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Keystone and Foundation Species

Date post: 16-May-2015
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Describes labels given to species of critical importance in an ecosystem.
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Keystone or Foundation Species?
Page 1: Keystone and Foundation Species

Keystone or Foundation Species?

Page 2: Keystone and Foundation Species

Keystone or Foundation?

•  Keystone •  Pisaster ochraceus is an

efficient predator of the common mussel, Mytilus californicus.

•  It reduces abundance of M. californicus, allowing other macroinvertebrates to persist.

•  If Pisaster present = diverse intertidal community.

Based on the research of Dr. Robert T. Paine

Page 3: Keystone and Foundation Species

(a) The sea star Pisaster ochraceous feeds preferentially on mussels but will consume other invertebrates.

With Pisaster (control)

Without Pisaster (experimental) N


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(b) When Pisaster was removed from an intertidal zone, mussels eventually took over the rock face and eliminated most other invertebrates and algae. In a control area from which Pisaster was not removed, there was little change in species diversity.

Dr. Robert T. Paine’s Work

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Keystone or Foundation?

•  Keystone •  Removing three species of

kangaroo rats changed a desert plain into an arid grassland. In areas without kangaroo rats, grasses filled in between the shrubs, stems and other plant litter accumulated, large-seeded plants replaced those with smaller seeds, snow melted more slowly and the numbers of the other rodents increased significantly.

Based on the research of Dr. James H. Brown

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Keystone or Foundation? •  Keystone •  Their burrows act as homes to

other creatures, including burrowing owls, badgers, rabbits, black-footed ferrets, snakes, salamanders, and insects.

•  Their burrowing activity works to loosen and churn up the soil, increasing its ability to sustain plant life.

•  Their foraging and feeding practices enable a more nutritious, diverse and nitrogen-rich mixture of grasses and forbs (broad-leafed vegetation) to grow.

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Keystone or Foundation?

•  Foundation •  Dominant primary producer

that provides food and shelter for many other species

*Note: Some authors, including Miller, equate this with “engineer” type keystone species

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Effects of losing the “keystone” predator…

•  A trophic cascade- in a food web, the

cascading effect that a change in the size of one population (usually an apex predator) in the web has on the populations below it

Example: Gray Wolf in Yellowstone National Park (Wolf -> Elk -> Cottonwood/Aspen/Willow -> Bird Populations)

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Don’t forget…

•  A keystone species is one that has a disproportionate impact on its ecosystem when compared to its abundance.

•  A foundation species is usually a primary producer that dominates an ecosystem in abundance and influence.

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•  http://www.washington.edu/research/pathbreakers/1969g.html (starfish)

•  http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CE1DB1530F936A15751C1A966958260 (kangaroo rats)

•  http://www.prairiedogs.org/keystone.html (praire dogs)

•  http://www.eoearth.org/article/Global_marine_biodiversity_trends (kelp)
