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Khabbar XXVIII No. 4 Page: 1 K habbar North American Konkani Newsletter Volume XXVIII No. 4 October, November, December - 2005 From: The Honorary Editor, "Khabbar" P. O. Box 222 Lake Jackson, TX 77566 - 0222 XXVIII-4 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED TO: FIRST CLASS
  • Khabbar XXVIII No. 4 Page: 1

    K h a b b a r

    North American Konkani Newsletter

    Volume XXVIII No. 4 October, November, December - 2005

    From: The Honorary Editor, "Khabbar" P. O. Box 222 Lake Jackson, TX 77566 - 0222 XXVIII-4 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED



  • Khabbar XXVIII No. 4 Page: 2

    Khabbar Follies In this section, Khabbar looks into the Konkani community and anything and everything that is Konkani from a Konkani point of view. The names will never be published but geographic location will be identified in general terms.

    There is no doubt in my mind that Khabbar is a part & parcel of life of Konkanis in North America. In fact, Khabbar has developed a special relation with most of the Konkani families and here are some examples of those close encounters of a different kind….…… ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is obvious that Khabbar and the regional “official”un-official correspondents are doing a great job in collecting and sending the news on a regular basis. But, while sending the news they kind of show off their humor in a typical Konkani style and here are the example of couple of them: (1) This NJ correspondent was rather late with his news but, anyway sends the news with the following note: Happy holidays to you and your esteemed editorial staff. Here is some khabbar (Chicke Nivala, but what the hell ....microwaveantu ghali).

    (2) Certain correspondents automatically “rise” to the occasion and promote themselves and even give titles for their function. This Northeast correspondent calls himself: Eastern Chief Correspondent of Khabbar !


    Khabbar and its annual dues of $15 brings the best in Konkanis and here’s a note I rec’d from this family from MI: Dear Vasant, I was reading Khabbar—in the middle of the night—when I noticed that I had not paid you for 2003 or 2004! I am sending a check that covers both the years and on top of that I am adding additional contribution to Khabbar, a tribute to the wonderful service you are performing for our community. Editor’s Note: Reading Khabbar in the middle of the night! I hope you don’t loose sleep over the dues (non)payment!?!


    Dear Konkani family, It is time to renew your subscription for 2006! Please, note that you have the FREE access to the eKhabbar, the electronic version of Khabbar, by logging on to ekhabbar.com. If you want hard copy, then only remit your subscription for 2006 at $15.00 a year. Please, don't pay for future years! Fill the form below and send your subscription with a check payable to Khabbar to P. O. Box 222, Lake Jackson, TX 77566-0222. (Canadian Konkanis please pay cash or MO in US$) Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ Spouse Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _____________________________________________________________________________ Email ID: _____________________________________________________________________________

    …………………………………………………………………………………………………Children…………………………………………………………………………………………………… Name Boy/Girl d.o.b. Hobby/Interest ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Comments, if any: ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Khabbar XXVIII No. 4 Page: 3

    Quarterly Newsletter For Circulation to the Konkani Community in North America

    Volume XXVIII No. 4 October, November, December - 2005 Honorary Editor: Mr. Vasanth Bhat

    Mailing Address: P. O. Box 222

    Lake Jackson, TX 77566-0222 www.ekhabbar.com

    Tel: (979)-299-3210 Email: [email protected]

    Annual Subscription: $15.00 Make check payable to "Khabbar" & mail to P.O.Box 222,Lake Jackson, TX 77566-0222

    The Editorial Committee reserves the right to exclude, edit and correct all material received for publication and does not accept any responsibility for views expressed by authors of the publications.

    E D I T O R I A L Dear Konkani family, I hope all is well with you and your family. This issue of Khabbar has been mailed to ALL families that have paid dues at least once since 2001. In other words, families who have not paid since 2000 will not be receiving this issue and for families that have paid only in 2001, this will be the last time they will receive the hard copy of Khabbar. The numbers on the mailing label clearly indicate the year/s the dues for Khabbar has been received since 2001 and if there is any error let me know. The on-line version of Khabbar, ekhabbar, will be on the web a quarter after the hard copies have been mailed. This issue has not been mailed to families that have specifically indicated that they will access ekhabbar. It is time to renew your subscription for 2006. Send your subscription with a check payable to Khabbar to P. O. Box 222, Lake Jackson, TX 77566-0222. The Advisory Committee of Khabbar is glad that the annual dues will remain the same at $15.00 a year and for that you get: • Four issues of the Khabbar, • Annual Mailing List and • Discounted advertisement rates. The 2006 Khabbar Mailing List will be mailed only to families that have paid their subscriptions for 2005. The Khabbar

    Mailing List is a prized possession of our community and help me to keep it up-to-date. Thanks to Konkani Association of Ontario (KAO), the list has reached a milestone with more than 2,000 addresses! Send names and addresses of Konkani families that are not in the list to P. O. Box 222, Lake Jackson, TX 77566-0222, or email [email protected] and rest be assured that I’ll “khabbarize” them! The advantages of this list cannot be over emphasized. The article in this issue says it all. Khabbar will publish all the developments and progress made by The North American Konkani Association (NAKA) on an on-going basis. Send your constructive suggestions to any of the Directors of the NAKA Board. The preparations for the event of 2006 are taking shape on a grand scale. The KonCANi Sammelan – 2006 in Hamilton will be an event no Konkani in North America or in the world should miss! The various committees and their volunteers are already at work to prove that this will be worth your time and money. Visit their website (www.konkani2006.com) to find out more about this great event of 2006. The unofficial Khabbar correspondents in your area who send in the hoon khabbars on a regular basis are doing an outstanding job. Remember, if it did not appear in Khabbar, then it did not happen in North America! If your area

    is not represented wholly, let me know and I'll recruit more volunteers. You send the news items via email ([email protected]). On the Quiz front, Khabbar has still remained as an undefeated champion! Remember, anyone getting correct solutions to 4 consecutive issues will get free subscription to Khabbar for a year. With the Foundation Stone laid for the ambitious project, Konkani Kendra, the Konkani Bhas Ani Sanskriti Pratistan is looking for more financial support. Thanks to Basti Ganapathi Shenoy who has devised a method wherein families wanting to help Konkani Bhas Ani Sanskriti Pratistan can do so with relative ease! Call him at (702)-341-6706 or email: [email protected] if interested to extend your help for this worthy cause. Khabbar will always publish appeals for charity free of charge but cannot collect money on behalf of any charity. Families are encouraged to send the money directly to the concerned charities. With the year 2006 fast approaching, I hope the struggle to rid terrorism from this world will materialize soon. Hope Peace & Tranquility will prevail. Happy Holidays & Happy New Year to you all. Devu Boren Karo.

    Vasanth Honorary Editor

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    Letters to the Editor ......Letters to the Editor will be considered for publication unless the writer requests otherwise. Letters may be edited for publication. Editor reserves the right not to publish anonymous letters. Initials only on request if the writer includes his or her name. Dear Vasanth Mam, Please publish the following URL in the next issue of the Khabbar for the benefit of Bantwal Baliga Family members residing in the US. It’s an online version of the Family Tree of Bantwal Baliga Family. www.bantwalbaliga.com Thank you Very much

    Gurudath Baliga, Mangalore [email protected]

    ***** Dear Vasanthmaam, A strong urge to all Konkanis – especially middle aged or older, to have full health physicals annually to detect certain controllable silent diseases such as Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol, to name the most important. Quality of life is extremely important, especially when everyone has obligations to their own families. May be Khabbar can increase awareness of promoting health within Konkanis, through publishing articles of interest in that field.

    Dr. Sachin Kamath, Plainview, NY [email protected]

    Editor’s Reply: It is an excellent suggestion and Khabbar will make room to publish articles from knowledgeable people within our community if and when they are willing to share their wisdom.


    Dear editor, On behalf of SPREAD INDIA org, we organized our 3rd Deepavali & Fund Raising Event on Nov 12 in Southfield, Michigan, USA and raised over $ 35,000 to help underprivileged children for their education in India. I would like to request you to publish on your newspaper about our whole event, our SPREAD INDIA org, and its activities. That will give many more people to find out about our SPREAD INDIA org and participate in our activities, and help

    underprivileged children in rural India. Please find the summary of the event at http://www.spreadindia.org/Deepavali_FundRaising_Event_2005_Summary.asp Please find our one of the guest speakers speech at http://www.spreadindia.org/Deepavali_FundRaising_Event_2005_Speech_NarendarReddy.asp Thank you.

    Sridhar Patel President, SPREAD INDIA

    [email protected] ******

    Dear Sri Vasant Bhat, On behalf of the Managing committee and trustees I express my heartfelt gratitude to you for publishing the appeal of the G.S.B.Scholarship League in your popular "Khabbar" magazine (Vol. XXVIII No. 3). We are more grateful to you for making your personal contribution to the League. Hope your endowment will be followed by many like-minded people from USA. We have many of our beneficiaries in USA who have been initially supported by the League. Thank you once again and with regards,

    Gita R.Pai [email protected]

    ****** Dear Members of Ekhabbar, My name is Shyam Tanguturi, and I'm one of the Co-Presidents of Harvard Dharma: Harvard's Hindu Students Association. Dharma is a student organization at Harvard College dedicated to promoting religious exploration and awareness, with over 300 members and some of the most active membership on campus. Over the past two years, Dharma has grown tremendously and has embarked on a variety of new endeavors. One of new projects for this year includes the creation of an annual Hinduism Journal, Swadharma. This journal promises to provide a

    scholarly forum for debate, discussion, and awareness of Hindu topics and traditions that may concern a large number of people. Though based at Harvard University, we hope that this magazine will be distributed nationwide through various contacts, temples, and Hindu organizations. I write to you now asking for some advice regarding this large endeavor. As a reputed North American Konkani Quarterly newsletter, Ekhabbar must undoubtedly have contacts and information that might be extremely helpful to us at Dharma. First of all, do you know of any potential individuals or organizations that would be able to contribute articles to our journal? Second, do you think Ekhabbar would have the capacity to help fund this endeavor or help advertise this Journal? As a student organization, we have very limited funding and require as much outside assistance as is possible. If this may be possible, to whom can I submit a grant proposal? Third, do you know of any other organizations, publications, or individuals who may be capable of providing additional funding or support for Swadharma? I apologize for inundating you with this many questions, but given your success and great reputation in the US, we found it only fitting to come to you for advice and assistance for this great endeavor. If you would like more information about our Journal, please see http://www.harvarddharma.org/resources/swadharma/ We really appreciate your taking the time to help students of our generation pursue these forms of interests and look forward to hearing from you soon. With sincerest thanks,

    Shyam Tanguturi Co-President, Harvard Dharma

    Email: [email protected] ******

    Send your “hoon khabbars” to: Khabbar, PO Box 222 Lake Jackson, TX 77566-0222 Email: [email protected]

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    Hoon Khabbar Congratulations:

    ATUL, s/o Pandu & Jayanthi Nayak of Katy, TX was honored for earning 200 AR (accelerated Reading) Points in his second Grade. He was the first student ever to accumulate 200 AR points in the history of West Memorial Elementary. In the school year he read over 400 books to reach 261 AR points a record for the school. He received trophy for his hard work and great reading skill. He continues to be a voracious reader. The mayor of Hamilton and the city council has chosen to honour RAMANATH KAMATH of Hamilton, ONT and four other individuals for their tireless efforts to promote racial harmony and bring awareness about the hate crimes to the community. The award ceremony took place in the Hamilton City hall starting at 1:30 pm on Sunday October 2, 2005. It was followed by a reception with cocktail and light snacks. It is a matter of pride to know that someone from our Konkani community is being recognized for his efforts in promoting racial harmony. GOVIND RAO BOLOOR of Clearlake, TX started his own consulting company, GRB Power Consultants. Maharashtra's SANMESH MAHESH KALYANPUR, 14, was one of the Seventeen children, including five girls, have been named for this year's National Bravery Awards, which were presented to them by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the eve of Republic Day in New Delhi in January 2005. Sanmesh is son of Mahesh Kalyanpur, who is an Executive in SVC Bank and also the spearhead of 'Project aamchi', being KSA’s office bearer. The Sigma-Aldrich Corporation's Board of Directors announced the appointment of JAI NAGARKATTI, 58, President and CEO effective January 1, 2006. He will succeed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

    David Harvey, 66, who will continue to serve as Chairman of the Company's Board of Directors. Jai Nagarkatti was also elected today as a member of the Board of Directors. Speaking on behalf of the Board, David R. Harvey stated, "Jai Nagarkatti is a very seasoned and knowledgeable leader who has had a major impact on the success and growth of Sigma-Aldrich. His experience and insight into our business will serve the Company well as we continue our focus on Life Science and High Technology." Jai Nagarkatti noted, "I am pleased by the vote of confidence that the Board of Directors and David Harvey have given me and I look forward to the challenge of accelerating the performance of Sigma-Aldrich and strengthening the Company's position as a worldwide leader in our research and fine chemical businesses." The 29-year Sigma-Aldrich career of Jai Nagarkatti has spanned R&D, production, operations and sales and marketing. Since August 2004, he has been Chief Operating Officer and President. Previously he served as the President of the largest research division and the fine chemicals business. Jai Nagarkatti, a U.S. citizen, was born in Hyderabad, India. He obtained his Master's degree in chemistry at Osmania University in Hyderabad and subsequently a Ph.D. in organic chemistry at Texas A&M University.

    Konkani Graduates: ANIL, s/o Tara and Krishna Prabhu Of Jackson Heights, Queens, NY, graduated from St. John's University School of Law with a Juris Doctor degree. Among his activities at St. John's, Anil was a senior staff member of the New York International Law Journal. Currently awaiting results from the New York Bar Association, Anil would like to pursue a career in the field of intellectual property law. MAYA, d/o Irvathur Narasimha & Kanaka Nayak, Hazard, KY received her J.D. from Yale Law School in

    May 2005. She is clerking for a federal judge in Philadelphia, PA. PREETA NAYAK GENTRY received her M.B.A. with Honors in May 2005 from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. She is working as a consultant for the Bridgespan Group. She and her husband, Craig, reside in Mountain View, CA. Preeta is d/o Irvathur Narasimha & Kanaka Nayak, Hazard, KY.

    New Arrivals:

    ARYA TARA, a baby girl to Gopal & Deepa Prabhu of San Jose, CA on August 7th 2005. A sister to big brother Arjun. Her maternal grandparents, Mr. D.K. Prabhu and Nirmala Prabhu are visiting her from Pune, India. And her paternal grandparents are Mr. B.S. Prabhu and Mrs. Swarna Prabhu of Chennai, India. NEVIN, a baby boy to Narendra & Niveditha of Brampton, Ont. on August 27th 2005. UMA, a baby girl to Shashin & Shilpa Surkund of Troy, MI on Nov.12th 2005. Visiting Uma are the paternal grand parents Shiv Shankar & Sheela Surkund from Mumbai. RIYA, a baby girl to Rajesh & Radhika Mallya of New Providence, NJ, a sister to Rohan. ARJUN, a baby boy to Narendra & Sunitha Bhat of Morganville, NJ, a brother to Roshni. ROSHIN HUNDI a baby boy, 7 lbs.7 oz and 20'' tall, to Anubhav & Seema Kamath of Minneapolis, MN on November 17th 2005. The grandparents are Jawahar & Aruna Kamath of Shakopee, MN and Gopi & Sheila Pai of Memphis, TN. ANTARA, a baby girl to Prashant & Anupama Kalle of Trabuco Canyon, CA on Nov. 29th 2005. A sister to Arya. The proud grandparents are Vasanth & Anjani Kalle of Mumbai

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    and Anand & Hemlata Korgaonkar of Goa. ARYAN, a baby boy to Mizar Krishnakumar & Jyotsna Pai of Mississauga, ON, Canada, on December 9th 2005 at the William Osler Health Centre, Brampton. The paternal grandson to Dr. Vasudev & Kasturi Pai, Mangalore and maternal first grandson Dr. Jagadish & Nandita Baliga, Bangalore, India.

    Engagements: Kum. ANURADHA, d/o Prabhakar & Mangala Shenoy of Gaithersburg, MD got engaged to Chi. AMIT, s/o Suhas & Sushama Bhat of Houston, TX on Saturday 17th Sep. 2005. At the Shenoy residence Nishchaya Tambula prayer, exchange of sweets and tambula took place in the presence of close family. The Engagement event was celebrated amidst friends and family at Cafe Spice over a luncheon. The event included a short & sweet movie clipping and a slide show that showed both, Anu and Amit from their infancy to the point of their fortuitous meeting. The new couple then exchanged rings, followed by karaoke music and some interesting games. Wedding will be held in May 2006. The Bhat's and Shenoy's thank all the friends and families for attending and sending their good wishes and blessings to Anu and Amit. Kum. SARITHA, d/o Banur & Ramani Dhruvakumar of Sudbury, MA engaged to Chi. NAVIN, s/o Dilip & Jayanthi Bhandarkar of San Ramon, CA during the Labor Day weekend.

    Newly Weds: Chi. NEERAJ, s/o Dayananda & Vidya Pai of West Chester, PA married to Sow. ALLISON BENTZ in Hershey, PA on Saturday July 30th 2005. Sow. SANGEETHA SHEILA, d/o Ratnakar & Sudha Bhandarkar of London, Ont. married to Chi. CHAITAN, s/o Suchita & late Sudarshan Nayak of Montreal, POQ, Aug. 6th 2005 in London, ON at Hilton Hotel.

    Sow. RASHMI PAMELA, d/o Ratnakar & Sudha Bhandarkar of London, Ont. married to Chi. ALEXANDER EDWARD, s/o Late Anne Marie & Alexander MacPhee Sept. 4th 2005 in Ottawa, ON at Marriott Hotel. Sow. APARNA, d/o Dilip & Vinoo Bhandarkar of Media, PA got married to Chi. ANDREW, s/o William & Barbara Thornton from R.I. on Sep. 17, 2005 at the DuPont Country Club. They met each other about 7 years ago at Penn State University and have been dating ever since. Both Aparna and Andrew did their undergraduate at Penn State U. in Business, majoring in International Business. Aparna is working for Pinnacle Foods as a Supply Chain Manager and Andrew works for Price Waterhouse Cooper in their bankruptcy department. They live in Philadelphia, PA. The Philadelphia Inquirer covered the marriage and the article/photos were published in their Sunday, November 6, 2005 edition. Sow. PRITHI, d/o Dr. & Mrs. Satish Nayak of Pittsburgh, PA married to Chi. JOHN, s/o Mr. & Mrs. Simon Kurland on Saturday October 29th 2005 at 4 O’clock in the afternoon at Skylands at Randolph, NJ. Sow. PRITI, d/o Damodar & Shobha Baliga of Brooklyn, NY married to Chi. ROBERT, s/o Dr. Robert Edward & Mrs. Shirley Rainer on Saturday November 5th 2005 at 4 O’clock in the afternoon at the Half Moon Resort in Montego Bay in Jamaica. Chi. SANDEEP, s/o Arvind & Neela Kamath, Houston, TX married to Sow. CHRISTINA, d/o Mr. & Mrs. Kwang Jae Lee on Saturday November 5th 2005 at 6 O’clock in the evening at Hilton Lincoln Centre in Dallas, TX. Sow. MONA, d/o Arun & Geetha Pai of Canonsburg, PA to Chi. NEAL, s/o Vijay & Sheela Karwande of Livonia, MI on Friday November 11th 2005 at the Pittsburgh Airport Hyatt. The Wedding was well attended by families from both sides and friends of the bride and the groom.

    SIDHYA, d/o Jay & Shanthi Jayakumar of Austin, TX married to MANEESH, s/o Amaresh & Jyoti Amancharla of Houston on Friday November 25th 2005 at 5 O’clock at The Terrace Club in Dripping Springs, TX followed by reception on Saturday November 26th at 6 O’clock at Omni Houston Westside in Houston, TX. Sow. AMITA, d/o Mr. Suren & Dr. Vidya Kamath of San Antonio, TX married to Chi. SANJAY, s/o Ram & Janki Pamnani of Mumbai on Saturday November 26th 2005 at 1:30 in the afternoon, followed by reception at the Hyatt Regency River walk San Antonio in San Antonio, TX. A Sangeet preceded the function on Friday November 25th 2005 at the same locale.

    Relocation: The BHAT family, Prashant & Seema, along with their children Samarth & Sarthak, have relocated from Campbellsville, KY to 2134 Canyon Court, Hebron, KY 41048. The new telephone is (859)-586-0489 and the email ID: [email protected] The SHENOY family, Ram & Bela, with their kids have relocated back to US and their new address is 24 Kendall Drive, Westborough, MA 01581. Our new telephone number: (508) 836-0291 and email ID: [email protected]. They were previously in Yokohama, Japan for three years and before that, 18 months in Paris, France. The KINI family, Damodara & Shobha have relocated Aurora, CO to 11601 S. Tumble Brush Street, Parker, CO 80134. The phone number remains unchanged at (303) 699-0166 and the email ID: [email protected] ASHWIN RAO relocated from Los Angeles, CA to 2285 W Broadway, Apt. L-328, Anaheim, CA 92804. His new Telephone (562) 716-8260 and email ID: [email protected] The KAMATH family, Raghuveera & Veena, with their kids, Divya & Vignesh have relocated with LasVegas, NV to 9901, West Sahara

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    Ave, apt 2181, Las Vegas, NV 89117. The telephone is (905)-671-4205 and email ID: [email protected] The PAI family, Arvind & Anastasia with kids have relocated from Mine Hill, NJ to 46 Marshall Avenue, Rockaway, NJ 07866. The new telephone is (973)-784-4269 and email ID: [email protected]

    60th Birthday Party: Family and friends of SUDHAKAR MALLYA of Wanaque, NJ celebrated his 60th birthday on October 28th 2005. Family and friends of SUDHAKARA B. SHENOY of Houston, TX celebrated his 60th birthday on November 25th 2005.

    25th Wedding Anniversary:

    Sheila, Sachin & Kirthan Shenoy with their family & friends celebrated the 25th Wedding Anniversary of their parents SURESH & USHA SHENOY of Sugarland, TX on Saturday December 3rd 2005 at Sugarland Banquet Hall in Sugarland, TX.

    Friends of ARUN & SHEELA MANELKAR of Edison, NJ, threw a surprise 25th anniversary party for the couple on 3 Dec, 2005. A good time was had by all.

    30th Wedding Anniversary: Mrs. Suman Nayak of Wanaque, NJ, with families & friends, threw a surprise 30th Wedding Anniversary party to her brothers, Prof. Dr. Vilas Prabhu of Milersville, PA and Prabhakar Prabhu (visiting from Bahrain) & their wives at her son Vinay Nayak's house.

    35th Wedding Anniversary: The 35th wedding anniversary celebrations for Drs GANESH & SHARDA PAI of West Columbia, SC was celebrated by family and friends on October 30th in Augusta, GA, at the Hindu Temple with a pooja followed by a dinner. Their daughter, Maya, put on a power point presentation walking her parents and the guests through the memory lane.

    Return to India: The PAI family of Madison, AL, Navin & Kiron, with their kids,

    Roopa, Priya & Rohit, have migrated back to India. Navin will be working for his company from Pune.

    Obituary: Smt. GIRIJA KAMATH (92) of Mangalore passed away peacefully on November 23rd 2005. Khabbar sends heartfelt condolences to her son Suren Kamath & family of San Antonio, TX. Shri B.V.BALIGA of Mangalore passed away on 10th December 2005. B.V.Baliga was a Famous Konkani activist and a writer as well as a poet. He was the founder editor of the famous Konkani Magazine 'Panchkadayi' (Started in 1967). He Served as President of Karnataka Konkani Sahithya Academy. Honoured with title 'Konkani Kalo' in First World Konkani Convention held in Mangalore. He not only wrote dialogues and lirics for the First Konkani feature film 'Janamana' he also acted in it. He was honoured with many a awards including Karnataka Pathrika Puraskar for his 50 years of service as a journalist.

    Konkani Happenings:

    Michkon Chavati & Ashtami The growing Michigan Konkani Association, MICHKON,. member community got together once again this year to celebrate Chavati and Ashtami under the leadership of Ravindra and Asha Nayak and this year's board. Approximately 200 adults and children performed Aarti, sang Bhajans, and recited Ashtottara led as usual by Krishna Nayak. An authentic dinner followed which included unlimited servings of Shevai and Rosu and Adgai, Modak, Pacchkajjai, Godu phovu, Valval, Channa upkari, Kolombo, Thoi, and other accompaniments! The Summer activities included the annual picnic, a cruise on the Detroit river and a community Satyanarayana puja and Munji for eligible Konkani boys.

    KAOCA samoohika chudi pooja Konkani Association Of California (KAOCA) organized samoohika chudi pooja during shravana maasa at the Hindu temple, Sunnyvale on Aug. 7th 2005. Even though this was a first for KAOCA to organize such an event, over 35 married ladies (Sumangalis) took part. Dressed in traditional Indian sarees & churidars they gathered at the Tulsi katte in front of the temple around 11:30AM with kalash, choodi & various other pooja samagri like haldhi, kumkum, gandha, veedo, akshatha, agarbathi and narlu kela. Ceremony was lead by Smt. Meena Nayak & Smt. Muktha Kamath. As planned the pooja was completed by noon. Later, ladies offered haldi, kumkum & chudi to Deity and exchanged chudi with other ladies too. Smt. Nandini's Shenoy's chudi was informally voted as the best among the lot. Many families stayed back for prasadam & preethi bhoj.

    KAOCA PICNIC Konkani Association Of California (KAOCA) held its annual picnic at the beautiful pavilion picnic area of central park in Santa Clara on Aug 20th 2005. Over 175+ adults & children attended this summer event. Registration desks were open at 11AM.Self serve stations with soft drinks & beer were setup at couple of spots in the circular picnic area. Chips & salsa was served till 1PM. As a special item, BBQ sweet corn was prepared onsite and served with condiments till 1:30PM.

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    Jumper was setup for kids to play on greens of the pavilion. Both, adults & kids enjoyed yet another special of this summer event in SnoCone. As usual, at KAOCA picnics, men enjoyed playing volleyball & cricket, while ladies socialized at various tables around the pavilion. Picnic lunch included daal, paneer tikka masala, chicken curry, tandoori chicken, raitha, pickle, naan and rice. KAOCA ladies served lunch between 1:30PM thru 2:30PM. Traditional Mango ice cream was served in cups & cones thereafter. Picnic games like 3-legged races, balancing lemon on spoon, shrinking island, limbo, tug of war were conducted. Ladies, gents & kids of all ages participated. KAOCA academy recognized the winners & Sri Mohan Savkoor distributed prizes. Ladies won the tug of war competition. The winners at this year's picnic games are given below: 3-legged Race: Kids Category 1 1st: Maya Pai & Aisha Pai 2nd: Anirudh Pai & Neel 3rd: Vijay & Mira Baliga Kids Category 2 1st: Sanjana & Kruthika 2nd: Rahul Nayak & Ashwin 3rd: Nina & Anuli Kshetramade Adults 1st: Kiran & Jyothi Kaushik 2nd: Vivek & Rashmi Rao 3rd: Shilpa & Seema

    Balancing Lemon on Spoon: Kids Category 1 1st Place: Vijay Baliga 2nd Place: Tanaya Kamath 3rd Place: Divya Shenoy Kids Category 2 1st Place: Kruthika 2nd Place: Samika 3rd Place: Buta Singh Kids Category 3 1st Place: Ashwin Kamath 2nd Place: Rahul Nayak

    3rd Place: Nina Kamath Limbo: 1st Place: Maya Pai 2nd Place: Nithika Chellapa 3rd Place: Aisha Pai Shrinking Island: 1st: Deepa & Arun Rao 2nd: Sujatha & Manohar Kamath 3rd: Shilpa & Sanjay Kshetramade

    By 4PM, KAOCA ladies had prepared chai & coffee. Watermelon & charmbura upkari was also served. The event was concluded after conducting the BINGO at around 5:30PM


    The 2005 American Midwest Konkani Association (AMKA) Committee launched a new event in the 25+ year successful history of the association and to no one’s surprise, the event was a huge success. On Saturday, Sept 10, a 2-decker boat, the Gold Coast Lady, went for a Konkani Kruise in the Chicago River and Lake Michigan, carrying 70 fun-loving guests made up of Konkanis from AMKA and many of their non-Konkani friends. The 70+ degree weather was a pleasant surprise and the high humidity evaporated giving to a pleasant breeze once we were out on the water. The theme of the cruise was “Jazz in the night”, appropriately named as Aug-Sept are Jazz and Swing months in Chicago. As many visitors to Chicago have experienced, the view of the city from the lake is spectacular, specially in the night, where most of the tall skyscrapers are brightly lit, outlining their unique structures and colors---the expansive, multi-colored Navy Pier with its brightly lit Ferris wheel, the bluish white of Standard Oil building, the dazzling white of the Wrigley building, the clover-shaped Lake Point and Harbor Point Towers, the imposing Sears Tower and the russet-red of the C.N.A building, to name a few landmarks. The backdrop of Frank Geary’s sweeping Art-deco outdoor concert theater and Anish Kapoor’s “CLOUDGATE” sculpture in the new Millennium Park of Chicago were equally eye-catching. Promptly at 10PM, the eastern sky lit up brilliantly in a show of fireworks arranged by the City of Chicago to celebrate the end of summer season. Guests roamed around both the upper and lower deck, listened to a medley of old and new Indian and Western pop hits, enjoyed the snacks, beverages and sumptuous food on board. Many of them broke out in a dance, even as the rest of us swayed to the gentle rocking of the boat and the jazz and “Bhangra” tunes. The Committee is enthused about the success of this maiden event and expects to repeat it next year---if history of events launched by AMKA is any guide, next year’s event will be even grander. On the suggestion of a committee member, 2005 AMKA committee has decided to donate the surplus funds from the cruise (and American Konkani Association has decided to match it dollar-for-dollar) to the victims of Katrina hurricane disaster, through the American Red Cross.

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    KAO Dandiya Program Konkani Association of Ontario (KAO) held a Dandiya Program on Oct. 15th 2005 at Earl Bales Community Centre, North York, ON, from 5 to 10 pm.

    Konkani Sabha Diwali Konkani Sabha conducted the fun and eventful Annual Diwali celebration on Oct 29th 2005 at the Venkateswara Temple in Bridgewater. It was a well-attended function with dance, music and great food. Narasinha Kamath on flute and harmonica accompanied by Prem Shenoy on tabla enthralled the audience with a concertish performance. Anitha Kamath became the Kareena of the East while Prarthna and Mei set hearts flutter when they danced to a Tamil song. Preethi and Naina Kamath were Salaam Namaste while Aakash Nayak danced Dil Se. A very prettily decked up Namratha Nayak performed a Ganpathi Dance. Bhajans and Shlokas were sung by the tiny tots that included Akshay and Abhay Kamath, Rohan Mallya, Nishant, Chetan and Nisha Shenoy. Antakshari was extremely competitive with participants almost willing to haul yours truly off the stage for attempting a truly outrageous buzzer round. After two eventful preliminary rounds, we had a grand finale with four teams - Thendle Upkari, Pappad, Surnali and Batate Phou. Batate Phou (originally christened The Kudvas) consisting of Vidya, Ganesh and Anil clawed and gnawed their way to a victory earning Halloween cookie buckets and refrigerator magnetic memos (the rationale being that if they remembered so many songs, they probably don't remember too much of anything else!). The food was catered through Shankari Pai who prepared an awesome spread of Rice, Saar, Dhali Thoy, Beebe Upkari, Channe Ghashi, Batate Wagh, Chapathi and Gajar Halwa. Konkani Sabha wishes to thank everyone for their attendance and participation in this year's Diwali event.

    LIGHTS ….CAMERA…….AND ACTION! Glimpses of the 2005 Konkani Diwali Function

    BY: Shyam Amladi For centuries, the Diwali festival has been synonymous with joy, gifts, pageantry and rekindling of human spirit and love. Not to mention, a time to also rekindle your taste buds with sumptuous, delicious food. Well, all of the above moods were present in gala force at American Midwest Konkani Association’s (AMKA) 2005 Diwali celebration at the Balaji Temple auditorium in Aurora, Illinois on the evening of Sunday, Oct. 30. Some 170 people, fabulously dressed and bedecked in their finest jewelry greeted this sacred and joyous festival with events and activities ranging from performing arts to eye-catching decorative creations to culinary delights, to greeting friends, old and new. We were delighted to see many non-Konkanis also participate in the programs. All in all, this crowd was having fun! Lots of fun!! The Diwali celebration began with the traditional lighting of the diya before the resplendent Goddess Laxmi (deity decoration: Gayatri Kamath) by the President, Sanjay and Sucheta Savkur, followed by Aarti, and the singing of Jaya Jagadish Hare, in which the entire audience participated. The serious mood livened up considerably as the entertainment programs opened up. Per tradition, the focus was on performances by the very young and young adults. And, did they excel at these performances? You bet! For the next hour, with Vidya Rao as the fast-paced, entertaining Compere and Vasant Acharya at the audio/visual controls, the non-stop stage action was on-- Bharatnatyam dances, dances set to movie songs (including a piece performed by our own version of the Rat Pack, 3 four-year old boys, Aditya, Neeraj and Varun, in their dashing black-tie outfits dancing to the popular song “Dus Bahaane”), and vocal and instrumental recitals (Shloka Kini was a true “whirling dervish” of talent; dancing, playing the keyboard and the trumpet and singing Bhajans, all in two performances in the space of an hour). Three novel items introduced at this function were: · Costume competition: This was in two categories, under 6 years and 6-14 years. Judging (by Shruti Manelkar and Raj Acharya) was based on stage presence, costume authenticity and unique actions to capture the character being portrayed. · “Fill in Om” craft competition. Contestants were asked to draw and decorate “OM” in a raised motif. Judging (by Nandana Bhakta, Subhash Nadkarni and Vivek Nayak) was based on creativity, symmetry and complexity. · Musical Bingo: (conceived and presented by Vidya and Sanjay Rao and Sanjay Savkur) Participants were asked to check the correct boxes from a 9-square card randomly containing names of Indian and western songs, albums and performers as each song snippet was played There was enthusiastic participation for all the events. Specially heartening to see was the imaginative costumes and gestures from the Costume contestants (Shriya Haldipurkar who won first prize in the under-6 category not only had the looks of a “bhajiwali” from Mumbai, but also regaled everyone with her shout, “Bhajiwaleeeeee”!) Equally impressive were the “Om” entries, decked out in beautiful motifs ranging from sequins to fresh flowers!

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    Musical Bingo was interspersed with cheers, challenges, shouts, yells and a general spirit of bonhomie which made it even more fun. Other prize winners include Sachi Bhobe and Neeraj Lawande, Maya Lawande for the Costume event and Shobha Basti, Pujan Wagh for ‘Fill in OM’. First prizes were donated by Anita & Raghu Nayak and Shyam & Meera Amladi. Prizes were handed out by the Chief Guest, Subhash Nadkarni the chief architect of the Balaji Temple. The evening concluded with the reverberation of traditional Garba and Dandiya songs when men and women let their hair down and danced to the tunes of Doli Taro Dhol Baje and Dholna. The 2005 AMKA committee thanks all the participants, volunteers (including all the ladies who cooked for the feast, led by Kirti Acharya), guests and the judges for making this celebration such a huge success. Please visit AMKA’s website, www.amkaonline.com to see the complete details and the pictures of this event.

    KASC Diwali Celebration Diwali Function was held on Sunday, October 30, 2005 at the City of Arcadia, Recreational Center Hall, and attended by about 100 Konkani Association members and their guests. The function started with aarti and invocation, followed by recitation of Sanskrit sthotras by Deepa Prabhu and her mother, Mrs. Pai of India. There was a children’s’ fancy dress competition, and a brief talk on the significance of Deepawali by Jaidev Rao. Children participated in Deepavali Bingo, comprising of pictorial cryptograms of various deities and aspects of the festival and eight forms of Goddess Lakshmi (Ashtalakshmi). Shefali Dutt played beautiful classical music on piano. Sridhar and Nandini Rao sang a couple of Hindi film songs in karaoke. The star item was a marvelous tabla solo in teentaal by the well-acclaimed tabla performer, Pandit Shashi Bellare visiting from Pune, India. Pandit Shashi Bellare is the twin brother of equally well-acclaimed musician and teacher, the Late Pandit Ravi Bellare, who passed away in April 2005. There was Raffle and Rangoli contest. All Rangolis were done very artistically. The prizes were donated by many Indian businesses of Artesia and Cerritos, California (Little India). Avinash Joshi, the youth representative did a wonderful job as the master of ceremonies and the organizer of the Deepavali Bingo for children. There was a delicious buffet dinner catered by Mahatma Restaurant of Chatsworth, California at the end of the cultural events. We thank all participants, committee members, volunteers and performers. We convey our special thanks to the volunteer cooks that prepared delicious snacks that were served during the social hour preceding the cultural events, all the businesses that donated the gifts for the raffle and fancy dress competitors, and Mohini Kamath for collecting the gifts from the businesses and organizing the invocation and aarti, and the delicious godu phovu.

    KAOCA DIWALI – 2005 KAOCA 2005 Committee (Nov/12/2005)

    Diwali 2005 was a great show to end the year for this KAOCA committee and kick-start the New Year for the Northern California Konkani community. This year, the event was held on Nov 5th at San Jose Masonic center With record attendance of over 380 people for this function, The evening started pretty early at 4PM with authentic Konkani snacks such as ‘Batata Ambado & Charmura Upkari’ being served to tantalize the taste-buds, along with other kid-specific foods such as cookies. The entertainment program was short and sweet with good variety and provided an opportunity for every one to have fun. It began with a prayer to Lord Ganesha by Samhita Kamath along with other entertainment such as a Kawali, the not-so-newly-wed game and Bollywood Karaoke. The Konkani melody seekers Jirsal Mirsang & Tambadi Teek Mirsang kept us entertained during snacks with their rare talent. Side attractions at this year’s KAOCA Diwali included free caricatures drawing for kids, on-site portrait photography and Kids-Care arranged by KAOCA volunteers. KAOCA patrons contributed generously towards “Toys for Tots” Toy drive setup at the registration desk. Konkani food was served which included authentic items such as Dali Thoy, Gajbaj Ambat, Batata Song, Madgane and Ubbatti and was greatly appreciated by all the attendees. We ended the evening with a DJ orchestrating the foot-stomping music of the latest Hindi numbers from Bollywood for over 2 hours. The committee would like to go on record to thank the following sponsors of the evening: * Laxmi & Pandurang Sharma, Shobha & Vasanth Nayak, Padmini & Murlidhar Pai, Mangala & Venugopal Pai, Meena & Prakash Pai, Nandini & Prashanth Bhat, Shaila & Laxminarayan Nayak, and Leela & Muralidhar Kamath. * Kudos’ to the KAOCA ladies, for preparing great authentic Konkani food. * Rohit Pai, our MC of the evening, for keeping us engaged through the entire program. * Pronob Ashwin, for his help at the venue to ensure audio is setup appropriately.

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    * To all our participants from this year’s KAOCA Diwali function for a memorable & colorful evening. * Special thanks to the countless other unnamed volunteers who have helped us on & off during various activities. We wish Sridhar Chellappa, the new KAOCA 2006 president and his committee, the very best during 2006. The KAOCA 2005 Committee has also decided to donate a portion of this year’s surplus funds towards Sankara Eye foundation & India Literary Program It was indeed a great experience organizing this event and the committee would like to thank the community for their continued support.

    HAAS DIWALI Houston Area Amchigale Samaj (HAAS) held its annual Diwali celebration on 12th November 2005 at the Sugar Land Community Center. The function began with an invocation to the Goddess Laxmi. This was followed by Laxmi Puja, bhajans and aarti. The entertainment section featured a story telling in which a group of youngsters narrated legends attributed to each of the five days of Diwali. A karaoke segment offered both film songs and ghazals. The program showcased some talented youngsters who danced to film songs, played the violin and sang an excerpt from a classical raga. The ladies participated with a colorful garba. The emceeing was of high quality. The highlight of the program was that the participants covered almost all age groups, ranging from four years to senior citizens. A very special thanks to all the following individuals: Vaishali Nileshwar: Emcee Meera Lotlikar - Invocation song Karaoke: Prashant Lotlikar, Vasant Bhat, Krishna Bhat, Madhav Ubhaykar Youth vocal: Anasuya Kabad, Varun Nayak Violin: Rohit Kamath Five days of Diwali: Anasuya Kabad, Sunil Pai, Alika Nileshwar, Gaurav Nayak, Archana Bhat Film dances: Ria Rao, Sharad and Kiran Bhat Comedy: Prem Bhatt Garba: Kusum Pai, Sujatha Pai, Pushpa Desai, Neela Kamath, Chaya Ubhaykar, Maya Prabhu, Kanchan Kabad, Gauri Sirur

    Ashwin Bhatt, Ranjisha Bhat, & Gauri Sirur HAAS Committee

    KAO Diwali

    Konkani Association of Ontario (KAO) held their annual Diwali Program on Nov. 26th 2005 at Chinguacousy School, 1370 Williams Parkway. E , ON from 5 to 10.00 pm

    Kahani – A new magazine for South Asian American children Many South Asian American children grew up with their eyes and hands attached to Amar Chitra Katha, the comic books that visually explained Indian mythology and folklore in an accessible way for children. Parents loved it because it helped connect their kids with Indian culture; kids loved it because of the visual stimulation and the insight it brought into the stories of the Ramayana. But these comic books weren’t necessarily able (nor were they intended) to help South Asian American children navigate the challenges of growing up in a bi-cultural environment, to help them find a balance between things Indian and things “American”. Enter: Kahani Magazine, a new magazine designed especially for South Asian American children. Kahani was designed to address concepts and issues familiar to South Asian American children. Contributors to the magazine include South Asian journalists, artists, physicians, graphic designers, and more. Kahani features fictional stories that deal with South Asian festivals, yoga, and more; arts and crafts instructions and displays; and an “In the Spotlight” section profiling South Asian Americans who can serve as role models for young people. The magazine also hosts several writing contests for young people, with an opportunity for the winners to have their stories published in the magazine. Intrigued? Learn more about Kahani, including subscription information, at www.kahani.com . PS: By the way, one of the contributors is our own Dr. Vanita Braver of Warren, NJ!

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    Khabbar, The Mailing List and You The brainchild of Dr. Vasudev Nayak of Cranbury, NJ, Khabbar & the Address List of Konkanis in North America has been a hit with our community. Today, the List has over 2,000 addresses and is growing. I did not realize how much it has helped our community till I got this letter……….. Dear Vasanth: It has been my experience, many times people have no idea how their actions or lack of it can effect someone else. What we do or don’t today can help or hurt someone else 30 years from now and we, fortunately or unfortunately have no idea of that. The point in question is the starting of Khabbar and the maintenance of the National Registry of the Konkanis in No. America. 30 years ago when Dr. Vasudev Nayak started this quarterly news letter and the National Registry and subsequently handed it over to you, these people had no idea how this can help a lot of people to find someone they are looking for. This Monday I got a call from Detroit from a distraught Konkani Lady saying that her Maamu who is 69 was visiting Las Vegas with his wife from Mangalore and has been admitted to the hospital with a heart attack. She said that her Mayi is not an educated young lady and definitely has problems and need help. Immediately I packed some vegetarian food and went to the hospital with my wife. I knew that the lady in the hospital would have no vegetarian food worth the name. I immediately called a couple of my doctor friends to evaluate the situation. The lady could not express her joy over seeing some unknown Konkanis coming to her help. She simply started crying. Then on, we did a lot of things for them and yesterday the doctors did a by-pass surgery on this gentleman. Now his daughter who is also a doctor has come form England. Another Konkani friend of mine Subhash Kamath was good enough to go to the Airport and pick her up and bring her to the hospital. He also spent a lot of time trying to find them an accommodation. Another Konkani friend Uday Ubhaykar who is also a respiratory therapist was on hand every night at the hospital. Dr. Ramdas Kamath of California was also contacted by this lady from Detroit who spent a lot of time calling the doctors at the hospital in Las Vegas and their daughter in London. Now, the question is, who this lady from Detroit is, we don’t know. We have never met, nor heard of her. She just picked up the Khabbar List and looked for someone in Las Vegas and found my name. She called me without knowing me from Adam. But, she felt comfortable to call me. Did I do a lot to help her situation, definitely NO. But, did her call help her aunt to find someone with whom she could confide and let her emotions go, definitely YES. Did Dr. Vasudev Nayak know that his actions can help someone in distress 30 years from then? I am sure, NO. Did Poornima or you know, when you picked this baby up and nurtured it to the level where it is, the answer is “Certainly Not”. I hope this List will grow and help our community in the future. Basti Ganapathi Shenoy, Las Vegas, NV [email protected] August 24th, 2005

    Sri U. Damodar Prabhu’s speech on June 26th 2005 at United Religions Initiative (URI) Dear Vasanth Bhat, Enclosed please find my speech during 5th anniversary celebration of URI in S. V. Temple, Pittsburgh, PA on June26, 2005. Perhaps, you will recall that both my wife and I (along with 300 delegates from around the world) were signatories for signing the URI charter on that day. I thought, we will do well to publicize my talk in Khabbar and also let all our people know about URI. Thanks U. Damodar Prabhu, Pittsburg, PA Ladies and gentleman, I would like to say a few words on this day, June 26, 2005, being the 5th anniversary of the founding of United Religions Initiative (URI) – an off-shoot of United Nations Organization. URI took its birth in Pittsburgh, PA on June 26, 2000. Swami Vivekananda, who addressed the Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893 had said that no matter what religious path you take, ultimately it will lead you to ADVAITA (Monoism), which is very difficult to understand, as it is expressed in ABSOLUTE terms and we are used to know everything in our lives in RELATIVE terms. That is why there were so many sects before in every

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    religion, so many sects today and bound to have so many sects tomorrow only to explain this MONOISM. But, SECTARIANISM is BAD. This is where we all missed before till now! We can achieve PEACE through any RELIGION without POLITICS and RELIGION is nothing but BINDING/GOING back to the SOURCE from where all of us have come. Then, why people fight, when the question of religion comes? It is explained in one of the UPANISHADS. GOD is like INFINITE. Just like INFINITE cannot be explained/expressed/reasoned, same cannot be done with GOD and so HE has to be EXPERIENCED. PEACE begins within. As such, every individual must undertake all the necessary spadework for establishing World Peace! Have FAITH in yourselves and FAITH is that which stands the test of time and events. Having witnessed recent unfortunate tragic events, may we seek JUSTICE, NOT REVENGE, may we move from culture of WAR & VIOLENCE to one emphasizing TOLERANCE & PEACEFUL CONFLICTRESOLUTION? Whatever the color of the cow, milk is always white. Whatever is one’s background, lifestyle, race, religion or caste, every human being is an image of DIVINITY and fountain of Love and as such they need to be honored. Last but not least, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to quote the following from Swami Vivekananda: Get up & set your shoulders to the wheel! How long is this life for? As you have come into this world, leave some mark behind! Otherwise, where is the difference between you & the trees and stones? They too came into existence, decay & die!! Thank You very much (U.R. I. ,P. O. Box 29242, San Francisco, CA 94129-0242 Tel: (415)-561-2300; FAX: (415)-561-2313 www.uri.org; email: [email protected])

    The Goan inquisition by Portuguese and the worst tragedies to Hindus

    Hi Vasanth, Please read the book being just published about Goa Inquisition and treatment of our ancestors from Goa. Finally, an American author should be given credit for bringing this well-known fact to readers. Please inform our Konkani people in Khabbar about this. Regards, Diva [email protected] Dear Friends I sorry to post the below. The Goan inquisition is one of the worst tragedies that has happened to Hindus that has not been given any recognition. I am posting this so that we Hindus realize such things have happened in the past and should never happen again. Venkitesh (Viji) http://in.rediff.com/news/2005/sep/14inter1.htm

    The Rediff Interview/Novelist Richard Zimer - 'Goa Inquisition was most merciless and cruel' Richard Zimler's novel, Guardian of the Dawn, documents the little-known Portuguese Inquisition in India, in 16th century Goa. He points out that, apart from their laws and religion, the Portuguese also imported and enforced their infamous methods of interrogation to subdue troublemakers. Intrigued by his novel, as well as his reasons for writing it, Senior Features Editor Lindsay Pereira decided to ask him a few questions. Q) You were born in New York and went on to study comparative religion. Why the decision to write about the Portuguese inquisition in Goa -- a whole other world? A) About 15 years ago, while doing research for my first novel, The Last Kabbalist of Lisbon, I discovered that the Portuguese exported the Inquisition to Goa in the sixteenth century, and that many Indian Hindus were tortured and burnt at the stake for continuing to practice their religion. Muslim Indians were generally murdered right away or made to flee Goan territory.

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    I couldn't use that information for my novel but decided, a few years later, to do more research into that time of fundamentalist religious persecution. I discovered that historians consider the Goa Inquisition the most merciless and cruel ever developed. It was a machinery of death. A large number of Hindus were first converted and then persecuted from 1560 all the way to 1812! Over that period of 252 years, any man, woman, or child living in Goa could be arrested and tortured for simply whispering a prayer or keeping a small idol at home. Many Hindus -- and some former Jews, as well -- languished in special Inquisitional prisons, some for four, five, or six years at a time. I was horrified to learn about this, of course. And I was shocked that my friends in Portugal knew nothing about it. The Portuguese tend to think of Goa as the glorious capital of the spice trade, and they believe -- erroneously -- that people of different ethnic backgrounds lived there in tolerance and tranquility. They know nothing about the terror that the Portuguese brought to India. They know nothing of how their fundamentalist religious leaders made so many suffer. Q) Portugal, today, is still a country deeply steeped in a Catholic tradition. Do you think people are aware of the Inquisition and what it meant back then? Would they look at this as a re-opening of old wounds? A) No, few people here know anything about the Inquisition. Many of them would rather not examine what their ancestors did, both in Portugal and its colonies. But others are very curious about what they didn't learn in school about their own history. Yes, in a sense I am opening old wounds. But I think it's important to do that. I think that we need to face the bad things we do -- both individually and as a society. In general, the Portuguese have been very receptive to my books. Guardian of the Dawn has been a Number One bestseller here, for instance. A great many readers tell me I have opened a door to a part of their history they know nothing about. I'm proud of that. And I'm proud of having made it possible for Indians and Jews who were persecuted and imprisoned to 'speak' to modern readers through this novel. I think that's important because I don't want their suffering -- and their heroism -- to be forgotten.

    AS THEY SAY By: Radha Golikeri, Houston, TX

    Rumors have a unique way of traveling. They move with such speed that can even outstrip hurricanes. On a Sunday morning, Mrs. X dropped in with a juicy chunk of news. It appeared to be a piece of gossip but the details were too vivid to disregard the report. Next day while waiting in a bus queue, Mrs. Y nudged me and asked if I had heard about a report which had been around for a while and narrated the same story with more garnish. Third day, I met Mrs. Z on the sea beach. Before exchanging any pleasantries, she opened the conversation by inquiring whether I knew the news and reproduced the entire episode with added morsels. Every time the presentation magnified and took a different twist. To ascertain the facts, I called Mrs. Q, who is usually well informed in such matters. She too had heard about it but could not establish its veracity. However, she evinced keen interest in finding out what I had heard was most striking. In a short time the news spread allover the town. It grew into alarmingly large shape and became a story with several versions. When the report assumed this form, it lost its credibility as well as the punch. Soon it vanished into thin air with the same swiftness as it had made its entry. Rumors generate curiosity and interest in spite of the fact the content they convey is often baseless and inaccurate. During my childhood, we played a simple but very entertaining game. I do not recall the name of the game. It was a sort of whispering game that demonstrated how rapidly rumors circulate. A dozen more children would sit in a circle. The chosen leader would write a sentence on a piece of paper and seal it. The leader would then whisper the sealed sentence to the person sitting next to her. The second person would pass it on to the third member, and so on till the entire group completed the cycle of relay. It was then the turn of the last member to declare loudly the message she had received which made everyone burst into laughter. Because, the final sentence, invariably would be a total distortion of the sealed one! The warped version was sometimes due to communication being not clearly audible. But, more often than not, it was a deliberate effort by participants to make the game more lively and amusing although it was against the rules. Whispering game is an apt analogy of evolution of rumors in circulation in the adult realm.

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    Are We Qualified? Article submitted by Veena Shenoy, Marlboro, NJ

    Please visit www.dhyanapeetam.org for more info on swamiji. Many people want to know if they are qualified for a spiritual awakening. We are constantly in doubt about our own potential. We are part of the divine. Problem is that we do not remember that we are. When someone does tell that we are, we think that such people are crazy. A man once asked Ramana Maharishi whether he was qualified enough to pursue the spiritual path and the Sage countered: are you alive? The person said: Of course, yes. Maharishi said with finality: Then you are qualified enough. Religious orders and their priests create this doubt in us, so that we may become dependent on them for our qualification. We may need to ask them as to what qualifications they themselves possess to ask us the question. A Master never would. Organized religions often counter spirituality. Spirituality is about discovering who we are? It is the search for the ultimate Truth about us and our relationship with our Creator. Religions once organized are more concerned about power and whatever leads to power, whether control, fear or money. It’s the confusion between religion and spirituality that also leads to this question in us. We are constantly told that we are sinners and as such incompetent to enter the doorway of our Creator. This is nonsense. If one keeps questioning one’s capability, even after decades of rigorous sadhanas one would feel unqualified. The concept of qualification, as with guilt, is brought in to exploit and bind you mentally. As with guilt it needs to be dropped for us to move on successfully. A beautiful Zen story goes thus; a man asks a Master: Master, am I qualified for spiritual progress? I feel there are many obstructions. Replied the Master: The word obstruction is the only obstruction, nothing else. Patanjali’s yoga sutras define various steps to enlightenment. The first step aayama comprises five steps, all quite strenuous: celibacy, truth, non violence, not stealing, not possessing. Only after you practice all these steps and master them are you qualified to move up to the next step in yogic accomplishment. A man came and asked me: Swamiji, I am not qualified in these steps; I have never practiced aayama and niyama; how can I learn Yoga? I said to him: If you are already qualified in these steps you do not need Yoga! Maturity and meditation help each other and help us all. Maturity comes with knowledge and experience and gives us energy; and the energy reinforces maturity. Meditation helps us focus that energy in the right direction to make spiritual progress. In the present day world Patanjali’s techniques take a lot of time. To realize Truth through yoga of any form would probably take many births, and you will forget what you started in this birth, when you start your next! Dhyana or meditation is the answer to enlightenment in this age. It’s foolproof and without side effects. The only side effect is bliss and realization of your own Self. To start dhyana, all you need to be is a human being, nothing more. A Being with Consciousness is the only requirement to embark upon a spiritual path. The very desire that you wish to start on this path is a true indication that you are qualified. It is said in Tao: A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Once you are on the path, the path helps you on. It’s the first step that breaks the inertia and get you moving. That is enough for you to move towards the end goal. Take that step now!

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    Poem: “MY MINED” By: Avinash Joshi, Mission Viejo, CA

    Forty Cents

    Awake my eyes, as the darkness unfolds, Visions of euphoria come to a close,

    Yawn at the Dawn, I put on my Clothes.

    Goodbye to my devastated father I say, Munch on stale bread like I do everyday, Out of the tenements, I go onto the way.

    The soot, parching the throat at its best,

    Amidst the madness, the Civil unrest, The cable, wires, kings of the mess.

    O Mister Marx, my life ends here,

    My spirit is taken down, my furthermost fear, Yet happens a day or go will many rear.

    Down to the mines, my very soul goes,

    Into the cold shafts Lucifer holds, Where we are going nobody knows.

    The onerous burdens imposed return, A sensation so deadly, flesh is to burn,

    And only forty cents this hard work will earn.

    Our freedom flies like a bird from a cage, Filling our souls with repulsive rage,

    Thy book calls for a revolutionary stage.

    I wish I may, I wish I might, Go on to another, more heavenly plight,

    I envision it all, like thine own sight.

    Beware Lucifer we will transcend, And into the heavens our souls will end,

    Into the heavens our souls will end.

    KONKANI CALENDER January 2006 February 2006 March 2006

    9th Yekadashi 4th Ratha Sapthami 10th Yekadashi 13th Poornami 8th Yekadashi 14th Holi-Poornami 13th Makara Sankranthi 12th Poornami 14th Meena sankranthi 17th Angaraka Chaturthi 12th Kumba Sankranthi 18th Sankashta Chaturthi 29th Amavasya 17th Sankashta Chaturthi 28th Amavasya 25th Maha Sivarathri 29th Ugadi 27th Amavasya Khabbar thanks Sri P. V. Kamath of Mumbai for furnishing the Panchang and My Astrologer-version 1.0 by Mr. Muralidhar Shenoy, Durham,N C.

  • Khabbar XXVIII No. 4 Page: 17

    My Sincere Thanks to ......... Some readers go out of their way to help Khabbar. Monetary means is one of them. The Advisory Committee of Khabbar has decided on publishing the names of the families that has contributed $50.00 or more to Khabbar. This quarter, the following have extended their help and thanks to you .....

    Names Amount, $ Sudha & Ashok Rao, Shreveport, LA 60.00 Gopinatha & Padmavathy Mallya, Delran, NJ 75.00 Krishna & Savitri Kamath, Scottsdale,AZ 115.00 Sudha R. Kini, Bloomfield, MI 100.00 Narayan & Vidya Baliga, Kenosha, WI 50.00 Vinod & Renu Kallianpur, Schenectady, NY 50.00


    Description Credit, $ Debit, $ Balance Carried over since Khabbar Vol. XXVIII No. 3 4,880.00 Money Received: Subscriptions (35) and donations 950.00 Advertisements (3) 45.00 Interest 5.00 Sub Total: 1,000.00 Money Spent (Khabbar Vol. XXVIII No. 3): Printing- Khabbar (750) - 20 pages 675.00 First Class Mail-Khabbar (641) 304.20 Canada Khabbar (164) 139.40 Overseas (20) 60.00 Mail Fines, computer paper & labels, envelopes, service fees, etc 521.40 Sub Total: 1,700.00 Final Balance: 4.180.00 Money spent on this issue was not available during press time.

    KWIZ The last quarter’s quiz: Q: It weighs as much as 1,500 midsize cars, stands 100 feet taller than Niagara Falls, and was already 2000 years old when Columbus set sail. It is still alive and growing. What is it? The Answer: A particular sequoia tree called the “General Sherman” located in the Giant Grove in Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park in California. The following gave the correct answers: Shivdev Ubhaykar, Rancho Pale Verdes, CA Bipin Pai, Munster, IN

    This Quarter's Quiz By

    “Vasanthmaam” Continuing with the Konkani tradition of quizzing, here's the brainteaser for this quarter. If you can solve this correctly, send it to Khabbar address to have your name published in the next issue Moreover, if you get correct solution for 4 consecutive quizzes, you will get FREE subscription to Khabbar Newsletter for a year!. Q: How many arms does a squid have?

    NAKA, The North American Konkani Association The progress made this quarter: Ramesh Kamath et al are busy putting the much-anticipated Konklish lessons. The Board is still busy in revising the Constitution.

  • Khabbar XXVIII No. 4 Page: 18

    The NAKA Board now consists of: Vasanth Bhat, Damodar Baliga and Nina Padukone (Founding members), Ramesh Kamath & Bharat Shiralkar, Vasant Acharya & Sandhya Kamath, Suren Kamath, Sudhir Golikeri & Suresh Shenoy, Ramadas Kamath, Ashok Bhatt & Sadanand Mankikar. Seema Kamath, Ranjit Shiralkar & Sheila Shenoy (Youth). If any North American Konkani have any constructive suggestions, please, contact any of the NAKA Board Members or send them to NAKA, 2465 Bergen Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11234. Phone: (718)-251-4795 and Email: [email protected]

    NAKA - Statement Of Accounts Date Description Credit, $ Debit, $

    8/30/2005 Balance from last report 60,071.66 11/30/2005 Final Balance: 60,071.66

    Signed: Damodar Baliga Treasurer, NAKA


    KONKANI CHARITIES The American Konkani Association (A. K. A.) is helping eligible Konkani youth by granting College Loan Scholarships. Send your generous contributions to: American Konkani Association, 1613 Maple Avenue, Berwyn, IL 60402


    The Saraswat Foundation is helping poor deserving Bhanaps in India. Send your donations to: Saraswat Foundation

    178 Norman Drive, Morrisville, PA 19067

    KONKANI CHARITIES The Three river Area Konkani Association (TAKA) is a non-profit organization helping the needy Konkanis in North America and India. Send generous contributions to:

    Three river Area Konkani Association 111 Volpe Dr., MONROEVILLE, PA 15146


    The two Konkani Cook Books, "Indian Cooking Konkani Style" and "Millennium Masala Konkani Style" published by American Konkani Association (A. K. A.) are for sale. The cost per book is $12.00 + $1.50 for S & H. Mail check payable to A.K.A. to: Mrs. Sandhya Kamath, 440 Glencrest Dr., Barrington, IL 60010, Phone: (847)-277-9771

    [email protected]

    SammeLAn – 2004 DVD’s We hope by now you have received your copy of the

    SammeLAn DVD that you ordered. If your copy of the DVD is defective for any reason, please, send an email to Shankar

    Baliga at [email protected]

    THE REAL INDIA A few copies of this book written by Ram Nayak of Bantval are still available. Please, send a money border for $5 US + 3 towards shipping to: Vivek Nayak, 35 Elm Grove Avenue, Toronto, Ont. M6K 2J2 Canada.

    MATRIMONIAL ASSISTANCE As a service to Konkani community, Sri. R. C. Nayak will

    offer free matrimonial assistance. Contact: Sri. R. C. Nayak Pais Compound, Microwave Station Road

    Mangalore 575 006 (INDIA)

    MATRIMONIAL DIRECTORY Mr. Basti Ganapathi Shenoy of Las Vegas, NV is maintaining a list of Konkani youth that are eligible for matrimony. Interested boys and girls can send in their information to:

    Mr. Basti Ganapathi Shenoy 8017 Celebreeze Crt., LAS VEGAS, NV89145

    Phone: (702)-341-6706; Email: [email protected] Please call during weekends only from 10:00 AM to 10:00PM (EST)

  • Khabbar XXVIII No. 4 Page: 19

  • Khabbar XXVIII No. 4 Page: 20

    KonCANi2006 KonCANi2006 will be held in Hamilton, Ont. on July 1st, July 2nd, and July 3rd 2006.

    Registration - For Konkanis who have not already registered as delegates for the July 1-3rd 2006 Konkani Sammelan in Canada, here is an urgent reminder – please register as soon as you can. Ever since registration commenced in July 2005 there has been a steady stream of registrations every day and we expect to cross the 25% mark by the end of 2005 – six months in advance!! We have cap of 2,000 delegates and therefore early registration is essential.

    The Group ID issued during registration is also required to make hotel bookings at discounted rates. Hotels are also filling up fast and early registration will help secure you a good room too. Registration can be done at www.konkani2006.com with minimum effort in a couple of minutes – payment can be made using major credit cards. Since paper based mailers are not planned at this time, please do use the website. If you would like to speak over the telephone to carry out the registration, please email [email protected] and someone will call you back. Calling All Konkani Youth -The Konkanis of Ontario are excited to host the 2006 Konkani Sammelan. This incredible event will take place in Hamilton, Ontario on July 1st to 3rd, 2006. The theme, "Remembering our past, looking to our future" puts a special focus on the youth of our community. The Canadian Konkani youth look forward to meeting young Konkanis from around the world, and we've planned a weekend full of exciting activities for youth ages 13 to 18 and ages 19 and up. We want to give you a chance to reconnect with old friends, and meet new ones. There's no better place to do it than Southern Ontario - one of the greatest entertainment centres in the world!

    • Want to get to know other youth? We've designed a whole new style of icebreakers. (Because nobody knows "ice" like a bunch of Canadian kids.)

    • Want to party Canadian-style? Don't worry. We won't make you go cross-country skiing or build an igloo. Saturday July 1st is Canada Day, so we're throwing the most amazing party in Sammelan history. We can't spill all the details yet, but keep an eye on our website (www.konkani2006.com)... On Sunday July 2nd, the 13-16 year olds will enjoy a dance night, while the over 19s head out to a club.

    • Want to make sure your parents get the rest they need? Tell the Sheraton Hotel to book your room on the Youth Floor. If you'd like to share your room with other youth, email Youth VP Pratik Kulkarni ([email protected])

    • Want to show the world how talented you are? By popular demand, the KonCANi Idol youth talent show is back! Visit our website for more details and send in applications by April 30th. F Want to be inspired by a fellow Konkani? Nominate one of your peers to be Youth Keynote Speaker. This motivated, accomplished young person will change the way you look at your culture, your aspirations, and the world around you.

    • The Canadian Konkani youth are working hard to give you a weekend of fun and friendship. We can't wait to see you in Canada in July 2006!

    Distinguished Award of Excellence - Nominations in all categories are required: While almost all categories are sponsored (a couple of categories are still available for sponsoring) the nominations are extremely slow in coming. The deadline for nominations is January 31, 2006. However in a couple of weeks, everyone will be busy with the holiday season. We urge the members of the Konkani community to send their nominations as soon as possible. For details please visit the Sammelan website. Programs - Don’t forget to see the updated program listing on our web site. Souvenir – We are requesting interesting anecdotes from Youth about their "Munji" experiences. Tell us all the anxieties of the "kasti", the rigours of the mantra chanting…we want to hear it all! Young brides, we want your experiences of the "bridal angst". Non-konkani spouses, we want to hear your tales…light-hearted pieces, tid-bits … anything with some "konkani flavour". Remember to send us some interesting photos to go with those write-ups!!!

  • Khabbar XXVIII No. 4 Page: 21

    Klassified(Cont.) Please patronize the Khabbar advertisers. Khabbar reaches over 1,700 families in North America. The advertisement rates are: Matrimonial (5 Lines) 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Full Page Subscribers $15.00 $25.00 $45.00 $85.00 Non Subscribers $25.00 $45.00 $85.00 $160.00 Non Konkani $50.00 $90.00 $170.00 $320.00 The Advisory Committee of Khabbar has unanimously decided NOT to accept any ads. wherein the advertisers prefer to stay anonymous by using Khabbar reference. WANTED: Any Hoon Khabbar, sunshine news, your or your child's promotion or achievement, articles of interest, etc. are always in need to be published in Khabbar. Share your joy or grief with fellow Konkanis. Send your contribution to: Khabbar, P. O. Box 222, Lake Jackson, TX 77566-0222. email: [email protected]

    We specialize in: Elaborate wedding decorations & mandaps of your choice,

    Church ceremonies & choopas, Reception set-ups, Engagement, Sangeet, Mendi & Garba decorations, Wedding

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    A P P E A L

    I hope you are aware of my free service of Matrimonial Information to our Samaj since 1988. To meet the expenses towards the free publication of the SOIRIKA, your financial help is required. Your contribution will also be utilized to provide Mangalasutra, Sarees, and marriage expenses of the poor brides and also for the remarriage of young widows. Your contribution, big or small, may kindly be sent to by way of DD or check in favor of "GSB Matrimonial Trust" and sent to: Sri B. N. Baliga, 5th Main, Near Band Box, Bangalore 560 009 (INDIA) http://www.soirika.com

    Khabbar invites you to subscribe to RAVE Magazine. The editorial mission of RAVE is quite simply to celebrate the power and beauty of being South Asian. RAVE will explore the personalities, politics, art, media, fashion, food, destinations, innovation, that is the South Asian experience - both recording trends and defining them through provocative art and editorial.

    Please log on to www.soulcitypubs.com/subscribe.htm to subscribe and type in code ‘Khabbar’ for extra savings! We

    hope you enjoy.

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