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Key note frame_model

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Framework / Model clarity is Important when deciding on contribution to the existing knowledge , therefore this note is an attempt to unwind the definition and concept between two nouns called “framework” and “model” PhdNotes by Bakhreza Talip

Framework / Modelclarity is Important when deciding on contribution to the existing knowledge , therefore this note is an attempt to unwind the definition and concept between

two nouns called “framework” and “model”

PhdNotes by Bakhreza Talip

Framework Image result from Google

Model Image result from Google


• Can you see differences between two Google Image result that relates to keyword “Model” and “Framework”?

• Following slide demonstrate my own understanding about “model” and “framework” inspired by observation on Google Image result.

• Therefore, please use this note with caution. If possible, take time to consult with other sources.

Excerpt from internet :

• Layered structure

• A set of ideas or facts that provide support for something.

• Interrelated structure of something.

• The basic structure of something.

Framework brief definition

( source : Google) ( source : dictionary.reference.com)

noun :

• a skeletal structure designed to support or enclose something.

noun :• A standard or example for imitation or


• A representation, generally in miniature, to show the construction or appearance of something.

• An image in clay, wax, or the like, to be reproduced in more durable material.

• A person or thing that serves as a subject for an artist, sculptor, writer, etc.

• A style or design of a particular product.

Model brief definition

( source : dictionary.reference.com)

adjective :

• Serving as an example.

• worthy to serve as an exemplary.

• Being a small or miniature version of something.

Model description of look

• Something built or drawn esp. to show how something much larger would look.

source : Frank Veroustraete @ https://www.researchgate.net/post/Can_anyone_state_the_difference_between_a_framework_and_a_model_in_research Image : Google ( keywords - house model ; tree model ; furniture model ; Chinese teapot model ; Car model ; human model )

model of house made from Lego blocks

model of vintage Asian Tea set

model of car

model of office chairmodel of Christmas Trees

model of human face

Model description of facts

• A representation of something in words or numbers that can be used to tell what is likely to happen if particular facts are considered as true.

source : Frank Veroustraete @ https://www.researchgate.net/post/Can_anyone_state_the_difference_between_a_framework_and_a_model_in_research

An example on representation of model with words. This type of model can be referred as conceptual model for things.

An example on representation of model with numbers. This type of model can be referred as statistical model represent numerical data.

Model description of facts with numbers or statistically

source : Google Images / keywords ( statistical model , statistical model of population growth )

A statistical model describing annual population growth between 2002 and 2012 A statistical model describing male and female population by age in 2009

and prediction in 2050

A statistical model describing death rate of male population in New Zealand

Model description of facts ( what is likely to happen) with words

A box model describing web development using CSS

A flowchart model describing process

A waterfall model describing stage in software development lifecycle

A model describing product lifecycle

source : Google Images / keyword - ( waterfall model ; box model ; flowchart model ; lifecycle model; data model)

A data model describing type of data for “customer” and “address”

noun :someone or something that is an extremely good example of its type, esp. when a copy can be based on it: She was a model of loyalty and stuck by him even after he went to jail.

noun (person):A person employed to wear esp. new, fashionable clothes to show how the clothes look and to make them look attractive: Models paraded down the ramp to show off the latest fashions of Paris and New York. › A model is also a person employed to show his or her body to be drawn or photographed by those studying the human form.

noun (machine):a particular type of device or machine that is different in quality, style, or some other feature from others that have the same use: This car comes in a two-door and a four-door model. We were shown large and small models of air conditioners. model

Model definition as noun

source : Frank Veroustraete @ https://www.researchgate.net/post/Can_anyone_state_the_difference_between_a_framework_and_a_model_in_research

model verb ( Representation):to form something from a plastic substance such as clay, or to use a plastic substance to make a form of something: to model a face She modelled the clay into a sculpture.

noun (Good Example):to create something by basing its form or appearance on something else: The state building was modelled on the US Capitol in Washington, D.C

noun (Wearing Clothes):to wear new, fashionable clothes to show how the clothes look and to make them look attractive, esp. at a fashion show (a special occasion for people to see new clothes) or for photographs in a magazine, newspaper, etc.: She will be modelling the new line of spring coats model.

Model definition as verb

source : Frank Veroustraete @ https://www.researchgate.net/post/Can_anyone_state_the_difference_between_a_framework_and_a_model_in_research

Framework Excerpt from internet :

• Ideal structure of something

• A set of ideas or facts that provide support for something.

• Interrelated structure of something.

• The basic structure of something.


consists of theories, models, concepts and methods.

Creating a framework is build up the necessary structure for the study or research proposal.

The term "framework" was originally used in the IT sector.

A philosophy of science.

source : Detlef Brem @ https://www.researchgate.net/post/Can_anyone_state_the_difference_between_a_framework_and_a_model_in_research

Image illustration on “framework construction” ( source: Google )

Framework A philosophy of science : Education

This example excerpt from http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTEDUCATION/0,,contentMDK:22640776~menuPK:282391~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:282386,00.html


Framework A philosophy of science : Management

This example excerpt from http://www.theprofessionaldigest.com/2014/02/customer-experience-management-CXM-CEM-overview-Implementation-Process-guideline.html


Framework A philosophy of science : Food

This example excerpt from http://teachers.yale.edu/curriculum/viewer/initiative_08.07.01_u

Food Pyramid

Framework A philosophy of science : Learning

This example excerpt from http://elearningrnps.global2.vic.edu.au/files/2014/05/padagogy-version2-1rv2wvp.png

Pedagogy Wheel

Framework A philosophy of science : Enterprise Architecture

This example excerpt from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zachman_Framework

“Zachman Rules”

Framework A philosophy of science : Decision Making

This example excerpt from http://www.genesismc.co.uk/blog/effective-decision-making/


Framework In Information Technology (IT) sector : Web Solutions

This example excerpt from http://www.trigent.com/technology/microsoft/cloud-applications-on-azure.html

“ Cloud Hosting ”

Framework In Information Technology (IT) sector : Cloud Computing

This example excerpt from https://dotnet.github.io/orleans/Introduction

“ Orleans”

Framework In Information Technology (IT) sector : Geographic Information System (GIS)

This example excerpt from http://www.upande.com/services

“Component of GIS”

Framework In Information Technology (IT) sector : Geographic Information System (GIS)

This example excerpt from http://www.soil-net.com/dev/page.cfm?pageid=casestudies_gis&loginas=anon_casestudies

“GIS Setup”

Framework In Information Technology (IT) sector : Software

This example excerpt from http://www.wilsonmar.com/msdotnet.htm and more details can be retrieved from http://www.academictutorials.com/microsoft.net/dotnet-framework.asp

Framework In Information Technology (IT) sector : Server

This example excerpt from https://oraclenz.wordpress.com/2008/09/07/overview-of-the-oracle-application-server-1012-part-i/

“ The OracleAS Middle”

Model • detail representation.

• An example.

• Present pattern.

• May not formed as framework.

• An outcome or appearance of something.

• Narrow

• Concrete view of something.

• Dependable on structure of something.

• Display independently in well-organised structure and not necessarily have name for it.

• Exist in many form in a study.

• May be a part of or excerpt from created framework.

Framework • skeletal structure

• A set of ideas or facts

• Structuring function of concepts / theories /models/ methods

• May consist model.

• Wider

• Interrelated structure of something.

• Conceptual view of something

• Often have name and display in well-organised and holistic structure.

• Exist once and comprehensively formulated.

Prepared by : Bakhreza A Talip

Lecturer/PhD Candidate
