithmetic ards in this iiisliuitiou ai-- those who may be engaged ntlie study of Geography will furnish their own books .'ationary &.C Les nr;loo WIVIIAM DICKINSON A r rd 7 1 8 J 1 1- -tf l'rmcTpal. ?Ncw -- Invention. V , ' A MONG thc.numeroiis kinds of useful invcntiors A that havcreccntly appeared before the puhli' , ilhp siibscnbdjiveuld iritioduce that of making SPIHITDOUJJLIQUOBS, man improved j a i, both as it iegSd'8 fuel and labour, ho ini.rliso, tlivt 1 will warrant a kaving of one half of the fuel, aid one tLird of the labour which is consumed m ll.eo.d ways ot distilling Stills n ade m th.s way do n t buin the spirits, andean be made to any size, io make fiom one to six bands of wl.iskej in a day . ; I'ersons tceling disposed to pmehabc rights foi Ii ditidualsorfor a .county, ofthe above mventioi willplei.se cail at the Union Mills,.! css&mir.feoiuiiT where they can see stills on that plan in sut cestui operalioninaking upwards of QRE'llUDBLD GALLOIvba day. Should tl ey wish to purchase rights, Mr. David Cro.icrat the Union Mills is ar I bonded to sell tijem. The following crrtil.cati-- s from gentlemen nho have.eiectcd the stills and trt ed the pfau, aie offered to the public. DAV.1D CUTLER, Inventor an tT patentee, ami ary50, 1S25 fT Having puichased the patent right of Mr DaviU Cutler, on anew plan of dislillaliou, aud havii.ghad a fair tnal on the subject, I have no hesilat,i n iu stating it has far exceeded my expectation both iu saving fuel and labor: I state farther it exceeds a-- thing 1 have ever seen. Given under my hand this 8th day of Januaiy 1825: A: "YOUNG.- - Dear Sin: , a Aster having a fair trial of your improved plan of distilling, I fel it my duty to state to thcpuUio that it fnr exceeds any thing of the kind 1 know of as it respects fuel, labour,v and convenience. 'J he product ofthe grain appears to be better, and the spirit purer, than that made in the ordinal y mode-- . Given under my hand this 17 th day of January 1P25: Nicholasville: JOSEPH II CHRISMAN Mn Davip CxjTiEn: Having sully tested by experiment an 'improved plan of Distillery by Steam Invented by Mr. I).. Cutlpr, I hesitate not to say, that it is far superi- or in point of economy both of Labour and Fuel to any plan I have ever seen, and believe the Spirit made in this way is cqualr to any now made jc tl is state. D. OROZER. Umon Mii.t.s L Jessamine County K.Jan 0lh 1825. - 50 REWARD. givetheabovo reward fn notes of theCom-lnoiiwe'alth- 's Hank, for theapprehem-M- i andcon-ictio- u of the nerson. who broke intri niv smip ronm ,n the town ofYersailles. on the niclit ot'the thiricr.nfh ,inst and tool out of my money drawer about two huu ' .dreddollais, princijially in t.cXets issued by the sub. (criber, the gieater portion of which were seventv-ih- e and sixty lf cents notes Persois Iholdlug tieAets tor the abovi sums aie requesicnto bring them ihai.d exchange them for other tici-el- or- - vcrsaies ity ib25 3-- tr iri. . .i r .. , ... . .uy me rresioeiiuoi tlic uiiiteil btatcfv In pursuance ollaw. I.. lA.MI'.S MiiMnm.-- . ij.. 'of the United states, do hereby declare and l.: .i. .. li. , .. :., t ...... ".',K1' i...ii, inm a I'uui onaie w ill up en fi, n i ,n. ir 'fice at 1 allaliassee, in Honda, on the third Monday of may uet, lor tne disposal ot the follow ing lands, viz. 1 ownhip 1 south ot ltange i w est of the Meridian Tine 2 and 2 north of Range 1 do. d0 Fractional 3 do. do. do do Township I south 12 3 4 and 5eas 1 and2noilh 12 34 ami 5 Fractional tow nslnp 3 12 3 4 and 5 'I he sale ill commence wiih the lowest number of section, township, and rungo, and piocetd in regular numerical order. The lands reserved by the law far use ol schools, or other purposes, will be excluded from the $ale Given under mv .hand, at the Citv of TVal,:t this twenty sixth day of January 1825. ' JAMES MONROE. By the President. GEO GltAIIAM, Commissioner ofthe General Land Office By the President of the United States XN pursuance of law, I, JAMBS AlONKOK, Presi- dent of the United Mates, do hereby publish and make known that a public sale will be held at Land Of fice for the District of Salt Hiv er. in the state of Mis- souri, on the third Monday in May next, for the dispo- sal of such lands, now situate within the limits of said district,sold at tlic Land Office at St. Louis. Mo, which were relinquished to the United .states piorto the 1st, day of Octotre-,,182- 1, undei the provisions of the act ot'Jongrtss, approved on the 2d day of March 1821 entitled "An act for the rehet ofthe nurchasetstif ,.,!. lie lands prior to the let day of July, IRM," which said anils are situate within the follow mg described town- ships, viz ff ist o the 5tk principal meridian. Townships 49, 50, 51, 53, &. 54 ofranpe i 49, 50, 51, 5, 53 5J, &55of 2 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 541, 558c 56, of" 3 49, S3, 54, 55, 5(, & 57 of " 4. 49, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, tJ'59 of" 5 49, , 56, 57, 58, 59, CO & 61, of" to 49, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, & 6a " 7 , .49, 54, 55, 56, oi g 49, 54, 55, 56, 0f g The sale to commence with the lowest number of section, township, and range, and to be continued ui regular iiumeiual order. Gh en under my Iiand, at the City of Washington, Jl, l,lli day of Januarv, A. . lba5. JAMliS MONROE , Bv the President. ' GEOUGB GltABAM, Commissioner of the General nfll i i. Printers ofthe laws of the United Stnt. in i..L.., ami Kentucky are authorized to publish the foregoine proclamation once a week until theday of " ale ' Kb 17, 1825-7-- 13t CjJarelcn Seeds. The last year's crovvlh. For Snln hv th R..k.. ber, also Patent Polish Shoe Siarl-ino- - Suitable for ladies' as well as gentlemen'? shoes apreseivative to the leather, and gives a beautifu polish, at 25 cents cuncney a single box, and per cent deduction, wholesale. For the conv. nieneeof families, it will Kp k,AA ,t r.n . pound, without tin boxes. Ho has IiLpwJco f4i cold picssed Laitor Oil, Paints, Oil, Putty, Varnish, &c JOHN STICIvNEY, near the Ky. Bapk. Lexington, Feb. 8 6 tf Jor Sale or Rent. TvHOSE large and commodious Brick Buildincs of Winchester Ky. nwned and oc- cupied by-th- e subscriber as a public House for sec eryears past; attached 'thereto is a large Bne-u- . btable, also an out lot containing about twentv-s- i acres, loa purcl ascr a great bargain would be given. J0HN DUDLEY incLcsterJvy March 23 1825-r-13-- lf, ft
Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7gqn5z6p27/data/2635.pdf · POETftY. FqTu the KiTUcxy Gazette. t OHjSWEBr IS TIIK tea:: &c. '"'W OIi

POETftY.FqTu the KiTUcxy Gazette. t

OHjSWEBr IS TIIK tea:: &c. '"'WOIi avvcet is'the leSifiat we Shed o'er tlfbspot

VIili'- liie friend. tlrai we lovo in silence repeset,' ''is t'leu we thinkon Ins pculou:. lut,Huw At; Is ft hi W joy jiiulmg bright mid the

r$ses ,

' hat the baud ofToveliness slung around Inm!et tlic martial liump and the battle's clangalt'dhi i e ee.and his high-hear- t bminded ;

littit .o dreai.it-- , as tticlRriQnsarjg- - ? 4J o ted t.ial Hie ba.tle was over?'l..at-ii- s hume a.id bis love he snoulu n er meqi

aoal" n- -And dwell on her lips .villi the warmth oCajover"$ or Ins form lies low, on the deep crimsoned plainAnd we tpat bhensh'd liVetoegrct hinl!Uh shed not the tear ot sorrow lct'wineIn .leenbrjmminjr eoblcts circle the board,Wlu'e friendship and valour the laurels shall twincj

1 o hang on fiistoinb,5ii.J wave, round his siVord! 1

O'.! lU brightness m danger, uxsh d over the gloomLike a star in the perilous nightAnd lts'lill shall grace the hatloivM tombWhere he sleeps m his same, ami his might!'i hen aeud round the cup and let tlie tearMingle with the sparkilcs on its brim '

It will icll m this momciit bis memory was dear 4Ana hallo r each drop that pours lor JJUJWhile beauty shatling the song ssrriteHow he stood in the battle s array1'ounng out in that hour the fountain of lifeWiiile sinking toiest belteathfaine's brilliant ray!And its light shall pmnt to times j ct to come"'The spot where the hfio reposesAnd though the trump and the warrior drumWill be heard no more and the fading ie--In his boiverof bliss shall cease p, blooifbYet while memory lasts we II cherish his name.And the warm" throbbing hearts d.F. hfc.frie'cdi bo!

his tomb; tj V,'

Aa O.e lips ufthel'dVely E(vate"nTiis-fame- Jv 'iCLE0N-v- .


I was surpibtd to find iif" tkp Royal Stables inSweden, that there was no strtlw, or other beddingTor tde horses. The animals he or stand onperfttr-a- U

J board" this is an universal practice. It haslccn approved I v the Veterinary Colleges of both

ii and Copenhagen, afid adopted by therov it and othorgreat families, on account of its sal-- i

iary erfi ts on the toot of the hqise; In ccuntries. i ere thje horses s'.it.d in a hot led produced by

the r ovAi litter, tneir feet become tender and sub- -

Kit l,Jdivor9 disorders, but vou seldom seo a lameor fouollered horse in Swcn or Denmark. ,1

Ibis should prove a good substitute for Rtraw.it,in0ht Lin.ga.boL.t 'a reduction in the price of tuyJ


.NORTH CAROLINA GOLD.TheCherawIjtelligencer of the" "lltlfv'inst. states

t.iat, "an immense d J ot pure Gold has within ashort time ba k, ueen sound iu the cjuiintics of Cabarrus, Viuiii" irnery and Ansou, North Carolina.lIn Muntii iu iv anew mine has "been discovered4 Toient Hum anv waliavc mentioned. ThcGoldi

- abstracted from large masses of rock, which in- -

dif-- to th existence of rich andfextensive mines,and strungly roscmble those of Peru. We under-Eta- nl

a poor'irfan, on whote larid the mine in Mont-

gomery was'Siscovered, Itas vyi;hin a sew weekso' tamed about a half a bushel of Gold, amounting'o $20,0'JO. Jt isjsaid that this extraordinary goodfortune has partially deranged him."



. FETUUNS thanks to her friendsM.t" ii for the encouragement hithertoJ F rtT f jj . i - ,i ...... ,. .i -.

"ir given iter, aou tiiiuiiits iiiuiii ihul aucstill continues to malic and repair j

L Umbrellas. She has rernued to a.nlt tVi.nn Kiil(HlnrJn !Vt a rU t at rCPl

T:iZS. 3M'"" ""- - ....f,-- .. ,...j.- -

wo doors from Shortstreet, and opposite to thehnnsnlntelv occupied asan olDVo for the WesternMonitor. The house will be designated by an um;bre11aconstanlly"3pttid at the door,

Mrs. Msrsh has lateir recened an assortment tffi. t .... r t-- ii 1

tr.e mo",t tajnli.cauio mouuiiu mi uiiiuic.imji.il

April 20 17-- 31'

nSSTcE"njIIE DEBTORS to tiie Bank of KentuckyJL whose dehti oi mutated at the late Lexington

Branch Bank, ai nijtiifd that their nutes fall due.ion the IT'I - lay .es'f'arid that line A jer.t fort!i.M1 i h I,

0 ihstuetjtnr'yp ct, xted t It i '

(jr, in 1 ui'sday in8"W4" " ': ami u,l.iv. for tl ruHiiSe ofj .v.ng no'.eAl i(

. 1, calls a.,i diiaputits-Jfrfjitt- s fi.r reu filid i.i' n Dronoer ai'ieOofwitfiAa.cieHKiraodoiA of the a- -

I, mint t"! e paidltPJJitoaintttiipattni j llcatiouat Hie Uianth Bank ofttip C'ou monv. ehlih.

'J 1 1 OM AB P. D L D LE Y , Jlgcnt.April '23. 17-- it.


EtWARI)."R N AWAY from the subscriber

iSx3 on the 4th of Apiil, a nesh"o

l l''i man named BEN, about S7 year,1j.' vi .A 41 cI.tti m i rt tuitli sMrnwri'

ho lest eye, another oo hisohoikwent lame on account pf his littleton bein? vcrv sore, and Ins soot

irECSsSSSs- talks a little bioken,vcrji"mil of linnor. had on a grey jane short coat, anlo'd light drab S'irtoul coat and two j vr of raggedoveralls He rode (T a bay horse, ten years old,a.b jut 14 hanls hieh, a natui il trotter, sbixl hefoi p,51 star in his sorehead, roach m',v.n and bob tail,witK some saddle and collar marks

TIipip vn also, another Negro Alan lest thisula-- at the araS loa man iti Alabaraa. stout well msdi:, about ii yeais old, and i;supposod to have iode a sorrel boiso of J. 'I anncr,f.mr years old, sixteen ham's high, with Uf.t maneand (ail, and sour white set. It is si.ppoied ll.pywill make for the sta,te of Ohio and pci! upiforl ?ji-ad-

I will give tho Above rewjid is taken out oftin-- stale, ortvventy dollars, is lakrn in the -- tate andhccuinl in any jail so that I get Jnm, ani pay allrMnnWi' chanros. V gcnProu1-ewarf- t will he

ivpnfprthe horses or pilliei us them, or 'fur infor-niatio- n

so that I got tii.--

B. COSORTH.Le-c- . April M.102S 17-- tf.

fjv-Th- c Liberty tlall, Cii'cu.ns-ti- , i' "ivp t",p

above thro wpeks in,sprUont and f. ivv..it il.enoffice lor payment.


' Wgysc

Iir; subscriber, Inn KeepJ5-- er in Of? Town ot Cuiuui

bia, A!air'eq.iint)ji,Ky. is nowrJTepariii,!ii.irwill have mc .mnleteorder by the 10th

of pnlenvui.iK, the Columbia fu.l; Svlucli is in sigmcf the town On this Tut will be run a matcli raceon the second 'Ihursday in Ma" "tit (lhe u" "' tlieniontn.;one nnleaiul repeal lor ol"uu- - ""r"""CHskva Esq Florazethntse. Andrew UarnelivWJup niare hpoil.letter Stveial other races are con

ttniplatc-fl-. This turl is about the centre between Lex-ington, Nas'oWlleLouisville and HiriL.ille, equal andbj many si.iil tub? superior to the LeMntOn turl Itshall be kept in complete trim for Fall aid spring racingand being situ-lte- ab..ut the centre of thoSe placesmentioned (whereat the best sunning hoie m (he

countrv are to he fiiund. he hopes to have tliepleasure oi seeing Gentlemen from those qaaiterswith their sine hoises, meet un theCULCMUI.V lei lit'and there try the r bl'ECl) and H0T10M

- ItOUEItT II. liUUTON.,H I). The Editors of the Vrankfort Argus, L,ouis-ill- p

Adintiser. liusselsville MeSscnirer, and Nashvilieliepubhcan will be so good us to in,sfeit the above threetimes' in their respective p'apers and forvv ard tr e

respective charges to me which shalllnunediatelv be paid or remitted

HODEUT II BURTON.Columbia, Adair county Ky, .March 28, 1825.

Somctlting ingvAttr.fIIAT is some person lest at my shop abou twoR. ears ago a Taige Circular bar, brass and iron; and

sfcrnething still more singular is, is the ovvneidoes notcull and pay for the repairs and take it away I shall s ionsell the same to pay myself for the repairs and this ad-

vertisement. '

STEPHEN SrURI!IVNT.I ex April 15, 1825 16-- ot.

, LAW NOTICE.JAMES SHANNON, Lore of Wheeling, ft.

ILL practice Law in the Circuit and County Courtot rayette, and tlie Circuit Courts ot uouroon

and Jessamine. All business entiusted to Inm will receive prompt attention. His office is on Mioit Street.

, Lex. Dec. 20, 1824. 25-- tl.


RohlSRT J. BnKCKrNRiDor. 'A

Attorney and CoiAnselioY at Law,WlLLATVENL IHF FAYErtKClUCUlTCOUKTS

Lexington, Jipnl 6,1284 15.-- tf.


JTi AVE united i the Practice of the LAW in theSi Tayette Ciicuit Courts. '1 heir Office is kept

in tlie roommimeuiaieiy aoove me umce oi tne cicrKof the County court.

April r, 1825 14 tf.


BANK STOCK. Please apply at hisLOri'K--

KY se EXCHNGE OFFICE.Lex Feb, l 1825 8-- tf.

' OUT LOT TOLEASE.SEALED proposals will be n ceived until the first

of May by the subscribers, for the leaseef Poltersfield, an out lot belonging to the town, for aterm of eais -

JOSEPH LOGAN, ? com ofJOHN M AIcCALLA. 5 Truttcei.

Lexirgton, April 11, 1825 15-- .lt

Slate ol 1$ fcnvucky , '

Bayrtte Ciicuit Court, Mnrcli term 1G25.Robert Lyi.e's Executors comp'ts,

'agairist ,

Robkrt Lyiji's heirs defendants. cANCl:Ily- -

jrjpilllS day came the complaiiantsb) their coun- -JL scl, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the

court that the defendants William Lvle. Johnfemith and Betsey his wise llingo and Sallyins wne iioonn ana lviarvms vine are no in- -

jhaoitants of this Commonwealth, and they havingsailed to enter their appearance herein agreeablyto law and the rules of this Court; On the motionof the Complainants, it is ordered that unless thesaid defendants do appear 1 ere on or before the 1stday oLgur next June term of this Couit and an-swer the complainants bill the sajpewill be takenfor cpnfessed against them. A'nd ins fmther orderedjthat a copyof this order he, Inserted in someauthorised newspaper published in1 this Common-wealth for two months successively according tolaw.

Acopv testj ,

'S. GARBETT, d. cv r. c.,c.(Hickey, coinpUinant's counsel.) 15 2m

..jthr, new .

tio sulsr.bffrfi- r reiv.ny and opening an elegant'tr hssoitfittint of


Me has extra s .pcrfiie BLUC and ULAOll CLOTHSa CVSSIMKHtib Kloweied paper for rpo-n- s Bolting Cloths Leghorn llonnets Olive Oil in camtfrs for Machinery, He His goods will be disposedot on reasonable terns.--

Tp those purchasing Jg sell again, lie can offer induiements.


Lexington, April 11, 1825-- 15 tfPS v is'iey by .the barrel Powder by the Lpg,i orn uic umoii .vims, lor taic. a i .


LjL tl ose having demands against Intestate ofDAVID LOUAB, dee'd. are requested to

present thci.r lespcctive accounts for aduistment;and all who are iudebtedto said estate, will makearrangements for immediate payment.,


CHARLES C. hOGASy)Jld"irs- -

iprn o, io-o-.

ii-- armirTlaJfA'- -

jYirrroM: jwm &Ww,.u

' Jim. aunqiiiiccn nasopcned a lavernJL. tho houso formoilv occumeJ bvMrfN. Si'mn.

s'onas a tavertr,,ncar the lower end dT the uppermaUiet house; vvlieie he will keafp aiconstant sun-nl- v

ofthe best Liquors and other actomniodatiorre.litis stables are in good order ifnd well 'furnished;aud bischa"rgcs6hall be moderate.

' J. RISER.N. B. From sour iosix sedtlerncn of (Toi.rt pl.nr.

acter can he accommodated with boardni".AprilS!!, li.2'5 )m J. Ji,


Of cury !a rijttion neatly erecuteel at this


Botanic Garden.'TfB!iOrOSALSjwill be received foVthp fo)lowihg,Iforfc

1 o Qfub and plough about 7 acres of?Tound.Tirrlave ab( ut 60 sipiare yards with Hat stones.To lajr about 10& Cuuic j ard of a stone lene.To put up a Uoafd fence 7 feet high, anmiid pa rt

the ground ' ,To Cart Tan barb and othe'r objects by the'dav or

the loadTo procure and 'plant One Thousand young trees,

Shlubs and Vines, fio'm the woodApply to the superintendent C. S. Rafinesque by let

teis lest at Capt. Pike's orPheir:as Smith's "msN H. The slraiehoMers are notified to pay the instal-

ments due on iheir shares to the Ireasuierofthe company.

"Fcb.3't1825 5 tf.

. REMOVAL.Subsctiber has removed Lis SMITHTHE to the Corner of Upper Street, be-

tween the Episcopal and Methodist Churches,wheie he carries on the

WHITE SMITH BUSINESSin its various bi anches, iz. Scale Beams and Steel-yar-

made and lepaiid. TIip Iron work for" allsors of Machinery, Ileal th Irons almost always ouand for sale. Locks repaired &c. Lc. '

He tenders s to his former friends, andassures them and the public that no pains shall bespared to make them well satisfied both in qualityprice of the work done at his shop. '

Shoeingand other kinds of BlacksmithWork isrftlonc at Ins Shop at the customary prices.

THOMAS STUDMAN.N. B. Two or throe hands w ill bo taken to learn

the trade. T. S.Teh. 10, 1H25. 6.-- tf.


' Book

ALEX'Il. DRENNAN & SONS,KESPiiCTl ULLY'Mnform the public that they cairy

on the abov e business opposite the low ermaiket house,Lexington Any commands-the- may be favouredwith, thall be punctually attended to.

N. B. At the same placeSilks & Cloths Dyed black, blue, and

various colouisMens' Clothes Srouretl, and the

A. -- I 5 tt,a uoioutureneweu. .

Xxington, Feb 10, 1825-- - -tf

STATE OF KENTUCKY, FEBRUARYFAYETTE CIRCUIT M.. TERM 1826.John Goiiham, comi-i.ainan- ) "

VS. , INAusii.oM Cavins's heirs others ( chaaccrv '

.T,I:DANTS. JTHIS day came the,Complainant by his counsel and it

appearing to the satisfaction of ihe court that (he de-

fendant William Armstiong and Poilj-hi- s wise andSallv Self are no inhabit.nts of this commonwealth andthey having Uiled to enter their appearance neieiia-creeabl- y

to law and the rules of this court, on the rmStion of the complainant it is oidered that unless tluesaid defendants do appear here on or before the firsteLy of our next June term and answer the complainantsbill the same shall betaken for confessed against themand it is further ordered that a copy of this order beincited income authorised newspaper published inth,is Commonwealth fortVo months successa ely sgiee-abl- y

to law.A codv test '

THOM AS BODLEY, c. f. c. c."

II (HICKEV, r. a.) .

I v in ! iem e ot the circuit court ot Fayette county Ky at their I'ebruary Term 125, obtain-ed by petition ol PeU-- r .Moore's heirs: l'he subscriberappointed by the said cotut commissioner, to cai ry intoefiVct the said decree will proceed to sell, on l'ridayhe 2(Jth ihy ot May 1825, two lots of Land, one con-

taining 47 acres and 32 poles the other 42 acres whichland is situated in the county of Fayette on the v atersofthe North fork of I'.lkhorn, aboutv ten miles NoithEast of Lexington.

ALSO NEGROES.Betty and two clnldien Milhssy and William; which

property deceuded from Peter Moore dec'dto Nancyand Blackwell Moore dee'd. The Land is well wate --

ed and title good; the Negioes young and valuable.A credit of 12 months will be given by the purchaseror puichaseis giving bond with approved security;

gold or silver"r- THOMAS A RUSSELL, Com'er.

March 7 1825 ll-2- m.

The Bell Tavern.k

On Jefferson street near the Court House.LOUISVILLE Ky.

"H S Now occupied by thcundersigned, where genteeljl boaideis and traveller.--, can nave as gooa accommo-dations as any in Louisville at the Lexington prices

AMOS EDWAHDS.Louisville Ky Peb 10th 1825 n.


CONTINUES to superncnd a HOUSE OFfor Mary May, in the town

of Hairodsburg Kentucky. She llaving removedfrom her former stan to the House lately occupiedbyiGapt Georgb AV 1 hompson, which is more in thecentre ofthe town, and adjoining Hie Post Oflice.

Having procured additional Rooms to those belonging'tu, the said stand, she will be enabled to ac-

commodate more extensively.Tlic house &c. shall be well furnished and my

best exertions used to give general satisfaction.Harrodsburgh Maich3;1825 tf.

Rotanic Garden.THE Shareholders in the Tiansylvania rtntanic Gar-

den Company are notified that the third. Instalment ofg5isdue this month of April 1825; and that an elertionot a President, six Directprs and a Treasm er is to takeplace on the first morday of May next (2d May), atwhich none can vote or be elected, unless they havepaid all their instalments.

vJ. a. il A i nxijoweiij." Secretary and Super, t

SLAVES FOR SALE;excellent UOOK and WAStlKU, aged- - between

AN and 50 years. Also a boy 16 years of age,who is acquainted with quilling in a bagging Jactory.

Bnquire ot the Printer.Lexington, April 14. 1825lS-- tf

;W. T. BARRY,TTNrOItMS lus clients that THpMAS M HICKEYfi JAMBS B. UWIS, JAMfJSlSH'ANXON F.sqrswill Rticnd tolusbusines in l!e 'fln'etieCii cuit Court;

nd JAMBS bHANJN fiTSiplMid COL J vMEb;LARK in the Jessamine Cityfii&Cauit, ill mil vs hi

latepmtner. CJPTJIJV TIlUiAXi'iiLolngton Fel) 24.182! ir-t-f.

-- iV

3 ttov&juytn MaclvaiuWlv $ .

I will gtye'liTjmiJIvvaes to a sew lourrleymen,weUacqiia!iiled,'witltthe BlacksmithV business, indwho can come n ell recommended.

JOHN E iPLexington March 9-- 18;j 12-- 1

JIEMP JVJjYTEDfTiIIE highest-pri- ce will be giyeo for merchantableJL 'Hemp byJ?M. Pike, pr Lockerby.and McOuatt

Lex. Sep. 23, 1824-39- -'tf

RA. Yauab6 ESTATE In

Land and Negroes.THE. tract of land on which I reside in the

of Jessamine, containing eigl't hundred andsixty-thre- e acres principally inclosed and not sur-passed by any in Ke'nUicky, in, soil. Thcic are aboutthree hundred and fifty acres of the tract in eulu-vajio- n,

the ballance finely timbered. Its situationadmits of a lnndsome divisio'n either into two or threetenements and would bo sold in divisions to accom-modate purchases. It is admirably calculated fora stock farm, or any other agricultural puisuit.

AN excellent site for a DISTILERY, sup-plied by a never sailing stream upon iihicli

one has been conducted for many years.I would also sell 25 likely young negroes, ten of

whom are men and boys accustomed to, and capableof performing farming business. Tour of the boys7mV. hnnt, (tnrlno- - ll.r. tact W..n arirnr,.l in V.n.n,...ub ...w ...w j. w..buu jij a "aiiijjiai;iui. j. nv rusiuuu ui 100 oegtoes aie UKeiy wo-men, girls, and children. The pn chaser may alsoobtain with the premises a valuable stock ofrf!WTffi3rtfPMl Brood "lares & Colts

Wfzir - n m.riiinrv ifilii itcTTf nnnr,nfI1, !,! ..fa in-- r. " V2 appnnii.ua u.iJaiilli Ui

. maLinf a barrpl nsR55J?IBttfl5 vv...,... ..,....: tS Efe&g" - iiiaiiuy pel. uay 10- -together with the presentcrop of about 15Q aerosolcorn, with rye, oats, and hay, also the farming uten-sils. But little is ha.arded in the assertion that amore valuable real estate, slaves, and personal pro-perty has but seldom been offered for ' sale in thiscountry. -- The whole would be exchanged for UnitedStates stock or sold at its reasonable Value uptmterms otmutual advantage.

S. II. WOODSOV.essamine county, Sept 9,1824 37 tf.


P,JVFl tocR,ry n !lie OUNDBING BUSI-!!phlica- desued to observe pait.culail, of whom they;,,'hb. "uhet"wnof exingtuit,seconddoorheloWlreceivetieAetsoftheaboYe denomination issued bvthe rheatrc, WaUr-stree- t, where ail kinds of j UAMEL PBICt,

nrass una iron or.v for Jilucliincrv, be. '

r U 1 -- ... . . . " . . .. . .iiuy bc nau on me snoricsi nonce Also, will be keptwii uaim i,r.L.Li3 ioi- - i averns, noi ses, uovvs; retineuWagon, Carriage aud Gig BOXES ; Hatter's, lailor's1amiruAl 1UUN5; Scale Weigii its and Wahl Irons; GunMountings and Clock Cajtines: Hivets and Mill Curt,,.

'with many other articles too tedious to mention

May 16, 1822-5- -tf



Tiriri!,x --V'iune mne ana a halttrom .Lexington on tne rrult-for- t

road, nearly one half is timbered land, the baljdanceisin a good state of cultivation: a frame house(and Orchard, and one ofthe best springs in FayetteIcounty, and an indisputable title. The above landbeijjg tne property ot William L. McConncll dee'd,and is now offered for sale low for CASH bv theheirs of saiddce'd. rorfurther particulars enquire ofiiiesuosuriuer in ijexington, anU tlie terms will Demade known by him and the land shown, &c.

GEORGE ROBINSON.Lex. April 1, 1824 14 tf.



DAVID M EGO WAN.upper end ofthe market houso.

LEXINGTON MAY lOtL 1824 20-- t.f


vtfTSZSsF. A SMALL fARM OF "".4.1mm m i'e

- H3W In the immediate neighbourhood 'of

rTTHEREare oniffcomfortable buildings for two-- - families is necessary sood water meadows i:

orchards, underwood fence anoufficiencyof woodlano. i erms oau oe mane very tavonrano. -


or Col. JAftlES IiRO'"TER. Alls 1124 ?7- -lf



THE Subscriber respectfully informs the publiche has commenced the above busines in

I Loxingtonon Main btrcet; and from a long experience in one of the puncipal cities in Europe, andthe United States also, he flatters himself he willpi odnce articles in Mis line equal toanyin"tlie Unionsuitable for Shoe Makers; Hatters, Coach MakersSadlers and Book Bindcrsrwhich he will sell twentyon ceui leaa man impuiiuu fcbius, f ,

'I h,c hohnnfii uril! lrtHiir. tlm nnc.mn . 4irV

Vestern Conntry-t- o givSprcfercnce to their owrmanufacture ,

N. B. A constant supply of hatters WOOL onhand. PVU'RICK GEOHEGAN.anuary 13th, 1823 2- -tf

t- -

LaucasAtii'i&M aciwinavj.TF.RMS of tuition in this seminaty are for the Alplia-b;- t,

Orthography, Beading, and'slute Writing, BightDollars in tlie Cunency ot this State per Session otlive nionuis

roi the abov e including paper writing. Arithmetic,and Geography tenDollais One half to be paid inadvance and the other half at the close ofthe session1 he above prices include all expenses for Slates,

i'eneds, fens Ink, Papti, and J'ueJ, usually furnishedn schdols conducted on the pl-i- of !r Lancaster,hnse who may tiavotpassed beyond the Arithmetic

ards in this iiisliuitiou ai-- those who may be engagedntlie study of Geography will furnish their own books.'ationary &.C


A r rd 7 1 8J 1 1--tf l'rmcTpal.

?Ncw --Invention.V ,


A MONG thc.numeroiis kinds of useful invcntiorsA that havcreccntly appeared before the puhli' ,

ilhp siibscnbdjiveuld iritioduce that of makingSPIHITDOUJJLIQUOBS, man improved j a i,both as it iegSd'8 fuel and labour, ho ini.rliso, tlivt1 will warrant a kaving of one half of the fuel, aidone tLird of the labour which is consumed m ll.eo.dways ot distilling Stills n ade m th.s way do n tbuin the spirits, andean be made to any size, iomake fiom one to six bands of wl.iskej in a day .

; I'ersons tceling disposed to pmehabc rights foi Ii

ditidualsorfor a .county, ofthe above mventioiwillplei.se cail at the Union Mills,.! css&mir.feoiuiiTwhere they can see stills on that plan in sut cestuioperalioninaking upwards of QRE'llUDBLDGALLOIvba day. Should tl ey wish to purchaserights, Mr. David Cro.icrat the Union Mills is arI bonded to sell tijem. The following crrtil.cati-- s

from gentlemen nho have.eiectcd the stills and trted the pfau, aie offered to the public.

DAV.1D CUTLER,Inventor an tT patentee,

ami ary50, 1S25 fT

Having puichased the patent right of Mr DaviUCutler, on anew plan of dislillaliou, aud havii.ghada fair tnal on the subject, I have no hesilat,i n iustating it has far exceeded my expectation both iusaving fuel and labor: I state farther it exceeds a--

thing 1 have ever seen. Given under my handthis 8th day of Januaiy 1825: A: "YOUNG.- -

Dear Sin: , aAster having a fair trial of your improved plan of

distilling, I fel it my duty to state to thcpuUiothat it fnr exceeds any thing of the kind 1 know ofas it respects fuel, labour,v and convenience. 'J heproduct ofthe grain appears to be better, and thespirit purer, than that made in the ordinal y mode-- .

Given under my hand this 17 th day of January1P25: Nicholasville:


Mn Davip CxjTiEn:Having sully tested by experiment an 'improved

plan of Distillery by Steam Invented by Mr. I)..Cutlpr, I hesitate not to say, that it is far superi-or in point of economy both of Labour and Fuelto any plan I have ever seen, and believe the Spiritmade in this way is cqualr to any now made jc tl isstate.

D. OROZER.Umon Mii.t.s

L Jessamine County K.Jan 0lh 1825.

- 50 REWARD.givetheabovo reward fn notes of theCom-lnoiiwe'alth- 's

Hank, for theapprehem-M- i andcon-ictio- u

of the nerson. who broke intri niv smip ronm ,nthe town ofYersailles. on the niclit ot'the thiricr.nfh

,inst and tool out of my money drawer about two huu '.dreddollais, princijially in t.cXets issued by the sub.(criber, the gieater portion of which were seventv-ih- e

and sixty lf cents notes PersoisIholdlug tieAets tor the abovi sums aie requesicntobring them ihai.d exchange them for other tici-el- or- -

vcrsaies ity ib25 3-- tr

iri. . .i r .. , ... ..uy me rresioeiiuoi tlic uiiiteil btatcfvIn pursuance ollaw. I..lA.MI'.S MiiMnm.-- . ij..'of the United states, do hereby declare andl.: .i. .. li. , .. :., t ...... ".',K1'i...ii, inm a I'uui onaie w ill up en fi, n i ,n. ir

'fice at 1 allaliassee, in Honda, on the third Monday ofmay uet, lor tne disposal ot the follow ing lands, viz.1 ownhip 1 south ot ltange i w est of the Meridian

Tine 2 and 2 north of Range 1 do. d0Fractional 3 do. do. do doTownship I south 12 3 4 and 5eas

1 and2noilh 12 3 4 ami 5Fractional tow nslnp 3 12 3 4 and 5

'I he sale ill commence wiih the lowest number ofsection, township, and rungo, and piocetd in regularnumerical order. The lands reserved by the law faruse ol schools, or other purposes, will be excluded fromthe $ale

Given under mv .hand, at the Citv of TVal,:tthis twenty sixth day of January 1825. '

JAMES MONROE.By the President.

GEO GltAIIAM,Commissioner ofthe General Land Office

By the President of the United StatesXN pursuance of law, I, JAMBS AlONKOK, Presi-

dent of the United Mates, do hereby publish andmake known that a public sale will be held at Land Office for the District of Salt Hiv er. in the state of Mis-souri, on the third Monday in May next, for the dispo-sal of such lands, now situate within the limits of saiddistrict,sold at tlic Land Office at St. Louis. Mo, whichwere relinquished to the United .states piorto the 1st,day of Octotre-,,182- 1, undei the provisions of the actot'Jongrtss, approved on the 2d day of March 1821entitled "An act for the rehet ofthe nurchasetstif ,.,!.lie lands prior to the let day of July, IRM," which saidanils are situate within the follow mg described town-ships, viz

ff ist o the 5tk principal meridian.Townships 49, 50, 51, 53, &. 54 ofranpe i

49, 50, 51, 5, 53 5J, &55of 249, 50, 51, 52, 53, 541, 558c 56, of" 349, S3, 54, 55, 5(, & 57 of " 4.49, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, tJ'59 of" 549, , 56, 57, 58, 59, CO & 61, of" to49, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, & 6a " 7

, .49, 54, 55, 56, oi g49, 54, 55, 56, 0f g

The sale to commence with the lowest number ofsection, township, and range, and to be continued uiregular iiumeiual order.

Gh en under my Iiand, at the City of Washington,Jl, l,lli day of Januarv, A. . lba5.

JAMliS MONROE, Bv the President. '

GEOUGB GltABAM,Commissioner of the General nfllii. Printers ofthe laws of the United Stnt. in i..L..,

ami Kentucky are authorized to publish the foregoineproclamation once a week until theday of "ale 'Kb 17, 1825-7-- 13t

CjJarelcn Seeds.The last year's crovvlh. For Snln hv th R..k..

ber, alsoPatent Polish Shoe Siarl-ino--

Suitable for ladies' as well as gentlemen'? shoesapreseivative to the leather, and gives a beautifupolish, at 25 cents cuncney a single box, andper cent deduction, wholesale. For the conv.nieneeof families, it will Kp k,AA ,t r.n .pound, without tin boxes. Ho has IiLpwJco f4icold picssed

Laitor Oil, Paints, Oil, Putty, Varnish, &cJOHN STICIvNEY,

near the Ky. Bapk.Lexington, Feb. 8 6 tf

Jor Sale or Rent.TvHOSE large and commodious Brick Buildincs

of Winchester Ky. nwned and oc-cupied by-th- e subscriber as a public House for seceryears past; attached 'thereto is a large Bne-u- .

btable, also an out lot containing about twentv-s- iacres, loa purcl ascr a great bargain would begiven.

J0HN DUDLEYincLcsterJvy March 23 1825-r-13-- lf,

