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KEY TO WOMEN'S€¦ · 8.Protect those luscious hairs before they are gone 9.Stress = oodles of...

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Page 2: KEY TO WOMEN'S€¦ · 8.Protect those luscious hairs before they are gone 9.Stress = oodles of weight 10.The endless struggle between sleep and weight loss. ... Avocado: They are

Sonal Chowdhary


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1.Balancing your hormones like a pro!

2.Addressing the thyroid challenge

3.PMS - cheer up your mood ladies

4.Keep your bone density in check.

5.Heal your gut with these age old herbs!

6.Let’s tick off gas and bloating!

7.Sending off the uninvited guest – “Acne”

8.Protect those luscious hairs before they are gone

9.Stress = oodles of weight

10.The endless struggle between sleep and weight loss

Page 4: KEY TO WOMEN'S€¦ · 8.Protect those luscious hairs before they are gone 9.Stress = oodles of weight 10.The endless struggle between sleep and weight loss. ... Avocado: They are

Balancing your hormones like a pro! Blame it on the hormones! is a very common statement we all make when we are stressed, irritated, disturbed or just moody. Most of us go through this phase, especially women in the teens and late 30’s. Weight gain is one of the most common health issues that arise when there are hormonal imbalances, since it triggers fat storage in almost the wrong places in our body.

Let’s understand how does the hormonal imbalance occur?

It is rightly said that when you balance your hormones you balance your life! But when this imbalance occurs, your body is in a state of despair. Hormones work as messengers between the body and the brain to take control of your mood. Hormones like insulin, growth hormone, cortisol, progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone play a great role in the body. So let’s further breakdown into its causes: Stress: one of the leading causes of hormonal imbalance. When the brain signals your body that you are under stress, the progesterone in the body gets, converted into cortisol the stress hormone thus misbalances your estrogen - progesterone ratio.

Toxins: when our liver is over burdened with alcohol, chemicals and other toxins that we eat and drink which it cannot manage thus leading to increase in the level of estrogen disrupting the balance of the hormone.

Fat: Hormonal imbalance is most commonly found in people having a lot of fat deposit in the body. The enzymes in the fat tissues convert testosterone to estrogen thus disturbing the estrogen- testosterone ratio. Within no time estrogen also reacts with insulin making it sensitive later on causing sugar to get stored instead of fat.

Incorrect food choices: Too much sugar, less fibre, too much of fat in the diet can make hormone imbalances to a greater degree.

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Exercise and diet: When you eat less and exercise more or eat more and exercise less, again our body goes through fluctuations in the hormonal levels. Fad diets or crash diets are one of them which can cause serious hormonal imbalances. So it is important to be rational enough while selecting a diet plan.

How do we prevent hormonal imbalance naturally?

Consumption of zinc rich food: It's one of the most powerful mineral that will prevent conversion of testosterone to estrogen in the body. Researchers also found out that most of the population who suffered from hormonal imbalance had zinc deficiency. Most of the times when we suffer from zinc deficiency we notice loss in energy levels, sex drive, reduced muscle mass and bloating. Hence this mineral plays a vital role in reversing hormonal imbalance. Whole grains, fortified breakfast cereals, oysters, seafood, nuts and spinach are some of the richest sources of zinc.

Healthy Gut: Most of the signals begin from the gut to the brain. So keeping the gut healthy is one of the basic necessities to keep your hormones in balance. Serotonin is a necessary neurotransmitter that helps to keep you away from stress, further helping you balance hormones. Research states that even thyroid health is related to gut health.

Limit caffeine consumption: researches have proved that too much of caffeine consumption creates disturbance in the functioning of endocrine system hence, leading to imbalance of hormones.

Sleep well: Your brain needs rest so as to recharge itself and work hard to balance your hormones. So sleep can create an impact on your hormones and make you per-diabetic.

Avocado: They are highly demanded because their amazing health benefits. Avocados are full of healthy fat, fiber, potassium, magnesium and folic acid which are all essential for maintaining your hormonal balance.

Egg yolks: Even though you feel the egg whites are the healthiest, yolks have hidden facts that help keep thyroid hormones upright. They are packed with choline and iodine plus rich in Vitamin B, A, E and K. It has an added benefit of keeping your reproductive system healthy.

Herbs and Spices: Ginger, garlic, clove, cinnamon etc. These herbs and spices are important to keep the fertility problems at bay and also it gives a healing power to the hormones.

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Addressing the thyroid challenge Amongst the other common illnesses, thyroid is another alarming disease that is found in most of the population, especially females on a larger scale. The growing incidence of thyroid is very surprisingly related to our lifestyle. Excessive or poor secretion of hormones in the glands leads to a lot of issues in the human body. Malfunction of the thyroid gland leads to issues with metabolism as well as the manufacture of proteins.

• The thyroid – a small gland in the neck, located just underneath the Adam’s apple – has two main functions which are essential to the health of the human body: to maintain the proper concentration of calcium ions in the blood stream and to regulate metabolism, including the digestion and processing of proteins. Many of us don’t even realise we are suffering from this ailment unless we face certain extreme health conditions. It’s very important to understand the symptoms before any actual suffering.

• Hyperthyroidism: (high production of thyroid hormones): hyperactivity, mood swings, insomnia, chronic tiredness, muscle weakness, sensitivity to heat, unexplained weight loss, loss of interest in sex.

• Hypothyroidism (low production of thyroid hormones): unexpected weight gain, tiredness, depression, sensitivity to cold, dry skin and hair, muscle aches.

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Home Remedies:

• Increased water intake: Water is the whole and sole nutrient that helps regulate all the body mechanisms and processes neatly. Similarly, to ensure a healthy thyroid balance having 10-12 glasses of water a day is a necessity. Researchers have also stated that ensuring a good quantity water intake has proven weight loss as well in many hypothyroidism patients.

• Vitamin A: Proper functioning of the thyroid gland and treatment from any imbalance in the hormonal levels is taken care off by Vitamin A. Rich sources are carrots, green leafy vegetables, pumpkins etc. which can be easily available in the market.

• Walnuts: Walnuts are considered a power house of Omega 3 fatty acids and also provide the required amount of iodine to the gland for regulation and treatment of thyroid issues. A handful in the daily diet should suffice for the daily requirements.

• Flax seeds: Flax seeds and flax seed oil is another rich product in omega 3 fatty acids that help in regulating the thyroid functions and work in case of any crisis. Sprinkling flax seed powder over fruits and salad preparations is one great idea of incorporation in the daily diet.

• Ginger: Ginger can be included in herbal tea, chewed raw or can be incorporated in vegetables. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties plus a power house of minerals like potassium, zinc and magnesium.

• Coconut oil: The fatty acid in coconut oil helps in the working of thyroid glands. It also brings a good change in the metabolism that lowers down the thyroid problems. Add 2 tablespoons coconut oil to milk and have it in breakfast.

• Fish oils: Fish oils have proved to increase immunity and fight inflammation. It is also well known to reduce thyroid problems. It contains the best natural minerals and organic elements that cure thyroid from within.

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PMS: cheer up your mood ladies!

A big shout out to all you girls out there for those days when you are feeling low, need a day off from work but can’t, have mood swings, want to just lie down and cry over the abdominal pain and most of all just be yourself and not want any disturbance from the outer world. We are all in it and can share the similar feeling! So here we are to cheer you up and give you some good news. There is plenty of stuff on the plate which is totally yours during these 5-7 days of the roller coaster feeling.

What is PMS? PMS (Pre Menstrual Syndrome) is a complex mood symptom which worsens usually a week prior before the onset of the menstrual cycle. Irritability, fatigue, restlessness, low concentration, depression etc are one of the most common symptoms noticed. Some physical symptoms like bloating, acne, appetite changes, tenderness of breasts can also be noticed.

So how do we deal with it? • Eat 6 meals – small quantity meals at regular time interval which will keep your

sugar levels up and keep your mood cheerful. • Ensure you get enough calcium regularly • Have good Intake of Vitamin E rich food items. • Avoid your alcohol consumption. • Cut down on your salt intake. • Have a lot of potassium rich food. • Drink plenty of water which will avoid bloating.

So let’s keep these foods items in the grocery list every month-

Bananas and pumpkin seeds: PMS can give you lots of water retention. Magnesium is a great way to reduce water retention. Bananas and pumpkin seeds serve the purpose. Bananas are rich in melatonin that regulate the body’s rhythm and give you a good night’s sleep.

Quinoa: It is high on fibre; it has double the amount of fibre compared to the other grains. It is rich in iron and Vitamin B12 which gives your body fuel during this stressful condition. The complex carbohydrate in it also helps you avoid mood swings.

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Broccoli: Broccoli has calcium, vitamins A, C, B6, and E, potassium, and magnesium — nutrients that help alleviate PMS symptoms. It also contains fibre that helps avoid bloating. Broccoli contains 91% water, so intake of this green vegetable reduces puffiness, gas and fatigue.

Salmon: this is a super-rich food in Omega 3 fatty acids that helps in menstrual relief.

Many researches have stated that those women who received a 6 gm daily dose of fish oil had considerably less abdominal pain and cramps.

Avocado: another fruit rich in Omega 3 fatty acids that fight inflammation and reduce pain caused by menstrual cramp.

Yogurt: A low fat one is usually the best form. Yogurt is rich in probiotics that keep you away from gas and bloating and a good source of calcium that is well known to keep you away from depression.

Sweet potato: a rich source of Vitamin B6, it is well known to keep your mood and energy levels elevated.

Ginger: it helps to reduce your mood swings and bloating.

Additional tip: Eat bananas as much as you feel like these 5 days. Quinoa boiled well with a dash of broccoli and some pumpkin seeds can make a good breakfast option or an avocado dip (squashed avocado with little lemon juice and some yogurt.

Treat yourself ladies because you’re special!

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Keep your bone density in check Bones form an integral part of a human body. It’s a component on which our entire human body stands on giving it shape and a correct personality. In order to keep them strong we have to make sure we feed them well. Bone density, is also called as strength of the bone it helps determines how healthy the bone are and whether the person is at a risk of getting fracture. As we grow older our bones become fragile and lose their density. Women, after menopause are at the risk of osteoporosis.

Why are bones important?

Calcium requirements for adult men above 50 is 1,000 mg per day and adult women above 50 is 1,200 mg per day. When you're young your bones are constantly changing and new ones are replacing the older ones. But when you reach the age of 30, this process stops and then your bone goes through constant remodeling. This is the time you begin losing some bone mass than you had before. The higher your bone mass at 30, the lesser prone you are to fractures. Hence it is very important for you to have a proper nutrition and exercise regime that will keep your bones healthy.

Listed below are some additional tips to ensure you have a great bone health:

• Plenty of nutrients: Proteins help your body to build muscle and keep the bones strong. Eggs, soyabean, meat etc are good sources of protein. Vitamin K, potassium and magnesium helps the body to absorb calcium which is an important nutrient for the bones. Eating whole grains, lots of vegetables and fruits as well as good intake of nuts gives you plenty of the above mentioned minerals.

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• Calcium: Most part of our bone is made up of calcium. Therefore, to keep them strong you have to keep feeding them calcium rich food. Some of the calcium rich foods include milk, cheese, yogurt, almonds, whey protein, tofu, Fortified Foods etc.

• Vitamin D: This vitamin helps you absorb calcium into the body. Some rich sources of Vitamin D are eggs, Milk, margarine and some fortified yogurts.

• Limit caffeine: We all know caffeine makes our bones weak, since it comes in the way of calcium absorption. Hence daily intake of caffeine should not be more than 400 mg and for pregnant/breastfeeding mothers the less the better, less than 300 mg per day.

• Be active: Exercising regularly keeps your bones strong. Exercises like running, jogging, cycling, yoga, push-ups, tennis etc ensure you lower your risk of falling and breaking the bones.

• Smoking: Researchers have stated that smoking makes your bones brittle faster. Smokers are at a greater risk for bone fractures and damage as compared to non-smokers.

• Alcohol: Similar to smoking alcohol is also believed to lessen the bone density and life. Limit intake to 2-3 glasses a week or even less if possible.

• Size: People who have a BMI lower than 17 are at a greater risk for fractures since their bone mass are very poor.

• Medications: Medicines like steroids, cortisone, serotonin to treat breast cancer and certain proton pump inhibitors can lead to poor bone mass and density leading us to be more susceptible to fractures.

Additional tip: Ragi pancakes: When it comes to ragi, it’s a powerhouse of calcium. Add soya flour to ragi flour, mix onions, ginger garlic and chili paste, salt to taste and coriander. Add some paneer or cheese in it to enhance the taste and off course it will increase the calcium content of the dish. Mix this and make a thick batter and make small pancakes on the pan and shallow fry them till they turn golden brown. By the way they taste amazing!

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Heal your GUT with these age old herbs!

Your gut is the busiest part of your body it is constantly breaking down food particles without any break. So it is necessary for us to ensure that we feed it with the perfect food so as to avoid a break-down. In today’s, time just to have a quick recovery we all heavily rely on antibiotics, pain-killers and many more medicines. But ever wondered how did the people in ancient times managed to have a clear gut without having access to any of it? It’s nothing else but their magic formulas of herbal remedies.

Let’s first list the issues which our gut has to face during a break-down:

• Inflammatory bowel diseases

• Crohn’s disease

• Irritable bowel

• Leaky gut syndrome

• Mal absorption

• Food intolerance

Good old herbs which have proved to work wonders in healing our gut issues:

Coriander: many researches conducted on coriander states that it is extremely useful in Irritable bowel syndrome. It helps to ease the pain and discomfort.

Peppermint: it is basically used in as a mouth freshener and similar products. But apart from that Peppermint is useful in strengthening the stomach and intestinal tract as well as easing out the digestion troubles.

Ginger: a very common spice used on day to day purpose, ginger, is also well known to be an anti-spasmodic agent that calm your intestinal system and prevents diarrhea.

Fennel: it is commonly used to ease indigestion, flatulence and constipation. Also it’s used in large numbers of antacids because of its cooling property. Turmeric: it is regarded as one of the most useful spices for the gut. It soothes your digestive tract and heals it being anti-inflammatory. This should be used in moderation.

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Cumin: works wonders to aid digestion and prevents constipation. It is also excellent is preventing bloating and gas.

Aloe Vera: it’s another plant that helps aid digestion and prevents constipation. It has proven to soothe the gut.

Chia seeds: these are available in abundant amount and help wonders in digestion since they are packed with omega 3 fatty acids and fibre it’s also backed up by some amazing anti-inflammatory benefits. They also aid in constipation.

Amla: it is a natural source of Vitamin C which is easy to digest. It’s been used since ancient times to rejuvenate the body, detoxify the digestive system and the gastrointestinal tract and also reduces the acidity in the body by balancing the pH levels.

Trifala: it is famous for cleansing and toning the GI tract. It also works as a natural laxative and helps in the elimination of the body waste.

Cardamom: it is one of the common herbs in garam masala. Since it comes from the ginger family, this herb is also equally effective and is anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory and helps soothe gas and acidity.

Oregano: this herb has anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. So any doubt of overgrowth of yeast or fungus, this herb cleanses your gut and helps maintain your gut health!

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Let’s tick off gas and bloating! Gas and bloating is one such topic which we find quite embarrassing to discuss about. But hey! We are all humans and we all go through it so why not discuss it rather run away from it. Let’s agree with the fact that nutrition plays a very important role in keeping that gut healthy and keeping gas at bay. It’s necessary that we find out the reason for its occurrence and what measures can we take so as to control it and prevent forming it in the future.

Gas is a natural way of expelling unwanted or excess air in the body. It is usually formed by the fermentation of undigested food. It can also form when our digestive system cannot completely break down certain components in foods such as gluten or sugar in dairy products or fruits.

Tame the gas:

Here are some foods items that cause gas-

• Whole grains: Wheat or oats contain raffinose and starch which are broken down by bacteria in the gut, which leads to gas. Rice is the only cereal that doesn’t form gas.

• Some fruits: Apples, pear, peaches and prunes contain sorbitol (natural sugar alcohol) which is difficult for the body to digest. Some fruits also contain soluble fibre that dissolve in water. Sorbitol and soluble fibre together, have to pass through the large intestines where the bacteria break them down to hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane gas.

• Onions: they contain fructose which is a natural sugar. Like raffinose and sorbitol, fructose triggers gas formation when bacteria break it down in the large intestine.

• Processed foods: these are basically bread, snack foods, cereals or salad dressings. Most of them contain refined wheat flour that contains raffinose and starch further leading to gas formation.

• Beans: they top the list in containing raffinose and forming gas.

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• Vegetables: Peas contain insoluble fibre, some vegetables like onions contain fructose and some like broccoli and cabbage contain raffinose which all form gas as they are digested in the large intestine. But this doesn’t mean we skip these vegetables. A gradual increase in these over the time followed by good amount of water should help to solve the problem.

Include these things in diet to avoid gas:

• Have good green leafy vegetables: These are low calorie; high fibre foods that will help ease water retention as compared to beans.

• Tomatoes: these are rich in potassium which helps your body from bloating.

• Lime water: Lemon is proved to soothe our digestive system and prevent gas. Lemon added with water flushes out excess sodium as well from your body making the feeling better.

• Yogurt: probiotics does help to promote good gut health, prevent gas formation and helps to ease your digestive system.

• Fennel seeds: being one of the most traditional treatments for gas, fennel seeds relax stomach spasms after eating. Hence many restaurants serve fennel seeds post meals for good digestion.

• Kiwi: they have good levels of potassium which helps control gas and bloating. They also play an important role in IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

On the platter: A simple fruit salad which consists of kiwis, almonds, apple and flavored Greek yogurt can be a good dessert option and also it will help you save from the problem of gas.

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Sending off the uninvited guest – “Acne”

We stay in the times of vanity where everyone wants to look good and feel good about their physical appearance. But the reality is bit different as one really doesn’t have a control over the internal system of the body. One of the major skin issues which everyone’s going through today is acne. Be it a 15 year old teenager or a 50 year old women going through her menopause stage everyone is trying to get over that nasty zit and the reason for breakouts are varied and it depends on various other factors.

Medical research says, your inner health reflects on your skin, for example if you have a poor digestive system it reflects with red spots on your skin. Similarly, you wake up after a good night’s sleep and feel refreshed with that shine on your face. So let’s further understand causes which trigger acne breakouts.

Causes of Acne breakout

• Hormones: It’s usual that when boys and girls reach their puberty age, they get a lot of acne on the skin. These spots are due to hormonal changes in the body wherein the overproduction of sebum blocks the skin pores and causes acne.

• Dead skin: The skin continues to renew its upper layer by shedding dead skin cells and the sebum produced by the skin pore leads to deposition of the dead skin cells on the skin pores that clog them and lead to acne formation.

• Bacteria: When sebum gets accumulated in the blocked pores it works as the perfect breeding ground for bacteria that leads to breaking out of painful acne.

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• Food: Too much spicy food, oily food, dairy products or high glycemic index foods can lead to formation of acne.

• Hygiene: Not maintaining proper skin hygiene like cleaning, toning, moisturizing and not removing makeup before going to bed can cause acne.

Here are some useful and quick tips to prevent and treat acne:

• Tea tree oil: it has some amazing natural inflammation-fighting properties it’s a great natural remedy and is little less harsh then benzoyl peroxide solution. Though tea tree oil may take a bit more time for curing the acne but rest assures it’s one of the best solution to all your acne woes. Mix few drops of tea tree oil with few drops of witch hazel and use a cotton swab to apply it over the affected area twice a day. Also don’t overdo it as it can dry out your skin and make things more worse.

• Lemon juice: The powerful astringent properties of lemon juice remove excess oil from the pimple and helps in reducing the swelling, redness and pain of the pimples. Although it might cause a tingling sensation, it is very effective for pimples and acne. Fresh juice should be used and not tetra pack juices for better effect. Squeeze some lemon juice into a glass bowl and use a cotton swab to apply the juice on the pimples. Let it stay for 15 – 20 minutes and rinse off with plain water.

• Garlic: Topical application of crushed garlic is the best way to get rid of a pimple overnight because garlic is a potent anti-fungal, antibacterial and antioxidant agent that aids in fast healing of pimples. Sulfur present in garlic also promotes the healing process.

• Honey and cinnamon: Cinnamon has antimicrobial properties, so it can help stop bacteria from getting out of hand. If it does, the honey is a natural anti-biotic. Make a paste of 2 tsp honey and 1 tsp cinnamon powder. Apply it on the face and let it dry for 15 minutes. Wash with plain water.

• Egg whites: Egg whites are helpful for the skin because they’re full of proteins and vitamins that both combat acne, and help to rebuild your skin cells. They also soak up excess oil, which means excess sebum. Whisk 2-3 egg whites till they form froth and apply the liquid on the acne, layer by layer once dry. Let it sit for 20-30 minutes and wash with warm water when dry. Apply moisturizer to avoid dryness of the face.

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Protect those luscious hairs before they are gone

Aren’t you always in an awe of your friend who has long, thick and silky hair? And don’t you keep hoping, one fine day I too will have such similar hair and to achieve the same you try various home remedies, shampoos and oils but it all goes into vain. To be very specific, the health of the hair is determined by various factors like genetics, hormones, and nutrient deficiencies it really matters what you feed them (your diet). Excessive hair loss can be a cause of huge tension since it creates a lot of worry in one’s mind and often affects the self-esteem of the person, especially women. It’s important for you to understand your hair type so you can take measures for damage control beforehand.

Causes of hair loss:

• Stress: One of the leading causes of all diseases. In some factors of low stress, the hair follicles go into a resting period where after a certain phase of low levels of stress the hair grows back. In peak levels of regular stress, the immune system attacks hair follicles causing permanent hair loss most of the times.

• Nutritional deficiencies: Deficiency of iron, copper, zinc and Vitamin D can cause those lovely hairs to fall.

• Hormonal Imbalance: After the age of 30, due to hormonal imbalance in estrogen and progesterone women experience hair falls.

• Thyroid: With excessive or decreased production of thyroid hormone, the hair follicle cycle changes. Most of the times it is seen people who suffer from thyroid suffer from hair loss compared to excessive hair growth.

• Hair products: Over-treated hair can lead to hair loss due to the toxic chemicals found in dyes and styling products. Similarly, almost all shampoos contain Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) which has a toxic effect on your immune system and has been proven to corrode hair follicles and impede hair growth. It is advisable to stick to natural shampoos and dyes.

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Some natural remedies to nourish you tresses:

• Green Tea: Known for its antioxidant properties, green tea helps prevent hair fall and boosts hair growth. Take a mixture 2-3 tea bags of tea dipped in warm water. Let it cool down and gently massage this on your scalp. Leave it for 2 hours and wash your hair.

• Beet: Beetroot is rich in vitamins C and B6, folate, manganese, betaine and potassium, all of which are essential for healthy hair growth. Besides, it acts as a detoxification agent by helping keep the scalp clean. Boil beetroot leaves and grind them with 5-6 henna leaves. Apply this 15-20 minutes before hair wash.

• Aloe Vera: It is effective in reducing problems of scalp like itching and flaking. Extract the pulp from the stalk and apply it to the hair and scalp and leave it for 45 minutes. Wash with warm water.

• Fenugreek seeds: It is among the most effective home remedies to stop the hair loss. It repairs the hair follicles and helps in re-growth of the hair. Soak the seeds overnight and make a paste the next day. Apply this on the scalp and wash it with normal warm water after 45 minutes.

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Stress = oodles of weight We are all aware about the fact that how fit our ancestors were and that’s because they were quite chilled out and never took stress about anything! But in today’s fast paced life we are constantly running around the clock, carrying worries over our shoulders all the time. STRESS! Is one of the leading causes for almost all the diseases today. Ever wondered what can be the reasons for weight gain apart from your irregular diet or poor exercise? Hmm! stress yes, it can be one of the leading causes for obesity. So does that mean anyone who is stressed should be obese? No, it’s not necessary but we need to find the right ways to keep stress at bay.

What is Stress?

Let connect it with an example suppose you have an exam at 10 am and it is already 9 am in the clock and you are yet to leave the house since you woke up late. Your mind starts wondering what if i reach late and miss the exam, your legs start shaking; you bite your nails, run around the house getting ready as quick as you can. Physiologically, there is a sudden shoot of adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones make your heartbeat run faster and the blood supply to your muscles heart and other important organs is at the fastest speed. Sometimes, stress can be beneficial as it makes your mind work quickly in case of any emergency. But, the stress everyday over the years does definitely ruin one’s health adversely.

How does Stress make your body put on weight? Cortisol, one of the hormones in human body is secreted abundantly when your body is under stress and since your body doesn’t understand or realize that you aren’t undergoing any physical activity and so it keeps replenishing the stores and in return it gives rise to your hunger pangs. Eventually, you crave for more sugar and carbohydrates thus landing your body to store more visceral fat, making you put on more weight.

How does a good diet reduce stress?

What you eat has a very important role in terms of breaking down your stress. If you follow a good diet combined with good amount of exercise then you can definitely keep a check on getting your stress levels down.

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Here are some super foods that can help you reduce your stress levels:

• Broccoli: This cruciferous vegetable contains folic acid that helps reduce stress.

• Whole grain cereal: Having whole grain products when under stress releases serotonin. This gives you a feel-good effect and reduces your anxiety levels to a great extent.

• Dark chocolate: Good news for those in love with dark chocolates! It indeed is an endorphin producing food that helps boost your mood and reduces stress levels. The dark chocolate must contain 70% pure cocoa.

• Green Tea: No wonder everyone advice's to have a cup of green tea everyday. The antioxidant properties and availability of dopamine help elevating mood and creating a positive mood.

• Cottage cheese: Having this for breakfast gives you healthy proteins and gives you energy for the day and stabilizes your blood sugar. This prevents mood swings.

• Yogurt: Yogurt is a calcium-rich snack that keeps irritability at bay. Calcium helps stabilize emotions when stressed and will help fight the monthly, stressful symptoms of PMS.

Page 22: KEY TO WOMEN'S€¦ · 8.Protect those luscious hairs before they are gone 9.Stress = oodles of weight 10.The endless struggle between sleep and weight loss. ... Avocado: They are

The endless struggle between sleep and weight loss

Most of us wonder why is it that we are gaining weight in spite of having a healthy diet every day. Why is it that we feel tired in spite of running the normal errands at home? If we introspect our routine point wise, we realize that all these questions revolve around our night sleep patterns. We are happy and energetic if we sleep well at night, but if it’s a disturbed sleep then the day is definitely a grumpy and irritating one for most of us! So how does sleep deprivation affect our weight? How disturbed sleep is exactly linked to putting on weight? The scientists speculated that the best way to cut down on calorie intake might be simply to get more sleep.

Poor sleep increases hunger When the body faces insufficient rest or sleep it produces more ghrelin and less of leptin hormone. Ghrelin is secreted in the stomach that signals the brain that you’re hungry and leptin hormone is secreted from fat cells that signal the brain that your stomach is full further reducing your hunger pangs. Cortisol is another hormone on its peak level when there is inadequate sleep, which again increases your hunger. Hence when you are wide awake at that odd hour do not be surprised why are you pulled towards all the food available in the kitchen.

Poor sleep decreases Resting metabolis When you are asleep or resting, you burn more calories. Hence when you are sleep deprived you tend to have a poor metabolic rate and your calories don’t burn.

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Page 23: KEY TO WOMEN'S€¦ · 8.Protect those luscious hairs before they are gone 9.Stress = oodles of weight 10.The endless struggle between sleep and weight loss. ... Avocado: They are

Poor sleep changes fat cells That one late night at work can make you have the next two sleepless nights at home. You often feel drained, exhausted or confused. It isn’t the body or the brain that is giving up but it is the fat cells that make you feel so miserable. This is called metabolic grogginess by many. Just a few days of sleep deprivation and your body’s ability to use insulin gets disturbed which leads to a drop in insulin sensitivity as well. When this insulin isn’t functioning well, it pulls out all the fatty acids and lipids from the blood and prevents storage. When you become more insulin resistant fat circulates in your blood and pump out more insulin. This insulin stores fat in all the wrong places like liver. This is how you tend to put on weight and even suffer from diabetes and obesity in the future. And it’s rightly said; never go for grocery shopping on an empty stomach. You always tend to pick up unhealthy food!

Some bright diet tips to ensure you get to sleep well:

• Meat: Recent study showed that tryptophan; present in almost all the meats gave most of sleep deprived people a powerful sleep.

• Whole grains: Lunch with a bowl of whole grains is indeed a wonderful idea instead of dinner.

• Small portion food for dinner: The heavier the food in quantity the longer the body takes to break down the food. Hence it is always advised to have an early and light dinner so that you sleep quicker and sound.

• Proteins: Your body burns more calories digesting proteins. Research showed that people who ate a protein meal or shake for late evening snack enjoyed a good night’s sleep and had higher metabolism next morning contrary to those who ate nothing.

Honey: a spoonful just before your sleep helps increase insulin and allows tryptophan to enter the brain and helps you sleep well.
