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Kentucky Geological Survey Annual Report 2007–2008 · energy, water resources, geologic hazards,...

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Kentucky Geological Survey Annual Report Kentucky Geological Survey UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY 2007–2008
Page 1: Kentucky Geological Survey Annual Report 2007–2008 · energy, water resources, geologic hazards, and geology of Kentucky for the benefit of the Commonwealth and Nation. Kentucky

Kentucky Geological Survey Annual Report

KentuckyGeological SurveyUNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY


Page 2: Kentucky Geological Survey Annual Report 2007–2008 · energy, water resources, geologic hazards, and geology of Kentucky for the benefit of the Commonwealth and Nation. Kentucky

Front Cover:Nada Tunnel on Ky. 77 in Powell County. The one-lane tunnel was created between 1910 and 1912

with dynamite and steam jackhammers in asandstone unit of the Breathitt Formation. It wasoriginally intended for a narrow gauge railroad tohaul logs to a sawmill in Clay City. It is 13 feet tall,

12 feet wide, and 900 feet long.Photo by Richard Smath

Our Missionis to increase knowledge

and understanding of the mineral,energy, water resources, geologic hazards,and geology of Kentucky for the benefit

of the Commonwealth and Nation.

Kentucky Geological Survey“Earth Resources—Our Common Wealth”

James C.Cobb, State Geologist and Director228 Mining and Mineral Resources Building

University of KentuckyLexington, KY 40506-0107

phone: 859-257-5500Fax: 859-257-1147


Page 3: Kentucky Geological Survey Annual Report 2007–2008 · energy, water resources, geologic hazards, and geology of Kentucky for the benefit of the Commonwealth and Nation. Kentucky

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he annual report of the KentuckyGeological Survey is a summary of theprojects and accomplishments of thisorganization over the past fiscal year. Westrive to be concise in our reporting andavoid the use of technical jargon as muchas possible in order to reach a broadaudience. People interested in the KentuckyGeological Survey, its programs, andeducational outreach can find an abundanceof information on the KGS Web site. The Website is a portal into maps, publications,geologic data for Kentucky, and recentpresentations made by our staff members.

The Kentucky Geological Survey is a mandated programof the state of Kentucky and operates as a center of theUniversity of Kentucky under the Vice President for Research.The mission of KGS is to investigate the minerals, waters,hazards, and geology of Kentucky for the benefit of thecitizens of the commonwealth, a mission that has beencarried out for more than 154 years. The serious questionsconcerning energy, water, global climate, and hazardsconfronting our state, nation, and the world create a situationwhere geological surveys are more important to society thanever before.

Important measures that show KGS progress andeffectiveness include numbers for sponsored projects. In2007-08, KGS had 25 funded projects for a total amount ofgrant funding of $2.8 million. This is the highest amount ofgrant funding in recent history. KGS produced 29 newpublications in the various KGS series. The KGS Web site isa valuable tool used by many industries, government agencies,and private citizens to gather geologic information. Last year,users conducted 184,000 online database searches forpetroleum, coal, and water data. Most of the data andpublications that KGS provides can be downloaded free fromour Web site, and over half a million such downloads tookplace last year. Users can also view KGS data on interactiveWeb maps, and almost 500 users a day take advantage ofthis service to meet their needs. KGS added three new staffmembers in the year ending June 30, 2008.

In a special session in 2007, the Kentucky GeneralAssembly passed HB-1, “AN ACT relating to the advancementof energy policy, science, technology, and innovation in theCommonwealth, making an appropriation therefore, anddeclaring an emergency.” This bill established tax incentivesfor alternative-fuel and renewable-energy plants to locate inKentucky and provided funds for research. HB-1 appropriates$5 million for the Kentucky Geological Survey to investigateCO2 sequestration, enhanced oil recovery, and enhancedDevonian gas recovery. Supporters of this legislation testifiedin favor of the bill, which passed overwhelmingly,demonstrating how important energy and coal issues are tothe future of Kentucky. This is the largest grant in KGS history.A very rewarding aspect of the research on CO2 sequestrationis the partnerships we have formed with companies and

individuals also interested in carbon storage. For the HB-1 research on CO2 sequestration,deep holes will be drilled in eastern and westernKentucky and projects with oil and gascompanies will be initiated to test enhancedrecovery technology. As a geologist, I find itvery exciting to be a part of a project that willdrill 8,250 feet deep in Hancock County, inwestern Kentucky, penetrating all the Paleozoicrock formations of the Illinois Basin. Atremendous amount of information will begathered from this project, as well as the otherHB-1 projects. The projects will be describedin more detail in this report.

In the 2007-08 fiscal year, the state of Kentuckyexperienced a serious budget deficit that ultimately translatedinto a 6 percent budget cut for KGS. The unplanned departureof an employee and the planned retirements of three otheremployees will satisfy the budget cuts without requiring stafflayoffs. The loss of these positions will adversely affect ourproductivity for many years to come, however.

A 5.2-magnitude earthquake at Bellmont, Ill., on April 18,2008, was felt in many parts of Kentucky. Fortunately, therewere no fatalities or injuries, but much media attention wasfocused on earthquakes in the central United States. We helda press conference and spoke to several radio call-in showsabout earthquakes. My takeaway message, though, was thatscientists must get organized in advance because this wasas gentle a trial run as ever could be expected, as our friendsand colleagues in China discovered on May 12 when theywere hit by an 8.0-magnitude earthquake that took 70,000lives and left widespread devastation. A KGS seismologistwent to China as part of our scientific exchange programwith Gansu Province and the Lanzhou Institute of Seismologyto see the aftereffects of this tragic event and determinewhat lessons Kentucky could learn from it.

The Association of American State Geologists, the umbrellaorganization for all 50 state geological surveys, recentlycelebrated the 100th anniversary of its founding. I participatedby compiling and editing a book, Association of AmericanState Geologists Centennial History: 1908-2008, detailingthe history of this organization. A fascinating aspect ofsummarizing this history is that issues and problems havenot changed a great deal; water, energy, hazards, mapping,and minerals have always been important and a priority forsociety, although the tools and methods have changed agreat deal.

KGS staff testified for a number of legislative committeesand consulted with State officials in a number of differentdepartments. KGS maintained the State’s groundwatermonitoring network, seismic monitoring network, well sampleand core library, and groundwater data repository, all partof KGS’s mandate. The details of these and many otherprojects are written up in greater detail in this annual reportfor 2007-08. ❚


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Interest in the developmentof regional energy resources andthe reduction of man-madegreenhouse gases continued todominate the research effort inthe section.Carbon Storage

The 2007 passage ofKentucky House Bill 1 broughtKGS the largest single researchgrant in its history. It primarily provided taxincentives for new coal gasification projects, butit also allocated $5 million to the Survey to studyways of disposing of CO2 emitted by these facilitiesand using CO2 for enhanced oil and gas recovery.The Energy and Minerals Section created theumbrella Kentucky Consortium for Carbon Storage(KYCCS) for developing projects to accomplishthese mandates.

HB 1 project status: By the end of the fiscalyear, much progress hadbeen made on a project,led by Rick Bowersoxand Dave Williams, todrill a deep CO2 injectiontest well in westernKentucky, in partnershipwith a newly formedWestern Kentucky CarbonStorage Foundation.Peabody Energy,ConocoPhillips, and E.ONU.S. created this nonprofitfoundation to provideexpertise and matchingfunds for the project. Thepartners developed theproject details andacquired drilling rights toa site in Hancock Countyfor an 8,200-foot-deepwell to be drilled in 2009into the Knox Group andMount Simon Sandstone.Porous zones containingsaline water within theseformations are considered

good candidates for permanent storage of carbondioxide. Other project partners includeSchlumberger Carbon Services; GEO Consultants,LLC; Smith Management Group; and the law firmof Wyatt, Tarrant, and Combs.

KGS has also been working with industrypartners to develop a deep saline CO2 injectiontest in eastern Kentucky and to test CO2 enhancedoil and gas recovery across the commonwealth.Underlying Kentucky’s coal fields is the DevonianOhio/New Albany Shale, a black organic-rich shaleformation that is a possible sink for CO2. InjectedCO2 may also displace additional natural gas fromthis important gas reservoir. Several Devonianshale projects are being evaluated for a demon-stration project. The deep CO2 injection test ineastern Kentucky may involve two sites whereexisting wells have been offered. KYCCS is alsoevaluating oil fields for possible use in a pilot CO2enhanced oil recovery project. More information

The Energy and Minerals Section conducts researchon Kentucky’s energy resources and needs.

Members of Hancock County Fiscal Court listen as Secretary Len Peters of the KentuckyCabinet for Energy and the Environment speaks during a public hearing on the planneddeep carbon storage project in the county.

Dave Williams, one of the co-project investigatorsfor the western Kentucky deep carbon storage test,leads a meeting of the partners involved in the project.

The deep test will measure the carbonstorage capability of formations 8,000 feetunderground, well below the depths ofpotable water, gas, oil, and layers ofsealing rock.

Zone of potable(fresh) water(100’s of feet)

Impermeablelayers toconfine theinjected gas

Captured gas is compressed(pressurized)

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on the KYCCS research can be foundon the consortium’s Web site,www.kyccs.org.

Other State funding:KGS also received funding from the

Kentucky Energy and EnvironmentCabinet to study a variety of issuesrelated to sequestration in depletedoil and gas fields and saline aquifers.Investigators Kathy Takacs andBrandon Nuttall analyzed oil fieldsin Kentucky for EOR suitability andfactors affecting enhanced recovery,such as temperature, pressure, andoil gravity. Another important factorinfluencing oil recovery andsequestration is the interactionbetween CO2 and water in the reservoir. MartyParris analyzed water chemistry in counties havinghigh EOR and sequestration potential. SteveGreb and Mike Solis examined the broadersequestration potential in saline aquifers bycompiling maps and cross sections showingdepths, thicknesses, and distribution of the mostpromising saline aquifers along major rivercorridors. Because seismic data will play a criticalrole in extending the aquifer analysis beyond theareas of present well control, Jim Drahovzalcompiled a map showing the statewide distributionof seismic lines with information such as vendor,data vintage, and acquisition parameters. Finally,in a more detailed analysis of sites for possiblefuture development of advanced coaltechnologies, Brandon Nuttall led an effort toperform a basic geologic assessment of 32 sitesfor carbon storage potential, identifying likelystorage reservoirs and seals and inventorying welldata.

Marty Parris entered the third and final yearof his soil gas chemistry project funded by theU.S. Department of Energy. The soil chemistrydatabase being developed will be part of a broadereffort to monitor sequestration projects for leakageof injected CO2. Shallow soil-gas measurementsdown to 1 meter were completed in the first 2years at four study sites in eastern Kentucky.Results from the shallow measurements providedthe basis for drilling four soil-gas wells to allowgas sampling down to 10 meters below the zoneof strong biologic influence. The bulk and isotopicchemistry of gases have been measured underwinter conditions, and sampling under summerconditions is scheduled for September 2008.

Work continued on three regional U.S.Department of Energy–sponsored carbonsequestration partnerships that KGS isparticipating in: the Midwest Regional Carbon

Sequestration Partnership, theMidwest Geologic SequestrationConsortium, and the SoutheastRegional Carbon SequestrationPartnership. Mike Solis has beenworking on maps and cross sectionsof pertinent stratigraphic intervals insupport of these projects. Thepartnerships are critical tounderstanding regional carbonstorage potential, and they provideKGS with access to the newestresearch and expertise on carbonstorage issues.completed a regional subsurfacestudy of the carbon storage and EORpotential in Leslie and Perry Counties,funded by TECO Energy and Perry

County Coal Company. This basic geologicinvestigation examined four major Big Lime oilfields for sequestration and EOR potential.

Rough Creek Graben ConsortiumA dozen energy exploration companies have

joined the Rough Creek Graben Consortium, apublic/private partnership studying the oil andgas production potential of the graben in westernKentucky. The Kentucky Energy and EnvironmentCabinet is also participating in the 2-year project,managed by John Hickman.

This fiscal year marked the start of the secondphase of the project. Hickman continued gatheringand interpreting both available well data andenergy-related regional data related to the graben.The USGS is also testing oil samples gathered forthe project.

Coalbed Methane inEastern Kentucky

Cortland Eble, StephenGreb, and Kathy Takacs arelooking at the Eastern KentuckyCoal Field as a potential resourcefor economic coalbed methane.A core hole was drilled andsampled in June 2008 in MartinCounty to a depth of 920 feet.Gas is presently being desorbedand sampled for gas speciescomposition. The developmentof coalbed methane couldadvance the economy of easternKentucky and help meet thegrowing demand for natural gas. ❚

Beech Fork Mining Company agreedto drill cores at this site in Martin

County to help gather informationfor KGS coalbed methane research.

Marty Parris takes a gas samplefrom an oil well in the Big Andyoil field of eastern Kentucky.

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Staff in the Water Resources Section helpcommunities with water supplies, water-relatedhealth issues, and mapping of groundwater basins.

With funding from the Kentucky InfrastructureAuthority, KGS Water Resources staff continuedwork to identify sources of public water suppliesfor small communities and rural neighborhoods.The Survey directed the drilling and completedhydraulic testing of two wells for the Harlan Countycity of Evarts and hydraulically tested an existingwell. Section staff also sited a new well for thecommunity of Wallins in Harlan County, and hasdesigned hydraulic tests for the city of Camptonin Wolfe County. KGS has also collaborated withGreenville in Muhlenberg County in the city’sinitial efforts to drill high-yield wells. KGS isproviding information to Marion concerning theuse of abandoned, underground fluorspar minesas potential water supplies for the CrittendenCounty city.

Cane Run WatershedIn 2006, the Kentucky Division of Water targeted

the Cane Run watershed as one of four watershedsfor clean-up under the State’s nonpoint-sourcepollution program. This watershed begins inLexington and ends in Scott County where CaneRun discharges into North Elkhorn Creek. Becauseof the karst bedrock, Cane Run only flows duringtimes of sufficient rainfall, normally in the spring. The remainder of the time, most water isrecharged to an underground conduit system.KGS is leading an effort to locate sites to monitorthe underground conduit carrying groundwaterfrom the Lexington area to Royal Springs, themajor water supply for Georgetown in ScottCounty. Electrical-resistivity and spontaneous-potential geophysics are being used to helppinpoint the location of the active conduit atthree locations. An initial round of 15 exploratoryboreholes was drilled to help interpret thegeophysical results. This work is being carried outin cooperation with the University of Kentucky’sCollege of Agriculture and the Department ofEarth and Environmental Sciences.

Selenium Concentrations in theAquatic Environment

With funding from the Kentucky Division ofWater, the Water Resources Section is developinga database for selenium concentrations in waterand fish tissue from the Eastern Kentucky CoalField. Groundwater has been hypothesized to bemoving through bedrock and areas of coal-minespoil, dissolving selenium initially concentratedin the coals during their formation. Thegroundwater eventually discharges to surfacewaters, where selenium may metabolize andbioaccumulate into toxic forms and concentrationsin the food chain. Fourteen of the proposed 15surface-water sites have been sampled. The totalnumber of samples includes 37 water and 29 fishtissue samples, for which seven forms of seleniumwere analyzed, along with standard chemicalanalyses to help define the hydrogeochemicalenvironment. The data will be interpreted in thelatter part of 2008.






Rorry Henderson of the U.S. Geological Survey and RandyPaylor of the Water Resources Section conduct a shallow seismicsurvey at the Kentucky Horse Park in March, 2008 as part ofthe Cane Run Watershed project.

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Groundwater Conditions inthe Cumberland Gap Tunnel

The Water Resources Section, in coordinationwith Federal and State agencies, completed dyetracing, monitoring programs, and installation offlow meters to gather information on groundwaterbeneath the road surface in the Cumberland GapTunnel in southeastern Kentucky at the Tennesseeborder. Hydrogeochemical data collection andanalyses indicate that groundwater dissolutionof the limestone roadbase aggregate is a principalcause of pavement subsidence in five major zonesof both the northbound and southbound boresof the tunnel that carries U.S. 25E underCumberland Gap National Historic Park.Remediation measures are being considered bythe Kentucky Transportation Cabinet.

Karst Annual ActivitySummary for 2007-08

Several geophysical tools(electrical resistivity, spontaneouspotential, and microgravity) fordetermining the rate of formationof cover-collapse sinkholes weretested in the field in cooperationwith the UK Department of Earthand Environmental Sciences. Thisactivity is part of a continuingeffort to identify potentialsinkhole sites. A paper waspresented on the topic to theKentucky Water Resources AnnualSymposium in March 2008.Currens made significant progresson the development of a karstmodel ordinance to be offered toKentucky communities. A firstdraft was written and circulatedfor KGS review. This projectreceived a grant from the UK

Commonwealth Collaboratives program, whichrewards researchers who identify significantproblems in the state and work to solve them.

Research continued on the Karst DevelopmentIndex/Karst Potential Index methodology. Themethodology will be applied to evaluate digitalgeologic maps of Kentucky for karst development.

Public service also continued to be a majoractivity in the karst program. KGS employees aremembers-at-large of the Bluegrass RegionalPlanning Commission. KGS staff on the KentuckySpeleological Society Board of Representativescontinued to work with the State Division of Waterfor production of additional karst groundwaterbasin maps. They responded to many citizenreports concerning cover-collapse sinkholes atprospective building sites, spring development,flooded crawl-spaces, and water-well drilling inkarst areas. ❚

Water Resources staff helped to re-survey this cave in Scott County, allowing them to test severalgeophysical methods for use in karst geology.

A property ownerin Franklin Countylooks at thedamage to hisdriveway from acover-collapsesinkhole whichstaff in the WaterResources Sectioninvestigated inApril 2008.

Jim Currens responds to one of many calls he receives each year aboutproblems with sinkholes affecting private property.

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The Geologic Mapping Group was upgraded to“section” status during the year, as its membersdeveloped new map products for the state.

The Kentucky Geological Survey and a varietyof State and local agencies constantly need newor refined geologic mapping of the state, includingmap products to help them with assessments ofhazards and resources. The KGS Geologic MappingSection works to meet those needs with a varietyof products. The creation of the new section wasformalized on January 1, 2008. William Andrews,formerly a member of the Geospatial AnalysisSection, became section head. The sectionincludes three other staff in the Lexington officeand two members in the Henderson office. Thegroup has been working for several years ongeologic mapping projects funded by the annualU.S. Geological Survey STATEMAP program andKentucky State agencies.

The STATEMAP program continues to be theprimary funding source for KGS geologic mappingprojects. During the fiscal year, the KGS received$234,000 from STATEMAP to support newQuaternary geologic mapping in both eastern andwestern Kentucky. KGS field mappers Ron Countsand Scott Waninger completed new mapping inthree 7.5-minute quadrangles in McLean, Webster,and Union Counties. This work will contribute toefforts to assess seismic hazard and geotechnicalcharacterization of the unconsolidated depositsin western Kentucky.

Matt Crawford and Mike Murphy completednew mapping of two 7.5-minute quadrangles in

Perry County, which will provide a foundation forslope-stability modeling in the eastern part of thestate. Tom Sparks completed a digitalcompilation of the bedrock geology in theEvansville 30 x 60 minute quadrangle.

Crawford also worked with staff of MammothCave National Park to develop a geologic map ofthe park with a grant from the National ParkService. The large 30 x 70 inch map presents thegeologic issues of Mammoth Cave in languagethe general public can understand and depictsfeatures such as karst and sinkholes while alsodiscussing water-quality protection, caveformation, and how plant and animal life interactwith the geology of the region. The park staffplans to use the map, which KGS will publish, asa guide when they lead field trips for college-levelclasses visiting the park. The map draft wonrecognition as the best poster at the 2008Kentucky GIS Conference.

The Geologic Mapping Section is alsosupporting two student mapping projects inKentucky, which are funded by the U.S. GeologicalSurvey’s EDMAP program. Morehead StateUniversity and Northern Kentucky University eachhave students doing mapping projects similar tothe KGS eastern Kentucky STATEMAP project.KGS personnel are supplying data and field






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Matt Crawford works on an early draft of his map of Mammoth Cave NationalPark, a project funded by the National Park Service.

Ron Counts and Matt Crawford examine soil know as residuumduring a mapping field trip in the Hazard area.

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This “Bedrock Geologic Map of Parts of the Evansville andWest Frankfort 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangles, Western Kentucky”was completed by Tom Sparks and Steve Martin.

During a field trip for his fracture-mapping project, Steve Martinexamines a fracture just off Kentucky state road 32 in ElliottCounty.

Mike Murphy examines a landslide in the Owensboro area.

support for the student mappers.Steve Martin continued to develop a fracture

mapping database supported by the KentuckyTransportation Cabinet. He is examiningorientation and spacing of roadcut and naturalfractures in selected areas of central and easternKentucky. The information will be useful for avariety of projects from slope design for roadprojects to water and petroleum exploration.

Matt Crawford has begun to design anddevelop a comprehensive landslide inventory anddatabase, in cooperation with John Kiefer, JerryWeisenfluh, and the KGS Web page design team.The new database will store and cataloginformation about the location, size, movement,and damages associated with landslides acrossKentucky. ❚


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Events in Kentucky and abroad drew renewedattention to the earthquake hazard and theGeologic Hazards Section’s work.

Beginning the morning of April 18 with a 5.2-magnitude tremor, a series of earthquakes nearBelmont in southeastern Illinois shook much ofthe Midwest and attracted public and news mediaattention. The first tremor was the largest oneever recorded in the Wabash Valley seismic zone. Minor nonstructural damage occurred in someolder downtown Louisville buildings. The eventwas followed by over 30 aftershocks over a three-week period, and seismic activity continued inthe area through the end of the fiscal year. Sixof the aftershocks ranged from 3.0- to 4.6-magnitude. With the help of the University ofKentucky Public Relations office, KGS scheduleda news briefing the morning of the first earthquake.Director Jim Cobb discussed the earthquakethreat in the Midwest and answered questions.

Geologic Mapping Section Head WilliamAndrews went to the State Emergency OperationsCenter in Frankfort to answer questions fromState agencies and help them monitor later seismicactivity. Using the online displays of seismicrecordings from instruments in the KentuckySeismic and Strong-Motion Network, Andrewshelped quickly confirm the occurrence of a 4.6-magnitude aftershock later that morning. His tripto Frankfort also prompted a discussion of howKGS should be integrated into activation plansfor the EOC in future events, including damagingearthquakes, landslides, and other geologicincidents.

Seismic NetworkThe Kentucky Seismic and Strong-Motion

Network of 28 seismic instruments placedthroughout Kentucky is operated jointly by KGSand UK’s Department of Earth and EnvironmentalSciences. The network monitors earthquakes inthe central United States and records largerearthquakes throughout the world. It includes 19short-period, one-component seismometers(weak-motion) and nine strong-motionaccelerometers including two vertical strong-motion arrays. The public can view earthquakerecordings from 12 of the instruments in near-real time on the KGS Web site atwww.uky.edu/KGS/geologichazards/equake3.htm.

The strong-motion instruments recorded 56earthquakes in the region. Two earthquakeepicenters were located in Kentucky, nearBlandville. The largest earthquake during the fiscalyear was the April 18, 2008, Belmont, Ill.,earthquake. Several hundred earthquakes ofsmaller magnitude were recorded by the weak-motion instruments.

Funding was secured late in the fiscal year fordeep borehole instruments for the Central UnitedStates Seismic Observatory, to be installed early

As aftershocks continued to be recorded three days after theApril 18 earthquake, the news media visited the Survey for moreinterviews. A Lexington TV news crew interviews Assistant StateGeologist John Kiefer on April 21.

KGS Director Jim Cobb speaks to the media on the morning of April 18, 2008, when a5.2- magnitude earthquake in the Wabash Valley seismic zone shook much of the Midwest,including Kentucky.

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Chinese soldiers helped in theinitial response and recovery effortsin the mountainous areas mostaffected by the earthquake.

in the new fiscal year. The observatory consistsof four cased boreholes that will be seismicallyinstrumented for the future establishment of avertical three-dimensional seismic observatory.The deepest is a 594-meter borehole through thesediment overburden and into bedrock. Theobservatory is located near the most active partof the New Madrid Seismic Zone and shouldprovide the maximum amount of data in theshortest period of time. It will be one of threeexisting deep vertical accelerometer observatorieson Earth, and the only one in a seismically activeintraplate setting.

China quake triggers visitAn 8.0-magnitude earthquake struck China’s

Sichuan Province on May 12, causing over 80,000deaths, many injuries, and massive destructionin the epicentral area. It also brought an invitationto Geologic Hazards Section Head ZhenmingWang to travel to the affected areas in June forpost-earthquake investigations. KGS and theLanzhou Institute of Seismology in the ChinaEarthquake Administration have had a researchrelationship since 2005, which had already resultedin several exchange trips between the two.

Wang spent 10 days in the area of the epicenter

investigating how structures performed in theevent and examining the relationship betweenbuilding code provisions and the damage tostructures. In one location, Dujiangyan, wheremost buildings were constructed for a lower levelof ground motions, Wang found 90 percent of thestructures damaged and about 100 of themcompletely collapsed. Yet elsewhere in the region,communities such as Chengdu suffered littledamage as a result of lower ground shaking.

Wang is originally from Fuzhou in FujianProvince in southeastern China. He wasinterviewed by Lexington-area news media bothbefore and after this trip and presented an hour-long seminar at KGS shortly after his return todiscuss lessons to be learned from the earthquakeboth in China and in the central United States.He discussed the need to apply scientificinformation to seismic hazard estimates and todevelop appropriate building codes andconstruction practices.

The exchange with the Lanzhou Institute hasincluded several trips by KGS staff to China toconduct seminars and visit earthquake-proneregions, as well as similar trips to KGS by Chineseseismic experts. Two Chinese researchers havealso spent a year as visiting scholars at KGS. ❚

The KGS seismic instrument at Henderson, Ky.recorded the first earthquake, a 5.2-magnitude

event, on the morning of April 18, as well as the4.6-magnitude aftershock a few hours later. The

epicenter of those events and the dozens of lateraftershocks was in southeastern Illinois, in the

Wabash Valley seismic zone.

Geologic Hazards Section Head Zhenming Wang found much damage in the area of theepicenter of China’s May 12 earthquake when he traveled to Sichuan Province in June.

A family tries to continue living amongthe ruins its home very near the epicenter.

People pick through the pile of concretethat remains from a building whichcompletely collapsed.

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KGS staff hosted events at the Survey, organizedprofessional gatherings, and responded to requestsfor outreach and education during the year.

Eastern Section, AAPG meetingKGS and the Kentucky Society of Professional

Geologists served as the hosts and organizers forthe 2007 annual meeting of the Eastern Section,American Association of Petroleum Geologists,September 16–18.

The organizing committeeincluded: Dave Harris, GeneralChair; Jim Drahovzal, TechnicalProgram Chair; Tom Sparks,Finance Chair; Steve Greb, FieldTrips; Marty Parris, Workshops;Mike Lynch, Publicity; John

Hickman, Registration; Brandon Nuttall, Webmaster; Patrick Gooding, Judging Chair; RichardSmath/Bart Davidson, Audio/Visual; MegSmath/Collie Rulo, Graphics/Media; Ann Watson,Spouse Programs.

With help from the Lexington Convention andVisitors Bureau, the effort attracted 540 attendeesto the meeting at the Lexington Convention Center.The gathering featured field trips and seminars invarious parts of Kentucky, a variety of on-sitesessions, exhibits, award ceremonies, and programsfor spouses of attendees.

KGS Helps State ParkUpgrade Museum

Ann Watson and Steve Greb worked withPioneer Museum staff at Blue Licks Battlefield StateResort Park to upgrade the museum’s displays

before its August 2007 reopening. They helpedthe park locate additional geologic specimens fromthe region for the museum’s displays.

Alabama State Geologist DeliversAnnual Lecture

Alabama State Geologist Berry H. “Nick” Tewvisited KGS on April 9 to give the annual DonaldC. Haney Distinguished Lecture. With his topic “TheGeology and Future Resources of Alabama,” he discussedvarious aspects of Alabama’s coal and oil resourcesand energy-related activities, such as carbon storageresearch. Tew mingles with some of the crowdwho came to the Mining and Mineral ResourcesBuilding on the UK campus for his lecture.

KGS Annual Seminar Focuses onCarbon Research and Policy

Over 100 people gathered at the KGS WellSample and Core Library on May 23 for the 48thAnnual Seminar. With staff in the Energy andMinerals Section busy on a variety of carbon storageand enhanced resource recovery projects, this









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The crowd visits booths at the AAPG meeting in September.

Ann Watson adjusts new displays at theBlue Licks Battlefield State Resort Park.

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Living Lands and WatersGeologic Mapping Section Head William

Andrews speaks on the geology of the Ohio RiverValley to participants in Living Lands and Waters,a program to restore and protect U.S. waterwaysand bring environmental education tocommunities across the country. The program’sstaff moored their boats along the Ohio Rivernear Louisville in March.

National Energy EducationDevelopment Project

Brandon Nuttall of the Energy and MineralsSection talks to teachers about oil and gas inKentucky at a stop in the Big Andy oil field duringthe June field trip of the National Energy EducationDevelopment Project. The project promotesenergy education among educators, governments,and the business community.

Harrison School Career DayEnergy and Minerals Section geologist Kathryn

Takacs talks to young students at HarrisonElementary School in Lexington in May. She andLeah Barth showed them rocks, fossils, andLeah’s dinosaur egg during the school’s CareerDay program.

year’s seminar focused on carbondioxide research and policy. Ninespeakers from KGS, other researchentities, state agencies, and privatecorporations talked about carboncapture and storage research, theprogress of regional carbon storagepartnerships, and the legal andregulatory issues surrounding thetopic.

CAER Energy FairSteve Greb and Leah Barth conducted

experiments and demonstrations at a KGS displayfor an energy fair sponsored by the Center forApplied Energy Research in January. They showedstudents some of the properties of carbon dioxideand its deep geologic storage in porous rocks. Twohundred fifth and sixth graders from Fayette Countyschools attended the event on the UK campus.

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Annual Open House Draws 200 to KGSIn the middle of Earth Science Week 2007, KGS invited the public to its annual open house. Displays

on geologic and other earth science topics were set up on the first two floors of the Mining and MineralResources Building, as about 200 people visited.

Several groups of students came with lists of questions, whose answers could only be found at certaindisplays. Plenty of visitors found themselves drawn—but not too closely—to the regular display of snakeand reptiles. Representatives of the Kentucky Paleontological Society, the Kentucky Water ResourcesResearch Institute, and others joined KGS staff with displays at the event. ❚

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KGS staff published a variety of maps andreports during 2007–08, from three new geologicquadrangle maps to water quality reports andgeologic maps for land-use planning.

The final 19 maps in the series of Geologic Mapsfor Land-Use Planning were completed after severalyears of effort. Managed by Dan Carey of theGeospatial Analysis Section, the maps have beencreated for each Kentucky county to help localofficials, developers, and property ownersunderstand the geology of their home county andhow it can affect human activities. Over 500 copiesof these maps have been sent to teachers aroundKentucky as a result of a “maps to teachers” projectdeveloped by Carey. A positive response fromteachers who were offered the maps at the 2007Kentucky Science Teachers Association conferenceinspired the service that provides free copies forclassrooms and libraries in all Kentucky schools.An additional 150 maps have been sent toeducators in University if Kentucky agriculturalextension offices and Kentucky ConservationDistricts.

Web services continue growthPublic access to KGS geologic information

through Web-based database searches and geologicmaps on the Internet continues to grow every year.This past year, over 300,000 visitors to the Internetmap service were served, 184,000 database

searches were conducted, and almost 600,000data files and publications were downloaded. Thisrepresents a 25 percent increase in service overprevious years. As in the past, the most frequentlyaccessed data were oil and gas related records.

A number of new enhancements were addedthis year to the KGS Web page, “Search Databasesand Publications.” Users can now download USGSdigital elevation models from the KGSGeoPortalfor a specific view extent. This simplifies the processof determining which DEM files are needed toobtain coverage for a given area. In addition, acomplete overhaul of the criteria-based databasesearch pages was completed. Search options wereadded and made more flexible to allow users tofind just the data they need. A new map link wasadded to all search results pages to allow users toview a quick Google map with the identified siteposted. Finally, a new search function was addedto provide access to a variety of descriptions fromthe 1:24,000-scale geologic maps of Kentucky.Users can search descriptions by keywords, andview a geologic map highlighting units that containthe descriptive attribute of interest.

In May, uncut wireline logs of oil and gas wells,known as “e-logs,” became available at the onlineKGS oil and gas data search page. Such logs hadalready been available for view and download, butmany are too long to be displayed as a continuousimage and were cut into manageable sections. Anumber of free and commercially available com-puter applications will display the uncut e-logs. ❚







The Survey continued to issue new reports,maps, and other publications while adding tothe capabilities and data on its Web pages.

Staff of the Marion County Conservation District use a copy of“Generalized Geologic Map for Land-Use Planning: MarionCounty” to teach children about the geology of the area.

This Kentucky groundwater quality map is one of the new KGSpublications available free on the KGS web site.


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The KGS office in Henderson offers geologicservices and water-related health researchto the western part of Kentucky.

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Dave Williams administers the KGS officein Henderson and has also been heavily involvedin the project to drill a deep test well for carbondioxide storage in the Western Kentucky CoalField. He coordinated with several privatecompanies and the site owner as the projectdeveloped. (See Energy and Minerals section formore on this project.) Williams also participatesin regional earthquake preparedness and otheroutreach activities.

Water and Health IssuesGlynn Beck is involved in two studies of water-

related health issues. He will oversee a new project,funded through the Southeast Center forAgricultural Health and Injury Prevention, todetermine the relationship between groundwaterquality and the health of Kentuckians using it fordomestic purposes. The project, a joint effort withthe University of Kentucky College of Public Health,will characterize the health status of about 600households relying on groundwater for their

drinking-water supply through a survey of theirknown health conditions. It will seek to correlatewater-quality data and the health conditions todetermine possible patterns related toconcentrations of nitrate, herbicides, and bacteria.Findings from this study will help to inform policy-makers about the benefit of regularly testingdomestic water wells and will increase knowledgeof groundwater quality in various hydrogeologicsettings of the Jackson Purchase Region.

The Kentucky Water Resources ResearchInstitute and U.S. Geological Survey have fundeda separate field study of shallow groundwaterquality and its relationship to certain diseases.Twenty to 30 private wells will be monitored inconjunction with Marshall County’s local healthlaboratory. A doctoral-level epidemiology studentin the College of Public Health will research thelink between the presence of coliform bacteriaand surface contaminants such as nitrates andpesticides and diseases connected with watercontamination. Many wells in Marshall Countyare contaminated with bacteria and nitrates.






Scott Waninger takes a surface water sample in McCleanCounty for one of the many water quality projects conductedout of the Henderson office.

Ron Counts and Scott Waninger work on a western Kentuckyproject in May 2008 using the Henderson office’s Giddings drill rig.

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Beck trains the students who do field work forthese projects. He also helps UK civil engineeringfaculty and students to develop research proposalsfor a National Science Foundation EPSCoR(Environmental Program to Stimulate CompetitiveResearch) grant administered by the CivilEngineering Department. He participated in fourEPSCoR projects to sample water wells andgroundwater in Hickman County and conduct ahydrogeochemical study at Diamond Caverns nearMammoth Cave.

Possible Fault Scarp FoundRon Counts, a member of the Geologic

Mapping Section working in the Henderson office,discovered what appeared at first to be a terracescarp while mapping in the Uniontown area,though the feature seemed unusual for itssurroundings. With the help of Ed Woolery of theUK Department of Earth and EnvironmentalSciences and Roy Van Arsdale of the Universityof Memphis, geophones were set up to gatherseismic data, which indicated offset Quaternarysediments, suggesting that the feature is, in fact,

a fault scarp. Counts plans to dig trenches at thesite and submit an application for a federal grantfor additional drilling and other work on the scarp.

Counts also led about 30 graduate studentsand faculty from the University of CincinnatiGeology Department on their fall field trip in thelower Ohio River Valley. He showed the groupfeatures of the area he has been mapping andworking in for the last 5 years, and visited a gravelpit and abandoned ball clay pit in the JacksonPurchase Region.

Counts expects to be able to drill cores formapping projects more efficiently in the futurewith an upgrade to the Henderson office’sGiddings drill rig completed during the year. Theupgrade resulted in a 50 percent increase in powerfor the rig and the ability to set PVC hole casing,which can be used to install shallow monitoringwells, and collect downhole gamma-ray logs ordownhole shear-wave profiles. ❚

Paul Potter,professor emeritus in

the GeologyDepartment at the

University ofCincinnati talks tothe department’s

students in an activegravel pit near

Mayfield during theirwestern Kentucky

field trip, which wasled by Ron Countsof the Henderson


University of Cincinnati geology students examine formationsin western Kentucky during their field trip.

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Researchers, consultants, and students use the WellSample and Core Library’s growing collection of geologicspecimens for academic and commercial work.

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The KGS wellsample and corelibrary is the onlyfacility of its kindlocated inKentucky. Peopleand companiesengaged in energyexploration and production who want to studyrock material must visit this facility, which containssamples and rock cores from over 25,000 welllocations throughout Kentucky. Use of this geologicdata results in reduced development andexploration time, lower exploration cost, increasedefficiency and greater safety. Most of thisgeoscience data is not available elsewhere and isusually cost prohibitive to obtain.

A tremendous increase in use of the KGS WellSample and Core Library continued during thefiscal year as oil prices soared to record highs.Research was conducted on a wide range of rock

types including black shales,tar sands, and deeply buriedlimestones and sandstones.Visitors not only came fromaround the state but fromsurrounding states and as faraway as Michigan, Texas,Oklahoma, Arizona, and NewYork. There were fourinternational visitors. Threecame from England to samplematerial for research, and onetraveled from Indonesia tostudy the facility’s operation.

Use of the library’sresources providesopportunities for research,development, and explorationand often results in newdiscoveries andredevelopment of old oil andgas fields. Conclusionsreached using this data allowinformed planning decisionsand provide solutions toscientific issues and problems.

The resources are readily available to reworkold reservoirs, reevaluate environmental concerns,and forecast natural hazards as new technologiesand extraction techniques are developed.Examination of well samples and cores providesa greater chance of exploration success, resultingin greater national energy security. ❚

KGS Well Sample and Core Library hosted the Kentucky MiningInstitute’s Mining Rescue Competition in August. Mine RescueTeams await their turn to compete.

Ray Daniel and Ryan Pinkston retrieving cores from the field inLee County to be used in a CO2 and methane gas study.

Fiscal year 2007-08:

• Over 820 telephonerequests for informationwere received.

• More than 1,000researchers, geologist,consultants, students,academics, operatorsand the public visitedthe facility.

• More than 300,000feet of core and wellcuttings wereexamined.

• More than 350,000feet of core and wellcuttings from 128 wellswere added to thecollection.

KGS Advisory board and Carbon Sequestration Consortiumjoint meeting at the Well Sample and Core library.

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KGS researchers, state agencies, and the Universityof Kentucky depend on the Survey’s laboratory fora variety of materials analyses.

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The KGS Laboratory Servicesspecialize in environmental analysisof water, coal, rocks and minerals,and other natural resources.Research by KGS staff, students, andfaculty at the University of Kentuckyand Kentucky government agenciesdepends on the laboratory foranalysis. All results are added to theSurvey’s database so they enhancethe KGS mission to serve the public.KGS uses a laboratory informationsystem to track sample status from log-in to finalreporting.

Several projects by KGS staff and otherresearchers at the University of Kentucky involveanalyzing samples of water from wells aroundKentucky to determine levels of nitrates, chlorides,herbicides, and other chemicals. For the pastdecade, hundreds of water samples from theJackson Purchase Region of western Kentuckyhave been analyzed by the laboratory in anongoing projectoverseen by GlynnBeck of the KGSHenderson office todetermine possiblesources of pollutionfor rural users ofdomestic water wells.

Cortland Eble, inthe Energy andMinerals Section,sends coal samplesfrom his coalbedmethane research foranalysis, and MartyParis, whose workincludes surface andshallow monitoring ofthe migration of CO2 and methane gas, uses theservices of the lab in his research.

The volunteer Kentucky Water Watch Programcollects samples from streams around the statetwice each year and sends them to the KGS

Laboratory for analysis. Local WaterWatch member groups, includingschools and communityorganizations, work to protect thequality of streams, rivers, lakes, andwetlands.

KGS researchers and studentsin the UK Department of Earth andEnvironmental Sciences use X-rayfluorescence and X-ray diffractioninstruments in the laboratory foridentification and analysis ofgeologic samples. Students from

other colleges also conduct activities such astexture or thin-film analysis. ❚

A total of2,285 sampleswere sent tothe lab for

analysis duringthe fiscal year.

Cortland Eble of the Energy andMinerals Section examines apolished block of coal under alaboratory microscope.

Undergraduatestudent J. D.

Stucker, of the UKDepartment of

Earth andEnvironmental

Sciences, usesKGS Laboratory

instruments toanalyze samples ofblack shale for their

carbon content.

Steve Mock injectsa sample into a gaschromatographyinstrument in the labto determine itsproperties.

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KGS staff receive state and nationalrecognition for their outstanding work.

Dave Williams, who manages theKGS office in Henderson, receivedthe 2008 Lifetime AchievementAward from the Kentucky Section ofthe American Institute ofProfessional Geologists (AIPG). TheLifetime Achievement Award hasbeen given since 1996 to AIPG-KY members whosecareer work has played a substantial role inbenefiting the geologic community and the state.

Doug Curl of the KGS GeospatialAnalysis Section was namedrecipient of the 2008 Geologist ofthe Year Award from the KentuckySection of the American Institute ofProfessional Geologists. Curl hasdeveloped the KGS online geologic

databases for disseminating information freely tothe public, and he has created Internet map toolsfor exploring the data. AIPG-KY has give itsGeologist of the Year Award since 1997 foroutstanding work during the previous year.Patrick Gooding, KGS Well Sampleand Core Library Manager, receivedthe 2008 Distinguished Member ofthe House Award from the AmericanAssociation of Petroleum GeologistsHouse of Delegates. The awardrecognizes unique or exemplaryservice to the House of Delegates throughcommittee work. Patrick is in his fourth term aschair of the Credentials Committee of the Houseof Delegates and also serves as chair of the AAPGPreservation of Geoscience Data Committee.

Henry Francis manages the KGSLaboratory and was presented anAward of Merit from the Committeeon Coal and Coke of ASTMInternational, previously known asthe American Society for Testingand Materials. The Award of Meritand accompanying

title of “fellow” is the highestorganizational honor for individualcontributions to standards activities.Steve Fisher serves on the KentuckyAgricultural Water Quality Authority,

Interagency Technical Advisory Committee onGroundwater, and the National Water QualityMonitoring Council.

Jonathan McIntyre was electedtreasurer/secretary of theAssociation of EngineeringGeologists, Ohio River Valley Section.William Andrews is amember of theFinancial AssistanceCommittee for the

National Geologic and GeophysicalData Preservation Program of theU.S. Geological Survey.

Jim Currens receiveda $10,000 CommonwealthCollaboratives Grant from UK to helphim write and promote the adoptionof a model local ordinance guidingdevelopment on karst terrain.Steve Mock was

elected to his first three-year termin the University of Kentucky StaffSenate, after serving for two yearsas a senator at-large. He serves onthe Senate’s Staff Issues Committee

Jim Cobb received thePresidential Recognition Award atthe Association of American StateGeologists annual meeting in June2008. He was also elected vicepresident of AASG, and he serveson the American Geological Institute

Finance Committee.John Kiefer was Elected Chair ofthe Ohio River Valley Section of theAssociation of EngineeringGeologists, serves on the Board ofDirectors, and as chair of theEducation Committee of McConnellSprings Environmental EducationPark. He is also a member of the Lexington-FayetteCounty Environmental Commission and a Directorrepresenting Kentucky of the Ohio River BasinConsortium for Research and Education.

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State Geologist's OfficeCobb, Jim Geologist / State DirectorKiefer, John Asst State GeologistHaney, Don State Geologist EmeritusLynch, Mike Technology Transfer OfficerHower, Judy Temporary Technician

Administrative SectionSilvers, Jackie Administrative Staff Officer IILong, Mandy Administrative Support Associate IPhillips, Gwen Staff Support Associate II

Energy and Minerals SectionHarris, Dave, Section HeadAnderson, Warren Geologist VBarth, Leah Geological TechnicianBowersox, Rick Geologist IVDaugherty, Shannon Student workerDrahovzal, Jim Temporary professionalEble, Cortland Geologist VGreb, Steve Geologist VHickman, John Geologist IVNuttall, Brandon Geologist VParris, Marty Geologist VSolis, Mike Geologist ITakacs, Kathy Geologist I

Geologic Hazards SectionWang, Zhenming Section HeadLu, Yuxia, Temporary researcherMcIntyre, Jonathan Geologist IVWoolery, Ed Temporary Professional

Geoscience Information SectionCordiviola, Steve Section HeadAdams, Elizabeth Student WorkerBanks, Roger Stores SupervisorBriland, Sarah Staff Supp Associate IColeman, Matt Student WorkerFarwell, Mike Student WorkerHounshell, Terry Chief Cartographic IllusMcElhone, Jim Information Technology Manager IPulliam, Carrie Geologist IIRulo, Collie Senior Graphic Design TechnicianSmath, Meg Geologist IIIThompson, Mark C. Information Technology Manager ITrapp, Fielding Student WorkerWatson, Anna Geologist II

Geospatial Analysis SectionWeisenfluh, Jerry Section HeadCarey, Dan Geologist VCurl, Doug Geologist III

Fedorchuk, Nick Temporary TechnicianFloyd, Julie Student WorkerHunt, Heather Student WorkerLambert, Jason Student WorkerLouden, Bryan Student workerOverfield, Bethany Geologist IIReynolds, Joshua Student WorkerRivers, Monte, Temporary TechnicianSergeant, Rick Geologist IVSmath, Richard Geologist IIISparks, Tom Geologist IIIWang, Rebecca IS Technology Support Spec III

Geologic Mapping SectionAndrews, William, Section HeadCrawford, Matt Geologist IIIMartin, Steve Geologist IIIMurphy, Mike Geologist II

Laboratory ServicesFrancis, Henry Scientist II / Laboratory ManagerBackus, Jason Scientist IIMitchell, Andrea Scientist IMock, Steve Scientist IRoberts, Kevin Student WorkerWilhelm, Brent Student Worker

Water Resources SectionDinger, Jim Section HeadCurrens, Jim Geologist VDavidson, Bart Geologist IVFisher, Steve Geologist VFogle, Alex Geologist IIIGuo, Lifeng Geologist IVPaylor, Randy Geologist IIWebb, Steve Geologist II

Well Sample and Core LibraryGooding, Patrick Geologist IV / ManagerDaniel, Ray Principal Research AnalystPinkston, Ryan Research Analyst

Western Kentucky Office at HendersonWilliams, Dave Section HeadBeck, Glynn Geologist IVBerdine, Jane Staff Supp Associate ICounts, Ron Geologist III (Geologic Mapping Section)Kotter, Dan Geological TechWaninger, Scott Geological Tech (Geologic Mapping Section)

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KGS Staff 2007–08

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A. Participation of KGS in Grants and ContractsFunded by Local, State, and FederalAgencies as well as Industry.

1. “Computerized Coal Resources Data for the National Coal ResourcesData System.” Budget period 7/1/07- 6/30/08. Award $80,000 as fundingfor an additional year of multi-year projects on Coal Resources Data. Awardincludes four sub-awards totaling $65,000. Total award to date $1,404,614.Funding agency – U.S. Geological Survey

2. “Chemical Analysis of Groundwater Samples Taken from theKentucky Groundwater Network.” Budget period 7/1/06- 6/30/08. Thisis a continuation of a project started 2/1/95. Current year pro-rated award$15,700. Total award $31,400 for current project. Total award to date$899,912. Funding agency – Kentucky Natural Resources and EnvironmentalProtection Cabinet

3. “Quarternary and Surficial Geological Mapping for MultipleApplications in Kentucky.” Award of $234,228 for budget period 5/15/07-5/14/08. Current year pro-rated award $214,709. This is the 12th yearfunding of the National Mapping Project. Total award to date $2,251,597. Funding agency – U.S. Geological Survey

4. “Communications Specialist Liason for the Kentucky Board ofRegistration for Professional Geologists.” Budget period 7/1/07- 6/30/08.Award $15,000. Funding agency – Kentucky Board of Registration forProfessional Geologists

5. “Groundwater Education, Training, and Technology Transfer.”Budget period 7/1/03-6/30/10. Current year no additional funding, Totalaward $450,000. Funding agency – Kentucky Natural Resources andEnvironmental Protection Cabinet

6. “Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium.” Budget period10/1/05-9/30/07. Current year pro-rated $40,353. Total award $322,823.Funding agency – U.S. Department of Energy through the Illinois StateGeological Survey

7. “Operation of the Mid-American Integrated Seismic Network -UK.” Budget period 2/1/07-1/31/10. Total award $108,171. Current yearpro-rated $20,435 with total award of $35,031 for budget period 2/1/07-1/31/08. Funding agency – U.S. Geological Survey

8. “Groundwater Quality Monitoring for Nonpoint Source Chemicalsin the Jackson Purchase Region of Kentucky.” Budget period 11/1/04-6/30/08. Current year no cost extension only. Total award $85,000. Fundingagency – Kentucky Natural Resources Environmental Protection Cabinet

9. “A Systems Approach to Identifying Exploration and DevelopmentOpportunities in the Illinois Basin: Digital Portfolio Plays in Under-Explored Lower Paleozoic Rock.” Budget period 9/24/05-9/23/08 withtotal award $197,498. Current year pro-rated $53,410. Funding agency –U.S. Department of Energy through University of Illinois

10. “Geochemical Analysis of Surface and Shallow Gas Flux andComposition Over a Proposed Carbon Sequestration Site in EasternKentucky.” Project period 7/15/05-1/14/08 with total award of $277,989.Current year pro-rated $55,598. Funding agency – U.S. Department of Energy

11. “Southeast Ky: Coals as CO2 Sequestration Reservoirs” (part ofSoutheast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership Phase 2 Project). Nocost extension for current year. Project period 10/1/05-9/30/07. Total awardof $66,000. Funding agency - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity

12. “Seed Grant – Exploring for Economic Coal Bed Methane inEastern Kentucky.” Budget period 2/15/06-12/31/07. Current year pro-rated $22,500. Total award $86,250. Funding agency – Governor’s Officeof Energy Policy

13. “Kentucky Part of Phase 2 of the Midwest Regional CarbonSequestration Partnership.” Project period 10/1/05- 9/30/09. Total award$285,732. Current year pro-rated $120,546. Funding agency – BattelleMemorial Institute

14. “Hydrogeochemistry of Tunnel Roadbed Subsidence.” Budgetperiod 7/1/07-3/31/08. Total award of $94,100. Funding agency – TunnelManagement, Inc.

15. “Integrating Geotechnical Drill Hole Data with GeologicInformation.” Budget period 7/1/06-6/30/08. Total award $250,000. Currentyear award $125,000. Funding agency – Kentucky Transportation Cabinet

16. “Geotechnical Guide to Cored Rock in Kentucky.” Budget period7/1/06-6/30/08. Total award $100,000. Current year award $50,000. Fundingagency – Kentucky Transportation Cabinet

17. “Mapping Karst Groundwater Basins for Radcliffe as a GroundwaterQuality Management Tool.” Budget period 10/1/06-9/30/07. Total award$62,525. Funding agency – City of Radcliffe, Kentucky

18. “Selenium Occurrence and Bioaccumulations in the EasternKentucky Coal Fields.” Budget period 2/16/07-6/30/08. Current year pro-rated $52,384. Total award $69,845. Funding agency – Kentucky Departmentof Environmental Protection

19. “Rough Creek Graben Consortium.” Budget period 8/1/07-2/28/08. Total award $64,169. Funding agency – Governor’s Office of Energy Policy

20. “Rough Creek Graben Deep Gas Consortium.” Budget period 3/1/07-2/28/09. Total award $222,340. Current year pro-rated $111,170. Fundingagency – Multiple Industry Sponsors

21. “Evaluation of Geologic CO2 Sequestration Potential and CO2Enhanced Oil Recovery in Kentucky.” Budget period 8/1/07-6/30/08.Total award $163,446. Funding agency - Governor’s Office of Energy Policy

22. “Inventory of Current Collection Resources and Data Preservationat the Kentucky Geological Survey.” Budget period 7/1/07-9/30/07. Totalaward $5,000. Funding agency – U.S. Geological Survey

23. “Research Into Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery Carbon Dioxide”HB1. Budget period -10/15/07 – 6/30/08. Project period 10/15/07 – 6/30/11.Total award $5,000,000. Current year pro-rated $1,250,000. Fundingagency - Governor’s Office of Energy Policy

24. “Development of Community Water Sources.” Budget period 7/1/07-6/30/08. Total award $50,000. Funding agency - Kentucky InfrastructureAuthority

25. “Enhancement of the PI/Dwights (IHS Energy) Oil Production Datafor Kentucky.” Budget period 7/1/07-6/30/08. Total award $52,221. Fundingagency – IHS Energy Group

B. Participation in Grants Administered by Other Unitsof the University of Kentucky

1. “Cane Run Watershed Groundwater Component.” Cooperative studywith the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture. Project period 7/1/07-6/30/08. Total award $50,000. Funding agency – Kentucky Division of Water

2. “A Model Ordinance for the Guidance of Development on KarstLand.” Project period 1/1/08-6/30/09. Total award $10,000. Current yearpro-rated $3,000. Funding source – UK Commonwealth Collaborative

Total Amount of Grants andContracts Awarded - $2,790,785








Kentucky Geological SurveySummary of Grants and Contracts

Fiscal Year 2007-2008

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KentuckyGeological SurveyUNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY


Editor: Mike LynchCopy Editor: Meg Smath

Design and Layout: Collie Rulo
