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National curriculum assessments 2007 ALL TIERS Ma KEY STAGE 3 Mathematics tests Mark scheme for Paper 2 Tiers 3–5, 4–6, 5–7 and 6–8 satspapers.org
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National curriculum assessments






Mathematics tests

Mark scheme for Paper 2Tiers 3–5, 4–6, 5–7 and 6–8

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Introduction


The test papers will be marked by external markers. The markers will follow the mark scheme in this booklet, which is provided here to inform teachers.

This booklet contains the mark scheme for paper 2 at all tiers. The paper 1 mark scheme is printed in a separate booklet. Questions have been given names so that each one has a unique identifi er irrespective of tier.

The structure of the mark schemes

The marking information for questions is set out in the form of tables, which start on page 11 of this booklet. The columns on the left-hand side of each table provide a quick reference to the tier, question number, question part and the total number of marks available for that question part.

The Correct response column usually includes two types of information:

a statement of the requirements for the award of each mark, with an indication of whether credit can be given for correct working, and whether the marks are independent or cumulative

examples of some different types of correct response, including the most common.

The Additional guidance column indicates alternative acceptable responses, and provides details of specifi c types of response that are unacceptable. Other guidance, such as when ‘follow through’ is allowed, is provided as necessary.

Questions with a UAM element are identifi ed in the mark scheme by an encircled U with a number that indicates the signifi cance of using and applying mathematics in answering the question. The U number can be any whole number from 1 to the number of marks in the question.

For graphical and diagrammatic responses, including those in which judgements on accuracy are required, marking overlays have been provided as the centre pages of this booklet.

The 2007 key stage 3 mathematics tests and mark schemes were developed by the Test Development team at Edexcel.

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 General guidance

General guidance

Using the mark schemes

Answers that are numerically equivalent or algebraically equivalent are acceptable unless the mark scheme states otherwise.

In order to ensure consistency of marking, the most frequent procedural queries are listed on the following two pages with the prescribed correct action. This is followed by further guidance relating specifi cally to the marking of questions that involve money, negative numbers, algebra, time, coordinates or probability. Unless otherwise specifi ed in the mark scheme, markers should apply the following guidelines in all cases.

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 General guidance

What if …

The pupil’s responsedoes not match

closely any of the examples given.

Markers should use their judgement in deciding whether the response corresponds with the statement of requirements given in the Correct response column. Refer also to the Additional guidance.

The pupil hasresponded in a

non-standard way.

Calculations, formulae and written responses do not have to be set out in any particular format. Pupils may provide evidence in any form as long as its meaning can be understood. Diagrams, symbols or words are acceptable for explanations or for indicating a response. Any correct method of setting out working, however idiosyncratic, is acceptable. Provided there is no ambiguity, condone the continental practice of using a comma for a decimal point.

The pupil has made a conceptual error.

In some questions, a method mark is available provided the pupil has madea computational, rather than conceptual, error. A computational error isa ‘slip’ such as writing 4 × 6 = 18 in an otherwise correct long multiplication. A conceptual error is a more serious misunderstanding of the relevant mathematics; when such an error is seen no method marks may be awarded. Examples of conceptual errors are: misunderstanding of place value, such as multiplying by 2 rather than 20 when calculating 35 × 27; subtracting the smaller value from the larger in calculations such as 45 – 26 to give the answer 21; incorrect signs when working with negative numbers.

The pupil’s accuracyis marginal

according to the overlay provided.

Overlays can never be 100% accurate. However, provided the answer is within, or touches, the boundaries given, the mark(s) should be awarded.

The pupil’s answer correctly follows

through from earlier incorrect work.

Follow through marks may be awarded only when specifi cally stated in the mark scheme, but should not be allowed if the diffi culty level of the question has been lowered. Either the correct response or an acceptable follow through response should be marked as correct.

There appears to be a misreading affecting

the working.

This is when the pupil misreads the information given in the question anduses different information. If the original intention or diffi culty level of the question is not reduced, deduct one mark only. If the original intention or diffi culty level is reduced, do not award any marks for the question part.

The correct answer is in the wrong place.

Where a pupil has shown understanding of the question, the mark(s) should be given. In particular, where a word or number response is expected, a pupil may meet the requirement by annotating a graph or labelling a diagram elsewhere in the question.

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 General guidance

What if … Marking procedure

The fi nal answer iswrong but the

correct answer is shown in the


Where appropriate, detailed guidance will be given in the mark scheme and must be adhered to. If no guidance is given, markers will need to examine each case to decide whether:

the incorrect answer is due to a transcription error If so, award the mark.

in questions not testing accuracy, the correct answer has been given but then rounded or truncated

If so, award the mark.

the pupil has continued to give redundant extra working which does not contradict work already done

If so, award the mark.

the pupil has continued, in the same part of the question, to give redundant extra working which does contradict work already done.

If so, do not award the mark. Where a question part carries more than one mark, only the fi nal mark should be withheld.

The pupil’s answer is correct but the wrong

working is seen.

A correct response should always be marked as correct unless the markscheme states otherwise.

The correct responsehas been crossed

or rubbed outand not replaced.

Mark, according to the mark scheme, any legible crossed or rubbed outwork that has not been replaced.

More than one answer is given.

If all answers given are correct or a range of answers is given, all of which are correct, the mark should be awarded unless prohibited by the mark scheme. If both correct and incorrect responses are given, no mark should be awarded.

The answer is correctbut, in a later part of

the question, the pupil has

contradicted thisresponse.

A mark given for one part should not be disallowed for working or answers given in a different part, unless the mark scheme specifi cally states otherwise.

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 General guidance

Marking specifi c types of question

Responses involving moneyFor example: £3.20 £7

Accept Do not accept

Any unambiguous indication of the correct amount

eg £3.20(p), £3 20, £3,20,3 pounds 20, £3-20,£3 20 pence, £3:20, £7.00

The unit, £ or p, is usually printed in the answer space. Where the pupil writes an answer outside the answer space with no units, accept responses that are unambiguous when considered alongside the given units

eg with £ given in the answer space, accept 3.207 or 7.00

Given units amendedeg with £ crossed out in the

answer space, accept 320p700p

Incorrect or ambiguous indication of the amount

eg £320, £320p or £700p

Ambiguous use of units outside the answer space

eg with £ given in the answerspace, do not accept3.20p outside the answerspace

Incorrect placement of decimal points, spaces, etc or incorrect use or omission of 0

eg £3.2, £3 200, £32 0, £3-2-0£7.0

Responses involving negative numbersFor example: –2

Accept Do not accept

To avoid penalising the error below more than once within each question, do not award the mark for the fi rst occurrence of the error within each question. Where a question part carries more than one mark, only the fi nal mark should be withheld.

Incorrect notationeg 2 –

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 General guidance

Responses involving the use of algebraFor example: 2 + n n + 2 2n n

2 n2

Accept Take care ! Do not accept

Unambiguous use of a different caseor variable

eg N used for nx used for n

Words used to precede or follow equations or expressions

eg t = n + 2 tiles ortiles = t = n + 2for t = n + 2

! Unconventional notationeg n × 2 or 2 × n or n2

or n + n for 2nn × n for n2

n ÷ 2 for n2

or 12


2 + 1n for 2 + n2 + 0n for 2

Within a question that demands simplifi cation, do not accept as part of a fi nal answer involving algebra.Accept within a method when awarding partial credit, or within an explanation or general working.

Embedded values given when solving equations

eg in solving 3x + 2 = 32,3 × 10 + 2 = 32 for x = 10

To avoid penalising the two types of error below more than once within each question, do not award the mark for the fi rst occurrence of each type within each question. Where a question part carries more than one mark, only the fi nal mark should be withheld.

! Words or units used within equations or expressions

eg n tiles + 2n cm + 2

Do not accept on their own.Ignore if accompanying an acceptable response.

Unambiguous letters used to indicate expressions

eg t = n + 2 for n + 2

Ambiguous letters used to indicate expressions

eg n = n + 2 for n + 2

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 General guidance

Responses involving timeA time interval For example: 2 hours 30 minutes

Accept Take care ! Do not accept

Any unambiguous indicationeg 2.5 (hours), 2h 30

Digital electronic timeie 2:30

Incorrect or ambiguous time intervaleg 2.3(h), 2.30, 2-30, 2h 3,


! The unit, hours and/or minutes, is usually printed in the answer space.Where the pupil writes an answer outside the answer space, or crosses out the given unit, accept answers with correct units, unless the question has specifi cally asked for other units to be used.

A specifi c time For example: 8:40am 17:20

Accept Do not accept

Any unambiguous, correct indicationeg 08.40, 8.40, 8:40, 0840, 8 40,

8-40, twenty to nine, 8,40

Unambiguous change to 12 or 24 hour clock

eg 17:20 as 5:20pm, 17:20pm

Incorrect timeeg 8.4am, 8.40pm

Incorrect placement of separators, spaces, etc or incorrect use or omission of 0

eg 840, 8:4:0, 084, 84

Responses involving coordinatesFor example: ( 5, 7 )

Accept Do not accept

Unconventional notationeg ( 05, 07 )

( fi ve, seven )

( x5,

y7 )

( x = 5, y = 7 )

Incorrect or ambiguous notationeg ( 7, 5 )

( y7,

x5 )

( 5x, 7y )( 5x, 7y )( x – 5, y – 7 )

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 General guidance

Responses involving probabilityA numerical probability should be expressed as a decimal, fraction orpercentage only.

For example: 0.7 710


Accept Take care ! Do not accept

Equivalent decimals, fractions and percentages

eg 0.700, 70100 ,

3550 , 70.0%

The fi rst four categories of error below should be ignored if accompanied by an acceptable response, but should not be accepted on their own.However, to avoid penalising the fi rst three types of error below more than once within each question, do not award the mark for the fi rst occurrence of each type of errorunaccompanied by an acceptable response. Where a question part carries more than one mark, only the fi nal mark should be withheld.

! A probability that is incorrectly expressed

eg 7 in 107 over 107 out of 107 from 10

! A probability expressed as a percentage without a percentage sign.

! A fraction with other than integers in the numerator and/or denominator.

! A probability expressed as a ratioeg 7 : 10, 7 : 3, 7 to 10

A probability correctly expressed in one acceptable form which is then incorrectly converted, but is still less than 1 and greater than 0

eg 70100 =


A probability greater than 1 or less than 0

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 General guidance

Recording marks awarded on the test paper

All questions, even those not attempted by the pupil, will be marked, with a 1 or a 0 entered in each marking space. Where 2m can be split into 1m gained and 1m lost, with no explicit order, then this will be recorded by the marker as 1

0The total marks awarded for a double page will be written in the box at the bottom of the right-hand page, and the total number of marks obtained on the paper will be recorded on the front of the test paper.

A total of 120 marks is available in each of tiers 3–5, 4–6, 5–7 and 6–8.

Awarding levels

The sum of the marks gained on paper 1, paper 2 and the mental mathematicspaper determines the level awarded. Level threshold tables, which show the mark ranges for the award of different levels, will be available on the NAAwebsite www.naa.org.uk/tests from Monday 25 June 2007. QCA will also send a copy to each school in July.

Schools will be notifi ed of pupils’ results by means of a marksheet, which willbe returned to schools by the external marking agency with the pupils’ marked scripts. The marksheet will include pupils’ scores on the test papers and thelevels awarded.

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tier 3–5 only

Tier & Question Rules3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

1 Correct response Additional guidance

1m 11, 14

1m 23, 47

1m 41, 122 ! First new term for each sequence correct with second terms all incorrect or omittedMark as 0, 0, 1

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tier 3–5 only

Tier & Question Homework3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

2 Correct response Additional guidance

a 1m Monday and Wednesday, in either order ! Names of days or subjects abbreviatedAccept provided unambiguouseg, for part (a) accept

M and Weg, for part (b) do not accept

M, E and Tb 1m Maths, English and Technology, in any order

c 1m 3

Tier & Question Odd one out3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

3 Correct response Additional guidance

a 1m E

1m D

b 1m


Completes the sentence correctly with acorrect propertyeg

… equal sides … lines of symmetry … as the order of rotation symmetry

Minimally acceptable responseeg

… sides the same … line symmetry … rotation symmetry … identical lines

! Incorrect or irrelevant statementIgnore alongside a correct responseeg, accept

… equal sides and right angleseg, do not accept

… right angles

Incomplete or incorrect responseeg

… sides … equal angles … squares for the area

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tier 3–5 only

Tier & Question Hibernation3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

4 Correct response Additional guidance

a 1m 5 Value qualifi edeg

About 5

! Value inaccurateAccept values between 4.9 and 5.1 inclusive, or between 4 months 27 days and 5 months 3 days inclusive

b 1m


Indicates Yes and gives a correct explanation

The most common correct explanations:

State or imply that they sleep for more than6 months


They sleep for 612

months, which is more than half of 12

Half a year is 6 months but they sleep for just over 6 months

Refer to the area shaded or unshaded and its relation to the whole circleeg

More than halfway round the circle is shaded The white bit for dormice doesn’t reach

round half the circle

Minimally acceptable explanationeg



Just over 6 months More than 6 boxes are shaded November to May is six months and then half of October

Half a month more

! Exact value givenAccept values between 6.4 and 6.6 months inclusive, or between 6 months 12 days and 6 months 18 days inclusiveeg, accept

6 months and 2 weeks

Incomplete or incorrect explanationeg

They sleep for more than half the year They sleep from halfway through October to the end of April

Half a year is 6 months but they sleep for 7 months


Minimally acceptable explanationeg

More than halfway round More than half the chart is shaded More is shaded than unshaded

Incomplete explanationeg

It shows more shaded months

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tier 3–5 only

Tier & Question Concert3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

5 Correct response Additional guidance

a 1m £ 98.35

b 2m





Shows the digits 8225


Shows or implies a complete correct method with not more than one error, even if their fi nal answer is not an integer or is rounded or truncatedeg

(155.75 – 3 × 24.50) ÷ 16.45 73.5 + 16.45 + 16.45 + 16.45 + 16.45 +

16.45 = 155.75

Tier & Question Cake3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

6 Correct response Additional guidance

a 1m 450

b 1m Indicates the correct position on the scale, ie

200 300

Unambiguous indication

! Inaccurate indicationAccept indications that are closer to 275than either 250 or 300

c 1m 2pm or 14:00 Time ambiguous or incorrecteg

2 o’clock 14:00am

d 1m Indicates Cylinder, ie

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 3–5, 4–6

Tier & Question Bar chart3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

7 Correct response Additional guidance



Completes all labels for both axes correctly, ie



Glue Pens Rulers






Unambiguous indication of item nameseg, for Glue




Completes at least two labels on the vertical axis correctly

Tier & Question Coordinates3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

8 1 Correct response Additional guidance

a a 1m Gives A as (0, 6)

1m Gives C as (4, 3) ! Answers for A and C transposed but otherwise completely correctIf this is the only error, iegives A as (4, 3) andgives C as (0, 6), mark as 0, 1

b b 1m Indicates point D on the graph at (2, 7) ! Point inaccurate, not labelled or markedonly with the letter DCondone any unambiguous indication within 2mm of the correct intersection of the grid

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 3–5, 4–6

Tier & Question Fitting tiles3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

9 2 Correct response Additional guidance

a a 1m Indicates correctly two congruent F-tiles on the diagrameg

! Tile not shaded or inaccurately indicatedAccept provided the pupil’s intention is clear and there is no ambiguity

Tiles overlapping

b b 1m Indicates two congruent tiles on the diagrameg



Indicates two congruent tiles on the diagram, different from any previously credited

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 3–5, 4–6

Tier & Question Names3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

10 3 Correct response Additional guidance

a a 1m Claire Unambiguous indication of nameeg, for Claire


b b 1m


Gives the names Claire then Tom

Tier & Question Leaves3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

11 4 Correct response Additional guidance

a a 1m Writes the leaves in the correct orderfor area, ie

Willow Oak Beech



Unambiguous indicationeg, for part (a)




b b 1m Writes the leaves in the correct orderfor perimeter, ie

Willow Beech Oak



! Order given as largest to smallest for both parts (a) and (b)Mark as 0, 1

! Responses for parts (a) and (b) transposed but otherwise correctMark as 0, 1

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 3–5, 4–6

Tier & Question Marbles3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

12 5 Correct response Additional guidance



Matches all three questions correctly, ie

10 × 7


10 + 12 + 7

10 × 12 × 7

10 × 12

12 × 7

! Question matched with more than one calculationFor 2m or 1m, do not accept as a correct match

1m Matches any two of the questions correctly

Tier & Question

a and b3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

13 6 Correct response Additional guidance

1m Gives a pair of numbers for a and b, such that b = a + 4eg

a = 5 b = 9 a = 1.5 b = 5.5

Values embeddedeg

4 + 5 = 9 a = 4 + 5 b = 9



Gives a pair of numbers for a and b, such thatb = a + 4, different from any previously credited

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 3–5, 4–6

Tier & Question Turning3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

14 7 Correct response Additional guidance

1m Indicates the correct shape, ie

Tier & Question Party3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

15 8 Correct response Additional guidance



Completes all four entries in the table correctly,ie

4.95 5 24.75

3.20 13 41.60

1.95 10 19.50

Total: 85.85



Completes at least three entries in the table correctly


Completes all four entries correctly with some or all amounts of money given in pence

! For 1m, follow throughWhere the only error is in the total cost of balloons, for the overall total accept their total cost of balloons + 61.10

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 3–5, 4–6

Tier & Question Survey3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

16 9 Correct response Additional guidance

a a 1m 10 10%

b b 2m


Completes the percentage bar chart correctly, ie

50% labelled No 40% labelled Don’t know 10% labelled Yes, with bars in any order


0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

No Don’t know Yes

Unambiguous labellingeg

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

? ? ? ?

! Lines not ruled or accurateAccept provided the pupil’s intention is clear

1m Indicates sections corresponding to 50%, 40% and 10% but fails to label, labels incorrectly or bars are not continuouseg

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

? ? ??


Shows or implies the values 50, 40 and 10eg

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


Indicates a correct bar for either Don’t know or Yes, and labels correctly

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 3–5, 4–6, 5–7

Tier & Question Frog spawn3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

17 10 1 Correct response Additional guidance

a a a 1m 15th February (1997) Unambiguous or commonly used date notationeg

15/2 2/15 [US notation]

b b b 1m


Gives a possible description of the weathereg

In 1991 it was colder than the other years It must have been less warm than usual

Minimally acceptable responseeg

Cold Not warm It got warmer later

! Response implies a preferenceCondone provided the pupil’s intention is cleareg, accept

It must have been nasty weather It was rainy and not sunny Bad

Incomplete or incorrect responseeg

They were seen later than in other years Very cold so the eggs were seen quicker

Tier & Question Simplifying3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

18 11 2 Correct response Additional guidance

a a a 1m Indicates 4a + 3, ie

b b b 1m 8b + 3

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 3–5, 4–6, 5–7

Tier & Question Containers3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

19 12 3 Correct response Additional guidance

1m Indicates A and gives the value 250

Tier & Question Triangles3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

20 13 4 Correct response Additional guidance

a a a 1m Gives the values 60, 60 and 60 Single answer of 60 given

b b b 1m Gives the values 90, 45 and 45, in any order

Tier & Question Spinners3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

21 14 5 Correct response Additional guidance

a a a 1m Indicates B

b b b 1m Indicates A and D, in either order

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 3–5, 4–6, 5–7

Tier & Question Faces3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

22 15 6 Correct response Additional guidance

a a a 1m 8

b b b 1m Draws a solid with 6 faces in any orientation, using the isometric grid correctlyeg

Some or all internal lines showneg

! Lines not ruledAccept provided the pupil’s intention is clear

! Drawing not accurateAccept vertices within 2mm of the dots ofthe grid

! Some or all hidden lines shownDo not accept unless the lines are clearly identifi ed as hidden lineseg, accept

eg, do not accept

Isometric grid not used correctlyeg

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 3–5, 4–6, 5–7

Tier & Question Fir trees3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

23 16 7 Correct response Additional guidance

a a a 1m £ 30(.00)

b b b 1m


4 and 5, in either order ! Upper bound taken to be just under 5For the upper bound, accept values between 4.9 and 5 inclusive

Tier & Question Rectangles and squares3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

24 17 8 Correct response Additional guidance

a a a 1m 4 ! Value repeatedAccept provided there is no ambiguityeg, for part (a) accept

4 by 4eg, for part (a) do not accept

4 × 4

! For parts (a) and (b), response of 16 then 20Mark as 0, 1

b b b 1m



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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 3–5, 4–6, 5–7

Tier & Question Lemonade3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

25 18 9 Correct response Additional guidance



80 p



Shows the value 0.8(0)


Shows or implies a complete correct method with not more than one computational erroreg

6 × 1.20 – 4 × 1.60 (120 ÷ 4 – 160 ÷ 6) × 24 7.40 (error) – 6.40 = 1.00


Shows the value 720 or 7.2(0) and640 or 6.4(0)

Tier & Question Three angles3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

26 19 10 Correct response Additional guidance



Indicates No and gives a correct explanationeg

24 + 93 + 61 = 178 but it should equal 180 for a straight line

24 + 93 + 61 is 2 degrees too small for a straight line

4 + 3 + 1 = 8, so they couldn’t add to 180

Minimally acceptable explanation that states or implies the angles should add to 180 or that they add to less than 180eg

The angles don’t make 180 They should add to 180 Too small by 2 The total ends in 8, but this should be 0 It totals 178°, so it would be an obtuse angle

Incomplete or incorrect explanationeg

24 + 93 + 61 = 178 which is not straight The angles add to 188 not 180 The angles add to 178° so it will look straight

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 3–5, 4–6, 5–7, 6–8

Tier & Question Solving3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

27 20 11 Correct response Additional guidance

1m 14 ! Incorrect notationeg, as an answer for the fi rst mark

x = × 14Penalise only the fi rst occurrence

! Incomplete processingeg, as an answer for the fi rst mark

x = 44832

Penalise only the fi rst occurrence

1m 13

Tier & QuestionMarking overlay available Newspaper

3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

21 12 1 Correct response Additional guidance



Draws the sectors for Evening newspaper and No newspaper within the smaller tolerance as shown on the overlay and labels correctly

Unambiguous abbreviationeg

E for Evening newspaper, N for No newspaper

1m Draws the sectors for Evening newspaper and No newspaper within the larger tolerance as shown on the overlay and labels correctly


Draws the sectors for Evening newspaper and No newspaper within the smaller tolerance as shown on the overlay but fails to label or labels incorrectly


Shows or implies that 5 people are representedby 30° or that 1 person is represented by 6°eg

5 people = 30° 150 ÷ 5 = 30 360 ÷ 60 = 6 60, 90 seen

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 4–6, 5–7, 6–8

Tier & Question Completing rules3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

22 13 2 Correct response Additional guidance

1m Gives two correct values in the correct order, and a correct expression in xeg

3, 1, 3x + 1 1, 9, x + 9 –2, 21, –2x + 21

For the fi rst mark, given example repeated

! Unconventional notationeg, for x + 9

1 × x + 9Condone

1m Gives two correct values in the correct order,and a correct expression in xeg

4, 3, 4x – 3 –2, –21, –2x – –21 x, 3, x2 – 3

1m Gives two correct values in the correct order,and a correct expression in xeg

2, 11, x2

+ 11

0.5, 5, 2x + 5 (or x0.5

+ 5)

1, 9, x + 9

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 4–6, 5–7, 6–8

Tier & Question Parallelogram3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

23 14 3 Correct response Additional guidance



Gives the correct value with a correct uniteg


1m Shows the value 35


Shows a complete correct method with not more than one computational error and with a correct unit for area shown at least onceeg

7 × 5 and cm2 seen (10 – 3) × 5 and cm2 seen 10 × 5 – 3 × 5 and cm2 seen 50 – 7.5 – 7.5 and cm2 seen 4 × 5 + 2 × 1.5 × 5 and cm2 seen 50 – 2 × 6.5 (error) = 37 and cm2 seen

For 1m, necessary brackets omittedeg

10 – 3 × 5

Tier & Question Relationships3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

24 15 4 Correct response Additional guidance

1m 9 ! Incomplete processingeg, for the fi rst mark

10 – 1eg, for the second mark


Penalise only the fi rst occurrence1m 100

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 4–6, 5–7, 6–8

Tier & Question Pi3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

25 16 5 Correct response Additional guidance

a a a 1m 3.1416 Equivalent fractions or decimals

b b b 1m Indicates 355113

, ie

Tier & QuestionMarking overlay available Enlarging

3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

26 17 6 Correct response Additional guidance



Shows a correct enlarged shape with all fi ve vertices within the tolerances as shown on the overlay

! Lines not ruled or accurateAccept provided the pupil’s intention is clear

! Construction lines drawnIgnore, even if incorrect

1m Shows at least three vertices within the tolerances as shown on the overlay


Shows a correct enlarged shape with all fi ve vertices within the tolerances as shown on the overlay, but in an incorrect position and/or orientation

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 4–6, 5–7, 6–8

Tier & Question Values3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

27 18 7 Correct response Additional guidance

a a a 1m 15

b b b 1m 5 12

or equivalent

c c 1m Indicates that e > 5eg

It has to be higher than 5 Any number over 5

Minimally acceptable indicationeg

> 5 Above 5 More than half of 10

! Range includes 5eg

5 or overCondone

Negative values of f excludedeg

5 < e 10 Between 5 and 10

Incorrect indicationeg

e can be 6, 7, 8 and so on e must be 5.1 or more

Incomplete indicationeg

e = 10 – f f e

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 4–6, 5–7, 6–8

Tier & Question Travelling by car3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

28 19 8 Correct response Additional guidance

a a a 1m 72

b b b 1m 4

c c 2m


1.8 or equivalent ! Answer of 2For 2m, do not accept unless a correct method or a more accurate value is seen

! For 2m or 1m, follow through from part (b)Accept follow through as 18 ÷ (their (b) + 6)or as (their (b) + 14) ÷ (their (b) + 6),rounded or truncated to at least 2 s.f.

1m Shows or implies a correct methodeg

18 ÷ (4 + 4 + 2)


For 1m, necessary brackets omittedeg

18 ÷ 4 + 4 + 2

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 4–6, 5–7, 6–8

Tier & Question Brackets3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

29 20 9 Correct response Additional guidance

a a 1m Gives a correct explanation

The most common correct explanations:

Give the correct expansion of the expressioneg

3(2a + 1) = 6a + 3, not 6a + 1 It should be 2 greater, ie 6a + 3

Address the misconceptioneg

Both things in the brackets should be multiplied by 3, but she has forgotten the 1

Give a correct counter exampleeg

When a = 1 then 3(2a + 1) = 9, but 6a + 1 = 7 If a is 2, 3(2 × 2 + 1) 6 × 2 + 1

Minimally acceptable explanationeg

6a + 3 She needs to add 2

Incomplete or incorrect explanationeg

3(2a + 1) 6a + 1 3(2a + 1) = 6a + 2 3(2a + 1) = 6a + 3

= 9a

Minimally acceptable explanationeg

3 × 1 All bits need to be multiplied by 3 You have to multiply everything in the brackets

She hasn’t multiplied the 1

Incomplete explanationeg

She hasn’t multiplied out the brackets correctly

The 1 is incorrect

Minimally acceptable explanationeg

When a = 1 you get 9 and 7

Incomplete explanationeg

When a = 1 you get different answersfor each side, so it can’t be right

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 5–7, 6–8

Tier & Question Brackets (cont)3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

29 20 9 Correct response Additional guidance

b b 1m Gives a correct explanation

The most common correct explanations:

Give the correct expansion of the expressioneg

(k + 4)(k + 7) = k2 + 11k + 28, not k2 + 28 He should get k2 + 4k + 7k + 28 He has missed out 4k + 7k so it should be

k2 + 11k + 28

Address the misconceptioneg

Both things in the fi rst brackets should be multiplied by both things in the second brackets, but he has done k × k and 4 × 7

Give a correct counter exampleeg

When k = 1 then (k + 4)(k + 7) = 40, butk2 + 28 = 29

If k is 2, (2 + 4)(2 + 7) 22 + 28

Minimally acceptable explanationeg

k2 + 11k + 28 k2 + 4k + 7k + 28 11k is missing There should be 4k and 7k as well

! Correct expression equated to zeroeg

k2 + 11k + 28 = 0Condone

Incomplete or incorrect explanationeg

(k + 4)(k + 7) k2 + 28 k2 + 11k + 28 = k2 + 39 It’s 11k

Minimally acceptable explanationeg

He hasn’t multiplied the 4 or the 7 by k There should be a k term It should have been like this:

(k + 4)(k + 7)

Incomplete explanationeg

There should be 3 terms in the answer The ks should be added You have to multiply everything in the second brackets by everything in the fi rst brackets

He hasn’t multiplied the fi rst set of brackets by the second set properly

Minimally acceptable explanationeg

When k = 1 you get 40 and 29

Incomplete explanationeg

When k = 1 you get different answersfor each side, so it can’t be right

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 4–6, 5–7, 6–8

Tier & Question Vowels 3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

30 21 10 Correct response Additional guidance

a 2m


0.61 or equivalent probability

1m Shows the digits 61


Shows the value 0.39 or equivalent probability


Shows or implies a complete correct method with not more than one computational erroreg

1 – (0.08 + 0.13 + 0.07 + 0.08 + 0.03) 0.08 + 0.13 + 0.07 + 0.08 + 0.03 = 0.38

(error)1 – 0.38 = 0.62

b 2m


0.000936 or 9.36 × 10–4, or equivalent probability

For 2m, 9.36–04

1m Shows the digits 936


Shows or implies a complete correct method with not more than one computational erroreg

0.13 × 0.08 × 0.09 9.4 × 10–4

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 5–7, 6–8

Tier & Question Beams3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

22 11 Correct response Additional guidance



Indicates the 1st way, and gives the correct difference of 1320



Shows the digits 132(0)


Shows the digits 484(0) and 352(0)


Shows or implies correct substitution of all values into the formula and the intention to subtracteg

5 × 112 × 8 – 5 × 82 × 11 5 × 11 × 8(11 – 8) 440 × 3 5 × (968 – 704) 5 × 264


Shows a complete correct method with not more than one computational error, and gives a correct decision for their valueseg

5 × 112 × 8 = 4440 (error)4440 – 3520 = 920so 1st way, difference 920

1m Shows the digits 484(0) or 352(0)


Indicates the 1st way and gives an answerof 264 [the only error is to omit to multiply the substituted values by 5]


Indicates the 1st way and gives an answerof 6600 [the only error is to process5 × 112 × 8 as (5 × 11)2 × 8 and5 × 82 × 11 as (5 × 8)2 × 11]

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 5–7, 6–8

Tier & Question Car park3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

23 12 Correct response Additional guidance






Shows the values 24 and 160


Shows a correct method with not more than one computational or rounding erroreg

(208 – 136) ÷ 3 ÷ (240 ÷ 1.50) 208 – 136 = 72,

72 ÷ 3 = 26 (error), 26 + 136 = 16226 ÷ 162 × 100 = 16.25



Shows the value 24 or 160


Shows a correct method with not more than two computational or rounding errorseg

208 – 136 = 62 (error),62 ÷ 3 = 21 (premature rounding),21 ÷ 160 × 100 = 13.125

Tier & Question Volume of prisms3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

24 13 Correct response Additional guidance

a a 1m 120

b b 1m 450

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 5–7, 6–8

Tier & QuestionMarking overlay available Straight lines

3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

25 14 Correct response Additional guidance

a a 1m Draws a different straight line with gradient 1, within the tolerance as shown on the overlay when the y-axes are aligned

! Line shortAs the line could be positioned anywhere on the grid, accept lines of at least one diagonal unit in length provided they are within the tolerance as shown on the overlayResponses consisting of longer lines must be entirely within tolerance

b b 1m 20

c c 1m Gives a correct equationeg

y = 5x + 10 5x – y = –10

! Unconventional notationeg

y1 = 5 × x + 10Condone

Tier & Question Two semicircles3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

26 15 Correct response Additional guidance



25 + 10, 88.6, 88.5(…) or 89 ! Value of 88For 2m, do not accept unless a correct method or a more accurate value is seen



Shows one entry from the following list:

25 (or 78.6, 78.5(…), 79)10 (or 31.(…))15 (or 47.(…))20 (or 62.8(…), 63) and 30 (or 94.(…))50 (or 157.(…))50 + 10 (or 167.(…))


Shows or implies a complete correct method with not more than one computational or rounding erroreg


+ 302

+ 30 – 20

25 × 3.14 + 10 Value of 88, with no correct method or

more accurate value seen

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 5–7, 6–8

Tier & Question Which pupil?3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

27 16 Correct response Additional guidance

2m Indicates Class 9A and gives a correct justifi cation

The most common correct justifi cations:

Use the proportions of boys in each class, in a form that enables comparisoneg


= 169364

but 1226

= 168364

You get 338728

and 336728


= 0.464(…), 1226

= 0.461(…) (or 0.462)

A gives 46.4% and B gives 46.2% 28 ÷ 13 = 2.15(…)

26 ÷ 12 = 2.16(…) (or 2.17)


= 12.07(…)26

(or 12.126



= 12.9(…)28

13 × (12 + 14) = 338,12 × (15 + 13) = 336

For 2m, minimally acceptable justifi cationeg


, 168364

0.464(…), 0.461(…) (or 0.462) 46.4, 46.2

1328 × 26 > 12

For 2m, incomplete or incorrect justifi cationeg


> 1226

13 > 12

Use the ratios of boys to girls or girls to boys in each class, in a form that enables comparisoneg

9A is 0.86(…) boys for every girl,9B is 0.85(…)

9A is 0.87 boys for every girl,9B is 0.86

13 : 15 = 1 : 1.15(…)12 : 14 = 1 : 1.16(…) (or 1 : 1.17)


= 12.1(…)14


= 1213.8(…)


, 180210

For 2m, minimally acceptable justifi cationeg

0.86(…), 0.85(…) 0.87, 0.86 1.15(…), 1.16(…) (or 1.17)

Reason generally about the differences between the numbers of boys and girlseg

A difference of 2 out of the bigger total in 9A is less than out of the smaller total in 9B


< 226

For 2m, minimally acceptable justifi cationeg

There are two fewer boys than girls in both, but 9A is bigger

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 5–7, 6–8

Tier & Question Which pupil? (cont)3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

27 16 Correct response Additional guidance


1m Shows a correct justifi cation but makes an incorrect or no decisioneg


= 0.46, 1226

= 0.46 so equal


Shows a correct justifi cation with not more than one computational error then makes the correct decision for their valueseg


, 346728

(error), 9B indicated

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tiers 5–7, 6–8

Tier & Question Pythagoras3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

28 17 Correct response Additional guidance

a 1m Gives a correct explanation

The most common correct explanations:

Show that the values 6, 8 and 10 work using Pythagoras’ theoremeg

62 + 82 = 36 + 64= 100= 102

102 – 82 = 100 – 64= 36= 62

State or imply that the triangle is an enlargement of a 3, 4, 5 right-angled triangleeg

A 3, 4, 5 triangle is right-angled and3 × 2 = 6, 4 × 2 = 8 and 5 × 2 = 10

It’s just a 3, 4, 5 triangle with the lengths of the sides doubled

Because 6, 8 and 10 make a Pythagorean triple

Explanation uses only accurate or scale drawing

Minimally acceptable explanationeg

62 + 82 = 102

36 + 64 = 100 The square of the longest side is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides

Incomplete explanationeg

62 + 82

36 + 64

Minimally acceptable explanationeg

It’s an enlarged 3, 4, 5 triangle 3 × 2 = 6, 4 × 2 = 8 and 5 × 2 = 10

Incomplete explanationeg

It’s like a 3, 4, 5 triangle

b 1m Gives a correct justifi cationeg


× 8 = 9.2

8 × 1.15 = 9.2 9.2 ÷ 1.15 = 8

6.9 ÷ 9.2 = 34

6 ÷ 8 = 34

6 6.9 is a 15% increase8 × 0.15 = 1.28 + 1.2 = 9.2

tan–1 86

= 53.1…

6.9 × tan 53.1… = 9.2

Minimally acceptable explanationeg


× 8

8 × 1.15


= 68

Incomplete explanationeg

9.2 ÷ 1.15

Explanation attempts to use Pythagoras’ theoremeg

6.92 + 9.22 = 11.52

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tier 6–8 only

Tier & Question Pythagoras (cont)3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

28 17 Correct response Additional guidance

c 1m Shows the digits 115eg

1.15 × 108

115 000 000 11.5

! Zero(s) given after the last decimal place within standard form notationCondoneeg, for both marks in part (c) accept

1.150 × 108

1m Shows the correct value in standard form,ie 1.15 × 108

Tier & Question Expressions3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

18 Correct response Additional guidance



Gives all three correct expressions, ie

y + 152y

y + 3a

! Expressions unsimplifi ed or use unconventional notationeg, for the third expression

y + a + a + a 1y + 3 × a




Gives two correct expressions

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tier 6–8 only

Tier & Question Gorillas3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

19 Correct response Additional guidance



Gives an integer value between 16 500 and17 000 inclusiveeg

17 000 16 700 16 667

! Gives a non-integer value within thecorrect rangeeg

16 666.(…)Condone

1m Shows the digits 166(…) or 167


Shows a complete correct method with not more than one computational or rounding erroreg

5000 ÷ 0.3 5000 ÷ 3 × 10


× 5000

5000 ÷ 30 = 200 (premature rounding),200 × 100 = 20 000

Tier & Question Houses3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

20 Correct response Additional guidance



2.9 or equivalent ! Value of 3For 2m, do not accept unless a correct method or a more accurate value is seen

1m Shows the value 29 or 290


Shows a complete correct method with not more than one computational or rounding erroreg

2.5 × 60 + 3.3 × 30 + 4.1 × 10100

(2.5 × 6 + 3.3 × 3 + 4.1) ÷ 10 150 + 99 + 41 = 300 (error),

300 ÷ 100 = 3

For 1m, necessary brackets omittedeg

2.5 × 6 + 3.3 × 3 + 4.1 ÷ 10

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tier 6–8 only

Tier & Question Subtracting and squaring3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

21 Correct response Additional guidance



Gives the number as 13 and shows a complete correct method for solving algebraicallyeg

(x – 25)2 = x2 – 25x2 – 50x + 625 = x2 – 25

50x = 650x = 13

Method used is trial and improvement



Shows a correct expression without brackets that is equivalent to (unknown – 25)2

eg x2 – 50x + 625 n2 – 25n – 25n + 625 a × a – 50 × a + 25 × 25


Shows a correct equationeg

(x – 25)2 = x2 – 25

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tier 6–8 only

Tier & Question Light years3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

22 Correct response Additional guidance

a 1m 9.43 × 1012 ! Zero(s) given after the last decimal place within standard form notationeg, for part (a)

9.430 × 1012


b 1m 7.35(54) × 1013 or 7.36 × 1013 or 7.4 × 1013 ! For part (b), follow throughAccept 7.8 × their (a) provided this is written correctly in standard form to at least 2 s.f.

Tier & Question Octagon3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

23 Correct response Additional guidance



2 2, 8 or 2.8(…) ! Value of 3For 2m, do not accept unless a correct method or a more accurate value is seen



Shows or implies a correct equation in yeg

y2 = 8 y2 + y2 = 42

2y2 = 16 y × y + y × y = 4 × 4 2y = 4 4sin 45 (or 4cos 45)

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Tier 6–8 only

Tier & Question

x, y, a and b3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8

24 Correct response Additional guidance

a 1m a – b ! For part (a), unsimplifi ed expression or unconventional notationCondone

b 2m


2b – a For 2m or 1m, follow through from part (a)

1m Shows a correct expression for x, even if it is unsimplifi ed, uses unconventional notation or there is subsequent incorrect workingeg

2 × b – a b – (a – b) a – 2(a – b)


Shows a complete correct method with not more than one erroreg

x + 2y = a2x + 2y = b (error)

x = b – a


Forms two correct equations that would allow elimination of yeg

x + 2y = a2x + 2y = 2b


Attempts to solve by substitution and forms a correct equation in xeg

x + a – b = b x + 2(a – b) = a x + 2(b – x) = a

For 1m, second equation doubled without the fi rst equation restatedeg

2x + 2y = 2b seen

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Index

Tier Question Page

3–5 4–6 5–7 6–8

1 Rules 11

2 Homework 12

3 Odd one out 12

4 Hibernation 13

5 Concert 14

6 Cake 14

7 Bar chart 15

8 1 Coordinates 15

9 2 Fitting tiles 16

10 3 Names 17

11 4 Leaves 17

12 5 Marbles 18

13 6 a and b 18

14 7 Turning 19

15 8 Party 19

16 9 Survey 20

17 10 1 Frog spawn 21

18 11 2 Simplifying 21

19 12 3 Containers 22

20 13 4 Triangles 22

21 14 5 Spinners 22

22 15 6 Faces 23

23 16 7 Fir trees 24

24 17 8 Rectangles and squares 24

25 18 9 Lemonade 25

26 19 10 Three angles 25

27 20 11 Solving 26

Index to mark schemes

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2007 KS3 Mathematics test mark scheme: Paper 2 Index

Tier Question Page

3–5 4–6 5–7 6–8

21 12 1 Newspaper 26

22 13 2 Completing rules 27

23 14 3 Parallelogram 28

24 15 4 Relationships 28

25 16 5 Pi 29

26 17 6 Enlarging 29

27 18 7 Values 30

28 19 8 Travelling by car 31

29 20 9 Brackets 32

30 21 10 Vowels 34

22 11 Beams 35

23 12 Car park 36

24 13 Volume of prisms 36

25 14 Straight lines 37

26 15 Two semicircles 37

27 16 Which pupil? 38

28 17 Pythagoras 40

18 Expressions 41

19 Gorillas 42

20 Houses 42

21 Subtracting and squaring 43

22 Light years 44

23 Octagon 44

24 x, y, a and b 45

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ISBN 1-85838-875-9

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