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Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 1, 2009 TITLE: One, Two, Three SCRIPTURE: John 10:30; 14:16-20, 26 THE STORY FOR TODAY: After supper one evening, Kelsey picked up a church bulletin from the coffee table. "It says here that Pastor Banks is going to preach on the Trinity next week," she said. "I don't even know what 'the Trinity' means." "It means that God the Father, God the Son-that's Jesus-and God the Holy Spirit are three persons, yet they are one God," explained Mom. "The word 'Trinity' isn't found in the Bible, but the idea of God in three persons is found in several places. I'll show you a few of them." Just then the doorbell rang. It was Mom's sister who had come to ask for help with her bookkeeping. So Kelsey read a book while her mother and Aunt Lilliana worked. Aunt Lilliana had just left when Dad hurried into the room. "Honey, could you help me?" he asked Kelsey's mother. "A button just popped off this shirt." "I'll have that fixed in a jiffy," said Mom, so Kelsey had to wait again. Feeling a little impatient, Kelsey frowned. But as she waited, she thought about the explanation of the Trinity her mother had given her. By the time Mom bustled into the room again, a smile replaced Kelsey's frown. Mom reached for her Bible. "Now," she said, "let's see if I can find some verses and think of an example to help you understand the Trinity." Kelsey smiled. "I think I've got the idea," she said. "You can show me some verses, but I already know a good example-you!" "Me!" exclaimed Mom, looking puzzled. Kelsey nodded. "You're just one person," she said, "but you're Aunt Lilliana's sister, Dad's wife, and my mother! As a sister, wife, and mother, you do different things for all three of us, but you're still just one you! One, two, three-simple as can be!" Mom laughed. "Good for you," she said. "Like every other illustration I've heard, the one you're suggesting isn't perfect. God is unique-He's really beyond our complete understanding-but I'm glad to see that you're thinking it through.") MEMORY VERSE:

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 1, 2009TITLE: One, Two, Three

SCRIPTURE: John 10:30; 14:16-20, 26


After supper one evening, Kelsey picked up a church bulletin from the coffee table. "It says here that Pastor Banks is going to preach on the Trinity next week," she said. "I don't even know what 'the Trinity' means."

"It means that God the Father, God the Son-that's Jesus-and God the Holy Spirit are three persons, yet they are one God," explained Mom. "The word 'Trinity' isn't found in the Bible, but the idea of God in three persons is found in several places. I'll show you a few of them."

Just then the doorbell rang. It was Mom's sister who had come to ask for help with her bookkeeping. So Kelsey read a book while her mother and Aunt Lilliana worked.

Aunt Lilliana had just left when Dad hurried into the room. "Honey, could you help me?" he asked Kelsey's mother. "A button just popped off this shirt."

"I'll have that fixed in a jiffy," said Mom, so Kelsey had to wait again.

Feeling a little impatient, Kelsey frowned. But as she waited, she thought about the explanation of the Trinity her mother had given her. By the time Mom bustled into the room again, a smile replaced Kelsey's frown.

Mom reached for her Bible. "Now," she said, "let's see if I can find some verses and think of an example to help you understand the Trinity."

Kelsey smiled. "I think I've got the idea," she said. "You can show me some verses, but I already know a good example-you!"

"Me!" exclaimed Mom, looking puzzled.

Kelsey nodded. "You're just one person," she said, "but you're Aunt Lilliana's sister, Dad's wife, and my mother! As a sister, wife, and mother, you do different things for all three of us, but you're still just one you! One, two, three-simple as can be!"

Mom laughed. "Good for you," she said. "Like every other illustration I've heard, the one you're suggesting isn't perfect. God is unique-He's really beyond our complete understanding-but I'm glad to see that you're thinking it through.")


   There are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. 1 John 5:7HOW ABOUT YOU?

Do you find the doctrine of the Trinity hard to understand? God's Word teaches this important truth, and you may hear several examples to try to explain it. Although the examples are helpful, none of them are perfect. There is no person or thing exactly like God. So don't worry if you don't understand the Trinity completely. Simply believe and accept that God is three-in-one because He says it is so.

THE KEY: God is "three-in-one"

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 2, 2009TITLE: The Peaceful Solution

SCRIPTURE: Colossians 3:12-17


"Ouch!" yelled Leah, jumping off the couch. "Be more careful, Adam! Watch where you're throwing your paper airplanes!"

"Don't be so touchy," retorted Adam. "I didn't mean to hit your eye. It was an accident. Don't be such a baby!"

Leah grabbed a fistful of Adam's hair and yanked hard. "That's for calling me a big baby!" she said. A moment later, Adam and Leah were entangled in a scuffle on the living room floor.

Dad appeared in the doorway. "That's enough!" he said sternly. "Get up off the floor. I want peace in this house, starting now!" Leah and Adam glared at each other. "The two of you seem to have a lot of extra energy this afternoon," said Dad. "You can spend that energy cleaning the garage."

Adam and Leah exchanged scowls as they went out to the garage. They worked without speaking the entire afternoon. Adam let Leah struggle to carry out a heavy box of trash by herself. Leah laughed out loud when Adam spilled a whole bag of potting soil on the newly swept garage floor. She didn't offer to help clean it up.

When they were finished with their work, Dad looked it over. "Hey, this looks great!" he said, but he shook his head sadly. "Too bad you two aren't following God's advice to be at peace with one another," he added with a sigh.

"What do you mean, Dad?" asked Leah. "We didn't fight at all while we worked."

"I know," replied Dad, "but you didn't help each other, either. You appeared to keep peace between you. You didn't fight out loud, but both of you still felt angry. You were glad to see the other have a difficult time." Adam and Leah couldn't deny what Dad said. "When you really want to make peace with someone, you want to be friends with that person," added Dad, "so . . . who wants to take the first step at being a real peacemaker by showing a little love and forgiveness?"

"Well, he . . ." began Leah, then stopped. "I'm sorry," she told her brother.

"Me, too," said Adam. Then he grinned. "Wanna go play at the park? You can swing, and I can test my airplanes in the big, grassy area." Leah smiled and nodded.

"Good," said Dad. "Always look for a peaceful solution to your problems.")


   Have peace with one another. Mark 9:50HOW ABOUT YOU?

Do you try to make peace when you've had a disagreement with someone? Or do you just stop quarreling out loud? That isn't enough. God wants you to let go of the bitterness and anger. He wants you to reach out in a loving way toward those with whom you've had a problem. That produces real peace between people.THE KEY: Live peacefully with others

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 3, 2009TITLE: Like God's Love

SCRIPTURE: 1 John 4:7-11


"I know the Bible says God loves the world and that means everybody, but I don't really see how He can love Hilary," Amber told her older sister as they raked leaves in the backyard. "Do you really think He does?"

"Is she that girl in your class who cuts in front of kids in the cafeteria line?" Kendra asked while she filled a garbage bag with leaves.

"Yes," said Amber. "She cheats, too, and she writes bad words on the walls in the restroom."

"Wow! She . . ." Kendra was interrupted by Amber's dog as he dashed through their pile of leaves and scattered them all over.

"Pepper!" Kendra yelled. "Bad dog!"

Just as Amber and Kendra got the scattered leaves raked into a pile again, Pepper appeared with a dead mouse in his mouth. "Oh, gross!" exclaimed Kendra, jumping away from the dog. "Get that thing out of here!" Pepper ran through the leaf pile and into the alley.

"Let's take a break," said Amber, so the sisters plopped down on a pile of dry leaves.

Soon Pepper returned and lay down at Amber's feet. "Honestly, Amber," said Kendra, "I don't see how you can love that creature. Pepper is funny-looking, he's way too rough, and he growls at Grandma every time she comes over."

"I think he's cute! And there are a lot of good things about him," insisted Amber. She hugged her pet. "Even if there weren't, I'd still love him because he's mine!" she declared.

"I suppose you would." Kendra was thoughtful. "Do you think God feels that same way about Hilary?" she asked. "God made her, so in a way, she belongs to Him, doesn't she? So I guess He must love her, don't you think?"

Amber thought about that. "I know you're right about God loving Hilary," she said at last, "but I can't love her."

Kendra got up and began raking leaves again. "You don't have to like the things Hilary does," she said, "but I think God wants you to love her like He does." Kendra grinned at her sister. "Tell you what, Amber. I'll try to find some good things about Pepper if you'll look for good things about Hilary.")


   And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us. Ephesians 5:2HOW ABOUT YOU?

Do you wonder how God can love some of the people you know? Perhaps you think they're mean and do bad things. God doesn't love the bad things they do, but He does love them and wants you to love them as He does. He showed His love by sending Jesus to die for them so they can live. Learn to love people, not their deeds. Let your actions and attitudes show them God's love, too.THE KEY: Learn to love others

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 4, 2009TITLE: Storm Damage

SCRIPTURE: Ecclesiastes 8:6-8; 9:1


Ever since Mark was a little kid, he had loved the giant maple tree in his backyard. He loved to climb far up in its leafy branches, and he often sailed like the wind on the swing his dad had put up for him. But one morning after a wild wind storm had blown through, Mark went out to the yard and saw that a large branch had been ripped from the ancient trunk.

"Lost a big branch this time, I see." Mark's father stepped over a pile of sodden, red and yellow le aves to stand beside his son.

Mark sighed. "I know. I like that tree," he said.

As they turned to go back to the house, Mark had a question. "Dad, yesterday in school, Mr. Williams told us about a doctor in our state who used to help people die when they wanted to. That doesn't seem right," he said.

"Did Mr. Williams think it was okay?" asked Dad.

Mark shook his head. "No, he thinks it's good that doctor was stopped. But he said some people think those who are old or sick should be allowed to put an end to their lives. He says people still help them in some places. Mr. Williams doesn't agree with that."

"I don't, either," replied Dad. "Only God should control life and death. Even before we're born, He has a plan for each of our days, and it's not right for us to try to change that plan." Dad pointed to the damaged tree. "Do you think we should remove that old tree now?" he asked. "It's been losing branches with every big storm."

Mark thought for a moment. "It still gives shade in the summer, though, and the swing is still there," he said. "I like it. And Mom says she likes the sound of the wind in the leaves and, well . . . she'd really miss the red leaves every fall."

"Even the bare, dark branches against our winter skies are beautiful in my opinion," said Dad. Then putting a hand on Mark's shoulder, he added, "This old tree has value even though it's old and storm-damaged. Human life-even when it's old or 'storm-damaged'-has far greater value than any tree. We're made in God's image, and there is value and purpose to our entire lives. No matter what happens, our lives-from beginning to end-must be left in His hands.")


   His (man's) days are determined, the number of his months is with You (God). Job 14:5HOW ABOUT YOU?

Do you know someone who is old and feeble? Or maybe you know someone who is not so old but lives with a lot of pain. Do you wonder about the value of living that way? No person-not even a doctor-has the right to decide when a person should die. God gave life in the first place, and only He knows when it should end. Only God may make that decision.THE KEY: Control of life and death is God's

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 6, 2009TITLE: The Problem Tongue

SCRIPTURE: James 3:5-10

AUDIO: *Listen Now!


"Ouch!" Kelly stomped her foot. "I need new shoes! This one hurts me!"

"You probably have your shoes on the wrong feet," said her brother Ben.

"I do not!" objected Kelly. "This shoe really hurts!"

"You don't know how to put shoes on right," insisted Ben. "You're just a baby!"

Kelly frowned. "I'm six years old," she informed her brother as he went outside. "I know whi ch shoe goes on which foot."

"Let me see," said Dad, and Kelly lifted her foot for him to check. "It's the tongue of the shoe, honey," he said, untying it. "It's twisted and all bunched up. We'll just straighten it out." Dad pulled hard on the tongue and retied the shoe. "How does it feel now?"

Kelly ran around the room and jumped. "That's better! It's all fixed!"

"Did she have it on the wrong foot?" asked Ben, coming back into the house.

"No! I told you I didn't!" said Kelly. "You don't know anything, Ben!"

"At least I know how to put my shoe on so it doesn't hurt!" said Ben. He grabbed the soccer ball and began bouncing it up with his knee.

"Show off!" yelled Kelly.

Dad caught the ball and held it up high. "It was the tongue in Kelly's shoe that was causing a problem," he said. "Tell me something else that causes trouble when it's not used correctly."

"Ah . . . that ball?" guessed Ben. "If it's used wrong-like if we throw it around in the house-we could break a lamp or something."

"That's true, but I was thinking of something smaller," said Dad. He made a silly face and pointed to his tongue.

"Our tongues, Daddy?" asked Kelly.

"I guess you mean we need to talk nicer to each other," Ben suggested.

"Yeah! You shouldn't have said I'm a baby," said Kelly.

"Okay, and you shouldn't have yelled at me," replied Ben.

Dad nodded. "God's Word says the tongue is small but can do a great deal of damage," he said. "Words can hurt people a lot more than shoes can hurt feet. Keep that in mind-especially when someone annoys you or makes you angry.")


   I will guard my ways, lest I sin with my tongue. Psalm 39:1HOW ABOUT YOU?

Have you listened to the words you say? Are they things you'd like said to you? Are they things God likes to hear you say? Think about what you've said recently. Will the person you spoke to be encouraged by what you said? Or will your words make him or her feel bad? Ask God to help you use your tongue to help people, not hurt them!THE KEY: Use your tongue wisely

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 7, 2009TITLE: The Bad Week

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 5:10-12, 44; 1 Peter 4:14-16

AUDIO: *Listen Now!


"This has been one terrible day," Ben told his friends Michael and Joel. "The guys in gym class laughed at me because I wouldn't look at a magazine one of them brought. Somebody's dad got it at the adult bookstore, and it sounded really gross." Ben looked up as his mom set a plate of cookies on the table.

"My day wasn't so great, e ither," said Joel. "I wrote about creation in my answer to one of the essay questions on my science test yesterday. My teacher said I should forget unproven ideas and admit that evolution is a scientific fact. Then he muttered something about Christian fanatics. At least, that's what it sounded like he said."

Michael took a cookie from the plate. "Today was pretty good for me," he said, "but yesterday I got laughed at. I bought baseball cards at the hobby store, and the guy at the cash register gave me too much change. My cousin was with me, and he said I was dumb for returning the extra money." Michael sighed. "I don't get why everyone gives us a hard time for doing the right thing!"

Ben's mom shook her head. "I'm really not surprised to hear that you boys are being mocked because of the right things you do," she said seriously. "In fact, that's good."

The boys looked surprised. "It is?" asked Ben.

Mom nodded. "The Bible says we can expect that. When we obey God, people who are watching often feel uncomfortable, so they try to make us uncomfortable, too. God says to pray for them and to be glad-so cheer up!" She grinned at the boys.

Joel frowned. "I'm not sure I get it," he said. "Why should we be glad when people make fun of us?"

"I know it seems strange, and it's hard to do, but the Bible promises blessings to those who suffer for doing the right thing," said Ben's mom. "Don't give in to the temptation to get even with those who mock you or tease you."

"And I was just trying to figure out how I could do that!" exclaimed Ben. Laughing at his mom's frown, he quickly added, "Just kidding!"

Mom smiled. "I certa inly hope so," she said. "Remember-don't get even; just pray and praise."

"Okay, Mom," agreed Ben, and the other boys nodded.)


   If anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God. 1 Peter 4:16HOW ABOUT YOU?

Do you get upset when others tease you for doing the right thing? They may think you're foolish, but God doesn't. He's pleased when you obey Him and boldly witness for Him. Continue to do what you know is right, and pray for anyone who makes fun of you. God will bless you, and perhaps He will use your life to show others the way to Jesus.THE KEY: Rejoice and pray when persecuted

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 8, 2009TITLE: One Size Fits All

SCRIPTURE: Romans 10:9-13; Galatians 3:28

AUDIO: *Listen Now!


"Oh, look, Mom!" exclaimed Grace as she picked up a pair of gloves in the store. "These would match my new winter jacket perfectly! But I doubt they'll have my size-they haven't had my size in anything else I wanted today." Grace and her mother were having a rather unsuccessful shopping trip.

"Well, let's have a look," said Mom. "Maybe we 'll do better this time."

Grace looked at the tag and saw "One size fits all." She dropped the gloves. "Oh, sure it does," she moaned. "Those 'one size' things never fit me."

"Try one on," urged Mom. "Maybe you'll be surprised."

With a frown, Grace picked up a glove and slipped her hand into it. "It fits!" she squealed in delight.

"How about that?" said Mom. She looked at the price tag. "And the price is right, too," she added. "So . . . okay-you've got new gloves."

Back home, Grace told Dad about the shopping trip. "I never believe those 'one size fits all' tags," she said, "but this time it told the truth!"

"That's great, honey!" replied Dad with a smile.

After Dad read a Scripture passage for family devotions that evening, Mom grinned at Grace. "Dad just read verses that say whoever calls upon Jesus for salvation is saved," she said. "Do you know what that makes me think of, Grace? It makes me think of your 'one size fits all' gloves. These Bible verses assure us that salvation through Jesus Christ 'fits' everybody."

Dad nodded. "That's right," he agreed. "You don't trust tags on merchandise, and some people don't believe the Scripture 'tag' that says whoever trusts in Jesus is saved. Some people think they're good enough and don't need to be saved through Jesus. Others think they're much too bad to ever be forgiven. What does God say about all of them?"

"He says they all need to trust Jesus as Savior," replied Grace.

"Yes, and He invites everyone to do that," Dad replied. "God offers salvation to Jews, Gentiles, men, women, children, masters, servants-everyone in the whole world! All who acc ept God's offer and trust in Jesus will spend eternity in heaven with Him.")


   The same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. Romans 10:12HOW ABOUT YOU?

Have you accepted Jesus as Savior? Your great family background and your good behavior can never earn heaven for you. Your misbehavior-the trouble you get yourself into or cause for other people-does not put you out of reach of God. No one can get to heaven on his own, but everyone may get there by trusting in Jesus. (See the ABCs at the end of this book.)THE KEY: Salvation "fits" everybody

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 9, 2009TITLE: Foggy Vision

SCRIPTURE: 1 Corinthians 13:8-13

AUDIO: *Listen Now!


Nicholas peered ahead through the fog that surrounded them. "Hey, Dad!" he exclaimed as he and his father approached the large city they were visiting. "Look!" He pointed toward the distant city skyline that was almost completely hidden by the fog. "You can hardly see those huge buildings today."

Dad smiled. "Keep watching them," he said. "As we get closer, the fog will seem to disappear and the buildings will become clearer."

Nicholas nodded. "I know," he said, staring at the hazy outline of the city. They drove in silence for a few minutes. As expected, the closer they got to the buildings, the clearer everything began to look. Nicholas grinned at his dad. "Those buildings aren't so dim anymore," he said.

Dad smiled. "No," he agreed. "Do you remember hearing a verse in First Corinthians that says, 'Now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known'?"

"Yep. I remember that one," said Nicholas. "I had it for a memory verse once. It's talking about heaven, isn't it? That's when we'll see Jesus face to face."

Dad nodded. "From a distance, we had trouble seeing the buildings through the fog. We saw them only dimly," he replied. "It's a picture of how we see Jesus now. Sometimes we have a hard time understanding Him and His great love and wisdom." Dad motioned toward the city. "Now that we're closer to the buildings, we see them more clearly. And the closer we live to God, the more clearly we see and understand Him."

"How do we get closer to God?" asked Nicholas.

"By reading and studying the Bible, learning more about Him, praying, and watching to see how He works things out," replied Dad. "All these things help us understand Him better."

Nicholas looked again at the skyline and then back at his father. "That's pretty cool, Dad," he said.

"Best of all," added Dad, "the day is coming when God will take us to heaven, and then we'll know Him perfectly!")


   Now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. 1 Corinthians 13:12


How well do you know God? As you study the Bible and talk with God, you'll get to know Him better. Talk to Him anytime, anywhere-when you're on your way to school, before tests or lessons, and before you go to sleep. Doing all these things will help you become a stronger Christian. You have a wonderful future to look forward to-especially seeing Jesus face to face and knowing Him fully throughout eternity.

THE KEY: We'll know God fully in heaven

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 10, 2009TITLE: Two Hundred Leg Muscles

SCRIPTURE: 1 Corinthians 12:12-25

AUDIO: *Listen Now!


Sydney plopped down in her favorite chair and looked over at her father, who was reading a sports magazine. "Dad," she began hesitantly, then stopped.

Dad looked up. "What can I help you with, honey?" he asked.

"It's just . . . well, I wish I could be good at something," said Sydney. "Mrs. Johnson is always saying what great posters Rachel mak es for our Sunday school parties. Savannah always gets the solos in choir. And all the kids want Tommy on their team when we play kickball. Everybody's good at something except me. I just do stuff that doesn't matter." Sydney slumped down into the overstuffed chair while Dad scratched his chin for a moment.

"I think you're being too hard on yourself," said Dad. "You are not bad at everything. Maybe you're part of the leg muscles." He turned back to his magazine. Sydney looked at him curiously.

"What do you mean?" Sydney asked when he didn't say anything more.

Dad smiled. "I'm looking for an article I read a few minutes ago," he said. He turned a page of the magazine. "Here it is." He pointed to a medical report. "This says that when we walk, we use two hundred muscles."

Sydney was still confused. "So what does that have to do with me being bad at everything?"

"Like I said, you're not bad at everything," Dad replied. "You may not be the best at some things, but that's okay. Just do your best wherever you're needed. When you do that, you're like one of those two hundred muscles the body uses to walk."

Sydney thought about what her dad said. "Okay, all the kids need leg muscles," she decided. "Rachel needs me to help her think up ideas. Tommy needs me to . . . ah . . . to cheer him on. And Savannah needs me to . . . I don't know . . ."

"To smile when she sings," said Dad. "You're great at that. And think about this. The Bible refers to Christians as the 'Body of Christ,' and every part of that Body is needed, too. Every Christian has something to do to help make things work right. So do your part w ith your whole heart as unto God-and you'll be just fine." Smiling, Sydney nodded.)


   Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men. Colossians 3:23


Do you complain because you're not as good at something as someone else is? Do you even feel like you're not good at anything? That's not true. God has something important for you to do for others and for Him. Maybe it's something everyone will notice, but maybe it's to quietly cheer on somebody else. Every task God has for you, whether big or small, is equally important. Ask Him to show you what it is and how you can do your part. Then get busy and do it!

THE KEY: Get involved- and do your part

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 11, 2009TITLE: Life's Textbook

SCRIPTURE: 2 Timothy 3:14-17


"This isn't working!" exclaimed Bryce. "Josiah is the smartest guy in our class, and today he showed me how to do these math problems, but I still can't figure them out."

Mom walked to the table where Bryce was doing his homework. "Doesn't your textbook tell you how to do them?" she asked. "Let's take a look at it to make sure Josiah gave you the correct instructions."

"Okay," agreed Bryce. He opened the book and found the chapter they were studying. "Josiah tol d me to check it out here if I got stuck."

"All right," said Mom. "Now try it one more time, Bryce. Follow these directions step by step." She pointed to the instructions listed in the textbook.

Bryce started again. "Now it's working!" he exclaimed a little later. "Josiah left out a step when he told me how to do these. Thanks, for helping me, Mom."

That evening, Dad asked Bryce to read their family devotional aloud. "Read the Scripture passage first," suggested Dad, "and then the story."

"Okay, Dad," said Bryce, "but some of the words in the Bible are too hard for me, and I don't know what a lot of the verses mean, anyway. Can't I just read the story?"

"The stories can help us understand the Bible passage," said Dad, "but they're not God's Word. We need to read His Word for direction in our lives. Mom and I will help you with hard words."

Mom nodded. "Bryce, think about what happened when you were doing your homework today," she said. "You couldn't get the correct answer by using Josiah's directions, could you? They were missing a step, right?"

"Yes," replied Bryce, "but when I followed the textbook instructions, I got it."

"Exactly," said Mom. "I'm sure Josiah meant to give you the right directions, but people make mistakes. That's an example of the importance of reading God's Word and following His instructions."

"That's right," agreed Dad. "God's Word has no mistakes."

Bryce grinned. "I guess we could call it our textbook for life, right?" he said. "Okay. I found the Bible verses for tonight, and I'm ready to read.")


   All Scripture is . . . profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16HOW ABOUT YOU?

Do you find the Bible hard to read? Are some of the words difficult and hard for you to understand? Keep on reading anyway! As you get older, it will become easier to read and understand. You can ask parents, teachers, and pastors to help explain what some of the verses mean. Be sure to also ask God to help you understand and obey His Word.THE KEY: The Bible is life's textbook

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 12, 2009TITLE: Character Ribbons

SCRIPTURE: 1 Timothy 4:6-8, 15-16


As Tyler walked home from school, he heard a familiar voice calling his name. Turning, he saw his Sunday school teacher. "Hi, Mr. Myers!" exclaimed Tyler, running to meet him. "What are you doing on this street?"

"I just came from Noah Herman's home," answered Mr. Myers. "He visited our class last Sunday-and when we have a visitor, I always try to meet his parents as soon as possible."

"They just moved here," said Tyler. "Noah seems like a nice guy, but I felt pretty bad for him at school today. It was track and field day, and he was last in almost everything. He didn't seem to be very upset about it though."

"It looks like you did all right," said Mr. Myers with a smile. He motioned toward the red ribbon and three blue ribbons that were pinned to Tyler's shirt.

"Yeah," agreed Tyler. "I do okay on a lot of the events."

"Good," said Mr. Myers. "Athletes have always gotten a lot of attention. Even the Apostle Paul mentioned physical training in a letter he wrote to Timothy."

"He did?" asked Tyler. "What did he say?"

"Well, he said something to the effect that physical training has value," replied Mr. Myers, "but that it's more important to train yourself to be godly by learning and practicing the things God says you should do."

Tyler thought about that. "So you don't think Paul would be very impressed with my ribbons?" he asked.

Mr. Myers smiled. "Paul wasn't putting down physical training. He just wanted Timothy to be even more concerned about being like Jesus," he explained. "You are to be congratulated on those ribbons, Tyler, but if you hadn't gotten any ribbons, it wouldn't be so serious. Godly character is what's really important. It's far more important to be like Jesus than to be good in sports."

Tyler nodded thoughtfully. "You know what? I think Noah has that. Godly character, I mean. I hope he knows that it's the most important thing." Tyler paused, then added. "I'll

go change my clothes and then go over to his house for a while. Maybe I'll get a chance to mention it.")


   Exercise yourself toward godliness. 1 Timothy 4:7HOW ABOUT YOU?

Do you put a lot of value on physical ability and training? It's fun to be able to do a good job for your team. If you do well, you may even get your name in the newspaper or on your school's website. But all that is not nearly as important as being like Jesus and having the approval of God. So go ahead-exercise and train in the sport you enjoy and do your best in it, but more importantly, do your best to learn and do what God teaches in His Word.THE KEY: Godly charactor is of great value

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 13, 2009TITLE: The Bat

SCRIPTURE: Hebrews 11:1-3; 1 John 5:4-5

AUDIO: *Listen Now!


"Look out!" warned Cody as his sister stumbled over a chair. "You must be blind as a bat if you didn't see that chair, Liz!"

Liz tossed her head. "Bats aren't blind," she said.

"Yes, they are," said Cody. "We're learning about them in science class. Our book said they find their way around by listening to sound waves instead of by seeing things with their eyes."

"Yes, but they can see," insisted Liz. "We studied bats in school, too."

Dad smiled at the kids. "Liz's right," he said. "The phrase 'blind as a bat' is an expression people often use, but bats really aren't blind."

"Well, they must not be able to see very good," insisted Cody.

"That's true," agreed Liz. "My teacher said they fly at night and make squeaky, high-pitched sounds and then listen for the echoes. When sound waves bounce off something and the echo comes back quickly, the bat knows there's something close by. If the echo takes a long time, it knows the thing is far away."

"Very good!" said Dad. After a moment, he asked, "Did you know that, like the bats, you should depend on something other than just the things you can see?"

"Like . . . ah . . . what?" asked Liz.

"I know," said Cody. "The bats use their ears, and we should use ours, too. A train whistle warns us that a train is nearby. Traffic sounds warn us to be careful crossing the street. Right?"

"Yes," agreed Dad, "but I was thinking of something even more important than eyes or ears."

The kids thought for a moment. "I'm sure you're going to mention something from the Bible," said Cody.

Dad smiled. "You're right," he said. "What you need is faith-faith in Jesus and in what the Bible says. Some people refer to it as 'blind faith,' but it's not blind at all. It's faith in a living God who knows all about the future."

Liz grinned. "Bats' ears help them fly safely at night, and faith in God helps us walk safely through life," she said. "It doesn't matter if we're blind as a bat when we think about all the things that could happen, because bats aren't really blind.")


   We walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7HOW ABOUT YOU?

How strong is your faith in God? Having food, clothes, and shelter gives a sense of comfort. But sometimes unexpected things happen. Plans don't work out. You may be treated unfairly, get sick, or have trouble with schoolwork. Even during difficult times, God cares about you and is in control. You can trust Him to help you day by day. Live by faith in Jesus-not just by sight.THE KEY: Live by faith

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 15, 2009TITLE: Payment Made

SCRIPTURE: 1 Peter 1:17-21

AUDIO: *Listen Now!


"Oh, no!" moaned Megan. "I won't be able to mail this birthday card to Grandma until Monday."

"Why not?" asked Megan's little sister. "The mailman didn't come yet. I'll go put it in the mailbox for you."

Megan shook her head. "We're out of stamps," she said. "Without a stamp on the envelope, this won't go anywhere, Stacy."

Stacy looked thoughtful for a moment and then bounded off to her bedroom. She soon returned with her hands behind her back and a grin on her face.

"What are you hiding?" asked Megan.

Stacy's face beamed with pride as she held out a roll of dinosaur stickers. "You can use one of my stamps to mail your letter," she offered.

Megan smiled at her sister. "Thanks, honey. That's so nice of you, but your stickers won't work," said Megan. "A letter has to have a postage stamp or it. Your stickers are nice, but letters have to have the real thing."

Stacy frowned, and Megan tried to explain. "Postage stamps are a special kind of sticker, Stacy. You buy them at the post office," she said. "When you stick one on a letter, it shows the mailman that you've paid for the letter to be delivered. Then he makes sure it goes on its way. Sorry, honey." Megan gave her sister a hug.

Stacy hesitated, then peeled off a dinosaur sticker and stuck it on the back of Megan's hand. "You can have a sticker anyway," said Stacy with a grin.

Mom was standing nearby, and she smiled as Stacy skipped away. "You know, Megan," she said, "your explanation of how payment has to be made for a letter to be delivered reminds me of salvation. Sometimes people try to make that payment. They try to pay their own way by doing good deeds, but that's like using a dinosaur sticker on a letter. To get to heaven you need the real payment-the blood of Jesus."

Megan nodded in agreement. "We can't pay for heaven at all," she said. "Only Jesus can. He died on the cross to make the real payment that guarantees our sins are forgiven and we have a place in heaven.")


   Having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. Romans 5:9HOW ABOUT YOU?

Did you know that the price for your salvation has been paid in full? Jesus gave His life to purchase a place in heaven for you. So don't try to get there on your own. None of the good things you do can pay for heaven. You must accept Jesus as your Savior. Trust in Him and know you'll be "delivered" to heaven someday. (See the ABCs of salvation at the end of this book.)THE KEY: Accept Jesus' payment for sin

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 16, 2009TITLE: Flickering Fireflies

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 5:14-16

AUDIO: *Listen Now!


The evening was cool. The earthy smell of the forest filled the air, and stars shone brightly through the trees. A group of boys and their teacher lingered around the dying campfire at their Sunday school class retreat. "Wow!" Kevin exclaimed. "The stars are really bright tonight."

Isaac looked up toward the sky. "They just look brighter because there are no other lights around," he said. "They stand out more against the darkness."

"I see a firefly," said Kevin. "Look! Over there." He pointed toward a tree a few feet from the fire. The light of the firefly flickered in an on and off pattern.

"Maybe he's sending a message in Morse code," joked Isaac. "Hey, Kevin, figure out what he's trying to say." The boys laughed as they watched the firefly blinking its ancient ritual.

Mr. Sidney, their teacher, looked thoughtful. "Fireflies are interesting," he said, "and they have a good lesson for Christians. Can you guess what it might be?"

The boys were silent for a moment. "Maybe it's that we need to let our lights shine for God," replied Isaac.

"Yeah," agreed Kevin, "but we shouldn't let them flicker on and off like fireflies do."

"Why not?" asked Mr. Sidney.

"Well . . ." Kevin hesitated. "If my light is shining, it might help bring someone to Jesus," he suggested, "but if my light flickers, it might not be on when that person is looking. Then I wouldn't be a testimony for God at all."

"Good thinking." Mr. Sidney nodded. "What things might keep our lights from shining?"

"I think our lights turn off when we're unkind or selfish or do things we know are wrong," Isaac said quietly. "Like . . . lying to our parents or cheating on a test."

"Or saying something mean to someone," added Kevin.

"You're right," said Mr. Sidney. "Let's be sure our lights shine all the time. We never know when someone may be watching us.")


   Let your light so shine before men that they may . . . glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16HOW ABOUT YOU?

Have you ever sung the words "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine"? Do you let your light-your testimony-shine clearly, or does it flicker like a firefly's light? Your actions as well as your words affect how other people see you. Be careful to keep your light always shining so that others will see it and want to know Jesus, too. Sometimes the best way for people to learn about Him is by seeing Him in you!THE KEY: Keep a steady testimony

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 17, 2009TITLE: For Your Protection!

SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 3:1-8

AUDIO: *Listen Now!


A small black car crept slowly down the tree-lined street as Jaela and Lindsey strolled home from Kids' Bible Club. They were planning a busy weekend and didn't notice the

car until it eased up to the curb. "Hi, girls!" called the driver after rolling down the window. "I've got a treat for anyone who can tell me where Magnolia Street is!"

Jaela and Lindsey stopped and looked around. "Is he talking to us?" whispered Jaela as Lindsey smiled in the man's direction. "Come on-keep walking," Jaela added. "We're not allowed to talk to strangers."

Ignoring her friend's warning, Lindsey started toward the car. "It can't hurt to give directions," she said. "He looks nice enough."

Jaela stayed on the sidewalk and watched. As Lindsey approached the car, the man suddenly jumped out. Grabbing Lindsey's arm, he tried to force her into the back seat. Lindsey screamed and jerked back. As she struggled to get away, her armload of books and papers were scattered all over the street.

Without thinking, Jaela ran to help her friend. Lord, please help us, she silently prayed as she swung her book bag with all her strength, hitting the man across the face. With an angry exclamation, he put his hand over his eyes, and Lindsey twisted free. From the house behind them, a lady opened her front door and screamed at the top of her lungs. The girls stumbled to the sidewalk, and the man quickly jumped into his car and roared down the street.

"It's a good thing I saw you," said the lady, who started digging through her purse for her cell phone. "I'm calling the police and your parents," she added. "Didn't they teach you not to talk to strangers?"

"Y-y-yes, but I w-was just trying to h-help," blubbered Lindsey. "Besides, our B-Bible Club teacher said God would w-w-watch over us."

"He certainly did today," the lady assured her, "otherwise you might not be here now. But just because He's watching doesn't mean you can ignore your parents' warnings. They give them for your protection! Giving you those warnings is also one of God's ways of protecting you. Always remember that!")


   Hear the instruction of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother. Proverbs 1:8HOW ABOUT YOU?

Do you pay attention to warnings given by your parents and teachers? Don't disobey, thinking no harm will come! Remember that they have far more experience than you do, and they're concerned for your welfare. One way God cares for you is by providing responsible people to advise and warn you. Listen to them and obey. Thank God for His watchful care.THE KEY: Listen to parents

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 18, 2009TITLE: Who Says?

SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 55:8-11


"Guess what, Mom!" exclaimed Leslie as she helped her mother in the kitchen one afternoon. "I got to witness to Kaylee today."

"Great!" exclaimed Mom. "What did you say?"

"Oh, you know-I told her she had to get saved or she wouldn't go to heaven," replied Leslie.

"What Bible verses did you use?" asked Mom.

Leslie shrugged. "I didn't use any, but that doesn't really matter, does it?"

"Not necessarily, but it's a good idea to use Scripture whenever you can," said Mom. She peeked in the oven. "Supper's almost ready," she said. "Would you please call Nate for me?"

Leslie opened the back door. "Nate!" she yelled. "Come inside!"

A few minutes later, Mom asked, "Where's Nate?"

"I guess he never came in," answered Leslie. "I'll call him again." This time she went all the way out to the trampoline. "Nate, I told you to come in!" she scolded. "You better listen!"

"Fine!" replied Nate impatiently.

Five minutes later, there was still no sign of Nate. "That's strange," said Mom. "It's not like him to disobey me like this." She went to the back door and called loudly, "Nate, come in right now!"

"Okay, Mom," answered Nate.

As Nate entered the kitchen a few moments later, Mom asked sternly, "Why did we have to call you three times? I want you to help Leslie set the table for dinner."

Nate looked surprised. "Leslie didn't say you wanted me. I thought she just wanted me to play a game or something," he explained.

As Nate left to wash his hands, Mom looked at Leslie. "Now there's an example of why it's important to quote the source of your message," she said.

Leslie was puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"You said you didn't use any Bible verses when you talked with Kaylee about salvation today," explained Mom. "I'm glad you witnessed to her, but don't forget that the salvation message is God's, not yours. Give your testimony, and look for opportunities to tell people what the Bible says, too.")


   Th e word of God is living and powerful. Hebrews 4:12HOW ABOUT YOU?

Do you use God's Word when you witness to unsaved friends? Be ready with Bible verses to back up what you're saying-perhaps by using some you've memorized. If you have a Bible handy, you can also let your friends read what God says about salvation. His Word is powerful, and He says it will not return "void." That means it will accomplish the purpose He has for it. So be sure to use it-people need to know the message of salvation is from God Himself.THE KEY: Use God's Word when witnessing

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 19, 2009TITLE: A Brand New World

SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 11:6-9; Romans 8:19-22

AUDIO: *Listen Now!


Jessica rushed outdoors to see why Grandpa's dog was barking so loudly. She found Bandit jumping higher and higher, trying to reach a squirrel up in the apple tree. "Shame on you, Bandit," said Jessica as the squirrel chattered loudly. "I think that squirrel is scolding you!" She laughed and pulled the dog away.

Deciding to find Grandpa, Jessica headed for the tool shed and saw her cat Mitsy hiding in the grass and staring at some birds pecking at seeds on the ground. The cat was getting ready to pounce. "Get away from those birds, Mitsy," warned Jessica.

Hearing Jessica's voice, Grandpa came from the shed with two rakes. "How about helping me clean up the garden?" Grandpa asked, so Jessica took a rake and followed Grandpa's long-legged stride. He paused beneath a tree. "Look here," he said, pointing to the ground. "I think there's been an owl in this tree recently. This fur and those bones are probably from some small animal he had for dinner."

Jessica frowned. "Grandpa, some animals are really mean to each other, aren't they?" she asked.

Grandpa nodded. "Ever since sin came into the world in the Garden of Eden, animals have suffered right along with people. All of creation suffers. Because of sin, we have illness, hunger, death, thorns and thistles, and weeds," Grandpa explained.

"You mean there are lots of problems caused by sin?" Jessica asked.

"Exactly!" Grandpa replied. "The good thing is that God rules over nature in spite of sin."

Grandpa and Jessica got to work, carefully raking dead sticks and leaves from the flower bed. Soon they saw tiny green shoots peeking above the ground. Grandpa pointed. "New life," he said. "It reminds me that some day God is going to make a brand new world. It's going to be more wonderful than we can imagine. There won't be thorns or weeds. Animals won't be afraid of one another or harm people. All suffering will end." He grinned at Jessica and added, "Best of all, Christians will be with Jesus for ever in a perfect place.")


   We . . . look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. 2 Peter 3:13HOW ABOUT YOU?

Do you see the effect sin has had on all of creation? It may make you feel sad, but when you see flowers blooming or new plants springing up, thank God that a day is coming when He will take away all the effects of sin. The animals will get along together-people will, too! The important thing is that you've accepted Jesus as your Savior-then you can enjoy heaven, too! Christians will be with God forever.THE KEY: God will make a new world

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 20, 2009TITLE: In the Way

SCRIPTURE: Romans 12:9-13

AUDIO: *Listen Now!


"Mittens, you're driving me crazy!" complained Hannah as she stepped over her cat.

"What's Mittens doing?" Mom asked.

"Nothing, but I always have to step over him. I've actually stepped on his tail lots of times," explained Hannah. "I don't do it on purpose, but he always gets under my feet. Why does he just sit in the middle of the floor where we're trying to walk?"

"I guess he trusts us to know he's there and to walk around him," said Mom.

"Well, he better watch out since we're so much bigger than he is," muttered Hannah with a frown.

"It makes me feel good to see how much he trusts us," said Mom. "If we were small and he were big, do you think we'd trust him not to hurt us?"

"Not me!" exclaimed Hannah, backing away from Mittens. "His claws are sharp. If he were big like a lion or tiger, I think he'd be dangerous!"

"I can think of someone much bigger than we are who we can always trust," said Mom.

"You mean Dad?" asked Hannah.

"Someone much bigger than Dad," replied Mom with a chuckle.

"Who?" asked Hannah. Then she figured it out. "I know-you mean God! He's so big He can take care of the whole world, and He never hurts us. Do you think we ever do things to get in God's way-like Mittens gets in our way?"

"Well . . . I'll have to think about that," said Mom thoughtfully. After a moment, she said, "When Mr. Watkins had a broken leg, it took me a long time to realize that taking dinner to him each day was a job God wanted me to do. I don't know why it took me so long to see that-it's so easy for me to do since we live right across the street from Mr. Watkins.

Maybe every day I didn't do it, I was 'in the way'-and God had to 'step over' me to find someone else to help." Mom grinned at Hannah as she added, "Whenever you have to step over Mittens, let it be a reminder to not make it necessary for God to 'step over' you and find someone else to do something He's asking you to do.")


   Then I said, "Here am I. Send me." Isaiah 6:8HOW ABOUT YOU?

Are you sensitive to what God wants you to do to serve Him? Are you willing to help your parents, a new kid at school, or a neighbor? Are you ready to go out of your way to be kind to someone? Don't get in the way of God's work. When you see something you can do for Him, say as Isaiah did, "Here am I! Send me."THE KEY: Obey God

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 21, 2009TITLE: The Right Move

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 29:11-13; Isaiah 55:8-9

AUDIO: *Listen Now!


"Which do you want first, the bad news or the good news?" asked Mom when Morgan got home from school.

"The bad, I guess." Morgan munched on an apple. She knew that when Mom played "Bad News/Good News," the news was never terribly bad.

"Dad's job transfer is to Dalton instead of to Briggs," said Mom.

"Dalton?" moaned Morgan. "We al ready found a nice house in Briggs." She sighed. "What's the good news?" she asked.

"Dalton isn't as far from here as Briggs, so you and your friends here can get together more often," said Mom.

"I like that," said Morgan, "but I still wish we didn't have to move at all." She jumped up. "I'm going to check on Smoky and her kittens," she said as she left the room.

Soon Morgan was back. "Mom, Smoky moved her kittens again," she said. "She put them back in my room under my bed. I wish they could stay there."

"I know, but that isn't a good place for them," said Mom. "It's too busy with you and your friends coming in and out so often. The kittens are better off in the laundry room."

"Yeah, I guess so," agreed Morgan. "I'll move them back." After she moved the kittens, Morgan returned to the kitchen. "I shut the door to my room," she said, "so Smoky won't be able to move the kittens there again."

"Good idea," said Mom. "Did you explain to Smoky that you have a good reason for shutting her out? And that she and her babies are better off where you put them?"

Morgan laughed. "Good one, Mom!" Morgan said. "It's too bad she can't understand that, right?"

Mom nodded. "Smoky is just like us," she said. "We thought that the best place for us to live was right here. We expected to stay here a long time, but the Lord has apparently shut the door on that idea."

"And He must have a good reason, too. Right?" asked Morgan.

"Right," agreed Mom. "I'm sure He has.")


   For I know the thoughts that I think toward you . . . thoughts of peace and not of evil. Jeremiah 29:11< b>HOW ABOUT YOU?

Have you had disappointing changes in your plans? Sometimes change is hard to accept, but God wants only what's best for you. Trust Him even when things don't go the way you wish they would. You never know-God may have something better in mind for you! If it's difficult for you to be patient, ask God to help you stay calm and focused on Him.THE KEY: God knows what's best

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 22, 2009TITLE: By Any Other Name

SCRIPTURE: Ephesians 2:1-9

AUDIO: *Listen Now!


"Come on, Trevor. Eat your beans." Roxie was trying to get her baby brother to finish his supper, but Trevor turned his head away, his mouth firmly closed.

"He thinks he doesn't like beans, so call them something else," suggested Matthew. He spooned some of the baby food and held it out to Trevor. "Here-have some ice cream, Trevor," coaxed Matthew. But his little br other just looked at the squashed beans on the spoon and turned away.

Roxie laughed. "What a silly idea," she said. Then she quoted a line she had heard her older sister use. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." She laughed again. "And beans by any other name would taste the same. Even Trevor knows that."

Dad smiled at the dialog between the children. Then he added a thought of his own. "And a sinner by any other name is still lost in sin," he said. Roxie and Matthew looked at him in surprise. "I was thinking of a conversation I had with a couple of people at work today," explained Dad. "They're both nice, decent guys-in fact, they're so 'good' that it's hard to get them to see that they need Jesus."

"What do you mean, they're so good?" asked Matthew. "My Bible verse today said nobody is good. Right?"

Dad nodded. "I mean that they see themselves as being good," he said. "Pete is a hard worker and a faithful, active church member. Jeff doesn't go to church at all, but he's active in promoting good, moral causes. He manages a Little League team, heads the fundraising committee for the city youth center, and volunteers every week at a soup kitchen. Each of these guys thinks he'll get to heaven because of all the good things he does."

"So what do you tell them?" asked Roxie.

"Well, basically, what I said before," replied Dad, "that a sinner by any other name-like 'good person'-is still a sinner. The things both men do are worthwhile and good, but I showed them some verses in Ephesians that say no one can get to heaven by doing good deeds. They need to admit they are s inners, believe Jesus died for them, and choose to trust in Him.")


   There is none who does good, no, not one. Romans 3:12HOW ABOUT YOU?

Are you "good"-a kid your parents and teachers can be proud of? That's nice, but it's not enough to get you to heaven. God says everyone has sinned, including you. Sin can be washed away only by Jesus. You can make it to heaven only by trusting in Him. (See the ABCs at the end of this book.)THE KEY: Being good doesn't save you

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 23, 2009TITLE: Avoiding Danger

SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 1:10-16

AUDIO: *Listen Now!


"Joanna," called Mom, "come and put Patches out on the side porch. I'm going to mop the floor, and I've mixed a cleaning solution in this pail. Patches won't keep her paws out of it-if she licks it off her paws, she might get sick." Unlike most cats, Patches liked to dip her paws in water and watch it swish.

Joanna quickly scooped up her pet, put her out on the porch, and closed the door. Patches wailed, but Joanna was firm. "Sorry," she said, "but that's the only way to keep you from danger, Patches."

That afternoon, Joanna went to the mall with two friends, Kaitlyn and Renae. They were having a good time when they stopped to look at some earrings. "Wow! These are expensive," said Kaitlyn. She tossed her head. "But no problem-I'm going to get them for free."

"For free?" asked Renae. "How?"

"You'll see," replied Kaitlyn. "Don't stare at me-just act natural while I slip them inside my jacket and walk past the cashier."

"But that's stealing," objected Joanna.

Kaitlyn scowled at her and said, "Don't be such a goody-goody!"

"Yeah," agreed Renae.

Joanna hesitated. I should leave, she thought, but if I do, Renae and Kaitlyn won't want to be friends with me. I'll be left out. As Joanna watched Kaitlyn pick up the earrings, she made up her mind. "I'm going home," she said, and she turned to leave.

Kaitlyn dropped the earrings in surprise. "You're a baby!" she declared as she followed Joanna.

"Yeah. A baby," echoed Renae. The girls continued to taunt Joanna and call her names. Tears stung her eyes, but she walked on.

When Joanna got home, she told her mother what had happened. "I'm proud of you!" Mom said. "It was very wise of you to leave." Mom hugged Joanna tightly. "Remember when I cleaned the floor earlier today?" asked Mom. "The best way to keep Patches safe was to keep her away from the temptation of the cleaning solution. The best way for you to keep from being a part of stealing today was to walk away from Kaitlyn and Renae. I think it will be wise to spend less time with them in the future, too.")


   You shall not follow a crowd to do evil. Exodus 23:2HOW ABOUT YOU?

When you're with others who are planning to do wrong, do you stay with them or do you leave as soon as possible? It's hard to be the only one to walk away, but it's the best way to avoid taking part in doing things that God forbids. If you spend a lot of time with people who make fun of you for following God's plan, it's time to look for new friends.THE KEY: Turn away from sin

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 24, 2009TITLE: Flying High

SCRIPTURE: Romans 8:1-9

AUDIO: *Listen Now!


Luke sat at his desk, which was covered with various parts and decals for his model airplane. Almost done! I just have to get this propeller on, he told himself. His fingers clutched the the plane as he tried to attach the propeller. Suddenly, he heard a crunch. He had held the plane so tightly that he caused a large crack above one wing. Then, like so many times before, he gave in to anger. "This is the dumbest thing," Luke muttered. "The dumbest, dumbest, dumbest thing!" He flung the plane against the wall. Luke felt hot tears of shame. He hunched over his desk, laid his head on his arms, and cried.

That evening, Luke showed the plane to his dad. "I totally ruined it," said Luke sadly. "Why do I get so mad about things? Will I ever get over that?"

Dad turned the mangled plane in his hands. "Are you familiar with the law of gravity?" he asked. Luke nodded. "Then you know gravity holds everything-including airplanes-to the ground. So how can an airplane ever get up in the air?"

"We talked about that in science," said Luke. "A greater law-it's called aerodynamics-overcomes the law of gravity."

"Right." Dad nodded and moved the plane along the table top. "As the plane moves forward, air pressure under the wing pushes upward, creating lift. The faster the plane moves, the greater the lift. When the lift becomes greater than the force of gravity, you have . . ."

"Take-off," said Luke. He sighed. "But what's that got to do with my getting mad about stuff?"

Dad gave Luke a gentle smile. "Luke, with your temper, you're like an airplane stuck on the ground," he said. "The law of gravity might be compared to what the Bible calls the 'law of sin and death.' When you're controlled by the law of sin, you can't gain victory over that temper of yours."

"I . . . I guess not," murmured Luke.

"You need help from a higher law-a force greater than the law of sin that pins you down," said Dad. "You've trusted in Jesus as Savior, so that greater force is available to you! You have the Holy Spirit. When you feel your temper rising, immediately ask for His power to help you 'fly above' your anger instead of giving in to it.")


   He (Jesus) who is in you is greater than he (Satan) who is in the world. 1 John 4:4HOW ABOUT YOU?

Do you have trouble controlling your temper? By losing self-control, do you hurt yourself and others? God wants you to have victory over that sin. If you know Jesus, the Holy Spirit is available to help you and give you power to control your temper. Each time you feel angry, stop and pray. Ask for help in overcoming the temptation to respond with angry words and actions.THE KEY: Control your temper with God's help

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 25, 2009TITLE: The Special Sandwich

SCRIPTURE: Philippians 4:11-13


"Mom, can I ride Courtney's new tricycle while she takes a nap?" asked Whitney.

Mom shook her head. "I think you're too big for it, honey," she said.

"Okay," said Whitney just as the phone rang. She ran to answer it.

A few minutes later, Whitney held her hand over the mouthpiece. "Jamie wants to know if I can go to the mall with her. Can I, please?" she asked eagerly. "Her mom will take us and pick us up."

"I'm sorry, honey," said Mom. "I don't thin k it's a good idea for kids your age to run around in the mall alone."

Whitney talked with Jamie a few minutes longer, then hung up the phone. "You let Hillary go to the mall with her friends, but I can't! I'm too little to go to the mall, and I'm too big to ride the tricycle," she complained. "I'm stuck in between. I never have any fun."

"Sure you do," said Mom. "It's lunchtime, and I know you enjoy working in the kitchen. How about making a couple of sandwiches for our lunch?"

"Okay," said Whitney, but as she pulled out a loaf of bread, and banged the peanut butter jar on the counter, Mom knew she was still not happy. Knives clattered, and a spoon "jumped" to the floor when Whitney jerked a drawer open. "I hate being the middle kid!" she grumbled.

Mom watched her for a moment. "Honey, why are you putting peanut butter and jelly on the bread?" she asked. "Why not make sandwiches without any filling?"

"You mean . . . use just plain bread?" asked Whitney. "That doesn't sound good. I want something besides bread!"

Mom smiled. "Filling is an important part of the sandwich," she agreed. "In a way, God gave me a special, wonderful 'sandwich.' He gave me Hillary and Courtney for my two special 'pieces of bread.' He gave me you for my 'filling.'"

Whitney leaned against the counter and thought about Mom's words. Then she spread peanut butter on a piece of bread and covered it with jelly. She put another piece of bread on top of the jelly and placed the sandwich on a plate. Mom leaned down and gave her a hug. "Careful, Mom," said Whitney with a grin. "Don't squeeze your 'filling' too hard."


   I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content. Philippians 4:11HOW ABOUT YOU?

How do you feel about your place in the family? Do you wish you were older? Or would you rather be younger? Whether you're the oldest, the youngest, the middle, or the only child in your family, God put you in that special place for a purpose. It's a place only you can fill. With His help, discover the good things about it, be content in it, and enjoy it.THE KEY: Be content with your place in the family

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 26, 2009TITLE: Silly Rules

SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 4:1-4; Ephesians 6:1-3

AUDIO: *Listen Now!


"I got a new ring last week," Jane told her friend Andrea, who had come to play. "I inherited it from my grandma after she died. Mom's keeping it for me until I'm older."

"Can I see it?" asked Andrea.

"Maybe when Mom comes back in from the garden," Jane said. "I'm not supposed to get the ring out without permission."

"Don't be a baby," said Andrea. "You have such silly rules at your house! What good is a ring if it stays in a box?" After Andrea made several more remarks, Jane did something she knew was wrong-she got her ring from her mother's jewelry box. "Let me try it on," said Andrea, and she slipped it on her finger. "I think I'll wear it awhile," she announced. Jane frowned but didn't object.

Mom had said the girls could go to the park across the street, so they played there for a while. "I need my ring now," said Jane as they returned home. "I've got to put it away before Mom sees it's missing."

"Oh, all right," grumbled Andrea. She took the ring off and turned to give it to Jane. But as she let it go, she stumbled. The ring fell to the pavement, bounced once, and disappeared down a drain.

"My ring!" gasped Jane. Andrea headed for her own home while Jane ran into the house and tearfully told her mom what had happened. "Andrea said we have silly rules and that I was acting like a baby," said Jane. "I was afraid she wouldn't like me anymore if I didn't let her wear the ring. Now it's lost forever!"

"I'm afraid you're right," replied Mom. "I'll check with the city sewer service, but it's probably impossible to get it back." Mom shook her head. "Honey," she said, "soon you'll be a teenager, and more and more 'friends' will tell you that our rules-and also God's rules-are silly. If you listen to them, you may lose things more valuable than that ring."

"Like what?" asked Jane.

"Well," said Mom, "if you do some things they want you to-use drugs or alcohol, for example, or lie or steal-your behavior could result in very serious and lasting consequences. Any time you're tempted to take advice that doesn't please God, remember what happened to Grandma's ring and say no!"


   If sinners entice you, do not consent. Proverbs 1:10HOW ABOUT YOU?

Do you allow friends to influence you to do things that displease God? Perhaps they encourage you to cheat in school, disobey rules, say unkind things, or share bad jokes. Following their suggestions is very foolish, and it can have unhappy, long-lasting consequences. Obey God-His rules are not silly or foolish. Listen to Him, not to those who do not love Him.THE KEY: Listen to parents and to God

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 27, 2009

TITLE: Public School Prayers

SCRIPTURE: Acts 4:18-20; 1 Peter 4:10-11

AUDIO: *Listen Now!


"Miss Callahan!" Erich called. "Manny is breaking the school rules!"

"What's he doing?" asked Miss Callahan.

"He's praying on school property," replied Erich, smirking.

Miss Callahan smiled. "It's okay if Manny prays," she said. "He doesn't know about rules."

Manny was the new classroom pet-specifically, the classroom insect. He was a praying mantis who lived in the fifth graders' herb garden. As Erich and some of his friends hunkered down to peek at the big, green bug, Manny sat motionless beneath a large, fragrant basil leaf.

"Praying mantises protect gardens from harmful insect intruders," Miss Callahan explained. "Mantises wait in a prayer-like posture for just the right moment to pounce. They watch for bugs to have for their meals."

That evening during supper, Erich told his family about the "praying" insect. His little sister looked surprised. "I thought we weren't allowed to pray at school," she said. "What do you think Manny was praying about?"

"Oh, he doesn't really pray," Erich said. "It just looks like that's what he's doing. Miss Callahan says he's really just sitting still, quietly waiting to catch bugs."

Dad nodded. "We can learn a valuable lesson from your class insect," he said.

"Like what?" asked Erich.

"There may be times when you're not permitted to pray out loud-at school, for example, or some public places," said Dad. "But you can always pray quietly like Manny appears to be doing."

"That's right," Mom chimed in. "You can pray in a quiet voice that only God hears, and it's actually an opportunity to be a testimony to others without breaking any rules. You can fold your hands in prayer. You can also bow your head, and that indicates prayer, too."

Erich nodded thoughtfully. "Manny watches quietly for food to eat," he said. "I can watch for kids who need to know Jesus. I can be a testimony to them by letting them see me silently praying. And I can pray for them, too.")


  & nbsp;God of my salvation, I have cried out day and night before You . . . let my prayer come before You. Psalm 88:1HOW ABOUT YOU?

Do you quietly pray when you're in public places? Sometimes audible public prayer is not allowed, but God has no trouble hearing silent prayers. Whenever possible, use those times to witness for the Lord, not by breaking rules and praying out loud, but by bowing your head in school or a restaurant for a quiet prayer. Most people are familiar with that action and recognize that you're praying to God. It's one way of acknowledging Him in front of others.THE KEY: Be a testimony as you pray

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 28, 2009TITLE: Dump the Junk

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 18:21-22; Colossians 3:12-13

AUDIO: *Listen Now!


Jack and his mother sat on the floor with one of his dresser drawers beside them. "I want to keep that!" exclaimed Jack as Mom tossed a worn out toy into a trash bag. Mom was helping him clean out his drawers, and she kept wanting to throw things away.

"Why keep all this junk?" Mom asked. "It doesn't leave room for all the good things you have."

"Junk!" exclaimed Jack. "Those are good things."

"Good things?" echoed Mom, pointing to some chipped marbles and a small motorcycle with only one wheel. "These things should be dumped in the trash."

Jack picked up the motorcycle. "But this was my favorite motorcycle," he said. "It would still be good if Reece hadn't broken it! He always wanted to play with it, and he took it home one day even though I never said he could. When he brought it back, a wheel was gone!" Jack scowled. "It makes me mad when I think about it," he added.

"That happened a long time ago," Mom answered gently.

"I don't care," said Jack stubbornly. "It still makes me really mad!"

Mom shook her head. "I think you may need to put more than this junk in the trash."

"What do you mean?" asked Jack.

"It sounds like you're hanging on to some miserable memories and resentment," explained Mom. "Not long ago, Reece asked to use something else of yours, and you reminded him of the broken motorcycle-even though he has apologized many times for breaking it. The Bible says to 'put away' all bitterness and wrath. That's like dumping it in the trash, and I don't think you've done that yet."

Jack was quiet for a few minutes as he thought about what Mom had said. Then he slowly placed the broken motorcycle in the trash can. "You know what?" he asked with a grin. "Reece asked if he could use my baseball mitt tomorrow-and I'm going to let him.")


   Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you. Ephesians 4:31HOW ABOUT YOU?

Are you angry abo ut something that happened long ago? Did someone scratch your bike? Did a friend choose someone else first for the team? Did somebody criticize something you did? Ask Jesus to help you forgive people who have hurt your feelings or ruined your stuff. Dump your "junk"-put it out of your life.THE KEY: Don't hold grudges

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 29, 2009TITLE: Foolish Frogs

SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 4:14-19


As Colin dangled his fishing line into the pond, he watched two frogs that seemed to be fighting over a place to sit on a nearby log. Colin laughed as both frogs fell into the water and began swimming and splashing as though playing a game.

A moment later, a large snake slithered onto the log. It lay very still, and Colin decided it wanted to sleep in the sun. The fro gs swimming nearby also noticed the snake and moved quickly away. But then, they came back, and little by little, they got closer again. Maybe they're checking to see if that snake is really sleeping, thought Colin. The snake seemed to pay no attention to them, and gradually the frogs came so close that they were within its reach. Colin felt frozen to the spot as the snake suddenly came to life and grabbed the nearest frog. That foolish frog was soon swallowed, and the other one swam away quickly. Colin ran home to tell his parents what he had seen.

The next day, Colin came home from school with news. "Remember Brian? The kid I used to play with sometimes?" he asked. "He's always getting into trouble lately. Like . . . once he cheated on a spelling test, and another time he was pestering the little kids. Today he got caught taking money from a teacher's desk, and now he's suspended from school!" Colin shook his head. "I don't know how he got so messed up."

Dad put his arm around Colin's shoulders. "Remember the frogs and the snake?" he asked. "You said the frogs noticed the snake and swam away. So why did one get caught?"

"Well, they swam away, but then they came back. It didn't seem like the snake was going to hurt them," replied Colin. "But then they just got too close."

Dad nodded. "The devil likes to 'catch' us that way," he said. "First we might be shocked at a wrong thing someone does. Then we get used to it and think it's not so bad. It goes on and on from there until we even do it ourselves."

"So that's probably what happened to Brian," he said thoughtfully.

Dad no dded. "We all need to guard against getting used to what we call 'little' sins. We should never see how close we can get to sin without being hurt by it. Instead, we need to quickly turn away from it.")


Proverbs 4:14-15   Do not walk in the way of evil. Avoid it . . . Turn away from it and pass on.HOW ABOUT YOU?

Do you get too close to things you know are wrong-just wanting to have a little fun but having no intention to do anything really bad? Do you think it's okay to just try something once-or maybe even a few times-as long as you don't get too caught up in it? Be careful! Living close to sin is dangerous. Be smart and stay far away from it. Otherwise, sin may swallow you up!THE KEY: Don't get close to sin

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 30, 2009TITLE: God's Children

SCRIPTURE: Romans 8:14-17


Brad sat at the dining room table with his mother, father, and two older brothers. He had been part of the family for exactly nine years now. As they held hands, Brad's dad prayed. "Father in heaven, today we celebrate the day You brought Brad to our family. Thank You for letting us adopt him. He has brought us great joy. Bless our son in every way. In Jesus' name. Amen."< p>When Brad looked up and saw his mother's smile, he felt warm and wonderful inside-but now that he was in fifth grade, he had questions. Being adopted held mysteries, and he had been asking about them.

During family devotions that day, Brad listened closely when his father referred to adoption during Bible times. "Historians tell us that many sons were adopted," said Dad. "In fact, some people believe Mary's husband, Joseph, adopted Jesus as his very own son, even though God Himself was Jesus' real father."

Mom smiled. "You're in good company, Brad," she said, giving him a hug.

"In Bible times, a man with no children would adopt a son in order to pass on all that he owned," added Dad. "That son took the man's name and called him 'Father.'"

Keith, the oldest boy in the family, kicked Brad playfully. "Hey! No fair!" Keith teased. "We'll be glad to share the inheritance with you, but you don't get it all!"

"Dad was talking about guys with no children," retorted Bradley. "Dad has children, but if you don't start listening better, may be he'll decide to disown you."

Dad smiled. "I'd never do that," he said, "and the wonderful thing is that God will never disown His children, either. He not only created us, but when we receive Jesus as Savior, He also adopts us into His family. Then we can call God 'Father.' What a privilege!"

"And what about the inheritance?" asked Keith, grinning.

Dad laughed. "The inheritance we have as God's children is far greater than our little minds can fathom," he said. "The Bible says we're 'heirs of God' and 'joint-heirs with Christ.' It couldn't get any better than that!")


   Having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ. according to . . . His will. Ephesians 1:5HOW ABOUT YOU?

Do you realize that God wants to be your heavenly Father? He paid a great price. He gave Jesus, His only Son, to take the punishment for your sin, and give you eternal life. Accept His offer to become His adopted child. Then you can look forward to eternity in heaven as a "joint-heir" with Jesus. (See the ABCs of salvation at the end of this book.)THE KEY: Christians call God "Father"

Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for October 31, 2009TITLE: Proper Balance

SCRIPTURE: James 1:21-25


Ryan, Janna, and Mom took off on horseback down the dirt road-Ryan and Janna on Velvet, and Mom on Lady. Ryan glanced back toward the stable. "Look," he said. "Dad is feeding Buster his grain." Buster was an older horse, and when he ate with the others, he often got pushed away from his own grain by Lady, who tried to be the boss of the barnyard.

"Oh, good," said Janna. "F or once he gets to enjoy his afternoon treat in peace." She patted Velvet. "You sure don't need it, do you, Velvet?" she asked. "You're fat enough already."

Mom nodded. "I noticed that, too," she said. "Your dad says it's because all Velvet does is eat. He says she needs to be ridden or exercised every day."

"Janna and I can do that," said Ryan. "Can we canter? That would be good for Velvet." Mom agreed, and they were off.

As they unsaddled the horses later, the children told Dad about their ride. "One of us is going to exercise Velvet every day," Ryan said, and Janna nodded.

"Good," Dad said approvingly. "She needs it. She's too much like a lot of Christians I know."

Ryan looked at his father. "What do you mean, Dad?" he asked.

"Like Velvet, some Christians eat a lot but don't get much exercise," said Dad. "Spiritually, that is." He grinned at the kids' puzzled glances. "Christians 'eat' by going to church, reading their Bibles, and hearing good Bible messages," he explained, "but some fail to 'exercise' their faith in practical ways."

"Like what?" asked Janna.

"Well, they hardly ever witness or do anything to serve the Lord. They're just getting fat spiritually," replied Dad.

Mom nodded. "Good point," she said as she patted Buster. "There are also Christians like this old horse. He gets enough exercise, but he doesn't always get enough to eat. Christians like him may do many things to serve the Lord, but they don't take time to get

spiritual food. They don't read the Bible on their own or attend church and Sunday school regularly. They're getting spiritually skinny."

"We need a proper balance between food and exercise," said Dad, "not only physically, but also spiritually.")


   Be doers of the word, (Jesus) and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. James 1:22HOW ABOUT YOU?

Do you read the Bible, attend church and Sunday school, and spend time with good Christian friends? That's good. You should do those things. Are you also exercising your faith-witnessing and serving God? You can be involved in church activities, tell a neighbor what you learned in Sunday school, or invite a friend to church. Be a well-balanced Christian. Ask God to show you what area you need to work on.THE KEY: Hear God's Word and "do"
