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Keppel Group Newsletter Keppelite · Published for people in the Keppel Group by the Group...

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Sustainable solutions for Qatar MICA (P) 041/01/2012 Keppel Group Newsletter MARCH 2012 www.kepcorp.com/ekeppelite Keppelite Quick turnaround 4 Asia’s best business address 10 Sowing seeds of hope 43
Page 1: Keppel Group Newsletter Keppelite · Published for people in the Keppel Group by the Group Corporate Communications Division, Keppel Corporation Limited, 1 HarbourFront Ave, #18-01

Sustainable solutions for Qatar

MICA (P) 041/01/2012

Keppel Group Newsletter

MARCH 2012www.kepcorp.com/ekeppelite

KeppeliteQuick turnaround 4

Asia’s best business

address 10

Sowing seeds

of hope 43

Page 2: Keppel Group Newsletter Keppelite · Published for people in the Keppel Group by the Group Corporate Communications Division, Keppel Corporation Limited, 1 HarbourFront Ave, #18-01

Keppelite I March 2012

Published for people in the Keppel Group by the Group Corporate Communications Division, Keppel Corporation Limited, 1 HarbourFront Ave, #18-01 Keppel Bay Tower, Singapore 098632. Printed by Image Printers Pte Ltd, Blk 1002, Redhill Industrial Estate, Jalan Bukit Merah, #03-12, Singapore 159456.

Editorial AdvisorWang Look Fung

EditorSue Ann Huang

Editorial CommitteeAng Lai Lee, Casiopia Low, Chan Suan Sim, Doreen Lim, Chua Ying Ying, Diana Chan, Donald Sng, Eileen Tan, Elena Ong, Elizabeth Widjaja, Eva Ho, Frances Teh, Grace Chia, Hoo Yao Lin, Joycelyn Tay, Karin Xiao, Lim Kah Ai, Lee Wan Jun, Maria Magdalena, Mohamed Yusof Mohamed, Ong Tze Haung, Roy Tan, Serena Toh, Teri Liew, Wong Chai Yueh, Woon Pek Yong, Vett Ramos, Yolanda Guo


CO REG NO: 196800351N

SUSTAINING GROWTHQuick turnaround 4

Building a Singapore icon 5

New incentives to invest in Tianjin Eco-City 6

Strategic appointments 7

Solid record 8

Growing with Vietnam 9

Asia’s best business address 10

Winning accolades 11

Proactive engagement

Urban success story 12

Distinctive leadership 13

Stalwart of HR excellence

Safety is our business 14

Jakarta abloom 16

Global connections 17

Excelling in innovation 18

SPECIAL FOCUSMeeting Qatar’s sustainability goals 20

Journey through the desert 24

Strengthening ties 25

Showcase city

Forging bonds with China 26

Environmental showcase



Green role model 27

Setting strategic sights

Gleaning marketing insights 28

Strengthening resilience 29

Zeroing in on safety 30

Coach par excellence

Leading marina management practices 31

The Bay hots up

Rolling good times 32

EMPOWERING LIVESDecades of dedication 33

Promoting health 34

Tempest tales 35

Empowerment through film 36

Winning formula

Keppelites AbroadFrom ground up 37

Springing success 38

Fit for all 40

Wonder chef 41

NURTURING COMMUNITIESNurturing volunteers 42

Gift from the heart

Sowing seeds of hope 43

BACK PAGEKeppel DHCS secures new clients at one-north 44


Cover image: (From right) Deputy Prime Minister Mr Teo Chee Hean, signs a plaque commemorating his visit to the Domestic Solid Waste Management Centre in Qatar, built and operated by Keppel, witnessed by Dr Mohamed Saif Al Kuwari, Assistant Under-Secretary, Qatar Ministry of Environment and Dr Lee Boon Yang, Chairman of Keppel Corporation.

Page 3: Keppel Group Newsletter Keppelite · Published for people in the Keppel Group by the Group Corporate Communications Division, Keppel Corporation Limited, 1 HarbourFront Ave, #18-01

Keppelite I March 2012


Keppelite I March 2012

March towards sustainability

The window to save our eco-system from the repercussions of global warming is closing. The International Energy Agency has warned that if the world continues to build fossil-fuel power stations, inefficient factories and buildings at the current pace up to 2017, it will become impossible to hold down global warming to “safe levels”. This warning is a stark wake-up call to governments, corporations and individuals to stop dragging our feet on the green agenda before it is all too late.

At Keppel, we take sustainability and stewardship of the environment seriously. We recognise that multinational businesses play a crucial role in reducing the environmental impact through the way we do business. Our commitment to sustainability ranks as high amongst our corporate targets as our economic ambition to create value for our shareholders.

In our businesses, we embed sustainability into our product innovation and development. Keppel FELS has advanced its eco rig designs such as the KFELS semisubmersible drilling tender which won the ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award and the IES (Institution of Engineers, Singapore) Engineering Award. Keppel Land is building new-generation low-carbon buildings while Keppel Seghers’ waste-to-energy technology is helping cities to recover renewable energy from their waste and reduce environmental damage caused by landfilling. Working across the Group in concerted effort, we are also taking a holistic and systematic approach to integrate carbon management into the daily operations of our businesses. We incorporate energy efficiency improvements and low carbon footprint considerations during upstream activities such as project planning, systems, design, material and equipment selection as well as procurement before proceeding into downstream activities.

Our carbon management project managers are implementing comprehensive monitoring and tracking systems for data collection and management. These systems will ensure regular updates on energy usage and emissions which are of high enough granularity such that tailored carbon reduction solutions can be developed. This will also enable us to review and refine the Group’s carbon management action plans. In addition, our business units also collaborate with research and development organisations and universities in the development of carbon reduction technologies and keep abreast of green business best practices.

Engaging all our stakeholders, we are increasing communication and awareness to solicit the commitment of our staff, customers, business partners and vendors to join us in sustained efforts to save the environment.

In 2010, Keppel published our first Group-wide Sustainability Report and for the 2011 Report, we will continue to improve on materiality reporting and performance indicators. The report will serve as a benchmark for us to chart our efforts and progress. While it is a journey of continuous improvement, we are attuned to the importance and urgency of environmental sustainability to safeguard our planet for future generations.

The pressing need for action means that corporations and individuals can no longer simply wait for direction from governments before taking action. At Keppel, we do not wait for regulations, whether in Singapore or overseas, to set the pace for us. We will take ownership and responsibility.

Page 4: Keppel Group Newsletter Keppelite · Published for people in the Keppel Group by the Group Corporate Communications Division, Keppel Corporation Limited, 1 HarbourFront Ave, #18-01

4 Sustaining Growth

Keppelite I March 2012

4 Sustaining Growth

Cementing its reputation for fast-track repairs, Keppel FELS completed substantial repairs and upgrading work on Transocean’s GSF rig 140 within 54 days.

The extensive works on the semisubmersible rig included refurbishment of its living quarters, upgrading of its Nomar carrier, removal and i n s t a l l a t i on o f a starboard crane, and the addition of a new riser storage bay.

GSF rig 140, which arrived at the yard on 10 January 2012, was successful ly delivered on 3 March 2012 on t ime and with zero lost-time incidents. It has since returned to work in offshore India.

M r B o b M c K e c h n i e , Tr an socean ’s D i re c to r o f U p g r a d e P ro j e c t s , congratulated the team, “Keppel FELS has once again delivered on their promises! Yo u s h o u l d c o n s i d e r changing your tagline from ‘Can do!’ to ‘Just did it....again’. I would like you to know that Transocean very much appreciates the strong management effort that Keppel FELS has put into all of our projects.”

C o m m e n t i n g o n t h e challenges of the project, Mr Wong Kok Seng, MD of Keppel FELS said, “This

Quick turnaround

achievement is due to the great cooperation we have built up with the Transocean team.

“We had a tight schedule to complete a substantial scope of work which also increased during the project. By combining Keppel FELS’ experience and expertise in repairs with effective planning and good teamwork with Transocean, we ensured that GSF rig 140 was able to return to work for Transocean in a timely manner.

“ W e a p p r e c i a t e t h e con f idence shown by Transocean in our capabilities

a n d l o o k f o r w a rd t o continuing this win-win partnership.”

Mr Keelan Adamson, VP, Engineering and Technical Support of Transocean, a d d e d , “ I t w a s v e r y encouraging that Keppel FELS’ management and project team aligned with us on the rig’s re-delivery targets. We very much appreciate the t eam’s con t inued support, and in particular on the GSF 140 project.”

Keppel FELS is currently building three jackup rigs for Transocean. The two companies have a long-

s t a n d i n g p a r t n e r s h i p spanning several significant projects. In 2009, Keppel de l i vered Transocean’s Development Driller III, an ultra-deepwater dril l ing semisubmersible rig built to Keppel’s proprietary DSS™ 51 semisubmersible design.

Other projects undertaken by Keppel FELS for Transocean inc lude upgrades and conve r s ions o f Sedco 700-series semisubmersible r igs to enable dynamic positioning, and the repair of various Transocean rigs. keppelite

Mr Dick Verhaagen (third from left), Director of Projects, Asia Pacific, Transocean; and Mr David Richard (third from right), Project Manager of the rig, Transocean, celebrate great teamwork with Mr Wong Kok Seng (centre), MD, Keppel FELS, and the GSF rig 140 project team members from Keppel FELS

Page 5: Keppel Group Newsletter Keppelite · Published for people in the Keppel Group by the Group Corporate Communications Division, Keppel Corporation Limited, 1 HarbourFront Ave, #18-01

Keppelite I March 2012

Sustaining Growth 5

Leveraging the landmark status of Reflections at Keppel Bay, Keppel Corporation and Keppel Land have once again partnered master architect Mr Daniel Libeskind for the plot 3 development at Keppel Bay.

Located along the historic K ing’s Dock , the new development is envisioned to be a premium waterfront property comprising 367 homes.

Speak ing a t a med i a c o n f e r e n c e h e l d o n 22 March 2012 at Reflections at Keppel Bay, Mr Augustine Tan, President (Singapore Residential) of Keppel Land, said, “Demand for world-class waterfront homes such

Building a Singapore iconas Reflections at Keppel Bay has been encouraging, especially from Asia. Despite the external economic challenges, there is still a worldwide trend favouring premier waterfront living. This is where our properties at Keppel Bay meet the taste and demands of discerning buyers and investors alike.

“ In keep ing w i th our commitment to deliver only what is premier in waterfront and urban lifestyles, Keppel has brought together the finest names and brands in the industry to lend their signature quality to Keppel Bay. We are happy to once again partner Mr Libeskind for the plot 3 development at Keppel Bay.”

Mr Libeskind’s appointment fol lows the success of Reflections at Keppel Bay, of which about 88% of the 950 launched units have been sold as at end-February 2012. Tapping on strong leasing demand for luxury waterfront residences, 154 units have been set aside as corporate residences.

C o m m e n t i n g o n t h e completion of his first Asian res ident ia l showpiece, Reflections at Keppel Bay, Mr L i be sk i nd sha red , “Turning a dream into a reality is always a thrill for an architect. Singapore is a paradigm of harmony of culture, nature and the built environment. I wanted to convey this while highlighting

the spectacular beauty of the setting.

“Reflections at Keppel Bay is truly an expression of the wonderful collaboration with Keppel and exemplifies the ongoing and future success of Singapore.”

To commemora te the c o m p l e t i o n o f t h e i c o n i c d e v e l o p m e n t , Keppel Corporation and K e p p e l L a n d h a v e commissioned a 30-minute documenta r y en t i t l ed ‘Reflections on the waterfront’, wh i ch was b roadca s t internationally via Channel NewsAsia in March 2012. keppelite

Mr Augustine Tan, Keppel Land’s President for Singapore Residential (second from right) and Mr Daniel Libeskind (extreme right), master architect of Reflections at Keppel Bay and the upcoming plot 3 development, address the media at the conference for the completion of Reflections at Keppel Bay

Page 6: Keppel Group Newsletter Keppelite · Published for people in the Keppel Group by the Group Corporate Communications Division, Keppel Corporation Limited, 1 HarbourFront Ave, #18-01

6 Sustaining Growth

Keppelite I March 2012

Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Development Co., Ltd (SSTEC) and International Enterprise (IE) Singapore have jointly announced a new incentive programme to encourage more Singapore-based companies to venture into the North China market through the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City (T ianjin E co -C i t y ) , a b i l a t e r a l cooperation project between China and Singapore.

Details of this new incentive programme were unveiled a t a T i an j i n E co -C i t y I n v e s t m e n t S e m i n a r themed ‘New Incentives and Opportun i t ies for Singapore Companies’, held in Singapore on 1 March 2012.

Mr Teo Eng Cheong, CEO of IE Singapore and Mr Ho

New incentives to invest in Tianjin Eco-City

Tong Yen, CEO of SSTEC, introduced the new incentive and investment opportunities available for Singapore-based companies. SSTEC, the master developer of the Tianjin Eco-City, will be administering up to $9.5 million in assistance, provided by IE Singapore, to support Singapore-based companies over five years.

The funds wil l support compan ie s i n mak ing marketing trips, participating in exhibitions and events, conducting market feasibility s t ud i e s , t e s t - bedd ing projects, and setting up business services offices.

Earlier in 2010, IE Singapore also introduced a Tianjin E c o - C i t y A s s i s t a n c e Programme (TAP) under which Singapore-based

compan ies se t t ing up operations in the Tianjin Eco-City can apply for grants of up to $150,000.

ECAC Deputy Di rector ( C o m m e rc i a l B u re a u ) M r H u a n g Yo n g h a o presented on the support and incentives from the Chinese Government, including tax incentives, Voluntary Exchange Settlement and public housing.

The seminar a l so saw another five Singapore-based companies inking investment deals with SSTEC, bringing the total registered capital of Singapore-based companies in the Tianjin Eco-City to about $1.36 billion. These include companies with business in early childhood development, furniture manufacturing, advertising,

landscaping and toi let fittings manufacturing.

Mr Ho sha red a t the seminar, “We are pleased that increasing numbers of Singapore companies are exploring using the Tianjin Eco-City to grow their businesses in Tianjin and the North China region, and to enter the fast-growing sustainable development market in China.

“As the Tianjin Eco-City matures, there wi l l be increasing opportunities for Singapore companies in a wide range of areas. With the strong support of the Chinese and Singapore Governments for the Tianjin Eco-City project, we are confident that Singapore companies participating in the T ianj in Eco-City will find this an attractive environment for growing their businesses.”

To cater to the anticipated n e e d s o f c o m p a n i e s in various IT-related and new media sectors, SSTEC will be embarking on the development of a new Eco-Information Park, which will be located near the future centre of the Tianjin Eco-City. keppelite

SSTEC inked investment deals with five Singapore-based companies on 1 March 2012

Page 7: Keppel Group Newsletter Keppelite · Published for people in the Keppel Group by the Group Corporate Communications Division, Keppel Corporation Limited, 1 HarbourFront Ave, #18-01

Keppelite I March 2012

Sustaining Growth 7

Mr Chow Yew Yuen has been appo inted Ch ief Operating Officer (COO) of Keppel O&M with effect from 1 March 2012 and continues to report directly to the CEO of Keppel O&M, Mr Tong Chong Heong.

He will assist the CEO in all aspects of Keppel O&M, and continues in his role as the President of the Americas for Keppel O&M, in which he oversees the group’s business covering t h e U S , M e x i c o a n d Brazil.

Strategic appointmentsWith three senior appointments in Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M) in March 2012, the Group ensures sustainable growth with strong leaders.

Mr Chow, 56, has been with the company for 30 years. In 1993, he was seconded to AmFELS, later renamed Keppel AmFELS, in Brownsville, Texas. He has been the President of Keppel O&M USA since 2004.

Mr Chow is also Chairman of Keppel AmFELS and Deputy Chairman of Keppel FELS Brasil. He serves on the Boards of AmFELS Offshore, BrasFELS, Deepwater Marine Technology, FloaTEC and other companies in the

group. In August 2011, he was appointed to the Boards of Keppel O&M and Keppel Shipyard.

In addition, as technology plays an ever more important ro le in Keppe l O&M’s business, Keppel Offshore & Marine Technology Centre (KOMtech) will expand to increase its scope of research and development activities.

In view of the expansion in KOMtech, Dr Foo Kok Seng has been re-designated as ED (Shallow water Technology)

of KOMtech with effect from 19 March 2012. He will concurrently hold his appointment as ED of O f f s h o r e Te c h n o l o g y Development.

Mr Aziz Merchant has also been appointed as ED (Deepwater Technology) o f K O M t e c h a n d E D ( E n g i n e e r i n g ) o f Keppe l F E LS . He w i l l concur ren t l y ho ld h i s appointment as ED of Deepwater Technology Group. keppelite

(From left) Mr Chow Yew Yuen, Dr Foo Kok Seng, Mr Aziz Merchant

Page 8: Keppel Group Newsletter Keppelite · Published for people in the Keppel Group by the Group Corporate Communications Division, Keppel Corporation Limited, 1 HarbourFront Ave, #18-01

8 Sustaining Growth

Keppelite I March 2012

With some 50 projects under its belt, Naki lat-Keppel Offshore & Marine ( N - K O M ) i n Q a t a r i s building solid capabilities i n t h e r e p a i r a n d maintenance of a range of ships and rigs as well as fabrication of offshore structures.

The yard’s track record was recently boosted by the safe and timely completion of works on its first liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) carrier project as well as its first Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) project.

On 27 December 2011, the LPG carrier Yuhsho,

Solid recorda Very Large Gas Carrier, called at N-KOM for general repairs and drydocking works. Completing the project safely and on time, N-KOM received positive feedback from Wilhelmsen Ship Management and Yu y o S t e a m s h i p , t h e manager and owner of Yuhsho respectively.

Mr Ra jesh Gir i , Vesse l Manager, Wilhemsen Ship Management, said, “The project team was very professional. We as well as the owners of the vessel, Yuyo Steamship, are very impressed with the facilities and service standards of N-KOM.”

Mr Jiro Watanabe, GM, Technical Group, Marine and Ship Technical Division, Yuyo Steamship, said, “We are very satisfied with the quality of the repair work. We hope to return to N-KOM in the future for docking and cooling services for our LPG carrier vessels.”

In December 2011, N-KOM also welcomed the arrival of Samco Scandinavia, its first VLCC project. The vessel is managed by Goodwood Ship Management.

Mr Ivan Lim, AGM, N-KOM, shared, “We are proud of our project teams’ dedicated and professional services.

W i t h t h e s u c c e s s f u l completion of our f irst LPG carrier project and our f irst VLCC project, w e l o o k f o r w a r d t o further broadening our range of work as well as our customer base.”

Presently, N-KOM’s major projects include repair and conversion work on Gulf Drilling International’s jackup, Zikreet, and the building of a barge for Nakilat Damen.

Located in Ras Laffan Industrial City, N-KOM was officially opened by the Emir of Qatar, His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani in November 2010. keppelite

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N-KOM recently added to its track record with its first LPG carrier project, Yuhsho (right), as well as its first VLCC project, Samco Scandinavia (left)

Page 9: Keppel Group Newsletter Keppelite · Published for people in the Keppel Group by the Group Corporate Communications Division, Keppel Corporation Limited, 1 HarbourFront Ave, #18-01

Keppelite I March 2012

Sustaining Growth 9

Mr Linson Lim, President of Keppel Land Vietnam and Chairman of Quang Ba Royal Park Joint Venture Co., Ltd (far right), receives the 2nd Order Labour of Medal Award from Mrs Nguyen Thi Doan, the Vice-President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (second from right)

To further strengthen ties with Vietnam, Dr Lee Boon Yang, Chairman of Keppel Corporation, led senior management to call on ministers in Hanoi, Vietnam from 27 to 29 February 2012.

Joining Dr Lee were Keppel Corporation CEO Mr Choo Chiau Beng, Senior ED Mr Teo Soon Hoe, Senior ED Mr Tong Chong Heong, also CEO of Keppel Offshore & Marine, CFO Mr Loh Chin Hua and Group CEO of Keppel Land, Mr Kevin Wong.

Du r i ng the v i s i t , t he management also witnessed Keppel Land receiving the prest ig ious 2nd Order L a b o u r o f M e d a l Award conferred by the former President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for its joint venture, Royal Park Sedona Suites Hanoi.

The 2nd Order Labour of Medal Award is the highest accolade presented to a private organisation for its socio-economic contribution to Vietnam.

A t t h e c e re m o n y o n 28 February 2012, Mr Linson Lim, President of Keppel Land Vietnam and Chairman of Quang Ba Royal Park Joint Venture (Quang Ba), received the award from Mrs Nguyen Thi Doan, the Vice-President

Growing with Vietnam

of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Witnessing the presentation were Mr Tran Van Thuc, M e m b e r o f S t a n d i n g C o m m i t t e e , m e m b e r of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and Chairman of Hanoi Federation of Labor, and HE Simon Wong, Singapore Ambassador to Vietnam.

Mr Lim said, “Vietnam and Singapore continue to enjoy strong and deepening ties. Keppel Land has been privileged to participate in and contribute to Vietnam’s g rowth . Th i s w in -w in

relationship has spanned over 20 years and across our key businesses of property, offshore and marine and infrastructure.

“With a pipeline of more than 22,000 homes in Vietnam, we will continue to develop benchmark quality homes to fulfill rising ownership aspirations resulting from Vietnam’s growth.”

Quang Ba received the investment license for Royal Park Sedona Suites Hanoi in 1994, which commenced operations in 1998. Today, Royal Park Sedona Suites, with its 175 units of serviced

apartments, has become a popular accommodation of choice among the diplomatic corps, expatr iates and businessmen.

Keppel Land Vietnam has been named one of the top ten developers in the BCI Asia Top 10 Awards 2012. The award recognises top architectural firms and developers that have the greatest impact on the built environment in Southeast Asia. Keppel Land was also named one of the top ten developers in Singapore by BCI Asia. keppelite

Page 10: Keppel Group Newsletter Keppelite · Published for people in the Keppel Group by the Group Corporate Communications Division, Keppel Corporation Limited, 1 HarbourFront Ave, #18-01

10 Sustaining Growth

Keppelite I March 2012

Steady hand

Marina Bay Financial Centre (MBFC) is now Singapore’s largest integrated mixed-use development in the new downtown with about three million sf of prime Grade A office space across its three office towers. Crossing a significant milestone, its office Tower 3 – the final office tower to be completed – has attained temporary occupation permit.

When comb ined w i th the adjacent One Raffles Quay (ORQ) , which i s also managed by Raffles Quay Asset Management (RQAM), the total Grade A office space increases to about 4.5 million sf, forming the largest collective prime Grade A office and retail space in Singapore.

The combined office space at MBFC and ORQ form a significant part of the

Asia’s best business address

as well as 649 luxury apartments, located in the heart of the new Marina Bay financial district.

Mr Warren Bishop has taken over the helm from Mr Wilson Kwong as CEO of RQAM, the manager for MBFC and ORQ, with effect from 1 April 2012.

Prior to this, Mr Bishop was CEO at Tradeport, Hongkong Land’s joint venture logistics centre at Hong Kong International Airport. Mr Bishop joined Jardine Matheson & Co. in 1994 and brings with him almost 18 years of management experience in a range of senior executive positions.

In his new role, Mr Bishop will focus on managing the prime office and retail space at MBFC and ORQ,

supply of top-tier office space in the Central Business District (CBD). This fulfills the vision of Singapore’s city planners who had earmarked the new downtown as a seamless extension of the CBD to accommodate higher growth.

NEW TENANTS AT TOWER 3Th ree new t enan t s – Rio Tinto, Fitness First and The Regus Group – are the latest to make Marina Bay Financial Centre (MBFC) Tower 3 their new business address.

L ead ing i n t e r na t i ona l mining group Rio Tinto will occupy 46,000 sf of space, while Fitness First and The Regus Group will occupy 13,000 sf and 16,000 sf respectively. This brings the total commitmed space at Tower 3 to over 800,000 sf.

Those working at MBFC and the vicinity can look forward to the new Fitness First club, which will feature new programmes, including an open concept Spin Class that will run in 30-minute interva l s dur ing lunch and evening peak periods on weekdays.

Meanwhile, companies can look to The Regus Group for innovative office solutions including fully furnished and well-equipped offices,

such as the largest network of public video conference rooms, as well as world-class business support services from qualified staff.

The 46-storey MBFC Tower 3 will offer about 1.3 million sq ft of prime Grade A office space under Phase 2 of the MBFC development. Its stellar line-up of tenants include anchor tenant DBS Bank, WongPartnership and McGraw-Hill. keppelite

Mr Warren Bishop, new CEO for RQAM, brings with him some 18 years of management experience

MBFC is Singapore’s largest integrated mixed-use development in the new downtown with three million sf of prime Grade A office space across its three office towers

Page 11: Keppel Group Newsletter Keppelite · Published for people in the Keppel Group by the Group Corporate Communications Division, Keppel Corporation Limited, 1 HarbourFront Ave, #18-01

Keppelite I March 2012

Sustaining Growth 11

K e p p e l C o r p o r a t i o n ’s proactive, clear and engaging app roach to i n ve s to r relations and its commitment to corporate transparency and governance have once again been recognised by the business and investing community.

Keppel Corporation was named first in the “Best for disclosure and transparency in Singapore” category, second in the “Best overall for corporate governance in Singapore” category and joint second in the “Best for shareholders’ rights and equitable treatment in Singapore” category in the latest poll conducted by international financial magazine Asiamoney.

T h e 2 0 1 1 A s i a m o n e y Corporate Governance Poll asked senior executives, fund managers and analysts from over a hundred fund-management companies and brokerages in the Asia-Pacific region to rate 288 companies in Asia (excluding Japan) on disclosure and transparency, shareholders’ r i g h t s a n d e q u i t a b l e treatment, responsibilities of management and board of directors and investor relations.

To assess how companies performed in the category “Best for disclosure and transparency”, respondents were asked to nominate compan ies tha t made t i m e l y a n d a c c u r a t e

disclosures, produced the most informative financial reports, and offered the best disclosure of corporate governance information in annual reports.

Keppel Corporation strives to deve lop long- te rm re lat ionsh ips wi th our stakeholders and deliver clear, consistent and timely updates to the investment community.

To strengthen stakeholder relations, Mr Teo Soon Hoe, Senior ED of Keppel Corporation, recently spoke at a conference of the emerging markets investment teams under the Franklin Templeton Investments (FTI) group. FTI is

Proactive engagementa global investment manager with over US$734 billion in assets under management as at end-June 2011.

In his presentation to about 70 fund managers from 16 countries, Mr Teo sketched the growth and resilience of the Keppel Group since its beginnings as a ship repair yard in Singapore, and shared the thinking behind major strategic moves that the Group has made over the decades,

including the divestment of its Finance Division in 2001 and Singapore Petroleum Company in 2009. He also touched on the core competencies of the Group and the business outlook for the three business divisions.

Mr Teo also addressed q u e s t i o n s o n K e p p e l Offshore & Marine’s (Keppel O&M) business strategy, p rop r i e ta r y so lu t ions , execution excellence and global network. Of particular

interest to investment teams, was Keppel O&M’s established presence in Brazil and its sterling track record of having delivered three floating production units to Petrobras from its BrasFELS yard in Angra dos Reis.

The fund managers gained a better appreciation of Keppel’s management strategies and a clear understanding of the company’s commitment to deliver value to shareholders. keppelite

Mr Choo Chiau Beng, CEO of Keppel Corporation received the award at the ceremony on 23 February 2012 in Hong Kong. keppelite

Senior management of Keppel Corporation at the awards presentation ceremony with Editor of Asiamoney, Mr Richard Morrow (extreme right); (from left) Director of Group Corporate Affairs Ms Wang Look Fung, CEO Mr Choo Chiau Beng, and CFO Mr Loh Chin Hua

Winning accolades

Page 12: Keppel Group Newsletter Keppelite · Published for people in the Keppel Group by the Group Corporate Communications Division, Keppel Corporation Limited, 1 HarbourFront Ave, #18-01

12 Sustaining Growth

Keppelite I March 2012

The City of New York has been awarded the prestigious Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize 2012, sponsored by Keppel Corporation, after beat ing more than 60 nominees from all around the world.

The prize was awarded to Mr Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City, and the city’s Departments of Transportation, City Planning and Parks, and Recreation for the city’s remarkable transformation after the devastating September 11 attacks over a decade ago.

T h e b i e n n i a l a w a r d recognises cities and their administrative departments for outstanding contributions towards the creation of

Urban success story

v i b r an t , l i v e ab l e and s u s t a i n a b l e u r b a n communities around the world.

As part of its commitment to nurture communities and promote the development of its industries, Keppel has pledged to be the main sponsor of the international award for ten years.

Mr Choo Chiau Beng, CEO of Keppel Corporation, said, “We extend to the Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, our congratulations for a well-deserved commendation. Mayor Bloomberg, together with various agencies, have boldly executed and built on transformative initiatives in the city over the past decade.

New York has progressd from a city in adversity to a city in continuous advance. Keppel is akin to the galvanising of collective strengths to rise above challenges with renewed vigour.”

Mayor B loomberg wi l l receive $300,000 cash, a gold medallion and an award certificate, fully sponsored by Keppel Corporation, at a ceremony on 2 July 2012, during the upcoming World Cities Summit.

On winning the award, Mayor Bloomberg, said, “Receiving the Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize is not only a great honour, it is an affirmation of our vision for New York as a global leader in sustainable development

and designing innovative public spaces.

“Our v i s ion has been informed by the experiences of other cities around the world, including Singapore. New York is a city that is open – to all people, commerce, and ideas – and we will continue to make our city an even more attractive place to live, work, and visit.

“We hope that our story helps inspire other city leaders to promote economic growth by fostering a culture of freedom and innovation.”

The World City Prize is jointly organised by the Urban Redevelopment Authority and the Centre for Liveable Cities. keppelite

The Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize 2012 was awarded to Mr Michael Bloomberg (second from left), Mayor of New York City, and the city’s Departments of Transportation, City Planning and Parks, and Recreation for the city’s remarkable transformation after the devastating September 11 attacks over a decade ago

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I n re cogn i t i on o f h i s outstanding contributions to Singapore and exemplary leadership in the international offshore and marine industry, the Society of Naval Architects & M a r i n e E n g i n e e r s , S i n g a p o r e ( S N A M E S ) conferred an honorary membership on Mr Choo Chiau Beng, CEO of Keppel Corporation and Chairman of Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M) on 2 March 2012. Mr Choo has also played a key role in establishing and supporting the growth of SNAMES, as one of its founding members and the pioneer President. The

society was formed in 1981 after the Society of Naval Architects (SONAS) changed its constitution by co-opting the Marine Engineers, and formed SNAMES. Mr Choo became its first VP before stepping up to assume the role of President in 1983. Since then, he has remained a strong supporter of SNAMES.

SNAMES was established to facilitate the exchange of ideas on the practical and scientific aspects of design, construction, operations, repairs and maintenance of marine machinery, structures, vessels and related fields. keppelite

Lauded for driving effective and innovat ive human resources (HR) practices in the organisation, Mr Tong Chong Heong, CEO of Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M), was conferred the ‘Champion of HR’ award at the HRM 2012 Awards presentation on 23 February 2012.

The award recognises a CEO who demonstrates

Stalwart of HR excellenceleadership and integrity in driving diversity and flexibility in the organisation, and is effective in leading his company towards excellent human resource management and practices.

Into its ninth year, this year’s award witnessed more than 90 finalists competing in 21 categories, and was judged by the Workforce Development Agency, the

Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices, and Towers Watson.

K e p p e l O & M f i r m l y believes that people are the cornerstone of i ts business, and adopts a holistic approach in hiring, developing and motivating its employees. The company seeks to continually grow and enhance the capabilities of its global workforce. keppeliteMr Tong Chong Heong, CEO of Keppel

O&M, was conferred the ‘Champion of HR’ award at the HRM 2012 Awards presentation on 23 February 2012

Distinctive leadership

Mr Choo Chiau Beng, CEO of Keppel Corporation and Chairman of Keppel O&M, was awarded an honorary membership by SNAMES

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14 Sustaining Growth

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Mr Choo Chiau Beng drives home the importance of workplace safety in a short video message available on the Keppel Group’s e-Safety Portal. The following is an excerpt.

“Dear fellow Keppelites, partners and stakeholders,

I would like to remind all of you that safety is a Keppel core value and a top priority in all our operations. Over the years, we have embarked on numerous initiatives to make our work places safer and to inculcate a safety culture.

Safety is our businessKeppel is committed to protecting the health and safety of its people, and leverages different platforms to strengthen safety mindsets and drive home messages on safety. Over and above training, campaigns and conventions help to promote safety as a way of life.

From 2006 to 2010, our Accident Frequency Rate and Accident Severity Rate grew significantly lower. However, in 2011, we faced one of our toughest years in our safety journey. We suffered 13 fatalities across the Group.

We are saddened by the loss of these lives. We must not allow such incidents to happen again. We must extract the lessons, learn f rom them and more importantly, act on them quickly. It is a reminder that we can never take safety for granted.

We must believe that all accidents can be prevented. In order for this to happen, we all have to do our part. We have to look out for ourselves and for those around us. Remember, ‘ Sa f e t y i s Everyone’s Business’.

To guide us on the right path, we have embarked on the Keppel Workplace S a f e t y a n d H e a l t h 2018 strategy. Through this, we are putt ing in place a common set of safeguards, strengthening a c c o u n t a b i l i t y a n d

p r o m o t i n g s a f e t y ownersh ip . A l ready, a number of initiatives have been carried out.

Accidents often happen because we think safety is somebody else’s duty or job. Next time you see a potential hazard, voice it out and correct it on the spot. You are empowered to stop a work process if you think it is not safe.

F o r s u p e r v i s o r s a n d off icers, when you see a pos i t i v e sa fe t y ac t , p l e a se re cogn i s e and c o m m e n d t h e p e r s o n for doing it. Also, I urge you to continue to train and improve your supervisory s k i l l s i n g u i d i n g t h e workforce to actively take ownership of safety.

We must remain vigilant. We must look out for innovative ways that we can improve safety at work. We should a l so encourage our colleagues and our contractors to provide constant feedback on the processes that can help us improve safety.

R e m e m b e r, S a f e t y i s Everyone’s Business and it starts with me today.”

Keppel acknowledges that safety is everyone’s business

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CHAMPIONING SAFETYTo strengthen safety mindsets and fortify a safety culture through the sharing of best practices, Keppel Integrated Engineering (KIE) held its annual Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Convention on 28 February 2012 at Republic Polytechnic.

The event, themed “Safety is my habit”, was graced by Mr Lai Poon Piau, Executive Director of the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council.

In his keynote speech, Mr Lai addressed some 300 participants and stressed the importance of imbibing safe workplace practices, such that they become an ingrained habit. He commended KIE for its concerted effort to enhance safety ownership and encourage ac t i ve involvement from employees, which would go a long way

in helping to achieve an incident-free workplace.

Whilst safety is its own reward, Keppel believes that the recognition of safety efforts encourages vigilance. The convention was thus also a platform for KIE to laud contributions from employees towards improving workplace safety.

Thirteen Keppelites across the KIE group received awards for their dedication t o w a r d s h i g h s a f e t y standards. One of them was Hein Tun Lin, a Keppel FMO building technician, who was awarded the Safety Employee Award 2011. As a member of the WSH Committee at K h o o T e c k P u a t H o s p i t a l , T u n L i n carries out regular safety inspections at his work site and highlights unsafe conditions and behaviours.

KIE senior management, Keppelites and external stakeholders affirm their commitment to safety at the KIE EHS Convention 2012

Initiatives that Tun Lin took to improve safety at his workplace include taping floor areas with anti-slip tape to prevent slips, attaching padded warning stripes to low overhead flanges to

lower the risk of impacts, and separating flammable paints and thinners from general waste for proper disposal. keppelite

Recipient of the Safety Employee Award 2011, Hein Tun Lin (centre) from Keppel FMO is seen here attaching padded warning stripes to low overhead flanges to lower the risk of impacts

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16 Sustaining Growth

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The launch of Jakarta Garden City’s new cluster, D’Banyan Residences, received positive response from homebuyers, with 80% of the 45 launched units sold

Life for residents of Jakarta Ga rden C i t y ( JGC ) i s blossoming as exciting new developments take shape.

As at end-February 2012, the township has sold about 94% of 1,000 launched units.

With the coming completion of the Alamanda Garden c luster and completed Lantana Garden cluster, the Customer Focus Unit at JGC have their hands full, ensuring the smooth handover of homes to owners.

The latest cluster in JGC, the D’Banyan Residences was launched on 26 February 2011 to favourable responses from homebuyers. 80% of the 45 units launched has

Jakarta abloom

been sold. This exclusive cluster is in a prime location just a stone’s throw away from the Club House.

A gated community, the c lus te r o ffe r s modern and minimal ist-themed homes comp lemented with eco-friendly features within spacious land plots, starting from 230 sm up to 500 sm.

Attesting to the quality of houses within the township, Profianto Adityo, a father of two daughters who bought three houses at JGC, shared, “I appreciate that JGC has put in place systems to combat floods. With its outstanding facilities, the township offers homes that are of a higher quality

compared to surrounding neighbourhoods.”

In the meantime, as more facilities are completed within the township, a slate of new residential and commercial products will be launched to meet the growing demand and needs of residents and homebuyers.

By the middle of this year, the new 2.3 ha compound for Sekolah Global Mandiri will be completed. The school offers quality education, with classes for kindergarten, primary, junior and senior h igh s choo l l e ve l s . I t adopts both national and international curriculums and conducts lessons in both English and Bahasa Indonesia. To encourage

development beyond the classrooms, the school will feature extensive recreational facilities including a soccer field, indoor squash and futsal courts as well as a library and music studio. New retail outlets at the Shopp ing Arcade w i l l also provide a spectrum of choices for food and beverage outlets, and easy access to services such as banking and dental care. Adding to the buzz, Keppel Land continues to engage residents in various activities such as cooking contests and a car-free day to encourage green and sustainable living. keppelite

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In March, Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M) continued to welcome visitors who were keen to learn more about its solutions, processes and strategies.

OPEN TRADEKeppel FELS and Keppel Sh ipya rd we l comed a delegation of government and industry personnel led by the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation on 15 March 2012.

Mr Wong Fook Seng , Senior GM (Operations) of Keppel FELS, hosted the delegates and shared i n s i g h t s i n t o K e p p e l O&M’s bus inesses and ope ra t ions th rough a corporate presentation and discussions.

The visit concluded with a tour of Keppel O&M’s f a c i l i t i e s , w h e re t h e delegation witnessed first-

Global connectionshand its range of projects and activities.

INDUSTRY EXCHANGEMembers of the Sarawak and Sabah Shipowners Association (SSSA) also called at Keppel Shipyard on 15 March 2012.

The delegates were provided with an overview of the company’s operat ions . While touring the yard, the delegates learnt about Keppel Shipyard’s repair and conversion services as well as its commitment to safe and high quality deliveries.

ENRICHING RELATIONSA group of 19 Norwegian Parliamentarians from the Finance & Economic Affairs Standing Committees were also warmly welcomed at Keppel FELS on 21 March 2012. The delegation was hosted by Mr Nelson Yeo, MD (Marine) and Mr Aziz

Merchant, ED (Engineering) of Keppel FELS along with other senior management.

T h e d e l e g a t e s w e r e introduced to Keppel O&M’s businesses and its global operations. There was light-hearted exchange on topics such as envi ronmental c o n c e r n s , e m p l o y e e strength and welfare, as well as Keppel’s competitive edge of on-time, on-budget deliveries.

Seafox 5, the KFELS multi-

purpose se l f -e levat ing platform offshore wind turbine installation vessel which is under construction i n K e p p e l F E L S w a s showcased as an example of Keppel O&M’s green rig designs.

A tour of the yards of Keppel FELS and Keppel Shipyard offered them a first-hand view of the mega-structures under construction and an opportunity to see Keppel O&M’s capabi l i t ies and integrated facilities. keppelite

Mr Wong Fook Seng, Senior GM (Operations) of Keppel FELS (fourth from right), hosted a delegation led by Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation on a visit to Keppel O&M’s facilities

A group of Norwegian Parliamentarians from the Finance & Economic Affairs Standing Committees visited Keppel FELS and Keppel Shipyard as part of their educational trip in Singapore

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18 Sustaining Growth

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To compete and sustain bus ines s g rowth in a globalised marketplace, organisations need to create value by increasing their capacity for innovation.

U n d e r s t a n d i n g t h a t innovation is a key factor for business success, Keppel FELS and Keppel Integrated Engineering (KIE) held the Innovation and Qual ity Circles (iQC) programmes in February and March 2012 respectively.

KEPPEL FELSThe eighth iQC movement at Keppel FELS ended on 13 February 2012 with the best results ever achieved in the company’s history, with four Star and eight Gold awards achieved by

Excelling in innovationt h e 1 2 t e a m s w h o participated in the National iQC Convention.

The outstanding teams were identified from the pool of 55 iQC and Safety Innovation Teams (SIT) compris ing employees from various departments who had participated in the annual Keppel FELS Innovation Month.

With ideas ranging from improving the efficiency o f the 3D rev iew log process to re-designing the manufacturing steps of the jackup legs fabrication process, the iQC has proved to be an effective platform for sharing of ideas.

Congratulating the teams,

Mr Tong Chong Heong, CEO of Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M), said, “It is important that we encourage our people to think of innovative ideas and processes, and translate these into lower costs and faster turnaround for the company and our customers. iQC is not just about the competition. It should drive productivity by enhancing c o s t a n d m a n p o w e r efficiencies.”

Mr Richard Tay, Chairman of Keppel FELS iQC Secretariat and Shipyard Manager of Keppel FELS, added, “This achievement demonstrates our commitment to live out our core values of innovation and continuous learning, as we strive towards delivering

value-added solutions for our customers.”

iQC he lps to promote innovation and teamwork, two of Keppel O&M’s core values. Through iQC, teams get together to identify improvement opportunities through problem-solving techniques, contributing towards achiev ing the Group’s vision of becoming the provider of choice in the offshore and marine industry.

KEPPEL INTEGRATED ENGINEERINGOver at KIE, the group launched its iQC programme on 2 March 2012, marking a milestone in its innovation and productivity improvement journey.

Keppel FELS achieved excellent results by all its 12 teams at the National Innovation & Quality Circles Convention

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Present at the launch were KIE senior management and staff; guest speaker Mr Low Hock Meng, ED of the Singapore Productivity Association; Mr Richard Tay, as well as participants from Keppel FELS who shared enthusiastically about their experiences.

BG(NS) Tay Lim Heng, CEO of KIE, encouraged all to participate actively in the programme and to use it as a platform to bring about positive changes in the workplace.

The KIE iQC programme is an extens ion of the productivity committee’s e f f o r t s t o e n c o u r a g e K e p p e l i t e s t o w o r k together in enhanc ing innovation and quality in the workplace. In early 2 0 1 1 , a p ro d u c t i v i t y committee was formed at the direction of BG(NS) Tay. Headed by Mr Ho Kuen

Loon, CFO of KIE, more than 60 projects and initiatives were implemented, which saw a total of more than $2 million in cost-savings accrued in less than a year.

Mr Tong Chong Heong (sixth from left), CEO of Keppel O&M; Mr Chow Yew Yuen (second from right), COO of Keppel O&M, and Mr Wong Kok Seng (fourth from left), MD of Keppel FELS, presenting the National iQC Star Award certificate to Keppel FELS iQC team, MINDS from Engineering CAD Department

Li Zhen Bei, Senior Marketing Executive, KIE, shared, “I benefitted greatly from the sharing by the speakers and am very excited that we have now commenced on our very own iQC journey.

I am looking forward to the end of the year when we will see the innovative projects presented by the iQC teams!” keppelite

BG(NS) Tay Lim Heng (left), CEO of KIE, presents a token of appreciation to guest speaker Mr Low Hock Meng, ED of the Singapore Productivity Association, at the launch of KIE’s IQC programme

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20 Special Focus

Keppelite I March 2012

Just last year, Qatar recycled only 8% of 7,000 tonnes of solid waste produced each day with the rest going into landfills.

This has changed after the Domestic Solid Waste M a n a g e m e n t C e n t r e (DSWMC), designed and built by Keppel Seghers, turned operational in October 2011. The facility will also be operated and maintained by Keppel Seghers for 20 years.

Receiving waste transported

Meeting Qatar’s sustainability goals

by about 300 trucks per day, the DSWMC is helping Qatar achieve its goals to reduce waste sent to landfills from 92% to 64%, and raise recycling rates from the current 8% to 20%-25%.

O n 1 5 M a r c h 2 0 1 2 , Mr Teo Chee Hean, Deputy Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for National Security and Minister for Home Affairs, visited this landmark environmental engineering project, the first of its kind that a Singaporean company has delivered in the Middle East.

Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean (second from right) takes in an overview of the Domestic Solid Waste Management Centre, together with Dr Mohamed Saif Al Kuwari, Assistant Under- Secretary, Qatar Ministry of Environment (third from right); Dr Lee Boon Yang, Chairman of Keppel Corporation (third from left); Mr Tong Chong Heong, Senior ED of Keppel Corporation and Chairman of Keppel Integrated Engineering (second from left) and Mr Teo Ser Luck, Minister of State for Trade and Industry (extreme left)

The DSWMC demonstrates our ability to help our customers achieve their sustainable development targets through our specialist expertise in environmental solutions. We are honoured to be entrusted with this landmark project for Qatar which will manage all of the nation’s domestic waste.BG (NS) Tay Lim HengCEOKeppel Integrated Engineering

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Keppelite I March 2012

Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean (extreme left) being briefed on the Keppel Seghers Dano Drum waste pre-treatment system, accompanied by Dr Lee Boon Yang, Chairman of Keppel Corporation (third from left)

Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean (left) and Dr Lee Boon Yang, Chairman of Keppel Corporation (second from left) greet employees of Keppel Seghers at the Domestic Solid Waste Management Centre

Essential to the successful completion and handover of the DSWMC to our clients has been the commitment of our Keppel Seghers team focused on driving excellence through strong technical knowledge.Mr Geoffrey PiggottRegional Manager (Middle East and North Africa)Keppel Seghers and Project Director

He was joined by Dr Mohamed Saif Al Kuwari, Assistant Under-Secretary from Qatar’s Ministry of Environment and accompanied by Mr Teo Ser Luck, Minister of State for Trade and Industry, Mr Sam Tan, Senior Parliamentary Sec re ta r y fo r Fo re ign Affairs and Community Development, Youth and Sports, and other senior government officials.

Dr Lee Boon Yang, Chairman of Keppel Corporation, Mr Tong Chong Heong, S e n i o r E D o f K e p p e l Corporation and Chairman o f Keppe l I n t eg ra t ed Engineering (KIE), as well as BG(NS) Tay Lim Heng, CEO of KIE, hosted the delegation.

The delegation toured the three-square-km integrated waste management facility designed to handle and treat domestic solid waste for the whole of Qatar. The DSWMC is the first integrated waste management facility in the

Middle East and features one of the largest composting plants in the world.

With an initial capacity to treat more than 2,300 tonnes of mixed solid waste, the facility comprises waste separation and recycling facilities, an engineered landfill, a composting plant that can generate 800 tonnes of green waste per day, and a 1,500 tonnes per day Waste-to-Energy (WTE) incinerat ion plant that can generate 48 MW of electricity. The facility features Keppel S e g h e r s ’ t e c h n o l o g y including the Dano Drum system for waste recycling and pre-treatment, the Water-Cooled Grates in the WTE incineration plant, and the Rotary Atomiser semi-dry system for flue gas treatment. keppelite

We will work closely with our client as we move our operations and maintenance programme forward, continually optimising the operational performance of the DSWMC safely and efficiently over the next 20 years, in order to help Qatar fulfill its long-term sustainability blueprint.Mr Oon Ee HengGM (Operations & Maintenance)DSWMC

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24 Special Focus

Keppelite I March 2012

This is the story of Lucia Lu, Finance Manager of Keppel Seghers, who has been a pioneer on the Domestic Solid Waste Management Centre (DSWMC) project. Her grit and gumption has seen her through seven gruelling years on the project, from tender stage to contractual negotiations, construction to commiss ion ing and handover.

Back in 2005, Lucia was plucked out of a sister company where she had been a finance manager, to be part of the Keppel Seghers commercial and proposal team working on the tender of the DSWMC project.

She recalled, “I had limited experience and knowledge in financial modelling and the waste-to-energy business. I was completely taken aback when I first saw the sea of tender documents spread across the room.” Trudging through unfamiliar terra ins, Luc ia worked under tremendous stress and tight deadlines, holding on to the helping hands of seniors and colleagues.

Shortly after the contract was awarded in 2006, Lucia was called upon to help set up shop in Qatar. She had initial

Journey through the desert The desert palm tree takes many years to mature. A resilient species, it braves harsh and bitter climactic conditions. But it prevails eventually, bearing date fruits, full of the sweetness of hard-fought survival.

qualms but overcame them with the confidence that management that placed in her.

The sight of the project site when she first arrived was etched indelibly into her memory. She shared, “It was just an unending stretch of blue and brown, the sky and the desert! We could not tell where the site began or ended. There was no water, electricity, shops or even proper roads – just a bumpy ride through the desert. I was dumbfounded as to where or how to start work.”

Being female and without know ledge o f A r ab i c added to her challenges. However, through time

and with persistence and resourcefulness, she learnt the ways of doing business locally, from setting up the first Keppel office in Doha to finding staff accommodation amidst the bureaucracy of acquir ing registrations, permits and licences.

Confronted with a barren landscape and confounded by the sheer scale and complexity of the project, Lucia dug her heels in hard and persisted.

Mr Geoffrey Piggott, Regional Manager (Middle East and North Africa) of Keppel Seghers joined the project around this time and was a significant source of support to her. Strong leadership by

Mr Piggott, an unyielding team spirit honed in the fire of challenges, and an innate sense of responsibility to see the project to fruition, kept Lucia going.

Against all odds, the project team delivered and handed over the DSWMC to the client in October 2011. Despite the pains and pressures, the journey through the desert has been well worth it.

In Lucia’s words, “Being part of the project has been a life-changing and fruitful experience. It has revealed to me my weaknesses and also given me friends for life and lessons on patience and perseverance.” keppelite

Lucia Lu (second from left) thrives even in tough situations with the support of her team mates in Qatar

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Strengthening ties

Mr Choo Chiau Beng (second from right), CEO of Keppel Corporation and Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology (IMarEST) engaging leaders in the field of marine engineering at the 109th IMarEST Annual Dinner on 9 March 2012 in London, seen here in the company of (from left) Mr Keith Read, former Chief Executive of IMarEST; Mr Philip Greenish, Chief Executive, Royal Academy of Engineering; and Professor Choo Yoo Sang, the 106th (2008) IMarEST President

In a short span of a few decades, Singapore has been transformed into one of the most liveable cities in Asia, renowned for its effective urban design and planning.

L e d b y t h e U r b a n Deve lopment Ins t i tu te o f A u s t r a l i a ( U D I A ) , 28 key representatives from the Australian government and private sector visited Singapore on a study trip f rom 10 to 15 March 2012. The objective was to understand and learn about Singapore’s successful s t ra teg ies in p lann ing and developing a vibrant

Showcase cityand sustainable city of distinction.

As part of the study tour, Keppel Land hosted the delegation on 13 March 2012 and briefed them on the Marina Bay Financial Centre (MBFC) – a landmark development comprising three office towers, two res ident ia l towers and retail space, all clustered around a stunning bay.

The delegation took in the sights and sounds of the Marina Bay precinct with its enviable skyline dotted by attractions and developments

The delegation led by the Urban Development Institute of Australia at the Marina Bay Residences show gallery expressed keen interest in the development of the Marina Bay precinct

such as the Marina Bay Sands Integrated Resort and waterfront promenade.

“With its foresight and strategy, Singapore continues to lead the way in the

execution of world-class urban developments. MBFC shines as a perfect example of mixed-used developments in Singapore,” said Mr Stephen Albin, Chief Executive of UDIA New South Wales. keppelite

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26 Sustaining Growth

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As Keppel strengthens ties with China, a delegation from Foshan, Guangdong Province, was hosted by Mr Teo Soon Hoe, Senior ED of Keppel Corporation and Chairman of Keppel Te lecommunicat ions & Transportation (Keppel T&T), Keppel T&T board members and senior management r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s o n 24 February 2012.

Forging bonds with ChinaThe 17-strong delegation, led by the Mayor of Foshan city, Mr Liu Yuelun, included Mr Lin Zhuojie, Deputy Secretary-General of Foshan Peop le ’s Gove r nment , Mr Liu Donghao, District Chief of Chancheng District, and Mr Chen Yingwen, District Chief of Sanshui District.

T h e d e l e g a t i o n w a s introduced to Keppel’s core

businesses and capabilities, on top of its operations in China.

In south China, Keppel T&T has a significant presence through i ts subs id iary, Keppel Logistics (Foshan) (KLF ) , which current ly manages over 100,000 sm of warehous ing space i n t h e G u a n g d o n g Province.

KLF is a leading integrated logistics service provider of a wide range of solutions and services such as port operations, international freight forwarding, Non Vessel-Operating Common Carr ier, feeder service, warehousing and distribution, trucking service, supply chain solutions, third party logistics as well as other value-added services. keppelite

Mr Teo Soon Hoe, Senior ED of Keppel Corporation and Chairman of Keppel Telecommunications & Transportation (first row, fourth from left), welcomes the delegation led by the Mayor of Foshan city, Mr Liu Yuelun (first row, third from left), at the Marina at Keppel Bay

State-of-the-art water and waste projects by Keppel Integrated Engineer ing (KIE) continue to bolster its reputation as a leading provider of environmental solutions.

From 7 to 9 March, KIE showcased i t s s t rong

Environmental showcaset r a c k r e c o r d a t t h e International Environmental Expo 2012, held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

KIE also convened with other industry leaders and gave visitors an overview of its full service offerings

as a water and thermal technologies provider.

The event, touted as one of the largest and most important environmental trade shows in Asia, featured exhibitors from 25 countries and attracted some 24,000 visitors.

C o n t r i b u t i n g t o t h e dialogue on tackling waste management challenges, Nicolas Maertens, Operations Manager at Keppel Seghers China, presented on the role of waste-to-energy technology in helping countries meet their environmental targets. keppelite

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For its annual business plan review this year, K-REIT Asia Management kicked off an invigorating offsite session in Bangkok from 22 to 24 February which incorporated a strong team-bui ld ing theme.

On the agenda was a review of key events over the past five years where the team charted their achievements as well as areas for improvement.

Mapp ing t he RE I T ’s strategic roadmap for the year ahead, the team analysed its current

Setting strategic sights

position and the challenges ahead. With a clear view on the REIT’s strengths and the opportunities present, the team also set short- and long-term performance targets, as well as brainstormed on how to improve returns to investors.

While the meetings were intense, the offsite location provided a platform for the team to deepen bonds with one another over leisure activities as well. The session concluded on a high note, with the team rejuvenated and well-prepared to take on new challenges. keppelite

The K-REIT Asia team bonded over a fruitful three-day annual business plan review session held in Bangkok

Green role modelIn recognition of Keppel Land’s continuous efforts to implement green initiatives at i t s workplaces , the Singapore Environment Council (SEC) has re-certified Keppel Land and K-REIT Asia’s headquarters at Bugis Junction Towers with the Eco-Office Label for 2011 to 2013.

As a champion of the environment, Keppel Land has been participating in SEC’s Eco-Office programme since 2008.

Mr Choo Chin Teck, Director o f Corpora te Se rv i ce , Keppel Land, received the company’s Eco-Office Label certification from Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, on 23 February 2012 in a presentation ceremony.

T h e S E C ’s E c o - O f f i c e programme encourages businesses in Singapore to implement environmentally friendly policies. It hopes to see at least 100 more offices receiving Eco-Office certification this year.

To apply for certification, organisations have to gauge their own environmental performance based on SEC’s online self-rating audit, where they are assessed on factors such as their indoor air quality, as well as purchasing and water conservation practices. Formal site visits are arranged through SEC and conducted by accredited external auditors when offices meet the minimum requirements in the self-audit. keppelite

Mr Choo Chin Teck, Director of Corporate Services and Company Secretary at Keppel Land (right), receives the company’s Eco-Office Label certification from Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources

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28 Sustaining Growth

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Over 30 marketing heads and staff of Keppel Land China from across 11 Chinese cities convened at Spring City Golf & Lake Resort in Kunming over two and a half days for the first Keppel Land China Market ing Conference on 20 February 2012.

The platform allowed the various teams to come together and share updates on key marketing strategies and sales developments.

Joining in one of the sessions were Ms Wang Look Fung, Director of Group Corporate Affairs, Keppel Corporation and Group Corpora te Communications (GCC) team members.

Gleaning marketing insights

The sess ion involved a briefing on the importance of corporate branding in supporting the marketing and sales efforts of the developments currently launched across China.

The marketing teams also provided invaluable insights on local media culture and landscape, which vary from city to city.

Mr Lee Eng Beng, GM, Marketing, Keppel Land C h i n a , s h a re d , “ T h i s conference is a step forward as we build up the brand strength for Keppel Land China in China since its establishment.

“With GCC’s participation

and col laborat ion with K e p p e l L a n d C h i n a ’s market ing fami ly, th i s platform is also fruitful in that it enables our colleagues to imbibe the Keppel culture, interact and bond with each other as we work hand in hand to create a cohesive Keppel brand.”

Echoing the success of the conference, Mr Daniel Ng, Marketing Director for Keppel Land China’s subsidiary in Shenyang, enthused, “This session enabled the marketing teams from different cities to share and learn from one another. The biggest take-away for me is a r e n e w e d a n d d e e p e r marke t ing and pub l i c

relations knowledge which I will apply to my projects.”

The marketing team also took time to participate in bonding activities to strengthen relationships and heighten team spirit.

Li Yue, Senior Marketing Manager for Keppel Land C h i n a ’s s u b s i d i a r y i n Chengdu, who has just been with the company for about five months summed up, “This conference instilled in me a sense of belonging to a company with a rich heritage and strong core values such as passion and integrity. I am proud to be a part of the marketing team and will incorporate the lessons in my work.” keppelite

The Keppel Land China Marketing Team had a fruitful conference sharing their experiences and knowledge in Spring City, Kunming

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A thunderous blast at Keppel Shipyard Gul (KSG) on 2 March 2012 start led workers in the yard. The mock explosion was part of a joint security exercise by Keppel Offshore and Marine (Keppel O&M) Security Department and members of the Shipyard Security

Strengthening resilienceWatch Group, and the Home Team comprising the Land Police, Police Task Force from Special Operations Command, Police Coast Guard and the Singapore Civil Defence Force.

T h e e x e r c i s e , n a m e d Ex Gunyard, is in line with regulatory requirements

of the International Ships and Port Facilities Security Code.

Ex Gunyard commenced with tabletop exercises of low-level scenarios playing-out across all Keppel O&M yards, and culminated with a high-level simulated terrorist attack at KSG.

The exercise put to the test the robustness of Keppel O&M’s Business Continuity Management framework, which underpins its ability to perform daily operations and deliver critical services to customers with minimal disruptions during emergencies.

The exercise was intended to address and manage po ten t i a l th rea t s and disruptions to operations ar i s ing f rom ep idemic outbreak, terrorism, natural calamities and damages to critical facilities. More importantly, it familiarises all involved parties with the actions to be taken in the event of an emergency.

Anthony Toh, Group Security Manager of Keppel O&M, said, “Our ability to recover quickly from an unexpected disruption depends on the quality of our preparations.

“The exerc ise provides an opportuni ty for a l l s t akeho lde r s to work together through a disaster, and test our preparedness and emergency planning at the organisational level.

“It also serves as a reminder that Singapore cannot take its security and stability for granted, as such events can happen at any time, without warning.” keppeliteTo ensure that the organisation is equipped to respond to crises in a concerted and collective way, Keppel O&M carried out a joint security

exercise at its yards together with the Home Team

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K e p p e l L a n d C h i n a ’s inaugura l Cont rac to r s Safety Convention 2012 on 21 March was a important platform to share best practices, recognise good initiatives, and emphasise the importance of safety to employees, contractors and partners.

In his opening address, Mr Ang Wee Gee, Executive Vice-Chairman of Keppel Land China, said, “Safety is an integral and strategic aspect of our business operations, and we aim to create a zero-incident workplace for all our stakeholders.

“ I n 2 0 1 1 , w e h a v e accumulated 13 mill ion man-hours worked without any reportable accident. This is a remarkable achievement and I commend all our main contractors as well as the project teams for their

Zeroing in on safety

remarkable efforts. We must continue to work together to ach i eve bus ine s s excellence through health and safety programmes.”

K e y n o t e s p e a k e r Mr John Birchall, Secretary to Keppel Corporation’s Board Safety Committee and Coordinator for Group Safety, reiterated Keppel’s theme of “Safety Starts with Me – Together We Care” and set goals to build an ideal workplace environment.

Rounding off the event was the presentation of awards to the project team of The Springdale which clinched the Gold award at Keppel Group’s Safety Innovation Project, as well as the teams which have fared well in the Worksite Safety Grading Programme in 2011. keppelite

Coach par excellence

Mr John Rae, Director of Spring City Golf Academy and Head Professional at Spring City Golf & Lake Resort (Spr ing City) in Kunming, China, has taken the Academy to greater heights with star student Rose Chen securing the trophy at the China Citic Bank Amateur Golf Match-Play Championship last November.

Attesting to his passion in coaching, he has given over 100 hours of free lessons to Rose, enabling her to fine-tune her craft. On training Rose, Mr Rae shared, “From experience, finding talent is the hardest part, but once you find them and have them adhere to the right level of instruction and discipline, there is no limit to what they can achieve.”

B r ing ing a wea l th o f experience to Spring City, John had tra ined with leading coaches, and was former Head of Instruction for a large Golf Academy in Thailand. He has also worked wi th some of Thai land’s top juniors , including two World Junior Champions.

Other than top coaches, Spring City, which is an Audubon Internat ional Classic Sanctuary and one of China’s leading golf courses, has a team of professional employees which maintain the high quality standards of its Mountain and Lake Courses designed by Jack Nicklaus and Robert Trent Jones Jr respectively. keppelite

Mr John Rae, Director of Spring City Golf Academy and Head Professional, coached junior student Rose Chen to win at the China Citic Bank Amateur Golf Match-Play Championship

Senior management from Keppel Land China with the project teams who received awards in recognition of their efforts in upholding good safety practices

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Marina at Keppel Bay was the befitting location to host the Intermediate Marina Management Course, organised by the Marina Indus t r i e s Assoc ia t ion of Australia (MIAA) from 26 February to 1 March 2012.

Senior marina personnel from Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia convened to share and learn about marina best practices as part of the course, which was presented by Mr Steve Sammes, Director of MIAA and Global Marina Institute.

P a r t i c i p a n t s l e a r n t innovative ways of dealing with issues and challenges

Leading marina management practices

common in the marina industry, and also covered t o p i c s r a n g i n g f r o m emergency management to environmental compliance and human resources.

Mr Trevor Fong, GM of Mar ina at Keppel Bay, shared, “The course serves as a useful platform for i ndus t r y p rac t i t i one r s to share and exchange ideas on best practices and t rends. At Mar ina at Keppel Bay, training is an inseparable part of our continuous efforts to equip staff with up-to-date knowledge to deal with industry challenges.” keppelite Participants benefit from the Intermediate Marina Management Course conducted by Marina

Industries Association of Australia held at Marina at Keppel Bay

Marina at Keppel Bay is getting set to host the highly anticipated Boat Asia – Asia’s largest and most prestigious boating show for luxury yachts up to 50 metres – for the fifth year running, from 12 to 15 April 2012.

This year’s edition will focus on the growing interest in luxury charters from

The Bay hots upcorporations and private banks, and will feature for the first time, an exclusive luxury private yacht charter segment. The event will also throw the spotlight on the increasing use of green technologies in boat-building and design.

Integrating both boating and l i festy le e lements,

Boat Asia wil l not only exc i te v i s i tors with i ts line-up of luxury yachts and powerboats, but engage them through a host of l i festy le act iv i t ies that include a nautical fashion and swimwear show, car displays, jazz performances, wine and whisky tasting sessions, and an exhibition of exclusive timepieces.

Boat Asia is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, and is anticipating a crowd of over 15,000 vis itors and more than a hundred exhibits from the Asia-Pacific, Europe, US, Middle East and China. keppelite

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32 Sustaining Growth

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Keppel FELS’ customers, employees and partners came together at a friendly b o w l i n g c o m p e t i t i o n organised by Keppel FELS on 24 February 2012, as part of a regular Sundowner

Rolling good timesprogramme to relax and foster closer relationships.

Whilst the teams spared no effort to out-bowl each other, there was great camaraderie amidst the competition as

strikes were applauded, gutter balls commiserated and spares cheered.

With part ic ipants from America, Middle East and Asia, the event reflected

the international scale of Keppel FELS’ customers and partners, and reinforced the strong ties that Keppel FELS has built with them. keppelite

Keppel FELS’ customers, employees and partners enjoy a night of fun, laughter and camaraderie

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Keppelite pays tribute to two prominent Keppelites who have recently retired and wishes them a happy retirement.

After four decades of dedication to Keppel, Mr Sit Peng Sang has retired from his appointment as ED of Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M) with effect from 1 March 2012.

In recognition of his long serv ice and s ignif icant c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o t h e group, his colleagues from K e p p e l O & M H u m a n Resources organised an appreciation dinner for him on 17 February 2012. Mr Sit, 66, shared, “I have worked in Keppe l fo r many years and i t has been enriching for me to witness how Keppel O&M has transformed from a simple local shipyard to a global leader with 20 yards and offices today. I have benefitted from the collective wisdom of all my colleagues and I sincerely thank them for enriching my working life. ”

The true-blue Keppelite commenced his career in 1972 as an Administrative O f f i c e r a t K e p p e l Singmarine, formerly known as S ingapore S l ipway. Thereafter, he was posted to work in Keppel Shipyard,

Decades of dedicationKeppel Philippines Shipyard, Keppel Engineering and Keppel FELS. When Keppel O&M was formed in 2002, Mr Sit was appointed as CFO, and subsequently as ED of Keppel O&M in January 2011.

Another Keppelite who has retired after a long tenure of service with Keppel is Mrs Mak Puay Hoon, former CFO of Keppel Energy. C o m m e n t i n g o n h e r exper ience a t Keppe l , Mrs Mak shared, “There has never been a dull moment at Keppel. I have had the opportunity to be involved in businesses across the Group, from property, our former finance business to energy. Keppel is also different in that there is strong support from head office for the bus iness units and we need not look to external parties for help – I really enjoyed the camaraderie

and Keppel spirit. I am glad that my colleagues and I have bonded and become good friends.” Mrs Mak’s career spanned over 30 years with Keppel. An accountant by training, she was first appointed as F inancia l Control ler of the Straits Steamship Group in 1981. She held

senior positions in several companies under Keppel’s former financial arm before her appointment as Keppel Corporation’s GM of Capital Markets in 2002. She was appointed as Keppel Energy’s GM of Finance in 2003, and its CFO in 2007. She had served in this capacity till her retirement on 1 March 2012. keppelite

Mr Choo Chiau Beng, CEO of Keppel Corporation and Chairman of Keppel O&M expressed appreciation to Mr Sit Peng Sang (right)

Mrs Mak Puay Hoon (centre, with bouquet) received a fond farewell from colleagues at Keppel Energy

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34 Empowering Lives

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Comprising skits and games, the edutainment road show held at Keppel Shipyard debunked myths and misconceptions about HIV and AIDS

As part of efforts to protect and promote the health of employees, Keppel Shipyard lends strong support to a range of initiatives that raise awareness on preventing the spread of communicable diseases.

PLEDGING SUPPORTHPB, together with Singapore N a t i o n a l E m p l o y e r s Federation (SNEF) and AIDS Business Alliance, hosted a lunch to mark the launch of the revised SNEF HIV/AIDS Workplace Guidelines on 27 January 2012.

Dr Amy Khor, Minister of State for Health and guest- of-honour at the event

Promoting health

said that implementing the guidelines would be a “positive and useful first step” in fighting AIDS.

The rev ised guide l ines c o m p r i s e s u g g e s t e d measures for companies to educate employees about HIV/AIDS and set up a work environment that supports employees who are HIV-positive. Keppel Shipyard was amongst 30 private sector companies invited to the event to pledge their support to the revised framework.

Mr Nelson Yeo, MD of Keppel Shipyard, said, “The revised guidelines provide

clear and practical steps for companies to implement educat ion programmes on the p reven t ion o f communicable diseases, and help companies in their efforts to manage the impact of HIV and AIDS.”

RAISING AWARENESSCollaborating with Health Promotion Board (HPB), Keppel Shipyard brought an interactive and entertaining road show to all three of its shipyards to educate employees on HIV/AIDS.

Held over 23 and 24 February 2012 , the road show comprised skits and games and attracted participation

f ro m m o re t h a n 2 0 0 employees. The programme not only debunked myths and misconceptions about HIV/AIDS, it also conveyed effective methods to prevent the spread of HIV.

Other awareness efforts include providing pamphlets on HIV/AIDS prevention to new employees as part of their orientation package. keppelite

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What are the conditions like onboard?CC: The journey f rom Singapore to Qingdao was like being in a washing machine! Waves, about six metres high, were coming at us every 15 seconds. The journey was very bumpy which made helming and mothering (cooking and cleaning) difficult.

How did you feel when you were sailing into Marina at Keppel Bay during the stopover?CC: I was feel ing very

emotional when we sailed in, especially when I looked down from the spreader bar and saw the crowd waving and cheering my name.

What did you find most challenging about the journey?CC: Bringing down the sail at the bow in freezing temperatures was really tough. I had to steel myself mentally to overcome the tough conditions.

Also, when tiredness sets

in, it is a challenge to stay alert to safety hazards and adapt to our surroundings. I witnessed a teammate, Graeme, losing his balance when the boat jerked. He fell backwards, hit his head on a screw on the ceiling of the saloon, and suffered a deep cut.

DT: Like Celina, my patience was tested by diff icult weather conditions. When the weather warms, i t g e t s r e a l l y h o t a n d uncomfortable below the deck.

Keppel Ambassadors Darryl Tai (centre) and Celina Chan (right) with Clipper Round-the-Worlder, Sherlyn Chen

Tempest tales After a visit to China’s Olympic Sailing City, the 10-strong international race fleet, including the Keppel-sponsored Singapore yacht, is sailing towards sunny San Francisco Bay in California in Race 9 of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race.Keppelite catches up with Keppel Ambassadors, Darryl Tai (DT), who was on Leg 1 where the team won its first podium position in Brazil, and Celina Chan (CC), who braved Leg 5 of the race from Gold Coast to Qingdao.

How can you apply the lessons learnt onboard to your work at Keppel?CC: The most crucial lesson would be the importance of taking ownership of safety, whether onboard a yacht or at the yard. We should always understand our operating environment, be familiar with safety procedures, and never, ever let our guard down.

DT: I ’ v e l ea r n t tha t perseverance is essential to success. We should relish o u r w o r k c h a l l e n g e s and enjoy the process of overcoming them.

CC: A Can Do! spirit is what it takes for a Keppelite to embrace challenges. I can’t thank Keppel enough for this wonderful opportunity, and I really appreciate the relentless support and encouragement from my bosses, friends and family.

DT: The race has been a life-changing experience for me, and I’m grateful for the chance of a lifetime. keppelite

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36 Empowering Lives

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Empowerment through film

Winning formula

KeKKeKepKeKeKeKeKepKepKeKeKepKeppKepKepKepepKeKeKKKepKepKeKepKeepKeKepepKeKeKKeKepppKKKeKeKeppppKKKKeKeppppppKeeKepppppppppKepeepppppK ppppKKeppppppppppppppelpelpelelpelpelepeelellpepeelepepepepeeelepeelllpppeppepepelppppeeelppppppppeppppppppppppeepeppeeeepeeelpppppeeeelelpeeeeeeeeleeeeppppp iitetiteiteiteteteiteiteiteiteti eiteteteitetetteiiiittee IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MaMaMaMaMa MaMaMMaaMaMaMaMaMaMaMMaaaMMMMMMMMMaMMMaMaMaaMaMaMaMaMMaMaMMMMMMaaaaa hhhrchhhhrchrrcrchrrchrchhhrchrchrrchhrchrrchcchchrchcrchhhc 202222220022222020202220 20 2002020 200 2 2200 20000000012122211212222211112112122121211211111222IIIIIIIIII

Keppel Bay Sailing Academy (KBSA) hauled in top honours a t the 8th Horsburgh Challenge, Singapore’s most anticipated and challenging annual keel-boat event, held over 17 to 19 February this year.

KBSA Principal, Tan Thong Meng, and Chief Instructor, Lynnette Leong, led six crew members, most of whom are

ex-KBSA students, to sweep six out of seven awards. As the first to cross the finishing line, the team also garnered the coveted “Line Honours for Horsburgh Passage”.

Sharing exciting moments of the race, skipper of the yacht, Thong Meng, shared, “The northeast monsoon ended early this year and the racing took place in

Principal of Keppel Bay Sailing Academy Tan Thong Meng (first from right) led the team to win “Line Honours for Horsburgh Passage” at the 8th Horsburgh Challenge

To mark In te rnat iona l Women’s Day on 8 March, Keppel Land organised an exclusive movie screening of Luc Besson’s The Lady on 1 March 2012 for Keppelites.

The Lady is about Myanmar’s p ro -democracy l eade r Aung San Suu Kyi and her peaceful crusade against the military regime. The f i lm is set in Myanmar

where Keppel Land owns and operates two hotels – Sedona Hotel Yangon a n d S e d o n a H o t e l Mandalay.

Keppel Land, which became a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) on 13 December 2011, also used the platform to spread awareness on UNGC’s 10 principles which focus on human rights,

labour, the environment and anti-corruption.

Address ing Keppe l i tes b e f o r e t h e m o v i e , Mr Choo Chin Teck, Director of Corporate Services, Keppel Land, said, “As companies face increasing demand for accountability on their sustainability practices, we will strive towards integrating the universal principles of the UNGC into the strategy,

culture and operations of our company. “The Lady underscores the principle of respect for human rights, and we are pleased to present a screening of the film to Keppelites to empower staff with the understanding that personal commitment can make a difference to end discrimination.” keppelite

extremely light and variable wind conditions.

“The team executed six head sail changes within just 30 minutes with exemplary Can Do! spirit. Despite battl ing strong adverse currents, we completed the 48 nautical mile Horsburgh Lighthouse passage under 10 hours, putting us miles ahead of the fleet. We crossed the

finishing line first in our class and overall first in the race.”

Thong Meng was recently awarded the title of Royal Ya c h t i n g A s s o c i a t i o n Yachtmaster Examiner, a by-invite-only accreditation. Only 264 other individuals worldwide have garnered this accreditation and Thong Meng is the only Asian to have qualified. keppelite

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Keppelites Abroad

From ground up

t h e g ro w i n g d e m a n d for offshore and marine services in the Middle East region by providing quality services that span rig and ship repair, modification and upgrading.

As AGM (Operations) at Nakilat-Keppel Offshore & Marine (N-KOM), Ivan manages the sh ipyard trades and oversees the engineering, quality systems and assurance, and project control and management departments. He is also the management representative for the company’s integrated management system and certification programme, looking into operations requirements and regulatory compliance.

He opined, “It is important to have the right mindset a n d e m b r a c e n e w environments. The biggest challenge that I faced was adapting to the local style of working. There were many trying moments, but I have learnt to be patient and diplomatic in managing such situations.”

Ivan is not new to challenges, having worked hard from the g round up . Upon completing his master’s degree under a Keppel scholarship in 2005, Ivan worked at Keppel Shipyard as a Project Engineer and was promoted through the ranks to Yard Manager in 2010 before his current posting.

In October 2010, Ivan Lim was called upon to lead a major effort to get a new greenfield shipyard in Qatar up and running.

Ivan, who has worked for Keppel for more than 10 years recounted the experience, “The first batch of personnel went through tough times building up a wor ld-c lass sh ipyard from an empty piece of land in Ras Laffan. With the ground laid, the team is now working to ramp up operations.”

Today, N-KOM – a joint venture between Qatar Gas Transport Company Ltd (Nakilat) and Keppel Offshore & Marine meets

Ivan Lim (first from left), AGM (Operations) of N-KOM, at the Qatari shipyard

He added, “Being brought up in a multi-racial society has helped me to assimilate to the new environment. Qataris are generally friendly and fun-loving people, and I can appreciate their perspective to life and work.

“I see more similarit ies than differences in the way p e o p l e i n Q a t a r a n d Singapore behave and live their lives.”

Ivan’s indomitable optimism and willingness to adapt to a new environment is exemplary of Keppel’s Can Do! spirit, a common thread binding Keppelites the world over. keppelite

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Mr Edwin Hu, Sales & Marketing Director

Driving into Spring City Golf & Lake Resort (Spring City), you are greeted by luxury villas and beautiful golf courses set against stunning views of Yang Zong Hai Lake and a mountainous backdrop.

It is difficult for one to imagine that th is gol f paradise in Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China, was just a piece of barren land 20 years ago.

It is the culmination of efforts by many Keppelites that have transformed Spring City into an international golf destination.

NUMBER ONEMr Lau Tong Chye, GM of Resort Operation, is one of them. He joined the Keppel family in 1995 and was

Springing success

seconded to Spring City as Project Executive, assisting in the development of a 36-hole golf course.

Over the years, Mr Lau and his team have overcome many challenges. He recalls that as Spring City was among the first golf courses in Kunming, there were no golfers in the local community when the resort started operat ion. The marketing strategy then focused on the Southeast Asian market, which has a much larger group of golfers.

To attract golfers to fly to Kunming, the team hired the best designers in the world, Jack Nicklaus (JN) and Robert Trent Jones Jr. (RTJ) to design the golf courses. The team also engaged the best

site construction manager, fine shaper and agronomist to translate the spirit of the design into reality.

The team’s effort paid off – Spring City achieved the title of “No. 1 Golf Course in China” in 1999 for the course designed by JN, and continued to be named “No. 1 Golf Course in China” for the next 10 years for the course designed by RTJ.

Mr Lau , who l i ve s in Kunming with his wife and two sons, shared his pride, “We are proud that Spring City’s success has helped the local villagers increase their annual income from RMB 200 to RMB 2,000-10,000 now. This brings them a higher living standard and greater opportunities for education.”

Relentless efforts of the employees have transformed Spring City into an international golf destination

INTERNATIONAL SUCCESSESKeppel scholar Mr Edwin Hu, Sales & Marketing Director, also contributed to Spring City’s growth. Upon graduation from Nanyang Technological University in 1997 as a civil engineer, Mr Hu joined Spring City and worked on the construction

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of Spring City’s Clubhouse. Over the years, Mr Hu has taken up various positions in Spring City.

Mr Hu fee l s for tunate to have witnessed many inspiring stories of Spring City. He shared that when the resort first opened, most of the employees w e r e n e w a n d n o t experienced in handling big-scale events. For many important events, they had to form a command centre comprising of mainly expa t r i a te s , i nc lud ing engineers, accountants and even spouses of the expatriates, simply because they spoke English. Now, Spring City has successfully held numerous international events run by local staff.

On his personal growth, Mr Hu said, “The career shift from project management to sales and marketing in 2004 was a big challenge, as my background was in civil engineering. Nevertheless, I was fortunate and grateful to have received a lot of guidance and support from the senior management. W i t h t h e i r v o t e o f confidence, I have managed the job since.”

AWARD-WINNINGTo date, Spring City has won more than 100 awards in total. These awards would not have been possible without excellent maintenance of the golf courses by Course Super intendent Mr L iu Qichang and his team.

When Mr Liu joined Spring City in 1995, many employees, including himself, had little experience in equipment operation. Through a lot of hard work and continuous learning, he mastered the necessary skills and patiently trained up a team with very good technical skills.

GLOBAL STANDARDSSpring City also has much to offer in terms of F&B choices. Many Singaporean homeowners and c lub members were pleasantly surprised when they tasted authentic Singapore food in Spring City, such as Hainanese Chicken Rice, Laksa and Bak Kut Teh. Th i s i s made poss ib le because the F&B team is supervised by a Singaporean chef, Mr Martin Lee.

M a r t i n w a s w o r k i n g at Sedona International before he was transferred to Spring City in 1998, to

add Singapore cuisine to the menu. Besides serving authentic Singapore food, Martin has also led the F&B team to achieve a high service standard.

GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENTSpring City has also changed the l ives of many local residents in Yunnan. Jessica Tao, who joined in 1998 as a caddie, has worked her way up to be the Golf Manager. Mr Yang Bo, who joined as a junior staff in 1997, has rose to be the Deputy Director of GM Office and was awarded an “Outstanding Keppelite Award” in 2012.

Jessica shared, “Through years of hard work, the Golf Department has become a capable, efficient team. I have also grown from a village girl to a professional individual. Dur ing d i ff icu l t t imes, `I was fortunate to have the

encouragement and support from the management and my team.”

Yang Bo echoed similar s e n t i m e n t s , “ K e p p e l recognises people as a core asset and actively nurtures its talent pool. I take pride in being a Keppelite and am pleased to contribute towards the success of Spring City.”

Riding on the successes achieved, the team is ever more determined to bring Spr ing City to greater heights. keppelite

Caring for the local community, Spring City, represented by Mr Yang Bo (fourth from left), donated RMB 300,000 to earthquake-hit Yingjiang County, Yunnan Province

Golf Manager Jessica Tao

Page 40: Keppel Group Newsletter Keppelite · Published for people in the Keppel Group by the Group Corporate Communications Division, Keppel Corporation Limited, 1 HarbourFront Ave, #18-01

40 Empowering Lives

Keppelite I March 2012

Keppelite Recreation Club (KRC) has lined up a series of exciting sporting activities to foster stronger t ies amongst Keppelites and promote fitness in body and mind. FORGING BONDSKRC’s dragon boat team, Keppel Dragons, is stepping up their training sessions in ant ic ipat ion of the People’s Association Race in May 2012.

Despite a packed training schedule, Keppel Dragons regularly organises group ou t i ng s t o re l a x and boost camaraderie.

Fit for allDarryl Tai, Senior Engineer at Keppel FELS and Captain of Keppel Dragons, shared, “Each outing, training session and race strengthens the bond between teammates. The friendship of the team is something that I value dearly. My team members are like family to me.”

PITCH-PERFECTKRC soccer enthusiasts have reason to rejoice come April when the club’s inaugural soccer league will kick off and 12 teams will battle it out in the preliminary round.

V. Kumarave lu Thevar,

Contract ing Off icer at Keppel Shipyard and Event Convener of KRC Soccer League shared, “We received very encouraging response from Keppelites towards the league, and would like to invite players and non-players alike to come d o w n t o c h e e r t h e i r favourite teams on when the league begins.”

FUN FOR PADDLERS In appreciation of Keppel Corporation’s generous sponsorship of the Singapore Table Tennis Association’s (STTA) zone training centre in Clementi, STTA has allocated KRC three complimentary

tab le tenn i s tab les a t Clementi Sports Complex. This facilitates KRC’s weekly table tennis sessions on Thursday evenings, t i l l December this year.

The sessions wil l al low Keppelites to engage in friendly competition and hone their skills together. With Keppel Games just a few months away, this will prove beneficial to players looking to sharpen their paddling skills. keppelite

Keppel Dragons bond as a team over intense training sessions and regular group outings

Page 41: Keppel Group Newsletter Keppelite · Published for people in the Keppel Group by the Group Corporate Communications Division, Keppel Corporation Limited, 1 HarbourFront Ave, #18-01

Empowering Lives 41

Keppelite I March 2012

Chuang Keng Neng, resident chef at Keppel Land’s Straits Room, is well acquainted with catering to the tastebuds of distinguished guests. Political dignitaries and business leaders he has served over 58 years of service with the company include Mr Sim Kee Boon, Mr Ong Teng Cheong, Dr Yeo Ning Hong, Mr Lim Kim San and Mr Wee Cho Yaw.

Ah Neng, as he is fondly known, has been with Keppel since 1954 when he joined as a housekeeper to then Chairman Frank Lane of the Straits Steamship Group.

At 82 this year, he has practically grown up with the organisation.

The over 50 dishes that he is famous for include Weste rn fa re such as lobster thermidor, baked fish bone femme and roast lamb, as well as popular local dishes such as Hainanese chicken rice, pork chop and chicken curry.

His father was a cook at Mansf ie ld Mess in the premises of Cantonment Road, which used to house the expatriates of the Group. Ah Neng spent his childhood and youth working at the Chairman’s residence.

In 1967, Ah Neng assumed office as manager of the

Wonder chefTower Room, a private dining area located atop the second-generation Ocean Building (now redeveloped into the fourth-generation Ocean Financial Centre), where meals were catered for sen io r s ta f f , bus ines s associates and partners.

Even after the building was redeveloped for the third time, Ah Neng continued to oversee the kitchen and entertainment outfit for the company. He had the assistance of a hired cook but after the latter left in 1980, his wife Lim Ai Boi took over the job. The husband and wife team worked together to whip up delectable dishes for informal luncheons and elaborate formal dinners.

Over the years, there have been many attempts to head-hunt Ah Neng, but he chose to stay on with Keppel.

Ah Neng shared, “Keppel is like my second home. Over the years, I have made many friends who include the management and directors. This sense of belonging is something that I will never find at another organisation.”

Despite his age, Ah Neng is in the pink of health. When asked of his secret to looking young, he shared, “Drink wine … and walk for at least 30 to 45 minutes everyday.”

Indeed, for the past years, Ah Neng and his wife takes a 30-minute walk to their kitchen at Keppel Land’s Bugis Junct ion Towers every day.

“I would want to stay on here, if not for my wife’s health. I will definitely miss everyone at Keppel Land, especially colleagues such as Choo Chin Teck and Magdalene Tan, who have become my good friends over the years,” Ah Neng shared.

A grandfather of five, Ah Neng looks forward to enjoying life after retirement – playing mahjong, hanging out with friends at the Hainanese Association, and spending quality time with his family.

For those who miss Ah Neng’s food, visit the 7th Storey Restaurant at the Marina Barrage. You might bump into Ah Neng sipping a glass of wine.

Thank you Ah Neng, for 58 wonderful years with Keppel! keppelite

Ah Neng, resident chef at Keppel Land’s Straits Room, will be remembered for his delectable dishes and warm personality

Page 42: Keppel Group Newsletter Keppelite · Published for people in the Keppel Group by the Group Corporate Communications Division, Keppel Corporation Limited, 1 HarbourFront Ave, #18-01

42 Nurturing Communities

Keppelite I March 2012

42 Nurturing Communities 42 Nurturing Communities

With responsibility towards the community at its heart, Keppe l suppor ted the charity fundraiser, “Fold with a Heart, Youths play a Part” organised by the People’s Association Teens Network Club (T-Net Club) on 25 February 2012.

Keppel’s contribution of over $16,000 to the event’s adopted beneficiary, Central Singapore CDC’s Lend a Helping Hand Project, will go towards funding food and

Gift from the heart

activities for lonely elderly living in one and two room rental flats.

Some 500 youths folded over 50,000 origami hearts with recycled paper, with each heart raising a matching contribution from sponsors. The heart formation was entered into the Singapore Book of Records as the ‘largest heart formation made of origami hearts’. keppelite

In support of the National L i b r a r y Boa rd ’s (NLB ) n a t i o n w i d e k i d s R E A D programme, volunteers f rom Keppel Land are helping children, in particular, those from low-income families, to cultivate good reading habits.

To enhance the effectiveness of Keppelites as mentors, the Investor Relations & Research team organised a training session for 15 Keppelites to be coached in basic techniques in reading and storytelling by a qualified trainer from the NLB on 24 February 2012 .

Loh Me ina , A s s i s t an t M a n a g e r , P r o p e r t y Management at Keppel Land, shared, “The training taught me different styles

Nurturing volunteers

of reading, and how to engage and interest the young through reading. I’m glad that Keppel Land organises such meaningful training sessions that excite employees.”

F rom Apr i l t h i s y ea r, the volunteers wi l l be participating in kidsREAD sessions every Wednesday evening at the Tanjong Pagar PAP Community Foundation.

S e p a r a t e l y, s o m e 2 5 Keppelites also attended a lunch-time talk, ‘Volunteerism 101’ on 2 March 2012. The talk by the National Volunteer & Philanthropy Cent re was a imed a t inspiring employees to give back to their community. keppelite

Keppelites learnt basic techniques in reading and storytelling as part of their commitment as volunteers with the National Library Board’s kidsREAD programme

Acknowledging Keppel’s support, Mr Sam Tan, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Community Development, Youth and Sports, and Mayor, Central Singapore District (right) presents a token to Ms Eva Ho, DGM of Keppel Corporation’s Group Corporate Communications (left)

Page 43: Keppel Group Newsletter Keppelite · Published for people in the Keppel Group by the Group Corporate Communications Division, Keppel Corporation Limited, 1 HarbourFront Ave, #18-01

Nurturing Communities 43

Keppelite I March 2012

The Keppel-GK Eco Village in Bauan, a municipality in the province of Batangas, the Phil ippines, warmly welcomed new residents at the Turnover Ceremony on 8 March 2012. The second batch of 20 needy families each received a newly completed home.

“There is a strong sense of neighbourliness amongst the families. My husband and I are thankful for the opportunity to raise our family and own a house in this good environment,” shared Lilia Malaluan, one of the new homeowners.

Keppel Philippines Marine pledged an initial sum of PhP 9 million towards the Eco Village, and volunteers f rom Keppel Batangas Shipyard contributed to the construction after work, over weekends and during public holidays.

Sowing seeds of hope

Mr Nelson Yeo, MD (Marine) of Keppel Offshore & Marine and MD of Keppel Shipyard, elaborated, “We have come a long way in this meaningful project. Our involvement s t e m s f r o m K e p p e l ’s desire to contribute to the Philippines as a member of the community.

“About one-and-half years ago, I visited this site with the Mayor of Bauan, Ryanh M. Dolor and ED of GK, Jose Luis Oquiñena. We found this plot of land suitable for sheltering needy families, because it is within a residential district and near commercial areas. Residents who live here will be able to build ties with the wider community, and more importantly, find jobs. Having a stable job is key to a better standard of living for poor families. “Many parties contributed to the good progress of

th is project . The local government of Bauan, led by Mayor Dolor, kick-started this initiative by contributing this plot of land, and it continues to provide guidance and s u p p o r t . T h e c h a r i t y organisation Gawad Kalinga provided the framework for development.”

The Eco Village will comprise 60 housing units when completed, and is being developed in three phases. The first batch of 20 homes were completed and handed over to needy families in end-2011.

The Eco Village is presently i n i t s f i n a l pha se o f development, which includes construction of the last set of 20 homes, a pre-school and a community centre. To raise funds for the development, Keppel Volunteers organised a Group-wide walkathon in Singapore on 25 March 2012

at West Coast Park, and a donation drive.

The beneficiaries of the Eco Village themselves took part in the building process, cultivating a strong sense of belonging to their new community. To-date, some 50 families contributed more than 1,000 man-hours each, while another 10 families contributed more than 500 man-hours each.

Mayor Dolor said, “We wish to express our gratitude to Keppel. They have provided invaluable support to this municipality. In particular, they have improved the lives of our citizens by providing employment as well as by building homes for the needy.” keppelite

After many months of hard work, an abandoned mango farm littered with garbage and overgrown bushes has been transformed into a vibrant living environment for needy families

Friendships and ties grow and blossom in the midst of the Keppel-GK Eco Village

Page 44: Keppel Group Newsletter Keppelite · Published for people in the Keppel Group by the Group Corporate Communications Division, Keppel Corporation Limited, 1 HarbourFront Ave, #18-01


Keppelite I March 2012


Keppelite I March 2012



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Keppel DHCS has secured contracts to provide its environmentally friendly district cooling systems (DCS) services to several leading companies at Biopolis and Fusionopolis at one-north, including Ascendas and Procter & Gamble (P&G), with contract tenures from 10 to 20 years.

It will expand its existing plant at one-north by 4,000 Refrigeration Tons (RT) to bring the total plant capacity to almost 30,000 RT.

Mr Joseph Ng, CEO of Keppel DHCS, said, “We have established a solid track record of providing uninterrupted district cooling services to the satisfaction of our customers. The new contracts not only reflect the confidence of our clients in the reliability and quality of our facilities and service, but also the growing desire of businesses to reduce energy costs by adopting energy-efficient building technologies.” W i th these cont rac t s , Keppel DHCS will service 1 7 b u i l d i n g s l o c a t e d across 700,000 square metres of gross floor area at one-north, and further strengthen its presence at Biopolis and Fusionopolis,

Keppel DHCS secures new clients at one-north

the premier research hubs for b iomedical sc ience and info-communications technology in Singapore.

The contracts with business space provider Ascendas and consumer hea l th giant P&G will see Keppel DHCS servicing Ascendas at Biopolis 5 and P&G’s Singapore Innovation Centre at Biopolis 4.

Ascendas’ Biopolis 5 is expected to be completed in 2013. It wil l provide

additional laboratory space to meet the increasing demand for biomedical research facilities. P&G’s Singapore Innovation Centre is expected to be completed in 2013, and will house P&G’s research activities.

Organisations at Biopolis and Fus ionopo l i s that a re present l y se rv i ced by Keppel DHCS include A*Star (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Apex International, NTU

Alumni Clubhouse and City Campus, JTC Corporation, Soilbuild and Crescendas.

Keppel DHCS also services Vista Xchange, the transport hub for one-north and the site of a combination of offices, hotels, shops and entertainment outlets, as well as the multi-tenanted Neuros & Immunos building w h i c h i s c a t e re d f o r neurology and immunology research companies. keppelite

Keppel DHCS strengthens its presence at Biopolis and Fusionopolis, Singapore’s premier research hubs for biomedical science and info-communications technology


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