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KEY CONCEPT Arthropods have exoskeletons and joints. as grasshoppers, have a simple metamorphosis....

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142 Unit 1: Diversity of Living Things VOCABULARY arthropod p. 142 exoskeleton p. 143 molting p. 143 insect p. 145 metamorphosis p. 146 BEFORE, you learned • Mollusks are invertebrates with soft bodies, some have shells • Echinoderms have spiny skeletons • Different species adapt to the same environment in different ways NOW, you will learn • About different groups of arthropods • About exoskeletons in arthropods • About metamorphosis in arthropods KEY CONCEPT Arthropods have exoskeletons and joints. EXPLORE Arthropods What are some characteristics of arthropods? COMBINATION NOTES Make notes and diagrams for the main idea: Most invertebrates are arthropods. MATERIALS • clear container • shoebox with half of cover removed • pillbugs • hand lens Most invertebrates are arthropods. There are more species of arthropods than there are any other type of invertebrate. In fact, of all the animal species classified by scientists, over three-quarters are arthropods. An is an invertebrate that has a segmented body covered with a hard outer skeleton. Arthropods can have many pairs of legs and other parts that extend from their body. Insects are arthropods, as are crustaceans such as the shrimp and arachnids such as the spider. Fossil evidence shows that arthropods first appeared on land about 420 million years ago, around the same time as plants. Arthropods are active animals that feed on all types of food. Many arthropods live in water, but most live on land. arthropod PROCEDURE Observe the pillbugs in their container. Draw a sketch of a pillbug. Gently remove the pillbugs from their container and place them in the open end of the box. Observe and make notes on their behavior for several minutes. Return the pillbugs to their container. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Describe some of the characteristics you noticed about pillbugs. Are pillbugs radially or bilaterally symmetrical? 3 2 1
Page 1: KEY CONCEPT Arthropods have exoskeletons and joints. as grasshoppers, have a simple metamorphosis. When a young grasshopper hatches from an egg, its form is similar to an adult’s,

142 Unit 1: Diversity of Living Things

VOCABULARYarthropod p. 142exoskeleton p. 143molting p. 143insect p. 145metamorphosis p. 146

BEFORE, you learned

• Mollusks are invertebrates withsoft bodies, some have shells

• Echinoderms have spiny skeletons

• Different species adapt to thesame environment in differentways

NOW, you will learn

• About different groups of arthropods

• About exoskeletons in arthropods

• About metamorphosis in arthropods


Arthropods haveexoskeletons and joints.

EXPLORE Arthropods

What are some characteristics of arthropods?

COMBINATION NOTESMake notes and diagramsfor the main idea: Mostinvertebrates are arthropods.

MATERIALS• clear container• shoebox with

half of coverremoved

• pillbugs• hand


Most invertebrates are arthropods.There are more species of arthropods than there are any other type ofinvertebrate. In fact, of all the animal species classified by scientists,over three-quarters are arthropods. An is an invertebratethat has a segmented body covered with a hard outer skeleton.Arthropods can have many pairs of legs and other parts that extendfrom their body. Insects are arthropods, as are crustaceans such as theshrimp and arachnids such as the spider.

Fossil evidence shows that arthropods first appeared on land about420 million years ago, around the same time as plants. Arthropods areactive animals that feed on all types of food. Many arthropods live inwater, but most live on land.



Observe the pillbugs in their container. Draw a sketch of a pillbug.

Gently remove the pillbugs from their container and place them in the open end of the box. Observe and make notes on their behavior for several minutes.

Return the pillbugs to their container.

WHAT DO YOU THINK?• Describe some of the characteristics you noticed

about pillbugs.• Are pillbugs radially or bilaterally symmetrical?




Page 2: KEY CONCEPT Arthropods have exoskeletons and joints. as grasshoppers, have a simple metamorphosis. When a young grasshopper hatches from an egg, its form is similar to an adult’s,

Exoskeletons and Jointed PartsOne adaptation that gives arthropods the ability to live in many differentenvironments is the exoskeleton. An is a strong outer cov-ering, made of a material called chitin. The exoskeleton completelycovers the body of an arthropod. In a sense, an exoskeleton is like a suitof armor that protects the animal’s soft body. For arthropods living onland, the exoskeleton keeps cells, tissues, and organs from drying out.

Check Your Reading What are two functions of an exoskeleton?

A suit of armor is not much good unless you can move around init. The arthropod’s exoskeleton has joints, places where the exoskele-ton is thin and flexible. There are joints along the different segmentsof the animal’s body. An arthropod body typically has three sections: ahead at one end, a thorax in the middle, and an abdomen at the otherend. Legs are jointed, as are other parts attached to the body, such asantennae and claws. Muscles attach to the exoskeleton around thejoints, enabling the arthropod to move.

The exoskeleton is like a suit of armor in one other way. It doesn’tgrow. An arthropod must shed its exoskeleton as it grows. This processis called For an arthropod, the times when it molts are dan-gerous because its soft body is exposed to predators.

Complex Body SystemsArthropods have well-developed body systems. They have a nervoussystem with a brain and many different sensory organs. Their digestivesystem includes a stomach and intestines. Arthropods have an opencirculatory system, which means the heart moves blood into the bodydirectly. There are no blood vessels. Arthropods reproduce sexually.An arthropod has either a male or a female reproductive system.



Chapter 4: Invertebrate Animals 143

jointed legsThe exoskeleton of thiscrayfish completely coversits body.


Find out more about thediversity of arthropods.

COMPARE How does theshape of this cicada’smolted exoskeleton compare to the shape ofits body?

Page 3: KEY CONCEPT Arthropods have exoskeletons and joints. as grasshoppers, have a simple metamorphosis. When a young grasshopper hatches from an egg, its form is similar to an adult’s,

144 Unit 1: Diversity of Living Things

Three Major Groups of Arthropods

Scientists have named at least ten groups of arthropods, but most arthropodspecies belong to one of three groups: insects, crustaceans, or arachnids.

What body features can you see that are shared by all of these arthropods?

• Includes beetles, bees,wasps, ants, butterflies,moths, and grasshoppers

• 3 pairs of legs, 3 body seg-ments, 1 pair of antennae

• Most live on land


• Includes shrimp, crabs, lobsters,barnacles, and pill bugs

• Number of body segments and pairs of legs varies, 2 pairsof antennae

• Most live in water; some liveon land


• Includes spiders, ticks,mites, and scorpions

• 4 pairs of legs, 2 bodysegments, no antennae

• Most live on land


Page 4: KEY CONCEPT Arthropods have exoskeletons and joints. as grasshoppers, have a simple metamorphosis. When a young grasshopper hatches from an egg, its form is similar to an adult’s,

Chapter 4: Invertebrate Animals 145

Insects are six-legged arthropods.Scientists have so far identified over 700,000 insect species.are arthropods that as adults have three body segments, a pair ofantennae, and six legs attached to the middle segment, the thorax.Insect species have adapted to all sorts of environments and live on every continent. Most insects live on land. These insects obtainoxygen through spiracles, small openings in their exoskeleton.

Check Your Reading What are two characteristics all adult insects share?

Insects show great diversity in appearance. Many species haveadaptations in color and shape that allow them to blend into theirenvironments. For example, a stick insect is the same color and shapeas a twig. Insect bodies also have different adaptations. Many insectshave compound eyes and antennae, which are sensory organs. Manyinsects fly, having one or two pairs of wings.

Many insects are herbivores. And many insect species have mouthparts adapted for feeding on specific plants. A butterfly, for example,has a tubelike mouth that can reach into a flower to get nectar. Insectsthat feed on flowers often help the plants reproduce because theinsects carry pollen from flower to flower. Other insects harm theplants they feed on. A grasshopper has jawlike mouth parts that crushparts of a plant. Many plants have defensive adaptations, such as poi-sons in leaves and stems, to keep insects from eating them.

Some insects, for example, ants, termites, and some bees, are socialinsects. They must live in groups in order to survive. Members of thegroup work together to gather food, maintain the nest, and care forthe offspring. Often with social insects, just one female, called aqueen, produces and lays eggs.


Parts of an Insect’s Body

Adult insects have three body segments and six jointed legs.

head thorax abdomen



reading tip

The word insect relates toits body being in sections.Note the three sections inthe diagram of the ant.

VOCABULARYDon’t forget to takenotes on the term insect,using a strategy from anearlier chapter or onethat you already know.

Page 5: KEY CONCEPT Arthropods have exoskeletons and joints. as grasshoppers, have a simple metamorphosis. When a young grasshopper hatches from an egg, its form is similar to an adult’s,

146 Unit 1: Diversity of Living Things

How often do mealworms molt?PROCEDURE

Prepare the jar for the mealworms. Fill it halfway with oat bran for food.Place a slice of potato and a piece of carrot on top for moisture.

In your notebook, note how many mealworms you have. Carefully place themealworms inside the jar and close the lid. Wash your hands.

Without opening the jar, look for signs of activity every day. Once a week,open the container and pour some of the contents into a tray. Examine thissample for molted exoskeletons. Then return it to the jar. Replace the vegetables and add new oats as needed. Wash your hands.

WHAT DO YOU THINK? • What changes did you observe in the mealworms?

• Did you see any sign of other stages of development?

CHALLENGE Use tweezers and a petri dish to collect the molted exoskeletons. How do the number of molts compare to the number of worms? Estimate how often the worms molt.




Insect MetamorphosisInsect MetamorphosisSKILL FOCUSObserving

MATERIALS• glass jar • lid with air holes• oat bran• potato• carrot• mealworms• for Challenge:

petri dishtweezers

TIME20 minutes

All insects can reproduce sexually. Females lay eggs, often a largenumber of eggs. The queen honey bee can lay over a million eggs inher lifetime. Many insect eggs have a hard outer covering. This adap-tation protects the egg from drying out and can allow hatching to bedelayed until conditions are right.

During their life cycle, insects undergo a process in which theirappearance and body systems may change dramatically. This process iscalled There are three stages to a complete meta-morphosis. The first stage is the larva, which spends its time eating.The second stage is the pupa. During this stage, the insect body devel-ops within a protective casing. The final stage is the adult, which iscapable of going on to produce a new generation.

Check Your Reading What happens to an insect during metamorphosis?

Not all insects go through complete metamorphosis. Some insects,such as grasshoppers, have a simple metamorphosis. When a younggrasshopper hatches from an egg, its form is similar to an adult’s, justsmaller. A grasshopper grows and molts several times before reachingadult size.

metamorphosis.reading tip

The word metamorphosismeans “many changes.”

Page 6: KEY CONCEPT Arthropods have exoskeletons and joints. as grasshoppers, have a simple metamorphosis. When a young grasshopper hatches from an egg, its form is similar to an adult’s,

Chapter 4: Invertebrate Animals 147

You have probably seen many insects in their larval form. A cater-pillar is a larva; so is an inchworm. Often the larval form of an insectlives very differently from its adult form. A mosquito, for example,begins its life in the water. The larva swims about, feeding on algae.The pupa forms at the water’s surface. The developing mosquito isencased in a protective covering. The adult form of the mosquito, theflying insect, leaves the water. The female is a parasite that feeds offthe blood of other animals.

Crustaceans live in water and on land.Most crustacean species live in the water. Several of these, including theAtlantic lobster and the Dungeness crab, are used by people as a sourceof food. Crustaceans are important to the ocean food web. Tiny crus-taceans such as krill and copepods are a food source for many otheranimals, including other invertebrates, fish, and whales. Some species ofcrustaceans live in freshwater and a few, such as pill bugs, live on land.

Check Your Reading Where do most crustaceans live?

Crustaceans have three or more pairs of legs and two pairs of sen-sory antennae. Many of the larger, water-living crustaceans, such ascrabs, have gills. Most crustaceans, like other arthropods, have a circu-latory system that includes a heart but no blood vessels. Crustaceansreproduce sexually. Their young hatch from eggs.

The eating habits of crustaceans vary. Lobsters and shrimp eatplants and small animals. Many crustaceans are scavengers, feeding offthe remains of other organisms. Some, such as barnacles, are filterfeeders. The larval form of a barnacle is free swimming. However, asan adult this arthropod attaches itself to a rock or another hard sur-face, such as a mollusk’s shell or the hull of a ship. It uses its tentaclesto capture food from the surrounding water.

IDENTIFY How many pairs of legs does thiscrab have?

A female mosquitolays a mass of eggson the surface of thewater.

1 Each egg developsinto a larva thatswims head down,feeding on algae.

2 The larva developsinto a pupa. Inside,the body of theinsect matures.

3 At the adult stage,the mosquitoleaves the waterand flies away.


Page 7: KEY CONCEPT Arthropods have exoskeletons and joints. as grasshoppers, have a simple metamorphosis. When a young grasshopper hatches from an egg, its form is similar to an adult’s,

Arachnids are eight-legged arthropods.Spiders, mites, ticks, and scorpions belong to a group called the arach-nids. Like all arthropods, arachnids have an exoskeleton, jointed limbs,

and segmented bodies. But the bodies of arachnids have some char-acteristics that distinguish them from other arthropods. Arachnidsalways have four pairs of legs and only two body segments.Arachnids do not have antennae.

Some arachnids, including ticks and chigger mites, are para-sites. Other arachnids, such as spiders and scorpions, are predators.

Recall that predators get their food by capturing and consumingother animals. Predatory arachnids kill their prey by stinging them,biting them, or injecting them with venom.

The spiders are the largest group of arachnids. Many spiders havea unique adaptation for capturing their prey. They produce anextremely strong material, called silk, inside their bodies and use thesilk to make webs for capturing food. The spider spins strands of silkout from tubes called spinnerets at the rear of its abdomen. It weavesthe strands into a nearly invisible web. The web serves as a net forcatching insects and other small organisms that the spider eats. Thisadaptation allows web-building spiders to wait for their prey to cometo them. Other invertebrates, such as silkworms, produce silk, but theydo not weave webs.

Check Your Reading How is the way some spiders capture prey unusual?

Some arachnids obtain oxygen through spiracles, as insects do.However, certain species of spiders have a unique type of respiratoryorgan referred to as book lungs. Book lungs are like moist pocketswith folds. They are located inside the animal’s abdomen.

148 Unit 1: Diversity of Living Things

This spider has wrappedits prey in silk.




This mite is an arachnidthat lives in dust. Thismicrograph shows it magnified 150�.

Page 8: KEY CONCEPT Arthropods have exoskeletons and joints. as grasshoppers, have a simple metamorphosis. When a young grasshopper hatches from an egg, its form is similar to an adult’s,

Millipedes and centipedes are arthropods.At first glance, the members of two other arthropod groups looksimilar. Both centipedes and millipedes have long, segmented bodiesand many legs. However, animals from these groups differ in theirbody features and their behavior.

Millipedes are arthropods with two pairs of walking legs on eachbody segment. Millipedes move rather slowly and eat decaying leavesand plant matter. When disturbed, many millipedes emit a foul odorthat can be harmful to predators.

Centipedes can move more quickly. They have one pair of walkinglegs per body segment. They have antennae and jawlike mouthparts.Many centipedes also have pincers on their rearmost segment.Centipedes are predators. They can use their jaws and pincers to paralyze prey and protect themselves from predators.

KEY CONCEPTS1. Describe the characteristics of

insects, crustaceans, andarachnids.

2. What is molting and how doesit relate to an exoskeleton?

3. Name three arthropods andthe adaptations they have forfeeding.

CRITICAL THINKING4. Analyze How does the form

of an exoskeleton relate to itsfunction?

5. Connect Mosquitoes canspread disease, such as theWest Nile virus. People areadvised not to leave open con-tainers of water in the yard.How does standing water con-tribute to an increase in thenumber of mosquitoes?

CHALLENGE6. Evaluate Many plant-eating

insects live less than a year. Anadult will lay eggs in the falland then die as winter comes.The eggs hatch the nextspring. How does the life cycleof the insect fit in with the lifecycle of plants? What role doesthe egg play in the survival ofthe insect species in this case?

Chapter 4: Invertebrate Animals 149

COMPARE AND CONTRAST With their long segmented bodies, a millipedeand a centipede look very similar. How are they different?

Millipede Centipede
