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Keyboard Skills - 300 Word Passages

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Typing Passages Keyboard Skills – Set I Infosys BPO Limited 1 Typing Passages V1.0 Confidential HRD/Training/10 Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don't think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without the talking about the other. Bill Gates
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Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don't think anybody can talk meaningfully about

one without the talking about the other. Bill Gates

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Passage 1 I saw a fantastic horror film last night. It was all about a village where strange

creatures were attacking young people at night and carrying them off. No one

knew what they were, or why they were doing it. But strangely, the attacks

always happened near the cemetery, and people started to believe that the

creatures were dead bodies coming out of the graves.

Anyway one girl managed to get away when she was attacked. She said she

thought the creature had recognized her and let her go. Now this was strange and

definitely needed to be investigated.

Strangely, all was peaceful and calm on the days the investigating team visited the

cemetery. A mild breeze would continue to blow and the team would sit up

through the night waiting for something to show up. But all in vain… nothing

unusual would happen.

And in the end it turned out that the creature was her grandfather, who lived in an

old people’s home near the church. This mad doctor who ran the home had

apparently discovered a way to make the old people young again, using blood

taken from teenagers, and he was giving these elderly people an amazing drug

which temporarily turned them into monsters, and was sending them out at night

to catch teenagers for his experiments. But when the old man saw his

granddaughter, he realized what was happening and told the others.

And then all hell broke loose. The inmates of the old age home attacked the mad

scientist. The mad scientist by this time had been downing a potion that

would make him invincible. He fought like a man possessed and all the forty

inmates could not hold him down. The fight continued for over 5 hours until the

doctor finally succumbed to his injuries.

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Passage 2

I think that by the time I turn sixty, I will probably be surrounded by children

and grand children. I have visions of my sitting out on a large verandah

overlooking the immense garden. The garden would be a riot of colors ,most of

the plants having been planted by me. Flowers of every hue and color would adorn

my garden. Bordered by a white wicket fence, my cottage would look quaint and


By this time I imagine I would have traveled and visited most parts of the

world. I would have visited parts of Asia and most of Europe as well. I would have

fulfilled my desire to visit the Latin American countries and bring home a

Latino for a daughter in law.

Crazy , you may think but it has been a lifelong dream to have a beautiful

Latino as my daughter in law. I have always loved their gay abandon and zest

for life. Growing older I see myself looking after the little ones – my grandchildren.

I picture myself with a brood of four, two girls or perhaps three girls and a

boy. I have always veered towards girls and with my grandchildren it is no

exception. I see myself joining in their games and reading to them. I guess it will

be difficult to match up to their energy and enthusiasm, but I guess I’ll be

active and on my toes.

Well, you may ask why I am talking only of myself. I forgot to mention, yes, I

would have my husband with me – a graying charming old man . I see us

settling down for the end of our lives together. Walks across the countryside, an

exciting game of scrabble, an occasional movie, these would perhaps be the things

that bring us joy.

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Passage 3

Grammar is another area were things can be different between American

English and British English. One of those areas is with the use of prepositions. For

example we would say on the weekend whereas in Britain it’s at the weekend.

With days of the week we often leave the preposition out altogether. So an

American will say See you Tuesday rather than the British See you on


And then there are some verbs where British people use a preposition but

Americans don’t. So in Britain people protest against high taxes whereas in America

you simply protest high taxes. Likewise, in America you write someone and in

Britain you write to someone.

Another thing that I have noticed is that in Britain people say I like swimming or I

love watching the TV. Americans prefer to use the infinitive instead. I like to swim,

I love to watch TV.

And there’s a tense difference too with verbs. Where in Britain people say, for

example, I’ve already seen him or he hasn’t come yet, Americans will often use the

Past tense instead. I already saw him. He didn’t come yet.

And also in America, the past participle of get can be gotten rather than got- so

an American will say, I’ve gotten the tickets rather than I’ve got the ticket.

Those are some of the main differences.

Talking of pronunciation and accent the differences are striking. The American

drawl is a strong contrast to the clipped accent of the British. But what irks most of

us when we type especially, on our computers is the difference in spellings.

Americans prefer to spell as they pronounce and do not appreciate double ls, for

instance they prefer to spell travelled as traveled and colour as color. One

language and so many different approaches.

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Passage 4

What are logos? I would say that logos can be traced back to the Stone age. I

am not talking of specific ones like the Addidas trefoil or BMWs roundel. But the

idea, generally.

The Stone age man depended on word pictures to convey information and even

today your best designers do exactly that!

Let us skip the prehistoric era and move into more recent times, perhaps time

travel through the centuries .What would you say is the precursor to the modern

logo- tribal tattoos, battle standards, coat of arms, royal colors, battle ensigns,

monograms or logograms.

The coat of arms still continues to be in use and functions as cryptic visiting

cards because they speak so much about the person’s lineage. But with the

fading away of the princely kingdoms, all of those are stashed away in museums

or history text books.

Typesetting has brought its own additions to the symbol family- type faces,

logotypes and Wordmarks. Today typefaces are known by other name- fonts. With

printing moving to include color, logos also changed rapidly. Today, Web2.0 is the

latest application.

The challenge , then and now remains the same - be simple original and

catchy in your use of text and pictures. Simplicity and readability is the key. One

should not over design or work too hard on the logo. The more complex the logo,

the harder it is to make sense, both for the client and the consumer.

Wordmarks or stylized lettering is another good option. It is fashionable and chic.

The IBM logo is a good example. The story goes around that Fed Ex saved a few

million dollars on paint after it changed its logo to FedEx instead of Federal

Express. The brand world is full of gripping tales, most of them albeit unconfirmed!

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Passage 5

I think life is more difficult for young people these days. I think they have to grow

up quickly, it’s almost like your childhood is over and done with before you

know it. Everyone is so eager to grow up and live an adult’s life.

Schools are no more fun places to be in. They are merely institutions of forced

learning. It is as if with each passing year one has to cram and stuff oneself

with all the progress that the world has made in that one year. There are facts to

be learnt and new technologies to be mastered .Playing games for the joy of

it is no more a part of a child’s life. If the young ones learn a sport or a skill

today it is with the ulterior motive of making it a career . The joy of doing

something purely for the sake of enjoyment is passé.

All of a sudden the years fly by and you are on the threshold of adulthood ,

eager to take that quantum jump into an unseen and cruel world. It may seem

exciting at first, but in a couple of years, the humdrum existence, the

monotony of a job coupled with a zillion responsibilities takes its toll. And now

all you can do is reminiscence about those wonderful years of childhood.

To be honest, were those days really wonderful or was it simply because in

comparison to a life full of stress, the day gone by seem a shade better. Think it

over and decide what you would want your children to have. A carefree childhood

filled with fun and happy memories or a troubled and traumatic childhood that

brings back hateful memories? The choice is in your hands- to go with the tide or

against it.

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Passage 6

Fancy’s Fool

“Cornel, cornel, green and white,

Spreading on the forest floor,

Whither went my lost delight

Through the silent door?”

“Mortal, mortal, overfond,

How come you at all to know

There be any joys beyond

Blisses here and now?”

“Cornel, cornel, white and cool,

Many a mortal, I’ve heard tell,

Who is only Fancy’s fool

Knows that secret well.”

“Mortal, mortal, what would you

With that beauty once was yours?

Perishable is the dew,

And the dust endures.”

“Cornel, Cornel, pierce me not

With your sweet, reserved disdain!

Whisper me of things forgot

That shall be again.”

“Mortal, we are kinsmen, led

By a hope beyond our reach.

Know you not the word unsaid

Is the flower of speech?”

All the snowy blossoms faded,

While the scarlet berries grew;

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And all summer they evaded

Anything they knew.

“Cornel, cornel, green and red

Flooring for the forest wide,

Whither down the ways of dread

Went my starry-eyed?”

“Mortal, mortal, is there found

Any fruitage half so fair

In the dim world underground

As there grows in air?”

“Wilding cornel, you can guess

Nothing of eternal pain,

Growing there in quietness

In the sun and rain.”

“Mortal, where your heart would be

Not a wanderer may go,

But he shares the dark with me

Underneath the snow.”

And the scarlet berries scattered

With the coming on of fall;

Not to one of them it mattered

Anything at all.

Have you enjoyed this poem? Why don’t you try your hand at writing poetry


What would you like to write about? Alright, put down your theme in the

centre of the page. Now think of as many words as you possibly can that

relates to this theme. Try stringing these words into short sentences. Connect

these sentences. And Lo! Your first poem is ready!

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Passage 7

BANK RECEPTIONIST: Good Morning, Amazeen Bank, Haji Abubakar, How may I

help you?

Client: I’m Shafaat. I have an account in your bank. I want a few details of my


BANK RECEPTIONIST: Surely Shafaat, however I would need to ask you for some

information only for purposes of verification. Is that alright?

Client. Yes, please go ahead.

BANK RECEPTIONIST: Your address is 45 Ejaz building, Egypt 65

Client: Yes, that is right

BANK RECEPTIONIST: May I confirm your phone number as 96548 73493

Client: Yes

BANK RECEPTIONIST: Shafaat your account number is 0039108743, am I right?

Client yes, I wanted to know whether the payment towards the loan has been

deducted for the month of JULY, coz I’d like to have that delayed.

BANK RECEPTIONIST: Shafaat, your account shows that no amount has been

deducted towards loan repayments.

Client: Is there any way you can help me with delaying the payment for a week.

You see I have issued a cheque and that‘ll bounce if there’s no money in the


BANK RECEPTIONIST: I understand the situation. What I can do for you is put you

through to my colleague in the Loans Department and I am confident he’ll be able

to help you with this. Would that be alright with you?

Client: Well that seems like a good idea currently, however….

BANK RECEPTIONIST: May I place you on hold for a couple of minutes,(cough)

while I transfer your call to the Loan Department

Client: Ok

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BANK RECEPTIONIST: Hello, Good Morning Ahmed, Haji Abubakar from the

Accounts Division. I have a client- His name is Shafaat and he has some questions

with regard to his loan that he would like to have clarified. Could I transfer his call

to you?

Ahmed: Yes, you can put him on. Thank you.

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Passage 8

Once more the sun had disappeared behind the mountains, and as darkness grew

Mīka´pi came down from where he had been hiding and carefully approached the

camp. Now was a time of danger. Now watchers might be hidden anywhere,

looking for the approach of enemies, ready to raise a cry to warn the camp. Each

bush or clump of rye grass or willow thicket might hide an enemy. Very slowly,

looking and listening, Mīka´pi crept around the outskirts of the camp. He made no

noise, he did not show himself. Presently he heard someone clear his throat and

then a cough and a little bush moved. Here was a watcher. Could he kill him and

get away? He sat patiently and waited to see what would happen, for he knew

where his enemy was, but the enemy knew nothing of him. The great white moon

rose over the eastern prairie and climbed high and began to travel across the sky.

Seven Persons swung around and pointed downward. It was about the middle of

the night. At length the person in the bush grew tired of watching; he thought no

enemy could be near and he rose and stretched out his arms and yawned, but even

as he stood an arrow pierced him through, beneath the arms. He gave a loud cry

and tried to run, but another arrow pierced his body, and he fell.

And now from out the camp rushed the warriors toward the sound, but even as

they came Mīka´pi had taken the scalp from his enemy and started to run away

into the darkness. The moon was bright, and close behind him were the Snakes. He

heard arrows flying by him, and presently one passed through his arm. He pulled it

out and threw it from him.

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Passage 9

The Moon dial

Iron and granite and rust,

In a crumbling garden old,

Where the roses are paler than dust

And the lilies are green with gold,

Under the racing moon,

Unconscious of war or crime,

In a strange and ghostly noon,

It marks the oblivion of time.

The shadow steals through its arc,

Still as a frosted breath,

Fitful, gleaming, and dark

As the cold frustration of death.

But where the shadow may fall,

Whether to hurry or stay,

It matters little at all

To those who come that way.

For this is the dial of them

That have forgotten the world,

No more through the mad day-dream

Of striving and reason hurled.

Their heart as a little child

Only remembers the worth

Of beauty and love and the wild

Dark peace of the elder earth.

It registers the morrows

Of lovers and winds and streams,

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And the face of a thousand sorrows

At the postern gate of dreams.

When the first low laughter smote

Through Lilith, the mother of joy,

And died and revived from the throat

Of Helen, the harpstring of Troy,

And wandering on through the years,

From the sobbing rain and the sea,

Caught sound of the world's gray tears

Or sense of the sun's gold glee,

Whenever the wild control

Burned out to a mortal kiss,

And the shuddering storm-swept soul

Climbed to its acme of bliss,

The green-gold light of the dead

Stood still in purple space,

And a record blind and dread

Was graved on the dial's face.

And once in a thousand years

Some youth who loved so well

The gods had loosed him from fears

In a vision of blameless hell,

Has gone to the dial to read

Those signs in the outland tongue,

Written beyond the need

Of the simple and the young.

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Passage 10

Once, long ago, Old Man was travelling north along a river. He carried a great pack

on his back. In a little while, he came to a point where the river lay placid and the

water was quiet, and here many ducks were swimming about. The old Man did not

see the ducks, and kept travelling along; but presently some of the ducks saw him.

They watched him or a while and said to each other, "Who is that going along

there with a pack on his back?" "That must be Old Man” said one of the ducks to

the others.

The duck that knew him called out, saying, "Hi, Old Man, where are you going?"

Replied the old man, "I am going on farther,” and he went on to say "I have been

sent for."

"What have you got in your pack?" said the duck.

"Those are my songs," answered Old Man. "Some folks have asked me to sing for


"Stop for a while and sing for us," said the duck, "and we can have a dance."

"No," said Old Man, "I am in a hurry; I cannot stop now."

The duck kept persuading him to stop, and when it had asked him the fourth time,

Old Man stopped and said to the ducks, "Well, I will stop for a little while and sing

for you, and you can dance."

So the ducks all came out on the bank and stood in a circle, and Old Man began to

sing. He sang a melodious lilting tune and then said, "Now, this next song is a

medicine song, and while you dance you must keep your eyes shut. No one must

look. If anyone opens his eyes and looks, his eyes will turn red."

The ducks closed their eyes…….
