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Page 1: Kianoush, Sanaz; Raja, Muneeba; Savazzi, Stefano; Sigg ... · of Communications and Networking, Finland, e-mail: {muneeba.raja, stephan.sigg}@aalto.fi. This work has been partially

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Kianoush, Sanaz; Raja, Muneeba; Savazzi, Stefano; Sigg, StephanA cloud-IoT platform for passive radio sensing

Published in:IEEE Internet of Things Journal


Published: 01/10/2018

Document VersionPeer reviewed version

Please cite the original version:Kianoush, S., Raja, M., Savazzi, S., & Sigg, S. (2018). A cloud-IoT platform for passive radio sensing:challenges and application case studies. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 5(5), 3624-3636.https://doi.org/10.1109/JIOT.2018.2834530

Page 2: Kianoush, Sanaz; Raja, Muneeba; Savazzi, Stefano; Sigg ... · of Communications and Networking, Finland, e-mail: {muneeba.raja, stephan.sigg}@aalto.fi. This work has been partially

A cloud-IoT platform for passive radio sensing:challenges and application case studies

Sanaz Kianoush, member, IEEE , Muneeba Raja, student member, IEEE, Stefano Savazzi, member, IEEE, andStephan Sigg, member, IEEE

Copyright ©2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be obtained fromthe IEEE by sending a request to [email protected].

Abstract—We propose a platform for the integration of passiveradio sensing and vision technologies into a cloud-IoT frameworkthat performs real-time channel quality information (CQI) timeseries processing and analytics. Radio sensing and vision tech-nologies allow to passively detect and track objects or personsby using radio waves as probe signals that encode a 2D/3D viewof the environment they propagate through. View reconstructionfrom the received radio signals, or CQI, is based on real-time dataprocessing tools, that combine multiple radio measurements frompossibly heterogeneous IoT networks. The proposed platformis designed to efficiently store and analyze CQI time series ofdifferent types and provides formal semantics for CQI datamanipulation (ontology models). Post-processed data can bethen accessible to third parties via JSON-REST calls. Finally,the proposed system supports the reconfiguration of CQI datacollection based on the respective application. The performanceof the proposed tools are evaluated through two experimentalcase studies that focus on assisted living applications in a smart-space environment and on driver behavior recognition for in-carcontrol services. Both studies adopt and compare different CQImanipulation models and radio devices as supported by currentand future (5G) standards.

Index Terms—Passive radio sensing, cloud-assisted Internet ofThings, real-time data analysis, semantic data models.


PASSIVE radio sensing [1], [2], or radio vision [3] tech-nology is emerging as a powerful technique for real-

time processing of body-induced alterations of the radiopropagation channel, enabling non-cooperative body motionrecognition based on radio-frequency (RF) signatures. Radiovision systems for the recognition of human activities exploitthe RF signals monitored within the network by internet-of-things (IoT) devices [4]. The technology is based on the real-time processing of channel quality information (CQI) thatis commonly used by wireless communication systems atthe receiver-side to quantify the RF signal quality [5]. Theperturbations induced by moving bodies or other objects onthe electromagnetic (EM) wavefield can be measured directlyfrom CQI and analyzed to recover a rough 2D/3D imageof the environment [6], without the need of ad-hoc sens-ing infrastructure nor cooperation of the monitored subjects

S. Kianoush, and S. Savazzi are with the Institute of Electronics, Computerand Telecommunication Engineering (IEIIT) of the National Research Councilof Italy (CNR), p.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 20133 Milano, Italy, e-mail:{sanaz.kianoush, stefano.savazzi}@ieiit.cnr.it.

Muneeba Raja and Stephan Sigg are with Aalto University,Departmentof Communications and Networking, Finland, e-mail: {muneeba.raja,stephan.sigg}@aalto.fi.

This work has been partially carried out in the framework agreement CNR-Regione Lombardia CYBER SORT project,DIT.AD008.052”.

Fig. 1: Cloud-IoT for passive radio sensing including IoT fielddevice, Gateway edge device and cloud IoT unit.

(sensor-free) [7]. The technology serves as enabler for im-plementing a flexible reconfiguration of sensing tasks, pavingthe way for a new generation of IoT systems that are madeup of application-customizable sensor components, insteadof application-dependent, and confront many interoperabilityproblems arising from complex interactions between hetero-geneous hardware resources.

Applications of passive radio sensing are numerous andinclude, for instance, fall detection for ambient assisted liv-ing [8] and industrial workspaces [9], healthcare and el-derly care applications [10], gait monitoring, for instance inParkinson treatment [11], counting of crowd in social massgatherings [12], as well as sleep monitoring [13]. Due to thehigh frequency regimes utilized, impressive accuracy can bereached, for instance for the recognition of typing and fingermovement [14], lip movement [15], or respiration sensing [16].Furthermore, researchers have recently demonstrated that alsoattention towards surrounding objects can be captured fromdevice-free RF sensors [17], as well as emotion, which ispossible either via breathing and pulse [18], or, alternatively,from gestures, motion and pose [19].

The complexity of CQI data processing/analytics requiredfor real-time detection and tracking creates a strong need

Page 3: Kianoush, Sanaz; Raja, Muneeba; Savazzi, Stefano; Sigg ... · of Communications and Networking, Finland, e-mail: {muneeba.raja, stephan.sigg}@aalto.fi. This work has been partially

for the integration of cloud processing services [20]. Mostexisting IoT platforms have been designed as isolated verticalsolutions, in which all components are tightly coupled tothe specific application context [21]. On the contrary, CQIknowledge trading among heterogeneous radio devices withinthe cloud can provide a unified framework to enable smartreconfigurable sensing tasks as well as a practical solutionto overcome many relevant interoperability issues of suchvertical solutions. For such functionality, it is necessary fordata consumers to obtain large CQI data-sets, aggregate andisolate relevant information from this huge bulk of clutter, andapply real-time data processing via specific cloud services. Toour best knowledge, in this paper for the first time, we proposea concise solution to extract, analyze and manipulate CQI datain real-time for the purpose of passive radio sensing that isaccessible remotely through cloud resources. The proposedplatform incorporates cloud-edge CQI computing services tomeet different application demands: it thus provides a setof fully integrated services that allow to connect, manageand ingest CQI data from potentially globally dispersed IoTdevices. We exploit edge caching functions [22] to enable low-latency extraction of relevant “low dimensional” features fromCQI raw data produced by the IoT radio devices. Based onsuch features, a common set of analytic tools is proposed forreal-time inference and classification of body movements.

As shown in Fig. 1, data processing for radio sensing isdone at different steps: locally inside the IoT device for rawdata extraction (e.g., WiFi device/sensor, smart phones), atedge networks (e.g., WiFi access points, gateways or sinknodes) for CQI feature computation, and globally inside thecloud section for storage and analysis. The cloud-IoT platformintegrates heterogeneous CQI data models corresponding todifferent radio resources (e.g., 2.4GHz ZigBee, 2.4GHz-5GHzWiFi) and supports higher frequency radios [23]. Also, it mustapply analytics over big-sized data along with complexityconsideration (typically in the order of tens of thousands ofspatially distributed observations per second) collected fromgeographically dispersed sites (i.e. rooms, buildings, cars etc).Finally, it must enable the reconfigurable access to suchmassive loads of heterogeneous CQI data in the cloud, byfollowing a sensor/actuator model as well as public/privatedata management profiles.

We conduct two case studies. First, we explore the useof the cloud platform for passive localization and trackinginside a smart-space laboratory. The CQI time-series analyticsresources are accessed from a remote end-user applicationextracting an image of the monitored environment in real-time. The experiments are meant to validate the localizationfunctions provided by the cloud, as well as to highlight acomparative analysis among different CQI types and featuresto be adopted for learning and analysis. Second, a study on in-car driver behavior detection is carried out to experimentallyvalidate the proposed cloud functions in a simulated roadenvironment. The study consists of 40 subjects at BMW GroupResearch, New Technologies and Innovation center, Germany:the system is designed for the real-time detection of driverbehavior with special focus on distractions, possibly inducedby unknown, random or external triggers. Behavior recognition

resource can be accessed from vehicular network applicationsthat might benefit from the real-time information about anyrisky driver activity.

The paper is organized as follows. Sect. II provides anoverview of the radio vision technology and current state ofthe art. Sect. III introduces the proposed cloud-IoT platformcomponents. Concepts of abstraction layers for IoT devices,edge computing (Sect. IV), as well as CQI object modelingand application layer (Sect. V) are also addressed. Specificcase studies highlighted in Sect. VI and VII reveal the potentialof the approach in practical applications.


Context and subject recognition is becoming truly pervasive,while passive radio sensing technologies provide a uniquesolution as capturing and extracting contextual informationfrom radio signals exchanged among IoT devices is yet unusedfor sensing. Compared with camera-based techniques, privacy-preservation is also a second strong motivation towards theadoption of this technology. Despite recently proposed solu-tions [24], [25], the CQI-based sensing still lacks unified andstandard tools to facilitate data reuse by different applicationsas well as the integration with other sensor platforms. Thispaper provides the basic tools to include the technology intoan open cloud-IoT platform. In particular, it promotes a re-designing of CQI data processing using cloud-edge nativefunctions and it defines conceptual data models for CQIextraction, management and real-time manipulation.

A. Related work

Recently, employing a cloud platform [26] for real-timemanaging of large scale data from physical sensors (e.g.,IoT devices) is gaining attention by the research society withrespect to various technologies. A sensor-cloud platform isproposed in [27] to integrate cloud computing with wirelesssensor networks (WSNs). The platform defines virtual sensorgroups while analytic tasks can be controlled by end usersto choose an appropriate service. In [28], an integrated fogcomputing architectural paradigm (IFCIoT) is proposed toharness the benefits of the IoT and cloud computing ina unified reconfigurable layered fog-node architecture thatadapts to application requirements.

Compared with previous work, radio vision technologyexploits more sophisticated CQI data processing and learningtools for recognizing body movements. In particular, CQI com-puting services can be based on heterogeneous measurementsof radio signal quality collected at both physical and upperlayers, including channel state information (CSI), receivedsymbol quality [3], and network/link layer received signalstrength (RSS). Measurements of CQI might include also otheraggregated information including packet error rates or relatedmetrics, and link quality information (LQI) [29].

The RSS is a practical metric to assess CQI at frame level,and it is commonly adopted for transmitter (TX) and receiver(RX) link adaptation and link-layer transmission scheduling

Page 4: Kianoush, Sanaz; Raja, Muneeba; Savazzi, Stefano; Sigg ... · of Communications and Networking, Finland, e-mail: {muneeba.raja, stephan.sigg}@aalto.fi. This work has been partially

tasks. The RSS indicator (RSSI) can be adopted for device-free localization [30], [9], [31], [32]. RSSI metrics couldalso apply to both device-based and device-free radio sensingtasks. Device-free solutions are now considered more attractivesince they replace vision sensors without requiring specificradio tags [33]. Radio tomographic imaging (RTI) [2], [34]reconstructs an image of the environment to highlight movingobjects/people by tracking either the alterations of the RSSmean, the standard deviation, or both.

The physical (PHY) layer channel response is able todiscriminate multipath characteristics [35], and thus holdsthe potential to further improve the sensing accuracy [36].Many recent research efforts therefore focus on using CSIand pioneering works have demonstrated sub-meter or evencentimeter-level accuracy [37], [38]. In contrast to RSS,processing of CSI can leverage multiple independent mea-surements at frame level and can be used to capture fasthuman body movements and gestures. In [37] CSI readingsare derived from off-the-shelf WiFi IEEE 802.11n wirelesscards which can provide fine-grained OFDM subcarrier radiomeasurements over multiple antennas. In [39], CSI informationis applied at physical layer using space-frequency diversityfor device-free localization. Human motion effects on CSI arealso investigated in [25] by aggregating the best combinationof antennas to achieve more accurate and robust detection.

All above mentioned works are based on local CQI process-ing and are not suitable for remote operation nor designed forintegration within a cloud platform. The upcoming 5G cellularsystem, that is envisioned to connect IoT devices, mobilepersonal equipment, as well as vehicular and industrial nodes,is perfectly situated to improve environmental perception fromRF, by integrating these diverse radio sensors via cloud-edgeaggregation, processing and management.

B. Original contributions

Our platform provides a unified framework to connect, man-age and manipulate large CQI data-sets from heterogeneousIoT devices. It consists of a cloud unit and Gateway devicescollecting raw CQI data. For real-time support, computingand caching runs inside the Gateway edge devices and en-ables segmentation and extraction of CQI features from largemeasurement sets. The cloud section processes the featuresreceived from the Gateway devices to infer a hidden process(i.e., subject motion, position or activity). Our framework isvalidated by two case studies. The contributions include

1) a cloud architecture and components for passive radiosensing, including field functionality and specificationof radio devices, Gateway edge devices and platform asa service (PaaS) unit (validated by experiments);

2) cloud-edge CQI data analytics tools. A flexible latentvariable model for feature manipulation is proposed tosupport different sensing tasks ranging from localizationto activity recognition (in-car behavior detection)

3) an ontology model [40] for radio sensing including fea-ture manipulation, radio link, service and control planemodels; It provides explicit semantics for CQI data andfeature manipulation to simplify interactions with end-

user applications and integration with existing sensor-cloud platforms and models (msm, IoT-O, oneM2M);

4) real-time cloud resources to support: i) occupancy de-tection and indoor localization from RSSI features, andii) in-car behavior recognition using PHY layer CSI.


The approach described in this section lays the groundworkfor the integration of passive radio sensing and vision tech-nologies into a cloud framework as well as to deliver thecommon specifications for new data and ontology models.The radio sensing paradigm is integrated here within a cloud-edge platform-as-a-service (PaaS) model to enable a widerange of applications. The platform consists of the followingcomponents, also highlighted in Fig. 2.

Field radio devices constitute the mote devices for the cre-ation of multi-standard wireless sensor networks. The devicesintegrate different radio technologies to collect and measureradio signals of different types. Various RF interfaces can beexploited for passive radio sensing, such as FM radio [1],WiFi [5], cellular systems [41], [42], networks of sensornodes [24], RFID [43], short-range radar (60GHz) [44] orcustomized software radio-based systems [45]. Personal mo-bile devices, wearable or wrist-worn devices can also act asmobile probe RF signal generators. Computing and storageresources of devices are limited so that they might need tocommunicate via Gateway devices to reach the cloud platform(e.g. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) or ZigBee).

Gateway edge devices (GW) provide access point andedge computing functions for radio devices featuring diverseRF interfaces. In line with the Web-of-Things paradigm [46],edge devices serve as RESTful-compliant web resources [47]and they can be interconnected by a variety of communicationtechnologies [48]. Edge nodes also provide compute, storage,caching and communication [49] between radio devices andcloud computing data center. According to the proposed ar-chitecture, the GWs also function as CQI data collector andinteract with the data center unit through the abstraction layers(Sect. IV). Each GW maintains the RF field continuously,tracks and segments alterations of the radio environment andcomputes CQI features (Sect. IV-B). Finally, GWs also actas over-the-air (OTA) updater to control CQI data collectionbased on the sensing task (Sect. IV-A).

Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) cloud unit to deploy and ex-ecute cloud components. PaaS models [50] are typicallyadopted to provide a unified means of connecting different ap-plications to backend cloud storage and computing, while alsodelivering common IoT functions such as end-user manage-ment and authentication, push notifications, and other featuresin accordance with the specific use case. The cloud unit is heredesigned to enable real-time manipulation of heterogeneousCQI feature streams. The unit also provides an intermediate,open layer between third party applications and underlyingCQI manipulation resources (based on JSON-REST calls[49]), keeping all the complexity and functionalities necessaryto implement/manage the latter. As depicted in Fig. 2, thecloud section consists of a private and a public profile for data

Page 5: Kianoush, Sanaz; Raja, Muneeba; Savazzi, Stefano; Sigg ... · of Communications and Networking, Finland, e-mail: {muneeba.raja, stephan.sigg}@aalto.fi. This work has been partially

Fig. 2: Cloud-edge architecture: R-AL for device manager,CQI-AL and feature analysis, ontology model (OM).

management. In particular, the private cloud [51] facilitatesthe users to define the features they don’t want to share in thepublic profile. Further, it can generate personalized feedback.Both private and public sections consist of three layers:

i) the radio abstraction layer (R-AL) provides a southboundinterface to individual GW devices producing CQI fea-tures from raw RF data and controlled by the cloud;

ii) the CQI data layer provides a common application pro-gramming interface (API) for real-time feature manipu-lation;

iii) the ontology layer defines the CQI manipulation and taskconfiguration resources available to applications.

These components are described in the following section.


In this section, we introduce the CQI data analytics and ab-straction tools that decouple the application-dependent passiveradio sensing tasks from the pre-processing of raw CQI data.As illustrated in Fig. 3, we consider a cloud-IoT architecturewith E GW nodes which can serve a group of D field devicesdeployed in the detection area. The GWs are connected to thecloud by means of a transport network and are equipped withlocal caches for raw CQI data extraction (Sect. IV-A), pre-processing and storage of trained/learned features. In addition,an actuation link can be used by the cloud section to activatenew sensing tasks on a specific GW: such tasks are herelabeled as τi.

Fig. 3: Cloud-edge platform for passive radio sensing

Edge computing functions are exploited inside the GW nodeto enable the segmentation, the extraction and the deliveryof CQI features (Sect. IV-B). Features serve as inputs fortask-dependent classification problems that are tackled by thecloud section. For each task τi, a discrete (latent) processzi that is hidden in the received feature series is identifiedthrough classification. Latent process values, i.e., zi = k, indi-cate task-relevant information to be detected, such as subjectpresence/absence, location or behavior (Sect. IV-C). Finally,computational overhead is assessed for CQI manipulation andREST interface management (Sect. IV-D).

A. Radio device abstraction and CQI data types

The radio abstraction layer (R-AL) interacts with radiohardware to program specific radio functions (if applicable) orto manage CQI data. It runs inside the edge node performingdata collection and device programming. The former is basedon a categorization of the CQI measurements (CQI_TYPE).

i) physical (PHY) layer channel quality information atbaseband symbol level includes channel state information(CSI), and received symbol quality [3];

ii) upper layer (UP) network/link-layer received signalstrength (RSS) [1] or other aggregated channel qualityinformation includes packet error rates or related metrics,and link quality information (LQI);

iii) raw signals (IQ) include raw features such as micro-Doppler measurements, dynamic phase shifts and IQchannel envelope [52].

The R-AL implements specific over-the-air (OTA) deviceprogramming functions (OTA_FUNCTION) that can be usedto modify the CQI data collection process, and, in turn, thesensing task itself. Programming and updates are controlled bythe edge GW node and are in the form of low-level firmwareor upgrades. Gateway devices forward the OTA commandsreceived from the cloud section and thus act as OTA updater,

Page 6: Kianoush, Sanaz; Raja, Muneeba; Savazzi, Stefano; Sigg ... · of Communications and Networking, Finland, e-mail: {muneeba.raja, stephan.sigg}@aalto.fi. This work has been partially

while field devices act as OTA update receivers. Each codemodule implements a specific OTA profile that maps onto atarget sensing task. Table I lists main supported profiles.

B. CQI data abstraction and features

Device-free radio sensing techniques typically generate andprocess huge amounts of CQI data that require ad-hoc man-agement tools not supported by traditional databases. In-fact,beside storage, the database service provider should take theresponsibility for CQI data processing and time series analysisthat are more complex compared with conventional sensornetworks applications. For example, to support passive subjectlocalization and radio imaging functions (Sect. VI), about200 wireless links, or more [9], are typically monitored perroom/building. For each link, CQI must be measured andprocessed in real-time on every tens of milliseconds, to trackbody motion. Activity recognition exploiting WiFi signals (i.e.,inside cars, Sect. VII) typically requires CQI processing atPHY layer, or CSI, with symbol time of hundreds of micro-seconds up to few milliseconds, and aggregates multiple timeseries each representing individual OFDM subcarriers and/orWiFi antennas [36].

CQI analysis for passive subject recognition should be basedon some form of decentralized processing: this is implementedhere by a cloud-edge computing framework. As depictedin Fig. 3, the proposed approach lets each edge node epre-manipulate the raw CQI data collected from the fielddevices to obtain corresponding CQI features represented asthe vector xd,e. These are low-dimensional representations ofCQI time series sd obtained from field device d, namely bytransformation xd,e = Fe(sd).

CQI data sd might cover different physical wireless links`j ∈ L (or antennas) and carriers/sub-channels fm ∈ F . Theraw data vector is modeled as:

sd = {sv = sv,0 +4sv}v=[fm,`j ,t], (1)

each observed sample sv = sfm,`j ,t = sv,0+4sv is extractedusing the R-AL interface and is a function of the time instantt ∈ [t, T−t], the frequency fm and the link `j , here combinedin the index v. The terms 4sv capture the correspondingtime-varying alterations of the channel response, compared tobackground sv,0, as induced by body movements, activities orchanging scene.

For an assigned task τi, the CQI features xd,e are computedby implementing a probabilistic PCA analysis [53] (see also[54] for a review) of the input CQI data (1). The goal is toreduce the dimension of the CQI data-set, while still preserv-ing the information about task-relevant alterations induced bybody movements, to enable remote manipulation. The CQIfeatures corresponding to the input data vector sd = {sv}Vv=1,of size V , are obtained as

xd,e = UTP sd, (2)

with subspace UP = [u1,u2, ...,uP ]T . The features describe

the first P < V principal components of the sample covariance

matrix Cτi

Cτi =∑zi=k

Pr(zi = k)1



sd(k)sTd (k)

). (3)

Covariance Cτi depends on the sensing task τi and its corre-sponding latent process values zi = k with prior probabilityPr(zi = k)1. It is computed by marginalizing out the samplecovariances

∑Dd=1 sd(zi = k|τi)sTd (zi = k|τi) obtained from

training data examples sd(k) = sd(zi = k|τi). Training datasd(k) provides the ground-truth for each considered latentprocess value zi = k [31], [36].

The selection of the principal components depends onthe specific sensing task τi (see Sect. VI and VII for casestudies). Notice that, before manipulation, raw data can be pre-processed at edge nodes for denoising and interpolation [3] aswell as for windowing and segmentation. In addition to PCA,other processing might be required, based on the sensing tasksto describe the CQI body-induced footprints. An example isgiven in Sect. VII-B.

C. CQI feature manipulation and data managementFeature manipulation and related management tasks are

carried out by the cloud section. For a sensing task τi, theobjective is to infer a discrete latent process zi which takesvalues k ∈ {1, ...,Ki}. For positioning and detection, thelatent process values zi = k correspond to Ki monitoredlocations selected by the user. In contrast, for the consideredactivity recognition study of Sect. VII, these refer to distracteddriver behaviors.

For the task τi, we assume that edge GW node e isproducing feature vectors xe = [xT1,.e, ...,x


T consisting ofD components xd,e, each corresponding to a connected fielddevice. Features to be computed by the GW can be configuredon-demand and are based on PCA analysis (equation (2)). Thelatent process value is inferred based on a metric M(X|τi)applied to the CQI features X = [x1, ...,xE ] from the E edgenodes configured for the same task. It consists of the mixturecomponents

M(X|τi) =Ki∑k=1



Gk(xe|τi). (4)

In particular, probability terms αk = Pr(zi = k) ∈ [0, 1]represent the prior knowledge on latent process zi, with∑Ki

k=1 αk = 1. Mixture component Gk(xe|τi) describes thesimilarity between the observed features xe and the expectedones according to the latent process value k. Such metricdepends on the sensing task and is considered in the casestudies of Sect. VI-VII.

The real-time inference of the latent process extracts themost likely value of the hidden variable zi as

zi = arg maxk∈{1,...,Ki}

Pr(zi = k|X; τi) (5)

with probability

Pr(zi = k|X; τi) =αk∑Ee=1 G


h=1 αh∑Ee=1 G

h(xe|τi), (6)

1Uniform prior can be used when no prior knowledge is available.

Page 7: Kianoush, Sanaz; Raja, Muneeba; Savazzi, Stefano; Sigg ... · of Communications and Networking, Finland, e-mail: {muneeba.raja, stephan.sigg}@aalto.fi. This work has been partially

OTA_FUNCTION Reconfiguration descriptionOne-hop neighborhood number of active links to cover a detection area, or device-to-device neighborhoodFrequency and bandwidth operating carrier frequency/channel, (subcarriers for OFDM radio interfaces)Transmission duty cycle time interval between two consecutive radio transmissions that rules the RF signal emission rateCQI type reconfiguration (where applicable) of the CQI type - PHY, UP, IQCQI sampling reconfiguration of the CQI sampling (during debugging)

TABLE I: Selected radio functions for OTA programming profiles.

for the input evidence X = [x1, ...,xE ].

D. Computational overhead assessment

The edge and the cloud sections, respectively introducea computational overhead for CQI manipulation and RESTinterface management. In particular, the edge node is hereimplemented on a low-power single board embedded computer(dual core CPU, pico-itx form factor). Beside controllingthe sensing, and supervising the initial training stage, mostsignificant overhead is due to the real-time computation of thePCA components to extract features in equation (2). Using theBachmann-Landau notation, complexity scales with O(V P ),with P being the number of components and V the size ofinput CQI data. Notice that input data V depends on thenumber of monitored wireless links for the considered sensingtask (antennas or sub-carriers, for multi-carrier systems). Run-time complexity of the recognition tools implemented insidethe cloud section depends on the sensing task τi. Mixturecomponents Gk(xe|τi) measure similarities with trained fea-tures while their computational overhead scales with O(P 2)or O(V P ) when reconstruction of the CQI data from the inputfeatures is required. Complexity of the classification stage onKi latent process values scales linearly as O(Ki).

Finally, as detailed in the following section, we choseto adopt JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) for encodingthe features and sending through the REST interface. JSONparsing adds additional computation and size overhead as theresult of object serialization/deserialization stages, howevermany open source libraries can be found [56] to optimize theperformance. JSON encoding/decoding overhead is assessedexperimentally in Sect. VI.


An ontology model is proposed to provide formal explicitsemantics for CQI feature manipulation and management soas to facilitate reuse by different applications as well as inte-gration with conventional sensor-based cloud platforms [55].Object models (OMs) are defined to enable end-user appli-cations to interact with the feature analysis and manipulationtools (Sect. IV), as well as to communicate with the end user,subject to the provided authorization and permission controls.Figure 4 depicts the ontology composed of five components:the radio link abstraction from which the feature vectors areextracted, the CQI feature manipulation, the actuator (hererepresented by the edge GW device), the actuation for sensingreconfiguration, and the service model.

Compared with standard designs, some OMs needs to beredefined for the passive radio sensing problem. The semantic

models for CQI manipulation and services let the applicationlayer efficiently process CQI features based on the selectedsensing tasks. We select the minimal service model (msm)ontology2 to describe services since it provides a commonvocabulary based on existing web standards. Access to CQIfeatures, manipulation and configuration of tasks are repre-sented as web resources to provide the defined functions tothird party users. The radio link and actuator/actuation modelsallow the cloud section to act on CQI data with the purposeof triggering a change of the sensing task (when neededby the assigned operation/task or application). These specificmodels comply with the IoT-O [40], now integrated within theoneM2M standardization [55].

A. CQI feature manipulation model

The semantic model for CQI manipulation represents bothstreaming data (CQI features) and the associated metadatainformation: time, location, edge node, RF interface pa-rameters (such as link `j , and carrier fm). The cloud of-fers a web service used by the edge nodes for streamingCQI features obtained from radio link. Pushing of new fea-tures xe is implemented by sending a request to the ad-dress “POST \api\post_CQIfeatures”. Given that parsing large-sized CQI data using XML files can significantly impairperformance, especially under real-time constraints, JSON(JavaScript Object Notation [56]) is adopted for structur-ing the features and the corresponding metadata for eachdevice. Manipulation directly interfaces with the tools ob-tained from the CQI-AL (Sect. IV-C): it thus implementsfeature processing for assigned sensing tasks τi and out-puts the real-time latent variable decisions zi (5) or prob-abilities (6). Third-party apps periodically retrieve such re-sults in the form of JSON objects via the WebSocketprotocol. The Socket server responds to GET requests on“\api\SENSING_TASK\get_LatentValues?GW=GW_ID” for aspecific operation (SENSING_TASK) τi and edge node e, withidentification ’GW_ID’. The retrieval of a latent process canbe also available in the form of pull requests (for near real-time applications) and JSON feeds. Finally, the latent variableresults are interpreted by the remote application based on userneeds (i.e. location or activity recognition).

B. Radio link model

Radio sensing turns radio links, commonly adopted formachine-type communication, into opportunistic sensors toextract an understanding of the physical space, thereby replac-ing or augmenting ad-hoc metering devices. Therefore, beside


Page 8: Kianoush, Sanaz; Raja, Muneeba; Savazzi, Stefano; Sigg ... · of Communications and Networking, Finland, e-mail: {muneeba.raja, stephan.sigg}@aalto.fi. This work has been partially

Fig. 4: Ontology model for radio sensing based on IoT-O and msm

CQI feature manipulation, the ontology model must includean explicit semantic for the radio link, acting as CQI dataproducer. In Figure 4 the link model consists of multiple CQIfeature objects and it is associated with a field device that, inturn, might have multiple active radio links. The CQI featuresare extracted from CQI data sets according to the actuatorcommands (FEATURE_TYPE and CQI_TYPE).

The RF interface is an abstraction of the physical radiointerface and has RF properties (detailed in Table I), obtainedfrom the R-AL. These can be configured by the GW edgedevice on demand (OTA_FUNCTION).

C. Service model and sensing tasksThe model complies with existing oneM2M based ontolo-

gies3. It defines sensing tasks that can be instantiated bythird-party apps and combined to build upper-layer services.The implemented platform currently supports three tasks,namely detection, localization and activity recognition. Thecloud section provides resources to activate a new task on aspecific edge GW node. This is done by sending requests tothe address “\api\SENSING_TASK\start_task?GW=GW_ID”.Such activation of a new task then triggers the control plane.

D. Control plane: actuator and actuation modelsIn radio sensing, a change, or activation, of a new task

can be done in real-time and it requires an OTA modifi-


cation of the CQI data collection and CQI feature manip-ulation processes. Based on the selected task, data collec-tion can be changed by the cloud through a JSON request-response stage: the GW node periodically monitors the re-source “\api\SENSING_TASK\CQI_feature” that contains thelist of active tasks τi for each installed GW, as well asfeatures to compute. Figure 4 illustrates the correspondingontology model that is made of the actuator, actuation (orreconfiguration), and sensing task information. The actuatormodel represents the information about the available radiolinks and actuating capabilities, including CQI features, typesand other OTA programmable functions. The actuation modeldescribes the configuration commands that are necessary toimplement the assigned task. For tasks that require a devicefirmware change, the edge GW is acting as the OTA updater.


We consider localization and occupancy detection case stud-ies to evaluate real-time feature manipulation tools describedabove. We exploit target detection using both RSSI and CSImeasurements and collected from WiFi and ZigBee (IEEE802.15.4) radio devices.

The WiFi devices (Fig. 6) are equipped with 3 antennasand work in 5.32GHz as orthogonal-frequency division multi-plexing (OFDM) radio interfaces. The utilized Intel WirelessLink 5300 (IWL5300)4 reports CSI data from 30 sub-carriers

4Linux 802.11n CSI tool, https://dhalperi.github.io/linux-80211n-csitool/

Page 9: Kianoush, Sanaz; Raja, Muneeba; Savazzi, Stefano; Sigg ... · of Communications and Networking, Finland, e-mail: {muneeba.raja, stephan.sigg}@aalto.fi. This work has been partially

TABLE II: Occupancy detection performance

Sensitivity FPR Accuracy Specificity

CSI 0.99 0.001 0.99 0.99

RSSI 0.83 0 0.84 1

as well as RSSI data from each of the 3 antennas. The IEEE802.15.4 nodes (Fig. 7) measure RSSI, over the 2.4GHz bandevery 60ms (corresponding to the Physical Protocol Data Unit- PPDU - super frame length).

The GW edge node provides access point functions andcommunicates with the remote cloud section. It collects rawCQI data (RSSI and CSI) and stores them in the local cache.For each supported task τi with associated latent variable setzi, it is assumed that it has a backlog of training data-sets,namely sd(zi = k|τi) ∀k, τi, as “true examples” obtained inthe same environment during a calibration stage [3]. Thesesamples reveal the alterations of CQI data corresponding totrue subject locations. Note that training data is used locallyby the edge node for CQI feature computation, and is notposted on towards the cloud back-end.

A. Feature extraction and analysis

PCA analysis is done inside the edge node by taking thelargest P eigenvalues UP in equation (2) of the marginalizedcovariance matrix Cτi . For the passive localization problem,marginalization (equation 3) is applied to capture the mostsignificant signal changes due to the target located inside thedetection area. In the example of Fig. 5, PCA is carried out onCSI data obtained from WiFi devices. It selects, for each timeinstant, the components that are more sensitive to the targetpresence. Analysis is carried out at training phase, based on themeasurements collected from different links {`1, `3, `5, `7, `9}.It shows that 40% of the subchannels (P = 12 out of V = 30available subcarriers for each OFDM symbol) are sufficient tocapture the most significant alterations of CQI as induced bytarget presence. Selection is made by setting a threshold valueon the eigenvalue (i.e., here threshold value is h = 5).

For feature manipulation, we adopt the mixture model (4)where latent values zi are interpreted as detectable positions(see Fig. 6). The cloud receives the features xe from thecorresponding edge GW node. Then it performs the recon-struction of the original CQI data s = UPxe before PCA.Note that the subspace projection matrix UP , obtained bythe GW node during training, must be passed to the cloudin advance i.e., during task configuration. The log-likelihoodfunction on reconstructed CQI samples s is used as similaritymetric

Gk(xe|τi) = log [Pr (s = UPxe|zi = k)] . (7)

Finally, the real time inference of subjects locations (5) con-forms with Maximum Likelihood (ML) and uses a uniformprior, αk = Pr(zi = k|) = 1


B. RSSI vs CSI analytics

The detector of body presence classifies the environment asempty or occupied (by one or more subjects) via zi = {0, 1}.

Fig. 5: Example of PCA analysis at training phase doneinside one edge node for detection of 2 targets (see layoutin Fig. 6 (c)) using WiFi devices and the corresponding links{`1, `3, `5, `7, `9}. P = 12 components are selected to meetthe condition on eigenvalues ≥ h.

Fig. 6: CSI and RSSI based occupancy detection and local-ization: a) layout with single and double targets, b) receivedsignal for both RSSI and CSI types for empty and occupiedenvironment, c) localization (top) and corresponding imagingapp. (bottom).

In Fig. 6 we consider 2 subjects moving inside a laboratoryspace. Detection is obtained by WiFi signal inspection. Fig. 6(b) shows received signal sensitivity to the single/doubletarget presence using both RSSI and CSI measurements, forempty and occupied environments. Table II shows occupancydetection results in terms of sensitivity, false positive rate(FPR), accuracy and specificity [9]. With respect to RSSI, CSIresults improve sensitivity and accuracy to 99%.

When subjects are detected, a device-free localization pro-cedure is triggered by the cloud section on the specificedge node, using the resource “\api\localization\start_task”. Ashighlighted in the previous sections, CQI features might bebased on RSSI or CSI samples: we thus perform a comparative

Page 10: Kianoush, Sanaz; Raja, Muneeba; Savazzi, Stefano; Sigg ... · of Communications and Networking, Finland, e-mail: {muneeba.raja, stephan.sigg}@aalto.fi. This work has been partially

Fig. 7: Real-time cloud-IoT based localization: a) map of the demo setting (CNR-IEIIT Milano Site, c/o Politecnico di Milano,DEIB department, buildings 20 and 21); b) list of available REST calls and resources inside the cloud server; c) ground-truthvideo snapshots from experiments in building 20 and imaging applications run simultaneously in building 21.

analysis of their performance using a single link. In Fig 6(c) the ML criterion (equation (7)) is applied for positioning(equation (5)) and considers 2 targets moving in the surround-ing of a WiFi link. The imaging map (obtained from CSI data)in the same figure can be used to highlight the positions ofthe subjects along the link. The obtained root mean squareerror (RMSE) of the position estimation with CSI and RSSImeasurements is 0.57 m and 0.97 m respectively (room sizeis 6m). To improve accuracy, passive subject position trackingservices are implemented by collecting RSSI data from anetwork of field devices; we further validate the JSON-RESTbased remote cloud access and its real-time capability.

C. Real-time cloud based localization service

The real-time passive localization service collects CQI datafrom a mesh network of D = 14 IEEE 802.15.4 field devices(with V = 182 active links) that are pre-installed inside themonitored area. As depicted in Fig. 7, the position of the fielddevices can be arbitrary, however, for 2D imaging purposes,we choose the regular deployment to cover an area of 6×3m.

The passive subject tracking service is made accessibleremotely by an end-user application running on a portabledevice (inside building number 21). The edge node is installedinside the monitored room (the building labeled as 20) and canbe designed to aggregate both RSSI and CSI data. Althoughnot considered in this paper, the edge node is compliant withthe OSGi (Open Service Gateway Initiative) framework andcan collect/aggregate other data (temperature, luminosity) aswell as sensor readings from wearable devices. As introducedbefore, we use a JSON REST framework to encode the CQIfeatures before posting on the cloud. In particular, the JaxRESTful web services (Jax-RS) are adopted by the cloudsection for exposing resources, and use the Jersey-Maven

implementation. A list of the available REST resources isillustrated in Fig. 7b.

The remote application opens the socket“\api\localization\getLatentValues”, to decode the JSONobjects that convey information about the task-dependentlatent variables, and visualizes the probability values (6) inreal-time to obtain a 2D image of the environment. The latentvariable values are in-fact encoded as 2D coordinates and areused to map the received probabilities onto a position in the 2Dspace. The position of the tracked subject is also highlightedusing a gray-scale code. Selected snapshots5 of the real-timeimaging application and the corresponding ground truth arealso depicted in Fig. 7c. PHY/MAC-layer limits on CQI datasampling time affect the localization accuracy. In most cases,an observed latency of approx. 100ms, namely the time delaybetween a true body movement and its visualization on the2D image, is associated with peak accelerations of the bodyrunning/moving fast or performing rapid/jerky movements.JSON object serialization/deserialization processes also addto the total system latency.


With the advent of half and fully autonomous vehicles,the number of sensors installed in modern cars (GPS, radiodevices and embedded computers) are rapidly increasing inorder to analyze the users’ behavior and to facilitate themwith required services. For emotion or behavior recognition incar the limited capacity of local edge devices is insufficientto handle complex data processing and machine learningsteps, moreover, the vehicle-2-vehicle (V2V) communication,behavioral trend learning and data storage can not be effi-ciently realized locally. In order to cater for a wide range of

5video records available at www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUBxiJuzvUI, 30Nov, 2017

Page 11: Kianoush, Sanaz; Raja, Muneeba; Savazzi, Stefano; Sigg ... · of Communications and Networking, Finland, e-mail: {muneeba.raja, stephan.sigg}@aalto.fi. This work has been partially

Fig. 8: Cloud architecture for real-time recognition in vehicles.

applications from behavior sensing, we thus propose a specificcloud configuration, described in Sect. VII-A.

A. System Architecture

As depicted in Figure 8, the cloud-edge architecture fordriver behavior detection inside the car consists of an on-boardGateway (where CQI features are extracted), and a privatevehicular cloud profile, including storage and computing formanipulation of features and personalized computing (i.e.,of latent variables). The cloud system can also interact witha vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) to provide augmentedservices. We provide a description of the specific design fordriver behavior recognition.

Edge nodes. Edge nodes, mounted inside the car, processCQI data in a window range of milliseconds to few seconds:features xe are obtained from PCA (2), but need to be tailoredfor driver detection, as described in Sect. VII-B. The computedfeatures are then sent to the private cloud profile (vehicularcloud).

Vehicular cloud profiles. A private cloud profile is adoptedto perform the detection of individual’s behavior and togenerate personalized feedback in real-time. Such stimuli areinferred by detecting modalities like anomalous body move-ments or activities. Behavior, emotional expressions and feed-back preferences adhere to regional preferences. Therefore, thebehavior detection mechanism can benefit from the utilizationof learned features obtained from cars in the same area. Theprivate cloud profile facilitates the users to define the data theydon’t want to share in public, as well as to anonymize thefeatures. Vehicular cloud computing [57] methods can handlesuch contents while exploiting the increasing mobile storageand processing capacity to privacy offending content on localdevices.

Applications to VANET. Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) andVehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communications platforms [58]can be used to provide early warnings or feedback to nearbymoving vehicles about the incidents or other risks. VANETstypically involve spontaneous communities of connected ve-hicles (of known locations). Connected cars can thus benefitfrom the proposed driver behavior recognition service as theycan share private, anonymized, CQI features, in exchange for

information about any risky driving activities in the surround-ings.

B. WiFi Based Behavior Recognition

Body movements, gestures and postures reflect emotion andbehavior [59]. Inside cars, the driving style might changewhen the subject is distracted by internal or external factors.In this section, we focus on the detection of such distractedbehavior. We thus detect the changes in body movements byutilizing the non-intrusive, cheap and commercially off theshelf WiFi field devices described in Sect. VI. We capture andanalyze the fluctuations of the CSI as induced by erratic bodymovements. In particular, the system detects distracted be-havior by monitoring unusual head turns and arm movementsduring driving situations. For instance, if the driver is lookingleft and right on a straight road, this indicates distraction.Arm movement indicates whether the subject is performinginappropriate activity like eating, using the smart-phone etc.

The recognition consists of several steps. First, CSI featuresare computed in real time obtained from a WiFi - IEEE802.11n - radio link. Then, segmentation identifies the start andend points of changing activities/movements. Finally, a featurevector xe is computed via PCA for CQI and by the analysis ofsignal peaks from multiple OFDM sub-carriers (more detailsare given in Sect. VII-C).

The cloud profile is responsible to1) apply CQI feature manipulation for classifying and

predict the activity labels zi as in equation (5).2) generate appropriate feedback conditioned on the behav-

ior detected;3) ensure that the system is adaptable and self-learning by

collecting feedback from drivers over time;4) test the system to cater for different variables, such as

moving vs. still car, windows open and shut, smooth vs.rough road conditions, and one vs. multiple passengers.

C. Study design

We collected data of different driver behaviors by con-ducting a human study with 40 participants at BMW GroupResearch, New Technologies and Innovation center, Germany.We have acquired 3 separate classes of data: one for calibrationpurpose, to obtain training data-sets sd(zi = k|τi), a secondone, for distracted behavior driving and a third one for relaxeddriving.

The subjects drove in a simulated road environment, andthe distractions are induced by unknown, random and repet-itive triggers which resulted head turns, gestures and armmovement. In particular, we used the BMW Mini Cooper andAugmented Reality simulation video tool. For each subject,the driving time is around 15 minutes. The driver might movehis head or arms in different directions in response to specificcontinuous triggers acting as random distractions. The drivingsimulation was identical for all subjects while the triggersequence was random. More than 80% of the subjects reportedthat they felt distracted and annoyed during the drive.

Hardware setup. Our hardware prototype consists of asingle transmitter and receiver. The WiFi chipset is installed

Page 12: Kianoush, Sanaz; Raja, Muneeba; Savazzi, Stefano; Sigg ... · of Communications and Networking, Finland, e-mail: {muneeba.raja, stephan.sigg}@aalto.fi. This work has been partially

(a) Arm Movement. (b) head movement. (c) Confusion matrix.

Fig. 9: Peak analysis of CQI features and confusion matrix for head and arm movements.

inside a portable laptop for capturing CSI data with themodified Linux driver (see Sect. VI). Similarly as in theprevious indoor localization tests, ground truth videos arerecorded as well as timestamps for each packet to ensurecorrect labeling6.

CQI feature computation and classification. To achieveaccurate detection results, we pre-manipulate the CSI data byusing phase-based denoising and change detection tools [60],to separate the human movements and to distinguish betweendifferent activities. The CQI feature vector xe contains theprincipal components (equation (2)). However, compared withpassive localization, behavior detection requires more infor-mation about the observed CSI patterns. Therefore, additionalfeatures are collected from i) a peak analysis of the segmentedCSI data obtained after PCA and ii) analysis of the deviationsof the CSI phase information. These added features are crucialto distinguish between head and arm movements.

1) CSI signal peak analysis. Peak analysis extracts thefollowing features (see the examples in Fig. 9a forarm, and Fig. 9b for head movements): i) the numberof peaks (including inverted peaks), ii) peak (and in-verted) width. We observe (Fig. 9a and 9b) that peakcharacteristics of arm movements are different fromhead movements. For example, the number of peakscorresponding to a single arm movement is greaterthan for a head movement, while peak width is largerin head movements. In-fact, arm movements typicallycause additional jerky/voluntary body motions and havethus a larger impact on CSI footprints.

2) OFDM subcarrier analysis. The analysis of OFDMsubcarriers gives further information about driver move-ments inside the car. In particular, the fluctuation (orstandard deviation) of the CSI phase difference betweenconsecutive subcarriers, namely σt,`j = ∠sfi,`j ,t −∠sfi−1,`j ,t, is another property that can be used todistinguish between head and arm movements. There-fore, the feature vector xe also contains: i) the averagedeviation Et(σt,`j ) w.r.t. the considered time window,and ii) the minimum deviation, i.e., mint(σt,`j ). Inhead movements, we noticed that the variance of phasedifference between the subcarriers is widespread, whileit significantly drops in the case of the larger armmovements.

6using the ELAN http://tla.mpi.nl/tools/tla-tools/elan/ open source tool

The edge layer in Figure 8 shows the steps of our behaviordetection system based on WiFi devices. At first, the systeminterpolates the data to cater for missing packets. The phase inCSI data is corrected to make it usable for analysis. We thenemploy noise removal in our denoising step. Then, we markthe boundaries of activities via change detection tools [60]and we apply PCA on segmented data. The peak and phasedifference analysis is performed to compute the additionalfeatures. The whole feature set is finally pushed to the cloudprofile for classification using equation (5).

Impulsive windowing and critical choice of features makethe classification model learning a simple process. Our featurevector is composed of features from PCA as well as peakand subcarrier analysis. We then perform classification byfirst separating data into test and train samples. We use K-Nearest neighbour, with 6 neighbours for learning. Therefore,the mixture component Gk(xe|τi) in equation (4) correspondsto the similarity (euclidean distance) between the observedfeatures xe and the expected ones, considering the latentprocess value zi = k. The train and test sample data israndomly distributed from different subjects to include allpossible movements for training. Performing 10-fold cross-validation and separated test samples gives us overall accuracyof 94.5% as depicted in the confusion matrix shown in Fig. 9cfor separating arm movements from head movements and noactivity. The training speed of the system is approx. 1200samples/sec. while the training time is approx. 1.58 sec.Overall, the false negative rate for the arm movements is thelargest, being 11%: this is due to a wider range and intensityof arm movements compared with head movements.


We presented our cloud-IoT platform for passive radiosensing. In particular, we highlighted the main challenges andthe specifications of the cloud architecture, the correspondingmodels and resources. Real time cloud-edge analytics ofdifferent CQI data types (i.e., RSSI and CSI) were investigatedby focusing on data acquisition, processing, low-dimensionalCQI feature representation, extraction and manipulation. Theproposed cloud-IoT structure interacts with remote end-userapplications to support different passive radio sensing tasks.It reconfigures CQI data collection and can be tailored forintegration with existing sensing cloud platforms and semanticdata models. Validation of cloud functions is based on two casestudies, focusing on indoor localization in a smart laboratory

Page 13: Kianoush, Sanaz; Raja, Muneeba; Savazzi, Stefano; Sigg ... · of Communications and Networking, Finland, e-mail: {muneeba.raja, stephan.sigg}@aalto.fi. This work has been partially

space and in-car driver behavior recognition using ZigBee andWiFi radio technologies, respectively.

The platform can be easily adapted to implement differentsensing tasks, as well as to foster application orchestra-tion. New tasks might require additional application-specificmodules to adapt the CQI feature manipulation stage. Onthe other hand, all tasks can operate on shared CQI datamodels, interfaces and cloud-edge tools. Future work willfocus on advanced techniques for sensor fusion and integrationof emerging high frequency technologies (from 60GHz to150GHz).


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