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Kerrang music magazine

Date post: 29-Jul-2015
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Research in music magazines

Research in music magazines


The masthead of Kerrang is placed on the top of the magazine, this is the first thing to be seen by the reader as its at the beginning of the root of the eye. The word Kerrang that is an onomatopoeia as it sounds like a guitar once a note has been played. It is also a nonsense word as it has been made up for the purpose of the magazine.The title has been wrote in a bold white text as it stands out of the background, it also shown to have a crack in it as the magazine is heavily based around rock music and some rock artistes are associated whit braking things while the artist are on stage.

The main photo showed in the main optical area is a low angle mid-shot of the lead singer/guitarist of Green Day. The photo is used to support the cover story of the magazine which is shown on the right of the main optical area, on the shoulder of the band member.The cover story has “Green Day” wrote in the exact same stile of the logo of the band. This is used to help attract fans of the band to read the magazine as it is the main story within the magazine. The stand first of the cover story is shown in black writing high lighted green as it stands out of the background and its high lighted green as the band is called Green Day.The language of the cover story is informal as it is talking to the reader as it address the audience in a friendly term which appeals to the reader as it makes the author more related to the reader of the magazine.

The imprint in the terminal area of the cover shows another band from the same genre of rock as slipknot is a heavy metal band. The image of the band shows mid shots of the members at the back and close ups of the members in the foreground. The costumes of the band members are dark colours of blacks and greys as this it signifies a heavy metal band.The imprint is shown in the terminal area as not as important as the main cover story, however it is used to attract other rock fans who like heavy metal music and who like the band slipknot.The typography of text used in the imprint is large, bold text on a yellow background to help it stand out on the dark background of the Green Day photo and the white text shows up more brightly on the yellow background.The word “WIN!” is in a larger font with a different background as it shows its importance to the article.The tone of the text is quite foreseeing as quotes “MEMORY LANE” means the band could be see how their career has been so far.

In the terminal area on the lest hand side there are sub headings of two other articles which are in side the magazine. These have been position here as they have no sugniacucse to the main headline of the cover but they are still important to the magazine.The typography of the headings are sans serif fonts as the writing is consisting of big and bold text. The language of the text is informal as its more of an everyday life speech as the anagram of “WTF?!” is another form of swearing. The mode of address to the reader is very caesural and inviting as its speeches to the reader as if they were good friends and wont feel offended to the type of language that is being presented.The colour scheme of the sub articles are yellow and green which helps separate each article and it carries on the theme as the Green Day article is in green and the Slipnot article which is in yellow.

In the top left corner of the contents page there is a letter from the editor of the magazine addressing the reader in a friendly manor as he has wrote informally as he is telling the reader what is inside the magazine.The typography of the text is black, sans serif front as it shows up on the white background and it is easily readied and understandable.Next to the text is a picture of the front cover of the current issue of the magazine. This is used to show the reader what the editor is talking about and what the cover looks like on the other page.It has been placed in the top left hand corner as it’s the first thing to be seen by the reader which gives its importance as it is position at the beginning of the root of the eye.

The title of the contents page is in yellow text with a black highlight. The yellow, bold, sans serif font is used as it shows up on the black background. This colour scheme is used as it makes the text seem more important as it seems the text it self has itself been highlighted.Under the title, there is white, sans serif font which is much smaller than the title as it has less sugnifacunts to the page as it tell the reader the date of the magazine and the issue number.The title of the page has been placed in the top right hand corner as it is important to the page. However it has less importance than the letter by the editor as it is the second thing to be seem by the root of the eye.

The imagers on the contents page are of bands and artist of the rock genre of music as Kerrang is a rock magazine. The photos in the bottom half of the page are low angle close ups of the artist/ band member how are talked about in the articles within the magazine. The low angle, close ups of the artist/band member are used to show the faces of the main person that is linked to the article so it is easy for the reader to recognize the person with in the photo. Low angle shots are used because it give the person in the photo more power and status, as the people who read the magazine look up to the people shown in the photos. ]The photos on the top half of the page are mid shots of different bands from the music genre of rock. The photos on the right are of the band members in in smart, black, casual clothing to show the reader that the band's are in their element as they have normal body language and they have a straight face on them as well. The large image on the left shows a mid shot of one of the band members in the of the photo in a smart costume which is similar to a school uniform as he is wearing a tie. The prop of the cricket bat shows that the band is English and quite young because of the costume of the uniform. The bat is covered in blood which seem to be the blood of the two men behind him who are darkly dressed with blood poring down there faces, because of the pale white make up on the two men's farces makes them seen like zombies attacking the man in front.

Under the title banner there is a quotation from an article within the magazine. This is placed under the title as it is probably one of the most popular article in the magazine that the readers of the magazine are interested in.The typography of the text has sans serif fonts. The top part of the text is simple sans serif as it is a quote from the article. The bottom part of the text is in bold sans serif as it tells the reader who has said the quotation, it is also in bold as it attracts the reader to the area of the page. Under the name of the person there is a smaller piece of text which tells the reader where the text has been taken from within the magazine.The piece of has been placed under the title of the page as the article is properly the main story that is in the magazine.

The list of the contents has been placed under the title in the right terminal area as the list is used to sum up the hole contents, on top of the photos of bands/artists left of it.The headings of the contents are in the same style as the title as it carries on through out the page. The style of the font that is used is yellow, bold, sans serif font with a black highlighted background. The title of the list, however has a black, bold, sans serif font with a yellow highlighted background. The page numbers are in black, bold, sans serif font with the title name of the article next to it in black, sans serif font.The language of the titles of the articles are names of artists and albums, popular features that have names related to the theme of rock music and names of places where gigs have been healed. The mode of address to the audience is informal as certain parts of the list has aspects of informal language as it trying to talk in the same tone as its readers.

In the bottom right corner has the information for how to subscribe to the magazine so it can be posted to the reader.The subscription of the magazine is in the bottom of the page in the terminal area as it’s the last thing to be seen by the reader in the root of the eye. This has been placed hear as it is separated from the contents as it is a hole different subject.The language is informal as it is talking to the reader in a similar tone to how the reader would speak.The colour of the subscription part of the page is red as it is different to the rest of the page and the reader I less likely to get it mixed up.

The text under the photos on the page uses the same text as the rest of the page to carry on the theme through out the page.The typography of the text under the photos that are explaining about the articles have a black, sans serif fort. Title of the articles have the same font as the information about the article but it is a larger size and ins bold. The font of the page numbers are yellow, bold, sans serif font with a black highlighted background.The language of the text is informal as it is addressing the audience in in a tone that is friendly and easy to understand.

On the right terminal area of the double page is a “lowdown” of the bands latest songs that are coming soon.The typography of the text is bold, red, sans serif font which is used for the titles of the songs that are being talked about. The review of the songs are in black sans serf font, however the “sounds like” part of the review is in bold sans serif font as it is used on each paragraph as a common feature and it stands out in bold. The text under the “sounds like” part is in smaller sans serif font as it is a different part of the review and it wouldn’t get mixed up with previous parts.The text is on a white background as it’s a different part of the double page to the interview which as a black background.The review of the bands latest songs is placed in the right terminal area as it is separated from the rest of the article which is a interview with the band and the text in the terminal area is the extra content to the interview on the left of it.

The photo in the bottom right terminal area is a close up of one of the band members recording a song in a studio.The man is in casual clothing as he is recording for a cd and not in front of people in a concert.The photo is in the bottom right corner as it’s the last photo to be seen through the root of the eye and it’s the last photo on the bottom of the page.

The photo on the bottom left terminal area on the right page is a long shot of three of the band members in a studio working on their music.The men are wearing everyday, casual close as they have no need to wear costumes as they are not in front of an audience in a concert.The photo is in the terminal area in the middle of all of the photos on the double page showing all of the band members.

The photo in the bottom right terminal area of the left page is a close up of a guitar player from the band playing the guitar on stage.The man is wearing normal, casual chose with a dark t-suit and the prop of the guitar showing that the man is a guitarist of the band.The photo is in the terminal area of the page as its one of the last things to be seen by the reader by using the root of the eye.

The logo/ title of the page is in the top left hand corner as it’s the first thing to be seen by the through the root of the eye. It has been placed here as it tells the reader what page they are reading and that it’s a “world exclusive” which would make the reader want to go and read the rest of the article.The typography of the title is red, bold, sans serif font which shows up of the black background, there is smaller white, sans serif font under the title telling the reader that they can go on to the website for more. Next to it on the right is white, bold, sans serif font on a red background which makes it stand out from the background photo, which tells the reader that the article is a “world exclusive” which would make the reader want to read on.

The photo in the primary optical area of the left page is a long, mid shot of the lead singer of the band, with the drummer of the band in the background of the photo. In the photo it shows the two members of the band performing a rehearsal on stage as the lead singer has a pass around his neck.The men are dressed in everyday, casual close which consist of jeans and t-suits doing a worm up gig. The props of the microphone, the speakers and the drum kit show that the men are play music on the stage.The photo covers the hole background as it is the first photo seen by the reader through the root of the eye as it shows two of the band in their element performing their music.

The typography of the pull quote is large sans serif font in a mixture of red and white which flows through the rest of the page. The language of the pull quote is informal as is addressing the audience in a expressive tone as it is shouting, by the use of an exquemation mark. The text has been placed in the middle of the top of the page as it’s the first piece of text to be seen by the reader by the root of the eye.The typography of the stand first is white, sans serif font as it shows up on the black background. The stand first is under the the pull quote as it’s the second piece of text related to the article that the reader sees by the root of the eye. The “My Chemical Romance” part of the stand first is in bold, white, sans serif font as it hi lights to the reader, that the article is about the band My Chemical Romance.The article itself is in the main optical area as it is the most important piece if text on the page as it’s the article of the page and it’s the third piece of text to be seen by the reader as the other pieces of text are to attract the to read the main article. The typography of the article is white sans serif font with a red kicker at the begin of the article to show where the main piece of text is. The language of the article is informal as it address the reader in a friendly tone as it specks to the audience as someone how they have known for ages.

The language of the text is informal as it is addressing the audience by shouting at the reader to make them lesion to the author.The tone of the text is expressive as it is shouting at the to gain their attention.
